sanctamater · 2 years
‘ you look bored. ’ another young debutante with an expression missus dewitt knows all too well - she’d worn it often enough in her youth, after all. not so much a statement as it was fact; but amelia dewitt had never been one to mince her words. if she were a softer woman, a better woman, a woman who’d paid attention in etiquette class or gone to finishing school, she might have been tactful; might have been able to soften the blow or at least pretend to be coy - but she is none of those women, she simply is - and suspects this one is the same. what a life to attempt to lead; living in a world that wished to keep them behind closed doors and away from any and all prying eyes; to never be heard in any real way no matter how much noise they made. it burns her in the way her faith used to; settles in her chest like a weight and without permission, she takes the seat next to her - mouth puckered like she’d tasted something sour -- the papers would agree the next morning; the company in the room was far from sweet. 
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  ‘ i was always told that boredom led to dangerous things. granted, i always thought it was funny. everyone else around me? not so much. ’ there’d been a particular incident involving a drag race down fifth one early morning - lurid details now lost to both memory and newspaper clippings; traded in for home, hearth, and business deals. what’s the saying? an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. her fingers twitch; the cigarette she lights takes the edge off, and ever the diplomat, she offers the other one from her case, shining and spotless. ‘ i haven’t seen you at one of these before. did the big three finally let some new blood in, or are you the latest attraction from out of town? it’s how they’ve always been here - treating every new comer like the latest exhibit down in central park. ’
@seacret​ <3
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