szdbatyko · 5 months
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hokkaidossoul12 · 3 years
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WARNING: The full art has blood in it, if you are not comfortable with blood then please don't look at the full image. But, if you wish to see the full image click "keep reading."
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Warning: there is swearing and gross content within the description of this drawing. As part of my AU of showdown bandit, Faceless ends up becoming good after Dorothy and Showdown stopped the puppeteers from forcing Faceless to be a villian and control him. But, as a revenge plan, the puppeteers brought Nepolean into showdown valley and Dorothy had been hunted down by Nepolean for days and days on end, Nepolean had also terrorized the folks in showdown valley as to ensure nobody would try approaching him. Eventually, Faceless (who was now close friends with Dorothy) had decided to take on Nepolean himself despite Dorothy's warnings that he was a phycho killer who took down even the strongest of the living. This then results to Nepolean and Faceless fighting in front of the whole of valley with Faceless gaining the upper hand on Nepolean at first, swinging his scythe at the madman and managing to knock him down. But Nepolean quickly learned Faceless' attack pattern and dodged his attacks until Faceless found himself getting exhausted. The madman smirked as he knew he'd tired out the faceless man, standing in front of him. "heh, what's wrong~? getting tired~?" Nepolean teased in a mocking way, folding his arms behind his back. Faceless bared his teeth at the psychopath in front of him. "GRRR!!! I'M GONNA WIPE THAT LOOK RIGHT OFF YOUR FACE!!" the faceless man roared as he went to swing his scythe at Nepolean's neck. But before the teeth of the blade could meet the madman's neck, Nepolean quickly grabbed the rusty weapon by it's blade with a firm grip. Nepolean let out a low chuckle as he stared at the faceless man who now had a shaken expression. "tsk tsk tsk~ faceless...your so bothered by such little comments, aren't you~?", before faceless could react to the comment he felt Nepolean's boot harshly slammed into his stomach, causing the faceless bandit to collapse onto his back with a loud thud. The force of Nepolean's boot had caused Faceless' grip to completely loosen from his scythe as Nepolean was still gripping the blade. The folks of showdown valley had witnessed the faceless' man's weapon now in Nepolean's possession as the madman shifted his grip to the snatch of the long weapon. Nepolean stared down at Faceless as he saw the bandit trying to shakily pick himself back up. Grinning widely, Nepolean quickly used the faceless' man's own weapon against him by slashing him back and fourth with his scythe, slicing cuts into the bandit's body as he grunted and winced in pain as is wooden skin bleed from each slash. The madman then suddenly sliced the faceless bandit deeply against his stomach, causing him to finally let out a yell of agony as he coughed up blood. Faceless voice was heard all throughout the valley to where Dorothy, who was outside of town, could hear him. Dorothy knew immediately that something had happened to him and ran as fast as she could toward the town. The faceless was left shaking on the ground from the deep wound in his stomach as Nepolean's insane laughter filled the area, seeing how much agony Faceless was in. "look at you~ your such a pathetic mess, and I thought you were the outlaw of this town~" the bandit stared up at the phycho with furrowed eyebrows, if he still had eyes he would've been glaring up at the madman staring down at him. "I...w-was...but I didn't want to be, you bastard...", Nepolean scoffed, "oh please...nobody wants to be the villian, in fact...you sometimes see yourself as the villian but can still do crude things." Nepolean then lifts the blade of the blood covered scythe towards his own face, "like this~" Nepolean then suddenly brought his tongue to the blade and licked the blood-covered scythe, tasting the faceless' man's blood. He then retracted his tongue to get a full taste of the blood as he gave a twisted look, the faceless bandit shivered as he witnessed what Nepolean just did. "What...the fuck?!", Nepolean chuckled again as he suddenly stepped forward before placing one of his boots onto the bandit's stomach. "c'mon, don't tell me you haven't tried
that before. Besides, it won't matter if you have or haven't done that..." Faceless let out a choked sound as Nepolean suddenly pressed his boot against the deep cut in his stomach harshly with a wide, creepy smile on his face. The madman then brought the scythe towards the faceless man's neck, causing the bandit's eyebrows to raise in fear. "because you won't ever get the chance!", with one final motion Nepolean swung the scythe sharply through Faceless' neck. Nepolean stared down as he watched the faceless man's head roll on the ground, blood spewing from the faceless man's head and neck hole of his body. Nepolean dropped the faceless bandit's scythe to the ground as he reach down and pick up the head of the bandit by his hair. By the time Dorothy had made it in town, she saw a crowd of puppets running towards her direction and away from what she was walking towards. She had been confused at first as to what the puppets were running from until she saw straight in front of her. Dorothy gasped as tears formed in her eyes from the sight in front of her. Tears welled up in her eyes are her pupil shrunk, seeing Nepolean holding Faceless' head in his clawed hand. Nepolean heard Dorothy's gasp and he turned to wickedly smile in her direction. Nepolean then lifted Faceless' head up and took a few steps towards her, "he stopped me from trying to get to you...so I had to teach him to stay out of my way~" Dorothy felt her voice choke up as tears dripped down her face *"N-no...Faceless..."*, Dorothy fell to her knees as her tear streamed down her face onto the ground beneath her as she began sobbing, Nepolean cackled seeing her sob in front of his eyes.
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strato-fall06 · 5 years
*Rookie was sitting in her room, she hears a knock on her door, it was Faceless* FacelessBandit: oh Rookie! I'm respecting your privacy by knocking but asserting my authority as your father by coming in anyway! *he bursts through the door by using Showdown Bandit (who was knocked out beforehand) to break the door down*
Rookie, getting real tired of her dad's bullshit:
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Selma, having to replace another door because of her dumbass husband:
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hokkaidossoul12 · 3 years
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I got to draw Faceless again and this design I did of him is better, also...I know in the game the buckle on his belt is golden like showdown's belt but I decided to make it silver. I know I made a whole lot of stuff different about him because I'm kinda going along with what he looks like in my AU of the game.
