#Muse: Otome
ana-thedaydreamer · 1 year
In remark for 1511 days in the mansion (I missed the 1000 days and 1510 days (good number) 😂), since Day 1 when the Taiwanese version released, I looked back to my journey with my muse, the one that takes me back to my drawing path. What a journey!
On the left is the very first art I drew him. On the right is the newest one.
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One fact that I'm glad that he became more and more handsome 🤣 sometimes I feel scared that you may get bored because I keep posting his fanarts tbh 😭
I would like to know how long has you guys been playing 🥺🩷
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colourless-hydrangeas · 3 months
Hydrangeas (my Ikesen/SLBP/Court Of Darkness OC) hates absolutely everything. She could be friends with Hanbei. And maybe Phinny(or was it Nix?).
Meanwhile Pokemon Trainer!Hydrangeas is a total baby who loves everything.
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equinox-86 · 1 year
Not to sound weird, but I love the screams of Christa in HDB. Those were SO well done by the VA, and you could hear the sheer terror in her voice.
Aaaaaa, the voice acting in this game is so good (´;ω;`)♡
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more-than-a-princess · 7 months
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And in random OOC posting, I'm watching my husband play the new remastered Persona 3 in an attempt to understand the characters/fandom. This is what I've learned thus far:
Unless I stop him, he can and will make Minato buy every Mad Bull available and I worry about our protag's health. He'll go the way of the Panera Charged Lemonade at this rate.
Bebe is basically a lamer version of Sonia and he ain't cute. At least when Sonia has a Weeb Moment, she's cute. I don't care if he was created first: Sonia is better if we just ignore the fact Kodaka can't write women
Husband asked who Minato should romance. My answer: "Mitsuru is Best Girl and if you do not choose her we are going to have some disagreements."
He just made the Neko Shogun Persona and I love it, cuteness level high
Edit: He has now dressed the Ryuji of this game in a tuxedo because he found a random tuxedo and deemed the characters needed a dapper upgrade. This is one of the many reasons why we're married.
Edit part 2: I somehow missed that Spirit Hunter: Death Mark's sequel just came out and I must do the incredibly rare Rae thing and buy a video game. I wanted a sequel to NG more but I will take whatever Spirit Hunter I can get. This is your sign to play Spirit Hunter.
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enchantedmirage · 7 months
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I never wanted to be the love interest so bad, Marius that should have been ME—
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lessapander · 9 months
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Hakuoki is getting an English release on the Switch!
Going to be screeching about this for the next week. Please excuse me. It's the same two games (now reunited) that I've bought like six times, but I don't care. I'm preordering on day one if it gives the localisation company even the smallest hint to do the rest of the games that have never seen an English release.
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nvrcmplt · 1 month
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NAME : — Kerberos
PROFESSION : — Hound of Charles Farspirit, Hells Gatekeeper and Devourer of Souls
WHERE THEY CAN BE FOUND : — Under @farspirits balcony, in the everglade woodlands rolling flowers, lakes and tree roots. Often a being that's never not noticed in the background but at Night, a secret meeting can be trigger if you find him in the forest's deepest parts, watching the flower fields under the moonlight.
FAVORITE FOOD TYPE : — MEAT. ON. THE. BONE. Please toss him all the juicy meats from the kitchens and lunch hours, he'll take any leftovers but his favourites are the days of full meat spreads. He'll take a few dairy products sometimes but meat, all the meat.
FAVORITE ALCOHOLIC DRINK : — Wine, a bottle or seven, Kerberos can not get drunk but he loves the taste of a long shelf bottle or two when he's in the mood.
WHERE THEY WOULD GO ON A DATE : — A walk through forest paths, the city not so much, but a picnic for two. He'll rest his head in your lap and sleep happily under the caresses of ones hand. Other side, he'll happily carry his date upon his heads when taking a stroll in his other form, a gallop over hillsides and through thickets of berry bushes.
IDEAL GIFT : — Fireworks, he loves a good colourful explosion. Dangerous though since expels so much heat they'll go off prematurely if they are too close. Woops.
