#Mythictale! Asriel
thefluffyboi · 5 years
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Mint’s Photo Series - Set 1 
*A small collection of photos Mint seemed to have taken. It seems to be moments from his past with a modern twist
I have decided.. I’m going back and drawing out small little pics for those that have interacted with Mint! Starting at the very beginning! I may not get through everyone... but I hope you all know how much it means to me! :3 I’ll get through each one when I can! For now.. have these four! 
@asktheplushsquad @girl-in-a-hoodie1
@lovescreepyreadings @thrashedyou
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marilynsweet · 4 years
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Redesigned a husband, dad, and overall GOOD BOI
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voidedadventures · 6 years
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Ralsei’s Photo Series - A Mythical Adventure
“Oh I remember this one, this was when I found myself in another kingdom in the Lightner World! There was this kind family that I met that kept me nice and warm.. and invited me to stay the night! I’ll definitely remember that day!” 
Howdy! Sooo as some of you know.. I do like to draw out scenes from my roleplays and turn them into little photography style pictures :3 Soo it’s no exception that I’d do so for my Ralsei Blog! uwu At the moment I only have.. this one photo down.. but I do have ideas for some of the other roleplays I have thus far! 
Anyways, this is a scene from a roleplay with @lovescreepyreadings I do hope you enjoy! uwu
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marilynsweet · 6 years
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-Husband and Wife-
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marilynsweet · 5 years
Does Asriel ever ask for advice from Asgore on ruling and really tough decisions? Or is he confident enough in his own abilities to not need to ask for advice?
He does ask Asgore, he’s still confident, but it doesn’t hurt to ask an experienced person for help.
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marilynsweet · 6 years
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- You’re So Precious When You Smile -
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marilynsweet · 7 years
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-Name: Asriel Dreemurr
-Age: 31
 -Birthdate: December 1
-Height: 9’2”
 -Relationship status: Married
 -Children: Astiel Dreemurr, Rossie Dreemurr (still eggs), Aki Yoru ( @long-hair-tol-azzy-boi )
 -Background: Asriel Dreemurr is the prince of monsters, raised in the castle that formerly was built by humans and renovated by monsters. He married Frostbite after years of being together, having met when he was 21. He will inherit the Throne eventually, once Asgore retires. He is the father of Astiel and Rossie, and the adopted father of Aki Yoru. He tries to be the father figure that he never had, as does Frostbite. Asriel is very extroverted and loves to make friends, but doesn’t constantly stay around everyone all the time, which is why he no longer lives in the castle. 
 -Fears: Small things (specifically crushing them), hurting other people, not being a good person, losing a life that he couldn’t save
 -Likes: Spending time with family, butterscotch cinnamon pie, baking and cooking, being a protector to others
 -Dislikes: Sudden loud noises, being scared, arguments, fighting, heights
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marilynsweet · 7 years
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What have I gotten into- I have never drawn centaurs before... ANYWAY this is a new AU called Mythictale (name courted of @aki-yoru-the-small-boss-monster)
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marilynsweet · 7 years
Mythictale: Hideaway PT 2
“I didn’t tell you right away because your kind doesn’t lay eggs, I didn’t know how you’d react...” Frostbite’s eyes were staring at the ground, her ears flat to her head. “I didn’t want you to panic, or to be upset, or to be mad because I didn’t tell you... so I ran and I tried to keep it hidden, I didn’t really think this through as to what might happen when they hatch, I was so scared that you’d think I was crazy or that something was wrong when I ran... I-“ Before Frostbite could continue, Asriel took her cheeks in his hands and kissed her gently. Her ears perked up, her cheeks growing warm. After a few moments of blissful silence Asriel spoke. “I’m not upset with you, Frost. You’re overthinking things. I would never think you were crazy. It’s a mother’s instinct to do what she thinks is best, and you thought it best to hide them. I want to help you, to keep our children safe. That is, if you’ll allow it.” Frostbite was silent for a few moments before she nodded, Asriel pulling her into his arms and hugging her tightly. They remained like this for a long time, listening to the soft chirping of birds and the breeze blowing through the leaves in the trees. Late summer was usually like this in this part of the territory belonging to the monster kingdom, cooler than Hotland but warmer than Waterfall. Almost like spring or early autumn. After this silence Asriel spoke. “We’re going to have to tell Aki about this.” Frostbite nodded, though she didn’t move. “And make a decision. Do you want to stay here and bring home here, or do you want to move the nest closer to home?” Asriel asked. Frostbite was silent for a long time before speaking. “This nest was temporary until I could figure out how to explain... I guess I don’t have to, now. Closer to home would be the best choice.” Asriel began petting her head in silent agreement, kissing the top of her head for good measure. “If you want to make another nest at home, since I’ve never done it before, you can go and find somewhere to create it. I will watch the eggs for you, if you’d like.” He said after a while. Frostbite sat up. “Are you sure? If you don’t want to stay here I won’t make you-“ “I brought up the offer, Frostbite. It’s okay. I’ll make sure nothing bad happens to them.” Asriel interrupted, but he didn’t mean to sound rude. He held her face in his hands and kissed her forehead. “Go on. I promise you I will keep them safe.” Frostbite nodded. “Just make sure they stay warm and nothing tries to take them, alright? If you need more bedding, usually some grass or some moss will work just fine.” “Yes, madam. Now, go ahead and do what you need to do.” Asriel said, patting her heads.