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hokkaidossoul12 · 4 years
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Basically in my AU of the game, here is how each character is represented... - Showdown Bandit (he is the main character) - Lorelei Undertaker (she is a major character, she is best friends with Showdown) - Penny Hemsworth (she is also a major character, she is Bandit's love interest) - Banker (He is somewhat a major character, he is a close friend with bandit though) - Doc Carver (He is also somewhat a major character, he and banker sometimes are seen as close friends but they are more) - The Faceless Bandit (He is the antagonist of the show, but...he doesn't want to be the bad guy) - LookOut (He is a side character) - Frenzy (He is a somewhat hidden character throughout the show) - Miner Murray, Davy West, Farmer Mill, Cowboy West, Betty (They are side characters) - Keyman (He is a hidden character) - Mr Body (He is a hidden character) - The Beast, The Stringless, the Grieves (they are minor enemies) This story is about how the show stopped in my AU of the game, this isn’t the actually reason within the actual game but... it’s my own personal thoughts of this... WARNING: this story contains blood and possible gore!  So what basically happened was that during one of the practice shows Faceless came out from the stage, not following the script of the show that the puppets knew. But, Faceless wasn't wanting to do what he was doing, he was being control to do so by the puppeteer controlling him, which is their own part of the script they planned to do. All of the cast were confused since they knew it wasn't part of script when Faceless was walking towards Showdown with his scythe in hand, Faceless was trying his best to stop what he was doing but he couldn't stop his movements.
Showdown, not wanting to start a fight, backed away from him only for Showdown to get cornered by the Faceless man. But, Lorelei saw what was happening and tried to stop Faceless from getting to Showdown, but...as she did so Faceless grabbed her and harshly slammed her onto the ground causing her to wince in pain. Bandit's eyes widened as he went to help her but then Faceless grabbed Showdown before cutting two of Showdown's strings. Bandit gasped as he felt his strings being cut and before he could react the Faceless man suddenly punched the smaller puppet in the eye causing it to bruise. Undertaker's eyes widened as she saw Bandit's body being abrupted thrown across in the middle of the stage, his hat coming loose and dropping just a few meters from her. It caused the smaller Bandit to get the wind knocked out of him. He saw Faceless coming towards him again, Bandit shook in fear as he didn't know what to do to defend himself. But then suddenly Penny appeared from the other side of the stage before putting herself in front of Showdown, begging the Faceless man to stop his attacks. Bandit tried to stop the curly-haired female from standing in harms way but the Faceless man suddenly gripped the small female's throat, lifting her off the ground. Then, the small female was roughly thrown into Lorelei, the Undertaker catching Penny and making sure she didn't get hurt. Showdown quickly turned his gaze to both females, both of them staring back at him and held each other as they saw the Faceless man grab a hold of Bandit once again before being to break the smaller male's body. He screamed as he felt what he thought to be long sharp claw tearing his wooden flesh, the claws striking his back over and over as he was forced to bare the pain as the long claws dug deeply into his bleeding back. The rest of the cast watched in horror as the Faceless man tore out Showdown's wood, his blood coating the Faceless man's hands, arms and body as he did so. Showdown tries to flip himself over to stop the bigger bandit from clawing his flesh only for the Faceless man to drop him. Bandit shook, "...on your knee..." Faceless' spoke out, he didn't want to speak, but...he had no control over his words either. The smaller male whimpered, his was locked in fear as he stared up at the Faceless man. The smaller male was frozen in place as if he wasn't able to move at all. Suddenly the bigger bandit grabbed Showdown's hair, "I SAID ON YOUR KNEES!!!" a few tears sprung from the smaller bandit's eyes as he was forced onto his knees by the bigger bandit. Once Showdown was on his knees he felt the Faceless man remove his hand from his hair before suddenly feeling his clawed hand deeply slash his stomach upward, Lorelei's mouth dropped as her felt tears filled her eyes while Penny cried into her shirt as they saw Showdown cough up a mouthful of his own blood. A few of the cast screamed, seeing bandit suddenly drop to his side, blood dripping from his wounds as he continued to cough up blood. The bandit cried in agony, tears dripping down his face as he could taste his own blood as it seeped from his mouth. Showdown felt humiliated and defeated as he lay on the ground, too weak to even be able to stand as he cried. It was after a few moments that Faceless suddenly grabbed Bandit's head, lifting up the defeated bandit "what do ya think of ya cheerful bandit now!?" those were the last words the Faceless bandit spoke before dropping Showdown onto the ground with a loud thud, the smaller bandit's head hitting the ground before his body did. The bigger bandit then walked off the stage, disappearing as he reached the exit. Quickly, Lorelei and Penny rushed over to Bandit, the Undertaker taking a hold of Showdown as a tear dripped from one of her eyes. She then quickly picked the badly wounded bandit and both females rushed to get to Doc Carver before it was too late. But, as soon as both Lorelei and Penny had reach to Doc's booth Bandit had gone into a state of unconscious. Doc was sitting at his booth when he saw Lorelei holding Bandit and Penny at her side crying. He immediately brought them through and Doc quickly went to work, trying his best to fix Bandit's wounds and cleaning them with much caution. It took him a while before he had finally fixed Bandit up as much as he could, then...Doc checked over the smaller bandit to see how bad his state was. It turned out...Bandit's unconsciousness wasn't as it seemed, it was much more than a state of unconsciousness. Doc went silent for a few moments before finally telling Lorelei and Penny that Bandit was in a coma. Penny sobbed, pressing herself into Lorelei's body and Lorelei held Penny gently, a few tears fell from the Undertaker's eyes. Doc wasn't sure if bandit would wake up from his coma and neither did anyone else in the valley, which caused the puppeteers to lock bandit away. And to top it off, there weren't any new replacements for Showdown nor any way to make a new puppet the same as showdown. And so...the puppeteer decided to end the show then and there. But, after almost a decade showdown had come back in a conscious state, but...he found himself inside of a box, he wondered where everyone was and why he was inside of the box. Eventually bandit called out, trying to call for help. It was then that Lorelei was walking by his box and heard him call out before quickly trying to get the box open, eventually she got it open and embraced bandit. Bandit accepted Lorelei's embrace and they eventually walked to town so Lorelei could tell everyone the news about bandit. During bandit's time in the box, Faceless officially become a wanted man in the Valley ever since what he did to Showdown...
