#Mr. Roosevelt
1hundred1hundred30 · 2 years
11. Film - Mr. Roosevelt
Year - 2017 Director - Noël Wells Cast - Noël Wells, Nick Thune, Britt Lower Cinematographer - Dagmar Weaver-Madsen  Rating - 3/10  For fans of - Frances Ha, How To Be Single, New Girl
What it is.
A twenty-something struggling comedian returns to her college hometown after her cat falls ill. Unable to afford a flight home, she stays in her ex-boyfriend’s house and has to come to terms with his new partner and the new life he has chosen for himself.
What rates it.
I found this film pretty insufferable because it felt like just another Manic Pixie Dream Girl tale, filmed in another American town, with another brown hair girl with a box fringe that wasn’t Zooey Deschanel but looks enough like her that we get the vibe. It was cringe to watch a film where women are pitted against each other and it was cringe to watch a film where all the women in the movie were focused on making one guy feel better.  The only good thing about this film is that the Director (Wells), appears to have selected a mostly female crew to work on the movie.
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trashland-llamas · 2 years
It can be cruel, poetic, or blind. But when it's denied, it's violence you may find.
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The Batman // Glass Onion // Cars 2 // Theodore Roosevelt // Goonies // Jumanji Reboot // Scooby Doo // Danni Sanders // Hercules Poirot // Mr. Rogers // Foghorn Leghorn // Parent Trap // Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
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god-breast-america · 3 months
Aha…. Ahahavaahaaa…… ahahwuwhhe
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noodelak · 1 year
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Look at my doggy my special boy my perfect pup
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silverbirching · 1 year
As the new owner of the Fables IP I hereby declare everything that happened in the comic after the Empire got taken down to be non-canon.
Oh and Jack of Fables? Never happened.
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'...The blockbuster science biopic Oppenheimer has been bringing the life story of the man who built the most destructive weapon on the planet. J. Robert Oppenheimer is a remarkable character in the film and I watched it myself to see how his story has been told. I’m not that enthusiastic on the study of nuclear physics myself but as science geek I was very curious to learn about his life and how the science was portrayed in the film.
What amazes me about the film is that it showed how Oppenheimer made incredible achievements in science but all his genius did was make him an instrument of destruction. Hence his namesake as the Father of the Atomic Bomb. His famous quote came from a Hindu scripture the Bhagavad Gita “Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds”. Although Oppenheimer is the central character of the film and indeed the chief designer of the atomic bomb, the film also features several other scientists who were also the grand designers of the atomic age. There are many interesting and common features of them that they had in sync with each other in their intellectual genius. Each of them brought some contribution to this bomb making plan known as the Manhattan project. Although Oppenheimer himself was credited with creating the bomb several of the scientists were renowned in quantum physics. Neils Bohr, Howard Urey, Enrico Fermi, Glenn Seaborg, Isador Isaac Rabi, Joseph Rotblat, Richard Feynman and many more. 31 of them won Nobel Prizes in physics, chemistry, medicine and peace. Their contributions consisted of many different things like how much fissionable material they needed, the computations of how the atoms would fuse together, the extraction of plutonium from uranium, etc. Albert Einstein also featured in the film and was a Nobel prize winner himself in 1921, but did not participate in the Manhattan project because of his politics and pacifist beliefs. However he did co-write a letter to President Franklyn Roosevelt warning him that Nazi Germany could build a nuclear weapon of their own, and suggested that America builds it first. This was true because Germany was the intellectual centre of quantum physics that formed the basis of nuclear energy.
However most of these scientists were Jewish and since the Nazis purged the Jews from their homeland, they had scared them away and they lost all the valuable expertise they needed to make such a weapon. In fact most of the scientists on the Manhattan project were Jewish themselves. Oppenheimer among them. In later years the scientists involved in the study of radiation and nuclear energy called for global control of their science to avoid what they described as ‘a catastrophic abuse of intellectual creativity’. I’ve read Einstein’s book The General Theory of Relativity which formed the base science of atomic energy. I didn’t understand it very well but it gave me a decent understanding of what relativity is and the puzzles associated with it. The theory of relativity in it’s simplest form explains how time and space views the way particles of light move in geometric patterns. Hence the famous equation associated with relativity: E=mc squared. This explains that when the mass of an object multiplied by the speed of light (squared) it generates energy, as all things in life are made of energy from your own body to the stars in the sky. This helped physicists understand the way particles moved the way they do and it helped the scientists in atomic energy research develop the ability to fuse and split atoms. There is nuclear fission whereby a nucleus from an atom is released to collide with other atoms to release tremendous amounts of energy, as what happens in an atomic bomb. Then there is nuclear fusion whereby nuclei from two atoms are fused together to merge into a larger nucleus. This is the process by which stars form and generate energy.
Fission splits atoms while fusion joins atoms. Where this resulting entity is formed it’s got less mass because the density of the star decreases as the atoms merge together due to the nuclei discarding their protons and electrons. There is a practical application of this that can be replicated on Earth where physicists are attempting to create an artificial star and place it in a box to create unlimited clean energy. So far they are struggling to get the construction of the box right because it needs to replicate the environment of a star. Now at the time Oppenheimer had started the Manhattan project one junior called Richard Feynman was still doing his PhD. He was tasked with trying to separate two uranium isotopes from each other. By that time he was still a young physicist and this was his first big role in science, which was very unique for someone of Feynman’s age.
