therealsaintscully · 8 months
A sign of life from me (saintscully)
If anyone's still reading, and remembers where I'm from in the world you'll know happened to my country, to my people last Staurday. I am relatively safe but definitely still in shock. My life will never be same. I woke up Saturday morning to the sounds on endless air raids and every belief I had about living here, a piece of land that is an active volcano, proved to be horribly wrong.
I haven't slept since. My mind is going a thousand miles per second, but last night, after a nearly year's long hiatus from fic writing, I remembered a piece I wrote for 'Turned', a story that from start (not yet written) finish, is nothing more than me trying to come to terms with being a Jew. Of putting myself in the shoes of the other side in the conflict.
Liebe's story, which I'll add below, is based on a real anecdote, one of many. A young man pushed by his grandfather into a mass grave - it's a story I read in a Ronen Bergman's book 'Rise and Kill First', and is the real story of one of Mossad's chiefs. His grandfather pushed him, and that's how he was saved. Decades later, he saved countless Jewish lives as head of Mossad. I weaved it into 'Turned' in a way that, unbeknownst to my readers, will be critical to David's story while kidnapped by Abi Nazir.
That story is the kinds of stories we grew up here hearing from our gransparents. I wrote this into Turned as a historical lesson learned.
It happened again this Saturday, to so many people. Parents hiding their 10-months old twins in the closets before being gunned down in their shelter room. Women hiding under heaps of bodies, pretending to be dead. Party-goers rounded up into a circle in a field, gunned down with RPGs and automatic weapons. I heard accounts from Saturday from friends, relatives, colleagues, from ex-military friends currently in reserve duty - whose loved ones were kidnapped into Gaza and are still mising, like pawns in some twisted game, just like David in 'Turned'.
I'll never be the same again.
I'm not coming back to tumblr, and can't fathom coming back to writing these fics, but something in my life came into a very brutal full circle this week. I went back and read this part of the story and it hits so differently now. I feel like such a fool.
I hope you're all well. Thank you for the love and kindness you always showed me.
(From 'Turned')
"David was fifteen when the school's headmaster called everyone to assembly. It was a gorgeous, snowy December noon, only a few short hours before their long-awaited Christmas break. The entire student body murmured impatiently as the headmaster escorted a frail old man to one of the chairs onstage.
Impeccable in a three-piece tweed suit, the old man sat with a grunt, never letting go of his cane. The yellow star on his chest and the number tattooed on his arm left very little to the imagination as to who he was and what he was about to tell them.
Little Liebel—as Leonard was called by his family—was eleven when their neighbours rounded up the Jewish men of the village at gunpoint, leading them into the depths of the nearby woodland. Under the cover of a dark, moonless night, the Jews were instructed to strip naked and dig a pit in the frozen ground, then line up along its edges with their hands raised. Standing in the cold with his eyes closed, his teeth rattling loudly, Liebel was surrounded by neighbours and relatives—uncles, cousins, his grandfather.
A burley, rugged man of few words, Liebel's grandfather and namesake held his ground behind him, his chin pointed defiantly. In his decades heading the village's volunteer fire brigade, the elder Liebel saved many lives, including those of many of the men who stood in front of them, guns loaded.
“Skaičiuojant tris,” the village doctor called out, and Liebel drew a deep breath. On the count of three. The truth was, Leonard had confessed, that he’d felt relieved. They’d heard rumours of gas chambers and death camps by then. If one must go, he supposed, then doing so proudly with your family by your side was the way to go.
Suddenly, Liebel felt a warm hand—his grandfather's—covering his back, pushing him over the edge. His small body dove into the pit just as the guns started firing, but his would-be killers never noticed.
His uncle's lifeless body nearly crushed his spine before Liebel ever hit the ground.
Liebel hid under his neighbours and relatives’ bodies whilst they writhed and moaned, begging for help. Gushes of fresh, dark blood kept his naked body warm.
Just before midnight, he watched as life slipped away from his grandfather's cobalt eyes. The grove fell deadly silent. Liebel crawled up the pit, soaked in blood, and never looked back again.
The story stuck with young David for an hour or two that day, as much as a teenager's attention span would allow for a story so unfathomable, so alien. Imagine his surprise when, years later, he’d found himself, sweat-sodden and shaking, standing over an abyss—not in the woodlands of Lithuania, but the arid sands of Afghanistan.
At least, he was quite sure that he was. A combination of powerful sedatives, a sack covering his head and three days of travel crammed into the boot of a car had left him disoriented, but he knew through some sixth sense that he too was standing over a precipice. He had no idea where or why they were there, but there was no mistaking the perplexed battle cries as gunfire shot from every direction. As minutes passed, more and more people crowded next to him over the precipice.
For his captors, something had gone horribly wrong, and they were all about to pay for it.
He'd never been so relieved in his life.
On the other side of their pit, a dozen faceless men loaded their weapons while static filled the desert air. Out in the distance a man yelled words he did not understand. On the count three, he imagined it was. In an unexpected burst of trench musing, he wondered whether the Afghan desert sands had ever been blood-free. Whether they ever would be.
‘I’m coming, love,’ he whispered, closing his eyes despite the sack covering his face. He was ready. ‘See you on the other side.’
And then a warm hand covered the small of his back, pushing him over the edge.
“Jump!” a voice whispered, and there was no mistaking whose it was. “Now!”
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northernmariette · 3 years
Witnessing a Napoleonic troop review
NERD ALERT! The following might not be to everyone's taste. But for those of you who wonder what troop reviews and troop parades were all about, as I did, here is a description from Francis Blagdon, that English visitor to Paris in 1801 and 1802 whose book I have recommended previously. Lucky me, as this is already in English no translation necessary! I have reproduced as faithfully as possible the author's spelling, sometimes-odd punctuation, use of italics, capitalized letters, font size, and the like.
The author has managed to wangle an invitation from "Cn." [???] Maret, then the Secretary of State and future Duc de Bassano, to watch the review with a friend from the windows of Maret's residence, which overlooked the courtyard of the Tuileries. As the author reports, Napoleon himself conducts the review. The author, as is evident, is much impressed. So must be the people of Paris, as the crowd assembled to watch this monthly spectacle is immense.
