#Muse things
first-son-of-finwe · 1 year
For some reason I never thought about it before, but the coincidence of Fëanor's star just happening to look a lot like the compass rose (that is, they're virtually identical)...is pretty nice, given how much travelling and exploration is part of his character.
It's widely thought that the eight points represent him and his sons, but did he really only develop his heraldry after his last sons were born? Or did he maybe sketch out a diagram representing the cardinal directions at some point in his travels, which then developed into the eight point symbol?
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jessehart · 2 months
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ogden halloween '23
tbf, it's probably just a purple blow-up sumo suit that he's wearing with a morphsuit on underneath. and lbr, not long into the night, he ditched the sumo suit and just walked around in the morphsuit.
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nataliavega · 2 months
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ogden halloween '23
nat ushering in her hot villain era as shego. who wants to be her kim possible?
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domestic!jonah (requested by literally no one?? :))
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jeremiahofphilo · 2 months
I guess it's all about timing I guess it's all about the things you want but never get I guess it's all about dying –To love someone you've never met
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wanderingarcherviola · 10 months
"I feel... I feel like I wanna cause problems on purpose. A lil chaos, as a treat."
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mikaishii · 9 months
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+ heelies, not pictured but always appreciated
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stuckstucktrolls · 2 months
*boops all of your trolls on the nose. Every last one*
Most think you're funny, a few of those boop you back. Teagan tries to bite your finger, gently, seeing as you're a human. Pterio wants to study you like a bug. Raluka seems far too serious when she boops you back but you think she's being gentle.(?)
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jackwallce · 3 months
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Name: Jack Wallace Nicknames: none that he really goes by now, but in his group of friends in school, there were two Jacks, so he was often referred to as Wallace or Wally and will respond to it as reflexively as he would his actual first name Gender: cismale Pronouns: he/him Age: 29 Birthday: August 7, 1994 Marital status: single/widower Occupation: carpenter & artist on indefinite hiatus
quick facts
tw: car accident, death, drug and alcohol use
born in London, dad skipped out early because he wasn't ready to be a father but became a father again very shortly after ditching his first family. he moved to America to be with his new wife and son and Jack and his mom did their best to just barely make ends meet.
young Jack was incredibly street smart, sometimes swiping a few bucks here and there from unsuspecting people, but he also came by money with honest work like mowing lawns and washing cars
he met and became friends with his elderly neighbor where he learned how to do so many useful things by helping around the old man's house
he made a career out of construction, but he still supplemented his income when work was hard to come by
it was how he meant his would-be wife, Elise. initially, he'd planned on charming some money right out of her bag, but instead she'd charmed him. he took her back to his place and she found his secret stash of paintings he'd done and she'd Seen them in the way that any artist longs to be seen. he went full simp from there on out
the two were married just a year after meeting and Jack's whole life changed. she was his person and together, they began to build a life fuller than anything he could have imagined for himself. her career was just beginning and he was gearing up to open a gallery— sharing his paintings something he'd sworn he'd never do— when it all came to a screeching halt. A driver not paying enough attention ran a red light, and that was all it took to lose her.
Jack didn't handle her death well. he went heavy into all the wrong coping mechanisms. basically went on an almost two year long bender before his father stepped in. they'd only begun speaking again because Elise had encouraged him to reach out, so he didn't really want anything to do with him. but his friends and family decided he needed an intervention so he reluctantly agreed to go back to America with his father
first, he spent a few months traveling alone, sobering up, and giving himself time to actually feel his feelings. but as of a few weeks ago, he moved to starlight oaks where his brother and dad live and he's settling in and figuring out what life looks like in the After.
tw: car accident, death, drug and alcohol use
Jack grew up in a borough just outside of central London called Barking and Dagenham, but to save himself the trouble, he'll just call it London. It was a small, ramshackle flat that he and his mum shared with an extended family of roaches and a heater that only worked a quarter of the time. His father'd ditched them before his second birthday. He hadn't been ready for fatherhood and he wasn't cut out to be a father and blah, blah, blah. It was funny, then, that shortly after he left them for his new wife in America, they'd welcomed a child he had been ready for.
As Jack grew older and those weekly calls with his dad became monthly became bi-monthy became basically obsolete, he was learning how to game a system that had been working against him since before he was even born. His mum didn't make much money, hadn't technically finished school, and didn't have the desire to try to reach any higher. So, Jack learned that if he wanted to eat dinner every night or outgrew his clothes, he needed to get crafty. As a kid, that meant nimble fingers and begging neighbors to let him mow their lawns. He was a smooth talker by nature and made a best friend in the form of his seventy-six year old neighbor, Arthur.