Before advanced computing machines were invented Feynman had to develop new methods for computing logarithms that humans can compute. It was a laborious process having to take so long to process the information by human computers, but it came in useful later when it was used by IBM for processing complicated equations. Feynman’s mathematical speciality in physics was instrumental to the computing age as it was to developing the atom bomb. However he was more focused on a bigger problem that was more to his interests in physics that needed to be challenged. After working at the Manhattan project Feynman decided to investigate a problem for the fun of it. He believed that tackling complex equations should be something done for fun, not just for a purpose like bomb making. One area of physics that Feynman took an interest in was quantum electrodynamics (QED). This described how light and matter interact and merged quantum mechanics with special relativity, the branch of physics that Einstein studied. This was a troubled area of physics that needed to be shown in a new light to examine the way atoms behaved because they did not follow classical physics rules. Feynman believed QED to be “the jewel of physics” and to examine it he devised visual forms of interpreting the way atoms worked. One of these became his most famous creation in science called Feynman diagrams. These diagrams featured photons and electrons as waves and straight lines moving forward in time and space. They are quite perplexing to look at and they represent the motion of particles as mysterious and infinite probable things. Scattering all the illusions that we perceive about how the Sun ray’s feel on your face and the way water feels on your body.
This work on QED earned Feynman along with two other scientists the Nobel prize in physics in 1965. When he received it he said “I already have got the prize. The prize is the pleasure of finding the thing out.” This is one of my most favourite things when it comes to solving a scientific puzzle, the fun is in the exploration of the discovery or problem, not the accolade or a title. In fact Richard Feynman is one of my all time favourite scientists and I like him as a science communicator as well. Some of Feynman’s style of educating the public influenced the way I write Science Saturday. He didn’t speak like an authority figure when lecturing people on physics, he did so with humour and the grace of an entertainer. He had a wicked sense of humour and I think these qualities ought to be cherished by scientists when they communicate with the public. There are far too many scientists in the media that I see that present their facts with a condescending attitude that they border on pomposity with authority. Feynman did not do it this way. He believed you can impress people with science without speaking in a patronising tone and demonstrating it with dramatic and wonderful acts like a magician would do. This is the way of truth from a scientist that is presenting without bamboozling people with complex language. I’ve read Feynman’s book Surely Your Joking Mr Feynman, which is about his adventures as a scientist. It was very well written and influenced my own science communication abilities. Feynman didn’t just indulge in science, in fact he indulged in many passions of different alternating interests. He was an accomplished bongo player and did painting and poetry, which he infused with his science. There won’t be another genius quite like Feynman, and he may be one of the good people to come out of the Oppenheimer film that can give a positive note about the film that deserves credit.'
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sorchathered · 2 months
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Let’s do IT for our country
Pairing- President!Robert “Bob” Floyd x reader
Warnings- smut smut and more smut, breeding kink, language, mentions of pregnancy, us politics, I think that’s it?
Summary- Robert Floyd had never wanted to be the president, but here in the Oval Office on inauguration night with his First Lady? He could get used to nights like this.
A/N- It’s that time again! Another IBFFM, but this time with an older version of our sexy WSO. Mr. President is about 45 here, his First Lady is in her mid 30’s.
Also it’s @bobgasm ‘s birthday present!! Happy birthday to my precious Steph, love you so much baby!!
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For as long as he could remember, Robert Floyd had been told he would be great.
His family name was synonymous with the likes of Kennedy and Roosevelt, the Floyd’s were some of the most influential in political history, and with that came high expectations. You must go to a prestigious college, you must serve your country (whether that be as a civil servant or military member), and you must marry the right kind of person. They talked about it as if they were breeding horses, and it never made any sense to him, so long as he found someone kind and supportive all of the bullshit that his family expected mattered very little to him. He would tick off whatever boxes they wanted, but it would be on his own terms.
He went to the US Naval Academy after high school, refusing to hop onto the Ivy League lifestyle his grandfather so desperately cherished. Moving on to aviation as a WSO and then becoming one of the top 1% in the country in his field. It was a distinguished career to be sure, but he’d been adamant that he had no interest in pursuing a political career, and certainly not the presidency.
He still wasn’t sure what had brought him to this point, or how he’d somehow managed to bag his dream girl in the process. A feisty junior senator from Delaware, good family, strong morals and drop dead gorgeous to boot, you’d been his match in every way. Sure you had hated his guts, he was the golden boy and you had dealt with his kind your whole life. But after a particularly long day in the senate he’d asked you to dinner, and while you’d had half a mind to tell him no the prospect of a free meal wasn’t worth passing up. So in a dingy dive bar with greasy burgers and cheap beer, you took a chance on him and fell ridiculously in love.
