#NCIS fanfiction
cas-kingdom · 4 months
The Night Shift
A/N: First NCIS fic! Decided to keep my OC's name instead of reader as I'm pretty attached to her.
If you're alone on V Day, here's some Gibbs. <3
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Title: The Night Shift
Summary: What's worse than a sick Gibbs? A sick mini Gibbs.
Words: 2568
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It was two am, and Emmie Gibbs was tired.
She wrinkled her nose as something tickled at it and sat up to reach for the packet of tissues sitting dutifully by the pillow.
It was two am, and Emmie Gibbs was sick and tired.
Tony, the shit-stirrer that he was, leaned precariously back in his swivel chair to stare at her. If it weren’t for the squeak of the chair itself, she still would have noticed his sudden attention by the feeling of his eyes boring into her for perhaps the tenth time since they’d set up camp in the NCIS building about five hours ago. He was relentless.
Emmie paused. Tissue wedged in her nose, sinuses burning, she looked up and stared at him. Tony rose an eyebrow. Emmie hardened her stare. Tony, because he was Tony, purposefully leaned further back so she could see the exact moment he dramatically cupped a hand to his stupid little mouth and—
Emmie’s jaw tensed. Tony grinned in superfluous victory.
Another squeak, a more familiar one this time, and Gibbs’s swivel chair glided along the carpeted floor around the divider between the cubicles until he could see Emmie. She was still sitting up, looking quite the sight with a tissue halfway up her right nostril and her hair sticking at all angles. On any other day she would have responded to Tony’s pure gall by glaring him straight into the ground. But today was not that day. Today was a bad day. Today, her week-long, just-about-bearable cold had decided to manifest into sinusitis, and she’d woken with a face that felt as though tiny little men were mining for gold in her skull. Ducky had liked that metaphor.
Partly because she was absolutely awful at caring for herself when she was ill, and partly—mostly—because he knew he wouldn’t have been able to concentrate on work if she was left to fend for herself at home, Gibbs had dragged Emmie into the office with him. She’d made her rounds all day—curled up on Abby’s little couch at first, then bundled off to an empty room when Abby found working in silence too impossible. At lunchtime, a meeting had been scheduled in the room, and she’d been forced to accompany Gibbs and Tony in the car to a naval base connected to the case they were working on, sniffling and groaning in the back seat like a Victorian child on her death bed.
And here she was now, at two a bloody m, lying on an ungodly amount of blankets, wrapped in Gibbs’s jacket and Tony’s hoodie, on the floor, feeling like her body was readying to explode. Life couldn’t get worse.
Unless you were acquainted with Tony DiNozzo. In which case, life could, and most certainly would, get worse.
Gibbs dipped his head and rose an eyebrow at Emmie. Emmie couldn’t do much in her defence but sniff. Hard. A slight protest only she had the guts to attempt. It was when he pointed a finger at her and motioned with it for her to lie down again that Emmie tossed her arms up.
“Do you know—” Another sniff—“Do you even know how hard it is to lie down and feel your sinuses drain into your throat?” Her voice was so nasally she couldn’t sound stern, even if she put every ounce of effort into it.
Tony, naturally, did not try hard to cover his amusement at that. He snorted and crossed his arms over his chest, spinning from side to side absently in his chair with the tip of his tongue held between his smirking lips when Emmie turned narrowed eyes on him.
“I was getting a tissue, FYI,” she said to him and only him. “So, you can stop being a kiss ass, Anthony.”
“Emmie.” Gibbs disappeared behind the divider again. “Back to sleep.”
Tony, meanwhile, gaped. “Kiss ass who?”
Emmie ignored him and shuffled back down again. She shut her eyes and swallowed. Already the disgusting stuff had decided the place it wanted to be right now was her stomach, and was meandering slowly down her throat towards it.
“You were being a bit of a kiss ass,” she heard Gibbs agree.
“Oh, come on. You said you wanted her to sleep!”
“Yeah, and I do.”
“But you’re gonna call me a kiss ass when I tell you she’s not sleeping? Kiss my ass.”
“What was that?”
“Sorry, Boss.”
In all honesty, there was nothing more that Emmie wanted least right now than to sleep. True, she was exhausted, but the part of her brain not currently still enshrouded in said exhaustion wanted to be up and active again, helping Gibbs with the case like her internship allowed.
And yet, the man still believed she needed her head on a pillow.
The team had been working on a case all day, one she didn’t know the specifics of. It wasn’t exactly often that they stayed in the office well into the night to continue their current case, but it appeared Gibbs had a weird feeling about this one. From the snippets of conversation that she’d picked up and actually retained in her decrepit brain, a potential witness was lying unconscious in a hospital bed somewhere, and Gibbs wanted to speak to him the moment he woke up, which, according to the doctors, could be at any time. That apparently required the entire team to stay behind which, considering the fact Emmie was currently holed up on the floor of Ziva’s empty cubicle, not everyone had complied with.
The moment Tony got out of his chair to help Gibbs with something and disappeared from her line of sight, Emmie eased herself into a sitting position once more. She reached for the tissues again, rubbing at her leaking nose with the sleeve of Gibbs’s jacket and not possessing the brain power to regret that decision. She blew into a tissue, paused to catch her breath, then—
Emmie deflated completely. Wow. The world truly hated her today.
She looked up to see McGee walking in with a bag of takeout. He barely glanced at her as he passed, choosing to instead spend that energy alerting Gibbs to the fact she was, again, not lying down.
Before either Tony or Gibbs could come into view once more, Emmie sighed, stuck two bits of tissue in both nostrils, and scooted backwards to sit against the wall.
“Can’t breathe lying down,” she said before anyone could say a single word. “And I’m tired of being tired. I don’t want to sleep anymore. Leave me alone. Don’t talk to me. Shush.”
Tony’s head appeared around the corner, and he snorted again. Then the squeak of Gibbs’s chair as he got up. A rustling. A moment later he appeared with a takeout box in his hand, walking towards her. He lifted it so she could see, and she groaned, shaking her head. A corner of Gibbs’s mouth lifted but he wasn’t about to back down on this fight. He never did.
He knelt in front of her, close enough to see the pallidness of her face and the slight sickly tremble of her small frame. Emmie visibly relaxed when he reached out a hand to press against her forehead, the coolness of his skin momentarily dowsing the heat of hers.
Gibbs checked the watch at his wrist. “Another couple hours and you can dose up again.”
“Yep. ‘Till then…” He went to withdraw his hand, but Emmie’s own hand shot up and pinned his to her forehead.
“No,” she said simply.
“No to my hand leaving, or food?”
“You gotta eat. You know the drill. Eat or sleep.” She grumbled something and Gibbs reached with his free hand to lift the lid on the box. The smell of warm chicken soup filled the space between them, and Emmie wrinkled her nose. “Come on, kiddo. It’s only soup.”
“I feel too sick to eat.”
“Sleep it is, then.”
“Hey. The cure for alll Emmie-related illness is sleep. Always has been, always will be.” It was true. Gibbs knew his daughter better than she knew herself, after all. Everyone was different, but Emmie’s medicine was sleep until she could look him in the eye and confidently tell him she felt a bit better. If years of being a single parent had taught him anything, it was that.
With a bit of reluctance, he pulled his hand from her head and leant forward on his toes. “You don’t have to lie down to sleep,” he told her. “Here—” Emmie wasn’t quite sure what he was doing with the pillows and blankets behind her, but when he sat back and she turned as much as her aching neck would allow, there was a nice little DIY upright-bed against the wall. Gibbs, seemingly proud of his work, was met with a look of absolute discontent on his daughter’s face.
He puffed his cheeks out and glanced at the soup. “Aeroplane?”
“Seriously?” Emmie deadpanned.
He reached for the spoon, a teasing smile pulling at his lips. “Worked when you were a kid.”
“There’re a few keywords in that sentence, Dad. Are you trying to give Tony more fuel to embarrass me?”
Gibbs glanced over his shoulder. Tony had returned to his desk, leaning dangerously back in his chair to gain the best vantage point. The man had absolutely zero shame.
Gibbs jerked his head. “Check with the hospital about Lupin, would you, DiNozzo?”
Tony visibly deflated. Emmie sent him a smug look and he stuck his tongue out. Reluctantly, he wheeled back to his desk and picked up the phone. “Do this, DiNozzo, do that, DiNozzo,” he grumbled to himself. “Oh, while you’re at it, why don’t you polish my boots and write a thesis on my intellectual prowess, DiNozzo? Sure, I’ll get right on it, Boss!” He dialled the number and put the phone to his ear. “Should I get your laundry and your coffee too, Boss? Should I do—hi, there! Anthony DiNozzo, NCIS, calling for an update on a patient? Ryan Lupin. Yeah, I’ll hold. Thanks.”
“Dad.” Such an exasperated voice could only belong to the resident invalid, and after only a second’s hesitation, Tony—slowly—wheeled himself back, as far as the cord to the phone still held against his ear would allow. Emmie and Gibbs were still on the floor, the former looking most disgruntled at the spoon in the latter’s hand.
“I’m being serious,” she said then.
“So am I,” Gibbs said, “very serious. I’m being very serious right now. Soup?”
Emmie rolled her eyes, but a smile was pulling at her lips all the same. She shook her head. “Go back to your desk, old man.”
Tony’s brows shot up and he grinned. “Oohoohoo!” He was close to rubbing his hands together in sheer glee. “You gonna let her get away with that, Boss?”
“Lupin, DiNozzo.”
“I’m on hold!” The fact that Gibbs made no sign that he was going to pick his daughter up on her insult, when Tony knew that if he’d been the one to call his boss elderly he’d be getting a bit more than a slap to the back of the head, hit a sore spot. “Wait,” he said, looking hilariously appalled, “you’re actually gonna let her get away with it?”
Gibbs, defeated in this part only, dropped the spoon back in the box and put it on the desk. “I’ve been called worse,” he called back, “believe me.”
“Grandpa,” Emmie said.
“Thank you, Em, that’s very helpful.”
“Ninnyhammer, pillock, douche canoe, old man—”
“You already said that one.” Gibbs chuckled. “Douche canoe?”
Emmie shrugged. “Dunderhead.”
McGee, who’d since been silently working and eating at his desk, paused. Mouth open, forkful of noodles on its way, he turned confused eyes to the ground.
“Her name’s Jemima?”
Tony rolled his eyes. “How long you been here McGee?”
As soon as Emmie looked the slightest bit like she was about to resume her name-calling, Gibbs put his palm over her mouth. He rose a brow in warning. She blinked. Blinked again. Then—
“Aw, come on!” Gibbs’s face contorted into one of absolute disgust as a rush of air and wet stuff flew at his hand. He withdrew it immediately, holding it away from him, while Emmie sniffed and nonchalantly used the jacket sleeve again.
“You little crapbag.” It was the best he could come up with.
“What? You think I plan my sneezes?”
Tony, up until now quite enjoying the performance, rolled quickly back to the desk with the phone at his ear. “Hi, yeah, I’m still here.”
Gibbs stood and walked briskly to his desk so he could grab the stack of napkins the takeout had come with. “I don’t doubt anything when it comes to you.”
“Thank you.” Emmie rubbed at her red eyes with her hand and slumped against the back of the wall. Gibbs, coating his hands with sanitizer, watched with a knowing eye. He shook his hands and walked back around to Ziva’s cubicle, perching on the desk to look down at her.
“You’re sick,” he said.
“I know. And?”
“And, sick people eat soup, and they sleep. Okay? They don’t stay up at all hours of the night—nooo, no, no. I’m talking now, kiddo. I know you’ve been sleeping all day, I know you wanna get up and back to work, but that’s not happening until your fever’s gone. No point in fighting that, and you know full well. Clear?”
Any other day. Any. Other. Day. The protests were practically clawing at her throat. But a sudden wave of nausea rushed over her and she backed down immediately. Still, the thought of lying down again was awful, and the tired eyes she turned on her dad somehow translated that.
Gibbs sighed. “What’s it gonna take, huh?” Emmie didn’t need to think about her answer to that. She wasn’t even sure her expression had changed at all when Gibbs shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest. “No,” he said, “come on, now. I gotta work.”
This time, she did change her expression, putting it on in the way she knew worked best. Gibbs, naturally, relented.
“Fine,” he said, motioning with his hands for her to move over. She did, though admittedly it was a bit of a pitiful move with her aching body. He breathed a short laugh but came to sit in the miniscule space she’d made beside her anyway.
“Thanks, douche canoe,” Emmie whispered.
Tony put the phone down. “Still knocked out, Boss,” he said, pushing his chair backwards. When he saw Gibbs on the floor, arm wrapped around his daughter, who had her head on his shoulder, he crossed his arms over his chest and positively pouted.
“Hey, why do you get to sleep?”
Gibbs chuckled and shut his eyes. “When you’ve got a sick kid, I’ll let you sleep on the office floor with her. Wake me before Lupin does, would you?”
“How am I—Boss? Boss?” Tony threw his arms up in the air and shook his head, grabbing a notebook from his desk to doodle in. “Kiss my ass.”
“Heard that.”
“I wanted you to.”
Well, one thing was for certain. Gibbs may have won this fight, but so had Emmie.
NCIS Masterpost
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lizzyk137 · 7 months
Genuis Vs Genuis: A Spencer Reid Story (Spencer X Reader)
Summary: Spencer and you have known each other academically since they were kids and never got off on the right foot. When you transfer over to the F.BI. behavioral unit from N.C.I.S., Spencer starts to not play nice. Warning: Angst, swearing, mentions of death/murder.
Part 2 on its way! Want to read more, visit my Masterlist!
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The day started off great. It was actually relaxing for Spencer. His files had been finished and no new cases had presented themselves in the last couple of days. So there he sat, coffee in hand as he watched the team fool around as he threw in a chuckle here and there. He was content.
It was all good till he heard the shrill of your voice calling his name out.
He turned away from the group to see you bounding over to him, enfulfing him into a hug before his brain could even register the what, why and how's of the situation.
The team snickered at the interaction, the newcomer's face bright and happy with the biggest grin while Spencer's was a face of horror.
He had no idea how you found him or why you were here but he wanted you gone.
"Spence! It's been so long! How have you been?" You asked, ignoring the physical cringe Spencer had given to you using his nickname.
He collected his thoughts and replied with a short but curt answer of fine, then went back to drinking his coffee like it was the only way it could get rid of you.
The smile you had on your face couldn't hide the hurt that you felt. You thought after years of not seeing each other and maturing into adults that Spencer would at least come around to being nice to you or at least be polite. But Spencer was still the Spencer you knew. Childish. Though you'd never say it outloud it was clearly present for all to see once they got to see the dynamic between you two.
You were academic rivals growing up. You never met each other until high school but growing up you saw your names in the paper or during award ceremonies. You were always fighting for the top spot even if it wasn't the intention. Both of you were the same, no matter how much Spencer fought it. Both having the same IQ (187, to which Spencer would claim that you can't accurately quantify intelligence), and you both had an eidetic memory along with being able to read 20,000 words per minutes. You were practically the female version of him.
He hated you though. During elementary school and middle school, he enjoyed the competition. It pushed him to be better, but when high school came, it just got annoying. He didn't fit in to begin with and with teachers and students comparing the both of you together, it was a blow to what little ego he had.
