#Most of the new suit components are additives
c-rowlesdraws · 2 years
Does Siwa have a personalized or customized suit in any way? I've always felt like the Volus suits (and to a lesser extend the quarian suits) that we see in game are a bit too 'one size fits all' to really represent all the options that would be available.
I wanted her to look similar to the other volus NPCs, like she could blend in with a crowd, so her suit isn't customized beyond some painted details, but she does accessorize! Her quarian friend Kesh'Vataar once gave her a Fleet-made belt made of woven cloth, the same kind of cloth quarians wear wrapped around their exosuits, as a present. It's an extremely meaningful gift and Siwa never leaves the airlock without it.
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I think individual fashion choices in Mass Effect across species are for sure more complicated "in real life" than we saw in-game, where factors like budget and time and design priorities keep things like NPC fashion diversity low. I can imagine volus' approach to exosuit style being like how humans are with cars: most people choose from amongst affordable but fairly standard and unremarkable-looking models, some people drop heaps of credits on luxury designs and custom paintjobs for a more flashy and extravagant life-support experience, and some people get full-body wraps of anime characters.
For quarians, though, I can see them taking a different approach to decoration, because the context for their own exosuit usage is very different: the highly-industrialized volus, master navigators of the great currents of galactic commercial culture, mass-produce shiny new exosuits all the time (alongside a thriving secondhand market), but the quarians are a nomadic, isolated community with extremely limited material resources-- an exosuit that's completely newly-made, with no re-used parts at all, must be incredibly rare to nonexistent. In addition, a volus suit is a luxury purchase that the majority of the population never has a reason to go for, while each and every quarian must wear a suit for almost their entire life. I can imagine quarian suit style being all about combining used-and-reused components with newer ones in aesthetically-pleasing ways. Tarnished metal is polished mirror-bright around permanent dents and scratches, skillful stitching and artfully-draped wraps hide awkward seams.
Additionally, the quarians are (understandably) obsessed with holding onto their shattered history, and I can see their fashion reflecting that, too. Small family heirlooms made of gold and precious metals survive to be passed down because their cultural and personal value is greater than their material worth would be to the Fleet, were they melted down for use in electronics. Traditional patterns woven into cloth portray stylized forms of Rannochian ecology and natural features no living quarian has ever seen. I bet they're big on embroidery, too. But yeah, anyway, yes, I can see both the volus and the quarians having more diverse exosuit designs than shown in canon, but i think volus and quarian design sensibilities would also be distinct from each other in significant ways.
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Experimental Armor Prototype Mechanic (Mechanic Alternate Class Feature)
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(art by Zerahoc on DeviantArt)
 It started late two weeks ago, but now we truly get into it this week with nothing but alternate class features for the Mechanic class in Starfinder. The reason for this being that almost all of these alternate features for the class all start with the word “experimental”.
But that makes sense, does it not? After all, while the standard mechanic may tinker with a rudimentary AI that they either bolt to their brain or into a drone body, it only makes sense that other mechanics would focus on other forms of technology.
Today, we’re looking at experimental armor prototype, representing their focus on making a particularly advanced set of armor, one that provides superior protection while also being packed with more additional gadgets than you can shake a plasma sword at.
Technically this class feature is part of a two-parter with the experimental weapon prototype, but since you can only take one of the two, we’ll focus on each in their own entries.
In any case, these mechanics might focus on creating the perfect heavy combat suit, or an exceptionally stealthy and elusive light suit, or something in between. Since they can spend a day reconfiguring a suit as well, they can even change things up for each mission, depending on their needs.
In this way, these mechanics can be surprisingly versatile and powerful.
 As one might expect, these mechanics begin play with a level 1 armor of their choice (or higher if they choose to buy one instead), which they designate as their prototype. If lost or destroyed, they can build a new one, though replacements have an upper level on what you can reconstruct. Whether they are replacing their armor, refitting with new augmentations, or replacing with a new base armor set that they are modifying, the process takes about a day. Naturally, they can only have one such armor at a time, and the custom fitting and familiarity means only they can use it effectively.
They also gain heavy armor proficiency as well, able to move in such armor with ease.
These mechanics also build special servos and actuators into their armor so that they can track a foe, allowing them to shift to best block incoming attacks from that target. The more advanced they becomes, the better this ability functions.
Normally armor has an upper limit to how many upgrades can be applied to it, but these experts miniaturize components and find other ways to work in one more upgrade to their armor.
Eventually they also become proficient with power armor, and can upgrade their current prototype into such armor with some work, should they wish it.
As they continue to master their art, these technicians can install even more equipment into their armors, integrating more and more. However, unlike their normal upgrades or even the previous extra upgrade, these new upgrades have an upper limit on level, limiting these extra upgrades to more minor equipment.
They also learn to install modular improvements that can be changed out on the fly, things such as fast but hard to maneuver flight, slower but perfectly controlled flight, aquatic movement, or various sensor suites.
They also install an energy force field similar to what other mechanics use into their armor, providing additional protection.
Finally, their control over their articulating armor panels becomes so great they can move to block multiple foes at once.
Interested in a character that makes the most of their armor? This option may be for you. Whether you pick up the heaviest power armor and load it up with weapons as well as enough mobility and defensive enhancements to become a literal walking tank, or focus on making a supremely agile light stealth armor with integrated gadgets and gizmos, this class feature is perfect for anyone seeking to make full use of the armor upgrade system. Heck, if you have the time between adventures and quests, you can have different loadouts ready for each situation, as long as you can find time to configure them.
 So now that you know the what and how, now you must determine the why. Why does your character specialize in building and improving armor? Perhaps they are a scientist that works in the field on extremely hazardous planets, requiring them to carry as much useful equipment and protection on them. Perhaps they are a soldier customizing the very best armor to take on any foe and survive. Or maybe they are a technically minded spy that relies on having the best stealth equipment. Alternatively, perhaps the armor itself is the goal, and they are a technician and inventor seeking new innovations in armor technology. That reason can go a long way towards developing the character.
  The crystals that form a shimreen’s body are able to absorb concentrated energy and channel it back out, a fact that some corporate scientists are eager to explore for new innovations in armor technology. While some are content with donated crystals that have been shed, others are more unscrupulous, resorting to kidnappings to procure test subjects.
 A brilliant engineer, Kalax has taken on a curious task in building armor for a newly discovered sapient species whose bodies are in multiple pieces held together by magnetic suspension. The armor has to protect these people from nasty arboreal parasites that like to latch onto them with their proboscis and hide between their disparate parts where they are hard to reach, feeding on them, while also allowing the magnetic forces between them continue unabated. With that in mind, he is seeking an escort to the planet to study their physiology.
 Notorious bounty hunter Bellomius Reverez, also known as the Collector, is infamous for laying claim to any unique equipment is bounties carry, even when the bounty in question specifically states that said equipment needs to be returned. This has made him plenty of enemies in the corpo circles, and now a bounty has been put on him to recover a suit of armor built by a skittermander engineer with a singularity core power source.
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aspelladay · 2 years
Graveyard Dirt/Graveyard Dust
Wherever there are burials, there are cemeteries. Wherever there are cemeteries, graveyard dirt is used in magic spells. (Ashes and dirt from cremation grounds are used too.) Graveyard dirt is among the most crucial, important magical ingredients and a prime component of many, many spells.