Four years had passed since you’d both sat in the creeky wooden booths of that shitty bar, and it felt simultaneously like yesterday and a lifetime ago. His family had pushed him into politics and while he had been adamant in the beginning that he would never pursue the presidency, the world had changed dramatically since he first refused the mantle. He may have hated the pageantry of it all, but at his core he truly did want to help people, and they certainly took notice. He’d run a clean and honest campaign with his best girl by his side, and won in a landslide. Everything moved very quickly from Election Day to Inauguration Day, it almost felt like he had blinked and he was here, wandering the halls of the west wing after skipping out on the last two of 10 gaudy inaugural balls he’d been forced to attend. He’d been going since sunrise and still couldn’t seem to get the jitters under control so he could rest; he suspected it would be quite a while before that feeling went away. Shaky hands moved to open the door to the Oval Office, completely renovated and designed by his beautiful wife to fit his style and personality, you’d made sure he would want for nothing, he’d be spending so much time in this room and it seemed only logical to make it a calm and safe space for him and his thoughts. It felt so much like his office at home, even down to the worn leather chair and the soft scent of sandalwood and tobacco from the candles you bought because it reminded you of him. You had told him you’d be heading to change and wouldn’t be gone long, he had plans to unwind with a bottle of bourbon and maybe a game or three of checkers, but as you slipped into the spacious and hallowed room belonging to the commander in chief, he nearly jolted out of his skin. There you were, his First Lady, in a skimpy little silk robe, intricate updo long gone in favor of soft curls, and the adorable little fuzzy cat slippers that he’d bought you for Christmas.
“Good evening Mr. President” you said with a smirk as you locked the door and padded over to his desk. You’d chosen well, the beautiful mahogany writing table had belonged to Theodore Roosevelt, and while it hadn’t been used in many a president’s term, you had made sure it was painstakingly restored and ready for his first day. Now that you were here, all he could seem to think of is how much fun it might be to test the sturdiness of the surface, perhaps he did need to blow off a little steam after such a stressful day…
“Sweet girl, you do realize there’s cameras everywhere right?” He said as you pushed his chair back just enough to fit between his thighs, very gently sitting on the edge of the antique escritoire. This desk had seen many a scandal, so many historical events, and you were quite sure she should handle the weight of what you had planned next.
“Already got that covered, Phoenix is on surveillance right now, you can go ahead and go dark Nat!” You said in the general direction of where they’d mentioned cameras were placed, a notification on your phone let you know she’d confirmed that the two of you had thirty minutes all to yourselves and you broke out in a blinding grin as you leaned forward to press a kiss to Bob’s jawline. The sharp intake of breath and his hands immediately going to your hips let you know he’d need this just as much as you, it had been embarrassingly long since the two of you had been together, and you filed away the notion that you would need to make sure you had the right security in play to make quickies like this a regular occurrence, policy be damned.
You’d drawn his lips to yours as you untied his tie and began unbuttoning the front of his dress shirt, his hands had drifted to palming your ass as he licked the seam of your mouth, a gasp from you was all he needed to slide his tongue against yours, squeezing you a little more roughly and all but pulling you into the plush office chair.
“Fuck I missed you,” he breathed into your mouth, you’d nearly gotten his dress shirt removed when he slotted his knee between your legs, large hands gripping the back of your thighs as he placed you back on the desk, this time swiping whatever loose papers off the top and sending them cascading across the plush carpet that held the presidential seal. You squealed and giggled, watching with rapt attention as he removed his dress shirt and exposed the defined freckled skin of his arms, pulling his undershirt off with less finesse as it joined the pile of papers on the floor. “I’ve never found a president to be sexy until just this moment, I have to admit, you look damn good in this office, sir” you said as you leaned back on your palms and ogled him, heat crept up his cheeks and chest at your praise, but his eyes had darkened at the honorific, you knew exactly what you were doing to him, and he could feel his dress slacks getting uncomfortably tight as you ran your bare feet up and down the back of his legs.
“You wanna be a good girl for me Madame First Lady? Let me lay you out and devour you where anyone could walk in?” His voice grew impossibly deeper and you let out a whimper in response, shifting to try and get some relief. You did want that, you wanted it so badly you could scream, it was the very thought of being dirty and unladylike for the man you loved that had you so hot and bothered, and he trailed one long finger down your sternum to remove your robe, fire in his eyes as he opened the sash and found you completely bare for him.
“Goddamn it, should have known you’d do this, you know exactly how to wind me up don’t ya? Whole world wants to know how to bring me to my knees and all they’d have to do is weaponize you and this perfect pussy.” He was completely fixated on your arousal glistening between your legs, and while normally you’d let him take his time, you knew it wouldn’t be long before some aid or agent came by to make sure he had everything he needed for the evening. If they only knew.
“Bobby, please? Don’t have a lot of time baby” you said as you squirmed on the polished wood and searched for some kind of relief. He seemed to snap out of his haze as lust clouded eyes fixed on yours, letting his index finger trail down your stomach and through your folds, watching your head fall back and chest heave at his teasing.
“Need to hear you say it sweet girl, you know what I want.” You blushed in earnest, he loved how dirty you could get, but that had always been behind closed doors in the comfort of your own home, you’d be mortified if anyone heard some of the things you’d said in the throes of pleasure; but it was his big day after all. If he wanted it, you’d give him the moon.
“Need your mouth on me Daddy, want you to make me cum and then fuck me with your big dick. Please? Please give it to me, ‘s been too long, fuck - I-“ you babbled at him as he continued to rub that one long finger up and down, it was maddening and had you choking on your words, thankfully he didn’t make you wait, spreading you open and pressing two fingers into you as he leaned forward and wrapped his lips around your clit. The relief was immediate, you moaned out into the empty room as he went to work on your aching pussy, drawing tight circles with this tongue as he scissored his fingers inside you. It had been weeks and he knew he’d need to get you ready, but he couldn’t help but feel like he was going insane over the little noises you made and the iron grip you had on his hair, tugging at his scalp as you bucked up into his pretty face to search for your release.
