#My SP headcanons vibrate here
inevitableshott-aa · 5 years
a starter for @cvpidgalore
      Before their Stand User could even enter the establishment, Sex Pistols rushes inside. The belted out her name in a chorus that echoed on deaf ears. Far too excited to see the woman in question, the jetted right in her direction.
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“It’s really Angel!”    “Hi, Angel!!” “We missed you!”
     Numbers One, Two and Three were the first to reach her. Each took place taking up her field of view. It was Six and Seven that landed in her luscious locks. The two Pistols were always careful, they all were, not to tug or rip her hair out. Simply, the loved how soft and bouncy the curls were. 
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       Then came a sob from the odd one out.
      The Number Five hovered a bit more back. From how it seemed, Five wanted to join the rest of the Pistols in greeting the young woman but hesitated. That could because of the young man that finally entered his usual groups section of the restaurant. “Hey!”
       Mista stood a the doorway entrance, a finger pointed at the scene. “Get off her, guys! It’s rude!!” he spoke in a harsh and almost parental tone. Now, he was no father to his Stand, but with how immature and impulsive they acted at times, they occasionally acted as if they were young children. They lacked the social queues needed in normal human settings. So, ever so often, Mista had to put his foot down. This just so happens to be one of those times.
That and it was incredibly embarrassing. 
      All but Five ignored their User and continued to gush over the woman. This only sparked Mista’s irritation further not having his Stand listen to him. Pinky and pointer slipped into his lips and a harsh whistle shrieked, catching the Numbers attention in a gasp.  Having their attention, Mista repeated, “I said, it’s rude. Get off her.” he asked in a harsh breath. 
       Five was immediately at his side while the others sunk, looking defeated and giving stubborn glances to one another. Slowly, one by one, they began to pull back from Angel, muttering in pouts and glares at their User.
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monoxidecahedron · 4 years
running low
I wrote this in forty-five minutes last night and actually edited it today! can you believe it? no neither can I. anyways this one’s for the girls aka @neptrabbit and her amazing headcanons. contains hamgelica but it’s not the main focus of the story, just some general fluff featuring alex & co.’s terrible habits. mention of past jefferson/hamilton and jefferson/angelica. please enjoy.
“Oh hey Peggy,” Alexander says blearily, looking up from the mound of books, papers, loose pens and assorted office supplies he’s buried in. The youngest Schuyler sister smiles cheerily at him despite the late hour as she enters, shutting the door behind her with her heel. Catching sight of his giant mug of coffee (a gift from Eliza, who immediately regretted enabling his all-nighters) and smaller, empty ones scattered around him, she laughs. “Coffee? That’s gonna give you a heart attack someday and then I’ll get to say I told you so as you die on the floor,” she says. Alex rolls his eyes. “Sugar is sooooo much better,” she continues. “I’ve still got a fuckton of Halloween-sized assorted bags and Laf bought me some peppermints and Skittles so I’m all set. Didn’t even have to buy any myself!”  Ah, he thinks, so that’s why she bounded into my study at- a glance at the digital watch on his wrist- one A.M. in the morning. 
“Pegs, that shit will kill you too,” he grumbles. She shrugs. “Maybe, but for now I’m hyper as hell, feeling GREAT and I’m actually going to get some work done!” He watches her plop onto a beanbag in the corner and promptly fall out, giggling. “Oops!” The next few tries all end up the same way and around the fifth time she gives up, spreading her papers on the floor and lying down in front of them. Alexander sighs and goes back to work.
It only lasts for about five minutes (well, he thinks five minutes, time is a foreign concept to his coffee-soaked, exhausted mind) before another Schuyler bursts in. “Cowards!” Angelica Schuyler crows, computer held aloft. “You’re all weak-minded cowards. Coffee, sugar? I rely on nothing. I get by on sheer force of will and spite alone.”
“Hey babe,” Alex says, not looking up. She laughs, seating herself on the other side of Alex’s desk. “Hello, dear. I see we’re both at it again.” 
