#My Mom a Satyr fucked my Dad a Mermaid
snackugaki · 1 year
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i swear to fuck i know how to draw shit that isn't turtles who are mutants and also ninja who live in the sewers of new york city
don't... don't fucking look at my backlog that's just more turtle fanart shitposts—  dontlookatme
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lovethyfanperson · 7 years
All the Greek god asks?
Uhh, Okay!Zeus: What’s your name or nickname?Reese! It's not my birth name, but it's the name I go by on TumblrHera: Where are you from?America!Athena: How old are you?I am 16 going on 17Hephaestus: When is your birthday?November 6thAphrodite: What’s your relationship status?I am taken, and have been for a year and three monthsPoseidon: What are your pronouns?I use all pronouns except for the term "it", I find it degradingzDionysus: Are you and extrovert or an introvert?IntrovertDemeter: Do you have any pets?I wishApollo: What kind of music are you into?I don't really have a music type... i like songs from all genres and artists. Artemis: What do you first notice about new people?Eyes and hairHades: What’s a big fear of yours? Being left alone and forgottenAres: What’s a big pet peeve of yours?People throwing an arm around my shoulder. There are few people who are the exception.Hestia: Where do you consider home? The TheatrePegasus: Last movie you watched?Kingsman: The Golden Circle Mermaid: Last tv show you finished?Finished? Uh... Teen WolfCentaur: Last book you read?Read or finished? Read, it's "The Fever Code". Finished, it's "The Yellow Brick War"Siren: Last song you listened to?Don't Go Away (Remastered) by OasisGorgon: Last thing you ate?A watermelon Blow PopCyclops: Last time you cried?Uh, yesterdayMinotaur: Last time you were truly happy?Monday when I saw a movie alone with my bfSphynx: Last text you sent?An "ok" to my dadChimera: Last call you made?To my mom yesterday to tell her rehearsal was overGriffin: Last thing you did before going to sleep last night?Texted my boyfriend goodnight because I do that every night.Nymph: Last dream you remember?I was at this really demented version of Disney land. I'll tell y'all the dream later if you'd like, it would make for one hell of a story!Satyr: Last time you couldn’t stop laughing?I was laying with my boyfriend cuddling and I just started laughing and couldn't stop. He's used to this by now.Heracles: Have you ever had a dream come true?Well I used to dream about my crush kissing me and that happened so yeahTheseus: What is your worst regret?Not joining Theatre Freshmen yearPerseus: Have you ever been arrested? NopeCadmus: Have you ever had your heart broken?Yes. I don't really like to talk about it, but I'll just say I had a crush on a good friend who found out.Achilles: Have you ever had to be hospitalized?Yeah, two summers ago I had a bad UTIActaeon: Tell about a memory you wish to forget.My boyfriend having to kiss another girl for the school playBellerophon: Have you ever passed out?Yeah. Right in front of my fsmily. We have a hallway that connects to the kitchen, and one of the walls is this giant closet with sliding doors (and the doors are mirrors). I was walking down the hall to get to the table for dinner (we have dinner together every night) and I passed out in the middle pf the hall and hit my head on the mirror. My dad yelled "WHAT THE FUCK"Agamemnon: What is an achievement you’re proud of?Being in almost all the productions I have auditioned for (with the exception of the first one I ever tried out for)Oedipus: Have you ever been in love?YesJason: Have you ever travelled abroad? Where?Nope. I wishAtlanta: Have you ever stood up for someone else?Every day sweetheartHippolytus: Tell an experience you will never forget.I got to help create an original play with the help of other theatre students my age, act in it, and perform it for not only my family, but my boyfriend's family, and my theatre teacher. And a whole bunch of other people.Trident: Who are your favorite people?My boyfriend Laurens, my parents, and my best friend.Lightning Bolt: What are your top three favorite movies?Grosse Point Blanke, Ant-Man, KingsmanSun Chariot: What is your favorite mythological creature?OOOOOO, I really like Cerberus, Valkyrie, Sirens, and my social life.Lyre: What are your top three favorite songs?Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls, Brighter by Patent Pending, Breaking the Habbit by Linkin ParkCaduceus: What is your favorite color?Maroon at the momentAegis: What is your favorite book or series?Either Percy Jackson and the Olympians or Dorothy Must DieScythe: What is your favorite tv show?Teen WolfBident: What is your favorite way to spend free time?Writing, or snuggling my boyfriendHarpe: What are your top 3 favorite places?Home, the Theater, anywhere w/ my boyfriendCornucopia: What is your favorite place to eat?A place called Britos they have some HELLA good friesWinged Sandals: What is your favorite thing to do when you hangout with your friends?Play games, watch videos, or see plays/musicalsGolden Fleece: What is your favorite animal?PenguinOlympus: Describe your dream job.Simple - novelist. Or a baker.Tartarus: What’s a short term goal you hope to achieve?Uh... Finish five chapters for my book before the end of the semester.Underworld: Describe your dream vacation.Disney World with enough money to get a few things for myself and my friends, and where my best friend or my boyfriend (or both!) are with me to enjoy the experience.Styx: How would you like your life to look like in 10 years?Finished my first book, in a healthy relationship, financially stable (one can dream)Athuna: If you could live anywhere in the world for the rest of your life, where would it be?I would live in/close to New York so I can see shows on BroadwaySparta: Do you have a bucket list? If so, what’s on it?Act in a professional musical/play, write a book or two, meet Matt Smith, meet all three broadway Ben's, meet Jeremy Jordan.Elysium: If you could have a superpower, what would it be?ConfidenceOgygia: Describe your dream husband/wife/life partner?Troja: What is the craziest thing you wanna do before you die?Eat a cookie, and then... eat another cookieThe Labyrinth: Have you ever died and came back to life as a vampire? Shit, how'd u know?Delphi: Are you currently doing anything to pursue your dreams?Writing an original story that is not yet titled, but is saved in my google docs as "My parents are Dead", in which I use musical character names as place fillers for my characters so I can name them later.
