#My axe aint as big but believe me I get it
transgenderknothead · 3 years
I know I've been gone for like ever, but I was working on something super cool, so without further adieu... I Want the Truth a creepy pasta fanfiction just under 2k words!
Truth is undefinable, yes it has a definition, not lying, but how do you determine what’s a lie and what isn’t? It’s difficult, especially when you get different answers from the same person. My mother always tells me I have no memory due to various different accidents. First she said car crash, then she said nearly drowned, then it was kidnapped, her current story is that I had been in a coma for most of my life due to a birth defect. When I ask why her story keeps changing she says she isn’t quite sure what is causing my memory loss, as all of those things happened. My friends and I were hanging out at the old children’s mental hospital, it had burned down about four years ago and ever since my friends and I would go and try to figure out why and how it had burned. So far we had found nothing, nothing that was in one piece anyway, we had found three shattered skull fragments and a lot of broken wood. We’d searched all over the building, except for one room, which we could never open. It was a metal door, that when we tried using axes, hatchets, and even random pieces of wood nearby, they fell apart before even reaching it. We have no idea what’s on the other side, but it feels important, and because my friends are stubborn, we will never stop trying to open it or get inside. “Again!” Toby, my boyfriend, yelled when the head of his metal axe fell off when it made contact with the door. “At least this time we hit it,” I rubbed his shoulder as he slumped, “and it looks like you even dented it.” “If his noodle arms dented it, imagine what I could’ve done,” his athletic twin brother, Evan, flexed. “I don’t know, why don’t ya punch it, see what happens,” Toby argued. “Would you two knock it off,” their 14 year old little sister Jessy rolled her eyes, “what did Mom and Dad say about you arguing all the time?” Toby rolled his eyes, a tiny smile appearing when we made eye contact. “We should head back,” I piped up a little. Back at the house Toby and I went into his room, separated from his twin by a curtain, the tall boy flopping onto his bed. “Are you okay?” I rubbed his back. “Something about that room just,” he rolled over, pulling me with him, “I don’t know, it makes no sense.” “What is it?” “It gives me a weird gut feeling,” he scratched my back lightly, “like something bad is behind it.” I had woken up in the middle of the night, bolting up in bed next to Toby. It was always the same nightmare. I’m sitting in a pitch black room, a fuzzy figure of a purple, pink, blue, and yellow jester with a hammer sitting in front of me. It seemed like it was trying to communicate with me, but I couldn’t hear, or even see, much of it. The next morning we all headed over to the mental hospital again. Toby, having hurt his hand playing guitar last night, was going to let me try opening the door with his brand new axe. So here we stood, axe held over my head, everyone else standing back. When I swung the door flew open and the axe hit the floor instead. “Um, to whichever deity is out there, please help,” Jessy whimpered. I walked in, it looked as though this room had the worst of it. An entire wall caved in, shattered glass everywhere, all of the furniture destroyed. The walls that were left standing had what was very obviously scratch marks from whatever child was in here. “Holy,” I whispered, spinning around to look at the room. I kept looking around until I saw the bed in the corner, it was rusted and broken to no end, but that isn’t what caught my attention. It was the seemingly untouched blue bunny stuffed animal holding a very broken, but unburned, Jack-in-the-Box. I reached for it instinctively, but Toby grabbed my wrist. “Don’t,” he whispered. “I just want to know,” I grabbed the toys, inspecting them, before dropping them and gasping. I slowly picked them back up, and cradled the bunny, who was now missing an eye. “What is it?” Evan stood in the doorway, very obviously too scared to enter the room fully. “My name,” I whispered, just loud enough
to hear, “it’s on both of these.” I twisted the toys to show the red stitched name on the bunny and the carved name on the box. “Oh god,” Jessy whispered. I clutched the toys to my chest and started running back. “WAIT!” Toby called. “I have to know, I need to know the truth about my memory, and the truth about these!” I yelled when he caught up to me, he let go and let me run. “Whoa, slow down kid, where’s the fire,” my mom jokes. “What’s this,” I held up the toys and her face went pale, “don’t even think about lying, I want the truth this time.” “They were a couple of toys your childhood friend’s gave you before they left,” she replied. “Okay, new question,” I stood up straighter, “why were they in the mental hospital?” She gasped and dropped her tea cup. She smiled, looking at me, and a tear rolled down her cheek. “Mom, why can’t I remember anything? Don’t give me a story like you do every time.” “You still believed in imaginary friends,” she cried, “you were twelve, that’s not normal for a 12 year old kid! I had to do something to make you realize they were fake!” “So putting me in a hospital and drugging me into forgetting was your grand solution?” I yelled. “You don’t understand,” she started. “You’re right, I don’t understand, but what I do understand is that I’m not the type of person to believe something I haven’t seen, or hasn’t been proved to me,” I crossed my arms, knowing what I had to do. “Don’t do anything stupid,” my boyfriend spoke when they finally caught up. “I have to know,” I spoke before turning around, taking the toys with me, and running into the woods. I ran for a long time, a couple of memories coming back to me. Playing with a tall stuffed clown, a tall red headed man with long hair and wearing a feathery jacket handing me the blue bunny, setting the fire in the hospital. Eventually, I ran up to a familiar metal gate that led to a run down carnival. I opened the gate and it creaked. My heart was pounding in my chest as I clutched the bunny tighter to my chest, the Jack-in-the-Box in my hoodie pocket. I heard a twig snap by the merry go round, causing me to run into the hall of mirrors. I fell against a wall trying to stop myself from crying. “Oh Gumdrop,” a singsong voice came from the entrance. I hid farther into the dark corner, “you don’t need to hide, we’re friends!” I watched the black and white clown look around the room, his hands on his hips. His eyes meet mine, he smiles wider and gets closer. “Jack!” A voice laughed from behind him, the jester from my dreams stepped forward. “It’s her!” Jack pointed, and the jester looked my way. “I’ve been tryna reach ya,” he pulled me out of the dark, “but ya never heard me!” “I’m sorry,” I whimpered, his grip wasn’t tight, but I could tell neither of them were human. “Don’t be sorry! It aint your fault!” The jester giggled, pulling me out of the hall of mirrors and into the big tent, where three more inhuman entities were talking and working. One was a shorter man with black hair, a sketch pad, blue jacket, and a white mask with a red smile sitting next to him. Next to him was a more average height man with dark grey skiing, all black clothes, golden eyes, and what looked like a puppet hanging from golden strands of light coming from his fingers. Across from him was a very tall white haired man dressed like a magician and holding a wand. “There you are,” the man with the sketch book said. “We’ve been waiting for you to come back,” the grey man next to him continued. “She doesn’t remember us,” the magician looked at me. “I’m sorry,” I murmured. “Don’t apologize!” The jester rolled his eyes, “we’ll just reintroduce you!” “I’m Laughing Jack!” Jack spoke, “you used to call me L.J. for short!” “This is Puppeteer, who you called Pup,” the man with the sketchbook pointed at the man with the puppet. “This is Helen,” Puppeteer smiled, pointing at the one with the sketchbook. “I’m Papa El De Grande,”
the magician spoke, “you always called me Mr. Magic.” “I’m Candy Pop!” the jester tickled my sides, “you called me Pop.” “Where’s Jason?” L.J. looked around. “His workshop, fixing Mr. Bun Bun,” Puppeteer said, “it’d be best if she went alone.” Puppeteer took me over to a red and white tent near the big one. He told me to just go in, and that he’s never been mad when I was around because he never wanted to scare me away. “Jason?” I poked my head in, and was greeted by a big stuffed purple worm covered in patches. “Glutton!” A voice yelled from farther into the tent, “get over here!” I followed as the worm snaked towards a redhead man with golden eyes, putting an eye on the rabbit that I had come here with. “Jason?” He looked up at the calling of his name, smiling gently when he saw it was me. “It’s been a long time, Dolly,” he handed me the bunny, standing up he towered over me, “come on, let’s go for a walk.” During the walk he answered all of my questions that my mother refused to answer. He caught me up on all of the missing details of the past. And eventually led me back to the front gate. “It’s nearly time for you to get home,” pat my head. “Remember to just wind up the jack in the box when you want to see me!” Jack waved. “I’ll visit ya in your dreams again tonight, maybe now you’ll be able to hear me!” Candy Pop laughed. “Come back tomorrow,” Helen waved from his seat on the stairs of the merry-go-round. “Oh my god,” a voice came from behind me, my mother had her hand over her mouth as she glanced over the people I had spent my childhood with. “I was right, Mom,” I whispered. “Jason?” She whispered the name of the man who was trying to get away. “Yes?” He turned around slowly to look at my mother. “Oh my god,” she whispered, “Jason Meyers.” I looked at my mother at the use of our last name. Jason lowered his head. “Mom?” “You have been spending time with the spirit of your father, and I took that away,” her hand went over her heart, “oh, I am so sorry dear.” “Wait, Mom I didn’t even know,” I stuttered. “I needed to protect you from the things you weren’t ready to know,” he ushered us out, “now come back tomorrow, it’s getting late.” “We have to take your boyfriend to meet them tomorrow,” my mother spoke, causing Jason to look up, his eyes suddenly glowing green and his hair slowly turning white. “Okay,” Jack clapped his hands, his smile gone, “I think it’s time for bed.”