There’s a loud huff from the floor. “We’ll see how well your ‘spite’ holds up when it’s five A.M. and you’ve spent all your energy keeping yourself awake,” she says. Angelica’s eyes glint, and even Alexander looks up at this. Just like him, Angelica Schuyler does not take challenges lightly. 
“Oh, you’re on.” 
And that’s how Elizabeth Schuyler finds them six hours later, wandering the halls looking for them. “Hey guys?” she calls as she swings Alex’s study door open. “You guys it’s breakfast ti-” She stops short. Peggy’s lying sprawled on the floor, face in her papers, snoring, stray candy wrapper in her hair. Alexander is still at it, just barely, mumbling incoherently and attempting unsuccessfully to lift a pen, nose brushing the desk.
And Angelica. Angelica’s face is scrunched up in determination, fingers still typing away at her keyboard, locked into focus even though her eye is twitching and she’s vibrating slightly. “Uh, Angie?” Eliza asks softly, stepping forward. “Angie? Hello?” 
Eliza has to physically wave her hand in front of the computer screen to get Angelica to snap out of it. Even then, she can tell she’s having trouble concentrating on her sister’s form in front of her for a few seconds until she suddenly seems to snap to attention.
“Did I make it?” she asks immediately. Not waiting for an answer, she looks around the room- first across the desk, where Alexander is still muttering, and then at the floor, at Peggy passed out on top of her French homework. 
“YES!” she shouts. Alexander jolts, and Eliza rushes to his side. 
“Oh my goodness, you all didn’t just try to out-sleep-deprive each other, did you?” she asks, worried.
“No, no, no, ‘liza dear,” Alex mutters, words still slurred, slouching in his chair. “It was just an- an exper- expurmint, we were looking at what’s most effective to keep people awake.” Eliza raises an eyebrow. “Really, Liz! We had- we had the- what is it? The varbles and everything,” he protests. The fact that his voice is barely above a mumble doesn’t help his case. “We were testing candy, coffee and- uh- what was it you said, Ang? Oh yeah something about, like, was it sp- spat- no- no, it was sprite? Uh-” 
“Spite?” Eliza offers. 
“Yeah! Yeah, spite.” 
Eliza sighs. “I can’t believe you roped Peggy into your little workaholic club,” she says. Alex shrugs. “Wa’n my fault. Pegz just wants to impress Laf. Plus she didn’t pay attention in class b’cuz Maria sits in front of her so she waited till the last minute to do her stuff.” 
“I-” Eliza takes a deep breath. “Okay. We’ll unpack all that later. For now- do you have an excuse? Were you trying to impress Washington or something?” 
Alex just shrugs. “I gotta get shit done,” he says. It isn’t much of an explanation, but Eliza can sense she won’t be able to get much more out of him, so she rounds on Angelica. “What about you?” 
Angelica shrugs too. “Gotta get shit done.” 
Eliza takes another deep breath. “Jesus, you guys. I almost wish either of you were still dating Jefferson so I could call him in here and get him to chew you out.” 
Angelica offers a guilty smile. “I could leave and then come back in again and yell at Alex?” 
“No, silly, you did this too,” Eliza reminds her. “I’m very mad at both of you.” She closes Angelica’s computer and walks over to Alex’s side of the desk, slowly sliding his papers out from under him. “You two are going to come and have breakfast, and then you’re going to take a nap. And then you’re going to never do this again.”
“But Liiiiiiiiiiizaaaaaaa,” Alex whines, trying to pull the papers back towards him. 
“No. No ‘buts’. This is unacceptable.” She tries to put on a stern face. It doesn’t work well. Alex just pouts harder, and she can see Angelica edging closer to the computer out of the corner of her eye. 
“I see you, Angie. Out. Breakfast is laid out in the dining hall- you know, on second thought I’ll just bring it to your bedroom. Go. Now.” Alex screws up his face. 
