hokkaidossoul12 · 4 years
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A little while ago I drew this, it is what I think would happen if Elsie in the demonic form was to get banished to hell by Myra (I may or may not upload a storyline of this sometime soon...). But, before Elsie was banished she has cursed Dorothy’s heart which would change her in a giant demonic hellhound-like creature. I’ve had this idea for a long while but I decided to not post it since I wasn’t sure at first. I also may create a form where Nepolean might turn her into a plant monster as well in which she will have flower growing on her back.
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stratofall006 · 4 years
*Myra Yate finds out that Rookie likes frogs, she goes up to Rookie* MyraYates: hey, I heard you like frogs? I know this isn't a frog but... *she shapeshifts into a red and brown frilled lizard* what do you think?
Rookie: What the fuck how did you do that
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hokkaidossoul12 · 4 years
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Day 26: Freeday
I decided to draw what Myra looks like when she using two of her forms at the same time, this is her half doe half cougar.
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hokkaidossoul12 · 4 years
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So here is another new Showdown Bandit OC I made, her name is Vivian Webb and she is a Bartender. She is about 24 years old, she uses a a pink gun (like this www.turners.com/daisy/daisy-pi… but it's more powerful) to shoot at bandits trying to rob her off her money or alcohol.  She's gets along very well with Faceless (she was Faceless' second best friend in my AU, despite Faceless being a bandit), she's also very good friends with Penny Hemsworth, Doc Carver, Miss undertaker (kinda), Dorothy, Mother Dove, Finnley,  Corbin Croc, Carrie Lanscaster, Maude Galloway, Fannie Richmond, Vincent Greers and Myra Yates, Myra is Vivian's girlfriend. She is slightly taller than Miss Undertaker (in my AU).(btw when she first came to Showdown Valley after she was made she didn't have her tail or fangs hidden) Backstory: When Vivian was made she didn't have parents and not really a childhood either because she was built by the puppeteers and place into her box, she was around a teenage age when she was built (so around seventeen years old). Her box sat with all the others but...Vivian was the only one who was stuck inside her box, she did try to break free of it but found that it was almost impossible to open the box door from the inside. She waited for days, wondering if anyone would come and get her out of the dark, compacted space she was in. Four days had gone by until Vivian was finally freed, a young Lorelei Undertaker had somewhat coincidentally walked through the area, searching around for something in the area. Poor Vivian watched from inside her box as Lorelei hadn't quite noticed that there was an unopened box with the young teen locked inside, then... Viv couldn't handle it anymore. She slammed her arm against the door of the box with as much room the tight fitting box would let her, it wasn't very loud but it was definitely enough for Lorelei to here her. "hello?" the undertaker called out, looking in the direction of where the sudden noise came from. It was when Miss undertaker finally spotted an unopened box, the dark haired puppet made her way over to the box, "huh! how did I not see this here before?" Lorelei muttered to her, "well...I have been here for days, I don't think anyone else has come through here..." Vivian spoke up, causing the darker-haired puppet to step back a bit. "wait...are you...one of those newly built puppets?" the young undertaker questioned, "uuh...I guess?" the grey and pink haired puppet replied. That was all it took, suddenly Vivian's box was open, this caught young Vivian off guard and she tumbled right out of the crammed box and onto the cold wooden ground underneath head first. She groaned in pain and sat up, "hey, do you mind telling me before you go doing tha-" Vivian lifted her head up to Lorelei to see the blade of a shovel meters away from her face, causing her to jolt and fall back. Vivian's eyes widen as Lorelei held her silver bladed shovel close to her neck, the darker haired female narrowed her eyes down at her, "I don't think I should trust you very much, not after what happened the last time!" Lorelei growled in a ill tempered