#Modern Draconity Zine
nova-dracomon · 11 months
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Modern Draconity zine now available for download!
Draconity isn’t solely from ages past, but something that still burns bright in the modern age. This zine is a collection of pieces created by nonhumans and alterhumans about what it means to be draconic in the present day (or even future).
A huge thank you to everyone who submitted pieces! It means a lot to us that others found this idea worthwhile enough to take the time to create works for it. This zine would not have been possible without your beautiful artworks and writings.
Download it on our itch.io now
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who-is-page · 1 year
Status on Inky Paws #2? I'm reeeally looking forward to reading it. (Sorry if you've already talked about it recently, I couldn't find anything in Tumblr search)
Also, is there a good place to find a list of other alterhuman zines? Especially free to download ones! And if not can you just link a few that you like? 🙏
Status is: Should be done before the end of the year, but can't promise much more than that. Life is incredibly hectic right now (like, you would NOT believe the incalcuable shitstorm going on rn IRL that I haven't been talking about online), but I'm hoping to keep to the same timetable as I did for Inky Paws #1.
For other free-to-download or free-to-view alterhuman zines, may I interest you in:
The Howl and other zines by Pete Rude, aka @dogwithglasses
Therian Nation magazine Vol. 1 Is. 1 organized by @theriannation / @ulfrvif
Kind - a mindfulness zine for nonhumans by Slumberdragon / @sleepvines
The Forest Voice organized by Tsu Swanblood aka @swanblood
Otherzine organized by... I want to say @astrorice/sloanmacleod(now deactivated) and @noteden
From Fictionfolk organized by @fictionfolkzine / @azuremist
Otherwyld Vol. 1 Is. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 by @cyrsed
Vampkin by Ben Jenner / @jenner-benjamin
and (specifically for plural stuff rather than general alterhuman stuff) LB Lee's Comics, Zines, One-pagers, Lectures, and Prose by LB Lee
For zines to keep an eye out for in the near future, there is also:
Modern Draconity (Submissions close October 31st!) organized by @nova-dracomon
Mosaic of the Unhuman (Submissions close November 20th!) organized by @unhumanmosaic aka @soweli-musi and @starry-bear
There is definitely more than just these free zines out there, but I'm only one person and these are all the alterhuman zines I can pull off the top of my head. If any of my followers have added alterhuman zine recommendations, please reblog and tell us 'bout them!
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mikaharuka · 2 years
My Revamped Masterpost!
Heyo y'all! I finally got around to creating this master list!
I'm on AO3 as Mizuka, and am the author of the Winter Light Verse.
Long story short, I had a worldbuilding concept, ended up with the Twilight/Life and Death fandom combo, threw out 98% of canon, and started a rewrite from scratch with totally different lore, history, vampire biology/society, and plot altogether. All while going full gay.
I've also written for other fandoms - most notably, Fire Emblem Three Houses and Ace Attorney. I even started my 'Fandom Odyssey', where I write the occasional fic in other fandoms - fandoms I like, fandoms my friends like, random fandoms, or even, all of the above!
Twilight/Life and Death - The Winter Light Verse
Apricity - Twilight Rewrite (M, ~81k words, 14/? chapters)
Mahabhuta - Apricity Interlude (E, ~7.7k words, 1/18 chapters)
Semper Felidae - Apricity Prelude (M, 3k words, 2/2 chapters)
Febris Amatoria - Apricity Kinktober (E, 1.2k words, 2/31 chapters)
Moonglade - Seattle, Beau POV (M, 750 words, 1/4 chapters)
A Series in Hands - Carlisle/Beau-centric fics, 900 words
A Study in Hands (M); An Indulgence in Hands (E);
A Lace in Hands (E); A Flirt in Hands (T); A Delight in Hands (T);
A Question in Series - Edward/Mike-centric fics, 900 words
A Question in Hands (T);
Elegance in the Series - Alice/Mina-centric fics, 900 words
Elegance in the Moonlight (M);
June Colors - Carlisle/Beau-centric color prompt fics
Amber Honey (E); Burgundy Affinity (E);
Winter Light Divergences, Derivatives & AUs
A Mosaic of Parallels - ficlet anthology (varied, index in chapter 1)
Flora Fati - fantasy/isekai, Harlequin (E, ~1.6k words, 1/6 chapters)