“What about Peggy?” 
“Peggy is asleep right now. She’s also younger, and more susceptible to these sorts of behaviours. You two know better.” Alex could have sworn he saw Peggy stick her tongue out from behind Eliza’s back at that, but she’s back to her sleep face in a second. He huffs. “Fine,” he says, petulantly. Angelica follows him out silently. 
Alex has a room in the Schuylers’ mansion, but he doesn’t sleep there much anymore, and even though neither he nor Angelica speak as they walk through the halls, they’ve both set a course for Angelica’s bedroom.
He stumbles slightly on a patch of carpet and Angelica grabs his shoulders quickly, holding him upright. He sighs, leaning into her touch, feeling her pull him closer. “C’mon,” she mutters. “We’re almost there.” 
They are, indeed, almost there, and they reach her bedroom without further incident. Angelica goes straight for her bed, collapsing onto the soft duvet and closing her eyes, sighing happily. Alex follows, making an attempt to spoon her from behind, but he’s too small and too tired to make an attempt to figure it out and she ends up turning, pulling him in and tangling their legs together, laughing quietly. He just snuggles closer, arms around her, and tries to let himself drift. Normally it’s hard for him to relax, let alone sleep, but there’s a fog of exhaustion and caffeine crash dulling his normally ever-active mind, and Angelica’s so warm, and she smells so nice, and he finds himself falling asleep before he knows it.
Eliza taps Peggy gently on the forehead. “Wake up, dear,” she murmurs. Peggy stirs, cracks one eye open. There’s a glint in her smile that clues her in immediately. “Peggy!” she admonishes, smacking her sister lightly. “You can’t just fake sleep to avoid consequences!” Peggy just grins, mischievous as always, but her eyes are tinged with bleariness, and Eliza picks her up with little effort or protest, nudging the study door open with her foot and carrying her out. Peggy hmms softly, shifts in her arms, and falls asleep again.
Eliza deposits her sister softly on her bright-yellow bed, making sure to tuck her in just lightly enough so she can still move around, and leaves, shutting the door with a quiet clunk. Once she’s outside, she leans on the doorframe for a moment, smiling. Her sisters- and a certain sister’s boyfriend- may be absolutely impossible, but she loves them anyways. 
By the time she enters Angelica’s bedroom with two plates of eggs and bacon, Alexander’s there just like she expected him to be, and they’re cuddling on the bed, wrapped in each other, not awake enough to have pulled the blankets over them. She sets the plates down on Angelica’s nightstand as quiet as she can and exits.
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division-m · 7 years
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gif originally posted by @idiotharringtons
Paring: Sweet Pea x Reader
Genre: Smut, Dom!Sweet Pea
Warning: Degrading, swearing, BSDM, just sin really.
Brief: ❝ I am currently writing part 3 of "The Merge" atm and I felt like tainting your innocent minds so here are some DOM Sweet Pea headcanons for all my sinners. This is hardcore dom headspace if this isn't your cup of tea please skip. Please Reblog and like :) it helps lot ❞
You teasing SP under the table while talking with Jughead and Toni over a milkshake.
Clearly your actions effecting him, he hisses into your ear;
"I’ll finger fuck you under the table right now then lick my fingers when I'm done I don’t give a fuck".
Sweet Pea catching you getting off without permission and grabbing away the vibrator;
“tsk tsk, baby, i thought you knew better, just couldn’t wait until daddy got home, hm? awh, don’t be scared. daddy’s just going to give you what you wanted.. after you’re finished on your knees.”
He can be lenient when you break his rules.. Or having you wish you followed his rules.
Yet, part of you always wants to break his rules because seeing him in dom headspace turned you on.
I mean angry Sweet Pea, would have anyone begging for forgiveness.
"you broke your rules again? baby, you know there are consequences for being a disobedient slut. maybe i’ll make you walk around with a vibrator in you all day, making it lower when you’re about to cum. or even fuck you until you’re crying pathetically and saying sorry, hm?"
