#My first fic written entirely in nightbringer
messysketchyobeyme · 1 year
Can Demons Purr?
Satan/Gender-Neutral Reader
This fic is set in Nightbringer!
“Can we do that?”
Satan shook his head, seemingly too entranced by the kitty to formulate complete thoughts. “I mean, can demons purr?” He gazed at you, tilting his head slightly to the side. “I’ve only had a body for a year at this point, and I’m still learning about what it’s capable of.”
"...Let’s see for ourselves, shall we?”
Word Count: 2,200
Yet another fight had broken out between the brothers, and Lucifer had called you over to stop Beelzebub from destroying the kitchen…again. You had half the mind to tease Lucifer over the phone for relying so much on you when just a couple of months ago he all but said that he’d rather drop dead than have an attendant to babysit him and his brothers. However, Lucifer’s quiet, exhausted voice made you bite your tongue and head right over. 
Although you were still miffed at being downgraded from family to class mediator in the blink of an eye, you began your trek to the House of Lamentation without one of your usual complaints. It was one of the few moments you could hang out with the brothers, even though most of that time was spent ensuring they didn’t get themselves into trouble.
…Now that you thought about it, maybe things weren’t so different, after all. 
As you walked up the path toward the brothers’ home, you spotted Satan standing in the garden. 
You did a double take to confirm that, yep, Satan was there with his back facing toward you, his fists clenching and unclenching rapidly. His entire body was tense with his shoulders hunched over. 
Huh. You had assumed that Satan was involved in the fight but apparently not. A small sliver of guilt washed over you, but you quickly dismissed it.
Glancing over at the House of Lamentation, you didn’t see a hole being struck through the wall or anything else out of the ordinary. You probably had a few minutes to see what was up with Satan before having to head inside and placate the rest of the brothers. 
You cautiously stepped toward Satan. The grass crunched softly underneath your shoes. “Hey, Satan. What’s up?”
Satan’s breath hitched as he whipped his head around to face your direction. He visibly relaxed when he saw you making your way over. “I thought you were one of my brothers.” He turned back around to where he was facing before. 
Should you have been offended by that? Either way, you noted that he didn’t answer your greeting or your question. “What are you looking at?” you asked. 
You followed his line of sight to see a beautiful calico cat playfully swatting the plants that lined the base of the tree she was under. Splotches of black decorated the orange bits of her fur, which practically glowed under the moonlight. No wonder Satan was so enthralled. 
“That cat over there.” Satan pointed, confirming what you had thought. “I’ve been trying to pet her all day, but she keeps running away from me. I hate it.” Satan kicked the dirt, uprooting some of the grass with it. 
“Well, cats can be skittish creatures at times. If you’re not careful, you may end up scaring her.”
“I’m not scary!” Satan snapped. 
You took a sharp breath and tensed up. Even the cat seemed to momentarily raise her head at his outburst. Satan’s furrowed eyebrows relaxed into a face that you couldn’t quite name. That happened a lot with Satan, you noticed. Whenever his enraged expression would melt away, it would always be replaced by something you didn’t have the emotional intelligence to understand. Was it regret, sorrow, or something else entirely?
“I never said you were,” you said softly. In any other circumstance, you would have given Satan a hug by now, but this wasn’t your Satan. This one was still hesitant about receiving physical affection and would often rebuke any attempts.
 He looked away. “Asmo tried to teach me how to be more approachable to cats the other day, but I think he was just using it as an excuse to dress me up.” 
“Was he now?” you said in amusement. You could tell that Asmodeus was trying his best to befriend Satan, even though his actions tended to be a little off the mark. “I can teach you, instead. I’m pretty sure I have more experience in dealing with cats.”
It was subtle, but Satan’s eyes lit up. “Would you?”
You nodded, smiling at him. “Yes, of course.” His wide-eyed expression was so cute that you had to physically stop yourself from pinching his cheek. “As I said before, cats tend to be kind of timid, so it’s important that you let them come to you rather than the other way around.” 
Ah, if only you had some cat food on hand to draw her over here. You could try to get something from the fridge, but Beelzebub’s rampage probably meant that the kitchen was off-limits for now. You’d have to do without. 
“Here, why don’t we sit down?” You almost grab his shoulders, intent on gently guiding him down, before stopping in your tracks. 
Although you and Satan definitely had a more amicable relationship compared to when you first met, you still weren’t entirely sure if he was comfortable with you touching him just yet. Instead, you sat down and patted the grassy area next to you. Satan followed suit, sitting crossed-legged. His knee was barely touching yours. 
