writerhellenemeyers · 10 days
Instead of doing NanoWriMo I will be doing something where I try to aim for writing an actual average of 400 words a day for the month of November in memory of Terry Pratchett, who as far as I know never thought telling a computer to write a book for you is a good way to hone your skills as a writer.
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writerhellenemeyers · 13 days
I've wanted to participate so bad in the past, but I want nothing to do with it now.
Fuck Ai.
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writerhellenemeyers · 26 days
Ideas to Get Rid of Writer's Block Inspo
Have a character uncover a family secret that changes everything. Write about how this revelation affects their relationships and choices.
Force two characters who dislike each other to team up for a common goal. Explore how their dynamic changes over time.
Introduce a flashback that explains a character’s motivation. This can provide depth and context to their current actions.
Reveal that a character has been on a secret mission all along. How do the others react when they find out?
Introduce a mystery illness that affects one of your main characters. Explore the emotional and physical toll it takes.
Allow a character to travel back in time to a pivotal moment in their life. Do they change anything? What are the repercussions?
Develop a story around two characters who fall in love but are from feuding families or groups. How do they navigate their relationship?
Have an unlikely character step up as the hero in a crisis. What drives them to take this role?
Create a plot around a valuable object that goes missing. Who took it, and why is it important?
Introduce a character haunted by their past mistakes. How do they seek redemption or closure?
Write a chapter from a different character’s point of view. How does this shift change the story?
Have a character from the past show up unexpectedly. What do they want, and how does their presence impact the story?
Incorporate a vivid dream or nightmare that provides insight into a character’s fears or desires.
Move the story to a completely new location. How do the characters adapt to their new environment?
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writerhellenemeyers · 1 month
When someone interrupts me while I'm writing an intense scene.
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writerhellenemeyers · 1 month
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writerhellenemeyers · 2 months
The real problem with books-turned-movies isn’t “omg they didn’t include every single word in the book” it’s “omg they completely overlooked the main theme, threw out any significant allegories, took away all the emotional pull, an turned it into a boring action movie with a love triangle in it”
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writerhellenemeyers · 2 months
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writerhellenemeyers · 2 months
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writerhellenemeyers · 2 months
The light of my life is gone after 18 wonderful years together. Murphy Liam was my first son and my rock. He has changed me forever and I will love him just as long.
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writerhellenemeyers · 3 months
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File this under “super obvious yet I always seem to forget it.”
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writerhellenemeyers · 3 months
you can pry starting sentences with 'and' or 'but' out of my cold, dead hands
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writerhellenemeyers · 3 months
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writerhellenemeyers · 3 months
Ever wake up in the middle of the night with a really good line and write it down? You don't get anything else just that one line. Then you can't get back to sleep.
Yeah. That's me.
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writerhellenemeyers · 4 months
“A character is never the author who created him…[though] an author may be all his characters simultaneously.” —Albert Camus
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writerhellenemeyers · 4 months
Do other writers ever get this like, hyper-specific dialogue exchange drop into their brains and you know exactly where these character are standing and what they’re doing and how they’re saying these words but that’s all you get. You don’t have much other context and this specific moment that exists only at this time in your headspace??
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writerhellenemeyers · 4 months
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Getting progressively more aggressive to scammers here and I highly suggest everyone else do the same. Ignoring them doesn't make them stop. I want them to be afraid to start their bullshit with people here.
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writerhellenemeyers · 4 months
Favorites Tag!
Rules: Answer + tag 9 people you want to get to know better/ catch up with.
I don't usually get tagged or play tag games on my main, but let's live a little! Thanks @oldefashioned for the tag ❤️
Favorite color?
I love greens 💚 and purples 💜. My wardrobe is mostly greens, though, because I look good in greens. All greens, really: mint, forest, olive, heck even chartuese although I don't look as good in that one, too much yellow for my fair complexion. Purples are usually in my environment, like decoration, but greens are my jam.
Last song?
Sameer is a fave. I met him once when I worked for a local radio station, and I was yelling at myself internally the whole time to calm down. Such a great guy, and great voice. Hot too 🔥
Currently reading?
Mostly fanfic. I'm currently finishing a first draft of a novel, so I'm not trying to get into a book right now. Just little things here and there, keeping up with fics as they update. That kinda thing.
I have been reading some non-fiction books recently for my coaching program. Like, The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer and The 4 Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. Great stuff that will surely open your mind to a new perspective.
Currently Watching? 📺
I finished the first 4 episodes of Season 3 Bridgerton. Now I'm back on my Jack Ryan binge. That's got me in a chokehold.
Currently craving?
Dinner! I'm making some Mexican rice, and I can't wait 😋
Coffee or tea?
Both! Coffee in the morning, or a chai latte, and then a lovely herbal number later in the day.
No pressure tags: @loganwritesprobably @claryeverlarkf @eevylynn
And just anyway else who wants to play! Open season!
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