The use of dirt dug from cemeteries or graces is fairly standard universal magical practice; where traditions differ is whether this practice is considered entirely malevolent or not. Graveyard dirt, by the very nature of where it comes from, will be used as a tool of curse and hexing spells, however, is the material inherently malicious and toxic? In general, the answer to that question depends upon what role, if any, the dead play toward the living. Cultures who perceive ancestral spirits as being positive and helpful, such as many deriving from Africa and Asia, cultures who aren’t fearful of the dead, in general (as opposed to an individual threatening ghost), often use graveyard dirt for benevolent purposes.
On the other hand, those who perceive the dead as malevolent and threatening will simultaneously perceive the cemetery as a place of toxic, perilous power. For instance, among certain Native American cosmologies, the soul is entirely transformed by the dying process. What remains accessible on Earth has no benevolent purpose and retains no specific memory of past relations with the living. In that case, any contact with a dead body or with cemeteries is potentially contaminating, both spiritually and physically. The power may be harnessed but only for evil: the sorcerer who delves into graves is contaminated and potentially contaminating as well.
What actually is graveyard dust? At its most basic, it’s dirt from a cemetery or from a specific grave. However, graveyard dirt or dust is also a nickname for various botanicals, with no actual relationship to death. Valerian, for instance a strong insomnia aid with a foul smell, is called graveyard dust because it promises that you’ll sleep like the dead. Patchouli is often called graveyard dirt, because of its unique wet earth aroma.
Some practitioners pick up a handful of surface dirt from the cemetery
Some practitioners obtain dirt by digging within a grave. An entire science exists of precisely whose grave suits which magic spells, ranging from that of your mother’s grave to that of a murderer to that of a young child
Some practitioners wouldn’t be caught dead with actual dirt: they use either one or blend of several botanicals: powdered mullein, powdered patchouli, or powdered valerian There aren’t arbitrary choices. In addition to the reasons given above for patchouli and valerian, mullein is under the dominion of both Hecate and Oya, two powerful spirits with strong associations with death and cemeteries
Some practitioners like to combine botanicals with dirt. Sometimes real cemetery dirt is used, while other practitioners feel that the addition of graveyard dirt botanicals transforms any dirt into graveyard dirt
Graveyard dirt must bee seen within the context of all kinds of dirt being used as amulets and spell ingredients. Dirt from shrines and sacred areas was painstakingly preserved and carried. People carried bits of dirt from graves of saints, holy people, and loved ones, perhaps purely as souvenirs and talismans, perhaps for other reasons. For millennia, Jews carried pouches of dirt from Jerusalem, laying it in the grave after death. Romany collected dirt from the legendary seven luck mountains. Dirt from North African shrines is brought home and sprinkled over hand-made fabrics and carpets to imbue them with the power and protection of the saint. Perhaps the most famous modern example is the Shrine of Chimayo in New Mexico, where thousands of pilgrims converge each year to receive a bit of miraculous healing dirt.
Looked at from that perspective, the use of botanicals instead of real Earth seems euphemistic. On the other hand, perhaps dirt itself is a euphemism. What exactly is being collected in the cemetery under the guise of graveyard dirt? If one digs deeply for dirt within an old grave, particularly one conforming to spiritual traditions that bury the body in nothing more than a shroud or a wooden coffin that disintegrate quickly, there is an inherent implication that one is really looking for some part of the body that has returned to Earth. People used to be far less squeamish than they are today nor were they necessarily as concerned about sanitary hygiene. Relics, purportedly pieces of a saint’s actual anatomy, were prized, collected and sold. It wasn’t even necessary to dig in graves for relics. Public executions created a whole other venue: following the execution of Jacques de Molay, last Grand Master of the Knights Templar, spectators gathered up his ashes, as was done with Joan of Arc and countless others. What exactly was done with the ashes?
Methods of graveyard dirt collection vary. Some believe there’s no need to dig; dirt from the Earth’s surface, provided that it’s contained within the cemetery walls, is sufficient to constitute graveyard dirt. Some like the dust clinging to a tombstone. That’s not sufficient for everyone. Some commercial purveyors of graveyard dirt advertise different levels of dirt, taken from varying depths, depending upon the purpose of your spell. According to British magical traditions, graveyard dirt is ideally taken from the top of the coffin, just above where the heart of the deceased would be. According to Hoodoo traditions, three scoops of graveyard dirt should be taken, one from over the head, one from over the heart, and one from below the feet of the deceased.
There are discreet methods of collecting graveyard dirt in broad daylight:
If you only required a handful, gather it and carry it home in your pocket or in a talisman bag
If you need more substantial quantities, rather than cut flowers, bring potted plants to transplant onto the grave. Dig a hole for each new plant, reserving the dirt. Carry the graveyard dirt home in the plant’s emptied container, creating a dirt transfer if you will
In some traditions, gifts of coins or libations are made to appease the spirit of the dead whom you may have disturbed, particularly if one is doing some serious digging. Remember to drop the gift in the hole.
Graveyard dirt is used for both benevolent and malevolent purposes. Some examples are offered here in order to give a sense of nature, power, and scope of the material, however graveyard dirt spells will be found amongst ever possible magical category.
(from The Element Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells by Judika Illes)
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scrittarts · 2 years
Hello again! I have come back with more questions! Feel free to answer these on your own time.
Due to the fact there are many designs and that they have interchangeable parts, can a mech be outfitted with weapons? I know they have claws and a strong jaw (presumably) but can you strap a plasma rifle onto one? What about utilities like a lighter? Does that mech need training and a license for dangerous upgrades?
assuming the answer to 1 is yes, has there been any major wars or conflict?
Once again about interchangeable parts and different mech designs, are certain mechs designs suited for specific tasks? Can an operator choose the design before becoming a mech? How much freedom do they have?
I hope you can answer these, but I understand if you cant. I hope the world building goes well! Have a good day :>
More questions! 1) Only some parts are interchangeable - and outfitting can mean multiple things. Obviously nothing prevents a mech from holding a weapon with their hands, or physically strapping them onto limbs and holding triggers - I assume this isn't what you mean. When an operator is integrated, their neural I/O is mapped to their new Mech body, propagating nerve signals through the machine muscle that makes up most of a mech's body mass. It's possible to re-map neural bandwidth on demand, to add additional components, limbs, sensors, proxy capabilities or, as you mentioned, weapons. Initially, the mech may have to give up part of their sensory I/O or choose to sacrifice functionality to make room for additional parts, but over time, after initial operator integration, the integration systems themselves slowly seek deeper into the operator's organics, splitting even the finest of signals into smaller strands - as such, operators will often experience their base capacity for neural I/O expanding very gradually - and experienced mechs may not need to give up anything to fit an upgrade. Adding parts requires an Integration Module / INTEG. These are semi-uncommon upgrades that interface with a mech's nervous system by weaving directly into their machine muscle, and acting as an extension for compatible external systems to latch onto.
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Trying to enforce which tech a mech decides to incorporate can be a complex affair, and in setting not many factions would consider it a worthwhile endeavor.
If you outwardly sport dangerous upgrades, chances are you won't be welcomed into civilized settlements.
2) The entire setting is post apocalyptic, with mechs being ancient techology, remaining after the fall of the empires of old, now studied and replicated - whichever conflict lead to the fall of previous civilizations, it was extremely comprehensive in its destruction.
Current civilization has existed for long enough to independently develop space travel, but with new powers emerging, new faction conflicts are brewing. I may get into these later, but I've identified at least a handful distinct groups at risk of entering lasting conflict with one another.
3) Certain mechs are better suited for certain tasks by design, and the frame of a mech largely defines its final shape and capabilities (prior to upgrades).
