#Moses had a difficult ministry
leonbloder · 29 days
The Truth About The Beatitudes
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Recently, I came across a quote from an essay in 2004 by the late Kurt Vonnegut that resonated with me, so I thought I would share it and reflect on it a bit: 
For some reason, the most vocal Christians among us never mention the Beatitudes. But, often with tears in their eyes, they demand that the Ten Commandments be posted in public buildings. And of course that’s Moses, not Jesus. I haven’t heard one of them demand that the Sermon on the Mount, the Beatitudes, be posted anywhere.  “Blessed are the merciful” in a courtroom? ​“Blessed are the peacemakers” in the Pentagon? Give me a break!
Twenty years ago, Vonnegut spotlighted a severe problem of American Christianity, which has since become a tragedy.  
What constitutes mainstream Christianity in America right now seems absolutely devoid of Jesus' teachings, and even when Jesus is mentioned, the Jesus that is depicted, described, and lifted up doesn't resemble the Jesus of the Gospels in the least.  
The Jesus that far too many Christians seem to imagine is not only white but is absolutely jacked and wearing jeans, ready to take down anyone who disagrees with him.  Kind of like this: 
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Or maybe negotiating a business transaction like this: 
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The above painting has always intrigued me. What is the businessman on the right saying? "I'd like you to meet my COO, Jesus. He'll take over the nuts and bolts of this multi-million dollar acquisition from here."  
Look, I'm not trying to say that I believe Jesus was a kind of hippie guru, creating a cult following full of people with flowers in their hair and folk songs on their lips.  
But he probably would have had more in common with Pete Seeger than Kid Rock. 
Kurt Vonnegut nailed it perfectly. The Beatitudes from Matthew chapter 5 begin what is known as the Sermon on the Mount and are some of Jesus's most daring and radical teachings during his three-year ministry. 
3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit,     for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 4 Blessed are those who mourn,     for they will be comforted. 5 Blessed are the meek,     for they will inherit the earth. 6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,     for they will be filled. 7 Blessed are the merciful,     for they will be shown mercy. 8 Blessed are the pure in heart,     for they will see God. 9 Blessed are the peacemakers,     for they will be called children of God. 10 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,     for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
I'm with Vonnegut.  Can you imagine having these words on display in public places?  Can you imagine Christians doing their best to place these words in government buildings to remind those who walk the hallowed halls of justice, power, etc., of what true religion is really all about? 
These are the forgotten, glossed-over, and explained-away words of the One whom so many Christians claim to follow. The seemingly pervasive belief in mainstream American Christianity is that the Beatitudes belong on Hallmark cards or tiny motivational signs in the kitchen.  
Because it's not cool to be poor in spirit. 
It's not strong to be meek.  
It's better to hunger and thirst for power than righteousness (justice).   
Mercy is for the weak. 
Peacemakers never win.  
This highlights a startling truth about Christianity: Following Jesus is not easy.  
It's not easy to resist the prevailing winds of triumphalism and Christian nationalism in our current culture and embrace Jesus' teachings about losing yourself to discover the kingdom of God. It's difficult to wade into conflict to make peace instead of a point. It's not easy to be merciful when mercy seems to take a back seat to retribution.  
But if we are to be followers of Jesus and adherents to his teaching, we must engage in the difficult task of actually believing what he taught and doing what he would have us do.  
May it be so.  And may the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all, now and forever. Amen.  
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mynewshq · 25 days
Rescind ban on Benin Republic varsity’s certificate, stranded students beg Tinubu
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A visually impaired widow and over 600 students of the ESM University, Benin Republic, and their parents have appealed to President Bola Tinubu to reverse the ban on the institution’s certificate in Nigeria. The distraught students who are on the scholarship of a faith-based organisation, ‘Omega Power Ministries’ and their parents cried to the General Overseer and their benefactor, Apostle Chibuzor Chinyere, in Port Harcourt, Rivers State on Friday, and lamented that the ban has brought agonies to them. The students and parents, while fighting back tears, said they were shocked when they received news about the Federal Government’s decision on the ESM University, Benin Republic. The undergraduates said withdrawing them from school when they were already making progress and after their benefactor had invested much in their education was tantamount to jeopardising their future. Speaking to newsmen, one of the parents of the distraught students and visually impaired widow, Mrs Josephine Hycienth, said it was a huge relief when her son benefitted from the scholarship to study at the Benin Republic University, decrying the hardship she was experiencing since her husband’s demise. She stated, “Nobody cares about us since after my husband’s death. I want President Bola Tinubu to come to our aid. They should not cancel their education. “If my son is allowed to come back home, nobody will assist in his education, I need the president to help.” On his part, a student of 200-Level Computer Science in the university, Moses Nicodemus, said he is already in the 200 level going to the 300 level, saying, “I came back to Nigeria for my Industrial Training only to hear that my school is not accredited.” He added, “That is why we are calling on our President to come to our aid. Our father (the cleric) has spent millions of naira on our education. We need help. We have tried to study to come out with good grades and certificates.” Chinyere disclosed that before sending the students to the institution, he personally went to the Federal Ministry of Education, Abuja to ascertain the credibility of ESM University, and he received a positive affirmation. While expressing dismay at the development and the turn of events, he appealed to the wife of the President, Senator Oluremi Tinubu, to prevail on her husband to consider the danger of abruptly stopping the students’ education. Chinyere stated that he has invested hugely in the academic development of the students, emphasizing that the funds spent on them were the proceeds from church offerings and tithes which according to him he has vowed to use in capacity building and reaching out to underprivileged people. He said, “Before I started this scholarship, I personally went to the Ministry of Education, Abuja, to verify if ESM is accredited. Also to verify if the graduates of the school will be able to participate in NYSC in Nigeria. And all these were confirmed positive before I paid the first school fees. It was that guarantee that I got from the education ministry in Nigeria that made me send students on scholarships to the school in Benin Republic. “Yes, I have many students on scholarships in Nigeria; why send students to Benin and other countries for studies? The issue is that the system (government) made education very strenuous for students, and the government policies made education very difficult. Every day, people come to my house for scholarships: less-privileged, widows, orphans etc. I have more than 4,000 students currently on scholarships right now. I am not talking about the people that have graduated. “Only in the Benin Republic alone, I have spent more than N500m from offerings and tithes that come to the church. I am not talking about other places. Do you want this money to go and they will come and start afresh? There are ways you can assist these students by strengthening the policy instead of putting more burdens. “Please President Bola Tinubu, I know you are a father. Look at these parents, look at these children and reconsider. Let this policy be reversed so that these children can return to school. “They are supposed to go back to school this September. Putting in money for them again from the beginning is not possible. These monies are from offerings and tithes to help people.” Read the full article
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steveezekiel · 3 months
"BEHOLD, I WILL DO A NEW THING, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert."