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hokkaidossoul12 · 4 years
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WARNING - The full story of this post has bad language (only two or three words though)
So a few days ago it was Dorothy’s birthday, but something you may or may not know is that she doesn’t enjoy celebrating her birthday for many reasons, but the main reason is because she thinks she doesn’t deserve anything since she didn’t think her birthday was special. But of course, it had somehow slipped out within showdown valley and so Dorothy tried to hide herself away to avoid receiving any gifts. What she didn’t know was that half the valley had decided to throw her a birthday at the saloon to repay all the times she had done something for most of the folks when it was their birthdays. And while Dorothy was hidden away she had discovered a pocket in her pink jacket she didn’t know she had. She felt something was in the pocket and decided to pull it out, it was then that she discovered that she still had an old photo of her family on her that she thought she lost years ago. Tears began to form in her eyes as she finally saw herself as a human after the many years she had been stuck as a dog-wolf and she began to sob and weep as she continued to stare at the photo. Dorothy continued to cry for hours on end as she was being flooded with different emotions. Then, after the saloon was set up Showdown, Penny and a few other folks decided to go off and find Dorothy to bring her to the saloon. But, after many hours of searching none of them were able to find her, Showdown seemed to be concerned about not being able to find her since he didn’t want her to miss out on her party. They ended up heading back to the saloon, everyone seemed to be sad and disappointed after they weren’t able to find her. It was then a certain faceless puppet had given the town a visit to see what exactly was going on. He decided to go inside of the saloon to find the placed decorated and a bunch of angry folks staring right at him, Lorelei threateningly asked the Faceless man why he was in town and Faceless told her he got curious and wondered why the saloon was decorated. The undertaker had then forcefully demanded he left immediately but she was ignored by the large bandit who had a look around at the decorations. Although he was mostly blind he knew that there were bright, colorful things around he that the faceless man had rarely seen before. He then saw a large colorful banner pinned up on the wall that read Dorothy’s name, it was then he realized that they were trying to throw a birthday party for her and he turned back to Lorelei. “wait...it’s Dorothy’s birthday today?” the faceless’ man’s expression seemed to changed into shock as Lorelei nodded. “yeah...but unfortunately nobody has been able to find her, she has been missing all day and nobody knows why” Penny said while rubbing her arm. The Faceless man furrowed his eyes at the eyeless female in concerned, “but...why would she suddenly disappear on her birthday? that seems a bit strange” Lorelei rolled her eyes “says the one who literally appears out of nowhere every two weeks to cause trouble...” the Faceless then quickly darts his head to bare his teeth at the undertaker. “well I wouldn’t have to if I didn’t have a role to play like everyone else here!”, “yeah, but the show ended  many years ago which means we only play our roles on the stage! maybe you hit your head too hard to remember that.” “you mean the one time YOU hit me in the head with that fucking shovel of yours the time I walked through town!!”, “YOU SWEAR AT ME AGAIN AND I’LL MADE SURE YOU CAN’T REMEMBER ANYTHING!!!” suddenly both the faceless man and the undertaker stared each other down and were about to start to fight. Both Showdown and Penny didn’t know what to do seeing both threatening puppets about to smash each other’s heads in.  “that’s enough, both of you!” suddenly all the folks within the saloon gasped and stood aside hearing the familiar voice, both Lorelei and Faceless’ expressed dropped and they turned their heads to the familiar voice. Lorelei quickly dusted herself off and Faceless straightened himself out before turning to the familiar puppet. “M-Mayor Cecil, I apologize for causing a scene” the grey-haired puppet glared at both Lorelei and the Faceless bandit, “well you should be! you both shouldn’t be acting the way you were, and you also shouldn’t be starting a fighting with any bandits, Lorelei! especially today, it’s Dorothy’s birthday, do you think she’d want you two at each other’s throats?!” both Lorelei and Faceless looked at each other before both shaking their heads. “good! now don’t let me catch you two doing that again or there will be consequences, got it?!”, “understood,Mayor Cecil!” both Lorelei and Faceless answered. Cecil then went over to Showdown and Penny, “did you and the others manage to find her yet?” Showdown looked at the ground, “sorry, Mayor Cecil, we didn’t manage to find her” the older male sighed in disappointment. “well we can’t start the party without her...” Cecil gripped his walking stick firmly as he tried to think of someone who knew how to easily track folks down. He needed someone who knew most of the valley’s hidden areas, someone who could easily sense another puppet around them. Then...he finally realized who could easily do just that. The older male turned back around and approached the Faceless man “Faceless, you must know most of the area in the valley that most of the folks don’t know about, right?” the faceless man furrowed his brows. “yeah, I know most of the valley and most of it’s remote areas” the faceless man brought his hand behind his head and rubbed the back of his neck. “well...would you possibly know where to find Dorothy?”, Faceless paused for a seconds before he answered. “I...I’m not entirely sure that I know where she would be, but I guess I could try finding her” the older puppet’s expression soften in a calm and content manner “splendid, now go find her for me and we can finally start this party!” Faceless nodded before suddenly disappear in a grey puff of smoke. Seeing the Faceless Bandit disappear, the older puppet decided to check around to make sure everything was set up perfectly for the dog-wolf. Faceless had then reappeared in one of the many areas of the valley he knew from the back of his mind, he tried to sense if anyone was around only to not feel any presence and so he moved into another area. One by one the faceless man scanned through the areas he knew that none of the folks within the valley could possible know about, but each area seemed to have no sign of the dog-wolf anywhere. Or...at least that was what he thought until he managed to stumble across an area he had only recognized once or twice. Faceless didn’t entirely know his way around the area and wasn’t sure where to start when suddenly he heard soft noises from nearby, it sounded like... crying. Quickly, the faceless man followed the noise which gradually got louder and louder until he was close enough to hear the noise, he could hear the sobbing through a wall that he had quietly approached. It was