#Momo Akanegakubo
eikyun · 10 months
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90th gen squad
Hello, I'm back! Anyone miss them? Here you go~
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Here's also another version~
Art by me. Do not repost without my permission.
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polar-stars · 2 months
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Another entry for ShokugekiWeek2024 over on twitter
The prompts for this one were “Elite 10” and “dynamics”, so I grabbed the chance to draw a little group with a dynamic I enjoy and really wish, I could have seen more of!!
They’re an underrated trio ❤️💜💚
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deni-means-flor · 2 years
I'm rewatching Shokugeki no Soma and, let's be honest here...
Season 3 is The Childhood Trauma™ arc
We get:
Akanegakubo's character design being AN ACTUAL CHILD (I'm talking about the train station scene but no gifs for that)
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2. Rindō getting excited for destroying the Rebels, in a really childish way
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3. About 3 or 4 long AF episodes that show why Erina is HOW SHE IS and her finally getting some character development ✨ through the power of friendship ✨
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4. A few glimpses of Soma's upbringing which reiterate how much he is like his dad (again, couldn't find the scene as a gif but it's when he cooks in the Polar Star dormitory for [spoiler] in season 3)
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4. A little bit of Mito's childhood and why she was so adamant to be Erina's favorite back on S1 (again, no gif of the scene)
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5. Hayama being A BITCH and joining forces with [spoiler] but somewhat understandably so because he has severe mommy issues.
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6. Terunogi being an evil child, and a still frame of him at 9 years old.
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clairelegant005 · 2 years
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Damn she's cute.
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throw-the-salt-back · 5 months
K this is the last Food Wars fanart I did it's the cute baker 🤗
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radbutsafe · 9 months
“Good, ain’t it? I was in France with Momo-senpai, got her to help me brush up on my baking skills.” He said, obviously proud of himself. Erina pushed his face away from her and coughed, cheeks warm.
“I didn’t say that! Of course, Akanegakubo-san would help you, everyone has a soft spot for you.” She said as she went to get another mont blanc. It was when Erina settled back into her seat that Yukihira took the opportunity to throw his arm behind her onto the couch and ask,
“Everyone including you?”
Erina flinched almost dropping the treat. This man was so bold! Her face lit up in hotter flames,
“Just pour me a cup of tea, you haven’t even done that already!”
With how often he travels, Nakiri Erina didn't expect much from Yukihira Soma for her birthday. He decided to change that this year.
late post on tumblr as this was for erina’s birthday in March! this took three years for some reason 😭
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takoyakitenchou · 2 years
ok but no way in hell akanegakubo momo has never had a shokugeki that doesnt fit the whole pastry shit right like at some point she shouldve gotten some non sweet ingredient as a theme ?? from a challenger? during autumn elections? even the training camp?? bro i aint ever heard of green onion cookies; please educate me if you have
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rin-gumi20 · 10 months
Happy Birthday to Momo Akanegakubo 8/21 💜💜🩷🩷
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wyvernseeker · 11 months
"Why, hello there, little girl! How are you doing?"
Momo Akanegakubo couldn't help but look at the one who had addressed her as such with a look of disdain. Adorable and youthful she may have been, but a child she certainly was not. And being mistaken for one in spite of her reputation and accomplishments irked her to no end, almost as much as things she considered uncute.
And right before her, there stood a man with a decisively uncute appearance. Strike that, to her he didn't look uncute so much as he did creepy. The man in question was heavyset and adorned with a red chef's coat and reddish-brown pants. But what stood out to the little chef was was his face; the man was bald with ears as pointed as his fingers and wearing ghoulish white face paint with thin red lines trailing down his eyes to his similarly red (and surprisingly prominent) lips. In between the lines was a large, round red nose. The man in question looked like a clown, and one of those creepy monstrous clowns at that.
For the former 5th seat of the Council of Ten, the man's appearance and the condescending tone made her begin to seethe with hate.
Currently, the young Akanegakubo heiress was searching for information relating to her parents. It wasn't unusual for her to not hear from them due to their work, but a month was far too long to go without anything: calls, text messages, emails were decisively silent. And evidently, a business associate and friend of her parents seemed to think so and reached out to her seeking answers. Soon as she did, an email was sent to her.