Here is part one, a bit dry maybe, not anything as entertaining as Josefavomjaaga's series on Marie-Louise's travels (and travails), but perhaps useful information for potential fiction writers:
On the fifteenth of every month, the First Consul in person reviews all the troops of the consular guard, as well as those stationed in Paris as a garrison, or those which may happen to be passing through this city. The consular guard is composed of two battalions of foot-grenadiers, two battalions of light infantry, a regiment of horse-grenadiers, a regiment of mounted chasseurs or guides, and two companies of flying artillery. All this force may comprise between six and seven thousand men; but it is in contemplation to increase it by a squadron of Mamalûks, intermixed with Greeks and Syrians, mounted on Arabian horses.
This guard exclusively does duty at the Palace of the Tuileries, and at Malmaison, BONAPARTE's country-seat; it also forms the military escort of the Consuls. At present it is commanded by General LASNES [1]; but, according to rumour, another arrangement is on the point of being made. The consular guard is to have no other chief than the First Consul, and under him are to command, alternately, four generals; namely, one of infantry, one of cavalry, one of artillery and one of engineers; the selection is said to have fallen on the following officers, BESSIÈRES, DAVOUT, SOULT, and SONGIS [2].
The garrison (as it is termed) of Paris is not constantly of the same strength. At this moment it consists of three demi-brigades of the line, a demi-brigade of light infantry, a regiment of dragoons, two demi-brigades of veterans, the horse gendarmerie, and a new corps of choice gendarmerie, comprising both horse and foot, and commanded by the chef de brigade SAVARY, aide-de-camp to the First Consul. This garrison may amount to about 15,000 effective men.
The consular guard and all these different corps, equipped in their best manner, repair to the parade, and, deducting the troops on duty, the number of men assembled there may, in general, be from twelve to fifteen thousand. By a late regulation, no one, during the time of the parade, can remain within the railing of the court, whether on foot or horseback, except the field and staff officers on duty; but persons enter the apartments of theTuileries, by means of tickets, which are distributed to a certain number by the governor of the palace.
And now the second part, the meat of the matter, describing some of what actually takes place during one of these reviews:
While my obliging friend was communicating to me the above information, the troops continued marching into the court below, till it was so crowded that, at first sight, it appeared impractical for them to move, much less to manoeuvre. The morning was extremely fine; the sun shone in full splendour, and the gold and silver lace and embroidery on the uniforms of the officers and on the trappings of their chargers, together with their naked sabres, glittered with uncommon lustre. The concourse of people without the iron railing was immense; in short, every spot or building, even to the walls and rafters of houses under demolition, whence a transient view of the parade could be obtained, was thronged with spectators.
By twelve o'clock, all the troops were drawn up in excellent order, and, as you may suppose, presented a grand coup d'oeil. I never beheld a finer set of men than the grenadiers of the consular guard; but owing, perhaps, to my being accustomed to see our troops with short skirts [3], I thought that the extreme length of their coats detracted from their military air. The horses mostly of Norman breed could not be compared to our English steeds, either for make or figure; but, sorry and rough as is their general appearance, they are, I am informed, capable of bearing much fatigue, and resisting such privations as would soon render our more sleek cavalry unfit for service. That they are active, and sure-footed, I can vouch; for, in all their sudden wheelings and evolutions in this confined space, not one of them stumbled. They formed, indeed, a striking contrast to the beautiful white charger that was led about in waiting for the First Consul.
  The band of the consular guard, which is both numerous and select, continued playing martial airs, till the colours having been brought down from the palace, under the escort of an officer and a small detachment, the drums beat aux champs, and the troops presented arms, when they were carried to their respective stations. Shortly after, the impatient steed, just mentioned, was conducted to the foot of the steps of the grand vestibule of the palace. I kept my eye steadfastly fixed on that spot; [the author here comments on Bonaparte's agility on mounting his horse, and quotes some Shakespeare for which I don't have the patience]. Off he went at a hand canter, preceded by his aides-de-camp, and attended, on his right, by General LASNES, and followed by other superior officers, particularly the officer commanding the garrison of Paris [4], and him at the head of the district [5].
BONAPARTE was habited in the consular dress, scarlet velvet embroidered with gold, and wore a plain cocked hat with the national cockade. [...] Having rid rapidly along the several lines of infantry and cavalry, and saluted the colours as he passed, BONAPARTE (attended by all his retinue, including a favourite Mamalûk whom he brought back from Egypt), took a central position, when the different corps successively filed off before him with most extraordinary briskness; the corps composing the consular guard preceded those of the garrison and all the others: on inquiry, however, I find, that this order is not always observed.
  It is no less extraordinary than true, that the news of the establishment of this grand parade produced on the mind of the late emperor of Russia the first impression in favour of the Chief Consul. No sooner did Paul I. hear of the circumstance, than he exclaimed: "BONAPARTE is, however, a great man."
Although the day was so favourable, the parade was soon over, as there was no distribution of arms of honour, such as pistols, muskets, swords, battle-axes, &c. which the First Consul offers with his own hand to those officers and soldiers who have distinguished themselves by deeds of valour or other meritorious service.
The whole ceremony did not occupy more than half an hour, when BONAPARTE alighted at the place where he had taken horse, and returned to his audience-room in the palace, for the purpose of holding his levee. I shall embrace a future opportunity to speak of the interior etiquette observed on this occasion in the apartments [...].
[1] This of course, is Lannes.
[2] https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicolas_Marie_Songis_des_Courbons. Songis was replaced by one of the marshals at some point, but I can't remember which one.
[3] The author evidently meant short coat-tails, not gowns!
[4] I believe this was Junot.
[5] Unless this was Junot.
So there it is.
Some thoughts: First, I'm still curious to know what the "sudden wheelings and evolutions" looked like. If anyone knows, I would be very grateful for the information. My knowledge of horsemanship is zero. Second, Napoleon's propensity to do things fast is again in evidence here. And third, Napoleon gave battle-axes as weapons of honour?!? What military feat would that be associated with? A tournament in medieval armour?