Isaiah 43:19 (NKJV)
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* If there is a need to stop what you are doing and start all over again, I will enjoin or admonish you to do it.
- God can stop a thing and start afresh or all over again (Exodus 32:10; Numbers 14:12).
- If God started a thing and is not going the way He wanted it, or the thing you are instructed to do is not being done the way He had projected it; He would not hesitate to stop or scatter it, and start afresh or all over again (Genesis 6:7,8; 9:1).
- If what you are doing is dragging and had become a burden, you might need to consider stopping It and get back to God in order to know or receive a clear mandate or instruction from Him.
- Consider this, having a Time to mend your net. It will make it easier for you in getting better results because being able to catch more fish requires the mending, thus, you would need to pay attention to your net (Matthew 4:21).
- To avoid toiling and dissipation of energy, you have to do the needful—put things in order to be able to produce maximally.
* Consequently, If you are being nudged or urged to make a U turn or stop and start all over again or afresh, on whatever you are doing; please do not hesitate to do that.
- God can stop or permit to be scattered or destroyed, in order to start afresh again; especially If what He projected is not materializing or becoming a reality.
- If what God saw before starting a thing is not transpiring, He would have no choice or option than to stop and start afresh or all over again.
- What God had in mind is what He gave as a vision to whoever He wanted to use for a particular Assignment: "... JUST AS MOSES WAS WARNED BY GOD WHEN HE WAS ABOUT TO ERECT THE TABERNACLE; FOR, “SEE,” HE SAYS, “THAT YOU MAKE ALL THINGS ACCORDING TO THE PATTERN WHICH WAS SHOWN YOU ON THE MOUNTAIN” (Hebrews 8:5 — New American Standard Bible).
- If the person assigned started and still not building according to what God had in mind before assigning the person, He would not hesitate to stop the him or her and the work. God does such a thing that the sent one or the assignee might come back to Him and receive a clear direction.
* Whatever is called a vision, was primarily a burden in God's mind, before He conveyed it to whoever; a person, a believer, who shares His view on it.
- To the person given the assignment, It was a vision, but initially a Burden in God's heart or mind.
- If whatever someone is building does not correlate or agree or sync with what God had in mind before given the vision to the person, the believer, such a person and the work would be stopped and called to order, and be redirected to the right path.
- This changing of a course or direction is usually challenging—a difficult phase in the life of a minister whom God is demanding to do it. Some who could not get it right are out of the ministry work because of it.
- In addition, do not be afraid of starting all over again. It is better to be on the right path, having God walking with you, than to be on a wrong path where you are on your own, without God's backing.
- It takes humility or meekness to accept that you are wrong, that you have not been on the right path, but If you did accept your mistake and cooperate with God to direct and lead in a right path, the latter end would be great and glorious—would be fulfilling: "HE LEADS HUMBLE PEOPLE TO DO WHAT IS RIGHT, AND HE TEACHES THEM HIS WAY" (Psalm 25:9 GOD’S WORD Translation).
* You will not fail in Jesus' name.
- Should there be any ailment in your body, I declare your healing now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
- Whatever is not planted by God, working against your health, is rooted out completely in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
* Take notice of this:
IF you are yet to take the step of salvation, that is, yet to be born-again, do it now, tomorrow might be too late (2 Corinthians 6:1,2; Hebrews 3:7,8,15).
a. Acknowledge that you are a sinner and confess your Sins (1 John 1:9); And ask Jesus Christ to come into your life (Revelation 3:20).
b. Confess that you believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord, and that you confess it with your mouth, Thus, you accept Him As your Lord and Saviour (Romans 10:9,10).
c. Ask that He will write your name in the Book of Life (Philippians 4:3; Revelation 3:8).
- If you took the steps As highlighted above, It means you are saved—born-again. Join a Word based church in your area and Town or city, and be part of whatever they are doing there. Peace!
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wolint · 4 months
Judges 18
Recognizing God as the source of life and everything else is encouraged throughout the Bible, while knowledge and wisdom are emphasized. Isaiah, God’s prophet, repeatedly pointed to God as the origin of all we are and all we know. Solomon also acknowledged that the fear of God is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom. When we recognize God as our source, it changes our perspective on work and allows us to appreciate the skills and interests He has given us. In essence, everything comes from God, and acknowledging Him as our ultimate source is essential. So, seek wisdom and understanding from God, for He is the perfect and timely source for all our needs.
The opening verse of our chapter should break our hearts because that disconnection from God is what causes anarchy and wickedness, the type we see all over the world today.
We seek God here, there, and everywhere, without considering what He says in 1 John 4:1, “Dearly loved friends, don’t always believe everything you hear just because someone says it is a message from God: test it first to see if it really is. For there are many false teachers around.” The Lord wants us to test every spirit, decree, prophecy, and seemingly godly promises, especially in today’s manipulation of the scriptures.
We all need and require resources for various things in life, some mundane, bizarre, necessary, or vital, but regardless of what we need and what for, God is our ultimate source.
Do you know the source?
If you’re in ministry, you must know the sources of the resources you’re using for God’s work; otherwise, you will place a gag on yourself in doing God’s work effectively.
The tribe of Dan was “seeking” a place of settlement, forgetting that God had already allocated them their land inheritance in Joshua 19:40-51.
And as usual, when we walk outside of God’s will and plans, things become messier as we progress. The Danites were looking for what they thought was a more suitable source, just like so many of us. But there are no sources outside God, only resources.
Our resources are given to us by God and not because of our ability, talent, or skills. Moses made excuses because he felt inadequate for the job God asked him to do in Exodus 3. It was natural for him to feel that way. He was inadequate all by himself. But God wasn’t asking Moses to work alone. He offered other resources to help (God Himself, Aaron, and the ability to do miracles). God often calls us to tasks that seem too difficult, but He doesn’t ask us to do them alone. God offers us His resources, just as He did for Moses. We should not hide behind our inadequacies, as Moses did, but look beyond ourselves to the great resources available. We make mistakes when we stop or don’t follow the leading of the Holy Spirit; our errors stem from either ignorance or laziness, and we miss out on God’s best for us when we seek someone or something as our “source.”