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nnicolee · 6 years
i scream
random thoughts about infinity war under the cut
major spoilers
lmao im depressed
i do think everything is gonna be ok in the end tho
i trust that dr strange knew what hes doing and is playing the long game
i think stark is the key, he’ll play a major part in reversing the snap™
i cannot fucking believe thanos did THAT™ im 
buckys last word i cry
rocket aint getting that fucking arm lmao
and i might just be in denial, but if they manage to reverse this shitstorm i think loki is gonna be fine as well :)
hes in a flashback scene in avengers4, and if you know about theage of ultron debacle you cant just put him in a flashback/dream sequence bcus the audience will expect more loki
so either theyll cut him from the scene like they did in aou, or he’ll be back
and i dont think they put in all that effort just to cut him from the scene
but like fucking rip loki tho damn
thanos fucking WRECKED him like OWIE
how do you choke a bitch that hard like his nose started bleeding n shit
also rip every guardian except rocket, feels bad my dude
are hawkeye n antman ok? the movie mentioned they took a plea deal n are under house arrest but we dont know if they made it after the snap™
thors new axe is fucking dope
everything about the axe forging was dope,the location, the visuals,BIGASS DINKLAGE
they tried really hard to make me give a shit about wanda and vision but alas i did not
kinda wished they would have prolonged her reaction to thanos rezzing him
like she went thru all that hurt for nothing,and they barley show her reaction
they showed like 2398 reaction shots of her killing him and then theres almost nothing afterwards even tho that must’ve hurt even more
T’challa telling okoye that this isnt the day to die and then he dies 
that fucking catfight that broke out in that random hole
cap actually lived, im hella suprised i thought he was a goner for sure
i feel so fucking bad for thor like can he get a break,everyone is dead :(
they actually made thanos kinda interesting, did not expect them to bother
like he has a clear motive, he thinks hes doing the right thing and they let him show emotions
its like the villians come out good when you give them some depth,wow who would have guessed
banner and hulk arguing w/ eachother lmao
banner being banner the entire movie and being useful even when he cant hulk out <3 yes b show them
i fucking loved ebony maw what a fucking class act
i loved how unphased n classy he acted
zooping thru new york on a floating piece of rubble w/ his hands behing his back like its no big deal
i feel so bad for tony fucking hell
n poor peter parker why did he have to suffer for so long
i mean his death scene was amazing both tom and robert fucking crushed it but like damn
poor kid put him out of his misery
fucking love how well thanos read loki at the begininning
like he “raised” nebula n gamora he knows that sibling dynamic like the back of his hand and it shows
he knew loki wouldnt let thor die bcus he knows his girls and gamore didnt let nebula die either
that fucking red skull cameo tho hoo boy
and the visuals before they showed him
it was like this blue light underwater n it reminded me of the tesseract falling into the sea
so i was like redskull??? but then i was like nah why would he be here
theres too much to process so one last thing
gamoras “you promised” hurt me good, she sounded so heartbroken zoe fucking KILLED it the entire movie
thats all for now brb going to therapy fuck you russo n russo why did you do this
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tranxendance · 6 years
Must-watch Super Best Friends LPs: A curated list
So, I tried to get a friend of mine into bestfriends when he was in active service and didn’t have much time to sit and watch youtube. While I think you should probably watch all of the bestfriends content, aint nobody got time for that, and there are certain LPs that are just better ones. Here’s a list of what I consider to be the best SBFP lets plays. There won’t be any ‘Matt’s toybox’ or one-offs, only full LPs.