The home they had made was something that they found useful and had their necessities. A small place in the forest they had grown to protect, like their own small territory. The “city” hadn’t quite been for them, with all the people around there and all of the housing there. They had made their home out of a section of woods, almost like a little clearing. They hadn’t cut any trees, and had instead made it out of brambles and fallen sticks. To a human or an outsider, it might’ve seemed like some horrible beast lived there, but to them, it was the best thing they had ever made. The front door was an opening in the brambles, a long cloth that Asriel had wove himself keeping the wind out. There were a few windows, and there was a ladder made into a tree that held up one of the corners that lead to a small balcony made of stone that was fixtured into the tree. Frostbite had decided to make the nest near the place where they slept, almost like a bedroom, but the nest would be beside the bed of grass and things they used to sleep in. It was also near the fire pit, but not too close. Aki’s bed was on the opposite wall for the nights he did stay, but there were the nights that he had to return to his tribe as well. Frostbite would use the same materials for the nest, to be sure that the eggs were not only secure and safe, but warm and comfortable as well.
When she returned to the previous place, she found Asriel laying on his chest, the lower half of his body on his side, some kind of manuverment that she didn’t really understand, but she didn’t have the lower half of a horse. She could hear him speaking and he was staring into the nest. Though, she couldn’t make out what was being said. “Azzie?” He perked up and lifted his head from his arms. “What are you doing?” “I’m talking to my children.” Asriel replied. Frostbite smiled. She herself had done that too, but not held a full conversation as he seemed to be doing. “I finished the nest. It’ll do for now, I can improve it later. Come, it’s near sundown and they cannot stay here without us.” She approached him as he stumbled to his feet. “How long have you been laying like that?” She asked as Asriel unpinned the hood and short cloak from around his shoulders. “Since you left. Here, these will keep them warm while we walk.” He handed her the cloth, and she gave him a grateful smile. One less thing to worry about. She wrapped the two eggs in the cloak and held them close, her ears perked for any sign of danger as they made their way towards their home. “The stream was looking a little higher today. Must’ve been the rain from last night.” Frostbite said. The stream had been their main source of water, not wanting to make the long trek to the lake. “That’ll be something we will have to watch for. Flooding can bring trouble.” Asriel replied, scanning the area with his eyes. He didn’t always carry his bow on him, but when he did, he never missed a shot. Frostbite could see the sun beginning to set in the distance, casting pink and orange and red across the sky. She had grown to admire sunsets. They were the reminder that they had made it through another day of their lives, that they had made it to another end of a memory. And it opened opportunity for the next day.
