#Mostly based them on the Japanese variant (Kirin)
cookii-moon · 1 year
*Shoots your Lilly and Cole with a dragonifier 3000 and runs*
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Qilin Cole. That’s it that’s the post.
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magpiejay1234 · 5 years
Finished the Pendulums, here’s thw swing:
*Saber, Bujin, Fluffal, Edge Imp, Frightfur, Metaphys, Predaplant, Aether, Archfiend all have one Pendulum. Outside of Fluffal-Edge Imp-Frightfur Pendulums the others don’t do much, but Predeplant one will likely get a counterpart later. Of course, all of the 4 Dimension Dragons have their Magician forms, which range from great to eh.
*Crystal, Ninja, Shaddoll, Yang Zing, Tellarknight, Ritual Beast, Ritual Beast Tamer, Lunalight, Empowered Warrior, Chaos, Symphonic Warrior, Ninja, Superheavy Samurais all have 2 Pendulums. Most them are not amazing, but they do their job sufficiently, especially Crystal and Ninja Pendulums.
*Abyss Actors are not amazingly powerful, but they are probably my favourite Pendulum archetype besides D/Ds. They need proper Extra Deck monsters as their win condition, though.
*Amorphages’ Pendulums are extremely limited in their Scale range, and Dracoverlords do not help. You can only Pendulum Summon Level 4s, which is bad since Dracoverlord has a Ritual boss monster, not an Xyz.
*D/Ds are good, but their missing cards need to be printed. That is all.
*Deskbots have a surprising range, but since they lack raw power you won’t really use them.
*Dinomists can also only summon Level 4-5 monsters. While they are powerful, you will only use them as a toolbox.
*Dracoverlord is literally just 3 monsters, and their nemesis Dracoslayers are not particularly large either. I like the fact that they have a mini-DT-esque storyline with other archetypes like Igknights and Majespecters but it is not enough for me.
*Endymions are everything Mythical Beasts are but better, basically.
*Igknights are...Igknights. You are supposed to use them with Dracoslayers, but they feel like they deserve their own in-archetype boss. Maybe a Fusion?
*Magicians are poweful and I hate them. Next.
*Majespecters are... Majespecters. They can only summon Level 4s and their boss monster Kirin, while incredibly powerful, is only a Level 6. It is also banned, so they need something else.
*Metalfoes are also good, but they need more monsters in general.
*Mythical Beasts all have Scales of 4, so you won’t really use them for Pendulum Summoning outside of Scale changing gimmicks. That said, they are intended to work as Continuous Spells, so it doesn’t matter much. Endymions are better, though.
*Odd-Eyes and Pendulum Dragons are generally not good as Pendulum Scales outside of their Performapal variants, which I like since thy are largely based on mythical creatures, as a counterbalance against D/Ds.
*Non-Pendulum Dragon/Dracoverlord Pendulums only have one Pendulum, Pendulumucho.
*Perfomages also have only 2 Pendulums, but that is because half of their monsters have not been printed IRL. Once those come, the archetype will be much better than Performapals, but until then, we shall wait.
*Performapals are varied, but most of them are stuck at the generic 2-8 Scales. Perfomapals also do not have powerful boss monsters besides their Fusions and 4 Dimension Dragons, which is sad.
*Phantom Knights technically have 2 Pendulums, but that is because of the Japanese archetype name, which is just Phantoms.
*Qliphorts are surprisingly good. They are not amazing, since they lack Levels 2-4, but their job just fine.
*Speedroids have very weak Pendulums, but they do their intended job decently. The problem is they need more higher Level Synchros that are not Synchro Dragon and its evolutions. They cannot be used be used with the OG roids though.
*Supreme King is composed of two sub-archetypes, and only the Gates are viable for Pendulum Summoning. You will only use the Pendulum Effects of the other Pendulums, except Darkwurm, which can summon more of itself.
*Yosenjus are not good, but IIRC before Shingo used them they were just a Main Deck deck. So it makes sense that they are bit awkward.
*While Zefra functions as its own Deck, they exist mostly to give Duel Terminal successor archetypes Pendulums.
Overall, almost all of the Pendulum archetypes seem either internally repetitive like Perfomapals, D/D/Ds and Abyss Actors or just flat-out incomplete like Dinomists, Majespecters, Igknights etc. Much like the Pendulum mechanic itself, really.
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