Predator: Concrete Jungle - Originator of Jerry the Predator, the very first bestfriends OC. Also I really like the Predator so this trash game getting ripped to shreds by the anti-hype machine makes me feel good. https://youtu.be/0wF6r-JRTvQ
Eternal Darkness - The climax of the very first Shitstorm of Scariness. Genesis of the Insanity Shotgun, marking out about recognizing Metal Gear Solid voice actors, INSANITY EFFECTS and freaking out about the bathtub scare despite knowing it was coming. https://youtu.be/lYRVeFkTvCM
Silent Hill: Homecoming - First half of the Downcoming series. ‘MY HOUSE!’ ‘Why is the knife the best weapon? Just do knife combos to them, thats survival horror’ https://youtu.be/GLgN5WSiiX4
Silent Hill: Downpour - Second half of the Downcoming series. The first time I saw the guys play a game that was brand new at the time. Pat & Matt getting upset about the downturn of one of my and their favorite series. The famous Axe Throw that launched a career is in this one too I believe. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5ofoIeb8wI&list=PLAD720396A1870C8E
Resident Evil 2 - Earliest recorded footage of Pat’s stand CRAZY TALK where he claims to know a thing or be an expert and is proven unequivocably wrong. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Cgbuv3cB1Q&list=PLB8826287748EFE7C
Final Fight: Streetwise - What happens when you take a classic beat em up and try to make it cool and modern with lots of Slipknot music? It ages fucking poorly that’s what. ‘I got a receipt for my Tatsu’ ‘I’d like to return this shoryureppa’, Live footage of the bestfriends souls leaving their body in The Stiff boss fight, Some actually decent writing and lines such as ‘Feeling good about potentially feeling good’ which Matt will quote for years to come. https://youtu.be/HnRNyfzKLL8
Man vs Wild - Not so much a must-watch as it’s just the boys in their element, playing shovelware, deliberately failing QTEs to laugh at how pitiful it looks when you do, making fun of people’s accents, and much more. Indicative of the bestfriends style of sort of mst3king videogames. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1NGPAOrE80&list=PL57hJfweW_2s2jyxas78kIib9M3jGduU8
Heavy Rain - The very first game played in the Sadness trilogy. ‘Oh no, I made ze bad game’, more fucking up of QTEs when it’d be funny, Detective Shelby’s PI Gumball technique after shooting thirty rounds out of a handgun without reloading, FUTURE GLASSES, and other classics. Woolie will play this himself on a livestream, many years later, which is also a good watch. https://youtu.be/Qe-SpjInztQ
Indigo Prophecy - The first game of the Sadness trilogy, though it was played later than Heavy Rain. Space kung-fu, zombie sex with a lady you barely know, your choices don’t matter!, Slagging off of David Cage intensifies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YacYbUC_FmQ&list=PL57hJfweW_2sOt01sX9TtQRkzv5RS231f
Charles Barkley’s Shut Up And Jam: Gaiden - Seems to be originally selected as a ‘ha ha, we’re playing a bad and stupid game to laugh at it’ but then discovering it’s legitimately awesome despite being frankly ridiculous. If you can’t play the game yourself, this is a very good substitute. https://youtu.be/xNc9R1zfwM0
Beyond: Two Souls - The third game of the Sadness trilogy. David Cage creeping on Ellen Paige in real life and making her be naked in his game, E MO SHUNS, having feelings but not knowing where to put them, ‘I’ll be your Stand! ORARARARARARA’, Underwater chinese ghost base. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GA_VUoePgrc&list=PL57hJfweW_2ulXc25A-LxxHXMPqLOwrsf
Deadly Premonition - Swery65′s magnum opus, if only he could’ve put bicycles in the game. He totally didn��t watch Twin Peaks you guys. ‘QUIIIIIIINT!’, ‘Stinky agent’, radio fast travel stock tire screech sfx, monkey noise squirrels and a weird amount of attention paid to food. Matt named his pet cat Zach due to this game, so it’s an extra important part of the bestfriends lore. https://youtu.be/dsbfmIqP-H8
Disaster: Day of Crisis - Metal Gear Solid except the giant robots are natural disasters. Gotta get revenge on the volcano for killing my buddy. Eating watermelons while on fire. Don’t forget to take your stami-nas. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Sx8gqSjkMY&list=PL57hJfweW_2t-vHWWeqjY2SKH4vaqotZ6
Yakuza 4 - My first exposure to the Yakuza game series and actually a good starting point for people that don’t know anything about it. The hype, badassery, and hilarity in all its glory. Who’s ready for a shirtless fight on top of Millennium Tower? https://youtu.be/xOKx_79BEhY
Prison Break - More shovelware where they fail stealth sequences a million times, fail QTEs because it’s hilarious, and can’t show too much violence because it’s a T-rated game. https://youtu.be/TsjGGGSZabA
Resident Evil 4 HD - Get hype for suplexing priests, El Gigante, Doctor Salvatore, Isn’t that Mexican spanish not Spanish Spanish? Commando shit and the RE movie, Oops Ashley is dead again, Pat is bad at puzzles and crazy talk activates. https://youtu.be/qsazQp4VlI0
Silent Hill 2 - Everything is illness, or else its condoms! The nurses are TOO STRONG!, the boys actually just enjoying a game and (mostly) being good at it for once.
Resident evil Revelations 2 - Re vuh lay uh tons!, Wait how’d a non mainline resi game get this good?, MOIRA MC TAGGART MC MURPHY, another co-op LP where Matt’s actual role in the game mechanics is to point out ammo and health items that Pat missed. https://youtu.be/THfgNlcNa98
Resident Evil 3 - Jill Valentine’s not actually last escape, Crazy Talk activates several times, Shitting on Hunter-D’s, being a huge coward constantly like the hero of RE brad vickers. https://youtu.be/G5pXyRhs7FM
Ride to Hell - Legendarily bad game played by canadian losers that make fun of it constantly. Source of just SO MANY bestfriends gifs including casual priest drownings, getting shot during cutscenes, and Qui-gon chi. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEw04pKaVs4&list=PL57hJfweW_2srGztN1iedcFd-BV5X1Ram
Parasite Eve - It’s time for Aya Breakowski to GET HOT. It’s a squaresoft game all right, dogs with sniper rifles, finishing downloading arcana heart, and the heroest of hero cops willingly lighting on fire to give you a gun. https://youtu.be/dHY5ZBSHzyw
Danganronpa - Ultra Despair Girls - First recorded instance of being incredibly hype and getting into the cool pop art aesthetic, komaeda memes, and then all hype leaving our body, and out of context shouting KILL THOSE SHIT KIDS! https://youtu.be/qYtYp4oWBhU
Life is Strange - Liam’s rivalry with another wimpy boy, Hotdogman: Who is he?, You sacrificed everyone for your Ship? Are you Griffith?, and rewinding time to fuck with people for kicks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XZ7-wFLnfI&list=PL57hJfweW_2u1mKS5UFNgx-voVAvTlkT9
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain - Built-up hype from over one thousand years of waiting is collectively released. Psycho Mantis is OP, let the legend come back to life, GREATEST SOLDIER IN THE WORLD BIG BOSS, D-dog is the cutest and bestest of boys, and famously awkward jeep ride. https://youtu.be/505vXWYkxcw
Afro Samurai - Perhaps the shovelest of ware ever played on the channel. It’s very short, only 3 parts, about 90 minutes of gameplay, something that everyone should be super hype about but ends up being the most shitted on game since perhaps one of the Sadness games. https://youtu.be/wIXqEulMTIo
Resident Evil Zero HD - Get hyped for Oven Man mk2, math puzzles, getting pissed off at Eliminators, Rebecca! God dammit Rebecca! I love youuuuu rebeccaaaaaa, Leech Man, and playing dress-up. https://youtu.be/Mhnthhluh70
Metal Wolf Chaos - Giant robots and engrish, more than your body can handle! AMERICA!!!! Richard Hawke! OK, Lets PARTEEEEEEEY! Tons of references they’ll be using until the end of time https://youtu.be/Mhnthhluh70
Naruto: The Broken Bond - ‘Wait, this game is actually good?’ and then three parts later oops no its not. Second instance of being super hyped at first and then all joy slowly being sucked out of the boys’ body. Do your rasengan, even when you’re not playing as Naruto! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lo92m-rfeHA&list=PL57hJfweW_2uIIqa3HTcbsvM5LO1ObM_5
