#Mnacro Tahirr
monstersofsilence · 1 year
Change of Plans (Three sweeps ago)
"What is the status of the subjects?"
"Everything is nominal, sir. Had them undergoing numerous tests and they have all bee substantial. They.. unfortunately have violent tendencies, most likely their natural instinct to harm creeping up but these inmates can be obedient in due time."
"I want to be able to take commands sooner rather ghan later. And has our special subject been fully revitelized?"
"Yes, sir. She suffered major organ failure and had to be stitched up along sith being augmented with cybernetic enhancements, but she is fully alive. I do not know how she stayed alive this long since the containment breach of the previous facility. We were lucky her brain was still functional."
"Very good. Be sure to keep me updated frequently from this point on." The transmission soon ended from there. It has been a month since the containment breach of the lab facility. Mnacro has been desperate to picking up the pieces and continue on his vision. Alternia's vision. The next step in evolution that he promised when the dis overy of the mysterious void-like dormant beings were first discovered. Able to fuse their DNA with trolls to enhance the body with incredible strength, or even creating new troll hybrids.
One thing he knows he must be ready for. The Board of Directors. He had to report on the incident that took place to higher ups which will mean the board will most likely know about it. It's waiting for the call that is stressing him. "Sir..." A Fleet officer came into his office, lightly knocking on the door. "Um... you are to receive a call from..."
"The board?" Mnacro says, though knowing full well who it was going to be.
"Um... yes, sir." The troll was hesitant, feeling nervous on saying the wrong thing by the tone from Mnacro. "They are patching through right now."
"Hm..." Mnacro paused for a second, letting out a sigh. "Let's get this over with then." The troll left, leaving Mnacro on his office. The lights dimmed and a hologram screen opened up seven screens, each of them being the ones known as The Board of Directors, their faces not shown but their uniforms are easy to see, enough details to be viewed.
"Mnacro Tahirr... it has been... a long time since we have spoken to you." The first one spoke.
"Same to you all as well. I believe the last we spoke was my pitch idea for-"
"Project VOID." The second troll spoke. "Which became a colossal failure!"
"On the contrary... I believe it to be a success in my eyes." The sea dweller says confidently.
"Yet all experiments escaped. All due to one of the scientists that YOU hired on the project. One that has gone MIA along with other experiments that were never executed in fear of leaking this to the public!" The second troll continues.
"And it is a shame, one I take full responsibility for and doing my due diligence to finding Vermili Kanith and eliminating him. I will continue with the research still recovered to give you the future of Alternia." Mnacro says reassuringly.
"Except that you... will no longer lead it." The third troll chimed in.
Those words were not the ones he wanted to hear. Enough for him to be silent for a moment until speaking again. "I... I beg your pardon, sir?"
"We, The Board, have all decided that you are unfit to leading the project." The third continued. "Especially to have you resign and leave the Fleet. You were unable to grant us the promise you were supposed to keep of bringing the future for Alternia and the Imperial Fleet. You are solely responsible for allowing the containment breach that was caused by one your scientists that you purposely hired. His whereabouts are unknown and knows valuable information if brought to the wrong hands... you, General Mnacro Tahirr, have shown that you are negligent... complacent." The room was silent but each of the six other members nodded in agreement. "You have one week. Set up a meeting to sign your resignation papers... We will be waiting. I suggest to gather your things."
The screens soon died and the room lights slowly brightened. Mnacro was not ready for this to happen but nor would he let it. One week. Emough for him that an idea soon came to mind. He picked up transmission to the troll he spoke to earlier. "Hello, sir?"
"What's the estimate for the test subjects to be ready?" Mnacro asks.
"I am guessing... possibly a month? Perhaps two months judging by how the tests are going and hopefully getting them to cooperate."
"Can they be ready in one week?"
"Wh-what?! Sir, I understand that you want this to be a success but, at this moment, they are unpredictable and we don't know if they'll be field ready in one week!"
"Think of it... as a live test run." Mnacro suggests. "Enough for them to properly cooperate. Understand?"
"Ermmm... we'll... we'll do our best, sir!"
The trasmission ended. Mnacro then walks over to his window, looking out at the distance. Small smile on his face. "One week is all I need."
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monstersofsilence · 3 years
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I am finally done! @w@
I... do not know how long I was at this. a week? I think???? I think this whole week? .w.
either way
I’m finally done
and I’m happy with the final results of all six! you have no idea how every time I was doing each phase that I was getting happier with how it was coming out and just... it’s not normal for me feeling confident in my art .w.
so here they are! I love how they all came out! each and every one and also thank you for those that inspired me for the sea dwellers. it’s a small thing but it literally gave me some ideas for my owns with their fins. simple thing but was something that was VERY helpful in the long run!
from left to right!
Rinous Iinabe | Cirrus (C1-RS) | Hirana Niirio
Galenu Corfee | Mnacro Tahirr | Elanti Atonia
so fun little fact: with all your help, it gave me an idea with Mnacro and Elanti’s fins that I literally looked into what their lusii are because I forgot... don’t question that .w.
Mnacro’s is an anglerfish and their fins are FUNKY looking. and they are thing of nightmares anyway and, you know what, it makes sense giving him that. Elanti’s was a different story. her lusus is a squid and I literally thought “wait... do squids have fins?” ...they do owo;;;;;;
though they are very
and they vary but still look plain. so I just decided to make hers the way it is because no way was I just gonna design a plain-looking fin
overall... I am happy with how these all came out!
some I have wanted to redo and some I haven’t drawn in forever. Mnacro and Elanti were the two I have not drawn in quite a while. Elanti with some sketches here and there but never a full on new ref. and they needed an update at least art-wise ;v;
so yeah!
I am finally done and taking a break from these committing artwork for now so I can just do random sketches and rping, interacting with you all! ;u;
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monstersofsilence · 5 years
Quadrant master post
making this to remind myself because I made one before in the past but I can’t find it ;w;
anything bold means that it’s filled
Claire Minola (hetero): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Nexono Seruex (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Linith Dimava (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Kalios Mashik (ace): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Lensee Varous (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Ulyino Ulvikh (hetero): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Protes Olmahk (ace): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Verrex Varron (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Taline Nevaac (homo): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Serena Cryone (bi/poly): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Janyse Marcan (bi/poly): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Jaisnt Rodnik (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Piocis Jonilh (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Fesira Oranaq (bi/poly): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Mnacro Tahirr (ace): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Elanti Atonia (hetero): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Varani Xolphi (hetero): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Galenu Corfee (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Amorra Tarona (homo): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Calrin Jozrei (hetero): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Lidian Aoliaa (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Merlee Zodius (homo): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Neonce Vilana (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Xanoys Talisa (bi/poly): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Kiliko Hallow (homo): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Keelix Venosa (hetero): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Kaalin Venosa (bi/poly): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Laxine Fenova (bi/poly): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Manikin (hetero): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Rinous Iinabe (hetero): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Hexina Linali (bi/poly): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Tonila Travun (homo): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Zenira Aracni (bi/poly): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Leanie Cruziv (ace): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Hirana Niirio (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Orelia Mezeni (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Galina Dracor (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Nixina Zmatra (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Jaxnyi Saneli (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Anyssa Hanell (homo): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Zaiten Beltos (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Cylion Cytone (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Axxiom Donovk (hetero): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Cilrus Xonova (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Kalikn Dimeve (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Vivily Hammon (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Kalikn Dimeve (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Lemoru Xenett (hetero): <3 | <3< | <> | c3< 
Vexias Calisi (bi/poly): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Aileen (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Denala Fawnox (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
Xariva Lagomo (bi): <3 | <3< | <> | c3<
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