manner as Young Vivian was backed up against her own open box. "w-wait! please...I-I don't understand what you want!" Vivian shrilled, her tail curling up around her feet, her whole body shook as she stared up at Lorelei, the shovel being brought close to her neck as the dark-haired female's eyes narrowed down at her. Tears welled up at the corner of Vivian's blood red eyes and closer her eyes, this caused the undertaker's anger to soften as she stared down at grey and pink haired female, she hadn't expected that kind of reaction from the long-fanged female. Lorelei sighed as she pulled her shovel away from Vivian's neck, the fanged female's eyes open slowly as she stared up at the dark haired female, fear and confused on her face as tears dripped from her eyes. Viv saw Lorelei put her shovel away and suddenly bend down in front of her, this caused the fanged female to scuttle backward to where she hit the back of the inside of her own box, the dark haired female slowly made her approach toward her. It was then the fanged female thought it was the end for her, Lorelei had to her backed up against her own box with no where to run, her eyes stared up at Lorelei as she was very close to where poor Vivian was balled up. But...Lorelei had put her hand out to Vivian, "you're...you're not like the others, you don't act like em'...", the grey and pink haired puppet looked at the dark haired puppet's hand, unsure if she should trust her words, she turned her head away because of how unsettled she was. Lorelei realized that she would have to do more to earn back some sort of trust from the fanged female as saw how her tail lightly curled around her feet, there was a few moments of silence before Lorelei gave Vivian an apology for the way she acted out on her. This kinda gave Viv some assurance but she was still scared, but... after a few moments of hesitation she finally took the undertaker's hand and was pulled up from the ground by the dark haired female. They both had a talk through and ended up clearing things up, both of them going separate ways. Quite a few years had gone by (she was about twenty one), she had already learned how to fend for herself, she ended up getting her own small home, she had go and opened her own bar to earn a living and accomplished a few other things in her life like making new friends and even met Myra. She ended up falling for Myra and so did Myra, in the end they became a couple.  (sorry if this backstory didn't show too much detail) She likes: Dancing, doodling in notebooks, sketching out new ideas for her bar, making her own alcohol for her bar, keeping her bar open to anybody (even bandits, but she makes sure they don't steal or don't pay for drinks), talking and communicating with her customers (unless they are being annoying in some way), and visiting and hanging out with Myra and Faceless.
She dislikes: Other puppets who try to flirt with Myra or her (she doesn't mind Myra flirting with her though), when other puppets mess with her friends (puppets that mess with her friends are Showell, Fowler, Otto, Vernon, Betsy, etc), bandit or any puppets who try to rob her of her money and supplies, taking off her mask (because of her sharp fangs), revealing her demon tail (cause she thinks that she will scared other puppets or puppets will try killing her), and having to put up with annoying customers.
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hokkaidossoul12 · 4 years
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I have another OC I made, her name is Myra Yates and she is a shopkeeper, she is about 23 years old. She doesn’t have weapons but instead has powers like  being able to change her form (into five different things or half of one of the things, her five forms are her banshee form (of course), a brown doe, a white squirrel, a brown and red frilled lizard or a light brown cougar). In her banshee form she lets out a screech which can explode eyes and make ears bleed, she can also faze through walls as a banshee, she can also sense if a puppet is about to die or is dead and knows where the bodies are. She has a mother (Josie Yates) and father (Willard Yates), she is good friends with the Faceless bandit, Penny Hemsworth, Mother Dove, Finnley, Dorothy, Cashmere, Corbin Croc, Carrie Lanscaster, Luther galloway, Maude Galloway, Fannie Richmond, Vincent Greers and Vivian Webb, Vivian is also Myra's girlfriend. Her height is around Penny Hemsworth’s height (in my AU).