It was startling how fast he got you there, you were certain you were dripping down onto the desk now, wet smacks and moans coming from between your thighs as you peeked down to look at his deep cerulean eyes. He was too damn good at this and he knew it, had the audacity to wink at you as he nibbled on your clit and with a gasp you came all over his face, watching as he wiped his mouth with his arm and smirking like the cocky bastard he was. He controlled the entire free world now, but he would still consider it his greatest accomplishment that he could render his pretty wife to a babbling needy mess with his tongue. Disheveled looked good on you, blush spread across your cheeks and chest, hair a mess, and your release all over your thighs from what he intended to be one of at least three mind blowing orgasms.
You looped your heavy arms around his neck and kissed him languidly, you didn’t seem to be as worried about the time anymore and for that he was thankful. He wanted to take his time, and if somebody walked in they would find out very quickly to knock, he couldn’t give a shit about anything other than getting his cock inside you.
You knew the rule all too well; no visible marks. It had been that way from the very beginning, which was unfortunate because you wanted so badly to mark his pretty neck up and make sure everyone knew he was yours, but the compromise was that you could leave them anywhere below the collarbone, so as he fished for the condom he’d stashed in his pocket (hoping to end the night just like this), you licked down his neck and began nibbling on the flesh of his pecks, sucking a nipple into your mouth and looking up at him as his jaw went slack. “Oh Christ, you gotta stop that baby or we’ll be finished before we even get started” he panted out and tried not to buck up into you, the hand gripping your thigh was sure to leave a mark but you couldn’t give a shit, there was something so powerful in being able to bring the most powerful man on earth to his knees, and even better knowing that he was insatiable for you.
“Then fuck me Mr. President, and you don’t need that condom either. I think you should put a baby in me, fill me up so good that I’m dripping with you all day tomorrow.” You grinned at him but he looked completely debauched, he ran a hand through his graying sandy locks and blinked down at you, almost at a loss for words.
“You little minx, you’ve been just waiting all day to drop that on me haven’t you? Need me to cum in that pretty pussy and get you good and knocked up? Fuck you’d think it was my birthday or something, I don’t know how I got it so good.” He said as he spread you out and ran his hands all over you, you were whimpering and grinding into him and he was sure he’d pass out if he was any harder, slipping himself out of his briefs and sliding his length through your slick. You were trying hard to be quiet, sure it was late but there was bound to be someone on watch, Bob gripped your chin as he slid into you and kissed you sloppily, all teeth and tongue and moans, shallow thrusts to get you ready turned rough when you sucked his bottom lip and pushed your hips up to take him to the hilt. You gripped the front of the desk behind your head and let him pound you into it, the need for quiet long forgotten as you alternated between crying out and calling him daddy.
It didn’t take him long before he was close, the aftershocks of your second orgasm seemed to keep him gripped so tight that he could barely think straight, he was furiously rubbing your clit to get you there again as he watched tears drip down your flushed cheeks, he’d never forget tonight for the rest of his life. Not all the fanfare, not even the immense weight of the mantle he was about to take, but this moment right here, wrapped up in his gorgeous wife as he fucked her silly in the Oval Office. You wailed out “I’m cumming” as you gripped him tight with your pulsing heat and he tumbled over the edge right along with you, warming you from the inside out as he filled you up.
You cradled his sweaty form in your arms as you both came down from your high, giggles erupting from him as it really set in what you two had done.
“Ah shit, well everyone’s gonna know that we can’t keep our hands to ourselves after this, I imagine the press will have a field day.” He kissed your nose as you grinned at him, both of you still joined together but neither of you ready to separate.
A loud ring came from his phone and it sent a jolt through both of you, wide eyes trained on his as he leaned forward and grabbed it off the hook. His eyes were full of mirth as he nodded his head once, twice and bid them goodnight, pinching your cheek with his free hand before hanging up.
“What was that all about?” You said, trying to push him up so you could get decent and off his desk.
“That was Nat, she said we need to hurry the hell up before me going MIA causes a national emergency.” He was joking of course, but the secret service agents at the door couldn’t look either of you in the eye as you shuffled down the hallway with Bob’s hand in yours, and it was no surprise to anyone when you turned up pregnant by the state of the union.
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Tagging- @bobgasm @attapullman @bobfloydsbabe @floydsglasses @sebsxphia @roosterforme @sunsetsimpsblog @seitmai @auroralightsthesky @withahappyrefrain @hangmanapologist
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neil-gaiman · 2 years
Hi mr. Gaiman, I really love your books and short stories! I just read Coraline yesterday and was wondering about it.
So, I read the book in English, which is not my native language, so it could be me misunderstanding whatever is written, but I am really curious and wanted to ask you.
So in the book, when Coraline is in the room behind the mirror she meet 3 ghosts. When Coraline asks one of them if they're a boy or a girl, the ghost answer is "when I was small I wore skirts and my hair was long and curled, but now that you ask, it does seem to me that one day they took my skirts and gave me britches and cut my hair", and the the same ghost says "I believe I was once a boy". The other two ghosts say they're girls, and later, when Coraline finds the 1st soul it's confirmed that this is in fact a boy.
What I wanted to ask is, is the ghost boy trans? I'm asking because I really don't know if I misunderstood or that this is true, and I would really appreciate a honest answer.
Also I don't know if someone already asked you about it, so I'm sorry if you've already answered this question.
Thanks anyway, for everything you've written!
It's a good question.
