#NGC 4406
quiltofstars · 2 months
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Markarian's Chain in the Virgo Cluster // sebaromano
Along the diagonal from top left to bottom right are: M86, the Eyes Galaxies, and NGC 4461. Other galaxies are also visible in this image, so click below the cut to see them identified!
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Courtesy of astrometry.net.
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Markarian's Chain. The middle two are known as The Eyes. 17 galaxies in the Virgo cluster are imaged here. Each on average has 400billion stars. Total is just under 7 trillion stars here!!
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andromeda1023 · 6 years
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The Retina Nebula (designated IC 4406) is a bipolar planetary nebula that measures about 0.13 × 0.45 light-year. It is located some 2,000 light-years away, near the western border of the southern constellation of Lupus (the Wolf) while it is approaching us at approximately 22 kilometers per second.
Despite their name, planetary nebulae have nothing to do with planets. The name of planetary nebulae arose because of the visual similarity between some round planetary nebulae and the planets Uranus and Neptune when viewed through early telescopes.
When a star with a mass up to eight times that of the Sun runs out of fuel at the end of its life, it blows off its outer shells and begins to lose mass. This allows the hot, inner core of the star (collapsing from a red giant to a white dwarf) to radiate strongly, causing this outward-moving cocoon of gas to glow brightly.
Over the next several thousand years, the nebula will gradually disperse into space, and then the white dwarf will cool and fade away for billions of years. Our own Sun is expected to undergo a similar fate, but fortunately this will not occur until some 5 billion years from now.
Like many other planetary nebulae, IC 4406 is highly symmetric; the left and right halves of the nebula are nearly mirror images of the other. And, although the Retina Nebula looks like a square, evidence indicates that IC 4406 is actually donut-shaped. From Earth, we are viewing the donut from the side, but were IC 4406 viewed from the top, it would likely look similar to the Ring Nebula (Messier 57 or NGC 6720).
This side view allows us to see the intricate tendrils of dust that have been compared to the eye’s retina. If we could fly around IC 4406, we would see that the gas and dust that form the vast donut of material are streaming outward from the central dying star. The donut of material confines the intense radiation coming from the remnant of the dying star. Gas on the inside of the donut is ionized by light from the central star and glows.
One of the most interesting features of IC 4406 is the irregular lattice of dark lanes that criss-cross the center of the nebula. These lanes are about 160 astronomical units wide (1 astronomical unit is the distance between the Earth and Sun). They are located right at the boundary between the hot glowing gas that produces the visual light imaged here and the neutral gas seen with radio telescopes.
We see the lanes in silhouette because they have a density of dust and gas that is a thousand times higher than the rest of the nebula. The dust lanes are like a rather open mesh veil that has been wrapped around the bright donut.  The fate of these dense knots of material with a “lacy” appearance is unknown. Will they survive the nebula’s expansion and become dark denizens of the space between the stars or simply dissipate in a few million years? Will the only thing left visible of the Retina Nebula be a fading white dwarf star?
This color picture is a composite made by combining images taken by the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 onboard the Hubble Space Telescope in 2001 and 2002. Light from oxygen atoms is rendered blue; hydrogen is shown as green, and nitrogen as red. The range of color in the final image shows the differences in concentration of these three gases in the nebula. Unseen in the image is a larger zone of neutral gas that is not emitting visible light, but which can be seen by radio telescopes.
