#Monsta X tarot
infinitydivine · 17 days
Help me reach my May Goal 🎯
Hello people. Because of the past circumstances, I have already lost so much time and money that I was saving for my further education and therapy. I am behind my time and money to collect the money. So if you could help me reach the goal of this month's collection it would be very generous of you. The min amount is $300 for this month.
You can either Book a reading with me by DMing me or getting it from my Ko-fi shop or You can donate to my blog to keep it running for a long time.
Thank you and Love,
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skylinesnsunshines · 3 months
May you do Monsta x changkyun Ideal + as a boyfriend. Thank you!!
yes i may!! very long overdue but ive been missing him sm lately so here it is! i hope you enjoy <3
DISCLAIMER: this is all speculative and for entertainment purposes only, so take it with a grain of salt :)
decks used: ethereal visions tarot, archetype cards by caroline myss, heavenly bodies astrology, the wild unknown animal by kim krans
(italicised is the card on the bottom of the tarot deck which is meant to represent the subconscious/blind spot of the situation + rx means reversed)
personal readings
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the magician, 2 of swords rx, ace of wands rx, 9 of pentacles rx | earth: persistence, patience and practicality | mouse | liberator
changkyun could be interested in someone spiritual, as the magician is represented as someone who is a great manifestor and someone resourceful. the combination of 2 of swords rx and the magician reminds me of someone who is a go-getter and focused on achieving success in their career, sort of like someone who has tunnel vision and has lots of dreams and willingness to achieve it. even though changkyun seems to innately like being the provider, i still feel someone who has accomplishments is a turn-on for him. 2 of swords rx can also paint someone who is decisive and ruthless in a way, like someone who people fear due to a quiet strength. they might not be the most boisterous person in the room, but their aura garners respect from people. the ace of wands rx reminds me of someone private with their ideas, someone that can be scattered in a way when it comes to their thought processes, but has large ideas, i also heard the word humanitarian come to mind. the 9 of pentacles rx on the bottom describes someone who hustles and has a strong sense of self-worth. i also envision someone who has built their career themselves, and doesn't rely on anyone for their successes. i feel this person is someone who takes their career seriously, and puts their head down when they are working so they don't attract unwanted attention.
changkyun might be interested in those who can ground him more in reality, as his placements give off someone who is more cerebral/dreamy. changkyun could find someone who is very goal-oriented attractive as the earth card focuses on material possessions. the other words such as patience and practicality are traits that i feel changkyun finds also looks for, so overall someone who has a lot of willpower, is pragmatic and disciplined with multiple areas in their lives. the mouse card illustrates someone detail-oriented, organised and nit-picky. changkyun could want someone who is a bit of a control freak and loves organising their lives, the type of people who have 5-10 year plans or is always one step ahead. the way i interpret it is that it makes sense why changkyun wants someone who has a bit of nervous energy, as he will teach them to be more open and adaptable. his ideal type could be someone who frees themselves and others from outdated beliefs, while also releasing negative thought patterns. this person is seen as a leader and a trailblazer, and i think changkyun finds those qualities very attractive. i feel changkyun would like his s.o. to be his source of motivation and inspiration, not only for himself but for others as well.
the hermit, justice rx, strength, 8 of cups rx | the sun: self-expression and embody truth | spider | knight
the first thing that came to mind when i was shuffling the cards was that changkyun could be someone who's very private with his love life, for example, he prefers just being with his person in privacy instead of going out and meeting with others etc. he comes off as a homebody boyfriend to me, or even just preferring dates that are more remote. the hermit embodies patience and guidance which i feel is what changkyun would be like as a boyfriend, someone who is patient and loves teaching/guiding his person. the justice rx tells me that changkyun has a tendency to struggle with boundaries and can come off as "overgiving" or something of that nature. strength tells me that changkyun is happy to bear the burden of his s.o. and not tell anyone. 8 of cups rx indicates that changkyun can be someone who won't give up on the relationship even if it isn't working. he will do everything in his power to make the relationship work (his pisces venus:')). i think overall, changkyun can be said as someone who is extremely selfless, private, emotionally strong and someone who struggles with leaving, even though it is necessary.