Sweet's taking you aside from everyone just to describe what he wants to do with you tonight;
"i want to tease you, kitten. You want to know what I'm planning to do to you tonight? Hmm? i’ll tie your body up with rope, making sure it’s extra tight around your wrist and ankles. i’ll start by fingering that pretty pussy of yours, thrusting my fingers in and out as i ask, “who do you belong to,” I'll go even faster so you can barely say my name and all you can muster is a whimper"
Oh my god actually imagine him taking you into a empty classroom, just for him to sit on a desk and have you between his legs and he says that shit to you as he runs his hands along your body!!!!!!!.
He a fucking tease honest to god.
Also his eye contact would be no joke, his intensity has us all on our knees am i right? i am right. 
Since he told you of his little plan, you decided to tease him during school.
For two whole classes he couldn't take his eyes off you, and you loved it, you loved his attention.
"I know what you're doing, don't think i'm afraid of pulling you into the nearest bathroom and spanking that ass of yours red raw, so stop acting up you brat”   
Sweet Pea making you cum uncontrollably because he is showering you with unexpected praise, “you are such a good little slut. Nobody knows how to make my dick as hard as you do. My perfect little fucktoy. All mine”.
Sweet Pea laying spread eagle on the bed, “come here slut. Tonight is a special night for you. You get to use my cock however you wish to make yourself cum. My cock is your dildo tonight. Let me see how you fuck that slutty pussy when you do it by yourself”.
Imagine Sweet Pea being alone, yet he is still infatuated with the thought of you.
He wants to fuck you until you’re sore.
He wants to watch you roll your hips and grind onto his fingers as you cum continuously.
He imagines making you suck your mess off of his fingers as he leave hickeys all over your chest.
At this rate his hands are already taking down his boxers and he starts to imagine your pretty little moans as he imagines your hands were his currently are.
SP really into being into praising you and degrading you at the same time, it turned him on so much, and you couldn't get enough of it.
"you're being such an obedient little cum slut"
"you're doing so well, such a whore aren't you?"
"fuck, you look cute when you're a struggling, desperate mess"
Okay well that’s enough sin for tonight, I really need to write a full nsfw imagine but like, if your reading my series, I'm leaving all that good good for later on so like MHM
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sp4c3-0ddity · 7 years
i actually wrote college AU fluff that’s gen, for once. i would like to thank everyone in the Pidgance Positivity Discord for enabling my chemist Hunk headcanons
and I would like to apologize to Hunk for having to deal with Lance in lab
Read it on Ao3
or read all ~2500 words below!!
Hunk regretted telling Lance his lab section number approximately three minutes into the first experiment.
“Hey, Hunk,” Lance said from his own hood, “can I borrow your scoop?”
Hunk, scanning his procedure for the third time since he wrote it, glanced towards him and asked, “What’s wrong with yours?”
Lance held up the metal scoop. “It’s got these white spots on it,” he said, pointing to one. “What if they contaminate my experiment?”
Hunk raised an eyebrow, surprised by Lance’s concern, but rather than pass over his own scoop, he took Lance’s and looked at it more closely. “Uh, Lance,” he said, “these spots are calcium carbonate.”
“Which is…?”
Hunk pinched his lips together and carefully asked, “How the heck did you pass general chemistry?”
Lance stared at him for a beat before snatching the scoop out of Hunk’s hand and walking over to the sink, mumbling something about all his friends being jerks. And Hunk took advantage of his temporary absence to start setting up his experiment.
“You doing okay, Hunk?” Shiro, the TA, asked when he came over.
“Yep,” Hunk said. Now he held the separatory funnel in his hand, prepared to shake it.
“And you, Lance?” Shiro prompted.
“Peachy,” said Lance.
Shiro crossed his arms as he eyed Lance. “Then why aren’t you wearing your safety goggles?”
