#Ms ask box: Hyunjin
dearestaussiechannie · 10 months
Hey, I just read through your masterlist and loved it, could I request a fluff where like you come home to visit your parents but you bring your Korean boyfriend to meet them and stay with them for a few days? I'm thinking like a BangChan or Minho one? I feel like this could totally be a cute series too if you're up for it!
OOO!! Thank you for reading through it! I would love to write this sweet idea for you! I meant to get this out sooner but I really wanted to take my time with this!
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♡ They meet your parents and family for the first time ♡
Chan- I think he’d be super nervous at first since it would be his first time meeting your parents. Since he grew up in Australia, he wouldn't have a hard time talking to them or understanding their habits. While staying with them, he’d try his best to help them with absolutely anything.
“Chris, you don't need to be nervous. They’re excited to meet you.” You say to him in a soft voice as you squeeze his hand, looking around and waiting for your parents to come get the two of you from the airport. 
The small breath he lets out is super shaky, squeezing your hand tighter. As he goes to speak, he hears a man yelling your name before you're suddenly pulling him in that direction. He can’t help but smile when he sees the excitement across your face, watching the way your hair bounces as you run to your mother and basically tackle her into a hug.
He hears the voice from before that called out your name now directed at him. “And you must be Christopher?” the man says to him, looking him up and down. Chan suddenly realises how he looks just standing there instead of speaking, making him panic a bit. “Ah yes. You can just call me Chris if you’d like. I assume you're Y/n's father.”
You hear him talking, making you look over to your father, hugging him tightly before gently patting the man's shoulder. “Be nice dad. Don’t try to scare him, we just got here and you know the flight was super long. Let’s go home!”
Fast forward to you all being at your family home and Chan can’t stop looking around at all of the photos of you and your siblings hanging up on the walls. He meets your younger siblings that are at first super iffy about him being there as they keep asking you who he is. Your older siblings introduce themselves to him before moving on. To say they're all thrown off by his accent is a complete understatement. 
He seems to get close to your mom quite quickly as he helps her with anything she needs and even goes grocery shopping with her since she doesn’t know what he likes to eat. They both come back full of smiles.
Easy to say that your family enjoys his presence and can’t wait for him to come back next time!
Minho- Just like Chan, I think he’d be pretty nervous. He’d try his best to talk to them but if he gets overwhelmed or needs your help, he’ll look at you since you know him best. I think he’d be super excited to meet your siblings since he's an only child. Meeting your pets would be his favourite part though and if you have CATS… good luck getting him away from them.
“Minho. Leave the cats alone, it’s time for dinner!” You’d have to say to him multiple times, just getting a mean glare every time. This would catch your parents off guard at first. Having them ask you why he looks at you like that. You’d have to explain that he means nothing by it, it’s just how he acts with his friends where he's from.
Watching him in the kitchen with your mother is the best part of the whole trip. Him learning how to cook your favourite meals but also teaching her how to make some of your favourite dishes that you eat in Korea. While eating, he’d watch the way you talked to everyone about how the two of you met. Seeing the way your eyes sparkle while simply talking about him makes his heart flutter.
When he's with your younger siblings, he’ll participate in their games but when he beats them, he’ll brag about it to you which just makes you laugh. But if he loses, he’s gonna be all grumpy and he may bully them a little bit, “No no I let you guys beat me since it's the first time we’ve met.”
If you have older siblings, he’ll be super respectful to them by trying to stay out of their way. It’ll take them telling him that they like him for him to interact with them. He’ll get excited if they invite him to go out with them to the store since it’ll give him a chance to get to them well.
When it’s time for you guys to leave, he’ll leave recipes for your mother and tell her to call him if she has any questions. He’s a bit shocked when she hugs him but he'll quickly hug her back.
I think he’d have lots of fun.
Changbin- He’s nothing but excited! The idea of spending an entire week with the people who raised the wonderful human he’s dating… he’s head over heels!
“Binnie! Slow down, if you charge at them you might scare my mom!” You say to him through laughs as he pulls you quickly behind him. When he finally sees them, he’ll stop running before walking over to them and bowing before saying very loudly, “Hello. My name is Changbin but you can just call me Bin! I love your child very much!”
Your parents stare at you with very puzzled looks before he stands up straight again. “Oh, bowing is a respectful way to greet people in Korea.” This makes your face turn red before placing your hand onto his back, looking between your parents. “Let’s go home.” You say before signalling towards the doors.
He’d be super happy to see that your parents prepared slippers for him to wear at their house after you told them that you don’t wear shoes inside of your shared apartment in Korea. It literally takes everything in you to get him to take them off when the two of you are going to bed.
“Changbin? Can I have your help with taking the trash out?” Your mother would ask but before the sentence was completely finished, he'd already taken the trash from her and took it outside to the bin.
Watching him interact with your father was honestly a bit alarming. Since he knows the history you and your father have, you didn’t expect him to be so talkative with him. When you ask him about it though all he can say is, “I only have to be this nice until I’ve secured your hand in marriage THEN I can say what I really wanna say to him. Your mom however, let's take her back home with us. I'm pretty sure she could fit in one of your suitcases.” All he gets back from you is a blush and a pillow chunked at him.
When it's time for the two of you to go back, he would immediately ingulf your mother into a tight hug, shake your fathers hand, say bye to everyone else before hurrying away to catch your flight. Once you’re both back home, he’s trying his best to plan another trip back to your parents. Specifically your mother.
He honestly had the best time he’s had in quite some time.
Hyunjin- I think he might be slightly overwhelmed at first but he would very much pull through. He’s excited overall though, getting super excited when your family asks him about growing up in a different country.
“Hello, I’m Hyunjin.” Is all he can say at first, too overwhelmed from the flight and having to change his sleep schedule to be able to do anything all week. 
The two of you would probably spend lots of time walking around and taking photos of him in the local popular spots. But once you and your family go out, suddenly he’s the one behind the camera. Capturing the way you look at your family, the big beautiful smile across your face making your eyes squint shut. 
In different places, he’d pose you and take multiple different photos of you. Taking some of you with the rest of your family and even trying his best to set up the camera so that you can all take a photo together since this is the first time you’ve been home since you moved away and it’s his first time meeting your family. 
He’d definitely go get them printed out before you guys have to leave. But not until the day before since he knows he’s gonna be taking more of literally everything. Watching the way he runs around with your siblings, doing silly little dances with them, even getting your mother involved by taking her hand and pulling her to slow dance with him. Seeing the way that it makes her smile and laugh makes him so happy. This makes your father take over Hyuns spot, making him walk over and take your hand. “May I have this dance, wonderful?”
Once it’s time to go home, the two of you go get the pictures printed out that he wants to give to your family, buying frames and putting little notes with each of them addressed to everyone. As you both say your goodbyes, he pulls everyone into a tight hug. He laughs while walking away backwards, waving like a mad man and yelling. “I’ll miss you all! I can’t wait to come back next time and take more pictures! Please enjoy them!”
After you guys are home safely, you look at your phone and see that your mother has hung up all the picture frames which makes him smile before taking your phone and taking her like crazy. 
I think once he gets to know them, he’d miss them so much more than you do.
Han- oh my sweet boy.. he’d have to keep his headphones on the first couple of days just so he can get used to all the loud noises of your family but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t enjoy their company. Give him some time and he’s an open book with them.
“This is Jisung everyone, but please be patient with him.” You say as you look between him and your family, offering him a smile as he holds onto your thumb as tight as he can. His whole body shakes as he bows to them before getting too self conscious and starts to wave but keeps his head down. 
When the two of you are alone in your room at your parents house, he’s curled up to you too afraid to go interact with any of your family if you’re not right there with him. It’s not that he’s afraid of them, he just doesn’t know how to talk to them. He really really wants to but he’s nervous.
Around the third day, he started talking to your family but very softly. When he has something important to say, he’ll hold your hand as tight as you’ll let him or you’d rub his back in soft circles. It really seemed to make him happy when your family would go quiet when he spoke so that they could all hear him. The support they gave him also made you really happy since you know Jisung struggles. 
When he couldn’t find you, he oddly went to your father. He said he somehow reminded him of Chan since he could be loud when he wanted to but also quiet and gentle when Jisung needed him to be. Watching Ji talk to your father full of excitement, that big toothy heart smile so bright making your father also smile. This meant the world to you since the main person he was so nervous about seeing was your father and watching the two of them bond and the way he spoke so softly to Ji.. very heartwarming. 
Watching him running around with your family after a few more days of him getting used to them, being super loud with them like he would at home with his friends, even your father was proud of him. He’s running and goofing off with them while you just sit there and watch. Some things you’ll record him to show to everyone back in Korea. 
Once it's time for the two of you to leave, he’s quite sad to go. He’ll give everyone goodbye hugs, some longer than others. Specifically his hug with your father, hugging him tighter than the others. He’ll thank him quietly for helping him open up and getting comfortable. You’ll have to basically pull him away from everyone when it's time for your plane to board.
Once back to your shared home, he’ll ask when the two of you can go back.
I feel like he’d really like to spend time with your family, making sure that he gets to know them well for next time.
Felix- He’d be nervous BUT also really excited. He’s probably been talking about meeting them for quite some time before this comes up. Spending a week with them is the PERFECT opportunity to get to know them individually. When the two of you are completely settled, he’ll be with them constantly.
“Y/n, you did tell them when we landed right?” He asks, holding your hand tightly while waiting for your bags to come around the carousel. You laugh as you look at your phone, texting your mother about waiting for your bags while she tells you where everyone is waiting.
“Lixie, have you seen-” You go to ask him only to see he's completely invested into whatever story your mother is telling him. He’s nodding his head while looking at her or whatever pictures she's showing him in the book on the table. You slowly walk over and lean against the back of his chair.
“Oh! Hi babe, whats up?” he’ll ask you like you weren’t just talking to him to help you with something. You shake your head slowly while looking at what pictures she’s showing him. “Oh I remember that day, we went to the zoo and I was more interested in squirrels than tigers!” You say while pointing at the picture, laughing softly as you look up at him.
His smile only grows bigger when he sees yours and hears your side of the story. Felix listens to your mother finish telling the story but he's really only paying attention to you now. How you look while listening to her and how you’ll chime in and your laugh. Gosh how he loves that laugh.
Since he has siblings, he’s pretty good with yours, playing games with them even when he makes him the seeker every single time. If you have older siblings, he’ll go with them to do things like go to the store when your parents send them, insisting that you stay there while he goes so that they can get to know him when you're not also around.
When it’s time to leave, like Hyunjin, he has gifts for everyone. Buying your siblings whatever they’re into, he gets your mother a new photobook since he could tell that the other one is pretty full and almost full. He gets your father the new wallet that he looked at on your family trip to the mall. You both wave goodbyes, walking away holding hands as he yells, “We’ll come back soon, I promise!”
Once you’ve made it back home, you both text your family to let them know you’ve made it back safely. Little do you know, they respond to Felix before they respond to you.
I feel like he would probably have the most fun with your family.
Seungmin- He’d be nervous and wouldn’t really know what to say since he doesn’t really know what to say. He’d depend on you like Minho, maybe a bit more though. When he needs you, I think he’d text you instead of speaking so that your family doesn’t think much of it.
“Everyone, this is my boyfriend Seungmin!” You say, jestering towards him causing him to wave very slowly as he looks at everyone. “Hi, it’s nice to meet all of you.. I’ll be in your care.” He says, glancing over at you before squeezing your hand tighter. After everyone says hello, they hurry to the car.
Your first night back home, you all go out to eat. This causes group conversations that try to include Min but he doesn’t know when to join in. Since the two of you are sitting beside each other, he looks over to you for help but sees that you're having a conversation with your mother. This suddenly makes him feel nervous, causing him to quickly grab your hand under the table and give it a few tight squeezes to get your attention. 
You look over at him, seeing that he's just staring at his lap so you now turn to face him. “Baby? What’s wrong?” You whisper before squeezing his hand back. “Just… overwhelmed.. And don’t know what to say to everyone.” He responds, voice barely making a whisper. You lean down a little further, looking into his eyes and you notice they’re red. This makes you really worried, listening into the conversation your siblings are having. 
They were talking about sports, making you light up a bit as you now see why he wanted to join them. “Oh! Seungie here used to really wanna be a professional baseball player!” you say making him look up at you before over to them. After this, they start talking to each other, letting you go back to your conversation with your mom where she tells you that you did good helping him.
As the days go by, Seungmin gets used to everyone and he starts acting like himself again. This makes you happy when you see it happening, since you know he wants to be close with them so that they’ll like him for when you guys end up coming back at later dates.
While leaving, he’ll thank them for their hospitality and for including him in the things that they did. Once you’re back home, he’ll tell you all about the conversations he had with them even if you were present for them.
Jeongin- If you look up the definition of the word nervous, it’ll show you a picture of I.n. Sweet little guy can’t help but be nervous after you tell him he’s the first boyfriend you’ve brought home that you’ve been serious about. 
“Innie, you have nothing to worry about I swear. They already know some things about you and are really excited to meet you!” You tell him as the two of you walk out of the airport. “I get that but I’ll still be nervous. I’ve never met them before. What do I even say to them?” But before you can respond, you can hear people yelling your names.
“Y/n! Jeongin! We’re over here!” A male voice yells, making you both look around, I.n can only tell who he’s looking at by the excitement that spreads across your face. “Mom! Dad!” You yell while hurrying to them, pulling him behind you. “This is Jeongin! He’s excited to meet you guys!” you say while he waves. 
He likes to stay close to you so that he can easily chime into the conversations you’re having with them instead of starting them. You see, this is a good idea until you leave to go to the store, insisting that he stays there while you’re gone so that he can get to know them. But, he just kinda sits in silence for a while until your mother asks him what he’d like for dinner.
By the time you get back, He’s helping her cook while having a conversation with your father about what it was like when the two of you met, what your first date was like, when the two of you started dating, when you the two of you decided that you wanted to become serious so the two of you moved in together. You sneak up, kissing his cheek before walking over to the table by your father to sit and wait for the food.
After he’s spent time with your family, he’s quite sad to leave but he knows that the two of you will be back quite soon since holidays are right around the corner and he really wants to come back… maybe more than you do.
I really think he’d enjoy being with your family more than any of the other members.
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muddy-water-1997 · 4 months
𝖠𝗀𝖾𝗇𝖼𝗒 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝖡𝖾𝗇𝖾𝖿𝗂𝗍𝗌
𝖳𝖶: 𝖬𝗈𝗋𝖾 𝗌𝗆𝗎𝗍 (𝖶𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗂𝗌 𝗐𝗋𝗈𝗇𝗀 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝗆𝖾 𝖺𝗍 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗆𝗈𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍 𝖿𝗋𝖿𝗋). 𝖢𝗁𝗈𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗀, 𝗈𝗎𝗍𝗌𝗂𝖽𝖾 𝗌𝖾𝗑, 𝗎𝗇𝗉𝗋𝗈𝗍𝖾𝖼𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝗌𝖾𝗑 (𝗐𝗋𝖺𝗉 𝗂𝗍 𝖻𝖾𝖿𝗈𝗋𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗍𝖺𝗉 𝗂𝗍 𝖽𝗎𝗆𝗆𝗂𝖾𝗌), 𝖦𝗈𝖽? 𝗂𝗀?
𝖠𝖭: 𝖳𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗄 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾 𝗌𝗈 𝖿𝖺𝗋; 𝖨'𝗏𝖾 𝖻𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗐𝗋𝗂𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝖺 𝗐𝗁𝗂𝗅𝖾 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗀𝗁𝗍 𝖨 𝗐𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽 𝗎𝗉𝗅𝗈𝖺𝖽 𝗂𝗍 𝗈𝗇 𝖺 𝗐𝗁𝗂𝗆, 𝖻𝗎𝗍 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗀𝖾𝗇𝗎𝗂𝗇𝖾 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾? 𝖥𝗎𝗅𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗆𝗒 𝗐𝗋𝗂𝗍𝖾𝗋'𝗌 𝖾𝗀𝗈 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗌𝗎𝗋𝖾.
Chapter 13 - A Dream or a Nightmare?
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Walking to the cars, you could sense the glares you were getting out of the windows from the boys. The realisation sunk in. Yesterday, when you thought you were shrouded by the cover of a one-sided mirror in the studio observation box, they all saw you with Chris. The thought was mortifying. Then Binnie in the van… then Seungmin in the club… Then, both Chris and Binnie in the supply closet. Now Felix and Hyunjin while in the office!?
The puzzle pieces fell into place, depicting indiscretion and vulnerability. Each encounter had been a slip-up, a moment of weakness and passion on your part that now seemed to hang over you like a dark cloud. Did they just think of you as an easy target? You were here because you were good at your job, right? 
The weight of their potential scrutiny was suffocating, and you couldn't help but feel exposed even when covered by your clothing as if every secret desire and forbidden touch had been laid bare for all to see. As you reached the waiting cars, you forced yourself to keep your head high, plastering on a mask of confidence despite the turmoil within you. 
Stepping into the car, you took the phone from Billie and began speaking to the stylist, though your tone had softened this time. You couldn't deny that the stolen moment with Felix and Hyunjin had taken the edge off for you. The situation was handled quickly afterwards; a few plans were implemented to get the required clothing items to the set you were all heading to. For fuck's sake, you still had to hold up this facade all afternoon. Did they all know about each other? Chan and Binnie had seen you with Seungmin, and Seungmin had seen you walk off with them. But breakfast had been so relaxed after that. The thought made your head spin, conjuring stories you couldn't comprehend. You just had to make it to the venue and keep yourself locked away from everything and everyone—especially the three men you had already managed to keep at a distance.
“Billie, is there a secluded room at the venue?” you asked as calmly as possible.
“Yes, Ms. Y/N,” she responded, glancing at her notes.
Within seconds of arriving at the vast warehouse set, you ditched the car, abandoned your team, and sprinted straight for the secluded room Billie had pointed out on the floor plans. Heart pounding, you locked the door behind you with a deep sigh. Peace, at last.
You took a moment to process the whirlwind of the past 48 hours. Just two days ago, you were at the concert, carefree and exhilarated. Now, you found yourself thrust into a job you hadn’t even told your business partner about, thanks to that bastard NDA. The thought gnawed at you, especially since you hadn’t caught up with your best friend, who had signed the same damned thing. You did the only thing you could think of, which was another pinch to the forearm. Ouch! Yup, you’re still awake.
You just had to survive another few hours. Then you could get back to the hotel, thank the team for the opportunity, and promptly leave for your average, uncomplicated flat on the outskirts of town where you owed nothing to anyone and weren’t running around and sleeping with international superstars. 
That's what you wanted, right? 
Normal and uncomplex.
You sat on the cold, hard floor in the corner of the room, knees drawn up to your chest. Your head rested against the wall; the cold concrete was a welcome relief to your overheating brain, running a million miles an hour. How could you be forced into a corner over such a massive opportunity? This could launch your career and provide stability for your company. Claire wouldn’t need to flirt with sleazy old men just to get clientele onto your books. Having Stray Kids attached to your brand image would be monumental! The potential was exhilarating, yet the secrecy and pressure were almost unbearable.
You could hear the distinct buzzing on your phone on the floor next to you, clearly texts, not calls. Who could it be? Chris checking in? Is Binnie trying to act sweet after telling you he couldn’t trust you just a day prior? Seaungmin and his hands? God those hands…
Snapping out of it, you grabbed your phone off the floor; it was Billie. Hiding had seemed like a great idea until you remembered you were contractually obligated to do your job. Reluctantly, you got off the floor and steeled yourself. All you needed to do was hold your emotions in check for a few more hours, and then this whirlwind, a nightmare or a dream, would be over.
Well, that was a brilliant idea… until you saw their outfits. Jesus, how can eight men look like they just rolled off the cover of a magazine? Technically, they are about to be put directly on those magazine covers, but your point still stood. You made it your mission to avoid direct eye contact with them. Right now, the only safe people to approach were IN, Han, and Minho, and even they were off-limits to your brain. 
Billie had shoved some papers in your hands, a welcome distraction, although you knew that you had read the first line of the document at least ten times, trying hard to digest the content of it. Something about press after the shoot? Something about brand interviews? Stupidly, you snuck another look at the men in front of the camera. Leather. Leather everywhere. No. Focus. Something about the press? Something about brands? Leather.
“Ms. Y/N?” Billie's voice rang through the tangled thoughts in your head, thoughts so wild not even an insane person would say them out loud. Had she asked a question? Shit. You just wanted to be back in your cold, secluded room.
“Sorry,” you responded timidly. “Um…” You scanned over the documents quickly. “Yes to the first two points, refuse the questions about relationships, and ask them about leather—I mean lyrics! Ask them about lyrics.” Smooth as ever, you retreated from Billie and melted back into the shadows at the room's rear.
“Looking for some peace too?” A quiet yet familiar voice spoke out to you from the shadows. Ah, it was IN. You could handle IN. The youngest of the group, less intense, wanted to be a priest if he didn’t become an idol. You were safe here.
“It’s just a lot of…” You started.
“...leather?” He finished for you, and you stifled a laugh in response.
“Precisely,” you agreed as you leaned against the back wall with him, enjoying the moment of serenity.
“I’ve found this little spot around the back of the building. It’s secluded, quiet, and far away from the leather. Want to join me?” He asked sweetly; his relaxed demeanour puts you at ease. You happily obliged, following him around to the hidden spot behind the warehouse.
“And then Channie-hyung fell flat on the studio floor!” You both erupted into laughter, the sound echoing in the quiet surroundings of the hidden spot behind the warehouse.
“Surely, there’s no way he let Binnie get away with that!” You managed to calm your laughter, feeling surprisingly at ease with IN on the rustic picnic bench outside the studio. The gentle breeze stirred the air, carrying away the day's tension.
“No, he chased him out of the room. I don’t think they spoke for the rest of the session!” IN chuckled softly at the memory. Sitting next to you on the bench, he exuded a comforting presence that eased the knots of stress in your mind. “I wouldn’t blame you for running out of the warehouse…” His tone was more serious now. “You’ve experienced… a lot… these past couple of days.” The way he spoke was knowing, and it cemented the fact that the boys do talk about you. 
“It’s been an experience, for sure…” You trailed off, your eyes flickering away from his and into the distant trees. “As for running, I’m not decided quite yet,” you confessed.
His hand reached for your chin, gently pulling your face back so your eyes could meet. The touch of his fingers, chilled by the outside breeze, sent a shiver down your spine, grounding you back into reality.
“We do appreciate everything you’ve done for us,” his voice was lower now, almost whispered, as he leaned closer to you. His eyes, dark with intensity, were fixed on your lips, drawing you into a moment suspended in time.
You nodded slowly, a slight hum acknowledging his words before you brought your lips to meet his. The touch ignited a flame that had been smouldering between you, the heat of it enveloping you both in its embrace.
Another moment of passion you would have to strike out later mentally, but at this moment, the comfort IN brought you and the undeniable chemistry between you both was too potent to ignore. The kisses became more urgent and intoxicating as if each one was a desperate plea for more.
Before you knew it, IN had you pressed up against the icy cold outside wall of the warehouse. The chill of the concrete contrasted sharply with the heat of your body, creating a sensation that electrified your senses and fueled the fire of desire between you.
Your underwear, already ruined from the escapades earlier in the day, had found themselves on a puddle on the floor, leaving the underneath of your dress wholly exposed. For the group's youngest member, he was by no means the weakest. He lifted your body off the ground with ease, pushing you back up against the wall, his lips not leaving you for a moment.
“You are so beautiful, y/n. I don’t know how I’ve held myself back this long.” He muttered against your swollen lips, a small trail of saliva connecting you both even in your separation. Your moans in response were enough to spur him on, knowing he didn’t have much time before he had to be back in front of the camera. He expertly removed one hand from your side, reaching down to free his throbbing dick from his stupidly tight leather trousers. Your eyes darted behind him, remembering briefly that you were outside.
“It’s just me and you,” He reassured you, sensing your sudden tension as your gaze fell back on him, instantly at ease. “We’ve not got long, babe; I need to get back in front of the camera.” You nodded vigorously, knowing you needed this as much as he did. With that, he lowered you down to meet him, slowly slipping inside of you with ease.
“God, please…” You prayed, the stretch around him feeling euphoric, sending your eyes closing in bliss.
“God has nothing to do with this; I want you screaming my name, not his,” IN chuckled, his breath warm against your ear as he gave you a moment to adjust to the new sensation before thrusting into you harshly once.
“Fuck, IN, please. Please just use me.” You pleaded, God's name now replaced with his. Groaning, you didn’t need to ask twice. Pounding into you relentlessly, one of his hands reached its way up to your neck, the multitude of rings on his hand leaving electric shocks as they traced the contours of your body. 
Just one of his hands was enough to wrap around your throat; the sudden lack of oxygen alongside the relentless assault on your pussy was driving you to that sweet feeling of release again. His lips found yours again; that was all it took for you to come undone for the second time today.
“You’re so tight, y/n. Fuck, just like that. You look so beautiful with my hand wrapped around your throat like this. So small.” his movements were becoming more erratic, and you could tell he stayed true to his word about being quick. He quickly moved you off of him and back to the ground. 
“On your knees...” He demanded. “Praying for a God when you’ve got me right here…” he scoffed. You happily obliged, knees on the gravel, mouth wide open, and tongue out.
“You look so good on your knees. Now swallow, we can’t have me ruining the brand's clothing, can we now?” He smirked mischievously as he worked himself in his hand, aiming directly at your mouth before shooting hot white ropes onto your waiting tongue. 
Swallowing what was given to you, you both took a moment to breathe. IN, ever the gentleman, quickly helped you up off the floor and brushed your knees down before kissing you gently.
“Are you okay?” He asked, his voice laced with concern. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” he questioned, his eyes searching yours for any sign of discomfort. You couldn’t help but giggle, resting your head on his shoulder as he sat beside you.
“I’m fine, Innie,” you reassured him, feeling warmth through you at his caring gesture. “It’s just funny how you can go from so dominant to so loving in 0.3 seconds,” you chuckled again as his hand came up to smooth your hair gently.
“Just think about what I said earlier. We all really appreciate everything you’ve done for us. Don’t be frightened. This could end up being a perfect working relationship,” he said softly, his words sinking in as you nodded, too blissed out to speak or even think on the matter. He kissed your temple softly as he rose from his seat.
“I’ll head in first, don’t worry, you look beautiful.” Blowing a small kiss as he went, you took a moment to soak up what was left of the golden hour sun before heading back to work, somehow less conflicted than before.
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𝖶𝖺𝗇𝗍 𝗆𝗈𝗋𝖾? 𝖳𝖾𝗅𝗅 𝗆𝖾! 𝖬𝗒 𝗂𝗇𝖻𝗈𝗑 𝗂𝗌 𝖺𝗅𝗐𝖺𝗒𝗌 𝗈𝗉𝖾𝗇, 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖨 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖿𝗋𝗈𝗆 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗀𝗎𝗒𝗌! 