the sun tells me that changkyun will make the relationship the centre of his world. changkyun will become livelier and more energised in the relationship and even act childlike at times. changkyun will be someone who is more self-assured in the relationship. the spider card denotes someone who's an ingenious creator who is able to support the spider and those around them financially and spiritually. this can indicate that changkyun loves being the provider in relationships and actually likes being relied on as it's innate within him and gives him a sense of purpose. this could be tied to his pisces venus as this placement often indicates selflessness and service. this card also tells me that changkyun often bears the burden for others and doesn't like to show others his vulnerability. in a relationship though, i see him as someone enthusiastic, playful and even creative. i wouldn't be surprised if he is constantly making music for or inspired by his significant other.
the knight card represents loyalty, romance and chivalry and a love of honour. changkyun could be the type to be take pride in being the gentleman. even though his aquarius placements make him more unconventional in love, his capricorn mercury and aries moon makes him still place an importance on tradition and perpetuating certain gender roles. even though I feel changkyun is more liberal in that aspect and does not 100% subscribe to traditional gender roles, there is this innate feeling of need regarding him being the provider. i can also see him defending his relationship from others (if there is any criticism) and holding his relationship to the utmost importance. with his pieces venus, I do feel that he tends to go for partners that he can "fix" so he might feel obligated to be his person's knight in shining armour.
that is all! if you have any feedback, comments, queries or requests please don’t hesitate to reach out to me my ask box is always open. sending you all love, light, positivity and abundance <3 much love
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astroyongie · 4 months
Monsta X Reading February 2024
Note: sorry for being late. please take it lightly
Love: I can’t tell if he is still in a relationship or not. Shownu energy seems to be shifting at the moment and something happened inside his relationship that made him take a big turn. They are either breaking up things or they are getting engaged but honestly theres no way to confirm it
Career: at the moment his relationship with his work is. Little complicated. He is very scared of what the future holds of him and it also feels like he isnt comfortable with the plans that starship have put over him 
Self: despite all, Shownu seem to be very happy and fullfied with himself. This means that he is okay, healthy and doing well in life 
Love: his relationship is going through a tough period. Since they dont see each other often, Minhyuk feels like the relationship is going to finish. He doesnt see a long term success with his partner at the moment and they both have different goals for life 
Career: Despite being in military, he is doing well and adjusting to his routine and working hard there. It seems like it is being a positive experience for him.
Self: he is also in a healthy state at the moment. Minhyuk is taking all the opportunities in and having fun and just enjoying the ore calm side of his life at the moment 
Love: a lot of issues in his relationship as well. They dont see each other often and I feel like Kihyun’s partner has been a little bit bitchy and cold towards him. They dont give him much feedback and they have been distancing themselves from him due to the distance 
Career: military overwhelmes him a lot because it is not something that he enjoys specially. Kihyun feels like his personal values aren’t aligned with what he is learning inside the military 
Self: he is okay, but he is just very frustrated because he feels like he is losing many work opportunities when it comes to his idol career and that puts him on a on and off energy 
Love: he is dating and assuming his relationship. There isnt much to say other that he is having full control over his partner and that he is still assuming their needs despite being away from them 
Career: he had to set back his career for the military and that have left him very frustrated. It doesnt seem like he enjoys the military life and he just want to be over with it 
Self: he might have been experiencing some complications on his health (past injuries coming back). Hyungwon seem to be on a more foul mood lately 
Love: he is also still on his relationship but he is doubting his partner a lot (he probably believes that they are cheating on him). The fact that they aren’t together isnt helping Jooheon in growing his emotional maturity which makes him a little bit dramatic over things that has no place to be 
Career: Jooheon is someone that cares a lot about money, and the fact that he is experiencing an uncrease of income due to his military engagements makes him angry. He wanted to be working on his music instead 
Self: he has been very restless in the mind, he overthinks a lot and there might be here periods of higher anxiety. He is also very impulsive whenever he gets In such moods 
Love: IM concluded this reading by saying that he is too in a relationship with someone that works inside the entretaiment industry. As far as it goes, his relationship is full of success and it might be the type of relationship that will last. Along time 
Career: expect this year to be full for him, he has many things planned and to show the world. Expect him to have a comeback before he announces his enlistment 
Self: he is fine, he has been spending a lot of his time with friends and with people that will make collabs with him in his music. Stay tune for that !