If you want to read it as the ghost having been trans, you certainly could.
When I wrote it, though, I was thinking of the rite of passage known as breeching. That was the custom of taking a boy around the age of 6 or 7 out of the skirts he would have worn until then, and giving him breeches, what the English might call trousers. They made an event of it. Often the boys would have their long, curly hair cut at the same time, but not always. Hair could be cut before breeching, or after.
Let's look at fashion for boys in England...
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The custom lasted longer than you might imagine. This is Franklin D Roosevelt in 1884...
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and an English boy in 1871...
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...and breeching continued in many places until the early 20th Century.
I've read in many places that boys were dressed as girls when small to somehow protect them from the evil eye, but most of the history of fashion articles I've read maintain there wasn't boys' and girls' clothing, there was children's clothing, and it was more about the complexity of how you did up adult trousers and the ease of small kids being able to go to the toilet. I post anything to do with fashion and history on Tumblr a little nervously, knowing that there are people out there who REALLY know their stuff, and will take enormous delight in explaining this a great deal better than I can.
In the meantime, here are a few links.
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deadpresidents · 2 months
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On the cliffs of Normandy, in a small holding area, the President of the United States was looking out at the English Channel. It was only six weeks ago, on the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings, and President Biden had just finished his remarks at the American cemetery atop Omaha Beach. Guests had been congratulating him on the speech, but he didn't want to talk about himself. The moment was not about him; it was about the men who had fought and died there. "Today feels so large," he told me. "This may sound strange -- and I don't mean it to -- but when I was out there, I felt the honor of it, the sanctity of it. To speak for the American people, to speak over those graves, it's a profound thing." He turned from the view over the beaches and gestured back toward the war dead. "You want to do right by them, by the country."
Mr. Biden has spent a lifetime trying to do right by the nation, and he did so in the most epic of ways when he chose to end his campaign for re-election. His decision is one of the most remarkable acts of leadership in our history, an act of self-sacrifice that places him in the company of George Washington who also stepped away from the presidency. To put something ahead of one's immediate desires -- to give, rather than to try to take -- is perhaps the most difficult thing for any human being to do. And Mr. Biden has done just that.
To be clear: Mr. Biden is my friend, and it has been a privilege to help him when I can. Not because I am a Democrat -- I belong to neither party and have voted for both Democrats and Republicans -- but because I believe him to be a defender of the Constitution and a public servant of honor and of grace at a time when extreme forces threaten the nation. I do not agree with everything he has done or wanted to do in terms of policy. But I know him to be a good man, a patriot and a president who has met challenges all too similar to those Abraham Lincoln faced. Here is the story I believe history will tell of Joe Biden. With American democracy in an hour of maximum danger in Donald Trump's presidency, Mr. Biden stepped in the breach. He staved off an authoritarian threat at home, rallied the world against autocrats abroad, laid the foundations for decades of prosperity, managed the end of a once-in-a-century pandemic, successfully legislated on vital issues of climate and infrastructure and has conducted a presidency worthy of the greatest of his predecessors. History and fate brought him to the pinnacle in a late season in his life, and in the end, he respected fate -- and he respected the American people.
It is, of course, an incredibly difficult moment. Highs and lows, victories and defeats, joy and pain: It has been ever thus for Mr. Biden. In the distant autumn of 1972, he experienced the most exhilarating of hours -- election to the United States Senate at the age of 29. He was no scion; he earned it. The darkness fell: His wife and daughter were killed in an automobile accident that seriously injured his two sons, Beau and Hunter. But he endured, found purpose in the pain, became deeper, wiser, more empathetic. Through the decades, two presidential campaigns imploded, and in 2015 his son Beau, a lawyer and wonderfully promising young political figure, died of brain cancer after serving in Iraq.
Such tragedy would have broken many lesser men. Mr. Biden, however, never gave up, never gave in, never surrendered the hope that a fallen, frail and fallible world could be made better, stronger and more whole if people could summon just enough goodness and enough courage to build rather than tear down. Character, as the Greeks first taught us, is destiny, and Mr. Biden's character is both a mirror and a maker of his nation's. Like Franklin Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan, he is optimistic, resilient and kind, a steward of American greatness, a love of the great game of politics and, at heart, a hopeless romantic about the country that has given him so much.
Nothing bears out this point as well as his decision to let history happen in the 2024 election. Not matter how much people say that this was inevitable after the debate in Atlanta last month, there was nothing foreordained about an American President ending his political career for the sake of his country and his party. By surrendering the possibility of enduring in the seat of ultimate power, Mr. Biden has taught us a landmark lesson in patriotism, humility and wisdom.
Now the question comes to the rest of us. What will we the people do? We face the most significant of choices. Mr. Roosevelt framed the war whose dead Mr. Biden commemorated at Normandy in June as a battle between democracy and dictatorship. It is not too much to say that we, too, have what Mr. Roosevelt called a "rendezvous with destiny" at home and abroad. Mr. Biden has put country above self, the Constitution above personal ambition, the future of democracy above temporal gain. It is up to us to follow his lead.
-- "Joe Biden, My Friend and an American Hero" by Jon Meacham, New York Times, July 22, 2024.
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lifeonmarz-blog · 3 months
💰 Easiest Placements for wealth 💰
Creativity manifested into materials. These placements help creating abundance be more of a second nature. Rather through mentorship or investing time into particular interest.
