askbeannuts · 20 days
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[Seems Popo's a bit... occupied at the moment. I'm sure he'll be back soon.
This is DEFINITELY NOT me remembering Popo exists and adding a reason for him to NOT be around when he might be needed... TOTALLY NOT....]
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askbeannuts · 9 months
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[New gear-new gear-new-]
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< To Part 1 of Chapter 2...
[[This new gear unfortunately means we'll be seeing older references for certain members of the Shaymin Guild for a while longer. It's not drastically different, just a simple design shift and it's going to take a while to go through it all and make the updates accordingly;;]]
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askbeannuts · 11 months
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"... I don't mean to pry... but did something happen for you to need that letter? Osiris vaguely told me what it was for."
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"It's nothing serious, just some family found their way into Cypress for some crimes and... before they get out, I'd like to see them and set some... ground rules..."
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"... Right... well, if everyone likes what they have, I need to go. If you need me, I'll be at the clinic."
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"Ah, right, I should finish getting ready...! Guess we'll have to postpone our meet-"
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"You mean us watching you and Charissa argue? Again?"
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[Delivery made! Potential Guild Revolt halted?]
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< To Part 1...
< To Side Story: A Pocket of Time...
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askbeannuts · 6 months
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[Popo emotes more... somehow this feels wrong.]
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askbeannuts · 6 months
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[Never let a good crisis vacation chance go to waste!]
[Shaymin Guild member Dario has been added!]
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askbeannuts · 1 year
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"Oh, by the way, only Pau or myself should carry Gil around, she's too hot for anyone to touch at the moment-literally."
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"I-I'm sorry... what... happened...???"
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< Continued From...
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askbeannuts · 1 year
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"Yes, they're just asleep if I understand that goofy device correctly."
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"Y-yeah... that's right, but... wouldn't it have been better to just wait-"
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"As I said, the smallest chance of a mixup or some other issue coming up is still too much. The Council's involved, if it's simple to achieve, they'll complicate it. I highly doubt this is done..."
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"Call it... experience by proxy..."
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"... Hey, what was that light just now?!"
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"About time."
[Somewhat back on track!]
< Continued From...
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askbeannuts · 1 year
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"By the way, even if they seem fine, I'd get them all checked out when we get back. That Charmander kid's putting up a good facade in my opinion. Boule was his name, I think...?"
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"Well, that's an obvious objective... we would've been here sooner if we didn't take precautions in that emera cluster room... but, we'll do what we can now."
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"I can also use my healing moves to at least deal with minor injuries, if that helps before we leave."
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"Humph, the Xerneas Guild being helpful...? Rare sight."
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"Don't lump me in with those old elites."
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"... Let's... not argue right now... I'll get the Evac Orb ready! So... get yourselves together, yeah?"
[A tiny twinge of animosity...]
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askbeannuts · 1 year
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"Are you worried, Boule?"
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"W-wait, look!"
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"Stopping you!!! You didn't let me say my piece before you assumed!!! What about that other shadow guy, huh?! Are you going to leave them behind for some crazy self-destruction plan?! How can you even consider that!!!"
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"What makes you think you understand my situation!? That thing is no longer my kin! They died for me that day, whatever's left of them is a husk clinging to a corpse!! I have nothing left in this world, I'd rather go and even have a small chance of finding them again in the afterlife, but NO, you won't-"
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[Ayanna Fainted!]
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askbeannuts · 1 year
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"You know what, help me out, let's get them a bit farther away from this thing-fast...!"
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"Hey-aaand she's gone-she's fast... um... is... she-"
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"Yes, that's Gil, though I'm more concerned about her over-usage of that awakening of hers..."
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"... How much has she been using it...?"
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"That would be the fourth ti-"
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"F-fourth!? How-what IS she thinking??"
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"... If I remember right from practice... she starts overheating, doesn't she? I didn't see any steam coming off of her this time, so... she should be fine for now... right?"
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"I-If it's anything like me awakening Leech Seed... she's probably not healthy right now..."
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"Wait... what happens if you overuse your-"
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"Mines requires a lot of water, it's weird I know, but it dehydrates me severely, to the point where overexertion might make me... shrivel up...
Gil might-and I'm guessing here-start suffering from something like heatstroke if she somehow sustains that for too long or overuses it... I noticed she can willingly 'turn it off' though, so maybe... she's not in serious danger yet..."
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"Should we-"
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"Before anyone asks any additional questions, let's concentrate on the plan... we'll discuss weird quirks and how to deal with them later... much later preferably...We need to backup Gil-fast!" (Man... Lars would've probably already had a plan by now... crap...!)
[Gil has chosen to challenge the Shadow alone... though she seems exhausted...]
[Ayanna, Boule & William have used a Tiny Reviver Seed...! Despite that, the healing effects weren't that strong...!]
Seed Count Gil: 1 Serius: 1 Popo: 0 Kam: 0 Ayanna: 0 Boule: 0 William: 0 Lance: Does it need to be said?
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askbeannuts · 1 year
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"That was awesome!"
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"Let's hope that keeps it pinned down until we get a prison orb or backup."
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"Heh, it should for a bit."
[Bail out!]
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< Side Story: A Pocket of Time
[[The Pocket of Time side story is on-going and will continue parallel to standard Chapter 2 updates until it reaches its conclusion naturally or the progression of the Chapter causes it to end!]]
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askbeannuts · 1 year
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[They're getting bored...?]
[Boule used a Tiny-Reviver Seed...!]
Seed Count
Popo: 1
Gil: 4 [How?]
Ayanna: 2
William: 2
Boule: 1
Kam: 0
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askbeannuts · 1 year
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"... H-Hey... William are you-"
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"I-I'm fine... check on the... others...!"
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"But, you were just slammed-"
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"I'm... FINE. Check on Boule and Ayanna...!!"
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"... Right..."
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(Why did I listen to that stupid vision-it never turns out good-NEVER-calm down... no one died this time... right...? Just calm down... get back up and focus... agh...) "Those reviver seeds... suck..."
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askbeannuts · 1 year
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< Continued From...
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askbeannuts · 1 year
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"Even if we found a way around this thing, they're totally drained of energy, just like what happened to us with the other shadow..."
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"T-Then what do we do? We can't just leave them like this..."
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"We just need to make sure they're alive and safe! Even if they can't move... we'll plan that part out once we deal with that shadow!"
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"Gil's right... We'll need to at least make sure the Kirlia's kept warm... I'm guessing Steel types could weather the cold a bit better... either way, there's a significant wind blowing our way right now... as for Lance and Ayanna... we'll have to leave this 'negotiation' to them..."
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"I wound up bringing a spare cloak... it's not like those thicker ones you guys have, but it should work for now! I'll see if I have anything else we could use."
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"I'd offer mines, but these cloaks don't detach from collar..."
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"It's alright Kam, leave this to us and try to rest-"
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"No... if we're going to have to fight that thing... I want to try helping...! Besides, I did try fighting it once, so maybe what I learned could help...? Lars always said to try and learn something from any encounter... so..."
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"Yeah, yeah! Anything you learned might help us out-we can't just let it get away after everything it's done, y'know?"
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"I agree, we have to assume Lance's attempt to talk that thing down won't go well..."
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"Right, just… l-let me get my thoughts straight…"
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"What do you think they're even talking about over there...?"
[I wonder too...]
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askbeannuts · 8 months
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[Think Deep!]
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< Continued From
[[This is probably the closest we'll get to me giving any form of cypher for that script until I get back to Extraparainspector's blog]]
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