Backstory: Backstory: When Myra was a young girl, she grew up with her parents, Josie and Willard. Before Myra was born, her parents were very poor and barely had enough money to afford food, water and even a proper home to stay in. Josie was pregnant around this time and both parents thought that there was a big chance that Josie would lose Myra before she was even born. Before they became poor, they wanted a baby for so long but...after they became in dept many months ago because of how much they spend on Josie's pregnancy that ended up both getting into a poor condition. It seemed for them everything was at loss, at least it seemed that way, but... that all changed very quickly for them. Within the next morning, Josie and Willard were both huddled on the ground in their very, very worn down home when they heard a knock on their door. They with both scared that it was someone coming to boot them out of their home, Josie's eyes filled with tears at the thought, Willard comforted his very emotional wife, hugging her and kissing her cheek while telling her "whatever happens...I'll make sure you're safe...even if it kills me." Willard finally picks himself off the ground and shakily makes his way towards the door, he paused in front of door, afraid to open it, but he finally brought himself to grab the rusty door handle and open the door. A young boy who dressed and looked very wealthy stood at the door, it was one of the richfolks' children, Willard was sure that this kid would most likely get Josie and him kicked from his home, he sighed and readied himself for what the boy was going to say. But...the boy didn't do anything that he'd expected, instead the boy asked about his financial situations and told Willard he knew about Josie's pregnancy. Willard was confused and nervous at first but he ended up speaking out honestly to the boy, then... the boy suddenly gave Willard a money slip, this confused Willard even more than it did and looked down at the slip, his eyes widened, there was thirty thousand dollars on it. That money was enough to repay their dept as well as buying a new house, proper food and water, new clothing and much more, but...he also he had to owe the boy back, "t-thank you...b-but what do I-" Willard was cut off by the boy, "don't worry about owing me, I giving this to you because you need it, both of you do..." the boy spoke in a calm sympathetic tone as he gave the older male a small smile. This caused Willard to freeze, his eyes welled up with tears, they young boy's eyes widen and tried to ask if he did something wrong, not understanding why Willard was crying until the older male hugged him, the younger male hugged him back. After Willard pulled away he asked what the young boy's name was, the boy answered, Micheal...that was his name. After a few moments, Micheal said his goodbyes before leaving the doorstep and walking out of the property and in the direction of town. Several months had passed, Willard and Josie payed their dept and ended up moving to a new home, they bought food, water, brand new furniture, clothing and other stuff they needed, then a week onward was when Myra was born. As Myra grew up, she was given all the best care from her parents, but...because her parents were too focused on her and getting her new things they nearly went into dept again, but Willard wasn't going to let Myra be put through what they did, so...Myra's father decided to try finding a job, unfortunately...he couldn't find any sort of job around the time no matter how hard he tried to find one. It came down to where going to run out of food, water and even lose their home. But...one day, Willard found another way to make money, gambling. Both Josie and him thought that it would be a bad idea at first, unfortunately...that was the only option they had left to keep the three of them out of dept, so that's what Willard did. For many months, Myra's father went off to the town's saloon to gamble for money, he was very careful with how he played and always knew when to tap out and go home, which resulted in him coming home with lots of bandit bucks, which was plenty of money to keep them out of dept for months on end. It got to a point where even Myra's mother began to gamble too, both of them getting plenty of money afterwards, this went pretty smoothly three years. That was until one day, a mysterious figure had began making an appearance in the saloon, drinking and gambling til it's hard content, but...it seemed to also have a knack for cheating certain puppets who had big win streaks. One day, both Myra's parents decided both to go to the saloon during the night, they of course got someone to babysit Myra before planning to go out. As Willard and Josie were gambling that night, they mysterious figure was there watching them gamble, they both knew that the figure would try start a game with them and cheat them out of their winnings...so they thought of a plan...but it wasn't a pleasant one, they thought if they out-cheated the figure and make them lose the match. Of course, they were right, the figure did try to start a new game with them so they went along with their plan and...their plan worked, Josie and Willard won the game by out-cheating the figure but...this seemed to anger the figure a lot. Suddenly, the mysterious figure stood up from their chair, stood up from the table, grabbing the big table before the figure growled and smashed the table with it's bare hand, breaking it in half. Josie and Willard got up from the table