Jupiter in the 2nd House
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Mark Zuckerberg, Jay Z, Bill Gates, Selena Gomez, Madonna, Lee Van Cleef, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, William Shakespeare, Kylie Jenner, Julia Roberts, Donald Trump, Shakira, Justin Timberlake, Katy Perry, Celine Dion, Ivana Trump, Zendaya, Steve Ballmer (mircosoft)
Jupiter in the 8th House
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Coco Chanel, Drake, Micheal Jackson, Tiger Woods, John F Kennedy, Joe Biden, Gigi Hadid, Janet Jackson, Al Capone, LeBron James, Pierre Balmain, Pink, Snoop Dogg, Ray Charles, Jennifer Lawrence. Naomi Campbell, Ellen DeGeneres, Eleanor Roosevelt, Ashanti, Mr Beast
Pluto in the 2nd House
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Robert Downey Jr., Lauryn Hill, Cher, Robert Deniro, Johnny Depp, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Marilyn Manson, Michael B. Jordan, Usher, Bill Gates, Ari Fletcher, Phil Knight (nike)
Moon in the 2nd House
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Elon Musk, Princess Diana, Pablo Escobar, Lee Iacocca, Blueface, Miuccia Prada, Lauren London, Drew Barrymore, Julia Roberts, Avril Lavigne, NBA Youngboy, Coco Chanel, Beyonce, AR AB, Raven Symone, Demi Moore, Kai Cenat, SZA, Kendall Jenner
Do you have any of these placements?
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history-of-fashion · 8 months
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ab. 1902 Mrs. Alice Roosevelt Longworth, three-quarter length portrait, standing with right hand on hip, wearing coat and hat (photo by Frances Benjamin Johnston)
(Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division)
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athanza · 5 months
Starlett - Part 3
Cooper Howard/fem!OC (not self-insert)
Tags: Hurt/comfort (sort of?), non-allowed romantic connection, lots of tention, pre and post war drama, some fluff
Warnings: Mentions of domestic abuse (no graphic scenes or descriptions of that nature), angst, canon wasteland violence
This branches out from canon but I thought it was a cute story idea so I had to write it. Enjoy! ♡
Part 1 | Part 2 | Final part
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Suddenly Irene looked unsteady and she held a hand to the wound on her side.
"Fancy seein' you here." She chuckled painfully.
"I know, I haven't changed a bit."
She laughed but immediately regretted it, groaning in pain.
"You uh," she said, blood dripping down her leg. "you wouldn't happen to have a stimpak on you would ya? I'm uh...I'm not feelin' too hot."
He looked her over, the gash was deep, she'd need more than one stimpak. "Unfortunately I don't think I do."
Suddenly her legs gave out from underneath her and she collapsed.
"Whoa." He said, catching her before she hit the ground.
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Irene woke up hours later, lying on her back in what looked like a small cave, her head resting on a saddle bag.
She didn't look any different than she did before the war, albeit a little dishevelled, Cooper figured that however Moldaver survived must've been how she did.
"Coop." Irene croaked.
He looked up from cleaning his revolver and saw her try to move.
"Easy there Starlett, you're pretty banged up."
She winced in pain again and lay back down. "I thought you were dead." She said, weak from the blood loss.
"I should be. So should you."
"Fate had other plans I guess."
Cooper scoffed quietly. She didn't press it, even though she wanted to know if Janey made it.
"You're gonna need some proper medical attention." He said. "Ain't much out here though."
"Eh, it's just a scratch." She joked, swallowing a mouth-full of blood.
Cooper got up and handed her a flask of water, half empty. She took a few sips and handed it back.
"I'm lookin' for Lee, you know where I can find 'er?
"I've been looking for her myself, I'm afraid I can't help you there, I've found nothing but dead ends. The bitch is hard to find even in a fucking desert."
He smiled a little at the very different tone coming out of her mouth than he remembered; she must've been in the wasteland for a little while, at least.
"I'm glad I found you cowboy. You're about the only fond memory I've got left. I needed that right about now."
"I'm not the man you remember."
"Doesn't matter. You've reminded me of something I haven't seen in years."
"And what's that?"
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The doorbell rang and Cooper opened it to find Irene looking remarkably understated compared to her shows, but she still had that aire of grace that she always carried with her no matter where she was.
"Come on in." He smiled, stepping aside for her.
"I can't thank you enough for letting me stay, I know its a lot of ask of someone you just met."
"It's the least I can do."
He closed the door and took her suitcase for her.
Janey appeared with Roosevelt, having been playing in the backyard and Cooper gestured to her.
"Irene, this is my daughter Janey. Janey this is Irene, the friend from work I was telling you about."
"Irene Taylor!?" She said, her eyes sparkling. "I've seen you on TV! Your voice is sooo beautiful! You definitely should have won the award on last month's show."
Irene and Cooper both laughed.
"Looks like you have a fan."
"That's very kind of you." Irene smiled sweetly.
"Janey, why don't you watch some cartoons while I show Irene to her room?"
"Ok." She beamed and sat down with Roosevelt in front of the TV.
Irene followed Cooper to the back of the house where the guest room was and looked at all the family photos as they walked through. Wedding photos, Janey's baby photos, a puppy photo of Roosevelt. When they finally reached the room she felt even more uncomfortable.
"This is you." He said, placing her suitcase on the bed.
"I'm so sorry to put you in this position Mr. Howard, I do appreciate it very much. I didn't know who else to come to."