You both finally came face to face during an awards ceremony during your highschool years. He remembered it clearly. You coming up to him before the ceremony, introduced yourself and then acted like you both were best friends and stuck to him like glue throughout the whole thing. Both of your families cooing at the sight of the both of you, a giant grin on your face while he scowled.
Spencer and you had ended up going to the same college- Caltech. He never told you where he was going but somehow on the first day of school, you came running up to him so happy to see him. All throughout his college years he couldn't shake you. Always making the same friends, always inviting him places, showing up at the same places he was. It annoyed him to no ends. You even forced him to attend a house party where you both partook in too much alcohol causing a lapse of time where you both have no idea what happened. You could later recall waking up next to Spencer in bed, both of you had no clothes on while you struggled to wake him up and get changed as the cops busted up the place. To which Spencer still denies since he can't remember a thing.
Three years before joining the BAU, you disappeared out of his life, which he was beyond grateful for. At first it made him nervous cause you just disappeared without a word to him, but then he eventually put his thoughts elsewhere and the thought of you never arose in his mind until now.
"Everyone, this is Dr. Y/N Y/LN. She's from NCIS. She works as a forensic specialist there along with a field agent." Hotch spoke to the group before him as he watched them eye you. "She's been assigned to our team to get more of an understanding with profiling for their team back at NCIS. She'll be working on cases with us for the next couple of months."
You smiled and gave a little wave to the team, a few waving back and all of them but Spencer smiling up at you. Hotch gave a small squeeze on your shoulder then climbed the stairs to his office.
An older gentleman came up to you first, introducing himself as Rossi, then the rest of the team introduced themselves. Your profiling wasn't the greatest but you could tell they were curious to know what was going on between Spencer and yourself. Your lips were sealed for the time being though, you could tell Spencer still didn't care for you and for the sake of your learning and the work environment you decided it best not to bring up anything.
You knew Spencer didn't care for you. As much as you were alike academically, you were the opposite socially. Your parents brought you up letting you enjoy being a kid, having you socialize with kids your age even if you weren't in the same grade at school. They wanted normalcy in your life since school was the exact opposite. Growing up, you had always wanted to meet Spencer. You saw his pictures and had developed a little crush on him which only grew as you got older. You thought he would appreciate a friend who could understand him, so you put yourself out there, always trying to be friendly and be there for him. Have him experience things that people your age where doing or things that college kids would attend or do. Nothing pleased him though. You made friends only to find out that they were friends with him which only made him dislike you more. You tried to pull away from him because you could tell he wasn't fond of you, but the universe kept pushing you together.
The only thing that got you two apart was the Navy. You enlisted and past all their requirements and you were given the opportunity to help build communities back up in the Middle East with new housing and building's and eventually helping with creating medication for underdeveloped communities that were affordable along with equipment and weapons that could help serve the Navy. You were doing good, but your heart still yearned for Spencer, no matter who you tried to get to replace him. You came to love Spencer throughout your college years, while he came to resent you even more. You wanted to tell him you were leaving but he never came the night before your enlistment date. Leaving you stranded in the park at night with a broken heart.
You had started at NCIS five years ago, you were a forensic specialist working side by side with Abby. You were both Ying and Yang to each other, best friends but the polar opposite appearance wise which you loved. While she wore black, you wore white or pastels. She called you her angel which everyone adopted into becoming your nickname.
When Vance came to you with a chance to learn more about profiling from the BAU, you took it. You were good as a field agent and even better with a weapon. It hurt to leave your family, but Gibbs assured you that the team you were working with was great. Fornell vouched for them too, and you were excited to meet the team. As you entered the glass doors, you were surprised to see Spencer there sipping his coffee, his smile setting butterflies off in your stomach.
"Hi, I'm Y/N, you can call me Angel though! It's really nice to meet everyone."
"Angel?" Emily questioned, as she took a seat.
"Um, yeah, my team calls me it back home because I wear a lot of white." You gestured to your all while jumpsuit and blazer.
"And you're a forensic specialist and a field agent and you wear white?" Morgan asked as he eyed you, with a small smirk on his face.
"Yeah, it's my colour. Plus, I know enough not to get too dirty." You laughed. You rummaged through your bag, pulling out a picture of the team back home and showed it to the new team standing before you. "This is my family back home. The girl in all black is the other forensic specialist I work with."
Rossi chuckled. "I think she would get along with our Penelope. She's got quite the wardrobe."
"I met with her the other day, she's sweet."
The rest of the morning was spent with getting to know everyone, Spencer alone at his desk annoyance written all over him as he watched his team, his family, surround your desk laughing and having a good time.
Weeks have gone by and the atmosphere surrounding Spencer and you was staring to become sour more each day. You tried your hardest to work well with everyone and bring as much as you could to each case in order to solve it, but Spencer hated that. It felt like with each case, you were getting better at figuring out the clues that he could. Each case seemed to get easier for you as you made your way through the evidence and what you were profiling. Your knowledge in forensics came in useful, he had to admit, but the team started relying on you more than they did him.
Hotch at first had paired the two of you up after the team found out that you and Spencer had a few things in common in the genius department after you went all out on your first case together. Now Hotch was pairing you with Emily or Morgan, even Hotch himself, once they saw you use a firearm and take down two grown man bare handed. It took him years to be comfortable with his firearm and here you were leaving him in the dust. You never boasted your intelligence or not fit in unlike Spencer. It wasn't so much you as a person he didn't like but how much of a blow it was to him to not be able to compete with you.
Spencer watched you as you looked at the deceased couple on the table before you. Hotch had sent the both of you together, hoping Spencer would finally come to his senses and maybe even try to like you. The sexual tension between you the two of you was clear as day to everyone but the both of you. Spencer kept his feelings in check by acting like he disliked you while you were always nice to him but tended to pour yourself into work whenever he was nearby. As intelligent as the both of you were, you weren't geniuses in the feelings department.
"I think we should let Hotch know, what we found out." Your voice bringing Spencer out of his thoughts. He nodded his head as you dialed Hotch's number.
"How do you know so much about autopsies?" Spencer questioned once you were off the phone.
You shrugged as you hopped into the car. "I watched Ducky and Palmer do enough of them throughout the years, so I know a thing or two about them. Plus, I took a few courses on it too while I was with the Navy."
Spencer didn't say anything, just nodded his head as he buckled in.
A few days into the case with no leads, everyone was going a bit stir crazy as the team got no sleep. You came in that morning with muffins and donuts along with a few jugs of freshly brewed coffee unlike the imposter that called itself coffee in the precinct.
"Oh, how I love you, my sweet angel!" Emily said as you set down the jug of coffee in front of her. You chuckled at her remarks and blew her a kiss before you turned around to see Spencer looking at you in disgust. You quickly looked away and turned to Rossi on the other side of the conference room.
"Coffee and a donut?"
"Yes, please!" He said with a smile.
You looked down at the pictures of the deceased that was in his hand. "Are those the crime scene photos of the last couple? I saw the bodies after their autopsy but haven't seen much of the crime scene. Can I take a look?"
He nodded and handed the stack to you. You studied each one carefully before you got to the last photo, your eyes growing wise and you stood up, running over to Hotch, the team looking at you questioningly.
"Was this crime scene gone over with forensics yet?" You asked hurriedly, bouncing on your toes with excitement.
"Partily but it was mostly blood, so they didn't get anything."
You shoved the photo at him and pointed to the small smudge on the wall. "Did they see this?"
"What is it supposed to be?" Hotch asked, squinting at the photo trying to see what you were seeing.
"It looks like a possible print. We need to go back there and collect it."
You heard a sigh behind you then Spencer's hand reached out from behind you and grabbed the picture. "It looks like nothing but a speck on a blown-up picture. The forensics team covered the entire scene, they would have noticed it if it was anything." He looked at you with pure anger in his eyes that it made you lean away, hands shaking. "I don't know what they do at N.C.I.S, but our forensic team does things correctly."
You felt your body stiffen and your eyes slightly water. All you were able to do was given a curt nod and nudge your way around him, as you made your way to the front bullpen. You didn't need anything, but you had to get away from the environment. Spencer was starting to get to you, no matter how much training you had to stay composed, he was just able to break down your walls and make you feel so small. And with this frustrating case and over a month worth of him belittling you, you were finally breaking.
Running a hand through your hair, you sat at a computer to check the forensic findings, no fingerprints were found but you couldn't be too careful. You headed out of the precinct and took one of the SUVs to the crime scene. You arrived at the crime scene quickly and walked inside to find what you were looking for. And there it was, right where it was on the picture. A perfect fingerprint.
"I can't believe they missed that." Jenn said, as the team was finishing up the last of their paperwork on the case back at their home office a few days after the team took down another killer.
"She was just lucky." You heard Spencer mutter from behind you.
You took a deep breath in and started to stack your paperwork. The room cleared out besides Spencer and yourself. Hotch came down and stopped by your desk. "The paperwork is being processed and they'll get you transportation back to Quantico. You'll have to do exit paperwork tomorrow but take the rest of the day and the day after for yourself."
You smiled up at him, not before noticing Spencer was looking over at the two of you. "Thank you for everything, I've learned so much."
"No, thank you for all your help with the past cases. I look forward to working with you again." He held out his hand to you and you shook it before standing up and giving him a large hug, Spencer's eyes growing big at the affection you gave to Hotch. "Oh, and remember, dinner tomorrow night at Rossi's."
"Wouldn't miss it." With that said, Hotch smiled and walked away.
You started packing up the rest of your desk items then grabbed your jacket to head out, ignoring Spencer's watching you with curiosity. You nearly made it to the elevator before you heard your name being called out. You turned around to find Spencer standing only a few feet behind you.
"Can I help you?" You knew how it sounded, snappy and short, but you didn't care, you were finally done with Dr. Spencer Reid.
"Um..." He started to take a step forward but thought better of it. "You're leaving? You still have a few more months left here, though. Why are you leaving early?"
The elevator dinged behind you as it opened, and you took a step back into it. You couldn't help the short laugh that escaped your lips as you shook your head. At this point, you didn't care what answer came out because you would never be seeing Spencer again. Your breath shook as you breathed in as the doors started to close, Spencer worriedly looking at you. "Because of you, Dr. Reid."
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slutforsilverfoxes · 7 months
Breaking Free
[A/N: I’m driving home for my externship (and Thanksgiving!) so you know what that means- too much time on the road to daydream 🙃 Pls enjoy Gibbs being an infuriating slut]
Pairing: Jethro Gibbs x female reader
You repeatedly pat your boyfriend’s arm, pointing to his left at a sign that’s sure to snag you the win of your road trip competition. It’s become an annual tradition to pass the time by finding the most outrageous billboards on your way to Thanksgiving with your parents and Jethro’s father in Pennsylvania.
“That’s gotta be the best one,” you say confidently. ��It even has a handcuff reference for you!”
The large sign promises that if you’re Shackled by LUST? then Jesus can FREE you.
Jethro grunts by way of acknowledgment then poses, “You scream oh my god a lot when I’m inside you- d’ya think that counts?”
“Not, like, a lot a lot,” you protest ever so eloquently, incensed by the smirk blooming on his face and his clever avoidance of admitting defeat.
Clearly your darling boyfriend takes that as a challenge.
The hand resting on your denim clad thigh begins creeping higher and you cut your eyes over to Jethro to find his focus is still dutifully on the expanse of highway ahead. “Whatcha doin’ there, Jay?”
“Driving,” he answers easily, hand moving higher yet. The corner of his lips visible to you arches upward when he meets the cool metal of the button on your jeans, but his smile falters when he fumbles to get it open. “Little help here?”
Raising one eyebrow, you counter, “You wanna prove a point, you put in the work, mister.”
He huffs out a breath, then twists his wrist and finally succeeds in popping the button open with a triumphant laugh. Jethro doesn’t even bother to try with the zipper after that; he simply shoves his hand into your pants so the zipper gets forced down its track.
You gasp when his fingers slide through your folds, and Jethro produces a quiet growl in the back of his throat when he finds you already wet for him. That sound alone has you moaning out a low, “Oh my god,” and your boyfriend outright laughs at you while his middle finger circles your clit. “That was only once- oh fuck, oh my god- okay, twice, you jerk,” you feebly defend yourself.
Jethro sinks two fingers knuckle deep into your pussy with an amused hum, and you slap your palm against the roof of the truck while crying out a third iteration of the deity-invoking phrase. “I can’t- oh fuck me- stand you sometimes,” you bite out, lifting your hips to help Jethro’s fingers slip in and out of you with ease.
“Good thing you’re sitting then,” he fires back, chancing a glance away from the road to smirk at you.
You draw your bottom lip between your teeth in a feeble attempt to muffle your cries, but Jethro brushes his palm over your clit while curling his fingers and another breathy, “Oh my god,” slips out of your traitorous mouth.
“That’s it, baby,” your boyfriend praises you, no longer bothering to mask his delight. “Free yourself from those shackles.”
A laugh punches out of you that morphs into a wanton moan when he curls his fingers again, and your cries rise higher and higher in pitch until you’re clenching around Jethro’s fingers, calling out a litany of curses with a healthy dose of his name mixed in. You drop back into the seat, boneless, with a final, “Oh my god.”
Jethro slips his slick-coated fingers out of your still throbbing cunt and points out your window to another billboard flying by, then runs his sinful tongue along his fingers, groaning at your taste. “I’m always right,” he asserts with a content hum, “and I win.”
LJG tags 🖤 @ilovemark1951 @doctorwhofan24
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alisonsfics · 7 months
pairing: tony dinozzo x reader
summary: mcgee notices that tony is nicer to you than he is to anyone else on the team, so he calls him out on it. then, tony has to swoop in to protect you from your aggressive boyfriend.
word count: 2.2k
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You, Tony, and McGee had just made it back to the office after visiting a crime scene. McGee was mad at Tony because he let you sit in the front seat.
“McGee don’t look so sad. You’ll get frown lines.” Tony said, looking over at McGee pouting. He just glared at Tony. “McGee, I would’ve given you the seat if I knew you cared this much.” You told him, honestly.
“Thank you, but I’m not mad at you. I’m mad at Tony.” He said, giving you a smile and then glaring at Tony.
You giggled to yourself at their childish nature. Tony and McGee were always feuding over something. “You are the probie. Y/N has seniority, therefore, she gets shotgun.” Tony explained.
McGee just rolled his eyes. You walked over to McGee’s desk and hugged him from behind. He rested his hand on your arm. “I’m sorry, Tim,” you said, kissing the top of his head.
“Tony, you are so full of it. It’s not a seniority issue. It’s because you think she’s pretty, which you are, of course.” McGee explained his point. Tony was shocked. Of course, Tony was absolutely attracted to you, but for McGee to reveal that.
“Do you give me special treatment because you think I’m pretty, Dinozzo?” You asked him, cocking your head to the side. Ducky, who was walking by at the time, replied “of course he does.”
“I think you’re jealous, McGee” Tony suggested, desperate to change the subject. You leaned your head to rest on McGee’s shoulder. “Don’t listen to him, Timmy.” You whispered before heading down to Abby’s lab to discuss something with her.
When you came back up, Tony was eating a sandwich at his desk. “Oh that smells really good. Is that from Bert’s deli down the street?” You asked, sitting down at your desk. Tony nodded his head and gestured for you to come over.