backing off, the figure storming over to them, suddenly the figure revealed itself to be a black ghoul with blood red eyes. It towered over them, it's voice deep and menacing, "SO...YOU THINK YOU COULD OUT-CHEAT ME, HUH? WELL, YOU'RE VERY NAIVE FOR DOING THAT..." the ghoul chuckled before grabbing Josie and Willard by both their throats and throwing them both into a table, the table tipping to the ground with Willard and Josie underneath, bruising the couple badly, the ghoul laughed as he floated over to the couple. "YOU SHOULD'VE STAYED HOME WITH YOUR PRECIOUS DAUGHTER! BUT NOW...SHE'LL SUFFER FOR YOUR MISTAKE!" then before Josie and Willard could react, the black ghoul suddenly formed into a ball of dark light before disappearing out the saloon door, Josie and Willard looked at each other in panic as they raced out the door as quickly as they could out the door and tried running as quickly as they could back home to Myra. Meanwhile, Myra was sitting next to a heater in the living room, warming herself up as she sipped on some flavored milk. Soon...it was time for young Myra to go to bed the babysitter went to Myra and waited for her to finished her milk and once Myra was finished with it the babysitter took Myra's now empty cup and went to rinse it and put it away, but...once the babysitting had gone out of the room that same ball of dark light had fazed through the wall and into the living room in front of Myra, suddenly the dark light had formed back into the black ghoul, young Myra looked up at the figure with fear in her eyes as she shook. Then, without a warning the black ghoul grabbed Myra, lifting her off the ground, locking it's eyes with her as tears welled up in the corners of her eyes. Then, when Myra's parents had finally made it to the front door and bursting inside their own home, they along with the babysitter heard young Myra screaming loudly, the babysitter and Myra's parents rushed into the room to save Myra but...it was too late. Myra's eyes turned black as she was being held by the black ghoul, the ghoul let out a cackled before putting Myra down and disappearing, Josie and Willard's eyes filled with tears as they rushed to Myra's aid, their precious little girl laid in their arms unresponsive but not dead. In the morning, young Myra finally came back into consciousness, shaking and crying at what the black ghoul had done to her, so Willard and Josie then agreed to each other that they would never gamble again after what had happened to Myra, they instead made sure of Myra's safety instead. As many years passed onward (Myra would be about twenty) Myra had gained powers since her experience with the black ghoul, it got to a time where Myra had to move out of her parent's home and start living on her own. Once she packed all her things she left her home, she found a small house to move into, she also found an empty abandoned store to which she took it for her own and decided to start her own business. After three years went by, she met Vivian and they became a couple from then onward.  
She Likes: Singing, making and selling her own stuff, crafting cute supplies (like animal stickers, cute stamps, notebooks, mini bags, colorful bottles, music boxes, mini instruments (except for wind music instruments), juggling bags and mini kits), making accessories (like animal slippers, boots, hats, cute bow ties and hair bows, cute mouth and eye masks, glasses, and bell necklaces), visiting Vivian and hanging out with her, socializing with other puppets and making friends with people who she can relate feelings with.
She Dislikes: When she gets flirted with by other puppets (except for Vivian), when other puppets mess with her friends or her (Showell, Fowler, Otto, Vernon and Betsy), being used as some sort of hostage for a bandit, being forced into doing something she's not comfortable with (it causes her to snap), losing control of her forms (especially her banshee or cougar forms), and irregular patterns or clusters of small holes or bumps (she has Trypophobia).
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hokkaidossoul12 · 5 years
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So here is another SB OC I made on gacha life (which I will draw very soon), this is Myra Yates. Myra is a shops keeper and always greets everyone with a smile ^^  but...
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She doesn’t smile very much at the fact that she’s half banshee half puppet. How it happened was when she was just a baby, her parents had double crossed a ghoul. Of course, it (the ghoul) wasn’t too pleased with that and so had cursed their baby (Myra) to be stuck with a banshee form. Her form only shows if someone has made her angry, hurting someone she loves or forces her to do something she doesn’t want to do. But this, this is only half her transformation...
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Now this is her full form, in this form she acts her normal self but is able to use powers, like a shriek that can burst eardrums. She doesn’t kill people but can sense if a certain person will die and upon finding them she will shape-shift into an brown doe (female deer) and stay near the body until someone buries it. Why she does that is so when the person passes on it’s a way to bring eternal peace to their souls as they are moving to the afterlife. But...sometimes she does turn into a doe if she really wants to because she’s either bored or something else...
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