#Mobile Phone Wholesalers Dubai
alidigitaluae1 · 2 years
10 tips to prolong the life of your mobile battery - Part 1
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Neither cold nor hot
To ensure long battery life, you should avoid extreme temperatures. Neither cold nor hot. Neither in winter nor in summer is it a good idea to leave your mobile in the car. In the summer season, you have to be especially careful. And it is very easy to forget your smartphone in the sun, on a towel or on a terrace table. In The BEEP Informática Blog we have prepared an in-depth article on the dangers of the sun and high temperatures for mobile phones and other mobility devices.
Avoid fast charging
Some smartphones facilitate fast charging. It is a technology that can be very useful when it is strictly necessary. However, this type of charging puts the battery under stress and contributes to its deterioration. In other words: normal charges are better for battery longevity.
Mobile Phone Repair Dubai
Neither 0% nor 100%
We advise against letting the battery drop to 0%, or charging it up to 100%.
A 'vice' inherited from the past
This is a bad practice inherited from a time long past, when rechargeable batteries had memory. If you didn't fully charge and discharge them, the batteries would remember and see their capacity reduced. Therefore, it was best to leave the battery at zero. And recharge it until it reaches 100%.
Ideal load: between 45% and 75%
New batteries work differently. In fact, fully discharging and charging are harmful actions for the battery. In an ideal world, the goal is to keep the charge level between 65% and 75%.
However, no one is constantly aware of the load bar, so a more realistic ideal range is 45%-75%.
Is it still a difficult load spectrum to maintain in your day-to-day life? Well, you should know that it is also good to keep the battery between 20% and 90% capacity, a much more affordable range.
The manufacturer Samsung states that it is necessary to prevent the battery from falling below 20% capacity.
In order to always keep the battery in the mentioned ranges, it is good that you charge in sessions of a few minutes.
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We can say that an optimal level of load is 50%. Of course, be that as it may, avoid at all costs that the battery plummets to zero or rises to 100% charge.
At 5% once a month, to recalibrate
It is good to let the battery discharge almost completely, to a level of 5%, "to recalibrate".
Charge the mobile to 50% if you are going to store it for a while
We have already said that the optimal level of charge is 50%. This percentage is a reference, a guide.
Well, that healthy percentage of charge is ideal if you are going to keep your mobile for an extended period of time. Therefore, you should charge it up to 50% before unplugging it and putting it away. Do not even think about turning it off when it is at 0% or 100%, before parking the device for a long time. If you do it like this, the battery would suffer.
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Use less battery to extend its useful life
So far, we have explained actions and routines that can help you extend the life of your battery. From now on, we will list tips with which to improve the use of the battery.
With that energy optimization, you reduce the number of charge cycles (the total discharge and charge of the battery) and, therefore, contribute to a longer battery life. And it is that, as we explained above, the more charging cycles, the more the battery deteriorates.
So, all those behaviors aimed at consuming the minimum battery necessary are positive for the longevity of the mobile. The key term is to optimize the use and consumption of the battery.
Watch videos and play in moderation
Along with applications (which we deal with at another point in this article), videos and video games are the two contents that consume the most energy. This is content that requires the screen to be in operation for long periods of time.
Reduce screen brightness
The mobile screen is the component that usually consumes the most battery. So if you lower the brightness of the screen, you will save energy. The use of auto brightness is a good option, although it is also true that this function will make the light sensor work more.
The ideal, although difficult to carry out, is to change the brightness of the screen every time the light conditions in which you find yourself change.
Mobile Phone Repair Dubai
Decrease screen timeout
If you have the screen on and stop using it, it will turn off after a short period of time, which is usually a minute or two. To save energy, you can reduce that waiting time.
Sometimes 30 seconds is more than enough. Now, think that if that time is very short, the screen can go black just when you are in the middle of an interesting newspaper article or checking the instructions of a recipe.
Rethink the use of 'voracious' Apps with the battery
If you use up battery power at a fast pace, you should review your social media habits. Are you hooked or hooked at all times to Facebook from your mobile? Applications like Facebook are very voracious. That is, they consume a lot of battery.
Clear or restrict Facebook permissions
The most drastic option is to delete Facebook. Another alternative is to restrict permissions (video autoplay, notifications, etc.) and reduce the use of the application.
You can access Facebook from your browser
You can access Facebook from your smartphone's browser. The experience is very similar to what you have through the app. You can even receive notifications. For quick access, bookmark Facebook.com in your browser.
In some mobiles, these social networks come pre-installed. Therefore, they cannot be deleted, but they can be disabled.
Mobile Phone Wholesalers Dubai
What other Apps make you waste battery?
Take a look at battery settings to find out which other apps use a disproportionate amount of power. When you have located them, delete them, disable them or restrict permissions.
Keep in mind that some applications have light versions, which generally take up less space, use less data and require less energy.
Alert with Apps with geopositioning
Apps that rely on GPS are especially battery intensive. Some apps, like Google Maps, actually need to know where you are in order to work well. But others, like Facebook, don't need that information to deliver satisfactory performance.
The mission of achieving better energy use of mobile applications is not easy. The main reason is that those Apps that use the most battery are the ones you use the most. Therefore, you will not delete them, and you will hardly reduce their use. A good idea is to restrict permissions.
Buy the premium version of Apps you use often to get rid of ads
Many Apps have both free and paid versions. The free one is usually paid for with ads. And, as you can imagine, those ads that appear make you spend more data and more energy.
Therefore, if an App is essential for you, we advise you to get the premium version. In the long run, it will pay off. You will consume much less data and much less battery
On the other hand, you will benefit from a screen free of advertising and you will enjoy a version of the App with more features. In addition, you will contribute to the development of the Apps developer industry.
Does your mobile sync data too often?
Almost certainly you use email and applications of all kinds on your smartphone. We are talking about Apps that check for updates and are frequently synchronized.
These timings cause the battery to drain faster.
Therefore, review your sync settings in your Apps and in your email, so that only syncs are made at the rate you need.
Turn off WiFi, Bluetooth and GPS if you don't need them
If you have them activated, WiFi, Bluetooth and GPS are regularly checking for a signal. And that search consumes energy.
For this reason, if you are not going to need any of these technologies, it is best to disable them.
So when you leave home, don't forget to turn off WiFi. And do the same with Bluetooth when you don't have to connect to any device.
Mobile Phone Repair Dubai
Put the 'Battery saver' mode
Most smartphones have a Battery Saver mode . This mode disables unnecessary actions. For example, the automatic check for the reception of new emails. It is a mode that we can set manually or automatically (when the phone's battery drops below a preset level).
With Battery saver , the performance of the device gets worse. However, the battery lasts much longer.
Check the health of your battery
Newer versions of iOS will show you your battery health. In Android, that function is not available, but there are third-party Apps that allow you to do a battery check.
Always use the official charger
Make sure you use the charger that came in the box with your smartphone. And, if this charger wears out or breaks, go find a charger exactly like it. The official charger is a good first step in ensuring optimal charging practices.
Update device software
Check that you have carried out the latest available update of your device's software.
Avoid places with poor signal
Do you have little signal? How many bars of signal does the screen tell you?
These are important questions, since your device uses more battery if you are for a long time in an area with poor coverage. The reason? Your mobile spends more energy communicating with your network operator.
Using data in areas with a low signal can drain your battery. We advise you to turn off data if you are running low on battery and don't need internet access.
Mobile Phone Repair Dubai
Use WiFi whenever you can
When you have WiFi within your reach, use it. It not only saves data, but also consumes less battery than the connection offered by the operator for your mobile.
For this reason, do not forget to activate the WiFi when you are at home. And don't be shy about asking for the password when you're in a coffee shop or at a friend's house.
Use the 'Airplane Mode'
If the battery starts to get low, you should turn on Airplane Mode . With this mode, you disable WiFi and Bluetooth.
Now, you should know that if you want to activate either of these two technologies again, you can do it manually without leaving Airplane Mode .
Disable background updates
By default, apps are refreshed or updated in the background. You can choose to only do this when you are connected to a WiFi network. If anything, these updates can squeeze the battery.
To disable these updates, you can do it app by app. On iPhone models, you have to go to Settings and, once there, Background Updates. On Android, you must go to Settings and a section on data usage.
Prevent automatic updates of Apps
To improve the energy efficiency of your mobile, it can be key to prevent automatic updates of Apps.
To do this, on iPhones you must go to Settings, to [your name] and to iTunes and App Store. Once there, you can indicate that you do not want automatic downloads.
On Android, open Google Play. Pull down the side menu and select Settings. Within this submenu, you will see the option to disable automatic updates on Android.
Mobile Phone Wholesalers Dubai
Turn off artificial intelligence assistants
If you have proposed to use less battery, we recommend you to leave the artificial intelligence assistant of your mobile out of play.
On many Android devices, you have the Google Assistant, which you can summon by saying "OK Google." That means that the microphone of the mobile must be on to hear the magical words. It is an unnecessary waste of energy, especially if it is a function that you use very sporadically. You can disable it in Google settings.
On your iPhone go to Settings, select Siri and turn off Hey Siri.