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ravenbloodshot · 3 months
My assumption is that there is some tension or awkwardness between Monsta x Shownu and I.M
There is some tension. I think these two are in separation, and one of them isn't liking it, but the other is none the wiser.
This friendship seems very childish and a little immature. The type of friends to pull pranks on each other. They could call each other just to hang up mid convo. Just super silly.
I feel like I.M is the one missing Shownu's company. While Shownu is completely clueless and just living his life (it's possible Shownu purposely cut communication with I.M to make him mad or mess with him).
There's just a vibe here of "they do this all the time." But this may genuinely upset I.M
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hy0ung · 3 months
Wonho career reading
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Well, his career seems to be stagnated. He’s on the army ik. But what i mean is that he archived some stability on his career, he is recognized but not like others solo artists. May i say is more about “the idol who came back after a scandal”. Not that bad because it shows how strong he is and that he was the victim. Here i can tell among the other idols, some make fun of them and tbh im very angry rn. Those idols who got warm back, shouldn’t talk about him these assholes. But moving on our Bunny feelings: he feels loved. He feels loved and he loves what he have. He also feels nostalgic, ofc ill say about Monsta X. He love the boys and they spent a lot together, so how could him not miss that? Specially now he’s on army, maybe he feels kinda lonely and thinking a lot on the past. Not a bad nostalgia may i say. He also is satisfied with the return he’s having on their career. Idk why but i feel that he can work as an actor again, that will make him even more recognized. I saw a lot of young girls asking “who is that strong guy in that drama?” And i feel nothing but proud of him. I love him so much, he was my first utt and he still, so im very proud of his results 🥰
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403tarot · 9 months
Hello! My question is about Changkyun from Monsta X: is his future spouse a celebrity or a fan?
hello :> tarot says they are not a celebrity like a public personality but they are starting to be well recognized at their work. it's not his fan but has some acknowledge about his career.
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oraclekleo · 2 years
Im Chang Kyun (Monsta X) Ideal Partner Characteristics based on Tarot Reading
Hello and welcome!
I’m Kleo and I’m here to present some k-pop related tarot readings to you.
I would like to state that all these readings have a purely entertainment nature and their purpose is to bring some fun into my and hopefully yours lives. I have never ever met any of the idols / actors / celebrities in my readings, I don’t know them personally. Tarot reading isn’t an exact science and I can never guarantee any of it. Most of it is my intuition mixed with fantasy. Don’t take these readings seriously and don’t base any important decisions on tarot readings only, use your common sense.
If you wish to request a tarot reading, please read the pinned post on my profile first to see the instructions on how to request. I only do readings for idols / actors / celebrities of 18 years of age or older. Requests for readings including younger people will be automatically dismissed. If you feel uncomfortable with these tarot readings, do not engage in reading my posts. Thank you for understanding.
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Deck: Crow Tarot
Spread: Ideal Partner
Full Name: Im Chang Kyun
Stage Name: I.M
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Im Chang Kyun
(I.M - Monsta X)
Deck: Crow Tarot
Spread: Ideal Partner
Body - Ace of Pentacles
Changkyun’s ideal partner is likely someone with clear eyes able to see all that’s possible for them. They’re likely to ooze self-esteem with every powerful step they take and they enjoy the finer things of life. They are likely to dress elegantly and prefer luxurious and high quality materials. They are well educated and enjoy events like ballet, opera, theatre. It’s likely they come from a rich and honourable family.