𝖶𝖺𝗇𝗍 𝗍𝗈 𝗃𝗈𝗂𝗇 𝗆𝗒 𝗍𝖺𝗀 𝗅𝗂𝗌𝗍? 𝖣𝗋𝗈𝗉 𝗆𝖾 𝖺 𝖼𝗈𝗆𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍 𝗈𝗋 𝖣𝖬!
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aswho1estuff · 4 months
I love it, my designer
EP #2
Dior for I adore, Versace I can't stay away
Plot- Taylor feels understood, cherish, and quite frankly loved the problem is her husband isn’t anywhere in the equation. The root of the problem is the model her husband assigned her to photograph.
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"Lemme lock this up and we're out" I say putting my keys in my purse. "Not the silent treatment" I announce laughing. Looking up I follow Diana's gaze to meet Hyunjin.
"Oh, hi Ms. Carter, and ?" Hyunjin says walking over."Hey this is Diana my friend, what are you doing here today?" I say shaking his hand after Diana "Well I'm moving my activities under this company and need a stylist soon, So everyone told me come to you".
"You should definitely work with Sasha then, she's one of the best assets here" Diana jumps in poking me forward. "That would be wonderful actually" Hyunjin grins at Diana. Pushing her I say "Don't mind her, when do you need the outfit".
"I'll need them in two weeks actually, one for the carpet and another for the after party" he lets out low. I sigh laughing "I'm gonna need all your time these two weeks then no debates". "My lips are sealed" Hyunjin whispers.
"We should take him to lunch with us then" Diana says quickly almost giving me whiplash "you know for business and time management and stuff" she lets out sheepishly.
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"And that's when she came with me up to that school id never seen those girls so scared before" Diana cackles at the retailing making me and Hyunjin laugh. "You've always been so caring huh" he says leaning over.
"she has don't let her tell you otherwise, that's why I'm glad you were able to care for her yesterday" Diana says softly she's always worried about me even though I'm older. "It was my pleasure really, I enjoyed every minute truly" Hyunjin states smiling.
"did something happen that day though before I came? if I can ask of course" Hyunjin asks low. "It's alright it was just my anniversary that day and it didn't go how I planned it would" I elaborate.
"I didn't know it was your anniversary I would have got you something" "Hyunjin you don't have to do that, it's alright" I cant fathom the thought that he and Diana would be the only ones who'd actually given me a gift.
"Well if not for your anniversary then I should get you something for our anniversary yesterday was the first day we met. You became my photographer and now stylist I think our relationship will be a long and beautiful one" Hyunjin says smiling. "Oh sorry y'all, my rides here gotta head back to the office but have fun" Diana says grabbing her purse as we wave her off.
"let's get to business then, your manager has messaged me with your brand deals so we can hit up a shop nearby for inspiration" I say muddling through my purse grabbing my wallet. "No need I've already got it" "you sure?" I ask "I want to".
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Ohh this purse is cute wait look at those shoes. "You should try them on, a little pleasure with business is okay" Hyunjin slightly smiles. "I couldn't.... maybe just for a second" I say grabbing the shoes from him. Throwing my shoes off I put them on "wow okay she's cute" I say pointing to the shoes "indeed she is" Hyunjin adds laughing.
"okay let me take em off before I get attached" gigging I sit down reaching for the shoe Hyunjin stops my hand "you don't want them?" He asks confused. "I shouldn't Ive got enough shoes really you know" I reply slowly pulling off the shoes. These are gonna live in my dreams for weeks "but you can never have too much of what you like" Hyunjin says helping me up.
"well I think daniel would disagree and he's right I do have too many shoes, I probably wouldn't wear them often anyways I'm more of a purse girl" I say putting them back.
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"You've got a package" Daniel says putting it on the bed. "Thanks?" I tell him as he walks out closing the door. Versace? This can't be I think Opening the box to find a note.
"I got the black purse so you can switch with the white one you have. Our first anniversary of many years to come I hope." - Hyunjin
<-Ep. #1 Ep.#3->
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leeha225 · 2 years
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾PINK TINT☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙ (2)
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Hyunjin×Fem reader
⚠genre⚠: fluff, college scenario, teacher student relationship, maybe forbidden love, red strings attached, very very veryyyy sugar sweet, yet smut says Hi😈
Synopsis: Final year of art school and you still don't know what to do in life. Everything takes a turn when he stepped in, for better or worst. Worst is interesting sometimes. Make my rules sounds nice but feelings never lie.
(a/n: it's all fiction people no hate!!!!)
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Warm cup of tea for the day, wrapping her hands around it for heat radiate through her skin, she looked out her apartment window. Evening sun set painting the sky with an array of colors. Wind blew fluttering her art material set for her now due assignment. Since it was the last year attending class everyday wasn't necessary and y/n being the best student never needed so.
Taking a sip of her tea, y/n sat over at her table and took a sheet of paper out. To warm up her hands, she quickly did a rough sketch of anything she thought of. Her pencil like it were possessed drew her pulsing emotions... A boy... No a man.... No... Hwang Hyunjin.
Y/n drew the very view she admired, his gentle smile with the cute crescent curve of his eyes. Looking at it made her flush up again, putting away the drawing quickly, y/n went over to start yer assignment.
Half way through her assignment with the base sketch, her phone vibrated on the table with a low buzz. It was Chungha.
Y/n: ola amigo~✋
C: The university is hosting an Art exhibition and Mr K asked if you want to donate any of your paintings!!!
Y/n: I don't have anything exhibition-able
C: Then make one... You have time till next month. He asked you to come tomorrow.
Y/n: okay 😪
C: Seeeeya😎 Good luck 🤗
Y/n had to know the details about the exhibition, rushing up to the office, she couldn't help but feel excited. This was an amazing opportunity for her chance to Paris. Maybe she could even earn money if anyone bought her piece.
"Mr K?" Y/n knocked softly at his cabin door.
"Come in" Inside were decorated with old and new paintings, several paintings stacked in boxes at the side, well yes the place was rubbish but... Colorful.
"Ahhh Y/n, I was expecting you... Come with me" Y/n followed Mr K out to another cabin, to find a junior staff going through few sketches.
"Ms U this is y/n one of my best students" Brief greetings. "She wants to participate in the art exhibition donating some of her artworks"
"Do have anything that you would like to present?" The young woman maybe in her 20s spoke softly with a smile.
"Um... I was thinking since I have one month time, could paint a new one?" Fiddling with the hem of her blouse, y/n felt a sudden break of cold sweat.
"Well the thing is that we have to put up the artworks on the brochure and that has to be sent everywhere"
"O-oh... But I don't have any-"
"Let it be a mystery piece" Y/n jolted at the voice from behind, it was Mr Hwang right behind her that she could feel his presence towering over her.
"A mystery piece is only done with recognized artists to attract visitors" Mr K said while Y/n couldn't think straight. Too close was all she could think holding her breathe.
"It's fine I'll try next-"
"Use my name, I'll be her mentor and I'll produce a piece too with her" All three eyes went wide. Y/n finally turned to look at him, he looked straight at her with a smile. His hair was tied this time, and his usual casual hoodie was replaced with a white cardigan button that hung loose over his body, exposing ample of his collarbone. Paired with formal pants... Classic. Y/n quickly turned away to hide her naughty gaze.
"Great then, you both can use the art room as much as you want. I need to see the progress every week. Two paintings soon"
"Yes Mr K. Thank you Ms U" Y/n still blank slowly processing. Hyunjin walked away with a low chuckle to himself... Is he enjoying this?!
"Y/n a word" Mr K called for her to his cabin. To his dusty cabin again, how does he even survive here without a wheeze. "Sit down, I really need you to take this opportunity seriously, because your paired with one of the best renowned artist. I'm genuinely thankful because he denied my offer in presenting a piece, but now because of you he reconsidered. So, just go with the flow, any problems you can approach me. Okay?"
"He's famous?"
"That's a secret but yeah it's a golden opportunity, not to worry. Also don't ask him personal questions because he doesn't like being...talked about. Good luck then" Something felt off, because y/n felt like she was getting ready to babysit a grumpy kid.
"Thank you Mr K" Y/n walked out of the dust and opened the staff room door to find Mr Hwang leaning against the wall waiting for her.
"Mr H-Hwang" Y/n softly greeted and he came over to her.
"Ms y/n, Let's talk" Instantly he turned away and walked to the nearest empty classroom. Screeching two chairs to the middle face to face for them. Y/n sat down awkwardly adjusting herself as the man sat down casually legs crossed. "What is your art style?" He asked taking out his phone.
"Um...Minimalism? both impressionism and post-impressionism, aesthetics pastel colors and emotions" He peeked from his phone at her, inhaling sharply.
"You know what is my style?" He leaned forward, exposing his chest a bit. Y/n shook her head flushed every moment with the man "Realism, Baroque, expressionism, and emotions. What do you think we have in common?" She looked up at him and wondered, how their thoughts were completely different, he was more of beige guy while hers a more pink. But one thing sure did coincide.
"Emotions" His face lit up.
"Exactly. We are going portray our emotions...Romanticism" The last word was soft as a whisper. Hyunjin stood up to walk towards the board. Playing with the marker lid he leaned back against the board with his gaze fixed at the student up front. "What do you think is romanticism y/n?"
"Expression of emotions of an individual towards anything, like nature, music, art forms and-"
"People yes, very good. But I think it's felony. It isn't real romanticism" Hyunjin tried pushing y/n to the edge to get it out of her.
"Why do you think so Mr Hwang?" Y/n feigned innocence to bring him to the edge too.
"Because if you could love it then why should we learn to let it go" Hyunjin came over and bent to align his gaze with hers.
"W-well they say when person losses someone or something, they are given the most powerful strength of endurance. Love and loss are proportional to one another. Cannot be balanced because everyone will come across feelings of grief once in a while" Y/n bit make a tear as Hyunjin sharp gaze wavered as he was of loss of words.
"Well said" He clapped. "That will be our theme then" Brushing back his hair, Hyunjin went over to write that one the board. 'Love and Loss'. "We are supposed to produce two works, so one is Love and other Loss. Which do you choose?"
"Um, I don't know... Loss?"
"You do Love" Y/n nibbled on her lip because she wasn't familiar with it... Much... Maybe but maybe not. "Have you not witnessed love y/n?"
"No, just a crush but got over it" Hyunjin narrowed his gaze, inhaling deeply as he sat across from her again and whispered.
"Don't worry. I'll help you with that" He smirked to himself toying with her like he was with the marker in Hand.
"Y-yes?" Her questioning gaze was cut off by the bell. Y/n jumped up at the sudden siren, adjusting herself. "I have to get home. Thank you for the insight"
"Right, Thank you too. Tomorrow bring a normal scribble pad, pencil and eraser" Hyunjin stood up and followed her out.
On her way home Y/n thought of... Love. Foreign as it sounds but she did get a taste of the feeling. Kai, a dance major, senior from school and friend who once helped through embarrassing times. Both first met when Y/n clumsy almost pushed all the bicycles, But Kai caught her in time. Since then she would always find him. Slowly they both started with Hi's, small sentences, exchange of numbers. But after a while, she found that her classmate Jenny made her move on him. Chungha guessed maybe he got close to y/n to just get to see Jenny. Trash, Chungha once exclaimed for them to hear and hid while Y/n was caught. Kai called her over and asked how she was doing and boasted about her girlfriend. Y/n herself said trash bluntly and left. Chungha felt super proud of her friend.
Dark and crushing it is... Love.. Scoff*
A scribble pad, stationary, water, purse, snacks... All set. Rummaging through her bag one last time before walking to class... No one. Hyunjin isn't here yet, y/n sat down continuing her playlist for a while. Slowly she turned to the nearby window and leaned on the sil. One hand pillowed for her face, while the other dangled outside trying to catch the falling leaves and petals off the nearby tree. In a distance people were playing and cheering for a basketball match. The crowd mingling with the breeze made y/n sleepy. Slowly her eyes fluttered shut as she drifted off to dreamland.
Soft weather continues, but it was night, the moon shone bright illuminating her path. Y/n was walking through her hometown streets, an unfamiliar tree stood in the distance, swaying to the wind and shining under the moonlight. A single petal from a flower on the tree brushed past her cheek warm. The warmth made her smile in peace.
Slowly she got up rubbing her cheek as though the dream were real she realised. Hyunjin! Looking around she found the man right next to her leaning against the wall. His hair all messy but cute, a simple smile looking down at her. Y/n stood up to greet the man, stumbling a little clumsy from the sleep.
"G-good morning"
"Good afternoon" He emphasised for her to check the time and yes it was 1:07pm. "Have you eaten?"
"No I haven't" Correcting herself averting her gaze to her back for her makeup. One side of her cheek had a soft pink touch to it, was it because of the rubbing?
"Me too, so let's go out for lunch, we can start our discussions their" Y/n eyes widened did he just ask her out for lunch. But who would deny the man.
"O-okay" Grabbing her stuff real quick both left out to have lunch at a local restaurant, quickly finding seats, Hyunjin the gentleman he his helped her to be seated. Y/n flushed distracting every brain cell to the menu card. Quickly ordering anything she thought was interesting and took out her scribble pad. Looking up to see the man was staring directly into her soul, running his finger on his lips softly. Gulp*
This is going to take a while...
A rough sketch on what to be done was complete and so was lunch, both just about to leave.
"I'll pay" Y/n offered but Hyunjin chuckled walking to the counter.
"Another time. Let me be a gentleman today" Fishing out his wallet.
"And tomorrow?" Y/n blurted without thought. He thought for a while and smirked.
"You tell me" Y/n couldn't think straight and went out to find kids playing, giggles and care free vibe. Quickly capturing the moment when one kid came over to her.
"Unnie (elder sister) your pretty like a flower" She said tugging her dress, y/n in awe quickly picked her up and started laughing and asked her name. The little girl answered with her pinching Y/n cheek with a tiny fingers, to see if she were real. Just how contagious kids were with their happiness, quickly turning around to see Hyunjin smiling at his phone.
"I have to go now bye" Putting her down softly and adjusting her dress the little kid ran away waving shy. " Isn't she cute?" Y/n asked to the man who now stood closer. His hair brushing over his face effortlessly.
"Yeah. You like kids?"
"Yeah, How can one not?" Completely in love with the little one.
"Okay" Hyunjin said and walked away, eh...
"Um... Why don't you like kids? " Y/n catching on.
"Yeah I very much do" He said looking at her sideways to observe her reaction.
"Er... Thank you for the lunch" Y/n stammered
"Anything for my student"
Rest of the way they discussed on the later specifics like size, type of paint etc, to place the order.
The discussion went on for thre days, Mr K confirming and placing order for the materials, Y/n spent the rest of her time with her own assignments. Music, painting, Tea, cake... Regular routine.
Following week the materials arrived. Checking and setting things up, sometimes Hyunjin and Y/n would have that tension moment but eased out as the first priority was the exhibition. The site was set and going around to a get gist was mandatory. Y/n suggested painting a little on the wall to show a connection between the paintings. Hyunjin was pleased and so was Mr K seeing how they got along just fine.
Weeks went by as both sometimes both continued at home and got back to show progress. Yet both didn't dare to make a mistake. Finally as 80% of the art now finished Y/n stretched out, pulling out her headphones to look outside. It was raining and that dimmed out the room. Looking over her board to see Hyunjin full focused painting, studying his features to see his forehead scrunched cutely showing he's concentrating hard. His long slender fingers holding the brush and strokes all elegant. Wow he was an Art himself. Y/n stood up to get a closer look and my God it was amazing. How defined each stroke was representing loss. What made him portray it perfectly?
"It's amazing?" She mumbled, Hyunjin turned and oops he wasn't wearing headphones in one ear. "It looks amazing, love the blend and definition" She said bending over to get a closer look. "How do you bring to color blend without disturbing the base?" Y/n shot a few questions as a student.
"Here sit" She sat next to him as Hyunjin explained his tricks in a very detailed way and yes her intention to learn were genuine.
"How can you portray loss so well?" She whispered but the man again heard her. Leaning back, he loosened his hair tie and looked at the painting.
"What do you mean by that?"
"I-I mean it's perfect like you have really gone through that emotion-"
"Yes I have, I did lose someone dear to me" Y/n wanted to ask more but Mr K words echoed.
"I'm sorry to have asked"
"No it's alright, you were right though, one who experiences loss are given the most powerful strength of endurance" He looked at her, both were close leaned in. Just an effort and the space between could just disappear. He looked down at her lips then back at her but turned away. Silence as Y/n very well understood his emotion. Suddenly a romantic OST played out loud complementing the rain and the atmosphere. Y/n quickly got to her feet to see that her headphones went off and phone started playing out loud. Shoot
"Y/n" A low call as her name seemed to echo through her. Hyunjin was now on his feet too, one hand extended out. The room now super dark because it was after university hours, not many people in the building, is that why everything seemed to be heard like an echo? The pattering loud and clear. She went over and stood in front like she were possessed by the man, he softly pulled her close. Shiver ran down her spine like the room had got 5 times cooler. But the warmth from him eased. One hand on her hip lightly and other held her hand warm and firm. Both hands covered in paint looked beautiful to them. (Artists you see) Slowly both swayed to the music, starting with simple steps and slowly they twirled causing them to giggle. The sad atmosphere now better, Hyunjin looked beautiful smiling like a kid. His crescent eyes curved to complement his beauty mark. Like a moon and star. The tempo increased and steps became fast too, twirling about when both finally laughed out their hearts looking at each other and...
Hyunjin softly brushed his soft lips over Y/n's making both flushed with a mild pink tint.
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a/n: Just finished my exams, super sorry for delays people😘Love you guys for the support. ❤it 🔁it... ~
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k-comfyspace · 3 years
Star: Kim Hyunjin (Loona)
Idea: No
Sometimes all it takes is one moment to change everything
A/n: It's a little confusing and messy, sorry!
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You wiped the sweat from your brow, placing your hands on your knees as you stood by the side of the field. Watching the ball move from player to player.
When you caught your breath, your legs went to work as you sprinted nearly half of the field when your teammate called for your name.
They kicked the ball towards your direction, slowing your pace until you managed to catch it, doing a full 180 and running towards the enemy goal.
When you saw their defender get nervous, so you faked them out, looking to the left but kicking the ball with your left foot towards the right edge of the goal.
There was silence for a few seconds, as the ball rapidly darted until it hit the net. Loud cheering only registered in your ears when you felt bodies crash into you.
"You did it, Y/n!"
A bright smile came over your features as you got pulled up by your team. Each of them patting you on the back. Though you could feel something else when you had turned to your bench.
Almost like a lingering feeling on the back of your head, shifting your gaze, your eyes locked on a pair of cat like-eyes, staring at you from across the field. You knew who they were, albeit the distance.
They only belonged to one person, Kim Hyunjin.
You knew Hyunjin since she was often being spoken about by the student body, from her pretty face to her wits. There were also countless times you two had been grouped together.
But you never got to talk since the girl would only focus on the main project, or won’t speak unless necessary.
Though you found it weird that you would always catch her staring, oftentimes you knew she was staring but paid no mind to it. You were nobody compared to her.
Everything you were known for was all condensed into one thing, sports. And with graduation just around the corner, this year would be your last year at the same school with the mysterious cat-eyed girl.
Hyunjin didn’t know what to do.
She would always look at you, but she never could muster up the courage to approach you. For years, she caught sight of you. Since the first day she came, you were the first person that piqued her interest.
Always the student at the back, silent, but she often sees you in the field. Playing your best as you beat every single opponent that would step on that field with you.
It amazed her that you weren’t a heartthrob. That every other girl isn’t already kissing your shoes, gushing about how fit and cool you were.
She would also often notice you slinking away when everything was over. Heading to the showers first and leaving earlier than the rest of the class.
You were quiet, cool, and unique.
Maybe that was the reason she kept on pinning you.
For months, she’s seen you, trying to get the courage she needed to approach you and talk. But every time she would, everything she built up would disappear, turning into this cold person who wouldn’t talk.
At first, she thought that it was merely because she admired you. But throughout the years, she’d had enough time to figure out her feelings.
After three long years, she’d figured it out. A few months ago, she admitted to herself that she indeed liked you.
But time was running out and she was afraid that she wouldn’t get another opportunity like this. Her idol career is almost close to its peak.
She was about to debut soon, and though she didn’t want to deal with the hurt both of you would feel, she was determined enough to make it work.
All she needed was a little confidence.
A few weeks later and you were already hugging your friends, taking pictures with your professors as you held your diploma with pride.
You were almost on your way out when you felt someone tap your shoulder. Turning around, you were shocked to see the person your curiosity had been piqued at.
"Hey," she greeted you, her voice hush as her round eyes locked on with yours.
"Hyunjin-ssi, congratulations," you replied, smiling at her while she kept staring at you, her face blank, and you were confused about why she had approached you.
"Congratulations too, Y/n," you were surprised to know that she knew your name, but you had been getting a little popular since your last game, though you weren’t expecting her to talk to you since the last time you two spoke was during your last project three months ago.
You two stood there for a while, not saying a word, the atmosphere slowly getting awkward before you spoke,
"Well, I should be heading out now, Hyunjin-ssi, congratulations, see you, good luck in the future,"
You rubbed your neck awkwardly, waiting to see if she would say anything, but nothing came out of her mouth, only keeping her eyes on you before you gave her one last smile before you turned to leave.
"Hey, are you ready?" Hyunjin abruptly closed the drawer, turning to face her best friend, and nodded, "Let’s go," Heejin didn’t notice the look on her friend’s face, only smiling as they left the dorms, making sure they told Haseul before leaving.
Hyunjin and Heejin were heading down to buy some bread. Having lost their stock the day before, they made sure to plan out an afternoon so they could take their time to pick out what they wanted.
When they went into the store, a smile spread on Hyunjin’s face when she caught a glimpse of the bread section. Already walking there with a small skip to her steps, which surely the bunny giggled at.
About an hour into their shopping, Hyunjin noticed something in the corner of her eye, followed by hearing a familiar voice that felt nostalgic. She turned her head, seeing someone wearing a coat, picking out cereal boxes as they muttered to themselves.
Unconsciously, the cat-eyed girl walked toward the person, leaving Heejin to pick out the food before she reached over and tapped their shoulder.
"Should I buy the white ones or the chocolate ones," you muttered to yourself, holding each box in your hand before feeling a hand on your shoulder.
Turning your body, you raised your eyebrows when a girl stood in front of you, wearing a mask, as her round eyes looked at you, though not saying a word.
"Sorry, do I know you?" you asked after a minute of silence, the stranger reached up to remove their mask, a small smile on your face when you recognized the girl.
"Hyunjin-ssi, it’s been a while, how are you?" You asked her, suddenly memories floating in your head during your high school days with the girl.
"I’m good. How about you?"
A smile spread onto your face when you heard her talk, before a teasing smile lingered on your lips,
"Normal, I’ve been doing fine, but of course, not as fine as your life now, Ms. Idol," you teased, but her round eyes showed no reaction, "Things surely don’t change, you’re still as quiet as I remembered,"
For a minute, the two of you just stood there, before hearing Hyunjin’s name being called out, from the end of the aisle.
You saw familiarity in the brown hair, the puppy eyes that you would often see in the posters. As quickly as she could, Hyunjin shuffled through her bag.
Taking an old receipt and a pen before she wrote her number, placing it in your hands before she turned,
"Call me sometime, Y/n-ssi, let’s hang out sometime,"
You were shocked by her words, almost experiencing vertigo at the speed of the changes. But still, without fail, you eventually saved her number, texting her a quick ‘Hi’ before you continued your groceries. Hyunjin, in your mind, "I would never understand that girl."
"You’re leaving again, Hyunjin?" Haseul saw her member heading to the door, wearing her mask as she prepared to leave.
A month had already passed since she met you, and ever since the following week, you two met, Hyunjin had asked you to hang out, excusing it as a way to catch up.
Surely, her members would notice the days where she would leave, opting not to go with Heejin to the gym, or sleep during their off days.
Eventually, she explained who she was meeting, which led to her members already knowing who they were, just to make sure that Hyunjin was safe. Which in itself was a different story on its own.
"She’s hanging out with Y/n, unnie what’d you expect," Heejin teased, coming out of the hallway, most of the members already believed that you two were dating, and that the cat-eyed girl didn’t say it.
But Hyunjin didn’t argue since it all worked out. You two have been having a fun time. With you successfully making Hyunjin come out of her shell as she was getting comfortable around you, talking and bickering like you have been friends for years.
"Hey dummy," you raised your head with a smile, recognizing the voice as you waved, drinking your coffee, while Hyunjin sat on the opposite side.
Today, you two decided that a simple hangout at the cafe was nice, not wanting to do much because you knew Hyunjin was a bit tired from promoting. You got her an americano, knowing how much she loved it, even if the weather was against it.
The conversation started almost naturally, both of you not running out of words as both of you seemingly already told your life stories. But a few hours later, you found silence, your head wandering as you contemplated if you wanted to tell her or not.
Though eventually, you did.
"Hey," you called out, taking her attention away from the window, as she locked her gaze into yours,
"I’m gonna tell you something, but don’t laugh at me okay? It’s been a long time," you said, watching how she nodded, though the flash in her eye said otherwise.
Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes, "I used to have--uh," you paused, sighing as you contemplated, deciding if this was worth the embarrassment, sighing you did it anyway,
"I used to crush on you when we were in high school,"
There was silence, waiting before you opened your eyes. Seeing her face blank, you were afraid that you had ruined the moment, but suddenly she burst into laughter. Pulling a whine out of you as you reached out to hit her,
"Yah, you said you wouldn’t laugh!" You whined, but she merely showed you a smile, wiping the tears in her eyes.
"I’m sorry, it’s just too good. You’re a funny one, L/n,"
Hyunjin passed it off as a joke, but deep down, she hoped that it was true, but all of a sudden, you clicked your tongue, and the words that left your mouth managed to make her stop,
"I’m not lying, Hyunjin, I did like you," the seriousness in your voice made Hyunjin pause, the intensity of your gaze as you spoke, she knew then that you weren’t joking.
Hyunjin let her mind wander, so all that time you liked her? Her? The girl that wouldn’t even speak a proper sentence because they were pinning too hard to notice?
A few minutes of silence reigned for a while before Hyunjin blinked away from her thoughts, looking at you before she spoke, "Yeah, I would’ve liked myself too," she said, pulling a laugh out of you as the conversation picked up again.
After a few more hours, it was time for you to leave. Having an emergency, you bid goodbye to the girl, waving as she smiled and watched you leave. A glint in her eyes while watching your form until it disappeared from her sight.
She sat there for a while, contemplating, her mind turning as she left the cafe.
Maybe she still had a chance.
The next day, Hyunjin found herself, back in the same cafe, smiling as she talked with you. She had called you the night before, saying that she wanted to tell you something.
Of course, being the person you were, you agreed, curious about what she wanted to say since she preferred to say it face to face than on the call.
