#My sexcapdes
ahundredtimesover · 1 year
love love love the plm jealousy drabble! can you also write a super needy, subby plm koo 🥹 only if you have the time and energy! Tysm 🫰🏻
This is 5 months late but here it is - my take on "subby" Koo even if I do not know how to write this kind of dynamic. But I tried with CK JK in mind so I hope you like it. There's also lots of fluff and teasing and walking down memory lane and this is me, making up for the past 2 angsty parts. 🙂
Title: Please Love Me Bonus (09) - The Lake House
WC: 16,648
Tags/Warnings: mentions of pregnancy, past illness; CK JK, lots of teasing and fluff; talks of past sexcapdes; explicit sexual content ("subby" JK & OC trying to be a "dom" (??), mutual masturbation, thigh riding, oral (m & f receiving), straddling, fingering, lots of kissing, penetrative sex, creampie??) (18+) I’m obviously unsure of my smut pls forgive me 😅😅
Series Masterlist
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“Am I making your heart flutter again, Mrs. Jeon?”
Jungkook smirks as he asks, his body turning towards you when he reaches the stoplight. 
Seated on the driver’s seat with his one hand on the wheel and the other one on yours, you shyly smile, knowing you’ve been caught, even if you weren’t really hiding your obvious attraction for your husband on this specific day. 
He’s got the short sleeves of his plain white shirt rolled up, his arm tattoos looking bright under the summer sun. His hair is curlier than usual as it’s grown longer, and paired with the denim jeans that you asked him to wear, he’s an absolute stunner. 
“You know the answer to that, hun,” you giggle, briefly looking away before he tugs your hand to look at him again.
“I wanna hear you say it, baby,” he urges, his eyebrows wiggling now. 
You know that he’ll take any chance he has to hear you confirm that you’re ogling him, and well, you’ve told yourself that you’ll do that every few times just to see him be a giggly mess. 
“You are, Kook,” you concede. “My heart’s non-threateningly leaping out of my chest right now. You’re so handsome and you’re so happy; it’s my favorite version of you.”
“Ah, I thought post-shower Jungkook is your favorite,” he teases. “But you also said that about post-sex Jungkook, and post-gym Jungkook, and Jungkook with his glasses on, and—”
“Oh stop it,” you laugh, getting flustered at him pointing out just how weak you are for him. He’s not wrong, though. “They’re all my favorites.”
“You can’t have more than one favorite though,” he playfully rolls his eyes. 
“So then what’s your favorite version of me?” You ask, challenging him.
“The present one,” he winks. “Today’s you is my favorite as of today; yesterday’s you was my favorite as of yesterday, and then the day before that was… you get my drift. Each one has been my favorite and it changes everyday.”
“You’re a cheater,” you shake your head. 
“I am a lover, babe. I love every version of you.”
You cover your face as you feel embarrassed for you and him, and you’re glad you’re the only two people who are witnessing your husband be incredibly cheesy, which happens every once in a while. You know he does it to make you laugh but you also know there’s truth to the things he says, no matter how cringey they could be sometimes. He loves you that way, and you like that he does.
“Do you love the version that upsets you, too? And that cries and gets sad when you’re away?” You wonder out loud, knowing that any reference to your recent fight and its aftermath doesn’t hurt you both as much as it used to. 
It was two weeks ago when he took the 4-hour drive from Busan to Seoul to be with you, and you’ve both been more comfortable talking about the things that hurt since then. It’s how you managed to get back to how things were, playfulness included. 
“Of course, babe,” he says, more serious and softer now. “I love you even when I’m angry. And even if it’s hard to see you cry, I love it when I get to hold you again. And then, you know, we have sex and then you talk dirty to me.”
“Kook!” You squeal, feeling your cheeks warm at the reminder. 
You’re rarely ever vulgar during sex, letting Jungkook take the reins in all ways including vocally, but that night, you felt so much desire that you just wanted to push him a little, perhaps make him feel how he makes you feel, and your words did what you wanted them to. He came so hard and you basked in the joy that you could do that to him. Thinking about it now makes you shiver, and you truly can’t wait for the long weekend you’ve been afforded to go out of town and be together, knowing what you’ll be doing most of the time.
“Why are you shy about it?” He chuckles, taking your hand from your face and kissing it. “It was so fucking hot, okay? And since you don’t do it much, it surprises me whenever you do, and that’s just… shit I’m getting hard just thinking about it.”
“Honey, behave,” you laugh, although the thought that he could get turned out at the memory of that night makes you giddy. Perhaps that version of you could show up in the next few days. 
“I will,” he smiles sweetly now. “But you know it doesn’t matter, right? You could just be lying in bed and sounding the way you always do and that’s all I need. It doesn’t take much to make me happy. Just you.”
Your nose scrunches as you try to temper your smile, but it gives him more reasons to tease you.
“Your heart fluttering again?” He wiggles his eyebrows now.
You pout in response and he can’t help but laugh, and the sound of it warms your heart in ways you can’t fully express. You were without it for weeks, as you recall the days following your stint at the hospital, how Jungkook had been cold to you until things blew over, and how he was distant right after because he didn’t know how to handle all his conflicting emotions towards you. Looking back now, your biggest fight since getting married was because of how much love you both have for each other, and that says a lot about how far you’ve come. 
Despite the weeks since then having been tough for Jungkook because of the meetings and project preparations he had to manage, he made sure to go home to you, hug you every night, message when he can’t call, and let you know that he needs you even when he’s just about ready to pull his hair from stress. And you were there, letting him lay on your chest, massaging his head, and kissing him constantly to let him know that you’ll weather the storm with him, no matter how tough things get. 
After getting things going and delegating the tasks for his project, Jungkook got the approval from his father to get two days off, which is why you’re both on the way to Busan, having missed home so much. You’ve both only visited since you got married but never stayed long enough to go around, and like what you both promised each other, you’ll make new memories in the places that hold unpleasant ones. Home felt the same but you’re both different now, and the flirty smile that Jungkook gives you is evidence of that. 
Perhaps it’s his feeling of temporary freedom that makes him look a lot more handsome today; he’s smiling and laughing and teasing, and it’s when his youthfulness shines. Perhaps it’s the way the sun highlights his caramel skin, or the way his curls fall on his shoulders, or maybe it’s the casual look that isn’t his usual sweatshirt and joggers ensemble that’s making him look even more irresistible. Maybe it’s everything, as he bops his head to the sounds of his playlist, his carefree vibe somehow making him glow. 
Maybe you’re just as excited, and so everything he’s done since this morning is probably just preparing you for what’s to come. 
You’d stopped to watch him dress up earlier and commented that he could be a jeans and underwear model, and he’d laughed, saying that in contrast to his younger years, he no longer feels comfortable walking in his boxers around strangers. He had to clarify that he joined some community fashion show during one of his backpacking trips because his companion convinced him and he was a hit; everyone was cheering and then flirting with him afterwards. He’s done with that, he’d said. You’re the only one he wants to see him that way; he’d give you a private show if you wanted, he teased. 
During your stopover at a cafe for breakfast, he was sitting on the chair with his legs spread wide while sipping his coffee, and you allowed yourself just about a minute to imagine climbing on his lap and marking his pretty neck while he moaned your name. 
And this whole drive, he’d been nothing but a tease - combing his hair with his fingers, dragging his tongue along his lips just because, and singing along to love songs while smirking at you. All the while, you’re smiling like a giddy teenager admiring her crush, and Jungkook makes sure to call you out on it. But you don’t mind, really, not when he stops at a shoulder on the road just to kiss the pout off your face and tell you that he becomes such a giddy mess every time he sees you be a mess yourself for him.
“Kook,” you whine against his mouth, wanting it all over you even if you know it’s not the time nor place. “We have to go to our grandparents’. You know they don’t like it when we’re late.”
“They miss us too much to get angry,” he argues, as he presses kisses down your neck. 
“We’re still out on the road and in public,” you counter, panting now as your pleasure increases. “And I don’t want to go into that lunch with messy underwear because that’s what’s about to happen. Please, hun, I—” your moan cuts you off when his fingers press onto your clothed pussy, feeling now the effect he has on you. 
“Hmm, baby,” he groans, suddenly frustrated at not being able to do anything more right now. 
He shouldn’t have teased you like this but he also couldn’t go on another minute not kissing you after you looked at him the way you’ve been all morning. There’s this perpetual desire in your eyes, as if you’re savoring every action that he makes, perhaps coming up with scenarios in your head that he hopes you’d play out once you’re both alone. He suddenly wants to fast forward to tonight for that, knowing it’ll take you until the early hours of the morning to get fully satisfied. 
“We should save all this energy for later, okay?” You say, taking his fingers that felt you up in your mouth, wanting to get back at him but also wanting to excite him; his hardened gaze says you succeeded. “In the meantime, we have to act like the precious, wholesome couple that our grandparents think we are.”
“Hey, we’re wholesome sometimes,” Jungkook laughs, willing himself to pull away from you and continue driving. “But, uh, do you think they’ll ask us about having children again? I don’t really know what to tell them; we can’t really ask them to not be on our business like we can with our parents. I just don’t want you to feel pressured.”
“I know, same here,” you sigh. “But Mother told me that she told them not to bring it up, since I have to focus on getting healthy again after what happened. Hopefully our grandparents won’t hound us about it.”
“If they do, then let’s just be honest.”
“And say what?”
“That we’re living our best lives and we’ve decided to let life surprise us,” Jungkook says. “And that it’ll come. And when it does, it’s gonna be really special because we prepared ourselves for it. Because that’s what we’re doing, right?”
“It is,” you smile, liking how he’s able to talk about having children in a casual manner now, with less of the fear and more of the excitement. 
You may still be just letting things take its course - with some false alarms along the way - but the challenges in between have been helpful in preparing yourselves for eventually starting a family. You know that when it happens, it’s going to be everything you imagined it to be. 
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Your grandparents’ estate is not far from the beach. They bought a humble home in this area decades ago and slowly expanded the property by buying the surrounding land, until they were able to build a large main house with smaller living quarters for when their children and grandchildren visit. 
The garden is large and well-designed. You claimed a section of it when you were young. It’s where you had your playhouse set up because playing in it was the only thing you could do; you weren’t allowed to run around like Seokjin and Soyeon were. There was a spot where you laid your mat to play with your dolls; as you grew older, it became the place where you’d read books or paint or draw. The playhouse is still there, a little old and rusty but you imagine your future children playing in there one day. 
There’s a tall tree in the center and you stand underneath. It’s the one that used to shade you when you would watch your siblings play with the Jeons. 
Apparently, it’s also the spot of your first picture with your husband, as you find out from your grandparents. Your grandmother holds an old photo they recovered from one of their albums - you and Jungkook at 2 years old, standing next to each other, with him in a red hooded jacket and you in a yellow sundress. There’s distance in between, but you’re both posing the way little kids do, and you can’t stop gushing over how adorable you both looked.
“Honey, look at us!” You giggle. “Two years before you started disliking me.”
“You mean, 2 years before you rejected me?” He counters, pouting at you. 
You both pose the same way for another photo - Jungkook with a peace sign by his head and you with your close-lipped, sweet smile - and lay the polaroid next to the old picture, over 25 years apart. It’s amazing how things play out, you think to yourself as you gaze at them. Life does surprise you, and realizing it decades later is a different kind of special. 
Jungkook makes you take another photo so he has a copy, and you indulge him, knowing he gets pretty sentimental about these things. He said once that he wishes he had more of your joint childhood to remember and treasure, but much of that only lives in your mind because you’re the one who always paid attention; he was the one who tried not to mind you even if you were right next to him, the jealousy clouding his mind. Which is why whatever piece of your past he finds, he’ll take it, if only to put together the puzzle of your lives back then, and smile because even if he doesn’t remember much of that, he remembers everything about this - your now and everyday.
He goes through other old photo albums of your grandparents, telling his grandparents that he’ll check their stack as well when you both visit on your last day. It’s stories of the yesteryears that fill the air as you finish your meal, and you’re thankful that everyone is immersed in the stories to even bring up your sickness or your future family. 
The sound of Jungkook’s laughter fills your heart once more, and as he pulls you close under that same tree for a kiss, you think that it’s another new memory you’re going to hold dear.
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Pulling up to the side of the road, Jungkook turns off the engine and meets you by the railings overlooking a semi-private beach. It’s one of several in town and Jungkook’s favorite. This is where he first learned to surf and he spent much of his time here with Jimin and Taehyung.
He tells you this as you both walk down the steps to get to the shore, reminiscing the days when things were much simpler.
“So that’s why you chose this for your 13th birthday party,” you say, looking around. “It’s gorgeous, Kook.”
“You knew I had it here?” He looks at you curiously, immediately thinking that Junghyun had told you.
“Yeah, I could tell from that big rock,” you say, pointing to it near the shore. “You had photos there and your brother told me how your mom was yelling at you to not jump from it. I… I asked him to show me pictures when he visited me at the hospital. I told him I wanted to see how happy you were.”
“You were recovering from surgery but you were still thinking about me, huh?” Jungkook says, a sigh almost escaping his lips at the thought. 
“You were really excited about it and I was sad I couldn’t go. If I was strong enough, I would have, but I guess you wouldn’t have noticed either way,” you laugh, knowing that Jungkook didn’t pay much attention to you then.
“I was pretty bitter, actually,” he admits. “You were supposed to be family but you didn’t come - that was the thought in my head. Silly, right? And pretty childish.”
“You didn’t know, Kook,” you assure him. “So you were looking for me?”