Lance’s separatory funnel almost slid from his grip, but he recovered it before it could fall. “I’m fine though,” he said.
“Then make sure you stay that way by putting on your goggles.” Shiro patted Lance’s shoulder as he passed, approaching another pair of students in the middle of their experiments.
Lance looked at Hunk. “You…wouldn’t happen to have an extra pair of goggles I can borrow, do you?”
Hunk sighed as he vented gas from his funnel and set in place, turning the stopper and draining the bottom layer of fluid. “I thought I reminded you to bring your own pair.”
“Yeah, well…I forgot. And then I thought hey, at least I avoid those red lines I get after lab.”
Hunk rolled his eyes. “Lance, one day you’re gonna be that guy that people tell stories about.”
“Sounds good to me,” Lance said, already busy with draining his own separatory funnel.
They worked in blessed silence for a good few minutes, at least until Lance said, “Hey, Hunk, I think I threw the wrong layer away.”
It wasn’t that Lance was completely inept, exactly. It was that Lance was inept at certain things…like chemistry, and Hunk, for the life of him, could not figure out why the hell Lance chose a major so heavy with it.
“I like marine biology,” Lance said once when Pidge asked him, “and marine biology needs it.”
Pidge, for her part, did not like chemistry and did her best to avoid it, though luckily her interests did not align with it beyond a single semester of general chemistry that she currently procrastinated. “I’ll take it next year,” she said if anyone asked, and then mimed gagging whenever she caught sight of Hunk’s and Lance’s organic chemistry textbooks.
“Chemistry is just applied physics, Pidge,” Hunk told her.
“Well, keep it away,” Pidge retorted, holding her computer over her head as if chemistry was contagious.
Hunk glanced at her computer screen, curious about what she worked on. “Pidge, is that file’s name Mordor?”
“Yup,” she said, glaring at him.
“What is it?”
“It’s the worst coding assignment ever,” she explained.
“And it does…?”
“Well, one does not simply code for Mordor, that’s for sure.”
Hunk took that as a pointed sign that he was invading her privacy and didn’t press her for more details. Odds were it was a differential equation solver…or something like that.
Lance, for once, elected not to participate in their conversation, instead keeping his eyes on the chemistry textbook open in front of him. He pressed his hands to the back of his head, looking focused, at least until Hunk noticed that his eyes weren’t moving and had glazed over.
“What’re you stuck on, buddy?” Hunk asked.
“Huh?” Lance glanced up at him. “Oh, hybridization. Why is a carbon with a double bond sp2 hybridized again?”
Hunk set to explaining, but Lance interrupted him, “Wait, wait, wait. What’s this about pi bonds?”
He looked at Pidge, though he knew beseeching her for help was pointless, and sure enough she focused on her computer again, mumbling something about for loops and iterations.
“You know what?” Lance said after Hunk tried yet again to explain the finer points of hybridization. He stretched across the table until his arms were on either side of Pidge’s laptop, forehead pressed to his open book. “Why don’t we take a break and get some coffee?”
“It’s four o’clock,” said Hunk.
“You don't even like coffee," Lance said.
Hunk looked between his friends:  from Lance, unfocused and annoyed, to Pidge, frustrated and open to his idea. So, despite the knowledge that he and Lance had a midterm in two days, he agreed.
“See, Hunk, here’s the thing,” Lance said as they left the lecture hall, their exam behind them, out of sight and out of mind, at least until the professor graded it. “This isn’t the right kind of chemistry.”
“Oh, yeah?” said Hunk, raising an eyebrow at him. “What’s the right kind then?”
“Well, you know…” Lance waved a hand dismissively. “The kind you have with someone, like romantic chemistry. Like what you and Shay have.”
Hunk rolled his eyes and said, “For the last time, Shay is just a person I met and admire.”
“She gave you a rock,” Lance pointed out with a smirk.
“She’s a geology major,” Hunk said.
“It was a very pretty rock,” Lance said. “There were those crystals on it.”
