embraphotos · 2 years
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Moredun, EH17
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aimeedaisies · 11 months
Court Circular | 31st October 2023
St James’s Palace
The Princess Royal, Patron, Moredun Foundation, this afternoon attended a Conference at Moredun Research Institute, Pentlands Science Park, Bush Loan, Penicuik, and was received by His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Midlothian (Lieutenant Colonel Richard Callander).
Her Royal Highness, Royal Patron, Leuchie Forever Fund, later attended a Reception to launch Leuchie House’s new strategy, the Signet Library, Parliament Square, Edinburgh, and was received by Mr Kingsley Thomas (Deputy Lieutenant of the City of Edinburgh).
The Princess Royal, Chancellor, the University of Edinburgh, this evening held a Chancellor’s Dinner at the Palace of Holyroodhouse and was received by Dame Susan Bruce (Deputy Lieutenant of the City of Edinburgh).
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grandmaster-anne · 2 years
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4 November 2022 "... I have been very fortunate to speak with HRH The Princess Royal and to gift her a print of this image - the beautiful Balmoral MacPhee. Princess Anne is a lovely lady who took time to view our calendar, showed a keen interest in our fundraising and our ponies. I was touched that she commented that her mother would have enjoyed this image. I also had some great conversations which will form great partnerships for the future, which will in turn raise more for our cause. ... Thank you to The Moredun Foundation and Equine Grass Sickness Fund for their kind invitation today..." © Heald Town Highland Pony Stud
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dreamermg · 11 months
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goatvetoz · 5 months
Sustainable Sheep Systems: Johnes Disease
See the maps of how widespread Johnes Disease is in Scotland  Goats get both the cattle and sheep strains .  Good news about the research planned though.  We desperately need better tests and a better vaccine.  Moredun developed the Barbervax vaccine so have great staff.  #goatvet #goatvetoz #Map
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agroemdia · 7 months
Pesquisa valida vacina contra verminose de caprinos e ovinos no Brasil
Medida preventiva não impede a infecção, mas aumenta a resposta do animal contra o verme hematófago H. contortus, pontua a Embrapa
Uma vacina capaz de ajudar o criador de caprinos e ovinos a controlar a verminose, principal problema sanitário desses rebanhos no Brasil, foi validada pela Embrapa em animais da região Nordeste e apresentou um nível de eficácia entre 80% e 90% nos ovinos, e entre 60% e 70% nos caprinos. A vacina, desenvolvida por pesquisadores do Moredun Research Institute (Escócia), é uma medida preventiva e…
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newswireml · 2 years
The microbiome inside the penis can be altered by vaginal sex#microbiome #penis #altered #vaginal #sex
A transmission electron micrograph of a colony of Gardnerella vaginalis, bacteria that are found in vaginas and the urethras of men who have vaginal sex MOREDUN ANIMAL HEALTH LTD/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY The male urethra – the tube through which urine exits the body – is home to an array of bacteria, some of which are probably picked up during vaginal sex. Evelyn Toh at the Indiana University…
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michaeljrea · 2 years
Moredunvale Projections
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Seeing one of my films projected on the side of a towerblock was a first for me, so i'm thrilled to share this project in collaboration with WAVEparticle and award-winning architects Anderson Bell & Christie who are leading a community project to improve an existing greenspace at Moredunvale for the City of Edinburgh Council.
The project will rejuvenate an existing 5 hectare greenspace to create an exciting new neighbourhood park. The project will improve accessibility within the park, provide play opportunities for a wide range of age groups, introduce new tree and meadow planting, and provide gathering spaces from which to enjoy uninterrupted views to Arthur’s Seat.
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Image: The outdoor projection event was a very effective way of raising awareness © Michael Rea .
A week long artist-led consultation event led by WAVEparticle was held during the Summer of 2022, where we ran workshops and interviewed local people about the project, to establish a range of priority park improvements. I made a short documentary film based on these interactions and it aims to tell the story of the space, why greenspace is important for people and what they would like to see happen.
Film: Short documentary about the greenspace and the changes people would like to see © Michael Rea .
The initial consultation and design work culminated in a wonderful outdoor projection event where the film and other visuals were projected onto the side of the tower blocks. It's a really intresting way to enegage communities with each other and think about the spaces they live in. And for a camera-geek like me, It also makes for very atmospheric night photography - this was defintiely something you won't see everyday!
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Image: The brilliant WAVEparticle team © Michael Rea .
Credits: The City of Edinburgh Council, Faithful + Gould, Anderson Bell & Christie Architects, WAVEparticle, TRANCND, Moredun Multi Residents Association, Gilmerton & Inch Community Council, Michael Rea (Video anf Photography)
All Images from the projection event can be viewed here on my Flickr page.