“Like this?” he asked quietly.
You clapped your hands together. “Exactly like this. And now, we wait.”
“For how long?”
You shrugged. “For however long it takes for her to come over here.” The cat was now batting a couple of stray sticks that must have fallen off of the tree. “She seems to be naturally curious, so it shouldn’t take long.”
“Oh, okay,” Satan said. After a few seconds of him twiddling his thumbs, he asked, “Do cats have soft fur?”
“Most do,” you answered, “Though, it depends on how well groomed it is.”
“Her fur looks soft.”
“It does.”
Satan tapped his legs. “I hope I’ll get to feel it soon.” 
You hoped so, too. 
The cat was now chewing on the stick, her tail swishing behind her. She was much closer to the two of you than before, but she was still a long way away.
Satan hummed. He plucked at the grass surrounding his shoes. “I like it when she meows. It doesn’t happen often, but it’s cute.”
“Is it?”
“Yeah, I hope you’ll be able to hear it soon.”
Your heart quivered. That was a sweet sentiment. You became lost in thought as the crows chirped overhead. You missed Satan dearly, as you did with the rest of the brothers from the present, but this wasn’t so bad. You enjoyed seeing a different side to the brothers that you never thought you’d ever get to know. 
You flinched when Satan slammed his hand on your knee. “She’s coming,” he whispered urgently. 
Sure enough, the cat was casually strolling over in your direction. Her tail was curved upward into the shape of a question mark, and her green eyes darted around curiously. She came to you first, butting her head against your leg. You held your hand in front of her nose to give her some time to sniff you. When she did, you began to scratch behind her ears, quietly cooing at the way her ears twitched. 
Satan was staring intently at the cat, who was leaning into your hand to get more pets. She was a greedy little thing, wasn’t she? You grinned. “What are you waiting for?” you whispered.
Satan absentmindedly squeezed your knee. You didn’t think he realized he was doing it. “I’m afraid I’ll scare her again,” he said. His voice was strained. 
“May I?” you asked. Satan hesitantly nodded. 
You gently lifted up his hand and guided him toward the cat. Satan bristled at your touch but soon relaxed when you, with your hand on top of his, showed him how to pet the cat along its back. She chirped happily, and you removed your hand, allowing Satan to stroke her fur on his own. 
A tiny smile appeared on his face. It was so subtle that you probably wouldn’t have noticed if you weren’t looking directly at him. “It is soft,” Satan muttered in astonishment. 
The cat flopped down on her back, revealing the white fur along her stomach. Satan drew his hand back, now unsure what to do now that his only petting spot was covered. He looked at you for guidance, and you jerked your head forward to silently say, “Go on.”
Satan wavered for a few seconds before copying what you had done before. He scratched the cat behind her ears, causing her to flick her head back. Satan’s face brightened up, and his eyes danced in excitement. His giddiness was palpable as you found yourself smiling, as well.
The cat closed her eyes and let out a tiny mewl. A low vibrating-like sound emanated from her as she cuddled up to Satan’s hand. 
His mouth fell open. “What is that?” he asked incredulously.
Satan had to be careful about getting that innocent look in his eyes, or else you’d fall in love with him all over again.
“She’s purring,” you said, “It means she’s happy. She likes you.” You reached over and gave the cat a few good strokes along the top of her head.
His voice was breathy and quiet. “I like her, too,” he said, “Can other animals purr?”
You scratched your cheek. “Uh, I’m not actually sure. I think some wild cats can purr, too.”
“Can we do that?”
Satan shook his head, seemingly too entranced by the kitty to formulate complete thoughts. “I mean, can demons purr?” He gazed at you, tilting his head slightly to the side. “I’ve only had a body for a year at this point, and I’m still learning about what it’s capable of.”
You racked your brain to try to think of any moment when you had heard any of the demon brothers purr. Aside from any cat-spell-related mishaps, you didn’t recall a particular moment. If you had to pick, you guessed your Satan was the one who’d come closest to ‘purring.’ He’d often hum in contentment whenever you massaged his head or gave him a back scratch. But, did that count?
You were about to shake your head when you bit your lip and paused. What if demons could purr, and you’ve just never heard it before? Although that would be a low blow to your ego, you didn’t want to give Satan the wrong information. If he found out later on that demons could actually purr, that would put your integrity–and very identity–on the line. 