Uncheck the 'widgets' you don't use
The so-called widgets allow you to see at a glance the relevant information of the applications you use most. But you should keep in mind that they consume battery when updating. Therefore, it is a good idea to review which widgets we have active. If we use little any of them, uncheck it.
Slide the screen to the right, and the notification screen will appear. Find the Edit button and choose your widgets.
Disable visual effects
Animated backgrounds give your smartphone personality. However, at the same time they waste battery power. The recommendation is to switch to a static wallpaper.
Mobile Phone Wholesalers Dubai
Turn off unnecessary sounds
The iPhone speaker drains battery. For this reason, we advise you to deactivate those sounds that are not crucial for the operation of the mobile. For example, keyboard clicks or the one that sounds when you lock the screen. These options can be disabled in Settings > Sounds.
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fromkendall26 · 4 months
Mass SMS Company UAE: Opening the Power of Straight Communication in Dubai
In today's fast-paced and highly affordable business landscape, effective communication is crucial for success. With numerous individuals relying on their smartphones as their key source of details, tapping into the power of direct communication has become important for businesses in Dubai, UAE. And one of the most reliable methods to attain this is with mass SMS advertising. As a thriving worldwide city, Dubai has a prospering
market loaded with potential clients waiting to be reached. By partnering with a dependable mass SMS company in UAE, companies can open a globe of opportunities. Whether you intend to promote your products and services, send vital updates, or involve with your clients, bulk SMS advertising and marketing offers an inexpensive and highly reliable service. With uae sms receive free, of functions and options available, a respectable mass SMS collector firm can aid you send out SMS to UAE easily. Whether you require to send a group SMS to a certain audience or use a business bulk SMS API for seamless assimilation with your existing systems, the opportunities are endless. Furthermore, an easy to use mass SMS marketing platform, like the one used by SMSala.com, can streamline the process, making it obtainable also to those without technological experience. In this write-up, we will delve deeper right into the benefits of utilizing a bulk SMS supplier in
UAE for your organization and check out just how it can aid you unlock the power of straight interaction in Dubai. With a focus on promoting effective advertising and marketing techniques, getting in touch with consumers, and attaining quantifiable outcomes, we will provide valuable insights right into the globe of mass SMS advertising and its possible to drive organization development. So, let's dive in and uncover how you can harness the power of mass SMS to elevate your organization in Dubai! Section 1: Recognizing the
Power of Mass SMS Communication in Dubai In today's hectic digital age, reliable
interaction is critical for companies to grow in open markets. One such powerful tool that has actually reinvented straight interaction in Dubai is bulk SMS. With its capability to reach a huge target market concurrently, bulk SMS has emerged as a game-changer for organizations wanting to link with their target clients efficiently. Dubai, being a hub of advancement and technology, has actually observed a rise in the demand for
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bulk SMS services. From marketing campaigns to transactional notices, services in Dubai are leveraging the power of mass SMS to improve client engagement and increase brand visibility. With the capability to deliver real-time info to customers' mobile phones, mass SMS makes it possible for businesses to remain connected with their target market anytime and anywhere. A crucial benefit of using bulk SMS in Dubai is its versatility. Services can personalize their messages according
to their details needs, be it sending promotional deals, consultation reminders, or tailored introductions. This versatility enables companies to customize their communication technique and provide targeted messages, leading to greater conversion prices and client contentment. Moreover, with the innovations wholesale SMS technology, organizations now have access to user-friendly systems and APIs that promote
simple integration and automation. Whether it's a local business or a large business, the availability of mass SMS software program and advertising systems makes it practical for services in Dubai to manage their SMS campaigns perfectly. Finally, the power of bulk SMS interaction in Dubai can not be ignored. Its capacity to get to a vast audience instantly, customized messaging options, and user-friendly systems make it an important tool for services looking to enhance their direct interaction approaches. As Dubai remains to grow as a worldwide organization center, leveraging mass SMS solutions will definitely open new possibilities and make sure efficient communication with consumers. Section 2: Key Perks of Making Use Of a Mass SMS Company in the UAE Making use of a bulk SMS service provider in the UAE
can provide a variety of benefits for organizations and organizations. Allow's check out 3 key benefits: Direct Communication: Among the major benefits of utilizing a mass SMS company is the ability to develop direct interaction with your
target market in the UAE. SMS messages have a high open rate contrasted to various other types of communication, guaranteeing that your message gets to a larger section of your target market. With split second shipment and a vast insurance coverage, you can successfully get to clients, customers, or employees in a prompt and efficient way. Cost-Effectiveness: Another considerable advantage of utilizing a bulk SMS company is the cost-effectiveness
it provides. Typical forms of marketing and advertising, such as print media or tv commercials, can be inflated and often have actually restricted reach. With mass SMS, you can share your message to a a great deal of receivers at a fraction of the cost. This makes it a budget-friendly remedy for both large advertising and marketing projects and smaller-scale communication needs. Targeted Campaigns: A bulk SMS provider enables you to sector your audience and tailor your messages accordingly.
By producing targeted projects, you can personalize your messages based on aspects such as demographics, passions, or previous communications. This degree of modification enhances the relevance of your messages, increasing the opportunities of involvement and conversion. Furthermore, mass SMS suppliers often provide functions like scheduling, permitting you to send out messages at certain times to maximize their influence. In conclusion, leveraging a mass SMS carrier in the UAE gives straight communication with a high open rate for your target market, cost-effectiveness contrasted to conventional advertising
techniques, and the ability to create targeted advocate boosted relevance. Benefiting from these benefits can aid companies and companies effectively reach their target market and attain their communication objectives. Section 3: Picking the most effective Bulk Text Supplier for Your Service When it pertains to choosing the excellent mass SMS provider for your service in Dubai, there are
a number of elements you must think about. By picking the ideal service provider, you
can unlock the capacity of straight communication with your target audience and boost your advertising efforts. Below are a couple of crucial points to remember: Dependability and Delivery Rates: One of the vital facets to consider is the dependability and distribution rates used by the bulk SMS carrier. You need a provider that can ensure your
messages reach your customers' phones without delay and continually. Try to find a carrier with robust framework and a record of high distribution prices, as this is essential for the success of your SMS projects. Adaptability and Scalability: As your company grows, your SMS needs might progress too. It's important to select a bulk SMS supplier that offers flexibility and scalability to accommodate your transforming needs. Whether you require to send out SMS to a tiny group or a massive audience, make sure that the carrier can satisfy your scaling needs efficiently. Functions and Assimilation Capacities: Think about the attributes and assimilation abilities given by the bulk SMS carrier. Search for attributes such as bulk SMS API to incorporate SMS capabilities directly right into your systems or applications
. Furthermore, inspect if they supply additional services like two-way SMS, SMS advertising platform, and SMS confirmation support, based upon your particular company demands. By meticulously reviewing these aspects and choosing the best bulk SMS provider for your business in Dubai, you can harness the power of straight interaction with SMS and drive your marketing campaigns to brand-new heights. Keep in mind, a trusted and versatile bulk SMS carrier
with comprehensive attributes and assimilation capabilities will certainly play a vital function in ensuring the success of your SMS marketing endeavors.
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putnammanning65 · 4 months
Unlock Marketing Potential with Bulk SMS Service in the UAE
Are you looking for a highly effective marketing strategy that can potentially unlock the full potential of your business in the United Arab Emirates (UAE)? Look no further than the power of Bulk SMS Service. With SMS advertising in Dubai and the rest of the UAE, you can connect with your target audience in a quick, convenient, and cost-effective way.
Utilizing a reliable SMS API, you can easily send out large volumes of messages to your customers or potential clients. Whether you want to promote your products or services, provide helpful updates and information, or engage in two-way communication, a bulk SMS gateway can be your go-to solution.
Imagine the possibilities of a 2-way SMS system in Dubai, allowing you to have interactive conversations with your audience. That's not all! SMS marketing in Sharjah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain, and Fujairah can extend your reach beyond Dubai and help you tap into new markets across the UAE.
Partnering with a trusted bulk SMS service provider in the UAE ensures seamless execution of your SMS marketing campaigns. Utilize a comprehensive SMS campaign database in the UAE to target specific demographics, locations, or customer preferences, and witness the power of personalized, automated SMS services.
With a wholesale SMS platform, you can avail of competitive pricing and bulk SMS packages tailored to your business needs. Take advantage of the best SMS providers and leverage the full potential of branding, advertising, and lead generation through SMS in Dubai and beyond. Whether you're a small business or a large corporation, bulk SMS services can cater to your marketing goals.
Embark on a transformative journey with bulk SMS services in the UAE. Unlock marketing potential, connect with your audience, and witness the results firsthand. Stay tuned for more insights on how bulk SMS services can revolutionize your marketing strategies in the UAE.
Benefits of Bulk SMS Advertising
In today's fast-paced world, businesses need to adopt effective marketing strategies to stay ahead of their competition. One such strategy that has gained immense popularity is bulk SMS advertising. Leveraging the power of SMS messaging can unlock several benefits, enabling businesses to reach a wider audience and maximize their marketing potential. Let's explore the advantages of using bulk SMS service in the UAE.