HOW MANY DATES UNTIL THEY KISS : — Seven days, like his Mother's consumption of the Seve Pomegranate seeds. A week of treating each other more than just friends, he'll lay a hot kiss upon your lips and claim your neck for his own with sharp teeth and a growl to warn all living things that this one is his now.
Tagged by :: Stole it from Charles ♥ Tagging :: You who reads the forbidden texts.
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akkivee · 10 months
i belatedly realised that the chuuoku women also get seasonal lines in arb and was very excited listen to how they’re doing with the fall weather and otome 😭😭😭 said she thinks autumn is a very lovely season and likes seeing the leaves change colour but there’s no such view from her office in chuuoku 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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protect-namine · 3 months
does jack jeanne really have this much activity normally? like, is this normal. to have multiple shuffle albums, the anniversary cafe, a drama CD, three novels, birthday stories... is this normal
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eraserable · 1 year
Started slowly been playing the otome game ‘Jack Jeanne’ and got the protags route first (by mistake) and it literally had my genderqueer ass smiling! It felt like such refreshing discussion on gender that I wasn’t expecting at all since the whole story is based off the protag hiding her gender to attend an all boys school.
It did however make my next route play through (Neji) just a little annoying. Not sure if it was his storyline in particular in comparison or if all the other ones are going to kind of feel similar but Im looking forward to picking it up randomly and exploring the other routes.
Also makes me wonder if there are any povs online from Japanese lgbt+ ppl about the was gender is handled in the game? Like i can only view it from my western queer perspective so Im interested in other takes.
Anyway spoilersssss:
Its was so jarring to me to do the protags route where you transcend gender for your love of theater and then to play a route where a guy falls in love you and your talent, finds out you’re girl, and gets major creators block since girls bring up dad trauma.
Whole time Im just like, dude stop viewing her as only a girl then??? Like nothing changed. And then being gendered in the last performance compared to the protag route is like *eyeroll*. Still a super fun and dramatic route nonetheless even though the whole time Im like this could be more queer.
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((When you finally catch up with the latest Kuni no Alice game and see Peter White's whole plan finally laid bare in front of Alice:
Peter brought Alice to Wonderland to escape the pain and hurt of losing her sister (she blamed herself for said sister's death).
Peter then wanted her to fully integrate into the world by sacrificing himself so she can take his place. This is, apparently spelled out in Spade no Kuni. He tells her that in order to become a permanent part of this world, she needs to become a Role Holder. To do that she must take one of their places, and Peter wants her to kill him so she can take his place.
I am in pain.))
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h20milk · 1 year
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♥ - ✖ - ☘ - ♦ - ☀
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otobabe · 1 year
SHOCKING: regarding the rumors about todo heisuke not being an ally
i'm about to cause discourse on tumblr..... lol
first things first: obv everyone is entitled to their onions and headcanons, im not coming for the person i saw post abt heisuke not being gay or an ally, and they're allowed to feel and share their opinions abt queer hakuouki takes. i prefer not to make them feel attacked so pls dont go trying to find their post and responding to it just bc you see this. esp bc for all i know, other people feel the same way about heisuke !!! i just want to clear up these rumors abt him ok ! xD
~~if you've ever talked to me abt hakuouki you know i am very "everyone is everything and whatever you want them to be", pls for your own personal enjoyment of hakuouki, have fun with or without the source material and enjoy the colorful cast of characters!!~~
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-photo one: taken directly from EB, this one line from Sannan not only points out that the rest of the shinsengumi crew is so close and valuable to heisuke that even others view them as "his pack" aka his family, but also showcases the moment that heisuke has gone far out of his way to be here to confront Sannan with relationship to his previous bond to Sannan, and his current bonds to the shinsengumi and chizuru. even if we pretend that heisuke isn't gay in some way (he is) of course he would also view his queer friends with the same loving ferocity and defend them with his life. if anything he is one of the most all for one, one for all, protective and loving shinsengumi members of the bunch.