The Punisher - Rice cookers, My family-family-family!, guessing Frank’s one-liners, violent safety PSAs, and interrogating the boat https://youtu.be/wznGw9fJNCc
Disaster Report - ‘Is this Disaster day of crisis’ sequel?’, The honeycomb-caisonne method, press triangle to HEY!, be mean to your waifu, and abandon your friends like a hero would do. https://youtu.be/UYiwWU8EZcU
Final Fantasy X - Matt talks about Lulu’s boobs a lot, BLEETSBOLL, Wakka the racist, kimahri push, Finding all the memes possible, Hype Cactaur!, ‘I’ll pay you to fuck off, okay?’, and punting a boss over the horizon. A long watch and the boys are kinda bad at the game but good for the patient. https://youtu.be/qpZeMkthdZ8
Omikron: The Nomad Soul - The secret first entry of the Sadness Trilogy, ‘Get in the slider!’, Blackface Boyz, The real final boss is david cage!, getting trapped in bug purgatory, yes this is how you should honor the memory David Bowie by playing this game, Using the power of all three bestfriends to beat the game, and having no consequences for failure right up until THE MOST CONSEQUENCES. https://youtu.be/691RrF9pnaU
Silent Hill 3 -  No talking during the cut scenes, beef jerky, a detective does a Jerry Seinfeld on Silent Hill by accident, and ‘It’s a metaphor for dicks/childbirth!‘
Tony Hawk’s Underground - Woolie lives the skateboarder life he never could for real. ‘Won’t they notice that it’s not Eric Sparrow on the video when they see a clearly black man doing that jump?’, Eric Sparrow is basically up there with Griffith for villains the bestfriends hate the most, and ‘I can do a grind all day’ https://youtu.be/3HLPS_nwHG8
Parasite Eve 2 - More of Breakowski and getting HOT, ‘This is basically a survival horror game’, The dog from Independance Day must survive or else you’re on the bad ending! https://youtu.be/JedQqaXdWLc
LA Noire - The big one, the one I always suggest for new bestfriends watchers as being emblematic of their style and sense of humor and weaknesses as players. Woolie can’t navigate this map, ‘Sometimes you’ve gotta shake the tree and see what falls out’, Shotgun man wrecks your shit!, making noises to go along with the faces that the characters are making, ‘Pedophilia? That’s a free pass in my town sir’, Stealing the worst possible cars because they thought it’d be cool, forgetting the controls for every single fistfight sequence, Cole Phelps super cop!, and LP Funsies. https://youtu.be/-bPqjD_zg5g
Policenauts - Kojima’s game from when he was allowed to work on things besides Metal Gear. It’s definitely white blood and not anything sexual, SHOOTINGU SEQUENCE, Holy crap our main character is a bigoted piece of shit!, Figure out the bomb puzzle!, We’re definitely not Riggs and Murtagh to the point where Woolie says ‘I’m gettin too old for this shit’ about 70 times, and the uncomfortable truth of cloning. https://youtu.be/kWcecAHiOys
Dead Space 2- Notable mostly for me as Dead Space 2 was the first bestfriends video I ever saw back when they were on Machinima, so I was quoting Space Rave and asking Matt if he needed a blankey to fight the monsters. https://youtu.be/1QzY-TjFGFI
Resident Evil 7 - We hate the molded as an enemy type, OOOH GOD DAMMIT JACK, He fucking exploded into goo!, What was your plan?, I can’t shoot the granny, We definitely used a pump action shotgun in world war 2 (Actually yes we did, Matt), Shadow puzzles, that part of a lady is where all the wasps shoot out, and What that guy doesn’t look like Chris Redfield who is this impostor?! https://youtu.be/SyAZ2-nijDE
Def Jam: Fight for NY - The introduction of Woolie’s OC: Rage beats up rappers, steals their girlfriends, and doesn’t understand intimacy, The full might of Matt’s hatred for Bless is brought out, and they talk about the Aki engine’s contributions to humanity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lry0SYYkvas&list=PL57hJfweW_2tWHTvp2ESXbzp1-jh6YJMQ
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mechagalaxy · 4 years
Sten Hugo Hiller - 627184: Mountain Climbing Mecha Combat #1401
(By Sten Hugo Hiller - 627184) Mountain Climbing Mecha Combat #1401 Brought to you by ANN Highlighting the November 3366 Cruiserweight Chrono The Gaming Authorities decided that this time only Mechs massing 70 tons or less would be allowed to fight on the tops. I got the news just after the Shocklite event had ended, and it did not seem like particularily good news for us. The number of fully upgraded elite 70 ton Mechs was below two handfulls, so we would have to look around for fillers. After scouring the hangar, some other Lights, Mediums and Heavies were found, and by adding some Krampus`es and a couple Freons we got a full formation assembled. Then it was time to rush over to the arena so we could start earning points from the get-go. We managed to claim the top, as the only other contestant present had brought his main formation. And a frenetic shuffle of equipment and armament between the hangar and the arena began to improve the formation in small increments. Question was how long we could hold the top. Admittedly the formation was shaping up not too shabby, and we had the highest legal licence for K4. But surely some 70 ton specialist would arrive and claim the top soon? My crew was not bothered by such thoughts. They put down signs stating the top was private property and trespassers would be shot on sight. Then they placed looooots of cameras on every aproach so said trespassers were guaranteed to be seen. I dont know if the rest of the crowd really believed those signs, but we were left alone for the rest of the climb. And all those cameras gave me plenty of footage to figure out that this events highest scorers had been: Div 1 395+ (28 Commanders): Ben Rail, Winters Coming (+8090) 2: Fabio Favaro 3: Sherriff Leary Wretham 4: Bernard Johnson 5: Shawn Wretham 6: Mk Mathews 7: Were Wolf 8: Jeff Haas 9: Larry Vandervort 10: Sal vezzosi Jr Div 2 -394 (9 Commanders): Paul Knight, Spirit of Bunny (+11060) Div 3 -307 (21 Commanders): Ken Fuchs, Northwind Dragons (+14480) Div 4 -194 (23 Commanders): Sten Hugo Hiller, Star League (+18820) Div 5 -141 (10 Commanders): Chuck Daly, Smurf Platoon (+9990) Div 6 -118 (13 Commanders): Siegfried Gust, Black Star Bandits (+7430) Div 7 -89 (27 Commanders): John D, T.I.o.M.T. (+7210) Div 8 -63 (19 Commanders): Djohn Ddrake, Deaths Hecklers (+14560) Div 9 -38 (19 Commanders): RobertGoetz, Ronins 2 (+10940) On the eight tops where only Mechs below 75 tons were to fight 5(1S)+3+6(2S)+2(1S)+8(4S)+8(3S)+5(1S)+1= Twelve Silvers and twenty-six Bronzes were awarded to Commanders who clearly had overweight Mechs in their formations at the end of the event. Total Contestants: 169 Total medals claimed: 124 (of 135 possible) Compared to the recent Shocklite event, the number of contestants increased by twenty-seven. But the imbalance between the tops persisted. This time six Bronzes from K2 and five from K5 ended unclaimed and had to be returned for resmelting after the award ceremony. Two Commanders managed to hold their tops for the entire climb and score the maximum 72 500 points. They were RobertGoetz from Ronins 2 on K9 and Star League`s Sten Hugo Hiller on K4. Sten Hugo Hiller also had the biggest margin to the runner-up, a solid 18820 advantage. One latecomer on K5 managed to snag a Bronze without scoring even a single point. Seven of the Golds were secured by margins well above 8000, and none by less than 7000. So we had only solid winners this time, but perhaps the struggle for the rest of the prizes were closer? To find out, we take a look at the differences between the medal tiers in this event: ..Silver to Bronze....Bronze to nothing Div 1 ......7880......…….......620 Div 2 ........820...…..............N/A Div 3 ......5380...…..............120 Div 4 ....12200...…..............980 Div 5 ......2310...…..............N/A Div 6 ......5600...…..............N/A Div 7 ......9040...…..............570 Div 8 ......9000...…............5860 Div 9 ......2960...…............1300 Some big and a few impressive walls here. But one of the Silvers and four of the six contested Bronzes were decided by margins below 1000. When the margins are that small, who signed up first might well have been the deciding factor, something to keep in mind when the next Chrono comes around. This ended up as one of the "none" events. None of the clans claimed more than one Gold, none of the last events winners managed to secure a follow-up win, and none of the Golds ended in the hands of an unaligned Commander. Upcoming event: Axe Attacks This time those fighting on the eight highest tops only legal Mech model will be the 20 ton Axe Bot. For those without, take solace in the thought that many other Commanders might be in the same boat. So if you sign up, there might be plenty of aint vs aint fights. (where neither side have legal Mechs, and the attacker always win) Meanwhile, those fighting on K9 have no restrictions at all. Event ends January 1 between 2100 and 2130 New York Time