Do you know your source?
There are so many people, groups, and organizations giving out money and other much-needed resources today, there are more available purses to draw from, enough for many of us to forget that anything man gives is temporary and just a resource.
God didn’t and would not take it lightly when we ignore Him as our source, as seen in Isaiah 31:1, saying “Woe unto him who goes down to Egypt for help, who rely on horses, who trust in the multitude of their chariots and in the great strength of their horsemen, but do not look to the Holy One of Israel or seek help from the Lord.” This phrase carries a weight of warning and consequence and serves as a caution against seeking worldly solutions and resources without turning to God.
Unfortunately, God hasn’t released kingdom resources to so many of us because we have our eyes on everything but God as our source. Everything depends on God!
Do you know your source?
PRAYER: Father, help me to recognize You as my source and acknowledge the godly resources You’ve blessed me with in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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barbaramoorersm · 7 months
March 3, 2024
March 3, 2024
Third Sunday of Lent
Exodus 20: 1-17
Moses shares God’s law with the Jews.
Psalm 19
The psalmist praises God’s Law.
First Corinthians 1: 22-25
Paul speaks of the weakness and foolishness of God
John 2: 13-25
John shares his account of the cleansing of the Temple and Jesus states that his body is a temple that will be destroyed but raised up in three days.
In our first reading from Exodus, Moses shares God’s law with the people. And as you listen to its content, God and neighbor are central to the Law and commandments. All the people are called to the same responsibilities no matter their age, status, or income.  But by Jesus day some 613 laws and rules had evolved regarding these commandments.  Depending on one’s income and status there were levels of obedience to these rules that one was able to observe.
The “cleansing of the temple” is recorded by all the Gospel writers.  John’s Gospel shares the story in a very early chapter of his work and the others tell the story later in Jesus’ ministry. Of all the Gospels, John’s work contains the longest description of the event. 
John’s Gospel composed later that the other three, is written to a faith community.  They had decade to reflect on the life and resurrection of Jesus and John’s Gospel is the only one that has Jesus during this event, compare himself to the Temple that would be destroyed, and that he would be raised.  John’s community knew that statement to be true.
John’s Gospel is calling for a change of behavior.  The Passover is near and hundreds travel to the Temple in Jerusalem.  And for convenience and other’s profit, they can secure in that holy place the animals necessary for sacrifice.  That need involves the exchange of coins and I am sure some difficult decisions for Jews.  Roman coins probably made their way to the Temple ‘s money changes and they presented problems for Orthodox Jews.  The Emperor’s face was on them.  Moses’ law as presented in the first reading states, “You shall not crave idols for yourself in the shape of anything….”
But perhaps the deeper issue is the growth and gradual reconstitution of the Temple by Herod that brought so many to Jerusalem and there were those who would take advantage of people.  It is difficult to envision Jesus with a whip driving out money changers, buyers, and sellers.  But today he does!
I have mentioned before the new book by Tim Alberta entitled, “The Kingdom, the Power and the Glory” which describes the ways in which some churches in recent history have been captured by the dollar and taken advantage of faithful people.   As I read it, I found myself thinking that we are in some cases, again in the Temple, where Jeus took a stand against many, taking advantage of poor and the purpose of that holy place.  Imagine the impact Jesus’ gesture creates all around him.   Perhaps some felt fear as they watched him and yet, John indicates that,” many began to believe in his name when they saw the signs he was doing.”  And so, we have the law given to the ancient Jews through Moses and we have Jesus indicating that the law’s meaning was being violated by Temple practices.
How do these two readings speak to us as modern Christians.  Tim Alberta offers us one path to take.  He urges Christians to be aware of churches that lose their original call and resort to practices that take advantage of people.   Paul, in his letter to the Corinthians offers us another piece of advice.  Like his first century audience, Paul offers Corinthians and us an important message.  Christ is foolish to some and a stumbling block to others because of the basic message he shares with all of us.  “Love God and our neighbor as ourselves.”  Some see this statement as impossible and perhaps too simple and foolish.  But Paul shares that God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength.”  That statement says volumes.   We value human strength and avoid weakness but God’s and God’s ways turn these realities upside down.  Love which appears as weakness for many is now the solution God shares as we try to live out our daily lives.
In the coming months solutions to the Ukraine war and the war between Israel and the Palestine will occupy our minds and hearts as well the intensity of upcoming elections. 
As we listen, pray, study the issues, and reflect on possible solutions, may the “foolishness of God and the weakness of God” be our model.  For in the foolishness and weakness of God we will find the wisdom and strength to make good and life-giving decisions because God’s actions flow from love, care for the vulnerable and a call for peace and justice.
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the-single-element · 7 months
Good morning.
Today, our Lenten readings continue with not one, but two famous - but difficult to understand - events. The Good News is of the Transfiguration: an overwhelming, bewildering mystical experience, and one of the few things from Jesus's ministry that he successfully kept under wraps until after he'd finished his ministry. Meanwhile, our Torah excerpt is that famous, troubling story of Abraham nearly offering his son as a human sacrifice.
But while both of these stories are famous ones, at first it seems like the only common thread is that they take place on a mountaintop, and God's voice is involved. Why pair them? What are we meant to learn from Abraham's scandalous loyalty, in relation to Jesus's transfiguration?
I'll start with what might be an overly bold contention, but one that seems at least credible to consider: we know that God tested Abraham by asking for the offering up of Isaac, but we are not told if he passed.
Credit where it's due: this is a Jewish argument, albeit a minority one for which I can't find a proper citation. But the logic goes, that Abraham - who argued with God on behalf of condemned Sodom and Gomorrah lest the innocent be slain with the guilty - ought to have argued for his own son as well. Abraham - to whom God had promised that "it is through Isaac that descendants will bear your name" - ought to have challenged God for going back on his oath.
Indeed, there is evidence that the astonishingly close relationship Abraham had with God (as the only person whom the TaNaKh refers to as God's "friend" rather than "servant") grew more distant after that mountaintop trial. Before that, God often spoke to Abraham directly. And those conversations were often debates, with no apparent wedge driven between the two as a result. In contrast, it was an angel who stayed Abraham's hand, and we never hear of God speaking to him again after that. And Abraham's recompense for his loyalty seems little more than what God had already promised him.
