#Mustang Lounge
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trickphotography2 · 1 year
D-Day by TrickPhotography | Chapter 3
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Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x female!reader
Word count: 4.5k
Synopsis: After finding out his girlfriend is pregnant, Jake is ready to move in and get married. The last thing he expected was to be hit with a six-month deployment at sea and missing the birth of his first child.
Chapter 2 | Master List | Ao3
Chapter 3
“You have got to be kidding me,” you grumbled while lying in bed looking at your phone. There, staring back at you, was Jake freaking Seresin with the words ‘Most Compatible: We think you and Jake should meet!’ appearing over his head. Apparently, the dating app algorithm thought you two had something in common.
Against your better judgment, you tapped on his profile and scrolled through his pictures. Pretty standard - a couple of selfies, a group shot with some guys drinking in their dress whites, and a few at the beach and bar. The obligatory shot of him flexing in the mirror… you may have lingered on that one for a minute. For his job, he’d put military aviation, but there wasn’t any other mention of him being a pilot. One of the prompts he’d answered was a friend’s endorsement, which said, “He’s kind of an asshole but a good guy.”
Scrolling back up, you paused at the picture of him smiling down at the camera in his car, hair rumpled and the collar of his flight suit bringing out the green of his tired eyes. When you tapped on it to see the caption, he’d written, ‘Morning after a long night at work.’ The corner of your lip twitched into a smile. Jake was objectively attractive, but that soft look was adorable. 
When the screen dimmed, you realized you’d been staring at the picture too long. Sighing, you tapped it and hovered your finger over the dislike button. But you couldn’t bring yourself to hit it. Instead, you closed the app and locked your phone, tossing it onto the nightstand. The algorithm would pick another Most Compatible for you tomorrow, and Jake’s profile would disappear. Rolling onto your side and hugging your pillow, you forced yourself not to think about the jolt you’d felt at the coffee shop when he’d leaned close, his breath on your neck… Your fingers curled in the sheets to keep from reaching for the phone again. 
Across town, Jake lounged on his couch, one arm behind his head and smiling as he looked at a picture of you. You were driving a convertible by the beach, one hand buried in your hair to keep it from your face with the most carefree smile he’d seen. For the description, you’d written, ‘Hair by Mustang.’ After liking your profile, he locked his phone and set it on his stomach, turning his attention back to the nightly sports recap.  
Friday afternoon traffic was the worst, you decided while waiting at another red light. Usually, you could avoid most of it by jumping on the highway, but you’d run out of coffee creamer that morning. It was grocery shopping weekend, and you had a list of things to get from multiple places, but creamer was an absolute necessity to kick off the process tomorrow morning. 
A quick run into the store, a shower, and sitting on your couch with a pint of ice cream were in your immediate future. It had been a spectacularly shitty week at work. In a moment of anger, after a higher-up “helped you out” by explaining the details of a contract bid you’d written, you’d applied for a government contractor job on Lemoore. It was a long shot, and the money wasn’t as good as the private sector, but at least it would be somewhere new. And this afternoon, you’d taken advantage of the office gym and spent the last hour of your day running on the treadmill with the music high enough to drown out the others working out. Even with your eyes straight ahead, you’d caught a few of the guys checking you out in the mirror. Thankfully none had said anything to you - apparently, they caught the ‘don’t fuck with me’ attitude.
It was the first time you truly regretted taking a transfer out here. Things had been okay in Florida - you’d only been six hours from your parents and had a good network of college friends living nearby. A year after moving to California, you felt more isolated than ever. You weren’t sure the promotion had been worth it. 
So yeah, maybe some alcohol would be thrown in for good measure.
Jake lifted his hand and nodded at the driver he walked in front of. The woman waved in acknowledgment - not that she could have moved anyways. The turn out of the parking lot to reach the light was already fifteen cars deep, and the light was backed up half a mile. The madhouse of the civilian store made him regret not hitting the Exchange before leaving the base, but this store was closer to the gate he lived off of. All he wanted was to head home, shower, and figure out something for dinner. He’d been up in the air all day and was hungry and tired. 
He’d just reached his truck when he heard an engine gun it. Frowning, he looked up to see what idiot was speeding in a parking lot. A second later, breaks screamed, and there was the unmistakable sound of a car crash. Standing on his toes, he saw it’d happened two rows over. For a moment, he debated driving away but then heard a door slam and someone start yelling. “What the fuck! You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!” Sighing, Jake tossed his bag into the truck bed and jogged towards the accident. Up close, he could see that a lifted truck had collided head-on with a sedan, which was pinned bumper to bumper with the truck and an SUV behind it. The sedan’s hood was crumpled, and it looked like the airbags had deployed. The truck driver was yelling by the sedan’s passenger side, gesturing at his vehicle. The SUV driver - a woman - hopped out and walked along the car, screaming at the truck driver that he’d been going the wrong way. 
More people were congregating, and a few guys were trying to get the truck driver to calm down while at least two people were on the phone with who he hoped was the police. A woman was leaning over the sedan’s driver's side. “They okay?” Jake asked as he drew near.
“I think so. She looks shaken up, though,” the woman replied. He nodded, and his heart stopped when she stepped away for him to look. 
You were struggling with your seatbelt, hands shaking too hard to press the release. It had locked up when the truck hit you and tightened even more when you’d been pushed back into the other car. 
A pounding sound broke through the ringing in your ears, and you turned to see Jake outside your window, fist resting against the glass. His lips moved as he pointed at the door. When you froze, he removed his sunglasses and clipped them to his flight suit. His green eyes were hard as they bore into yours as he repeated something and pointed at the door again. Finally, his voice broke through the fog as he gestured. “Unlock it!” As soon as you pulled the handle, Jake ripped open the door and pushed down the deflating airbag. “You okay?” he demanded, leaning across to put the car in park and turn off the engine.  
“He was going the wrong way.”
“I know, darlin’. Are you okay?” Kneeling on the car door sill, steering wheel digging into his back, he reached up to brush the hair from your face and tuck it behind your ear. His eyes bore into yours, “You hit your head? Neck okay?” 
“I’m fine. I just wanna get out of here,” you said, a hint of panic creeping into your voice while tugging at the seatbelt again. His angry expression softened, and he leaned to look at the side of the seat. Shifting, he reached between your legs and pulled the lever to move your seat back. Brushing your shaking hand away, he hit the belt release and held it away as it retracted. Lightly, he ran a finger along your neck where the seatbelt had bit into your skin, checking for blood. “You hurt anywhere else?” 
“No.” There was a wail of sirens in the distance as Jake helped you out of the car. His eyes swept over you, and he gently took your wrists, bringing them up to inspect the irritated skin - the airbag had dragged over your forearms when it deployed. “I’m fine.” His lips were pressed into a thin line when he met your gaze. Taking half a step forward, he tucked you into his chest and wrapped his arms around you tightly. Releasing a shuddering breath, you allowed yourself to sink into him momentarily, fingers digging into the rough texture of his flight suit. The scent of sweat and jet fuel overwhelmed your senses, and you started to shake with an effort not to cry. Jake tightened his hold. 
“Is your… uh… is she okay?” a bystander asked. 
“She’s good. They okay?” 
“Mom and kids are fine. Guy’s got a couple of cuts but seems to be okay. Cops are gonna be here in a second, and they’re sending an ambulance to check everyone out.” When Jake shook the bystander’s hand you took advantage of his loosened grip to slip out of his arms.
“Fuck,” you breathed, turning to see what the car looked like. The hood was crumpled, the bumper hanging off, and plastic and metal shards littered the ground. Jake followed as you walked to the back of the car to inspect the damage - the bumper and back panel were dented. Squeezing your eyes closed, you bit your lower lip and let out a shaky breath. “I just fucking paid this off,” you said, hating how your voice wobbled. Something brushed your fingers, and you looked down to see Jake’s hand squeeze yours before letting go. Slowly, you look up at him and shook your head. “What are you even doing here?” 
“Whatever you need.” At your silence, he shrugged. “I ran out of deodorant.” The unexpected answer startled a laugh out of you, and a few tears escaped. Mortified, you quickly brushed them away and sniffled. He moved as though to reach for you but checked the instinct, clenching his fists instead.
“Thanks for… that,” you said, motioning to your open car door. “But don’t feel like you have to stay. I have a feeling this is going to take a while.” 
“I got nothin’ but time,” he replied, looking over your shoulder to where two police cars had pulled up.
“I’m going to get an Uber. Thanks for hanging out with me,” you sighed two hours later, watching the tow truck drive away. Overhead, the parking lot lamps flickered on. True to his word, Jake had stayed through the whole ordeal, taking pictures of everything for the insurance claim while the EMTs checked you over. Other than the minor contact burns, they gave you a clean bill of health. 
“I can take you home.” 
“You’ve already done more than enough, Jake. Go enjoy your Friday night. Please. Someone should.” The original plan of ice cream and alcohol was mentally swapped out for a hot shower and aspirin - your body was already starting to ache from the accident, and you were exhausted. 
“It's getting dark and it’s gonna take another thirty minutes to get a car. I’m parked right over there. Either way, I’m not leaving until you do, so let’s go.” 
“My parents told me not to get in cars with strangers,” you deadpanned. 
“I’m less of a stranger than some rideshare driver.” When you shook your head, he sighed, unzipped his pocket, and withdrew his wallet, handing you his driver’s license. Without another word, he turned and walked away, your work bag dangling from his shoulder, leaving you no option but to follow. Arms crossed, he stood in front of the open passenger side door as you reached his truck. “Well? Am I still a stranger?”
“A little bit less of one, Jacob Michael Seresin of Texas.” Holding out his license, you gave him a saccharine smile. “A piece of friendly advice? Don’t do the buzzcut again.”
Smirking, he took it and slipped it back into his pocket. “Thought we weren’t friends.” 
“We’re not.” His laugh was warm in your ear as he shut the door behind you and walked to the driver’s side, pausing to grab his deodorant from the truck bed and toss both bags into the back seat. Through the window, he watched you rub your neck and grimace. After settling into the driver’s seat, he hit the ignition switch. Country music blasted from the stereo, and he quickly turned it down and switched on your seat warmers before nodding towards the GPS. 
“Put your address in.” 
“You’re not going to use it to stalk me, are you?” you asked, stifling a yawn. “This feels like it could be the beginning of a 20/20 episode about how I mysteriously disappeared from a parking lot after being seen getting into a car with a military pilot.”
“Sweetheart, if I wanted to make you disappear, you think I’d have signed paperwork with the police for your accident and then have you get in my car in a parking lot covered with cameras?”
Narrowing your eyes, you paused with your fingers hovering over the screen. “I feel like you were a bit too quick with that answer.”
“I didn’t get to be one of the best aviators in the country because of my looks.” 
“Are you trying to tell me there’s a brain in that pretty head?” Grinning, he shifted in his seat to face you.
“You sayin’ you think I’m pretty?” Rolling your eyes, you typed in your address and pointedly ignored his laugh. It took only a few minutes to get out of the parking lot. Once out onto the main drag, you groaned, head falling back into the seat. He glanced over, raising an eyebrow, “What?” 
“I just realized that I didn’t get my coffee creamer.” 
“Want me to turn around?” 
“No. I just wanna get home. This day needs to be over already,” you muttered. 
“Something happen? Other than the accident?”
“Ignore me, I’m just tired,” you replied, pasting on your customer service smile. And you were. So bone tired of dealing with work and being alone, and now whatever it was going to take to get your car fixed. 
“Wanna talk about it?” Blowing out a breath through pursed lips, you turned away from him, propping your elbow up on the door to subtly brush away a few stray tears. 
“Nothing to talk about.” The hand draped over the shifter moved towards you before he pulled back, tightening his grip on the wheel. The air in the cab suddenly felt too stifling. You cracked the window, needing a shot of fresh air.
“Didn’t realize I smelled that bad,” Jake said, trying to lighten the mood. When you apologized and reached for the button to roll it up, he used the controls on his side to lower both windows. The wind tugged at your hair, and you reached up to smooth it into a ponytail, twisting it into a knot. Without a hair tie, you leaned back in the seat to hold it in place and closed your eyes, arms crossed over your chest. The cool night air washed over you, a pleasant counterpoint to the seat warmers soothing your sore muscles. When the radio volume lowered, you sighed. 
“You don’t have to turn down the music of your people.” He chuckled but didn’t adjust it. The soft sound of him humming and his fingers tapping on the wheel lulled you into a light doze, and you woke as the truck slowed. But rather than being at the entrance to your apartment complex, Jake was pulling into a fast food place. He looked over at you as you sat up, hair uncoiling on your shoulder. 
“I’m starving and I’m guessing you haven’t eaten anything either.” Your stomach rumbled at the thought of food, making him grin. After ignoring your request for a separate order, he waved off your attempt to pay. Once back on the road, you opened the bag and pulled out a fry. He glanced over when you took a bite, and you saw a slight tick of his jaw. 
“Want one?” you offered.
“No, I’ll wait.” When you snuck another fry, there was another jaw tick. 
“Jake, do you not want me to eat in your car?” 
“It’s fine.” Smirking, you reached into the bag and retrieved a napkin to wipe your fingers. 
“You’re one of those guys, aren’t you?” He gave you a confused look. “No empty straw wrappers or loose change rattling around, carpets look pretty clean, and - ” you reached up to tap the decal hanging from the rearview mirror for the local car wash. “You’re a neat freak, aren’t you, Jake Seresin?”
“Nothing wrong with that,” he replied. 
“Of course not. I bet you even make your bed in the morning with hospital corners and everything.” When he glanced at you, you laughed. “You do, don’t you! Do you iron your socks?”
“No. Boxer briefs, though…” he shot you a sly grin.
“Tell me you’re joking.” Knowing you’d left yourself open for a retort about checking, you cut him off when he opened his mouth. “How do you survive road trips? Road snacks are the best part!” 
“Alright, alright, give me a fry,” he grumbled, reaching for the bag in your lap as he stopped at a red light. You held it out of his reach. 
“Are you sure you want to come to the dark side of people that eat in their cars? Once you start, it’s impossible to go back. Fries are just the gateway food. Next thing you know, you’ll be eating chips and burgers, and - ” you let out a fake gasp - “dipping sauces.” 
“Give me a damn fry.” Laughing, you plucked one from the bag and held it out to him. 
“You’re life is about to get so much better, Seresin. You have no idea what kind of world you’re opening up for yourself.” Rather than take it, he pulled your hand closer. Holding your gaze, he lowered his mouth, teeth grazing your skin as he plucked the fry from your fingers. Heat blazed across your face, and you inhaled sharply. Jake’s smirk was sinful as he tugged your hand closer, lips parting to wrap around - 
A car honked, and you ripped your hand out of Jake’s grasp, turning to look at the green light. 
You drove in silence and then he groaned. “Damn it. Give me the fries.” 
Your hand rested on the handle of your apartment door, Jake a solid presence at your back. He’d insisted on walking you up so you wouldn’t have to juggle your food, drink, and bag while unlocking the door. You’d ignored that he’d grabbed his drink as well. “Everything alright?” he asked when you didn’t move to go inside. 