Heart - XIV Temperance
Despite their possible wealth, Changkyun’s ideal partner is no lavishly spending fool. They are likely a modest person with good taste and a kind heart. They are probably engaged in charity and helping the less fortunate ones regularly. They are aware of their responsibilities.
Spirit - XXI The World
Changkyun’s perfect match knows their place in the world and they are perfectly content and settled there. They are likely mature and have reached the point in their life where everything is in perfect harmony, running like Swiss watches and under their control.
Soul - King of Wands
Changkyun’s ideal partner is likely a born leader with a clear vision on how the world should spin. They’re team-oriented and will always listen to ideas of others and work for everyone’s benefit. They are likely to hold a leading position in a company or maybe running a business of their own. They are independent and have a strong persona with influence and popularity among their business partners and friends.
Time - Queen of Swords
Changkyun and his significant other are likely to meet through professional affairs. It’s likely Changkyun might seek this person’s service or expertise and get deeply impressed by them. It’s likely the spark is going to catch on fire on Changkyun’s side first. He might need to try really hard to win this person’s heart as they’re really settled down already and not searching for romantic adventures.
Place - VIII Strength
Considering the fact that Changkyun’s ideal partner has likely a home of their own, perfectly tweaked to their likings, they might be reluctant to move somewhere else with him. It’s more likely that Changkyun will move in with them and will have to slowly, gently and through compromising adjust the place to fit his needs and taste as well.
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geminitarotmagick · 2 years
Hi dear ! Can you do an ideal type reading for Wonho (solo artist) please ? Thank you :)
Hi! Love readings for Wonho are always SUPER interesting, so let's get into it!
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Cards used: Way of the Panda Baby Panda Edition, Wild Unknown Animal Spirits
As I said, love readings with Wonho are never boring. Never in all the readings I've done have I seen a reading come through with solely fire cards. When I say that Wonho's ideal type is someone who is PASSIONATE, that is the world's biggest understatement. He's looking for the kind of ride or die romance that drives him insane, and that makes him feel so drunk on love that he doesn't know where he ends and they begin. He's also looking for someone to have extremely passionate and hot sex with, and I do feel like that is a big factor for him with the ridiculous amount of fire cards coming through here. He's definitely looking for a steamy romance, and that's the kind of energy he seeks out.
Now, onto the more personal aspects. Wonho's ideal type is someone who is very, very patient with him. Although he wants someone with a lot of fiery energy, he doesn't do well with people who have a short fuse or who are too explosive when they're angry, especially when he knows that his career can bring about a lot of things that a partner can be upset at him about, and so he needs someone who knows how to manage their stress and their anger. He wants someone who will love him unconditionally, and who is generous with their love. He doesn't want to feel like he's forcing someone to love him, and so he needs someone who will willingly offer up love to him. He's more of a follower than a leader, so he wants someone who he can trust to follow, and who will trust him enough to follow him as well when the situation calls for it. He likes people who are a little different, as he falls in love with people's quirks more than their outward appearance. He wants someone who also has a creative mind, and would also want their person to have a good sense of style as well. Looking good together is just as important to him as feeling good together, but it's not from a vain sense. Looking good together makes him feel like another piece of the puzzle is in place.
He wants someone who's just as determined and just as driven as he is. He wants to barrel towards a new life with someone, and so he needs a person who can match that energy and help fuel it. He's not someone who gives up easily, and so he wants someone who will be willing to stick things out with him even during the hard times and adversity. He's also prone to being attracted to entrepreneurial type people. It will help him to feel safer about the fact that they're not just with him for his status or money if they have their own thing going on, and he wants to be able to grow an empire together with his person.
However, he is a little worried that this person doesn't actually exist. He feels like he'll know this person when he meets them, but he has a feeling that it's gonna be at the exact wrong time in his life lol. He's still hopeful that they'll be coming to him though, even if it's not in the way he might want them to.