This logic perhaps stands in contrast to the most natural way for a Christian to approach the Binding of Isaac; early Christian writers often described Jesus's crucifixion as God the Father offering God the Son as a sacrifice. Indeed, the Hebrews essayist came to the conclusion that Abraham's behavior only made sense in the context of the Resurrection, since "maybe Isaac will come back to life" would, if nothing else, resolve the contradiction of how God's promise could be fulfilled through a dead boy. As popular as this framing is, though, it ignores a rather important broken parallel between Jesus and Isaac: Jesus went willingly, but Isaac was deceived and then forcefully subdued by his father, rather than Abraham even warning Isaac what God had commanded.
With this in mind, let's return to the miracle of the Transfiguration, and consider what we see there: once again, we see God in conversation. The titans of the TaNaKh - Moses and Elijah - are there, discussing something with Jesus... whose form has changed, been glorified, but who is still recognizable as a human being.
...in this world, when God draws near to us, we often shrink from him in fear. "Let us not again hear the voice of the LORD, our God," said the children of Abraham, once, "nor see this great fire any more, lest we die." Even Peter - clumsily eager as always - in the end reacts to the vision on that mountaintop in terror.
But we, who didn't have to experience it firsthand like him, should instead take it as a sign of hope. The vision on that mountaintop was a vision of the Kingdom; how else should we interpret what the apostles are seeing - Jesus transfigured, and the presence of two holy men, one who died, one who entered heaven alive? And this means that, even in the Kingdom, God wants the kind of relationship with human beings that he once had with Abraham and then perhaps lost: a relationship where he can speak to us directly, as he did to Jesus's friends on the mountain. Jesus's willingness to come to us as a human being, as we discussed last week, should, then, be our permission to draw near to God instead of shrinking in fear. Our permission to have an honest relationship with God, even the kind that's willing to argue back like Abraham once did, to challenge him, so that we can better understand the whys and justifications for his actions (which, after all, Jesus has invited us to do, if we are his friends like Abraham was). If it is God who acquits us, as Paul puts it today, what are we afraid of? Should we not be willing to be honest with the one who already knows our hearts better than we do?
Lent is a time of discipline, but it's also a time for getting our relationship with God straightened out. Of drawing closer to God, "seeking him while he may be found". It's an opportunity to renew our own covenants with God, so that, strengthened by that relationship, we may be more eagerly ready to act upon it in the world. If that's so, then today, in that context, is a reminder that we are God's friends, not his slaves, and that he wants a relationship of love between us, if only we're willing to approach him in active love (the foundation of the Kingdom, as we've said) and not in cowed fear.
Best wishes and blessings to you and yours.
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princeofgod-2021 · 10 months
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John 1:4
4. Most Prophets have had difficult lives of personal self-discipline, denials and sufferings.
Heb 11:36-38 And others had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings; yes, more, of bonds and imprisonments. They were stoned, they were sawed in two, were tempted, were slain with the sword. They wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins, being destitute, afflicted, tormented. The world was not worthy of them. They wandered in deserts and mountains and dens and caves of the earth. MKJV
God just called Moses into the cloud and I’m sure he didn’t know he’d be there for 40 days without food or water.
Maybe then he would have told the people.
Such is the life of a Prophet.
Exo 24:16,18 And the glory of the Lord was resting on Mount Sinai, and THE CLOUD WAS OVER IT FOR SIX DAYS; AND ON THE SEVENTH DAY HE SAID MOSES' NAME OUT OF THE CLOUD…And Moses went up the mountain, into the cloud, and WAS THERE FOR FORTY DAYS AND FORTY NIGHTS. BBE
Did you notice that Moses first waited for 7 days before God even had him proceed?
I guess that must have been for his consecration before he was even worthy to ascend the mountain.
5. True Prophets are mostly hated because they don’t commonly say what people like to hear.
Their functionalities mostly involved warning people about impending dangers and judgment.
Agabus spoke twice in Acts: 1st to warn of Famine and next about Paul’s imprisonment.
This is why people are commonly afraid of True Prophets.
1Sa 16:4 Samuel did what the LORD told him to do and went to Bethlehem, where the CITY LEADERS CAME TREMBLING TO MEET HIM AND ASKED, "IS THIS A PEACEFUL VISIT, SEER?" GNB
6. Lastly here, Prophets are commonly very lonely people because their lives are too enigmatic and complicated to comprehend.
They rarely dwell in the midst of people.
Mat 11:9-10 Or DID YOU ENCOUNTER A TRUE PROPHET OUT IN THE LONELY WILDERNESS? YES, JOHN WAS A PROPHET LIKE THOSE OF THE PAST, BUT HE IS EVEN MORE than that! He was the fulfillment of this Scripture: See, I am sending my prophetic messenger who will go ahead of me and prepare hearts to receive me. TPT
John the Baptist’s family were neither paupers nor homeless, but he separated himself to God.
Luk 1:80 Afterward, their son grew up and was strengthened by the Holy Spirit and he grew in his love for God. JOHN CHOSE TO LIVE IN THE LONELY WILDERNESS UNTIL THE DAY CAME WHEN HE WAS TO BE DISPLAYED PUBLICLY TO ISRAEL. TPT
They are also commonly found on Mountains or isolated places, far from people and dwellings.
They probably just feel nearer to God when they ascend Mountains.
2Ki 4:25 THE WOMAN WENT TO MOUNT CARMEL TO GET THE MAN OF GOD. The man of God saw the Shunammite woman coming from far away and said to his servant Gehazi, "Look, there's the Shunammite woman! ERV
Why treat this issue this seriously?
Many love to call themselves Prophets just because they see visions of the future or related experiences.
Can they “drink the cup” that Prophets drink?
Mar 10:37-38 “WE WANT TO SIT NEXT TO YOU WHEN YOU COME INTO YOUR GLORY,” they said, “one at your right hand and the other at your left.” Jesus said to them, “You don’t have a clue what you’re asking for! ARE YOU PREPARED TO DRINK FROM THE CUP OF SUFFERING THAT I AM ABOUT TO DRINK? And are you able to ENDURE the BAPTISM INTO DEATH that I am about to experience?” TPT
We like “seats of glory” and Labels of honour with engraved tags. We love to be seen as special with boisterous exploits in Ministry.
Apart from the error of pride, whatever honour you will receive as a Minister of the Gospel will have to remain within the scope of your own Ministry.
Rom 12:6-7 God’s marvelous grace IMPARTS TO EACH ONE OF US VARYING GIFTS AND MINISTRIES THAT ARE UNIQUELY OURS. So if God has given you the grace-gift of prophecy, you must activate your gift by using the proportion of faith you have to prophesy. If your grace-gift is serving, then thrive in serving others well. If you have the grace-gift of teaching, then be actively teaching and training others. GNB
There are GIFTS and then MINISTRIES.