then that he could see a large hole in the wall which he would easily be able to squeeze through. But, the faceless bandit decided to peak inside before he went inside. And once he did, he realized that the hole revealed a small room which he quickly spotted Dorothy in. His face lit up as faceless finally found the dog-wolf only for his expression to drop when he saw her in a tearful state where she was in pure emotional pain. It was then he saw that she was holding something in her hands, it looked like a photo. She was also huddled in a corner of the small room as she was unaware of the faceless man’s presence as her mind was occupied on her emotions and thoughts. He had never seen Dorothy such a state before, her eyes being completely glazed over from how long she had been crying. Then quietly, the faceless man walked over to the dog-wolf and got down to level. “Dorothy...” suddenly the dog-wolf jumped hearing faceless suddenly speak, not knowing how he found her. The Faceless man backed off, realizing that he had scared her, “woah! I didn’t mean to frighten you, are you...alright?” Dorothy sighed, wiping her eyes to clear away the tears that dripped down her face. “it’s...it’s fine, I’m...fine” faceless could see she wasn’t as her gem was a dark blue color, a frown appeared on his face. Her eyes drifted to the side before tucking the photo she had back into the pocket of her pink jacket. “...how did you know where I was?” Dorothy’s didn’t look at faceless as she spoke, “well...I was able to hear you after I somehow found this area, and I somehow sensed it was you” Dorothy let out a noise between a laugh and a huff, “of course you did... someone was bound to find me.” There was a few moments of silence before faceless finally asked Dorothy “why did you hide yourself away? apparently folks have been looking all over for you..., did you...hide for a reason?” he suddenly saw the female shake as she clenched her fists firmly. It was after a few moments that Dorothy stopped shaking and finally answered.  “I-I hid away because...I didn’t want folks noticing me after the news had been spreading around about my birthday. I didn’t want folks doing stuff for me just because of one day in particular, I’ve never celebrated my birthday in the past so why should I now? I don’t see a point in receiving gifts or getting parties thrown for me. In the end I feel bad for everything that they did for me which makes me feel one hundred times worse than I already do. I know I should feel lucky to even have these things done... but all it does is make me feel pathetic no matter what because of not being able to appreciate these things without realizing it at all. And then...I end up feeling rude or selfish if I end up turning away gifts or parties that folks make for me...” tears began to form in Dorothy’s eyes again, bringing her paw-like hands to her face. Faceless’ mouth was left agape at what Dorothy had told him. He felt bad for her as he was there to persuade her to come to the party for her in town. But, he knew how she felt, he wasn’t one for birthdays either, although he had never been invited to any since the show stopped and what he did. Faceless sighed, shuffling closer to Dorothy before putting a hand on her shoulder. “It’s fine to not enjoy celebrating your birthday, and it’s fine if you don’t like when people give you gifts and throw parties for you. To be honest, I don’t celebrate my birthday and nobody cares about my birthday, ever since the show stopped. I also haven’t been invited to any parties at all since then either because of all the other shit I’ve done.” Dorothy uncovered her face from her hands a bit, tears still dripping from her eyes. “But...that doesn’t mean that you don’t deserve anything, you’ve done a lot for these folks, hell! you saved the Mayor’s life three time already as well as many of the other well-known folks in the valley. I’ve seen you, and you’ve really proven yourself worthy of respect and acceptance even if you can’t see it, yet...not once have you ever been properly repaid. I know that I’m suppose to be a bandit and you wouldn’t believe the words of an outlaw but...even a bad guy like me can see that your a puppet-... dog-wolf puppet, that is allowed the respect and aid back you give to these folks.” Dorothy looked faceless with a sad and confused expression on face as a couple of tears ran down her face, but before she could say anything the faceless man suddenly pulled her into a hug. The dog-wolf’s eyes widened in shock before more tears filled her eyes and she pressed her fluffy chin onto the faceless man’s shoulder. Dorothy’s eyes softened and she began to cry into Faceless’ coat and the faceless man let her, he pat her head gently as faceless held her. He knew that she was still in an emotional state and so Faceless let her cry until she felt more calm. Then she pulled away from the faceless man and gave him a soft smile, her gem changed to a faded yellow color. “thank you...” her voice came out gently and happy, “it’s fine..., I don’t usually do hugs, but I guess it helped” Faceless then stood up and helped Dorothy up off the ground, both faceless and Dorothy smiled at each other. “so...why exactly did you want to find me for anyway?” Faceless’ chuckled nervously, “uuh...well after everyone found out it was your birthday...they kinda...set up a party for you at the saloon, it was the Mayor’s idea, most of the valley is invited to it actually, but...they can’t start it without you.” Dorothy’s expression dropped a bit and she sighed, “oh no...are you sure?”, “yeah...”, “well...I guess I could go, if they really can’t start without me then I’m gonna have to.” Dorothy was about to start walking down when Faceless suddenly grabbed her and held her against him, “don’t worry, I know a shortcut” then without a warning Faceless suddenly teleported the both of them right into town. Dorothy’s knees shook but Faceless grabbed her before she almost dropped to the ground, “HOLY HELL! could you warn me next time you do that?! you almost gave me a damn heart attack!” Faceless laughed, “sorry, but was worth your reaction” Dorothy growled, “oh fuck off” this caused Faceless to laugh even harder as Dorothy managed to balance herself. It didn’t take long for a couple of the townsfolk to notice Dorothy and quickly ran up to her, wishing her a happy birthday. One of the townsfolk even put a party hat on her head. Dorothy shyly thank them, feeling a little bit uncomfortable with being approached. Faceless noticed this and pulled her away from the townsfolk, “we shouldn’t head to the saloon now, wouldn’t want to keep everyone waiting” Dorothy nodded as both her and Faceless made their way over to the saloon. Once they got there, Dorothy was quickly greeted by the Mayor, “thank goodness! I knew Faceless was able to find you!” suddenly Cecil put a hand around her back, dragging Dorothy into the saloon before shouting “everyone! Dorothy is here! we can get the party started!” Dorothy smiled a bit as she suddenly heard an uproar of cheering within the saloon, even the bartenders were cheering as well. Soon, there were lots of folks gathering within the saloon, but...Dorothy