Finally on quite another note, am I the only one whose mind leapt to unmilitary matters at the mention of "naked sabres"? Ought this dirty old lady hang her head in shame?
https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k102152h/f163.item.texteImage, pp. 109-114.
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one-leaf-grimoire · 3 years
Chapter 12
knight au ➼ chapter 12
warnings ➼ none
summary ➼ lisa gets ready for a night undercover. marx has a mental breakdown (again)
ao3 link
“This is a horrible idea!!!”
“You shouldn’t be so pessimistic, Marx-”
“Pessimistic?!?! PESSIMISTIC?”
For the fourth time this week, Marx looked like he was going to explode. Luckily, this time they were in Julius’s tower office, with the door shut and locked. Marx’s brow beaded with sweat as he paced back and forth after the outburst. “Julius, this is beyond pessimistic. Sure, maybe you can fool Augustus and the others for a night, but what if he starts asking more questions after this? How are you going to pass her off as a noblewoman then?”
“Marx, Marx, calm down,” Julius laughed nervously, his smile infuriatingly calm for the situation. “I’m taking care of it… you see, I may have recruited some friends to help put Augustus’s mind at ease…”
“WHAT?!” Marx’s eyes nearly bulged out of his head. “Y-Y-You TOLD OTHER PEOPLE??”
“NO!” Julius waved his hands frantically. “I mean- kind of- BUT not every detail! I told them to talk to Augustus during the ball and help… er, convince him that the noble family Lisa is from is actually a noble family and not just a name I made up…”
Marx raised a dubious brow. “So… you’re gaslighting him?”
“He deserves it.” Julius let out a sigh. “And anyway, if this works, he probably won’t ask about her origins too seriously after that if he hears it from someone else’s mouth.”
“I see…” Maybe this will work, Marx thought to himself, although he wasn’t convinced. “Who did you ask to help?”
“Some cousins,” Julius replied, turning to go and sit at his desk again. He had a pile of messages to send out to various squads. Most of these were mission commissions, others were requests for reports on completed missions. As the King who oversaw the military, it was crucial that Julius was aware of everything going on in different regions of the Kingdom. It was an exhausting job, but with Marx’s help it was a little easier. That being said, Julius had been neglecting his duties lately and was constantly playing catch-up. “They won’t ask any questions, trust me.”
Marx nodded, his anger finally flickering out, replaced by anxiety. “Alright… I trust you… for some reason.” he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “How do you get yourself into these situations, Julius?’
Julius tensed up a little, feeling a little guilty. “...I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to drag you into this.”
“It’s not just me… this girl… Lisa.” Marx shook his head. “If your family finds out who she actually is, or if Augustus finds out, she could lose everything.”
Lose everything…
Julius clenched his fist.
No… I won’t let that happen. Maybe it’s selfish, but I can’t let that hold me back. I love her, and I’m not going to let anyone come between us.
“I know. But have a little faith.”
Marx looked over at the king to see him smiling up at him.
“Love conquers all, right?”
After a moment, Marx smiled a little as well.
“Right… I’m sure it will.”
A few days passed, and lo and behold, the day of the ball arrived. Julius had made all the arrangements to receive Lisa in the castle and disguise her well enough to fool the entire assembly. A new dress, a group of servants ready to give her a makeover, and everything in between had been arranged, and now Juilus just had to wait.
“You’re sure you can handle this?”
“Yes, of course.” Marx gave him a thumbs up before presenting him with his crown. “We’ll be down in about two hours.”
Julius nodded, taking the crown and putting it on his head. He had to be at the ball early to help greet guests, and also to oversee the conversations that would convince Augustus of Lisa’s “identity.” “I wish I could greet her myself… but I’ll trust her with you.” He gave Marx a smile before turning to leave. “See you soon.”
“See you soon!”
As promised, Marx made his way down to one of the small back entrances to the castle, meant for servants and staffed. Right on time, a hooded figure appeared, approaching the open door timidly. Marx narrowed his eyes as the person came to a stop a few feet away. “Lisa?”
“...yeah, that’s me.” She reached up and pulled the hood back. Marx recognized her immediately, both from the day of the kidnapping and also the tournament.
“Good. Come on, keep your hood up.”
So, this is the girl Julius is so obsessed with… Marx glanced over at her as they walked through a back passageway, where they wouldn’t be seen by unexpected eyes. She was very pretty, and it was no surprise that she caught the King’s eye. Her eyes darted around nervously, and Marx could tell that he wasn’t the only anxious one here.
“...you ready?”
Lisa glanced over at him, her eyes wide. She cleared her throat quietly before answering. “Yeah… I think so. Julius has been filling me in on everything all week. I’m just afraid…”
Her voice trailed off, and her eyes scrunched up a little.
She’s scared… rightfully so. This whole situation is probably overwhelming for her…
“You’re going to be fine.”
Marx stopped in front of a door, and Lisa looked up to see him smiling at her.
“Don’t worry, Julius and I will make sure everything goes well. Now-” he gestured at the door. “There are some servants inside who will get you ready. Enjoy getting pampered for a bit! Then we’ll head down to the ball together.”
Lisa nodded, and managed to smile a little. “Alright… thank you, Marx!”
She gave him a short bow before disappearing into the room, leaving Marx to wait in the hallway outside.
“There you are! Lady Payne! I hope your journey went smoothly.”
Lisa was immediately surrounded by a gaggle of women. After a moment, she remembered that “Lady Payne” was the alias she would be using. “Oh! Um-” Lisa cleared her throat, her heart pounding as she put on her first performance. “Yes, it went quite well… I got a little dirty along the way, you see-”
“We see that! Come,come-” One of the older ladies took Lisa’s arm, looking over her clothes and making a disapproving tut tut. “We can’t have you going down to the Ball like this! Take off your clothes, the bath is waiting.”