Mini readings and kpop readings currently closed
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hwnglx · 1 year
hello! could you do minhyuk monsta x fs reading?
minhyuk's future spouse based on tarot, take it with a grain of salt
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what kind of a person is his future spouse?
aceofc&queofc, 2ofp, temp, 8ofc&5ofc+aceofsw, 6ofw, 4ofw
very beautiful and ethereal looking. expressive and deep eyes. long, healthy and flowy hair. round and full face. built on the curvier and more voluptuous side. probably a cancer rising.
this person has incredibly balanced and comfortable energy to them. they're someone who has been able to gain a clear and healthy mindset by overcoming a fair share of disappointment and loss in their lives, and coming out even stronger. there's a lot confidence in the way the carry themselves now, but not to be confused with arrogance. they're still very popular and much-loved, due to their easygoing and sociable character that's very likable. minhyuk's fs radiates a lot of happiness and contentment, and therefore makes the people around them feel just as joyous. they know how to have a good time and probably throw nice celebrations, they truly enjoy being around people. this person is definitely giving me libra vibes, maybe with a scorpio moon since there does seem to be quite some emotional depth to them as well. it might just be more of a side they prefer keeping to themselves, as scorpio moons do.
what kind of a relationship will they have?
7ofc, 3ofsw, 7ofw, herm, 8ofc, justice, aceofw&devil, 6ofw
phew. i can definitely see minhyuk's scorpio sun and his fs' scorpio moon creating a lot of intensity here. also this person's libra sun and his libra venus. while these identical placements make them very compatible, both of them being incredibly charming, flirty and attractive characters is likely to create some conflict for them. combine that with both their overly possessive and jealous tendencies, it's a recipe for a lot of toxic dispute and tension. i'm honestly getting a lot of sexual tension too. like these two will be passionate, that's for sure. the beginning stages will certainly be filled with a lot of back and forth, where they both will first struggle to find a way to fully trust each other. i can see blurry lines and boundaries, not knowing what's considered cheating and what isn't. the six of wands in the end does signify how they'll be successful in the end. but i do think them just being too similar will be a blessing and a curse at the same time.
what is their current energy like?
7ofc, kingofp, kingofw+kingofsw, queofsw, 2ofc
this person has a lot of male attention and influences in their life. i think they might have a strong relationship to their father, a few older brothers maybe. but despite them also being very desired by the male public, they are not engaging in anything emotionally intimate with them, since they do seem to be in a relationship with someone right now. plus they're very independent, so they're very much just focusing on their own life and what's important to them. i think they're good at drawing the line between being a social butterfly and having nice convos but remaining emotionally distant. definitely a mature and strong person with some experience under their belt. they know what they want and won't be bothered with you if you don't serve them in any shape of form. at least, they might still send you off with a charming smile though.
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redscharms · 2 years
MONSTAX love life updates June 2022
Seems that this man is single but ready for romance. Patiently waiting for the one.
He knows that the right person will eventually appear in his life.
Might be a liiiiitle bit sexually frustrated.
But at this point in his life it feels like he doesn't enjoy casual sex and wants something more that just physical intimacy.
I think he has his eyes set on someone. Someone he views as a challenge but a fun one.
He's on a trip to hopefully find the treasure he's been looking for.
Very playful energy.
If you see him flaunting his wealth, this boy is trying to impress someone.
The card jumped out very angrily and it was a very firm and grumpy "no". That's a difficult subject for him apparently. He doesn't want anyone to pry.
And I won't look any further.
(I almost gave up!! Had to shuffle for like a while minute and asked for one card and this brat gave me three!)
Okay, he's dealing with his inner demons. It seems that if he is in a relationship he's making it hard to communicate for both parties.
He might go back to self improvement and stay single for a while.
I think... he is seeing someone. Maybe it's not romantic yet but that person is inspiring him a lot.
He might start working on new music that might feel very.. unlike him. A softer sound, brighter vibes, sweeter lyrics.
Maybe he found his new muse? I once remembered saying that he falls in love easily and hard. Maybe that's the case. He almost looks smitten with someone and that someone is inspiring him so much, he might feel like he got a pair of brand new wings that can carry him anywhere.