“Sort of,” he laughs. “I was being petty. I remember not wanting to ask hyung where you were so I never did, but I just chalked it up to you never attending parties anyway, so what would be different about me?”
“Yours was the only party I would actually go to, but I didn’t want to be the boring girl to you who just sat at the table while everyone enjoyed,” you reason. “So I never went to the ones after that. I always wanted to, though. But that doesn’t really matter now, does it?” You turn to him and smile before you wrap his arms around your waist. “I’m literally family and we’re here together. I think this is a nice good memory to make.”
“It is,” he says, kissing your cheek. “I’m glad I took you here with me. Immature 13-year old Jungkook can get over it now. If I told him I’d be marrying you 12 years later, he’d probably cuss me out.”
“You were cursing at 13?!”
“Yeah. Don’t tell my Mother.”
You laugh together as you head back to the car, the late afternoon heat starting to prick at your skin. It’s been a long day but you’re nowhere near done. You take the half-hour drive to your home for the next few days, a place that holds a lot of unpleasant memories for you, which is why you insisted on staying there. 
One of the Jeons’ beach houses would’ve been an easy choice, but when you told him where you wanted to go, he immediately understood. 
With your luggage bags in his hands, Jungkook looks around the graveled pathway and at the cabin in front of him. “So this is the place, huh?”
The place, he repeats in his head - the one where you found refuge in when you wanted to be away from him after he’d hurt you. That fight before your wedding was years ago but sometimes, it still feels like not much time has passed. He gets to see where you spent your days though, and while that may remind you of how hard it was back then, you could at least remember it now as a place where you both spent your weekend together. 
“This is the main house,” you say, ringing the doorbell and greeting the caretaker who welcomes you. You smile at the lake view just across; it calms your senses as it did all those years ago. “They only allow a small percentage of land to be used for residential purposes. When my siblings and I got older, my parents wanted to give us our own spaces, so they bought the surrounding areas so we can build our own houses however we want.”
You walk out to a covered pathway that leads you to your own piece of paradise - a one-floor home with a veranda that’s overlooking the lake. It has an open floor plan with the kitchen and dining on the left of the entrance. At the center is a freestanding wall that separates the sleeping area from the living room, both spaces having a good view of the water. The corner on the left houses your painting materials, giving you access to the outside where the magic happens. 
There’s a stretch of land down the steps towards another walkway that juts out to the lake, and as you lean by the railing, you take in everything that you see. It’s been years but a lot of things look the same, and just like this city, it still is; it’s you and the man next to you who are different.
“So what did you do while you were here?” He asks, trying to imagine how you spent your days while he wasted away in your apartment in Seoul.
“I… cried,” you admit. “I was upset but I still missed you. But I also painted a bit, read books… Most times I just sat here. It’s so picturesque, you don’t really get tired of it. It helped because I kept thinking about you being alone and worried even if I wasn’t ready to speak with you then.”
“I was thinking of you a lot back then, too,” he says, facing you now and taking your hand. “I hated that you were alone and I didn’t know how to get to you. But I guess I should thank this place, too, for letting you breathe and letting you think. Is that how you forgave me?”
“It was,” you smile. “After my emotions settled, I thought that one day, I’d like to bring you here. I’m glad I could do that now.”
Jungkook smiles at you softly before his eyes turn desirous. “So are you gonna paint and read books and just sit out here this time, too?”
“Hmm, I could,” you smile back. “But I was also thinking of making love to you here. I think that would be nice.”
“It would be,” he hums, cupping your cheek now and pulling you in for a kiss. “We could probably start now, huh?” 
His free hand sneaks inside your dress to cup your breast, and you jerk when he flicks your pert bud and you’re taken out of his spell. 
“Honey, I’d love that but we have a dinner reservation soon,” you say, pulling away. “It’s jazz night and we said we’d catch that.”
Jungkook doesn’t look disappointed. He agreed with tonight, after all, and he thinks he’d just be craving more and more if you started anything right now, so he lets you go for a shower while he unpacks his things.
He looks out the water as the sun starts to set and spots the two other houses not far away. It seems as though those have been renovated, with extra rooms for your siblings’ kids now, and Jungkook wonders when you’ll have your own place extended for another room. 
He lets the thought settle in, as he continues to get used to the idea of having a family with you. It would be nice, he imagines, driving off during long weekends to come here and enjoy the scenery and just spend time together. Your children would grow up knowing their great-grandparents, running around the same garden and beaches that he did, perhaps playing with your old toys, too. He knows those have been preserved at your request, waiting for the perfect time to give them away.
You call out to him and he turns around to find you in a simple linen dress, the neckline low enough for your tattoo to make an appearance. You look stunning, as always, and he has to stop himself from pulling you for another kiss. 
He gets ready and goes out in a white button-up long-sleeve polo, loose enough for the cool summer evening. He catches you staring at him again, and he smirks at you to let you know that once dinner is over, your long night will begin. 
The restaurant is just 10 minutes away by car. It’s fancy yet still cozy, serving some of his favorite elevated local dishes. The jazz performance is great, and with a small crowd, the singer encourages the guests to take the dance floor and that’s what Jungkook does, taking your hand and asking you to dance with him. 
You’re shy at first but give in. Flushed against his chest, you both sway more than anything, and inhaling his ocean scent while he caresses your back, you feel that warmth that only his love can give, the kind of warmth you’ll constantly seek. 
You finish your glass of wine before you head back to the car, with Jungkook laughing over something on his phone right before you leave, saying that the guys’ group chat is blowing up.
“What are they up to now?” You ask. 
“Tae did this stranger role play with his girlfriend,” he shares. “You know, when they pretend like they don’t know each other and pick each other up?”
“O… kay. And then?”
“He got made up to look like some old Hollywood actor with the red jacket and slick hair and all. And people flocked to him to flirt before he could even get to his girlfriend. I can imagine she wanted to stop it all right then,” Jungkook narrates. 
“Why don’t they just stay at their place and flirt there?” You say. “They can even dress up if they want to. Why go through the struggle?”
“Because it’s fun!” Jungkook exclaims. “There’s a kind of thrill from doing that, especially in a public place. The usual role play can get a bit over-the-top sometimes.”
“And you know that because… you’ve done it?” You ask, ready for his answer because you’re used to him just casually mentioning his previous sex adventures by now.
“Just the usual,” he shrugs. “Boss-secretary, doctor-patient… She was into it and I went along because sure, why not?”
“Did you enjoy it?”
“Is that a trick question?” He asks, as he parks the car.
“No…” you answer. “I’m just wondering if role playing is something you like. If it is, then we can, I don’t know. Maybe try?”
He furrows his brows at you as you both enter your house, curious as to why you’re suggesting it when he knows it’s something that would make you uncomfortable. 
“Or like… uh, what else could we do?” You wonder out loud.
“Baby, we don’t have to do anything else,” he says, pulling you by the waist now. “If this is about you wanting to be ‘adventurous’ to appease me, then I’m gonna stop you right there.”
“I was just curious,” you pout. “I mean, it’s no secret that you’ve done a lot of these… ‘adventurous’ things with your partners - sex in a tent, in an alley, behind a waterfall… a sex show, and role playing as well? I guess I’m just wondering if you want us to do something exciting, too. If you’re still into that.”
“Baby, why would I want something else ‘exciting’ when I’ve got you?” He says, his onyx eyes boring into you to let you know that he means every word. “I married the prettiest girl in the world. Why would sex with you not be exciting? You know how fast I get hard with you. That’s… that’s exciting.”
You feel your cheeks warm again because he’s right. He does get hard pretty fast. 
“Plus, we’ve skinny dipped, had sex in a caravan, in the car, on a deck…” he continues. “But to be honest, you could just be lying down and I’d be all set.”
“That’s literally all I do,” you laugh embarrassingly. 
He’s always known that you like things simple. Sure, you give in to Jungkook’s requests, but most of the time, you settle for the same positions that you know give so much pleasure. You’re content; you just wonder if he is, too.
“Not all the time,” he corrects. “And those are just as exciting as when you’re coming undone under me and moaning my name, your perfect tits bouncing and your tattoo reminding me how much you love me.” He kisses your neck and you sigh in satisfaction at the movement. “I could get hard just thinking about that.”
You merely hum in response, not able to move on from it. You want to surprise him, maybe go out of your comfort zone to excite him differently, and so your wandering mind continues, something he picks up.
“Okay. Why don’t you… take control this time,” he suggests. “It’s nothing crazy. It’s just you directing me what you want me to do, how you want me to do it… anything.”
“That’s fine, hun, except there are times when I try to do that but you get so impatient and touch me right away,” you counter, chuckling now as you recall the times you direct him what position you want but his mind goes blank once things intensify and so he’s got his mouth and fingers inside and on you in seconds. 
“Fine, then we’ll do it without me being able to use my hands, then,” he says. “I’ll only use them when you ask, and stop when you ask. Are you okay with that?”
Your mind thinks of all the scenarios you’ve been playing in your mind all day, and you lick your lips in anticipation. 
“Looks like you are,” he says proudly, excitedly. “I guess then, we can start?”
You nod your yes. “You’ll be good for me?” 
“Fuck, yes,” he groans, his eyes widening in anticipation. “I’ll be so good for you, baby.”
“Kook, that wasn’t meant to be dirty talk or whatever,” you giggle. “I just meant that you’ll be good in following the instructions you set out.”
“Don’t care baby. Don’t take it back. But say it again, please?”
The way his eyes plead does something to you, and so you let your inhibitions go and follow what your pussy says. And right now, it wants to command Jungkook. 
You bite your lip before kissing him softly on the neck, trailing up until you reach his ear.
“You’ll be good for me?” You whisper sultrily this time.
He releases an incredibly deep grunt before he answers. “Yes, baby. I’ll do whatever you want.”
“Okay,” you pant, feeling your heart race now. “Kiss me. Just kiss me.”
Your mouths crash against each other, desperate and wanting in their movements. Your tongues fight for dominance but he lets you take this, liking how you aggressively take him in and pull his hair, causing him to moan, even more as his hands remain at his sides, aching to touch you but he promised he’ll be good; he promised to let you take control even if all he wants right now is to rip off your clothes and make out with your body. 
You moan as well, slowing down now as you try to catch your breath. You face him, your eyes glassy and your lips swollen, and he seems to like what he sees. You take his balled-up fists and unclench them, placing them over his top. 
“Undress please,” you say softly. “And do it slowly.”
Jungkook follows, his fingers working on the buttons carefully, skillfully, making sure you get to see and remember what those digits could do to you. He can’t wait for you to direct him to work those on you later on. 
He gets everything undone and so he removes it - slowly, as you asked. 
You gaze at his toned body, crafted by immaculate beings themselves as they created him so perfectly - the tautness of his chest, the line down his torso that branches out to his abs, the narrowness of his waist, all complementing the gorgeous face that you also can’t get enough of. 
His jeans hang right underneath the white band of his underwear, and though you love this look on him, you like something better. 
“Pants off,” you say this time. 
And he follows, undoing the button and unzipping his jeans, pushing them off him until they pool on his ankle. His feet do the work of ridding himself of the heavy material, and all the while, his eyes are set on you - dark with lust and challenging you to do more, to ask him of more. 
“Sit on the couch for me, baby,” the pet name coming out during tense moments like this.
He walks there as you say, and you watch his half-naked form move away from you, and it’s making you go feral.
“Where do you want my hands?” He asks when you’re finally standing in front of him.
“Just on the side,” you answer, your mind going hazy as you admire him seated on the couch now, his legs spread enough for you to see the stiff member in between. 
His eyes remain on you but you’re staring at his gorgeous lap and those blue boxer briefs he’s wearing, shaping him in all the right ways. You take this time to ready yourself, removing your dress for him to observe. With your lace underwear, you know you’ve got him craving for you. His jaw tightens and you know just how to ruin him.
You kneel down in front of him and he seems to know what you’re up to, as he clenches his fists to control himself. He looks like he really wants to break his own rules now. But you push on, meeting his eyes before licking a strip over his clothed cock. It’s hardened even more now, and you can’t wait for what you’re about to ask him to do. You softly bite the flesh, feeling him strain his thighs as you tease him relentlessly. 
Once you think you’ve teased him enough, you look up at him. “I want to see,” you whisper. “Take it out for me, show me what I do to you.”
He grunts before he follows, taking his cock out of his boxer brief, begging in his mind that you’d let him at least squeeze it because with you in your underwear on, commanding him like this while still maintaining your softness and hints of shyness, he’s losing his mind; he’s in real pain right now. 
“Do you think about me when you’re away?” You ask.
“Yes, baby. I think about you all the time.”
“What do you think about?”
“Kissing you,” he grunts. “Tasting you, sucking every sensitive part of you, making love to you. Fuck, baby, I could go on.”
“Can you show me what you do when you think about those things?” You say, taking deep breaths now as you prepare yourself for what you’re about to see.
Jungkook sighs in relief and gets to it, squeezing his throbbing member and stroking it as you requested. He wouldn’t have known that this is what you wanted him to do. He’s obviously touched himself during the times before sex, and he also really does it when he’s away from you, but doing it this way - on the couch while you now stand before him, your eyes watching his every move - it’s exhilarating. 
He continues his movement, getting into it completely as he takes in the way you look, especially with your parted mouth and heaving chest as you watch him pleasure himself to the sight of you. It seems like you’re in a daze, as your eyes don’t move away from him.
It’s the way his perfect slender fingers wrap around his thick, hard cock. It’s the way they glide, how his thumb occasionally presses the tip, how he starts to heave, feeling the pleasure build up, and how his head leans back and his back arches, revealing the column of his smooth neck, a perfect canvas for you to mark later on. You don’t stop the moan that you release, wanting to get into it, too, as the sight of your husband touching himself to the thought of you is so captivating. Seeing that this is what he does when he’s missing you makes you giddy, and you get to marvel at all of that right now. 
