#Monster MILF!!!!
There’s this myth recorded by Herodotus that Heracles went to sleep while doing his labours and woke up to find his horse was stolen by an echidna, a creature that was a woman from the ass up and snakes from the legs down.
She offered to return the horse in exchange for sex. Heracles agreed, the two stayed together long enough for Echidna to give birth to three sons, and one of them went on to found the Scythians.
Herodotus never confirmed the echidna was Echidna, and he was probably conflating characters from Greek mythology with figures from the Scythic religion, where the Snake Legged Goddess is a major recurring figure, but I choose to believe this was the same Echidna who was married to Typhon and was the mother of monsters.
She’s a milf, she’s single, and she’s ready to mingle.
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obscenepaladin · 2 years
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Dragon Queen Tiamat
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skiplo-wave · 2 years
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Love g3 twink Dracula but g2 Dracula was a dilf point blank period
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syscest · 1 day
[do you have games on your phone voice] do you have boys in your system
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direquail · 9 months
so Murderbot is great and I love it, however I would like to bring to tumblr's attention another series by Martha Wells, the Books of the Raksura. I recently finished "The Cloud Roads" and honestly I think it's the perfect book for tumblr because it's for people who want to fuck dragons and love pretty men who are also wet cats
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fiddlefocker · 20 days
turns out all the local craft store managers are gorgon MILFs with big naturals so i guess i suddenly love to crochet again lol i dont make the rules
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[,,,,,, still thinking about the beautifullest boy, but idk what to do about the fact that one of my girlfriends walked in, saw me looking over the wiki and footage of him for research purposes and said "not beating the lesbian accusations." and then stole half of my bread and left. what.]
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luvsavos · 1 year
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lokzii doodle since i somehow have yet to see a single gilf-y primordial malzeno humanization
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francis-talbot · 4 months
You seem to bang a lot of people's wives
“well i’m just a nice guy helping out poor ‘n’ helpless milfs with shitty husbands! it’s not my fault they WANT to be bannged!”
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