I don't think he's seeing someone. The first thought that came to my mind when I started shuffling was "why do you ask". The boy doesn't like when someone is curious about his personal life.
But he seems to be busy with himself and his future.
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infinitydivine · 2 months
Help me reach my April Goal 🎯
Hello people. Because of the past circumstances, I have already lost so much time and money that I was saving for my further education. I am behind my time and money to collect the money. So if you could help me reach the goal of this month's collection it would be very generous of you. The min amount is $300 for this month.
You can either Book a reading with me by DMing me or getting it from my Ko-fi shop or You can donate to my blog to keep it running for a long time.
Thank you and Love,
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skylinesnsunshines · 2 years
monsta x reading: jooheon ideal type + as boyfriend
hi friends! today i’m doing a reading for jooheon <3 i know it’s been a while, a lot of stuff has happened and im slowly starting to get back into tarot. im gonna create a guidelines list before requesting because i realised i was getting so drained when i was doing readings bc i wasnt invested in the ppl i was doing the readings for. so far im happy doing gen 3 bg’s, gen 4 not so much (had a delulu in my mentions which gave me the ick) but happy w doing gen 3+4 gg’s! i’m not as invested in kpop as i used to be but i do still wanna practice my tarot and intuitive abilities so im super excited to do this, you all know the drill so let’s go! 
DISCLAIMER: this is all speculative and for entertainment purposes only, so take it with a grain of salt :)
decks used: ethereal visions tarot, archetype cards by caroline myss, heavenly bodies astrology, the wild unknown animal by kim krans
(italicised is the card on the bottom of the tarot deck which is meant to represent the subconscious/blind spot of the situation + rx means reversed)
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the moon rx, 10 of wands rx, 9 of wands, 4 of swords | scribe, gossip, firefly, libra: consideration, fairness and harmony
when it comes to jooheon’s ideal type i feel he doesn’t have an exact definition of an ideal type because he notices and likes the little characteristics when it comes to falling for a person. the moon rx tells me jooheon wants someone with a lot of layers, by that i mean he wants someone who might seem very “shallow” or unassuming yet has a lot of willpower and depth. when i was doing jooheon’s reading i kept hearing the words “underdog”, which makes me think that the word is connected with the moon rx by reiterating that he wants someone who’s not as they seem, in a way that they might look very intimidating but is incredibly nurturing once you get to know them. the 10 of wands rx basically is more of an affirmation for the first card, this card gives me the feeling that he likes someone who’s a bit of a puzzle and can take time for him to know, i see him being someone who actually likes it if his person isn’t interested in him initially. this card also gives me the vibe that he likes someone who’s gone through a lot yet still comes out on top. these two cards gives me an image of someone who has a lot of responsibility yet always perseveres, i also envision someone who’s the source of stability and hope for a lot of people, and is always there to lend a helping hand yet never asks for anything in return. 9 of wands reiterates my two points earlier, jooheon definitely finds people who are go-getters attractive. this card details someone who relies on themselves to make their dreams come true, could be a workaholic due to them very dedicated to their craft. his person definitely has a hidden level of sensitivity with the 4 of swords card being on the bottom. this card usually represents rest/relaxation/failure which makes me feel that again, his ideal type is someone who has had to go through a lot of obstacles that shaped them to be someone who’s very resilient, but to me, this card makes me feel that his person is very sensitive behind closed doors, which makes sense cause outwardly his person can come off very dominating. 
