#Mon Cala sea pearl
sw5w · 5 months
What Options Have We?
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:23:29
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eirianerisdar · 4 years
The Silent Song Chapter 44 excerpt
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Yep, I’m writing again. This is an excerpt from the first chapter of the new arc!
“Heyy, look what the loth-cat dragged in!” a gravelly voice bellows out over the chime of the opening entryway. “If it isn’t the most eligible young Jedi in all of Coruscant!”
Obi-Wan smiles broadly as he lowers his hood and strides to the gaudy, red-trimmed bar, confident steps with his long shadow cast out beside him from the last rays of Coruscant’s setting sun.
“Hello, Dex,” he greets, barely managing to finish signing the last word before his hands are crushed between his tunic and the questionably-clean front of the Besalisk’s apron. He laughs silently into the air and returns the hug as he is lifted off his feet and placed gently down again. There is a simultaneous array of flashes as a dozen paparazzi droids outside the diner take holos in unison, but Obi-Wan does not deign to turn his head; after a year and a half of this since the fall of Nal Hutta, he has grown used to it.
“Sit, sit!” Dex waves him to a barstool. “What do ya feel like havin’ today? Any of ya friends comin’?”
Obi-Wan lifts his hands to answer, but the same moment a flurry of activity runs through the droids outside, and the door slides open with a cheerful chime to reveal two tall, russet-cloaked individuals that lower their hoods as one. 
Obi-Wan raises a hand – partially in greeting, and partially to shade his eyes from the explosion of holo-flashes again as the late afternoon light catches Huei Tori’s padawan braid among his navy blue headtresses and makes the string of silka-beads shimmer like pearls caught in shifting sea. A Mon Cala female patron sat a table in the corner actually sighs audibly as Huei walks past her without a care to take a seat next to Obi-Wan at the bar.
“What do they see in you two?” Garen Muln grouses as he seats himself beside Huei. “–Oh, hey, Dex. Huei, you should be grateful you can’t read the holo-tabloids,” he adds, reaching for the bowl of moss chips Dex sets before them. “They ran an entire two-page spread comparing you and Obi-Wan’s jawlines just last week.”
Obi-Wan had been halfway through a sip of Jawa juice. He spits it out across the bar.
As light-hearted as this seems, this arc’s going to delve deep into galaxy-wide divisions - and palpatine’s on the move. I hope to post by the end of this weekend!
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sw5w · 5 months
There is No Civility, Only Politics
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:22:53
This was an interesting change, from the 1999 Episode I Visual Dictionary to the 2012 Expanded Visual Dictionary by Jason Fry identifying the Naboo royal insignia as the symbol of Grizmallt, original homeworld of the Naboo settlers.
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The 2015 Complete Visual Dictionary reverts back to the original text.
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And the 2018 Complete Visual Dictionary doesn’t include any information about the handmaiden’s gown at all.
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The symbol in question, is this floral (or avian?) symbol which you can see on various things related to Queen Amidala and the Naboo. (This image comes from Wookieepedia where it was vectorized by Michael von Preußen)
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sw5w · 5 months
Go Back?
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:32:36
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sw5w · 5 months
Senator, This is Your Arena
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:32:28
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sw5w · 5 months
...A Stronger Supreme Chancellor, One Who Could Control the Bureaucrats...
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:23:36
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