Image Credit: C. R. O’Dell (Vanderbilt Univ.) et al., Hubble Heritage Team, NASA
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mmufo · 5 years
Equipe do Hubble produz calendário de 30 anos para 2020
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Em setembro de 2019, a equipe do Hubble anunciou uma iniciativa de mídia social para comemorar três décadas de sucesso em descobertas com o Telescópio Espacial Hubble da NASA / ESA. A campanha apresentou 30 jóias escondidas do arquivo de imagens do Hubble. As 12 imagens que receberam mais curtidas foram compiladas para produzir um calendário especial de 30 anos para 2020  As imagens apresentadas no Calendário 2020 Hidden Gems do Hubble estão descritas abaixo: Capa: a capa do calendário apresenta o NGC 3256 , uma galáxia distorcida localizada a 131 milhões de anos-luz de distância na constelação de Vela; a galáxia tem aproximadamente o mesmo tamanho da nossa própria Via Láctea e pertence ao complexo Hydra-Centaurus Supercluster; é a relíquia de uma colisão entre duas galáxias espirais, estimadas em 500 milhões de anos atrás. Janeiro: esta imagem é o resultado da cobertura ultravioleta do projeto Hubble Ultra Deep Field; que contém cerca de 10000 galáxias distantes. Fevereiro: esta imagem colorida mostra uma pequena seção da Nebulosa do Véu , um dos remanescentes de supernova mais conhecidos; Também conhecido como NGC 6960, Nebulosa do Cirro e Nebulosa Filamentar, esse objeto mede aproximadamente 110 anos-luz e fica na constelação de Cygnus, a cerca de 2.100 anos-luz de distância. Março: esta imagem do Hubble mostra o IRAS 14568-6304 , uma jovem estrela envolta em uma névoa de gás e poeira dourados. Abril: esta imagem mostra o Trumpler 14 , um dos maiores encontros de estrelas quentes, enormes e brilhantes da nossa Via Láctea. Maio: este instantâneo apresenta os detalhes finos e a estrutura espiral excepcionalmente perfeita do NGC 634 , uma galáxia espiral localizada a 250 milhões de anos-luz de distância na constelação de Triangulum. Junho: esta imagem composta mostra Sh 2-106 , uma região compacta de formação de estrelas na constelação de Cygnus, que combina duas imagens tiradas em luz infravermelha e uma que é ajustada para um comprimento de onda específico da luz visível emitida pelo gás hidrogênio excitado. Julho: esta imagem mostra Saturno e seis de suas 82 luas conhecidas : Dione, Encélado, Tétis, Janus, Epimeteu e Mimas. Agosto: esta imagem do Hubble mostra a NGC 5189 , uma nebulosa planetária localizada na constelação de Musca, a cerca de 3.000 anos-luz de distância; a intrincada estrutura da erupção estelar se parece com uma fita gigante e de cores vivas no espaço. Setembro: esta visão colorida e repleta de estrelas da nossa Via Láctea foi capturada em 2016, quando o Hubble apontou suas câmeras para a constelação de Sagitário. Outubro: em janeiro de 2002, uma estrela moderadamente fraca chamada V838 Monocerotis tornou-se repentinamente 600.000 vezes mais luminosa que o nosso Sol; um instantâneo do Hubble mostra detalhes notáveis ​​nas camadas de poeira que foram acesas durante a erupção estelar titânica. Novembro: em 2011, o Hubble capturou uma impressionante foto em close de parte da Nebulosa da Tarântula ; esta é uma região de formação de estrelas rica em gás hidrogênio ionizado na Grande Nuvem de Magalhães. Dezembro: em 2002, o Hubble revelou um arco-íris de cores no IC 4406 , uma nebulosa planetária localizada a 2.000 anos-luz de distância, perto da fronteira oeste da constelação de Lúpus; como muitas outras nebulosas planetárias, o IC 4406 exibe um alto grau de simetria; as metades esquerda e direita da nebulosa são quase imagens espelhadas uma da outra. _____ Este artigo é baseado no texto fornecido pela Agência Espacial Europeia. Read the full article
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spaceexp · 7 years
Cutting-edge Adaptive Optics Facility Sees First Light
ESO - European Southern Observatory logo. 2 August 2017 Spectacular improvement in the sharpness of MUSE images
The planetary nebula IC 4406 seen with MUSE and the AOF
The Unit Telescope 4 (Yepun) of ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT) has now been transformed into a fully adaptive telescope. After more than a decade of planning, construction and testing, the new Adaptive Optics Facility (AOF) has seen first light with the instrument MUSE, capturing amazingly sharp views of planetary nebulae and galaxies. The coupling of the AOF and MUSE forms one of the most advanced and powerful technological systems ever built for ground-based astronomy.
NGC 6369 before and after the AOF
The Adaptive Optics Facility (AOF) is a long-term project on ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT) to provide an adaptive optics system for the instruments on Unit Telescope 4 (UT4), the first of which is MUSE (the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer) [1]. Adaptive optics works to compensate for the blurring effect of the Earth’s atmosphere, enabling MUSE to obtain much sharper images and resulting in twice the contrast previously achievable. MUSE can now study even fainter objects in the Universe.
The planetary nebula NGC 6563 observed with the AOF
“Now, even when the weather conditions are not perfect, astronomers can still get superb image quality thanks to the AOF,” explains Harald Kuntschner, AOF Project Scientist at ESO.
The AOF + MUSE at work
Following a battery of tests on the new system, the team of astronomers and engineers were rewarded with a series of spectacular images. Astronomers were able to observe the planetary nebulae IC 4406, located in the constellation Lupus (The Wolf), and NGC 6369, located in the constellation Ophiuchus (The Serpent Bearer). The MUSE observations using the AOF showed dramatic improvements in the sharpness of the images, revealing never before seen shell structures in IC 4406 [2].