scribe tells me he would like if his person had a way with words, they don’t have to be a lyricist but i think someone who’s well spoken would catch his eye. i think intelligence is also a huge turn on for him, cause he definitely needs intellectual stimulation from his partner (he is a libra after all). gossip card makes me feel that his ideal person could be very talkative, cause as i said he craves intellectual stimulation. i can see that he’s the type to want to talk about everything and anything under the sun, so he would want someone who can keep up with different conversations. the firefly card shows me someone with infectious positivity, as they’re often the source of hope when it comes to the people around them. his person could be the type to overwork themselves (just like 9 of wands) cause this card describes someone who has a lot of energy but burns out quick, but they do it ultimately to bring hope to those who need it most. this card makes me think of the character ray from the princess and the frog, how he’s a bit of a hopeless romantic, very protective of those he loves, source of optimism and is incredibly selfless. of course the libra card for the libra man, jooheon’s ideal type is someone who is his equal. by that i mean he wants someone who mirrors him in a way that when he’s feeling upset his person is upset with him, or if he’s feeling fiery his person is feeling the same as well. if you notice, the tarot cards i pulled for him uncannily honestly describes him. to me, jooheon wants to be in a relationship with someone where no one is overpowering or submissive, he wants it to be fully equal.
the hermit, the magician rx, 7 of swords, 8 of cups | avenger, king, hummingbird, saturn: feel restricted, experience struggle, learn hard work and patience 
the hermit card tells me jooheon’s very private when it comes to relationships, he’ll definitely be the type to express his love in private which is unsurprising due to his scorpio stellium. this card can also describe someone who plays a mentor figure so it doesn’t surprise me if jooheon is very dominant relationships, i do feel in the relationship too he’ll definitely be more observant and introspective so don’t be surprised if he frequently needs time alone. the magician in reversed tells me that there’s two extremes to jooheon, one very playful and affectionate like a kid and one that’s very dominant and deep, this can be due to his libra sun (possibly moon too) and his leo mars wanting a playful and lighthearted relationship but his scorpio placements crave a relationship with a lot of depth. it’s as if jooheon has two sides to him and can switch from one to another depending on his mood, i do get the feeling that it takes a lot for him to fall for someone so if he hasn’t fallen for them it’s easy for him to detach, but if he does it will take a lot for him to leave, he really craves a bond that goes beyond physical and is more towards emotional/spiritual which is why these cards popped up. the 7 of swords basically reiterates my point of jooheon’s priority being his privacy but, this card also tells me that in relationships he definitely shows a side of himself that not a lot of people see and will be open to being more vulnerable once he’s committed, i also get the feeling that jooheon’s love language is very unique and he's definitely more action-oriented. the 8 of cups tells me jooheon hates to be controlled and will walk away from a relationship if he doesn’t feel it’s serving his highest good, i do get the sense of possessiveness from jooheon but it’s more cause he fears betrayal and wants to be the only person his s.o is affectionate towards. with this card i also envisioned jooheon willing to go through a lot of things for his s.o, once he’s committed he’s willing to do ANYTHING to make it work especially if he already feels safe with his partner. 
the avenger card tells me jooheon is very territorial when it comes to his partner (scorpio stellium AND leo mars are we surprised lol). if someone were to cross his partner regardless of significance, he would not be scared to confront them because he HATES injustice (such a libra). the king tells me that from an outsider’s perspective jooheon could seem to be the more dominant one, but this is due to him wanting to ease the burden of his s.o regardless of significance. he’s someone who is a natural leader, but not in a boastful manner but rather because he’d rather deal with the burden not others. the hummingbird tells me jooheon’s very bubbly as a boyfriend, loves talking to his s.o about a lot of different topics. i feel he also wants to learn a lot in relationships, so he’s gonna be very curious and a tad restless as a boyfriend. with the saturn card, once he’s in a relationship he’s gonna be there long-term, it’s gonna be very hard for him to move on cause after all he is fixed dominant. jooheon would only get in relationships if he feels it could last in the long run, and i feel that he doesn’t want a relationship that is too “easy” cause he’s definitely the type to want to work for the relationship.
that is all! if you have any feedback, comments, queries or requests please don’t hesitate to reach out to me my ask box is always open. sending you all love, light, positivity and abundance <3 much love
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astroyongie · 7 months
Monsta X November Reading 2023
Note: please take it lightly
Love: He is in a relationship but things have been complicated because Shownu is still working on how to manage both his relationship and his career. He puts his career as a priority but he also loves his partner so he really is trying to find some adaption here 
Career: Shownu has a lot of ideas about what he wants to show to his fans and what is the next big step for his career. He is also working on it, trying to pour some creativity out so it might take some time before things start to work out 
Self: Things aren’t in the best state at the moment for him. Shownu seems to be a little bit disconnected, a little bit out of luck and he is just fed up with his current life and how things are going for him. 