Mechs are mostly Found Technology and the understanding thereof is still being built.
There are generally two ways of becoming an operator - being integrated inside a mech equipped with operator conversion systems, and being integrated within a standalone conversion pod. There are reasons to integrate even if you don't have a mech, which I'll get into later (you could become a Virtual Dweller for instance).
It should be noted that an Operator is what the user becomes during integration. Many operators aren't even aware that they're separable from their Mech Body - if they were converted inside a mech equipped with conversion systems, they'd simply wake up as the mech upon completion.
If you find one and want to perform modifications on it prior to integration, you'd have to find a way haul it back to a workshop with all the necessary spare parts to make significant alterations, and hope it doesn't get stolen or damaged along the way. For this reason, it is often a take it or leave it kinda' deal.
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herohimbowhore · 8 months
On This Day in F1: February 5th
Present: Williams and Sauber Car Launches
History: 2015 Caterham Announces Auction
February 5th, 2024 is the date of the next two car launches - Williams and Sauber (otherwise known as Stake F1 Team Kick Sauber).
For Williams, we have kind of known what the livery may be like based on previous years. F1 teams recently don't change much about their liveries unless it is to take away color and have more carbon fiber. So there was a starting point to go off of when thinking of the Williams car launch.
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(Pictures from Williams Racing)
After an initial glance, the livery doesn’t look too different from last years. However, a key new detail is the addition of a new sponsor Komatsu — a Japanese industrial equipment manufacturer that has no connection to Haas Team Principal, Ayao Komatsu. Also, there is a nod to team founder, Sir Frank Williams, and the original Williams logo.
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(Taken from Twitter: Chris Medland)
(The full car launch is also available on YouTube)
But for the Sauber car launch, there was nothing to go off of. This will be the first of two years that there will be Stake/Kick liveries. Based on the logo that the official F1 account used in the car launch dates post, my assumption was that neon green would be a key component of the livery - which is something I can get behind despite the team having one of the worst names I've heard.
As I had expected, especially after the race suits were revealed, the car is neon green with black. At first, the neon green is a bit overwhelming, especially in the wind tunnel that it was displayed in with the neon lights. However, in pictures it does look better, but the best test of how good the livery is will be on track. It is one of the few liveries that won’t be confused with another team.
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(Pictures from Twitter: F1)
While we celebrate car launches, on this day in 2015, it was announced that Caterham would be auctioning its assets after entering administration the year prior. This would be the end to the Caterham team as everything was to be auctioned off in the coming months.
Caterham competed in Formula 1 from 2012 to 2014. The team is tied with HRT for the most races started without scoring a point (56 races). The team was not able to compete during the 2014 US and Brazilian GPs, but was able to crowdfund to compete in Abu Dhabi.
Despite receiving a special dispensation to use their 2014 car for the 2015 season, the auction announced on February 5th, 2015 meant that the team would fold and end its run in Formula 1. Unlike the team stability of the current era and refusal by FOM to allow new teams, earlier eras were riddled with teams folding and dropping out due to not having enough funding to keep racing.
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(article from The Guardian by Paul Weaver)
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(The CT04 — Caterham’s last F1 car. Driven by Kamui Kobayashi. Other 2014 Caterham drivers included Marcus Ericsson, Will Stevens, and André Lotterer. )
Previous: Feb. 2nd - 2007 Williams Car Launch
Next: Feb. 7th - Alpine Car Launch
On This Day in F1 Masterlist
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yarnmen · 1 year
Men's Trending Fashion Online: Stay Ahead of the Fashion Game
Staying on top of the latest fashion trends is no longer a luxury in the fast-paced world of fashion; it's a need. Men today have unparalleled access to the hottest fashion trends from around the world, thanks to the convenience of internet purchasing. In this blog, we'll look at how men may use online shopping to keep their wardrobes looking fresh and trendy.
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The Growth in Online Shopping:
The internet has transformed our shopping habits, and the fashion business is no different. Online fashion merchants have dominated the market, putting a diverse range of styles, sizes, and brands at your fingertips. Men can now experiment with their particular style and embrace the current trends more easily than ever before.
Men's Trending Fashion Online Tips:
Stay Informed: Staying informed is the first step toward becoming a trendsetter. Men's clothing fashion periodicals, blogs, and social media profiles should all be followed. This will help you stay on top of current events.
Investigate Online Retailers: Online fashion businesses can have a larger assortment than brick-and-mortar stores. Take your time exploring different internet merchants to uncover one-of-a-kind and trendy things that complement your personal style.
Check Customer Reviews: Before making a purchase, check reviews of customers. This can provide useful information about the product's fit, quality, and general satisfaction.
Invest in Staples: While it's fun to buy contemporary items, make sure your wardrobe includes classics like well-fitted trousers, a crisp white shirt, and a versatile blazer. These pieces form the cornerstone of your style.
Accessorize: Accessories may instantly transform an outfit. Invest in a fine watch, fashionable belts, and high-quality footwear. These minor things can have a major impact on your entire appearance.
Prioritize Fit: No matter how trendy an item is, it will not look good if it does not fit correctly. When shopping online, pay attention to sizing guides and measurements to guarantee a suitable fit.
Sustainability: Consider supporting companies that value sustainability. Sustainable fashion is not only fashionable, but also ethical and environmentally conscious.
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Online Shopping's Versatility:
The adaptability of online shopping is one of its most significant advantages. Online businesses cater to all interests and preferences and become more user friendly, whether you're a fashion-forward trendsetter or like timeless aesthetics. Here are some examples of how online purchasing can cater to various fashion sensibilities:
Trendsetters: If you're always looking for the newest fashion trends, online shopping is the place to be. You can find new designers, limited-edition releases, and runway-inspired designs that aren't always easy to get in physical stores.
Classic Dressers: Online businesses offer a wide range of classic wardrobe options for those who seek timeless elegance. You may easily find well-tailored suits, traditional shirts, and timeless accessories.
Casual Cool: If your finishing touch is more casual and comfortable, internet merchants have a plethora of possibilities for you. From loose-fit jeans to toasty hoodies, you may create a wardrobe that is both comfortable and fashionable.
Minimalists: Online collections & product categories for minimalist fashion fans provide simplicity and sophistication. Those who favor a minimalist look will find streamlined designs, neutral color palettes, and basic components readily available.
Getting Around Online Shopping:
Here are some additional recommendations to help you make the most of your online shopping experience:
Understand Your Measurements: Knowing your exact measurements is essential while purchasing online. Refer to the brand's sizing guides and properly measure yourself to achieve the right fit from their wide variety.
Examine Return Policies: Before making a purchase, learn about the online shopping website return and exchange policies. This will provide you with peace of mind in the event that an item does not meet your expectations.
Secure Payment: To protect your financial information, be sure the online store you're using provides secure payment alternatives.
Stay Updated: Subscribe to newsletters from your favorite online merchants to stay up to date. You'll be among the first to learn about exclusive deals, sales, and new arrivals this way.
Clothes Online shopping sites have changed the way men think about clothes. It has given us the freedom to experiment with, and evolve our personal style. You can make the most of men's fashion online by remaining educated, mixing and matching, and investing in quality products. 
Remember that fashion is about self-expression and confidence, so have fun with it and don't be scared to stand out from the crowd. Embrace the trends that reflect your distinct style and personality, and you'll always be one step ahead of the fashion pack. Have fun shopping!