Awkwardly, Lisa stripped down and was tossed in the tub. Despite insisting that she could scrub herself, the servants descended on her, washing Lisa’s hair and rubbing soap into her skin. Lisa eventually shut up and just sat here, letting her pores get a deep cleaning. This is weird- she thought, trying not to think about the fact that several women were looking at her naked body. Does Julius get cleaned by a brigade like this, too?
“There we go, you’re glowing! Come on, time to do your hair!”
Lisa was violently toweled down then sat down on the bed. She did her best to keep her posture straight as the servants dried and brushed her hair with surprising efficiency. “Aw, poor thing-” One of the women brushed her fingers over her back, and Lisa tensed up. “Where did these scars come from?”
“Oh, um-” Lisa’s mind spun. “A- An accident when I was a girl.”
“I see… Well, we can cover those up with your dress, and this!” Lisa felt something wrap around her neck, the sound of a metal clasp as an elegant choker was fastened around her neck. Her earrings were quickly put back in, and she was instructed to stand up.
“Here we are… hold still-”
Before Lisa knew what was happening, a garment was pulled over her head and fell around her body. Lisa blinked, being pushed in front of a mirror. Her eyes met her own gaze for a moment, before falling to her outfit.
“Oh… wow…”
It took Lisa everything in her to keep her surprise from registering on her face. The dress she was wearing was baby blue, trimmed with gold, and had soft, flowing sleeves that floated around her elbows. It was so elegant and refined, more beautiful than any garment Lisa had ever worn. She stared at her reflection for a moment, before one of the servants cleared her throat.
“My lady, one more thing…” She held up a box, and opened it. “King Julius instructed us to put it on you tonight… it belonged to his late mother, so you must really be special to him.”
Lisa’s eyes widened at the sight of what was in the box. Her throat suddenly tightened, and she felt tears prick at her eyes.
It was a beautiful, delicate looking tiara, shining like starlight. Lisa swallowed the emotions that were brought up at the sight of it, instead looking back up to stare at the mirror as it was placed on her head. The girl looking back at her was almost unrecognizable; yet she couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride at the sight.
I’m special to him… he’s doing all of this for us.
The servants oohed and ahhed for a few moments, admiring Lisa’s new look. “You clean up nicely, lady Payne!” one of them said. “You look the part of a queen now, don’t you?”
Slowly, Lisa nodded, before letting her lips curl into a smile.
“I do… I do.”
“Come on, we better get you downstairs!” One of the servants took her hand, leading her towards the door. “King Julius has waited long enough!”
Marx’s eyes widened when Lisa appeared in the door. “Li- ahem-” He composed himself. “Lady Payne, I’m glad to see that you’re ready. Please-” he offered her his arm, which Lisa gladly took. The two walked off quickly, and were soon alone as they descended the stairs to the ballroom.
“You look great,” Marx whispered, hoping to ease her nerves. “Julius will be pleased… if everything’s going well, Augustus won’t be too suspicious of you by now. So… try to relax and have fun.”
Lisa nodded, sucking in a breath and plastering on a smile. They had reached the bottom of the stairs, which opened into a large atrium. A large set of double doors were in the opposite wall, slightly ajar, and the sounds of the ball could be heard. Music and chatter met Lisa’s ears.
Calm down… it’ll be alright… it’ll be alright…
Julius is in there… as long as I can get to his side, everything will be okay.
Taking one last deep breath, she and Marx walked through the doors.
For a moment, Lisa was blinded. The ceiling was filled with intricate crystal chandeliers, all decorated with bright, burning candles.The entire room was glittering, from the fancy decorations to the outfits people were wearing. Lisa couldn’t move for a moment, stunned like a deer in the headlights.
“Come on… this way.”
Marx pulled her deeper within the ballroom, and people started to notice the pair. Lisa’s heart pounded as the whispers began.
“There’s that advisor, Marx!”
“And that woman with him… that must be Lady Payne!”
“Yes, she’s the one King Julius is courting!”
“Oh my… she is beautiful.”
“I’ve never heard of the Payne family, though, are they really nobles?”
Stay calm, stay calm-
Lisa felt her skin crawling as the whispers continued. She caught the eye of a group and smiled a little, dipping her head in a polite bow. Fortunately, they all bowed back, but Lisa heard them go back to talking as soon as she had passed them.
“Julius should be around here somewhere-” Marx whispered, glancing around in search of the King. His eyes landed on a certain gaggle of guests and lit up. “There! Lord Julius!”
Lisa stiffened, her steps lagging for a moment as Marx waved. Her breath caught in her throat as the man turned around, almost unrecognizable from the back. But once their eyes met, she knew; it was Julius. He was here.
Julius blinked for a moment, taking her appearance in. Lisa wouldn’t have been surprised if he didn’t recognize her at first, because she definitely didn’t. Julius looked so different here as well; a long flowing cape was draped over his elegant uniform, various medals and chains hanging from it, and upon his blonde curls was his crown, glittering brightly in the ballroom lights. Lisa was awestruck for a moment, and almost scared.
Julius… you look so…
Her thought was interrupted as his face broke into a smile, and he stepped towards her. His hand emerged from under his robe, outstretched towards her as he came closer.
“Darling! There you are! I’ve been waiting for you.”
Lisa felt her cheeks heat up, and she too couldn’t help but to smile. Without a word, she let go of Marx and reached out as well. A moment later, Julius took her hand and pulled her close. Lisa’s eyes widened when she realized what was about to happen, a jolt of fear appearing in her chest. Wait, in front of everyone-
Julius, it seemed, didn’t care. His lips met hers in a quick yet passionate kiss, and Lisa’s mind short circuited. She blinked slowly as he pulled back, his lips immediately returning to his former smile. The crowd around them was already in a flurry, whispering among each other as the rumor was finally confirmed: a woman had caught the eye of the King, and he wanted everyone to know.
“You look absolutely breathtaking,” Julius whispered, reluctant to pull back. His fingers immediately weaved their way between Lisa's as he looked over her dress, his eyes sparkling. “I mean, you always do, but... “ He let out a little chuckle before his gaze met hers again. “Wow.”