“Take a bite,” he encouraged, as he handed you the sandwich. He stared intently as you took a bite, watching your reaction. “Mmm, that’s good. Thank you,” you said, kissing him on his cheek.
Tony had a cheeky grin on his face. You turned around and saw McGee was frowning again. “What’s wrong, McProbie,” Tony teased.
“I missed lunch and asked if I could have some of your sandwich. You told me no.” McGee said, with his jaw clenched. Tony slid his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. “Not to damper your confidence, McGee, but you’re not as pretty as Y/N is,” Tony said, smiling up at you.
Gibbs walks in the room, causing you to run back to your desk. Gibbs didn’t even say a word. He just pointed at McGee. “The system is still running. We haven’t got any hits yet.” McGee said, bracing for the wrath of Gibbs.
You noticed the disappointed expression on Gibbs’s face. “I got it, boss,” Tony said, throwing a balled-up piece of paper at McGee.
Gibbs turned to you next. “I’m still trying to get the files from the police department. They are being slow to respond though.” you explained. Gibbs nodded, and no piece of paper came flying at you.
McGee looked around, not believing what he was seeing. “Nothing for her? Really?” McGee asked, looking over at Tony.
“She’s his favorite. That’s how it goes,” Gibbs said, shrugging.
You stopped him. “Wait, what do you mean favorite?” You asked, curiously. Gibbs assumed this was common knowledge.
“Everyone’s got a favorite. Mine is Abby. Abby’s is McGee. You are Tony’s,” Gibbs explained. You considered what he was saying, and it made sense.
“I’m honored, Tony.” You said, smiling at him. He held up his hand in a salute. “No problem,” He said, giving you a cheeky wink.
“I want more answers when I get back.” Gibbs said, storming out of the room.
You stared at your silent phone, praying for the police department to call you back. You continued sending them emails and waiting for the phone to ring.
“Tony, I’m bored,” you whined, looking over at him. He could have melted from the sweet expression on your face. “C’mere,” he waved you over his desk.
You quickly walked over to his desk and sat on the side of it. “Entertain me,” you begged him. He rolled his chair closer to you. After placing his hand on your knee, he leaned in close to you. “I could find us an empty conference room. I could keep you entertained for at least an hour.” He jokingly flirted.
You giggled to yourself, moving his hand back down to your knee from where it had been inching up your leg. “I don’t think my boyfriend would appreciate that very much.” You admitted.
Tony frowned. He hated whenever you brought up your boyfriend. From what Tony heard from you, he wasn’t the best guy. Also, the few times they had spoken, your boyfriend was an asshole to Tony. Tony hated that you stayed with him.
“I don’t know what you mean. Your boyfriend is right here, and he doesn’t mind at all.” He said, gesturing towards himself. Joke flirting was one of the main ways you and Tony communicated, but some times it felt less and less like a joke.
“You’ll have to settle for work-boyfriend. Only if you play your cards right though,” you teased him.
You grabbed his hands in yours, pulling him to stand up. You spread your legs, so he could stand right in front of you. You wrapped your arms around his waist, hugging him. He slid his arms around your back, holding you tightly.
“I hate Baltimore PD. They’re dodging all my calls.” You complained into Tony’s chest. He used one hand to stroke your hair. “I could make some calls for you and see if I could pull some strings.” He offered, making you smile.
You squeezed him tighter. “Thank you thank you thank you,” you said, enthusiastically.
“Of course, I mean you’re the prettiest one here. You could probably ask me to do all work, and I would just say yes.” Tony said, shooting glares over at McGee for his earlier statement.
“Why the hell are you hitting on my girlfriend?” You heard someone yell behind you. You turned quickly and saw Kevin, your boyfriend. Tony instantly felt the mood change. He saw how aggressive Kevin looked.
You stepped in front of Kevin, keeping him from getting any closer to Tony. “Honey, Tony was just kidding,” you told him, trying to keep Tony uninvolved.
“Come on, McGoober,” Tony said, walking away with McGee to give you both some privacy. Kevin wasn’t done yet. “I’m keeping my eye on you,” he called after Tony.
Tony looked over his shoulder to make sure you were safe. You gave him a small nod. Tony and McGee sat down in the break room. “Why don’t you tell her how you feel?” McGee asked Tony.
Tony glared over at McGee. “And how do I feel about her?” He asked, playing dumb. Tony wasn’t exactly loving McGee trying to play relationship counselor.
“C’mon, you like her, Tony. You’re always smiling when she’s around. You get all excited when you see her. There’s nothing wrong with that.” McGee told him. Tony knew he was right. He knew he had feelings for you, but he shouldn’t.
“Yeah, except for that one thing. What was it? Oh yeah, that she has a boyfriend!” Tony said. His tone was dripping with sarcasm. McGee felt for his friend. “She has a shitty boyfriend that’s an asshole to her and her friends. You really think she’d pick that over her friend who cares about her more than anything?” McGee tried to reason with Tony.
Tony sighed to himself. He hated how complicated love was. He had found the perfect girl, but she was with someone else.
Someone else walked into the break room. As the door was briefly open, Tony heard you yelling at Kevin.
He jumped up from his seat, heading slowly back towards you and Kevin. He wanted to give you space to handle it, but also wanted to be close if Kevin crossed a line.
“Kevin, I said leave.” You snapped. Kevin grabbed your wrist forcefully.
Tony ran over immediately. He yanked Kevin’s hand off of you and stood in between the two of you.
“Hey, buddy. Pretty sure she asked you to leave,” Tony snapped. His fists were clenched at his side, and he was fuming. “Why don’t you just stay out of this? I’m trying to have a conversation with my girlfriend, not her coworker who’s hot for her.” Kevin countered, trying to push Tony to the side.
Tony flipped him around and slammed him against the wall. “Unless you want to get charged with assaulting two federal agents, you’re going to leave now and leave her alone.” Tony growled in his ear, shoving him towards the elevator.
As soon as the elevator doors closed, Tony raced over to you. “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” He asked, examining your wrist for any bruises.
“I’m okay, Tony,” you said, a few tears slipping out of your eyes. He wrapped his arms around your waist, giving you a tight hug.
“I don’t want to cry on your shirt.” You said, trying to pull away from him. He tightened his grip. “I don’t mind, I promise.” He said, softly.
“Oh, why do you stay with him?” Tony muttered, thinking out loud. He continued to rub your back, trying to comfort you. “Who else am I supposed to date? You?” You asked him, and you felt him freeze. You didn’t even realize you said it until the words were out of your mouth.
“Let’s go get some fresh air.” Tony said, pulling you out to the balcony and sitting next to you on a bench.
You leaned your head over on his shoulder. “I’m sorry that Kevin tried to drag you into our fight. He told me that he slept with another woman this weekend. When I got mad and started yelling at him, he tried to justify it by saying that you and I must have hooked up at least a few times.” You explained the situation to him.
“Inside, you scoffed at the idea of dating me. Am I really that terrible?” He asked you, referring to your previous conversation. You quickly shook your head. “No, I just meant you wouldn’t reciprocate the way I feel about you. I didn’t think you would be a bad boyfriend at all.” You told him.
Tony tilted his head to the side, replaying what you said in his head. “And how do you feel about me?” Tony asked you, curiously. After years of waiting, he was almost there.
“That doesn’t matter. I knew you’d never feel the same way,” you deflected, worrying about Tony looking at you differently.
“I have been flirting with you for years trying to get you to see that I feel exactly the same way.” He whispered, leaning over towards your ear. You felt a shiver run down your spine. Did Tony really feel the same way?
“I thought you just had a flirty personality. I didn’t think anything of it.” You confessed. You knew it sounded stupid now. Tony chuckled to himself. “Nope, just with you,” he replied, nudging you with his leg.
You looked up at him. You could almost see a twinkle in his eye. “I know I shouldn’t, but I really wanna kiss you right now.” He said, almost like he was under your trance.
“Why shouldn’t you?” You asked him, scooting closer to him. “Well your very angry boyfriend probably wouldn’t appreciate it the most.” He said, glancing down at your lips.
You shook your head. “Ex-boyfriend. I was kicking him out cause I dumped him,” you corrected him.
As soon as Tony heard the words come out of your mouth, his lips were on yours. He didn’t want to waste a second.
His hands traced down your sides, landing on your hips. His thumbs drew little circles against your skin. You ran your fingers through his hair causing him to smile into the kiss.
He tightened his grip on your waist, picking you up so you were sitting in his lap facing him. “I’ve got you, sweetheart,” he whispered, in response to your shocked expression.
You wrapped your legs behind his back, and he moved his grip to the back of your legs. You held on tightly to him as he stood up, carrying you.
His lips didn’t leave yours for a second. He was in love with the taste of your strawberry lipgloss. He was sure it was all over his face, but he didn’t care.
He walked over to the wall, pushing you up against it. “You look so beautiful.” He mumbled against your lips. You smirked, seeing the effect that you had on him.
You both heard the door to the balcony slam open. “Taking the favoritism too far, Dinozzo. Back to work, both of you.” Gibbs snapped at you both.
You both rushed back to your desks. McGee noticed the shiny lipgloss covering Tony’s lips and the slight pink on his cheeks. McGee knew he was right about both of you.
Tony grinned at you over the top of his computer. He knew you’d both be finishing that later.
taglist: @laurakirsten0502 @miraclesoflove @nathaliabakes @millipop18 @azghedaheda @shyinadarkplace @vanteguccir @missroro @guacam011y @sw33t-cupid @ice-dtae @leyannrae @sia2raw @nyx2021 @just-a-littlebit-of-everything @shyconversationalbookworm @shadowhuntyi @visenyaverse @ruzannetheseahorse @superdeath @wandaswifeyforlifey @spookyqueen @mcuswhore @bookwormchick91 @princess-evans-addict @n3ssm0nique @peakascum @cjand10 @namsey1987 @multitargaryen @stephv213 @warriormirkwood @one-sweet-gubler @narliesstuff @bibissparkles @happygirl-0408
Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist for all my imagines or for a specific character/fandom!!
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ncis-yp · 2 months
Get in the Truck (Jethro Gibbs x reader) [SMUT]
The bullpen was quiet ever since you and Jethro had your big argument while you were out investigating a case and the pair of you wouldn’t talk to each other. Tony and McGee exchanged quiet looks of uncertainty as Gibbs walked in.
You sat now at your desk, fuming. You looked up at him as he passed you.
“You have a problem, (l/n)?” He asked. You hadn’t responded. “Do you have a problem, (y/n)?” You continued to glare at him. “I asked you a question Marine, answer me.”
“No.” You said coldly. His icy blue eyes staring right into yours. Two fiery glares being exchanged in silence.
“(Y/n) what exactly happened out there?” McGee asked.
“Yeah… I’m with McNosy on this one” Tony agreed.
“I said something he didn’t like. I did something he didn’t like.” you respond not looking up from your paperwork. They boys had receded back to their work, leaving you be… you obviously weren’t in the mood. Jethro clenched his jaw.
What felt like hours later, you grew bored of your filing work and grabbed the remaining 20 something files, you dropped them onto his desk. You locked eyes with him as they landed with a deep thud. You decided you would go toe to toe with you boss and boyfriend at the same time.
“Here Jethro. That’s for you” you say and grab your coat. “I’m taking my lunch break” you walked out. It was his turn to fume now. Tony and McGee looked at each other as they argument was waiting to break out. He glared daggers into your back as you stalked to the elevator.
“Boss…” DiNozzo began.
“Shut it.” Gibbs stood up and followed you. “You know (y/n) pretty stupid of you to tell your boss what you were gonna do” he said following you.
“Oh god Gibbs grow up” you reply walking towards your car. “Boss, boyfriend, what are you? You can’t play both roles at once you know”
You turned abruptly to face him.
“Yes I can” he replied. “You crossed the line”
“Oh, I crossed the line, baby? I crossed the line!?” You were now literally inches away from him. You could feel his body heat. “I wasn’t the one that started bringing out personal affairs into it. I wasn’t the one that decided it’d be a good idea to just, I don’t know, casually tell someone that “you’re always so belligerent (y/n) you don’t listen, the only time you’ve ever listened to me is in bed, and you barely do that””
Jethro couldn’t deny it, he was incredibly turned on by you. Your anger made your eyes sparkle, the way your jaw flexed as you glared at him.
“Im sorry I crossed the line (y/n) but you are not allowed to tell me how to do my job when I’m on the field because at work, I’m the boss.” He spoke. “You don’t listen. You don’t immediately do as I tell you, quite frankly, you have gotten belligerent.”
“Then fuck it out of me” you say through gritted teeth. “Fuck the belligerency right out of me”
“Get in the truck.” His eyes darkened. “Now. And (l/n) do not make me ask you again” you walked to the truck, he pushed you against the door and caught you in a heated kiss. Unlocking the door behind you. You undid your coat, and he undid his throwing it into the truck bed as you opened the door.
You got inside and scooted back as he crawled between your legs, closing the door behind you. His mouth reconnected to yours roughly. His hands followed the natural curve of your clothing as you moaned into his mouth. His calloused hands met the waistband of your pants as yours found his belt. You teased his growth as he assaulted your neck. He bucked his hips as he groaned.
“Fuck” you heard the desire in his voice.He made easy work of undoing your pants with an easy few flicks of his wrist. Unzipping his pants, he easily slipped himself out as you let your pants down.
He slid into you, a deep guttural groan leaving him. You moaned into his mouth as he roughly fucked you. Not wasting anytime in relieving himself and chasing to relieve you. The tangled moans that es the two of you would’ve been a symphony to any outside listeners.
Your moans and whimpers raised higher in pitch as he thrusted sloppier and sloppier as his orgasm neared. Hard thrusts earned him a rough bite on his neck.
“Fuck (y/n)” he groaned into your neck as his sporadic thrusts were being to speed up. Your walls clenched around him, causing a grunt to roll off his tongue. You were a whole other story.
You were actively losing your mind. Your composure had slipped, moans and curses slurred together as he fucked. Your own hand has drawn down to your clit to rub the circles you needed to make your body stiffen. Your mouth laid open in pleasure as you orgasmed. Cursing his name as he came simultaneously with you.
“God, (y/n)” he pulled out of you, grabbed a wipe from the pack he kept in the glove compartment. He cleaned you as best as he could before caring for himself. You laid on the truck seat with a dazed smile on your face.
“What gorgeous?” He smirked. As he opened the door and stood up. Looking around as he fixed his pants and boxers, pulling them up.
“Best sex I think I’ve ever had” you reply. You stood close to Gibbs and rearranged yourself . Your two bodies warm. You tuck in his shirt and zip and button his pants. He watched as you did so. You kissed him as you redid his belt.
“I think can top it” he shrugged.
“Hm. Top me tonight after dinner”
“Are you telling me what to do (l/n)? While we’re at work?” He questioned.
“No sir” you respond, teasing him. You giggled as you hugged him. He kissed the top of your head. He let go and the two of you began walking back to the office. Giggling and walking around like a goofball. Dickdrunk and high off serotonin.
“Report to the house by 1900 hours” Gibbs ordered. You smirked as you stood in place.
“Yes sir” you saluted him.
“What marine?”
“Yes sir”
“What time are you to report to the house, marine?”