Ktêma es Aieí - Apricity time travel AU (T, 7.6k words, 4 chapters)
Danza de las Flores - FF Beaulisle AU, Carine/Bella (M, 1.5k words)
Non-Winter Light Twilight/Life and Death
The Sun, Moon, and Stars - Carine/Edythe (M, 900 words)
Fire Emblem Three Houses
The Tape - Modern AU Ferdibert smut (E, ~12.3k words)
The Forsaken Throne - BatB Prologue (T, 1.7k words)
Alluvium H - NSFW Ferdibert Zine Fic (E, 1.2k words)
Fusillade Z - NSFW Ferdibert Zine Fic (E, 1.2k words)
In Draconic Harmony - Edelthea, Post-Canon (M, 900 words)
Another Future - Ferdibert and Edelthea Reincarnation, 900 words
Desiderium - Canon-Compliant MCD (M, Ferdibert Part 1 of 3)
Translations of JP FE3H Supports
Hubert/Ferdinand - C-A+, Dining Hall, Group Tasks, Ending Card
Edelgard/Dorothea - C-A, Ending Card
Ace Attorney / Gyakuten Saiban (逆転裁判)
Summer Night Verse (Vampire AU)
Relentless Seduction - Narumitsu, mystery/Harlequin (T, 4.1k words)
Ruthless Seduction - Mitsunaru, future world smut (E, 1.5k words)
Other Fandoms - Mizuka's Fandom Odyssey
A Touch Through Time - Dracula/Jonathan Harker (M, 1k words)
Fire Emblem Awakening
Melle et Felle - Chrom/Robin (E, 1k words)
The Sword and The Flame - Frederick/Robin (M, 1k words)
Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika (PMMM)
The Die is Cast - Akemi Homura/Kaname Madoka (M, 900 words)
Persona 3
The Space Between - Arisato Minato/Sanada Akihiko (M, 1k words)
Star Wars / The Mandalorian
Metamorphosis - Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker (M, ~2.2k words, WIP)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Island of Illusion - Elim Garak/Julian Bashir (M, ~2k words, WIP)
Verdant Victory - Wednesday Addams/Enid Sinclair (T, 900 words)
(see this post for one-word prompt asks for the Winter Light Series!)
(see this post for my multi-fandom, chaotic collection of fics that wonderful authors and friends of mine wrote, based off my prompts!)
Also, I GOT THESE GIFTS! Some are set in the Winter Light Verse!
Anyways... glad to be here and don't be shy!
~Mizuka (or Mika, either is fine by me)
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This Week in Gundam Wing (January 5-11, 2020)
Hey Gundam Wing fandom!  Here are some highlights from the past week.  Give your creators some love.
PS: Be sure to send us stuff you like, stuff you’ve made, stuff you’d like us to showcase!  We can’t do it without you.  I know I must’ve missed a few of the holiday exchange fic / art pieces, and I’m really sorry.  Please to submit stuff so that we don’t leave anyone behind!!  T~T
—Mod LAM
To see the truth (Ch.4-7/8) by @bobo-is-tha-bomb
Pairings: Heero x Reader
Characters: Heero, Reader, Relena
Rating: Teen and Up
Tag / Warnings: Reader Insert, Romance, Citrus, Friendship
Summary:   Relena is coming over for a visit because Heero thinks you two need to get along. You don't like the idea of spending time with her, but maybe one day is all you need to convince her that you really love Heero.
Frozen by @noirangetrois for @deejayers
Pairings: Heero x Duo, Trowa x Quatre
Characters: 5 pilots
Rating: General
Tag / Warnings: Modern Setting AU, ice skating, fluff, winter
Summary:   For Duo and Heero, ice skating is always a competition. But what to do when things go wrong?
Beneath: Gravitation (Ch.7/?) by @duointherain
Pairings: hints of Heero x Duo
Characters: Duo, Relena, Heero
Rating: General
Tag / Warnings: Gravitation crossover, gender queer Relena
Summary:  “What,” Duo asked as Relena stared at him. He stared right back. Now he knew where his clothes had gone.
Of the Sea (Ch.7/?) by @noirangetrois
Pairings: Heero x Duo
Characters: full cast
Rating: MATURE
Tag / Warnings: Aro!Trowa, otp, Yaoi, Eventual Smut, fairytale my way, Meroctopus!Dorothy, more ships on the way, Slow Burn, Multi POV, POV Third Person Limited, merman au, Slash, MerMay, Fantasy Politics, mentions of abuse
Summary:   Quatre contacts Duo. Heero teaches Duo a new skill. Senator Darlian plans for Relena's coronation.
A Solstice Wedding by @anaranesindanarie for @duointherain
Pairings: Heero x Duo
Characters: 5 pilots and Relena
Rating:  General
Tag / Warnings: happy holidays, wedding
Summary:  The big day is quickly approaching but Duo is stuck out on a mission. Will he make it back in time?
Life Worth Loving by @doctormegalomania for phoenix
Pairings: Heero x Relena
Characters: Heero, Relena
Rating: General
Tag / Warnings: fluff
Summary:  Heero and Relena meet their newborn child for the first time.