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xtruss · 2 years
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Stranded Dolphins May Be Getting Lost Because They Have Animal Alzheimer's Disease
— By Telegraph Reporters | 19 December 2022 • The Telegraph
Scientists examined the brains of different species of the aquatic mammal which ended up in dangerously shallow Scottish waters
A study found four animals from different dolphin species had some of the brain changes associated with human Alzheimer's disease
Dolphins may be getting stranded in Scottish waters because they are suffering from animal Alzheimer's disease, a study had suggested.
Scientists examined the brains of three different species of stranded dolphins, and they found them to show classic markers of human Alzheimer's disease.
The brains of 22 odontocetes, which had all been stranded in Scottish coastal waters, were analysed in research by the Universities of Glasgow, St Andrews and Edinburgh and the Moredun Research Institute in the Scottish capital.
The study, which is published in the European Journal of Neuroscience, included five different species - Risso's dolphins, long-finned pilot whales, white-beaked dolphins, harbour porpoises and bottlenose dolphins.
It found four animals from different dolphin species had some of the brain changes associated with human Alzheimer's disease.
The findings may provide a possible answer to unexplained live-stranding events in some odontocete species.
Group Leader May Have Become Confused
Study authors believe it could support the "sick-leader" theory, whereby an otherwise healthy pod of animals find themselves in dangerously shallow waters after following a group leader who may have become confused or lost.
Whales, dolphins and porpoises are regularly stranded around the coasts of the UK. They are often found stranded in groups, or pods, in shallow waters and sometimes on beaches.
While some animals can be moved to safer, deeper waters by teams of experts, other animals are less lucky and perish as a result. The underlying causes of live stranding events are not always clear, and research is ongoing to gain better insights.
For this study researchers examined stranded animals for the presence of the brain pathology that are part of the hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease, including the formation of amyloid-beta plaques, the accumulation of phospho-tau and gliosis (a change in cell numbers in response to central nervous system damage).
The results reveal that the brains of all of the aged animals studied had amyloid-beta plaques.
Three animals in particular - each from a different odontocete species - had amyloid-beta plaques as well as a number of other dementia-related pathologies in their brains, showing some species develop Alzheimer's-like neuropathology.
However, the study cannot confirm whether any of the animals would have suffered with the same cognitive deficits associated with clinical Alzheimer's disease in humans.
Lead researcher, Dr Mark Dagleish from the University of Glasgow, said: "These are significant findings that show, for the first time, that the brain pathology in stranded odontocetes is similar to the brains of humans affected by clinical Alzheimer's disease.
Further Research Required
"While it is tempting at this stage to speculate that the presence of these brain lesions in odontocetes indicates that they may also suffer with the cognitive deficits associated with human Alzheimer's disease, more research must be done to better understand what is happening to these animals."
Co-author, Professor Frank Gunn-Moore from the University of St Andrews, said: "I have always been interested in answering the question: do only humans get dementia?
"Our findings answer this question as it shows potential dementia associated pathology is indeed not just seen in human patients.
"This study is also a great example of both different research institutes, but also different branches of the Life Sciences working together."
Professor Tara Spires-Jones, of the University of Edinburgh, said: "We were fascinated to see brain changes in aged dolphins similar to those in human ageing and Alzheimer's disease.
"Whether these pathological changes contribute to these animals stranding is an interesting and important question for future work."
All animals in this research were studied after a stranding event. Marine Scotland and Defra fund post-mortem examinations, via the Scottish Marine Animal Stranding Scheme, of cetaceans (including odontocetes), pinnipeds and marine turtles that strand and die in Scottish coastal waters.
The paper, 'Alzheimer's disease-like neuropathology in three species of oceanic dolphin' is published in the European Journal of Neuroscience.
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eidiseis-news · 2 years
Σημάδια Αλτσχάιμερ και στον εγκέφαλο δελφινιών ανακάλυψαν οι επιστήμονες
Σημάδια Αλτσχάιμερ και στον εγκέφαλο δελφινιών ανακάλυψαν οι επιστήμονες
Οι ερευνητές των πανεπιστημίων της Γλασκόβης, του Σεντ Άντριους και του Εδιμβούργου, καθώς και του Ινστιτούτου Ερευνών Moredun, οι οποίοι έκαναν τη σχετική δημοσίευση στο ευρωπαϊκό περιοδικό νευροεπιστήμης “European Journal of Neuroscience”, μελέτησαν με νεκροψία τους εγκεφάλους 22 δελφινιών που είχαν όλα βρεθεί σε παράκτιες περιοχές της Σκοτίας. Από αυτά, σε τέσσερα ηλικιωμένα ζώα από τρία είδη…
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embraphotos · 2 years
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Moredun Park Road, EH15
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grandmaster-anne · 2 years
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The Princess Royal’s horses at Gatcombe: ‘They have to do something useful’
By Kate Green | Published 2 August 2020
HRH The Princess Royal has been involved with horses throughout her life. Kate Green went to Gatcombe Park to speak to her about the steeds which she keeps at her home estate today.