"Don't worry about it." He smiled warmly. "I'm just glad you decided to leave."
"So am I. You made me realise the cause wasn't worth the abuse, no matter how much I told myself it was. Lee won't be happy but it'll be worth it in the end."
"I'm sure it will."
She smiled softly at him. "I'll let you get back to your daughter. You'll barely know I'm here."
"Nonsense," he said. "You're joining us for dinner, plus I'm sure Janey would love to spend some time with you."
She got choked up a bit at that. Everything she had done since getting into show business had been for other people, someone doing something like this for her was something special.
"Thank you Mr. Howard."
"Cooper." He replied.
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Irene lay sleeping and Cooper sat wondering what to do with her.
He couldn't spare any resources, and he didn't need stimpaks, so he had none. Could he carry her to Filly and get her to a doctor? Sure, but that was in the opposite direction of where he was headed, where they were both headed.
It would be more humane to shoot her now to save her the pain, but he couldn't bring himself to do it and it angered him.
"Fuck." He said, getting to his feet and picking up his gun, walking out of the cave in search of supplies.
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mudwerks · 2 months
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(via The Last Time a Former President Was Shot at While Seeking a Comeback - The New York Times)
On Oct. 14, 1912, Roosevelt was in Milwaukee, coincidentally the same city where Mr. Trump is scheduled to be nominated this week. As Roosevelt left the Gilpatrick Hotel to head to a nighttime speaking event, a man named John Schrank approached and opened fire with a Colt revolver. Several men tackled Schrank, but Roosevelt stopped the crowd from killing him on the spot.
Roosevelt, 53, was saved by a metal eyeglasses case and the fat text of his speech, 50 pages folded over so that it was 100 pages thick, in his pocket. But the bullet, even slowed down, still penetrated his chest and he found blood on his hand when he searched for and found a dime-sized wound. Allies wanted to take Roosevelt to the hospital, but he insisted on proceeding to the auditorium to deliver his address first. And thus followed one of the most extraordinary speeches in presidential campaign history.
A bit more invasive than trump’s ear flick.
Didn’t help his campaign either, Woodrow Wilson got elected.
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simply-ivanka · 29 days
Harris and Schumer Target the Supreme Court
Democrats make clear that if they win, they’ll push measures to destroy the judiciary’s independence.
David B. Rivkin Jr. and Andrew M. Grossman -- Wall Street Journal
Democrats have made clear that if they win the presidency and Congress in November, they will attempt to take over the Supreme Court as well. Shortly after ending his re-election campaign, President Biden put forth a package of high-court “reforms,” including term limits and a “binding” ethics code designed to infringe on judicial authority. Kamala Harris quickly signed on, and Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has made clear that bringing the justices to heel is a top priority.
Democrats proclaim their devotion to democratic institutions, but their plan for the court is an assault on America’s basic constitutional structure. The Framers envisioned a judiciary operating with independence from influences by the political branches. Democratic “reform” proposals are designed to change the composition of the court or, failing that, to influence the justices by turning up the political heat, as President Franklin D. Roosevelt achieved with his failed 1937 court-packing plan.
Now as then, the court stands between a Democratic administration and its ambitions. The reformers’ beef is precisely that the court is doing its job by enforcing constitutional and statutory constraints on the powers of Congress and the executive branch.
Roosevelt sought to shrug off limits on the federal government’s reach. What’s hamstrung the Obama and Biden administrations is the separation of powers among the branches. President Obama saw his signature climate initiative, the Clean Power Plan, stayed by the court, which later ruled that it usurped Congress’s lawmaking power. The Biden administration repeatedly skirted Congress to enact major policies by executive fiat, only for the courts to enjoin and strike them down. That includes the employer vaccine mandate, the eviction moratorium and the student-loan forgiveness plan.
That increasingly muscular exercises of executive power have accompanied the left’s ascendance in the Democratic Party coalition is no coincidence. The legislative process entails compromise and moderation, which typically cuts against radical goals. That was the lesson self-styled progressives took from ObamaCare, which they’ve never stopped faulting for failing to establish a government medical-insurance provider to compete directly with private ones. Similarly, Congress has always tailored student-loan relief to reward public service and account for genuine need.
Then there’s the progressive drive for hands-on administration of the national economy by “expert” agencies empowered to make, enforce and adjudicate the laws. The Supreme Court has stood as a bulwark against the combination of powers that James Madison pronounced “the very definition of tyranny.” Decisions from the 2023-24 term cut back on agencies’ power to make law through aggressive reinterpretation of their statutory authority, to serve as judge in their own cases, and to evade judicial review of regulations alleged to conflict with statute. By enforcing constitutional limits on the concentration of power in agencies, the Roberts court has fortified both democratic accountability and individual liberty.
That explains the Democratic Party’s attacks on the court. The New York Times’s Jamelle Bouie recently praised Mr. Biden for identifying the court as the “major obstacle to the party’s ability” to carry out its agenda and commended the president’s “willingness to challenge the Supreme Court as a political entity.” That explains the ginned-up “ethics” controversies: The aim is to discredit the court, as has become the norm in political warfare.