You sit on the coffee table, your eyes still not leaving him. You feel the dampness in your underwear, so you press your fingers onto it for that much-needed friction, and you’re left wanting more. You remove it, feeling the string of essence stick to you and disappear as you throw your lace clothing on his side. 
You touch yourself, too, your fingers drowning in how wet you are. They aid in your own pleasure, as you rub patterns on your clit that has Jungkook’s eyes widening in shock as you get into your own action, quickening by the second. Your eyes drift away briefly from him as your thighs start to shake, only being brought back when you hear him ask you to “open up.”
You spread your legs wider to give him a view, knowing that will help him. You want him to reach that peak, and you want to see him do so, since you miss out most of the time because you’re too caught up in the haze of how he pleasures you. You continue with your movements, speeding up once you feel you’re close to the edge, and Jungkook matches your pace, only for you to crash first. 
“Oh my god,” you heave, feeling the mess you’ve made of yourself, and seeing it, too, as it pools on the coffee table. 
“Fuck, baby,” Jungkook groans, his hand still working on his cock. “That’s so hot, I’m— fuck, I’m close. I want to come, baby. Fuck.”
He looks at you like he’s pleading, but you want to be selfish. You want to hold onto this scene of Jungkook pleasuring himself like this. 
“Just a little bit more,” you end up saying out loud. 
He concedes, knowing he’s given you all control. He slows down a bit, just so he won’t make a mess before you’ve asked him to. 
You see his thighs shaking, his jaw clenching so tightly, and the veins from his hands and arms popping out form how much he’s controlling himself. 
“Fuck, baby. I can’t take it anymore,” he pants. 
You don’t want him to suffer. You’ve ingrained this scene in your mind already, so you tell him he can come, and the grunt that he releases will live in your mind, too. He paints his torso with his slick, but you get to him before it all ends, as you kneel back down and take his dick in your hand to swallow all that’s left. 
“Shit, baby,” he groans again, taking you in with your eyes closed, lapping him up as you lick him off. “You drive me crazy. That was so hot.”
You sweetly smile at him before spotting his cum on his abs, perfectly placed on the dips and ridges, tempting you to clean him up.
And that’s what you do, as you lean forward and lick what’s remaining of his seed, your tongue gliding upwards and to the sides of his stunning plane. You lick and suck each patch of skin in your way, and you feel him still shaking a little bit, perhaps still coming down from his high. You get to his nipples, dark and beautiful as you nibble on them while trailing up to meet him in a searing kiss, letting him taste himself on you.
“I’m sorry for making you hold back,” you whisper against his lips, meaning it because you could tell he’d really wanted to come. 
“No need to, babe,” he responds, heaving. “That was so sexy; I was losing my mind.”
You giddily smile, and Jungkook doesn’t know how you can maintain that sweetness while saying words and doing things that make him breathless.
“Can you go again?” You ask, eyeing his flaccid cock and licking your lips. 
“As much as you want me to,” he replies, his body tensing in anticipation once more when you trace his dick with your fingers, tugging on the hem of his boxer brief until you’re pulling it off him completely. 
You place it on his side and return to kneeling in front of him, capturing his gaze and savoring the look of him naked and willing. “I really like that brand of underwear.”
“I’ve been wearing that since I was a teenager.”
“I know,” you hum, earning him a cocked eyebrow from you. “You used to wear those low rise jeans that showed your brief’s waistband, and then you’d pull up your shirt or do cartwheels or anything to show off. It wasn’t hard to miss.”
You giggle at the memory, recalling how anytime Jungkook revealed slivers of skin when you were both in your teens, you’d get flustered and look away. Your siblings and Junghyun didn’t miss how nervous you’d been then, saying that your little crush grew up with the both of you. 
“Ah, yeah. It made the girls go wild,” he smugly says. 
“That includes me now. It’s probably the tiny waist,” you say, kissing him there, your hair dangling over his skin that causes him to curse. 
“Or the strong thighs.” You spread his legs open so you can kiss him in places, too, finding his sensitive parts and licking him there. He stiffens at your movements, his clenched fists clenching even more, and when you look at his dazed eyes, you know you’ve got him wanting again. 
“Fuck, fuck, baby,” he heaves, losing breath once more. 
“Or, to those lucky enough to see it, your pretty cock,” you smile sweetly again, as if your words aren’t sending him in a spiral.
Perhaps all the times that you’d ogled at him quietly isn’t so bad, Jungkook thinks, knowing that this is how you are once you finally voice them out. You’re so enchanting like this, as the lust in your eyes is tinged with that love and adoration you have for him. It’s such a turn on, but it’s also turning him into mush. 
He watches you as you suck his balls and then lick a strip up his member that’s now stiffened from your words. You take him in - slow and deep - before swirling your tongue around and he seriously could cry. You’re teasing him but giving so much at the same time; his mind and body don’t know what to do. 
“But it’s all yours now, baby,” he drawls, tempted to break his rule and tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear. “This body’s all yours and you can do whatever you want with it.”
You pop his cock out of your mouth and smile at him. “I will. That’s why I will admire it all I want.”
You stand up and look down at him, liking the anticipation in his eyes. You remove your bra and proceed to sit on his thigh, your slick sticking to his skin immediately. 
“You can touch me a little with one hand,” you mumble, humming once you let him cup your cheek first. 
“You’re so beautiful, baby,” he moans, tracing your lower lip with his thumb before sliding it inside your mouth. 
You suck on it while meeting his eyes, and he pulls it away before a moan escapes you, his wet finger now tracing circles on your pert nipple. His smooth hand with patches of callouses from his workouts caresses your bare body, fondling your breasts and pulling your face close for a kiss. It’s right after when you take his hand and place it on his side, signaling that his time for exploration is over. 
You’re in control again, as you slowly grind against his taut thigh, perfect for the friction you badly need. 
“You’re so beautiful, Kook,” you smile, combing your fingers through his curly locks. “I like your long hair,” you say. “You kinda look like a rockstar.”
He chuckles at your remark, a little thankful for the change in your tone. “So I’ve been told. That’s why grandfather asked me to cut it. I said I need something to pull when I’m stressed since work is driving me up a wall and they’re all pushing me too hard.”
“Hmm, still talking back to your elders, I see,” you laugh. “Nothing’s changed, Kook.”
“I’m a lot braver now because I’m with you,” he winks. “You’re kind of my shield, you know? You protect me from them so I can be honest. They gave me shit for my tattoos but they stopped once you got yours.”
You hum in satisfaction at the thought, knowing that you could do this for him.
“Guess I’ll have to comment during lunch with them that I love your long hair and your grandfather won’t ask you to get rid of it,” you giggle. “He quite adores me and trusts my taste.”
“Nothing’s changed, indeed,” he laughs, knowing that even from his side, they adore you wholeheartedly. 
“I love hearing you laugh, hun,” you say, causing him to smile at your words. “You look so free and happy and so full of love.”
“And that’s because of you,” he responds, his voice low and serious and it does something to you again. “You’re all I need, baby. You’re all I want in this life.”
You nod to let him know you feel the same, but it gets you going, with you wanting to keep on admiring him. And you do, kissing him tenderly with your arms around his neck as your fingers comb his hair. You continue to slide against him and his moans in between tell you how into it he is. 
Your lips slide down to his jaw and then to his neck, alternating between its smooth expanse to the stunning canvass of his chest. It’s soft kisses turned to playful nibbles turned to desperate sucking, as you take all of him in and express your adoration with marks and bruises that will stay with him. You’re rarely able to do this because he’s always the one on you so you take your time, liking the rise and fall of his chest and the moans and curses he lets out and the way he tries to hold back any other movement from the one you’re directing him to do, which is nothing. 
So you give him something, reaching out for his hand and guiding it to his cock that’s hard right now. “Touch yourself please,” you ask, your hand still on top of his as he strokes his member like you instructed. 
“Keep going, okay? I just want to see you this way,” you whisper in his ear. “You’ll get to touch me soon.”
“Yes, baby,” he moans, cursing as you increase your pace of thrusting against his thigh. 
You suck his neck, feeling his head bopping to his own movements and hearing the vibrations from his throat. You finally sit back up to watch him touch himself, the same movements from earlier driving you just as crazy. His parted mouth makes you want it on you, so you ask him to kiss your body, and he happily complies.
“Fuck, yes,” he grunts once his mouth is on your breast, aggressively licking and sucking just like you did on his neck. “You’re so hot, baby. I could suck your tits forever.”
“Hmm, I’d love that.”
Jungkook gets lost in the softness of your breasts. It’s perfectly shaped and feels so good in his mouth. He knows how to get you going, so he does all the licking and sucking and tricks he knows. It’s hard when he could bust any moment as he pleasures himself; it’s tough not being able to touch you, too, but he’d take this scenario any day. Hearing you instruct him what to do drives him wild, even more with your giddy and soft eyes looking back at him before it turns lustful. 
Your moans are louder now; your thrusts are getting erratic, too. Jungkook wants to savor this but he also wants to reach his high with you. But you take his free hand first and direct it to your cunt, and his curses again at being able to feel exactly how wet you are. 
His fingers find your throbbing clit right away. Bent a little back, you give him space to play with you, getting lost in it once again because even with limited movement, he knows just what to do.
Jungkook works his way on your cunt while he continues to stroke himself. It’s insanely pleasurable. It’s also getting hard and painful, and so it’s music to his ears when you say that you want him inside you. 
He lets go of his cock for you to slide down on, and the relief of your velvet walls makes him shiver. It’s like being out in the cold and then being wrapped up in something warm; your pussy is all the comfort he needs. 
But you’re still in control, he reminds himself, as you thrust on your own pace before you’re bouncing on top of him. Seeing your breasts bounce with you is disarming; you’re so sexy like this and he has to remind himself that you’re his wife and he’s truly able to be blessed by this sight everyday. 
You collapse on his chest, flushed against him as you catch your breath. But you keep going, grinding against him slowly. He takes the opportunity to nibble your ear and you don’t complain, so he keeps going, sucking your neck until you’re moaning and bouncing on him again. You sit back up and turn to him, and he captures your breast in his mouth. That’s when you lose it, feeling an out-of-body experience where all your nerves are heightened and stimulated so you give in. 
“Take control, baby,” you moan. “I want to come all over your cock and I want you to come inside me.”
You say it to challenge him, to get him going, and that’s what happens, as he growls and immediately lays you on the couch because even as he loves this view of you, there’s still nothing like seeing the pleasure on your face when he’s on top of you, pushing to the depths of your hole and hitting you where you want it.
Your hair creates a halo and you look absolutely stunning, ready and desperate for him, as you whisper that you love him, that you want to feel him inside of you. 
Jungkook thrusts hard. He’s got your legs spread so he can hold your thighs up and you can touch yourself while he’s reaching that spot that only he can. You both watch as he slides in and out, and it’s messy and obscene and erratic and every bit as good as it can get. You’re screaming by this time, and when he feels your legs shake, he goes even harder. 
He kisses you, wanting to swallow in your moans when you finally let go, and you do, after a deep thrust that sends you over the edge. But he continues, chasing his high as well. He gets there when you whisper in his ear, feeling as if his body’s on fire with your words.
“Come for me, baby. You’re so good to me,” you moan. “No one can make me feel good like this. You’re all I need, baby. You’re all I want.”
He loses it every time you praise him like that and you know this, and that’s why you always say it at the end, when you want to bask in his essence just as he basks in yours. 
You feel his warmth coating your walls, and just as you’re about to shiver from the sound of his end-of-sex moans in your ear, he turns to face you - damp hair and heaving chest - and his look softens, his small smile appearing before kissing you tenderly. 
“I love you, so so much, baby,” he mumbles against your lips. “Every version, every day.”
You giddily smile at him again and wrap your arms around his neck to pepper his face with kisses. You pull him on top of you until he shifts to lay on your side, afraid to suffocate you after what was an intense period of lovemaking, which really started from when you’d asked him to take his clothes off.
“How was that?” You ask, turning to face him. 
“Baby, did you see me?” He chuckles. “I was a mess.”
“Yeah, me too,” you laugh, nodding towards the droplets of cum you left on the coffee table. “I… I kinda let myself go earlier.”
“And it was so fucking sexy,” he praises. “But did you like it? Did you like being in control and teasing me like that?”
“I did,” you giggle. “You were pretty pliant, too. Not gonna lie, I was surprised. I thought you were gonna be whiny about it.”
“I was losing my shit,” he admits. “But I kinda made the rules and it was so hot hearing you tell me what to do. Or, well, ask. You’re still pretty polite about it.”
You laugh along with him but he assures you that he doesn’t mind it, and that he’s glad you don’t try to change just because you’re with him. The last thing he wants is for you to feel like you have to be adventurous or daring just to make him happy.
“I know I talk about my reckless and thrill-seeking past like it’s a badge of honor but it doesn’t mean that I’m not satisfied with our safer, more comfortable way of living,” he tells you. “I don’t yearn for anything more than what we do, okay? You literally turn me on with whatever you’re doing or wearing so don’t think I’d want you to be or do anything else, babe. I get to kiss you and make love to you all I want and that’s it… I’m a happy man.”
You scrunch your nose and giddily smile at his words, hiding your flushed face on his chest. 
“And when you lose your shit like that because of me… it’s pretty special, too,” he adds, hugging you now. 
You turn to face him and soften at how he fondly looks at you. 