The AOF + MUSE at work
The AOF, which made these observations possible, is composed of many parts working together. They include the Four Laser Guide Star Facility (4LGSF) and the very thin deformable secondary mirror of UT4 [3] [4]. The 4LGSF shines four 22-watt laser beams into the sky to make sodium atoms in the upper atmosphere glow, producing spots of light on the sky that mimic stars. Sensors in the adaptive optics module GALACSI (Ground Atmospheric Layer Adaptive Corrector for Spectroscopic Imaging) use these artificial guide stars to determine the atmospheric conditions.
UT4 and the AOF at work
One thousand times per second, the AOF system calculates the correction that must be applied to change the shape of the telescope’s deformable secondary mirror to compensate for atmospheric disturbances. In particular, GALACSI corrects for the turbulence in the layer of atmosphere up to one kilometre above the telescope. Depending on the conditions, atmospheric turbulence can vary with altitude, but studies have shown that the majority of atmospheric disturbance occurs in this “ground layer” of the atmosphere.
The powerful lasers of the AOF
“The AOF system is essentially equivalent to raising the VLT about 900 metres higher in the air, above the most turbulent layer of atmosphere,” explains Robin Arsenault, AOF Project Manager. “In the past, if we wanted sharper images, we would have had to find a better site or use a space telescope — but now with the AOF, we can create much better conditions right where we are, for a fraction of the cost!”
NGC 6369
The corrections applied by the AOF rapidly and continuously improve the image quality by concentrating the light to form sharper images, allowing MUSE to resolve finer details and detect fainter stars than previously possible. GALACSI currently provides a correction over a wide field of view, but this is only the first step in bringing adaptive optics to MUSE. A second mode of GALACSI is in preparation and is expected to see first light early 2018. This narrow-field mode will correct for turbulence at any altitude, allowing observations of smaller fields of view to be made with even higher resolution.
ESO 338-4
“Sixteen years ago, when we proposed building the revolutionary MUSE instrument, our vision was to couple it with another very advanced system, the AOF,” says Roland Bacon, project lead for MUSE. “The discovery potential of MUSE, already large, is now enhanced still further. Our dream is becoming true.”
The planetary nebula NGC 6563 observed with MUSE and the AOF
One of the main science goals of the system is to observe faint objects in the distant Universe with the best possible image quality, which will require exposures of many hours. Joël Vernet, ESO MUSE and GALACSI Project Scientist, comments: “In particular, we are interested in observing the smallest, faintest galaxies at the largest distances. These are galaxies in the making — still in their infancy — and are key to understanding how galaxies form.”
NGC 6369 AO on/off crossfade
Furthermore, MUSE is not the only instrument that will benefit from the AOF. In the near future, another adaptive optics system called GRAAL will come online with the existing infrared instrument HAWK-I, sharpening its view of the Universe. That will be followed later by the powerful new instrument ERIS. “ESO is driving the development of these adaptive optics systems, and the AOF is also a pathfinder for ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope,” adds Arsenault. “Working on the AOF has equipped us — scientists, engineers and industry alike — with invaluable experience and expertise that we will now use to overcome the challenges of building the ELT.” Notes: [1] MUSE is an integral-field spectrograph, a powerful instrument that produces a 3D data set of a target object, where each pixel of the image corresponds to a spectrum of the light from the object. This essentially means that the instrument creates thousands of images of the object at the same time, each at a different wavelength of light, capturing a wealth of information. [2] IC 4406 has previously been observed with the VLT (eso9827a). [3] At just over one metre in diameter, this is the largest adaptive optics mirror ever produced and demanded cutting-edge technology. It was mounted on UT4 in 2016 (ann16078) to replace the telescope’s original conventional secondary mirror. [4] Other tools to optimise the operation of the AOF have been developed and are now operational. These include an extension of the Astronomical Site Monitor software that monitors the atmosphere to determine the altitude at which the turbulence is occurring, and the Laser Traffic Control System (LTCS) that prevents other telescopes looking into the laser beams or at the artificial stars themselves and potentially affecting their observations. More information: ESO is the foremost intergovernmental astronomy organisation in Europe and the world’s most productive ground-based astronomical observatory by far. It is supported by 16 countries: Austria, Belgium, Brazil, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Finland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, along with the host state of Chile. ESO carries out an ambitious programme focused on the design, construction and operation of powerful ground-based observing facilities enabling astronomers to make important scientific discoveries. ESO also plays a leading role in promoting and organising cooperation in astronomical research. ESO operates three unique world-class observing sites in Chile: La Silla, Paranal and Chajnantor. At Paranal, ESO operates the Very Large Telescope and its world-leading Very Large Telescope Interferometer as well as two survey telescopes, VISTA working in the infrared and the visible-light VLT Survey Telescope. ESO is also a major partner in two facilities on Chajnantor, APEX and ALMA, the largest astronomical project in existence. And on Cerro Armazones, close to Paranal, ESO is building the 39-metre Extremely Large Telescope, the ELT, which will become “the world’s biggest eye on the sky”. Links: ESOcast 119: AOF First Light :  http://www.eso.org/public/videos/eso1724a/ eso9827a: https://www.eso.org/public/images/eso9827a/ ann16078: https://www.eso.org/public/announcements/ann16078/ Photos of the VLT: http://www.eso.org/public/images/archive/category/paranal/ ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT): https://www.eso.org/public/teles-instr/vlt/ Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE): https://www.eso.org/public/teles-instr/vlt/vlt-instr/muse/ Four Laser Guide Star Facility (4LGSF): http://www.eso.org/public/news/eso1613/ Ground Atmospheric Layer Adaptive Corrector for Spectroscopic Imaging (GALACS): https://www.eso.org/public/announcements/ann16025/ Images, Video, Text, Credits: ESO/Richard Hook/Joël Vernet/Harald Kuntschner//J. Richard (CRAL)/P. Weilbacher (AIP)/Roland Bacon. Best regards, Orbiter.ch Full article
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gaetaniu · 5 years
Il telescopio spaziale Hubble ha dato una bella occhiata a Messier 86
Il telescopio spaziale Hubble ha dato una bella occhiata a Messier 86
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Il telescopio spaziale NASA/ESA Hubble ha fotografato la galassia Messier 86, che si trova nella costellazione della Vergine.
Messier 86 si trova a 55,6 milioni di anni luce dalla Terra nella costellazione della Vergine.
Conosciuta anche come M86 o NGC 4406, è una galassia ellittica o una galassia lenticolare (un incrocio tra una galassia ellittica e una galassia a spirale). Fu scoperta…
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arxt1 · 6 years
Discovery of a transient ultraluminous X-ray source in the elliptical galaxy M86. (arXiv:1811.10595v1 [astro-ph.HE])
We report the discovery of the transient ultraluminous X-ray source (ULX) CXOU J122602.3+125951 (hereafter M86 tULX-1), located 3'52" (19 kpc) northwest of the centre of the giant elliptical galaxy M86 (NGC 4406) in the Virgo Cluster. The spectrum of M86 tULX-1 can be fit by a power-law plus multicolour-disc model with a 1.0 [+0.8 -2.6] index and an 0.66 [+0.17 -0.11] keV inner-disc temperature, or by a power law with a 1.86 +/- 0.10 index. For an isotropically emitting source at the distance of M86, the luminosity based on the superposition of spectral models is (5 +/- 1) x 10^39 erg/s. Its relatively hard spectrum places M86 tULX-1 in a hitherto unpopulated region in the luminosity-disc temperature diagram, between other ULXs and the (sub-Eddington) black-hole X-ray binaries. We discovered M86 tULX-1 in an archival 148-ks 2013 July Chandra observation, and it was not detected in a 20-ks 2016 May Chandra observation, meaning it faded by a factor of at least 30 in three years. Based on our analysis of deep optical imaging of M86, it is probably not located in a globular cluster. It is the brightest ULX found in an old field environment unaffected by recent galaxy interaction. We conclude that M86 tULX-1 may be a stellar-mass black hole of ~30 - 100 M_Sun with a low-mass giant companion, or a transitional object in a state between the normal stellar-mass black holes and the ultraluminous state.
from astro-ph.HE updates on arXiv.org https://ift.tt/2AmreJo
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johnlyngfr · 7 years
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There are ten galaxies in this photograph of Markarian’s Chain. Brighter objects were discovered by Charles Messier in 1781.
This full elongated chain of distant galaxies was first documented by the Armenian astrophysicist, Benjamin Markarian in 1960. Member galaxies include: M84 (NGC 4374), M86 (NGC 4406), NGC 4477, NGC 4473, NGC 4461, NGC 4458, NGC 4438 and NGC 4435.
I photographed this using Remote Telescope T12 at Siding Spring, Australia, March 2018.
(at Siding Spring Observatory)
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Stephen Saber
This supplement to S&T’s Pocket Sky Atlas lists the Herschel 400 targets by NGC, chart, constellation, and declination order. A more indepth atlas such as SA2000 or Uranometria is recommended for those on their maiden voyage through these often challenging DSOs.