felt bad as she saw Faceless standing outside, he had been left all alone after she had been dragged inside of the bar. It seemed that Faceless wasn’t invited to the party, she remembered that he wasn’t welcomed inside as for how much trouble he had caused. Dorothy had sit herself at a table where she sulked, she had folded her arms on the table and had her chin sitting on top. Suddenly Mayor Cecil had set a rather large glass of wine in front of her, “here, have a drink, it is your birthday after all!” but then he realized that Dorothy looked sad. “what’s the matter? are you not having any fun?” Dorothy then turned her head to Cecil, “well...there was someone who I hoped who be invited but...I guess not” Mayor Cecil then pulled over a seat and sat next to her. “oh? and who may that be, Dorothy?” Dorothy furrowed her brow in a sad manner before answering, “Faceless...he was the reason I brought myself to come to the party in the first place, I...I didn’t want to come here at first but...he made me realize that I should.” Cecil paused for a few seconds, realizing what Dorothy had just said. “wait, were you trying to avoid everyone because you didn’t want this party? did I pressure you into this?” Dorothy jolted, “n-no! of course you didn’t pressure me..., I just...find it hard to enjoy my birthday and the fact that I didn’t deserve much attention for it. To be honestly, this is one of the only parties that have been thrown for me...” Cecil’s mouth dropped at Dorothy’s words. “...goodness, I hadn’t known” Dorothy smiled softly, “it’s alright, Mayor Cecil, I appreciate this kind gesture of yours as well as the rest of the valley” but her smile dropped back into a frown again. The older male thought for a few seconds before finally speaking up again, “alright, I’ll let you invite him in” Dorothy’s face completely lit up at the Mayor’s words, “really?!” the female’s tail began to wag as her ears perked up. “of course, but only on two conditions...” Dorothy tilted her head, “yes?” she waited for his response, “that you have lots of fun and that you enjoy yourself” Dorothy nodded before quickly rushing to get out of her seat and run outside.
Faceless was sitting outside, seeing the saloon completely light up as he had a sad look on his face, “I hope she is enjoying herself...” he said to himself as he was left alone. It was then that he saw someone burst through the saloon doors and rush towards his direction, it was Dorothy again. Faceless smiled a bit, “hey, Dorothy, what are you doing outside? I thought you’d be having fun by now?” he suddenly saw her give him a shy look. “well...I wasn’t exactly enjoying myself, not after I realized you were left out here on your own, so I decided to come out here and invite you inside” Faceless’ expression dropped, “but...didn’t you remember what I said before? nobody is going to welcome m-” “I don’t care! it’s either that or I won’t enjoy myself.” The Faceless man rubbed his arm, feeling unsure about it, “I don’t know...” Dorothy sighed, she knew it was going to be hard to persuade the faceless man. She then tried to think of a way to change his mind. Dorothy knew how stubborn the faceless outlaw could be as pleading with words wouldn’t work. Then...she suddenly realized what she had to do, something she knew he had a weak spot for. She smirked a bit, “alright, then you leave me with no choice!” Faceless seemed confused for a few moments before suddenly seeing Dorothy’s eyes dilated as she put on a pout and her ears drooped down, she was giving him a puppy dog face. “no! not the face! c’mon, Dorothy!” Dorothy tilted her head, let out small whimpers, she could see that the faceless man had trouble containing himself and he felt his heart melt at her face. “no! one of my only weaknesses!”, “I know you can’t resist the face, don’t make me use drastic measures” Faceless began to breath heavily seeing her getting closer to him until he couldn’t take it anymore. “Ok ok! you win, I’ll go with you...” Dorothy’s face then went back to normal and she giggled, “yes!” she swiftly grabbed ahold of his arm before dragging him into the saloon with her. But, once Dorothy entered with Faceless everyone began to glare at the outlaw, the faceless man stare down at Dorothy nervously, “hey! I’m the one who brought him in here, it’s my birthday, I’m allowed to do what I want to, right?” it was then that the folks looked at each other before shrugging it off. Faceless seemed surprised at this, he thought that folks would surely kick him out. The faceless was then quickly dragged through the saloon the table where Dorothy sat at before, Mayor Cecil was standing nearby, he saw how much happier she was with Faceless in her presence. It was then that Penny, Lorelei, Showdown and a few of Dorothy’s friends had spotted her in the crowd and went straight over to her, she was then bombarded with gifts and hugs as well, Penny and Myra ended up bringing over some cake for Dorothy. She had given some to Faceless who she was chatting with throughout the party, Showdown of course stayed very distant from the both of them, not wanting to be seen by the faceless man. Throughout the party, Dorothy was asked to dance a few times as some great songs were being played, she even danced with faceless so he wouldn’t feel left out and...Faceless actually began to enjoy himself. But, soon folks began to offer her drinks, Dorothy wasn’t feeling too sure about it, not wanting to get drunk. It was then that Faceless said, “c’mon, it’s your birthday, you may as well let loose just for tonight” Dorothy sighed, “I guess I could...” It was after a few drinks she began to feel a little bit of an effect of the alcohol, “ok...that’s enough, I want to at least be able to stand or else I may not be able to-” Faceless suddenly put a hand on her shoulder, “but one more can’t hurt you, right?” Dorothy paused, maybe one more would be ok. “...fine, only one more, then I’m done” Faceless smirked, going over to the bar and got the bartender to grab the bigger glass they had, it must’ve been three times the size of the normal glasses they had. Then after the bartender filled the glass Faceless went back to Dorothy and sat the glass in front of her, Dorothy’s face went pale at the size of the glass of alcohol. “you’re....you’re kidding me, I can’t finish that! I’ll-” Faceless patted her on the back, “don’t worry, you’ll be fine!” Dorothy began to feel nervous, she didn’t want the alcohol to go to waste and so she managed to finished the entire glass. Once she did, she was completely tipsy and she started going completely wild. But, it didn’t take long for Dorothy to pass out, and so Faceless ended up taking her back with him to his home, taking all the gifts Dorothy received with him as well. Faceless had a spare place in his home for her to sleep for the night and so Dorothy’s party had come to an end an hour later. so...yeah, that’s basically sums up what happened on Dorothy’s birthday, hope you enjoyed reading it if you did ^^;
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hokkaidossoul12 · 4 years
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WARNING: this contains bad language.