“You… ignite something in me, Kook,” you say. “Coming here after so long reminded me a bit of how it was back when I left. I was emotional because it hurt, and it was because I cared about you; I always did. Junghyun told me how distraught you were and I let myself believe that you cared about me, too. That’s what made me go back to you and try to make it work. And being back here… I just can’t believe how far we’ve come.”
You caress his face and he kisses your hand, the sparkles in his eyes making your heart race once more. 
“You make me love so certainly and so passionately,” you add. “It’s thrilling, loving you like this. And we can argue or have issues or feel off with each other sometimes but if at the end of it, we can forgive ourselves and each other then it’s okay. We love hard and I know that’s how I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”
It’s his turn to scrunch his nose now and smile, choosing to kiss you deeply as he pulls you in a hug instead of saying anything more. You’ve said it all, he thinks; he knows you know he feels the same.
But still, you ask. “Have I left you speechless now, Mr. Jeon?”
He laughs at your teasing. “I don’t know why you say you’re not good with words. I… I needed to hear them, babe. Being here and knowing where you spent your days while I was wallowing in guilt and misery at home hits me but doing all this now with you reminds me that we got through that. And we got through the past weeks, too.”
“Thank you for taking a short break to be with me here,” you say, kissing him. 
“Baby, I wouldn’t pass up on any break from work,” he laughs. “But hyung assured me that I could. He knows I need to be with you after all that.”
You sigh in relief as you hug him, feeling the knots and bolts of his body melt away like yours are. Being together is like that for both of you, you think. Your love - in whatever form it’s expressed - is healing; it’s rejuvenating. It’s the kind you give so much of yourself to but feel like you’re becoming whole, complete, yet there’s still space for more. 
You’re glad your parents made that deal with the universe to save you all those years ago. It made you live long enough to experience this. 
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A small smile forms on Jungkook’s face as he watches your soft, steady breathing. You seem to be in a deep sleep - a good one - he thinks, as the light from the sun coming from the glass doors doesn’t seem to be bothering you the way it usually does. He can’t blame you though. Last night was incredible. And pretty tiring, too, especially at the end when you let him take control, and he’d made love to you hard on the couch and then during your shower right after. 
You were breathless by the time you were in bed, and you had to constantly assure him that he didn’t go too hard for the sex to be considered a ‘strenuous activity.’ You’re still required to take things easy, as your cardiologist had told you, and the last thing Jungkook wants is for you to overwork your heart just because he’d been too keen to fuck you. But seeing you enjoy yourself did things to him. So did seeing you be giddy, and then hearing you express your feelings. 
It’s been a tough few weeks. He knew that during the times he was cold and distant towards you that he still felt so much love; it was just hard to express it because he was upset. He just had to process his negative emotions properly and ride them out. Once he’d cleared his head, there you were again, the only clarity he needed, and he was back to being the lovestruck man who’s head over heels in love with his wife. The best part was that you were the same, and being back in Busan and in this specific house is making him a little sentimental. And pretty horny, too. 
Jungkook moves away from the bed and removes his shirt that’s absorbed all his sweat. He woke up early and went for a run down a nearby trail, savoring the cool morning breeze by the water and the natural sounds of the forest. It was gorgeous, and he thinks of going on a picnic with you tomorrow to see the sights.
He just got back to the house, expecting you to be awake, but the sight of you sleeping peacefully is still something nice to return to. Wanting to take advantage of the tranquility of this place, he decides to do some painting. 
You showed him your corner yesterday. It’s complete with an easel and a stool that faces the view. There’s a bench with paint and brushes that you’ve left and you brought. You told him he could use them if he wanted. 
The lake sparks creativity, you said, and he feels that now. The sun casts a glow over it that he wants to capture in brush strokes, and he wants to create something to remind him of this particular day and this specific moment, where he stands by the kitchen counter in a space you’ve both come to claim as your slice of heaven. Moans were bouncing off the walls last night but right now, it’s quiet. And whether you’re naked and bouncing on top of him, or naked under the covers as you take your needed rest, he knows you’re all he needs and wants, and he’ll never get tired of telling or showing you all that.
Choosing the colors he’ll be using, Jungkook starts to work. He stays true to the view before him, blending the blues and yellows and greens that he sees and laying them all out on the canvas. He wants to surprise you, show you he’s learned some tricks that he’s seen you do; he can already imagine your proud face and that gets him excited. 
It’s almost an hour later when he hears shuffling inside the house followed by your call of his name.
“I’m outside, babe,” he yells. “I prepared the coffee in the pot, just press the button.”
You shout out your thanks and he gets back to work, immersed in the almost-finished product when your voice takes him out of his zone.
“That’s gorgeous, Kook,” you hum. “Way better than the one you did the last time.”
“Hey,” he laughs, tickling you. 
He turns to you and his face softens. You’re standing next to him with mussed hair dressed in his white button-up polo from last night. He’d left it on the stool by your bed and you probably decided to wear it when you got up because you know he loves seeing you wear his clothes. 
“Am I making your heart flutter, Mr. Jeon?” You tease, seeing his soft, dimpled smile. 
He hasn’t said anything for the past 10 seconds and you think maybe it’s your chosen morning outfit. 
“You know the answer to that,” he replies, pulling you by the waist and directing you to sit on his lap. “It was supposed to be a surprise,” he says of the painting. “But since you’ve seen it, what do you think?”
“It’s very Bob Ross-esque,” you compliment him. “And it’s really good, hun. The day’s pretty nice, huh? I’d paint this scenery, too, if I wasn’t so tired.”
“You’re welcome,” he smirks. “But I went for a run and everything was just so pretty. You were still sleeping when I got back so I thought to try painting while waiting for you to wake up.”
“Well, it’s good I was still asleep then,” you smile. “The piece is great. You’ve got a good teacher, I’d say.”
“She is. She’s pretty hot, too, so it’s hard to focus sometimes.”
“You’re so cheeky,” you playfully roll your eyes before kissing cheek and standing up to get your coffee.
You choose to lean on the railing when you return, soaking up the midday sun and relishing the calmness of the lake. It’s so peaceful out here, making you appreciate your house’s soundproof walls because you definitely were not quiet last night. Other than the loud thrumming of your heart at how much you were lusting over your husband touching himself and coming undone in front of you, you also know that your joint moans were pretty obscene. 
You didn’t shy away from letting him know how you were affecting him, especially when he’d pounded into you so purposefully that you felt him so deep within you. Even the bathroom sex was mind-blowing. So was the loving way he’d kissed you until you both fell asleep, and the thought of all the ways that Jungkook makes love to you sends a shiver down your spine. 
You shake a little bit and turn around, surprise laced on your face as you see your husband looking at you from his stool, legs spread with a smirk on his face in all his shirtless glory. 
“How long have you been ogling me?” You arch an eyebrow.
“As soon as you came out,” he smiles. “You look stunning, babe. The lake’s pretty lucky it gets to be your background.”
You chuckle at his cheesiness and sip your coffee. “Finish your work now and then we can get ready to head out. We can have early lunch at the seafood place our families used to go to.”
With you by the railings looking breathtaking against the view, it’s a nice scene that Jungkook wants to capture. “I wanna try to draw you,” he states, taking one of your sketch pads and placing it on the easel now. 
“Oh yeah?” you ask. “I should pose then.”
He turns to you just as you start unbuttoning your top, leaving your tattoo and black satin underwear exposed. You see him visibly swallow and you push it, adjusting his polo to reveal more of your skin. 
“This okay, hun?”
“I–, uh… hmm,” he furrows his brows, his eyes flitting from you to the pad. 
Jungkook decides he’s not good enough to capture you in drawing, and he’s definitely not patient enough to wait to finish it before he can kiss you because the way you’re teasing him is a little too much. He has to have you right now.
Retrieving the polaroid camera from inside the house, he walks back out and snaps a shot. “I won’t do you justice, babe,” he explains. “And you look too fucking sexy to pass up on.”
He takes another one and then places them on the coffee table next to him. He walks to you and immediately captures you in a deep kiss, his hand gripping your waist the same way yours grips his chest.
“So that worked, huh?” You giggle. “I was wondering when you were gonna just walk over here and claim me.”
“You could’ve just said you wanted me, too,” he laughs. “You know I like hearing that.”
“You also like it when I tease you,” you counter. “And, well… here I am.”
You bite your lip and pull the polo just enough to expose your shoulder, and Jungkook basically growls at the act, putting away your coffee then kissing you once again. 
You moan against his mouth once his hand slides inside to fondle your breast, and the sensation from his touch sends you in a daze. You let him suck your neck only for a while, nudging him to turn to you so you could get a look at him.
“Baby,” he whines, wanting to have continued to map out your body in this open space. 
“I just…” you trail, your eyes scanning his half-naked form, his cream-colored joggers low enough again to show the band of his boxers. 
You trace your fingers down his torso, following the lines and ridges that you know he works hard on. His breathing quickens, even more so when you slowly slide your hand in, immediately stroking his semi-hard cock. 
“Fuck,” he groans, his head leaning back at the pleasure he feels, your soft skin soothing yet electrifying him at the same time. 
But you shouldn’t be the only one, he thinks, as his hand sneaks inside your underwear now, his fingers finding your throbbing clit amidst all the wetness. 
“Mhmm,” you hum, your mouth parting as you suck in a breath. 
Jungkook wants to bask in your look as you pleasure each other, but he also really wants to kiss you, so he pulls you close, angling your head with his other hand and takes you in. It’s all tongue and teeth, as you both seem desperate for the other, and that’s what prompts him to start walking back and taking you with him, needing to taste you this second because he can feel just how wet you are for him. 
He guides you towards the desk near your bed, lifting you a little so you could sit on it, causing you to let go of his dick and you whine in response. You’re not able to say anything more, as he slides two fingers inside your hole at the same time that he sucks your nipple.
“Kook, oh my good,” you keen, feeling your slick spread as he pumps into you. 
He doesn’t say anything. He just continues with his movements as you heave in pleasure, grinding reflexively as you seek more friction than just his fingers. 
“Do you want more, baby?” He asks, looking at you now.
“Yes,” you whisper, your mouth parting once he presses your clit. “Want your mouth. Oh god, baby,  I want your mouth.”
He slows down his movements before retrieving his hand from your damp underwear, showing you his fingers drenched in your slick. He licks them off you as he holds your gaze, and you take his hand off his mouth so you could suck them, too. 
You moan as you do, suddenly wanting his dick as well. He crouches down before you get to say anything, pulling off your underwear to see you dripping wet, your essence forming a dot on the desk this time. You’d be embarrassed if he didn’t look so turned on by it, and you completely lose it once he licks a strip up your pussy and swirls his tongue around it. 
You lose all sense by then, allowing yourself to just let go because with how he’s gripping you and sucking you dry, you know you won’t be able to control how your body will react anyway. 
He sets a rhythm, pulling your hips to meet his mouth and you follow the pace, grinding against him as your body burns with so much pleasure. Your ass sits by the edge and your legs are hanging on air, but you know he’s got you. It isn’t like this is the first time, yet every time feels like it is. Jungkook does you so well, you’ve stopped questioning his ability at this point. 
Your legs start to shake and his hands glide to hold up your thighs while your arms support you. It’s uncontrollable by now and you don’t mind the moans that escape you. He’d just fucked you senseless last night but that already feels too far away. You know it's still gonna be another good one this time. 
“I’m coming, Kook. Agh–” you shriek, feeling it so suddenly, until you’ve reached the edge and feel even wetter, as your orgasm hits and it feels like a waterfall.
Your husband hums from in between your legs, taking all that he can, even as your legs continue to shake. He kisses your inner thigh before kissing up your torso, meeting your dazed look with his satisfied smile. 
“Can you go again, baby?” He smirks, taking off his joggers and boxer briefs in one movement to reveal his cock that’s definitely ready for you.
You want to trace the veins with your tongue, lick the pre-cum off it, and swallow it until you can’t breathe, but his hand gets to it first, with him knowing now how touching himself turns you on. He strokes himself a little, and the version of you that touches herself when he does is back, as you instantly fiddle with your clit to address the aching need at the sight of him like this. 
Holding the base of his member, he pushes slowly into you, joining your moan at the feel of him within your velvet walls. 
“Baby, you feel so good,” he grunts, as he meets your thrusts. “So, so fucking good, my dick could live here.”
“I want it to,” you manage a response. “Kook, baby, you’re so big. Go deeper, please. I can take it.” 
Jungkook follows, moving closer and pushing harder as you ask, feeling your edge as he drags his cock against your walls. You’re moaning in his mouth, lips no longer moving as you feel lost in all that he’s doing to you. 
“You like that so much, don’t you?” He moans. “Like how deep I go? How much I stretch you out?”
“Yes, baby,” you huff, unable to form words now. But you try, knowing he likes hearing you like this. 
You’re flicking your nipple while he’s massaging your clit, and with all the movements, you feel it again. You try to hold out, wanting to savor this feeling a little longer, but Jungkook’s erratic movements tell you that he’s just about to reach his peak, too, so you let yourself go again, waiting for the crash and hoping he’d get to do it with you.
His body shakes now, you feel it, as yours does the same. And it’s not long after when you feel the shiver all over you, and then he comes, too with a release of a deep breath that gives you goosebumps. 
He pulls out, and seeing his cum slide out of you, he pushes back in, making you yelp in surprise.
“We made a mess,” he chuckles, his voice low and hoarse from all the moaning he’s done. 
“Hmm, we did,” you huff, seeing him swirl his dick with your joint essence on your pussy. 