"So what did you want to say?" You asked her, eating your cake as she suddenly grew quiet, but as she mustered her courage to say what she wanted, you saw a person enter, your eyes turning into crescents as they saw you.
"I wanted to say that--"
Hyunjin couldn’t continue, when you placed the cake down and stopped her,
"Wait, first I wanted you to meet someone," her brows furrowed, when you stood up, waving the person over, and Hyunjin couldn’t believe the next words that left your mouth.
"This is my girlfriend. I think you already know her too,"
Hyunjin’s jaw dropped, seeing her old friend remove her mask as she waved at her, shaking her head as she was afraid this was all a dream.
"Jooeun?" The girl smiled at her, both of them taking a seat, your hands clasped as both of you wore a sweet smile, "Hello, Hyunjin, it’s been a long time, I’m glad you made it!"
Hyunjin was dumbfounded, her hopes suddenly getting crushed when she had remembered the words you had said just mere seconds ago,
"J-Jooeun, it’s nice to see you," she replied, almost forcefully as she watched the scene, seeing her heartbreak when you leaned in to kiss her on the lips.
"You two are gross, but I’m h-happy for you," it was forced, but you two managed to believe it, smiling like a happy couple while Hyunjin became quiet on the side.
It was a grueling hour, each sweet gesture, further breaking her heart, as she watched you two be so happy.
At some point, Hyunjin couldn’t take it so, she faked picking up her phone, apologizing to you and Jooeun as she left. When she got back to the dorms, she immediately went to her room. Closing the doors before leaving against the door.
She chuckled to herself, her eyes stinging a little before she closed them entirely, crossing her arms, as she sighed.
She thought she was early, since yesterday, she had this hope, an inkling feeling that this was going to work out. That faith managed to bring you two together.
She was planning to tell you today, that she liked you, that she still likes you, but the events that took place brought her down to a point where she hated herself.
Had she been confident enough, if she were just early, if she wasn’t so scared, then she wouldn’t have been feeling this right now. If she weren’t so terrified, then it would’ve been her sitting beside you.
Opening her eyes, Hyunjin walked to her desk, sitting on the chair as she opened her drawer. Reaching to the bottom of the stacked papers and books before pulling out a small card, a photo.
A sad smile as she closed her eyes, a lone tear falling on her cheeks as she remembered.
"See you, Hyunjin-ssi,"
When she saw you turn, something came over Hyunjin as she chased after you, once again tapping your shoulder as you turned to face her,
You looked at her, eyebrows raised, "I-uh wanted to take a picture with you," Hyunjin had said, stuttering, she could see the confusion in your eyes, yet you nodded anyway.
Standing beside her as she pulled out her camera, taking a picture, Hyunjin thanked you. Pulling you into a small hug as she smiled.
"See you in the future, L/n Y/n."
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peaches-writes · 4 years
member: hyunjin  wc: 1.3k genre: fluff, high school au (yall r like reviewing for college exams in this or summ), bad boy au, secret relationship au (kinda)  note: me realizing my fave period wlw film is not on the internet and projecting one of my fave scenes from it to hyunjin to cope lmao
[9:40 AM] A piece of paper rolled inside one of your black pens greets you after recess break, left outside of your usually organized pencil case for you to notice first as soon as you return from the convenience store across the street. Without even unrolling it, catching sight of Hyunjin right after, ‘sleeping’ with his earphones blasting a familiar RnB song across the room, was enough to give you an idea on who it could be from. 
“What? Are you trying to cheat on exams now? It’s only the CSAT reviews, Y/N, how could you?” Your best friend and seatmate, Chaeryeong, snickers playfully when she belatedly notices the paper, elbowing your side before sitting down next to you with her snacks. “If I were you, though, I’d hide it on my eraser. I heard that’s more discreet!” 
You roll your eyes at this, following her actions and sitting down as well with your own snacks. From the corner of your eye, you see Hyunjin shift in his hunched over position exaggeratedly loud, almost as if covering up an amused chuckle from him. “It’s not a cheat sheet.” You reprimand sternly, eventually cracking from the façade and giggling anyway. Exchanging your newly-bought snacks in your hands with the pen on the table, you immediately twist its cap open and take out the cartridge where the message has been rolled haphazardly around. “It’s...something else.”
Curiously, Chaeryeong leans to your side of your shared table with her banana bread and rests her chin on your shoulder as you separate the paper from the cartridge. “What is it, then? Who’s it from? Are you in on a CSAT conspiracy? Are you dating someone behind my back?” She gasps scandalously, making you laugh even more that you almost drop the bare cartridge on your lap. Ignoring your flustered reaction, she reaches for your arm and begins shaking you frantically for emphasis. “Come on, let me in on the gossip! Is he from our year? Is he older? Is he a she? Is he a they? Because if it’s a they, I’d gladly be in your exam conspiracy but not in a poly relationship—you know, just giving you a heads up.” 
You hear Hyunjin shuffle in his position once more, changing the song on his earphones halfway to a quieter one that makes his intentionally faint giggle sound louder in your ears. It makes you want to burst into more laughter on the spot as well but you focus instead on returning the cartridge back in its barrel first then opening the message fully. 
‘Hey, we’re still hanging out after school today, right? I heard from Jisung that your friends are having extra hours of study group today :( 
P.S. You look really cute today.’ 
“’HHJ’?” Chaeryeong raises a brow before releasing a belated gasp, removing herself from your shoulder to slap your arm and hiss, “Ya! You’re still hanging out with that troublemaker, Hwang Hyunjin?!” 
Glancing to said boy’s side of the room, by the entrance door where your cram school classmates have started piling in once more, you shrug in feign denial and answer, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Chae.”
This time around, Hyunjin purposely lets you and Chaeryeong hear him snicker.
[10:56 AM] “Ma’am?” You raise your hand up in the middle of a mock exam, lifting it down only when your proctor has reached your side to pass her your answer sheets. “Can I go to the bathroom? I’m already done with the exam.” 
Ms. Park nods and takes your answer sheet, gesturing for you to stand with a smile. “Sure, Y/N. Go on ahead.” 
“Thanks, ma’am!” You nod with an equally grateful grin, waiting for her to turn her back to you before subtly pocketing your eraser and standing up from your seat. 
You make a quiet beeline to the classroom’s back door where Hyunjin is seated, loudly opening the door to simultaneously drop the eraser near his foot. Stepping out of the room, you then make sure to close the door behind you quieter this time to hopefully avert the classroom’s attention away from Hyunjin.
Back inside the classroom, Hyunjin waits for your footsteps to fade onto the outside hallway first before taking out your eraser from its paper cover and noiselessly flattening the box-shaped structure.
‘Yes! We’re still on for later! I told them I’m hanging out with you but I kinda lied and said I’m tutoring you for something back in the regular classes heh...
- Y/N
P.S. You look really cute today too. Is that a new lip piercing? And...are you forgetting something?’
[11:01 AM] There’s a pink post-it note with its adhesive side turned upwards on the floor when you return from the bathroom. Finding Ms. Park sitting down on her table to watch over the students, you instinctively step on the folded note with the heel of your shoe and drag it over to your desk to discreetly hide it under your backpack on the floor. 
You then hurriedly retrieve your answer sheet from Ms. Park as per classroom policy during exams before settling back down on your desk, pretending to reach for your pencil case in the outer pockets of your backpack to pick up the post-it note from the floor. 
“Gosh, you two are so in love it’s so painfully obvious.” Chaeryoung mumbles teasingly under her breath as she steals a glance over to you while finishing her own exam. “If you keep this up, Yeji and I might actually spy on you two one of these days.” 
Heat rises up to your neck in an instant which you expertly hide by tilting your head away from Chaeryoung and elbowing her. “We’re not...in love or anything. We’re just hanging out.” 
“Sure, keep telling yourself that.” She rolls her eyes, returning her attention back to her work. 
‘Aah, now you’re lying. Am I rubbing off on you? You’re not making it any easier for me to win your friends over >:(
Anyway, it is a new piercing! I got it yesterday with Jisung so it’s still a bit painful but it’s cool, isn’t it? I also picked up something after the appointment that I thought you might like! I’ll show it later :)
P.S. Almost forgot! I was in a hurry to write a while back because Jisung kept bothering me but here’s your daily I love you from me <3’ 
“What does it say?” Chaeryoung whispers to you after a while, resting her head on top of her folded arms on the table. “The PG parts, at least.” 
“Shut up.” You hiss with a chuckle, re-folding the paper before pocketing it. “He’s just, uh...asking for tutoring later.”   
[12:30 PM] You find Hyunjin tying his shoelaces by your cram school’s mini parking lot as you and your friends return from buying lunch at the convenience store. With only Chaeryoung noticing as she has her arm linked with yours and pointing at Hyunjin, you shoot a crumpled piece of paper to your boyfriend that lands right under his motorcycle.  
“For questions about ‘tutoring,’ you two sure are making it really dramatic.” Chaeryeong snorts in amusement at seeing you cover your mouth in giggles as you refrain from turning around to see Hyunjin pick up the paper. “You know, you two can talk to each other in person like normal people, right? At this point, I’m not even going to be surprised if a pigeon suddenly lands on your table during lecture.” 
“Yeah, well, he started it.” You defend yourself, dragging Chaeryeong to catch up with the rest of your friend group before they could notice the two of you acting strange. “Come on, we’re behind everyone else! It’ll look suspicious!” 
Behind you, Hyunjin excitedly opens the paper and flattens out the creases as much as he can, chuckling at your smaller than usual handwriting. 
‘It better be the matching lip rings you promised before! Now, I can’t wait to see you after class even more :( 
I love you too <3 The pen trick’s really neat, by the way. I really need to one-up you one of these days.
- Y/N’ 
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cherryhanji · 4 years
softdrinks and letters
drabble. changbin x fem!reader
genre: fluff, high school au, friends to lovers au, cutie neighborhood store owner's son! changbin
words: 1.5k
warning(s): none really
alexa's note:
i never experienced having a neighborhood store with a cute and handsome son ever *cries in filo anyway i hope u enjoy this. (the original member isn't changbin but i decided to change it bcs why not?)
You clank the coin on the metal railings of the store to grab someone's attention inside. You just got home from school and wanted to have some cold refreshing drink (because your refrigerator broke last night so there aren't any cold beverage you can enjoy)
"Oh sorry! What is it?" You smiled as you heard the groggy, yet familiar voice of a guy who went inside the store, rubbing his sleepy eyes off. He smiled as soon as he saw you from the outside, fixing his shirt as if there are any crinkles from the short nap that he took.
"H-hey Y/N!" His voice wavered a little bit making you chuckle.
"Did I disturb you from your beauty nap?" You joked while he shook his head vigorously in response.
"No! It's totally alright. I was playing on my phone I didn't realized I feel asleep and I thought Mom was here. But I heard someone clanking their coins and saw that Mom isn't here so..." He grinned and shrugged his shoulders bashfully.
"Okay then! But can I have a bottle of coke please? I'm hella thirsty, our fridge is not yet fixed" You shyly said and made him jolt to the store's fridge to grab one, handing the cold bottle to you. You muttered thanks and hand your payment to him but he simply refuse it, again.
"It's okay. It's on me." Changbin said making you frown. He's always been like this ever since the two of you got close to each other. Always telling that he'll be the one to pay it. You try your very best to pay everytime you buy from their store, silently wishing that the one who'll assist you is his mother but it seems he has a strong radar and immediately knew you were the one buying. You feel sorry for his mother when she doesn't have any idea that his son is giving you free drinks from her store.
"Changbin. I feel like I need to pay my debts now. What if Mrs. Seo finds out?" You said as you were not yet opening the bottle, contemplating on giving it back to him.
"You don't have to pay. Mom really don't notice it. I told you, it's on me." Changbin said before going out of the store and outside their house to sit down on the bench in front of their store. The frown never left your face as you sit down on the bench, while the guy did it after.
"Why aren't you drinking your coke yet? I thought your thirsty?" Changbin grabbed the bottle and opened it for you, making you jump. He hands it to you back, smiling at you. You clicked your tongue and decided to chug the liquid down your throat, hissing at the cold feeling of the beverage.
"Why are you still on your uniform? It's already five and class ends at one." He said as he observe you on your uniform still on your body.
"I know, I just went to Yeji' house because we need to revise the last chapter, Ms. Jung is already fuming. How about yours?" You asked while fiddling your uniform's untied ribbon.
"We went to Jisung yesterday. So we're able to pass the paper to our research adviser." You nodded and gasped when your hands went inside your pocket to put the money back, feeling a folded paper inside, only grinning bashfully when you realized that the paper was one of the letters you're receiving these past few days. The sender was anonymous, even the penmanship was utterly unfamiliar to you. The paper on your pocket was the one you received today. You grabbed the paper to show it to Changbin, not knowing that he silently gasp. A pang of nervousness crept inside him. He remembered asking Hyunjin a favor for the umpteenth time a while ago to put the paper on your table and how the other boy always refuse his favor but did it anyways.
"Why don't you just confess to her in person, so you don't have to write letters and bother me?"
He considered Hyunjin's suggestion, but he doesn't know how and when. He bit the inside of his cheeks, cringing about what he wrote on the paper, thinking of a lyrics from a song to express what he feel.
"Even a fool knows this
You're the best thing I've got
Once again towards you
One more step, I will never stop
I shouldn't turn away..."
"This is nuts, I'm still wondering who's giving these letters with song lyrics in it. Actually, this is the tenth letter this month and I'm gonna add this to the ones I received back then" You said as you fiddled with the paper. Changbin's face brighten, his heart skipping a beat when he knew that you're keeping those letters that he made.
"I felt cringy at first. I don't know, maybe because the person used lyrics to tell their feelings for me. I'm not used to receiving love letters. Well, if that's what you call this one. But I really appreciate the effort and honestly speaking, I'm anticipating for more." you giggled and continue.
"The lyrics are from my favorite song actually... Look" You said and showed to him the paper which he gladly read. A quivering smile on his face.
"R-really? You appreciate the effort?" You nodded and folded the paper, putting it back in your pocket.
"Of course! You know what, I love receiving, and writing letters. I can see people's effort in it. I can feel how they pour all of their emotions in it." You really love receiving letters. In truth, you have a box full of letters you received from family and friends. You also keep there all the letters you wrote. For Changbin. You want to give him all of it, but you just can't find the courage to do so. You don't even know if he loves reading those cringy letters.
"Wow, I see..." Changbin muttered while his mind is rambling with different thoughts. He's glad that you appreciated it. It's like there's a small thorn that pricked his skin and finally removed it. But the thought of telling you that it was him still makes him edgy.
"Uh... Y/N... Uhm– I" His speech was out of context as nervousness still lingers in him. While the lines on your forehead slowly becoming prominent, trying to understand him
"What is it, Changbin?" You asked and wait for him to pull himself together. You sensed his nervousness and decided to pat his shoulders, encouraging him.
"Come on, is there any pro—"
"I like you." You muttered a "huh" at his unexpected confession. The cliche butterflies took flight in your stomach, the wild beating of your heart against your chest is the only one audible to you.
"I'm sorry..." Are the first words that came out of your mind. The sudden urge to say sorry after telling the person who gave you the letter that it was cringy bubbled up on you. Changbin felt a sudden horror after hearing you mutter the words.
"Oh..." Changbin mumbled, a tone of defeat evident in his voice. Maybe what he did doesn't fit with the timing.
"I'm sorry, because I told you that it was cringy... Turns out you're the one who gave it to me." You said and turned your face away from him, trying to hide the blush creeping on your face. Changbin smiled in relief. But, does that mean you like him too?
"A-ah... Okay." You grinned and faced him again. There's no reason to hide your feelings for him when he, the guy you like already confessed.
"Anyway, I like you, too. And I'm so happy that you gave me this." You said, still feeling a tad shy when a thought suddenly strike in your mind, a mischievous grin on your face.
"You... Is this the reason why you're not letting me pay everytime I buy in your store?" Changbin fidgeted on his seat, catching your tone. Well, you're not wrong. As corny as it sounds, It's his way to tell you that he likes you, he feels like a boyfriend treating his girlfriend.
"Y-yeah?" Changbin smiled sheepishly, scratching his nape. You frowned at him and pinched his forearm making him shriek.
"What was that for?" He pouted while rubbing the part that you pinched.
"Don't you dare do it again, okay? I'm afraid of your mom finding it out and suddenly stormed to our house, asking for my payment." You taunted making his lips puckered more.
"I told you Mom won't kn—" you shut him by giving him a peck on his cheek
"I said no. See you tomorrow Changbin!" You said before storming off, leaving him astounded and a blushing mess. There's only one thing that you know you need to do: Give Changbin all the letters you wrote.
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skzsauce01 · 4 years
In Fair Verona︱Chapter 9
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Synopsis: Jisung knows he is the Romeo to your Juliet. He could wax poetry about you all throughout rehearsal and even a little after. Except Hwang Hyunjin is the one playing Romeo in the school play, not him. Jisung is just another tech crew member that you don’t know, but he’s determined to win your heart... by any means necessary.
Warning: violent thoughts
Word Count: 2.7k
Pairing: fem!reader x Jisung; fem!reader x Hyunjin
updates every Wednesday and Sunday @ 11 PM PST︱chapter list
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O serpent heart hid with a flowering face!
Did ever dragon keep so fair a cave?
Beautiful tyrant! Fiend angelical!
Dove-feathered raven, wolvish-ravening lamb!
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He spends the night tossing and turning in bed, devising a plan to win you back. All the roads lead to getting Hyunjin out of the picture, but how does he do it? Eventually, the rain drumming against his window lulls him to sleep before he can finish fleshing out his idea, and when he wakes up in the morning, the storm has passed. Jisung takes it as a sign that the day will be better.
The preview of the show is happening at 3:30, and there’s a certain electricity in the air after school. Like Mr. Gi said, the cast and crew shirts came in the morning, and Jisung gets his before the preview begins. You and the girl playing Lady Montague are sorting out the shirts into piles according to size.
He goes up to you even though Lady Montague is closer to him. “Hey.”
You don’t look up from your shirt stacking. “Hi. What’s your size?”
“Medium,” he replies as he carefully watches you. At least you’re talking to him.
“Yeji has them,” you point to Lady Montague, still not looking at him.
He collects his shirt from Yeji and pulls it over his black hoodie. It makes him look puffy and bulky, and he waits for you to tease him like you normally would. Your eyes never stray from the shirts in your hands. He ruffles his hair, but you don’t even spare a glance. Both you and Yeji are starting to break down the boxes the shirts arrived in. It’s quiet except for the snapping of cardboard.
“The design is kind of nice,” he remarks in another attempt to get your attention.
“Yuna did it,” Yeji replies. Jisung is not pleased that she does, but he merely nods. “Hyunjin wanted to, but the design he came up with was so bad. Remember, Y/N?”
Your distant mood dissipates for a minute, and your familiar warmth is back. A wide grin crosses your face. “He really thought Comic Sans was a good font to use. And his drawing!”
“Ms. Park’s face when she saw it!”
“And Hyunjin’s reaction!”
The two of you are reminiscing and laughing. Jisung doesn’t understand a word of it, but you’re shining bright again. He feels a bit like an outsider, but his heart swells with pride, knowing that he was the cause of all this. However, the happy atmosphere slowly fades into a more mellow one, and the silence is back.
“Break a leg today,” he abruptly says. “See you on stage, Juliet.” He leaves the room but not before he hears you say, “Bye.”
It’s a good start.
He waits on stage for the play to begin with the rest of the floor crew. Over the speakers, Chan is playing different songs for the opening, and over the comms, he’s suggesting that he play one of his mixtapes. Neither Ms. Park or Mr. Gi agree apparently. A few minutes later, the actors, now all dressed in their costumes, are called onto stage for warm ups. In the meantime, the two house managers are sneaking looks outside into the hall outside the lobby and reporting back how many people are waiting. It’s turning out to be a lot.
Before the doors officially open, there’s a quick pep talk from both the director and tech director to everyone. Jisung studies the way you listen attentively and admires the slight curve on your lips as the director praises all their hard work. Your cheeks are tinged with pink with excitement, and you look restless. You repeatedly smooth out the pleats in your dress. Jisung scowls as he sees Hyunjin place a hand on your wrist mid motion and whisper something to you. You stop and flash him an apologetic grin. Goodness, he was controlling. Why doesn’t he just let you be you?
The show begins soon after, and you wait in the wings for your entrance in scene three. You, Yeji, and Yuna quietly talk amongst one another, which means Jisung can’t hear anything from where he is. Ryujin joins in at some point, and Jisung inches closer to eavesdrop, feigning the need to reorganize the already neatly arranged set pieces and props. He learns nothing substantial — it’s mostly just pre-show jitters talk — but at least you don’t jump when he brushes against you while switching around the swords.
You eventually make your appearance on stage, and there’s one audible cheer from the audience when you walk in. Hyunjin, who is now in the wings, quietly says, “Woo!” from his spot, which is unfortunately near Jisung’s usual waiting location.
“Oh, hey, Jisung,” he greets. He’s so flushed with adrenaline from performing in front of many people for the first time that he seems to have forgotten a tiny detail about their tenuous friendship: they hate each other, and said friendship does not exist. “Did you see how many people were in the audience? Wow, I can’t believe it.”
Changbin momentarily perks up at “Wow,” but he resumes reviewing the cues from his binder, leaving Jisung to deal with him alone. Both Yugyeom and Ryujin are on their phones, their faces lit up by their screens. Ryujin even has one earbud in.
“It’s the most famous play in the world. Of course, there’s going to be a lot of people,” he finally answers.
Hyunjin is in too good of a mood to be miffed by his rude tone. “Ah, you’re right. But still, that’s a lot of people. There’s so many eyes looking at you, it’s kind of weird.”
He could have said nothing, but he’s feeling extra mean towards Hyunjin today. “Are you nervous that you’ll mess up? It’s understandable if you do though since this is your first show.”
“I wish I was like Y/N,” he sighs. “She’s so good. You know, she said she gets so immersed in the play that her stage fright just kind of fades away.”
“Yeah, she told me, too,” he lies. It’s another competition: who does Y/N confide in more?
“I’m glad she’s Juliet. She’s perfect for the part.”
The sappiness in Hyunjin’s voice drips like slime, and Jisung’s top lip involuntarily curls up in disgust. Jisung knows he’s a lovesick fool, but he’s a much more classy one than him. He decides to end it there, so Hyunjin will shut up, and Jisung won’t get the urge to pummel him into the ground. They fall into silence, and the lights later go out when the scene ends.
During Romeo and Juliet’s kisses during the party scene, there’s gasps, cheers, and applause from the audience. It’s not real — he can see Hyunjin’s hand blocking your face — but he still shifts around in his seat. The close proximity between you two means that even a slight stumble would result in an actual kiss. Scenes like these are the only times Jisung prays that Hyunjin is a good actor for once and doesn’t mess up.
Normally, you just blush during the scene, but with the extra noise, you shake a bit when you say your next line. Jisung’s annoyance grows.
Because it’s a show and because he doesn’t want Mr. Gi to rip him into shreds, he promises himself to focus on the play, but it all goes out the window when you have a costume change. You curse when your pin snags your hair, and he instinctively goes over. His hand reaches for the pin, and you shrink when he hovers above you.
When he hands you the offending object, you politely thank him and then grab your dress from the rack. When you start unzipping the side of your costume, he turns away and replays the moment. There’s a new aura about you, and he doesn’t like it. Ever since you started close with Hyunjin, he has noticed that the radiance he fell in love with is slipping away. Normally you would joke about the incident to him or chat with him while waiting for your cues. He hasn’t even had a real conversation with you in days.
“Hey, Y/N,” he says. His back is still facing you, but he can feel the vibrations on the floor when you step into your dress.
“Hi,” you hesitantly reply.
“We haven’t talked in a while.”
“We’ve both been busy with the play.”
He almost rolls his eyes. You’ve been busy with flirting with Hyunjin, and he’s been busy with the play. Yet he still makes time for you. “Yeah, I guess. Are you nervous about performing today?”
“A little bit.”
“Did you ever give back Hyunjin’s hoodie?” he asks as nonchalantly as he can. He already knows the answer though; he saw it hanging from the back of your chair in the classroom.
You sound amused, but he can sense the irritation underneath. “I think this is the third day in a row that you’ve asked me that.”
You don’t reply to him. Instead you call for Ryujin to help you with your mussed up hair, so Jisung leaves the scene. He catches you staring at him, and you quickly look away. It’s not a shy “Is he looking at me?” stare; it’s a repulsed “What’s wrong with him?” one.
The answer is you. You are what’s wrong with him. You hardly acknowledge his presence anymore, and you only pay attention to Hyunjin. What about him? He’s been there for you since the very beginning, but as soon as Hyunjin starts encroaching on his territory, he’s forgotten. The longer he keeps thinking about it, the angrier he gets. His hands start twitching for something to hit, and he decides on the rolling platform next to him. There’s a loud, satisfying thwack followed by a few confused looks.
He doesn’t care.
Just another week, he tells himself. Before he never has to see this play or Hyunjin again.
During intermission, he sits by himself while the other cast and crew members go into the audience to talk with their friends who came to see the preview. You have a whole crowd of people around you, asking questions about the wretched kisses. He sees you repeatedly shaking your head, but that doesn’t stop anyone.
A similar thing happens when the show ends. After the bows and applause, you stick around in the audience to let your friends discuss the play with you. Jisung joins Chan, Jeongin, and Seungmin in the back of the house to listen in and to sit on Jeongin’s cushy rolling chair. Chan is still arguing about playing his mixtape over the speakers with Mr. Gi.
“There’s hardly anyone here anymore,” he protests. “And it’s like this one, too,” he says, referring to the current song playing.
Jisung fiddles with the knobs on the light board while straining to hear your conversation a few rows down. He surreptitiously turns down the volume of the music when Chan reaches for his phone.
He can catch a few key phrases said by your friends. He then wishes he could kick everyone out of the auditorium, so he can never hear, “Did you and Hwang Hyunjin kiss for real this time?” again. You say that you’re tired of replying to that particular question, but you seem too pleased by the prospect of kissing Hyunjin to actually be. Hyunjin, who is not too far away, is no different; he turns bashful when his friends ask, “Did you and L/N Y/N actually kiss?”
Jisung turns the volume back up, and his fingers “accidentally” slip, blasting the auditorium with the screech of a violin. Everybody winces, and he apologizes. No one starts leaving though.
At long last, they are dismissed for the day. There’s another pep talk about opening night, but no one’s really listening. They’re allowed to leave two hours earlier than normal, but Jisung feels more drained than usual. You’re the opposite. He passes you on his way to the prop room, and you’re talking animatedly with Yuna about the cast and crew dinner after the final show. Even as you head up the stairs, there’s a bounce in your step.
When he returns from his trip, you’re already inside the classroom, standing over Hyunjin, who is sitting down. There are other people in the room, but he can’t bring himself to go in. He hasn’t had the outside-looking-in feeling in a long time, but it hits him at full force right there. The two of you are both wearing the black cast and crew shirts, but they somehow look different from the one Jisung’s wearing, like it’s a deliberate couples outfit instead of a uniform for theater.