This is basically Dorothy’s first encounter with Fowler. So what happened was that after a very, very shy Dorothy met Faceless, Showdown, Lorelei, Penny, Banker and Doc Carver was when she started to gain a bit more confidence around the Valley, but that confidence of hers was short-lived as Fowler had seen her in town. And because Dorothy hadn’t gained many friends she was left wondering around the Valley on her own to get used to the town by herself. It was only then that Dorothy saw Fowler following her which made her feel nervous so she tries to find somewhere she could hide only for Dorothy to have walked into a dead end and Fowler corner her. She shook a little bit and tried to avoid eye contact with the wolf hunter only for her to hear the click of a gun before her gaze was finally brought to Fowler who held a shotgun in his hand. “since when did they let wolves into the Valley? I thought that you’d be off with your pack...” the wolf hunter said through his teeth. But, Dorothy felt a bit offended, she wasn’t exactly a wolf but...she wouldn’t call herself a dog either. ”w-well...I’m not e-exactly a w-w-wolf..., I-I’m more o-of a-” but before she could finish her sentence the older male interrupted, “I don’t care! you look one of them so you are one of them...” Dorothy decided then and there to keep her words to herself, not wanting to spark any sort of argument with the elder puppet. She saw him, looking her up and down before scoffing, “your pretty small for a female, and a lot less...feral” Dorothy’s ears began to droop and her tail curl between her legs. Dorothy had no idea what the wolf hunter was planning to do to her as her gem turned to light purple color. The wolf hunter stared down at the small dog-wolf and could see the fear in her eyes, she didn’t seem like the type of “wolf” to attack someone without reason like anything other wolf he had came across. As the wolf hunter continue to stare down at her, Dorothy felt a feeling if discomfort as that stare reminded her of something from her past life...and she didn’t like it, she felt her heart race from the fear lurking within her. She began scooting to the side little by little, trying to make sure that the older male didn’t catch on to what she was doing. As Dorothy slowly maneuvered her way around the wolf hunter, her eyes darted out the side. She scanned the area, trying to find the quickest way to get out of the area. “isn’t that such a shame, your out here on your own, and it looks like your don’t have any defenses either” Dorothy’s breath hitched as she felt the wolf hunter move dangerously close to her. Then, without a warning, the wolf hunter went to grab her... only for the dog-wolf to dash out the side and make a run for it. “HEY!” the wolf hunter shouted as he gave chased. *”I-I need to get out of here! I don’t want him catching me!”* Dorothy thought before suddenly hearing the wolf hunter’s shotgun go off, the bullet merely missing her. A few more bullets were fired at her as the older male chased her down, “GET BACK HERE!” the wolf hunter yelled, his voice echoed from behind Dorothy as she had began a outrun the older male. Dorothy’s fear slowly faded as she had finally spotted a exit in the form of a hole in a wall, *”yes! yes! YES!”* the dog-wolf began to pick up more speed. But, also she was even close enough to reach the door, a bullet had been fired right in front of her feet from above on her left side, spooking her and causing to fall flat onto her face. The wolf hunter stopped for a minute, looking to where the bullet was fired and spots a male not much younger than him, he gives him a wicked smile. “thanks, Vernon” the wolf hunter shouted up at the other male while the slightly younger male gives him the thumbs up. Then, as Dorothy began to pick herself up another bullet from above was fired at her again, causing to drop back down, the wolf hunter laughed at her reaction. Quickly, the wolf hunter make his way over to the small dog-wolf who was attempting to get back up before grabbing a hold of her arm tightly. Dorothy yelped as she felt the wolf hunter grab a hold of her before she was pulled towards him, the muzzle of the gun he held pressing against Dorothy’s throat. “you...you really think I didn’t have backup? I know all you disgusting wolves...trying to outrun me because you think I’m old and weary!” the grip on Dorothy’s arm tighten to the point where she could feel a shooting pain going up and down her arm and shoulder. Dorothy felt her wood crack as her arm was being crushed under the pressure of the older male’s hand, then one of the wolf hunter’s torn boot came down onto her tail and pressed the heel of his boot down. The dog-wolf cried out as pain rushed from her tail all the way to her back and spine, the wolf hunter laughed. “aww...it hurts, does it?” the older male chuckled, suddenly his foot came back up only to come back down onto Dorothy’s tail twice as hard, Dorothy cried out once more as pain rushed from her tail to her back and spine, tears forming at the corners of her eyes. The wolf hunter noticed this, narrowing his eyes and give her a wicked smile as he grounded his foot against her tail, tears dripped down the dog-wolf’s face as she was in too much pain to struggle and too afraid to protest. Dorothy then held and felt the gun click, “well, now that your arm and tail are probably busted ...guess it’s time to put you out of your misery.” The older puppet had his finger on the trigger, the poor dog-wolf knew she was done as she accepted her fate then and there. She didn’t try to fight, she didn’t try