“1900 hours”
“At ease soldier” the two of you laughed as you locked hands. He kissed your temple. “You’re my good girl” he whispered in your ear as you got in the elevator. You smile.
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Baby Thoughts
Prompt: You never really thought about having children with your boyfriend, until a situation brings it up.
Mentions of OD Death, baby neglect.
"Look. I'm just a small fish in a big pond. I'm not the one selling that stuff, Julie is," the jittery man across the interrogation table explained to you and McGee. The both of you had been pulling as much information as you could out of him in correlation with your investigation in the death of a Marine but he wasn't much help.
"Alright. Well where can we find Julie?" McGee asked, writing everything down in a pad.
"She's been staying in the Independence hotel on 5th. Room 36. That's the last place I saw her."
Satisfied with a lead, as small as it was, you stood with McGee and exited the room, joining the rest of the team in the squad room.
"Got an address boss," McGee updated.
Jethro got up from his seat, grabbing his coffee and began walking towards the elevators while giving orders.
"DiNozzo, Torres, you two go see if the nearby gas station has any security footage of our Marine's murder, McGee, you're with me and Y/N."
Both you and Tim raced to your desks to retrieve your weapons and then to the elevators before Jethro shut the doors.
- - - -
You sat shotgun as Jethro drove to the address, pulling up to a rundown looking Motel. It wasn't in the greatest neighborhood and you were already dealing with a suspected drug deal gone bad, so you were on high alert. The three of you got out, surveilling your surroundings before heading to Room 36. The distant sound of a baby crying could be heard from inside the room as Jethro knocked loudly.
"Julie Oscrow, NCIS!"
There was no answer so Jethro knocked again as McGee checked the windows.
"Can't see anything boss."
A knot formed in your stomach as Jethro pulled his gun out, you and McGee following suit as he opened the door. Once you entered the room, you noticed two things immediately. The terrible smell that entered your nose and the sight of a woman on the floor, foam pooling from her mouth.
"Y/N, call it in," Jethro ordered before rushing over to her and preforming CPR.
Holstering your weapon, you pulled your phone out and dialed for EMS as McGee cleared the rest of the hotel room. It wasn't long before Jethro stopped, knowing that she was past saving, you putting a comforting hand on his shoulder.
"Hey boss, we got a problem," McGee announced from the bedroom. You both made your way over and saw what he was referring to.
Sitting in a makeshift playpen made from a couple of large boxes was a baby no more than two years old, crying their heart out. Jethro wasted no time in taking care of the situation, picking them up and patting their back, while shushing gently. You just stared as he swayed with the infant who began calming down and wiping their tear streaked face.
"McGee, call Ducky and Jimmy, let them know we have a body," he spoke while motioning you over. You walked over as he handed you the baby, who had begun crying again.
"Hold him for a second while I make a bottle."
You didn't have any skill in handling babies but tried your best to mimic Jethro's actions from before and were thoroughly surprised when it worked immediately. Jethro gave you a small smile, moving your hand so it supported his neck.
"You're a natural, Y/N."
You just chuckled nervously and watched him rummage in the diaper bag that was on the bed, pulling out a bottle and a little packet before heading back into the other room and filling it with water. You looked at the little baby in your arms, his onesie stained with drool and God knows what else and couldn't help but feel a weird pull in your heart. You felt a instinctual need to protect him and keep him close to you. Part of you didn't even want to give him back to Jethro once the bottle was ready which you felt he sensed.
"Here, hold him like this," he instructed, positioning the baby in your arms. He began eating vigorously once the nipple reached his mouth, as his little hands clutched onto yours. You enjoyed the endearing moment and didn't miss the look of love Jethro gave you before going over to help McGee canvas the crime scene.
- - - -
You sat in the back of the ambulance, still holding the now sleeping baby in your arms, wrapped in a thin blanket. Jethro had changed his diaper and dressed him in something less dirty before EMS arrived and gave him a once over. You volunteered to stay with the baby while you waited for Child Services to arrive as McGee and the rest of the team investigated the crime scene. Jethro was finishing up a phone call before he came to join you in the ambulance, sitting down beside you and pressing a kiss to the side of your head.
"You'd make a great mother, you know," he whispered, making you smile.
"You think so?"
"I do."
You thought about the question that had been bugging you the last half hour and finally decided to just ask it.
"Would you have a baby with me Jethro?"
You could see the hesitation in his eyes, memories of his past family most likely surfacing as he took a breath before speaking.
"I would be lying if I said I haven't thought about it. I couldn't see myself having one with no one else but you. But we can talk about that later."
You accepted his vague answer, actually getting more out of him than you thought you have and rested your head on his shoulder.
"Plus, I'd want you to be my wife before that and this is not how I planned on asking," he added.
You whipped your head up to look at him and he chuckled, giving you a quick kiss on the lips and getting up.
"Child Services should be here any minute. I'm going to finish up with the team, come join us when you're done."
You nodded, smile still etched on your face from his previous comment and watched him leave. Looking back down at the little boy in your arms, you whispered a small thanks. Even thought his circumstances were unfortunate, you couldn't help but be grateful to the progress in your relationship he caused.
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writeandsurvive · 8 months
Author's note: just a little Gibbs idea I've had in mind. Maybe I'll get back to writing for him more... :) maybe it's because I'm binging NCIS from the beginning again. I tried to keep it as gender neutral as possible, hope I did well. Also, it's not proofread and I'm not a native English speaker.
Summary: you're babysitting your brother's twins by yourself and ends up calling for help.
Warnings: age gap, I guess?, talk of near death experience, taking care of babies, reader not wanting kids, siblings banter
Babysitting ~ Leroy Jethro Gibbs
"Are you sure you're up for this?"
"Seriously? It's the fourth time you're asking. We're gonna be just fine!" You reassured your brother, as you're sitting on the play mat your ten months old nephew and niece. If you were completely honest, you were a bit anxious about babysitting the twins all by yourself as it was the first time. But you couldn't let your brother know that, as he was already struggling to leave.
"All you have to do is feed them, change their diapers at some point and put them to bed." He got down to pick up his daughter, finally saying goodbye.
"I promise they will be alive and in one piece when you come back. Hopefully, tomorrow morning." You grinned at him before grabbing your nephew and gentle holding him on his feet. "Now go daddy, have fun." You said with a baby voice, like it was your little dude saying it. After one more kiss to his girl, he put her down and did the same with his son.
"It's just a work thing." He told you for the umpteenth time.
"Yeah, but the beautiful single mom from your office will be there."
"She left just a month ago. I'm so not ready to jump into anything." He couldn't bring himself to say the name of his wife and mother of his children. One day, she just decided that being a mom and a wife wasn't for her and she took off. Which is why you were babysitting that night.
"Don't jump into anything, just jump on her."
"On those elegant words, I'm out. Bye babies, I love you!" He sent them kisses as he was walking towards the door. "What are you doing?" He asked when he noticed you were following.
"Going to a party of course!"
"Don't leave them out of your sight! Even for one second!" He scolded.
"They are on their mat, playing!"
"And your niece is starting to crawl!"
"Just leave and bang someone."
"And you wonder why you're still single..."
He finally left but not without holding his shoulder after you punched him.
"Okay babies! We can do this, right?"
Turned out, you couldn't. Or at least, it wasn't going as smoothly as you thought it would. Shortly after your brother left, your niece started to cry her heart out, wondering why daddy wasn't there, for sure. Then, your nephew decided that he wasn't going to eat. The food didn't seem yucky to you but it was to him, and he thought throwing around and at you was funny. So did your niece. By this time, your brother had already texted you twice and you obviously lied. The little boy being covered in soft food, you decided to give them both a bath, hoping it'd tired them a bit. But they both were very much against the baby shower gel, and your niece pooped in the tub. Which made everyone almost throw up.
After a (very) long struggle, they were finally in their PJs, clean and ready for bed. You thought a break was coming, but your niece had a meltdown. Which caused your nephew to have one too. You didn't know what was wrong, you tried everything you could to calm them both but nothing was working. You contemplated calling your brother several times, but it was his first night out since she left and you didn't want to ruin it for him. After over an hour of struggle, you did call someone.
"Gibbs," he answered.
"How much do you love me?" You immediately asked over the crying. You barely heard him chuckle.
"I'm on my way."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you! I owe you one!"
You didn't know how long it took your team leader to show up at your brother's house. But somehow, as you were trying to soothe the twins on your brother's bed, you felt a presence behind you. "How did you get in? You know what, I don't care. Help me, please, I don't know what to do."
Whether or not the twins noticed that there was someone else in the room, they weren't stopping. Gibbs got closer to you, look down at the twins. "First, you're gonna take a deep breath."
"They are crying bloody murder!" You exclaimed.
"The more frustrated and anxious you get, the more they'll cry." You felt his hand on your shoulder and his gentle squeeze. You closed your eyes, tried to block the noises and took a deep breath.
"Now, are they fed? Changed?"
You wanted to give him a snarky comment as you always do, but didn't have the patience for it. So you just said yes.
He grabbed your niece into his arms, "Grab this little guy and do what I'm doing." You followed his instructions. Holding and bouncing your little man a certain way. After the eventful evening, you almost missed how incredible Gibbs looked with a baby in his arms, how gentle and soft he was. Such a natural. You nearly stopped everything when you heard him starting to sing a lullaby. It was quiet and you could barely hear him above the crying. That's when you realized that only your nephew was still crying. "You stopped." He warned you. "Don't get frustrated, hon. Sing to him."
You took another deep breath and did as told. Slowly, your nephew was calming down. It was magic.
"Lead the way to their bedroom." He whispered.
He put down in the little girl in her crib, and helped you putting down the baby boy, as he noticed you were too scared of waking him up. You stayed there for a moment, silently looking down at them, Gibbs right next to you.
"It's official, I do not want kids."
Gibbs chuckled and slid his hand in the back of your neck, bringing you to him so he could kiss your hair. You took the opportunity to go for a hug and he gently returned it. It suddenly became much easier to breathe.
"Is the baby monitor on?"
You checked, and grabbed the part you were supposed to keep with you.
"I need to change." You said after leaving the bedroom.
"You can take a shower."
"Do I look that bad?"
"You look like you need to relax."
"True. Will you be there when I get out?"
"Yes, give me the monitor." You did and felt shivers all over your body as his long fingers brushed against yours.
"Grab anything you want from the fridge. I'll be quick."
"No rush."
It was one of the most amazing shower you've ever had.
You knew you didn't want to have children most of your adult life, but it just got confirmed. You didn't want this to be your daily life. You loved kids, and you loved the twins more than anything in the world, but you didn't need one of your own.
When you reached the kitchen, it was sparkling clean. The big mess from dinner was gone. The toys were put away. Gibbs had his back turned to you as he was doing the dishes. "I don't know if I want to scold you or kiss you." You regretted the last words as soon as they got out.
Gibbs looked at you over his shoulder with a smile. "You're welcome."
"Seriously, you didn't have to!"
"No problem! You accepted to babysit twins after the crappy days we've had at work."
"Yeah," you sighed, remembering the awful case the team dealt with and only closed a few hours ago.
"How you feeling?" He asked, turning off the water and drying off his hands.
"How you feeling?" You retorted, earning a shy smirk from Gibbs.
"I'm fine." He reassured you, or at least, tried.
You got closer to him, grabbing the hand towel for him to put it away, and locked eyes with this man you've been in love with for a very long time. "You almost got killed, Gibbs." You said barely above a whisper.
"It comes with the job." He just said.
"Doesn't make it okay when it's such a close call." You could see the scene again. The bullet rushing so close to his head. A few centimeters to the left and Gibbs wouldn't be anymore. That thought hurt. It scared you more than anything else. And you couldn't control the tears forming in your eyes.
"I'm okay." He said one more time, knowing that you needed to hear it. So did he.
You felt his arms slowly wrapping around you, and before you knew it, your face was buried in his neck, as you inhaled his unique scent deeply. You held onto him tightly. "I can't lose you. Not you. Ever."
But you would, one day. Him being older than you, you knew that and Gibbs definitely knew it too. Which is why he never acted on his attraction and feelings for you. He knew you were feeling the same, he knew you were in love with him - even though he couldn't understand why or how. He could easily have given in, and enjoy whatever moments with you. But he refused. He couldn't do that to you, nor to himself. Everyday in this job, he could lose you too. That bullet could've been for you and not miss. Losing Shannon - and Kelly - was the hardest thing he's ever had to go through, and he couldn't bare the idea of losing another partner, especially you.
Which was why he tried to get you to leave NCIS several in the past few years. At first, it was pointing out how this job sucks - he loves it but he's a bit of masochist -, how you'd be better off doing something safe. Then it was introducing you to someone who had move on from this job and never felt better. And lately, it was asking Vance to find you a desk job you would actually enjoy. But nothing worked. You were still there, by his side, in harm's way.
Would it hurt to give in just this once? He wondered as he felt you clutching onto him. You fitted so perfectly in his arms, you smelled so good. You were showing your vulnerability, which you rarely do, with anyone and Gibbs found it very appealing.
He was looking down at you, you were looking up. He could lean in a few inches and his lips would reach yours. He started to, very slowly. But before it happened, your phone went off. You rushed to it, not to answer but mostly to shut it down, after it would wake up the twins, despite them being upstairs.
"Seriously!" You said after picking up.
"Just wanted to check in. Are they safely in bed?" You rolled your eyes.
"Of course not, I told you we were having a party. Can't you hear the music? Do they prefer scotch or bourbon?" You saw Gibbs smiling.
"You suck."
"So do you. Go back, and enjoy your night out, idiot."
"Hey, wait. Are you--sure it's not too soon for me?"
"She left, bro. Screw her. Whether it's a one time thing or more, as long as you're happy with it, just go for it. You deserve some fun."
"Says you, who can't move on from her boss, even though nothing ever happened. I mean, I tried to introduce you to some nice pe--" you hung up before he could finish. You knew Gibbs hear the entire thing.
"I'm, uh, gonna check on the twins."
But he held you back. "They are fine." He whispered.
"You already knew, didn't you?" You could look into his magnificent blue eyes. "That's why you've been trying to get rid of me?"
He sighed and brought you closer. His nose in your hair, his lips against your forehead. "I can't lose you either." He whispered, returning the vulnerability you showed earlier.
Hearing those words, you didn't think twice. You lifted your head up and crashed your lips on his. Gibbs didn't have the strength nor will to fight it. He intensified the kiss quickly, backing you up against the wall, where it happened for the very first time.
First of many.
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ncis-best · 4 months
Gibbs: Y/n did you slap Tony?
Y/n: no….
Tony: Yes you did!!!!!
Y/n: nooo I didn’t
Tony: YES YOU DID.!!!!
Y/n: NO I DIDNT!!!!
Tony: YES YOU DID!!!
Y/n: YES I DID!!!
Y/n: see Gibbs I didn’t.
Tony: wha-
Gibbs: good girl.
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ash-whimsicalfanfic · 11 months
Hope things are going well for you!
Could you do a Gibbs x y/n where there son falls at home and gets a broken arm and y/n feels horrible/guilty that she let it happen under her watch. He meets them at the ER where the son refuses to let him go and y/n won't meet his eye. On the way home he holds her hand and convinces there son that his cast is cool and he can ask others to sign it. When they get home he goes to play. Gibbs finds y/n crying asks him "why am I such a bad parent"
Bad Mom?