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audiophiliacfan · 7 years
Fuck them other niggas cause I'm down for my niggas, what Fuck them other niggas cause I'm down for my niggas, what Fuck them other niggas, I ride for my niggas, what I die for my niggas, fuck them other niggas, what Fuck them other niggas cause I'm down for my niggas, what Fuck them other niggas cause I'm down for my niggas, what Fuck them other niggas, I ride for my niggas, what I die for my niggas, fuck them other niggas Bitch I'm down for No Limit, I ride for the cause I'm the nigga on the tank with the big fuckin balls And if anybody fuck with Snoop Doggy Dogg I'm a make these niggas put his name on the wall And everywhere I go I got Mr. Magic here Because I know that nigga don't care He'll have that red shit pourin out your hair Nigga, any fuckin time nigga, any fuckin where Make 'em bleed is the motto that I live by If you fuck with me it's a must you die Them niggas might goin run but them niggas can't hide It's like shootin yourself, it's a suicide KLC rock the beat, hittin hard like dirt Niggas in the Nolia know him as Big Hurt Just like Soulja Slim he'll put you in the dirt And have your picture on front of a t-shirt And when I make moves I got a hundred niggas with me Just incase a nigga out there tryin 'a get me All my niggas is down to squeeze the trigger That's why I'm down for my motherfuckin niggas Fuck them other niggas cause I'm down for my niggas, what Fuck them other niggas cause I'm down for my niggas, what Fuck them other niggas, I ride for my niggas, what I die for my niggas, fuck them other niggas, what Fuck them other niggas cause I'm down for my niggas, what Fuck them other niggas cause I'm down for my niggas, what Fuck them other niggas, I ride for my niggas, what I die for my niggas, fuck them other niggas [Magic] What you aint heard why I ride for these niggas, I die for these niggas Do a drive by with my forty five cause I'm down with these niggas Snoop Dogg and Bossalinie Don't shoot now nigga just call me when you need me Believe me, I never bite the hand that feed me Just point them niggas out and I'll leave em all on the street bleeding Bitch you fuckin with a grown man How I'm gonna ax you in your own house and bury you in your own land See the cops is scared to come and get me But I don't blame em cause they know I got a bunch of thug niggas with me Lookin for trouble, starting shit I'm ridin solo and I'm bustin and gettin rid of your dick See your boys ain't bout beefing When you fuckin with niggas that'll definately get you internal sleep But if you didn't get the fuckin picture [Gunshots] Bitch I'm down for my niggas [C-Murder] Fuck them other niggas cause I'm down for my niggas, what Fuck them other niggas cause I'm down for my niggas, what Fuck them other niggas, I ride for my niggas, what I die for my niggas, fuck them other niggas, what Fuck them other niggas cause I'm down for my niggas, what Fuck them other niggas cause I'm down for my niggas, what Fuck them other niggas, I ride for my niggas, what I die for my niggas, fuck them other niggas [Snoop Dogg] What niggas, them niggas, yeah dawg, you with it No problem, let's get em, do em, I did em We gettin nutty in this motherfucker (nutty in this motherfucker) I got my buddy in this motherfucker, leavin a nigga bloody in this motherfucker We in the cutty motherfucker You done done it, you must, you got it coming motherfucker Some of these niggas is bitches too And some of these niggas look just like you Well, where I'm from we like to ride on foes Do it from the shoulders or do it from the tools I do my dirt all by my lonely (all by my lonely) C-Murder and Magic, hell yeah them my motherfuckin homies Solo shit get thick and call me And niggas wanna act like they wanna get with Snoop Doggy Lemme let you niggas know (what's up) Shit, fuck what you goin through and fuck what you stand for [C-Murder] Fuck them other niggas cause I'm down for my niggas, what Fuck them other niggas cause I'm down for my niggas, what Fuck them other niggas, I ride for my niggas, what I die for my niggas, fuck them other niggas, what Fuck them other niggas cause I'm down for my niggas, what Fuck them other niggas cause I'm down for my niggas, what Fuck them other niggas, I ride for my niggas, what I die for my niggas, fuck them other niggas
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bxwareofyou · 7 years
|| War : Part 1 ||
It was late, but after he’d finally managed to get her address, Brody didn’t want to wait any long to go knock Vivienne around. She’d gone too far and in the end, he didn’t care what the reasons were, she had to get a serious dose of karma for all she had done. It wasn’t the same mansion he’d been framed at years ago, but outside he could see cars and luxuries that screamed of her taste, teeth grinding as he stripped off the leather jacket he’d worn and dumped it on the side, scaling the large fence like it was nothing. He knew he could easily be walking into one of her traps. She more than likely had some kind of security camera and could send him back to jail,but rage took over his rational thoughts. Inside the grounds, he marched his way up to the front door, of course he wasn’t going to bother with knocking, nor would he kick down the door and make a bunch of noise and trigger an alarm. 
A place this size had to have a back door, and of course it was glass. A bent elbow and a little force and he could fit and arm through and wist the knob, brandishing his pocket knife one he moved deeper into her house and spotted the alarm. Just to be that asshole, he flipped the little hatch and stabbed the knife into the system, watching the little light go dark before he moved in more.
That was when he heard it. A clanking in the kitchen had made it’self know, and he figured the bitch was getting a late night snack, gritting his teeth again and he moved to the room where the sound came from. What he found instead of his ex was a tall man, shirtless save for his boxers and rustling through the fridge. The sound of his boots on the ground weren’t exactly quiet, so when Brody entered the room, the man was quick to turn around at the new sound. The lights were off, but thanks to the one inside the fridge, he could see the man’s dark eyes go wide right before he lunged at him. 
The man was large but quick as he sprang into action, Brody dodging an attack with a swift move to the side and a knee coming up into the man’s stomach.  There was little damage done as the man still came at Brody, fists swinging wildly as Brody blocked and kicked.
Gabe, of course, was confused. He’d passed out in Vivienne’s bed after they fucked, some issue dragging her to Dolly’s late and night, Dolly’s  men coming themselves to get her, so there was no need for Gabe to tag along. He’d only come down to grab some food when he got jumped. The blonde guy was a stranger to him, but if he was inside creeping around it the dark, he obviously wasn’t a friend.  He was quick, too, for someone almost Gabe’s height. Gabe’s large fists landed a punch to the guy’s sides, hearing a grunt of pain but the guy was tough and kept going.
It was rough. Gabe had been in more than his fair share of fights, but rarely did he come across a guy who’d matched him in height and bulk the way this guy did. What he wanted, he couldn’t say, nor did he have time to ask, even if he would have, but Gabe was still riding the adrenaline from the fight.