H400/PSA Index by NGC #
NGC typ/mag/con / radec / psa
040 pn 10.2 cep 0010+7215 01 129 oc 10.0 cas 0027+5957 01 136 oc 11.3 cas 0029+6115 01 157 gx 11.5 cet 0035-0824 07 185 gx 11.0 cas 0039+4820 03 205 gx 10.0 and 0040+4141 03 (m110) 225 oc 09.0 cas 0043+6147 01 246 pn 10.9 cet 0047-1207 07 247 gx 10.0 cet 0047-2045 07 253 gx 07.5 scl 0048-2518 07 278 gx 12.5 cas 0052+4733 03 288 gc 09.0 scl 0053-2635 07 381 oc 09.5 cas 0108+6135 01 404 gx 12.0 and 0110+3543 03 436 oc 09.5 cas 0116+5849 01 457 oc 08.0 cas 0119+5820 01 488 gx 11.5 psc 0122+0516 05 524 gx 12.0 psc 0125+0933 05 559 oc 07.5 cas 0130+6318 01 584 gx 12.0 cet 0131-0651 06 596 gx 12.5 cet 0133-0701 06 598 gx 07.0 tri 0134+3040 02 (m33) 613 gx 11.0 scl 0134-2924 06 615 gx 12.5 cet 0135-0719 06 637 oc 07.5 cas 0143+6400 01 651 pn 12.0 per 0142+5134 02 (m76) 654 oc 10.0 cas 0144+6153 01 659 oc 10.0 cas 0144+6042 01 663 oc 07.5 cas 0146+6115 01 720 gx 11.5 cet 0153-1344 06 752 oc 06.5 and 0158+3741 02 772 gx 11.5 ari 0159+1900 04 779 gx 12.0 cet 2000-0558 06 869 oc 04.5 per 0219+5709 02 884 oc 04.5 per 0222+5707 02 891 gx 11.5 and 0223+4221 02 908 gx 11.0 cet 0223-2113 06 936 gx 11.0 cet 0228-0109 04 1022 gx 12.5 cet 0239-0640 06 1023 gx 11.0 per 0241+3903 02 1027 oc 07.5 cas 0243+6113 02 1052 gx 12.0 cet 0241-0815 06 1055 gx 11.5 cet 0242+0026 04 1084 gx 12.0 eri 0246-0735 06 1245 oc 09.0 per 0315+4715 02 1342 oc 07.0 per 0332+3720 02 1407 gx 12.0 eri 0340-1834 17 1444 oc 06.5 per 0349+5240 02 1501 pn 13.5 cam 0407+6055 11 1502 oc 05.5 cam 0408+6220 11
1513 oc 09.0 per 0410+4931 13 1528 oc 06.5 per 0415+5114 13 1535 pn 10.5 eri 0414-1244 17 1545 oc 08.0 per 0421+5015 13 1647 oc 06.0 tau 0446+1904 15 1664 oc 08.0 aur 0451+4342 12 1788 dn 09.0 ori 0507-0320 16 1817 oc 08.0 tau 0512+1642 14 1857 oc 08.5 aur 0520+3921 12 1907 oc 10.5 aur 0528+3519 12 1931 cn 13.0 aur 0531+3415 12 1961 gx 11.5 cam 0542+6923 11 1964 gx 11.5 lep 0533-2157 16 1980 cn 02.5 ori 0535-0555 16/B 1999 dn 10.0 ori 0537-0643 16 2022 pn 13.0 ori 0537-0643 14 2024 dn 10.0 ori 0542-0150 16 2126 oc 10.0 aur 0603+4954 12 2129 oc 07.0 gem 0601+2318 14 2158 oc 12.0 gem 0608+0612 14 2169 oc 07.0 ori 0608+1357 14 2185 dn 10.0 mon 0611-0612 16 2186 oc 09.0 ori 0612+0527 14 2194 oc 10.5 ori 0614+1248 14 2204 oc 09.5 cma 0616-1839 16 2215 oc 08.5 mon 0621-0717 27 2232 oc 04.0 mon 0627-0445 27 2244 cn 05.0 mon 0632+0452 25 2251 oc 08.5 mon 0635+0822 25 2264 cn 04.0 mon 0641+0953 25 2266 oc 09.5 gem 0643+2658 23 2281 oc 07.0 aur 0649+4104 23 2286 oc 08.5 mon 0648-0310 25 2301 oc 06.5 mon 0652+0028 25 2304 oc 11.0 gem 0655+1801 25 2311 oc 09.5 mon 0658-0435 27 2324 oc 09.0 mon 0704+0103 25 2335 oc 09.5 mon 0707-1005 27 2343 oc 08.0 mon 0708-1039 27 2353 oc 05.0 mon 0715-1018 27 2354 oc 09.0 cma 0714-2544 27 2355 oc 09.5 gem 0717+1347 25 2360 oc 09.0 cma 0719-1537 27 2362 oc 04.0 cma 0719-2457 27 2371 pn 13.0 gem 0726+2929 23 2372 pn 13.0 gem 0726+2930 23 2392 pn 10.0 gem 0729+2055 25 2395 oc 09.5 gem 0727+1335 25 2403 gx 09.5 gem 0737+6537 21 2419 gc 11.5 lyn 0738+3853 23