As you were deliberating this little dilemma of yours, the cat sat up. Satam froze as she shook her body and sauntered off. Her tail waved in the air as she disappeared into the distance, off to go play with who knows what.
Satan winced and started anxiously massaging his hand. “Did I do something wrong?” He sounded uncharacteristically meek, which put you on edge. 
“No, no, you didn’t,” you said, “She probably just had her fill of pets for now. We’ll probably see her again later today.”
“Oh. I hope we see her soon, then.”
You hummed, thinking that you were safe. “I do, too.”
Satan turned to face you. “As for my question?” His eyes were soft, yet curious. 
Dang it. 
Small beads of sweat prickled your back. “Yes, well, um, let’s see for ourselves, shall we?” You reached out toward him, your hand hovering just before his face. 
Satan tensed, tightening his jaw. His pupils fluttered around, as though desperately searching for a hint of mockery in your expression. When he found none, his cheeks slowly reddened as if he just now understood what you were asking. The blush that threatened to engulf the entirety of his face complimented the color of his eye. It was cute. He was cute. 
He looked down, squeezing his eyes shut in what you hoped wasn’t shame. Then, gradually, he nodded, finally granting you the permission you were waiting for. 
You tenderly grasped the underside of his jaw and gently scratched the area leading to his ear. You had expected him to stiffen up immediately, but you found him unwinding himself under your touch. 
Satan was trying to fight the feeling, judging by the way his eyebrows had stitched together, but, soon enough, he gave up. Satan leaned into the palm of your hand, and a soft sigh accidentally escaped his lips. A wobbly, lopsided grin stretched onto his face when you started caressing him behind the ear. 
However, he didn’t purr. You withdrew your hand. “I guess that settles it, demons can’t–”
Satan gripped your wrist so tightly that you jumped. “Please,” he muttered, a hint of desperation on the edge of his voice, “Don’t stop.” Satan’s hand was trembling as he placed your hand back to where it was before. With a vague sense of curiosity, you noted that his eyes were wet.
…Well, he had asked so nicely. How could you possibly have refused? You were certain that Lucifer could handle things on his own. Besides, as a certified demon attendant, it was your responsibility to ensure the happiness of all of the brothers. You went right back to petting the side of Satan’s face, delighting in the way he melted under your fingertips. 
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tremendous-entropy · 4 months
Hello all! Ok, so I've never written fics before, let alone smut, but this thought has been driving me crazy for a while and I can't find what I'm looking for so I decided to give it a go myself. Premise being that in the nightbringer time-line all the brothers are 100% virgins. So I'd like to explore that, lol. Taking place after you wake up from your coma and on from there. First being mammon that night (ignoring the bit where they're all asleep outside your door at the end of that lesson) and then next being lucifer after he learns they all want to stay in the devildom with Satan, when the two of you are in his office bc it just sets it up so perfectly. From there idk what order or after what happening I want the rest of them to happen. So I'm looking for suggestions, and also just really want to know if this is something y'all would be interested in reading? Bc it's gonna be super long. And it may take a while, I have Adhd and my shit is all over the place. I'm going to use my MC, Zaeda, she/her, bi, poly. I can already tell you mammon will probably be the most in depth, lol, I just love him so much, I'm sorry 😂 but I do love them all and I will do my best to give each of them the time they deserve 😉So here's a little long af teaser and probably not gonna be super wonderfully edited so ignore any current typos, give me some feedback please!
NSFW but barely
You lie in bed wide awake thinking back on the last few days of your little coma situation. You recall everything you heard the boys say while you were under, every word, every kiss. You're practically brimming with love. Sleep eludes you. It's intensely quiet. Lucifer threatened the brother's lives if they so much as stepped out of their rooms tonight to ensure you got proper rest.(No he's not worried about you.) Apparently they all slept outside your door the entire time you were out. They've all been on your mind more constantly lately. In a different way. In your time you're in a happy poly relationship with all of them and you've slept with all of them more times than you can count. In this time.....well...they're all virgins.
You shuffle through each demon in your mind, recalling so many intimate moments, wondering how different this time will be. Did Barbatos explain things to them while they were confined to the castle? Brand new demons. Have they masturbated? Do they watch porn? Have they discovered any of their kinks yet? Should you show them? Or let them figure it out slowly? So many questions. So many possibilities. Where to start? Which lucky demon will be the first to fall...to you. Who will be the second? The third? Fourth? Mmm. Let's get this party started.