"Greetings, little chef. We hear that you're checking in on your parents. If it weren't for you proving your personality to be so ugly from your support of one Azami Nakiri, we would be touched by your concern. Rest assured, your parents are doing okay. However, we suggest that as a sign of gratitude to us for letting yo hear from your dear, beloved parents, you are to agree to a shokugeki against one of our numbers. Unless, you could decide to ignore our suggestion and/or blatantly reject us. Should you choose to do so, your parents' business and standing might decisively plummet. Don't worry, this isn't an ultimatum. This is merely you being offered a choice. And we pray that you choose right.
P.S. We also recommend that you involve no one else in our meeting. It's for the dignity of both you and your parents. And definitely so as to not distress them.
P.P.S. We recommend you answer quickly. We get the feeling that your parents are about to make some, dare we say, uncute business decisions."
In that email was a video of her parents, looking physically well and unharmed. Of course, looking at her their faces in the video, neither her mother or father looked truly at ease and seemed rather distressed. If she had to guess, her parents had been challenged to a shokugeki in secret by what seemed to be a collection of individuals, and unfortunately lost. Whomever this group was, they seemed to have some sort of influence given how they were able to not only get near her parents but also challenge them. Yet, however competent they may have been, they would soon learn the price of threatening the Akanegakubo name.
"Spare me the fake pleasantries. Who are you, who do you work for and why have you gone after my parents?", Momo uttered as anger and revulsion dripped into each word like drops of vanilla extract into a baking mixture.
"Fake pleasantries?" spoke the roundtound clown in the same condescending tone as before, now with false outrage and offense added in a concoction of obnoxiousness. "Why would you say something so hurtful? After we were so kind as to let you get in touch with your dear, sweet parents and humbly challenge you to a shokugeki. Is that any way for a little girl to act? Just think of what your parents would think if-"
"Quit with the comedy act!" Momo exclaimed with a look of rage on her face. The man's appearance, tone and behavior were, despite her learnings and best efforts, really beginning to shift her opinion of him from enraging to infuriating. "You and your cohorts practically kidnapped my parents, basically threatened to cripple their business and try to intimidate me into a shokugeki, and you expect me to remain calm? Do you think this is some kind of joke?!"
Despite this display of outrage from the younger woman, the man in question seemed to be unfazed by what he just witnessed. Chuckling for but a moment, he then began to retort to the petite purple-haired girl before him.
"Oh, my apologies, young lady," retorted the pleasantly plump man to Momo in an insincere apology. "It's just, given how we're supposed to be engaging in a food war, it doesn't strike me as right to intimidate or unnerve my opponents. Even if, admittedly, it would give me an edge, especially against one as adorably tiny as you. But regardless, I will answer your questions one by one, starting with my name. You may call me, Malcanta!" As he spoke, the clownish-looking man began to pose in an exaggerated and comically dramatic manner. As he finished his sentence, the now-named culinary clown noticed Momo's become half-lidded, her expression softening from one of anger to one of annoyance. "See! It's helping isn't it?"
"No, it isn't," the purple-haired girl flatly replied. "Now answer my other questions."
"Patience now, I did say one at a time. Now what were your other questions again?" Malcanta uttered in a falsely innocent tone.
"You really are going to pull this on me, aren't you? Just so you know, it's not cute coming from you. But I'll play along. Who," Momo paused, take a deep breath so as to not lose her temper once more with the annoying clown in front of her, "do you work for?", she finished, a dash of annoyance slipping in despite her best efforts.
"See? Being polite and respectful is pretty cute, dare I say! So I'll tell you. As for me, I work for the Les Cuisiniers Noir, led by my wonderful, talented and oh-so benevolent boss! As you can see behind me." Unlike when he spoke to her so far, Malcanta spoke of his boss with nothing but genuine praise.
True to his word stood a much thinner man with deathly pale skin and black hair wearing black trousers and a black sweater vest over a gray dress shirt with black stripes. Even from just his nonchalant way of standing, Momo could tell this yet-to-be-named man exuded a powerful aura that commanded leadership. But looking into his silver eyes, she could see several emotions that all together unnerved her.
The kinds of things she would feel when looking at something she didn't deem cute.
And all of it was directed at her.
"Oh, dear Momo-!" Malcanta said in a rather grating sing-song manner no less unpleasant than the majority of what he spoke, breaking Momo out of her trance. "I know that my boss is wonderful, imposing and rather dapperly dressed, but I'm afraid he is not the one you are to be going against in this Food War. I mean, not that you would have a chance against him."
Looking at the portly man close to her, Momo could only utter in annoyance, "Let me guess, it's you."