1. Wide Reach and Instant Delivery Bulk SMS advertising allows businesses to instantly communicate with a large number of people at once. With nearly everyone owning a mobile phone and constantly checking their messages, SMS marketing ensures that your brand message reaches a wide audience instantly. This instant delivery capability ensures that your communication is timely and impactful, helping you engage with your target audience effectively.
2. Cost-Effective and Efficient Compared to traditional marketing channels such as print or TV advertising, bulk SMS advertising is a cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes. With affordable pricing plans, businesses can reach a larger customer base without breaking the bank. Additionally, SMS campaigns can be created, scheduled, and sent in a matter of minutes, saving valuable time and resources compared to other marketing methods.
3. High Open and Engagement Rates SMS messages have significantly higher open and engagement rates compared to other forms of communication such as emails. Studies have shown that SMS messages have an open rate of over 98%, ensuring that your brand message is seen by the majority of your audience. Furthermore, people tend to engage with SMS messages promptly, resulting in higher response rates and increased customer interaction. This high level of engagement can drive customer conversions and boost your overall marketing success.
In conclusion, bulk SMS advertising in the UAE offers several benefits for businesses looking to enhance their marketing efforts. The wide reach and instant delivery, cost-effectiveness, and high open and engagement rates make bulk SMS service an invaluable tool for unlocking marketing potential. By harnessing the power of SMS marketing, businesses can effectively connect with their target audience, drive customer engagement, and ultimately achieve their marketing objectives.
Choosing the Right Bulk SMS Service Provider
A crucial aspect of running successful SMS marketing campaigns in the UAE is selecting the appropriate bulk SMS service provider. With numerous providers available in the market, it's essential to make an informed decision to ensure efficient and effective communication with your target audience. Consider the following factors when choosing a bulk SMS service provider:
Reliability: Look for a provider that offers a reliable and stable platform to send and receive SMS messages. Ensure their infrastructure is robust and their services have minimal downtime, guaranteeing that your messages reach recipients promptly and without interruption.
Feature Set: Evaluate the features offered by different SMS service providers to determine which ones align with your marketing goals and requirements. sms api providers, like SMS scheduling, personalization, response tracking, and integration options (such as SMS API) can greatly enhance the effectiveness of your SMS campaigns.
Pricing and Scalability: Consider the pricing structure and scalability options provided by the service provider. Look for flexible pricing plans that suit your budget and allow you to scale your campaigns as your business grows. Also, check if they offer discounts for bulk SMS purchases or have any promotional packages available.
Delivery Rates and Coverage: Ensure that the SMS service provider has high delivery rates and extensive coverage within the UAE. Look for providers that have established connections with local telecom operators, as this helps in ensuring reliable message delivery across different networks.
Customer Support: Consider the level of customer support offered by the SMS service provider. Look for providers that provide prompt and efficient support in case of any issues or queries. This helps minimize any disruptions to your marketing campaigns and ensures a smooth experience.
By carefully evaluating these factors, you can choose the right bulk SMS service provider in the UAE that meets your specific marketing needs and enables you to unlock the full potential of SMS advertising.
Best Practices for Successful SMS Marketing Campaigns
When it comes to running successful SMS marketing campaigns in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), following best practices can significantly improve your results. Here are three key tips to help you make the most out of your bulk SMS service:
Know your audience: Understanding your target audience is essential for effective SMS marketing. Segment your contact list based on demographics, purchasing behavior, or other relevant criteria. This allows you to tailor your messages and offers to specific groups, increasing the chances of engagement and conversion. Personalized and relevant content is more likely to grab attention and drive action.
Craft concise and compelling messages: With limited character space in an SMS, every word counts. Keep your messages concise, clear, and engaging. Use a conversational tone to create a personal connection with your recipients. Include a strong call-to-action that encourages them to take immediate action, whether it's making a purchase, visiting a store, or subscribing to a service. Remember to also provide a way for recipients to opt-out easily if they wish to stop receiving your messages.
Timing is crucial: Timing plays a significant role in the success of your SMS marketing campaigns. Consider the preferences and habits of your target audience when scheduling your messages. Avoid sending texts too early in the morning or late at night to ensure you respect their privacy and avoid disruption. Additionally, take advantage of special occasions, holidays, or relevant events to create timely and targeted campaigns that resonate with your audience.
By following these best practices, you can unlock the marketing potential of bulk SMS services in the UAE and achieve better results with your SMS marketing campaigns. Remember to continuously analyze data and track metrics to refine your strategy and optimize future campaigns.
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uaegraphics · 13 days
Top 10 Online Shopping Apps in Dubai, UAE
In Dubai, where technology and luxury intersect, online shopping has become an integral part of everyday life. Whether you're looking for the latest electronics, trendy fashion, groceries, or unique items, there's an app for that. Here are the top 10 online shopping apps in Dubai, UAE, that offer convenience, variety, and exceptional user experiences.
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1. Amazon
Amazon is a global e-commerce leader and a favorite among shoppers in Dubai. Known for its vast selection of products, Amazon offers everything from electronics and books to fashion and household items. The app provides a seamless shopping experience with features like one-click purchasing, personalized recommendations, and fast delivery options.
Key Features:
Extensive range of products
User-friendly interface
Fast and reliable delivery, including same-day options
Secure payment methods
Amazon Prime membership benefits, including free shipping and access to Prime Video
Popular Categories:
Electronics: Smartphones, laptops, accessories
Fashion: Clothing, shoes, accessories
Home & Kitchen: Appliances, furniture, décor
Books: Print and digital formats
Why It’s Popular: Amazon's reputation for reliability, customer service, and extensive product range make it a go-to app for many shoppers in Dubai.
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2. Carrefour
Carrefour, a leading hypermarket chain, offers a comprehensive online shopping app that caters to a wide range of needs. From groceries and fresh produce to electronics and household items, Carrefour ensures a convenient shopping experience.
Key Features:
Wide variety of groceries and household products
User-friendly interface with easy navigation
Multiple delivery options, including same-day delivery
Frequent promotions and discounts
Secure payment methods
Popular Categories:
Groceries: Fresh produce, pantry staples, dairy products
Electronics: TVs, smartphones, home appliances
Household Items: Cleaning supplies, kitchenware
Personal Care: Health and beauty products
Why It’s Popular: Carrefour's reputation for quality products and reliable delivery services makes it a trusted choice for daily essentials.
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3. Alibaba
Alibaba is a global e-commerce platform known for its wholesale and retail offerings. In Dubai, the app is popular among businesses and individual shoppers looking for a wide range of products at competitive prices.
Key Features:
Extensive product range, including wholesale options
Competitive pricing with bulk purchase discounts
Secure trade assurance and buyer protection
Easy-to-use interface with detailed product descriptions
Multiple payment options, including international methods
Popular Categories:
Electronics: Gadgets, accessories, and components
Fashion: Apparel, shoes, and accessories
Industrial Products: Machinery, tools, and equipment
Home & Garden: Décor, furniture, and outdoor items
Why It’s Popular: Alibaba's vast selection and competitive prices attract both businesses and consumers looking for bulk and retail purchases.
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4. Noon
Noon is a homegrown e-commerce platform in the Middle East, offering a wide range of products, from electronics and fashion to groceries and home essentials. The app is known for its user-friendly interface and reliable delivery services.
Key Features:
Extensive product selection across multiple categories
Attractive deals and daily discounts
Fast and reliable delivery options
User-friendly app with easy navigation
Secure payment options
Popular Categories:
Electronics: Mobile phones, laptops, accessories
Fashion: Clothing, footwear, accessories
Groceries: Fresh produce, pantry staples
Home & Living: Furniture, kitchenware, home décor
Why It’s Popular: Noon's strong presence in the region, competitive pricing, and excellent customer service make it a favorite among Dubai shoppers.
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5. Shein
Shein is a global fast-fashion retailer known for its trendy and affordable clothing. The app is particularly popular among fashion-forward individuals in Dubai looking for the latest styles without breaking the bank.
Key Features:
Wide variety of trendy clothing and accessories
Affordable prices with frequent sales and discounts
User-friendly interface with personalized recommendations
Detailed product descriptions and customer reviews
Secure payment options
Popular Categories:
Women's Fashion: Dresses, tops, bottoms, outerwear
Men's Fashion: Shirts, pants, jackets
Accessories: Bags, jewelry, shoes
Beauty: Makeup, skincare products
Why It’s Popular: Shein's trendy styles, affordability, and regular updates with new arrivals make it a top choice for fashion enthusiasts.
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6. Day To Day
Day To Day is a popular discount store in Dubai, offering a wide range of products at budget-friendly prices. The app allows users to shop for everyday essentials, including groceries, household items, and more, from the comfort of their homes.
Key Features:
Affordable prices on a wide range of products
Easy-to-use interface with convenient search options
Regular promotions and discounts
Reliable delivery services
Secure payment options
Popular Categories:
Groceries: Food and beverages, snacks, pantry items
Household Items: Cleaning supplies, kitchenware
Personal Care: Toiletries, health and beauty products
Apparel: Basic clothing for men, women, and children
Why It’s Popular: Day To Day's focus on affordability and convenience makes it a go-to app for budget-conscious shoppers in Dubai.