If your CALLING is PROPHECY, go ahead, but you’ll definitely have the full experience and lifestyle of the Prophet.
But if it is a mere gift of Prophecy, use it along with your Ministry without tagging yourself as a Prophet. You will go into errors if you do.
Jer 29:9 They are prophesying lies to you and claiming my authority to do so. But I did not send them. I, the LORD, affirm it!’ NET
May God find us all in our individual place of Ministry when He comes, IN JESUS NAME.
Come back on Monday, for the last of this long but insightful Sub-Subtopic.
Keep Shinning!
Brother Prince
Friday, November 17, 2023
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lindajenni · 1 year
sep 29
decision making time ending soon
"to everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven." eccl 1:10
it's difficult for humans to imagine life without time. it is so critical to every area of our lives, and each have a limited amount of it. animals, precious to be sure, exist without a soul. they have no perception of time - no dread or hope of a tomorrow, only now. but we humans have a soul, a vacuum reserved for God or self. we know dread full well while only the wise have a hope in Christ.
we all have moments in our life, special times; a birth, the death of a loved one, maybe even a marriage - but there always come a deciding moment; a moment that changes everything. abraham had a moment when he offered up his beloved son in pure obedience. esau had a moment when he foolish sold his birthright for a hungry belly. moses had a moment when he decided to check out the fire burning on the mount of God. all of these were life changing. unfortunately, many don't recognize how important a "moment" can be.
all our lives are a ministry of sorts; to God or self. how's yours going so far? i want to read a short passage from one of my favorite authors, o.s. hawkins.
"an effective ministry of God's word will balance teaching doctrine, correcting false path, and instructing in godly living. some believers overemphasize doctrine: they are doctrinally sound, but living without power. others focus much on reproof or correction, apparently thinking it is their calling to reprove and correct everyone else. still others concentrate on "instruction in righteousness" 2 tim 3:26 to the exclusion of teaching doctrine, and thus they have no direction in life. an effective christian life is a balanced life, and God's word helps give balance to Ministry and to a person's life. so when you study the bible, do not judge it; it judges you. God's word has withstood the test of time and will be the Book of all books when all others have passed into obscurity."
we must all spend our time here, holding each second as precious and opportunistic. that's how our Lord lived; each moment - each word purposely spoken because He knew the weight of them and how they would be recorded and read down the centuries. our words do not carry such significance, but their importance remains. "but I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment." matt 12:36
Jesus, being God, had many life defining moments. as when He was tempted. Jesus was "showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time." luke 4:5 His victory in that moment led him on to know other moments, some joyful, some painful - all leading to the ultimate moment, our redemption and reconciliation with the Godhead.
there was a generation that lived in the time of Christ's first coming. like joseph, His identity was hidden from His brothers at the time. these were known as biblical times and we are that chosen generation to live in them once again.
the prophecy: "seventy weeks are determined for your people and for your holy city, to finish the transgression, to make an end of sins, to make reconciliation for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy, and to anoint the Most Holy." dan 9:24
beloved, this is our moment; a moment like no other, a generation like no other. many have made their decision, but know the game isn't over until time's up - then there will be crucial overtime period called the seventieth week. in the game of life one is allowed to switch sides at will if it is genuine. God is so merciful that way. but know this, our choice has consequences. one will lead to a beautiful eternity with our Creator - the other to unimaginable torment and regret. "oh, how they are brought to desolation, as in a moment! they are utterly consumed with terrors." psa 73:19
what will you do with your moment and how will your life reflect it? will it be indicative of the light of life? "true faith involves not just knowing Christ, but also developing and maintaining consistency between what we read and our conduct, our words, and our thoughts. faith and works are not contradictory to each other. in fact, in scripture we find them complimenting each other. may your life reflect your faith. make your moment count!
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shammah8 · 1 year
DEMONIC RESIDUE Have you ever heard someone say that they had been through a difficult trial or season in their life, yet somehow they did not look like they had experienced such a trauma? They had received supernatural grace to see them through it, and it showed because of the joy and peace on their countenance; they had been spiritually strengthened even in the midst of their troubles. Then there are others who share testimonies of overcoming certain challenges or difficulties, but it often seems like there is something missing from the equation. Why? When it comes to the healing of a wounded soul, the question is not what a person has gone through but rather how much of what they went through is left behind as “residue.”
The Bible says that the almighty God brought the Israelites out of Egypt “with a mighty hand…and with signs, and with wonders” (Deuteronomy 26:8). However, only about a year later, when Moses went up to Mount Sinai to receive the law of God, the Israelites compelled Aaron to make them a golden calf to worship, declaring, “These be your gods, O Israel, which brought you up out of the land of Egypt” (Exodus 32:4). Where did the Israelites get such a notion?
It was the residue of Egypt! Even the gold that was used to forge the calf came from their time in Egypt. (See Exodus 12:35–36; 32:2–3.) God is not merely interested in taking us out of Egypt; He wants to get Egypt out of us. Glory to God! Unfortunately, a false “grace” message has been perpetrated in the church, convincing people that because Jesus paid it all, there is nothing else for them to do in order to live in the freedom Christ won for them. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Bible says, Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. (2 Corinthians 7:1) This verse describes what we often call “sanctification.” The Greek word translated “cleanse” is katharizō, among whose meanings are “to remove by cleansing” and “to consecrate.” Even though our spiritual being is born again according to 2 Corinthians 5:17, we must apply the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit to our souls (mind, will, and emotions) in order to appropriate the kingdom of God in our lives in its fullness.
The accuser of the brethren often attempts to convince people that they are not really born again because they find themselves struggling in a certain area of their lives or being demonically attacked. This is not true. Instead, many times, this means we aredealing with residue in our souls—for example, old thoughts, suggestions, and patterns. The dictionary defines the word residue as “a small amount of something that remains after the main part has gone or been taken or used.”1 I am not suggesting that there is a small amount of the sinful nature left in you that Jesus’s blood did not cleanse you of when you were born again. Rather, I am saying that we often go through circumstances in our lives that have a tendency to leave behind a “residue” that must be addressed. In the Old Testament, God would often instruct the Israelites to wipe out the pagan inhabitants of the land so that there would be no residue of their presence that could come back to haunt them in the future.
Years ago, I went through a devastating season in ministry.