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lil-loucifer · 7 years
All greek myths you fool
Why are you like dis
GODS: Life
Zeus: What’s your name or nickname?
I go by “Lou,” but I have plenty of nicknames. You, for instance, call me “Lulu”
Hera: Where are you from?
Athena: How old are you?
Just turned eighteen B)
Hephaestus: When is your birthday?
July 19.
Aphrodite: What’s your relationship status?
Single af
Poseidon: What are your pronouns?
Dionysus: Are you and extrovert or an introvert?
I am very much an introvert.
Demeter: Do you have any pets?
Two asshole dogs.
Apollo: What kind of music are you into?
All kinds of shit, honestly!
Artemis: What do you first notice about new people?
Whether or not they annoy me?
Hades: What’s a big fear of yours?
Being alone and unwanted and worthless!! :D
Ares: What’s a big pet peeve of yours?
They kinda come and go depending on the situation.
Hestia: Where do you consider home?
Uh... Probably my house, I guess? 
Pegasus: Last movie you watched?
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (It just got released on Netflix so I finally got to watch it ewe)
Mermaid: Last tv show you finished?
Uhhhh fuckin Young Justice, probably
Centaur: Last book you read?
The Dark Prophecy. 
Siren: Last song you listened to?
Almost Human, by Voltaire
Gorgon: Last thing you ate?
Some pop-tarts?
Cyclops: Last time you cried?
I dunno, honestly, but I can tell you it as within this month >:D
Minotaur: Last time you were truly happy?
I don’t really know tbh
Sphynx: Last text you sent?
A good night text to a friend :P
Chimera: Last call you made?
Probably to my aunt to tell her I finished an errand -_-
Griffin: Last thing you did before going to sleep last night?
Uhhh, things. 
Nymph: Last dream you remember?
I always default to the Naked Chris Evans dream.
Satyr: Last time you couldn’t stop laughing?
My sister fuckin told me about the time my dad asked my mom out, it was hilarious
HEROES: Experiences
Heracles: Have you ever had a dream come true?
Not really, I don’t really have dreams.
Theseus: What is your worst regret?
Repressed ._.
Perseus: Have you ever been arrested?
Almost! :D
Cadmus: Have you ever had your heart broken?
Hell yeah I have! >:D
Achilles: Have you ever had to be hospitalized?
Nah, I’m a lucky boy
Actaeon: Tell about a memory you wish to forget.
A web of lies and deceits he weaved around his friends, his loved ones, all to preserve his own pride. That fucking piece of shit. 
Bellerophon: Have you ever passed out?
Agamemnon: What is an achievement you’re proud of?
I have literally just been wasting oxygen my entire life~
Oedipus: Have you ever been in love?
Jason: Have you ever travelled abroad? Where?
I’ve travelled to the Philippines with my mom when I was like, five or six. I spent have the trip in a fever haze :P
Atlanta: Have you ever stood up for someone else?
Yeah, I think? We never spoke again after that, so...
Hippolytus: Tell an experience you will never forget.
Alright, soo, in senior year of high school, I signed up for an elective science class right? It was fuckin’ forensic science, so yeah, I know a few CSI techniques, like, you ask me to dust somewhere for prints, I’ma fuck it up, but I know how it works.  But that year, the higher-level science classes had to do a fuckin presentation to the sophomores and shit, to encourage them to sign up for science classes even after they’d fulfilled their graduation reqs for science. 
Anyways, one of the courses the presentation would involve was Forensic Science. I signed up to be in the presentation group so I could ditch classes the whole day, and it was pretty hype. 
So, there were a bunch of science kids backstage, preparing little experiments and showcases to show to the audience; like, the chemistry kids had a small smokescreen, the AP Physics kids had something involving wind socks? And the fuckin Marine Bio kids had a fucking skull from a shark. I shit you not. 