Steeling your shoulders, you turned to face him. “I, um… I clean on the weekends.” One eyebrow rose, and he fought a smile. 
“Are you trying to warn me that your place is a mess after making fun of me for being a neat freak?”
“It’s not a mess; it’s just messy. There’s a difference.” Leaning against the wall next to your door, he motioned for you to explain. “You could currently describe my apartment as messy, but it’s not always that way - it’s not a quality of how I live. Adjective verses noun.” Laughing, he shook his head.
“Alright, Ms. English Degree, I promise I won’t judge you too hard.”  
“Thank you,” you replied primly. With a sigh, you pushed open the door and flipped on the light, pausing to toe-off your shoes once inside. 
“Here you had me thinking you were a hoarder or something,” Jake said, stepping in behind you and locking the door. His eyes darted around the room, taking in the stack of books on the coffee table, papers on the kitchen island, jackets thrown on a chair, and a pillow and blanket on the couch.
“Messy, not a mess.” Taking your bag from him, you dropped it on the chair and walked to the kitchen, flicking on a light. When you turned, Jake was crouched, unlacing his boots by the door. Smiling to yourself, you pulled two plates from the cabinet, grimacing slightly at the stack of dirty dishes in the sink. 
“Make sure you divide those bag fries evenly,” he smirked, dropping the food on the island and leaning forward with his elbows resting on some unopened mail. Matching his posture, you narrowed your eyes.
“I’m pretty sure you ate all your fries in the car.” 
“I don’t get any extra for delivering you home safe and sound?” 
“So you’re asking for a reward for being a gentleman?” 
“Somethin’ like that.” 
“Will my undying gratitude suffice?”
“It’s a start.” Rolling your eyes, you stood up straight. If he wanted to tease, two could play that game. Grasping the hem of your shirt, you pulled it over your head, leaving you in your sports bra and leggings. Jake straightened, his green eyes darkening. 
“I need a shower,” you explained, walking towards your bedroom. Pausing at your door to see his conflicted look, unsure if it was an invitation to join, you smirked. “Ketchup is in the fridge if you need it.” 
As you shut the door, he mumbled, “Fuck.”
Choosing to forgo washing your hair to finish faster, you quickly showered and changed into a tank top and sleep shorts. You’d half expected Jake to knock on the bathroom door the whole time. Instead, he was sitting on the couch when you exited your room. He’d taken the opportunity to get comfortable, unzipping the top half of his flight suit and tying it around his waist. His black t-shirt clung to his chest and arms, and his hair was slightly mussed as though he’d run a hand through it a few times. 
“You didn’t have to wait for me,” you said, motioning to his untouched plate on the coffee table. Yours sat beside it, and he’d even put the drinks on coasters. 
“I always wait for my partner. It’s better to do it together.” The double entendre was clear as his eyes swept down your figure. Raising an eyebrow, you stepped between his spread knees to get to the other side of the couch and grabbed your drink, biting the tip of the straw as you curled in the corner and pulled your knees to your chest. “You gonna stay over there all night?” he asked, voice low as he smirked.
“Yup. And you’re gonna stay over there.” 
“I am?” 
“Yup. Because you’re a gentleman who drove me home after a car accident.” Some of the heat drained from his gaze as his eyes drifted to the red wound on your neck. His Adam’s apple bobbed when you stretched out a leg to nudge his thigh. “Right?” 
“So we’re going to eat dinner, watch something on TV, and then you’ll head home.”
“Still not friends.”
“Still not friends.”
“The gazelle now faces man’s most perilous question - north?” Ben Affleck said in a horrible Australian accent while moving an animal cracker across Liv Tyler’s stomach. “South…way down south? Tune in next week.” 
“Baby, do you think it’s possible that anyone else in the world is doing this very same thing at this very same moment?” she asked. 
“I hope so. Otherwise, what the hell are we trying to save?”
“Damn, and people used to think that was romantic,” Jake groaned.  
“Shut up and watch the movie.” 
“He didn’t even take the animal cracker out of her underwear before he - ”
“It’s a movie.”
“It’s a horrible movie.”
“I didn’t say it was a cinematic masterpiece, I said it was a comfort movie.” 
“You need better comfort movies. Something not by Michael Bay.” Looking up from the pillow, you scowled and tapped his thigh with your toe. His hand shot out to pin your ankle down as you crossed the invisible line dividing the couch in two, raising an eyebrow. 
“What would you say if I told you that I really enjoyed Pearl Harbor?” Head falling back against the cushion, Jake swept his free hand down his face, palm rasping on his stubble. 
“Jesus Christ.” 
“Come on! That one has to be a little bit better. It’s about pilots and World War II and a really heartbreaking love triangle. Oh! And the part about launching planes off of carriers at the end.”
“I’m sure they did the Doolittle Raid very realistically.” 
“So what I’m hearing is a double feature with Armageddon and Pearl Harbor.” Shaking his head, he ran a finger along the bottom of your foot, holding on tightly when you shrieked and tried to pull away. The effort nearly got him kicked in the face as you tried to wiggle away from him, but he didn’t stop laughing. 
The music swelling woke Jake, and he sat up to see Pearl Harbor’s film credits rolling. Yawning, he looked over to see you lying on your side, hugging your pillow with one hand curled by your face and the other dangling off the couch, fast asleep. For a moment, he debated stretching out behind you and closing his eyes but pushed that thought away. He needed a shower, and you needed to not sleep on the couch tonight. A glance at his watch showed that it was just after two in the morning. Carefully, he lifted your feet from his lap and stood to stretch. After putting the dirty cups by the sink, he laced up his boots and grabbed his phone.
Kneeling beside you, Jake brushed the hair from your face before lifting your hand from the pillow and squeezing it gently. When you didn't move, he swept his thumb over your knuckles. “Darlin’, wake up.” He smiled when you hummed, eyebrows furrowing as you fought waking up. “I know. You can go back to sleep once you lock the door. Come on, open those pretty eyes.”
“Just stay,” you mumbled. Chuckling, he brushed his lips over the back of your hand and squeezed again.
“I’ll be back in a bit. Go sleep in your bed - you’ll be more comfortable.” Reluctantly, you opened one eye. “There she is.” Groaning, you sat up and let him pull you to your feet. Half asleep, you followed him to the door and, when he turned to say goodbye, leaned forward to rest your head on his chest.
“Thanks for everything,” you yawned as Jake wrapped his arms around you.
“Course. Happy I was there to help.” 
“Text me when you get home.”
“Good thing I saved your number.” When you lifted your head, you saw him smiling softly at you. He could see that you were trying to come up with some comeback and shook his head. Leaning down, he pressed his lips to your forehead. “Goodnight. I’ll see you in the morning. Lock the door behind me.” 
He waited outside until he heard the lock click. Twenty minutes after you climbed into bed, your phone lit up with a text that said, ‘Home. Sweet dreams.’
When he got out of the shower, Jake saw your response and smiled. 'Night, not friend.'
Read Chapter 4
Tag list:
@memeorydotcom; @alldaysdreamers; @genius2050; @djs8891; @caitsymichelle13; @dempy; @midnightmagpiemama; @lovelyladymayyyy; @caidi-paris; @a-court-of-roscoe-and-baby; @bellaireland1981
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ransprang · 11 months
Hello! Can I ask for an Edward Elric x FMAB uniform kink? Thanks so much!
Kinktober 2023
Edward Elric - Uniform Kink
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“Why did we decide to help the Colonel with cleaning up his storage again?’ Ed complained loudly, as he lifted a box of old memorabilia from the dusty attic floor.
“It’s the least we could do for our ex-fuhrer.” you admonished. “You don’t want him to throw his back out, fumbling with the boxes here, do you?”
Ed grumbled some more, but continued to clear away the space. 
You knelt to pick up the box labelled ‘To throw’. The lid was slightly open and you peered in to find the old Amestris uniform. You pulled out the shirt and exclaimed, “Mein Gott, was ist das?” 
Ed looked over at you and grimaced, “That’s just the old man’s stinky uniform. Throw it out,” he replied before going back to packing.
Devious thoughts went through your brain, and you secretly shoved it into your bag when he wasn’t looking.
Later that evening, when the two of you had returned home, Ed was lounging on the sofa and you were feeling bored. You got up to get ready for bed. 
As you stood in front of the bedroom mirror, you couldn't help but glance at the uniform you had swiped from the attic. It hung there innocently, the military insignia catching the dim light of the room. A mischievous grin tugged at the corners of your lips as she contemplated her next move.
With a mixture of curiosity and excitement, you decided to try the uniform on just for fun. After all, how often did one get the chance to dress up like a high-ranking military officer? You carefully slipped out of her own clothes and into the uniform, buttoning it up and adjusting it as best as you could. It was a bit baggy on you, but it felt surprisingly comfortable.
You admired herself in the mirror, striking a few poses and imagining what it must have been like to be part of the military. You couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence and power as you looked at your reflection.
Just as you were about to take off the uniform and put on your pajamas, the bedroom door swung open, and in walked Ed, rubbing his eyes sleepily. He stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes widening in shock as he took in the sight of you in the uniform.
For a split second, something strange happened in Ed's mind. He thought he saw Roy Mustang, his old military officer, standing before him. His sleep-addled brain couldn't process it properly, and he blinked in disbelief. Then, reality crashed back in, and he realized that it was you dressed in the uniform.
Ed's expression quickly shifted from surprise to a mixture of confusion and mild disgust. "What the hell are you doing, Y/n?" he asked, his voice tinged with annoyance.
You, not one to back down, decided to take advantage of the situation. You approached Ed with a playful grin and a seductive tone in her voice. "Well, Ed," you purred, "I thought it might be fun to play dress-up tonight. Don't you find a woman in uniform... appealing?"
Ed's cheeks flushed bright red, and he stammered, "Y/n, this is ridiculous. Take that off right now!"
But you were undeterred. You stepped closer, running a finger along the collar of the uniform. "Come on, Ed," you whispered, "I've always had this fantasy of being with a man in uniform. Please, just this once?"
Ed's resistance wavered as he looked into your pleading eyes. He grumbled under his breath, "You're crazy, you know that?" But against his better judgment, he found himself reluctantly agreeing. "Fine, but just for a moment, okay?"
You practically squealed with delight as she helped Ed into the baggy uniform. It was a comical sight, given that Ed was significantly shorter than the original owner of the uniform. You both burst into laughter as they struggled to get it to fit him properly.
You grinned, feeling victorious. "I knew you'd come around, Colonel Ed." You playfully saluted him.
Stepping closer to you he holds your chin with one hand, "I still think you have been a naughty girl though Liebe. His eyes drop to your lips as he closes his eyes and leans in. You close the gap and your lips meet. His hand goes to your waist pulling you in closer. Your hands lie on his uniform garbed chest feeling the old cotton fabric and the muscles underneath them.
As your tongues fight for dominance one of his clothed hands venture down to your panties. Pulling them to the side he swipes your pussy with a finger, "Wow already wet? Didn't know you liked men in uniforms that badly love." He pushes you onto the bed, "My obedient girl is going to let me do whatever I want to her right." He says more so as a statement than as a question. You've never seen this dominant side of Ed. Your lips stay shut with only moans escaping and your legs pressing together to feel some relief from the aching.
"Tsk tsk", Edward now on top of you pulls your legs apart, "I'm the one in charge. Don't do things unless I tell you to. Got it?" You nod meekly making Ed laugh a bit. Just a few moments ago you were so sensual and seductive, now the uniform has turned you into such a shy little thing for him to ravage.
While maintaining eye contact with you, he brings up one of his hands and takes off his glove in a mostly smooth fashion. He inserts a finger into your eager hole and pumps it in and out. The other hand works its way under your shirt to massage your breasts. Seeing how easily he fit a finger in, he added 2 more stretching you out a bit and making you moan. He goes faster and faster.
As your moans fill the room he starts groaning as well. "Good girl. Taking my fingers so well. I didn't know you were so easy baby. Bit of a slut for a man who can do anything to you hmmm". He felt your pussy pulse from his dirty words.
The hand on your breast soon moved to his belt, unbuckling it and he quickly let his cock come out. Fully erect, it stood there waiting to enter you. Ed sees you practically salivating for it, "Not just yet. I want you to cum on my fingers. Can you do that for me?"
"Y-yes Colonel" you squeak out. The knot builds as Ed fingers you and the other hand plays with your clit. And soon enough you cum feeling a wave of pleasure. You pant and groan coming down from your high.
"Now now soldier, we aren't done yet tonight."
Your colonel,
admins sar & san
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whatislovevavy · 2 years
II. Dogfight Football and Pool Tables
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Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x afab!pilot!reader 
Word Count: 5.7k
Series Summary: Mustang and Hangman have had sexual tension since the night they met at the Hard Deck at the start of a high-risk assignment. Each interaction further solidifies your callsign in the best ways. 
Series overall: Sexual tension, swearing, smitten and sexually frustrated Hangman, swearing, and mildly insecure and shy reader, smut; p in v, oral (fem + male) receiving, dirty talk, dom!Jake, hint of sub!Jake
Author’s note: Hopefully you guys liked part I :) I did my best to make the reader’s physical attributes as ambiguous as possible when it came to descriptions to make it more inclusive to the reader. I want to get better at this so please feel free to leave constructive criticism or something you thought was strong or weak with the piece. Please be kind with criticisms. I'm sensitive. I’d like to thank @call-sign-jinx and @sebsxphia for betaing (?) each part of this fic, they’re both really sweet and write some good shit on their blogs, so be sure to check them out :)
I will be going through my followers and accounts that leave notes, especially on parts of this story that has smut, and if the blog doesn’t have an age on it, the blog will be blocked. 
All of my writings will be added to my writing side blog @sophs-writing-nook 
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!
These characters, except for Mustang, are obviously not my own. This is an 18+ fanfic so minors scoot pls. You are responsible for the media you consume. Do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate this fic without my explicit permission as it is my own creation. 
Happy reading :)
Jake couldn’t help but listen to your voice through the radio every time he sat with his teammates in the lounge waiting for his turn in the sky. You cared so much about everyone, both in and out of the cockpit; always checking in, encouraging others on the team, and exchanging playful quips. And it didn’t help that you were one of the best pilots he’d seen, but he wouldn’t admit that out loud. If he had to pick anyone flying a single seater that was a serious contender for team leader, it was you. The plane was merely an extension of your own body when you were in the sky, coming the closest of the group to getting Maverick out on the first day. 
Sure, you and Jake bickered, and he did everything in his power to rile you up and get under your nerves, but that was the only real contact he got. 
You had started to rub off on him, enough for Coyote to notice. Jake made him promise he wouldn’t tell a soul, as he was incessantly mocked and teased when he returned to his dorm at the end of the day. 
Hangman found himself perfectly tuned into anything that related to you in conversations; all info immediately became engraved in his memory. Whether it was stories about growing up with wild horses and the feisty blue roan mustang mare you trained during your teen years, Sweet Girl, whom you loved endlessly; or the time you accidentally flashed everyone at a Maryland beach when you were 23; or even the fact you didn’t like ketchup because it was too sweet and that your all-time favorite songs were by Fleetwood Mac and John Denver, but your favorite farm chore songs were by Doja Cat, Nicki Minaj, and Megan thee Stallion; starting as a form of rebellion against your parents but growing into adoration. 