Hyunjin gazes at you like an astronomer would at the stars, and you have an identical expression on. Your lips move, but Jisung can’t make out the words. A soft smile spreads across Hyunjin’s face, and he absentmindedly winds a dangling lock of your hair with his index finger. You don’t flinch at the motion at all, but instead mirror Hyunjin’s smile. Jisung watches with bated breath and wonders when you got so bold. What happened to the girl who was too shy to stage kiss? Now you were being disgustingly close with your co-star off stage.
People start filing out of the room to go home. Soon, there’s no one but the two of you. You’re still mumbling, and Hyunjin’s replying at the same volume. Jisung still can’t move his legs to walk in. He could easily pop the bubble you and Hyunjin are in, but he’s frozen to his spot.
Hyunjin suddenly stands up, making you take a step back. Jisung can hear the hitch of your breath from where he is; that’s how surprised you are. Hyunjin then cups your face with his hands, but he’s not practicing a stage kiss. He places his forehead against yours, and your eyelids flutter close. You tilt your chin up and slowly wrap your hands around his wrists. At the same time, he lowers his lips to yours.
Jisung can’t breathe, and silence swallows the white noise around him. A million thoughts fill his head, but the single image of you and Hyunjin kissing is burned in his memory. He’s numb, then cold, then hot. It’s only a few seconds, but it feels like several lifetimes to him. His whole body starts shaking uncontrollably, and when he blinks, his vision has a crimson filter over it. He wants spilled blood, shattered ribs, shallow gasps.
Hyunjin is the first to separate. He looks stunned by what he just did, and he’s even more so when you pull him in for a second one. It’s longer and deeper, and when the two of you finally resurface for air, you’re flustered. You nervously lick your lips and squeak at the implication. Hyunjin softly laughs and hugs you close to his chest. He’s beaming, and you’re burying your face into his t-shirt.
Blood thrums in Jisung’s ears. He can hear his heartbeat, its erratic thumping and skipped beats. Meanwhile, the pretty, delicate image he has of you contorts into an ugly, slashed counterfeit painting. He hates you so much. As much as Hyunjin, maybe more. He gave you everything he could, and this is how you treat him.
His rage melts the ice at his feet, but instead of walking inside to confront the problem, he goes to his refuge, the restroom. Thankfully, everyone has gone home for the day, and no one is present. He screams bloody murder and kicks all the stall doors until the bangs echo throughout the room. He hates you, he hates you, he hates you. How can you betray him like that? With Hyunjin, his sworn enemy? You are as good as dead to him.
His reflection shows that he has the eyes of a feral animal, but he doesn’t even care anymore. He storms to the classroom to collect his belongings, disregarding how disheveled he looks. No one else is in the room, and he’s a little disappointed that you or Hyunjin can’t see what you’ve done to him. When he heads out to the parking lot, you and Hyunjin are sitting close to each other while you wait for your parents to pick you up. He glares daggers in your direction and flings open the driver’s door of his car.
Just one week, he tells himself. Before he never has to see you or Hyunjin ever again.
~ ad.gray
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sugarlino · 4 years
we all lie ♛ hhj
chapter one - welcome to hell
genre(s) : angst , sky castle!au , school!au , strangers to lovers!au , best friends to enemies!au
pairing(s) : reader x hyunjin , reader x everyone eventually tbh
w.c. : ≈ 5k
desc. : your new neighbor, hwang hyunjin, is welcomed to skz castle with a party
warning(s) : mentions of death , dogs and cats lol , kind of sky castle drama spoliers , let me know if i missed any!
a/n : chapter one! this chapter is a little late because i have been having really bad stomach cramps this week :/ and it’s a bit of a drag because this chapter serves as the introduction to all the main characters, with extra background information about them. sorry! please bear with me! anyway please make sure you read the prologue before reading this so you know the general background story!
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“(Name), that’s Hwang Hyunjin.”
“Who?” you asked again. As if his name would help you realize who he was. You had never heard of Hwang Hyunjin before, but Rosie probably knew everything about him already. Her and her mother always kept a close eye on her rivals.
“Whatever. You’ll learn about him soon enough, I guess. I have to study for a practice test now… do you mind leaving? Sorry, I just wanna focus.” You were used to Rosie kicking you out of her room to study, but you really didn’t mind. Alone time away from your best friend was nicer than you would ever admit.
The weather was nice out that day, even in mid-winter, so you opted for taking a walk. All the mothers at SKZ Castle had a thing about using pretty flowers to decorate the outside of their homes, so the air was fragrant as you strolled through the Castle.
Sitting down on yours and Rosie’s favorite bench — the white one with pink and white flowers the two of you painted on a few years ago — you breathed out a sigh. The bench was facing your old home, so you had a view of the new family. You tried to clear your mind. With everything that had happened in December, your mental state wasn’t in the best condition. None of the residents of the Castle had the chance to celebrate the holidays because of your family’s huge issues, and you felt guilty for taking the joyful holiday spirit away from your neighbors last year. You tried to be happy to benefit everyone around you, specifically Rosie and her family, but it was tough.
You didn’t even feel the warm tears falling from your eyes onto your cheeks, too lost in your thoughts to realize. You watched the new family, apparently the Hwang family, bring their boxes inside themselves, all the while smiling happily and joking around. It was a nice picture to see, and you couldn’t help but envy them.
The boy, Hyunjin, set his dog down to help carry the boxes, following his parents inside. The dog explored its surroundings a little bit, even noticing you and staring back at you. You wiped your tears hastily, embarrassed to cry in front of a dog for some unknown reason.
Hyunjin was walking back out when he noticed you, watching his dog blankly. He immediately assumed you were one of the kids who lived here and grew excited to make some new friends.
“Hi!” The sudden greeting startled you, and you flinched. It surely didn’t come from the dog, so you looked up to see the handsome boy smiling and waving at you. You nodded politely at him before quickly collecting yourself a little bit and walking back to Rosie’s home. Maybe a nap would be better.
Hyunjin’s eyebrows furrowed, taken aback by your lack of introduction. Maybe you were just shy, but he hoped to get to know you and the other neighbors some time soon.
Sensing a strange presence, Hyunjin turned to his left. Almost as if his thoughts were being read, two boys were parked next to him on their bicycles. Hyunjin jumped, the two staring at him almost scarily.
“Hi!” Hyunjin said once again, acting like the boys didn’t just spook him. “I’m Hyunjin.”
“Welcome to hell, Hyunjin,” the taller boy of the two replied, earning a snicker from the shorter boy accompanying him. “I’m Seungmin. Kim Seungmin.” Seungmin patted Hyunjin’s back with what looked like it was supposed to be a small smile or grin, but the corners of his lips formed a flat line instead of going up. Welcome to hell!? What was that supposed to mean? Before Hyunjin could say anything in response, Seungmin situated himself back on his bike and pedaled away. Bewildered, Hyunjin watched Seungmin before turning to the shorter boy, ready to speak with him, but he just introduced himself as Han Jisung with finger guns and a wink before following Seungmin on his own bike. What?
Hyunjin jumped for the nth time that day when he heard hyena-like shrieks emitting from the direction Seungmin and Jisung supposedly came from. A blonde boy around the same height as Jisung chased after the two boys, not even noticing Hyunjin at the speed he was running at. Hyunjin pouted, wanting to meet him, but the bright red letters spelling out the name “Felix Lee” written messily in marker on his yellow backpack was enough introduction for the moment. Felix giggled like a maniac, yelling something about feet, and that’s when Hyunjin realized the blonde didn’t have any shoes on — colorful, mismatched socks being the only thing protecting his feet from the ground as he waddled off. Hyunjin broke into a smile as he realized Seungmin and Jisung must have taken Felix’s shoes for some reason. They must be close, he thought, already looking forward to befriending the three of them, as well as hoping to get you to warm up to him eventually.
Rosie watched the whole scene play out from her window, distracted from her practice test, which didn’t happen often. The girl had her eyes fixed on Hyunjin.
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“The white one looks really nice!” you told Rosie as she showed you the dress options she picked out for the party tonight. Rosie’s family prepared a welcome party for the Hwangs. It was an unspoken rule for the residents at SKZ Castle to throw a welcome party for a new family moving in, and Rosie’s family was in charge this time after Rosie herself heavily insisted on it. You were kind of relieved, because the Kang family was known to throw the best parties. They had been the ones to plan the congratulatory party for your brother’s medical school acceptance, which had been more of a congratulations to your mother than your brother. Your family looked so happy that night.
“Are you sure the pink one isn’t prettier?” Rosie’s voice snapped you back into reality as she alternated holding both dresses up to her body, eyebrows furrowed as she contemplated which one to wear tonight. You didn’t know why she was making such a big deal out of her dress. You barely took a minute to choose what to wear.
“If you’re wearing your hair up, I would say pink, but if your hair is down, go with white.” After spending years as her best friend, you knew what advice to give her to help her with all her problems and decisions. Rosie turned around and gave you an appreciative applause before setting the pink dress back in her closet. You took that as the sign to step out of her room, giving her privacy to get changed. Her maid, Ms. Yoo, waited outside her room, giving you a small bow before heading inside. An agreement you had developed with her over the years without ever speaking about it was that only one of you could help Rosie at one time. You helped her as her friend before Ms. Yoo helped her as her… well, maid.
You skipped towards the basement and into your room. Surprisingly, you were in a very good mood that day. Since no one had thrown a Christmas party after what happened, today was the first party since your brother’s. No one would have expected you to like parties, especially because you didn’t exactly mingle with any of your neighbors much, but the food was what made you love them. The family in charge always made sure to put extra thought into the courses, and they never failed to impress. Rosie’s mother had the best taste in appetizers, refreshments, the main course, dessert, you name it. Your family used to be a close second for planning parties, but Rosie’s mother was unbeatable. Even the regular daily meals she chose for you and the family were incredible, but their personal cook was to thank for that.
Your stomach grumbled as you got dressed, anticipating today’s dinner. You had chosen a loose fitting outfit to wear tonight. You had a feeling something too tight would restrict you from eating to your heart’s content. You hummed to yourself as you continued getting ready.
Hyunjin on the other hand, was not feeling as excited as you were. He was looking forward to formally meeting all the neighbors, but he didn’t expect it to be this formal. A whole party? He was more used to casual get-togethers at home, where his mother would cook for everyone and no one had to dress up all fancy. He’d experienced his fair share of formal events, but this was beyond what he had ever seen. Was this a regular thing for your neighborhood?
“Hyunjin?” He turned his head to see his mother standing at the door of his bedroom. He let out a shaky breath, and his mom frowned, worry on her face as she noticed how nervous her son was.
“Loosen up, Hyunjin. You don’t have to act any different than how you usually act just because you’re wearing a suit and eating expensive food. Don’t be so nervous, just have fun, be polite, and be yourself. The other kids will love you.” Hyunjin smiled gratefully at his mother as she squeezed his hand before leaving. Her mini pep talk calmed him down a bit, but he was still shaky. He wanted to get along with all of you, but now that he thought about it, the first impression you all left on him was a bit… unique, and he had a feeling he didn’t leave any sort of first impression on you at all. Maybe all of you would hesitate to welcome him to your group. Maybe you would look down on him for being less experienced with fancy parties, or you would think his table manners were bad. Maybe he would end up an outsider.
He shook his head. No, Hyunjin. Stop thinking so negatively. Don’t assume they’re all bad people because their family and generations above them had money and power. They’re still human, they’re still kids. They should be fun! It should be fine. He straightened his sleeves out and fluffed up his hair a bit before heading downstairs, ready to leave. He kissed his dog, Kkami, goodbye. His puppy was the key to calming his nerves down
“How do I look, (Name)?” Rubie asked you. She had settled on a white blouse and nice pants instead of a full on dress, which you thought suited her personality perfectly.
“Like a man,” Rosie replied instead of you, eyeing her little sister up and down with disgust.
“Hey, that isn’t a bad thing,” you defended Rubie’s choice of attire. Rosie rolled her eyes, missing the way her little sister stuck her tongue out at her before smiling at you. You didn’t know why Rosie treated her own sister like that. One time, a few years back, Rubie admitted that you felt more like a biological sibling to her than Rosie, but the latter didn’t take any offense at her words. You sighed, reminded of the relationship between you and your older brother every time you watched Rosie and Rubie bicker. You had a theory that their parents paid less attention to Rubie than Rosie, just like your own parents had given you less attention than your brother. Rubie was like you, caring less about studies than your older siblings, resulting in less affection from your parents. You saw yourself in Rubie, which triggered your protective instincts.
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Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, ...
You tapped your fingers on the table impatiently as you waited for the other families to show up to the dining room. Not because you wanted to see them, but because you were hungry. You didn’t see the point in waiting for everyone to show up before even handing out appetizers. Appetizers existed to satisfy the early birds, didn't they?
Just then, you heard Rosie’s mother greeting another family outside. Felix walked in before his parents did, not noticing the ice cold glares from his mother at his tactlessness. His mother and Rosie’s mother were close, and both their father’s worked at the same hospital — the same one your father used to work at. Hyunjin’s father replaced him, according to Rosie. You didn’t care. It was your father’s decision to resign, after all.
Felix smiled at you politely before taking a seat, and you smiled back. You cringed when he ruffled his blonde hair. His bleached hair looked really damaged. If only he was less self conscious about his freckles than his hair, which you could’ve sworn would fall out one day. Out of the children of SKZ Castle, excluding Rosie and Rubie, you were on best terms with Felix. You weren’t close, though, and you didn’t really consider yourself a friend of his. Your brother used to tutor him before your mother forced him to stop, though, so you had the most interactions with him out of the three boys. Felix was a friendly neighbor to you. He didn’t spare a glance at Rosie, making her scoff. Rosie somehow managed to end up on bad terms with every kid at SKZ Castle except for you. You weren’t surprised; she was pretty rude to everyone except for you and her mother.
The four of you sat in awkward silence. The only sounds were the quiet whispers of the string quartet behind you that had been hired and Rubie’s phone as she played some sort of game. Felix’s parents walked in, his mother looking as glamorous as ever, that is before she knocked Felix on the back of his head. The boy let out a sound of pain, making both Rosie and his father snicker before the couple sat down next to their son.
“How are you three?” Felix’s mother asked. You knew the question was directed at you more than anything, seeing the pity in the woman’s eyes even from a few meters away. She had been the least close with your mother out of the rest, but they had still been friends. Rosie answered for you, and you just smiled sadly. You weren’t crying your eyes out every second of the day, but whenever anything reminded you of your mother, things got all stuffy in your chest.
The only voices in the dining hall were that of Felix’s parents for a while, until you heard Seungmin’s father’s unmistakably loud and powerful laughter from outside. The man had always scared you. Seungmin and Jisung walked in with their parents. Well, Seungmin’s parents. Jisung lived with Seungmin’s family since they were toddlers. According to the story Rosie told you when they first moved to SKZ Castle, Jisung’s parents were family friends of Seungmin’s mother, so they left their own son in the hands of another family because they didn’t trust themselves to care for more than one child successfully. You didn’t know if that meant Jisung had an older brother or sister that his parents were taking care of, but you assumed so. Poor Jisung, you thought. It’s not like he didn’t know what happened. He was young, but grown enough to understand the situation when it happened. He was probably hurting for a while, especially at such a young age, Rosie’s mother had told you. He seemed quite happy now, though, and if the two looked alike, him and Seungmin could pass for twins with how close they were. They were like two peas in a pod, except one pea was summer and the other was winter. You were close with neither Seungmin nor Jisung, but you could tell they were both good people.
You exchanged nods with the two boys — a way of saying “I see you and acknowledge your existence, but I won’t bother acting friendly with you” — and averted your gaze immediately. You had received enough pity for the day, and you really didn’t wanna see more from Seungmin’s mother. She had been the kindest and most genuine by far in terms of how close the other mothers were with your own, but for some reason, your mother failed to notice that and chose Rosie’s mother over her instead. You appreciated Mrs. Kang, you really did, but it would be foolish to pretend like she didn’t act extremely close to your mother just to learn all the secret methods she used to make your brother as smart and successful as he was. Even without any advice from your mother, though, Rosie placed first in every category at school.
The only family missing now was the Hwang family — the stars of the party. You hadn’t seen Hyunjin since the day he moved in, which had been a little less than two weeks ago now. His mother had come around and greeted the other mothers with homemade rice cakes for them, which you had enjoyed with Rubie because the others refused to eat any. Even though holiday break had been over for a while, you never saw Hyunjin at school or in the mornings because he always left early. You assumed he wanted to finish up the school year at his old school instead of transferring to yours in the middle of the year, even with the longer drive. You understood completely. That way, he would just be able to start high school at Go Saeng High without any troublesome transferring and extra sappy goodbyes to his old friends.
Rosie watched the door, focused. You couldn’t blame her — everyone was curious about the boy and his family. As if on cue, you heard Rosie’s mother say something along the lines of “come on in” and the sound of heels and dress shoes approached the dining room.
Hyunjin’s parents were the first to enter after Rosie’s mother. His mother was dressed up for the occasion, but she didn’t look extravagant, despite the fact that she was the star of the party. For some reason, you expected this. She seemed much more human than the other wives of the Castle. His father was dressed in a suit. It was nothing special; all the fathers looked like that at every party. Somehow, he looked pretty laid back as well, while still looking natural in a suit. Your eyes drifted to the young boy. He looked shy and nervous yet giddy at the same time — the standard look of someone new to attending parties like this. He looked nice in a suit, handsome even, but he looked unnatural simply due to his mannerisms that screamed, “I’m not used to this.” Despite his stiffness, he had the manners to look around the table, giving small bows with just his head to everyone, even the other children. His eyes looked like little fingernail markings as he smiled at all of you.
The table started clapping, making the whole Hwang family laugh nervously, with a “no, no, gosh you don’t have to” attitude. You would have reacted in the same way. What was the point in applause? You didn’t know, but you clapped anyway. Rosie’s mother led the three to sit down at the head of the table, next to you and Rosie’s family. The woman cued for the string quartet to start playing, which you thought was completely unnecessary, but you appreciated the music anyway. The servers finally came out with the food, and your neighbors got to eating.
You drowned out the conversations happening around you while you focused on your meal, but you did overhear snippets of Hyunjin’s mother thanking Mrs. Kang for the party. You could tell by her soft tone that she thought this was a little too much, but she was kind enough not to voice her opinion, in case Rosie’s mother took offense in her words after all the effort that went into the party. You felt the same way about welcome parties. Even though they were a tradition, you would prefer inviting the neighborhood over to just mingle over some black bean noodles, like what a normal person would do. But this was SKZ Castle, and everyone had to show how mighty and classy they were. The Kim family’s welcome party a few years ago was almost exactly the same, yet you barely got to know Seungmin and Jisung that day. Wasn’t the point of a welcome party to learn about the new family and become close with them as neighbors?
“Hey, (Name),” Rosie whispered from next to you. She had been talking with the adults until now, but probably noticed how bored you were. “Since most of us are done eating, should we have dessert at the other table while the adults talk?” The “other table” was slightly isolated from the main dining table, and unlike the dining table, which was huge and rectangular, the “other table” was circular and much smaller in terms of size. It was normal for all the children to sit there and play games while the adults drank and talked. You wondered what it would be like this time without your brother there. He was pretty much the only one who would talk other than Rosie, exposing every single thing that happened in his life and boring you to death. Maybe you would have the opportunity to make friends with the other kids now that your brother was gone.
You nodded, and Rosie whispered something to her mother, who immediately announced that drinks were ready for the adults and dessert was ready for the kids. All six of you stood up from you seats, already used to migrating to the “other table” when the party host announced that drinks and dessert were ready. Hyunjin looked up at you all, confused and wondering where you were all going.
“Come with us, Hyunjin!” Rosie said, her voice high and cheery. Well, that was new. Usually, you could hear the glare and frown in her voice just by her tone. “We can have dessert over there and play games.” Rosie sounded more enthusiastic about this than you had ever heard her sound. During Seungmin and his family’s welcome party, Rosie insisted on staying at the main dining table because she “wanted to hear what the adults were conversing about.”
Hyunjin’s eyes lit up at the invitation as he hurried to stand up and join you guys, excited to be included in something with just the children for the first time since his move here. He had a hop in his step, and his parents smiled at their son’s eagerness.
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“Night has arrived!” Felix’s father announced, and everyone except for Felix put their heads down. After introducing yourselves to Hyunjin, you jumped right into a game of mafia. Mr. Lee offered to help host your game because his wife refused to let him drink tonight. Funnily, his own son Felix was the first one to die.
“Mafia, please lift your head up and choose your victim.” Jisung peeked up at Mr. Lee’s words, and Felix sighed at the betrayal.
“Wow…” Felix shook his head, causing his father to hush him. Jisung pointed at Rubie, poor, innocent, and unsuspecting Rubie. Mr. Lee gave him the thumbs up before asking the mafia to put his head down. He did so way too hard, bumping his forehead on the table and letting out a little “ouch.” Seungmin snorted as Jisung revealed his identity.
“Sheriff, please put your head up and choose who you think the mafia is.” Seungmin didn’t even bother raising his head, opting to call Jisung’s name out instead. Your table erupted into giggles as well as groans at how Jisung managed to ruin the game so quickly.
“Han Jisung, you’re so stupid,” Rosie said, eyes shut closed as she crossed her arms. Mr. Lee chuckled before patting his son’s shoulder and heading back to the dining table.
“My dad left,” Felix said, and you all raised your heads with a groan. Hyunjin giggled at your group, already taking a liking you all. “I don’t think we can play these kinds of games with Jisung here. Do you have Minecraft, Hyunjin?”
“Minecraft?” Hyunjin was baffled by the random question. “I don’t think so.” Felix, Seungmin, and Jisung “aww”-ed in unison at his response.
“Lix, Jisung, and I have a server we play on,” Seungmin explained. “You should get it so we can play together. We can teach you if you don’t know how to play.” You exchanged a look with Rosie, who was annoyed as ever. The two of you didn’t bother with Minecraft, and Rubie didn’t like to play with them because they always “fight over who can die in the funniest way.”
“Okay, I’ll think about it!” Hyunjin said with a big smile. The other three boys started to play together, and Rubie played by herself, leaving you, Rosie, and Hyunjin bored. You didn’t mind because you could easily just start talking with Rosie, but Hyunjin looked a bit down at how the others unknowingly left him out. You checked the clock — 8:30 at night. Your eyes lit up as an idea popped into your head.
“Hyunjin, if you’re not uncomfortable, you can join me and Rosie outside,” you offered, making eye contact with Rosie. Rosie checked the time at your sudden offer and smiled at you. When the others turned to playing Minecraft, you and Rosie liked to go outside to feed the stray cats that wandered around outside the Castle. You remembered seeing Hyunjin with his pet dog and hoped both him and his pup were okay with cats.
“Oh, alright! Sure!” Hyunjin hadn’t gotten close to the others as he had hoped, so he saw this as an opportunity to befriend you both. He hadn’t met Rosie on his first day here, but knew her name because of the kids at his school constantly gossiping about how she was “the smartest out of all the students their grade in the country.” He remembered seeing you, though, but didn’t learn your name until today. He was afraid you would avoid him, but he noticed how you dressed up less than the other kids, which made him see you as the most approachable out of the group for some unknown reason m. He was glad to accept your offer.
“I don’t have any food on me,” you said, looking at Rosie. She shook her head in response. She didn’t bring any either.
“Food?” Hyunjin asked, glancing back at the dining table. There was still a ton of food there. What were you talking about?
“You’ll see,” Rosie said, before turning to you. “Rock, paper, scissors!” Rosie groaned, her fist clenched into a rock shape. You cheered, waving your flat palm in her face.
“Paper never fails me!” You teased Rosie and she huffed. Hyunjin looked back and forth between the two of you. What? He was so lost. “Come with us, Hyunjin.” You stood up from the table with Rosie, and the two of you led Hyunjin out of the dining room. Rosie explained where you three were going with just a glance to her mother, and she nodded in response.
“Mrs. Hwang,” Rosie approached Hyunjin’s mother. “(Name) and I are gonna show Hyunjin around our favorite parts of the Castle if that’s okay with you. You don’t have to worry, we should only be half an hour.” Rosie explained to his mother, and she smiled at the three of you, agreeing immediately as she was happy to see her son get along with the other children.
The three of you stepped out of SKZ Castle’s dining room, heading downstairs past the barely-used ballroom and outside. Rosie headed towards your home to grab the cat food.
“Where’s she going?” Hyunjin asked, curious.
“To grab food,” you replied nonchalantly, ignoring his confused expression. You sped up, walking towards the gates of the Castle, and Hyunjin followed.
The “gatekeepers” as you liked to call them let you through the big, white gate, already knowing your intentions with how many times you had done this with Rosie. They looked at Hyunjin. Only you and Rosie had ever come out to feed the cats, so this was new.
You looked around for a minute, and Hyunjin watched you, still lost. You gasped quietly, making Hyunjin jump as you knelt down near one of the bushes.
“Hello!” You cooed at the brown and black cat sitting next to the bush — your favorite cat, Avocado Toast. Hyunjin didn’t see him at first due to the dark, but gasped when he saw his big, green eyes staring at him.
“Is that a stray cat?” he asked. You nodded without looking back at him, busy petting Avocado Toast lovingly. “Does it have a disease or anything?” You laughed at how scared Hyunjin sounded.
“No, of course not,” you answered. “This is Avocado Toast, or Avo-To for short. Avo-To, meet Hyunjin. He moved here a few weeks ago.” You talked to the cat as if he could understand you. You bet he could. He was a very smart cat.
“Hi,” Hyunjin greeted the cat, squatting next to you to get a closer look, yet keeping a safe distance away from the animal. “Are you positive it’s clean?” You laughed again, making Hyunjin giggle a little bit at how cowardly he sounded.
“I’m not allowed to keep him, but I did check him. He cleans himself very well. And according to Google, he is perfectly healthy.” You reassured Hyunjin, who exhaled in relief. “He lives very well. He’s basically a SKZ Castle resident at this point.” Hyunjin laughed at your joke, which you didn’t really think was funny. It must be easy to make him laugh. He scooted closer at your reassurance. “You’re just like my parents. They hated that I cared about stray cats so much.”
“But they let you and your sister feed them, so they must trust you,” Hyunjin said, blinking. “Right?”
“I guess so,” you said. It took you a few seconds to process his words before you whipped your head towards Hyunjin so fast that you startled him. “Wait… my what?”