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SIVVI is a fashion-focused online shopping app offering a curated selection of clothing, accessories, and beauty products. It caters to both men and women, featuring popular brands and exclusive collections.
Key Features:
Curated selection of fashion and beauty products
User-friendly app with detailed product descriptions
Regular sales and exclusive deals
Fast and reliable delivery options
Secure payment methods
Popular Categories:
Women's Fashion: Dresses, tops, pants, outerwear
Men's Fashion: Shirts, trousers, jackets
Accessories: Bags, shoes, jewelry
Beauty: Skincare, makeup, haircare products
Why It’s Popular: SIVVI's focus on high-quality fashion and beauty products, along with its curated selection, makes it a preferred choice for style-conscious shoppers.
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8. Ubuy
Ubuy is an international online shopping platform that offers a vast range of products from around the world. The app provides access to items that may not be readily available in local stores, making it a favorite among Dubai shoppers looking for unique and international products.
Key Features:
Extensive product range with international brands
Competitive pricing and frequent discounts
User-friendly app with detailed product descriptions
Reliable international shipping options
Secure payment methods
Popular Categories:
Electronics: Gadgets, accessories, and components
Fashion: Apparel, footwear, accessories
Home & Kitchen: Appliances, kitchenware, home décor
Health & Beauty: Skincare, supplements, personal care products
Why It’s Popular: Ubuy's ability to provide access to international products and brands makes it a valuable resource for Dubai shoppers seeking unique items.
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9. Namshi
Namshi is a leading online fashion retailer in the Middle East, offering a wide selection of clothing, footwear, and accessories for men, women, and children. The app is known for its trendy collections and excellent customer service.
Key Features:
Wide range of fashion and lifestyle products
Trendy and exclusive collections
User-friendly interface with personalized recommendations
Fast delivery options and easy returns
Secure payment methods
Popular Categories:
Women's Fashion: Dresses, tops, pants, outerwear
Men's Fashion: Shirts, trousers, jackets
Footwear: Sneakers, sandals, boots
Accessories: Bags, watches, jewelry
Why It’s Popular: Namshi's focus on fashion, quality, and customer satisfaction makes it a top choice for online shoppers in Dubai.
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10. Opensooq
Opensooq is a leading classifieds app in the Middle East, offering a platform for buying and selling a wide range of products and services. The app covers everything from real estate and vehicles to electronics and personal items.
Key Features:
Extensive classifieds covering various categories
User-friendly app with easy navigation and search options
Direct contact with sellers and buyers
Secure transaction options
Wide range of products and services
Popular Categories:
Real Estate: Properties for sale and rent
Vehicles: Cars, motorcycles, and accessories
Electronics: Smartphones, laptops, home appliances
Personal Items: Clothing, accessories, furniture
Why It’s Popular: Opensooq's comprehensive classifieds platform and ease of use make it a valuable resource for buying and selling in Dubai.
These top 10 online shopping apps in Dubai, UAE, offer a diverse range of products and services, catering to the varied needs of shoppers. From global e-commerce giants like Amazon and Alibaba to local favorites like Noon and Namshi, each app provides a unique shopping experience with its own set of features and benefits. Whether you're looking for the latest fashion trends, household essentials, or unique international items, these apps have you covered. Embrace the convenience of online shopping with these top-rated apps and enjoy a seamless, efficient, and enjoyable shopping experience in Dubai.
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mycountry112 · 2 months
Dubai Number Code: 7 Tips for Effortlessly Navigating Communications in Dubai
Welcome to Dubai, a city known for its thriving business landscape and cosmopolitan charm. Whether you're a business professional or a traveler, effective communication is key to ensuring a seamless experience in this vibrant city. Understanding the Dubai Number Code is essential for navigating the local communication system effortlessly.
In this article, we will provide you with 7 valuable tips on how to navigate communications in Dubai. From understanding the Dubai Number Code to utilizing wholesale voice services from international VoIP wholesale providers like My Country Mobile, we have you covered.
With our insights, you'll be equipped with the knowledge to make local and international calls, harness the power of VoIP services, and overcome potential language barriers. Additionally, we will guide you through cultural etiquette practices for effective communication in Dubai.
No matter your purpose for being in Dubai, these tips will help you stay connected and make the most out of your communication experiences. So, let's dive in and unlock the secrets to effortless communication in Dubai!
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Understanding the Dubai Number Code
When it comes to effective communication in Dubai, understanding the Dubai Number Code is essential. The Dubai Number Code is a unique numbering system that plays a vital role in the city's telecommunications network. It allows individuals, businesses, and organizations to connect seamlessly within Dubai and beyond.
The Dubai Number Code consists of a series of digits that are dialed before the actual phone number. These digits represent the area or city code and are necessary to establish a successful call. By familiarizing yourself with the Dubai Number Code, you can navigate the city's telephone network effortlessly and ensure that your calls reach the intended recipients.
How Does the Dubai Number Code Work?
The Dubai Number Code is a combination of numbers that identifies the specific area or region within Dubai. It acts as a prefix to the local phone number and helps route calls efficiently. The code typically consists of two or three digits, depending on the locality.
For example, if you are dialing a local number within Dubai, you would start with the Dubai Number Code before entering the actual phone number. This ensures that your call is directed to the correct geographic location within the city.
Additionally, when making international calls to Dubai, it is crucial to include the Dubai Number Code along with the country code and the recipient's phone number. By incorporating the Dubai Number Code, you can ensure that your international calls are properly routed to the desired destination in Dubai.
Why is Understanding the Dubai Number Code Important?
Having a good understanding of the Dubai Number Code is essential for effective communication in the city. By correctly dialing the Dubai Number Code, you can avoid misdirected calls and ensure that your messages and inquiries reach the intended recipients.
Whether you are a resident, a visitor, or a business operating in Dubai, knowing the Dubai Number Code enables you to navigate the telecommunications system with ease. It allows you to make local calls, receive international calls, and establish connections through various communication channels available in the city.
To illustrate the importance of the Dubai Number Code, consider a scenario where a business executive dials a local number without incorporating the Dubai Number Code. The call may be misdirected to a different geographic location within Dubai, resulting in a communication breakdown and potential inconvenience or delay.
By understanding and incorporating the Dubai Number Code in your communications, you can ensure a smooth and uninterrupted flow of information, both locally and internationally.
Establishing Communication Channels
When it comes to establishing effective communication channels in Dubai, understanding the Dubai Number Code is crucial. This code is essential for both local and international calls, ensuring seamless connectivity in this vibrant city.
To navigate communication in Dubai, there are several options available. For local calls, residents and businesses typically use the Dubai Number Code followed by the local number. This code ensures that calls are routed correctly within the city and enables efficient dialing.
For international calls, the Dubai Number Code is also necessary. Along with the country code, it ensures that calls are properly connected outside of Dubai, allowing individuals to reach destinations worldwide.
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When it comes to choosing a reliable communication provider, utilizing the services of an international VoIP wholesale provider like My Country Mobile can be advantageous. Such providers offer cost-effective solutions for both local and international calls, ensuring high-quality connections and affordable rates.
By understanding the Dubai Number Code and exploring diverse communication channels, individuals can stay connected seamlessly in Dubai, whether it's for business or personal purposes.
Tips for Making Local Calls
When it comes to making local calls in Dubai, understanding the Dubai Number Code is essential for smooth and hassle-free communication. Here are some valuable tips to keep in mind:
Dialing Procedures
To make a local call within Dubai, you need to dial the appropriate area code followed by the local phone number. The Dubai Number Code consists of a two-digit area code and a seven-digit local number. It is crucial to include the Dubai Number Code when making calls to ensure that the call reaches the intended recipient.
Area Codes
Dubai is divided into different areas, each assigned with a unique area code. The most commonly used area codes in Dubai include 04, 055, 050, 056, 058, and 02. When making a local call, make sure to enter the correct area code for the specific location you are dialing.
Including the Dubai Number Code
When dialing a local phone number in Dubai, always include the Dubai Number Code. This ensures that the call is correctly routed to the desired destination. Omitting the Dubai Number Code may result in the call being misdirected or not connected at all.
By following these tips and understanding the importance of the Dubai Number Code, you can confidently make local calls and enjoy seamless communication within Dubai.
Making International Calls from Dubai
When it comes to making international calls from Dubai, understanding the Dubai Number Code is essential. The Dubai Number Code consists of the country code, area code, and the individual phone number, and it ensures that your international calls are dialed correctly. By following the proper dialing procedures and country codes, you can ensure seamless communication while in Dubai.
To make an international call from Dubai, you will need to enter the country code for the destination you wish to reach. The country code is a unique numerical identifier assigned to each country or territory. For example, the country code for the United States is +1, while the country code for the United Kingdom is +44.
In addition to the country code, you will also need to include the area code of the destination if applicable. The area code is typically used for calls within a specific region or city. By including the correct area code, you can ensure that your call reaches the intended location.
