#Mr Rationalité is taking your hunch about the end of the world seriously for a moment
Oh no… If Harry fails the red encyclopedia check on Kimball, and simply comes up with ‘Hey aren’t Seolites all good at pinball?’
Oh man. So. That stereotype is likely why a junior officer Kim was put on the pinball squad in the first place.
It’s crazy how much racism is presented in fridge logic form. It hits so hard. The shit this man puts up with every day of his life. I just wanna hug him.
Fun fact: look up Seolite in fayde. I’ve been breaking my own heart all morning lol. I was trying to figure out if there were inconsistencies in Kim’s telling of his own background. I keep getting a Feeling about it. He says his grandparents are from Seol, but that both his parents are half Seolite, also his father wasn’t in the picture, but *also* that his parents were killed in the revolution…so he didn’t know his mother either? And he says he’s only a quarter Seolite, but with two half parents, is that correct? In his position, I think I’d tell half-truths as well, or whatever I needed to say to get racists off my ass. It is canon that Kim messes with racists by playing into stereotypes, and bless him for it because he’s so damn funny about it.
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