#Mycki loses her damned mind
myckicade · 3 years
Let me first just say that y'all are incredible. Second, let me warn you that this is a lengthy little ramble from my unfocused, slow-day-at-work brain.
I've been on a wild journey, these last few weeks. I've been a Star Wars fan for many moons, but - somehow - I never really got into shipping/fanfiction/all the good stuff. (Okay, years ago, I think I read an Obi-wan/OC fic that was never finished, but still). Let me tell you, that has changed.
I started off in BobaDin. And, yo, was I a happy girl! Post-TBoBF, how could I not love them? I figured, hell, I'd found a camp to set up in. Sounded beautiful. And it was. So much content, I was just beside myself with glee.
Then... Then... The Jedi arrived. I skittered, face-first, right smack dab into BobaDinLuke. No clue how. It just freaking happened. I must be on an OT3 kick, because BaronWinterFalcon/SamBuckyZemo was my only OT3 love. But, it was undeniable, and wonderful, and it got me writing for the fandom.
Eventually, I realized that I was craving just BobaLuke. And hell, I have no idea why poor Din got the axe, but he did. This ship, damn, it had me rolling around on the bed, giggling like a teenager. I haven't done that in years. (I'm in my thirties).
Last night, I read robinasnyder's Living Wake, (if you haven't, go do it - NOW) and while it killed my heart (in a beautiful way) and truly left me sobbing, it also pulled me into...
...-DinCobb. Where the fuck has this ship been, that I wasn't on it? I've sailed around the rest of the galaxy, why not with these two?! (I'm totally yelling at myself, no one else). It certainly explains why my brain was okay with Din getting booted from previous ships. I still love him in them, but this one just... *sighs, dreamily*
Now, all that's left to do is put them all together. So says my brain, and so shall it be done. (Which basically means that I'll be trying to get AO3 to work on my phone, come lunch time).
So, my thanks to all of the wonderful content creators out there. You and your breathtakingly beautiful works have truly made this last month-or-so a joyous one! I look forward to seeing so many more, as we await another installment.
P.S. This changes nothing of the fic requests in my inbox! I still love ALL of these pairings. And, feel free to add to them! I love having options!
Edit: I... I tried BobaCobb while I was on lunch... Send help... <3 <3 ...
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