Leroy Jethro Gibbs X Fem OC/Reader
Word Count: 2461
Warnings: Mild language, blood, injury, gore, angst…
A/N: Hopefully, this is okay! I really enjoyed writing this! Sorry it took so long for me to get this done! Xx
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You hum softly as you continue working on the salad to go with dinner. Jethro would be home a little later, but you always make sure he comes home to a nice, relaxing dinner.
Your guys’ son, Maddox Leroy Gibbs, was upstairs playing with his newest birthday gift. Jethro had got him a wood-carving kit and now Maddox couldn't keep his hands off it.
All of a sudden, you heard thumps before the most pained scream you've ever heard. You dropped the glass bowl of salad, ignoring the glass shattering on the ground as you race towards the crying.
There was Maddox laid on the ground, cradling his arm. You fall to your knees beside him and gently grab him.
"Baby, hey, I need you to tell me what happened. What hurts?" You ask softly.
"M-My arm!" He wails.
You gently pull his hand away as your stomach flips and your throat tightens seeing blood and bone. He screams, wailing louder.
"Look away." You demand as you stand, picking him up as you grab the keys and your phone on the way out.
You barely were able to lock the door as you run out towards your car. You get him in the booster seat, grabbing the first aid kit and quickly taping gals over it loosely so he wouldn't be able to see it.
You hurry to the drivers side, starting to drive the way that Jethro drives. You open your phone with shaky hands and dial his number. It rings and rings until it says his mailbox was full. You throw the phone down in the seat next to you as your shaky hands grip the wheel tighter as you break every driving law to make it to the hospital.
You were out of your car, running to his side of the car as you swung the door open, picking him up and running inside. Immediately nurses flank you, having you place him on a gurney before your told to move your car.
You felt irritated, but you also understood. You quickly move you car before finding your way inside. You weren't allowed to go in the room with him as they had an officer on the way to question you. You knew they thought this was some abuse case, but it wasn't. You grab your phone dialing his number again and you kept dialing until he finally answered.
"Hon, I'm in the middle of a case right now." He says irritated.
"J-Jethro, h-he fell down the stairs and he hurt his arm really bad. T-They won't let me see him! They have an officer coming to question me because they think this an a-abuse case!" You sob into the phone, ignoring the nurses who gave you the stink-eye.
"Hon, I'm on my way. Do not answer any questions. Tell them your waiting on me." He says sternly.
Before you could say anything, he had hung up. You let your head fall into your hands as you cry harder.
"I want my mom!" He wails and you stand as you rush towards him.
"Ma'am, you can't see him until you've been questioned and cleared." A nurse snaps, pushing at you.
"He's my son! I'd never hurt him! Let me see him!" You snap, trying to push through towards your son.
"Mommy!" He wails.
"It's okay, baby! Daddy's on his way!" You say as tears fall down your cheeks and big burly security guards push you back towards the little sitting area in the hallway.
They cuff your hands behind your back and make you sit as you refused to leave. You looked at the ground, your head racing as terrible thoughts went through your head.
Jethro parks his car hastily, getting out of the car as his team followed him in. He tried to get them to stay and work on the case, but they refused. Maddox was their nephew and they'd do anything for the kid.
Jethro walks in, his eyes finding you. For a brief moment, he felt relief until he saw the cuffs on your wrists.
"Take the cuffs off her, now." He barks, striding towards you.
"Sir—now!" He interrupts.
The security guard fumbles with the keys as he roughly pulls you up before Jethro pinned him against the wall. Tony grabs the keys off the floor, undoing the cuffs on your wrists.
"Don't you ever put your hands on my wife like that again." He warns.
"Hey sweet cheeks, your okay." Tony murmurs as he hugs you.
"They won't let me see him." You mumble numbly into his chest.
"They will once Gibbs is through with them." He teases and you couldn't help the small shaky smile.
"Hon, come on." Jethro says.
You walk towards him, keeping your eyes casted to the floor. His arm wraps around your waist protectively as he walks towards the desk.
"Where is my son?" He demands.
"S-She needs to be questioned." The nurse says weakly.
"My wife wouldn't ever lay a hand on our son. He fell down the stairs, kids have accidents all the time. Let me see our damn son." He snaps.
"O-Of course, right this way sir." She says and starts to lead us towards the room he was in.
You hesitate and hang back towards the doorway as Jethro heads towards Maddox who was sat up in the bed with a light blue cast on his arm.
“Daddy!” He exclaims, throwing himself towards Jethro who chuckles and catches him.
You catch sight of stitches across his eyebrows and you let a shaky breath out.
“Careful buddy, you can take someone out with that thing.” Jethro teases which makes Maddox giggle.
“I don’t really like it. It’s going to stop me from being able to do my wood carvings.” He pouts.
“I think it’s a really cool cast. You can have people sign it even! And you can take a break from the wood carving, son. I’ll get you some more while you got the cast on so we can let the supplies build up.” He says.
“Okay! Uncle Tony, will you sign my cast?” He asks.
“Of course! I even so happen to have a sharpie on me!” He exclaims with a childish grin.
Your heart aches and you sit down as you watch Maddox with soft and sad eyes. Jethro was in the corner of the room, on the phone with director as he kept an eye on Maddox as well.
You look away from Maddox and at the floor when a nurse walks in. She looks at you as if you had the plague, in which Maddox notices and frowns.
“Why are you looking at my mommy that way?” He snaps.
The nurse was taken aback as you look up alarmed. You stand, walking over to the bed and reach a shaky hand out to brush his hair away from his eyes. You leave a kiss on his head.
“It’s okay, baby.” You murmur.
He looks at you confused. He was a smart child for his age. He definitely had his fathers profiling skills, that’s for sure. He looks back at the nurse, his eye narrowing as he latches onto you, hugging you tightly. Jethro was grinning in the corner as your lips part in surprise.
“Ma’am, we still have to follow protocol.” The nurse says in which your heart shatters.
“Protocol? Mommy, what’s she talking about?” He asks, looking up at you with Jethro’s blue eyes.
“It’s nothing, baby. Mommy will be back, I promise.” You murmur.
“No. I’ll be back, buddy. Mommy will stay with you.” Jethro says.
You watch confused as he leaves with the timid nurse. Tony throws an arm over your shoulder and smiles.
“Trust me, boss will handle it. Your a good mom, don’t let them tell you otherwise.” He says.
“Are they saying your a bad mommy?” Maddox asks confused.
“I-I, no…they just have to follow protocols they put in place to keep people safe.” You explain slowly.
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Thankfully, Jethro was back quickly and even somehow managed to get his prescriptions whilst filling out the discharge papers. Jethro sent the team back in the work car and was going to drive you and Maddox home. Tony offered to drive Jethro’s car home, but you settled on taking Jethro to work tomorrow as you felt guilty for calling him from work early.
Maddox was asleep in the backseat, and you were focused on the building and other structures out your window. Jethro kept glancing over, sensing you weren’t okay. He grabs your hands and squeezes it gently.
“Sorry I snapped at you on the phone earlier today, hon. I don’t want you to think you can’t call me. For now on, I’ll answer immediately if I’m not out in the field.” He promises.
“Jethro, I’m not upset you didn’t answer or that you snapped at me. I know your working on a case right now.” You say softly.
“Then what has you upset?” He asks as he pulls into the driveway.
“Nothing.” You lie, getting out of the car.
“I’ll get him. You get the door opened.” He says.
You nod, heading towards the door and unlocking it. You are greeted with blood on the ground and you immediately grab your cleaning caddy from the closet and start cleaning it up. Jethro walks in, holding Maddox. He frowns seeing your shaky hands scrub at the puddle of blood.
“Hon, I got that. Let me go put him in bed and then I’ll clean that up.” He says.
“No, it’s okay. I got it. Here, you go on up and I’ll finish this up.” You say quietly.
You move just enough so he can get up the stairs. He gets to the third or fourth step before looking back down at you concerned. His eyes find your bruised wrists and his frown deepens. He turns, focusing on getting Maddox up to bed.
“Daddy.” Maddox mumbles sleepily.
“Yes, buddy?” He asks softly, tucking him in.
“Why did the doctors think mommy is a bad mommy?” He asks.
“Because they are a bunch of knuckleheads and don’t know what a good mommy you have. Don’t worry about it, buddy.” He says.
“Daddy?” He whispers as he starts to fall back to sleep.
“Yes?” He asks.
“Can mommy give me a little brother or sister?” He asks.
“I…I mean, I’ll talk to mommy and see what she wants to do, but she loves you so much. I think she’s happy with just you.” He murmurs.
Little did Maddox know, Jethro was scared to have another one. He was scared to have Maddox after what happened with Shannon and Kelly. He barely let you in and then finding out you were pregnant nearly sent him over the edge. You loved kids and you want a whole damn school bus of kids.
Maddox goes to say something, but it was little mumbles before he was softly snoring. Jethro chuckles, brushing his hair out of his forehead before leaning down and kissing his head.
He heads downstairs to see the blood cleaned up. He goes to the kitchen where he heard you. You were sweeping up the salad and broken bowl into a pan.
“What happened?” He asks, taking the dust pan to hold it.
“When I heard Maddox scream, I just dropped the bowl and ran for him.” You mumble quietly.
“Hon, go take a bath and relax. I’ll finish the clean up. I promise you that Maddox is okay.” He says.
You hesitate, but with a stern look from him, you nod slowly. You head up the stairs, starting your bath. He finishes up the floor before he cleans up what would have been dinner. He does dishes and takes the trash out before deciding to check on both Maddox and you. He checks on Maddox first to see him sleeping.
He nears the bathroom before slowing his steps as he hears your muffled crying. He walks in and sees your face buried in your knees, suds covering your bits from view.
“Hon, what’s wrong? Are you hurt?” He asks, kneeling by the tub.
“Why am I such a bad mom?” You sob.
“Y/N, what are you talking about?” He asks.
“He’s hurt because of me, Jethro. Those nurses had every right to look at me like that. I’m a terrible mom. There was blood, everywhere and the bone was sticking out. His screams…gosh his screams were so loud. I didn’t even notice he cut his eyebrow until I saw the stitches.” You sob.
“It’s not your fault, Y/N. He’s a kid and kids have accidents. Maddox loves to run throughout the house and we could tell him until we were blue in the face not to run in the house. He slipped and fell. It wasn’t your fault. You know how many times I got hurt as a kid? A lot. We can’t protect him from everything as much as we wish we could. Things like this will teach him why we tell him not to run in the house or why not to go outside barefoot. We can only do so much. Your an amazing mom. He knows so.” He murmurs, rubbing your back.
“I can’t even look at him. I feel terrible. It’s all my fault.” You whisper.
“It’s not your fault and you know that. He knows that and I know that. He knows your a good mom. He told me when he woke up briefly because he caught onto the way the nurses were treating you. He actually wants another siblings. He told me.” He says, sighing as he plops on the ground.
Your head flies up, your eyes wide as you look at him. You reach a hand out and grab his hand, rubbing it gently.
“You know we don’t have to. I know how scary it was when you found out I was pregnant with Maddox. I am perfectly content with Maddox and you.” You say softly.
“I think I might want another one. Maybe we’ll get a little girl this time.” He murmurs.
“Really?” You ask surprised.
“Yeah.” He says with a soft smile.
“Your such an amazing dad, Jethro. Maddox absolutely loves you. He always tells me that he wants to be an NCIS agent just like you.” You say with a soft smile.
“And your such an amazing mom. He tells me all the time. He also tells me how much he loves you and how much he wants to make you proud. Whether it be cleaning up his toys or helping with the groceries. He loves you and he idolizes you so much.” He murmurs.
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zvdvdlvr · 4 months
— Drive All Night
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— 🖊️. Synopsis. You’ve been quiet; more quiet than normal. Gibbs wants you to know that despite as stoic as he is, he does care. (inspired by ‘call your mom’ by noah kahan and lizzy mcalpine)
— 🖊️. Warnings. Ooc Gibbs but idc. Comfort fic kinda. I self project. Mentions suicide. Mentions Shannon and Kelly Gibbs.
— 🖊️. Tracklist. Track One Track Two Track Three Track Four Track Five
Gibbs looked over at your form, slumped over. He looked at his watch: 23:37. You were usually the person to stay late, to work on the things that were undesirable for everyone else. You hadn’t left the building earlier than 20:00 in months.
He knew why- or rather, knew of why you stayed late. Jenny had told him you had problems, problems taking care of yourself and neglecting yourself; sometimes choosing to take out your own anger and depression on yourself. But you were the best of the best. In fact, you were the best and the youngest. Aged twenty eight.
You snapped up, eyes landing on your boss’s. “What’s- what do you need?” You asked, setting your pen down and closing the file.
Gibbs watched you watch him, rigid in your chair.
He knew you were scared to trust; to open your heart and let people in. You had been working for NCIS and had only went out for drinks with the team thrice- Ducky’s birthday, Ziva’s birthday, and Abby’s birthday. You were included, but you seperated yourself for reasons unknown.
“I want to go for a drive. Come with me,” Gibbs said.
Lately, Gibbs had noticed how tired you were, closing your eyes for longer amounts of time, straight chugging your coffee, and getting in and leaving althe office after Gibbs got there. But you were efficient, getting not only your paperwork done, but working on most of Tony’s as well (something that made Gibbs unusually mad).
You were literally working yourself to death and chose to add more to the pile. Was it to get away from your thoughts? To get away from your home situation? What were you running from?
“I have work to do-“
Gibbs chuckled. “You’re the fastest agent to complete their paperwork. You do Tony’s. Tim’s, even. You’re more than ahead on your reports.”
You gnawed at your lip. “Sir, I’m getting ready to go home.”
Liar. Gibbs shook his head in amusement. “That’s an order, y/n.”
At that, you shut off your light and grabbed your coat. “Ok.”
The walk to the elevator was quiet. You wondered what Gibbs wanted. Were you getting fired? You had not done anything out of the ordinary recently… what could Gibbs want?
You climbed into the passenger seat and prayed you were keeping your job.
Gibbs started the truck and drove out of the parking lot. “So,” he started.
You didn’t say anything. You just looked out the window, taking in the life. “What do you want?”
“To know,” Gibbs replied. He turned down the radio and kept his eyes trained forward.
“Know about…?” You prompted, cutious as to what he wanted.
Gibbs shrugged. “You.”
“Y/n l/n, aged 28. My eyes are-“
“Not from your file.”
Silence fell. You didn’t have amything interesting to say about yourself other than the fact that you went to the gym and had an extensive collection of sunset polaroids. And there was no way Gibbs wanted to know about your childhood. That sould be disappointing. Disappointing to tell him about how ordinary and unimportant you were, your own family leaving you. It’s disappointing- exactly the reason why she did what she did: to be more than disappointing. In fact, you had a new reason not to be a disappointment: Gibbs. He, in your time at NCIS, had become one of the few people you never wanted to disappoint.
“Well then… I don’t know what you want to know,” you mumbled dully. Please, you thought, don’t let this change your opinion of me.
Gibbs looked over to see you already looking at him. He couldn’t see your expression, but you looked like you were already thinking about what he would say next.
“Tell me something, y/n. Anything.” Gibbs stated. He slowed down and turned left. He himself didn’t seem to have a destination, making you wonder how long Gibbs would drive around.