An even bigger lie is the refrain that the court is “out of control” and “undemocratic.” Consider the most controversial decisions of recent terms. Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization (2022) returned the regulation of abortion to the democratic process. West Virginia v. EPA(2022) and Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo (2024) constrained agencies’ power to say what the law is, without denying Congress’s power to pursue any end. Securities and Exchange Commission v. Jarkesy (2024) elevated the Seventh Amendment right to a jury in fraud cases over the SEC’s preference to bring such cases in its own in-house tribunals. And Trump v. U.S. (2024), the presidential immunity ruling, extended the doctrine of Nixon v. Fitzgerald (1982) to cover criminal charges as well as lawsuits, without altering the scope of presidential power one iota.
Meanwhile, the administrative state has scored wins in some of this year’s cases. In Consumer Financial Protection Bureau v. Community Financial Services Association, the justices rejected a challenge to the CFPB’s open-ended funding mechanism. A ruling to the contrary could have spelled the agency’s end. In Moody v. NetChoice, it reversed a far-reaching injunction restricting agencies’ communications with social-media companies seeking to censor content. And in Food and Drug Administration v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, it reversed another injunction, against the FDA over its approval of an abortion pill. The last two decisions were notable as exercises of judicial restraint. In both cases, the court found the challengers lacked standing to sue.
What Mr. Biden, Ms. Harris, Mr. Schumer and their party are attempting to do is wrong and dangerous. They aim to destroy a branch of federal government. For faithfully carrying out its role, the court faces an unprecedented attack on its independence, beyond even Roosevelt’s threats. Unlike then, however, almost every Democratic lawmaker and official marches in lockstep, and the media, which were skeptical of Roosevelt’s plan, march with them.
As Alexander Hamilton observed, the “independence of the judges” is “requisite to guard the Constitution and the rights of individuals” from the actions of “designing men” set on “dangerous innovations in the government.” The political branches have forgone their own obligation to follow the Constitution, which makes the check of review by an independent judiciary all the more essential. Ms. Harris and Mr. Schumer would put it under threat.
Mr. Rivkin served at the Justice Department and the White House Counsel’s Office in the Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations. Mr. Grossman is a senior legal fellow at the Buckeye Institute. Both practice appellate and constitutional law in Washington.
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dduane · 6 months
Greetings and solicitations. I'm listening to the young wizards books now that they are in 'wide release' as it were and I, now being a well-aged nerd, found a connection that might not be one, but if it is, is very, very cool.
So young Nita et. al. are from Hempstead, NY on Long Island. It occurred to me that this town is not far from the original location which Mr. Robinson placed his famous bar with the highly coincidental name.
Comment? :)
It’s a coincidence, as it happens. I grew up in Roosevelt: the “Hempstead” reference is me referring to the Town of Hempstead, of which Roosevelt’s a part. (The Zip Code mentioned in SYWTBAW is a bit of a giveaway.)
Spider’s an old friend, but I have no control over him leaving his things lying around on my fictive territory. As long as he doesn’t make a mess, though, he’s most welcome. :)
(note to @droewyn: If you want to post a link to that fic in a way that I won't see, go right ahead while adding the tag #notyoudd, which the Young Wizards fans kindly use to make sure I don't see anything that would be Not Good For Me To See. Tx!)
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god-breast-america · 3 months
Why does he look queer
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Cause he was. Duh /j
Ok but actually these pics are from when Roosevelt was assistant secretary of the navy, and I got a REALLY funny story about his time in that position and queerness, so I’m gonna yap under the cut real quick. Also this story does cover nsfw topics so be warned.
So the year is 1919, and this story begins with two patients at the naval base hospital in Newport Rhode Island, their names are Thomas Brunelle and Ervin Arnold. Now, somewhere in conversation, for one reason or another, Thomas lets it slip to Ervin that gay men, both civilian and navy, regularly meet up at the Army and Navy YMCA and the Newport Art Club to find partners, both romantic and sexual.
So after he hears this, Ervin does his own investigation into Thomas’s claims, and what he finds is, by societal standards back then, absolutely INSANE. These guys are having parties, they’re cross-dressing, they’re doing coke and having sex with eachother, some real wild shit for the time. And once he’s done investigating, Ervin brings a report of his findings to his superiors
Now, Admiral Spencer Wood of the second navy district is involved, and he orders an investigation and has a court review Ervin’s claims, and once they were done with that, they came to the conclusion that an investigation was warranted. Now Roosevelt gets involved, and he approves the courts recommendation, and he asks Attorney General Mitchell Palmer to take on the investigation.
Now, at this point in the story, you’re probably asking, “Mr. B, you said this was a FUNNY story, what’s so funny about this blatant act of homophobia?” And to that I have to say, the funny part comes with the… rather interesting methods of investigation that they chose, and we’re gonna get to that right now.
So General Palmer assigns Ervin, the guy that brought this whole thing to light, to lead the investigation, as he was a former Connecticut state detective, and he has the idea of an infiltration approach. So he chooses 13 investigators on the basis of looks and age to be his undercover agents. And how exactly did they choose to go through with this investigation?
That’s right, over the course of several weeks, these agents submitted DAILY reports to Ervin, including DETAILED descriptions of the activities they participated in. And, at least according to the Wikipedia article im reading, they quote “rarely reported any hesitancy or qualms about their direct participation.”
So that’s where this story ends, secret agents infiltrating the queer world of the navy by having gay sex, and Roosevelt’s minor involvement in it, though he would definitely get caught up in the drama that followed. The only thing I can say is that, even with the investigation’s homophobic intentions, the whole situation was so ridiculous that I’m genuinely unable to take it seriously even as a gay man myself.
And also that there had to have been at least one sexual awakening from that debacle
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