Love: In love, in a relationship and everything is going perfectly well for him and his partner. I believe that this is the person that Minhyuk wants to marry and be with for the rest of his life since this relationship is a long-term success and commitment 
Career: I don’t know if he is still in military too, but career wise, Minhyuk just seems to be bored overall. He isn’t doing much, there isn’t much planned for him to do either, so he just goes with the flow and with whatever schedule he has. 
Self: Rather okay, rather happy with his current life. He doesn’t have any complaints and he also is happy to have many lovable people around him 
Love: Without a doubt he is still in a relationship with his person. Things are going rather well, it also seems like his partner has been taking a lot of place in his life and has been making the major decisions for the couple's life 
Career: He isn’t satisfied with his current situation (I have no idea if he is still in military or not). He feels trapped and almost like there some projects he wants to do but cannot. Again I don’t know if it’s because he is under service or if it is because his company postponed it 
Self: overall, Kihyun isn’t in a good place. It feels like he struggles a lot with his mental health and he has a lot of things that he is disappointed in. I believe he also thinks he is a failure as a person and as an idol 
Love: Based on the spread it looks like Hyungwon had a major argument with his partner that ended up very badly to the point where they separated from each other. This is quite recent since there’s still a lot of rage and hurt from this. There were things said that hurt both parties 
Career:  Everything is going perfectly for Hyungwon. He has the right people around him inside the company and is enough of a social butterfly there to know exactly to whom to come when needed. His career is stable 
Self: He is going through the roughness of the breakup, so without much surprise he isn’t doing very well. Heartbreak was the cause and also quite some pain and grieving his relationship 
Love: Okay, so Jooheon broke up with his partner not a long time ago to focus on his current service (either military or career, again, I don’t remember who is there atm). It wasn’t something easy to do and although there was the possibility of seeing each other still, the person didn’t want to live this type of couple life
Career: I don’t know with who it is, but Jooehon had a massive argument with one of his members and ever since they haven’t spoke to one another and he has been quite hurt and ressentful about what happened. 
Self: I hate seeing such cards In the self spread, but I have things to believe that Jooheon has been doing things he shouldn’t in way to cope with his current emotional state (either it’s physical behaviors or consumptions). 
Love: I don’t know if he is in love, but he is in a relationship currently. It’s something rather new, a couple of weeks only and he has still been trying to mold the relationship in a healthy way so let's hope he will do it accordingly 
Career: He should be careful. It seems to me that IM’s name would be involved in some type of scandal but that the company was quick to pay it off so it wouldn’t come out. Still, Changkyun should be careful who he hangs out with and what he shares his life with since it could have a negative impact on his career
Self: Mental Health is in constant decline; He isn’t okay, I feel exhausted and although he tries to rest and to follow therapy to get better, things haven’t been easy for him when it comes to his head 
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boldlybrightsun · 2 years
Hey guyss, these are the readings I'll be doing (I'll try to finish them before this month ends):
Jake Current Energy (highly requested)
Seventeen members current energy (Long reading could take time)
Cravity Minhee Current energy
MonstaX Kihyun Fs
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hy0ung · 4 months
Tarot k-groups masterlist
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❥ Ateez ❥ Monsta X ❥ Seventeen ❥ tba
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Disclaimer: The readings are made for entertainment purposes and is not the absolute true. Also, the energy change time from time so this os not an official statement, and i can be wrong. Take it lightly. No one is claiming that this 100% true and if you don’t like, just leave
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403tarot · 9 months
Hello is mx minhyuk future spouse a celebrity or a potential fan?
hi-ing, tarot says: not his fan and also not a celebrity
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