All the little things that made up who you were.  
He secretly cherished the moments he got to see you and hear your soft voice, and found himself missing your signature lavender scent and close proximity when you were gone. 
Hangman would never admit to being jealous, but he was a bit jealous: he didn’t get to do more with you than just teasing and verbal jabs, and while it was fun riling you up, a deep part of him that he was still trying to comprehend wanted to get to know you on a more personal level. 
He fantasized for something like the night you met to happen again; he hadn’t come close to witnessing what he got a taste of that first evening. No matter his jabs or nicknames that secretly started to grow on you.  
Of course, a deep part of him enjoyed this chase but a part of him wanted to finally lay claim to your heart. 
His episode with Rooster the day before hadn't helped to ease such tensions and the confrontation only soured his shared glances with Mustang. Jake understood why the glances had soured, but frankly, he didn’t know why he did it.  Maybe it had to do with being jealous of the sweet attention you gave Rooster and that he’d never had to put this much effort into being with a woman. 
That early evening when Rooster opened his front door, he didn’t see Hangman standing before him. A completely different person must have been standing at his door with matching green eyes and tanned skin, wearing a look of remorse that he would never associate with Hangman. Rooster initially wanted to slam the door in his face and go back to bed, but the way Jake’s eyes held something so foreign to his character tugged at his brain to hear him out.
Bradley wasn’t blind, he saw the way Jake looked at you when you weren’t looking and even when you were with him and Natasha. He saw the subtle differences in his demeanor when you were around and how you affected him, making him more tolerable without even realizing it.
He silently realized that what stood before him was your unintentional doing, as Jake stood there and owned up to what had been said. 
Bradshaw accepted his apology, closing the door as Jake left. He shook his head, quietly laughing to himself that someone who had only known Jake for 3 weeks was the only person he knew who had made Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin genuinely apologize. He couldn’t wait to tell Phoenix.
Maverick had told them to meet on the beach behind the Hard Deck at 9 am sharp for dogfight football.
Tensions were high. No one had successfully completed the mission training parameters, and the set date was a mere week away.
As the game started, you were a bit hesitant to show your competitive side. Maybe it was because you liked seeing people underestimate you and proving them wrong at the 'perfect moment'. You spent your whole life doing that, so it was only natural you took joy in it. Your competitive spirit was something akin to a secret weapon; to be used with full force to deal lethal damage.
Once you let it out around the whole group, it wasn't going back into hiding anytime soon. Rooster and Phoenix were well aware as they knew you from previous stations, and Bob had heard stories, but the rest were left with only recollections. Encouragements from Phoenix got you to bring it out in small doses and cheers from your teammates let it flow in full force. And maybe also the prospect of giving Hangman a run for his money contributed its fair share.
Under the scorching San Diego sun, Jake “Hangman” Seresin truly understood your callsign. Mustang. It encapsulated who you were to the core into an eight-letter word that made some none the wiser, himself included.
He felt something foreign bloom deep in his soul at the realization. Your presence invaded his senses and struck a chord deep inside him. You looked beautiful, free, wild, and completely forged by the land you occupied: The Navy. Your eyes were sharp, full of excitement, adrenaline, and pure competitive determination. Hair that was coming loose from your ponytail, revealing bangs that framed your face beautifully. Skin gleaming in the San Diego sun, chest heaving from exertion, sweat misting your collarbones, cleavage, and gliding down your stomach and thighs. 
A complete 180° from your shy, flustered demeanor the moment you had met eyes. 
If someone didn't know you worked with wild horses as a teenager, they wouldn't believe you did. You were a force to be reckoned with and he found himself more addicted to that realization by the second. A navy blue sports bra framed your chest tastefully. He tried not to divert his attention from the game to your beautiful breasts for too long. He needed to prevent drawing suspicion from his ever-observant teammates and developing a precarious situation in his lower half that only the frigid San Diego waters could cure. His Ray-Bans helped to hide where his gaze landed on the opposing team, but it wasn't foolproof.
The shrill sound of a whistle broke him away from his thoughts. Commands and playful taunts were being thrown back and forth. Payback passed the football to Harvard who made his way down the makeshift field of Maverick's exercise. Hangman ran the opposite side of him to provide an opening in case Phoenix or Rooster shut him down. Harvard got cornered and passed the football to him. It felt like slow motion, he felt the football graze his fingertips but was snatched away by a smaller frame before he could fully grasp it. He heard the distinct whoops and cheers of Rooster and Phoenix as you made your way down the beach to score a touchdown. You were unstoppable. No one could touch you. You were like a wild stallion swallowing the land beneath you, feet thundering in the wet sand, hair blowing wildly in the ocean breeze. It was unfair for someone to look as beautiful and free as you did at the moment. You made it to the end zone with a sliding stop and did a shoulder shimmy with your tongue stuck out with a full-blown smile. If he hadn’t developed a hard-on before, he was starting to now. You confidently made your way back to your team, met with cheers and high fives. He was frozen in the sand near the opposite end zone. From the moment you stole the ball to your full-blown smile; he was still, staring at her. He knew he could have chased after you and tackled you but didn't. He would get shit for it. 
"Bagman, you getting soft?", Harvard teased him.
"In your dreams", Hangman bit back, tinged with his Texan drawl. His defensiveness gave him away but Harvard didn't dare push him. Hangman had a reputation to keep up. Of being untouchable, the best of the best, and, most importantly, that he didn't need anyone to help him get the job done. He left Harvard and confidently strutted back to his position in the lineup at the start of the next round. His thoughts were tinged with a mild sense of worry; if Harvard noticed his state then the others may have as well. This was the last round. His team was down by 1 point. He needed to get his head together.
He watched you line up behind Phoenix. "You ready Mustang?", Phoenix called.
"You know it, Phe"
"You're not gonna get through us so easily this time, Mustang", Hangman taunted.
"Don't worry Ken-doll, I'm not too worried about you. If it's anything like how you've been playing lately, I should be fine ", shooting him a wink.
Your remark was met with “oohs”, sizzling noises, and Rooster asking if he was gonna take that.
Hangman's jaw tensed and his face wore a smirk, "Whatever Mustang, put your money where your mouth is, and let's get this round started" he shot back. He mentally kicked himself for not coming back with a better comeback, but he wasn't used to seeing this side of her.
Hondo blew the whistle and with expert precision, the ball was passed into your awaiting hands. Pushing yourself against the receding sand into a sprint, your bright eyes watching for an open teammate. You were about to pass to Halo when you felt a pair of large, strong hands grasp your waist and tackle you to the beach. You fell down with a groan and weight on top of you. The face of your tackler obscured by the sun, you squinted your eyes. You were met with a pair of green eyes and a soft, muscular body on top of her. Hangman. Your cheeks and neck started to heat up and prayed he wouldn't notice and be disguised by the heat. You still had the football in your grasp so it didn't count as a turnover. You could still win the game. Why hadn't he done anything? He could have easily grabbed the ball and run with it; instead, he just stared at you. Anyone would admit, he was easy on the eyes: strong jaw, sun-kissed skin, sun-bleached sandy blond hair, washboard abs, and the most beautiful green eyes you'd ever seen. It’d be a lie to say you hadn’t thought about him in the depths of the night alone in your room on base. You felt the initial feelings of nerves you experienced start to develop but quickly extinguished it. You let yourself admire him in his state of undress for a moment, but you had a game to win. You weren't going to let some Texan stud who hit on you ruin this for you, you were raised better than that. Besides, you hadn't found yourself being this competitive in a while and were enjoying the rush it gave you.
Instinctively, you swiveled your hips and turned Hangman on his back. He looked breathless, eyes darkening under the shadow of you, as he let out an audible shaky breath. You quickly rose up off his abdomen and started sprinting, football held tightly to your chest. Hangman was still in the sand scrambling to get up and hide his developing problem, by the time you were close to the end zone with Fanboy and Harvard hot on your tail. You held them off and made the winning score. Your face was marked by the same victorious smile Hangman couldn't get enough of as cheers and whoops left your soft lips. You were met with high fives and let out a yelp as you were lifted onto rooster’s shoulders as your teammates chanted your name, all while Hangman was met with hushed chuckles from those who saw Mustang's hip swivel move and a "what the fuck was that Hang?" Great. 
What was wrong with him? He'd never let someone get in his head, much less twice in a period of 5 minutes. 
As the effect of the victory died down, his teammates, including Mustang, headed into the hard deck for refreshments, he overlooked Phoenix and Rooster talking to each other in hushed whispers and sneaking glances at him every few minutes with mischievous smirks on their faces.
"Bagman, you seemed off your game today. The fact that you're not the best at everything getting to you?" Phoenix taunted as she made her way over and crossed her arms across her chest.
Hangman flipped her off and rolled his eyes, "the damn sun was in my eyes"
"Oh, was the sun in your eyes when you were on top of Mustang? Or when you were eye fucking her during the lineup, where the sun was behind you?"
She stated with an amused expression and widening smirk, having unexpectedly exposed him to anyone close enough to hear their conversation. Rooster joined the two, hearing the end of the interaction, "she's got you there Bagman", wearing a smirk and amused gleam in his eyes.
Hangman composed himself, "I wasn't eye fucking her, I was merely...inspectin' the competition,” shrugging, clearing his throat.
Phoenix and Rooster let out snorts and amused chuckles.
"That's such bullshit man and you know it, anyone with eyes could see what you were doing".
“It’s true”, Coyote added as he passed by with a knowing look in his eyes, patting him reassuringly on the shoulder.
"Ya know what? Fuck you guys, I don't have to explain myself to y'all", agitated, Hangman bit back before grabbing his stuff and storming away to the Hard Deck.
He could hear their chuckles and “damn, he has it bad. Wait till he sees her play pool" comments but didn't dare turn around. He tried his damnedest to keep up his facade of complete confidence and indifference towards you, swaggering into the Hard Deck.
He was met with a wave of refreshing AC and an empty bar. Not surprising since it was well before happy hour, but odd since he didn't spot any of his teammates that migrated in. He called out for Penny; no answer. His teammates didn't respond either. He was about to leave when he heard a back door creak. You came out, occupied by your phone, sporting a low-cut rodeo t-shirt and blue jean shorts. You looked around for Halo that promised to wait for you but were only met by Hangman's appreciative gaze. You were taken aback but recovered with a smile and small wave. He returned the favor. 
"Do you know where the others went? I was supposed to catch a ride with Halo back to base".
"You know I didn't see anybody come in. I can give you a ride home if that's what you need sweetheart," giving you the same panty-dropper grin that ensnared you the moment you’d met. This had only been the second time in 2 weeks he could get some real alone time with you, and he wasn't going to waste a second.
You blushed at his endearment, "If it wouldn't be too much trouble, Jake...."
He loved it when you called him Jake. It was a first; he wanted more of it.
"Anytime darling, I'd always be eager to satisfy your needs," he said with a wink, "but first, I wanna experience that pool game of yours," He said turning towards the pool table area and sporting a wolfish grin. 
You felt like you were going to melt into a puddle on the Hard Deck floor, watching his toned arms flex as he took down two pool sticks.
He turned back to you, basking in the effect he still had on you. You had serious game and he wanted to pull that out of you, just for his eyes to see this time.
"Don't get shy on me now, sweets, you had some pretty serious game out there today" he said while leaning on the pool table, attention occupied with polishing both pool sticks with chalk.
You spent an embarrassing amount of time admiring his golden, nimble, strong fingers working the chalk cube over the thin tip. He could have broken it off if he wanted to. You wanted him to use his fingers in more fulfilling ways.
He met your glazed-over eyes and gave the same panty-dropper smile he always had at the realization of where your attention was focused. It was the same one he gave you the night you met him and across the room during training debriefs. Rooster and Phoenix observed these moments and were able to put two and two together. You were teased incessantly, but also warned of his whorish ways by the pair during their hangouts in the dorm you shared with Phoenix.  
You quickly diverted your attention back to him and made your way to the pool table, reaching out to grasp the pool stick, grazing your fingers against his in the process. You met his playful, mirth-filled eyes and shifted your focus to racking up the pool balls. You knew you wouldn't be able to handle watching his dexterous fingers work anymore and needed a small outlet for your pent-up nervous energy and simmering sexual frustration. 
Your bent frame over the pool table gave Jake the perfect view of your jean shorts riding up and revealing the tasteful curve of your ass. You heard him let out a low hitch in his breath, smirking to yourself. You were starting to gain back your composure, turning the heat up on the brewing competitiveness inside yourself. You were good at pool, winning some tournaments around your hometown. You even beat Coyote, Payback, and Phoenix once. Your dad and older brother taught you the game, as well as to never let emotions get in the way of winning, but that was proving difficult to follow. 
He saw a distinguishable shift in your demeanor as you asked if he wanted to go first.
"Ladies first", admiring your reignited confidence.
You lined up the starting shot, feeling his watchful eyes on you. With a resounding clang, the balls were scattered. 3 solids into 3 pockets at the opposite end. You rose to your full posture with a small smile.
"Your turn Bagman".
Jake was pretty sure he fell in love at that moment. There you were; as clear a difference as Jekyll from Hyde.
He approached where you were at the table, " that's Hangman or Jake to you, princess". His tone was low, hearing your breath hitch at the new endearment, making eye contact with you as he shot 2 stripes in. Smirking, he rose up and lined up his next shot, proud of each little hitched breath or blush he pulled from you.  He made a bolded and underlined mental note to call you “princess” in these moments more often. 
You were settled right across from him, directly in his line of sight. You leaned down giving him a tasteful glimpse of your cleavage as you watched his strong arms carry out his concentration. 
His olive green eyes met yours, hiding lust in their depths as they trailed down to your chest, a black lacy trim peaking through. 
"Ya know maybe your right, I should find something else to call you. Especially since ‘Bagman’ would be more fitting if you actually helped your team win today, maybe with bagging a point or even a touchdown." You said with a playful gleam in your eye.
Your statement and teasing met his senses the moment he pushed the rod forward. His trajectory off, failing to pocket a stripped ball.
He rose up, jaw tense, and met with a smirk. You were playing with him, taunting him like a wild stallion with a green ranch hand. 
"Yeah well, sweets, I was a little distracted, so hopefully you can find it in your heart to forgive me, the sun being in my eyes and all."
"Mhm, definitely the sun's fault. Was it the sun's fault when you were on top of me?", you said as you lined up your shot. 1 solid into a pocket, 4 more left.
You leaned against your pool stick, holding back a laugh at his speechless face. Hangman speechless? That was a sight.
"Well, darling... you see...", he tried to muster the words, much to your amusement. Clearly, you were keen on observing him. 
"It's ok, you could say the sun was in my eyes too", you interrupted coquettishly as you raked your eyes up his frame, admiring his physique in his tight-fitting athletic shirt.