Honestly, at the time, I did not think my ministry would survive. By the grace of God, I made it through that difficult time, but I was negligent to consider the residue that remained. Then the Lord asked me, “Son, did you pay attention to what was left behind?”
Many pastors never get over an offense, a betrayal, or a church split because, long after the offender is gone, the spirit of offense that operated through them is still present. We must forgive and allow the fire of God to cleanse us from all hurt, disappointment, and bitterness that the enemy would attempt to operate through in the future.
As I have said in other contexts, we must do as David did and “cut off the head of Goliath” (see 1 Samuel 17:51) so that “giants” will not show up in future generations.☕️Kynan Bridges
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dailyaudiobible · 1 year
9/15/2023 DAB Transcript pt2
There is a tension and it's fair to acknowledge the tension that they had to wrestle with. On the one hand you have, you have Jesus, the Jewish Messiah who was a Jew, who was born Jewish, who grew up Jewish, who operated in a Jewish context, who did his ministry in that context. So, Hebrew believers couldn't imagine like abandoning their…their whole worldview and religious convictions surrounding the Mosaic law, especially since Jesus was a rabbi in the Jewish environment. On the other hand, Gentiles, had never known about Moses. They don't have this worldview. They don't know any of the rules and rituals that…that you would need to adhere to on like in a continual way as a Jew. So, it was hard to think about how these brothers and sisters who never really knew any of this, how they’re gonna be able to live up to something that people who were born into it, couldn't live up to. So, you got this theological and religious tension going on, but it's like even…even bigger than that. A lot of the Jew/Gentile problems were social, they were cultural. Jews…Jews kept to themselves. They…they separated themselves. They were not mixed in. So, they…they did not have cordial relationships with Gentiles. They looked at the Gentiles in their world as their oppressors because the Gentiles were Romans and Romans often were marginalizing and segregating the Jews. And so, that that…that creates a hierarchy in the culture. Like people groups that don't really shouldn't be seen together right. That stuff is still being wrestled with, which is ironic because most of the New Testament and Paul's writings are just railing against that kind of behavior. But because of the prejudice, because of the hierarchy, because of the fear between the people groups, they were not in any kind of position to have a meaningful, like familial, like he we are part of the same family of God. We got a look at each other as human beings, we are equals together in this kingdom. That’s very, very difficult thing. So, we have lots of believers trying to live in both worlds, and we got a pretty good glimpse of that tension in our reading today when Paul discussed…discussed a direct confrontation with the apostle Peter over his hypocrisy because he was acting one way among the Gentiles and then another way among the Jewish people. And so, we see that this was a tricky time. The thing is, what’s the big deal? Like if the big deal is who gets to be in, then that’s a conversation and that conversation was settled at the Jerusalem Council. But what's, why is Paul so uptight about this? Is it that he wants to be in control of the things that he founded, and is willing to sort of cause division and fight over it. I don't think so. I think what Paul's fighting for and he's fighting vigorously for this, is freedom. Because for Paul, the law was fulfilled in Jesus and all who believe in Jesus are included in that fulfillment. It was faith that mattered to Paul. We've already seen that, and we’ll see that throughout the rest of his writings. It was faith, not adherence to the law and these ethnic and hierarchical social constructs that are separating Jews and Gentiles.
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howcee777 · 1 year
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John 3:16
Joshua 21:20-22:34, Psalm 55:1-11, John 3:1-21
The gospel of John has a lot more editorial, it seems, than the rest of the gospel. I never really thought about it, but it does include a lot of analysis. It isn't clear where Jesus's words end and the analysis begins sometimes. I was startled in this passage to see the red letters of my bible end while theological teaching was still going on. The narrator, the disciple whom Jesus loved, added the part beginning with John 3:16, after Jesus talk with Nicodemus, a Jewish leader who was secretly fascinated by Jesus.
I like having this perspective, because if the author of this book is the disciple John, which is traditionally accepted (I think), then there is some valuable insight here as to what the early church thought about Jesus. There is good commentary on what the early church believed was the significance of Jesus's life and ministry. We can use it to affirm the consistency of our beliefs with those of the people who knew Jesus.
Jesus raises the concept of translation with Nicodemus. He says a bunch of cryptic things about being born again of the Holy Spirit, and then when Nicodemus says that he doesn't understand, Jesus replies that this is why he can't talk about heavenly matters, because Nicodemus still doesn't understand the earthly ones.
Sometimes I wish that Jesus would just explain things clearly. And then I remember that he did many times do this. People complain about him talking cryptically, but when the rich man asked what he should do beyond following all the laws of Moses, Jesus told him straight up to sell everything he had. He told tax collectors not to cheat people and those who were struck to turn the other cheek. Jesus did give many very clear instructions. His metaphors and cryptic language generally come when he is trying to explain the kingdom of God. And why would that subject not require many imperfect and confusing metaphors? We use metaphors all the time in hard science to talk about real things. These stories help us see patterns in some greater reality.
I'm not saying that the use of metaphors is indicative that what Jesus is saying is true, but that it is an acceptable method of conveying difficult concepts. One doesn't have to assume that Jesus is just being cryptic for the sake of it.
Besides, we like metaphor and parable. It allows us to project our own biases onto the story. It's Jesus's literal commands which are unsettling for Christians because we find it difficult to justify ignoring them.
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steveezekiel · 6 months
"THEY serve in a system of worship that is only a copy, a shadow of the real one in heaven. FOR when MOSES was getting ready to Build the Tabernacle, God gave him this warning: “BE SURE THAT YOU MAKE EVERYTHING ACCORDING TO THE PATTERN I HAVE SHOWN YOU HERE ON THE MOUNTAIN.”
Hebrews 8:5 (NLT)
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• God does not waste His words.
- God is a military, He is not a democrat, He rules by decrees (Exodus 15:3).
- He does not suggest, there is no suggestions in God's Word. He commands and instructs and whatever He said had to be obeyed or followed. His Word should be done without negotiation or deliberation.
- God does not speak to the multitudes in His relationship with His people. He relates with one person, and instructs the person what to tell the multitude (Exodus 19:3).
- When God singled out a person; separated or consecrated you, you become His mouthpiece with which He speaks to other people.
- If you were God's voice, your primary work is to hear from Him, and relay whatever He told you to others.
- The two pillars which I have shared on seed-sowing and vision are the major pillars of our Ministry. They are cardinal pillars.