Lisa laughed nervously to herself, glancing around and giving his hand a squeeze. “Thank you… I’m glad everything is working so far,” she said. “And you- um-” Her cheeks reddened. “You… you look quite-”
“Sexy?” Julius finished, giving her a wink. “I don’t know if I agree, but thank you. Too many layers, you know?” Lisa couldn’t help but giggle, letting Julius link their arms. We actually can act like a couple tonight! This might be fun, if I can calm down. “Let’s go, my dear.”
“Go? Where?” Lisa’s heart skipped a nervous beat, wondering what was to come.
Julius sucked in a breath, and it was obvious that he was dreading the next few moments, too.
“To introduce you to Augustus.”
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onsumocom · 5 years
151 Best Happy Birthday Memes 2019 – Share with people around you
Best collection of Happy Birthday Memes! We have put together 151 best memes collection for you. That includes funny memes for friends, family and more. Check out our following table of content, to know more about the topics that we have covered here.
  17 Best Happy Birthday Memes
Prepare yourself for the happy birthday memes!
Happy Birthday! Oooh look, candles! Is it someone’s Birthday?
OMG It’s your birthday!!!!
When Chuck Norris comes to your birthday party, you give him presents!
Happy Birthday from me and this cat!
I’ll make you an offer you can’t refuse! And an entire birthday cake!
Happy birthday! I hope it’s a real hoot!
And I will strike upon you, with birthday flowers!
Your face when they tell you, the correct number of candles on their birthday cake!
Happy birthday, have the time of your life!
Hmm, I do say, Happy Birthday!
Is your birthday? Happy times! High five!
Happy birthday, kick back like a boss!
Happy birthday, in 3..2..1
Obama wishes you a happy birthday! BOOM!
Happy birthday!
I know you had lots of birthday wishes yesterday, but who is thinking of you today? Me, that’s who. Happy Belated Birthday!
19 Hilariously Funny Happy Birthday Meme
Happy birthday! From one sexy beast to another!
Its your birthday, you has cake?
They didn’t make me a birthday meme. I didn’t call the fire brigade!
Can’t find a funny birthday meme! Still gets the sentiment across!
I just wanted to eat, but you lit my food on fire! 🙁
Nom Nom Nom…Noooo it are my birthday!
Happy birthday! Keep it classy…no wine from a box!
Happy birthday. I got you a cake! Some assembly required!
Happy birthday, dude! Duder, El-Duderino, Your Dudeness!!
It’s your birthday, I like to propose a toast!
Age is just a number. FALSE: Age is a word!
Mexican word of the day: IGUANA….IGUANA Wish you a happy birthday!
No happy birthday for you!…..Come back one year!!
Happy new ye…. Birthday, I mean happy birthday!
It’s your birthday….everything else is irrelephant!
HaAaaAAaaY…..Happy Birthday!
Birthdays are good for your health! Studies show people who have more birthdays live longer.
Smoochies from Donald! On your birthday!!!
Happy birthday! It’s like your very own Christmas!
10 Beautiful Happy Birthday Meme For Her
Happy birthday, girl! I’d kill a zombie for you any day. “KISS”-“KISS”
Happy birthday! Pretty lady.
Remember, age gets better with wine. Happy birthday!
Hello, It’s me. Happy birthday!
Happy birthday! Pretty lady.
Time to wake and bake! A cake for my wife’s birthday.
Happy birthday, princess! You look almost as good as I do.
I left my pregnant wife! A Happy birthday card! 😛
Oh Guurl! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday gorgeous! May your birthday cake be moist!
9 Top Happy Birthday Meme For Him
OMG! It’s your birthday!
Bravo! You’re an otter year older.
Well, it’s your birthday! …again 😛
Alright Alright Alright….Happy birthday!
Happy birthday…You Secy Beast!
Happy birthday! My pretty.
Happy birthday, you sexy beast!
Ask not what this birthday party can do for you! Ask what you can do for this party, you lazy scum!
Blow the candle!…and the foam, 😛 Happy birthday!
24 Best Happy Birthday Meme Dog
I’m actually allergic to chocolate!
Let’s get this overwith. Happy birthday to me!
Happy birthday cupcake is happy!!! Happy birthday!!!
Happy birthday! The roof is on fire.
Party till your tongue hangs out!
Happy birthday. Sorry I missed it. Love you!
I wish for lots of treats and belly rubs!
Hello! Yeah this is dog, I wanted to wich you a happy birthday!
Happy birthday! Here’s something to wear that makes it impossible to lick yourself.
Happy birthday! Duuude……
Party Hard!
Hey you! Happy birthday.
Happy birthday doi! Can I have some cake too?
So…I heard it’s your birthday!
Happy birthday! Must you have!
Happy birthday!
Smile! It’s your birthday!
I would say” Happy Birthday” But that’s too mainstream. Feliz Cumpleanos!!!
Happy birthday!
I made you a birthday cake….But I eated it!
Smile, it’s your birthday!
Hmm, I do say, Happy Birthday!
Ermahgerd! Happy Birthday!
I just wanted to eat. But you lit my food on fire!
8 Top Happy Birthday Meme Friend
Remembered Friend’s Birthday! Without Facebook!
Yo dawg, I heard you like happy birthdays! So I decided to say happy birthday on your birthday so you can be happy on your birthday!
Happy birthday! Y U No Drunk Yet?!?
Your birthday it is. Celebrate you must!
Glad you’re part of my wolfpack! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday! I was going to drink anyway.
Smile! It’s your birthday!
Smart, good looking and funny! But enough about me. Happy Birthday!
I’m Morgan Freeman, and I’m wishing you a Happy Birthday. And you just read that in my voice!
It’s your birthday….Or annual declaration of being awesome!
15 Cute Happy birthday meme cat
Live long, and pawspurr!
Happee Burfday! I giv yoo…ME!
Celing cat, is wishing you a happy birthday!
Have a happy birthday! Boss lady!!!
Happy birthday! Go on…spoil yourself!
