#Moots moots
farceurcole · 1 month
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Dawwwww lil space person
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mandylove1000 · 1 month
Moot call without tagging yall
I’m alive 😂 I’ve been reading nhl fics lately ngl I’ve been on a kick for them lately it happens every now and again
Also just celebrated my birthday which was weird as fuck. I’m almost out of my 20’s and I don’t like that. It’s honestly making me more depressed tbfh cause I just feel like I’m wasting my life doing nothing but I don’t want to go back to school cause I hated it when I was in the normal schooling you get as a kid. In 2 years it will be my 10year anniversary of me graduating hs (gagggggggg) and in that same time I’ll literally be 30.
I don’t have friends where I live. My only friends are honestly my internet friends or ppl I went to hs with and they all live in nc for the most part so seeing them is like mad slim chances.
I know I need a job believe me I do but I HATE leaving my house like I dislike having to go. I just need to talk to my dad about it cause I know he would each me and everything. I also know his boss would hire me if I was able to do that they currently do. Plus it would help cause I’d then be able to have fucking health insurance currently don’t have that 🙃 haven’t for a while honestly.
I need to talk with my dad and get him to teach me how to do what he does for work in the designing websites and stuff cause I know that if I asked his boss he’d literally hire me. I’m good with computers and everything like that so I feel like maybe I could do that.
I’m waiting for my reprint of my nc drivers license so I can go get my Maryland one bc I need that and we also have to do the passports for the cruise next year (which I’m ngl I’m gonna have ptsd from cruises now) that ptsd won’t go away until til after both dogs are g
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chweverni · 3 months
💌Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome.💌
YOU DID NOT JUST DO THAT OMG i love making me some nice cool and pretty friends (u bein one of em <33) im sending this right back at chu bc you, are litch one of the sweetest person ik on this app too :)) <3 sending lots of love hugs and kisses hun !!!!!!!
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heres baby kitty ricky for u ! :3
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gothamxwattpad · 9 months
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Hey look! It’s @iiep-wop
Ipppppppppp wooooooopppppp is here now!
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babycapitalist · 11 months
hello sid :3 checking in on sone of my mooties
hru <3 i hope everything is going well, and make sure you drink some water!!
HII MERI MY LOVELY ANGEL IM SO GOOD!!! just ate brownies and drank water listening to taylor rn <3 im happy HOW ARE YOU MY LOVELY
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ceyrann · 2 years
Pass the happy! ✨ When you get this, reply with 6 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications! <333 (no pressure ofc!!) (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
I can't really think of what genuinely makes me happy at this time and for the past few times that's why this ask is in my inbox for the longest time ever. But anyways,,,
Cheese pudding. I was kinda upset and I ate this and even it didn't really completely lift me up it still helped a bit
Warm drinks. Like hot chocolate or hot milktea or hot caramel latte. Especially on a rainy day, where I just sit by the window and look out, pretending like I'm the main character in some anime.
People randomly dropping messages. Like... "Hey I saw this cat and I remember you like 'em so here's a pic", or "HOLY SHIT THIS MAKE UP LOOKS BOMB", or "this is a nice design for a tattoo keep this in mind", or even "meowowowowow". It's like I'm on their mind and I'm actually... There.
Music. I love music. Recently I noticed I love mashups cuz of the different layers of music and it makes my brain happy yeet.
Friends and family. Legit. Where will I be without them. Including my moots my online friends the people I have not talked to for a long time. They still have a special place in my heart I'mma go disturb Lenora and Ara and Niko in a while hehet.
ATEEZ and STRAY KIDS. I don't need to further explain on this.
Wht about yours?
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sassyjeankrs · 3 years
✨💛 This is the Amazing Person Award! Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask box of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you’re amazing inside and out. 💛✨
omg this is so cute I'm so happy I haven't received any cute messages like this in a while 😭😭😭 anti you're amazing too pls remember that and don't let anyone define you of who u are!! 💅🏻❤️
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merakiclosed · 3 years
I DEFINITELY would love to read a greek god series meraki 🥺🥺💗
haven't read one in so long but I bet it's gonna be amazing 💕💕💕
🥺🥺 Aza I'm so glad you like the idea of it!! I definitely do have ideas that I've started to write (accidentally not finishing my other WIPs that are planned. Oops XD)
Thank youuu lovelyyyy💕💕
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neonun-au · 4 years
For the writing ask: # 10, 24, 25 :)
hey omg!!!