“See?” Lance elbowed him in the side. “You even remember! And I know for a fact you keep it on your desk.”
“All right, fine,” Hunk said with an impish smile of his own. But before Lance could gloat about being correct, he added, “I admire the rock she gave me too.”
“You—” Lance lightly punched his arm, and they both laughed.
Lab got even worse after the midterm when Keith switched into their section.
“What happened that you had to switch this late in the semester?” Hunk wondered.
To his amazement, Keith flushed red and admitted, “I…went out with the TA.”
Lance’s jaw dropped, and Hunk stared at him incredulously. “Like…on a date?”
“Yes,” Keith said tersely, but from the way he very pointedly set up his experiment without even glancing towards Hunk or Lance, he refused to speak further on the matter.
“Now Keith and his old TA had chemistry,” Lance grumbled under his breath.
“We have chemistry now,” Hunk said when he noticed how far behind Lance was in his experiment. He’d only just finished setting up his reaction in the sand bath, but Hunk’s was nearly done, the color inside the flask already changing.
To be fair, today’s experiment was fairly short.
But within a few weeks, Hunk noticed a pattern emerging:  Keith finishing first, and Lance’s work turning sloppier while he tried to catch up.
“You know it’s not a race, right?” Hunk told him.
“I know but I’m still gonna win,” Lance retorted as he scooped his reaction’s product onto a piece of weigh paper while it was still damp.
“You’re gonna get over a hundred percent yield if you weigh it like that,” Hunk pointed out.
“Even better.”
“So you’re okay claiming to create matter?” Hunk asked.
“Shiro doesn’t care,” Lance said. He put the paper on the balance and, without waiting for it to stabilize, jotted a number down in his notebook. “He only cares that we have a number.”
“Okay, this is true,” Hunk conceded, “but you do know that scientific accuracy is kind of…important?”
“Oh, now you sound like Pidge.”
Hunk rolled his eyes and gave Lance up for a lost cause, but he had his revenge when he ‘forgot’ to reply to a text message asking him to correct his post-lab report.
Somehow, Lance survived the lab that semester with decent grades on all of his reports – though Pidge predicted that it was all thanks to Hunk.
“You’re not even in our class,” Lance grumbled.
“I don’t need to be there to know it’s true,” Pidge retorted.
“Well, Pidge, I guess I can’t see that movie you wanted to see on Friday after all,” Lance threatened, arms tightly crossed.
“That’s okay,” Pidge said, sounding unbothered. “I’ll take Matt with me instead since he’s visiting.”
Lance narrowed his eyes at her. “Then I’m changing my Netflix password.”
Pidge’s eyes snapped from her physics textbook to his face. “You take that back!”
“Only if you take back what you said about Hunk enabling my grades!”
“Why would I take back the truth?” Pidge demanded. “What are you, the Catholic Church?”
“Oh, comparing yourself to Galileo again? How high and mighty of you, Pidge!”
“You understood that reference?” Hunk wondered, interrupting their budding argument and surprised despite himself.
Lance gestured towards Pidge, who rolled her eyes before returning her attention to her studying. And he said, “She’s used it before. I’m just adapting to her.”
“Then why can’t you remember what the Grignard reaction is?” Hunk asked, pointing to the organic chemistry notes spread out over the table between them. “We’ve been over it so many times.”
“Grignard?” Lance narrowed his eyes thoughtfully. “That’s the one with manganese, right?”
“Magnesium,” Hunk corrected, “but that’s closer than your last guess.”
Lance grinned. “Ha, I’ll ace the final then. Wait and see, Hunk.”
“There’s a really big difference between manganese and magnesium,” Pidge then pointed out. “I don’t have to have taken chemistry to know that.” But when both Hunk and Lance glared at her, she smiled sheepishly and added, “But good job, Lance.”
“Thanks, Pidge,” Lance said wryly. “I guess I won’t change my Netflix password after all.”