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payalkulkarni · 1 year
SAP BTP Consumption Credits: Empowering the Intelligent Enterprise
To address the unique needs of businesses, SAP has introduced the SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP) and a revolutionary approach to licensing with RISE with SAP. In this blog, we'll explore the concept of SAP BTP Consumption Credits and delve into the capabilities of SAP services BTP, particularly its focus on Business Process Intelligence.
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SAP BTP Consumption Credits
SAP's approach to licensing, known as RISE with SAP, offers a unique and flexible solution. Instead of a predefined set of tools, RISE with SAP provides cloud credits to license holders. These credits can be used across various areas of SAP BTP, enabling businesses to tailor their investment to their specific needs.
The flexibility of SAP BTP Consumption Credits is a game-changer. It grants businesses the freedom to choose from a wide array of options, such as SAP S/4HANA integration, database management, and cutting-edge analytics tools. With over 2,000 prebuilt integrations available, businesses can seamlessly connect their SAP systems with other platforms, enhancing their operational capabilities.
Business Process Intelligence
One of the most compelling aspects of RISE with SAP is its robust Business Process Intelligence capabilities. These capabilities are designed to help organizations optimize their processes and gain a deeper understanding of their operations. There are seven key components of Business Process Intelligence:
Analyze: Data scientists can dig deep into system data, gaining insights into what's working well and where improvements are needed. Understanding user behavior is a critical element of this component.
Design and Simulate: Using existing business data, users can create and run simulations to identify the most effective strategies and processes.
Improve: This component focuses on enhancing efficiency through AI, no-code automation, and advanced process automation tools, including SAP Intelligent RPA.
Roll Out and Govern: Efficiently managing and governing processes for end-users is facilitated by this component. Collaboration and documentation sharing become seamless.
Monitor: Keeping a close eye on solution performance ensures that operations run smoothly and issues are addressed promptly.
Model and Manage "Home Base": This component offers a central hub for departments to collaborate and view core processes, ensuring streamlined operations.
Benchmark: By comparing business performance to aggregated industry data provided by SAP, this component offers valuable insights and actionable recommendations for improvement.
Business Process Intelligence is further bolstered by SAP's acquisition of Signavio in January 2021, which brought additional expertise and capabilities into this already powerful suite.
SAP BTP Consumption Credits, in conjunction with RISE with SAP, are ushering in a new era of flexibility and adaptability in business technology. SAP BTP, with its four foundational pillars, is designed to empower the intelligent enterprise by providing essential tools for analytics, application development, database management, and access to intelligent technologies.
The Business Process Intelligence capabilities within SAP BTP and RISE with SAP offer a comprehensive suite of tools for process optimization and enhanced understanding of operations. This integrated approach to technology and licensing provides businesses with the means to stay competitive and efficient in an ever-evolving business landscape of SAP plant maintenance.
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kombuchee · 1 year
The Power of the SCOBY Mat: Elevating Your Kombucha Brewing Game
With its tangy and effervescent flavor, Kombucha has become a beloved beverage for many seeking a refreshing and healthful drink. But did you know that behind every great batch of kombucha lies a remarkable secret weapon? Enter the SCOBY Mat, also known as the pellicle. In this blog post, we'll delve into the beautiful world of SCOBY Mats and explore why they are an essential component of successful kombucha brewing.
Understanding the SCOBY Mat
First things first, what exactly is a SCOBY Mat? SCOBY stands for Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast, and the mat is the living structure that forms on the surface of your kombucha brew during fermentation. While some might dismiss it as a mere byproduct of the fermentation process, it is much more than that. The SCOBY Mat is a vital part of the kombucha ecosystem.
1. The SCOBY Mat Contains Liquid SCOBY
You may hear people state that using the SCOBY Mat in your brew is unnecessary because a new pellicle will form with each new batch. While this is true, the benefits of placing your new SCOBY Mat in each new batch of kombucha that you brew are widely overlooked.
One of the most fascinating aspects of the SCOBY Mat is that it's not just a rubbery, floating disk – it's a living organism in its own right. It's essentially a dense network of cellulose fibers created by the bacteria in the fermentation process. Within this structure, you'll find a wealth of liquid SCOBY.
The liquid SCOBY is a concentrated mix of the bacteria and yeast strains responsible for fermenting your kombucha. These microorganisms work in harmony, transforming sweet tea into a fizzy, tangy, and probiotic-rich beverage. When you use a SCOBY Mat in your brewing process, you're introducing this powerhouse of probiotics into your new batch, giving it a head start on fermentation.
2. Promotes a Healthy and Consistent Fermentation
The SCOBY Mat doesn't just add a boost of beneficial microorganisms; it also acts as a safeguard against unwanted contaminants. Its physical presence on top of your brewing vessel creates a barrier that helps prevent harmful bacteria and molds from infiltrating your kombucha.
Consistency is key when it comes to brewing kombucha, and the SCOBY Mat plays a significant role in maintaining that consistency. With each batch, it continues to evolve and adapt, becoming better suited to the specific environment and conditions of your brewing vessel. This results in a more reliable and predictable fermentation process, leading to a consistently delicious brew.
3. Aesthetic Appeal
Let's not forget the visual appeal of the SCOBY Mat. Its cloudy, translucent appearance can be quite mesmerizing. Many kombucha enthusiasts find joy in watching the SCOBY Mat grow and change with each batch. It's a living reminder of the fascinating world of microbiology happening within your brewing vessel.
How to Use the SCOBY Mat
Using a SCOBY Mat in your kombucha brewing process is relatively simple. When you've finished fermenting a batch of kombucha, with clean hands, carefully remove the SCOBY Mat from the top of the liquid. Set it aside to be used in your next batch or share it with a friend who's interested in brewing their own kombucha.
Don't have a SCOBY and starter yet? Get one here!
The SCOBY Mat is not merely a byproduct of fermentation; it is a vital component of successful kombucha brewing. It contains a rich reservoir of liquid SCOBY, helping to jumpstart the fermentation process, and acts as a protective shield against unwanted contaminants. Plus, its aesthetic appeal and the sense of connection it fosters with the art of brewing make it a valuable addition to any kombucha enthusiast's toolkit.
So, the next time you embark on your kombucha brewing adventure, don't overlook the power of the SCOBY Mat. Embrace this living Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast, and you'll be well on your way to creating consistently delicious and healthful batches of kombucha that will leave your taste buds and gut smiling. Cheers to the SCOBY Mat!
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screaming-skvll · 2 years
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(Previously: Part I, Part II)
Ten years later, I finally felt ready to build again. Although my living situation didn't provide very good workspace (and still doesn't), I could make do with a folding table. Perhaps more importantly, working from home during the pandemic (I was fortunate) permitted me more control over how to use my time, and more time to use. In addition to learning a new style of swordplay and trying to study Italian, I decided to return to my old Gunpla hobby at last.
I found much had changed in the preceding decade. Although Bandai's favor toward the 1/100 scale seemed to be in decline, many new kits of that size had been produced, including a new line specifically devoted to obscure Universal Century mobile suits. Meanwhile, the proliferation of 3D printing had introduced a whole new dimension of customization to Gunpla. The combination of these two developments enabled me to realize my old dream of completing the Wolfgar Team.
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The MS-08TX Efreet was a prototype close-combat mobile suit produced in very small numbers late in the One Year War—much like its more prominent cousin, the MS-18E Kämpfer. The Efreet became widely known after its variations appeared in a number of games, comics, and other peripheral Gundam materials, but it was originally designed for Cross Dimension 0079, where its pilot is Captain Henry Boone, leader of the Wolfgar Team.