And then there was us. Forensic fucking Science. So, our teacher, Ms. P., she was in charge of hosting the damn show. So, I guess she was so caught up in the planning for it that she forgot to suggest a showcasing for us. So when the presentation team for Forensic Science, by far the largest group of six, compared to the other’s average of two or four, talked to our teacher to ask what we should say and/or do, she replied “I don’t know, improvise?” 
So we improvise. Our routine got better throughout the day, but it would normally start like this: I say in my best creepy tone of voice “Hello everybody, we’re here to talk to you about murder,” and briefly go over what the rest of the people in my team would do, then they talk about the technical aspects and the activities, a little bit of what we learn, one guy makes a reference to pop culture, and then we finish it off with a shitty pun. Then we’d go backstage again and wait until the last presentation, Marine Bio, finished up their part, and go back onstage to answer any questions the audience might have about the classes. 
Now, we didn’t really have much visual aid, compared to the other sciences. The AP Chem kids wowed people with their home made smokescreen, the Physics kids did some kind of breathplay shit, and the Marine Bio guy let the audience pass the shark head around so they could get a better look at it.
The most riveting thing my group had was, apparently, me. Like, really. Standing next to the other forensic science kids, I was basically Abby from NCIS, meaning I stood the fuck out my dyed hair and actual Forensic Science class shirt I wore just for the occasion, and I behaved in the most weird/interesting manner I could manage. So naturally when we go back up on stage for the Q&A session, the one person who had questions about Forensic Science, directed his questions towards me. Now, that shouldn’t be a problem for someone who knew shit about the class.
The thing is, it was fuckin me. I didn’t know JACK SHIT. So I had to fuckin improvise. 
“What kind of cases do you get in Forensic Science?”
Fuck. Shit. We haven’t done any mock crime scenes yet. Fuck.
“Well, we uh... We get a huge variety of cases, scenarios, situations and the like, Ms.P. changes it up all the time. ...Uh, you feel me?”
Then someone else stepped in to save my dumb ass, and I hung my head and moped back to the group. Everyone finished up asking their questions, and we had to remain on stage while the audience filed out to leave. 
But then, the Marine Bio guy dashed up to the mic podium and worriedly said, “Yo wait, guys, where’s the shark head?” 
He never got the shark head back. 
So the Marine Bio guy’s freaking out, he jumps off the stage to look for the shark head, and the Ms. P. turns to me and says, in the most serious tone of voice, the funniest thing anyone hasever said to me: 
“Find the head.”
And after a few objections, I left to lead the Forensic Science team to find the head.
Since I’m a shitty leader, they didn’t listen to me, so I tried to profile the crowd on my own. 
So after several disastrous attempts at finding the shark head, a guy from the Forensic Science team, Don, says “Guys, I found the head.” 
Turns out one of the guy’s friends was the last one to hold the head, so he just snuck backstage and left it on the Marine Bio guy’s bag. 
MAGICAL ITEMS: Favorites  
Trident: Who are your favorite people?
My close-ass friends, like you
Lightning Bolt: What are your top three favorite movies?
NOT “The Lightning Thief.” 
1: Wreck-It Ralph
2: The Kingsman movies
3: Patch Adams
Sun Chariot: What is your favorite mythological creature?
I got nothing, sorry
Lyre: What are your top three favorite songs?
Caduceus: What is your favorite color?
Blue or black!!
Aegis: What is your favorite book or series?
Percy Jackson holds a special place in my heart.
Scythe: What is your favorite tv show?
Lucifer, on Fox
Bident: What is your favorite way to spend free time?
Video games, probably
Harpe: What are your top 3 favorite places?
1: Borders Barns & Noble Whatever fuckin bookstores we’ve got left
2: Somewhere quiet and dark and lonely. 
3: Where the food is
Cornucopia: What is your favorite place to eat?
...In my room?
Winged Sandals: What is your favorite thing to do when you hangout with your friends?
I dunno, I don’t really have friends to hang out with :P
Golden Fleece: What is your favorite animal?
Cats and dogs!!
PLACES: Goals and Wishes
Olympus: Describe your dream job.
Just fuckin chilling? I dunno. Something quiet, but not too boring. 
Tartarus: What’s a short term goal you hope to achieve?
Graduate college?
Underworld: Describe your dream vacation.
Styx: How would you like your life to look like in 10 years?
Stable job, reliable income, close friends and confidants. I hope to be able to properly comprehend and acknowledge my own emotions one day.
Athuna: If you could live anywhere in the world for the rest of your life, where would it be?
I think I’m good where I am.
Sparta: Do you have a bucket list? If so, what’s on it?
Not really.
Elysium: If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
Mimicry of skills, abilities and powers.
Ogygia: Describe your dream husband/wife/life partner?
Top trait: Low standards
Troja: What is the craziest thing you wanna do before you die?
The Labyrinth: Have you ever died and came back to life as a vampire?
Yeah, totally.
Delphi: Are you currently doing anything to pursue your dreams?
I don’t have dreams -w-
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