- We have other pillars which I would call flexible pillars. God might be mild on these flexible ones when contravened. However, any contravention on the two major pillars attracts severe and terrible sanctions.
• What have you discovered in your walk with God?
- I have seen Ministers who do not have any practical, or working relationship, or fellowship, with God.
- If you do not have a Communion or Fellowship with God, it may be difficult for you to actually know God's specific pattern for your Ministry (Galatians 1:11,12).
- You would just be running your Ministry on general patterns or principles that you copied from other people.
- You would be running your Ministry with the Principles you had copied from someone who seems to be doing well in the Ministry. But the truth is, you cannot go far with such.
- With the idea of copying someone else's pattern, you cannot know the specific assignment God has for you, and the specific Anointing, which is unique, would not be on your life and the Ministry (Galatians 2:7-9).
- This specific Anointing would be a result of your years of walking in Obedience with God.
a. It is this Anointing that makes the difference in the Ministry.
b. It differentiates you from other Ministers.
c. It makes you God's treasures, special one, for that matter:
7 BUT on the contrary, WHEN THEY SAW THAT THE GOSPEL FOR THE UNCIRCUMCISED HAD BEEN COMMITTED TO ME [Paul], AS THE GOSPEL FOR THE CIRCUMCISED WAS TO PETER 8 (for He who worked effectively in Peter for the apostleship to the circumcised also worked effectively in me toward the Gentiles), 9 AND when James, Cephas, and John, who seemed to be pillars, PERCEIVED THE GRACE THAT HAD BEEN GIVEN TO ME, THEY GAVE ME [Paul] AND BARNABAS THE RIGHT HAND OF FELLOWSHIP, THAT we should go to the GENTILES and THEY to the CIRCUMCISED" (Galatians 2:7-9 NKJV).
READ: Malachi 3:17,18
• What do you know about God?
- What can you tell people about God in your personal experience as a minister, Not what you read in other people's books?
- Your personal experiences are your pillars, they are the areas which you had the anointing on your life.
- It has become a common thing now, every Minister asks people to Give, but how many Ministers had the anointing for Prosperity.
- How many financial deliverers we have in the Body of Christ?
- How many Ministers have the Mantle for Financial Abundance?
• Note: There are different Anointing put on each Minister. There is Anointing for Healings, Deliverance from demonic oppressions, and other Problems.
- There is a builder's Anointing, that is, to build physical Buildings.
- There is Anointing to pioneer a new work, a Church work, and raise it from the scratch to have hundreds, and thousands of branches.
- There is Anointing for mass crusades, with thousands of souls being saved, and signs and wonders.
• God has deposited different Anointing on each Minister of His.
- The fact that someone has a big Ministry does mean he would be a good financial mentor.
- In fact, such may not know anything about the Principles of financial Prosperity.
- If you are just starting in the Ministry work, know the core of your Ministry, and look for someone who has similar assignment, with God's Anointing on him and connect to Such.
- Anointing is transferable. It can be extended from one vessel to another.
- You attract:
a. the Anointing you Serve.
b. the anointing you Respect.
c. the Anointing you sow To.
- The Anointing you disdain can never Bless you nor be extended to you.
• What you discovered in your walking with God is what He would ask you to proclaim to other people about Him.
- That would be your MESSAGE, your emphasis, and it is what determines your audiences—the people who come to your Church, or come to your Meetings, or Ministry.
- If you do not want to be part of the multitude who are inconsequential, you need to settle This issue.
- What makes you different is the Mantle you carry, the oil, the Anointing on your life.
• Prayer
- You will not fail in Ministry.
- You will fulfil the purpose of your calling in the mighty name of Jesus.
- And, should there any ailment in your body, receive your healing now in Jesus' name.
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wolint · 1 year
2 Chronicles 33:10-13
1 Thessalonians 5:17 says we must pray always without ceasing while Luke 18:1 declares that “Man ought to always pray. Prayer is both a toil and travail, a battle and agony as uplifted hands grow tired long before the battle is won.
We must be dependent on God for everything, without Him, we can do nothing; if we always feel that dependence we will always be in the spirit of prayer and those who feel this spirit will, as frequently as possible, be found in the exercise of prayer.
When we pray ceaselessly, we are in effect, sowing into the future a preventive measure to counter whatever the enemy may bring our way.
We take certain medicines and precautions to prevent a medical problem, affliction and possibly death. In the same way, we must take the word of God to prevent the enemy from besting us.
When we pray, we are partnering with the Lord to change, divert, stop, and minimize the effect of a challenge but when we don’t pray, things happen that could either have been averted, changed, or stopped.
Sometimes, like Hannah in 1 Samuel 1, we have to pray for years to see the result of our prayers but imagine if she had not prayed.
Manasseh ignored the Lord and refused to pray but verse 12 says when he got into trouble, he had no option but to pray.
How often do we curatively pray instead of preventively pray?
Why do we wait until affliction is upon us to seek the Lord in prayer?
Prayer is not only to get God to do something for us, but it also includes us receiving strength for the journey, wisdom to act, the direction to go and the ability to overcome but we only get these through preventive not curative prayer.
Imagine the presiding angels shutting the gates and windows of prayer in heaven, lest your curative prayer should be heard.
In the first instance in times of need, almost everyone will pray desperately. Moses stood on the shores of the Red Sea in Exodus 14:15-18, surveying the panicking Israelites when they realized that Pharaoh’s Chariots were thundering down on them, but God’s response to them was “Why are you crying out to me? Who else was Moses meant to cry to? He hadn’t prayed into this; he had no idea of what the Lord was leading them to, but he still acted in faith.
“So I prayed to the God of heaven!” Nehemiah made preventive prayers for the difficult journey and task ahead of him, even before he made any plans.
We face daily challenges without the sublime energy that preventive prayer supplies or the restful confidence it gives.
Like chicken little, we wait until the sky is falling to begin to pray. Why not pray before the sky falls?
Abraham’s servant in Genesis 24:10-20 made a preventive prayer before embarking on the important journey of wife selection for Isaac.
The time we put in prayer, preventive prayer in our closet as Matthew 6:6 prescribes is the prayer that prepares us for battle before it comes, it’s what gives us hope of victory and anchors us so that the storms of affliction do not drown us.
Manasseh could have avoided capture and agony if he’d only prayed. But when we come to the Lord in repentance, the Lord is receptive to our prayer and answers us.
Pray always to prevent and not to cure.
PRAYER: Thank you Lord for always waiting to hear my prayer and promising to answer them in Jesus’ name.