" I don't mind being admired by beautiful women, especially women who can go toe to toe with me", he said smirking, trying to regain some semblance of control as he watched you line up and sink your 3rd hit of the afternoon.
Heat rose to your cheeks, remembering his forwardness the first night they met and his face when you swiveled your hips to get on top of him. You only had 3 balls left.
“It seems like you just have a thing for women who can beat you. You ever think that you just might have a competency kink?” you asked amusedly, eyes still purposely preoccupied with your shot. 
He smirked, he just fucking might, admiring the way your muscular back arched to line up your shot, your eyes sharp, and full of determination. 
“Ya know I'm not gonna lie, sweetheart, that little move you did back there was something else... In fact, everything about you since we met has been something else," he said moving to your side of the pool table. He invaded your personal space in the best way, leaning next to you against the polished wood of the worn pool table.
"It got me thinking about what other kinds of riding you might enjoy", his hushed drawl dripping like honey into your ear. It didn't make your aim any cleaner and you missed your 4th shot of the evening, sending him a scowl to disguise your less-than-pure thoughts. 
God, you would let him do horrible things to your body in front of your conservative Christian parents if he asked.
"What? don't like it when someone plays dirty princess?" He said with eyebrows raised in a patronizing tone that made you shiver and clench your thighs to relieve the bubbling heat that settled in your abdomen. You needed to compose yourself if you were going to win this, but your resolve was dwindling by the second.
"Well, sweetheart, it seems like you don't mind either," you said in a last-ditch effort to regain the upper hand, running your pointer finger along his defined pectorals. 
He let out a hitched breath he didn't know he was holding. You were going to be the death of him. One second he was in control and the next he was below you, right where you wanted him. You were wild in that sense and he loved this back-and-forth chase for dominance. At this moment, he would let you do whatever you wanted to him; he could definitely get used to it. 
You looked at him through your lashes innocently with mischievous eyes and a playful smile, your hand retracted and now fully leaning with your arms crossed across your chest, further accentuating your tits to his wanton gaze. 
You liked seeing him all hot and bothered, he clearly wasn’t used to it. 
He leaned down to your ear, his Texan drawl low and gravelly with arousal, "you're playing a very dangerous game, darlin'."
"You seem to have forgotten that I'm good at playing games…and winning them," you said with a tight-lipped smile, winking at him, turning away to go to the other side, "it's your turn by the way.”
God, he wanted to do filthy things to you on top of the pool table. But he wanted you to crack first, give you the final push towards passion. 
He cleared his throat, trying to compose himself. Lining up his shot, feeling the weight of your lustful gaze, his eyes met yours. Eyes filled with mirth as lust bubbled below the surface, a small cat-got-the-cream smirk adorning your face. 
The last thread of his resolve snapped.
Rising to his full height from the table, he placed the pool stick on the table. He gradually invaded your personal space, caging you between his hard chest and the wooden frame of the table nudging into your lower back, with his weight supported by strong, toned arms on each side of you. Their faces a mere few inches away from each other, his hand reaching up to caress your soft cheek. The feeling of his rough hands on your skin made you shiver, meeting his intense gaze. He waited for any hesitation or unease to show under your eyes but found none. 
His hand cradled the back of your neck and cheek as he claimed your lips with his, stealing any air from your lungs. You let out a small moan at the feel of his soft lips. Your hand gripping the material of his shirt in your fist unconsciously as the other met the short hair at the back of his neck, running over the clipped hair there. Smirking into the kiss, he used the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth, bringing his opposite hand up to hold your other cheek. After a few moments, they pulled apart gasping for air, his hands still encompassing your face, as he leaned his forehead against yours, letting his eyes softly close. An act of softness and intimacy you wouldn’t have expected from him. 
 "I really hope that was alright because I don't think I can recover if it wasn't", he spoke breathlessly.
"It was more than ok, trust me", reassuring him, toying with the chain of his dog tags and feeling the material of his shirt. 
You slid your hands along the chain, feeling the pebbled texture run between your fingers as they traced towards the small metal engraved tags that rested on his warm chest. Once your fingers reached the small pieces of metal, you yanked him back to your lips by the chain. He smiled into the kiss as his hands moved from your face down to your hips, grabbing a handful of your ass. He grabbed the backs of your thighs to wrap around his waist, supporting you on the edge of the table. Your hands moved behind his neck to bring him impossibly closer, continuing to run your hands over the back of his head, savoring the texture of the short hair at the base of his neck.
His large hands grasped your hips, starting to slide under your shirt, feeling your soft skin.
"Is this what you want ?" He asked making his way down your neck, kissing and sucking at the sweet spot at the base of your neck that made you mewl and weave your hands into his hair, leaving a dark blue mark you’d have to worry about later. 
  You nodded eagerly. 
 "I need you to use your words, sweetheart," he said trailing soft kisses up the column of your neck, grazing his teeth on your pulse, and pausing to meet your glazed-over eyes and plush lips. Your fingers still intertwined in the short hair at the base of his neck.
  "I need you so bad, Jake", you mewled. 
He let out a shaky breath at the use of his name and the feeling of you tugging at his roots, quickly and passionately resuming his ministrations.
"Don't worry, sugar, I'll take good care of you...." He said between kisses, trailing them down your flushed neck and the tops of your breasts, hands coming up to play with the lace of your bra.
Your eyes shot open, worry plaguing your eyes like ink in water. 
"As much as I want to absolutely ruin you on this pool table, it wouldn’t be right to damage Penny's only pool table," he gave you a reassuring smile, “and, I don’t know about you, but I want you all to myself for our first time and not worry about anyone catching us.”
You’re core throbbed, a low noise escaping the back of your throat, your chest heaving. First time? Anyone catching us? 
His hands gave your ass a squeeze as his eyes widened a bit at the realization, a sly smile growing on his face, taking in the treasure before him. 
“Sweetheart, I really don’t want this to be a one-time thing,” he said, pressing an open-mouthed kiss to your pulse, “I want to take you out, romance you, meet that pretty mare you got back home, stargaze in the field outside my parents' ranch… “ he smiled into kiss placed behind your ear, “and you seem really into the idea of getting caught,” he licked from the base of your throat to your ear, you shuddered, tugging on his hair, “and I would never be opposed to fulfilling my girl’s needs, no matter the time…Or place”, he said nibbling on your earlobe, smirking into your flushed skin at your breathless whimpers. 
My girl. His endearment and actions made you blush and try to hide a bashful smile by burying your face into his shoulder. No one you could remember had this effect on you, and it scared you just as much as it made you dizzy. 
Jake kissed your temple and looked at you with a hopeful, longing gleam in his eye, a bright genuine smile, his adorable dimples showing through.
Up till now, you assumed this would be a one-time hookup and after two more weeks, you’d never see each other again which disappointed you more than you would care to admit. After all, that was how Hangman seemed to handle all his one-night stands, as you’d heard through the grapevine. But he wanted to take you out? Meet Sweet Girl, your pride and joy back home? See where you called home? Take you to his home? And then he was back to doing sinful things to your body? 
“I would love that,” you said smiling and breathless. 
He beamed at you, showing his pearly whites, and brought his lips to yours again. 
“Fuck, your lips are like candy,” he moaned against your lips. 
You broke the kiss to catch your breath, “Jake, please...”, you mewled with a pout. Your face was flushed, your eyes glassy, and your lips were kiss swollen. You looked perfect; all needy and ready for him.  
A smug grin spread across his face, you were so desperate. It only inflated his ego more.
“Please what? I’m having trouble understanding you”, his smug eyes contrasting his furrowed eyebrows and faux confused expression.
You huffed, tensing your jaw, and rolling your eyes, “Jake-”
“Come on, let me hear it, princess,” he laid kisses along your neck. 
Rolling your eyes, huffing in annoyance, your resolve eroding by each kiss laid to your pulse, “please fuck me, Jake.”
“Atta girl, that wasn’t so hard now was it?” he smirked, “I know you’re desperate sweetheart, but your gonna have to wait till we go somewhere else before I can fuck you properly” He chuckled at the low whine that escaped your throat as you pouted. 
You were absolutely adorable. 
He smirked and kissed your pouted lips, still holding your hips against the pool table with his own, thinking about all the surfaces in his shared dorm he wanted to christen with you.
He looked at you with piqued interest and raised eyebrows, your eyes filled with a sense of shyness and excitement. 
"There's always the pool table on base… and nobody uses that one anyways" you bashfully smirked, trying to hide a full-blown grin. 
He could have sworn he felt the last drop of blood leave his brain and flow to his dick at your words.
"Fuck, I love the way you think". He said lifting you off the table and leading you to the Hard Deck parking lot to his truck; paying no mind to the absence of their teammates' cars in the parking lot. He opened the door for you before running to the driver's side. He started the ignition as you littered kisses on his neck and reached out to caress his inner thigh, reaching for his cock through his jeans.
"Sweetheart, if we're going to do this, I need to be able to drive us," he said, hissing as you found the sweet spot behind his ear, sucking, biting, and soothing with your tongue, leaving a hickey in its wake. His hands tensed on the gear shift and steering wheel as he felt your hand graze his abdomen and sneak into his jeans, squeezing his bare length. 
"Then what’s stopping you, cowboy." You purred, pausing your assault on his neck and meeting his lust-glazed eyes with a hushed, breathless tone. 
“You need to behave if we’re gonna do this, Sweets”, he groaned feeling your warm hand on his length.
“Or what?”, you challenged. 
Jake grabbed the back of your head, fingers tangling firmly in your hair to bring you mere inches close to his face, “Well, sweetheart… I won’t let you cum and I really don’t think you want our first night together to end like that. It would be such a waste after all your hard work.” His lust-blown eyes were awaiting a challenge, but they were only met with a hitched breath and a low noise from the back of your throat. 
He slammed his lips to yours, slamming on the gas to break multiple traffic laws to get back to base, feeling your hot gaze on him the entire way home. 
Taglist: @potato-girl99981​
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ggumjjun · 1 year
haiii 🖤 for badboy!txt, my mind went straight to straight A student!reader and badboy!yeonjun who’ve yet spoken to each other. you can’t help but keep an eye on him in class, he’s too pretty and stands out from everyone, how could you not admire him? ::( one day, you offer yeonjun help with work/anything that’s bringing his grades down because you have “extra time” and thought he might need it (you chose to ignore the people who said to stay away from him)…safe to say he takes the opportunity, and with each load of schoolwork that you do for him, he rewards you by touching you further and further 🙊
- 🪦
hi hi 🪦~~ eek this took me a sec to get to oof hope u enjoy -3- this got uH long bc it’s jjun ><
badboy!yeonjun who rarely turns up to class, but when he does… it’s a spectacle of stares. chiseled jawline and sharp eyes, messy black hair that’s growing a bit long, and then he’ll vanish again as if he never came. a subtle scent of cigarettes and musky wood— but you only know this because he happened to walk by;;; not because you’re interested in him, right~? you’re such a good girl, straight a’s and a volunteer in the library, so pure n pretty, never a misstep… on the outside. your gaze lingering on his broad frame as he walks down the hall, shyly gazing out the window of the library and seeing him start up his mustang convertible, four other boys piling into the car after him as he lights a cigarette… oh! did he see you—! hiding behind the curtain quickly, a flustered blush crossing your cheeks… surely he didn’t see you spying on him when he turned over his shoulder, right~? and maybe it’s something… yeonjun thinks, gazing into his car mirror and seeing you peek out the window once more. he’s interested…
and it’s badboy!yeonjun who approaches you in the library, it’s more than he bargained for to see you shift shyly, flustered in his presence when he leans down, your cute avoidance of eye contact so alluring to him. wouldn’t he love to make a mess of such a good girl~? teasing you into thinking he’s about to kiss you, only for you to shove his chest away in a flustered blushy state, darting away and nearly tripping over your own shoes… how cute. and somehow, you can’t resist him, his signature sultry whisper in your ear, calling you princess and smirking when you said you’ve never had a boyfriend, he’s enjoying toying with you. overhearing in the teacher’s lounge that he’s been failing his classes left and right, at this rate he’ll flunk. and so when yeonjun approaches you again, your cute stammer asking if he needs some tutoring… you’d be happy to help him–! hearing the voices of your friends saying yeonjun’s bad news, stay away from him, don’t talk to him anymore— and his calm voice saying sure, why not?
so listen to devil, sitting in a secluded corner of the library away from all eyes. and it wouldn’t be him if he didn’t intentionally sit directly next to you rather than across, trapping you between the wall and his broad frame. and on the third session, it’s yeonjun who can hear your breath hitch when he leans closer, scent of cigarettes on his hair, a hand on your thigh. princess, he doesn’t care about the schoolwork, you’re practically doing it for him at this point, don’t you want him to pay you back? murmuring softly that he can teach you something books won’t, and better than anyone else can. don’t you want to know, darling? badboy!yeonjun who steals your first kiss, his hand roaming the plush expanse of your thigh, dangerously close to your panties as his fingers slide up beneath your skirt, rough kisses and your eyes clenched shut as unfamiliar sensations spark in your stomach. princess, he can teach you so much more than a kiss… so say yes. and it’s in a quiet, lonely corner of the library that badboy!yeonjun corrupts you little by little, the first man to ever touch your soft body, flustered and trying to finish his work as his hand crepes over your shoulder, sliding under your arm and feeling up your cute breasts for the first time, he’ll never do more than touch, isn’t it such a turn on to him to be your firsts, to touch where no one else has, even over the cover of your clothes?
badboy!yeonjun who takes your first time, a hand over your lips as he fucks your sweet, virginal pussy at midnight, having snuck into your house. shhh, stay quiet and your parents will never know, how such a bad boy is taking your virginity down the hall. your eyes widening when he touches your pussy for the first time, so cutely confused as to why you’re wet n feeling so needy, it feels so hot n uncomfortable. crying so prettily when he roughly thrusts into your tight, pure cunt, an unfamiliar burst of heat racing over your skin when his lips claim yours, tongue pushing into your mouth as he makes out with you, pretty virgin body so susceptible to bruises from his fingers as they grip your hips. cigarette scent on his hair when he takes in the column of your neck, sucking a dark, possessive hickey on your flawless skin, you’re his now. and he’ll whisper that he loves you for the first time when he cums deep in your sweet pussy, murmuring that it’s okay, pretty girl can be good and take all his seed, can’t you? the delicious gasps you whimper and whine out, so confused at the hot warmth filling up your tummy, only knowing that yeonjun says it’s okay n that he loves you… and don’t you want to be a good girl for him? it’s badboy!yeonjun who steals your virginity… and your secret boyfriend. shhh, he’ll corrupt you so much more, the darkening gaze of lust he has when he watches you sleep, his cum leaking from your swollen pussy <3
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dingochef · 1 year
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Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x You (OFC)
Warnings: Swearing, Smut (MDNI 18+ Only), Stalking, P in V, oral (female and male receiving), Semi-public sex, light spanking,
Summary: You meet the giant Italian side of Jake's family and figure out just how special Nonna's special sauce is.