"Oh, don't say it like that, wittle Momo-chan! You're hurting my feelings! Not to mention, yourmakingmy boss look likehe doesn't know what he's doing! Waaaaaahhh!-", Malcanta announced with fake sobbing and an all-too unconvincing face indicating his feelings were hurt. In the background, Momo could see the pale-skinned man in black and gray chuckling at his subordinate's antics.
Dare she say it, Somā Yukihira came off as nice tolerable than this manchild she had the displeasure of interacting with.
And now that she noticed, didn't that man in what seemed to be in his early 20's look eerily similar to him?
"But in all seriousness, yes.", the chef in red chimed in curtly. "My boss figured it'd be best if I was chosen to engage you in culinary combat. Even though he could easily triumph over you. Besides, one little victory over a culinary clown like myself shouldn't be difficult for one of Azami Nakiri's top lapdogs. Or rather, lapcat in your case."
The obvious joke, and rather poorly-constructed obvious joke at that, only served to get the lithe girl holding the stuffed cat to get her rage bubbling inside like water in a pot on the stove. "Don't mock me, clown. Now, where are my parents and why go through all this trouble? "
"Oh, and I thought you would figure this out, being part of the Council of Ten and all. I mean, we'd have to go through so many hoops to attract you to our circus."
Of course.
"You see, Momo Akanegakubo, we of Les Cuisiniers Noir desire to bring about a drastic revolution of the culinary world. And unlike you and your non-so-adorable or honorable compatriots of Central, or the snake in human skin you served, we don't intend to crush those simply wanting to cook as they please." Malcanta's eyes then narrowed, yet his smile remained just as wide, his jagged-looking teeth only serving to highlight his unsettling appearance even more.
"And you, my dear, are merely a stepping stone for our goals. One that I might add, deserves to be stepped on."
Unlike before, Malcanta's voice was much more softer than earlier and his tone decidedly less jovial. That, alongside his narrowed eyes and large toothy smile and features caused a shiver of fear to run down Momo's back.
"H-how would I be worth stepping on? I'm not even part of the Council of Ten anymore! And Central was dismantled!"
"Oh, so that erases all the rigging matches your cohort Eizan Etsuya engaged in? I mean, that was something you and Azami's other top enforcers definitely spoke out against, right?"
Momo didn't have an answer for that. The one who actually criticized Eizan for buying off judges in shokugekis to not even taste the food was Rindo Kobayashi, and even then it was only after Sōma challenged the second-year to a shokugeki to keep the Polaris Star Dorm from being demolished.
"Or what about the attempts to silence dissent against those who dared to reject your boss' great and glorious plans? Right down to threatening to shut down any and all clubs that didn't kowtow to Central. How about that? "
Once again, Momo responded with silence.
"Or best of all, knowingly trying to condemn your juniors to a state of perpetual stasis in skill and improvement, all the while being confident you and the other big kids of Central would remain at the top. What say you then?
Again, Momo was silent.
"And, let's not forget your willingness to crush the culinary aspirations and enjoyment of your aforementioned juniors, haphazardly sacrificing them for your own selfish desires."
This time, Momo had an answer.
"What were we supposed to do?! We could tell what Senzaemon was planning to do to us! All of us! Sacrificing us for the sake of his egotistical granddaughter! How could we just let everything we worked for go to waste?"
"Oh! NOW you have answer! I mean, it's understandable. You work hard and study hard, learning all the tricks of your trade, determined to make a name and legacy for yourself. Only to discover at the end that your reward for doing everything right is for the one overseeing your progress to say 'go to hell!' My granddaughter's already secured future matters more than the one you've etched out. I mean, that would be enough reason to betray that old bastard. As well as your fellow students, right?"
To Momo's surprise, it wasn't Malcanta who said this, but his silver-eyed superior. His tone carried an undertone if understanding, but a deeper one of mockery and derision.
"See what we mean? We're more than justified bringing you down into the mud for our worldwide performance," Malcanta chimed in. "And we have the perfect incentive to get you to agree to this shokugeki. May we present, Mr. and Mrs. Akanegakubo!"
From behind the man in the dark clothing soon shone a light, underneath which were Momo's parents, sitting in chairs and looking no less distressed than in the video sent to her.