Women of light international prayer ministries
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isaiah118 · 2 years
Take the Land - Do NOT Fear
Dear Family,
I have been hearing a particular Bible verse recently—so much so, that it has grabbed my attention. As we have entered into a New Year, it has become clear to me that this verse explains how God is leading RevelationMedia into 2023. 
This verse is from Deuteronomy Chapter 1. The Lord God had instructed the Israelites to go into the hill country of the Amorites, Canaan, and possess the land. However, the people asked Moses to send 12 spies into the land first. When the spies returned, 10 of them were afraid and did not believe that they could stand against the might of the Amorites. Their fear spread through the entire camp of the Israelites, and the people—all except Joshua and Caleb—did not trust God.
But Moses had spoken God’s instructions in verse 21:
This verse, Deuteronomy 1:21, is the verse that has come to me multiple times. This morning, while I was pondering it, I realized there are many “giants” before us. There are many practical reasons why it would be prudent for us to retreat and to not “take the land.”
There are many practical reasons why it would be prudent for us to retreat and to not “take the land.”
Inflation is rampant, and many large Christian organizations are having a difficult time financially. At the same time, our culture and its ideology continues to fight against the message of the Gospel. In the coming years, God’s Word is increasingly going to be considered “hate speech.” The ministry of RevelationMedia has now been permanently banned from Facebook, and I am certain that more social media sites will follow.
In a meeting I had just this week with a colleague who owns a Christian animation studio, he told me that many of his clients—yes, Christian ministries—are adjusting their productions so as not to “offend” and be targeted. This is happening more and more. 
Our support comes solely from you, our RevelationMedia family. When we look to take on a new project, we don’t initially have the funds in the bank or any guaranteed income projected to fund the project. When we expand our ministry outreach, we do so in faith and by faith alone.
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So, in many ways, I can understand looking at the obstacles in front of us and concluding “now is not the time to take on the giants and possess new lands.” But God has called us to a task we call “The Great Commission.” He has called us to reach every tribe and every people group. He has called us to reach all for Christ and to usher in His second coming! Now is not the time to retreat—now is the time to “take the land!”
Now is not the time to retreat—now is the time to “take the land!”
In the coming weeks and months, we will be sharing new ministry opportunities that God is bringing our way. These include undertaking new work in Ukraine, publishing more iBIBLE content around the world, and even launching an underground Christian publication in the Middle East!
This week at our headquarters in Richardson, TX, I wrote Deuteronomy 1:21 on a glass wall. It will become our theme for this year as we push forward and do not fear the social, financial, and other giants before us.
What giants are in the way of your taking the land God is leading you to take? Is fear holding you back, or is faith driving you forward? January is a great month for all of us to take inventory of our lives and what God is calling us to. Maybe write Deuteronomy 1:21 on a sticky note or on the bathroom mirror. Let it be a prayer for the new year.
“Our Father, please show us the land you would have us possess for Your kingdom. Help us not to fear and look at the obstacles but to trust and push onward for Christ!”
I know the new year will bring its challenges as we face the many giants this world throws at us, but we will strive to walk by faith and not fear. Thank you so much for taking this journey with us!
Steve Cleary     Founder/CEO    RevelationMedia
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girlactionfigure · 2 years
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Another side of Jerusalem Day.
This is a pic of my friend Naftali Aklum. His brother was an unsung Mossad agent and hero who was key to leading thousands of Ethiopian Jews from Ethiopia via Sudan to Israel in a secret Mossad operation.
For those who don't know, Jerusalem Day is also a memorial day for the ~4000 Jews of the Ethiopian community who died along the long dangerous journey to Israel.
In this pic on Mount Herzl, my friend stands at the memorial for the Ethiopian Jews who perished, while pointing at the name of his grandfather who perished in Sudan. May their memories be a blessing!
"The story of Ethiopian Jewry is an essential part of the story of Zionism and the history of the Jewish people," said Yair Shachal, secretary-general of Bnei Akiva. 
More about Naftali's hero brother here: 
More about the memorial day here:
On the 28th of Iyar (today's Jewish date), the State of Israel also marks the memorial day for members of the Ethiopian Jewish community who perished on their way to Israel.
A mass emigration of Ethiopian Jews ("Beta Israel") took place in the years 1980-1984, from their villages in the area of Gundar and through Sudan. Many of them, who had dreamed for many years of making Aliyah to Israel, managed to flee Ethiopia and arrive at the Ethiopian-Sudanese border, where they waited in provisional camps to make Aliyah. The passage through Sudan was made possible by an unspoken agreement, known only to a few senior officials in Sudan. Agents of the Mossad awaited the immigrants at the Sudanese border and instructed them to hide their Jewish identity.
On their escape routes and in the Sudanese camps, they suffered from disease, hunger and acts of harassment, rape, and violent robberies. The families, with their elderly and younger members, walked for long periods of up to several months and were forced to wait in refugee camps in Sudan for up to two years until they could be rescued and brought to Israel.
Approximately 4,000 members of the community perished on the way and in the camps, in their attempt to arrive at Israel. The instructions they were given by the Mossad agents to conceal their Jewish identity made it difficult for them to observe the laws of kashrut and ritual purity; in the desert, they could not bury their dead for fear of robbers, and in their camps, they could not perform Jewish burial ceremonies for fear of the Sudanese guards.
Operation Moses, the first national operation for bringing Ethiopian Jewry to Israel, began in November 1984. The operation was done in secret and brought over some 8,000 Ethiopian Jews on Israeli aircraft. A leak of information to the Israeli press brought the operation to an end before schedule. Many families were left behind, torn apart and separated; they remained there until May 1991, when 14,324 immigrants were brought within 36 hours during Operation Solomon.
In 1989, the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption erected a temporary memorial for the Ethiopian Jews who perished on the way to Israel. This memorial was set up at Kibbutz Ramat Rachel, with the help of the Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF) and the Jewish Agency. In late 2003, the Ministerial Committee for Immigration, Absorption and the Diaspora decided that a permanent memorial would be established at Mt. Herzl. The government decided that a national memorial ceremony for those who perished would be held each year on the 28th of Iyar, Jerusalem Day.
In March 2007, the memorial for Ethiopian Jews who perished on the way to Israel was dedicated in the southern part of Mt. Herzl. The area surrounding the memorial serves as a gathering place in which people can cherish the memory of the courage and the loss of the thousands of Ethiopian Jews who perished on their way to Israel.​
Uri Gobey
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