They had assigned seats during the final exam, so Hunk didn’t have to deal with Lance’s leg bouncing and vibrating the whole row of desks. But he did have to deal with the stress of seeing Lance finish before him, and wonder if he managed to answer every question on the exam or simply gave up.
Then again, it wasn’t like Lance to give up, even if he had no skill at something, which, well… They’d studied together every day for hours at a time for almost two weeks, and though Lance spent half that time distracted by one thing or another – usually a game on his phone or a conversation with Pidge – he still learned something.
Hunk ignored the anxious churning in his stomach as he returned his focus to the exam. He thought he’d paced himself quite well so far, but between the time on the clock and the questions he had left to answer, he started to doubt himself. It didn’t help that someone in the row in front of him kept swearing under his breath.
Chair, and…a boat, Hunk thought as he drew cyclohexane in its two most stable molecular configurations. He was careful to count sides on each shape, to make sure that the hexagons had six corners and the pentagons had five.
He would not lose points on mistakes that wouldn’t have happened if he’d paid more careful attention to detail.
Name the following organic compounds. Easy, Hunk thought.
Propose a synthetic pathway between the reagent and the product. Oh, and this one had suggestions.
By the time Hunk reached the last question, he was grinning, feeling better about this particular exam than he had about anything in the last eighteen weeks of the semester…at least until Shiro called time.
Hunk glanced up at his lab TA before writing his best guess for a question he’d barely scanned, then, after passing the paper over to the TA that collected them, he mentally calculated what his score would be based on questions he knew he got correct.
Well, at least he would pass, right?
Hunk walked with Keith out of the lecture hall; he tried to ask him what he got for that last question, but Keith said, “I’d rather not talk about it.”
“Why?” Hunk wondered, eyebrow raised. “Did your girlfriend tell you what was on the exam?”
“No!” Keith said quickly. “I just don’t like talking about exams after the fact.” He crossed his arms, and after a beat added, “And the TAs don’t know what’s on the test until we do.”
“I knew that,” Hunk said. “Shiro refused to tell us anything.”
He and Keith parted after that, and Hunk met Lance at the cafe on campus, where Pidge waited for them at a table in the corner. “What time did you have to get here to get a table?” Hunk asked her.
Pidge didn’t look up from the old history exam she held in her hand when she replied, “Two minutes ago.”
“Right on the hour, when people go to class.”
“Nice,” Hunk said appreciatively, sitting down right as Lance joined them with three drinks:  hot chocolate for Hunk, who didn’t enjoy coffee, black coffee for Pidge, who didn’t like milk, and iced coffee for Lance, who didn’t know the meaning of the word ‘cold’.
“So how do you think you did?” Lance asked Hunk.
Hunk sipped his drink, considering. “Not too bad,” he said. “I think I’ll get at least an eighty percent.”
“Not too bad?” Lance said. “I’d kill for that.”
“You’ll pass,” Pidge said after shooting a brief glance at him. “You’ve been studying your ass off.”
“Look who finally noticed all my hard work!”
“Your lab report grades might bring you down though,” Pidge continued as if she hadn’t heard Lance. She stared straight at him as she emptied three sugar packets into her coffee and drank deeply from it.
“I got decent grades on those,” Lance whined.
“Shiro’s an easy grader then,” Pidge said. “I saw your reports, and I may not know what half those molecules are called, but reports are supposed to be easy enough to follow. And yours were kind of—”
“Don’t say it, Pidge,” Hunk beseeched her.
Hunk sighed, but to his surprise Lance admitted, “I guess I could’ve done better, but I would’ve done a lot worse without Hunk’s help.” When Hunk threw a glance at him, he added, “I was in good hands.”
“That’s true,” Pidge agreed.
Hunk smiled, glad Lance could confess to needing his help in regular conversation, but the smile disappeared when Lance said, “Oh, yeah, that reminds me:  which section are you taking next semester?”
Hunk wondered if it was too late for him to drop out.
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