“Your sister, Rosie,” Hyunjin tilted his head at your sudden change in mood. “You don’t look exactly like Rosie and Rubie, but they are your sisters, aren't they?” Your mouth went dry at Hyunjin’s misunderstanding. You supposed you had to explain to him that no, they were not your sisters and you were not related to them or their family in any way. Your real family is in fact the family that used to live in his current home. But now, your brother is off living a new life with his girlfriend, your mother is dead, and your father is probably somewhere living in the mountains, avoiding any human contact, and they all abandoned you and left you to fend for yourself until Rosie and her family were kind enough to let you live with them? You gulped, realizing it would be too difficult to explain the whole thing to him. Plus, unexpectedly, you didn’t exactly want Hyunjin to know this pathetic information about you. You gave him the simplest, shortest, and most straightforward response you could come up with.
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a/n : yayyyy chapter one is done! thank you for reading and bearing with how much it dragged on. chapter one had to be a bit long and boring to introduce the main characters. now that there’s a cliff hanger... things only get more complicated from here! i have the rest of the chapters planned, and i’ll try to write despite my stomach pain haha soooo please look forward to it! thank you for reading~~~ ♡
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♛ series masterlist : we all lie ♛
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ivyuns · 4 years
summer feelings ✰
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kim seungmin
genre: fluff; summer vibes :D
word count: 1.8k
warnings: none
A/N: my first fluff fanfic + this wasn’t meant for the reader to get prego o no + listen to summer feelings ft charlie puth by lennon stella and honey in the summer by public <3
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“cannon ball!”
a familiar voice was heard. you looked up and saw your boyfriend of 4 years jump into the pool as you two was invited to a summer party by your fellow friends. you were currently sitting on the edge of the pool with your legs in the pool. behind you was a beautiful scene of waves splashing with couples and families playing on the sand. the sun had almost completely set so it was perfect for golden hour.
you grabbed your phone and started taking pictures. at first, it was just the beautiful sky then you and your friends took a girls photo. you took a few selfies and felt someone attacking you with kisses from behind. seungmin moved closer to you so you could take a better picture with him. the kiss had felt so relaxing that your finger was still taking photos of now you and seungmin kissing.
chan had splashed some water on you two, making sure to not get your phone wet and yelled out “get a room you two!”. seungmin broke off the kiss and just smiled at you.
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the city fair had open and both you and seungmin could not wait to go. seungmin had surprised you with tickets to go since you two have been dreaming to go with each other since you two started dating and none of the summer days would be gloomy. but this day was perfect.
walking inside the fair, hand in hand together, you spot a ride that you’ve been dying to tell seungmin about. “min, can we go to that ride?” you pointed to the ride. “babe which one? there’s a lot” seungmin smiled and tried to follow where your finger was pointing. “the one with the swings you dummy!” you said and gently flicked his forehead. seungmin agreed to the ride you pointed out and walked you there with a big smile on his face.
it was finally your turn and started running to a spot, perfect for you and seungmin. you guys had been secured for the ride to start and as the swings got higher, you felt scared and grabbed onto seungmin’s sleeves. seungmin felt the tension you had and quickly held your hand tightly, assuring you that it’s fine and the ride will end soon.
the amount of rides you went on, the delicious food you ate, and the amount of prizes seungmin had won for you made you feel like the happiest girl you’ll ever be. it was currently dark and the fair will be closing in about 2 hours. your tired legs dragged you to the last ride you and seungmin would be riding; the ferris wheel.
with all the plushies in your hand and backpack, you finally made it into a cart. seungmin was seating across from you, planning something for you. seungmin took his phone out and started taking pictures of you, admiring the best view of you. you look at his direction and caught seungmin taking photos of you.
“heyyyy delete those! i look ugly!” you pouted at him. seungmin adored you and your pouty face so much that he couldn’t. “no i can’t! after you look so cute with my hoodie on” he smirked.
you forgot that it got chilly during the day and all you wore was jean shorts, a red crop top and your white sneakers. seungmin noticed you shivering while sitting down and eating and gave you his hoodie to wear that was way too big for you but still felt comfy.
you looked down and blushed. you two were almost at the top and seungmin went to the floor with one knee and a box in his hand. you looked up and widen your eyes. no way did he-
“y/l y/n, from the day we became friends to us now has been the most memorable years of my life. and now that we have a new bundle of joy coming in seven more months, i’ll be on cloud nine. now knowing you’ll be the mother of my children and now my soon to be wife. y/n, everyday and every second we spend with each other will never be forgotten. i love you so much that i have to ask you one thing. y/n, will you marry me?” seungmin said in all confidence.
you nodded as more tears fell down your cheeks. seungmin smiles and puts the ring on your ring finger and kissed you. just in time for the fireworks to explode, as if they just congratulated you both.
as your time in the ferris wheel has been over, you two had went to ground level and got off the ride. immediately getting congratulated by the whole stray kids. how on earth did you get lucky to marry the kim seungmin?
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the way back home was quite peaceful than then fair. seungmin had let you play your music as he drove. a familiar song came up and started doing karaoke.
‘hey aye, and i’m in my summer feelings.
and i’m tryin to keep it cool.
way up, here in my summer feelings.
and i, found a piece of me that i never knew.
yeah down on the beach, i’m staying out late for you.
oh, unlock ya loose, see the sunset on the roof.
yeah, you got to me, and i came out to someone new.
hey yeah, and i’m in my summer feelings.’
“hey seungmin?” you called out and grabbed his free hand. “yes baby?” “i love you. a lot. like you don’t understand” you smiled at him. seungmin looked over at you for a few seconds and laughs. “no i love you more than you could imagine” he smiled. you two kept arguing of who loves who more til you got two got home and headed to bed.
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it was now a few months later and you were now in pain. your contractions had gotten more worse as you were in the operation room at the hospital. seungmin held you hand and told you it was alright to seek for comfort.
“come on ms kim, almost there!” the doctor and nurses tell you. one last push and you heard a cry from a baby. “congratulations mr and ms kim, it’s a girl!” and handed you your precious baby girl. a few tears fell from you while seungmin wiped it off.
seungmin notices that most of the futures came from him, but her beautiful dark chocolate eyes was inherited from you. the nurses took your child back for a cleaning as they took you to your respective room for you to rest.
you fell asleep after giving birth as seungmin sat next to you while holding your hand. he heard a knock and kissed your forehead and went to open the door. he was greeted by the nurse to give back your child. he thanked the nurse as she went out of the room and closed the door.
seungmin goes to the other side of your bed where your child was and goes to admire her. “hey baby, it’s your daddy here” the baby wakes up and suddenly wraps her whole hand with seungmin’s index finger. seungmin feels like he’s on cloud nine after feeling his daughters warmth and continues his speech for her. “i just want to let you know that both me and mommy loves you and will continue loving you forever. always remember that ok my love?”
you woke up as you heard seungmin softly speaking to your child. “min what are you doing?”. seungmin turns around with your baby in his arms and walks towards you. he gives you the baby after hearing multiple knocks on the door. he goes to the door and opens it to see stray kids. everyone passes seungmin and goes to you and your baby.
‘noona are you ok?!’
‘how was it?’
‘wow our seungminnie is a grown up now’
all 7 voices were heard from the boys til seungmin answered all of them for you, knowing you were still weak. seungmin had asked hyunjin something and agreed. he gave hyunjin his camera and walked back where everyone was.
seungmin goes back to you and sits next to you, both of you looking at your daughter. you hear a click and looked at seungmin. suddenly seeing a flash, seungmin locks his lips with yours, making the photo that hyunjin took look like a treasure piece.
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a year later was the best moment in your life. a year ago, you gave birth to your baby girl named y/b/n. the months had went by and the three of you shared very special moments and now was your wedding day.
there you were. walking down the aisle with your father’s arms linked with you. looking down, you see your soon to be husband, smiling and happy tears falling and your daughter in your moms embrace in the seat in the first row.
at the end of the aisle, you let go of your dads arms and go in front of seungmin. you smile at him as he tries to stop crying of how beautiful you looked, finally marrying the girl of his dreams.
“my dear y/n. i love you so much because you make everyone happy and so cheerful. i promise i will love and cherish you till enternity. i promise i will help you with your darkest time and seek brightness into your life again. ever since i landed my eyes on you during high school, i knew we would be together forever. i promise i’ll be the best husband i’ll be. i vow to listen and learn with you. i vow to laugh with you and cry with you. i vow to value our differences just as much as our common ground. i vow to put all my effort into strengthening our marriage and giving you the best version of you. i’ll love you and y/b/n forever. i’m so lucky you’re mine now.” seungmin had just finished sayings his vows which made everyone burst into tears, even you. seungmin grabbed your ring and slide it onto your left ring finger.
you said your vows and made everyone cry harder. grabbing seungmin’s ring and sliding it on him, you two looked at each other. both eyes full of love and admiration of the two loving couples. “and you may now kiss the bride!”
seungmin cupped your face and leaned in, kissing your lips as if there was no tomorrow. you pulled away and everyone cheered for the new husband and wife.
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everyone gathers outside of the building, waiting for you and seungmin. the doors open and everyone throws confetti as you two walk along the steps. your mom handed you your y/b/n. you and seungmin stopped at the end for pictures and most importantly, enjoying the sunset above which made you both feel calm. you two looked at each other then to y/b/n, smiling. the photographer captured every moment.
“i love you kim seungmin” you kisses his cheek. “and i love you too kim y/n”.
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ghost-hyunjin · 4 years
Shift Change
CW: Food, macaron cafe, ghost behaviors, shift changes
After his boss lost a worker, the remaining cafe workers had to juggle shifts around, with Lia joining them for a few. When his other co-worker was unable to do the mornings this week, Hyunjin agreed to swap his normal nightshift and take Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings. In order to prepare himself and to avoid a high volume of stares, he made sure to eat enough and get a good night’s sleep to ensure he had enough energy to maintain a more solid-looking appearance.
He was touched that Lia looked beyond his ghostly physical appearance and asked if he wanted a job at her macaron cafe. It was nice having a purpose, other than hanging out in an abandoned dorm or the university library frequently. Yet he knew people couldn’t help but stare whenever he waited on them during his regular nighttime shifts. 
Thank you again Hyunjin! I think I’m getting close to finding another employee, but I really appreciate your hard work and flexibility. Sent 9:47 AM
The ghost pocketed his phone in his apron, before walking to the door to turn the sign on the door from Closed to Open and unlocking the door. He made sure all of the lights were turned on in the cafe and he headed behind the counter.
The line at his usual place was long – almost blocking the entrance to a restaurant next door. Seunghun stared at the line and decided it was smarter to find another cafe to grab something to drink. He scrolled through Yelp and searched for local businesses that sold coffee and tea, along with desserts or baked goods. His finger scrolled past a few of the chains and he backed up when he saw a newer option with high ratings.
The listing showed a picture of a clear case with rows of neatly stacked macaron cookies in various colors. He clicked on the listing and saw it was within walking distance – a few blocks ahead, then turn right to cross the street. A quick look at the reviews made him decide on going there, as it seemed like reviews were glowing. Drinks were made quickly and tasted good, the macarons were beautiful, fresh, and delicious...
“Excuse me, are you in line?” a man asked Seunghun as he gestured to his regular cafe.
Seunghun shook his head and decided to start walking toward the macaron cafe. He pocketed his phone and walked up the street, until he reached the intersection where he needed to turn right and cross the street. He pressed the button for the crosswalk and tried to see if he could gauge a line at the new place he was trying out.
There was a little bit of a line, but it was all inside the cafe. Judging from the look of it, it seemed like it was moving quickly.
“WALK SIGN IS ON,” the robotic voice blared.
The voice made him jump slightly and the young man crossed the street quickly. He headed for the line and slipped inside the cafe.
“Good morning!” a voice called out from the counter.
He lifted his head and looked in the direction of the voice, his eyes falling on the clerk who was addressing him, while packing up someone’s order. Seunghun flashed a smile and thanked the young man, before moving through the queue.
“Good morning Hun, how are you? I think I normally see you later in the day, isn’t that right?” the older customer asked the clerk.
The young man nodded and greeted the customer as Ms. Koo. “I’m doing well, how are you? I had to trade shifts with Felix, but it’s kind of nice to change it up a little. What may I get started for you?”
Ms. Koo tapped her chin and she selected a couple of flavors, ordering enough to fill two large to-go containers. The clerk quickly assembled the carriers and plucked the cookies delicately from the display to place in the boxes. He closed them up and carried them to the register, greeting the next set of customers who came in behind Seunghun.
Realizing he was next, Seunghun stepped up to the display to take a closer look at the macaron flavors. He scanned the rows, reading each flavor tag in front of each row. Then his eyes jerked up to look at the drink menus overhead, the main reason he came here today. Pricing was pretty comparable to where he normally went, plus they had some unique drinks like sea salt foam coffee and tea. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the clerk finish with the older customer and return to the display.
“Good morning, is this your first time with us?” the clerk asked.
Seunghun focused on the clerk and almost did a double take when he saw the young man had a pale, no that wasn’t right...sheer? Light? Well he couldn’t think of the right word to describe this guy, but he looked a little different from other clerks or really, any person he encountered. But maybe his mind was playing tricks on him and this was it’s way of saying he needed to get his drink of choice and some macarons now.
“Um hello,” he greeted the young man. “Yes it is. Am I that obvious?”
The clerk shook his head and explained that he always asked if it was someone’s first visit. He waited for Seunghun to reply and when he saw a head nod from the other male, the clerk gestured to the display and explained that the cookies were made fresh each day, they had regular flavors and some seasonal ones, and then talked about drinks.
“Are you ready to order?”
@your-seunghun @domyukhei @guitar-sihyeon @lia-macaronshop
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withyounct · 5 years
What’s wrong kid? (7)
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Reader x Single dad!Jaehyun
Genre: Fluff
Words: 4k
Prompt: You notice a child crying at a school playground. You decide to see what’s up and meet an extremely stressed/extremely handsome father.
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A/n: Sorry that this took forever... Enjoy!
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Fall flew by faster than you would have ever hoped, and the cold desolate winter reared its head your way. You loved the winter. It was a magical time where you could wear all the sweaters you wanted, drink all the special flavored coffee drinks with Jaemin you could stomach, and frolic around the snow with Mark.
Winter however, brought unbearable stress and pain with her. Mid-terms lightly rustled you up while finals tried to kill you. The week leading up to it you were permanently stuck in the library. Living on the 9th floor designated for all sciences surrounded by rows of books and rivers of silent tears. You were on your tenth breakdown of the week; too tired to even quiet down your loud sobs that rang through the floor when Kun found you.
You looked up at your roommate with tear filled eyes and broke out another sob. His condition wasn’t quite like yours, but you could see that the stress was getting to him too. Wordlessly, he sat down on the floor next to you, taking the book that was in your shaking hands, and leaned your head on his shoulder.
“Please sleep.”
You woke up on the library floor alone wrapped in one of Kun’s old sweaters. Sitting up, you found a box of snacks both healthy and unhealthy with a note from Ten.
Kun told me where to find you. I didn’t want to wake you, so here’s a present! I know Kun is the pep talk one, but you’re one of the smartest individuals that I’ve ever met, so don’t stress too much. It’ll ruin your pretty face. – Your fav mom friend <3
“I can’t believe you came into the genetics final looking like the grim reapers bride and made a fucking A.” Yangyang groaned.
“She was legit crying while taking the English one, but was the first done.” Haechan picked up a fry and threw it at you.
“Y/n dramatic nature when it comes to tests doesn’t matter, we’re free!” Jaemin beamed. “What are our holiday plans?”
“I'm stealing Yangyang and we’re going to China with my family.” Renjun informed with a vey happy Yangyang nodding. The rest added that they were doing their regular holiday shenanigans and spending Christmas day with family. You usually spent the days leading to Christmas with them and Christmas morning with Lucas’s family since you went over there a lot as a child.
“What about you Ms. Taken? What plans do you and Jaehyun have?” Jaemin leaned in a smirk ever evident on his face.
“What plans?” You asked confused. Their collective faces fell, and every side conversation was silenced.
“Okay he has to die. What do you mean ‘what plans’? He hasn’t asked you to spend your first Christmas together with him?” There were only handful of times you’ve seen Jeno genuinely upset in all the years that you knew him, and it surprised you every time.
“We haven’t had the conversation. We’ve both been busy.” You murmured playing with your food, unable to look at your friends.
“Well my family and I would love to have you over if plans don’t pan out.” Lucas reassured while swinging his foot with yours.
“Thanks Lucas.”
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You were helping Hyunjin put up lights in the living room after dinner. She still had a week left in school, but was through the roof excited for the holidays. It didn’t take much convincing on her part to make you buy stuff early and help her. She batted her lashes, pouted, and suddenly you were ready to sign away your life to her.
You were pinning the last string when she asked you what you were doing for Christmas.
“I don’t know.” You answered honestly, jumping down from the chair you were standing on. She looked at you confused and tilted her head. You had to bite back a giggle at how much she resembled a little puppy.
“Will you like to spend it with us?” She asked cutely twiddling her fingers.” Daddy wants to ask you, but he's shy.” She told.
“Is that so?” You laughed, kneeling so you were eye level with her. She nodded and looked at you with worry in her eyes as if you would say no.
“Hyunjin, I would love nothing more than to spend Christmas with you and Jaehyun.” You smiled, lightly petting her head. Before you had the time to react she threw herself on you and knocked you onto the floor. You tightened your grasp on her, so she didn’t hit the floor. She pulled up and kissed you on the cheek. Looking down at her smiling face, your heart melted at how happy she was.
You pushed yourself off the floor with her still in hand and the two of you continued to decorate the room. The task seemed to be too daunting for one day and after a few hours Hyunjin started to get tired. You glanced at your phone and decided to call it a day and got her ready for bed. She was out before the first book was finished and you stayed a bit longer petting her while she slept. From your place on the bed, you heard the front door open. Carefully, you exited the room and ventured into the living room.
You were greeted with the presence of Jaehyun being supported by Taeyong and Yuta while they dragged his swaying figure. The three stopped and looked up at your confused face.
“We just had dinner with the other head honchos and shareholders because the university project finished and was revealed successfully.” Yuta informed.
“They kept pouring Jaehyun drinks, so he's incredibly drunk.” Taeyong finished. Jaehyun very cutely raised one fist into the air and yelled in victory. Your chuckling at his cute antics grabbed his attention and his face lit up. He sloppily pushed off his friends and pulled you into a bone crushing hug.
“We did it.” He slurred, kissing all over your face. You giggled, but put no effort in pulling away.
“Yes, you did. Renjun snuck me into the building and it was amazing.” You confessed between the kisses Jaehyun was painting your lips. You held his face still for a second and turned to his friends. “Thank you for bringing him home safe. I got the rest.”
Yuta had to physically stop Taeyong from taking pictures and drag him out the house. You heard a ‘but they’re so cute!’ before the door was closed. You took a second to really observe Jaehyun; how his face and ears had a slight red hue to it and how even though you were supporting him up he was still swaying.
You sat him down on the couch and his lips were on yours again. Laughing into the kiss you pulled away and started to undo his tie, which proved difficult since he refused to be more than two centimeters away from you.
“Jaehyun. Give me a second please.” You asked softly. He pouted, but stopped regardless. You quickly pulled off the tie and kissed him as thanks. He pulled you onto his lap and buried his face into your neck.
“We should get you to bed.” You sighed as he placed sloppy kisses around the back of your neck.
“No, don’t leave me.” He mumbled as he tightened his hold on you. You slightly shifted so you were sitting sideways on him and carded your fingers through his already messed up hair.
“I'm not going anywhere.” He leaned his head on your chest as you continued, and you saw his breathing level out. You stayed like this longer than necessary as you watched him dozed off.
There was a calm wave that washed over you in the quiet of the room, the only noise filling it being yours and Jaehyun’s soft breathing. You were lost in the background hum when a thought ran through your mind.  You looked down at him. He was peacefully drifting off on you, lips curled up in a small smile, and hands tightly wrapped around you with no wants of letting go. Your heart did something it never did before and it scared you a little.
Glancing at the led clock across the room and realizing that it was well after midnight, you shook Jaehyun awake and convinced him to let you drag him to his room. After several close calls and sorrys on your part, you sat Jaehyun down on his bed. You stood up to catch your breath and scanned the room. You walked into his closet and picked out a random t-shirt and returned back to him.
Kneeling in front of him, you started to unbutton his dress shirt. It was weirdly intimate, and you glanced up to find him smirking in his drunken state. You quickly finished, flicked him on the forehead, and threw his shirt at him. As he pulled on his shirt you contemplated your options. You had no intentions of staying the night. You and Haechan had plans in the morning, but Jaehyun’s ‘don’t leave me’ played in your head. Quickly deciding against going home, you told Jaehyun that you were going to take a shower and would be right back. You got back a muffled okay as he wormed his way under the covers.
You took the shortest shower of your life and stole one of Jaehyun’s shirts to change in. You set an alarm for the morning and found your usual place under the covers next to Jaehyun. You expected him to be asleep, but was proven wrong when arms wrapped around you.
“You smell like me.” He whispered eyes still closed.
“I think you meant to internally monologue that, but yeah I used your body wash.” He let out a weak laugh and kissed your forehead.
“Love you, goodnight.” He kissed your forehead one more time before pulling you to his chest.
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Curses filtered out your mouth at how loud your alarm rang. Scrambling to the side table you practically threw your phone across the room. You buried your face in your pillow and softly groaned. The arm that was still on you moved and you saw Jaehyun stir awake.
“Ugh my head.” He whined moving his hand to cover his eyes.
“Morning handsome.” You chimed.  His head cocked to the side and the surprised was evident on his face.
“Whoa y/n.”
He told you that the last thing he remembered from yesterday was getting into Taeyong’s car. You nodded and informed that Taeyong drove him home and Yuta brought his car. Nothing much happened after, but Taeyong probably has blackmail photos of him now.
A string of apologies spilled out and you hushed them with a kiss.
“Don’t worry, you’re a very cute drunk.” You laughed. “Hyunjin outed you by the way. Christmas?” You waited for the confusion to turn to horror.
“She betrayed me.” There was a comical level of disbelief behind the statement that was followed by a visually nervous movement of the lips. “So, um you probably already said yes because who could say no to her, but if you’re not doing anything would you like to spend the holiday with us?” He asked shyer than he need to be.
You held your chin as if you were giving it some thought before breaking out into a smile.
“I would love to.”
You told Jaehyun to stay in bed and not leave until you said he could while you went to go make breakfast with Hyunjin. Her constant excitement when she sees you in the morning had to be one of your favorite things ever. After she was done brushing her teeth and washing her face, you gave her a piggyback ride to the kitchen. You told her that you needed her art expertise for the breakfast plans of the morning. While you were making pancakes, she was getting the colored icing assorted. You gave her one and she got started drawing a building. She took her time and was meticulous about every detail, so you took your time making the rest of breakfast and decided to try your hand at making Jaehyun’s coffee with the French press no one touched.
Hyunjin announced that she was done, and you applaud her on her work. You topped it off with ‘Congratulations’ written around it and Hyunjin went to retrieve her father. You just finished setting the table when they walked in. Hyunjin ran to you and you both screamed ‘surprised’.
Jaehyun had to hold a hand over his mouth to stop the chuckled that came out. He removed it and a smile was plastered wide. He walked over to you both and scooped his daughter up, kissing her cheek before placing one on your lips.
“How did I get so lucky to have such wonderful and beautiful girls?” The love that poured out the statement made your insides go soft.
Breakfast was filled with its usual banner along with Jaehyun whining about the great betrayal his daughter inflicted on him. You were laughing at how cutely Hyunjin called her dad a softie when you got a text from Haechan.
‘Eta 15 mins.’
“Oh shi- snap I gotta go.” You hissed. You placed your plate in the sink before kissing both Hyunjin and Jaehyun on the cheek. Jaehyun yelled that he was off, so he would pick up Hyunjin. You yelled okay before leaving and hopping in your car.
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“Wow twenty minutes late. I thought you stood me up.” Haechan deadpanned while handing you the matcha latte he bought you.
“Sorry. I had to run home to change.” You said apologetically. Haechan sighed, but wrapped his arm around yours regardless.
“Forgiven. Let’s go we have shopping to do.”
You both did your annual Christmas shopping together every year. You both agreed long ago that doing it early and getting it out the way was adulting at its best and became a yearly ritual. You were browsing a store Haechan pulled you into when a yellow polaroid camera caught your attention.
“New hobby?”
“No. Hyunjin said some time ago that she wanted to start taking pictures.” You smiled. “Jaemin might have some competition.”
After another hour of shopping you decided to stop for snacks. You told Haechan about Hyunjin inviting you for Christmas and drunk Jaehyun over your shared cinnabons. As you recounted the night you saw the look in his eyes soften.
“I know me and the guys make you happy, but I’ve never seen you this happy before Y/n. I'm not going to lie other than Lucas, I was probably the most worried about you and Jaehyun, but I'm glad you guys are a thing.” He confessed. Your eyes widened at how sentimental he was since it was out of character for him.
“Thanks. That means a lot.” Your eyes matched his and the air around you was disgustingly sweet.
“Okay gross. Come on we have more shit to buy.” He cleared his throat, tossed the trash, and pulled you to the next store.
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 “Someone’s gotta die.” You sighed as you looked at the pile of wrapped boxes in front of you. You spent way more than you needed and refused to look at your bank account. While you sat on the floor and ponder on what friends you could possibly kill to spend less, Ten and a dying Kun walked into the apartment.
“Y/n do me a favor and kill Ten. When I feel my feet again I’ll hide the body.” Kun panted stepping over boxes and crashing onto the couch. You looked between the two and thought about it; Ten’s gift was pretty expensive, before deciding against it.
“What happened?”
“I tricked Kun into going to an intense Zumba class with me.” Ten said proudly.
“You probably shouldn’t be so mean to the person who makes the majority of your food.” You laughed picking up another box to wrap.
“It’s cool. He loves me too much to actually kill me.” Ten waved off.  
“No, I don’t.” Came a muffled reply from Kun, who had his face into the cushion.
You let them do their usual back and forth banner and continued your task. Ten picked though a few boxes and you informed him that you weren’t keeping his or Kun’s in the apartment, so to keep his hands off.
“What did you get Jaehyun and Hyunjin?” Ten asked.
“I got Hyunjin a camera.” You pointed at a small box to his left. “But I didn’t get Jaehyun anything because I don’t know what to get him.” You sighed putting the last wrapped box in the pile.
“Well you still have time. Ask his friends.” Kun offered. You glanced down at your phone and decided that since it was still early in the day that you would make a stop. You turned and kissed Kun’s forehead before jumping to your feet.
“Thanks, favorite mom friend.” You sang and saw the look of betrayal on Ten’s face. “Going out, I’ll be back later. Ten stop trying to kill Kun please.”
When you got in your car you looked down at your outfit and pondered on if you should change. It was similar to the one you wore the first time you entered the corporate building, just winter approved. Shrugging, you turned on the engine and drove. The seriousness of your mission might have been conveyed as confidence as you walked through the lobby and flashed your badge without looking at the receptionist. When you arrived at the top floor Jaehyun’s secretary, who thought you were the cutest thing, told you that they were hiding out in conference room two.