You already know the answer to who's first. Who better than your first man? So many firsts with that boy. It's only right that he be the first. The first to love you, the first to know you. The rest can wait, the time has to be right for each of them. The fact that you haven't jumped that greedy boys bones already is a testament to your self control. For now, you crawl out of bed, strip to nothing, walk to your dresser and unfold Mammon's white shirt you keep in your drawer. It smells like him. You should probably return this.... You put it on, it comes down just enough to cover your bare ass. Perfect. You grab your ddd and slowly and carefully make your way out into the hall.
"thank fuck I'm a master at sneaking around these halls", you think to yourself, as you quietly walk on the balls of your feet, slowly stepping over every creaky board in your path. It's seems like an eternity has passed by the time you finally make it to the 2nd borns room. You open the door little by little, unsure as to whether or not the demon is sleeping, it's still early for you and he's usually just as nocturnal as you are, even with the neverending darkness of the devildom. You spot the white haired demon as you walk in, sitting on his couch, some long forgotten movie playing on the TV, scrolling intently on his ddd, completely unaware of you walking up behind him, or what's about to come next...
"Hey, pretty boy." you coo at him walking up behind the couch. "AHHH! FUCK! ZAEDA WHAT THE FUCK?! DON'T SNEAK UP ON ME LIKE THAT YOU ALMOST GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK!" He holds his right hand to his chest dramatically as he catches his breath, "I coulda hurt ya, dummy!" he pouts. "Aw, sweet boy, I'm sorry I scared you." you smile as you bend down crossing your arms and resting them on the back of the couch as you lean in closely. If only he could see the view from the back. "Ya didn't scare me! Nothin scares the Great Mammon! Ya just caught me off guard is all! Shit, what are ya even doin up, aren't ya s'posed to be restin?" You smile sweetly at the frazzled demon and look into those gorgeous blue eyes of his, "should I go back to bed?" "NOOO! No! ... I- I mean.. it's not like I care..." he trails off. You tilt your head to the side and eye him suspiciously, "hmm". His tsundere tendencies don't faze you anymore. You know he's loved you since before he knew what love really was. You know he thinks the sun shines out your perfect ass. You wait patiently as his thoughts catch up to him. He's looking anywhere but you
"I- I mean...sorry I... I don't want you to go...I-" You smile as you reach out and gently lift his chin up to meet your gaze. Uncertainty swirls in those beautiful eyes shinning up at you and such a pretty little blush across his perfect face. You slide your hand to his cheek and slowly pull him in and plant a gentle kiss on his waiting lips. " I'm not going anywhere, puppy." Barely a whisper into his sweet lips. He melts into your touch as you you rub your thumb over his cheekbone. His blush probably reaches his knees by now. You remove your hand from his face after running it once through his soft hair. His ddd still in his left hand, catches your attention. You lean over slightly for a better look. While you're distracted, mammon takes the time to really soak you in. He looks at your beautiful face, your pretty pink hair, falling waves over your shoulders, those lips that haunt him all hours of the night. His eyes rake down your body, what he can see of it right now, he finally notices the shirt. "Zaeda, is tha-", "Watcha lookin at mams?".... He freezes as he remembers what he was doing before you were standing in front of him. He scrambles as you snatch his ddd from his hand and run behind the pool table. On the screen is a photo album. Full of pictures of you. You and him, but mostly you. You quickly scroll through the seemingly endless pictures (how does he even have so many?). "HEY! NO! STOP IT RIGHT NOW! THAT'S PRIVATE PROPERTY!" He jumps off the couch and runs to you and desperately tries to grab the device as you dodge him over and over, laughing. "Puppyyyy! It's cute! Look at all these! I'm flattered." You hold the ddd up over your head. "It's not what you think! I- was doin somethin- I was just-"
He stops dead in his tracks. Jaw agape.
"Y- you...you're...are you...um...you're not w-wearing anything under that shirt..." You notice a little too late that with your arm above your head like that you can juuust see the bare curve of your ass peeking out from the bottom of his shirt that hangs on your body so perfectly goddamn his heart is gonna bust out of his chest fuck he can see your nipple rings through the thin white fabric fuck why is his dick throbbing
"Fuck...." You turn his ddd off and lay it on the pool table and slowly make your way toward him, holding his gaze. "That part was supposed to be a surprise."
That's all so far! Lemme know what y'all think!