The Princess Royal’s name almost inevitably conjures up images of animals. Her glittering equestrian career — which includes a European championship individual gold medal as well as an Olympic appearance — is world famous, but The Princess pour her energies into many more creatures. Some 30 of her 200-plus charitable patronages relate to animals, and in this week’s Country Life — which The Princess guest edited — you can read about the sheep, pigs, chickens and cattle that she keeps on her estate, Gatcombe Park.
Kate Green’s article also — naturally — includes a section on the horses of Gatcombe, which you can read below.
There has been a new arrival — a little chestnut Thoroughbred colt foal, Reel Fashion, by jumping sire Schiaparelli out of Gatcombe mare Fiddle Faddle.
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The new foal by Schiaparelli. Sarah Farnsworth/Country Life Picture Library
The Princess’s equestrian career is forever synonymous with eventing — she won the European title in 1971, a clutch of medals and was a member of the British team at the Montreal Olympic Games in 1976 — but she also rode winners on the Flat and over jumps as an amateur jockey and her horse-breeding interests centre around the National Hunt world. ‘They have to do something useful,’ she remarks.
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Some of the horses at Gatcombe, including a Suffolk punch. Photograph: Sarah Farnsworth / © Country Life Picture Library
There are plenty of event horses around, too: The Princess’s daughter, Zara Tindall, herself a former European champion and a world and Olympic medallist, has hers at nearby Aston Farm and Tom McEwen, who, if things were normal, might reasonably have expected to be at the Tokyo Olympics right now, is the latest in a long line of fine horsemen to make Gatcombe their eventing base.
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Princess Anne with some of her horses. Photograph: Sarah Farnsworth / © Country Life Picture Library
Amid a field of bay Thoroughbred fillies, Winnie, the Suffolk mare, cuts an imposing, solid presence. She’s also friendly — and curious, enthusiastically nibbling the windscreen wipers.
‘I bought her grandmother from the Hollesley Bay Colony Stud in Suffolk when they sold up,’ explains The Princess, who is patron of the Suffolk Horse Society, founded in 1877.
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Gunner the terrier and the suffolk punch exchange greetings. Photograph: Sarah Farnsworth / © Country Life Picture Library
These striking heavy horses, with their rich chestnut coats and paler, flaxen or silver manes and tails, were bred to work the clay soil of East Anglia, but the difficulty of finding a role for them outside ploughing and timber hauling means that they are classified as ‘critical’ on the RBST watchlist.
One potential outlet is as steady, careful mounts for Riding for the Disabled, another of The Princess’s long-time patronages. ‘Lockdown has been very hard on families with disabled children,’ she points out. ‘The number of parents who say their children’s behaviour has improved thanks to riding is striking.’
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Princess Anne with the Suffolk Punch. Photograph: Sarah Farnsworth / © Country Life Picture Library
The Princess’s animal charities
Much of The Princess Royal’s charitable work is concerned with farming, rural life and horse welfare. Here is the list of those charities and organisations:
Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, Patron
English Rural Housing Association, Patron
Farms for City Children, Patron
Gloucestershire Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs, Patron
Gloucestershire Old Spots Pig Breeders’ Club, Patron
Harper Adams University, Chancellor
Institute of Meat, Fellow
International Sheep Dog Society, Patron
Moredun Foundation, Patron
National Equine Forum, President
National Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs, Life Vice President
The National Pony Society, Patron
Racing Welfare, President
Riding for the Disabled Association, President
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, Patron
Royal Agricultural Society of the Commonwealth, President
Royal Northern Agricultural Society, Patron
Scotch Beef Club, President
Scottish National Fat Stock Club, Patron
Shorthorn Society, Patron
Suffolk Horse Society, Patron
The Horse Trust, Patron
The Oxford Farming Conference, Honorary President
The Pony Club, Patron
The Royal Three Counties Show, Patron
The Whitley Fund for Nature, Patron
Working Clumber Spaniel Society, President
World Horse Welfare, President
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jerseydeanne · 3 years
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wilson048 · 2 years
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Get Event Magician in Moredun
Now it’s a Party A party is the perfect time to hire a Event Magician in Moredun and Jack can demonstrate his skills at your event.
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goatvetoz · 1 year
Great news. Moredun leads £6m sheep parasite vaccine project with Australian partners (Meat and Livestock Australia and University of New England).  Mordun researchers invented Barbervax.
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jackmoorejan20 · 5 years
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If you want to hire Wedding Magician in Moredun, then visit here: https://is.gd/jackbryceelitemagician
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