When dialing an international number from Dubai, it is important to remember the Dubai Number Code format of +971 followed by the country code and area code, and then the individual phone number. By adhering to this format, your international calls will be properly connected.
Remember to check with your service provider for any specific instructions or additional charges that may apply when making international calls from Dubai. They will be able to provide you with the necessary information to ensure a smooth and cost-effective communication experience.
By familiarizing yourself with the Dubai Number Code and understanding the dialing procedures and country codes, you can easily make international calls from Dubai without any hassle. Whether you are calling friends, family, or business associates in other countries, having a good grasp of the Dubai Number Code will ensure that your international communication remains efficient and effective.
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Utilizing VoIP Services in Dubai
Utilizing Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services in Dubai can offer numerous advantages for businesses and individuals alike. With cost-effective and reliable communication solutions, VoIP has become a popular choice for those seeking efficient and affordable connectivity. To ensure seamless communication, it is essential to choose a reputable international VoIP wholesale provider like My Country Mobile.
VoIP services utilize the Dubai Number Code to establish connections and enable voice communication over the internet. This code is essential for dialing local numbers within Dubai and plays a critical role in maintaining effective communication channels.
One of the key benefits of using VoIP services in Dubai is the cost-effectiveness it offers. International calls made through VoIP are often significantly cheaper than traditional telephone systems. This is particularly advantageous for businesses that frequently make long-distance calls or have international operations.
In addition to cost savings, VoIP services also provide reliable connectivity. By leveraging the power of the internet, VoIP eliminates many of the limitations associated with traditional phone systems, such as signal disruptions and line quality issues. This ensures clear and uninterrupted communication, allowing businesses to maintain efficient operations and customer satisfaction.
When considering VoIP services in Dubai, selecting the right international VoIP wholesale provider is crucial. My Country Mobile is a renowned provider that offers reliable service and a comprehensive range of features, making them an excellent choice for businesses and individuals alike.
By partnering with My Country Mobile, businesses can enjoy seamless connectivity with their global counterparts. They offer competitive pricing, excellent call quality, and a user-friendly platform that simplifies communication processes. Additionally, their 24/7 customer support ensures businesses are always supported in case of any technical difficulties or inquiries.
With the power of VoIP services and the expertise of an international VoIP wholesale provider like My Country Mobile, individuals and businesses in Dubai can unlock a world of cost-effective, reliable, and efficient communication possibilities.
Understanding Wholesale Voice Services
In the digital age, communication is vital for businesses to thrive, especially in a bustling city like Dubai. To ensure seamless and cost-effective voice communication, businesses can turn to wholesale voice services.
Wholesale voice services refer to the provision of voice communication solutions on a large scale. It involves connecting businesses with reliable and affordable voice services through an international VoIP wholesale provider. These providers, like My Country Mobile, specialize in delivering high-quality voice communication services to businesses in Dubai and beyond.
By leveraging wholesale voice services, businesses can benefit from a range of advantages. Firstly, these services offer competitive pricing, allowing businesses to save significantly on their communication expenses. Whether it's making local or international calls, wholesale voice services offer cost-effective rates that can fit within any business budget.
Furthermore, wholesale voice services ensure reliable voice communication. International VoIP wholesale providers have robust infrastructure and partnerships with reputable telecommunications carriers. This results in high-quality voice calls with minimal disruptions and excellent call clarity, enhancing the overall communication experience for businesses in Dubai.
Another advantage of wholesale voice services is scalability. As businesses grow and expand their operations, their communication needs also increase. With wholesale voice services, businesses have the flexibility to scale up their voice communication capabilities without any hassle. Whether it's adding new phone lines or expanding to new locations, international VoIP wholesale providers can cater to the evolving needs of businesses.
Choosing the right international VoIP wholesale provider is crucial for businesses looking to leverage wholesale voice services effectively. Providers like My Country Mobile offer a comprehensive suite of communication solutions tailored to businesses in Dubai. These providers prioritize reliability, security, and exceptional customer support to ensure that businesses can connect and communicate seamlessly.
With wholesale voice services, businesses in Dubai can enjoy affordable, reliable, and scalable voice communication solutions. By partnering with an international VoIP wholesale provider like My Country Mobile, businesses can take their communication capabilities to new heights and stay ahead in today's competitive landscape.
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Benefits of Wholesale Voice Services in Dubai
Utilizing wholesale voice services in Dubai can provide businesses with numerous benefits. From cost savings to enhanced scalability, these services offer a range of advantages for seamless communication.
Cost Savings
One of the major benefits of wholesale voice services in Dubai is the potential for cost savings. By leveraging these services, businesses can access competitive rates for voice communication, reducing their overall communication expenses. Wholesale voice services allow for efficient routing and termination of calls, resulting in significant cost reductions.
Wholesale voice services also provide businesses with scalability options. Whether you're a small startup or a large multinational corporation, these services can accommodate your communication needs. With the ability to scale up or down quickly, businesses can easily adjust their voice communication capacity based on demand.
High-Quality Voice Communication
With wholesale voice services, businesses can enjoy high-quality voice communication in Dubai. These services ensure crystal-clear audio, minimizing disruptions and enhancing the overall communication experience. High-quality voice communication is crucial for businesses, especially when conducting important calls or meetings with clients and partners.
By leveraging wholesale voice services in Dubai, businesses can take advantage of cost savings, scalability, and high-quality voice communication. These services offer reliable and efficient solutions for businesses looking to enhance their communication capabilities.
Choosing the Right International VoIP Wholesale Provider
When it comes to selecting an international VoIP wholesale provider for communication in Dubai, several factors should be considered. Making the right choice is crucial for ensuring seamless and reliable communication. My Country Mobile is an excellent option to consider, providing a wide range of services that cater to various business needs.
One of the key factors to consider is reliability. A reputable international VoIP wholesale provider like My Country Mobile offers a reliable service that ensures consistent communication without disruptions. This is essential for businesses to maintain smooth operations and provide excellent customer service.
Competitive pricing is another crucial aspect. My Country Mobile offers cost-effective plans that align with different budget requirements, allowing businesses to save on communication expenses. With their competitive rates, businesses can focus on their growth and expansion without worrying about exorbitant communication costs.
Excellent customer support is also essential when choosing a VoIP wholesale provider. My Country Mobile prioritizes customer satisfaction and offers dedicated support to address any issues or concerns. Their responsive and knowledgeable support team ensures a smooth experience for all users.
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Choosing the right international VoIP wholesale provider can significantly impact your communication capabilities in Dubai. It is essential to opt for a provider like My Country Mobile that offers reliability, competitive pricing, and exceptional customer support. By making this choice, businesses can leverage the benefits of seamless communication and optimize their operations efficiently.
Tips for International Travelers in Dubai
For international travelers visiting Dubai, effective communication is key to navigate this vibrant city seamlessly. Whether you're here for business or leisure, understanding the Dubai Number Code is essential for staying connected. Here are some helpful tips to enhance your communication experience:
1. Get a Local SIM Card
One of the best ways to stay connected in Dubai is by getting a local SIM card. This allows you to make local calls, send texts, and access mobile data at affordable rates. Look for SIM card providers at the airport or visit one of the many retail outlets across the city.
2. Use Public Wi-Fi
Dubai offers extensive public Wi-Fi coverage in various locations such as shopping malls, restaurants, and public transportation. Take advantage of these networks to stay connected and reduce your mobile data usage. However, exercise caution when accessing sensitive information and use secure connections whenever possible.
3. Understanding Emergency Services
In case of emergencies, it's crucial to know how to dial the local emergency services. In Dubai, the emergency hotline is 999. Familiarize yourself with this number and the correct procedure to request assistance when needed.
Keep these tips in mind to ensure smooth communication during your stay in Dubai. By staying connected and understanding the Dubai Number Code, you'll be able to make the most of your time in this incredible city!
Overcoming Language Barriers in Dubai
Communication is key in any setting, and it becomes even more crucial when navigating a foreign country like Dubai. Language barriers can often pose challenges, but with the right approach, they can be overcome effectively. In this section, we will discuss some useful tips to help you overcome language barriers during your time in Dubai, ensuring smooth and efficient communication.
1. Use Translation Apps
Translation apps can be incredibly handy when trying to communicate in a language that you are not familiar with. There are several reliable and user-friendly translation apps available, allowing you to translate written or spoken words instantly. Simply input the phrase or word you need to translate, and the app will provide you with the equivalent in your desired language. This can be especially useful when interacting with locals or navigating through menus and signs.
2. Learn Basic Local Phrases
While translation apps can be a great tool, it's always appreciated when you make an effort to learn a few basic local phrases. Knowing common greetings, phrases, and polite expressions can go a long way in breaking the ice and showing respect for the local culture. Practice simple phrases such as "hello," "thank you," and "goodbye," and you'll find that locals will be more open to assisting you.
3. Seek Professional Interpretation Services
In situations where effective communication is critical, such as business meetings or legal matters, it may be beneficial to seek professional interpretation services. These services provide you with qualified interpreters who can help bridge the language gap, ensuring accurate and precise communication. Whether it's simultaneous interpretation during a conference or consecutive interpretation during a negotiation, professional interpreters can ensure that nothing gets lost in translation.