2420 oc 10.0 gem 0739+2134 25 2421 oc 09.0 pup 0736-2037 26 2422 oc 04.5 pup 0737-1430 26 (m47) 2423 oc 07.0 pup 0737-1352 26 2438 pn 11.5 pup 0742-1444 26 2440 pn 11.5 pup 0742-1813 26 2479 oc 09.6 pup 0755-1743 26 2482 oc 08.5 pup 0755-2418 26 2489 oc 09.5 pup 0756-3004 26 2506 oc 08.5 mon 0800-1047 26 2509 oc 09.5 pup 0801-1904 26 2527 oc 08.0 pup 0805-2810 26 2539 oc 08.0 pup 0810-1250 26 2548 oc 05.0 hya 0814-0548 26 (m48) 2567 oc 08.5 pup 0818-3038 26 2571 oc 07.5 pup 0819-2944 26 2613 gx 11.0 pyx 0833-2258 26 2627 oc 08.5 pyx 0837-2957 26 2655 gx 11.5 cam 0856+7813 31 2681 gx 11.5 uma 0854+5118 22 2683 gx 11.0 lyn 0853+3325 22 2742 gx 12.5 uma 0908+6029 31 2768 gx 12.0 uma 0912+6003 31 2775 gx 11.5 cnc 0910+0703 24 2782 gx 12.5 lyn 0914+4007 22 2787 gx 12.0 uma 0919+6913 21 2811 gx 13.0 hya 0916-1618 26 2841 gx 10.5 uma 0922+5059 22 2859 gx 12.0 lmi 0924+3432 22 2903 gx 10.0 leo 0932+2129 35 2950 gx 12.5 uma 0943+5851 31 2964 gx 12.5 leo 0943+3151 33 2974 gx 12.5 sex 0943-0343 37 2976 gx 11.5 uma 0947+6755 31 2985 gx 11.5 uma 0950+7217 21 3034 gx 09.5 uma 0956+6941 31 (m82) 3077 gx 11.5 uma 1003+6845 31 3079 gx 12.0 uma 1002+5541 22 3115 gx 10.5 sex 1005-0742 37 3147 gx 12.0 dra 1017+7325 21 3166 gx 11.5 sex 1014+0326 35 3169 gx 11.5 sex 1014+0329 35 3184 gx 11.0 uma 1018+4125 33 3190 gx 12.0 leo 1018+2149 35 3193 gx 12.5 leo 1019+2153 35 3198 gx 11.0 uma 1020+4532 33 3226 gx 12.5 leo 1024+1953 34 3227 gx 12.0 leo 1024+1951 34 3242 pn 10.0 hya 1025-1838 36 3245 gx 12.0 lmi 1027+2830 33
3277 gx 13.0 lmi 1033+2830 33 3294 gx 12.0 lmi 1036+3719 33 3310 gx 11.5 uma 1039+5330 33 3344 gx 11.5 lmi 1044+2455 34 3377 gx 11.5 leo 1048+1359 34 3379 gx 11.0 leo 1048+1235 34 (m105) 3384 gx 11.5 leo 1048+1238 34 3395 gx 12.5 lmi 1050+3259 33 3412 gx 12.0 leo 1051+1324 34 3414 gx 12.0 lmi 1051+2758 34 3432 gx 12.0 lmi 1053+3637 33 3486 gx 11.0 lmi 1101+2859 33 3489 gx 11.5 leo 1100+1354 34 3504 gx 12.0 lmi 1102+2807 34 3521 gx 10.5 leo 1106+0002 34 3556 gx 11.0 uma 1112+5541 43 (m108) 3593 gx 12.0 leo 1115+1249 34 3607 gx 12.0 leo 1117+1804 34 3608 gx 12.5 leo 1117+1810 34 3610 gx 12.0 uma 1118+5848 31 3613 gx 12.0 uma 1119+5800 31 3619 gx 12.5 uma 1119+5746 31 3621 gx 10.0 hya 1118-3248 36 3626 gx 12.0 leo 1120+1822 34 3628 gx 10.5 leo 1120+1336 34 3631 gx 11.5 uma 1121+5311 32 3640 gx 12.0 leo 1121+0315 34 3655 gx 13.0 leo 1123+1636 34 3665 gx 12.5 