to yell anyone. The wolf hunter’s expression dropped, he was expecting a big reaction out of her only for the dog-wolf to just...shut her eyes and lifted her neck. “c’mon...your letting me blow a hole through your neck? oh well...” the older male shrugged. Then, the wolf hunter chuckled one last time before pulling the trigger and...nothing happened. “wha...what the?” he tried to pull the trigger once more, still nothing. Again, again and again he tried to pull the trigger, but no matter how many times he did the wolf hunter couldn’t get the gun to fire. But...then he realized something, he remembered that the gun could only hold a certain amount of shells. Dorothy heard the older male growl, “OH F#CKING HELL! I’M OUT OF AMMO!” the wolf hunter knew that the only way he could reload his gun was to reach for his bullet holders. But, the only way he could possibly reach for them was to let Dorothy’s arm go which was a big risk of letting her escape...but he also realized that he had his foot on her tail so she couldn’t go anywhere anyway. That was...at least he thought. Letting go of the dog-wolf’s arm he went to reach for a few of his shotgun shells, it was only when Dorothy saw that he had his focus on grabbing his ammo that she knew he was distracted. Then, with one single blow, Dorothy suddenly knocked the gun from his hand and headbutted the wolf hunter right in the face, sending him backward. It was then that the small female had gotten her tail loose that she managed to properly pick herself back up that time despite the injury on her arm. Though he did try to kill her...she felt bad for possibly injuring the wolf hunter as she turned back to him, “I-I’m sorry if I h-hurt you...I-” she was cut off by the older male who growled, picking himself back up as he clenched his fist, he was over trying to shoot her now. The small female backed away, sensing that what she did didn’t hurt him...but it did anger him a lot. Dorothy then turned and reached for the door only for another bullet to be fired at her from above by the same male from before, causing her to jump back from the door. Then suddenly she was grabbed once again by the wolf hunter only to be thrown to the wall out of reach from the door, Dorothy shook as her back was already in enough agony as it was. It was then when Dorothy had looked back up at the older male that he was practically towering over the small female as fear began show in her eyes again. “you should have NEVER came here, wolf!” Dorothy had shown him a smile of fear as she shook, “well...you see...before...I was- uh...trying to take my leave” the dog-wolf letting out a nervous laugh, but it seemed that the wolf hunter didn’t care. All the older male wanted to do now was to put the small “wolf” through hell, “now...I’m gonna make sure that you’re dead once I’ve finished with you!” suddenly the wolf hunter punched Dorothy in the cheek, knocking her to the ground against the wall.  The small dog-wolf then felt the wolf hunter’s foot slammed into her stomach as he put all his weight down onto her, causing her to cough up blood while blood began to run down her nose. Dorothy gasped as the same arm that the wolf hunter had crushed before before harshly pulling it upward. She yelled in pain as the same part of her arm where the older male had gripped, this time the pain she had felt last time was much more agonizing the second time. Tears formed in Dorothy’s eye once more as the pain began to overwhelm her body. As Dorothy’s arm was being pulled more and more, the more Dorothy felt her arm being pulled out of her socket before finally being pulled out of place with a loud crack. The small female let out a high-pitch scream as she felt her entire arm was in complete agony before going limp and numb. Dorothy’s face contorted into something that could only be known as true terror as shock began to flow through her body. with shock throughout her body, the older male presses his foot into her stomach so hard that it cause the small dog-wolf to slowly give into the agony around her body as she slowly began to lose touch with the world around her. This gave the wolf hunter the opportunity to lean down and grab Dorothy by her neck as he tried to straggle the life out of the small dog-wolf in the state that she was in. “don’t worry...I’ll make sure to mount your head on a wall so I’ll have it to remember your death by” the older male snarled, seeing the small female’s eyes roll back into her head. He choked the small dog-wolf to where she had become unconscious as her fluffy cheek laid against the the older male’s large hand. Smiling down at Dorothy, the wolf hunter let go off the small dog’s neck to try finding a blade if he had one on him. But, once the wolf hunter did so he suddenly heard three very familiar sounding bells. It was after a few seconds that the area around him went to a grey color before finally seeing the Faceless Bandit appear right in front of him before attempting to swipe at him with his scythe, causing the older male puppet to stumble back. Once the Faceless man had done so, he spotted a very unconscious Dorothy to which he immediately went over to her. Then, before the wolf hunter could even realize what had happened both Faceless and Dorothy had disappear out of the area... “WHAT?! GRRRRR!” the wolf hunter felt is blood boil, that Faceless Bandit took the small dog-wolf within the moment he would use her head to mount on his wall. But...what the older hadn’t realized was that this wouldn’t be the first time that he would see the small female dog-wolf cross paths with him...