He was better with a gun, or carrying out a hit nice and clean, but the blonde’s street fighting skills had him beat. He was also armed, where Gabe was not, the knife he produced int he middle of the tussle ripping flesh on Gabe’s bicep and hand. 
As Brody landed a boot-clad kick to the man’s stomach, he doubled over, the sting from the cuts a distraction to him, and Brody was able to land a few punched to the guy’s jaw and nose. He went down like a big box filled with bricks being held up but a safety pin, and though he tried to grab at Brody’s feet, he only got a few kicks to the side in return. Brody was used to fighting guys way bigger than him, and knew what it took to bring them down. 
“Where is she? Huh?” He spit as he wiped blood from his nose. “ Where's who?” Gabe asked only to be booted in the face.” You know who, you little shit! Vivienne! That treacherous cunt. You’re her new little boy toy, huh? Bitch aklwasy had a type.” Brody chuckled. “ You tell me where she is or I’mm slit your fucking throat and tear this shit hole down looking for her myself.” No response. “ You think I’m fucking kidding? Hey!” Brody in all his rage abandoned his knife out of Gabe’s reach and grabbed a larger kitchen knife from the display on the counter before moving to the ground, on leg on Gabe’s chest as his knee pressed into the man’s thought. “ You think I’m fucking fucking around, huh? WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE?”
By now, Gabe had an idea who he was. There were stories that floated around between staff of the family, and of course he’d heard a few about Vivienne. Still, he thought the reason she needed protection was from a hit placed by her brother in law, not an ex with an axe to grind. He felt ashamed that he lost a fight, but valued his life over anyone else’s. “ I din’t know. “ Gabe finally choked out, pitting blood from his mouth to the floor between sentences. “ She got some call, okay? I’m not her fucking boy toy, I’m here to protect her. 
“Yeah? You’re doing a shit fucking job, friend.” Brody taunted, the kinfe at the side of Gabe’s throat. 
“What’d she do you you, huh? You want her that bad that you come in here just like this?” Gabe asked out of curiosity. Sure, he wasn’t going to give up Viv, but he wasn’t going to let some punk redneck kill him for her.
“You mean besides fuck up my life? She fucked with my girl, and that’s a big no-no. Now the bitch gotta die.” Brody promised. It wasn’t some kind of care for her that made Gabe worry, but the fear that he’d failed to do the one job he was given. He couldn’t deal with that shame if this guy got to her. Then something clicked. “ The girl... The blonde girl.. Hawt--”
“DON’T YOU SAY HER FUCKING NAME!” Brody yelled, angry in his eyes and tone as Gabe placed his hands up in surrender. 
“Look that wasn’t her, alright -- Vivienne... “  He choked, watching Brodys’ features not shift an inch. “ Look, I heard about some stuff going on in the company... I’m there all day, people talk... She’s your girl, right? I heard she was dating some thug.” Gabe scoffed, Brody didn’t move yet, but he was listening. “ Some skinny mother fucker came in -- a real pencil dick in a suit. I saw him head into the old man’s office with an envelope, came out a while later with a big smile on his face. I saw him at a party too, chatting up the blonde.  From what I heard he’s her ex, tried to get some money outta her or something and she turned him down. You wanna guess who’d be most likely to have nudie pics of your little fri--” 
“A Name.” The tip of the knife was pressing harder now, almost drawing blood.
“Alvin, something... Winthrop. Alan Winthrop...” Gabe scoffed. Gasping for air.
Brody didn’t want to believe him -- why should he? But an ex having pictures made a lot more sense than Viv having them. He was sure she had something to do with it, but for now, he was falling into Gabe’s plan of redirecting his anger without even knowing, too blind in his rage to think straight.
When his knee was off Gabe’s throat, the man because to curl up and couch, gasping for air and spitting out the blood he’d all but choked on. Brody rose to his feet and stepped back, watching the man with a scowl as he tossed the knife on the island and reached for his own blade again. “ You should get yourself a new job, friend.” He said, still scowling.
“ Yeah, “ Gabe spat on the ground, pushing himself up to sit. “ Maybe.”
“ Should get yourself a new girl, too -- that bitch aint worth it, trust me. She’d sell her own sister for caviar.”
“ She aint my girl.” Gabe bit back. “ I got a kid to feed, ao I’m just doing what I was told. You go after the guy who really did this shit and leave my meal ticket alone, and I clean up and pretend this never happened.” Gabe offered. 
Brody stood for a minute. He’d get her, he knew he would, but he also knew that this guy would be on the look out for him now, probably heighten security thinking there’d even be a change he’d come back. Besides, if Viv was actually there, the noise would have brought her downstairs already, too nosy and into confrontation to think to hide.
With a nod, Brody agreed...kinda of, and folded the blade up before backing his way out of the kitchen. “ Enjoy your sandwich.” He smirked, leaving Gabe on the ground as he booked it for the back door again.
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internetdetectives · 5 years
11/14/15 - Chat with IsocelesAssassin
IsocelesAssassin 11:45 PM: "Hello”
Xenquility 11:45 PM: "Yo”
IsocelesAssassin 11:45 PM: "I know you all were looking forward to speaking to SKM”
IsocelesAssassin 11:45 PM: "but unfortunately our mutual friend will be a no-show tonight”
Xenquility 11:46 PM: "Is he okay?”
IsocelesAssassin 11:46 PM: "I'm not entirely sure”
IsocelesAssassin 11:46 PM: "Strange forces beyond my comprehension are at play”
Xenquility 11:47 PM: "Have you heard of this Bup guy before?”
IsocelesAssassin 11:49 PM: "it's my understanding that these same forces are responsible for our ɢʜᴏsᴛʟʏ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ being locked out of their account as of late”
Xenquility 11:49 PM: "Well, looks like he'll be more of a nuisance than we thought”
IsocelesAssassin 11:49 PM: "uh”
IsocelesAssassin 11:49 PM: "like toad Bup?”
Xenquility 11:49 PM: "(That's what he's going by)”
Xenquility 11:49 PM: "(He's the one who took over Ghosty's account)”
IsocelesAssassin 11:50 PM: "I have nothing on this guy”
Xenquility 11:50 PM: "Anything new on the stopping-the-world-from-ending front?”
IsocelesAssassin 11:51 PM: "Our comrades are still hard at work on getting you all deeper”
IsocelesAssassin 11:51 PM: "That's our main concern at the moment”
IsocelesAssassin 11:51 PM: "I was actually looking forward to seeing SKM return tonight”
IsocelesAssassin 11:51 PM: "he is quiet elusive, even for us”
Xenquility 11:53 PM: "Absence makes the heart grow fonder”
Xenquility 11:53 PM: "or something”
IsocelesAssassin 11:53 PM: "The man prides himself on his privacy, what can I say”
Xenquility 11:53 PM: "Can't really blame him with all of what's going on”
Xenquility 11:53 PM: "(Not like it's really helping him evade the new baddies)”
IsocelesAssassin 11:54 PM: "Though "subtle" is probably the last word I would describe him as before meeting this current incarnation of him”
IsocelesAssassin 11:54 PM: "These "new baddies" seem to be a completely different breed entirely”
IsocelesAssassin 11:54 PM: "if they're truly responsible for what's been happening these past few days”
Xenquility 11:55 PM: "Apparently we've interacted with most of them before”
otherLiam 11:55 PM: "They’re certainly more confident. What exactly have they been doing?”