Christmas is for Us by @vegalume for @doctormegalomania
Pairings: Heero x Duo
Characters: Heero, Duo, Quatre
Rating: General
Tag / Warnings: holiday, Christmas
Summary:   Heero made a promise that he would be home every Christmas. So the one year he isn't Duo decides to celebrate it the same as always, just as soon as Heero gets home.
Merry Martian Christmas by @amyole for Angel T
Pairings: Dorothy x Relena, Zechs x Noin
Characters: Dorothy, Relena, Zechs, Noin
Rating: General
Tag / Warnings: Christmas
Summary:   When Relena moves to Mars, she can finally have a family Christmas with her brother.
Duo by @duointherain
Heero by @noromax
Heero and Duo by @duckyreads
Trowa and Duo by @feanaro07 for @rhysgalenrigsby
Cathy Bloom by @gundayum for @feanaro07
Other Fan Work
GW Fashion Headcanons by @disturbed02girl
GoL scans by @disturbed02girl
Zechs and Howard
The Scientists
Heero and Dr J
Quatre and Sandrock
Escape from Earth
Edits by @hiruma
Sanrock Gunpla by @mack-mod and edit by @lemontrash
Wing Gundam by @kaiser-dracon
Screencaps from the show by @janaverse
Wufei and the Hyenas by @clair-audients
Musings: Relena was just a Millennial by @cosmosmarmot
@incorrectgundamwingquotes holding down the fort still!  Here are two of my favorites (both of which feature Heero being ridiculous).
Calendar Events
Cocktail Fridays with @gwcocktailfriday
Post responses on Friday between 3-5PM!
This week’s prompt is here
Rhythm Generation: Shooting Stars and Measure of a Year, a 25th anniversary zine project
PRE-ORDERS ARE CLOSED!!!  The zine will go live on April 7.  Stay tuned for PDF-only orders opening later this spring at @gundamzine​!
Also be sure to submit your response to the (totally anonymous) Fandom Metrics Survey the Zine Crew is running, here
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nova-dracomon · 1 year
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Modern Draconity: A Draconic Zine || Info Doc
Draconity isn’t solely from ages past, but something that still burns bright in the modern age. This zine will be a collection of pieces created by nonhumans and alterhumans about what it means to be draconic in the present day (or even future). Also, this zine imposes no set definition on what is or isn’t “dragon enough.” If you feel like the label applies, we want to hear from you! 
What Can I Submit?
Both fiction and nonfiction pieces are accepted. As long as what you have in mind fits the theme, it’ll probably be a-ok. 
Off the top of our head, we’re thinking of:
Essays of your personal experiences
Short stories 
Mock advice columns
Alternative covers
Fictional advertisements
We welcome you to think outside the box and dig into what it really means to be draconic in the modern era!
How to Participate
Please email your completed submission to ruffledgryphgon(@)gmail(.)com and title the email “Modern Draconity Submission.” Also make sure to include the following information in your email:
A name you would like the piece attributed to 
Title of your submission
Any content warnings that you feel are necessary for the piece
Any social media handle or personal website you'd like linked in the contributor section
A logo or icon for the contributor section
**If you would like to stay anonymous let us know
Members of systems are welcome to submit individually or collectively. Please let us know your preference when it comes to attribution.
Once the deadline has passed, these submissions will be put into the zine and it will be posted on itch.io as a free PDF. 
Submissions are due by October 31th, 2023.
Submission Guidelines
Each individual may submit up to 3 works to be featured in Modern Draconity. Comics and multi-image works count as one piece. Individuals within a system may each submit up to 3 works. All work must be your own! Anyone caught plagiarizing or submitting AI-generated work will be barred from entering Modern Draconity and any future zines from us.
Written submissions should not exceed 30 pages and multi-part art entries should not exceed 10 pages. Please keep in mind the zine’s pages will be 8.5x11 and entries will be scaled accordingly to fit that size. We request all art submissions to be sent in either .jpg or .png file formats. 
For stories that use multiple different fonts, we will do our best to preserve the general "feel" of your piece but cannot guarantee we will be able to use the exact fonts or sizes due to restrictions in what fonts we have access to, readability and overarching zine style.
Submissions must fit the thematic criteria of
About draconity / being draconic
Involve the modern era or the future 
As stated in the summary, we will not be policing what is or is not considered “dragon.” If you self-identify as draconic you count! 
Q: Where will the zine be hosted? What will it cost? A: The zine will be hosted digitally on our itch.io and will be free to download. 
Q: Is there a cap on submissions? A: There is none, as long as the file doesn’t start getting too big for our computer we’ll do our best! If there are an unprecedented amount of submissions, we may have to delay the release. In the event that happens, we would communicate that through updates on our tumblr.