4. Be Patient and Respectful
When encountering language barriers, it's important to remain patient and respectful. Understand that not everyone may speak English or your native language, and it may take a bit of extra effort to understand each other. Avoid getting frustrated or speaking louder, as this may only create further confusion. Instead, maintain a calm and respectful demeanor, using non-verbal communication such as gestures and visual aids to help convey your message.
By following these tips, you can navigate the language barriers and communicate effectively during your time in Dubai. Whether you're conducting business, exploring the city, or simply interacting with locals, embracing cultural diversity and being open to different languages can create memorable experiences and meaningful connections.
Cultural Etiquette for Effective Communication in Dubai
When it comes to communication in Dubai, understanding the cultural norms and etiquettes is essential for building strong business relationships. The Dubai Number Code may help you navigate the technical aspects of communication, but to truly connect with individuals and foster mutual respect, it's crucial to be aware of the local customs and greetings.
In Dubai, greetings play a significant role in establishing rapport. When meeting someone for the first time, a warm handshake is customary. It's important to use the right hand as the left hand is considered unclean in Emirati culture. Maintain eye contact and greet individuals using their titles, such as "Sheikh" for men or "Sheikha" for women, along with their last name.
Dress Code
The dress code in Dubai leans towards modesty and respect for local traditions. Both men and women should dress conservatively in public places. Women are expected to cover their shoulders, chest, and knees, while men should avoid wearing shorts in public. It's also important to remove your shoes when entering a mosque or someone's home.
Respect for Islam and Ramadan
Islam is the dominant religion in Dubai, and it's essential to demonstrate respect for the Muslim faith. Avoid discussing sensitive topics such as politics or religion unless the conversation naturally leads to it. During the holy month of Ramadan, locals fast from sunrise to sunset. It's important to be mindful and avoid eating, drinking, or smoking in public during daylight hours.
Non-Verbal Communication
Non-verbal communication cues are also crucial in Dubai. Avoid pointing with your index finger, as it can be considered rude. Instead, use an open hand or gesture with your chin. It's also important to maintain personal space and avoid physical contact unless initiated by the other person.
Patience and respect for hierarchy are valued in Emirati culture. Be mindful of the position and seniority of individuals you are interacting with. Addressing individuals with their appropriate titles and showing deference to older individuals or those in positions of authority is important for maintaining harmony in communication.
By understanding and embracing the cultural etiquettes in Dubai, you can create an atmosphere of respect and understanding. This will not only improve your communication but also lay the foundation for successful business relationships.
Staying Connected in Dubai: The Future of Communication
Dubai is a city known for its constant innovation and technological advancements. As the world continues to evolve, so does the way we connect and communicate with each other. In this section, we explore the future of communication in Dubai and the exciting possibilities it holds.
Emerging Technologies
One of the key technologies that will shape the future of communication in Dubai is the advent of 5G networks. With lightning-fast speeds, low latency, and massive connectivity, 5G will revolutionize how we access and transmit data. This will enable seamless communication experiences, whether it's making calls, video conferencing, or accessing cloud-based services.
Furthermore, advanced communication platforms will integrate various channels into a unified experience. Voice, video, messaging, and collaboration tools will converge, providing individuals and businesses with a seamless and efficient way to communicate across different mediums.
The Role of Wholesale Voice Services
As communication technology evolves, the demand for reliable and cost-effective voice services grows. Wholesale voice services will continue to play a crucial role in meeting this demand. Companies like My Country Mobile, an international VoIP wholesale provider, will provide businesses with the necessary infrastructure and services to maintain high-quality voice communication.
By leveraging wholesale voice services, businesses can enjoy benefits such as cost savings, scalability, and flexible connectivity options. These services will ensure that businesses in Dubai can keep up with the evolving communication landscape while minimizing operational costs.
The future of communication in Dubai is bright and promising. With emerging technologies like 5G networks and advanced communication platforms, staying connected will become more seamless and efficient. By partnering with an international VoIP wholesale provider like My Country Mobile, businesses can embrace these advancements and stay at the forefront of communication innovation in Dubai.
To effectively navigate communication in Dubai, understanding the Dubai Number Code is essential. By grasping the intricacies of this code and its relevance, individuals and businesses can enhance their communication experience and avoid any unnecessary disruptions. Additionally, leveraging wholesale voice services from reliable international VoIP wholesale providers like My Country Mobile can further streamline communication in Dubai.
The Dubai Number Code serves as the foundation for making local and international calls smoothly. It ensures that callers can connect with residents and businesses seamlessly, regardless of their location. Whether it's making local calls within Dubai or reaching out to international contacts, familiarity with the code is crucial for a successful communication experience.
Furthermore, wholesale voice services offer numerous benefits in Dubai. These services provide businesses with cost-effective and scalable voice communication solutions. By partnering with a reputable international VoIP wholesale provider like My Country Mobile, businesses can enjoy high-quality voice services at competitive rates, enabling them to stay connected in Dubai efficiently.
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todaypatch · 1 year
Preston counterfeit boss found guilty in one of UK's biggest tax fraud case
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The mastermind of a fake designer clothing scam has been convicted of one of the UK’s largest ever carousel tax frauds.
Sock manufacturer Arif Patel, 55, of Preston, and his criminal gang tried to steal £97 million through VAT repayment claims on false exports of textiles and mobile phones.
They also imported and sold counterfeit clothes that would have been worth at least £50 million, had they been genuine. The proceeds were used to buy property across Preston and London through offshore bank accounts.
Following a joint investigation between HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and Lancashire Police, Patel was yesterday (April 11) found guilty of false accounting, conspiracy to cheat the public revenue, the onward sale of counterfeit clothing and money laundering.
Co-accused Mohamed Jaffar Ali, 58, of Dubai, was also found guilty of conspiracy to cheat the revenue and money laundering yesterday.
The convictions follow a 14-week trial at Chester Crown Court.
Reporting restrictions have now been lifted and it can be revealed for the first time that 24 members of the criminal empire were convicted in five trials between 2011 and 2014 and jailed for a total of more than 116 years.
HMRC has also restrained more than £78 million of the gang’s UK assets and proceedings are now underway to recover these funds for the public purse.
Richard Las, Director, Fraud Investigation Service, HMRC, said: “These guilty verdicts close a significant chapter in one of the biggest tax fraud cases ever investigated by HMRC.
“For more than a decade HMRC and our partners have worked tirelessly and together to bring this gang to justice.
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“Arif Patel lived a lavish lifestyle at the expense of the law-abiding majority. Tax crime is not victimless and fraudsters like this pair steal the money that funds the NHS and other vital public services we all rely on.
“Our work doesn’t stop here. We have more than £78 million of the gang’s UK assets restrained and have begun the process to recover all those proceeds of crime.”  
Sam Mackenzie, Assistant Chief Constable, Lancashire Constabulary, said: “While presenting himself as a genuine and reputable businessman Arif Patel in fact used stolen taxpayers’ cash to line his own pockets and fund a lavish lifestyle.
“This is money that should have been used to fund the vital public services which we all rely on and to which most of us contribute our fair share by working hard and paying tax.
“I welcome these guilty verdicts which are the culmination of a lengthy and complex investigation which has involved many years of hard work and dedication by police officers and staff and partners from HMRC who have worked together in a truly joint operation.”
Patel was convicted in his absence, having remained in Dubai throughout the trial.
The CPS will now pursue confiscation proceedings against the defendants, to prevent them enjoying the benefits of their criminal enterprise.
Patel’s Preston-based company, Faisaltex Ltd, was the heart of his criminal empire. From here, he ran the counterfeit clothing import operation and false export business.
As well as being a major player in the overall criminal conspiracy, Jaffar Ali also laundered the proceeds through bank accounts he set up in Dubai and offshore.
Patel and the Faisaltex group of companies had turned to bulk imports of counterfeit clothing in 2004. During the next three years dozens of containers with fake designer clothing inside were stopped at ports across the UK, including Liverpool, Southampton and Felixstowe.
Onward distribution to UK traders was confirmed when a delivery to a Glasgow wholesaler was intercepted by police and revealed to be poorly made designer rip-offs.
He also used the business, from 2004, to make fraudulent VAT repayment claims on supposed high-value goods and yarns. In total, the gang fraudulently claimed £97 million on false exports of textiles and mobile phones, but HMRC stopped £64 million of the claims.
The scam is known as a carousel fraud, where goods are purportedly sold to genuine buyers, but in fact the whole process is controlled by the criminal, who instigates a paper trail of alleged sales and exports in order to reclaim VAT. 
Patel frequently travelled to Dubai to meet Jaffar Ali and also made trips to China and Turkey to set up deals with manufacturers of counterfeit clothing. The profits were laundered by Jaffar Ali through freezone companies and bank accounts held in the UAE.
Money was sent to British Virgin Island-registered companies, which Patel then used to buy property in his hometown of Preston, including commercial properties on Fishergate, the city’s main shopping street.
Patel’s criminal enterprise relied on dozens of lieutenants around the UK, including professional enablers. This involved two chartered accountants from a Preston-based practice: Anil Hindocha, 69, from Preston, and Yogesh Patel, 66, from Aylesbury.