Happy birthday!
Birthday. No happy for you!
It’s your birthday. I”m controlling my excitement!
Happy birthday!! I pooped in your shoes!
It’s your birthday. I like to propose a toast!
A little bird told me it was your birthday…I ate him.
It’s your birthday? Big deal! I’ve had nine lives.
Happy birthday this much!!!!
Happy birthday! Just another year closer to being that crazy cat lady….
I want to wish you a very happy birthday. Just so you know…I love cake…!!!
15 Sarcastic Happy Birthday Meme For Friends and Family
Another year closer to death? Good!!
Happy birthday! Ya filthy animal!
Happy birthday! FOOL!
Happy birthday! You still can’t sit with us!
Yo its your birthday! So like happy birthday bitch!
Happy birthday, Okay? GOSH!!!
Not saying you’re old…But your birthday cake looks like a brush fire!
People are wishing you a happy birthday over facebook? WOW you must hve lots of FRIENDS!
Wait, you’re how old? Happy birthday!
Happy birthday! DUMBASS!
A little bird told me it’s your birthday. I ate him!
I hope you celebrate your birthday the way you came into this world >>> NAKED AND SCREAMING <<<
Slow clap for the birthday celebrant!
Smart, good looking and funny. But enough about me. Happy birthday!!!
Oh, it’s your birthday. I don’t care!
19 Lovely Happy Birthday Meme Sister
Happy birthday! Sister!
Happy birthday sister in law! Another year of surviving my brother!
Happy birthday sister! Don’t tell mom that I came late last night. 😀
Happy birthday! To an awesome sister!!!
Come on! At least you’re not as old as you’ll be next year….
Happy birthday, to my soul sister!! Love You!
Happy birthday, to the world’s best sister!
Happy birthday! To my big sister!
You! Big sister lady! Happy birthday!
I hear it’s your birthday! Enjoy it sister!!!
Happy birthday! Baby siter!
Happy birthday work-sister! You stay classy!
Hello sister! Happy birthday!!
A very happy birthday to you sis!!!
Hey sister! Smile! It’s your birthday!
Happy birthday Sis!!! I feel nice when I see you happy 🙂
Happy birthday to my sweet sister!
Wait….One minute! IT’s my sister’s birthday!…Happy BDay BabY Girls!!!
Happy birthday to a girl who has a pretty awesome older sister!
6 Star Wars Happy Birthday Meme
Happy birthday? Good, Good…. Let the alcohol flow through you.
Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy. But I’m your father, so join me maybe!
It’s your birthday…I know!
Have a happy birthday you must, celebrate you wiill!!!
Happy birthday! Now join the dark side!
The empire wishes you, a Happy Birthday!
9 Happy Birthday Memes For Family, Dad, Son, Daughter, Husband, Wife, and Brother
Happy birthday bro!
Happy birthday, male sibling!
It’s my cousin’s birthday! I will say happy birthday with a meme!
Happy birthday! From your favorite cousin.
Happy birthday dad! Wait, wait, wait…you’re how old?
Happy birthday! To my favorite husband.
Big Hug! Happy birthday MoM!
Mom, Mom, Mom, guess what it is? Birth day! Happy birthday!!!!
Father: So how do you feel on your special day? Son: Older. Father: You’re right, happy birthday!
  from OnSumo https://ift.tt/2WR7rN1 via IFTTT
0 notes
kartiavelino · 6 years
Mamoudou Gassama: Fast Facts About Malian “Spiderman” Who Climbed Building to Save Child Dangling From Balcony
A Malian immigrant is being in contrast to the Marvel superhero “Spiderman” after he heroically scaled the surface of a constructing in Paris to save a 4-year-old youngster dangling from the balcony 4 tales up. 22-year-old Mamadou Gassama could be seen in beginner video footage being cheered on by spectators as he used his power to pull himself up from balcony-to-balcony to the constructing’s fourth ground, the place the kid was dangerously hanging. Gassama’s gorgeous show of heroism lasted a complete of 30 seconds. WATCH: Man Climbs Building in Paris to Save Child Dangling From Balcony [embedded content] Following Gassama’s heroic toes, he met with French President Emmanuel Macron, who stated Gassama could be granted citizenship to the nation. Right here’s what you want to find out about Mamadou Gassama and his heroic act: Mamoudou Gassama is from Malia, a rustic in West Africa, and moved to France in September 2017. Mamadou Gassama, 22, is a migrant from Mali—a troubled former French colony in northwest Africa. Gassama traveled by Burkina Faso, Niger and Libya earlier than crossing the Mediterranean Sea to Italy. He arrived in France in September 2017 as an undocumented immigrant. He at present lives in a hostel for immigrants. Mamoudou Gassama met with French President Emmanuel Macron, who stated he could be granting Mamoudou citizenship to France. After heroically saving the unidentified 4-year-old boy from falling 4 tales from a balcony, Mamoudou Gassama sat down with French President Emmanuel Macron. Through the assembly, which was reside streamed Monday (Might 28) on the president’s Fb web page, Macron gave Gassama a medal for bravery. Macron additionally knowledgeable Gassama that he could be made a French citizen and would even be provided a spot within the hearth brigade. Gassama additionally acquired a certificates of braveness and dedication signed by Paris Police Prefect Michel Delpuech. Parce que des actes d’héroïsme comme ça, on en a besoin tous les jours ! M. GASSAMA peut, s’il le souhaite, rejoindre les héros du quotidien @PompiersParis. pic.twitter.com/gtcl52V0Z2 — Élysée (@Elysee) Might 28, 2018 “All of the (Gassama’s) paperwork shall be put so as,” Macron informed the 22-year-old, referring to his immigration standing. “I’m happy as a result of it’s the primary time I’ve acquired a trophy like that,” Gassama informed Macron. Mamoudou Gassama stated he “didn’t have time to assume” when he sprung into motion to save the kid dangling from the fourth-story balcony of a constructing. Mamoudou Gassama stated he was simply strolling by the residence constructing when he observed a crowd gathered in entrance, and with out pondering, he rapidly sprung into motion in an effort to save the kid, utterly disregarding his personal security. Gassama informed French President Emmanuel Macron, “I simply didn’t have time to assume, I ran throughout the street to go and save him. I simply climbed up and thank God, God helped me. The extra I climbed