#My source: any 1 episode of farscape ever
table-top-horror · 8 months
Now having watched most of Farscape I think I will make the bold claim and say that John Crichton has suffered more than jesus christ and Miles O'brien combined
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jesterlady · 7 years
Fanfiction Meme
List the first paragraph of your last ten fics…and see if you find any patterns.             Tagged by @redrackham87 so I’ll play
There are spoilers in these paragraphs for the shows..just fyi!
1. A Creature Caught in Time (SG1) 
The words of Vala Mal Doran echoed in Teal’c thoughts, long after she had ceased her persistent questioning of his experience in the alternate timeline.  It was true that he did not wish to unduly alter events by his knowledge of it.  The Colonel Carter of that time had been most specific when instructing him and the Colonel Carter of this time had also reiterated that it was best not to know.  Teal’c agreed with both Carters, however, it was specifically Vala Mal Doran that caused him to reconsider his opinion on the subject. 
2. Single Short Aspiration (SG1)
Jack sat down on the porch and rested his arms behind his head, just waiting.  He had nothing important to do, no planet to save, just waiting.  It was a warm day and he was going to sit on his porch and enjoy the view for once.
3. Weary of Hope Deferred (SG1)
 “A lot of that will probably be mine.”
The words reverberated in his head over and over and even though he tried his best to focus on his work, they wouldn’t leave.  The cup of coffee that consistently lay near his elbow was untouched and the automatic safety logout had long ago switched off his computer.  Still, he sat and stared and thought the words.  He’d been like this with only moments of interaction with others since Hathor had gone through the gate.  He hadn’t remembered at first but then the bits and pieces came back and each new memory was like a fresh stab of guilt repeating along with the mantra.
4. In All Our Yesterdays (Farscape)
John slipped through Moya’s corridors, enjoying the opportunity to practice stealth.  Not that he really needed to at the moment since the ship was practically empty.  Scorpius and Rygel were being sent as negotiators for entry past the planet and to trade.  An odd pair of negotiators, oh yeah, but the perfect ones.  D’Argo had insisted on accompanying them to keep an eye on everything, which John was grateful for, and Sikozu had wanted to go for her own nefarious reasons.  John didn’t even pretend to understand her or her motivations.  Chiana had discovered the planet was the source of some of her favorite forms of pleasure and had literally done one of her bizarre ass leaps onto the transport pod.  That just left Noranti fiddling around with some potion or other in the habitation chamber. 
5, To Hope Above All Skies (Farscape)
It was time.  After countless moments of thought and agony and indecision, she knew what must be done, what he would have wanted, and now they had arrived.  Not that she was ready, of course.  Somehow she didn’t think she would ever be ready.  Yet, as life had consistently seemed to show her, it didn’t seem to matter what she was ready for.  It brought the pain and discomfort and grief anyway. 
6. My Soul Has Tasted of the Grapes (Farscape)
Zhaan stilled, letting the final notes of her song settle into the vastness of Pilot’s den.  The song had not lasted long, her energy long drained by the overpowering experience they had undergone.  She had never felt so alone and helpless since joining Moya’s crew as the past few solar days.  She rested against Pilot’s console and lifted her hands over her face.   
7. But the Horror of the Shade (BH UK)
Nina opened the screen door and shielded her eyes against the sun throwing light on her face.  It was still hard to see but she managed to make out the tiny figure of her daughter running circles between the house and the barn.
8. So Enchained My Spirit’s Vision (Psych)
Juliet had broken a few items within the past forty eight hours.  She had also cried more than she wanted to admit.  She did have a perfect right to that display of emotion, her boyfriend had been lying to her about his basic identity ever since they’d met and had broken her heart and made her feel like an idiot in the space of about five seconds.  Yet knowing there was justification for her feelings had not helped her feel better. 
9. From All Delusions Free (Psych)
Shawn rubbed his hands and jumped up in down in place a few times before knocking on the door.  It took a while but eventually it opened and he saw Juliet looking at him, her shoulders drawn back with tension. 
10. And Make a Lost World Thy Home (VM/BTVS/ATS Crossover)
 She was back underneath Sunnydale High School in the Hellmouth.
 Veronica turned slowly, remembering.  They had come there to defeat the First and Veronica had been on the perimeter.  She and Logan had taken the west side of the school.  Xander and Anya were on the east side, Giles and Dawn were on the north, and Tara and Mac had been on the south.  Their job was to fight the vampires and Bringers who escaped to the perimeter.
I’ve technically written other fics since these but they haven’t been posted yet.  Just finished an SG1 Big Bang and there’s definitely a Farscape and SGA one shot sitting around here.
Anyway, the only pattern I can see is that I’m sometimes way too long in my opening paragraphs!
Well, also that unless I’m writing a long story, my one shots are almost always a missing scene from an episode or fixing something/adding something missing to a specific episode.
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