Arthur took up the space in Jack's heart where a father was supposed to go. As Arthur grew older and began to lose mobility, he taught Jack everything he knew about... well, everything, really. He learned how to build, he learned how to run electricity, learned how to work on cars. He really became a jack of all trades— a pun he's heard way too many times.
Jack was seventeen when Arthur passed. He was devastated, of course, even knowing it was a fast-approaching inevitability. But the old man had given him the tools to make a decent life for himself. Contracting work wasn't as consistent as he might have liked, but he scraped by just fine. Sticky fingers and a clever tongue could supplement him when he really needed it. So it was fine. He was fine.
Elise was never supposed to happen. It'd been a one night stand, a mark he'd planned to swindle for a few bucks that she clearly had in excess, but he's surprised him with her quick wit. She'd been charming, the conversation effortless, and when he'd brought her back to his place, she'd stumbled upon a passion that he nurtured in secret.
She found his paintings. And she'd gotten his vision. He'd watched her watching the paintings, watched her mouth as she spoke aloud everything he'd been feeling as he'd painted them, and he was pretty sure he'd fallen in love with her right then.
It was a whirlwind romance, married after only a year. No one believed in a reformed party boy, but when you know, you know. And Jack knew. For three years, they built their lives together. She was pursuing a career in nursing and he was in the process of opening a gallery to display and sell art he'd once sworn would never see the light of day. They settled easily into that kind of life that makes you aware of just how grateful you should be. And he was.
For a lifetime, he was grateful. But you never consider just how short a lifetime can be. One day, she's pulling weeds in the garden, and the next, a car runs a red light and your last words to her were "drive safe, see you soon".
Jack's world ended the day he lost his wife. He became untethered, burying himself in vices to numb the pain that was too overwhelming, too painful, to let in. He carried on like that for a year, his friends lost on how to help him, Jack insistent that he wouldn't take their help if they did offer it.
After almost two years of self-destruction, something unexpected happened: Jack's father came to England. They didn't have much of a relationship. Jack could fix anything, it seemed, but that. Any progress they had made in the last few years had been all his wife's doing, so that had been the last person Jack wanted to see. It'd been the intervention that had done him in in the end. He'd been ambushed by a handful of friends and family, his mom and dad sharing the same space for the first time in nearly twenty-six years. It'd taken a lot of convincing and even more subtle threats to get him to agree to go back to America. He had family there: a father, a brother, a step mom. He had a fresh start, a place where she didn't haunt every corner.
Leaving felt like abandoning her, but even Jack knew it was for the best. It had taken someone telling him Elise would have hated to see him acting like he was, so he took a few months to travel America alone and finally let himself sit with his feelings. He was both ready and not ready at all to settle into Starlight Oaks, right into his father's home while he found his feet. Once he stopped moving, it was real.
It was finally time to move on.
TBA! (aside from his brother which will be a wc i send to the main), but he's new to town so open to everything!!
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torxnn · 7 months
"She's such an angry person."
Damn right I'm angry. I've spent my life recovering from things that I should have been protected from. I was too young to become a ghost full of grief. Children are supposed to be happy and free. Don't tell me I wouldn't be who I am today without the struggles I faced. I already know that. I could have been a little girl instead of being forced to grow up. The people who were supposed to protect me, failed me. No amount of healing will change that fact. Damn right I'm angry, I'll never get my childhood back.
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lordofthegoldenflower · 10 months
Is Glorfindel Bisexual or Homosexual?
Glorfindel is Pansexual
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first-son-of-finwe · 1 year
Anyway, today I realised that Fëanor has a praise kink and I cannot believe it took me this long to discover this extremely obvious fact
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jessehart · 4 months
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homecoming 2023
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nataliavega · 4 months
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homecoming 2023
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mikanlardyclinic · 5 months
So have you thought of any ways in how your muses got fat in the first place like sayyyy….Android 21 or Bulma?
Most of the dangan gals got fat by a hope's peak epidemic that ended up being contained in the hospital
The heroines mostly toga sabotage.. And momo needs fats for her quirk.. The p3 gals mostly just retirement
P5 i was actually planning a little story with haru's palace but then i dropped the idea
The dbz/dbs gals?.. Come on half of them are married to or are saiyans... That's loads of food involved already... 21 is a natural born glutton that has the power to turn things into lard or candy.. And for future 18? She got bored and lazy being the strongest in the world..
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jeremiahofphilo · 2 months
coughs for you
Neat, cool song! Not my usual genre, but it's a bit catchy!
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