-photo two: always prioritizing and protecting the "underdog/weakest", even above other people who we have literally seen him be willing to give his life for. he recognizes when life/the situation is unfairly against someone else and he is on their team to try to help them.
continued under cut <3
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-photo three: i'm going to cry thinking abt this scene again lol. pls, if you know the scene you know what i'm pointing out. stan my boys.
-photo four: hajime here is kindly pointing out for us: heisuke has Been Through It. i could go all day talking abt his not being wanted/accepted in his family as a child, his bond with ibuki, sannan, hajime, etc, his 'sunshine to mask the pain' personality, and how they relate to and mirror queer experiences, but at the base of this all, Heisuke knows exactly what it means to not fit in, to be different, and to have gone through hell to accept himself. if thats not the queer experience idk what is lol.
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-photo five: my king so generously points out to us that he has never had feelings for a woman besides Chizuru (or MC for my self insert babies uwu). Where many other characters are hinted at being ladykillers or non-virgins etc, Heisuke has always been very candid about not having had any close bond with a woman before, much less have had feelings or even attraction to one. Sure, he gets embarrassed when the baka trio go to fun sexy lady places, but he himself doesn't ever really say that *he* is attracted to any of the other women he comes into contact with. points can be made here for him being bisexual/pansexual with or without a leaning towards men, demi/ace spectrum for his attraction seemingly going hand in hand with his closeness with a person, etc
-photo six: uhmmmmm who else can get along with kazama like this that isn't a little gay???? one of the few that can stand his ass (lovingly)
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-photo seven: WATCH OR PLAY REIMEIROKU. this is obv from EB but the bond that ibuki and heisuke share is almost unbearable in how much they love and care for each other like,,,, what is your first love if not someone you wish will be happy in life with or without you? ibuki is so clearly not a samurai, he's an artsy little outcast (also incredibly queer-coded and missed on that post imo), and heisuke relates to and grows close to him, missing and loving him from afar, even so far as to refrain from going to see him personally in fear of disrupting their peace.
-photo eight: pls who else's arc has the major theme of fighting for others ???? :sob: :sob: :sob: like fr ive kept these screenshots and photos forever because i always keep in my heart that heisuke would be fighting for us. HE WILL COME TO BAT FOR YOU !!!!!!!!!
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-photo nine: the baka trio have such a wonderful and beautiful friendship, that while i personally think they absolutely wouldve been close enough to experiment with each other, at the very least i think it's obvious that they are heisuke's found family. found families mean so much to queer people for a multitude of reasons, and im so thankful that heisuke has his.
i could honestly keep going for so long on this but ill end with this;
your favorite character is trans :) ALL of the shinsengumi members would back you up and fight for your human rights. none of the shinsengumi members from Hakuoki are queerphobic/fatphobic/transphobic/biphobic/etc. if YOU are transphobic get the fuck off my blog, i do not want your follow <3
p.s. either here in the replies/quote reblogs or in my messages or w/e feel free to ask for anything along the lines of trans and queer affirming headcanons about the hakuouki cast, i would love to provide that <3 <3 <3
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winterune · 9 months
Downloaded love 365 again. Been a couple years since I changed my phone. Tried downloading it before but I couldn't transfer my data??? Still can't :/ but I kinda miss some of my boys after talking about it w a friend. So I guess, hey, welcome back to voltage hell? XD
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dnangelic · 10 months
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protect-namine · 6 months
sissia of the central nation moment of doubt when kisa meets tanakamigi's eyes in the audience. cut to an imitation of tokyo ghoul re 144, except instead of a round table of kaneki kens, it's kisa tachibana with all the roles she ever played
alternatively. if jack jeanne wasn't sticking to otome genre conventions, they could've done the "good morning" scene with neji later in the game, around the final performance rehearsals, and have the round table of kisas coach her on how to say more variations of "good morning" while kisa has an identity crisis. additional layer of mukai and charles vs maiden and chicchi on the gender axis. unifying the round table of kisas is how she moves forward into her role as sissia/"jack jeanne"
we could've had the ultimate writing and voice acting exercise of kisa talking to herself as maiden/mukai/charles/chicchi and we the player immediately know who is who. but, alas
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