IsocelesAssassin 11:56 PM: "I know little to nothing about them other than the fact that they have the ability to completely steal Ghost's account and one of them is apparently named fucking "Bup"”
otherLiam 11:56 PM: "Well, what’s been happening these past few days that you think to attribute to them?”
IsocelesAssassin 11:57 PM: "Ghost losing their account”
IsocelesAssassin 11:57 PM: "(which they have told me plenty about, believe me)”
IsocelesAssassin 11:57 PM: "And SKM just”
IsocelesAssassin 11:57 PM: "not being here”
IsocelesAssassin 11:57 PM: "I'll admit I have no hard proof that they are responsible for the latter, but”
IsocelesAssassin 11:57 PM: "something about it just seems obvious to me”
IsocelesAssassin 11:57 PM: "I'm not sure why”
IsocelesAssassin 11:57 PM: "Like their inherent powers are at play here”
otherLiam 11:59 PM: "What, exactly, is the big deal about losing a Discord account?”
otherLiam 11:59 PM: "Can’t he just make another one?”
Xenquility 11:59 PM: "lmao”
Xenquility 11:59 PM: "Actually that's a good question”
IsocelesAssassin 11:59 PM: "I can't see why not”
ARGdov 11:59 PM: "its a bit worrying SKMs not around yeah”
IsocelesAssassin 11:59 PM: "But you know Ghost.”
IsocelesAssassin 11:59 PM: "It's more of a pride thing for them”
ARGdov 11:59 PM: "probably”
Xenquility 11:59 PM: "You know anything about this eoeoeoeo guy?”
IsocelesAssassin 12:00 AM: "I don't know Ghost's exact inner workings, but I don't think it would be that much trouble for them to create an alternate account.”
otherLiam 12:00 AM: "Yeah, about that. How crazy powerful does someone have to he to outhack Ghost? Isn’t he like, made of data?”
IsocelesAssassin 12:00 AM: "This is a classic SKM blunder”
IsocelesAssassin 12:00 AM: "Looking at these things in purely technical terms”
IsocelesAssassin 12:00 AM: "I believe what we are dealing with in this case ascends above simple "hacking"”
ADULT_LINK 12:01 AM: "bup stealing ghosts account aint cool but”
ADULT_LINK 12:01 AM: "i gotta say his meme tastes are :ok_hand:”
otherLiam 12:02 AM: "Worth mentioning the one calling himself “BUP” says he’s the leader of his group. There’s also one calling himself “The Producer”.”
ARGdov 12:02 AM: "yeah thats a thing SKM did all the time”
ARGdov 12:02 AM: "looked at DROWNED as just an AI”
ARGdov 12:02 AM: "etc.”
IsocelesAssassin 12:02 AM: "By "eoeoeoeo" I'm assuming you're referring to ᛇᛇᛇᛇ?”
ARGdov 12:02 AM: "its ontologically flawed”
Xenquility 12:02 AM: "Yeah”
ARGdov 12:02 AM: "and yes thats who”
Xenquility 12:02 AM: "That guy”
otherLiam 12:03 AM: "We keep seeing mention of that. No clue what it is tho.”
IsocelesAssassin 12:03 AM: "Yeah we have no clue what's up with all of these ᛇ characters”
IsocelesAssassin 12:03 AM: "As I've said, most of our efforts have been going towards constructing something to get you all inside”
Xenquility 12:04 AM: "ETA?”
ARGdov 12:04 AM: "inside AO? thats still getting worked on?”
ARGdov 12:04 AM: "damn”
ARGdov 12:04 AM: "well, if we can get in there, maybe we can help Yuki”
otherLiam 12:04 AM: "Yuuki’s dead my dude.”
ARGdov 12:04 AM: "it would make up for the recent/not so recent fuck up”
ARGdov 12:04 AM: "her spirits stuck around”
ARGdov 12:04 AM: "we know that already”
Xenquility 12:04 AM: "We do?”
ARGdov 12:05 AM: "Im next to positive if you check the wiki you'll see this”
ARGdov 12:05 AM: "in fact”
IsocelesAssassin 12:05 AM: "Half the work is goes into properly communicating with one another”
otherLiam 12:05 AM: "pretty sure that got axed too, seeing as it’s now IIII account”
ARGdov 12:05 AM: "BUP didnt say she died”
IsocelesAssassin 12:05 AM: "Us - you guys and myself - we have it easy”
ARGdov 12:05 AM: "she said we'd "doomed her to a life of stockholm syndrome"”
IsocelesAssassin 12:05 AM: "As we are intrinsically linked”
Xenquility 12:05 AM: "Who isn't?”
IsocelesAssassin 12:05 AM: "My other comrades don't have it so easy”
IsocelesAssassin 12:05 AM: "I don't want to say why exactly because doing so would put them in jeopardy”
otherLiam 12:06 AM: "Well... can we “intrinsically link” your other comrades the same way we linked you, by playing songs?”
IsocelesAssassin 12:06 AM: "I've tried that in the past”
IsocelesAssassin 12:06 AM: "It's not that simple”
IsocelesAssassin 12:06 AM: "But again, explaining why would reveal their positions, so that is all I will say”
otherLiam 12:09 AM: "Fair enough. Is there anything we can be doing to help your progress on either front?”
ADULT_LINK 12:09 AM: "lmao”
IsocelesAssassin 12:09 AM: "Just have patience”
IsocelesAssassin 12:09 AM: "It will be completed in due time”
IsocelesAssassin 12:09 AM: "In the meantime, it seems Yuuki has calmed down”
ADULT_LINK 12:10 AM: "dov do you just wanna try to help yuuki to make up for retroactively getting her killed”
IsocelesAssassin 12:10 AM: "But some damage was already done to Astral Observatory”
Xenquility 12:10 AM: "She's alive?”
otherLiam 12:10 AM: "That’s... a way to say that.”
IsocelesAssassin 12:10 AM: "She's dead”
Xenquility 12:10 AM: "Oh.”
otherLiam 12:10 AM: "No, awhile back her spirit was going berzerk in AI”
IsocelesAssassin 12:10 AM: "But her spirit was contained on the site for some time”
otherLiam 12:10 AM: "AO*”
Xenquility 12:11 AM: "I know that much”
IsocelesAssassin 12:11 AM: "It's hard to say for sure, but I believe her spirit is still there”
Xenquility 12:11 AM: "But has her spirit been axed was my main question”
otherLiam 12:11 AM: "Well, it was here.”
ARGdov 12:11 AM: "@ADULT_LINK I mean, its certainly a part of it”
IsocelesAssassin 12:11 AM: "It's strange, how these things work”
ARGdov 12:11 AM: "but Im worried about hern onetheless”
otherLiam 12:12 AM: "Dunno what happened to that account now though.”
IsocelesAssassin 12:12 AM: "Similarly to how I described the Ocarina powers”
IsocelesAssassin 12:12 AM: "It seems as though spirits can be "tethered" to certain locations”
IsocelesAssassin 12:12 AM: "Though they have the ability to extend their reach manifest to us in other places”
IsocelesAssassin 12:12 AM: "Yuuki is still very much a prisoner”
IsocelesAssassin 12:12 AM: "She was just able to pull back the curtain a bit and ask for help, it seems”
otherLiam 12:13 AM: "When Yuuki communicated with us, she gave us a bunch of links to songs. Do you have any idea the significance of them? I’ve been checking the comments for communications frequently but no luck.”
otherLiam 12:13 AM: "Not like, Zelda songs, just regular music.”