He’s done this before. But seeing it from this angle, with the sun shining from your glass wall - it’s incredibly sexy. You laugh to yourself. It’s not even lunchtime. 
“Honey, I’m tired,” you laugh now.
Jungkook kisses you tenderly and you smile against his lips. “Okay then. We shower and then we take a nap. Food can wait.” 
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You stare at the plates of food that you and Jungkook had devoured. A lunch for 4, you think, and you blame the late morning nap you took that’s caused you to have your first meal at 1PM. You don’t mind though, as the dishes were much more delicious with how hungry you were, and Jungkook seems the same, as he satisfyingly smiles at you. 
“Ah, that was good,” he hums. “Nothing like our favorite seafood restaurant.”
“I know, right? I remember how our grandparents would always reserve the function room for our families,” you say. “You boys were always so rowdy, running around the place.”
“Food energizes us,” Jungkook shrugs. “And yeah, I remember. Seoyeon would scold us for being noisy.”
“And I was always just there, sitting and laughing at the silly faces you were making when the adults finally told you off.”
“You really had a crush on me, huh?” He smirks, pulling you closer to his side so he could have a better look at you. 
“Yes, and you really never noticed,” you counter, laughing at his pout. “Would it have made any difference if you knew that weak little me adored you and your bowl-cut?”
“I really don’t understand how you found that cute,” he laughs. “That’s my most embarrassing look ever.”
“What? It was adorable!” You giggle, pinching his chin. “You were always so mischievous but the haircut made you look tiny and pure for some reason. Plus, you had this smile. It was always very sweet.”
He sighs at the thought, imagining a prepubescent Jungkook causing trouble with you still thinking he was pretty special. “I don’t remember as much about you. I hate it.”
“Kook, we have so many photos and home videos,” you comfort him. “We can always go through them and try to remember. I think that’ll be fun, don’t you think?”
It would, he smiles to himself. Days and nights of being curled up on the couch, watching your younger selves and thinking of how neither of you would’ve imagined getting married and being this in love. Your future kids would ask how you two met and you could both show them those videos. He’d proudly say how you were crushing on him early on and you’d tease that he never really minded you. It’s all fun, though, and he can picture your future kids enjoying it, too, perhaps thinking it could be them on screen. He’s suddenly excited to find out who they’d take after. 
“Honey? You okay?”
“Yeah, I just zoned out a bit but of course, that would be fun. We can make fun of each other while watching.”
You smile at the thought, knowing that reminiscing those days would be a shock to him. You wonder how much of your adoration for him was caught on camera, but even you are curious. Your siblings and Junghyun would tell you stories as you got older, and there were things that you’d either forgotten or didn’t know. 
Sometimes you think you downplayed just how big of a crush you had on Jungkook when you were younger because it was unrequited - a silly thought now, given how he is with you. He used to not look your way but now, it seems as if he can’t take his eyes off you the way you can’t take your eyes off of him.
You both exit the restaurant and drive to your middle school. You introduce yourselves and are immediately allowed in. Classes have just ended so it’s a little busy with the students leaving, but the shrieks remind you of how things were during your time, and how different you and Jungkook remember your pre-teen days to be.
The difference is much more glaring once you’re in your high school not far away, especially as you look around the library that’s changed a lot over the years. But you remember your spot at the corner, where you and Yeri would study while Nari drew dresses and Minhyuk read comics. 
“You know, I’ve probably only ever been here thrice,” Jungkook laughs, the place an unfamiliar spot for him. It’s also so quiet; it’s unnerving and probably why he never really came here.
“I’m not surprised,” you laugh. “But then again, I’ve only ever stepped foot on the field twice.”
“What? Did you not have PE class?” 
“I did,” you say. “My parents had me spared from the physical stuff, so I just read up on sports and other things for my grade.”
“That’s so sad, babe,” he laments. “PE was like, the best. It was the only subject I liked.”
“Oh, I’m sure,” you exclaim. “But yeah, I got used to it. It’s different learning a sport by reading it but it was okay, I guess. My teacher would let me watch classes and varsity games sometimes.”
“Let me guess, you were watching me?” He smirks.
“Not always,” you playfully roll your eyes. “You weren’t the only good-looking guy in school, you know?”
“What! Who else was?”
“Secret,” you tease, sticking your tongue out and walking down the hallway. 
You pass by the auditorium, another place you spent a lot of time in. Minhyuk used to play the violin and you’d watch his rehearsals with their music group here.
“Okay, tell me you’ve been here at least once to watch a club performance or something,” you say, turning to him. 
“Uh, no?” He laughs. “All I remember from this is that we had an important game against a rival school on the field and all your friends were there except for you. Hyung watched it and I overheard him ask them where you were and Yeri said you were at the auditorium because there was some flute recital or something.” He rolls his eyes. “Why would that be more interesting than my soccer game?”
You laugh at his bitter expression. “You wouldn’t have cared, hun. And I’m pretty sure she said saxophone. That was Jaehyun’s instrument.”
“Who’s that? Why doesn’t he sound familiar?”
“Because he was a year older,” you respond as you walk past the seats. “He, uh, he invited me, said I was probably gonna watch the game but it didn’t hurt to try, and he was surprised that I said I’d watch him.”
“Were you… a thing?” He furrows his brows.
“Why would that matter,” you ask. “You were the one dating the class President and the gymnast and a lot of other girls.”
“Yeah but I never took them seriously,” he defends. “We just… you know.”
“Oh, I know,” you chuckle. “Talks of how good of a kisser you were and uh, other stuff spread like wildfire, Kook. It wasn’t exactly a secret.”
You're right, it really wasn’t. He was the rich popular jock that girls flocked to and he loved the attention, and that continued until university. But like he always said, it was all fun for him. 
You… you were never the type to date for fun, so he knows that any guy you were with could’ve been the one, and yes, even Won-shik. Or Jongin. Maybe this Jaehyun dude. 
It could’ve been Mingyu.
“So you and the guy, were you…?” He asks again. 
“He courted me,” you say. “But I wasn’t sure about having a boyfriend at that time and he said he’d wait but I told him not to. We drifted once he graduated and that was it.” 
“Does that matter?” You wonder.
“Sometimes I think there could’ve been a version of this life where we weren’t married,” he starts. “Like, you could’ve been with someone else you loved and I probably would’ve been arranged with some other person but you and I would still see each other regularly because of our families and like… that’s just… a hard thought to have. If it wasn’t me with you right now.”
“Yes, Kook, it’s a hard thought but also impossible because I’m with someone I love and you’re with me right now,” you tell him. “And this is the only version of life I’ll have. Also, I think I have a pretty special connection with the universe so sometimes I think they were truly on my side. They kept me alive and well, they made me marry you, the man who never really took anyone seriously and now look at you!”
“Yeah, look at me, head over heels in love with the woman he was bitter about and barely minded,” he laughs dryly. “But I think they were on my side, too.”
You smile at the thought, knowing that Jungkook may not really be able to let go of the guilt from years ago but he could at least look at things this way - at the end of it, you get to be together happily, making new memories in the places you’ve known all your lives, and out to make even more.
You continue your walk around the school. You pass by the faculty to greet your teachers from over 10 years ago, who fawn over both of you. They say how surprised they were that you’d ended up together, but don’t doubt that now seeing how happy you both look. 
Walking down the hallway, you gush over the shelf with championship trophies that Jungkoook had won with the soccer team. And then finally, you sit on the bleachers that overlook the soccer field, Jungkook’s stage during your years in school. 
“It does look pretty with the sun casting a shadow over it,” you hum, seeing that it’s late in the afternoon. “I can see why you loved being here, Kook. And seeing you play now, you truly belong on the field.”
“Those years were fun,” he reminisces. “I loved the adrenaline rush, the thrill, the cheers… I loved the attention, really. It made me feel free. I think I kept chasing that high outside of it. And it got me into a lot of trouble.”
“Well, all that trouble landed you right here with me,” you comfort him. “I think it’s not all that bad.”
“Not at all,” he agrees. “But I still experience all that, you know? The thrill, the cheers, the attention… I married someone who gives all those to me. My younger years can’t really compare.”
Your cheeks reach your eyes as you giddily smile. “My heart is fluttering, Mr. Jeon,” you giggle. “Too bad we’re in school so I can’t kiss you right now.”
“Actually, I know a spot…”
“Kook!” You squeal, not wanting to know where he’d made out with the girls back then, but he laughs along to tease and says that you both could always drive back home and do all the kissing you want. 
Tempting, you think, but all the walking has made you hungry and he promised you’d have milmyeon for dinner and then pass by the kiosk where Mrs. Na always bought you your favorite hotteok. 
You do all that, and just like what Jungkook said, you go back home and do all the kissing you want. 
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The kissing obviously escalated to so much more. Jungkook let you ride his face and you let him fuck your mouth. The lake house is so conducive to lovemaking, you told him as you started to doze off, and he assured you that all this wouldn’t end here. There’s lots to make up for, but also, making up with you makes him feel like a new man and a better lover, and he wants to be able to show you all that. 
He doesn’t mess around though, as you wake up the next morning flushed against his firm chest that you can’t help but kiss all over, and to get you going for morning sex by the lake, he wildly eats you out then takes you from behind while you look at the view outside. 
You at least eat your breakfast that you had made on the veranda and then have enough energy to walk down the trail by the lake to see the forest and the birds. Jungkook lays down a mat and you both enjoy fruits and desserts before heading out for a late lunch of pork rice soup that you’ve dearly missed. 
You drive around your part of the city, passing by spots and beaches you used to frequent, and it’s as if you could hear the shrieks and laughter from your younger days, sounds you joined in on every once in a while. But much of it was Jungkook’s, and you smile at the thought; he was already making your heart flutter then, and you don’t think that’s ever gonna stop.
He stops by a familiar park, and it takes a while before it registers that this is the playground that both of you used to go to a lot. It’s the midway point of your grandparents’ estates so all you Jeon and Kim kids would play here before heading to either of those places. 
It’s also where he asked you to play when you were 4 years old. And where you told him no.
“Are we here to reenact that moment I broke your heart?” You tease, walking next to him as you bask in the sight of your childhood. You may not have played in the playground but you did have your dolls with you. 
“Sort of,” he chuckles. “With a good ending this time though. I kind of wanna have both memories ingrained in my mind so they could remind me of how far we’ve come.”
“Sounds good,” you smile, sitting on the bench that you think is the one you would always sit on. 
It’s been over 20 years and a lot about it has changed, but you suppose it’s a good guess.
“It’s amazing the memories that we retain, isn’t it?” You wonder out loud. “I remember that day, too. We were just 4 years old, and, well, it’s one of the few that I remember.”
“I know, right? I don’t remember much from that age apart from that moment, actually,” he says. “It stuck with me, maybe because it really affected me. Who knows? Maybe I was crushing on you before that so I chose to forget everything else after you rejected me,” he laughs. “Selective memory and shit.”
“Could be,” you laugh along. “But can you imagine how it must’ve been like for our families seeing us grow up and grow apart? It must’ve sucked.”
“I’m sure it did,” he hums, knowing how much your families wanted this union. “Perhaps the universe was on their side, too.”
You smile at the thought. Coming back to the places with traces of Jungkook as the kid you admired from a short distance makes you sentimental because he’s right, there could’ve been another version of life where you didn’t end up together. Who knows if your fondness for him would’ve faded if you’d married someone else? But you’d still see each other regardless, and the feeling could be haunting you. 
You wonder if you weren’t sick, or was just careless enough to have played with him even if you weren’t allowed to - how different would your friendship have been like growing up? Would you be closer? Would he have been as reckless or less of the playboy he was? Would you have been more daring just to keep up with him? Would you have both tried to date? What if it didn’t work out, being as you were both still young then?
But as you look up at Jungkook who’s now standing before you, his hand in his pocket before he reaches it out the way he did over 20 years ago, you think that maybe all those had to happen so you could have this. 
Maybe the distance meant that you’d both grow and make mistakes individually. Maybe having different sets of friends and hobbies meant you’d both appreciate yourselves for who you are so you could appreciate the other just as much. Maybe his colorful relationship record and your neutral one meant being able to balance excitement and security. Maybe all the heartbreaks along the way meant you’d learn how to ride through them so you could love each other even more. 
Because as you take his hand and stand up to meet him for a kiss, you don’t think you could ever love him more than you do right now. You feel it all over your body that you think it’s all it knows to do at this point. 
“Four-year old Jungkook is probably bursting at the seams right now,” he hums as he kisses you again, his arms around your waist and his forehead against yours. 
“And four-year old me is probably doing the same,” you smile. “But this 29-year old version of me is so content right now, Kook. She can’t get any happier.”
She can, are the words that echo in Jungkook’s mind. Being here makes him realize how else you - both of you - can be happier. But he keeps the thought to himself and chooses to agree with you for now. 
“That’s great, babe. This version of me feels the same.”
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The stack of Polaroid photos from the past 3 days has gotten taller. There’s so much from the beach, your grandparents’ house, your schools, the trail, and of course, the playground. Jungkook holds up the ones from earlier where you’re sitting on the swing and the one where you both attempted to slide together but got stuck. 
Your smiles are as wide as they could get, and seeing them now tugs at his heart. You seem like you can’t get any happier, but he also knows there’s something more that you wish for. 
And it isn’t just about giving it to you; he wants to make it with you, because seeing you skip around earlier and play in the seesaw with him and laugh your sweet, tender laugh - he knows that there are so many more ways he can show you he loves you, and the sight of you happy and free and content is something he wants to see everyday of his life.
“What you looking at, hun?” You ask, as you wrap your arms around his crouched form on the edge of the bed, your chin sliding in the crook of his neck and peeking at what he’s holding. 