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marilynsweet · 7 years
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I swear to god I cannot draw BODIES Like Me to Me: JUST DRAW THE FRICKIN TORSO NOBODY IS GOING TO THINK YOURE WEIRD IF THERE’S NO SHIRT Also me: Okay let’s go through the internet until we find a centaur with a shirt
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marilynsweet · 7 years
Mythictale: Hideaway Part 1
Frostbite had always been shy. That much was true. She didn’t like to go out and meet other people, she didn’t like large crowds, and she never left Asriel’s side. But she wasn’t reclusive. That was the strange thing. Lately, she’d been bordering herself off away from everyone, including Aki and Asriel, when on any other circumstances she would have never left them. So, Asriel wanted to find out what was going on. He decided to follow her out, try to find out why she was so paranoid. The Lamia was difficult to track, because she was quick and stealthy. Snakes had a habit of being able to get away quickly. Though, she did leave a slight trail in the underbrush, which he was able to follow. Asriel has to remind himself to be careful with his hooves and where he stepped, because if she was hiding around here and he stepped on her tail, it would hurt and it would hurt a LOT. Horses were known to be able to crush snakes, even large ones. During his trek through the forest to find his wife, he stumbled across some shedded snakeskin. No snake could leave behind something that big, so he knew he was on the right track. There was also some sticks and brush scattered like someone had been through there. Something big. When looking around, Asriel spotted something a few yards away. It was a little hole in some brush, scattered twigs and thorns surrounding the entryway. A snake nest, but only Frostbite could’ve managed to make one of this size. She must’ve been around here. “Hello?” He called out. “Frostbite, are you there?” He slowly approached the nest, trying to see what was inside. Suddenly, he scrambled backwards as there was a loud hiss from inside the nest. Frostbite’s pupils were like tiny pinpricks in her white irises, her forked tongue flicking as she tasted the air. Her tail was curled into coils to fit inside the large nest, but she seemed to be protecting something. Asriel took a few steps backwards, Frostbite staring him up and down, ears flicking. “Hey hey hey! It’s okay, Frost, it’s just me.” He was trying to sound reassuring, but he himself was nervous. Cobras were one of the deadliest snakes on the planet, and he did not want to get bitten. Frostbite bared her teeth in another loud hiss, her ears flat to her head. Asriel sat slowly on the ground, his legs tucked beneath him so he could get down to her level. Frostbite, as if she didn’t recognize him, let out a warning snap of her jaws. “Frostbite, look at me, I’m not here to hurt you.” Frostbite’s tongue flicked again, but let out another hiss. He suddenly noticed something amongst the maroon coils of her tail: something small and something white. Two white eggs lay in the center of the nest, protected by her tail. “Eggs?” Asriel wondered aloud, and Frostbite’s eyes narrowed as she stared at him, hiding the little white spheres with her tail. Asriel had not met many snakes in his time, so he was unaware as to why she would be so protective of something commonly used in food. Why would she run off just to protect them? “What are you doing here?” He asked, his head tilting to the side. Frostbite seemed to recognize his scent after a few minutes of silence, because she stopped hissing and her ears perked up. “The bigger question is how did you find me? I wanted this to remain hidden.” Her pupils were slightly less dialated than before. “Centaurs are pretty good trackers, love.” Asriel replied, trying to catch a glimpse at the eggs again. She was hiding them, however, and he was unable. “Why are you out here protecting eggs? Where did they come from?” Asriel asked, reaching a hand out to touch her. She pulled away, however, backing up against the far wall of the den she had dug. “Snakes don’t have live babies. They’re my children, Az.” She said, though she sounded reluctant to speak. He perked up. “So... they’re mine, too?” He asked, scooting a little closer to her. She was silent, staring at nothing for a few moments before nodding.
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marilynsweet · 7 years
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Me: Okay before you draw any fluff you need to finish all the references Also me: *Draws this
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marilynsweet · 5 years
How many AUs do you have?
a lot:
Eternity/Decades! Underfell AUs
Black Forest! AU
Last Goodbye AU
Vampire! Asriel AU
Vampire AU (not the Vampire Asriel AU)
Witch AU
Siren! Astiel AU
And I feel like I’m forgetting more so if I am yell at me
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marilynsweet · 6 years
I mean like how Asriel is the God of the Plants and Stars. What bout the others? What gods are they of/mythical creature of they? Sorry if this is confusing you,
Mythologytale is about the gods. Mythictale is about mythical creatures. I’m still working things out.
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marilynsweet · 7 years
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Some sketches about Mythictale, like what Frostbite and Asriel’s home looks like on the outside and random accessories around the house.
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