Knocking only once you entered the room and was welcomed with shocked faces. You walked up to the round table and sat yourself down. The atmosphere was tense and ominous.
“I need your help.” You stated simply.
“This is terrifying. Please continue.” Sicheng implored. You glanced at them and pouted, successfully ending the tension.
“I need help figuring out what to get Jaehyun for Christmas.” You whined slipping down in your chair.
“You could have texted.” Johnny snickered.
“I have a lot of time on my hands today.” You waved him off.
“Sorry Y/n we’re not much help.” Taeyong sighed. “Jaehyun never really wants anything. It’s a struggle every year for us.”
“One year I asked him what he wanted and he said my love. I almost punched him in the face, Johnny had to hold me back.” Doyoung rubbed his temples obviously irritated.
You groaned and let your head hit the marble table. You were a bit disappointed that they didn’t have an answer for you, but happy that you weren’t the only one suffering. You were thinking about possible gifts to get him whilst visualizing how scared Johnny must have been when he had to hold a rage filled Doyoung back, when Taeil offered some advice.
“Simple is best when it comes to Jaehyun. He's the type that prefers to give than receive.”
You left as disheartened as you came and groaned at how slow the day was going by. Since you didn’t have anything better to do you drove to Jaehyun’s place and waited for him and Hyunjin to get back.
It was a weird feeling, letting yourself into the empty house. Bored, you went around turning on all the lights you and Hyunjin put up and went to get coffee and hot chocolate brewing for them since it was freezing outside. You made yourself tea and took a seat on one of the stools. You were mindlessly browsing through amazon when the front door opened.
“Y/n!” Hyunjin called when she entered the kitchen. She was submerged in her puffer jacket and looked like a marshmallow.
“Hyunjin!” You yelled back, getting down from your chair to help her out the jacket. “Jaehyun!” You yelled when he entered the kitchen as well. He laughed at your silliness and sent Hyunjin to change out of her uniform. You told her that you would have her hot chocolate ready for her when she came back.
“How was your day?” Jaehyun asked as he handed you the bag of marshmallows. You told him about the shopping adventure and confessed that you stopped at his office to ask the guys about ideas for a gift for him, but turned out with nothing. So, deciding to cut out the middleman you asked Jaehyun what he wanted for Christmas.
“Umm, I don’t really want anything.” He declared after giving it some serious thought.
You saw why Doyoung almost punched him.
“Hyunjin, sweetie!” You shouted, turning to go find her. She had just exited her room when you scooped her up.
“What should I get your dad for Christmas?” You asked as you slowly traveled down the hall.
She thought about it with the same serious matter as her father before confidently saying she didn’t know. You stopped dead in your tracks and fake wept into her chest.
“Oh no.” She said and started petting your head. “He doesn’t like getting gifts, so when I ask he says my love is enough.” She pouted. You wiped your fake tear and told her that was very cute.
“What do you want?” She questioned suddenly as you continued down the hall.
“All the kisses on the cheek in the world.” You said with no hesitation.
“I can do that!” She smiled and gave you an early gift. You melted at how cute she was.
Jaehyun had her drink ready on the table when you arrived back in the kitchen, you placed her down and she ran to it. Jaehyun handed you a cup that he prepared for you and you thanked him.
“Did you get any help from the bean?” He smirked.
“You’re enjoying my suffering a bit too much. I might mess around and get you nothing.” You threatened.
“That would be preferred.” He retorted sipping on his coffee. Thoroughly done with him, you placed down your drink and did the same to his before chasing him. With the help of Hyunjin you cornered him and hung onto him. Hyunjin returned back to her drink feeling parched while you hugged Jaehyun.
“Give me something to go on.” You mumbled softly into his chest.
“God why are you so cute.” He smiled. “Okay. Something practical and simple that I could use daily if I wanted too, but has a hint of you.” He smoothed out your back.
“Thanks, I can work with that.”
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“Christmas sex.” Jaemin announced. You and your friends were hanging out at Mark and Haechan’s apartment for the evening; surrounded by assorted snacks and Mark’s playlist softly playing in the background. You were laying down, head resting on Lucas’ back.
“Jaemin isn’t allowed to speak for the duration of the night.” You declared.
“I got to agree with him though.” Haechan added.
“And just like that Haechan has lost the ability to speak.” You sighed. “I had that thought for half a second before I murdered it.” You confessed.
“There’s one thought you haven’t brutally murdered yet.” Mark said. You shifted your head to look at him and bit your lip.
“Yeah.” You muttered. “But other things have to go with it.”
“Not necessarily true; it’s more about the moment than anything else.” Jeno advised.
There was a collection of confused faces and Mark and Jeno told them if they didn’t know then not to worry about it.
You stared at the ceiling as your mind ran around letting the side conversation fade.
“Okay. Haechan lets go.” You sprung up suddenly and dragged him out the apartment before anyone could ask.
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“Y/n what the hell?” Haechan had his best ‘I'm judging face’ on as you held up ties.
“Navy or black?” You asked.
“You dragged me to the Men’s Warehouse to get the lamest gift ever and you expect me to help you.” He hissed. You looked at him and nodded.
“Navy.” He sighed putting the black one back on its rack.
You smiled and went to find an associate.
The older gentleman was very kind and patient with you as you drew the design for a tie clip that you wanted to special order.
A simple gold bar with a moon crescent on the end.
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prettyminyoongii · 4 years
Secret Admirer || Hwang Hyunjin ||
“Oh fuck.” I curse in pain. All my things have fallen down from the supposedly secure box but instead, opened its flaps, letting my belongings fall down.
“ y/n, are you okay? You need help there?” My mom said, rushing to pick up my things and placing them in a more secure cardboard box.
“I’m beginning to question your independent abilities since you can’t even tape a box. Maybe you shouldn’t be in the dorms yet. I can rent a place nearby so I can stay with you.” I sigh as she hands me the the box and we both go downstairs to the trunk of the car.
“I’ll be fine in college mom. Trust me I have my future ready.” I say, closing the trunk as we then journey to the roads of my college.
I unknowingly fell asleep on the way. Waking up by the beam of sunlight, I see the gates of college; fraternity and sorority rituals, smelling the pot and juul, and even partying at the fields when it’s just 2pm. It was just as I imagined.
“Honey we’re here. Open the trunk and grab your things.” I then stepped out of the car, opened the trunk and got my boxes and baggages. We both then went to the lobby.
“Hi! How may help you?” The polite woman said, smiling at the both of us.
“Yes, hi! I am a freshman here and I would like to get my dorm please.”
“Name please?”
“Y/N, Y/L/N.”
The women then went on her computer, checking for vacant rooms. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and was frightful to say the conflict.
“I am terribly sorry Ms. Y/L/N but all the dorms for the women’s wing is unfortunately occupied.” This made my mom disappointed.
“Are there any other options?” My mom asked.
“There is a temporary option which is that, Ms. Y/L/N would be staying at the men’s wing until we could find a permanent dorm for her.” The woman hesitantly says to my mom. I could see the look on my mom’s face and she is dissatisfied.
“It is fine, we would rather-“
“I can take it.” I cut my mother’s words as she looks at me unpleasantly.
“May you give us a second to discuss?” My mom excuses us from the counter, pulling my wrist far from there.
“What on earth are you doing?” My mom murmured angrily.
“This is college mom. I would face worse problems than this and it is the college experience. I’m not a child. I can handle myself and you just need to trust me, please? Boys are not my priority here.” I give her reassurance as she sighs in defeat. We then went back to the lobby and take the keys.
Hours passed by and my roommate did not arrived yet. I began to study for my future classes and suddenly, I heard banging on the door. I stood up, frightened by the action as the door opens to reveal-
“Um hi! Do I know you?” He asked in confusion. Of course I would know Hwang Hyunjin , the most popular boy back in our high school but of course, he wouldn’t know me since I was only known to few.
“Oh, I’m Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N. Your temporary roommate.” I reached out my hand for his as we shook hands.
“Y/N? Really? Wow! You um... changed a lot.” He stepped aback and began looking at me up and down, smirking at what is standing in front of him. I was surprised to the fact that he knows me.
“It’s just the haircut.” I jokingly said, as my cheeks started to burn from the compliment.
“Why are you my temporary roommate anyway? Isn’t there another building for the women’s?”
“Well, there’s no vacant room for me so they put me here.”
“It’s good seeing an old high schoolmate. Brings me back to my old times.” He chuckled, laying down on his twin sized bed.
“Well I have my first class coming near by. I’ll see you later?” I packed my school supplies then looked at his dark brown eyes.
“See you later.” He smiled as I stepped outside to have my first ever college class. College has been going quite well already
I was having a hard time looking for my class, as the building was massive.
“Is this room 27?” I knocked on the door, and so the professor nods her head.
“Since I see that it is the first day, I’ll let the tardiness slide for today. As I said, I am Ms. Kim. Call me Prof. Kim .”
Classes then continued.
———— 𝐵𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑒𝑟 ————
The first period was already done yet the day felt tiring. I had a free period after that so I happily walked out of the classroom.
Someone tapped my shoulder as I turned around to see who it was.
“Hi I am Lia. You must be new here. I can see from the whole ‘lost-freshman’ face.” She politely greeted me as we shook hands.
“I’m Y/N and yes, I desperately need help.” I chuckled as we exchanged laughter.
“Want me to give you a tour around this place?” She asked as I cheerfully nodded.
We started wandering around the halls after the long tour around. She then spoke to break the silence.
“Y/N, how come I don’t see you in the women’s dormitory? I mean, the freshman stay in one floor.”
“I am... um... staying in the men’s wing actually.” I stuttered, being embarrassed of the situation.
“I support LGBTQ+ Y/N. You can tell me anythi-“
“No it’s just that there’s no vacant space in the women’s wing so they placed me there. I’m straight.” I chuckled over her assumption as we started getting to know each other.
“So who’s your roommate then?”
“His name is Hwang Hyunjin.”
“Oh God. He’s like the talk of the town. He’s been dubbed as ‘ campus hottie ’. I mean, they aren’t wrong though.” Lia was right. He’s an impeccable man.
“Well, I’m stuck with him being my roommate. We came from the same high school so I guess that’s somewhat good.” Lia chuckled at my statement and so did I.
“So there’s going to be a freshman party. Would you mind going with me? I’m pretty sure you are my only friend and why not have some fun hm? I’ll introduce you to my roommate too.”
“It would be splendid for me to go but I don’t really know how to dress for these kinds of things. I’d rather stay in my room and study-“
“Come to my room instead Y/N. I think I can doll you up.” Lia insisted and so I agreed.
“Be there around 5 pm. See you!” Lia waved her goodbyes as we went on to our next period
I arrived at the front door of Lia’s dorm. I began fidgeting with my purse as I heard the knob turning. The door opened to reveal someone who wasn’t Lia but instead, a boy?
“Hey I’m Chan. You must be Y/N.” The boy said, clearing the way for me to go inside.
“You must be her roommate?” I assume as Chan chuckled.
“I’m actually her um... friend. Yeah... friends.” He murmured and yet I had a feeling of a complicated relationship between them.
“ Y/N, You actually came!” Lia had approached and hugged me.
“Oh, I see you met Chan.” She added, as both of them met eyes.
“Here’s my roommate, Kim .” Kim approached me and introduced herself.
“So you’re the roommate of Hwang Hyunjin.” She chuckled, analyzing my appearance and then added, “We need a complete makeover for you. I get the innocent-never-been-touched look from you sister but this is college and you need to have some fun! Sit down let’s get started.”
Kim and Lia then started dolling me up.
———— 𝙱𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚛 ————
Couple of hours passed by yet it felt like decades sitting in front of a vanity.
“And... we... are... done! Take a look in the mirror.” Kim cheerfully said as I gazed at my own reflection on the mirror. I looked completely different. From the outfit, to the makeup.
“How about we go to that party hm?” Lia says as she grabbed her purse and escorted us outside.
We finally arrived at the party. It was like every typical party; flashing lights, blasting music, and the smell of alcohol and pot.
“Everyone, this is Y/N .” Kim announced to a small group of friends. At the corner, I saw Hyunjin mingling with other people. We then sat down on the couch and met other people.
“Y/N, do you mind if I go along with Chan?” Lia asked as I tilted my head, seeing Chan waiting for my response. I smiled and nodded, “Sure! Don’t have too much fun okay?” I jokingly said as Lia teasingly slapped me and went on to have the night with Chan.
“Hey, I’m Sehun. Y/N right?” I turned around to see another freshman. I then introduced myself to him.
“What if we guys play a game of truth or dare hm?” Kim insisted which made everyone laugh.
“That’s for kids.” One of them added but I don’t quite know her name.
“Whatever you say Minnie. If you don’t wanna join then go somewhere else.” So that’s her name. Kim, who was already tipsy, uttered to Minnie.
“Well since you wanted to do the game, truth or dare?” Minnie talked back.
“Who would you wanna smash in this room?” Minnis lifted her eyebrow as she looked at Kim fiercely.
“Namjoon.” They all looked to see Namjoon, the tall handsome guy. He chuckled by the so-called compliment of Kim.
“Y/N, truth or dare?” Kim then asked you.
“Truth.” I nervously held my hand, knowing that the question wouldn’t be good.
“Where was the craziest place you got smashed?”
“The um...” I couldn’t think of any location.
“Bedroom...?” I lied.
“Y/N, are you a virgin?” Namjoon said standing up from the couch as I stepped aback.
“I... have to go.” I stuttered, leaving the area.
I swam through the crowds. I could hear someone calling me from behind. As I turned around, Sehun had been following.
“Where are you going? The party just started.” Sehun started to approach me, which made me take a few steps back.
“I really got to go.” I said, getting out with a quicker pace.
Sehun still caught up to me and so he grabbed my arm and held my waist.
“I can help with that little virginity of yours.” He whispered to my ear which made me push him and scream, “Get the fuck away from me!”
Before I could even make another move, someone knocked him out and I looked up to see who it was.
“Y/N are you okay?”
I suddenly felt unconscious. I felt my whole body collapse to the ground like I fell asleep.
———— 𝐵𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑒𝑟 ————
I woke up and saw my surroundings. I was back at my bed, head dizzy and my body very sore.
“Oh, you woke up. Are you feeling alright?” I turned to my left, seeing Hyunjin fresh from the shower, towel wrapped around his hips and another towel used for drying his flawless hair.
“There’s warm bottled water at the counter. That’s the best cure for a hangover-“
“Oh, I’m not hungover, I get dizzy and unconscious easily. It’s been like, a ‘disease’ for me and I freak out.” I felt embarrassed, realizing what happened last night.
“Well are you okay, at least?” He approached me and I was speechless from the sculptured masterpiece right in front of me.
I had a loss of words, and stuttered “Y-yeah.”
“You want me to bring you to class? Just to know you’re fine.” He smiled at me as I nodded to the statement. I then went to the bathroom to get ready.
I was ready to leave. I grabbed my books and packed it up in my bag. I tied my shoes and did finishing touches.
“Are you ready?” Hyunjin asked, leaning on to the door. I nodded once more, and got a mixed feeling of the whole situation.
We began walking through the halls. His hands were in his pockets while I was holding my books tightly. It was deafining silence until Hyunjin decided to break it.
“Y/N, um... since we are roommates, I think it’s an obligation to get to know each other, you know?” He turned around to face me, stopping his tracks.
“Maybe you wanna hang over dinner?” He added, yet I was still silent. I didn’t know what to say. I froze for no apparent reason.
“Or maybe it’s fine if you don’t want to-“
“I’d be glad to. I’m sorry, I’m still lightheaded from yesterday.” I replied, rubbing my eyes from the dizziness.
“It’s fine. I overheard what Namjoon said last night and it wasn’t right for them to make fun of you.”
“But people our age are supposed to have fun. I’m just a fucking freak even if I try changing the way I look.” I began to tear up, recalling past memories from high school.
“You aren’t Y/N. And your change is good. I barely recognized you when I first met you again. Fuck them losers. You deserve more than that. Why don’t I treat you for that dinner hm?” Hyunjin came closer and smiled, making my heart flutter.
“See later then. I gotta go to class.” I giggled as I waved goodbye to him.
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defellz · 5 years
journalism at its finest // hwang hyunjin
★ genre - Journalist AU, Strangers to Friends AU, fluff, a bit of angst(?)
★ pairing - reader x Hyunjin
★ word count - 5.2k
★ description - Hyunjin and Y/N are two coworkers who get paired up to do a story on a rumor that is going around town, though because of Hyunjin's previous experiences this becomes a showdown of who can be saltier.
★ Warnings - explicit language
" Y/N, the boss is asking for you! " my co-worker Elena announced as she propped herself on my desk.
I looked at Elena and laughed, " He doesn't even know I exist, why would I need to go to his office? "
Elena rolled her eyes, " Jeez, thanks Elena for delivering the message to me, I appreciate it. "
I got up from my chair and patted her shoulder, " Thanks Elena, I really do appreciate it."
I walked past her, making my way to the elevator right around the corner until I hear her yell after me, " Buy me coffee during lunch! "
I laughed to myself and got on the elevator, I was quite worried about the fact that I was called to the boss's office as no one from my department was even ever acknowledged and if they were it was one of three things.
They got promoted, they got fired, or the idiot edited the story wrong.
I knew that it couldn't be the first reason as I had only started working in this particular company three months ago and it was surely not enough time to get promoted, so getting fired sounded like the most logical situation, cause as far as I knew, all my edited stories were okay.
My heart started beating faster and faster, I felt my palms become overly sweaty and shaky. That was not a good sign, this meant that I would be an absolute mess in front of my boss. Whenever I get extremely nervous I start to ramble a lot of useless things, I'm not sure how I was even hired in the first place.
As the bell of the elevator rang my heart started beating twice as fast as before if that was even possible. I had many questions going through my head in what felt like 1000 kilometers an hour.
Let's say I do get fired, what else am I supposed to do? It's not like my resume is absolutely fantastic, heck, I had written "fast-talking" as my specialty. In what other world is that even a useful talent? It didn't even help in this field of work, so the reason I'm even here will forever be a mystery.
I pressed the button for the highest floor and took a deep breath as the door was about to close, but at that exact moment, a co-worker ran into the elevator with me. I eyed the guy carefully, even if I didn't have any business with them, I still wanted to know what kind of people were working alongside me.
He was a complete stranger, a handsome stranger, I had never seen him around before this very moment, so assuming he was a newbie made a lot of sense. He looked at the buttons and nodded to himself before facing the door once again. I have never thought that a co-worker of mine could be so handsome, but he looked like a prince so effortlessly.
I shook my head slightly, trying to stop my obvious googly eyes.
" Got called to Chan's office as well? " the stranger pulled me right out of my thoughts and surprised me with his sudden question.
" Chan's office? " I looked at him with a confused face.
He scrunched up his nose before correcting himself, " I mean Mr. Bang's office. "
" Are you friends with the boss? I've never really heard anyone call him by his name, so I'm quite taken aback, " I slightly smiled and looked at him only to regret it in a second, because he was looking at me with those pretty eyes. wait, is that a mole under his eye?
" I guess you could say he's my friend, I've known him for quite a while, " He smiled back at me.
Oh my god, am I imagining this or am I melting?
I looked up at the floor level, " Anyway, what's your name? I don't think I've seen you around before. "
" I'm Hyunjin, I started working here part-time yesterday, so don't feel bad for not knowing me.
I did my best to calm down the heartbeat inside my chest and turned to Hyunjin reaching my hand out for a handshake, " Nice to meet you Hyunjin, I'm Y/N."
Hyunjin reached out his hand and intertwined it with mine. I must say, his handshake is either really weak or he thinks that he would crush my hand otherwise.
" Quite a weak handshake you got there," I looked up at Hyunjin with a very subtle smile.
Hyunjin looked back with a slight smirk," Quite a subtle smile you got there."
He kept a hold of my hand for a bit too long, so I awkwardly coughed and looked to the side," Maybe you could let go of my hand?"
" Why? It's soft."
I laughed in disbelief," You got to be kidding me."
Hyunjin turned his head to the door of the elevator and released my hand," Would you look at that, right on time."
I shook my head and laughed to myself, he was definitely an interesting character, but soon enough the feeling of nervousness took over as I remembered I was supposed to meet up with my boss.
Hyunjin walked into the boss's office before me, if it was debatable if they were friends before, then now it was quite sure that they indeed knew each other. Hyunjin had walked past the secretary without even having to say why he was there, and that only happened when the boss was getting a visit from a family member or a close friend.
I quickly bowed the secretary a quick hello and carefully entered Bang's office.
" Chan, I already told you I was just gonna work here for a little and then leave, Goddamn I wouldn't even be able to finish a project," Hyunjin was looking at Bang Chan with a slight annoyance glazing over his eyes.
So this was about some type of project? Now, this was definitely catching my interest.
" Excuse me? Why did you ask for me?" I asked our boss, who was sitting at his desk right in front of both of us.
Bang Chan smiled at me and started to explain, " You probably already heard that I have a project I would like to assign the both of you."
I nodded my head.
" What is the project about?"
" It's actually quite simple if the two of you work together. As you may already know there has been a rumor going around about some dirty money-making scheme that is taking place through all the local laundry mats, right?"
" Yes."
" Well, I would like the two of you to write a story about it. Maybe try to find out what exactly is happening and if the rumors are true."
Hyunjin raised his left eyebrow," And why would you assign us? I started working here like yesterday."
" Hyunjin, you're my friend, so I already know what you are capable of, plus you're only working here part-time, so it's not like I'm going to overwork you."
" Okay, and why is Y/N assigned as well?"
" I've heard great things about her work ethic from Elena who runs her department."
" And what exactly have you heard about me?" I asked.
" For one I heard that your CV was quite interesting, but leaving that aside Ms. Elena recommended that I choose you for this project because she believes that your journalism skills are being wasted while you work as a mere editor."
I felt my cheeks turn a slight shade of pink, it was truly nice to have my hard work recognized by someone.
" Okay, so both of us have to write a story? Can't she do it alone though? I mean, if her skills are that great."
Hyunjin was being quite rude and it surely made me think of him differently. I had assumed that he was a nice, sly guy, but he turned out to be only nice when he thinks you're hot and turns annoying when assigned for some type of work. Why come to work at this company anyway? Someone else could've gotten his place, but of course, the boss is his friend, so there is no doubt he wouldn't leave his friend to struggle if he could give him a job, even if it was a part-time one.
Our boss sighed, " I would appreciate it if you at least spoke to me as your boss during work. Anyway, to answer your question, I would let Ms. Y/N here do this project by herself, but you see, she has never had this type of a project, so I think it is fitting for her to have a good and successful journalist by her side, who could help her."
A good, successful journalist?
" Chan," Hyunjin looked at Mr. Bang strictly.
" What? " Chan raised both his hands in his defense," You're working with her anyway, so why not just have at least one person who knows about you? Besides, it's not like she knows who you are."
" I swear to god if you don't shut up-"
Not to lie, I was feeling extremely uncomfortable while both of them were arguing in front of me. For one I had never seen my boss unprofessional like this, he actually seemed like a human.
" Or what? She won't tell anyone," Chan turned to me," Right?"
" Yes, I won't say a word."
" See? You're completely fine," Chan cheekily smiled at Hyunjin.
" Fine, when is the deadline?" Hyunjin basically read my mind as I was about to ask the same thing.
" I'm giving you three weeks."
" But isn't that way too much? Usually, rumors die down after a week and the story won't gain attention as there is a possibility people won't be interested anymore," I wondered.
Hyunjin chuckled, " It's really clear she hasn't taken a job like this before. And no, three weeks isn't too much time, when the talk is about money people always care. The interest could even become bigger once the story is published to the company's website or news show."
I looked at Hyunjin, was this really the same flirty guy that stood next to me in the elevator?
Chan caught up on what was happening and smiled at me with a knowing smile," Hyunjin gets really serious and really mean when he decides to take a job. Trust me, you'll learn a lot from him, just please don't give up as he can be quite harsh."
" So this is like university all over again," I said to myself, stupidly I said it loudly and boss laughed at that.
" Exactly, think of this as an exercise in university and having it lead by Hyunjin here."
" Okay, so when we work together there is to be no relationship development as this is to be as professional as possible," Hyunjin stated as he placed a box on his new desk in our office.
Mr. Bang had decided that moving us into an office together would be perfect as we wouldn't have any other job besides this one, so apparently being in the same room all the time was the ideal way to work.
" Didn't I already tell you that I don't plan on talking to you about anything else but work?" I snapped back.
Seriously, how does he change so fast? He was so nice and flirty in the elevator a few hours ago.
" I just have to make sure cause I saw how you looked at me in the elevator."
" And how did I look at you?"
Hyunjin smirked, " As if I was the best looking man you had ever seen in your life."
" And you want me to deny that?"
" What?" Hyunjin looked quite taken aback.
" You are the most handsome man I've seen in my life, but that doesn't mean I'm about to swoon over you. I have a lot better things to do than to waste time trying to make a good-looking player pay attention to me. Plus, if I desired your attention so much I would still be getting it anyway."
" You really are blunt aren't you?" Hyunjin claimed as he looked at me with a smirk even wider than before.
" Listen, buddy, you aren't the only one who can change in an instant, I thought you were attractive, so I was shy. But now," I sighed," Now I just really want you to finally close those damn lips and shut up."
I looked at Hyunjin with a slightly teasing smile, " And weren't you the one who told me that we should not develop any type of relationship? Cause you seem too excited to be talking to me."
Hyunjin's smile dropped and he rolled his eyes, " Don't get on my bad side, you still need help from me."
" What? Did I say something that made you mad?" I looked at my coworker, I was aware that my smile was way too wide for his pride.
" Okay, fine, you win. I'll shut up as well."
" Thank you," I sat down at my desk and started to organize the few things I had brought to this new office.
The room was really quiet, the only thing that could be heard was the shuffling of papers and occasional sounds of a pen writing on the same paper.
" Hey Y/N? Could you call this number and ask for an interview? " Hyunjin got up from his chair and gave me a little sticky note with a number written on it.
I took the note from him," Why? Are they somehow related to this?"
" From the information that I already had about the rumor, the person you're going to call is Robert Lee, he had made several posts about receiving dirty money from many different businesses, so even if he isn't related to this case there is a possibility we could get some insider information on how this type of fraud works," Hyunjin theorized.
I rolled my eyes back at him," Yeah, like he's going to tell me all his dirty secrets knowing that I'm working as a journalist right now."
" That's why he isn't going to talk to a journalist but a pretty girl who read his post on the deep web," Hyunjin concluded his idea and went to sit back at his desk.
" So what am I supposed to ask him?" I shrugged at the boyish man sitting in front of my desk.
" Tell him that you read his article on his website and ask if you two could meet in person, so you could find out some extra details about dealing with dirty money," Hyunjin was already back into his world, reading up on some things on his computer and writing down some details that seemed interesting or useful.
I sighed and reached for my personal phone and dialed his number, unluckily a heavy breather picked up.