“All our photos,” he says. “We ended up taking so many.”
“Hmm, more to put in our photo album then,” you hum, kissing his cheek before kissing his shoulder, and then his back, given that he’s too sexy not to have your lips mapping them out. 
You make it to the line down his back, kissing his tailbone before lying in bed. “I’m tired,” you yawn. “Let’s sleep, hun. We have a day of travel tomorrow.”
Jungkook keeps the photos in a pouch and turns off the light before he lays next to you, his arm stretching out so you have space to rest your head on his chest. 
You make yourself comfortable right away, close to drifting to sleep with his post-shower natural scent and his smooth skin. 
“I was just thinking…” he starts. “We kinda went down memory lane, you know? And sorted things out like we said we would. We got through a fight that had us loving each other even more and I feel like I’ve learned and matured after all that and I… I think I’m ready.”
He turns to you, wanting to see your face, and your curious eyes meet his certain ones. 
“I want to have a family with you,” he says. “And I mean, really want it, like, I want us to seriously try now.”
“Kook…” you mumble, a little surprised but beaming with joy just the same. 
“I’ll admit at the start, a part of me just wanted to get ahead with it because I knew it would make you happy and that would make me happy,” he admits. “But now, I just… I want that for us because we love each other so fucking much and I don’t know how else we could show or express it. And that’s nice, isn’t it? It’s overflowing and the only other person who should receive that love other than you or me is someone we both created.”
You’re frozen, constantly blinking at him in disbelief until he nudges your nose with his. 
“Hey, say something,” he whispers. 
“I… ” you quiver. “I’m… Kook, that’s amazing. You… We… we’re ready. We have so much to give and we, I…”
A tear falls down your cheek. 
You and Jungkook had agreed to let life just happen. You make love all the time anyway and it used to comfort you that there could at least be a chance you’d get pregnant with the frequency you do it. But conceiving a baby isn’t that easy. You may have sex a lot but it doesn’t mean you always do it at the right time. Both your stress levels have been quite high, too, and that’s been a factor on why it hasn’t happened yet. 
There were a few times when you thought your period being late meant you could be pregnant, only to have it happen right before you told Jungkook. You won’t deny it disappointed you a little. 
But now, with him saying he wants to actively try, it’s making you excited and nervous but incredibly happy. You’ve wanted this for a while, and you realize now with what you and Jungkook could handle and take on together, you want it even more. And he’s right there with you. 
“Oh, baby,” he says, caressing your cheek. “I’m… I’m sorry it took a while for me. Wanting to let life surprise us feels like a cop out now.”
“Don’t be sorry, hun,” you sniff, sighing into his touch. “What matters now is that we both want this. And we’re… we’re really gonna try.”
“Yeah,” he smiles. “We can go see your doctors tomorrow or the day after to consult. Whatever they say, we’ll follow. If we have to have even more sex, then that’s great.”
You laugh at his words. “I think we have enough of it.”
“We never know.”
You kiss him. Deeply. You kiss him so hard, it’s the only way to express how happy you are because words fail you. You kiss him so long that you climb on top of him, wanting to feel him wrap himself around you, touch you, cradle you, show you how much he loves you.
“Oh, so we’re starting now?” He teases once you pull away. 
You just hover over him, your eyes boring into his sparkling ones, and you giggle as you boop his nose. 
“I’m actually not ovulating but it doesn’t matter,” you say, pressing your clothed pussy against his cock. “I just… I just want to feel you right now. Your wanting to have a family is such a turn on, I’m scaring myself.”
He smirks at your honesty but he loves it. Your being turned on by it is also turning him on. 
But he lets you do what you want first, as you kiss down his torso then pull down his boxer briefs to lick his hardening cock before you take him all in.
“I thought you were tired, babe,” he huffs, feeling the tension build as you take him so desperately, his thighs straining from the pleasure. 
“Not anymore,” you say, gagging with how big he is. You turn to look at him with his cock in your hand now, meeting the smirk he has on his face. “I think I can do this all night.”
“Fuck, baby,” he grunts. “You gotta play fair. I need my time to do you, too.”
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Waking up the next morning feels different. With Jungkook flushed against your back and his arm around your middle, you think that hopefully in a few months, he’d be lovingly caressing you there when there’s a tiny human growing inside you. 
It’s a nice thought, but one you can wait for a while to happen. Although last night’s sex was pretty intense, you’re not fertile and there wouldn’t be any surprises soon, but it was still really good. Your emotions had overtaken you and you went with what your heart and body were saying, and you’re now left with sore limbs. But you don’t mind. You’re satisfied beyond belief. And while this may be your last day of your time here, you’ll be going back to your normal life with much more excitement this time. And you know your husband feels the same. 
He wakes up shortly after, and you both pass up on breakfast to just sleep in and cuddle, knowing there’ll be less of this again, so you savor being naked in each other's arms, giggling and kissing.
You finally make it out of bed and pack up, ready to head to his grandparents’ as you both promised. It goes by smoothly, with them fawning over you as always, and you and Jungkook spend some time right after going around the estate and recalling memories again. 
He takes you to his room, which is where he stayed when he was much younger. It’s still a little boy’s bedroom with all the toys organized and the clothes stored neatly. He opens his closet and takes a chest from the floor, unlocking it to reveal sets of baby clothes in mint condition. 
There’s a swaddling cloth and a blanket, a crocheted bunny and a baby giraffe. There are onesies and beanies and tiny shoes and mittens. 
Jungkook touches them lightly, excitedly thinking about your future baby wearing them. 
“I have a chest like this, too,” you say, smiling up at him. “It’s at my grandparents’. Do you think we could pass by for it? I think it would be nice to have our tiny one wear our clothes, don’t you think?”
“It would be,” he smiles. 
You both casually tell your grandparents that you wanted to bring the chests back with you to Seoul “just in case” because you’re sentimental, not wanting to make too big of a deal out of deciding to finally and seriously try getting pregnant this time. You don’t miss their glassy eyes and proud faces, though, and you think of the joy they must be feeling. You hope all goes well and that they’d get to spend as much time with their future grandchildren as possible. It was their dream, after all, and you know it means just as much to them.
With your treasure troves in the trunk and your hand in Jungkook’s, you both drive away, hoping that not too long from now, a little one will be joining you in your weekend getaways and short breaks and vacations. You could only hope they’ll love you with all their heart as much as you know you’ll love them with all of yours.
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Series Masterlist
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~Jimmy Keene: A Jimmy Headcanon.
Note: I know this isn’t exactly what you had in mind for a Jimmy Keene imagine but in all honesty, this just came out in head cannon form. I also don’t really have time at the moment to sit and write a whole story with this prompt so my apologies for that. 
I hope that you enjoy this nonetheless. Also, I know that there are some factual errors but I purposely wrote it that way because 1. I couldn’t care less and 2. the person that requested this had a bit of an interesting storyline they wanted which made more sense to have things a bit higgledy piggledy (Am I even spelling that right? I don’t know).
Anyway, here is the head cannon.
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.Being 32 years old and a single mother was something Alex never thought she’d be. She was a high profile lawyer at one point and one of the cases she was appointed to was one Jimmy Keene.
.She had to admit that she was hesitant at first but the more that she worked for him, the more she realized that he was just a lost soul at the core of it. One who wanted to make the most of life and live it to the fullest.
.Over time, the pair of them grew to liking each other which led to an impromptu and secretive sexcapde in the dentist office of the prison Jimmy was hauled up in for his dealings with the drug and weaponry cartel.
.Of course with sex, there was always a chance of pregnancy and as luck would have it, Alex found out she was expecting a baby. The baby of a criminal. Which yes, wasn’t great but as mentioned, Alex knew Jimmy was a good guy at the heart of everything.
.Flashing forward a fair few months, Alex knew she had to tell Jimmy but when it came time to do that, she freaked out and put it off until the baby was born.
.She sent Jimmy a photo and a letter explaining everything.
.To say he was pissed would be an understatement but as he had lots of time to think it through, he became ok with it.
.When Jimmy was finally released, he got a hold of Alex and asked if they could meet so that they could talk and so that he could meet his daughter, Roxann.
.Alex was thrilled that Jimmy was safe and sound and very excitedly accepted the offer to meet with him, telling him to meet her and Roxann at the park located close to her house.
.Jimmy and Alex talked while Roxann played on the equipment before deciding she had had enough and wanted to join in the conversation as well.
.Jimmy and Roxann got to know each other and from that moment on, he, Roxann and Alex became a family where they eventually got engaged and welcomed two more children.
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wilysigma · 1 year
I sit in silence as Shannon gloved herself and started for the cooking area,I just sit and wait trying to enjoy my time and watching the screen,as people wondered why Shannon went back there and looked at me as if I knew what was happening I didn't and didn't wanna know but I'm sure I'll get the full story later and possibly be shown what exactly happened..Another hot sexually intensive night,but that's all great.In the mist of me thinking of the night that would come I was sidetracked slowly rubbing my cock thru my pants before Shannon said let's go I was gone off the leather tightness the feeling thru the leather and how I imagined I looked,but I must get up and we must go.........Driving off fast Shannon is pissed but not angry like just hot and we stop and pull over she lunges at me choking me but kissing me deep rubbing all over her pants that I'd been wear saying she wants it now.........,we pull over into a park where the lot was not lighted in our area and she unzips me and she strokes me with the glove and her other gloved hand is over my mouth and gets on top of me and straddles me til we line up and she rides me with all clothes on as well her unzipped crotch pants and my unzipped front made it a leathery perfected sexcapde.........After 10 mins of hot intense sex,she's ready go back to the restaurant,she says to get our food,...but this is how it really went
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gascon-en-exil · 4 years
I’ve had my share of marriage proposals I’ve been forced to turn down, but not a proposal of this kind.
One of my regular lovers, who distinguishes himself from the rest firstly from being only slightly older than I am and secondly by actually being good in bed, is a paramedic. In the last week he took to social media advocating that those health care workers in the New Orleans metro who were currently not receiving disaster pay (including himself) do so. The company with whom he was under contract agreed to do this, and then fired him a few days later. Impending litigation aside, this freed him up to pursue a contract with one of those virus response teams in New York City. Should he accept, and he probably will, he’ll be gone for around two months. 
Where I come in is that he followed up all this information by nonchalantly offering to give me a key to his house should I want to...occupy it for those weeks, or something? Admittedly the prickly inheritance issues at my current residence cause me no end of mundane problems and it would be a relief to be away from those for a while. It’s just so strange to me and completely out of nowhere, especially as I’ve never received any offer of real estate despite informing quite a few of my lovers that respectable Creole gentilhommes of centuries past put their mistresses up in boudoirs in the Vieux Carré, the better to bed them and, if desired, be a father to their bastards away from the quiet contempt of their wives. I’d assumed I didn’t warrant that much consideration, as most of my lovers aren’t married and I’m obviously not giving them any children. - and yet here I am with a man who apparently hopes that I’ll house-sit for him for two months. It’s not as though he has any pets to look after, and it’s one half of a double shotgun so the residence is already technically covered by the occupant of the other side who also owns the property. He also knows I’m not at all a domestic sort. I just don’t understand the motive here; I distrust the very concept of altruism, and unless he’s looking to one-up my other lovers (which he knows about) in generosity or just really wants to come home from his ordeal to find me with arms open and legs spread I can’t think of anything else.
I agreed to take the key, because it’s better to have options than not, but still...how very perplexing.
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Back Door Man
hi! this is the first fic i have EVER written ! based on my honey @theyreonlynoodlesmike ‘s hc (that cracks me up every time) that Paul has a thing for married for women <3
Warnings: swearing, discussions of sex, paul being gross 
An unmistakable howling laugh echoed off the walls of the cave. 
David looked up from the book in his lap to see the tall, slender blonde bounding down the entry stairs. “Do I even wanna know what kinda trouble you just caused?”
Paul laughed, tossing his head back as he rocked on his heels “Oh man you guys are gonna flip-”
“At this point you couldn’t surprise us if you tried Paul.” Dwayne hadn’t turned to look away from the crate that held a portion of their vinyl collection. Kneeled down next to it and flipping through records, he was seemingly uninterested in the other man’s antics. His indifference was simply an act though, he was always willing to hear about his friends’ escapades.
“Nah nah nah, this is a new one.” Paul had made his way over to one of the couches by now, opening up the large steamer trunk that acted as both storage and a makeshift coffee table. “So,” he spoke as he dug around in the trunk, looking for his pot stash to roll himself his usual post romp joint. “I was with that babe from the diner, ya know-”
“Wow, never heard this one before.” Marko commented from beside him on the couch, cutting Paul off before he could even name the woman in question.
“Wouldya shut up and let me tell my story! Jeez, anyway,” He was bent over his rolling tray now, nimble fingers quickly moving through long practiced motions. “She takes me home. It’s this real nice place in the suburbs, cute lil’ house. So, we’re gettin’ down to business,” He wiggles his eyebrows, mostly to himself, but also on the off chance one of his friends might actually be paying attention to him “Right on the living room couch dude, she didn’t even bother to take me to the bedroom.”
“Nice.” Marko says and at the same time David sighs out “Gross.”
“Yo, Dwayne you want me to roll you one before I put this shit away?” Paul paused his story, he might have been Santa Carla’s biggest sleaze but he always had manners when it came to his friends.
“Yes please.” The brunette responded as he finally settled on a record, standing up from where he'd been crouching. “Might make your grossness a little easier to stomach.” A smile tugged at his lips as he turned to join them in the sitting area.