Aside from a very old set of resin conversion parts, long out of production and beyond my skills, there had never been a way to build a 1/100 Efreet. During my hiatus, that changed with the release of the RE/100 Efreet EXAM Custom. This popular variation of the Efreet from Mobile Suit Gundam Side Story: The Blue Destiny differs significantly from the original design, but I knew it represented my best chance to build Henry Boone's Efreet in the scale to match my Wolfgar Zakus.
The most prominent difference between the original Efreet and the EXAM version is the shoulder armor. Fortuitously, in my researches I found an excellent conversion of the Efreet Custom to the original design built by a skilled 3D artist who'd printed their own replacement shoulder armor components, as well as the original type's shotguns. They graciously agreed to print these parts for me as well—and just like that, the Efreet, so long impossible, became a reality.
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My rendition of Boone's Efreet is far from perfect. The shape and proportions of the custom shoulder armor aren't exactly correct, and it retains the EXAM custom's blockier, spikeless forearms with integrated grenade launchers, instead of the rounded, spiked forearm plates of the original design.
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Following the suit's in-game appearance rather than the concept art and other illustrations, I also opted to paint the leg and shoulder highlights red rather than white—a decision I still question.
Despite these shortcomings, I was deeply gratified to be able to build this Efreet at all.
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My Wolfgar Zakus are the most beloved of all the Gundam models I've ever built, and the only ones I retained from my earlier periods of Gunpla work in Taibei and Seattle. Adding the squad's leader and completing the work begun so many years before meant a great deal.
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bolesolutions · 1 year
Know About The Significance of CNC Machining Companies
An age of industrial accuracy like none before has arrived thanks to CNC machining. Traditional machining techniques sometimes require manual involvement, which might lead to irregularities and human mistakes. On the other hand, CNC machining uses computer-controlled instructions to accurately control tools and equipment. In addition to guaranteeing consistency in completed goods, this degree of precision also lessens the demand for frequent quality control inspections.
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Unlimited Possibilities
CNC machining businesses provide a wide range of capabilities, from straightforward two-dimensional cuts to intricate multi-axis operations. This adaptability enables manufacturers to create complex geometries and forms that were previously thought to be impossible. CNC machining provides options for both sides of the spectrum, whether it's manufacturing a huge number of standardized components or developing prototypes with a specific design in mind.
Reduced Turnaround Times: The days of laborious hand setups and modifications in manufacturing are long gone. CNC machining services automate most of the manual work, streamlining the production process. Manufacturing lead times are greatly shortened as a result of this setup time reduction and the ability to conduct automated, uninterrupted operations. Now, businesses can react quickly to market needs and design modifications without compromising on quality or efficiency.
The long-term advantages of CNC machining technology are without a doubt worth the initial financial outlay, which might be significant. Once set up, the devices can run independently with little assistance from humans. Reduced labor costs, fewer mistake rates, and improved resource utilization result from this. Additionally, the accuracy of CNC machining reduces material waste, which helps to reduce total costs.
CNC machining businesses are at the vanguard of innovation, according to Innovation Unleashed. They constantly push the limits of what is possible by integrating cutting-edge software, simulation tools, and additive manufacturing processes. Complex design creation and quick prototype iteration have enabled ground-breaking developments in industries including aerospace, healthcare, automotive, and electronics.
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Personalization and Customization
Personalization and customization are crucial in today's consumer-driven environment. CNC machining companies that provide CNC machining meet this need by giving customers the freedom to design one-of-a-kind items or small batches that are suited to certain specifications. This degree of personalization boosts consumer satisfaction while also creating new market opportunities and specialized markets.
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A Complete Guide to Buying and Financing a Crane
New Post has been published on https://www.vikingequipmentfinance.com/a-complete-guide-to-buying-and-financing-a-crane/
A Complete Guide to Buying and Financing a Crane
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Buying a crane can be a significant investment, so it’s important to understand the process and make an informed decision. Here is a complete guide to buying and financing a crane:
Determine Your Needs: Before buying a crane, you need to determine the type of crane you need for your current and future projects. There are many types of cranes available, including tower cranes, mobile cranes, crawler cranes, and overhead cranes. Each type of crane has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to choose the one that is best suited for your short and long term needs.
Choose a Crane Supplier: Once you have determined the type of crane you need, you should choose a reputable supplier. Look for a supplier that has experience in the industry and offers quality cranes. You can ask for referrals from other contractors or search online for reviews and ratings.
Check the Crane’s Condition: Before finalizing the purchase, it’s important to check the crane’s condition thoroughly. You should inspect the crane’s structural integrity, mechanical components, electrical system, and safety features. If possible, you should also test the crane’s performance to ensure it’s in good working condition.
Determine the Total Cost: In addition to the purchase price of the crane, you should also consider the cost of transportation, installation, maintenance, and insurance. These costs can add up quickly, so it’s important to factor them into your budget.
Choose a Financing Option: Once you have determined the total cost of the crane, you should consider your crane financing options. You can choose to pay for the crane in cash, obtain a loan from a bank or financial institution, or lease the crane.
Cash Payment: If you have sufficient cash reserves, you may choose to pay for the crane upfront. This option provides the advantage of avoiding interest payments and owning the crane outright.
Bank Loan: If you don’t have enough cash reserves, you may obtain a loan from a bank or financial institution. The loan amount and interest rate will depend on your credit score, business history, and collateral. You should compare the interest rates and terms of different lenders to choose the one that suits your needs.
Lease: If you don’t want to commit to a long-term investment, you can choose to lease the crane. Leasing provides the advantage of lower monthly payments and flexibility to upgrade or return the crane at the end of the lease term. However, you won’t own the crane at the end of the lease, unless the lease has end of term purchase options.
Finalize the Purchase: Once you have chosen the financing option, you should finalize the purchase. You should review and sign the purchase agreement, financing agreement, and any other legal documents. You should also make the necessary payments and obtain the necessary permits and insurance.
Maintenance and Operation: After buying your crane, it’s important to maintain and operate it properly. You should follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for maintenance, hire qualified operators, and ensure the crane is operated safely and efficiently. This will help prolong the lifespan of the crane and minimize downtime and repair costs.
Should I Buy a New or Used Crane?
The decision to buy a new or used crane depends on a variety of factors, including your budget, the purpose of the crane, the expected usage, and the availability of financing.
If you have a higher budget and require a crane with the latest technology, a new crane may be the better option. New cranes often come with warranties and maintenance packages, which can give you peace of mind and ensure that the crane operates reliably. Additionally, a new crane can offer the latest safety features and meet the most current industry standards.
However, if your budget is more limited or you don’t need the latest technology, a used crane could be a more cost-effective option. Used cranes are often significantly cheaper than new cranes, which can save you a lot of money upfront. Additionally, used cranes that have been well-maintained and inspected can still provide reliable and safe operation.
Ultimately, the decision to buy a new or used crane will depend on your specific needs and circumstances. Before making a decision, you should thoroughly research the options available to you, consult with experts in the field, and weigh the pros and cons of each choice.
Popular Websites to Purchase a Crane:
There are several websites where you can purchase a crane. Here are some of the most popular:
CraneNetwork.com – This is a great website for buying and selling new and used cranes of all types. It has a vast inventory of cranes from trusted brands and sellers.
Bigge.com – Bigge Crane and Rigging Co. is one of the largest crane companies in the world, and their website is a great place to buy or rent a crane. They have an extensive inventory of cranes of all sizes and types.