10: which one of your stories or ocs would you want someone to write fanfic/draw fanart for? 
i’m not sure. if i had ocs that would be really cool. @velvet-alice already makes some effin’ gorgeous moodboards for some of my fics ;-; maybe the into the woods series/stories cause it meant someone read it and liked it enough to bother haha
24: what’s the first piece you remember writing?
I wrote and illustrated a short story in the first grade called Timothy’s Birthday Surprise and my teacher Mrs. Harris was so impressed she read it to the class :’) shout to to Mrs. Harris
25: don’t think, don’t hesitate, just write a few lines of the first thing that comes to your mind.
Wistful, longing. A finger laced around the ivory handle of a teacup. Steam pours forth from the contents inside, comforting and alluring all at once. A smile through the mist, hinting at what is to come. 
“What now?” She asks, though she knows the answer all too well. 
“Now,” he replies, thoughtful, “now we dance.” 
????? again i do not know
fklashgfa lol thank you sooooo much you’re the best ;A; 
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farceurcole · 2 years
Tagged By:
@making-my-wey-down-town (hehe thank thank) lets get this show on the road!
Favorite Color: Turquoise (sea-foam, teal, cyan, just about any blue-green color)
Currently Reading:Just about anything thats DCA related right now ( I must consume all the stories! Hehehe there will be no escape. )
Last Song: Whichever one is the last by the time i fin writing this post, sera was never (from “Dragon Age: inquisition”)
Last Movie: Charmed, b/c its witch time! With magic (and it wasn’t a scary thing to watch)
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: I like all of these! (not bitter stuff tho) But, I prefer spicy and savory foods. FOOD! FOOD! FOOD!
Sweet - ICE-CREAM! pancakes, cookies, carrot cake, etc
Spicy- chili, Buffalo chicken, just about anything i can put hot sauce on
Savory- Mac & cheese, chips, lasagna, potato’s, cheese broccoli, pasta just pasta! annnddd mooorrree~
Currently working on: I have a few ( many, to many ) DCA AU ideas, bot au, selki au, troublemaker au, the newest is trash jesters ( all thanks to @0-g-i hehe ) and i have 2 diff versions of it just b/c i haven’t decided on things yet aahhhh! … so i just gotta stop making more au’s an focus on the stories an plot…yay! Easy peasy lemon squeezy, right?! ( I have never actually written a coherent story before, gonna give it a swing tho hehe )
Art! Fanart, gotta fin all the ones i started. Oh-so many waiting to be fin hehe
Kinda wanna try making an au story with others
Tagging: Ummm… I’m actually kinda scared to try tagging others rn, my apologies ( an i see a few moots have already done one hehe ) so anyone who hasn’t done this or been tagged yet, an wants to give it a go, have at it!!! @yukiphobia24 @h0pef1lled @darklighthedgehog @sleepyjuniper
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Hehe thanks again!!!
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mandylove1000 · 4 months
Happy Valentine's Day!
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Happy Valentine’s Day lovey I hope you have a great day
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gothamxwattpad · 9 months
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Moots doing moot things.
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gothamxwattpad · 9 months
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gothamxwattpad · 9 months
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Goodnight my moots!
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gothamxwattpad · 9 months
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Can my moots guess what I picked? Lmfao
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babycapitalist · 11 months
Will you write like headcanons or something where you steal Ted Nivison's, Slimecicle's, and Jschlatts hoodies(Seperately) with a trans ftm reader or just a male reader. I would love if you had sfw and nsfw headcanons?
:D anon
:D anon this is a REALLY good ask!! however i'd suggest you send this ask to my moots who'd be able to write mlm fics !! @halo-u @d4ringv0id
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