You didn’t want to talk, but you yearned for Gibbs to know, to look at everything you’ve gone through and done and understand why you are the way you are.
Of course you trust him, though. That’s not the problem for once. The problem is you don’t want Gibbs to get the wrong impression of you, or come to the conclusion that you’re a fraud or something.
“Tell me something about you first,” you shot back easily, relaxing a little bit into the seat.
So, Gibbs told you about a woman named Shannon and a beautiful baby girl named Kelly. He told you about Shannon’s rules, how he knew that she was the one. A young Leroy Gibbs knew that Shannon Fielding would be the love of his life.
And Gibbs also told you about the case that killed them: the gun, the bullet, and the casing. He told you about his habits after they died, how cold and snappy he was. He told you about- despite his madness- a certain Donald Mallard kept forcing his way into Gibbs’ life, making sure Gibbs knew he wasn’t alone.
“What I’m tryin’ to tell ya is… we are here for you, kid. You aren’t truly alone in this miserable world,” Gibbs finished quietly.
By now, Gibbs had parked in front of a house- his house?- and completely torn down the barrier between boss and coworker.
You weren’t gonna lie, you were crying by now. Tears silently streaming down your cheeks as the man you most admired and looked up to told you about the best and worst days of his life- all the while he had no idea about who you are.
“I didn’t-“ you started, sniffling. You turned to look at him, tears blurring your vision. Some of the phrases he had used to describe his pain rang in your ears and Gibbs knew it- he knew you could relate to some of the things he said and felt.
“Stay the night, kiddo,” Gibbs said, reaching over to pat your shoulder.
As he exited the truck, you felt more tears burning in your eyes: that pat on the back literally gave y/n a reason to live.
Maybe, y/n thought, all the lights that had shut off could turn back on.
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kdogreads · 11 months
Y/n is close with Abby like the mom figure to Gibbs being her dad figure. Gibbs and y/n have only ever had words in passing They are always friendly with a flirt now and then. One day Gibbs uses Abby's cot to get some rest he wakes up to y/n and Abby talking about blind dates.
"Y/n I'm gonna find you a companion in life. Just do one more date"
*y/n sighs* "I'm just not the type of person people are looking for and that's ok"
*as she leaves the lab* "Abs some people are ment to be alone"
Gibbs comes out telling Abby that he will be taking y/n on the next date.
This is such a sweet idea!! I’m sticking it with this request bc I feel like they just fit together so perfectly. I hope that’s okay by both of you 🥹 thank you so much for the love!
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Jethro Gibbs x f!reader
TW: alcohol, a smidge of angst (reader thinks she’ll be forever alone), mostly just a heap of fluff
A/N: I’ve never been able to use any of my nerdy lab knowledge in a fic before so sorry if I went a little overboard lmao (I’m a pre-analytical training coordinator and spend my days teaching people to be labbies basically). Thank you so so so much for reading! ❤️
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Just before you left for the day, you decided to head down to the lab check in on Abby. It was quality control week, meaning she had to got to run test patients on all of her instruments, confirm the results are what they should be, order biological indicator tests to make sure no foreign bacteria snuck its way in where it shouldn’t have, then do it all over again a dozen or so times to make sure the results match up.
Not that Abby is anything less than capable of completing the quarterly checks, it just gets very tedious, and Abby is not a fan of busy work.
“Hey Abs,” You greeted her sweetly.
“There is no Abby, only QC’s,” She quipped back in her best robot voice.
You only chuckled in response and grabbed a pair of gloves without another word. You started resulting the tests in her queue, a feeble attempt to help the boring task move along faster.
The two of you worked quietly on opposite sides of the lab for another half hour until you moved the last tube into the “finished” tray.
“Wanna grab some dinner?” You questioned, removing your gloves and heading over to the sink to wash your hands.
“No, thanks; already ate,” Abby responded without looking up from her work, “Hey! How did that date go last night? I can’t believe I forgot until now! Tell me everything.”
Abby turned towards you excitedly, her eyes bright and body fidgeting in anticipation. You swear she was more invested in your love life than you were sometimes.
You started to shake your head “no” and Abby let out a loud groan.
“Ugh! I had such a good feeling about this one,” She spoke in disappointment.
“You said that the last time, too, Abs,” You leaned against the counter and crossed your arms lazily, “He asked me to meet his mom. On the first date!”
Abby visibly cringed and put a hand lovingly on your bicep.
“I’m gonna find you a companion, I swear it!”
You let out a sound that’s half laugh, half sigh before you speak, “It’s okay, really. I’m just not the type of person anyone is looking for, and I can’t find the person I’m looking for. It’s just the way it is, Abby.”
She sent you a sympathetic look, squeezing your arm in reassurance. Abby pulled you into a tight hug, like she was trying to will a new love life into you with her bare hands.
You sent her a loving smile when she finally pulled away from you.
“Well, I’m gonna head out. You sure I can’t drag you away for something to eat?”
“No, no. I have too much to get done,” She motions to the empty tubes behind her, “Don’t lose hope, Boss Lady. Your perfect man is out there.”
You headed towards the door before turning around to tell her goodbye, “Some people are just meant to be alone. It’ll be me and the dogs forever,” You smiled slightly, “Goodnight, Abs.”
You made it almost out the door of the NCIS building before you realized you left your purse in the lab. With a huff, you begrudgingly dragged yourself back into the elevator, down to the lab, and right up to the doorway. The surprise of two distinct voices coming from within stopped you in your tracks.
“Gibbs! You can’t sneak up on me like that! I didn’t know you were using the cot.”
“Sorry, Abs. You often set her up on blind dates?”
“Yes! I am determined to find my wonderful boss’ soulmate somewhere in the greater DC area.”
Jethro chuckles.
“I can’t believe I didn’t see it before now! She’s just your type, Gibbs, and she’s so fun and cryptic just like you and—“
“Abby,” He paused, “Way ahead of you.”
You decided now was your chance. Knocking gently on the doorframe, both of them turned their heads to see who was there.
“Hey Abby; Jethro,” You smiled, trying not to act like you just heard their whole conversation about you, “I just, uh, left my purse.”
Abby looked around and spotted your bag, handing it to you with a cheeky grin on her face. You all stood there in semi-uncomfortable silence for a beat before Gibbs spoke.
“Have any plans tomorrow night, Red?”
You straightened up a bit at his question and the playful nickname. You are just his type.
“Um, no. I don’t. Not yet, anyway.” You tried to keep an even tone, but the nerves and excitement were practically seeping out of your pours.
“My place, 7 o’clock,” Gibbs said in his nonchalant tone, “Casual. Hope you like bourbon.”
He winked at you and walked out of the lab before you could even exhale the breathe you hadn’t known you were holding. You looked at Abby, your eyes wider than ever before.
“Eee! I’m so excited!” Abby squeals and flings her arms around you.
You couldn’t even put any thoughts together. Your heart pounded out of your chest and your hands must’ve been shaking, the adrenaline of the situation just starting to wear off.
“Come on,” Abby said while sliding her jacket off the back of her chair, “I’ll finish up tomorrow. We have to plan your date. With Gibbs!”
You let out a laugh and wrapped an arm over Abby’s shoulders, heading out to grab something to eat.
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You nervously sifted through your tops, trying to find something that felt “casual,” as Jethro had requested, but still nice enough for a date.
Oh screw it.
You grabbed a plain olive green hoodie, the big white letters reading NCIS. You figured if he asked for casual, he would get casual.
The drive to Gibbs’ house went quickly. You’d been there once before, when Abby insisted Gibbs needed company one New Year’s Eve. You didn’t end up staying very long, but he left an impression on you. After the visit, Gibbs started stopping to say “hello” in the hallways at work, or bringing a coffee up your office every now and then.
One detail you remembered from your brief visit is the front door was never locked, so you didn’t bother to stop and knock.
Walking through the doorway, your eyes immediately gravitated to the only light on in the house — the one leading down the stairs to the basement. You took this as your sign to invite yourself downstairs.
The stairs creaked slightly as you made your way down, the sounds of sandpaper meeting wood filled your ears.
“You found the place,” Jethro’s strong voice greeted you as you stepped into his workspace.
“How could I forget?” You teased back.
Jethro let out a honey-soaked chuckle and offered you a stool to sit on. He poured you two fingers out of his half-empty bottle of bourbon, then did the same for himself. He tipped his glass to you and you tapped yours against it with a slight clink.
You shut your eyes as the amber liquid burned down your throat. Instinctively, you leaned back against the counter and let out an exhale.
“Long day?” Jethro joked, but you could see the genuine care when you opened your eyes to meet his gaze.
“Long week,” You responded before taking another sip, “Abby’s up to her eyeballs in evidence to examine, plus all this QC crap takes so much time. I just feel bad I can’t help her more. I didn’t realize taking the lead forensics position would take me out of the lab so much.”
Jethro nodded in understanding, one corner of his mouth tilting up slightly as he poured more into your already empty cup.
“Abby’s the best of the best,” He said with confidence, placing a hand reassuringly on your knee, “She’ll get it done.”
You smiled and nodded back at him, placing your hand over his as a silent thank you.
You were surprised when Jethro broke the comfortable silence first.
“You know she thinks the world of you, Red,” He said with a look in his eye, one that almost looked like pride if you had to guess.
You felt your cheeks get hot and you looked down at your shoes, unsure if the liquor or his sweet comment made you blush.
You took another sip before lifting your head back up and responding.
“Same goes for you, Jethro,” You reached out to grab the hand that rested on your knee just moments before, “I think if she had time to write a book about how much she adores you, she would.”
He laughed, a full laugh, glazed in honey and bourbon and it warmed you to your core. You thought that sound could end wars, cause the devil himself to crack a smile. You would have melted right there if he didn’t jolt you out of your trance a moment later.
He took the glass from your hand and whispered a quick, “c’mere.”
He took your hand and led you over to the boat he was building. He showed you a few small hand tools and gave you a quick explanation of their use.
Before long, his hands were resting over yours, your back pressed gently against his chest as he showed you the different sanding techniques he used. Though every inch of his body was pressed against yours, you’d never felt so free, so held and yet, so comfortable.
It was a quiet few minutes before he spoke, his lips inches from your ear.
“You ever done this before?” His breath tickled your neck and sent a shiver down your spine.
“Never,” You breathed, trying your hardest not to just melt into his strong arms.
“You’re a natural then.”
He slowly peeled his hands back from yours, allowing you to keep sanding on your own for a moment. You felt his strong hands slide down your arms, your sides, before settling on your hips.
Your eyelids fluttered, suddenly aware of the effect he had on you. Your movements halted and Jethro raised a hand cautiously to your chin, turning your head to face him.
“This okay?” He questioned gently, a worried look settled into his furrowed brows.
You didn’t answer immediately. Instead, turning your whole body to face his, your arms sliding over his broad shoulders to rest at the back of his neck.
“Only if you intend to kiss me, Jethro,” His name danced from your lips in a whisper.
A soft smile spread across his face, the worry melting away in an instant.
“Yes, ma’am, I do.”
Before you could comprehend, the hand that was still on your chin drifted to hold you just below your ear, and his lips melted into yours in a sweet, slow kiss.
He tasted of bourbon and something you were sure was just distinctly him.
You leaned further into him as your lips met over and over again. His presence wasn’t demanding, but invasive. You felt Jethro in every inch of your body; his taste, his smell, the way his fingers gripped into your hip like he was afraid you might disappear if he let go.
The seconds felt like hours before you separated your lips, both of you desperate for oxygen. Your chest heaved slightly as he drew small circles onto your lower back absentmindedly; his forehead leaning down to rest on yours.
“Do you bring all the girls down here and make out like teenagers?” You teased, still slightly out of breathe.
He threw his head back in another honey-glazed laugh. It invaded your sense just as his kiss had.
God, you though, I could listen to that forever.
“No,” He huffed, a wide smile still spread across his face, “Only the special ones.”
“Ohh,” You exaggerated, “So I’m special, then?”
He only growled an Mmmhhmm before his lips pressed into yours once more, this time slightly quicker than the time before.
“Hungry?” He asked simply, prying his lips from yours, a slight groan falling from your lips as he pulled away.
“Starving,” You replied without missing a beat.
He raised an eyebrow and leaned slightly further away from you, letting him see your full expression.
“For food, sweetheart,” He jested, a hint of teasing in his voice.
“I know!” You squeaked, swatting his shoulder playfully in protest.
He chuckled that charming laugh and nodded his head towards the stairs.
“Well, come on then,” He spoke after pressing a quick peck to your lips.
You followed Jethro upstairs where you enjoyed a delicious homemade dinner and spend the rest of the evening basking in each other’s company.
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You sighed as you reached the top of the stairs, just outside your office. Since you rarely locked the door, you turned the handle and swung it open. You were surprised to see the light already switched on. A pit formed in your stomach as your eyes scanned the room before—
“Jesus, Abby!” You found her sitting at your desk chair, literally shaking in anticipation, “You almost gave me a heart attack!”
“Sorry, I’m sorry,” She quickly approached you, taking your bag out of your hand and setting it down in the desk, “Sooo? I’m dying to know! Tell me everything!”
“Ab,” You smiled at her an tilted your head slightly in a playful manner, “A girl should never kiss and tell.”
Abby squealed in excitement and pulled you into a hug, clearly understanding that it went well enough for you to kiss him.
“Please tell me you’re seeing him again. Please, please, please,” She practically begged with her hand folded in front of her.
“Tomorrow, after work,” You smiled as she squealed and pulled you into another excited hug.
“This is the best day ever!” She declared and sat in the comfy chair across from your desk, determined to get all the details from your life-changing first date with Jethro Gibbs.
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Gibbs x reader - just be there
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Can I please request gibbs where he comforts a bubbly and fun agent on his team who becomes more dim because she is having a hard time coming to terms with having to shoot a serial killer. (Hugs and cuddles galore) - Anon💜
Gibbs noticed the change almost immediately, how you kept your distance from everyone and you were no longer yourself.
He didn’t say anything, he just waited.
And he didn’t have to wait much longer, before he heard the door to his house open that night and softly close.
You padded down to the basement and he set everything down, cleaning out two glasses as he poured two drinks.
He pushed one towards you, but you didn’t drink it and he sighed.
“You did what you had to do.” He said.
You looked up at him.
“I killed someone’s Gibbs…”
“I know, and it’s okay.”
“It’s not okay! I.. I took someone’s life!” You snapped.
You started to pace back and forth, and you finally crouched, burying your face in your arms.
You didn’t know what to do, or how to process what you were feeling.
You never thought you’d have to feel something like this and you didn’t know what to do.
You just crouched there and cried.
Gibbs walked over, crouching behind he placed a hand on your shoulder and pulled you back against him, wrapping an arm around your waist.
“It’s alright…” he whispered.
He felt you fall back, and he sat down on the floor, you tucked between his knees, the back of your head resting on his chest as you cried softly.
He didn’t say anything, he just held you.
Yes, Gibbs had killed before, he knew this feeling, and he knew no amount of words could make it feel better, could make it go away.
You clutched at your chest as you cried, and he placed his other hand over your hand, holding it softly.
“I’m here… you’re okay…” he whispered.