Hindocha was jailed for 12 years and 10 months in 2014 after being found guilty of false accounting, conspiracy to cheat the public Revenue and money laundering.
Yogesh Patel was jailed for five years and seven months after being found guilty of conspiracy to cheat the public revenue and money laundering.
Patel travelled to Dubai in July 2011 and failed to return. He was tried in his absence at Chester Crown Court where he was found guilty of all charges yesterday, April 11. He will be sentenced next month.
Jaffar Ali was also found guilty of conspiracy to cheat the public revenue and money laundering. After attending the majority of the trial, he failed to attend court on March 27 and a warrant was issued for his arrest. He will also be sentenced next month.
Arif Patel’s brothers Munaf Umarji Patel and Faisal Patel are on Lancashire Police’s wanted list.
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dailynewzhungary · 1 year
Fake clothing boss from Lancashire convicted of £150m fraud
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The mastermind of a fake designer clothing scam has been convicted of one of the UK’s largest ever carousel tax frauds.
Sock manufacturer Arif Patel, 55, of Preston, and his criminal gang tried to steal £97 million through VAT repayment claims on false exports of textiles and mobile phones.
They also imported and sold counterfeit clothes that would have been worth at least £50 million, had they been genuine. The proceeds were used to buy property across Preston and London through offshore bank accounts.
Following a joint investigation between HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and Lancashire Police, Patel was yesterday (April 11) found guilty of false accounting, conspiracy to cheat the public revenue, the onward sale of counterfeit clothing and money laundering.
Co-accused Mohamed Jaffar Ali, 58, of Dubai, was also found guilty of conspiracy to cheat the revenue and money laundering yesterday.
The convictions follow a 14-week trial at Chester Crown Court.
Reporting restrictions have now been lifted and it can be revealed for the first time that 24 members of the criminal empire were convicted in five trials between 2011 and 2014 and jailed for a total of more than 116 years.
HMRC has also restrained more than £78 million of the gang’s UK assets and proceedings are now underway to recover these funds for the public purse.
Richard Las, Director, Fraud Investigation Service, HMRC, said: “These guilty verdicts close a significant chapter in one of the biggest tax fraud cases ever investigated by HMRC.
“For more than a decade HMRC and our partners have worked tirelessly and together to bring this gang to justice.
“Arif Patel lived a lavish lifestyle at the expense of the law-abiding majority. Tax crime is not victimless and fraudsters like this pair steal the money that funds the NHS and other vital public services we all rely on.
“Our work doesn’t stop here. We have more than £78 million of the gang’s UK assets restrained and have begun the process to recover all those proceeds of crime.”  
Sam Mackenzie, Assistant Chief Constable, Lancashire Constabulary, said: “While presenting himself as a genuine and reputable businessman Arif Patel in fact used stolen taxpayers’ cash to line his own pockets and fund a lavish lifestyle.
“This is money that should have been used to fund the vital public services which we all rely on and to which most of us contribute our fair share by working hard and paying tax.
“I welcome these guilty verdicts which are the culmination of a lengthy and complex investigation which has involved many years of hard work and dedication by police officers and staff and partners from HMRC who have worked together in a truly joint operation.”
Patel was convicted in his absence, having remained in Dubai throughout the trial.
The CPS will now pursue confiscation proceedings against the defendants, to prevent them enjoying the benefits of their criminal enterprise.
Patel’s Preston-based company, Faisaltex Ltd, was the heart of his criminal empire. From here, he ran the counterfeit clothing import operation and false export business.
As well as being a major player in the overall criminal conspiracy, Jaffar Ali also laundered the proceeds through bank accounts he set up in Dubai and offshore.
Patel and the Faisaltex group of companies had turned to bulk imports of counterfeit clothing in 2004. During the next three years dozens of containers with fake designer clothing inside were stopped at ports across the UK, including Liverpool, Southampton and Felixstowe.
Onward distribution to UK traders was confirmed when a delivery to a Glasgow wholesaler was intercepted by police and revealed to be poorly made designer rip-offs.
He also used the business, from 2004, to make fraudulent VAT repayment claims on supposed high-value goods and yarns. In total, the gang fraudulently claimed £97 million on false exports of textiles and mobile phones, but HMRC stopped £64 million of the claims.
The scam is known as a carousel fraud, where goods are purportedly sold to genuine buyers, but in fact the whole process is controlled by the criminal, who instigates a paper trail of alleged sales and exports in order to reclaim VAT. 
Patel frequently travelled to Dubai to meet Jaffar Ali and also made trips to China and Turkey to set up deals with manufacturers of counterfeit clothing. The profits were laundered by Jaffar Ali through freezone companies and bank accounts held in the UAE.
Money was sent to British Virgin Island-registered companies, which Patel then used to buy property in his hometown of Preston, including commercial properties on Fishergate, the city’s main shopping street.
Patel’s criminal enterprise relied on dozens of lieutenants around the UK, including professional enablers. This involved two chartered accountants from a Preston-based practice: Anil Hindocha, 69, from Preston, and Yogesh Patel, 66, from Aylesbury.
Hindocha was jailed for 12 years and 10 months in 2014 after being found guilty of false accounting, conspiracy to cheat the public Revenue and money laundering.
Yogesh Patel was jailed for five years and seven months after being found guilty of conspiracy to cheat the public revenue and money laundering.
Patel travelled to Dubai in July 2011 and failed to return. He was tried in his absence at Chester Crown Court where he was found guilty of all charges yesterday, April 11. He will be sentenced next month.
Jaffar Ali was also found guilty of conspiracy to cheat the public revenue and money laundering. After attending the majority of the trial, he failed to attend court on March 27 and a warrant was issued for his arrest. He will also be sentenced next month.
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rajshri · 1 year
Buy Data Cable Online in Dubai - Top Brand Sell
Buy Data Cable Online in Dubai at Rajshri with wholesale products and the lowest price. We are listing Top Brand all about USB Data Cable for Mobile Phones.
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sequelscreen · 1 year
Contribution Of UPI To Making Our Future Digital Is Phenomenal - Sethurathnam Ravi
Mr. Sethurathnam Ravi throws insights into the revolution created by the UPI and the shift of India into the technological realm especially during the pandemic times. Unified Payment Interface is a digital innovation with an instant payment option developed indigenously by the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) and launched in 2016 in India.
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According to S Ravi BSE, the popularity of UPI is evident, as it is accepted by tiny roadside shops to large brands as well as by small retailers to wholesale merchants. “The numbers speak for themselves. In the last 4 years from October 2018 to September 2022, the number of banks live on UPI has increased from 128 to 358. And the volume of the transaction has risen from 482 million to 6,781 million and transactions from Rs 74,978 crore to Rs 11,16,438 crore. This is significant proof of the success and growth of the UPI story”, Mr. Ravi adds.
The main reason for this penetration as per the analysis of Mr. Sethurathnam Ravi is that UPI accepts transactions as small as a rupee. The incentive for merchants is on account of the absence of MDR to be paid to the banks vis-à-vis card transactions and end-to-end transact ability on smartphones, wherein only a single device is required to complete a transaction, thereby making the process simplistic.
The ecosystem in which UPI thrives is also key to its success, says the expert. This includes the presence of high-speed internet in many parts of the country, technologies that power a smartphone, cloud computing and modern software engineering technologies that fulfil a transaction in a few seconds. The security of a UPI transaction is tied to the user’s authentication with a mobile phone — there is a mobile personal identification number (MPIN) for the UPI application and there is one more layer of security when the bank’s online transaction PIN is to be keyed in as part of every UPI transaction. If you block a mobile number due to theft, for example, then UPI transactions on that mobile number will also be halted.
In the words of S Ravi BSE, the NPCI has come up with multiple new innovations over the past few years: recurring payments for monthly bills, international payments, linking UPI to credit cards, 123pay … and many more features. The dynamic QR code is a great boost to security and trust because there is no risk of someone tampering with a static QR code. The merchant generates a QR code specific to that transaction amount and the customer pays through UPI by scanning the QR code”.
NPCI has partnered with entities in the USA, Japan, Singapore and Dubai to broaden base transactions abroad. Sethurathnam Ravi details. UPI is unique as it:
· It allows real-time transfer of money any time/ any day of the month and year by using a single mobile application for accessing different bank accounts.
· It is supported by the security feature of single-click 2-factor Authentication — aligned with the regulatory guidelines as well as virtual address allowing incremental security as the customer is not required to share account details.
· Payment to merchants with a single account or through Apps and thereby not relying on cash arrangement/ ATM
· It has the facility to raise grievances from the mobile App Directly
The UPI is a phenomenal Indian technological success story. The interface in a short period has facilitated Indians to move from a cash-based economy to a digital economy. Sethurathnam Ravi concludes with the exciting thought that the pandemic has taught us that the future is digital and the contribution of UPI to the cause is phenomenal.
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Mobile phones in Dubai | Futuremind Store Dubai
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Mobile phones in Dubai have made it possible for people to communicate with people all over the world and have access to information at any time of the day. They have also become an important part of our lives as they allow us to stay connected with friends and family around the world.