uma 1123+3854 32 3675 gx 11.5 uma 1126+4336 32 3686 gx 12.0 leo 1128+1714 34 3726 gx 11.0 uma 1133+4702 32 3729 gx 13.0 uma 1134+5308 32 3810 gx 11.5 leo 1141+1129 34 3813 gx 13.0 uma 1141+3633 32 3877 gx 12.0 uma 1146+4730 32 3893 gx 11.5 uma 1149+4843 32 3898 gx 11.5 uma 1149+5606 32 3900 gx 12.5 leo 1149+2702 34 3912 gx 13.0 leo 1150+2629 34 3938 gx 11.0 uma 1153+4408 32 3941 gx 11.5 uma 1153+3700 32 3945 gx 12.0 uma 1153+6041 31 3949 gx 12.0 uma 1154+4752 32 3953 gx 11.0 uma 1154+5220 32 3962 gx 12.5 crt 1155-1358 36 3982 gx 12.5 uma 1157+5508 32 3992 gx 10.5 uma 1158+5323 32 (m109) 3998 gx 12.0 uma 1158+5528 32 4026 gx 12.0 uma 1159+5058 32
4027 gx 12.0 crv 1200-1915 36 4030 gx 11.5 vir 1200-0105 36 4036 gx 12.0 uma 1202+6154 31 4038 gx 10.5 crv 1202-1851 36 4041 gx 12.0 uma 1202+6209 31 4051 gx 11.5 uma 1204+4433 32 4085 gx 13.0 uma 1205+5022 32 4088 gx 11.5 uma 1206+5033 32 4102 gx 12.5 uma 1207+5243 32 4111 gx 12.0 cvn 1207+4305 32 4143 gx 12.5 cvn 1210+4233 32 4147 gc 11.0 com 1210+1833 45/C 4150 gx 12.5 com 1211+3025 32 4151 gx 11.5 cvn 1211+3925 32 4179 gx 12.0 vir 1213+0119 45 4203 gx 12.0 com 1215+3313 32 4214 gx 10.5 cvn 1216+3620 32 4216 gx 11.0 vir 1216+1309 45/C 4245 gx 12.5 com 1218+2937 32 4251 gx 12.0 com 1218+2811 32 4258 gx 09.5 cvn 1219+4719 32 (m106) 4261 gx 11.5 vir 1219+0550 45 4273 gx 12.5 vir 1220+0521 45 4274 gx 11.5 com 1220+2937 32 4278 gx 11.5 com 1220+2918 32 4281 gx 12.5 vir 1220+0524 45 4293 gx 11.5 com 1221+1824 45/C 4303 gx 10.5 vir 1222+0429 45 (m61) 4314 gx 11.5 com 1223+2954 32 4346 gx 12.5 cvn 1223+4700 32 4350 gx 12.0 com 1224+1642 45/C 4361 pn 11.0 crv 1225-1848 47 4365 gx 11.0 vir 1225+0720 45/C 4371 gx 12.0 vir 1225+1143 45/C 4394 gx 12.0 com 1226+1813 45/C 4414 gx 11.5 com 1226+3114 32 4419 gx 12.5 com 1227+1503 45/C 4429 gx 11.5 vir 1228+1107 45/C 4435 gx 12.0 vir 1228+1305 45/C 4438 gx 11.0 vir 1228+1301 45/C 4442 gx 11.5 vir 1228+0949 45/C 4448 gx 12.0 com 1228+2838 32 4449 gx 10.5 cvn 1228+4406 32 4450 gx 11.5 com 1229+1706 45/C 4459 gx 12.0 com 1229+1359 45/C 4473 gx 12.0 com 1230+1326 45/C 4477 gx 11.5 com 1230+1339 45/C 4478 gx 12.5 vir 1230+1220 45/C 4485 gx 13.0 cvn 1231+4143 32 4490 gx 11.0 cvn 1231+4139 32
4494 gx 11.0 com 1231+2547 45 4526 gx 11.0 vir 1234+0743 45/C 4527 gx 11.5 vir 1234+0240 45 4535 gx 11.0 vir 1234+0813 45/C 4536 gx 11.0 vir 1235+0212 45 4546 gx 12.0 vir 1236-0347 45 4548 gx 11.5 com 1236+1430 45/C (m91) 4550 gx 12.5 vir 1236+1214 45/C 4559 gx 10.5 com 1236+2758 32 4565 gx 10.5 com 1236+2600 32 4570 gx 12.0 vir 1237+0715 45/C 4594 gx 09.5 vir 1240-1137 47 (m104) 4596 gx 12.0 vir 1240+1011 45/C 4618 gx 11.5 cvn 1242+4110 32 4631 gx 10.0 cvn 1242+3233 32 4636 gx 11.0 vir 1243+0242 45 4643 