He carried on holding you, holding you tightly so you knew that you weren’t alone.
He pressed his head to yours, and you took a shaky breath.
“I don’t.. I don’t.. I can’t…”
“You can, it’s okay, it’s okay. It’s alright I’m here…”
You shuffled around, resting your side against his chest, your head on his shoulder.
He held you a little tighter, and just sat there with you, holding you.
He’d hold you all night if that’s what you needed him to do, he’d stay like that for days even if you asked him too.
He wasn’t one for words, Gibbs was a man of actions, and he knew when someone just needed to be held, and right now that’s what you needed
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lizzyk137 · 1 month
Could you please write my idea for jethro Gibbs 🙏
Imagine Gibbs seeing you doing a million steps nightly skin care routine and just laying under the covers and waiting for you to be done and come to bed already and slowly getting frustrated
Maybe a little toddler cuddling in bed with him and Gibbs fake complaining to them about you
“Mommy is taking a long time huh?”
Nightly Routine- Gibbs X Reader Fanfic
Summary: Gibbs' daily night with you doing your skincare routine. Warnings: None, per fluff! Thank you so much for requesting this! I'm so sorry it took so long; I get into funks where I hate everything I write. It's longer than I wanted but i couldn't help thinking about his little family and the adorable dynamics! Hope you enjoy! ❤️
Want to read more, visit my Masterlist!
He watched as you grabbed yet another bottle to spray on your face. This was the third thing that you had sprayed on your face in the past 10 minutes.
He knew every step you did morning and night. This spray was step seven of the night. He didn't understand why you had to do a long skin care routine every day. You were beautiful. Your skin was soft and flawless, unlike his that was full of cracks. He'd remind you every day how beautiful you were and occasionally telling you that you could have it worse, aka his skin, but you'd always shake your beautiful head, the light bouncing of your hair like a halo when you did, and you'd always tell him you loved every line and crack on his face, it was beautiful.
"Leroy Jethro Gibbs."
Gibbs turned his gaze down beside him to look at his youngest son, who was holding his badge. He didn't know where he grabbed it from, which concerned him, but his son was always fascinated with it. He even had asked him to show him how to flip it open and around like a real agent does.
"That's great, baby! Can you read the next line?" You cheered from your vanity as you applied the next cream to your face.
Gibbs smiled at you. Even when you took time for yourself, you were still present with your son. "I think you know these letters so tell me what they are." Gibbs spoke up next as he pointed to the word N.C.I.S in the large font that was at the top of the badge card.
Gibbs had helped sound out every word for his five-year-old on the badge card, and you still were doing your routine.
He sometimes would get annoyed with how long it took, not really because of the time but because he wanted you in his arms, your attention fully on him before he had to leave and capture yet another monster. But you didn't ask for anything. You were raising three of his beautiful, making a beautiful home, went above and beyond at work as a special education teacher all the while taking away any baggage or worry, he has carried back from work and restarting him every day so he could be a better man for you and his kids.
You could've asked for more. Way more. But you didn't. You were young when you had first gotten pregnant. A drunken one night with Gibbs, which eventually led to him falling head over heels for you and asking you to marry him. You were worried since having your oldest that you wouldn't be present enough with your career and taking on the father role when Gibbs worked overtime. He actually had to sit you down and tell you it was okay to enjoy doing your skin care and that those minutes were for you to enjoy and unwind. You felt guilty, but after Nathan turned four and you had another on the way, you were thankful for that skin care routine each morning and night.
Your son was nestled into his side, his light brown hair falling into his eyes as he slept. He gave a quick kiss and looked at the clock. 10 p.m. He waited for the quick pitter patter of feet, and then their door opened, revealing his beautiful daughter, a stuffy in one hand, and a book in another.
"Daddy, could you read this?" She came over and sat beside Gibbs, Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing falling into his lap. His daughter was incredibly smart for her age of ten. She had Down Syndrome, and since day one, she's defied every pressure society has given her, excelling above and beyond and making a name for herself in school and the community. She was far smarter than him on subjects, and he always loved it when she taught him new things. His heart burst every time she told him she wanted a career in the same field as her daddy.
Every night, she comes at exactly ten o'clock and asks him to read her a chapter because her eyes got too tired, and he was happy too even though he wasn't the best reader. He perched his glasses on his nose, her head resting on his chest.
He finished the chapter and looked at the clock. 10:30 and you were in the bathroom blowing your little fan to dry your face. He heard the drawers being opened and you were rummaging through them.
The door opened a peak, and he saw his oldest stick his head in. "Hey, I just got back from Josh's. Where's Mom?" Gibbs just raised his eyebrows in reply, earning a small chuckle from his son. "Ah, skin care."
He nodded as he sat the book and his glasses down on the bedside table. Nathan came over and sat beside Sophie, his head resting on the top of hers as he played with her fingers, something that always calmed him down after a long day at school and practice.
His youngest stirred, his eyes blinking open before asking where his mommy was.
His smiled and chuckled, "Mommy is taking a long time, huh?" His joking tone making even his youngest smile.
He heard you laugh at his joke from the bathroom before coming out, your skin glowing and bright. You placed your hands on your hips and just gave him a look before coming over and putting a kiss on your two oldest kid's heads. Each was falling asleep, and he chuckled over how much room they were taking up. His youngest crawled over him and pushed himself in between his siblings whose hands were still clasped.
You both pulled the covers over your sleeping kids before you made your way over to Gibbs. He was glad you had conned him into a king-sized bed, especially since there wasn't much room left for the both of you to sleep. You crawled in next to him and snuggled into his chest, the last few knots of worry leaving him, and he sighed.
"I took a while because I was trying to get off permanent marker from my face." You mumbled into his chest.
"It's okay, you deserve your time, baby, no need to explain." He kissed the top of your head. "I do think we need to explain to the kids that they're bed hogs."
"Or we could just get a bigger bed." He eyed you before smiling and nodding his head as his way of saying yes.
He rubbed your soft cheek with his thumb, your breathing slowing down, your long lashes fluttering closed before he finally closed his eyes.
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slutforsilverfoxes · 6 months
Agents DiNozzo
[A/N #1 TLDR version: Got busy with an externship, got hospitalized for a cat bite, I missed u all v v much
A/N #2 for realsies: Would Tony and his wife be allowed to work together on a team? Probs not. Would Gibbs be crazy enough to voluntarily work with both of them? Even more probs not. But it makes my lil heart happy so here you go :)]
Pairing: Tony DiNozzo x wife!agent!reader
There are two things in your career that satisfy you to no end: 1) Getting justice for the victims whose case files come across your desk and 2) Working with your husband every day. The latter presents complications, of course- the occasional conflict of interest, quibbles over theories following you home from the office, an added level of anxiety during contentious takedowns- but it also allows you the distinct privilege of spoiling and, arguably more importantly, embarrassing the hell out of one Anthony DiNozzo, Junior, on a daily basis.
Your head lifts on its own volition, guided by your nose tuning in to the sweet smell of hazelnut creamer and woodsy cologne permeating the air of the NCIS bullpen. Your partner, both in and out of the field, has evidently returned from a midday coffee run looking as delicious as the pastries you’ve spotted by the to-go cups on his desk. Checking to make sure your boss is still nestled securely in the Director’s office, you cross over into Tony’s space just as he lays his suit jacket across the back of his chair. Slipping your hands into the back pockets of his tight-fitting slacks, you can’t help but serenade him with the ten-second clip of brain rot that plagued your social media for a ridiculous number of weeks. “Can I get to the yams?” you whisper-sing through a giggle, pinching his favorite cheeks of yours, maintaining your grip even as you attempt to dodge the hand nearing the back of your head. “Sweet ya-am- ow!” Darting out of his reach, you drop into Tony’s seat with a pout, arms crossed petulantly. “You have hereby been demoted from Very Special Agent to just Special Agent for that.”
“You-” Tony sneaks a glance at McGee and Ziva who are trying- and failing- to hide their smiles before crouching to meet you at eye level and lowering his voice to carry on, “You are the reason we had to sit through that inappropriate conduct seminar for three hours last week.” He maintains an even tone, but you can see his lips twitching with amusement.
“I’m sorry everyone in this office is jealous I can touch your butt and they can’t,” you huff with an eye roll.
“Literally no one is jealous of you for that,” McGee calls from his desk across the aisle.
“Well, you guys are missing out,” you respond with an exaggerated sigh.
Shaking his head, Tony fixes you with as stern a look as he can muster. “Save it for later, Bee,” you intone in an imitation of your husband’s voice, “I know.”
“You would think,” he begins, offering you a hand to help you up and walking you back over to your desk by Ziva’s, “that you’d have moved past the infatuation stage at this point in our relationship.”
“And you would think you’d have stopped calling me ‘Probie’ by now, Anthony.”
“I have! ‘Bee’ is different than ‘Probie’. It’s a nickname and it’s cute.”
“Says who?” you challenge, eyes narrowed.
“Says the-”
“If you say ‘Senior Field Agent,’ I swear to God, Tony, you’re sleeping on the-”
“DiNozzos!” Gibbs’ gruff voice puts an immediate stop to your squabble as he descends the steps two at a time. “Ziva, McGee, all of you, front and center. Whaddya got? Besides too much time on your hands.”
“Coffee and a suspect,” you supply with a smile, turning on the plasma display as Tony presents Gibbs with a cardboard cup. “For once, Agent DiNozzo’s go-to theory seems to hold water.” Raising an eyebrow at your husband, you playfully mock, “It was the wife.”
Tim picks up the next leg of your shared insight. “Credit card history has the Lieutenant Commander’s wife meeting with our hit man at a hotel in Anacostia two weeks before the murder, Boss.”
“We also traced these calls from the burner found on our victim’s body,” Ziva indicates for Tim to highlight the outgoing calls on the phone logs before continuing, “…to his sister in law, Anna.”
The redhead’s photo pops up on the TV, and your husband lets out a low whistle that has your hand instantly connecting with the back of his head. “You are my light, my sunshine, and the very air I breathe, my dear,” he speaks through a grimace, trying to gauge your reaction through his peripheral vision.
“Go pick our hitman up,” Gibbs instructs, cutting off your bickering before it can begin by dangling the sedan’s keys on his index finger in front of you.
You snatch them up, sharing a catlike grin with Ziva. “My pleasure, Boss. I might be needing his services soon, anyway.”
“Uh uh,” your boss calls as the two of you start collecting your things. “Take Tony.”
Your husband flashes you a sheepish smile while you grumble at him over the lip of your coffee cup. “Let’s go, Dick-Nozzo.”
“It’s your last name, too,” he points out astutely, holding out his hand for the keys.
“Shut up. I’m driving.”
As the elevator begins its descent, Tony slips two fingers under your chin and turns your face towards him, concern muting the typical sparkle in his olive green eyes. “Are you really upset with me, babe?”
You count the seconds ticking away in your head, relishing in the way he squirms under your stern gaze, before relenting at second fourteen. “No, you big dummy,” you say with a nudge to his side. “She’s hot.”
Tony lifts your hand to his mouth and presses his lips against your wedding band before asserting, “You’re hotter.”
Curling your free hand around his tie, you tug him closer and land a sound kiss on his lips. The elevator dings to indicate you’ve reached the parking garage, and you reluctantly release your husband from your grip with a satisfied smile and a murmured, “I’ve taught you so well.”
ADJ Tags 🖤 @bakugouswh0r3
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alisonsfics · 7 months
all it took
pairing: tony dinozzo x reader
summary: falling for your coworker was never something you planned on, but it happened nonetheless. so, you kept it top secret. this works fine until someone breaks into NCIS headquarters, and you and tony are put in harms way.
word count: 3k
warnings: hostage situation, guns, blood/injuries (nothing graphic), swearing
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You sent a glare in Tony’s direction after getting hit in the face with a piece of candy. “Dinozzo!” You said, exasperatedly, trying to figure out why he had just thrown an M&M at your face.
“I called your name like five times. You didn’t hear me.” He explained. You ran your hand through your hair. “That’s cause I’m working. Gibbs is down in interrogation, and he needs something he can use. I don’t want to be the one to tell him I have nothing— whatever. What do you need?” You asked him.
“I want to show you a trick.” He said, excitedly. You and Tony were really good friends, which meant you both had no trouble having fun around each other. Gibbs didn’t always love this.
Tony tossed a piece of candy up in the air and attempted unsuccessfully to catch it in his mouth. You quickly put your hand over your mouth, suppressing a giggle. “Don’t you even,” Tony warned, expecting the sarcastic comment that was on the tip of your tongue.
“I wasn’t gonna say anything. I just figured a federal agent would have better hand-eye coordination.” You said, smirking at him. He knew he had just been challenged. “Alright, let’s see you do it.” He said, inviting you over to his desk.
You stood up from your chair and walked over to the side of Tony’s desk. He tossed a piece of candy your way, which you caught in your mouth on the first try. The smile on Tony’s face faded. “You were clearly assisted by my excellent aim,” he said, defensively.
You giggled at his sad expression. “So, what’s my prize for beating you?” You asked, curiously. A smirk spread across Tony’s face. “That depends on what you want.” He quipped.
A flirty comment out of Tony wasn’t anything knew to you. All of your coworkers knew you both were into each other, but hadn’t admitted it yet.
You thought about it, and his comment gave you an idea about the suspect down in interrogation.
“I need to call Gibbs,” you said, grabbing the phone off his desk.
“I’m very happy for you, but I don’t think Gibbs is going to care that you caught an M&M.” He said, not catching on yet. You flicked his arm.
“Ow,” he exclaimed, scooting his chair back away from you.
“Your phone’s not working,” you said, slamming it down. You raced over to your desk, grabbing your own phone. You heard the same static sound over your phone. “The phones must be down.” You said, confused since the phones were never down.
Over your shoulder, Tony saw a man step out of the elevator with a large gun. His first instinct should have been to grab his own gun and order the man to surrender. That was his job after all.
But not with you standing in the middle.
He dived over to where you were standing, pulling you down to the ground with him. As you both fell to the floor, you heard a bunch of rapid gunshots go into the ceiling.
You felt a burning sensation on your upper arm. You swore under your breath, wincing in pain.
Tony felt his heart sink as he noticed the blood seeping through your shirt. “Hang on, it’ll be okay. One of the ricochets must have hit you. Just looks like a graze though,” he said, tugging off the button-up shirt he was wearing.
He was left in a white t-shirt, tying his other shirt tightly around your arm.
“I need to see Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs.” The intruder announced to the squad room. There wasn’t very many agents in the office today, but they were all now laying on the ground as instructed.
“Keep pressure on this,” Tony said, starting to stand up. You gripped onto his arm. He saw the fear in your eyes. Tony had never seen you scared before.
You weren’t scared for yourself. You were scared Tony would play hero and get himself hurt.
“Don’t,” you begged him. He could sense your desperation. “I won’t go anywhere,” he gave in. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders, keeping you close to him.
You heard heavy footsteps behind you. The intruder was standing right in front of your desk, staring at you both sitting behind it.
“You, up!” He ordered, staring at Tony. Tony slowly stood, holding his hands up. “I’m Gibbs. What do you need?” He asked, nonchalantly.
“You want to try again, agent? Because I know you’re not Gibbs.” He threatened. Tony shrugged his shoulders. “I’m Special Agent Gibbs. Don’t know what to tell you,” he lied.