Mascus.com – This is a global marketplace for heavy machinery, including cranes. You can find both new and used cranes from sellers all over the world.
IronPlanet.com – This is another website that sells both new and used cranes, as well as other heavy equipment. They offer auctions and fixed-price listings, so you can find the right crane at the right price.
EquipmentTrader.com – This website has a large inventory of cranes for sale from dealers and private sellers. You can search by type, brand, location, and other criteria to find the perfect crane for your needs.
It’s always a good idea to do your research and compare prices and features before making a purchase. Additionally, be sure to check the seller’s reputation and read customer reviews before making a purchase to ensure that you are getting a quality crane.
Crane Financing Options:
There are several financing options available for businesses looking to purchase a crane:
Bank loans: Traditional bank loans are a common financing option for purchasing a crane. Banks typically offer competitive interest rates and repayment terms that can range from several months to several years.
Equipment financing: Some lenders specialize in providing financing for equipment purchases, including cranes. These lenders may offer more flexible repayment terms or better rates and terms compared to other financing options.
Leasing: Leasing a crane can be a cost-effective way to access the equipment without a large upfront investment. Leasing terms can range from short-term rentals to long-term leases, and some may include maintenance and repair services.
Equipment auctions: Not really a financing option, but purchasing a used crane at an auction can be a more affordable option for those on a tight budget. However, it is important to thoroughly inspect the crane before making a purchase to ensure it is in good working condition.  Depending on the age of the crane, most lenders will finance cranes purchased at an auction house.
When considering financing options for a crane purchase, it is important to carefully evaluate each option and compare interest rates, repayment terms, and any additional fees or charges. It may also be helpful to consult with a financial advisor or accountant to determine the best financing option for your specific situation.
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idigitizellp21 · 1 year
7 Reasons Why Every Business Should Prioritize Social Media Marketing
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The new 2019 Global Digital suite of reports from We Are Social and Hoot suite reveals that there are now 4.39 billion people around the world using the internet. Adding to this, people, spend 1/7th of their lives on social media.
1. Affordable Advertising:
Most businesses small or big have a limited marketing budget. Social Media Marketing allows the business to be flexible at the same time creative which boils down to its most important feature being cost-effective. You are allowed to advertise on various social media platforms for free before you start boosting and targeting those advertisements.
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2. Brand Image Thrives On Social Media:
Social media allows you to attach a personality to your brand. The type of personality your graphics and text portrays is the personality you build for your brand. Woodland as a footwear brand displays ruggedness and Harley Davidson has been a rebel from the very beginning. Note: A powerful social media presence builds a powerful brand. Easy products/services access and live chats for queries magnify the brand image by uplifting loyalty and smooth customer service.
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3. Social Media Helps You Target The Right Audience:
Before we jump to the right audience, let’s understand the demographics of various social media platforms, which means various social media platforms have various kinds of people signing up. 29.7 percent of users are aged between 25 to 34 on Facebook. This is a prime target demographic for many businesses, making Facebook the ideal place to engage with customers. Instagram, has users aged under 25 who spend around 32 minutes a day, which increases the likelihood of your brand getting noticed. LinkedIn is regarded as the world’s largest professional network, making it the finest platform for your B2B marketing strategies. Further down the advertising lane, you can target a niche audience once you start boosting your ad campaigns. E.g. You would want to target women between the age of 15 to 40 if you’re a sanitary napkin brand, Facebook allows you exactly this.
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4. Social Media – Best Customer Engagement:
Social media platforms encourage you to engage with the audience with its 2-way communication flow. A TV ad, or a Radio Jingle or a Billboard display send messages from the brand to the masses. Most of the audience prefers to follow a brand on social media. Be it an updated product or an additional service, social media platform fosters you to have a 24/7 customer care strategy. With social media, you can expect customer engagement x 10. The most engaging advertisement campaigns from the old traditional media platforms would be a “call us” action. Whereas here, in social media platforms feedback is instant. You either like or comment on your thoughts and the brand also has a responsibility to revert to your query with a predefined TAT (Turnaround time). Yes, along with customer engagement comes a lot of time that you as a brand need to spend to eliminate the dirt and keep the cream on the web.
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5. Social Media Marketing and SEO – Go Hand In Hand To Achieve A Higher ROI:
Social Media Marketing is best partnered with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for greater ROI. SEO regards altering on-page components like website content, speed, keywords, etc. as well as off-page components like generating traffic externally by blogging and article submissions to various information portals. A social media campaign is intended to generate more traffic to your website, to people who are searching for your products or services. When your social media campaign and your website landing page speak the same language is when there is a higher possibility of conversions. Hence, for a higher ROI keep Social Media and SEO married.
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6. Social Media Platforms Help You Analyze Campaign Success Or Failure:
When you opt for boosting a campaign on Social Media platforms you are entitled to get a campaign report which helps you plan your future campaign. Your campaign may fail in the beginning, but the key here is to disinvest in the non-successful campaigns asap and shift your resources towards those that gave you great results like maximum clicks, maximum views, and likes, etc. The analysis report also helps you to get a pulse of what is liked and disliked by your target audience.
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7. Social Media Marketing Aims To Increase Conversions/Sales:
According to the latest studies, social media has a 97% higher conversion rate than an outbound marketing strategy. This is because every campaign you design and each interaction you encourage on your social media platforms is an opportunity to convert a fascinated lead into a happy customer. By building a repo with your leads and probable customers and posting valuable campaigns consistently, your brand is working towards improved trust and credibility, which leads to more conversions.
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Now you have understood the top 7 reasons why your business should prioritize social media marketing, so you must get going.
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sbknews · 1 year
Change Has Come With Husqvarna Motorcycles
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Change has come with Husqvarna Motorcycles unveiling new generation enduro models for 2024. All-new platform and multiple technical advancements raise the bar for next level enduro performance. Allowing riders to master terrain like never before, Husqvarna Motorcycles’ all-new 2024 TE and FE machines set a new standard for riding offroad. Expertly crafted with new frames, subframes, bodywork, suspension, and brakes, the extended list of shared innovations across the new enduro platform was introduced to further improve overall rideability. With every model continuing to deliver outstanding performance, riders will undoubtedly embrace and benefit from the technical changes made to all seven class-leading machines. Offering predictable damping, the new enduro-specific WP suspension allows riders to conquer technical sections with complete confidence and control. The WP XACT Closed Cartridge spring forks incorporate a mid-valve piston for smooth action and consistent performance, while a hydrostop in the final 68 mm of travel helps to maintain forward momentum. A redesigned WP XACT shock features a new piston to improve comfort and is 100 g lighter and 15 mm shorter while retaining 300 mm of travel. Both the fork and shock settings can be adjusted by hand for a fast and easy personalised set-up.