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oopsiedaisymae · 1 month
Writer ask game? hehehe
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On today's fruit platter: 🍓 🍎 🍐 🍇
MWAH jes thank u for the ask!! i will try my best to answer o7
🍓 What’s a fic you’ve written you feel is underrated?
i'm not one to jump to thinking my works are underrated all that often, both because i'm a bit hypercritical of my own work and also bc i can usually predict what might be more popular based on the premise/character i'm writing. but if i had to give an answer from each blog:
cool about it is a songfic-thingy that i wrote for obey me nightbringer around this time last year. when i was going through my masterlist and reorganizing everything, this is the piece that stuck out to me the most as being better than i remembered. some of the phrasing really hits in my opinion, too:
"but being around you leaves his head devoid of all reason. he craves you like flowers crave rain in early spring, like the dead of night craves the gentle kiss of dawn." - mammon's section
"he doesn't question his fondness towards you. you're just... special. he doesn't want to question what makes you feel so nice to be around-- he'd rather just bask in your warmth, like a child savoring the summer sun." - beel's section
i also, like many others, think nightbringer's premise was underutilized for the massive change it made to the franchise. i wish they'd explored the dynamic of knowing the past demons more thoroughly before reversing it, maybe made it an entire spin off game and continued the og timeline? i'm not sure. but i think the early dynamic of nightbringer was really interesting and i like how i captured it here.
back brace blues is a fic i wrote for twisted wonderland about lilia vanrouge. i think it was a pretty decent dive into my first "longer" fic for that blog (longer used incredibly loosely). i wrote it from some inspiration i got from some hcs about him floating around and a fic from a now-mutual of mine about giving him a back rub. as someone who chronic back pain myself i think it's incredibly fascinating to show lilia's age in subtle ways like that. in general, i think lilia has one of the most interesting backstories, and this was my way to explore it. idk. i think the piece is based around some interesting headcanons and some soft domestic moments that i like.
🍎 Is there anything you straight-up won’t write?
despite the things that i tend to post being pretty fluffy and contemplative, i've dabbled in writing other stuff offline. sexual content, violence, stalking, murder, etc etc... just some truly feral shit i've explored over the years with a particular writing buddy of mine. i got into creepypasta at like, 10 lol. my writing boundaries are based on whatever i feel like writing and always in flux. some things i don't ever see myself writing, though:
pedophilia, cuz i think it's a very serious issue and also gross as fuck (includes grooming, very imbalanced power dynamics played completely straight, etc etc)
graphic torture, cuz i'm squeamish and don't have the constitution for that
non-con and cnc, cuz i don't personally like it at all even though i can understand why others do (the ability to give consent in a fantasy that hinges on a lack of it, etc etc)
scat/piss/vomit, cuz squeamish
rough BDSM stuff, cuz i don't like it
probably never gonna write selfship stuff cuz i'm much much more interested in creating ocs and specific narratives
other things that i personally just find gross/upsetting/annoying/am disinterested in etc etc that i either cannot think of right now or have not discovered i dislike yet
i'm someone who has always been really clear in my personal boundaries and moral convictions, because i personally am very keen on separating fiction from reality. i'm a massive pussy and moralist irl (can't even steal from villagers in minecraft bc what if they starve :'( rip) but i think the ability to look at something in fiction and pick it apart knowing it's entirely not real can allow us to reflect on the nature of humanity etc etc. hence why i can read stories with demons and murders and yet can't really stomach true crime. but that's just my opinion personally!
🍐 Is there anything in canon that you absolutely hate and love to fix in fics? A wrong choice made, a fuck-up in characterization, a misunderstanding never cleared up, a conversation never shown onscreen, etc���
a lot of my biggest gripes center around shitty characterization and thoughtless plot points. obey me is incredibly guilty of this so here are some things i constantly correct in fics or just in my general understanding of the lore:
solomon's characterization, specifically in nightbringer and fanon. i talked about him in my last post. idk when the hell he got this reputation as a soft boy that's never done anything wrong. that man's a fucking war criminal lol. AND he's cute and sweet! duality of man! but i hate when all his nuance is scrubbed away and he's basically declawed for the sake of sanitizing the game and/or making people feel like they don't like someone who's done lots of dubious shit.
beel's characterization. oh my god. let him have a personality outside of eating.
satan's characterization. idk when the game decided it was funny to have him only care about cats and being a dick to lucifer but i hate it. give my boy his academic snootiness back. where are his mysterious connections. his nuance. they've fuckin destroyed his nuance.
the lack of lore about the way the celestial realm works, the connections between the three realms, etc. there's so much neglected world building and i always do my best to muster up SOMETHING in the gaps.
i also usually just perceive twisted wonderland's canon and night raven college as an actual university level program instead of... whatever it's supposed to be. idk why some of the characters are so young or why the age spread is so wide or why it's called a "college" if only some of the characters are college age. that's the sort of main premise of my twst blog, basically just correcting that stuff bc it makes absolutely no sense to me and i think some of the plot points are more interesting that way (riddle's relationship w his mother, vil's fame, kalim and jamil's dynamic, etc etc).