Q: Can I update my application after it’s been submitted? A: Yes you may, as long as that is communicated to us before the submission deadline.
Q: Can I rescind my submission? A: Yes you may, as long as that is communicated to us before the submission deadline. This is because once we begin work on the zine, having to remove content mid-way through would throw off the formatting of everything else after. Please take this into account before submitting. 
Q: Will this zine allow NSFW entries? A: No, nothing 18+ will be accepted.
Q: What is your timeline for the project? A: Our submission deadline is October 31, 2023. We are then planning to spend the next month or so compiling all of the entries. Our goal is to have the zine live by the end of the year. If something unforeseen happens and we are unable to make that deadline, we will post an update about it on our tumblr.
Q: I have another question! A: Feel free to reach out to us at our email ruffledgryphgon(@)gmail(.)com with any other questions you have about the zine.
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nova-dracomon · 1 year
Modern Draconity Zine | Interest Check
Draconity isn’t solely from ages past, but something that still burns bright in the modern age. This zine would be a collection of pieces created by nonhumans about what it means to be draconic in the present day (or even future). Both fiction and nonfiction pieces would be accepted. As long as what you have in mind fits the theme, it’ll probably be a-ok. Off the top of our head, we’re thinking of essays, short stories, poetry, mock advice columns, alternative covers, fictional advertisements, comics or recipes.
Also, this zine would impose no set definition on what is or isn’t “dragon enough.” If you feel like the label applies, we want to hear from you! Anonymous submissions would also be accepted.
If you'd be interested in either reading or submitting to this potential zine comment, reply, or add it in the tags!
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nova-dracomon · 11 months
Last Call for Submissions: Modern Draconity Zine
We officially close for submissions after Halloween!
If you have already submitted an entry and not gotten an email confirmation from us, we have not received your piece.
Feel free to reach out to us here on tumblr with any questions or at our email RuffledGryphon(@)gmail.com
Zine informational post here.
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nova-dracomon · 1 year
Modern Draconity is going smoothly! We've read/reviewed every entry submitted thus far and got them added into our draft. We're proud of how everything is looking and coming together. We can't wait to be able to share it with everyone in the future.
If you're still interested in submitting, don't worry, there's still a month and a half left before the deadline!
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nova-dracomon · 1 year
🐲 Modern Draconity Zine Submission Reminder 🐲
The Modern Draconity zine is still accepting submissions! The current deadline is October 31, 2023. Submission guidelines can be found on this post.
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nova-dracomon · 11 months
Modern Draconity Zine Now Closed for Submissions
A huge thank you to everyone who submitted work!! It means a lot to us and we can't wait to share this zine with the community!
Everyone who's entry we have received has been emailed back -- if you haven't heard from us, we haven't received your entry.
If this applies to you, then contact us either here on tumblr or at our email RuffledGryphon(@)gmail.com ASAP so don't miss your entry!
We originally said we would plan to get the zine out by the end of the year. However, we have been working on it behind the scenes and now anticipate getting it out mid-November.
When it's finished it will be available for free download on our itch.io
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nova-dracomon · 1 year
We figured out how to add links to other pages in pdfs and are so proud of ourselves. What this means is, in our upcoming zine, you can read the content warning for an entry and then click a link to skip it completely.
No scrolling super fast to avoid it.
No accidentally overshooting and having to re-find your place.
Just read the cw a page before and click! and you're on to the next entry.
Also we learned how to add alt text in indesign so we're going to make sure all the art entries are accessible.
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nova-dracomon · 1 year
Where will Modern Draconity be posted when it is complete? With links if possible, of course.
Our goal is to have the zine live by the end of the year. It will be hosted digitally on our itch.io and will be free to download: https://ruffledgryphon.itch.io/
As a reminder, submissions close EOD October 31. We're looking forward to seeing everyone's works! ^v^
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nova-dracomon · 9 months
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You might have heard of our Modern Draconity zine, but before that, it was an entry of a fake magazine cover we made for a completely different zine -- Inky Paws!
Make sure you check out the rest of Inky Paws, it's free to download on itch.io right now!
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nova-dracomon · 10 months
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From our Modern Draconity zine, art by us! Check the zine out on our itch.io if you're interested, it's free
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nova-dracomon · 10 months
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Have we been on Tumblr too long?
From our Modern Draconity zine, art by us! Check the zine out on our itch.io if you're interested, it's free
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nova-dracomon · 1 year
How many submissions do you have for the draconity zine so far?
Creative work is hard work and it's only been three days, so none. But if you are interested in participating we are accepting submissions until October 31st! All of the needed info is here on our theme, submission guidelines and FAQ: https://nova-dracomon.tumblr.com/post/717853752581898240/modern-draconity-a-draconic-zine-info-doc
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