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Designed to work in perfect harmony with the WP suspension is a new chromium molybdenum steel frame. Improving anti-squat behaviour and offering revised flex characteristics, the chassis, which includes a new and much more durable hybrid subframe, guarantees each machine delivers exceptionally agile handling with confidence-inspiring straight-line stability. Wrapped around the new chassis is new bodywork that is adorned with modern, Swedish-inspired graphics and a new high-grip seat cover. Offering an improved 'rider triangle', to ensure more knee contact and therefore better control, the slim design of the bodywork also offers complete freedom of movement when riding while standing up. The updated bodywork is completed by a redesigned headlight, producing a brighter light output and is installed using a much more efficient and user-friendly mounting system. For the new generation, the TE 150, TE 250 and TE 300 2-stroke models are now powered by new engines, fuelled using Throttle Body Injection (TBI) technology. Introduced to ensure these lightweight machines maintain their best-in-class performance, TBI guarantees a much more consistent and controllable spread of power throughout the rev range, even in the toughest of conditions. The FE 250 and FE 350 machines benefit from new and much more compact DOHC engines. These are positioned in the frame two degrees backwards when compared to the previous generation, which further centralises mass and contributes to the improved anti-squat behaviour of the chassis. In addition, both engines are designed to position all major components as centrally as possible for improved handling and to generate maximum torque and power. All models in the range take the enduro riding experience to new levels thanks to advanced electronics. The EMS (engine map selection) allows each machine to offer two pre-set riding maps to suit varying terrain, with each gear selected engaging a tailored power delivery. The 4-stroke models offer additional rider aids including Traction Control and a Quickshifter for positive upshifts, even under heavy load. The line-up is complete with premium components shared across the range including a new LED headlight, enhanced BRAKTEC brakes with high performance GSK discs, a combined start/stop button, ProTaper handlebars, and Michelin enduro tyres. On the global racing stage, Billy Bolt’s most recent success clearly underlines Husqvarna Motorcycles’ reputation as a highly competitive manufacturer. Competing in the FIM SuperEnduro World Championship, the Husqvarna Factory Racing star secured his third consecutive title indoors to once again demonstrate the exceptional capability of the FE 350.
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2024 Technical Highlights - New chromium molybdenum steel frame optimised for improved anti-squat behaviour and enhanced flex characteristics - New polyamide/aluminium hybrid subframe offers exceptional strength and durability - New 48 mm WP XACT Closed Cartridge spring forks deliver consistent damping and predictable handling - New WP XACT rear shock is lighter and developed specifically for enduro riding - New ergonomic bodywork offers revised rider triangle for enhanced control - New 2-stroke engines feature TBI technology for improved rideability and ease of use - New 250cc and 350cc DOHC 4-stroke engines provide class-leading power and torque - New LED headlight provides a brighter light output and simplified fitment - New BRAKTEC brake system and high-performance GSK discs provide superior stopping power - New multifunctional Map Select Switch design controls the Quickshifter and Traction Control (4-stroke only) - New Offroad Control Unit (OCU) for highest level of reliability and user-friendly serviceability of electronics - Premium-quality ProTaper handlebar and ODI Grips - Electric starter powered by a lightweight Li-ion 2.0 Ah battery All enduro riders can dress and prepare for all conditions with the Functional Offroad Apparel Collection. Headlined by the new Moto-10 Spherical Railed Helmet, an extensive range of riding gear and waterproof clothing ensures riders can perform at their best for longer and in total comfort. For the new models, a comprehensive selection of Technical Accessories is now available with each component designed to enhance the performance and durability of each machine. The 2024 enduro range is available in the UK from mid-June at all authorised Husqvarna Motorcycles dealers. See below for full model price list.* TE 150 - £9,249.00 TE 250 - £10,149.00 TE 300 - £10,349.00 FE 250 - £10,649.00 FE 350 - £10,849.00 FE 450 - £11,149.00 FE 501 - £11,249.00 *Price includes VAT, delivery to dealer and PDI. For more information on the 2024 Husqvarna Motorcycles Enduro range, click here. For more Husqvarna Motorcycles news check out our dedicated page Husqvarna Motorcycles News or head to the official Husqvarna Motorcycles website husqvarna-motorcycles.com/en-gb.html Read the full article
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Top Things to Consider When Choosing Custom Garage Doors
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If you're looking for a way to improve your home's curb appeal, upgrading your garage doors is an easy and effective choice. But there are so many options available that it can be difficult to know where to start! Here are six things to consider when choosing custom garage doors:
The first thing you need to consider is the overall look of your garage. When selecting a custom door, there are many different styles available that can be customized to fit your needs. Whether it's a traditional or contemporary design, you can design a door that will fit perfectly with the rest of your home. You can even choose from different materials and colors!
If you're not sure what style would work best for your garage, visit our blog for some inspiration on beautiful designs: [link].
The material you choose for your garage door is important. Although vinyl and aluminum are popular options, if you want something more durable and long-lasting, steel or composite doors are the way to go! Steel doors can last up to 20 years before they need replacement, while composite doors will last even longer. If you're not sure which option is best for you, consider whether or not your garage door will be exposed to extreme weather conditions. Steel is better suited for cold climates and extreme heat than either vinyl or aluminum is; however, if it's going to get a lot of exposure over time then a wooden door might look better on your home overall!
For some, aesthetics are king. For others, it’s functionality that wins out in the end. You may have both on your list—a garage door that looks great but also works well for your needs is ideal. If you're having trouble deciding what's most important to you, consider these questions:
What can my doors open to? Do I want my garage door opening to the inside or outside of my home? Can this be adjusted if needed?
Are there any restrictions on where I need my doors installed so they'll work properly with other equipment (such as a motor)?
Is this a one-car or two-car garage? If it's more than one car, will each door be able to open wide enough for both cars at once? Will they need adjustment after installation if not already built out accordingly beforehand?
Safety is a big concern when choosing garage doors. After all, you never know what might happen; you could have a car accident or be in an area where there are dangerous weather conditions. Luckily, modern auto-reverse springs and anti-slam systems ensure that these scenarios will not lead to injury.
Automatic safety features like these are not only good for your safety but also for maintaining the integrity of your home. A garage door can be made up of several components, each with its own function—the tracks and rollers that keep it moving smoothly, the springs that help it open and close easier while keeping the weight balanced evenly between both sides of the door (and preventing it from getting stuck halfway), even something as simple as a remote control system so that one person doesn’t have to go outside every time someone wants into their garage (or vice versa). These pieces work together seamlessly so that opening or closing takes only seconds without any additional effort on behalf of whoever interacts with them most often—be it owner/operator or visitor!
Energy efficiency
When looking for a new garage door, there are several things you can do to make your home more energy efficient. Here are some of the most important ones:
Low-e glass: One of the most effective ways to reduce heat loss through windows and doors is to install low-e (low-emissivity) or heat-reflective glass. This special type of glass reduces solar gain and helps keep in heat in winter and out during summer months. Even if you don't plan on installing custom garage doors, consider replacing all your old windows with low-e versions as they'll help cut down on utility bills over time.
Air sealing: Before you even start thinking about installing new garage door systems, make sure that air leaks around the perimeter of your home have been properly sealed up using an inexpensive foam or caulk product that comes in tubes or cans at any hardware store near you! You could literally save hundreds dollars every month by doing this simple step alone!
Insulation: You may not realize it but insulation plays an important role when choosing between different types of residential doors because insulation prevents unwanted thermal transfer between two objects separated by a certain distance (for example - cold outside air hitting warm inside walls). If there was no insulation at all then everything would be freezing cold all year round!
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WI Garage Door is a full service garage door company that provides repairs for all makes and models of garage doors, openers and operators. We provide custom quotes at no cost and offer financing options to help make your new door affordable.
WI Garage Door also offers an array of new custom designed garage door service in many styles, colors and sizes.