" Hi, am I talking to Robert Lee?"
" Depends on who's calling."
I felt myself create a fake smile on my lips as if trying to sound as nice and charming as possible," I'm Y/N and I read a post on your website about the best ways to get money and it all seemed really interesting."
" Oh! Yes, this indeed is Robert Lee on the line. Well, sweetheart, I think it would be the best if we were to meet and I could share some juicy details with you," I could practically hear how the creepy dude become overjoyed when he realized I was a person interested in his work, it was sort of adorable?
" Really? You'd meet up with me? I didn't think that would be possible!"
" Yes, yes, yes, we can meet up for coffee and maybe a little more?"
The last part sent shivers up and down my spine, now that was disgusting if I've ever heard what disgusting sounds like.
" Coffee? That sounds nice."
" Great! Where could we meet? Are you from Seoul? Cause I know a really good coffee place."
" Of course! Feel free to text me the address, I'll be waiting! Bye!"
I ended the call as soon as possible and only then realized I would have to be the one meeting that creepy Robert guy on the other end of the line.
" That bad?" Hyunjin asked looking at me with a bit of a worried gaze.
" You don't even know! He's so going to murder me," I tightened my ponytail sighing in defeat.
Hyunjin shook his head," It's not like I'm going to make you go alone. I'll go too, I'll just be undercover, so if he does something threatening I'll be there."
" Wow, thanks!" I fake smile at him in response," Makes me feel so much safer to know that a stick-shaped guy is about to protect my life."
" Has anyone ever told you that you're an extreme pessimist?"
" Yes. My mother, every day."
Hyunjin burst out laughing," You're kidding me? How does that happen?"
I looked back at the guy with a poker face," Sweetheart, only business talk. Don't want a relationship forming now, do we?"
" A pessimist and extremely salty. Thanks, Chan," Hyunjin mumbled to himself and returned to his previous work.
" Oh damn, I just found another person who you could interrogate," Hyunjin's smile was so wide as his eyes ram through the text on his monitor.
" I'm sorry, what? Are you not going to do anything else besides make me interview people and get myself killed?"
Hyunjin's face became sad and that almost made me want to ask him what's wrong, almost.
" I can't. I would but I really can't."
" Why? Are you that scared of someone ripping your guts out if they find out that you're a journalist?"
" You don't know me and my reasonings, so shut up and do as I say, got it?"
" So I just go sit in front of him looking all pretty and get him to spill the beans?" I lifted an eyebrow and looked at Hyunjin.
" Yep."
I shrugged my shoulders and entered the coffee shop. It didn't take long for my eyes to travel upon the older guy sitting at the far right corner. He was exactly like I imagined, he was the definition of a dude that should be behind bars, plus, he seemed like a heavy breather, which he definitely was.
My feet felt like they were glued to the floor, but I slowly walked over to the man, it did take a lot of courage and strength though.
" Hi, you must be Y/N, right honey?"
I smiled at the man and sat in front of him," That's indeed me and you must be Robert Lee."
" Exactly. Here have this coffee, I wasn't sure what you liked, so I hope you don't mind plain black coffee."
He slightly pushed the cup to my side of the table, though I wasn't going to drink from the cup, I didn't see it get delivered or how it was made.
" So what were the things that interested you the most?"
" I was wondering how does the transferring of the money happen, 'cause there's no way its as simple as just giving someone else money in a package."
" that's very correct darling, it really isn't that simple, though quite a lot of people do that."
I furrowed my eyebrows," But why would they do it that way if that's not how that works?"
" People are stupid and don't realize that handing money in envelopes isn't as easy as it seems, so why does that exactly interest you?"
I looked to the entry of the cafe and saw Hyunjin walk in with an almost completely covered face, so that was a horrible disguise, cause no one is going to suspect anything.
" Sweetie? What got you so distracted?" Robert Lee turned to look to where I was looking, so I just turned his attention back to me.
" Nothing," I nervously laughed," I was just wondering how I could answer to your question without seeming stupid."
" Why would you seem stupid?"
I bit the inside of my cheek," Cause I don't know anything about this type of business."
" So what got you so interested in my type of money-making?"
" My boyfriend is dealing with this business, so I wanted to make sure that he wasn't doing anything dangerous, and then I just happened to stumble upon your site and post."
The man reached out his hand and placed it on mine, bringing his face closer to mine and staring deep into my eyes," And what was a girl like you doing exploring the deep web?"
I pull my face further from his, but he just pulls closer himself," I like to explore weird and creepy things?"
" You don't seem so sure my sweetheart."
I awkwardly laughed and put my hands on his shoulders, pushing him slightly back," How would you feel if someone asked you shat you were doing there yourself? Would you actually want to answer?"
" Hmph, " Robert Lee chuckled," You got a point there, but you know what I can't understand?"
" What?"
" Why is a journalist from Bang Gears so interested in dirty money? Would it have anything to do with the laundry mat rumors?"
My eyes widened and I felt a knot form in my throat," How do you know who I am?"
" It was quite a rookie mistake to use your real name and phone number. Now answer me, or you're not going to have a fun night."
" I may be a journalist, but that doesn't mean that I'm-"
" You're what? Writing a story? Yeah, sure. Should've told me the truth when I asked why you were so interested, maybe then I would've actually helped."
" I was telling you the truth!"
Robert Lee smiled at me with a sinister smile," Y/N, I know you aren't dating anyone. I did my research on you when I checked who I talked to, let alone the fact that a journalist would have a boyfriend who deals with dirty money just seems sketchy."
" Fine. You're right, but believe it or not I'm really not writing a story. You can check me all I care, cause I don't even have gadgets on me that could record this conversation, so this really wouldn't affect you either way."
" I may say though, I don't believe you'd come here alone."
My heart started beating faster and faster, this dude wasn't actually as stupid as I thought," But I did."
" That means you're either brave or extremely stupid, but fine, I'll tell you all I know, frankly you seem way too nice for me to ruin your life."
" What?"
" Did I stutter? Get out your notes and write down the shit I'm about to tell you, it's important."
" Oh."
I got my notes out along with a pen and looked at the man in front.
" Feel free to ask me questions."
" Are the rumors about the dirty money schemes surrounding the laundry mats true?"
" No," Robert Lee shook his head," These rumors came to be because of stories from the past who had resurfaced, so when many new laundry mats opened in the city, and each being really close to one another, the people went wild. It was as if they all had to start coming up with conspiracy theories."
" Are dirty money schemes common between businesses?" I asked.
" Indeed they are, though they are quite different from how people assume they are."
" What would that mean?"
" It doesn't work how regular people assume it does. Frankly these businessmen don't just trade money, instead, they marry their kids and relatives into the other businessmen families."
I raised one eyebrow up at the man," But that's not how you do it, is it?"
" Yes, I work solo and I do not have a family. That's all I'm going to say. And Y/N, just so you know I didn't do this for you, I know you work along journalist Hwang Hyunjin and I've hurt the boy way too much."
" How do you-"
" I know how he works."
Robert Lee got up from his seat and just walked out.
What just happened?
" So?"
" So what?"
" Did you find out anything?"
I clenched my jaw and fake smiled at the boy in front of me," Yes, he told me, a journalist, all I wanted to know because, apparently, he knows a journalist named Hwang Hyunjin, so you, my dear teammate, got a shit ton to explain."
" Listen, I told you I don't want to develop any type of relationship with you, so I'm not obligated to tell you anything."
" Fine. Let's get this article over with, cause there's no reason to investigate any further. The dirty money scheme is a hoax," I got up from the table and made my way out of the cafe with Hyunjin closely following me.
" What do you mean by it's a hoax?"
" Dude said it was only a rumor, it's clearly based on how us, normal law obedient people, see these types of schemes. In the article, you can write about how we have been misinformed about these things and educate the people."
Hyunjin ruffled his hair in anger, " You mean we worked our assess off trying to get interviews when this was all just an actual rumor?"
I turned back to look at him," Aren't you glad that it's just a rumor though? You should be thankful that these things aren't happening around us."
" I needed a great story, but this. this is just shit."
" Oh would you look at that, Hwang Hyunjin is finally disappointed in something, is it not up there to suit your cosmical expectations?"
Hyunjin dashed by me completely ignoring me.
Great, I made him mad.
We were both sat at our office the next week, today was the end of out deadline and Hyunjin was re-editing the story he had written from the information I provided as I had gone to interview people in the police office to get some insight from them as well, but it was the same as Robert Lee said. It was all a rumor.
I could tell my partner was extremely nervous, even more, nervous than I was. This was going to be the first article my name was going to be written on, so shouldn't I be more nervous?
After a few hours passed by of me just sitting in my chair and playing candy crush on my phone, Hyunjin got up from his desk with a sigh.
" Sent it?"
He looked at me with a sincere smile for once," Yes."
Without any other conversation, he got his jacket and walked out of our office going home, though I had to stay even later as I wasn't a part-time employee.
Soon enough my phone rang and I picked it up, only to hear Mr. Bang on the other line.
" Hey Ms. Y/N?"
" Yes?"
" Did Hyunjin send me the article? Cause I've been refreshing my e-mail, but nothing is coming in."
" I'll go check and resend it to you."
I put down the phone and walked over to Hyunjin's computer which he had left on, maybe he was so tired that he forgot to turn it off?
I opened his email and he indeed hadn't sent it to the boss, so I sent it to him, but once the page refreshed I saw a lot of emails flowing in with disgusting titles.
Failure of a journalist - Hwang Hyunjin.
A journalist or a liar with nothing to do?
Famous journalist Hwang Hyunjin controversy.
What are these?
My interest peaked, so I opened one of them and read through what had been sent. In the email was a plain link which led to a news article about a journalist who sided with a mafia boss.
At that moment the door opened and I turned to find Hyunjin at the door," So this is why you needed an amazing story?"
" Get away from my computer, what are you even doing in my seat?"
" You forgot to send Mr. Bang the article, so he asked me to send it."
" And why were you reading that?"
I felt how soft my heart became as I couldn't imagine being a journalist who tries to enlighten people but ends up framed for being a traitor.
" Was this why you needed an amazing story?" I ignored his question," Was this why you actually needed someone else, so you could just put their name on it?"
" Does it matter?"
" Yes. What is this? What did you do?"
Hyunjin rolled his eyes," Didn't I tell you to not form any type of relationship with me?"
" Fuck that rule. Now you have to explain what you did."
Both of us were sat at a table by a window inside a small convenience store.
" I sided with a mafia boss. Didn't you read?"
I rolled my eyes," Well you must think I'm stupid if you really think I believe that."
" I did though," Hyunjin sighed and started to explain," Two years ago I was working alongside my best friend at the time and our company had told us to investigate a Mafia problem that was happening, so we did. I went to all the interviews, and I was oblivious of the fact that the men were already aware that both I and Jaemin were journalists at a company. So they kept me in the dark, but one day they took Jaemin and tortured him, well I thought they did cause that was what they told me."
" They didn't?"
" Wait I'll get to that point. So I went to a meeting place they had decided on and told me that I need to leave that company if I want Jaemin free, but before I do, I need to write an article where I say the whole thing was a lie. That there is no mafia. So I did, but later they were caught by the police and the person who wrote the first story on me was Jaemin himself. He didn't leave the company or anything, it turned out that the mafia had some of his friends involved and he gave me up for money. At least I thought he did, but then it turned out he just wanted me out of his way, so he'd be able to climb the career ladder faster."
" So that's why you didn't want a friend or any type of relationship with me, cause I worked with you," I said it mostly to myself, connecting all the dots, but Hyunjin confirmed it.
" Yes. I assume you wouldn't do the same as Jaemin did, but the fear is still there."
" But how did Robert Lee know you? And why did he help?"
" He was that Jaemin's friend, but he got fucked over by him too, so I guess this was as a sorry for distorting all of my potential job opportunities."
I smiled at Hyunjin with a warm smile," I mean, at least now you have a great partner under whose name you can write all those great ass articles."
" I only work for Chan part-time, so I'll be gone anyway."
" Oh stop it! He's your friend, we can tell him that without you I'm not going to write any articles and that we make an amazing team."
" Well, I guess we have to hope he likes the article."
" I'm sure he will!" I reassuringly rubbed Hyunjin's back.
30 notes · View notes
miraclejune · 5 years
District 9
Minho and Felix popped inside through the window. A hint of snow wafted around as Felix transformed back into human form. Minho quietly emerged from the dark corner.
Woojin helped Woong from getting some extra chairs from one of the rooms. They settled down and paid attention to the heavy conversation that was bound to happen.
"Jisung got kidnapped. Jeongin met another one of Merlin's apprentices. Changbin almost got killed. And Chan has real friends outside the mansion."
"Really? That's one of the big issues?" Chan rolled his eyes after receiving no response from Hyunjin. "I've heard about all of that except for the last part." Woong chuckled as he spoke.
“Rumors spread faster than the plague here. And the Sofia's aren't good at keeping secrets." the vampire couldn't agree more. He heard a lot of chatter before at the clan, mostly some petty quarrels and scandals. Rare cases would be fights and disagreements within their 'businesses'. They spread petty rumors about other people but not even the slightest information from them was leaked.
"So, basically every supernatural being knows?" Woojin slumped down as he saw Woong's soft nod.
"Is it all connected though?" Jeongin asked.
"I hope so. It'll be much easier to deal with." Minho responded. He was right. If the following scenes came from different sources, it would be very difficult to handle. They didn't have the resources nor the time to do so. When it comes to manpower, they do have Jisung and Chan.
"Do you guys think they're tracking us?"
"Jeongin, you watch too many detective movies." Felix chuckled, moving to sit in between the boy's legs. "Well," Jeongin leaned forward and placed his hands on Felix's shoulders. "I do watch a lot of those films but maybe it's possible? No harm in finding out.”
"Let's hear him out." Minho suggested. He nodded at the boy signaling him to continue. "So, Jisung had been kidnapped before, right? Thankfully we all got out alive. Which is weird?"
"How is that weird?" Seungmin furrowed his eyebrows. Woojin put out a hand to calm him down, he noticed his tone was rising for a bit. "Go on." he said.
"O-okay." Taking a big breath, Jeongin calmed his racing heart.
"They let us go so easily. No backup. No follow up attacks. No nothing. It was too peaceful for my liking. A couple of weeks passed by peacefully, except for that one encounter with Ms. Yoo. Do you guys think she was somehow warning us? That something bad would happen soon."
"Kazuo has been giving us hints as well." Seungmin added.
Hyunjin rested his chin on his hand. "Ms. Yoo didn't hurt you. But she did scare the shit out of you." Jeongin nodded. To be honest, he did almost piss his pants.
"I tried to find her. But I couldn't get a grip of her. I couldn't ask around because people might question why I, an alpha wolf, is looking for one of Merlin's Descendants with no valid reason to state." Hyunjin turned to the alpha. He was also part of that search team.
"What we know for sure is that she's not our enemy nor our ally. I haven't seen her around the university ever since." Seungmin added. It somehow made sense. After not seeing her at the campus, weird things started to happen.
"We keep on encountering Kazuo though." Seungmin pointed out. Everyone in the room went still. "He's helping us." Chan replied. "We're not so sure about that." Minho retaliated. Chan didn't respond back.
"Two days ago. I received a letter from my former master." Seungmin's confession drew everyone's attention. "It was mostly monthly updates on how the academy is and some special events. But she did disclose a hidden message."
Hyunjin tilted his head. "Huh, as far as I know. No secret code nor language can't be deciphered by your former academy. Everything that comes in and out is to be sorted and searched very thoroughly." It was common knowledge for everyone.
Not only Seungmin's former witch academy but most of the facilities regarding students and workers. "That's the problem. They scrutinize every detail of it except for the very simple ones. They tend to overlook it."
He snapped his fingers and a sealed amazon box fell onto his lap. He reached out for Woojin's hand, who was beside the sofa sitting on a different chair.
On cue, the alpha's nails grew longer. "You just used our alpha as a cutter to open up the box.." Changbin shook his head in disbelief.
"Anyway, it said something about another package that was sent to me via mail." Seungmin ignored the wolf's remarks.
He stopped halfway through opening it.
"Like, normal mailing." what he meant was, normal human mailing.
"Yeah, the FedEx box is a dead giveaway." Felix commented.
"I planned on opening it the day I received it, but I forgot." the rest weren't paying attention to his words. They were excited to see what was in the package.
Seungmin pulled out a bunch of old letters, books, and smaller boxes. "Oh, these are just stuff I left there." He flipped through some of the books, handing one or two to Woong, the rest wondered why Seungmin had Woong's belongings.
"She scares me." Woong thanked him, sighing in agreement with what he said. "Seriously, she knows the exact time and place we would meet. Even when you're gonna open the package."
"You guys went to the same academy?" Jeongin asked.
"Yup!" Woong snapped his fingers, a big book appearing from thin dust. The book floats in front of everyone. It was sort of like a yearbook. Something straight out of Harry Potter. It flipped through the page where Woong's class was featured. "I was in my last year when Seungmin came in. So, we didn't see each other often." Seungmin waves his hand in the air, flipping through the pages once more until it stops at his class photo. "I hated taking these class photos," he confessed.
"Why'd you get the book?" Seungmin asked. "I also got the tablet. But I don't know where I placed it." Basically, their academy offers two options for the 'yearbook' either print or digital. Hey, it's a new age.
Woong threw the books he received at the shelf. They slowed down and squeezed neatly on a few vacant spaces. "Why didn't you just search for her there?" he pointed at the book. "Ms. Yoo is older than both of you.. so, it won't make sense."
"The book shows every class from the beginning of the academy to the last." Woong proclaimed proudly. "Damn, why wasn't I cursed as a witch." Changbin completely forgot about his words earlier. He was impressed.
Seungmin thinned his lips before answering. 
"I did."
The book closed. The cover slowly changed into a different color, as well as a year printed on the front. It opened and flipped through a couple of pages stopping abruptly on the last page. "This was Ms. Yoo's class. There were only 10 of them and I heard that all of them were expelled."
They all leaned in to see an empty sheet with only the year printed on top of it, the ink was runny. It looked creepy as hell...
"Why haven't we heard of this?" Chan looked at Seungmin and Woong exchanging glances with each other. "An expelled student is normal but a whole class was definitely sketchy. We have no idea how and why. We were just given a warning not to bring it up if necessary."
The room sat in silence.
Jeongin observed the book, shifting his gaze to the two witches. Woong snapped his fingers and the book disappeared.
As they were settling on their seats, Jeongin spoke up. "You guys are cursed."
Woojin walked across the room, kneeling in front of the boy. "How did you know?" softly caressing his cheek, he asked. "I just know." Jeongin wasn't quite sure as to why he knew. He just blurted out the first thing that came to mind and based on Woojin's actions, he knew also.
"We are." Woong gave a sad smile.
"Cursed not to talk about it." Seungmin murmured.
"But how? You guys just mentioned it." Minho tilted his head after asking. He was boggled by what was happening at that moment. "We can talk about the whole class being expelled, but not the reason why."
"So, you are cursed not to talk about it?" Felix asked again.
"No. We can say what happened but not the details."
"Why not?" Chan asked this time.
As soon as he did, they all shut their mouths. They got it. The witches were cursed. They're just repeating themselves, not really getting anything out of it. It was an endless cycle. It sent shivers down their spine.
Chan recalled Seungmin saying something about a curse he wanted to be removed as he entered the neutral zone. So this was it.
A curse that had a purpose won't be able to break in neutral zones. He glanced at Changbin who searched for every neutral zone in South Korea just to find a way to undo his curse. But it didn't.
"Let's move on." Woojin broke the silence, smiling amongst the agitated faces of his friends. He stood up and went back to his seat. "So, there was nothing special about the package? Why would your master send it through normal mail?"
"Oh, there is something there." Woong implied.
Seungmin emptied the remaining contents of the package.
"Woong, if you mind." he neatly removed the contents of the coffee table, asking the others to hold on to their cups for the meantime.
Seungmin placed the box on top of the table, holding out his hands in the air. Woong walked to the opposite side and mimicked Seungmin's actions.
After a few seconds, the curtains closed and the lights dimmed, engulfing the room in darkness. The box levitated in midair, glowing as bright as the witches' hair.
The rest of them expected some cool outcome or important information. However as they felt the climax reaching its point, the box fell, and the witches fell on their knees as well.
"This sealing is so complicated." Jeongin looked at the box as he helped Woong get on his feet. "She really sent something so cryptic even though she knows we can't remove the seal easily." Seungmin thanked Woong who supported him when he was about to fall.
"Jeongin, don't touch it." Chan was too late. The boy had already picked up the box.
He momentarily stopped to realize what he had done and proceeded to turn it over to its original position. "Chan, it's fine. It's not harmful." Woong reassured.
"So, you can't open it?" Hyunjin mumbled.
Seungmin snorted. "I didn't say we can't." Both went back to their original positions. "It'll be much easier now." Woong continued.
And so, they did. It only took a few seconds before the box was engulfed in flames; no trace of ash nor residue was left.
"District 9." the witches said in unison.
"That place?" Minho probed.
"That's where Origin is." he continued. "Rank 1?" Felix nodded softly at Jeongin answering his question.
The strongest of the 11 families. No one has a clue about them. What they are capable of, who their leader is or where they’re from. Rumor has it they attacked the lower ranked families that’s why they vanished, but no one has proven anything yet. No one even knows how many members they have, or if its just one person.
"Was." Woojin corrected Minho. "They're gone."
"We don't know that." Hyunjin argued. "It's been a couple thousand years." Woojin replied. "They probably perished after getting rid of the other families.” he continued.
“That’s not possible. They can’t just disappear like that!”
“Hyunjin, don’t you fucking dare raise your voice at me.” Woojin's growl left the room in a terrifying silence. Every natural body movement was on hold.
Jeongin could hear his pulse banging in his ears and there was sweat dripping down his back. Even Woong was frozen in fear. He had seen Woojin in a bad mood before. He was not frightened nor was he afraid. What he felt was beyond such mere nouns. And he knew everyone else in the room except Hyunjin was feeling it.
Hyunjin hastily stood up, balling his fists as he stared down on Woojin. Out of all the members, he was the only one who wasn’t scared of Hyunjin. He is the beta. Second in command. And he’s not gonna let his alpha push him around just because he’s second.
“Hyunjin, stop.” Chan demanded. But the beta was not hearing anything else. He only heard the anger in his body slowly rising, wanting to be let out. He hated how Woojin was staring back at him intensely, obviously asking him to cut the crap and just quietly sit in the corner.
Seungmin felt the nauseating atmosphere, he couldn’t bear it. He noticed Hyunjin slowly inching towards Woojin, who was beside him.
He abruptly stood up, creating a temporary wall between the two. “Hyunjin, you need to calm down.”
Changbin walked behind Hyunjin, placing a soothing hand on his back. “It’s not time for us to go against each other.”
“Look, I have zero fucking idea what’s happening, why we’re all getting mad and stuff but it’s not right for us to gang up on each other. We only have each other. I don’t want to be alone again.” all eyes fell onto Felix. His baritone voice had a hint of anger and sadness in it.
Hyunjin's intense stare on the alpha faltered. His eyes fell on the floor. Changbin felt him calming down, so he pulled him into a small hug before going back to his seat.
“I’m sorry.” he murmured. Woojin stood up and kneeled in front of his beta. He lifted up Hyunjin's chin and as their eyes met, he smiled softly. “It’s okay. I know what you’re feeling. I’m sorry.” as they settled back down, the air slowly went back to its normal state.
Chan cleared his throat.
"For now, let's try to find out if they really are tracking us." The next 30 minutes consisted of Jisung refusing to go to the basement with the two witches, Hyunjin detaching himself from Jisung who was clinging to him like crazy, and Felix laughing at the scene unfolding in front of his eyes.
The three disappeared downstairs, leaving the rest in the living room. "We have to lay low for a while. It's almost midnight outside, so the mansion is guarded. However, we cannot go back home just yet." Chan suggested.
It was dangerous for them to continue with their daily lives for now. Jeongin was worried about school. He hoped that this mess would be finished soon.
“I’m leaving.”
“Ok-Huh? WAIT, CHRIS!!” Before Jeongin could process what happened, the vampire disappeared in the middle of the living room.
“Now, what!” Changbin threw his hands in the air as a sign of defeat. "He never changed! Fucking selfish prick." he exclaimed.
Felix and Minho shook their heads.
"Where's the vamp?" Hyunjin pops out from what seems to be the kitchen because of the piece of bread on his mouth. Woojin followed up from behind.
"Lemme help you with that." Felix took some contents out of Woojin's hands. After placing everything on the coffee table, he straightened up and looked around the room. He broke into a small smile. “He left, didn’t he?” Changbin nodded, rolling his eyes afterwards.
The remaining people settled back down the living room. “Is it okay for us to eat Woong's food?”
“You shouldn’t be asking that as you stuff your face with his bread.” Hyunjin coughed and almost choked to death before Minho would give him a glass of water. “Assholes.” Hyunjin muttered, water dripping down his chin.
“It’s fine. He said to help ourselves since we’re probably gonna be staying here for a while.” Woojin answered. “Anyway, let Chan be. He’s not used to fighting in groups.”
Jeongin smiled. “We can tell.”
“I just hope he reaches out for us every now and then. I’m jealous of all the action he’s getting.” Felix proclaimed.
“Chan doesn’t really fall in line with ‘Character Development’. Well, some aspects of him change but not drastically. He’s still the same old vampire we knew." Felix paused and smiled.
"But that didn’t stop us from loving him, right?” he continued.
The silence around him meant ‘yes’.
They talked lightly for quite a while. Some of them grew impatient and tried poking into the witches’ business. 
So, now Jeongin's been playing with 2 wolf cubs, 1 baby fox, and a black kitten.
‘Some of them’ included everyone in the room except him and Woojin.
“I told you guys to just wait.” Woojin giggled loudly, he sat beside Jeongin, taking the 2 wolf cubs onto his lap.
“This isn’t really any different from what you guys originally are.” That statement earned him a bite on his thumb, it was pretty deep but healed quickly. “Changbin, how dare you bite your alpha!” Woojin exclaimed in a joking manner as he tickled both of them.
“We’re done.” The basement door opened in a hurry, they looked back just in time to see a disheveled Jisung limp his way to the nearest chair.
“What the hell did they do to you?” Jeongin stood up, grasping the baby fox and kitten firmly on his arms so they wouldn't fall.
Honestly, he would have laughed if the situation wasn’t so dire. “Dude, you looked like you’ve been molested!” Woojin was like 'fuck it' and laughed after what he said. Jisung would’ve glared at him but he was too disoriented.
“These evil fucking sorcerers have defiled me. MY DIGNITY. MY PURENESS. MY LIFE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME.”
Talk about being over dramatic.
“Oh, shut up. We thought it was just a hoot and a half.” Woong shook Seungmin's hand, making Jisung more and more annoyed.