Series Masterlist
Chapter 11
Word Count: 3.3k
Chapter 12: Nonna's Special Sauce
Friday dawns with the expected breakfast racket. You groan as you wake up and roll over to burrow in Jake's chest, not ready to be up yet. Jake's arms reflexively wrap around you and he keeps sleeping. You enjoy the warmth and closeness for a while till Jake wakes up.
"I'm sorry that my parents are obscenely loud in the morning," he mumbles into my hair.
"I promise it's worth it, my mom makes some kind of potato omelet thingy with some of the leftovers from yesterday and it's delicious."
"Sounds interesting and I know there's coffee down there, so it's not too bad. Would probably prefer to be waking up to songbirds or some shit like that," you mumble back to his chest. You feel him laugh more than hear it.
You and Jake rally and get out of bed and head downstairs to coffee and the promised potato omelet thingy. Which as advertised is excellent. Jake and you migrate to the living room with your cups of coffee after breakfast and lounge on the couch.
"What's the plan for today?" you ask Jake.
"Nothing until the Lucarelli get together later this afternoon. Probably see if my mom needs help cooking anything. So as much Netflix and chill as we want," he says wagging his eyebrows without a trace of subtlety.
He earns a laugh from you,
"You don't need any encouragement.
The day turns out as expected. You laze about, putter around getting ready, helping Sharon with any cooking tasks, and just hanging out.
Around 3 pm, it's officially go time for the Lucarelli get together and soon you are loading the car with an obscene amount of food and wine.
Soon you pull up to another gorgeous ranch house. The driveway is filled with vehicles. Jake and you help Sharon with the food she's made and the wine. Tom grabs another bag that he has deemed his gin and tonic kit and you all approach the front door. Tom doesn't bother to knock and just as soon as he opens the door you can hear the sound of a family party spilling out. There's the sound of kids running, playing, and shrieking with delight, lots of conversations, laughing and the general hum of people eating and drinking. Tom and Sharon step in first and are greeted warmly with hugs and kisses on each cheek. The items they are holding are quickly offloaded and presumably on their way to the kitchen.
Jake's parents clear the door and Jake and you step in next. You expect them to hug Jake and give you a handshake or something you're used to with your extended family in Wisconsin. Jake holds out his arms to hug a lady about Sharon's age, and based on appearance you assume a sibling. You laugh when she completely bypasses Jake and engulfs you in a big smothering hug and kisses on each cheek. You see over her shoulder that Jake is pretending to be offended,
"So this is how it is now, Aunt Nancy, what am I chopped liver?" he says putting on his cute little mock pout.
"Jakey, you're old news, we all want to meet the girl that has captured your heart and got our wandering mustang to finally settle down," she replies, still looking at you.
"Elsa, it's so good to meet you. I'm Nancy, Sharon's sister. Sharon said you were beautiful, but you're a dream, and an aerospace engineer, with a PhD," she looks over at Jake, "You did good kiddo."
Jake steps over and takes your hand, "That I did, I'm going to introduce her around, we'll be back to chat, Nancy. I promise."
Tom has reappeared and hands you a gin and tonic, he leans in to say, "If you were anything like me, meeting all the Lucarellis all at once might be a bit overwhelming. This'll help."
You thank him before Jake leads you to the back of the living room where there is an older lady sitting in an armchair talking with a few people.
"Sorry to interrupt, but I thought Nonna would want to meet Elsa."
The older lady jumps up with surprising agility given her age. Jake has to lean down to speak to her, she is a little shorter than you,
"Nonna, this is Elsa, my girlfriend."
She wraps you in a warm hug and pulls back keeping her hands on your elbows,
"Nice to meet you dear, glad to have someone around here my size. It's like living in a forest of people."
"Nice to meet you too, Mrs. Lucarelli," you reply.
"None of this Mrs. Lucarelli nonsense, call me Nonna, everyone else here does."
"I've heard a lot about you from Jake, I'll have to thank you for Jake's cooking skills. He's made your pasta Bolognese recipe for me."
Her eyes go big and a large smile blooms on her face,
"Jakey, made you my Bolognese sauce, that's interesting, indeed."
She looks over your shoulder to Jake raising her eyebrows and continues,
"I was going let Jakey have it about making you an honest woman, but I see he's got that in hand. He's a good boy." She reaches up to pat Jake's cheek.
"We're working on it, Nonna, you'll be one of the first to know," he replies, before excusing us from the conversation.
"I'm going to go introduce Elsa around, we'll talk to you later."
One of the Aunts exits the conversation and she scampers over to where Sharon is sitting. She leans down to whisper something in her ear. She lights up with a big smile and you swear she is bouncing with joy at whatever she just heard.
Jake brings you around to meet some of his cousins, most of whom give him a hard time about finally bringing a girl round to meet the family, more aunts and uncles, and few more family members. It's a whirlwind of hugging, faces, and "nice to meet you's". Towards the end of the circuit people start to add on, bits of "he made you Nonna's Bolognese, interesting" or some variation on that theme. There's a few "Welcome to the family" remarks also. You finally make it through all the relatives and Jake pulls you aside into the hall where it is quieter and asks,
"How are you doing? The whole family thing can be a bit overwhelming with this clan if you didn't grow up in it."
"I'm good, I probably need a family tree with pictures and names on it to remember everyone, but everyone is so warm and welcoming."
"Good, just wanted to check in and see if you needed a break."
"Nope, I'm all good. What's with everyone making a thing of the fact you made me Nonna's sauce?"
There is a quick flash of something that could be described as embarrassment across his face.
"I'll tell you later, when we're alone." He drops his voice and leans in close to your ear causing you to shiver at the way he says the word "alone". Looking up with probably lust filled eyes, you just nod and walk out of the hallway.
You walk over to a pod of his cousins, and recognize one of them, Matt, who said he was a mechanical engineer.
"I'll leave you here with the other engineer while I go grab some drinks. The same, El?"
"Umm, no, I'll take a glass of red,"
you answer.
"Yes, Ma'am," he replies and heads off to wherever the drinks are in the house.
Matt and you chat about our respective engineering jobs while Jake gets the drinks. Soon he's back and the conversation keeps going and is lively and filled with laughter. People wander in and out of the group where you are standing, Jake's arm constantly around your waist.
You finally make your way to the kitchen when you feel your stomach growling. Every flat surface is covered in some kind of food, 80 percent of it Italian dishes. You count six crock pots on the counter, all plugged into an industrial looking power strip.
"Holy shit, your family doesn't mess around with the food," you tell Jake as you survey the scene.
He laughs,
"Yeah, no one's going to go hungry in an Italian kitchen, that's for sure."
"What's with the heavy duty hardware for the crock pots?"
"We blew a circuit breaker one year, so my Uncle Pat rigged up something sturdier, he's an electrician."
You are trying to not laugh,
"You realize that this isn't helping with any of my preconceptions of Italian families, right? Between the kissing on the cheeks, calling your grandma Nonna, and now this acre of food, wait, is that literally a pile of bread on the table?"
You giggle in glee.
Jake slightly rolls his eyes.
"Yes, that might be 10 loaves of bread from the Italian grocery in town, but it's what we do. Do not mock the bread. When you're done making fun of my heritage, I'll give you the inside scoop on what to eat out of this acre of food," he says in mock exasperation.
Grabbing a plate you follow him. Looking around to make sure no one can overhear him, he tells you in an almost whisper,
"Aunt Jilly's meatballs are the best," he points, "but I'll never admit that my mom's aren't the best. My mom does have a lock on the best lasagna, which is that pan."
You take a little bit of each.
"You can't miss Uncle Greg's pesto, he grows everything in his garden."
"Is that sauerkraut?"
You ask, its pungent smell coming through all the other aromas of tomatoes, garlic, and basil cloaking the table.
Jake sticks out his tongue in disgust, "Yeah, my Aunt Betty married a Polish guy, he insists on bringing it to every family gathering. It's homemade, which I give him credit for, but it's still sauerkraut."
"I like sauerkraut, so I will gladly have some," you reply, scooping a little onto my plate. Jake is aghast,
"I might be reconsidering this relationship at this very moment."
"Drama queen, it's the Wisconsin in my DNA, more German than Polish, it depends where the line was drawn when my mom's family left. You cannot beat a good bratwurst off the grill with German mustard and sauerkraut."
Now it's Jake's turn to laugh,
"That is so Wisconsin, can you say, 'You betcha or go Packers?'"
"You shush," you tell him with no malice behind it. You take a bite of the meatball, which is about the size of a baseball, on your plate. It is amazing.
"Okay, I concede this spread is way better than any brat grill out. These are so good."
He smiles,
"I have Aunt Jilly's recipe at home, if we want to cook it."
You find a place to eat and join the conversation. Ellie and Gigi come running through trying to steal goodies from the dessert table with a pack of their cousins. They give you and Jake a quick hug before joining their mission again. Finally, it seems that everyone has eaten and is chilling in the post dinner lull.
One of Jake's cousins, Paul maybe, calls out,
"Football time!"
A few groans come out of the crowd but most everyone in your generation gets up.
"What's going on, Jake?"
"We generally play some backyard football, to keep us from going into a food coma, you're welcome to join us."
"Sure, why not?"
Soon you're all assembled in the backyard and teams are being formed. Somehow Jake and you end up on opposite sides. The field boundaries are delineated with whatever the group can find to make a few corners. You look at your teammates and try to remember their faces. You all huddle and don't really make any strategy beyond score, before the huddle breaks you ask,
"Is this tackle or touch?"
"A bit of both, mostly tackle, but don't be an asshole about it," Mark, (you think) replies. You nod.
Your side has the ball first, one cousin hikes it to Mark and sees that you are open near the end zone and he sends a nice spiral your way that hits you right in the numbers if you were wearing a jersey and you run it in.
You stick your tongue out at Jake as you trot back to your team. He just gives you that trademark smirk and you know the next time he gets close enough he's going to say something that will leave you hot and bothered or flustered or both. Sure enough, just before the ball is hiked to the acting quarterback of his team, he leans over the line and says low enough for just you to hear,
"We both know what that tongue of yours can do, is that a promise for later?"
Before you can reply the ball is in play and Jake is running past you wide open to catch a pass. You catch up to him and attempt to tackle him around the waist. Your arms go around his torso as he catches the ball, but instead of falling down he just scoops an arm around your waist and pulls you upside down to him and runs the ball in for a touchdown. The rest of the cousins are dying laughing as you pretend to pout,
"Can you put me down now?" as you hang upside down with your legs bent at the knee over his shoulder. He laughs and holds his arm out and steady allowing you to rotate over it to your feet.
He leans over to try and kiss you, and you move your lips at the last minute to whisper in his ear,
"If you wanted to try some acrobatics in the bedroom, all you had to do was ask. I'm pretty sure I could suck your cock in that position."
You trot back to your team watching his face comprehend, imagine, and then try to clear the thought from his mind.
He looks directly at you with those piercing green eyes as the teams line up for the next play. You know he is coming for you on this play. Again you slip past the defensive line, or what counts as one for this game, and are open. Mark sends you another great pass and you catch it. Jake runs full out towards you, you lateral it over to one of your teammates and run towards Jake, causing a moment of confusion until you tuck and execute a perfect gymnastics tumble through his legs ending up on your feet with your hands in the air out of habit. Jake in his attempts to catch you slips and falls on the ground. Your teammates cheer the touchdown you assisted on. You walk over to Jake who is still on the ground.
"Are you okay, baby?" you ask leaning over him.
All you hear is a soft groan of what sounds like pain, you ask again,
"Are you okay, Jake? Say something."
He groans again and feebly raises his hand and crooks a finger for you to come closer and you lean farther down. Suddenly, Jake's arms snap up and grab you, pulling you down on top of him.
You squeal,
"No fair, I thought you were hurt."
"My pride is, it's not every day someone pulls out ninja gymnastics moves to evade a tackle while I end up on my ass."
"You liked it. If your ass is hurt I can massage it later."
"I'll hold to that promise later."
He lets you go and you help him stand up.
The football game breaks up as everyone filters into the house for more food and a drink. Jake and you are behind everyone else and you pull at Jake's sleeve to step out of the halo of the porch light. You wrap your arms around his neck and lean up for a kiss. He kisses back with just enough passion to not start something you can't finish till later.
"What was that for?" he asks, smirking, as he breaks the kiss.
"Can't I just kiss my boyfriend?"
"True, but you seem like you want to say something."
"I was just going to say, thank you for inviting me to Texas. It's been one of the best holidays I've ever experienced."
He runs his thumb across my check, "They're only going to get better from here on out."
"I do," he mostly says inside the next kiss.
He starts to laugh,
"So, 100 percent chance that at least three of my aunts are staring out the window seeing what we're up to."
"Now I'm starting to feel embarrassed."
"Don't be, they're just a sucker for a good love story. Here's the brilliant part, is that if we turn around fast enough we'll catch them and they'll be more embarrassed."
You laugh and he says,
"On 3, I'll turn around and you can jump this way, 1,2,3!"
You execute Jake's plan and his aunts look like birds trying to escape a cage, two just give up and pretend that they were just casually talking by the window. Jake and you double over laughing, he takes your hand and leads you inside. The nosy aunts have scattered from the back door area by the time you enter the house.
The get together winds down pretty shortly after the football game breaks up. You help Sharon and Tom load up the car and say goodbye to everyone.
As you're saying goodbye to Nonna, she waves for Jake to lean down so she can tell him something,
"Next time I see you two, there better be a ring on her finger. Elsa, if he's hemming and hawing, give me a call and I'll set him straight."
You barely conceal your laughter and give Nonna a hug,
"Welcome to the family, Elsa. You can tell how much Jakey loves you and you love him."
The ride back to Jake's house is quiet and calm. All the good Italian food and wine is making you sleepy. It's about 10 pm when you get back and get everything unloaded. Tom and Sharon head off towards their bedroom and Jake and you climb the stairs to his room.
You walk in before Jake and flop on the bed, the day and the food making me very sleepy. The bed sags next to you and you roll over to face Jake.
"So what was the whole thing with Nonna's sauce?" you finally ask.
He laughs,
"It's a family tradition, maybe superstition. When I learned to make it Nonna said it was a very powerful recipe and to only make it to catch the person you want to marry. She said, 'It worked for me, your mom, and all her sisters and it'll work for you. This goes back generations of happy marriages.'"
"You made me your Italian grandma's magic marriage sauce on our third date?" you ask, incredulously. Jake's face blushes a little bit as he takes your hand.
"Yeah, I knew I was feeling something I hadn't felt before and you are a once in a lifetime kind of woman, to quote Maverick, so I thought if Nonna's special sauce could help why not try it."
"You are such a closet romantic"
"Only for you, babe, only for you."
"You are a once in a lifetime man, Jake Seresin. A once in a lifetime man that I would like to cuddle up with and go to sleep with."
"That sounds like an excellent idea."
The last thing I remember is the soft kiss Jake gives you on your forehead.
Chapter 13
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iremi678 · 1 year
So this idea has been floating around my head rent free for a while and demanded to be written.
“Now.” The toad continues after trying to shove her bullshit down their throats. “If there are no questions, you may begin to read chapter one.”