WI Garage Door 1305 portside LN Howard wi 54313 (920)-489-5820 https://wigaragedoorsrepair.com/
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Where To Buy Happy Sticks Vape
Introduction to Happy Sticks: The Convenient and Enjoyable Way to Vape
In the case of smoking vapes, there are a variety of options on the market. From
traditional vaping devices to disposable vapes, the choices can be overwhelming. One
of the latest and most sought-after choices are The Happy Stick They come already
filled with e-liquid and ready to use straight out of the package.. In this blog post, we will
explore the world of Happy Sticks, including what they are, how they differ from
traditional vaping devices, and the benefits of using a Happy Stick. Happy Sticks, also
known as "happystick" or "happy disposables vape," are a type of disposable vaping
device. TThey are tiny and compact, which makes them ideal for carrying around and
use while on the move. The Happy Stick is a convenient and enjoyable way to vape,
perfect for those who want a simple, hassle-free vaping experience.
Happy Stick Cartridges: Exploring the Range of Flavors and Options
One of the best things about Happy Sticks is the variety of flavors and options available
in the cartridges. From traditional tobacco and menthol flavors to more exotic options
like "ohm duo red tropical," there is something for everyone. The happy stick cartridges
come in different nicotine strengths, so you can choose the level that suits you best.
When choosing a flavor, it is important to consider your personal preferences. If you are
new to vaping, it may be best to start with a traditional tobacco or menthol flavor to get
a feel for the experience. As you become more comfortable with vaping, you can
experiment with different flavors to find the one that you enjoy the most. The Happy
Stick Battery: A Sleek and Long-Lasting Power Source
The Happy Stick battery is a sleek and long-lasting power source that is designed to
work seamlessly with the Happy Stick cartridges. The battery can be recharged and
lasts for several days on one charge, subject to use. It is easy to use, simply screw on
the cartridge and inhale to activate the device.The battery is made to last and is durable.
The Happy Stick LLC, the company behind the product, offers a warranty on the battery
to ensure that it will last for a long time.
Lush Ice Eon Stik: A Popular Flavor among Happy Stick Users
A very sought-after flavors with happy Stick customers is Lush Ice Eon Stik. The flavor is
delightful mix of menthol and watermelon making it refreshing and cool smoking
experience. It's ideal for those hot summer days or when you're seeking refreshing, cool
flavor. Many users also appreciate that the Lush Ice Eon Stik is available in different
nicotine strengths, making it suitable for both new and experienced vapers. Happy
Disposables: A Cost-Effective and Convenient Option One of the biggest benefits of Happy Sticks is that they are disposable, making them a
cost-effective and convenient option for those who want to try vaping without
committing to a traditional vaping device. Happy disposables are available at a lower
cost than traditional vaping devices, and there is no need to purchase additional
components like coils and tanks. Happily disposables an ideal option for people who
are frequently traveling or always on the move. They are small and easy to take with you,
so you can enjoy a satisfying vaping experience wherever you are. In conclusion, Happy
Sticks are a convenient and enjoyable way to vape. With a wide range of flavors and
options available, a sleek and long-lasting battery, and the convenience of being
disposable, they are a great option
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katarvitz · 2 years
The Throne Breaker
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One of a few competition items made for an event with the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, where we were asked to make physical items. I didn't win (they were expecting something more futuristic) but it was an interesting experience making it. So, enjoy some photos and lore.
Agent: Sentinel Network Report, Agent Besh-One-One-Six-Onith
Report - 00033
Location - Jedi Praxeum, Kiast, Kiast system
Category: Children of Mortis Intelligence
Sub-Categories: Mortis Invasion, Weaponry and Artifacts, Crystal Technology
Message (audio-to-text-recording): “Director, our efforts to recover and secure all artifacts in the wake of the attack continue. Most of the warbeast corpses have been reclaimed but remain damaged, and relatively few of their warriors have been found intact. A small handful were found to have died from concussion impacts or broken bones over high power explosive damage, but only a few of these have been found.
It was from one of the bodies taken on the outskirts of the Jedi Praxeum that this particular item was found. One of the bodies, a warrior of some standing or importance we believe, was found dead with a snapped neck. We believe that this might have been among those that Ka Tarvitz fought during his withdrawal, while attempting to exploit the light amplifying qualities of crystal technologies. Although I would normally reserve this for our R&D section to fully examine and judge for themselves, I believe that this item might be of some cultural importance to the Children of Mortis.
The spear - codenamed Subject Gamma-two-three, but nicknamed the ThroneBreaker - is clearly of some age and a design that is extraordinarily primitive in nature. It stands at five foot in length, and has a blade piece of ten inches from its base to point. A second blade of a broader axe design is situated upon its base. As a weapon it would be of limited use, not simply due to its design but the components and materials used to contract it. The primary component of its shaft is wood, twine was used to bind a crude handle about its middle, and the metals of its blades emulate methods of pre-feudal societies.
Scans and trace fragments taken estimate that the item is approximately three millennia old, but we have yet to identify its world of origin. Curiously, the wood should have petrified, but it clings to life still and even shows some sign of growth. While some clear value can be found in the mix of bronze and iron in these, each is ill suited to any modern battlefield. At least when taken without one important addition - The crystals.
We know little of these objects save for their power and importance to the Children of Mortis, and that they can inspire a variety of effects. These have been shown to craft armour capable of resisting almost all known weaponry, to enhance the biology of physical creatures, craft new buildings from the ground, and even raise the dead. Those better informed about such things that I have spoken with compare this to sorcery found among the likes of Dathomir’s Nightsisters; although I’m largely staying out of that for the moment. The point is, if they’re right, it would explain much about the weapon.
Initial testing has found it to be inert and remarkably fragile in the hands of most individuals. However, when put into the hands of a Force user, it seems to become supercharged. Durable beyond all reason, what should break under any solid hammerblow becomes able to resist a Juggernaut tank running over it. Whereas previous scrapings and fragments were taken with scalpels, the material instantly becomes as hard as battleship armour when handed to a Force user, and the crystals taken on a unique inner glow.
The weapon clearly holds some benefit for dueling and engagements, as the head is built for both rapid slashing and stabbing motions. In the hands of a skilled user, it would likely match the likes of an Electrostaff in its ability to repel and counter attacks. It does, after all, seem to retain the ability to curve and deflect blaster bolts even in the hands of an inexperienced warrior, and the material holds some level of resistance to lightsaber impacts. However, those carrying it cited a feeling of wider connection and a sense of presence in their surroundings. Through concentrated efforts, they were able to influence the growth of several crystals, and even repair hairline fractures made by our attempts to gain samples. Further efforts showed some ability to influence other Mortis items we had recovered, in crystal growth and repair.
Although this is largely a theory and we require further testing, I believe that the weapon is intended as an amplifier. It might serve to direct and further control the crystals, and direct their effect in some local environment or even speed up the desired effect. Given that this was being carried on a battlefield, it is not out of the question to assume that it was intended either as a means to better control the enemy war beasts or perhaps repair the armour of warriors as they fought. Even so, given its age, I still retain the belief that it was an item of cultural importance as much as a battlefield instrument. It seems irrational that the Children of Mortis would bring such an ancient device into open battle if they could craft more, especially if there were more modern variants to utilise in their engagements.
We will likely never fully know its intended benefits for some time, but it is a start to better understanding our enemy. Also, much as it galls me to suggest it, I recommend it be sent to Arx for further analysis. I don’t trust the Iron Throne any more than the rest of those here, but we can’t afford to be picky about our allies after today, even if they did hold back on supporting us. They will likely be able to gain some better understanding or a means to disrupt this than we ever will. Hoarding this intel to ourselves won’t help us to survive the next attack.
Expect further reports as we recover further items.
Agent Besh-One-One-Six-Onith, report thirty-three, signing off.”
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