“We’ll file a lawsuit later, Jisung. For now, did you find any traces?” Jeongin escorted Jisung to the room upstairs to rest, when he got back. They continued.
“We found a few traces of silver inside his body.” Woojin smiled sadly. “Yeah, that’s been there for a long time.”
Seungmin realized it was a sensitive topic. “O-okay. Other than that, we couldn’t find anything. He’s clean.” He tried disregarding his words earlier. Woojin fell into thought.
“Where’s Chan by the way?”
“He left.” Jeongin said.
“Fucking selfish prick.” The boy almost laughed at Seungmin's familiar insult.
“Well, we’ll figure it out once you guys get enough rest. I prepared all your rooms, sorry but you guys have to room with each other for a while.” Woojin bowed his head in apology. “No! Sorry for coming in unannounced. Thank you for helping us, Woong.” Woojin replied.
Woong ushered them upstairs, clearly forgetting about the little ones.
Changbin pleaded, their little feet couldn’t climb up the steep stairs.
“Relax! You’ll transform back in 50 years.”
Hyunjin cried for a while so they were forced to transform them back.
"Crybaby." Seungmin muttered as he closed the door behind him before Hyunjin could claw his guts out.
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ukulelewrites · 6 years
thank u, next
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A/N: am i whipped for one (1) kangaroo leader???????? maybe lol but i’m on break rn for cranberry season and i whipped up this fic after listening to this song on repeat for a kajibillion hours. i’m thinking of making this a two part series? or should i keep the ending as is? or do y’all want more of this dynamic???? lmk what yall think!!! Also if anyone can tell what the song skz is singing hmu
Pairing: Stray Kids’ Chan x Reader
Genre: Angst/Fluff/Pop Star!Reader x Rock Star!Chan/Exes AU
Word Count: 5.4k 
Thought I’d end up with Han / But he wasn’t a match,
Wrote some songs about Hyunjin / Now I listen and laugh,
These words flowed through the car stereo late at night as Chan found himself kissing some random girl he met at the nightclub. She kept her hands clutching tightly to his leather jacket, and he smirked as she let out another sigh.
Even almost got married / And for Chan I’m so thankful,
Wish I could say “thank you” to Felix / Cause he was an angel,
Chan froze once he heard his name coming from the stereo. “What’s wrong, babe?” the girl, who’s name had slipped his mind, asked.
He dropped his shocked expression and slipped back into his normal cocky facade. “Nothing, don’t worry ‘bout it,” he reassured her, leaning down to ghost his lips against hers, Now, where were we?”
One taught me love / One taught me regret
One taught me pain / Now, I just can’t forget
You had not expected such an explosive reaction to your newest single, but here you were, scrolling down your Twitter feed to the endless tweets gushing over “thank u, next.”
“Darling! You’ve done it once again!” your manager exclaimed as she burst into your dressing room, “I’m getting calls after calls asking you to come onto talk shows, radio shows, award shows, the whole shebang!”
“I’m glad to see you’re so excited about this, Melissa,” you teased, “I haven’t seen you this happy since you’ve met Chris Evans.”
“Now, as much as I love that man, I love you much more, my little songbird,” she sang as she booped your nose. “Did you hear what they’re calling this? ‘Pop Princess turned Pop Queen!’ God how I love the press! They’re eating this whole thing up!”
“I guess they didn’t expect me to release such an honest song,” you replied, still scrolling through your feed.
“Of course they didn’t! Who knew innocent ‘Somni’ would pull a Taylor Swift and drop a song about her exes? And name them too? No other artist has done that before!”
“I’m pretty sure I wrote that song about my self-growth, Melissa, not just to highlight I dated those guys.”
“Of course, darling. Now, why don’t we get you all dolled up for the red carpet? It’s your first public appearance as the ‘new’ you!” She let out a squeal before running out to grab your stylist and make-up artist.
You giggled at her newfound excitement and looked back down at your phone only to freeze at the headline glaring back you: CHAN CONQUESTS AGAIN? You swallowed down the uneasiness that crept upon you and placed your phone face down. “Get a grip, Y/N. You’re no longer ‘little Ms. Pop Princess,’” you said to yourself, training your eyes firmly on your reflection in the mirror, “and some boy isn’t going to make you revert to that.”
“Now, Somni, how does it feel to be all grown up now?” Amber asked. You laughed at her formality, considering the two of you were close friends, and pretended to ponder upon the answer.
“Honestly, I have no clue what you’re talking about,” you answered, giggling a bit at the eye roll she gives you and the disappointed looks you get from the audience members.
“I can’t believe you’re playing coy with me right now!” she jokingly complained, “I expect answers during my interviews, Y/N, answers!” The audience ooh’d when she used your real name.
“Sorry, Amber, I just don’t get your question! I’ve been a grown up since I turned 18, and that was a while ago.”
“Nuh uh! Somni was not grown up two years ago when she released ‘Wonderland.” Iconic album, but definitely the cookie cutter pop album we’d expected it to be. But this? ‘thank u, next’ completely defies what we expected coming from you! What caused the shift?”
You could practically feel the audience members leaning forward with bated breath. Ever since the song dropped a month ago, the internet had been ablazed with speculation over your music’s sudden shift.
“Well, I guess I was done writing a narrative where I was always the person getting saved,” you said, referring to the long list of love songs you had written in the past, “and I wanted to be the person that saved myself. ‘Monochrome’ is definitely going to show more of that self-love theme that I teased in ‘thank u, next,’ and I’m so happy that everyone has been so supportive of the change!” You gestured towards the audience members, earning a cheer from them, and even acknowledged the camera, knowing many of your fans were also watching at home.
“Amazing. I’m so proud of you for taking that next step in your career,” Amber gushed, earning an ‘awww’ from the audience, “Now, we can’t just ignore what everyone here actually wants to know about.”
You looked at her and quirked a brow. “And what is that?”
“The boys of course! You can’t just name drop them without spilling some tea, sis,” she said, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.
“Stop,” you whined, “why would you even bring them up?” You exaggerated bashfulness by covering your face with your hands.
“C’mon, you name dropped a few big names in that song. Han? The biggest name in the up and coming rap scene right now! Hyunjin? He’s the highest paid male model in the world! Felix? Before his retreatment from the scene, he was the most well-known actor of his time!”
“Well, they helped build me into the person I am today. I didn’t think anything more of it,” you replied diplomatically.
“And we cannot leave out the biggest bombshell from that song: Chan, the lead guitarist of SKZ, which is, by the way to anyone watching who have been living under a rock for the past year, the biggest rock band on the scene right now! Who knew you were into the bad boy type, Somni? And you almost married the guy too!”
You let out an airy chuckle, shifting uncomfortably in your seat. “Yeah, we were young and in love. A risky combination if you ask me,” you joked, eliciting laughter from your audience.
“C’mon, Somni, you gotta give us something!” Amber pleaded.
“You know I don’t kiss and tell,” you jested, “especially not to the thousands of people who watch your show!” The audience whined at your statement, and you only flashed them an apologetic smile.
“But seriously, how did the bright-eyed, princess of the pop world end up almost married to the biggest playboy rock star on the scene right now?” Amber goaded.
“We were different at the time, Ambs. Life just happened to end up this way,” you replied cryptically. She tsked at your unwillingness to spill everything, but she retreated from the topic.
“Anyways, focusing back on you, I heard you’ll be performing at the American Music Awards, and you’re premiering your new single’s music video during it? That’s huge!”
“Yeah, ‘Without Me’ is getting a music video. Stan Twitter, this one’s for y’all!” you exclaimed, shooting finger guns towards the camera.
“And you’re album is dropping tonight right?”
“Exactly at midnight! I hope everyone can listen to it. I know it’s my favorite and most intimate album to date, and I hope everyone enjoys it to!”
“Well that looks like all the time we have with Somni tonight, folks. Check out her new album, ‘Monochrome,’ dropping tonight at midnight!”
You were back in your New York City penthouse, finally away from the hustle and bustle that came with album promotions. A small sigh escapes past your lips as you submerged yourself into the warm, bubbly bath water. You rested your head against the tub and looked up at the ceiling, finding yourself slipping away into your memories.
“What do you think about this chord, songbird?” Chan asked, strumming a jumbled mess of notes on his guitar. He got a scrunched up nose and a ball of sheet music thrown at his face as an answer. “Just teasing you,” he pouted, scooting over on the couch to look over your shoulder.
“I know you are, but I’m trying to focus right now,” you grumbled, pushing your glasses back up your nose and scrunching your eyebrows together. Your pencil was still flying across the page, putting down notes and rests and lyrics.
“Why don’t you take a break,” he asked sweetly, “focus on,” he leaned his head down to nip at the sensitive skin on your neck, “something else?” You stilled your hand for a split second, and Chan thought he had finally broken through, but you just shrugged him off and went straight back to work.
“This is my first album after debuting, Chan. I can’t just put it off. I need to come back with good music,” you sighed. He looked on worriedly as you ran your fingers through your hair once again and let out another huff of air.
“Songbird.” His hands found themselves on your waist, and he hoisted you onto his lap. You didn’t struggle and leaned back into his arms. “Sometimes you just,” he pressed feather-light kisses against your neck after each word, “need a little distraction,” once he found your sweet spot, you knew you were gone, “or some inspiration,” you let out a soft groan when he lightly bit down on your flesh, “like how well I’m going to-”
“Sorry, babe,” you mumbled, leaning down to scoop your phone off the floor. “Let me take this, and I promise you we’ll get back to where we left off.” Chan just waved you off, but you had missed how his eyes trailed after your retreating frame lovingly. If only you had seen that.
You knew you were over your past relationships. Each one ended, relatively resolved, and tucked away in your memory box. You and Han ended things after six months due to busy schedules. Hyunjin was dropped after 4 months when you realized you needed someone to fulfill a deeper, emotional need. Felix disappeared from the scene a year into your relationship, and you just assumed it was over when he stopped replying to your texts. And Chan — your eyebrows furrowed at the thought of him.
You could never really pinpoint where things went wrong with him. It was a flurry of you falling too fast for someone who never really reciprocated back and diving right in when he proposed to you 2 years into the relationship. A wry smile graced your lips when you recalled the realization that had dawned on you two months into the engagement. “He never said ‘I love you’ sober,” you mused as you continued to soak in the bath. You knew that he was tucked in a box just like the other boys, but a small voice in the back of your head continued to pull at the ribbon that kept his box shut.
“Somni, you are absolutely stunning tonight!” the interviewer gushed as she gestured towards your fitted maroon suit jacket and tight cream pants outfit.
“Why thank you so much!” you beamed.
“I must say, this is probably a huge night for you,” she said, “How does it feel to be one of the main focuses of the night?”
“Well, I don’t know about ‘main focuses,’ but I am so excited to perform tonight and reveal the music video for the new single, ‘Without You!’”
“Speaking of ‘Without You,’ it is easily my favorite song from ‘Monochrome!’”
“Stop! You’re just being polite,” you teased.
“No! I seriously love how raw you sounded in the song. I honestly felt the pain in your voice,” she said. “Plus, it was quite fun trying to figure out which of the exes this one was about.” She gave you an over exaggerated wink, and you couldn’t help but laugh at the situation.
“Well, I hope you don’t expect me to tell you who,” you retorted, “It was lovely talking to you!”
After you bid her goodbye, you continued walking down the red carpet, stopping every now and then to pose for the camera and wave towards your fans. You also stopped every now and then to talk to some other artists and congratulate them for their nominations. In the midst of your conversation with Jaime, a deafening cheer from the hoard of fangirls came crashing into your ears. You looked behind you and saw SKZ getting out of their limo and beginning to walk down the red carpet. It was a blatant understatement to say Chan looked good. Even after accepting your failed relationship as it is, you were still capable of addressing that the guy looked fine. You dared not to stare for too long, since there were cameras everywhere focused on you, but you took a mental snapshot of Chan with his, newly dyed, blond hair swept up to reveal his forehead, adorned with a leather jacket thrown over a, teasingly, tight white button up and torn black skinnies, and the trademark devil may care attitude that seemed to wash off of him in waves.  A flash of light followed by a click pulled you out of your trance, and you refocused your attention back on Jaime. “Where did we leave off?” you asked sweetly, planting back on your trademarked smile.
The stage lights were pulsing, and the roar of the crowd became almost deafening around you. It had been a long night of dancing, singing along to the performers on stage, and afflicting yourself to pain whenever you had to trek onto the stage in your heels to present or accept an award. The camera seemed to love you as it continued to film you and Jaime as the two of you bounced up and down, both of you ditching your heels at that point, to the artists on stage and lip-syncing like your lives depended on it. However, you noticed the camera lingering on you longer than usual, and you sent the cameraman a playful quirk of the eyebrow. That was when Jaime pointed towards the main stage.
“SKZ is about to perform,” she explained, keeping a hand on your arm comfortingly.
“Awesome! I heard they’re performing a never heard before single,” you said back, trying to keep your expression upbeat for the camera.
The brief break ended, and all cameras trained their focus onto the side stage where the host stood. “Revealing a brand new single for the first time, here are the heartthrobs of SKZ with ‘Moving Along!’” they exclaimed.
Chan began to strum a steady rhythm, and a lump formed in your throat when you noticed the songbird sticker still stuck to the bright, red body of his guitar. The song was definitely more chill compared to their older, “edgier” releases, but you liked the lazy feel of the bass, the driving force of the rhythmic guitar, and the lax attitude the guys took on as they sang into the mics.
Been thinking bout you lots lately / Have you been feeling empty beds just like me?
I’ve been thinking bout you lots, lately / Or are you moving along?
You couldn’t help but chant along to the chorus, ignoring the weird feeling you got from the lyrics.
Is it wrong if I ask you to come over? / Is it wrong if I told you that I love ya?
Even though I never do it when I’m sober / Is it wrong? So wrong
That lyric struck a chord in you, but you continued to plaster on your smile and dance along to the song, keeping up a show for the camera. “If I wrote a break-up song, I guess he can too,” you mused.
The neon lights flashed to the bass that vibrated throughout the entire nightclub. You found yourself retreated to one of the side booths, scrolling on your phone to look at all the feedback you got back for the “Without Me” music video. It was amusing to see the internet freak out over, but you couldn’t help but feel disappointed at the lack of commentary on the music video’s aesthetic, which you had painstakingly curated, instead the buzz seemed to be around who the music video alluded to. Was the song about Chan? Definitely. You wrote it shortly after your split with him, and it sat in your drafts for a good year before your management pulled it out, dusted it off, and polished it up to be the second single for “Monochrome.” Was the purpose of the song to demonize Chan? Hell no. It was just to help you heal, help you get over such a harsh fall from cloud 9. You disappeared from the music scene for a good year to recuperate because being with him was like a firework. It built up and heated up and kept you enthralled, but it ended so quickly and left messes behind. It just happened to be that you were the mess that was left behind.
“Where were you?” you asked, too tired to put any emotion in your words anymore.
Chan looked at your sitting frame on the couch in shock. Well, as much shock as a drunk man could muster. “What’re you doing still up?” he slurred.
“Where. Were. You?”
“Out with the guys. Celebrating the new album’s release, the usual.” Chan’s brows furrowed. The tone of your voice took a complete 180 from what he was used to. “What’s wrong, songbird?” He walked up to you to try and get some shred of the usual warmth you emitted, but he was abruptly stopped when you stood up and held up a hand in between the two of you.
“You don’t get to call me that anymore.” You had no clue where your iciness came from, but it wasn’t hard to assume it accumulated over the past two months of your engagement. The past two months where you were planning the wedding alone in your apartment’s kitchen with the company of a glass of wine while Chan is out every night getting shit-faced with who knows who?
“Hey, what’s wrong? Talk to me,” he pleaded, trailing behind you to the shared bedroom. You replied with silence, keeping your pace steady and your face still. You knew if you spoke, your voice would’ve wavered. “Y/N?”
God, he sounded so broken and confused. It took your all not to spin around and wrap your arms around him like everything was okay. But it had been months of his lack of attention, affection (unless he was absolutely desperate), and affirmation. Your revelation had been when you were sitting on the living room floor, writing a song about him as a surprise present for him during the wedding. However, in your fit of brainstorming, it came to your realization he hasn’t told you he loved you since the engagement. He hasn’t sat down with you and helped with the planning. He hasn’t been home most nights to hold you in his arms at night. The sudden distant behaviour led you to thinking: maybe he didn’t want this at all. Maybe he didn’t want you at all.
You were in the bedroom now, and you grabbed the giant duffel bag you had packed earlier and spun around to leave as quickly as you could.
“You’re leaving me?” he asked, “Why are you leaving?” You pushed past him without a word, but he grabbed your arm and spun you around to face him. “Y/N, talk to me.”
“Let me go, Chan.” God, you were too tired to drag this out any longer.
“Not until you tell me what the hell is going on!” Chan spat back.
“I’m leaving you! That’s what’s ‘going on!’ I’m finally doing what’s right for me and leaving your sorry ass behind!” you screamed.
“What the hell did I do?” He was getting angrier now. “I just got home, and you’re already being a pissy little bitch!”
Your glare hardened at his last word. “Really now? You’re calling me a ‘bitch?’ Maybe I have a reason to be one,” you got right up into his face, “considering you’ve been an awful fiance for the past two months! You haven’t helped with any of the planning! You have barely been home at all lately! And we haven’t had a proper conversation in ages! I’m so tired of being strung along and left out to dry!”
“Maybe if you weren’t nagging me all the damn time, I’d stay home! Don’t you know how annoying it gets when I get home from the studio and the first thing I hear is your fucking voice telling me to pick out a goddamn flower arrangement?” he seethed, “If I knew you were this annoying, I would’ve never proposed.”
You had kept your indignant stare trained on his face the entire time, but at that last sentence you tore your gaze away and pulled your arm out of his grasp. “Would’ve never proposed, huh?” you parroted humorlessly, trying to smother down the lump forming in your throat and the tears swelling in your eyes. “Yeah, I wish you never did too.” You turned away to hide the tears slowly streaming down your cheeks and just started walking away.
“Wait, Y/N, songbird, I didn’t mean that,” Chan said, following after you, “You know that I love you.”
You spun around quickly and sent him a spurned look. “Do I? When was the last time you told me you loved me? When was the last time you held me? When was the last time you helped me? You don’t love me. You probably,” you choked up, “never did.”
“No, Y/N, I swear, I swear to God, I love you. I promise you I’ll be better,” he begged.
“Can you tell me that tomorrow when you’re sober?” you asked wryly. Chan just looked at you pleadingly, practically begging you to stay. “I’m done being another body that keeps you warm at night. Goodbye, Chan.” And just like that, you were out of his life.
You blinked back the tears that crept up and began putting back on your “Somni” mask, smiling brightly and cheerfully at everyone. Jaime and some of your other artist friends were lost to the beat, dancing away the night in the middle of the room. You were a solid two steps away from joining them before halting when you made eye contact with Chan. He was still dressed in that ridiculously fitted white button-up, and his hair had become messier, with strands falling down to grace his face. He was dancing with some girl; his hands on her waist as she kept her back firmly pressed against his chest, but his eyes were trained on you. If it was past-you in present-you’s position, you would’ve probably ran out of the room trying not to let tears spring from your eyes. But this is present-you, the one who spent a year healing and coming out of the wreckage stronger. You gave him a brief smile before turning away and walking towards the exit. “I think I’m done for the night,” you thought to yourself, “That’s enough excitement for a day.”
Chan woke up again to a cold bed. He groggily turned onto his side and glared at the bright red numbers that told him he was, once again, late to a meeting with management. “Great,” he said, falling back onto his back, “I couldn’t get any last night. I ran into my ex. And now I’m fucking late to a meeting.” The day hasn’t even started yet, and it’s already the worst day of his life. He grumbled and groaned some more before getting out of bed and stumbling to the drawer to find a clean shirt and pair of jeans. “When the fuck were you so soft, Chan?” he asked himself while digging around for socks. He would’ve usually never be affected like shit like this, but ever since you released that song he hasn’t been able to think of anyone but you. Every single girl he tried to bring back to his place ended in absolutely nothing because you keep plaguing his mind. Every single radio station he goes to ends up playing your song. And now his band’s highest selling single is the song he wrote about you. It was like he could never escape, and he was so fucking tired of it.
“Glad you could join us, Chan,” his manager said sarcastically.
“Sorry,” he mumbled, “long night.” His bandmates looked at him sympathetically; almost everyone could tell Somni’s latest album was affecting him more than he’d want to let on.
“Anyways, we’ve generated such a good buzz around the upcoming album with all this ‘ex-lovers’ gossip, the company thought it’d be good to accept an offer for a special interview on Amber’s talk show,” the manager started cautiously.
“What kind of interview?” Chan asked.
“With you and Somni.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Chan seethed. “We’re ancient history! The public wouldn’t have cared this much if she didn’t release that stupid song and name-drop me.”
“But they care now, and bottom line, everyone knows you wrote ‘Moving Along’ about her. Do this interview and you boys are projected to break the Top 10 of album sales for 2018.”
“So we’re exploiting me for album sales?” Chan sneered.
“You signed up for this life, rock star. Don’t tell me you’re backing down because of some girl? Thought the two of you were ancient history?”
Chan studied his manager hard before gruffly agreeing to the interview, “If it gets you off my case.”
“So this isn’t awkward at all right?” Amber asked midway through the interview. You politely waved off her worry even though you could practically cut the tension between you and Chan with a knife. “Awesome,” she exclaimed, “Now let’s get to the juicy stuff. How did the two of you meet? Considering both of you are so freaking famous, how did no one know about this relationship???”
“Simple,” Chan plastered on his “rock star” persona quickly, leaning into the leather couch and easily placing his arm behind your head, “We figured out how to avoid the press after all of our years in the spotlight. Plus, it wasn’t hard for me to approach her; she was this bright-eyed, newly debuted pop princess completely left alone at an after party bar. I figured I might as well grace her with my company and from there it’s history.”
If he can put on his persona, I can too.
“If I remember correctly, I told you to buzz off when you offered to buy me a drink,” you said with a quirked eyebrow. The audience ooh’d at that, completely drinking up your newfound HBIC attitude.
“Looks like our pop princess is gone,” Amber joked, riling up the audience a bit more.
“But then you took a complete 180 when you ran into me tipsy into the alleyway outside the club,” Chan retorted, a playful smirk gracing his features.
Before you could stop yourself, you softly smiled at the memory and agreed. Chan was 100% taken aback by your change in demeanor. The queen-esque Somni facade was replaced by the Y/N he remembered waking up to every morning. If he wasn’t on camera right now, he would’ve definitely melted.
The moment was interrupted by Amber. “Wait, what happened? Y’all can’t leave us hanging like that!”
The soft expression left your face as quickly as it came and you settled back into your camera-self. “You know I don’t kiss and tell, Ambs,” you teased, “And I hope Chan here knows better and doesn’t either!” The audience laughed at your jest.
“Fine, but you can’t spend this entire time not giving us anything!”
“I can’t believe you told them the kitten story!” Chan exclaimed as the two of you lounged in the break room.
“What? They wanted some sort of tea, so I gave them an adorable story about the time you tried to ‘save’ a ‘stray,’ and it turned out you catnapped our neighbour’s cat!” You broke out into giggles at the memory of it all. All the tension between the two of you eased away somehow throughout the interview, and here you were now, sitting on the break room couch waiting for your ride while sharing memories with your ex-fiance.
“Okay, how was I supposed to know Benjamin already had an owner? He didn’t have a collar on him!”
“You can’t call the kitten Benjamin, Chan. It’s name was Spot, and we ran into it every day when Mr. Jameson went outside to collect the mail with the kitten trailing behind him.”
“Fine! I admit I just wanted a pet,” he said with a pout. Laughter fills the air, and it seemed like the clock had been turned back, like it was you and Chan on your couch at 3am sharing stories with each other. A comfortable silence falls upon the two of you.
“Do you miss this sometimes?” he asked out of the blue. You were taken aback by how serious he sounded.
“Why do you ask?”
“I don’t know. Maybe I miss this.” He said it so nonchalantly that you almost missed it.
“Why would you?” you teased, trying to lighten up the mood.
“Because I love you.”
You didn’t know how to process that confession. You didn’t know how to respond to that confession. Hell, you didn’t even know he had it in him to drop that confession. You awkwardly chuckled, trying to diffuse the sudden surge of emotions running in your mind, “C’mon, you never really loved me, Chan. It’s all the media stuff getting to your head.” You tried waving it off while also trying to ward off the sudden heat rising to your cheeks.
“No, Y/N, I do love you. I loved you then, and I was an asshat for never telling you. But I was an idiot then who had no idea what love was. I hopped from girl to girl every single night until I met you. I dropped on one knee so fast and you said yes, and that’s when I realized that I was in no way shape or form good enough for you, and instead of facing it and trying to become better for you, I ran away and drove away the best goddamn thing that has ever happened to me. And I’m so fucking sorry for what my drunkass self said to you that night because it never said what I really wanted to say, ‘Stay. I’m sorry. I love you. Forgive me.’’
The air was getting heavier and you found it getting difficult to breath.
“But I swear, Y/N, on my heart, on my guitar, on my band, I love you, and I’m so sorry for not being the man you deserved.”
And that was when the dam opened. You just started bawling. It was like every single ounce of pain and sadness you bottled up after that break up, every ounce you poured into your music so you could pretend to be strong and move on, came rushing out. In your tears, you didn’t notice when Chan wrapped his arms around you. Taken over by muscle memory, you burrowed your face into his chest and wrapped your arms around his torso. He ran his fingers through your hair and rubbed your back reassuringly.
“It’s okay, Y/N. I’m sorry for always making you cry, but I’ll be here for you now. I swear.”
Even then, with him comforting you and speaking so genuinely to you, you didn’t know what to make of the situation. Should you shut this down now or risk crushing your heart again just to give him a second chance? Chan took notice of your sudden stillness.
“Y/N? You alright?” He pulled himself away from you to study your face. “Y/N?”
“Chan,” you whispered, “I-” With a surge of stupid impulse, you grabbed Chan by the shirt and pulled him towards you, pressing your lips harshly against his. Like many times before, Chan’s hands find themselves gripping onto your waist before pulling you onto his lap. All caution was thrown to the wind when your fingers found their way into his hair, tugging at the strand slightly whenever you found him pulling back. “Babe, give me more,” you mumbled, pressing yourself even closer to him.
“Wait, Y/N, maybe we should-”
“Please, Chan? Please?” you begged, peppering kissing down his neck, “Just this once?”
At the sound of your whine, Chan flips you onto the couch, so he’s hovering above you. “Who said anything about ‘once?’”
asjdfkl so yeah, thoughts on a part 2??????? I kinda wanted to flesh out more of their backstory and maybe see what happens next?? and kinda wanted to delve in further into the other exes but then i realized it would’ve been wayyyyyyy too much and i apologize for all the freakishly long fics i write OTL also lmk if you know what skz in this fic sings bc yall a real one if yall do !!!
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