“So,” Paul huffed out a laugh, both at Dwayne’s response and the direction his story was going in. “I’m like, straight up goin’ to town on her,” He leans back in his seat, tipping his head back as he raises his voice for emphasis. “She’s screaming, clawin’ at my back and shit. Like a damn cat in heat. And then.” He pauses to lick the joint between his fingers and pass it to Dwayne. David rolled his eyes at the lull. He thought after sixty-something years he’d be used to Paul’s inability to smoothly tell a story, but that day was yet to come. “And then I hear somethin’, sounds like a car pulling up in front of the house. I dont really think anything of it because fuck if I care right?” He pauses yet again to put his own joint into his mouth, light it and take his first hit. “I keep goin’. I’m tryna get my rocks off after all. She’s tugging at my hair and shit. She's got this absolute vice grip on my-”
“PLEASE don’t say dick.”
“My waist, you fuckin’ pervert,” And if that wasn’t the pot calling the kettle black. “Absolutely screaming my name, the neighbors could probably hear.” 
“Paul,” Marko said, turning in his seat on the couch so he could look at his best friend. “This sounds exactly like every other sexcapde you’ve ever told us about.”  As Marko was chastising him, Paul had started to shrug out of his jacket, and that’s when the dark brown splotch on the shoulder of his white shirt came into view. “Is that fucking blood!?” Marko was painfully aware of the way his voice came out almost like a screech.
David’s head actually snapped up at that, tossing his book into his chair and moving to sit on the arm of the sofa in one fluid motion. “Jesus Christ, Paul.” 
Dwayne looked over at the three blondes, his brown eyes gone wide and his brows knitted together in concern.
Paul barked out a laugh, “I'm getting there you dipshits! Also, I’m obviously fine, creature of the night just like you three. Remember?” His companions relaxed slightly, he did have a point after all. However, he now had their full attention. “Where was I? Oh yeah yeah, I’m nailing her and suddenly. The fuckin’ front door opens.” 
David pinches the bridge of his nose.
Marko’s eyes widened slightly, his eyebrows shooting up towards his hairline. He was pretty sure he knew where this story was going. 
“Oh man!” Dwayne was starting to giggle as he leaned back into his chair.
“It’s her god damn husband,” Pauls talking with his hands now, the way he always does when he starts getting to the good part of his stories. As he gestures, Marko plucks the joint from between his fingers and takes a drag. “Not boyfriend, not fiancé. Husband. He was supposed to be on a business trip or some shit I don’t know. Point is, he was home early and he was pissed.” 
“He walked in on you screwing his wife,” David interjected as he slid his pack of cigarettes out of his pocket. “Of course he’s pissed.” The other three men snickered at his remark.
“Dude starts screaming. At me, at her, oh my god it was madness. I’ve never pulled out so fast in my life.” 
Dwayne chokes on the smoke he had been pulling into his lungs and doubles over, laughing between coughs. “Ya know what,” He says as he rests his cheek against his knee, “For some reason I believe you.”
“He got outta that pussy at warp speed.” Marko giggled quietly. 
“Hey, hey hey!” Paul said as he turned to Marko, taking the last hit off the joint. “It’s my story, I’m the one with the jokes here.”
“Can we please get to why you're bleeding.” David said, gesturing at Paul’s shoulder. 
“Yeah yeah, grouchy bitch.” He drops the roach into the closest ashtray, settling into the couch to finish the rest of his story. “I grab my shit and I’m tryna get outta there. Zero interest in being in the middle of the start of the divorce-”
“Like you’re not the reason for the divorce.”
“Pants on, shoes on, shirt halfway on, jackets in my hand. There was no way in hell I was gonna get between them, so I turned my happy ass around, go to the kitchen. Hopin’ and prayin’ this place has a back door-” Paul’s abruptly cut off by Marko barking out a laugh.
“I’m a back door man!” The smallest blonde belts out, poorly and off key.
“Imma. Back. Door. Man!” Dwayne joins in, tilting his head back with his eyes shut. Like he’s singing to the ceiling of the cave.
David can’t help the little smirk that forms on his face, hearing his friends poorly belting out The Doors’ version of what they had decided was Paul’s song. Paul is currently grinning like a maniac and isn't bothered by yet another interruption of his story. “Okay, okay. Get on with it.” 
“Right yeah, we’re comin’ to the end here. Thank the lord in Heaven, there was in fact a back door. A screen backdoor that slammed behind me, you guys know how fucking loud those things are.” Paul sighs. “I take off, climb the fence, but “Mr. Can’t Satisfy His Wife” comes out behind me, onto the porch. Next thing I know, I hear a gunshot.”
“Sweet Christ.” David mumbles.
“He fucking shot you Paul?” Marko practically growls. Paul looks over at him nonchalantly and nods, smirking ever so slightly at Marko’s protective rage. 
“Dude.” Dwayne says as he adjusts himself in his chair yet again, “You gotta stop sleeping with married women.”
“Not a chance in hell Dwayne-O.” Paul says, his face splitting into a full grin, like he's the cat that got the cream. 
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taegularities · 2 years
im “she’ll burst into tears anon” lemme me name myself grocery store anon for shits and giggles BUT ANYWAYS since u seem like my typa girl lemme introduce to these lyrics:
would u be honest? tell me what u see in him does he really love u? like u know i can.
song is called i loved u first by joan ✨
and since your reply to my has me come out of my shell, i just wanna say-
what taehyung feels for her is sort of like those fleeting moments of distraction you allow yourself in life before meeting your true soulmate. let my dumb self elaborate:
he’s been hurt before, bad. and like in the subbing scene; what he feels for her then something he felt before for someone else. who he also subbed for. that made him realise oh shit im really letting her do this to me. he remembers the last time he did it and his brain automatically makes a connection between the two scenes leaving an impression in his head that oh shit this is different; special.
but then he also allowed her to- because he likes her. that’s probably all he’ll feel for her; adoration. someone he has wild sexcapdes with. it’ll hurt him when he realises oc doesn’t look at him the way she does at jk. everything he knows about her is because they share a connection- in the bedroom.
sorry for another dumb interpretation
don’t know why im hurting my own self like this but i adore u rid fir writing u beautifully. you’re ridiculously talented.
ur typa girl 😭 wanna elope, grocery store anon? <3
thank u for the rec, i'm gonna add it to the playlist !! <3 ALSOOO GLAD U CAME OUT OF UR SHELL, i love rambling of all sorts x
honestly, ur interpretations aren't dumb at all, i honestly enjoy them and they're so thorough and well thought out ok 🥺 he definitely allowed her, bcos he likes her. like, if it was one of his past girls that had asked him to dom him, he'd have bent that woman over his lap LMAO so to give in to oc's wish this fast was a huge deal
the only point where i must disagree (i think i did before too) is that they only really share a connection in the bedroom. i can actually understand why y'all might think that cos i never really elaborated on their daily lives or what they do when they meet (NOT for sex). so like, over the course of several months, they grew v close to each other, and not only did tae explore her body but learned to love her as a good friend and great person too
it's why he put all that stuff in the letter, cos that man knows so much about this girl, and he adores all of it. but i agree that oc doesn't look at him the way she does at jk; and honestly, it could be fleeting, u are right! might be love, infatuation or just a crush
in any case. yes i'm just as hurt as u 😭 and ahhhhhHHHH pls i adore u too, thank u so so much for reading and sending such a long message, u honestly don't know what ur interpretations mean to me 😭 <33
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theavaevans · 4 years
INVOLVED: Ava M. Evans, Natasha Rothwell, and Naomi Bennett TIME FRAME: Monday afternoon, January 20, 2020 LOCATION: Seattle Grace Hospital; Seattle, Washington SUMMARY: While at Luca’s appointment, Ava has a realization and runs to her friends for help and advice.
Ava stood in the lobby pacing back and forth as she waited for her friends to arrive on the fourth floor and tell her that she was just tripping, but she knew that she wasn’t. She didn’t know how she had slipped up and let this happen.
Natasha stepped off the elevator and rushed for the lobby, her short legs carrying her to her friend. “What, what is it?!” she asked, having left her post on the first floor to get to Ava. She was sure, her chair was still spinning she jumped up so fast.
Naomi bust through the door; having took the stairs down to the four floor. She looked over and spotted her friends, quickly moving for them. “What is going on?” she asked. “I was about to scrub in for a surgery,” she said quickly.
Ava looked to her friends; her bottom lip chewed with worry. “I’m pregnant,” she just said it out-right, because she knew. “I am… pregnant,” she said once more, her eyes wide with bewilderment.
Natasha’s neck jerked back, and she looked to Naomi then back to Ava. “What?” she questioned.
Naomi’s head tilted to the side and she looked to Natasha then back to Ava. “Are you sure?” she asked.
Ava lifted her phone and turned it to Naomi and Natasha to show them that she was long overdue to have gotten her IUD changed. “A whole damn year,” she said as she swallowed hard. “Sam and I have of course been having sex and when we were in the Bahamas…” she trailed off, giving her friends a look. “Listen…” she said with a chuckle before she got serious once more. “I just threw up in the appointment with Luca and Hunt,” she told them. “If I got pregnant in the Bahamas I should be about 4 weeks…” she told them knowingly.
Natasha stared at Ava’s phone, her mouth hitting the floor. “How did you forget for a whole year?!” she asked Ava.
Naomi looked to the younger friend and sighed before she asked Ava. “Did you think you were experiencing signs of early menopause.”
Ava looked around the lobby where they were standing, talking about her pregnancy, sexcapdes, and period and she realized they needed more privacy. Ushering her friends towards the back, she found and empty examination room and they all entered before Ava said, “girl, I haven’t even thought about it. Don’t get me wrong I’ve had a period every month but I’m 43, I’m so used to it, it’s routine,” she said with a shrug. “I should actually be about to start my period,” she told them, “but I’m sure that’s out,” she explained. “I’ve been feeling sick since we got back, I didn’t think anything of it though until today.”
Natasha sat down in one of the chairs, crossing her legs at her ankles. “But are you sure?” she asked, “I mean you did just come back from the Bahamas, you would actually just be readjusting,” she said thoughtfully. She just didn’t think it was necessary to freak out without actually knowing.
Naomi leaned against the wall, shaking her head at her friend. “Girl, you’re 43. What in the hell are you going to do?”
Ava threw her hands up. “I do not know!” she said as she sat down on the examination table. “Luca is in there right now with Hunt so we can get him re-evaluated for his medication. Siena is just… she’s going through it and Oh Blue, my baby Blue, y’all know how she is. My old non-problem child is Phoenix and that’s because her head is always in a book,” she said thoughtfully. “I mentioned the idea of maybe adopting another baby a while ago, but it was just an idea, Sam wasn’t really here for it and now this?” she said dropping her head into her hands.
Natasha looked at Naomi then back to Ava. “How about we do a blood test and find out if you’re actually pregnant before we start to make rash decisions,” she said thoughtfully as she stood up and moved to wash her hands before she began to prep to draw Ava’s blood.
Naomi nodded at Natasha’s words. “Tasha is right, maybe you’re actually sick and not pregnant,” she said trying to make the situation better, but she knew her friend and she knew her friend wasn’t trying to hear it.
Ava pulled off her white coat to reveal herself in the dress she had on as she held her arm out for Natasha.
Natasha turned to Ava and she giggled. “Well, maybe you are pregnant,” she said looking at Ava’s breasts. “Girl have you seen these things?” she asked pointing to Ava’s chest.
Naomi watched as Ava removed her coat and she looked her over in shock. “You’re busting out this dress and that bra!” she said agreeing with Natasha. “Girl!” she said as she pushed off the wall walking over to Ava. “Yeah honey… what are you going to do?”
Ava gave the stank eye to her friends as she adjusted herself in her bra and her wrap dress. “They’re not that much bigger, are they?” she asked her friends.
Natasha laughed out. “Huge!” she said as she cleaned Ava’s arm before inserting the needle and drawing the blood for this test.
Naomi giggled along with Natasha. “Looks like you’re ready to start feeding already,” she admitted.
Ava sighed out, watching the blood travel through the tube to into the vial before she looked at Naomi. “I’m going to tell him the truth and I guess we’ll go from there…” she said honestly, her freehand resting on her stomach. “I don’t know how he’s going to react, there’s some things going on at home and we’re surely not prepared for this but… I have to tell him and we’ll make a decision together...”
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fictionalwonder · 6 years
True Blood Season 4 Review
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Ok It's done. The guessing and spoiling is over for another 9 months leaving us with only a serious fangover and an unprecedented post season body count. True Blood Season 4 was bat shit crazy even more than Season 3, the timeline of such memorables as jar of Talbot and spine ripping TV. So now post Season 4 finale whether you were calling for a Scream award or thought the whole thing blew chances are you're about to embark on 9 months of TB withdrawal. Yup even the haters feel its absence. So let's savor the moment in a post finale look at the best and worst of True Blood Season 4
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THE BIGGEST THANK GOD MOMENT: Wee Marcus and gang finally putting Tommy and us out of the misery that was Tommy Mickens sorry ass life. As soon as he went skinwalker you knew his days were numbered. Sam Tramwell was brilliant doing Tommy doing him and who didn't cheer when said Tommy/Sam fired Sookie! She is the worst waitress ever! Talk about sick leave; is she ever at work for more than half a shift!?! The fall out from his death will certainly carry us through season 5, where we can only hope Sam has some modicum of hope at returning to just running the bar and attending anger management sessions.
Close second was Sookie decisively shooting Debbie Pelt in the head, even though she begged her not to. Yup, we had to wait till the very end of the season for evil, laughing while pouring Talbot down the drain Sookie, to return.