You cursed Tony out in your head. He was amazing at his job, but always knew how to make you worry about him.
“How about you tell me the truth?” The intruder said, shifting his gun to point it at you. Tony jumped in front of the intruder, keeping you safe. “Hey hey hey, I’m Special Agent Anthony Dinozzo. Don’t hurt her” the words rushed out of his mouth.
The intruder smirked, realizing he had found Tony’s weak spot.
There was no bluffing when it came to you. Tony wouldn’t do anything that risked your safety.
“That’s better, Romeo. Now bring me to Gibbs.” The intruder demanded. Tony hesitated, looking over his shoulder at you. “She’s hurt. Let me call our doctor up here. Then, I’ll do whatever you want,” Tony negotiated.
The intruder considered his proposition for a minute, then turned to you. “You, come here.” He demanded. Following your training, you held your hands in the air and slowly walked towards him.
He pointed his gun at Tony and used his other hand to pat you down. You could see Tony tense up. “So, what do you want with Gibbs?” You asked, trying to get inside his head.
“My name is Jeremiah Parker. Agent Gibbs arrested my brother today, and I’m here to get him back.” The intruder explained, referencing the suspect that was down in interrogation with Gibbs right now.
Jeremiah ran his hand down your legs, grabbing your gun and throwing it to the side. His hand went back up to your waist.
You felt yourself flinch as his hand lingered on your ass. Tony noticed immediately. “Hey, get your hands off of her.” Tony snapped.
Jeremiah simply chuckled. “Calm down, Agent Dinozzo. I’m only looking for these.” He said, grabbing your handcuffs off your belt.
“Cuff his hands, sweetheart.” He told you. Tony gave you a soft smile, letting you know it was okay. You stepped towards Tony, grabbing both his hands and handcuffing them in front of him.
He grabbed one your hands and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “You’re shaking. It’ll be okay, I promise,” he assured you.
Then, Jeremiah grabbed your shoulders forcefully and pulled you away from Tony. He pressed the tip of his gun against your side.
“Call your doctor, and put it on speaker.” He instructed Tony, who nodded his head and obliged.
The phone rang once or twice and then you heard Jimmy’s voice come through the speaker. “Hello, this is Palmer,” he said, nonchalantly.
“Hey, Jimmy. I need to speak with Dr. Mallard.” Tony said, silently praying Palmer would know he only ever referred to him as Ducky. Jimmy mumbled “one second,” and then there was some silence.
“Hello, Tony?” Ducky asked. “Hi, Dr. Mallard. I need you to bring your first aid kit up to the squad room please.” Tony said, calmly. Ducky was silent for a minute, trying to figure out what was wrong. “Tony, what’s going on?” Ducky asked, already knowing something was off.
“Just hurry,” Tony said, almost snapping. He was almost pleading with Ducky. If Jeremiah knew anything was going on, he’d probably kill you both.
“Tony is everything ok—” Ducky started to ask before Jeremiah quickly hung up the phone.
You felt your body tense as he slammed the phone down. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. If your doctor does as he’s told, you’ll be just fine.” Jeremiah assured you, running his thumb over you cheek.
“I only bring you to Gibbs if you leave her alone.” Tony threatened. Jeremiah didn’t respond, he just chuckled to himself. “You’re the one in handcuffs. I don’t think you’re in a place to make demands.” Jeremiah told him.
The elevator door dinged. You all watched Ducky cautiously step out of the elevator, first aid kit in hand.
Jeremiah pressed his gun against your head. “Over here, doctor,” Jeremiah announced.
Ducky knew something was wrong just from the phone call. He wasn’t shocked that there was an intruder, but seeing a gun pointed at your head made him realize how serious the situation was.
“Ducky, Y/N’s arm got grazed. I need you to stay here and help her. Me and our friend have to go talk to Gibbs.” Tony told him.
Jeremiah shoved you towards Ducky, who held his hands out and caught you from falling over. Tony also lunged to try to catch you, even though his hands were handcuffed together.
Ducky wrapped his arm around your shoulder, in a fatherly manner. “Well Gibbs is down in interrogation now.” He said, looking towards Tony. You knew from Ducky’s expression that Gibbs knew what was going on.
You didn’t know why you were so nervous. You and Tony had worked in the field together for years, but he had never seen you this nervous. You didn’t know why it felt different this time.
You both were in dangerous situations all the time, but this time you were terrified that Tony would get hurt. He had the same worries for you.
Tony noticed how you were nervously biting your lip.
“Hey, it’ll be alright. You know me,” Tony said, softly. He was trying to reassure you, but it wasn’t working.
If you hadn’t seen the small beads of sweat on his forehead, you probably would’ve believed him.
But he was right. You did know him.
You knew he used humor instead of admitting he was scared.
You both had been hiding behind the “just friends” label for years, but Tony had always cared for you more he had ever cared for just a friend. As he saw the look on your face and the tear rolling down your cheek, he had all the confirmation he needed that you felt the same way about him.
He sighed at the irony of the situation. Tony was very aware that this could be the last time he saw you.
You also were terrified. As soon as Tony was out of your sight, there was no saying what would happen to him.
“Ducky, I need you to take care of her” Tony said with the most serious tone you’ve ever heard him use.
Jeremiah kicked Tony in the back of the leg, pushing him forward. “Let’s go,” he demanded.
As soon as Jeremiah turned away from you, you decided to copy one of Tony’s favorite movies, the A-Team, which he had forced you to watch with him.
You had the key to your handcuffs concealed in your hand. You quickly slipped the key into your mouth. “Tony wait,” you called out. Tony stopped in his tracks as you walked over to him.
You cupped his face and kissed him. Tony was shocked, but wasted no time kissing you back. He felt your tongue slip the key into his mouth. He smirked into the kiss, knowing that you remembered watching that movie together.
You reluctantly pulled out of the kiss. “Be safe,” you whispered. He nodded his head, “I promise.”
You felt Ducky’s hands on your arm, pulling you back towards him. You both watched as the two of them walked away towards the elevator.
“He’ll be alright, my dear,” Ducky reassured you. You turned around, leaning your head on Ducky’s shoulder as a few tears slipped onto your cheeks. “I really want to believe you, Duck.” You whispered.
“Anthony will do whatever it takes to come back to you because it’s you.” He told you.
As the elevator doors closed, Tony looked over his shoulder at Jeremiah. “If you put another scratch on her body, I swear to god, I will kill you myself.” Tony threatened.
“Is Agent Dinozzo in love?” Jeremiah questioned. Tony remained silent. He had barely been able to admit those feelings to himself.
“I am a sucker for love. It’s so sad that you’ll never see her again.” Jeremiah quipped.
Then, the elevator screeched to a halt. Tony knew that somewhere Gibbs was responsible.
Meanwhile, Ducky was dragging you up to MTAC. You had told all the other agents in the squad room to go up there to stay safe, but you weren’t planning on staying. You needed to go help Tony.
Ducky didn’t like that idea.
“Now, just come on, my dear. I need to look at your arm. Anthony has this under control. You could walk into an ambush.” Ducky tried to convince you, blocking the door so you couldn’t leave.
“Ducky. I think I love him, and I would regret staying here for the rest of my life if he gets hurt.” You told him, honestly.
Ducky nodded, sympathizing with your situation. “Then, let me fix this first.” He said, fixing the way Tony’s shirt was tied around your arm.
“There you go, but be safe.” He told you, letting you leave. You sprinted down the stairs and grabbed your gun off your desk. You opted to take the stairs down to interrogation instead of the elevator.
Tony and Jeremiah’s elevator finally continued descending down to the interrogation floor.
Jeremiah stuck his gun to Tony’s head, anticipating agents when the elevator doors opened.
The doors opened and revealed Gibbs standing with his gun pointed at Jeremiah. “Put your gun down, Agent Gibbs, or another one of your agents gets hurt.” Jeremiah demanded.
Ducky had told Gibbs about the weird phone call with Tony, but he didn’t know about you getting hurt.
“What did you do?” Gibbs asked, cautiously.
“Y/N got grazed by a bullet. She’s with Ducky now. She’s probably gonna need some stitches.” Tony informed him.
Tony promptly got elbowed by Jeremiah. “Shut your mouth, Romeo. Or your girlfriend is going to get more than a graze.” Jeremiah snapped.
Tony didn’t stop.
“Boss, drop your gun. You won’t need it to take him out.” Tony told Gibbs. Gibbs got the message and placed his gun on the ground.
Jeremiah had had enough. He threw a quick punch at Tony’s face, successfully hitting him right in the nose.
Tony’s plan worked.
He flinched, grabbing his nose with both his hands. He sneakily grabbed the key out of his mouth, but didn’t unlock the handcuffs yet.
Jeremiah walked Gibbs and Tony down the hallway, towards the interrogation room. Tony unlocked the handcuffs when Gibbs gave him the signal.
He popped his hands out and turned around, quickly smacking the gun out of Jeremiah’s hands. Then, McGee jumped out from around the corner with his gun pointed at Jeremiah.
Gibbs grabbed Jeremiah and quickly handcuffed him.
“Go get her,” Gibbs told Tony, but he had already started running towards the stairs. McGee followed after Tony, not quite keeping up. This was the fastest Tony had ever ran. His mind was racing with thoughts of you.
Tony got to the squad room and found your desk empty. You and Ducky were nowhere to be seen. Tony called your name a few times, desperately looking around for you.
McGee arrived shortly after Tony. “She could’ve brought everyone up to MTAC for safety.” McGee suggested. Tony sprinted up the stairs, slamming the door open as he ran inside.
He scanned the faces of all the agents standing in the room, not seeing you. Agents started to funnel out of the room, knowing it was safe now.
“Oh, come on, come on, where are you?” His mind was racing with possibilities.
Tony found Ducky. “Ducky. Where is she?” He asked, urgently.
“She went off to find you, Anthony.” Ducky informed him.
“Tony, Tony, down here,” Tony heard McGee screaming from outside.
Tony ran outside of MTAC and saw you standing down next to McGee in the squad room.
Once his eyes landed on you, he sprinted down the stairs, running as fast as his legs would take him.
He pulled you right into his arms, holding onto you tightly. “Are you okay? Please tell me you’re okay” you whispered into his shirt. “I’m fine. Gibbs has him. It’s all okay” he ran his hand through your hair, comforting you.
“What about your arm?” Tony jumped back, thinking he was hurting you. “I’m fine, Tony. Ducky’s gonna stitch it up. It hurts like a bitch, but I’m fine.” You assured him.
You looked at his face, wanting to double check that he was actually okay. “Your nose looks all red and swollen.” You said, noticing his injury.
“I had to get him to throw a punch at me, so I could get the key out of my mouth. I promise, it’s nothing. It takes more than that to hurt Anthony Dinozzo.” He told you. He pulled you back into his arms.
“I know this is part of the job, but I was so fucking worried about you.” You told him, squeezing onto him tightly.
He grabbed your chin and pulled your face up to connect your lips. He had one hand pressed against your cheek, and the other was on the back of your head. You rested your hands on his sides.
You weren’t taking any part of this moment for granted. You memorized the way his shirt felt under your fingers and spearmint taste on his lips.
“Oh, would you look at that? All it took to get you two together was a hostage situation.” Ducky said. You both pulled away and saw Ducky staring with Gibbs and McGee standing behind him.
“I can’t believe you used the key trick from A-Team. You are so amazing.” Tony said, pressing a bunch of kisses to your cheek. Tony couldn’t contain himself. After all, the girl he was crazy about used his favorite move from his favorite movie to save his life.
“I hate to steal her from you, Anthony, but she really needs those stitches.” Ducky interrupted.
“Don’t worry. I’ll hold your hand the whole time.” Tony said, cheesily interlacing your fingers with his and walking over to your desk where Ducky had his first aid kit opened.
taglist: @laurakirsten0502 @miraclesoflove @nathaliabakes @millipop18 @azghedaheda @shyinadarkplace @vanteguccir @missroro @guacam011y @sw33t-cupid @ice-dtae @leyannrae @sia2raw @nyx2021 @just-a-littlebit-of-everything @shyconversationalbookworm @shadowhuntyi @visenyaverse @ruzannetheseahorse @superdeath @wandaswifeyforlifey @spookyqueen @mcuswhore @bookwormchick91 @princess-evans-addict @n3ssm0nique @peakascum @cjand10 @namsey1987 @multitargaryen @stephv213 @warriormirkwood @one-sweet-gubler @narliesstuff @bibissparkles
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ncis-yp · 1 month
Comfy clothes (Gibbs x reader) [FLUFF]
You laid in bed the second you got home from work. Still in your work clothes, your glasses still on. Utterly exhausted from the day. Jethro walked in to see you knocked out and glasses out of place, snoring lightly.
“Get up” Jethro says and you nearly bolted up, reaching for your gun that was clearly not in its holster.
“Fuck” you groan, taking your glasses off and tiredly rubbing your eyes. Jets blurred figure in front of you and your eyes readjusted.
“I’m surprised you remembered to take your gun out” he chuckled. “You were knocked out when I walked in.
“I don’t even remember taking it out” you giggle sleepily. He smiled at you as he began undressing you. “What’re you doing?” You smile.
“Putting you to bed” he replied. “Was it bad today?”
“Got shot at twice, chased a burglar down the street and tackled him, got stuck in an interrogation room for a few hours, and I did training first thing this morning” you reply.
“Nasty bruises” he ran his hand down you ribs.
“Yeah doc said I’ll be alright. Just give it a few weeks to heal. I’ll get wrapped up tomorrow, IF I have pain while I’m breathing”
“I definitely do have pain while I’m breathing” you admit.
“Guess that means I gotta be gentle.” He smiles as he looks up at you from his knees. You cock your eyebrow as his pretty blue eyes blink up at you. Standing, he unclips your bra and passes you his USMC hoodie. Your favorite of his hoodies to date.
“Oh no no” you say putting on the hoodie. “I’ll still kick your ass.” You quickly clutched your pillow to your chest as you coughed. Groaning at the discomfort. Jethros face twisted in distaste at the picture of you.
“We’re getting you wrapped now. Get up” he gently helps you up and makes a phone call.
30 minutes later you were sitting on a cold steel table getting your thorax wrapped up tightly. You were wincing in pain.
“Ah not to fret, my dear” Ducky said softly. “Keep this tightly wrapped for a few days and it’ll mend the pain when coughing”
“Thank you Dr. Mallard” you smile softly.
“Ducky, to you. And according to your X-rays, you’re in no harm. Nothing but bruises, but nothing broken” he points to your body on the x ray monitor.
“Thanks Duck” Gibbs says picking you up off the table.
“My pleasure, Jethro, (y/n)” Ducky nodded towards you. You smiled and nodded back. “Though, Jethro, make sure she drinks plenty of water and no… physical activity, if you know what I mean. Heavy breathing will put too much strain on her”
“Heard that Jetty? no physical activity” you say cheekily. “Guess I get to miss work for a few days”
“Yeah, yeah” he kisses you. “Shut up”
“Night Duck” you say as Gibbs carries you out.
You arrived back at home. Your boyfriend made you a comfy spot in bed. Leaving the TV remote by your side, with a few cans of soda and a giant bottle of water. He pulled into a gentle but caring hug.
“Thank you Jet”
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