Ed raises his hand at the same time as Hermione.
“Yes Mr. Elric” She calls on him, deliberately ignoring Hermione. Ed’s sure she’ll come to regret that.
“I’m curious, is there going to be a practical portion of class?”
“Of course not!” She exclaims, affronted by the very idea of actually learning something useful.
“Then the only material that will be covered is in the book?”
“Yes. The ministry feels there is no need to teach you something so dangerous.”
“I’ll be sure to inform the Fuhrer of this. I’m sure he’ll be very interested in the Ministries method of teaching.”
She has the nerve to look proud of herself.
“Especially since the ministry seems to be hellbent on sabotaging your next generation.” That wiped the grin off her face. Ed gives her a smug smile.
“Why- why I’d never!” She exclaims indignantly at the accusation.
Ed lounges back and gives his best imitation of Mustang’s, you poor stupid person look. And seeing he’s often on the receiving end of it, there is a lot of source material to pull from.
“Your ministry is knowingly and intentionally ensuring the students have no way to protect themselves.”
“And what, Mr. Elric, would they need to defend themselves from?”
It’s a dare. She’s trying to bait him into saying Lord Asshat is back. But Ed has played this game too often to take the bait when it doesn’t benefit him in any way.
Harry, however, hasn’t learned that lesson yet.
“Oh I don’t know?” Harry interrupts, and Ed just wants to bang his head against a wall at the boy’s stupidity. “Voldemort?”
The toad's face turns this interesting shade of reddish purple that’s very unflattering. Well-- more unflattering than her normal face at least. “How dare you spread such lies and slander. Detention Mr. Potter. You are perfectly safe, the ministry will not tolerate such lies.” “Then I suppose Cedric dropped dead of his own accord.” Ed suppressed a groan, why does Harry insist on digging himself into a bigger hole? It may be hypocritical considering how often he’s done the same, but at least he either outranks the asshole, or they’re too terrified of him, Mustang or both of them to do anything. The first person who gave him trouble when he first joined was suddenly arrested for corruption.
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out how that happened. But Harry has none of these and is only going to make things worse for himself. 
“What happened to Mr. Diggory was a tradg-”
“It was murder!”
“Not to interrupt” Ed breaks in before things get any more heated. “But the danger I was referring to wasn’t lord what’s his face.”
“There is nothing you need to be afraid of Mr. Elric. The ministry is perfectly capable of protecting you and the students.” “So you plan to assign every student a bodyguard?” He mockingly raises an eyebrow at her. “I wasn’t aware you had such resources.”
“Why ever would we do that?”
“Well, that’s the only conceivable way I can imagine the ministry being able to protect students who aren’t allowed to defend themselves.”
“I’ve told you repeatedly Mr.Elric” Her irritation leaking into her voice. “That there is nothing you need to worry about.”
“And you seem to forget, Professor, that I am a State Alchemist. Meaning I work for the government, and have done so for years. I’m the one they send to catch the crackpot serial killer of the week. I’m the one they send to other countries to fight their wars. They send me, because I am the best they have. And in all the countries I’ve been to, people tend to be generally horrible to each other. Murder, rape, torture, human experimentation. I’ve seen it all. And if you think the wizarding world is somehow exempt from that, you and the ministry are incredibly naive. But if you want to bury your head in the sand and pretend all is well, then that's your prerogative. It’s not my dumpster fire, I’m returning to Amestris after this year. You’re the ones who’ll have to deal with the inevitable fall out.”
“Detention Mr. Elric!”
Ed leans back and shrugs. “Doesn’t make what I said any less true.”
“I’ll be informing the minister of this.”
“You go right ahead.” He waves off her threat uncaringly. Like Mustang will actually do anything. 
 “I doubt the Fuhrer will be pleased with your attitude.” She tries again, caught off guard by his lack of care.
“Hey it's been almost a week and I haven’t caused obscene amounts of property damage or an international incident yet. The bastard’ll probably make it a national holiday. I can see the headlines now, ‘Hero of the People goes one week without destroying anything, it’s a miracle’ or some such bullshit. You level a mountain once and they’ll never let you live it down.”
“A mountain?”
“It was in the way.”
“Of what?!” She asks incredulously.
“The idiot emperor was tired of people fighting over it, something about mining rights, so he decided if they couldn’t act like adults, then he’d just get rid of the problem. So he asked me to destroy the mountain and make a new city out of the material. No more mountain, no more annoying whining. It also had the added benefit of creating a new trade route.” 
It was also a not so subtle threat to the other clans to keep them in line. Because, ‘do what I tell you to or I’ll call that insane alchemist who destroyed a mountain because I asked him to’, is great motivation to stop dumbasses from getting any ideas. That and the constipated look the bastard got when he realized he couldn’t yell at him about it was fucking hilarious.
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PUNK ROCK ORIGINS: From 1982 to 1984 Propaganda was a punk zine, featuring bands such as Fear, Black Flag, Flipper, Bad Brains, Kraut, and UK Decay. Club coverage included New York venues such as A7, the Mudd Club, CBGB, and the Peppermint Lounge. Fred Berger, the magazine’s founder and publisher, really followed the DIY (Do It Yourself) ethos as its sole contributor – doing all the photography, writing, layouts, production, and distribution singlehandedly. After that, others came on board to help grow the magazine as it evolved into a goth, darkwave and industrial publication. Propaganda wasn’t going to go down with the collapsing hardcore punk scene, and eventually expanded into a mass circulation periodical, which remained in print until 2002. The two Mohawk girls pictured here are Lisa (left) and Claudette, a daring duo who slam-danced and partied like there was no tomorrow. They appeared in the “Mohawks Have More Fun” photo essay in Propaganda’s debut issue in the Winter of 1981/82. The photo of the skinhead berserker posing with the Mustang Mach 1 appeared in Issue #2’s “Hardcore & Horsepower” pictorial, which was inspired by the 1981 film The Road Warrior. In fact, it was this seminal movie, as well as Fear’s devastating performance on the Saturday Night Live Halloween show that same year, which motivated Berger to launch Propaganda in the first place. PHOTOS BY FRED BERGER, 1982. (Posted May 3 ’23)
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eternallytired17 · 3 months
Find the Word
Rules: Share snippets of your work containing each of the words the previous poster selected for you (optional addition: if you can't find the word in your WIPs, or you simply don't have any WIPs, you can just write a sentence around the word)
Thank you @johnslittlespoon for the tag, I love these!
My Words: train, water, blood, stare
Your Words: hair, rough, world, light
Laurien had made a point to pack warmly, with as many winter coats, scarves and wool socks as she could fit in her suitcase. She was utterly thankful for this decision while she sat in the train compartment, feeling her cheeks begin to sting as the cold outside air seeped in through the small cracks in the glass of the window. Packing had been a rather difficult affair, considering how Sean had developed the habit to swiping things from her open suitcase and putting them back into the drawers when she wasn’t looking. His covert antics had elongated the process immensely until she finally caught wind of it the third time she’d packed her black scarf. Remembrance (X-Men: Alternate Timeline on ao3)
“Please, please, please.” John moaned loudly, the pleading words spilling from his lips like a waterfall. “Please, Gale. I need—.“ Gale quickly clapped a hand over John’s mouth, muffling the pretty begging beneath his palm. “Will you be able to keep quiet?” He inquired lowly in John’s ear. “I’d rather not have the entire Ton coming to see what the racket’s about.” Amongst the Vines (Masters of the Air/Bridgerton on ao3)
With the help of his long legs, John swiftly found himself at the mouth of the maze. He lingered at the entrance, the surge of desire pulsating through his bloodstream making him feel light-headed. During their two weeks apart, he’d found himself frequently imagining Gale taking him roughly over one of the chaise lounges in the Duke’s master bedroom. He could practically feel his large hands digging into John’s hips as he pounded into him relentlessly from behind. John had spilled over his fist many times, simply by thinking about Gale’s hands upon his skin. Amongst the Vines (Masters of the Air/Bridgerton on ao3)
A litany of heated words sat ready on Viserra’s tongue as the taste of copper slowly filled her mouth. Her eyes caught a glimmer on her grandsire’s hand, and spied the ring inlaid with the sigil of House Hightower upon his finger. Her lip stung, and she was certain that it had been split by the blow. Viserra spat a mouthful of blood upon the ground, eliciting a slight gasp from where her mother stood, but she refused to look her way. Instead, she levelled her gaze at her grandsire, holding her tongue against the surge of anger that thrummed through her body. Viserra stared in silence, letting blood run freely from her lip and down her chin, and it was only when she saw the slightest waver in his expression that she finally turned and left the Hand’s chambers. House of the Dragon WIP
Tagging @swifty-fox, @bucking-mustangs-with-wings, and anyone else who would like to take part!
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jacksonroseroth · 2 months
~The Price~Chapter 35~
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Moodboard made by @badwolf-in-the-impala none of the pictures are ours
Thatcher carried her all the way out to the barn before he set her down and grabbed a thick jacket, wrapping it around her and zipping her into it. He chuckled as she narrowed her gaze at him then stuck her arms through the sleeves. Turning her around, Thatcher led her down the double row of stalls, the horses sticking their heads out, nickering and neighing as they passed. Taddie patted them all on the nose, lightly, before she stopped at the stall of a beautiful black stallion that nudged at her shoulder, nickering loudly at her until she began petting him.
The stablemaster quickly got the stallion, aptly named Black Beauty after the horse in the movie, out of the stall and saddled up before doing the same for Thatcher’s horse, a spotted Mustang named Tyge. The pair climbed on and took off, Thatcher leading the way. They rode side by side at first, Thatcher telling her little stories about different snow covered spots on the property of when he and his brothers were young. A few races took place between the pair, but Thatcher had the upper hand as he’d grown up doing the same races with Tristan and Theo. For two hours, Thatcher led her over most of the property before they returned to the barn and walked back up to the house.
Taddie laced their fingers together as Thatcher led her up to Luna’s room, opening the door to all three women sat in salon chairs, in black fluffy robes with a P  over the left breast. Taddie turned to him to ask what was going on, but Leah and Luna were quick to their feet, going to her and holding up a fourth black robe that was meant for her. Thatcher managed to give her a quick kiss goodbye before the cousins pulled her into the room, also showing her an ivory colored and black lined silk lounge set. Leah quickly undid her robe to show it off as Luna explained they had made them especially for Christmas each year, then they shooed Thatcher away to get ready for their girls spa day to get ready for Christmas dinner.
After having massages and facials, Taddie’s hair and makeup was done. Her curls were finger rolled and set as someone did her makeup; Taddie telling them to do a smokey eye with gold accents, not wanting to spoil the surprise of Jaq’s outfits. Once they were ready and waiting for their men to come and grab them, Leah and Luna began putting Taddie in a number of outfits of their own, Leah trying to get a feel for what Taddie liked. As she turned around in a very revealing dress of Luna’s, there was a knock on the door and a maid opened it, Thatcher walking in, thanking her with a smile, then stopped and stared at Taddie as she smiled and laughed with the girls. Her curls were perfect ringlets that bounced at even the slightest movement and the gold in her makeup made her green eyes pop even more, sparkling as she laughed.
Thatcher stood back and remained quiet until she finally did a final spin and let out a small scream when she turned and saw him. Her cheeks went red as he laughed and went to her, Taddie tugging at the open parts of the dress, making sure she was covered. He took her hand and spun her around once before tugging her closer, making her giggle and bite her lip, lightly. Teasingly, he thanked Luna for the dress and scooped her up to head for the door, but walked in a circle as all four women protested and jeered at him while they laughed. After he set her down, Luna led Taddie to the closet to get her changed, lending her, instead, a very nice, deep red dress, with a few petticoats; The perfect dress to wear to the parade. Thatcher marveled at her and held her close as they thanked the girls and left, going to Thatcher’s room so he could change as well.
Once Thomas picked up Lara and Theo ‘kicked out’ his brother, saying a warm and gracious goodbye to Leah, everyone quickly dressed and met in the foyer. Taddie shifted around and picked at her dress as she stood with Thatcher while they waited for Tyr and Tora, the couple soon descending the stairs. Tyr was dressed in a nice black and red pin striped shirt with a pair of black slacks, Tora in a matching floor length lace dress, with her dark hair done up enough that the greying roots of the underside were visible. She greyed with grace and poise, Taddie expecting nothing less; Tora looked stunning. With the family now all together, they filed out the front doors and into a stretch limo, taking off toward town.
The family had reserved seats right at the start of the parade route, with Finn and Fiona pressed up against the rail like the other children as they cried out in awe and excitement. As their favorite floats passed, the twins slipped down and wound up sitting on Taddie and Thatcher’s laps, cheering for the parade. Taddie saw how Thatcher was around, not only his niece and nephew, but the other children that seemed to know the twins and ran over to say hi and watched the parade for a while before running back to their parents. He was excited and happy to talk to them, ask about their Christmas, if Santa visited them. He was so gentle and kind with these children, she could tell he wanted a family of his own; He wanted what his older brother had, what he’d seen his father have. Love and a loving family.
Taddie suddenly felt guilty about their earlier conversations and truly began to ask herself if she could pull down her walls a little more and really trust this man enough to make this real and give it an actual chance. She went over the last week in her mind, especially when Jack showed up and how he had remained glued to her the entire night, made sure she and Ash felt and were safe. He took her past with her ex seriously, and for that alone, she didn’t want to leave Thatcher. Taddie felt safe and protected around him, something she never truly had since she lost her parents and she was grateful Thatcher seemed to be giving it back to her. But now, she began to wonder just how much he would be hurt if she decided to leave and it was something she wasn’t okay with. She shook the thoughts from her head to enjoy the end of the parade, the family quickly leaving once it turned to continue through the town to go back to the mansion and get ready for their guests that had slowly begun to arrive.
Taddie sighed as Thatcher unzipped her dress and helped her out of it, scratching over her bare back making her let out a relieved moan. Thatcher chuckled and stripped his clothes as well, watching her go to the bed and fall back onto it. He chuckled and went to her, easing down beside her and sliding a hand over her stomach, brushing his thumb over her scar, lightly. She turned her head to him and smiled, turning to him and snuggling closer as she slid her fingers over the sides of his face as he said, “Tired? It’s been a long day.”
“Mhmm-But I’m excited for everyone to see the dress. Leah and Luna are gonna love it. Is Tristan still taking pictures of us?” Taddie asked with a soft giggle. Thatcher nodded as she kissed over his cheek and scratching at his stubble.
“I haven’t asked him yet, but I know he will. Let me know whenever you want to leave after my father makes his toast, ja? We’ll come back and pack and we’ll go home-” Thatcher started before she slid her fingers over his lips, giving him a sweet smile as she shook her head and said, “We don’t have to leave right away. The bar is closed tomorrow still, right?...Then we can stay another night, it’s okay. We don’t have to run.”
“It’s not running…I’m approaching my limit with my family.” Thatcher said with a light laugh as Taddie shook her head, rolling her eyes, lightly, before she stood with a giggle. Thatcher pushed himself up with her, tugging her between his legs and she slid her hands over his shoulders. “I’m glad you came with me, Taddie. Thank you. You’ve made this trip a lot better than it’s been in the past.”