the extra I had the braveness to climb up increased, that’s it.” By the point firefighters arrived on the scene, they came upon the kid had already been rescued. If it weren’t for Gassama, the kid would have possible fallen and met a tragic destiny. “Fortunately, there was somebody who was bodily match and who had the braveness to go and get the kid,” a spokesperson for the fireplace division stated. Video footage of the rescue exhibits Gassama pulling himself up from balcony-to-balcony together with his naked fingers as a person on the fourth ground desperately tries to maintain on to the kid by leaning throughout from a neighboring balcony. One witness informed Le Parisien, “There’s a fence and a spot between them… The neighbor couldn’t afford to lean again to get the kid himself.” After reaching the fourth ground, Gassama hiked his leg over the balcony earlier than reaching out together with his proper arm and grabbing the kid. In spite of everything was stated and completed, the one harm the boy suffered was a torn toenail, whereas Gassama solely suffered a couple of scratches. “I noticed all these folks shouting, and vehicles sounding their horns. I climbed up like that and, thank God, I saved the kid,” Gassamt informed French reporters. “I felt afraid after I saved the kid… (when) we went into the lounge, I began to shake, I might hardly arise, I had to sit down.” Requested why he took such an enormous threat to save the boy, Gassama informed French newspaper Le Parisien (in accordance to a translation from the Each day Mail), “I did it as a result of it’s a toddler.” Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo praised the younger migrant on Twitter for his “act of bravery.” She additionally reportedly known as him personally to “thank him warmly.” Mayor Hidalgo stated, “He defined to me that he had arrived from Mali a couple of months in the past dreaming of constructing his life right here. I informed him that his heroic act is an instance to all residents and that the town of Paris will clearly be very eager to assist him in his efforts to settle in France.” The kid’s mother and father weren’t at dwelling on the time of the incident, and police are investigating the scenario. In accordance to native authorities, the boy’s mother and father weren’t at dwelling on the time of the incident, and the daddy has been questioned by police on suspicion of leaving his youngster unattended. Officers imagine the mom was not in Paris the day of the incident. Mamoudou Gassama is being in contrast to Lassana Bathily, a Malian immigrant who helped save lives throughout a January 2015 terror assault in France. Mamoudou Gassama’s story of heroism has drawn comparisons to one other Malian immigrant who was hailed as a hero for serving to save lives throughout a January 2015 terror assault in France. Lassan Bathily helped conceal six hostages (together with a child) in a freezer through the Islamist Jihadi assault on a Jewish grocery store in Paris that killed 4 folks. Like Gassama, Bathily was additionally given French citizenship for his heroic efforts. Bathily wrote a e book in 2016 known as “Je ne suis pas un heros” (I’m no hero) and created a charity whose first venture was to present recent water and electrical energy for his dwelling village in Western Mali. http://feeds.gossiponthis.com/~r/gossiponthis/~3/206_3H2a1LY/ The post Mamoudou Gassama: Fast Facts About Malian “Spiderman” Who Climbed Building to Save Child Dangling From Balcony appeared first on My style by Kartia. http://www.kartiavelino.com/2018/05/mamoudou-gassama-fast-facts-about-malian-spiderman-who-climbed-building-to-save-child-dangling-from-balcony.html
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onsumocom · 5 years
151 Best Happy Birthday Memes 2019 – Share with people around you
Best collection of Happy Birthday Memes! We have put together 151 best memes collection for you. That includes funny memes for friends, family and more. Check out our following table of content, to know more about the topics that we have covered here.
  17 Best Happy Birthday Memes
Prepare yourself for the happy birthday memes!
Happy Birthday! Oooh look, candles! Is it someone’s Birthday?
OMG It’s your birthday!!!!
When Chuck Norris comes to your birthday party, you give him presents!
Happy Birthday from me and this cat!
I’ll make you an offer you can’t refuse! And an entire birthday cake!
Happy birthday! I hope it’s a real hoot!
And I will strike upon you, with birthday flowers!
Your face when they tell you, the correct number of candles on their birthday cake!
Happy birthday, have the time of your life!
Hmm, I do say, Happy Birthday!
Is your birthday? Happy times! High five!
Happy birthday, kick back like a boss!
Happy birthday, in 3..2..1
Obama wishes you a happy birthday! BOOM!
Happy birthday!
I know you had lots of birthday wishes yesterday, but who is thinking of you today? Me, that’s who. Happy Belated Birthday!
19 Hilariously Funny Happy Birthday Meme
Happy birthday! From one sexy beast to another!
Its your birthday, you has cake?
They didn’t make me a birthday meme. I didn’t call the fire brigade!
Can’t find a funny birthday meme! Still gets the sentiment across!
I just wanted to eat, but you lit my food on fire! 🙁
Nom Nom Nom…Noooo it are my birthday!
Happy birthday! Keep it classy…no wine from a box!
Happy birthday. I got you a cake! Some assembly required!
Happy birthday, dude! Duder, El-Duderino, Your Dudeness!!
It’s your birthday, I like to propose a toast!
Age is just a number. FALSE: Age is a word!
Mexican word of the day: IGUANA….IGUANA Wish you a happy birthday!
No happy birthday for you!…..Come back one year!!
Happy new ye…. Birthday, I mean happy birthday!
It’s your birthday….everything else is irrelephant!
HaAaaAAaaY…..Happy Birthday!
Birthdays are good for your health! Studies show people who have more birthdays live longer.
Smoochies from Donald! On your birthday!!!
Happy birthday! It’s like your very own Christmas!
10 Beautiful Happy Birthday Meme For Her
Happy birthday, girl! I’d kill a zombie for you any day. “KISS”-“KISS”
Happy birthday! Pretty lady.
Remember, age gets better with wine. Happy birthday!
Hello, It’s me. Happy birthday!