IsocelesAssassin 12:14 AM: "no idea”
IsocelesAssassin 12:14 AM: "They likely meant something special to her.”
otherLiam 12:14 AM: "I used one of them when we got pulled to Watch2Gether and it seemed to do something.”
IsocelesAssassin 12:14 AM: "Though in my experience, these spirits often speak in esoteric riddles”
Xenquility 12:15 AM: "(Of course they do)”
IsocelesAssassin 12:15 AM: "There's really no telling and you must approach these things on a case by case basis”
ARGdov 12:15 AM: "right”
Xenquility 12:15 AM: "How's Moony?”
IsocelesAssassin 12:17 AM: "I haven't spoken with him in a while”
IsocelesAssassin 12:17 AM: "Really the only contact I have is with the hackers”
Xenquility 12:18 AM: "Bup kinda time dicked him”
otherLiam 12:18 AM: "You, uh... may want to.”
otherLiam 12:18 AM: "He’s doin the time warp with our Greth.”
ARGdov 12:19 AM: "by the hackers Im guessing you mean SKM and co/”
IsocelesAssassin 12:19 AM: "How exactly do you mean?”
IsocelesAssassin 12:19 AM: "I'm quite familiar with time dicking myself”
otherLiam 12:19 AM: "He’s in 2016.”
Xenquility 12:19 AM: "Yeah”
ARGdov 12:19 AM: “yup”
Xenquility 12:19 AM: "Both Greth's”
IsocelesAssassin 12:20 AM: "You said this was Bup's doing?”
otherLiam 12:20 AM: "Like they’re acting as though they’re in 2016 and this chat is their only window into this time.”
Xenquility 12:20 AM: "Indeed”
otherLiam 12:20 AM: "Is it?”
otherLiam 12:20 AM: "I didn’t know that.”
Xenquility 12:20 AM: "He said that he, "Thought it would be useful"”
Xenquility 12:20 AM: ""And it was"”
IsocelesAssassin 12:20 AM: "Then it's likely there's little we can do about it”
otherLiam 12:20 AM: "Hm.”
IsocelesAssassin 12:20 AM: "I'll have Ghost look into things further once they calm down”
ADULT_LINK 12:21 AM: "ngl im still wonderin if wolf using his old skype avatar means anything”
IsocelesAssassin 12:21 AM: "2016 though”
IsocelesAssassin 12:21 AM: "Time was fucked that year”
Xenquility 12:21 AM: "Last we heard, Moonman was getting dms from Yugi on 11/11”
ADULT_LINK 12:21 AM: "he said something about like. "why arent we on skype anyways" but like”
ADULT_LINK 12:21 AM: "probably was a joke”
ADULT_LINK 12:21 AM: "but with all the shit thats been going down recently, frankly i trust nothing”
ARGdov 12:22 AM: "so much is going on Ive kind of lost track of whats going on tbh”
ARGdov 12:22 AM: "its been a mess”
ARGdov 12:22 AM: "that recent video premiere didnt help much either”
otherLiam 12:22 AM: "yeah that was... meta.”
otherLiam 12:22 AM: "Actually let’s try to settle this.”
Xenquility 12:22 AM: "The whole, "Everyone involved in this has been a waste of my fucking time" part kind of messed with my brain”
Xenquility 12:22 AM: "Hey IA, you know anything about Tyler basically telling us to fuck off in video form?”
Xenquility 12:22 AM: "(Before yelling about how "This was supposed to be the end" and shit)”
IsocelesAssassin 12:23 AM: "Moonman spoke to Yugi?”
ADULT_LINK 12:23 AM: "some people *cough* insisting erika isnt/wasnt canon has been something i've been thinkin about”
Xenquility 12:24 AM: "Apparently yeah”
IsocelesAssassin 12:24 AM: "Yugi's another one I haven't heard from in a long time.”
IsocelesAssassin 12:24 AM: "Also”
IsocelesAssassin 12:24 AM: "I believe this has happened once or twice before”
IsocelesAssassin 12:24 AM: "These forces attempting to convince us none of this is real”
IsocelesAssassin 12:24 AM: "That it's all a game”
IsocelesAssassin 12:24 AM: "Something we of course all believed before”
IsocelesAssassin 12:24 AM: "well”
IsocelesAssassin 12:24 AM: "over half of us got killed, to be frank”
Xenquility 12:25 AM: "Oh jesus christ”
IsocelesAssassin 12:26 AM: "So yeah”
IsocelesAssassin 12:26 AM: "I wouldn't believe any of it”
IsocelesAssassin 12:26 AM: "The whole "This is over" shtick”
Xenquility 12:26 AM: "Awesome because that's the answer I wanted to hear”
Xenquility 12:26 AM: "Doesn't happen often”
IsocelesAssassin 12:27 AM: "No clue”
ARGdov 12:28 AM: "well yeah”
ARGdov 12:28 AM: "someone tried to act like it was a game for some reason”
Xenquility 12:28 AM: "Pffffft”
ARGdov 12:28 AM: "it was off and its worrying”
IsocelesAssassin 12:30 AM: "I need to go now”
otherLiam 12:30 AM: "alright. be safe.”
IsocelesAssassin 12:30 AM: "Sorry for the sudden leave, but I have things I need to take care of”
Xenquility 12:30 AM: "Stay safe broski.”
Xenquility 12:30 AM: "Thanks for the answers”
IsocelesAssassin 12:30 AM: "All of you as well”
0 notes
jammy-badger · 7 years
Well, she aint following me anymore so I guess now its time to move on from everything Ive been thinkin a lot about it all recently n like i should put this on the other blog but m*gicalpr*crastination used to follow this one so its more fittin to be goin on here It was in year 7, and the only one who still cares is me. I think at this point its just easier for me to start ignoring it all. Well, not ignoring, but moving on from it. Shit happens and what happened was shit as hell but this isnt a playground anymore, im in the game with adults and i shouldnt have to spend so much energy worrying what other people think I learned a lot by looking at my old diaries and a lot of things make more sense now. It really put stuff into perspective for me and i think im ready to just leave it behind I spoke to someone who did the full 6 years, and with that context and the diaries i feel satisfied that i did everything in my power to achieve the best possible outcome. And things turned out alright for everyone, all things considered. I mean, my only loss was my mental health and i think it just might be salvageable It would be really nice if i could see ariel again and try to make amends, but i dont think thats going to happen anytime soon. Things are different now, and i dont need to depend on people to get strength to fix my problems. All its done is manifest my own fears of change and rejection, put pressure on the people i love to be something that they can't. And i never wanted that, but though it wasnt my intent, its my responsibility, and so i have to fix this myself. I know that i am entirely capable of this, ive always been able to, i just stopped believing it. I've never been like anyone, thats true, but thats cuz nobody's ever been like me. Im an outcast because thats the role i chose to take, i chose to be different because that's who i am. And being in a group is fun and all but you know, you hear so many more interesting stories if you live in the open. Ive been admired over the years for many things, but by far the most prominent comments have been with regard to my will. I do my own thing, i make my own path, i be who i want to be. I forge my own identity and alliegances, and remain forever loyal to the people i love, and expect that in return. Right now, i need some friends around me, my own head, a new jacket, about 100ml of peach vodka, and a very, very big axe.
0 notes