“Thank you for inviting me, Thatcher. Thank you for all of this. This--This has probably been the happiest I’ve been in a long time.” Taddie said, threading her fingers through his hair before dropping a kiss to his lips, Thatcher wrapping his arms around her waist as he kissed her back. Breaking the kiss, she brushed her nose against his as she whispered, “Come on. We need to get dressed. You have guests waiting.”
“Fuck ‘em. They can wait.” Thatcher joked with a smirk, making them both laugh as he held onto her as he stood, carrying her to the closet and stealing numerous kisses between her giggles. He set her down and lifted a hand to her curls, his smile lifting wider as he said, “You know you’re going to have every eye in the room on you tonight? Kitten, you’re going to look gorgeous.”
“Then you’d better not leave me. Ever. I’m serious.” Taddie said with a nervous giggle as Thatcher chuckled and nodded, dropping another kiss to her lips before he said, “I won’t. Trust me. Not looking the way you do, every single man will want you.”
“But I only belong to you tonight.” Taddie said, lifting on her toes to press a deep kiss to his lips. He kissed her back and held her hips against him until she pulled away and said, “Take your suit and go. We don’t see each other until we’re fully dressed.”
Thatcher chuckled and nodded before leading her over to his watch box, opening a drawer beneath it and taking out a large, slim, rectangular box and handing it to her as he said, “I will…When you open this. Merry Christmas, kitten. Wear it all tonight?”
“All? What is it?” Taddie asked, giving him a skeptical look before taking the box and turning it around to open it. She let out a gasp, covering her mouth; Inside the box, sat a gold necklace with a ruby dangling from it, in the middle were two ruby earrings and a ruby and diamond ring set in gold. “Thatcher!-”
“You need something to match. You’re wearing gold. Put the sapphire away for the night. Wear these, yeah?” Thatcher said as she looked up at him with a look of both adoration and chastisement for buying her more jewelry. “I know you said you never wear it, but wear it tonight. The set can stay here; You’re gonna need some kind of collection for dinners.”
“You have to stop spoiling me like this…” Taddie said with a small pout of acceptance as Thatcher kissed her cheek and gave her hips a squeeze before he pulled away. She closed the case and set it down as she watched him grab his garment bag and walk out, closing both doors behind him. Taddie took a deep breath and a wide smile spread across her face as her vision blurred, slightly. She sniffled and let out a giggle before she went to the stack of boxes of shoes she was gifted by the cousins, finding a pair of short black strappies she knew would look perfect with the dress. She quickly changed into a strapless, black lace bandeau bralette and matching panties before she wiggled into the dress and zipped it up as far as she could before easing down onto a bench to strap on the heels.
After putting on the earrings and clasping on the necklace, slipping the ring around her right ring finger, she went to the closet doors and called through, “Are you dressed? I need you to zip me up, Patch.”
“Almost, love…I can still zip you?” He called back with a light teasing chuckle. Taddie’s lips twisted around in a smirk before she said, “Come to the doors and close your eyes. I was serious-No looking until we’re both dressed. Full effect.”
“Jesus Christ, kitten…Alright.” Thatcher laughed, his chuckles getting closer to the doors until he said, “Alright, I’m here.”
“Are your eyes closed?”
“Yes, love.”
Taddie giggled and turned around before she opened the doors and glanced over her shoulder at him. Thatcher stood there, waiting, and Taddie reached back to take his hands and guide them to her back. As his fingers felt around for the zipper, he dropped his lips to her shoulder, kissing over her skin as she giggled and said, “Zip me up, not feel me up, honey.”
“Can you blame me? Knowing what you’re gonna look like? You’re gonna be lucky if I don’t jump you at the party tonight.” Thatcher growled against her skin, tugging the zipper up and latching the hook above it. He dragged his hands down her back, then up her sides, making her shiver as he pushed his hands over her hips. She giggled and bit her lip, leaning back against his touch.
“Stop. We’re gonna be late…Mmm-I can’t wait to be back at the apartment. Be as loud as I want.” She cooed back at him. He chuckled against her neck before leaving a trail across her skin. “Finish getting dressed, sweetheart.”
“Yes, my love.” Thatcher chuckled, sliding his fingers under her chin and turning her to him, their lips sliding together in a slow kiss. They both chuckled and Taddie turned pushing him out and closing the doors before she opened her eyes and bit her lip. “Come out, kitten. I won’t look at you, I swear. Don’t shut yourself up in the closet before we leave.”
“Promise? I’m not looking at you.” Taddie said with a chuckle.
“I promise. Come out, Princess-Look--I’m going back to the bed, all I have to do is put the jacket on and do my tie.” Thatcher said, his voice moving away from the doors as Taddie smirked and giggled. She pulled open one of the doors and peeked out, seeing him by the bed with his back turned. With a light giggle, she slipped out and hid herself behind one of the posters of his bed, leaning her back against it and smiling to herself, feeling giddy and her cheeks heat. She felt butterflies in her stomach and excitement bounce around in her chest. They’d seen each other in their outfits before, but now that it was time for the party and she’d more or less be presented, she felt like a school girl with a crush that got asked to the dance for the first time.
“Your hair looks good. You decided to take it down?” Taddie asked, staring down at her nails, smoothing the pads of her fingers over them.
“Yeah. You said you like it down--I had it up all day for my parents. It’s Christmas, my father can’t be too upset.” Thatcher said with a soft chuckle. She laughed along with him and cocked her head toward him, though she couldn’t see him. She tilted her head back against the poster as he started to mutter to himself as he struggled with his tie. After a few frustrated sighs, he called out to her, “Angel? I need your help…”
“Close your eyes.” She said in a sing-song tone. He let out a soft scoff as he said, “So, you get to see me but I can’t see you? Sounds unfair, kitten.”
Taddie giggled and shifted on her feet as she said, “I’m going to be looking at your tie not your outfit-Do you want my help or not?”
“Please. My eyes are closed.” He chuckled. Taddie glanced around one side at him, then rolled to the other side, keeping her gaze down until she reached him, sliding her hand over his as she closed her eyes. She moved around in front of him, then slid her hands over his abdomen before opening her eyes to look at his tie hanging around his neck. She rubbed her fingers over his chest before she pressed a kiss to his neck. “Excuse me, Miss. You’re supposed to be tying my tie, not kissing on me.”
“I am tying your tie. You were supposed to be zipping my dress. I think I can touch on you if I want.” She cooed at him. Thatcher chuckled and slid his hands over her hips, rubbing his thumbs over them. Taddie giggled and quickly did up his tie, gently sliding the knot up to tighten it. “There…So, you’re ready now?”
“I think so, kitten…Can I look now, love?” Thatcher asked as she took a few steps back from him and he caught her hands. Taddie giggled and nodded as she said, “Yes, you can look now…Mmm-Patch, you look really good in that color.”
Taddie slid her gaze over him and bit her lip as her eyes connected with his as they opened, then watched him look her over. His brows drew together as he let out a slow whistle and dropped one of her hands to spin her around then pull her close as he said, “Gud, you look even better than the first time. Taddie, you look amazing, angel. I don’t even wanna leave the bedroom--Damn, Princess…”
“Oh, stop it.” Taddie giggled, squeezing his arms as she looked away, bashfully. Thatcher turned her head back to him and kissed her passionately, sliding his hand over her lower back, bending her over, slightly, and holding her close to him. She giggled and clung to him as he stood them straight and nipped at her lower lip before he took her head and lead her to the door, the pair of the chuckling together as they hurried down the hall.
Let me know what you guys think! <3 If you'd like to be added to the taglist, send me a message!
Taglist: @badwolf-in-the-impala @sweetwombatpizza
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ourletsbeweirdtogether · 11 months
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Can I please be in Season 5? I have a character idea. If you have a scene of Nancy in Emerson, I would like to be her roommate. She would be named Grace. She would be a rocker/tomboy, she would wear a lot of black, leather, denim, concert shirts, Converse, Vans, Doc Martens, black eye makeup, maybe black lipstick, Manic Panic hair dye, have great taste in movies and music, drives a black vintage 60s Mustang, and would wear this dark purple Emerson sweatshirt when she’s lounging around or pair it with a leather jacket when she and Nancy go out. @netflix
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kylo-wrecked · 1 year
Wood shavings. Moth balls, something chemical in still quiet. Just grazes.
Place smells colder than it is.
The Bat waits even so. Reasonable cause hiding in his caliber - (Getting the readouts on some of this guy's pricier hardware, but it takes a few seconds and digital thumbing, file after file. After file.) - but that's not what has his shadow suspended across a faux pad/lounge with its complement of eclectic, not-quite rock-and-roll joints and a couple Fenders. (Thinks it's a Mustang that catches his eye, but easier to move on as stillness grows. Expands.)
He's not so sure nobody's home.
The Bat departs from the limelight; this blood orange glow that drenches the trailer (so-called) from somewhere outside. Scouts a chalk scuff of blow on a glass table. Shadow exhaling over carpet; couch; crystallized lid where glass becomes a code-locked cartridge within table's core.
Starting to nose out a tinge of panic here. All this. It's in the secrecy.
Velvet noises, skin on skin rustling over Egyptian linen. You can hear the quality of the sheets if you really listen. The small breaths passing from one mouth to another.
Toward the back of the trailer, a tinge of panic and something else—restraint. And then it shifts, this restraint. This dark braid of unrefined energy comes slowly, foot by foot, from behind a shoji screen. 
The disdainful scowl, the surly pout, the cut of his profile, hollowed by too much work, too much party, too much time under fluorescents in studios. One would have to live in a cave not to recognize his face, but at any rate, Ben Solo, who ordinarily wouldn't be caught dead in sweats, stands shirtless behind the double-barrel of a firearm, squinting at the umbrage kneeling by his glass table. 
Dark as it is, it's easy to spot the ears. And behind that, the lattice on the ol' Kylo Ren helmet.
"You got to be fucking kidding me," he hisses. "You? Even you come sniffing my way. This city."
He snuffs, skims the drop of shadow between them, pallid behemoth navigating his grotto with scotopic vision, eyes wet and black in a temporary brume of amphetamine-induced aniridia, mutant coach gun raised, the needle of the serpent's tail poised to strike. 
"Reallyritzyfuckingtown, Gotham, par Southside." Grinding his teeth as he tracks the Bat with the barrel, Ben shakes his head. Whispers, "No, don't move. Hands where I can see them. I know what you're trying to do."  
He tracks; he moves with military poise. It's not acting. Click, and that thing, that custom no one, least of all Ben Solo, should own, is loaded, locked, locked, loaded, like the corners of his jaw. 
"Where was I when whatsisface died tonight?" His grin catches in that famous everlasting Gotham red. "Yeah, I know all about that. It's news. I'll tell you. You gotta hit the Iceberg for anything that's not fucking Drops, and it's shit. You think I'm panicking? TryIjustsnortedalumpofuckin'dryice. Jesus. I can't fucking work in this place. I have a set in two days. Gonna be in limbo, trapped in this      fucking     place for two days before that, before I get to live for a few hours. And that's touring, iswhatitis-done. But last year, I heard some pyromaniac freak called Firefly burned the west stage down, and everyone died."  
Serpent's eyes narrow, shining with a joyless kind of mirth. Snake voice with the merest baritone timbre rolling beneath. 
"So, I left this trailer at twenty-three-hundred-hours-to-buy drugs, Batman. Picked up some rocks from this other freakshow called the Penguin, which you already know. There's your answer. That's what you wanted. Now you got it, at the cost of wasting both our time. Now get the fuck out."
Gun to the hatch; and one has to wonder how the fuck he got in; but in Brooklyn, Ben saw rats like five feet tall. What was a six-foot bat in boots? Just another day in the fucking city. 
"Go on, Bat. That's stage left there." He gestures with the shotgun he now lowers out of a radiant, misplaced sense of chivalry. "Beat it. You bother me." 
Then, the panic the Bat clocked when his shadow passed Ben's threshold makes its voice known: "Babe? What's going on?" 
A feminine voice and Ben freezes. Thaws, his face contorting momentarily into a hellscape of wrath. He raises the gun again, cocks it at the cape. Sniffs. 
"Man, you're really fucking up my night."
The voice, keening: "Ky-looo?"
And Ben, seeming like he might turn on his heel, walk the five or so feet, and jerk the barrel through the Shoji blinds: "Shitting fuck." (More to the Bat, almost apologetically). "I told you, do not fucking call me that. What?" (Acidic, spitting, meant for the bitch too high to notice or care that there's a strange man decked out in high-tech rave gear hiding in Ben's trailer).
The panic in the voice melts into Halcion bliss: "I'm waaaait-ing." 
"You'll keep waiting... there's V. on the bottom right. On the tape. Top up and touch yourself. I need to handle this."
"MMmndf, handle whatttt?" 
"A giant bat."
"OhmyGod, grossssss." 
Ben keeps his eyes and his gun on Mr. Cloak and Dagger, unflinching, unimpressed. 
"It's just a bat, 'babe.'" He grins and blows The Bat a little plump-lipped goodbye kiss. "Don't worry. If it doesn't fly away after a friendly, animal cruelty-free chat, I'll shoot it right between its eyes, slice it up, and eat it off your ass like sashimi."
Trailer's like a vent. Oh, if that gun went off. The colors, the sound.
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thehappywun · 10 months
From a fortnight ago, Al Harper Band…joined by SF/Oakland recording stalwart Jason Kick playing a ‘68 Mustang bass upside down because he’s that good…Al is one of the best “soft rock” stylists going and along with Hectorine, are a great reminder of the tremendous diversity of sounds here....and I won't even pretend I am documenting more than a small fraction of it.