Happy birthday! Pretty lady.
Time to wake and bake! A cake for my wife’s birthday.
Happy birthday, princess! You look almost as good as I do.
I left my pregnant wife! A Happy birthday card! 😛
Oh Guurl! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday gorgeous! May your birthday cake be moist!
9 Top Happy Birthday Meme For Him
OMG! It’s your birthday!
Bravo! You’re an otter year older.
Well, it’s your birthday! …again 😛
Alright Alright Alright….Happy birthday!
Happy birthday…You Secy Beast!
Happy birthday! My pretty.
Happy birthday, you sexy beast!
Ask not what this birthday party can do for you! Ask what you can do for this party, you lazy scum!
Blow the candle!…and the foam, 😛 Happy birthday!
24 Best Happy Birthday Meme Dog
I’m actually allergic to chocolate!
Let’s get this overwith. Happy birthday to me!
Happy birthday cupcake is happy!!! Happy birthday!!!
Happy birthday! The roof is on fire.
Party till your tongue hangs out!
Happy birthday. Sorry I missed it. Love you!
I wish for lots of treats and belly rubs!
Hello! Yeah this is dog, I wanted to wich you a happy birthday!
Happy birthday! Here’s something to wear that makes it impossible to lick yourself.
Happy birthday! Duuude……
Party Hard!
Hey you! Happy birthday.
Happy birthday doi! Can I have some cake too?
So…I heard it’s your birthday!
Happy birthday! Must you have!
Happy birthday!
Smile! It’s your birthday!
I would say” Happy Birthday” But that’s too mainstream. Feliz Cumpleanos!!!
Happy birthday!
I made you a birthday cake….But I eated it!
Smile, it’s your birthday!
Hmm, I do say, Happy Birthday!
Ermahgerd! Happy Birthday!
I just wanted to eat. But you lit my food on fire!
8 Top Happy Birthday Meme Friend
Remembered Friend’s Birthday! Without Facebook!
Yo dawg, I heard you like happy birthdays! So I decided to say happy birthday on your birthday so you can be happy on your birthday!
Happy birthday! Y U No Drunk Yet?!?
Your birthday it is. Celebrate you must!
Glad you’re part of my wolfpack! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday! I was going to drink anyway.
Smile! It’s your birthday!
Smart, good looking and funny! But enough about me. Happy Birthday!
I’m Morgan Freeman, and I’m wishing you a Happy Birthday. And you just read that in my voice!
It’s your birthday….Or annual declaration of being awesome!
15 Cute Happy birthday meme cat
Live long, and pawspurr!
Happee Burfday! I giv yoo…ME!
Celing cat, is wishing you a happy birthday!
Have a happy birthday! Boss lady!!!
Happy birthday! Go on…spoil yourself!
Happy birthday!
Birthday. No happy for you!
It’s your birthday. I”m controlling my excitement!
Happy birthday!! I pooped in your shoes!
It’s your birthday. I like to propose a toast!
A little bird told me it was your birthday…I ate him.
It’s your birthday? Big deal! I’ve had nine lives.
Happy birthday this much!!!!
Happy birthday! Just another year closer to being that crazy cat lady….
I want to wish you a very happy birthday. Just so you know…I love cake…!!!
15 Sarcastic Happy Birthday Meme For Friends and Family
Another year closer to death? Good!!
Happy birthday! Ya filthy animal!
Happy birthday! FOOL!
Happy birthday! You still can’t sit with us!
Yo its your birthday! So like happy birthday bitch!
Happy birthday, Okay? GOSH!!!
Not saying you’re old…But your birthday cake looks like a brush fire!
People are wishing you a happy birthday over facebook? WOW you must hve lots of FRIENDS!
Wait, you’re how old? Happy birthday!
Happy birthday! DUMBASS!
A little bird told me it’s your birthday. I ate him!
I hope you celebrate your birthday the way you came into this world >>> NAKED AND SCREAMING <<<
Slow clap for the birthday celebrant!
Smart, good looking and funny. But enough about me. Happy birthday!!!
Oh, it’s your birthday. I don’t care!
19 Lovely Happy Birthday Meme Sister
Happy birthday! Sister!
Happy birthday sister in law! Another year of surviving my brother!
Happy birthday sister! Don’t tell mom that I came late last night. 😀
Happy birthday! To an awesome sister!!!
Come on! At least you’re not as old as you’ll be next year….
Happy birthday, to my soul sister!! Love You!
Happy birthday, to the world’s best sister!
Happy birthday! To my big sister!
You! Big sister lady! Happy birthday!
I hear it’s your birthday! Enjoy it sister!!!
Happy birthday! Baby siter!
Happy birthday work-sister! You stay classy!
Hello sister! Happy birthday!!
A very happy birthday to you sis!!!
Hey sister! Smile! It’s your birthday!
Happy birthday Sis!!! I feel nice when I see you happy 🙂
Happy birthday to my sweet sister!
Wait….One minute! IT’s my sister’s birthday!…Happy BDay BabY Girls!!!
Happy birthday to a girl who has a pretty awesome older sister!
6 Star Wars Happy Birthday Meme
Happy birthday? Good, Good…. Let the alcohol flow through you.
Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy. But I’m your father, so join me maybe!
It’s your birthday…I know!
Have a happy birthday you must, celebrate you wiill!!!
Happy birthday! Now join the dark side!
The empire wishes you, a Happy Birthday!
9 Happy Birthday Memes For Family, Dad, Son, Daughter, Husband, Wife, and Brother
Happy birthday bro!
Happy birthday, male sibling!
It’s my cousin’s birthday! I will say happy birthday with a meme!
Happy birthday! From your favorite cousin.
Happy birthday dad! Wait, wait, wait…you’re how old?
Happy birthday! To my favorite husband.
Big Hug! Happy birthday MoM!
Mom, Mom, Mom, guess what it is? Birth day! Happy birthday!!!!
Father: So how do you feel on your special day? Son: Older. Father: You’re right, happy birthday!
  from OnSumo https://ift.tt/2WR7rN1
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