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starjaeyun · 3 years
Can I’m have soma yukihira x male reader who loves cute things and use cute clothes and have a bunny plushie with him all the time and specially good in making desserts headcanons please
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yukihira with a bf who loves cute things <3
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𖦹 yukihira soma x male! reader
𖦹 warning/s : cursing/use of profanity and just pure fluff, spoilers too
𖦹 I used my love momo <3 for this as reference, i'm not supposed to be writing for male! reader but this req is too cute i can't help it😭 i'm planning to write a book for male! reader too so i thought why not practice now, and the fact that i carry a bunny plushie around too makes me even happier 😭❤️ (yes i have a bunny plushie nd i've had it since i was a baby <3) also this is quite long bc i had too much fun with it and got carried away (i also kind of based this on how me and momo acts ♡︎)
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you see, people described you as a male! version of momo because of the fact that you both carry a plushie around, loves cute things so much and are both good in making desserts
the only difference is you're the loud, outgoing type that gets along with people easily
momo also took a liking (platonic) to you and often gives you advice on how to improve your dishes, you two also hang out a lot talking about cute stuff for long hours <3 so when yukihira came around she got a bit jealous because you were spending less time with her and more with yukihira
yukihira once tried to take your bunny plushie from you only for you to hit him
yukihira also introduced you to his friends- who you got along with really well and they often asked you for tips
you introduced him to the elite 10 bc you were close with them and they didn't like yukihira. no, not one bit.
so when the day régiment de cuisine happens you tried to stop them
you failed :')
but anyway you were sitting on the crowd, front row due to yukihira and the elite 10's request
after that when everyone finally got along they agreed on no more fighting on your behalf
in all honesty yukihira gets so jealous of your bunny plushie as you hug it everytim- that includes bed time- and bring it with you everywhere.
"babe please let go of sugar for a while I want a hug too" "but why let go of sugar when I can hug you both at the same time?" yes the bunny's name is sugar
yukihira once hid sugar when you were in the shower, it ended with you giving him a silent treatment
and ever since that time you no longer left sugar alone with yukihira
yukihira soon learned that it was so special to you because your now dead grandma gave it to you
upon learning that he embarrassingly announced it to the whole academy and told them not to touch sugar
yukihira saw clothes for stuffed toys and decided to buy one for sugar 🥺
you caught him cuddling sugar when you accidentally left sugar outside the room while you showered but you were glad he didn't do anything with sugar
yukihira for real got matching sweaters for you, him and sugar 😭❤️
he tries to get your attention by acting all cute like
"ahh yukihira needs his boyfriend's love and affection! y/n quick! yukihira needs to cuddle with y/n and sugar!"
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© RAIKIRII on tumblr | do not copy, repost or translate
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polar-stars · 2 years
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Found this file on my laptop titled "Uwuuuu"
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stalkerkyoko · 3 years
foodwars god damn
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final has main girls
enough of them in LE desserts
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littleholmes · 3 years
Momo may have won but did you see the way she pouted and stomped off stage with that ID-filled stuffed cat? She’s mad as hell that Megumi had it in her to beat her
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rxslayyy · 3 years
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momo akagenakubo from shokugeki no soma
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a-titty-ninja · 4 years
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shokugekinospice · 2 years
somei x momo pre-relationship hcs?
Sorry this took a while, but here ya go! Pretty long so Imma go read under the cut!
Somei X Momo Pre-Relationship Headcanons
♥ You see, it was quite hard to think they weren't together because they were usually by each other's sides- but people did not question it because they were elite ten members.
♥ I really think Momo realized it first only because it is funny to imagine her showing signs to Somei and Somei not recognizing it- mayhaps for years-
♥ Who am I kidding, it's been something going on for three years more or less, and she shows her affection by paying more attention to him and giving more effort to him more than anyone else.
♥ She realized it because she spotted his soft side, which happened probably because they visited his mom one time- I'd like to believe that's the softest side Somei has and Momo fell for that, y'know?
♥ She says Somei may not be the cutest person existing, BUT FOR SURE, sometimes, his actions can be cute and when she realized she thought of that, she felt different. All he does HITS different.
♥ For Somei's side, he only realized it much later when it was the Rebels VS Central thing going on and the first person to comfort him was Momo from all people
♥ He realized Momo wasn't always full of herself [only most of the time] and saw her more caring nature, to only specific people and he knew for sure he was one of them. So yeah, he realized it.
♥ Momo was clingy to him, usually around him, and sometimes brings him to places. Somei is more lowkey and let's her lead the way, but he sometimes leads her to more traditional places and invites her to festivals!
♥ Basically they sorta act like besties but you know there's something special because there's this extra effort that's going on.
♥ Before they started dating, they just hanged out like usual tbh, but it was more dates than usual. But the reason why they decided to take a step ahead was before graduation because they realized they wanted to try it before they graduated.
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