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f1 · 1 year
F1 star Daniel Ricciardo helps Ford drop a bombshell with a radical all-new Mustang Mach-E SUV
Think Daniel Ricciardo didn't hit the track at the Australian Grand Prix? Think again! How Aussie F1 star helped Ford drop a bombshell with a radical, all-new Mustang SUV Mustang Mach-E does 0-100kmh in 3.7 seconds Ford's first all-electric vehicle for Australia  Addition to famous brand goes on sale this year  By Shayne Bugden For Daily Mail Australia Published: 02:05 EDT, 5 April 2023 | Updated: 02:05 EDT, 5 April 2023 One of the biggest stories out of last weekend's Australian F1 Grand Prix was the fact Daniel Ricciardo wasn't going to turn a wheel in anger on the track now that he's Red Bull's reserve driver - but that was wide of the mark. The local hero did get a couple of hot laps around Albert Park, but not in the all-conquering RB19 - instead, he was behind the wheel of the scary-fast Ford Mustang Mach-E SUV. The Blue Oval's first all-electric passenger vehicle for the Australian market was right at home on the main straight, as Daily Mail Australia can attest after riding in one of the three vehicles that tackled the circuit just ahead of the grand prix. Ricciardo had a ball as he drove the flagship model Mustang Mach-E GT (pictured) around the Albert Park track after marvelling at its ridiculous pulling power  The Mach-E GT makes 358Kw and an incredible 860 Newton metres of torque - propelling it to a Ferrari-like 0-100kmh time of just 3.7 seconds With a stunning 358kW of power on offer, the flagship Mach-E GT hurtles from a standstill to 100kmh in a claimed 3.7 seconds, which is the sort of rare territory usually occupied by supercars like Ferrari and Lamborghini. No other Ford on sale in Australia will be able to touch that figure - including its petrol-powered V8 Mustang cousins.   The other key to that incredible quickness is the vehicle's 860 Newton metres of torque, which prompted Ricciardo to say, 'I don't even know how much that is - and I still don't know how much an F1 car makes!' as the GT was unveiled to a crowd on the Albert Park infield. With acceleration so intense it makes you feel like you're being shoved back into your seat by a professional wrestler, the new Mustang made short work of the straights.  It's an SUV, but not as we know it: The GT features all-wheel-drive for incredible traction, magnetic suspension - and a striking panoramic sunroof (pictured) The three-model Mach-E range will go on sale in Australia later this year Ford's new SUV features a luxurious interior that comes complete with a touch screen that's so big it could double as a lounge room television set It doesn't corner like you'd expect an SUV to, either, thanks to its state-of-the art MagneRide suspension and exceptional brakes - although Daily Mail Australia's driver, Aussie Formula 3 star Christian Mansell, can take some of the credit as well. Inside, the electric Mustang is the opposite of a race car, packing all mod cons - including a touch screen up front that's so large it could double as a lounge room television. There's also a huge panoramic sunroof for all three Mach-E models, with the rear-wheel-drive Select and Premium joining the all-wheel-drive GT in the line-up. Range is always a big question with electric cars and the Select clocks in at 470km, with the Premium lasting close to 600km on a charge and the GT - which goes through its available power faster due to its focus on performance - good for 490km. Ricciardo was on hand for the launch after Ford and Red Bull announced they are partnering up to develop a next-generation hybrid power unit for use in F1 starting from the 2026 season. And he obviously had a ball in the GT on the track as he caught up to the back of Daily Mail Australia's car and seemed to be glued to the rear bumper bar, flashing that famous smile of his as the Mustangs hurtled into turn one.  Share or comment on this article: F1 star Daniel Ricciardo helps Ford drop a bombshell with a radical, all-new Mustang Mach-E SUV via Formula One | Mail Online https://www.dailymail.co.uk?ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490&ito=1490
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nonoprojects · 1 month
Bangkok Stays for Every Type of Traveler
All the accommodations below provide a unique experience. From heritage-rich establishments that echo the city's storied past to boutique treasures brimming with character, these accommodations promise to elevate any stay in the Thai capital. Whether for a brief getaway or an extended holiday, these hotels cater to diverse tastes and preferences, ensuring a memorable experience in one of Southeast Asia's most dynamic cities.
Heritage and History
These hotels deeply connect to Bangkok's past. They feature historic architecture, vintage decor, and timeless elegance. They are ideal for travelers who appreciate cultural richness and historical charm.
Mandarin Oriental Bangkok
With over 140 years of history, the Mandarin Oriental Bangkok symbolizes luxury and tradition. Situated along the Chao Phraya River, this iconic hotel has welcomed literary figures, celebrities, and royalty. The rooms and suites, recently refurbished, combine classic elegance with modern comfort, offering stunning river views and luxurious amenities such as marble bathrooms and rich Thai silks. Dining at the Mandarin Oriental is an unparalleled experience, with options ranging from the Michelin-starred La Normandie to the riverside Terrace Rim Naam, where traditional Thai cuisine is served. The hotel's world-renowned spa in a century-old teakwood mansion offers traditional Thai therapies in a serene setting. Renowned for impeccable service and a rich legacy, the Mandarin Oriental provides a luxurious connection to Bangkok's storied past.
The Mustang Blu
The Mustang Blu, located near Chinatown's vibrant Soi Nana, is a boutique hotel steeped in history and character. Housed in a building dating back to the 1800s, it has served various purposes, including a Chinese medicine dispensary, a bank, and a massage parlor. It has been transformed into a quirky retreat filled with European antiques, exotic taxidermy, and vintage decor. Each of the ten rooms is distinct, featuring large marble-clad bathrooms, roll-top tubs, and balconies that overlook the bustling streets of Chinatown. Despite its historical charm, the hotel offers modern comforts like Netflix-equipped smart TVs and high-speed Wi-Fi. The Mustang Blu appeals to those who appreciate a blend of retro chinoiserie and contemporary luxury, providing a unique and immersive experience in one of Bangkok's most historic neighborhoods.
Bangkok Publishing Residence
Tucked away in Bangkok's Old Town, Bangkok Publishing Residence offers a boutique experience steeped in history. Set in a former printing factory, the hotel pays homage to its past with a lobby that doubles as a museum, showcasing vintage magazines, antique printers, and other memorabilia. The eight rooms are individually styled, blending retro aesthetics with modern comforts like plush mattress toppers and Bluetooth speakers. The rooftop garden provides a peaceful escape with a hot tub and a small library lounge. Despite its central location, the hotel is soundproofed, offering a quiet retreat from the city's bustling streets. Bangkok Publishing Residence is ideal for history enthusiasts, design lovers, and those seeking a culturally immersive stay in one of Bangkok's most historic neighborhoods.
Room at Bao Hao
Nestled in Bangkok's Chinatown on Soi Nana, Room at Bao Hao combines historical charm with contemporary comfort. Housed in a renovated former rice mill, this boutique hotel features two distinct rooms, each offering an intimate experience with views of the surrounding neighborhood. The Santiphap Room on the top floor includes a private balcony overlooking the sacred Trimit Temple, providing a serene space for relaxation. The first floor of Bao Hao houses an Oriental-style bar, where beers and Chinese-inspired comfort food are served. Communal spaces include a shared living room with a 55-inch TV and a pantry stocked with local treats. With its proximity to key attractions such as Wat Saket and the Jim Thompson House, Room at Bao Hao offers a culturally immersive experience in the heart of Bangkok's vibrant Chinatown.
The Siam
The Siam is a luxurious riverside retreat that blends the elegance of Art Deco design with traditional Thai hospitality. Located along the Chao Phraya River, this boutique hotel offers an oasis of tranquility amidst the bustle of Bangkok. The suites and villas are spacious, each uniquely designed with private courtyards, plunge pools, and lush gardens, creating a serene environment for guests. The Siam is also home to the Opium Spa, offering a range of treatments designed to relax and rejuvenate. Dining at The Siam is an experience, with Chon Thai Restaurant serving authentic Thai cuisine in a beautifully restored teakwood house. The hotel's riverside location provides stunning views and easy access to Bangkok's cultural landmarks, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a culturally immersive and tranquil escape. Whether lounging by the pool, enjoying a sunset cruise, or exploring nearby royal palaces, The Siam offers a luxurious and serene retreat.
Boutique Charm
These boutique hotels provide personalized service, distinctive designs, and a warm, inviting atmosphere for those seeking intimate, unique stays. They are perfect for travelers who value character and individuality.
Amdaeng, often celebrated as Bangkok's most romantic hotel, stands out with its striking vermillion-red exterior. Situated along the Chao Phraya River, this boutique retreat exudes charm and intimacy, making it a favored choice for couples. Each of the ten rooms is individually designed, featuring antique furniture, four-poster beds, and balconies offering breathtaking river views. The hotel's design is a harmonious blend of historical and modern elements, creating a unique atmosphere that feels both luxurious and personal. Amdaeng's rooftop terrace and riverside setting provide the perfect backdrop for a sunset drink, while the nearby Lhong 1919 community offers Sino-chic dining and shopping options within walking distance. This hotel is an ideal destination for those seeking a romantic, intimate escape with a touch of historical charm.
Hidden in a leafy alley near the bustling Siam district, GalileOasis offers a peaceful retreat in one of Bangkok's most creative neighborhoods. The hotel occupies a cluster of old shophouses, retaining much of their original charm while incorporating modern wooden touches and lush greenery. As part of a larger creative complex, which includes an art gallery, record shop, and co-working space, GalileOasis serves as a vibrant hub for artists, creatives, and travelers looking to immerse themselves in Bangkok's cultural scene. The guest rooms are airy and bright, featuring vintage wooden floors, large windows, and stylish bathrooms. The hotel's intimate atmosphere and focus on creativity and community make it an ideal choice for those seeking a unique and culturally rich stay in Bangkok. Whether exploring nearby art galleries or enjoying a quiet moment in the hotel's garden, GalileOasis offers a charming and tranquil escape.
Public House Hotel
Located in the trendy Phrom Phong area along Sukhumvit 31, PUBLIC HOUSE is a recent addition to Bangkok's boutique hotel scene, designed to be a multi-sensory experience. This eight-level retreat offers a range of facilities, including rooms, a restaurant, an open bar, a podcast lounge, and a co-working space catering to the needs of modern travelers. The hotel's design blends mid-century comfort and modern industrial touches, creating a visually striking and comfortable environment. Guests can enjoy a wide range of dining options at FEST, the hotel's restaurant serving over 60 dishes, from vegan wood-fired pizza to mango sticky rice. The rooftop venue, THE MOOON, transforms throughout the day, offering a poolside lounge daily and vibrant fireside cooking at night. PUBLIC HOUSE is ideal for those seeking to blend work and leisure with its lively atmosphere, eclectic design, and focus on community.
Luxury Escapes
These luxurious hotels offer world-class amenities, exceptional service, and serene environments. It is ideal for travelers indulging in high-end comforts and sophisticated elegance.
The Peninsula Bangkok
The Peninsula Bangkok epitomizes luxury, offering a refined escape on the banks of the Chao Phraya River. The hotel's rooms and suites are elegantly designed with rich Thai silks, teak wood floors, and marble bathrooms, all offering stunning views of the river or city skyline. The Peninsula's holistic approach to wellness is evident in its extensive spa and fitness offerings, including traditional Thai therapies, yoga classes, and a state-of-the-art fitness center. Dining at The Peninsula is an experience, with various restaurants offering everything from authentic Cantonese cuisine at Mei Jiang to elegant Thai dining at Thiptara. Guests can also explore Bangkok from a unique perspective, with the hotel's restored rice-barge ferries offering scenic river cruises. The Peninsula Bangkok is an ideal destination for discerning travelers seeking a blend of relaxation, luxury, and urban energy, providing a seamless experience of comfort and sophistication.
Capella Bangkok
Capella Bangkok offers a serene and luxurious escape along the Chao Phraya River, providing a tranquil retreat from the city's bustling streets. Opened in 2020, this hotel features 101 spacious rooms, suites, and villas, each designed to offer tranquility and comfort. Most rooms provide stunning views of the river, while the private riverfront villas include lush gardens and plunge pools, creating a sense of secluded luxury. Capella Bangkok is known for its discreet and sophisticated atmosphere, making it an ideal hideaway for those seeking world-class hospitality. Dining at Capella is a highlight, with breakfast at Phra Nakhon offering a variety of buffet items and made-to-order dishes that cater to global tastes. The hotel's serene setting and luxurious accommodations make it a top choice for travelers seeking a peaceful and elegant escape in the heart of Bangkok.
The Sukhothai Bangkok
The Sukhothai Bangkok is a luxurious oasis in the city's heart, blending traditional Thai elegance with modern comfort. The hotel's newly renovated garden suites and exclusive Club Wing provide a tranquil escape amidst the bustling city. Guests are greeted with personalized service and enjoy top-notch amenities, including plush bathrobes, modern in-room technology, and an infinity pool. Dining at The Sukhothai is exceptional, with the Michelin-starred Celadon restaurant offering an enchanting Thai dining experience. This hotel is ideal for travelers seeking a blend of luxury, tranquility, and world-class hospitality in the heart of Bangkok. The Sukhothai's serene gardens, reflecting pools, and open-air galleries create a peaceful environment, perfect for unwinding after exploring the vibrant city.
Anantara Siam Bangkok Hotel
Anantara Siam Bangkok Hotel offers a grand and luxurious stay in the bustling Ratchaprasong district, reminiscent of iconic hotels like the Peninsula Hong Kong. Originally built as a Peninsula property, it has transitioned through several luxury brands before becoming Anantara's global flagship. The hotel stands out with its grand lobby, spacious rooms, and diverse dining options, including the famous Sunday Brunch. The Anantara Spa, outdoor pool, and prime location make this hotel ideal for tourists and business travelers seeking style, comfort, and convenience. Whether visiting for business or leisure, Anantara Siam ensures a refined and memorable experience, offering the perfect blend of modern luxury and traditional Thai hospitality.
Urban Retreats
These modern, stylish hotels are perfect for those wanting to immerse themselves in the vibrant energy of Bangkok while enjoying the comforts of contemporary design and top-tier amenities.
Kimpton Maa-Lai Bangkok
Nestled near Lumphini Park, Kimpton Maa-Lai Bangkok offers a tranquil yet vibrant retreat in the city's heart. This modern hotel is surrounded by lush gardens, which is perfect for those who want to experience Bangkok's energy without sacrificing comfort. The meticulously soundproofed rooms and floor-to-ceiling windows provide panoramic city views, while the rooftop infinity pool and sauna offer relaxation even amid the bustling city. Kimpton Maa-Lai Bangkok's dining options are equally impressive, with venues like CRAFT and Ms. Jigger offering a range of culinary delights. This hotel is a top choice for travelers seeking a luxurious and contemporary stay, combining the vibrancy of Bangkok with the serenity of a garden oasis.
The Standard, Bangkok Mahanakhon
The Standard Bangkok Mahanakhon redefines the luxury hotel experience with its bold, eclectic design and vibrant atmosphere. Situated in Bangkok's tallest skyscraper, this boutique hotel offers adventurous travelers a modern, cosmopolitan retreat. The hotel's rooms are designed with quirky, vibrant décor, and guests enjoy access to four restaurants, a whimsical tea room, and the highest rooftop bar in Bangkok. Located in the heart of the city's CBD, The Standard is perfect for those looking to immerse themselves in Bangkok's energetic nightlife while enjoying contemporary comforts and top-tier dining. The hotel's dynamic events and lively ambiance make it a hotspot for creatives, fashionistas, and those seeking a unique and energetic urban experience.
Public House Hotel
Located in the trendy Phrom Phong area along Sukhumvit 31, PUBLIC HOUSE is a recent addition to Bangkok's boutique hotel scene, designed to be a multi-sensory experience. This eight-level retreat offers a range of facilities, including rooms, a restaurant, an open bar, a podcast lounge, and a co-working space catering to the needs of modern travelers. The hotel's design blends mid-century comfort and modern industrial touches, creating a visually striking and comfortable environment. Guests can enjoy a wide range of dining options at FEST, the hotel's restaurant serving over 60 dishes, from vegan wood-fired pizza to mango sticky rice. The rooftop venue, THE MOOON, transforms throughout the day, offering a poolside lounge daily and vibrant fireside cooking at night. PUBLIC HOUSE is ideal for those seeking to blend work and leisure with its lively atmosphere, eclectic design, and focus on community.
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progiftreview · 5 months
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