🍇 Is there a particular scene/episode/book/etc that you want to just write a million fics about, over and over? Which one?
for obey me, the way most of them are solomon-centric... fucking embarassing lol
i want to write the end of season 2 of og over and over forever. i think it's so incredibly interesting. the back and forth with solomon, the talk with lucifer, the impending doom, being saved by simeon who basically destroys his relationship with michael and Father in that moment... so juicy. i wish i could read and write about it forever
in my mind, my magus opus fic is this detailed fic of the night solomon and mc are implied to sleep together in og season 3... so many thoughts. it's needy and full of yearning. he's way too chipper the next day. belphie's line that implies he was geTTING OFF TO IT???? jesus. i wish i had the focus to lock in and write a detailed smut fic from several povs about this event
i eat up every single fic about lucifer and mc making a pact in og season 1 and would love to have my own interpretation one day
for twisted wonderland:
i would love to explore each overblot scene in obscene detail. specifically riddle, azul, and jamil
i want to write so many fics about chapter 6, specifcally with mc and pomefiore. i loved that book and the dynamics. i want to write a fic about vil's kisses. i want to write about hunting down rook with epel on the brooms. i want to write about the angst at the end with almost losing grim and a hypothetical where mc jumps in to grab him instead. god i forgot how much i love book six until literally right now lol
twst is better written imo (sorry) so i have less moments i want to build on but i'm sure there's more rattling around in my brain lol
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another-lost-mc · 7 months
Hiii, I’m new to your page and I’m already obsessed with your work. I love how you write the characters and I absolutely love your O/Cs. I was just wondering if you ever planned on continuing your O/C’s stories? Specifically Feathered Friends and A Roll of the Dice.
Feel free to totally ignore this, I was just curious and I’m absolutely feral for Karasu!!
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I'm so glad you enjoy my writing and the OCs. <3
I don't mind talking about upcoming plans for the OCs' stories so I'm happy you asked!
The next few chapters of Karasu's story are outlined. Part Four involves MC's tentative pact with Mammon and how that affects their developing relationship with Karasu. It goes into a bit of Karasu's backstory with Mammon and some insight into Karasu's opinions of pacts in general. I play a bit fast and loose with the canon story and pact order after that. I've mentioned this before, but Levi's pact is a long way off. That being said, the Dogi Maji game shenanigans in Lesson 10 becomes a critical turning point in their relationship progression. 👀
Karasu's Nightbringer story is being re-written now that I have the entire past plot to work with. I'm leaving the existing ficlets as they are since I wrote them for fun and like them as their own standalone thing. I do have an outline in the works that follows the NB canon right up to Lesson 40. It's going to be a longer one-shot rather than a multi-chapter fic.
The outline for Azra's entire S1 AU is practically done. It focuses less on canon events and more on the significant milestones in their relationship while MC is in the Devildom. I thought about re-writing Part Two's premise but now I'm not sure if I want to do that either. The original idea was a bit corny but also hilarious? I might keep it the way it is.
And since I'm already talking about OC stuff, let's cover the others too:
I have some brief ideas outlined for Zee's AU but nothing post-ready yet, which is why I'm trying to include him in the multi-character OC posts so he can still get some love. There are certain tropes/scenarios I haven't written about for other characters public sex period sex that apply to Zee, so at least I have some stuff to write about in the meantime.
I have the first part of Tenebris's AU outlined, but it needs some tweaking to reflect additions/changes I've made to his character and story (I originally wrote that outline like, a year ago). His SFW/NSFW Alphabets are in the works too.
Most of my focus for Metatron lately has been fleshing out his past and current standing in the Celestial Realm. I've had a lot of fun writing about his volatile history with Azra and how that will eventually tie into whatever present-day AU I write for him. In the meantime, he'll pop up in some of the Celestial Realm-based writing (he's already made a couple cameos and he's very good at making the other angels jealous lol).
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