BEST OMG MOMENT: Ginger riding the coffin - nuff said.
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Scary and sexy are often one and the same on True Blood, and this year Eric Northman ripping out, here to be known as, Juice Box Roy's heart will be stamped on my brain as a shining TB moment. Countless screamed everywhere, I had know idea THAT could be sexy! Give Skarsgård a raise!
BTW the T-shirts were on sale a mere 3 hours post show.
BIGGEST WTF MOMENT: Sookie and Eric snow shower then frak in Narnia. I've never read the books but the post Spellbound roar over The Vampire, The Witch and The Shower Stall, chocked up the blog commentary for days. I suspect because nothing could ever live up to this sacred cow of the sookiverse sexcapdes, Ball and company for better or worse decided not to go there; thus sparing us from more Skinmax test reels by getting out of the shower faster than they got in
MOST IMPROVED: King Bill - sure
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he's damaged goods nailing his great great great great granddaughter and watching his ex screw his brain-damaged frenemy but sans Sookie round his neck, Bill was standing a bit taller this year. He even had a sense of humor, and Bill with balls is actually kind of hot. The developing bromance between him and Eric turned out to be one of the best parts of the season close.
MOST POTENTIAL: Laurel and Hardy move over. With Sookie out of the way Bill and Eric make an an awesome tag team, dissing each other on the pyre then cooperatively staking and decapitating Nan and troopers. Here's to more of Bill and Eric's excellent adventure in Season 5.
MOST IN NEED OF IMPROVEMENT: Sookie got enough of her spunk back to blow Debbie Pelt's head off, sure, but seriously she spent most of the season literally on her back, well sometimes on top. She was once a gifted mind-reader; we saw that maybe twice this season. Instead we learned more about her castrating powers when it comes to boyfriends. She mommied Eric into a hoody wearing puppy dog, did the dirty with him in every room of grandma's house and then kicked him, alongside Bill, to the curb come finale. In four seasons she truly did go from virgin to love em and leave em fangbanger. The classless moves have got to stop if the Stackhouse angle is to survive. We need an even slightly relate-able protagonist. I'm hoping another eligible lady moves to town, though god forbid she get a job at Merlotts - the most dangerous workplace in America.
SOOKIE'S ONE REDEEMING FEATURE SEASON 4: Sookie had unbelievably great hair this season. I swear to god I saw the camera man reflected in her locks in Eric's cubby.
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MOST IN NEED OF A HUG: From defending herself against zombie slurs to losing an ear, Pam had endured what must go down as the worst week in her hundred plus years. She lost her maker to back country fairy vagina and her face rotted off. And things weren't exactly looking up when we left her, blood tears running down her cheek, hugging Ginger.
Why did they do that to Pam!!! Well for one reason she gave TB viewers some of the best gore the show has ever delivered. Still, writers, you better fix her. At the end of the day we really just want to look at Kristin Bauer being gorgeous and acting snarky.
Coming in second is Hoyt who despite the bitterness of his bad boyfriend rejection could really use a little lov'in right now, if not some of Summer's biscuits.
#1 Bloodworks takes the stakes as a no contest winner. Besides being just the cutest couple in the world, Brian and Any's post show cocktails and theatrics amount to sometimes slurry worded and always hilariously astute recaps. I swear by mid season you look forward to Andy and Brian's upload as much as the episode itself. With its "staking points" and "do bad things" they were the best thing that could happen to a mediocre TB episode. Brian Juergen and Andy Swist @campbloodbuzz @andyswist http://campblood.org/Newblog/
#2 Think Heroes True Blood Review is tried and true. Roth Cornet has hosted solo for two seasons, and this season Jenna Busch was on board. Roth's reviews are first-rate often delving deeper than the show deserves. Busch does a good job of keeping things in the watercooler-moment mood of the short vlog format. The two combined offer a sometimes giggle ridden but always insightful True Blood take. Jennings Roth Cornet @JRothC | http://www.jenningsrothcornet.com/ JennaBusch @JennaBusch | http://girlmeetslightsaber.blogspot.com
#3 BloodBites is family friendly fair with this sister and brother team showcasing familial bonds and blood-dipped funny bones. Reenacting then reviewing a given episode's wtf moments, Blood Bites has cross-gen appeal. It's quality YouTube content you could show your grandmother and your eight year-old niece, who you know are both watching True Blood too.
Honorable Mention My Future Lover's Reason to Ship Sookie and Eric Spawn of You Tube strictly for Team Eric members, My Future Lover's play by play captions to the best and worst Sookie Eric moments capture at least half the audience's joy, tears and tv punching moments.
True Blood in Dallas Straight up fan founded talkshow and review of both book, show and TB culture with revolving guest reviewers each week. A steady dose of all the criticism only a Stackhouse booklover can bring, Talk Blood is laced with plenty of Charlaine Harris loving that fellow fans can appreciate.
Listen to internet radio with True Blood in Dallas on Blog Talk Radio
Best Recaps
Pros and Cons True Blood by Meredith Woerner nails it everytime. for a no holds barred, tell it like is play by play pro con style. This is one of the funniest and most astute TB recaps out there. Meredith Woerner @MdellW | http://io9.com/people/MeredithDW/posts/
After Eltons WTF recap by Steven Frank is an imaginative post morteum with major plot points reviewed then rated in Grace Jones Vamp limps.
Jef With One F's music and episode recap for the Houston's Press is a creative spin that lets the show's lead track set the tone for review and analysis. Jef With One F @HPRocksOff
Best Blogs
Talk True Blood Digging deep and ranting in the best way, Talk True Blood goes so far as to offer scene by scene body language analysis of major characters.
Buddhism and True Blood Dedicated to Alan Ball and the wheel of life, Buddhism and True blood reminds us that life is suffering especially in Bon Temps
True Blood Underground Do you really know what's going on in Bon Temps? Conspiracy theories abound as TB Underground calls out Alan Ball on his addictive mind control experiment.
FINAL WORD Four seasons later there is still a bit of blood left in the series, and while fairy-finger-cop-outs and super silly, supernatural assumptions do show signs of laziness in the writers room, True Blood still does deliver some amazing TV. Godforbid we get bogged down by process oriented stuff like how amnesia Eric lost his shirt post-spell or ends up on a bonfire tied to Bill between episode 11 and 12. Things like how come no one reports a death in Bon Temp anymore or WHO IS running Merlottes only get in the way of a good story or at least a good "oh no they didn't" jaw drop.
I suspect, forty eight episodes later, TB writers actually relish every shark jumping moment as much as fangbanging spectacle. They know they can get away with it because they know how dedicated, creative and forgiving their fan base is. Plus narrative logic be damned, camp and drama are fine edges to play on, and they deserve applause for taking even tasteless risks.
For every bit of hocus pocus cgi True Blood throws at us, such as the anime forcefield surrounding Moon Goddess or the ridiculously bad fx exorcism of Mavis, there was a Pam getting a skin peel or Eric ripping the heart out of juice box Roy to make up for it. For each ridiculous Scooby Doo and the gang moment, there was a Vampire A-team or death by pencil. For each and every minute we tolerated Andy, we had a shot of Ginger riding a coffin or Eric drinking the whole fairy. True Blood IS very uneven but it IS very fun.
So that caps summertime Sundays and True blood still remains my ultimate guilty pleasure. The culture and coverage this year has been as much fun as the show itself and made Sundays feel like a party. I think Alex Skarsgård sums it all up in this quote,
“At 7 in the morning, I’m hanging from the ceiling in a Nazi uniform with fangs in[my mouth]. I look over and I see [Allan] there in his Nazi uniform hanging like a puppet. We’re about to descend down to kill this wolf, you know? And that was the moment where we just looked at each other like, This is what we’re doing for a living?‘”
Yup, IT IS! And even more surprising I CAN"T believe I'm watching you do it and not only that but loving every minute!
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gascon-en-exil · 4 years
How do you contend with your religious background and your job? Not judging, just curious
To answer that I have to ensure that you’re familiar with
1) Catholicism. I don’t many non-Catholics realize this, but the modern Church is substantially less anti-gay than most other conservative Christian denominations. When I was in the parochial school system in the early 2000s it was already part of the standard sex ed curriculum to address sexuality as an innate quality given to us by God that cannot be changed, which you could then use to conclude firstly that the Church does not support homophobic violence and secondly that it does not support conversion therapy which was something I wasn’t even aware existed until I was at university and was surrounded by Protestants for the first time in my life. Of course gay sex is still a mortal sin, but then so is every other kind of extramarital sex including masturbation and the use of contraceptives which as you might imagine dulls the effect considerably. Besides, that’s what the sacrament of Confession is for, and thanks to some entertaining moral loopholes I picked up on from my high school religion classes I only confess to the sex when I have an orgasm which is not all that common - certainly less common than my masturbatory emissions.
2) French Catholics specifically. While all Catholics nominally answer to Rome -we’re not like Eastern Orthodox Christians who have separate churches and patriarchs for each nation - each predominately Catholic nation/culture has a unique history with the faith and correspondingly different ways of engaging with the Church. France is sometimes referred to as the first daughter of the Church as it was the first nation to be founded under Christian dominion following the fall of the Roman Empire, but our 1500+ years of history with the Church has long been a contentious one. It’s little surprise that modern France is now one of the most atheist countries in Europe given the tendencies of our leaders and our people as a whole to think of our allegiance to the Church in primarily practical terms, to be used when the association would benefit us and discarded when religion becomes too troublesome. We acknowledge Catholicism as a foundational element of our history and culture but don’t have much use for it now otherwise. My family sent me through Catholic school because it’s the respectable thing to do here, but none of my relatives encouraged genuine piety and indeed frequently mocked people who expressed it - and there are plenty of those in New Orleans between the Spanish, Irish, and some Italians. I hear that this is true in metropolitan France and in Québec, that public expressions of religious devotion are considered to be in poor taste. Which brings me to
3) the Church and Louisiana. It must be said that unlike either our homeland or our brother colony to the north we Louisianais still have a practical use for the Church, which is why it has a much stronger visible presence here. The Protestants of the Bible Belt have been pressing down on southern Louisiana for over two centuries, and Catholicism has been one of our useful weapons in defending ourselves from total assimilation. The Anglos have forced us out of politics and the local economy and made us speak their language, indulged in our cuisine and culture of alcohol and carnal pleasure and endless festivals and gawked at our morbid acceptance of death in our magnificent cemeteries and tolerance for the occult, but they’ll always stop just short where the Church is concerned because their conviction to their Protestant heresies is too strong. Oh, some of them will convert when they marry into old New Orleans families and raise their children Catholic because it’s the fashionable thing to do, but most of the ones with wealth and influence only went so far as to build up Episcopalianism (the US arm of the Church of England, essentially Catholicism with the serial numbers filed off) as something of a rival denomination that doesn’t really rival us so much as give them an excuse to celebrate Carnival and so forth because it’s nowhere near as restrictive as the Calvinist denominations. We still can’t afford to be as secular as our people elsewhere, but having corrupted the Anglos here into our indolent lifestyles in retaliation for their hostile takeover of Louisiana following the Civil War does have a certain entertaining quality to it. Additionally, New Orleans’s history of sex work stretches back almost to the city’s founding, and being a variation on Parisian sex work with added racial dimensions (that don’t factor into my own practice, but are worth mentioning nonetheless) it’s not surprising that the Church here quietly looks the other way at all the endless decadence. The last thing they want is to seem like those demented Baptists who bus themselves down here every Mardi Gras and Southern Decadence waving their placards about how we’re all going to (their) Hell; helpfully, some of them are thoughtful enough to include anti-Catholic messaging as well, just to make sure that every single local will despise their presence.
To make a very long story short, I’ve never felt any cognitive dissonance between my sexuality (or what I do with it) and my religion, thanks to my particular upbringing encouraging religion without spirituality or even sincerity.
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gascon-en-exil · 10 years
I believe I promised details of last night.
During one of my lover's recent trips to Florida without me he made the acquaintance of a straight(?) British Anglo traveling the US on holiday, and last night he invited me to go down to Frenchmen Street in the Faubourg Marigny with the two of them.  It was bad enough that I was being made to entertain an Anglo (especially when this one had the coloring of a Spaniard and an Irish family name - really, what does one do with that?), but I'm not very fond of Frenchmen Street at all.  For one, its somewhat silly name stands in "honor" of a group of Créoles killed in 1762 because they rebelled against the colony being turned over to Spain, which is awkward all around now that Spanish Creoles have been our only real ally for two centuries.  More relevantly, it's the premiere informal live music venue of the city, lined mostly with bars that make up for their mediocre stock with nightly performances by local bands.  To say that such an environment does not suit me would be an understatement.
Much deafening and drunkenness (but no sex) ensued, though to my disappointment the Anglo apparently survived the evening and didn't get murdered in one of the darker corners of the Marigny.  That would have sated my indignity at having to be an assistant tour guide to one of the very people who ruined New Orleans in the first place (and indeed meeting this one merely confirmed what I already knew: Anglos are all the same no matter what part of the world their miserable little island has vomited them onto - they just sound a little different).  I'm a rather bad tour guide anyway, what with my obvious biases and moments where I'm overcome with emotion, etc.
On the bright side, I got to walk the Vieux Carré at night, which is a rare and always enjoyable experience for me.
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gascon-en-exil · 10 years
Based on some of the traffic I get on long-distance hookup apps, I'm quite alluring to Brazilians for some reason.  I know Latins seem to have a thing for finding each other attractive (or at least more attractive than other options *cough*Anglos*cough*), but this is oddly specific.  I don't even know any Portuguese.
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