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hokkaidossoul12 · 4 years
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So here is another new Showdown Bandit OC I made, her name is Vivian Webb and she is a Bartender. She is about 24 years old, she uses a a pink gun (like this www.turners.com/daisy/daisy-pi… but it's more powerful) to shoot at bandits trying to rob her off her money or alcohol.  She's gets along very well with Faceless (she was Faceless' second best friend in my AU, despite Faceless being a bandit), she's also very good friends with Penny Hemsworth, Doc Carver, Miss undertaker (kinda), Dorothy, Mother Dove, Finnley,  Corbin Croc, Carrie Lanscaster, Maude Galloway, Fannie Richmond, Vincent Greers and Myra Yates, Myra is Vivian's girlfriend. She is slightly taller than Miss Undertaker (in my AU).(btw when she first came to Showdown Valley after she was made she didn't have her tail or fangs hidden) Backstory: When Vivian was made she didn't have parents and not really a childhood either because she was built by the puppeteers and place into her box, she was around a teenage age when she was built (so around seventeen years old). Her box sat with all the others but...Vivian was the only one who was stuck inside her box, she did try to break free of it but found that it was almost impossible to open the box door from the inside. She waited for days, wondering if anyone would come and get her out of the dark, compacted space she was in. Four days had gone by until Vivian was finally freed, a young Lorelei Undertaker had somewhat coincidentally walked through the area, searching around for something in the area. Poor Vivian watched from inside her box as Lorelei hadn't quite noticed that there was an unopened box with the young teen locked inside, then... Viv couldn't handle it anymore. She slammed her arm against the door of the box with as much room the tight fitting box would let her, it wasn't very loud but it was definitely enough for Lorelei to here her. "hello?" the undertaker called out, looking in the direction of where the sudden noise came from. It was when Miss undertaker finally spotted an unopened box, the dark haired puppet made her way over to the box, "huh! how did I not see this here before?" Lorelei muttered to her, "well...I have been here for days, I don't think anyone else has come through here..." Vivian spoke up, causing the darker-haired puppet to step back a bit. "wait...are you...one of those newly built puppets?" the young undertaker questioned, "uuh...I guess?" the grey and pink haired puppet replied. That was all it took, suddenly Vivian's box was open, this caught young Vivian off guard and she tumbled right out of the crammed box and onto the cold wooden ground underneath head first. She groaned in pain and sat up, "hey, do you mind telling me before you go doing tha-" Vivian lifted her head up to Lorelei to see the blade of a shovel meters away from her face, causing her to jolt and fall back. Vivian's eyes widen as Lorelei held her silver bladed shovel close to her neck, the darker haired female narrowed her eyes down at her, "I don't think I should trust you very much, not after what happened the last time!" Lorelei growled in a ill tempered manner as Young Vivian was backed up against her own open box. "w-wait! please...I-I don't understand what you want!" Vivian shrilled, her tail curling up around her feet, her whole body shook as she stared up at Lorelei, the shovel being brought close to her neck as the dark-haired female's eyes narrowed down at her. Tears welled up at the corner of Vivian's blood red eyes and closer her eyes, this caused the undertaker's anger to soften as she stared down at grey and pink haired female, she hadn't expected that kind of reaction from the long-fanged female. Lorelei sighed as she pulled her shovel away from Vivian's neck, the fanged female's eyes open slowly as she stared up at the dark haired female, fear and confused on her face as tears dripped from her eyes. Viv saw Lorelei put her shovel away and suddenly bend down in front of her, this caused the fanged female to scuttle backward to where she hit the back of the inside of her own box, the dark haired female slowly made her approach toward her. It was then the fanged female thought it was the end for her, Lorelei had to her backed up against her own box with no where to run, her eyes stared up at Lorelei as she was very close to where poor Vivian was balled up. But...Lorelei had put her hand out to Vivian, "you're...you're not like the others, you don't act like em'...", the grey and pink haired puppet looked at the dark haired puppet's hand, unsure if she should trust her words, she turned her head away because of how unsettled she was. Lorelei realized that she would have to do more to earn back some sort of trust from the fanged female as saw how her tail lightly curled around her feet, there was a few moments of silence before Lorelei gave Vivian an apology for the way she acted out on her. This kinda gave Viv some assurance but she was still scared, but... after a few moments of hesitation she finally took the undertaker's hand and was pulled up from the ground by the dark haired female. They both had a talk through and ended up clearing things up, both of them going separate ways. Quite a few years had gone by (she was about twenty one), she had already learned how to fend for herself, she ended up getting her own small home, she had go and opened her own bar to earn a living and accomplished a few other things in her life like making new friends and even met Myra. She ended up falling for Myra and so did Myra, in the end they became a couple.  (sorry if this backstory didn't show too much detail) She likes: Dancing, doodling in notebooks, sketching out new ideas for her bar, making her own alcohol for her bar, keeping her bar open to anybody (even bandits, but she makes sure they don't steal or don't pay for drinks), talking and communicating with her customers (unless they are being annoying in some way), and visiting and hanging out with Myra and Faceless.
She dislikes: Other puppets who try to flirt with Myra or her (she doesn't mind Myra flirting with her though), when other puppets mess with her friends (puppets that mess with her friends are Showell, Fowler, Otto, Vernon, Betsy, etc), bandit or any puppets who try to rob her of her money and supplies, taking off her mask (because of her sharp fangs), revealing her demon tail (cause she thinks that she will scared other puppets or puppets will try killing her), and having to put up with annoying customers.
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hokkaidossoul12 · 5 years
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This is an OC I made a little while ago, Oddzball is his name by he also gets called Oddzo. He was and still is friends with the Faceless Bandit, how you may ask? well...he wasn't very popular with anybody throughout showdown valley. people didn't pay attention to him which had made him feel sad and lonely all the time. It was until he was leaning on the side of his box, daydreaming due to how sad and bored he became until the faceless bandit had seen his box, Faceless quite liked the colors of Oddzo's box and his entire appearance. When he’d seen Faceless he looked kinda scared at the big individual and went to hide back in his box when the Faceless puppet began talking to start a conversation with the box puppet. Oddzball decided to start chatting back to the older puppet, soon they both started getting along with each other, then...Faceless finally asks if he would be friends with him. Of course, Oddzball accepts, but then later on...his creators had put Oddzball asleep (in a sleeping way, not death) and locked him inside his own box. This caused Faceless’ grief and one of the reasons he became aggressive. He likes: circus acts and circus magic, making new friends, making other puppets smile, pranks, puns, Humor shows (tv shows, etc), Showdown Bandit (he has never met him but really wants to), feeling included, surprising other puppets, Faceless Bandit's company.
He dislikes: Being left behind, the faceless bandit being aggressive, Faceless hurting Showdown, seeing Bandit getting hurt, seeing others getting hurt, hurting other puppets, Frenzy, feeling sad.
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hokkaidossoul12 · 5 years
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So here is a full comic I made called “Bandit Can’t Resist”, it took me a while to make but I have uploaded this to my DeviantArt as well.
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hokkaidossoul12 · 5 years
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Looks like Dorothy might be in a bit of trouble with the faceless bandit, but don’t worry...he won’t hurt her, he just wants to catch her.
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