The Futuremind Store Dubai is a leading wholesale and retail dealer of mobile phones in Dubai. The company provides quality products at affordable prices to its customers. The store sells a wide range of mobile phones, mobile accessories, laptops, Tablets, and other products in addition to providing training on how to use these devices as well as giving discounts on all their products. In addition, it also provides services such as technical support (phone line) for its customers who are looking for help with their new phone or need to get a replacement battery or charger for their old one. Contact us to know more.
To learn more about mobile phones in Dubai, call our helpful staff at +971 52 765 2564 today, or email us at [email protected] for more information.
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alidigitaluae1 · 2 years
What is the IMEI and how to check the number on your mobile
Today we are going to explain what the IMEI is and how to check the number on your mobile. The IMEI is a unique identifier of each mobile phone, and it is one of those pieces of information that you will need on occasions such as if you have tried to unlock your smartphone, if you have taken it to technical service or if you have had to call your operator to block it because it has been stolen or you have lost it.
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rehandel123 · 2 years
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Rehandel provides the best refurbished phones worldwide. Buy used phones in best condition. Rehandel will get you the best deal on refurbished phones and get the used phones on the actual cost. Doesn't matter where you're based, Rehandel provides the wholesale service in many countries including Singapore,Dubai,Usa, Europe and many more. Rehandel is the best refurbished phone provider to buy best cheap used mobile phones in bulk Android, tablet, iphones and other smartphones. Rehandel offers the best prices and guarantee on products. Rehandel’s customers can be sure that they will receive all their purchase smartphones in perfect condition, which means you don't have to worry about any problems with the product after you've purchased it from us! If there are any issues with your used phones, refurbished phones, simply contact us so we can resolve them for you.
Rehandel gives you the the best deal on bulk refurbished phones. Rehandel provides the best cheap and original quality used and refurbished phones worldwide. Rehandel's bulk phone service provides customers the original quality products with rehandel's 100% products guarantee. Rehandel is a safe place to buy refurbished phones for your store.. If you're looking for used phones, you've come to the right place. We've worked hard to provide the best deals on all the latest refurbished phones at reasonable prices for the customers with rehandel, get phones. You can get the best deals on used phones in bulk service. Rehandel's website www.rehandel.com Rehandel provides best used phones in Bulk and Refurbished phones.
Rehandel provides great wholesale service when selling used phones in bulk as well as refurbished phones in bulk. Rehandel is the best refurbished phones bulk seller in the USA, Europe, Dubai, Singapore and many more countries.. Rehandel’s used phones selling service is the best on latest iPhone models. We have all types of Apple products like Iphone 11 pro, Iphone 11, Iphone XR, Iphone XS Max iPhone X, iPhone 8, and many more. You can buy them at very affordable prices with our price guarantee. If you're looking to buy phones in bulk, you've come to the right place. Rehandel has been in the business of selling premium phones for over many years. so we know how to make sure your supplier is reliable, honest and dedicated to meeting the needs of their customers.
Rehandel is a wholesale supplier for all network carriers. Rehandel’s offers used phones cheap, the newest and most in demand phones that's guaranteed to meet your needs. Rehandel is committed to giving you the best customer service experience possible, so you can buy from us with ease. Rehandel is a top wholesale seller of low cost android phones,iphones. We have the lowest price on refurbished or used phones that we sell, guaranteed. Our products are shipped directly to our customers so you get the best quality for your hard earned money. Purchase your best smartphone phone today!
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fiorick · 2 years
Mobile phone Salesman (Wholesale)
Mobile phone Salesman (Wholesale)
Job title: Mobile phone Salesman (Wholesale) Company: Dubizzle Job description: wholesale business in Electronics, is looking to recruit new Sales Executives to expand their team & capture new business.Skills… requirement:EITHER 2-5 years of prior Sales / Purchase experience of Mobile phones in a similar business. OR Graduate with Sales… Expected salary: 4000 – 5000 per month Location: Dubai Job…
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carpetshopdubai · 2 years
The Best Carpet Shop in Dubai – Order Yours Today
Dubai has the largest number of carpet shops in all of the UAE, so you can be sure to find what you’re looking for, no matter your budget or style. However, not all carpet shops are created equal; some offer better quality and higher levels of customer service than others, and it can be difficult to know which one to choose when you’re shopping online or searching Google Reviews on your mobile phone. At Carpet Shop Dubai, we have three different showrooms where you can browse our collection of carpets and rugs in-person before making your selection.
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If you live in Dubai, you’re probably already aware of the variety of shopping options available to you at any given time of day or night. But not every business has what it takes to keep you coming back for more. When it comes to the Carpet Shop Dubai, however, we’re confident that our products, our staff and our sales methods have what it takes to make us your first choice when it comes to buying rugs, carpets, flooring and more online or in person at one of our showrooms in Bur Dubai or Abu Dhabi.
  If you are looking to buy carpets dubai from the best and largest carpet shop in Dubai, we are your go-to source. We offer exclusive deals on top-quality carpets, rugs, flooring, textiles & interiors at wholesale prices so that you can benefit from our savings without compromising on quality or style. Shop now! Order online and get fast delivery within 3 days across UAE.
The Largest Carpet Shop in Dubai: Shop for Premium and Standard Carpets, Rugs, Flooring, Textiles & Interiors
Dubai has the largest number of carpet shops in all of the UAE, so you can be sure to find what you’re looking for, no matter your budget or style. However, not all carpet shops are created equal; some offer better quality and higher levels of customer service than others, and it can be difficult to know which one to choose when you’re shopping online or searching Google Reviews on your mobile phone. At Carpet Shop Dubai, we have three different showrooms where you can browse our collection of carpets and rugs in-person before making your selection.
 Choosing your Style
At our carpet shop in Dubai, we have a wide range of carpets to choose from. If you're not sure what style you want, our helpful staff can assist you. We have everything from traditional to modern carpets, so you're sure to find something you love. Plus, we offer carpet tiles and curtains in addition to our wide selection of carpets. So whether you're looking for a new rug or flooring for your home, we have everything you need at our carpet shop in Dubai.
 Choosing your Size
When it comes to choosing the size of your new carpet, there are a few things you need to take into account. First, measure the room or area where you'll be placing the carpet. It's important to get an accurate measurement so you know how much space you have to work with. Second, think about the furniture in the room. You don't want the carpet to be too small or too big - it should be just right! Finally, consider your budget. Once you have all of these factors sorted out, you can start shopping for carpets!
 Bringing your Idea to Life
So you've got this great idea for a business. Maybe it's a new product or service that you think people will love. But how do you go from having an idea to actually starting a business? Here are a few steps to get you started
 What you should know before Buying Carpets Online
If you're looking for the best selection of carpets in Dubai, look no further than the carpet shop at Curtains Shop Dubai. We have an exclusive collection of modern and best carpets that are perfect for any home or office. Plus, we offer free shipping on all orders over $100! When it comes to carpet shopping, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, take measurements of the room you're shopping for so you know what size rug you need. Second, think about the color and style of rug that would complement your existing décor. And finally, don't forget to factor in the cost of the rug when making your final decision. With these tips in mind, head to Curtains Shop Dubai today and shop our wide selection of carpets!
 Our Design Tips
If you're looking for the best carpets in Dubai, look no further than the largest carpet shop in the city. With an exclusive collection of modern carpets, we have something for everyone. Plus, our online store makes it easy to order carpets from the comfort of your own home. And if you need some help with choosing the right carpet for your space, our design team is always happy to offer advice. So what are you waiting for? Visit us today!
 Purchase with Confidence
At our carpet shop in Dubai, you can purchase with confidence knowing that you're getting the best quality carpets and rugs available. We have an exclusive collection of modern and best carpets Dubai that are perfect for any home or office. Plus, our carpet tiles Dubai are sure to add a touch of luxury to any space. When you order from us, you can be sure that you're getting the highest quality products available.
Contact Us Today (What’s App +971 528814083)
At our carpet shop in Dubai, we offer a wide range of high-quality carpets, rugs, flooring, textiles, and interiors. Our collection of modern and best carpets Dubai is exclusive and cannot be found anywhere else. If you are looking for curtains shop Dubai or carpet tiles Dubai, we are the perfect place for you. We offer competitive prices and outstanding customer service. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services.
 About us
At Carpet Tiles Dubai, we pride ourselves on being the largest carpet shop in Dubai. We offer a wide selection of carpets, rugs, flooring, textiles, and interiors that are perfect for any home or office. Our team of experts are available to help you select the perfect carpet or rug for your space. Order online today and take advantage of our free shipping on orders over $500!
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Mobile Phone Wholesaler in Dubai | CompuCell Dubai | 18+ years of Excellence in supplying and distributing mobile phones in bulk to several retailers, wholesalers and direct consumers in various geographic regions of the world including African, South American, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Middle East and SuContinent countries. For more details visit our website page http://compu-cell.com
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speedywitchanchor · 3 years
Mobile Phone Accessories Suppliers in Abu Dhabi. We Provide Wholesale and Retails in Abu Dhabi Region of UAE. We also Deliver to Dubai
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