gx 12.0 vir 1243+0159 45 4654 gx 11.5 vir 1244+1308 45/C 4656 gx 11.0 cvn 1244+3211 32 4660 gx 12.5 vir 1246+1112 45/C 4665 gx 11.5 vir 1245+0304 45 4666 gx 11.5 vir 1245-0027 45 4689 gx 12.0 com 1248+1346 45/C 4697 gx 10.5 vir 1249-0548 45 4698 gx 12.0 vir 1249+0830 45/C 4699 gx 11.0 vir 1249-0840 47 4725 gx 10.0 com 1250+2533 45 4753 gx 11.0 vir 1252-0112 45 4754 gx 12.0 vir 1252+1119 45/C 4762 gx 11.5 vir 1253+1114 45/C 4781 gx 12.0 vir 1254-1032 47 4800 gx 13.0 cvn 1255+4632 32 4845 gx 12.5 vir 1258+0135 45 4856 gx 11.5 vir 1259-1502 47 4866 gx 12.0 vir 1259+1410 45/C 4900 gx 12.0 vir 1301+3012 45 4958 gx 12.0 vir 1306-0801 47 4995 gx 12.0 vir 1310-0750 47 5005 gx 11.5 cvn 1311+3703 43 5033 gx 10.5 cvn 1314+3636 43 5054 gx 11.5 vir 1317-1639 47 5195 gx 09.5 cvn 1330+4716 32 (m51) 5248 gx 11.0 boo 1337+0853 44 5273 gx 12.5 cvn 1342+3538 43 5322 gx 11.5 uma 1349+6012 32 5363 gx 11.5 vir 1356+0516 44 5364 gx 11.0 vir 1356+0502 44 5466 gc 10.5 boo 1406+2832 44 5473 gx 13.0 uma 1405+5454 42 5474 gx 11.5 uma 1405+5340 42
5557 gx 13.0 boo 1418+3629 42 5566 gx 11.5 vir 1420+0356 44 5576 gx 12.0 vir 1421+0316 44 5631 gx 12.5 uma 1427+5634 41 5634 gc 11.0 vir 1430-0559 44 5676 gx 12.0 boo 1433+4927 42 5689 gx 12.5 boo 1436+4844 42 5694 gc 11.0 hya 1440-2632 46 5746 gx 11.5 vir 1445+0149 44 5846 gx 11.5 vir 1507+0136 46 5866 gx 11.5 dra 1507+5545 42 (m102) 5897 gc 09.5 lib 1517-2101 46 5907 gx 11.5 dra 1516+5619 42 5982 gx 12.5 dra 1539+5921 42 6118 gx 12.0 ser 1622-0217 54 6144 gc 11.0 sco 1627-2602 56 6171 gc 10.0 oph 1633-1303 56 (m107) 6207 gx 12.5 her 1643+3650 52 6217 gx 12.5 umi 1633+7812 41 6229 gc 10.5 her 1647+4732 52 6235 gc 11.0 oph 1653-2211 56 6284 gc 10.5 oph 1705-2446 56 6287 gc 11.0 oph 1705-2242 56 6293 gc 09.5 oph 1710-2635 56 6304 gc 10.0 oph 1715-2928 56 6316 gc 10.0 oph 1717-2808 56 6342 gc 11.5 oph 1721-1935 56 6355 gc 09.5 oph 1724-2621 56 6356 gc 09.5 oph 1724-1749 56 6369 pn 14.0 oph 1729-2346 56 6401 gc 07.5 oph 1739-2355 56 6426 gc 12.5 oph 1744+0300 54 6440 gc 12.0 sgr 1749-2022 67 6445 pn 13.0 sgr 1749-2001 67 6451 oc 08.5 sco 1751-3013 58 6514 cn 05.0 sgr 1802-2302 67 (m20) 6517 gc 13.0 oph 1802-0858 67 6520 oc 07.5 sgr 1803-2754 67 6522 gc 10.5 sgr 1804-3002 67 6528 gc 11.0 sgr 1805-3003 67 6540 oc 14.0 sgr 1806-2749 67 6543 pn 09.0 dra 1759+6638 51 6544 gc 07.5 sgr 1807-2500 67 6553 gc 10.0 sgr 1809-2554 67 6568 oc 08.5 sgr 1813-2136 67 6569 gc 10.5 sgr 1814-3150 67 6583 oc 12.0 sgr 1816-2208 67 6624 gc 09.5 sgr 1824-3022 67 6629 pn 12.0 sgr 1826-2312 67 6633 oc 05.5 oph 1828-0634 65
6638 gc 10.0 sgr 1831-2530 67 6642 gc 10.5 sgr 1832-2329 67 6645 oc 08.5 sgr 1833-1654 67 6664 oc 09.0 sct 1837-0813 67 6712 gc 10.0 sct 1853-0842 67 6755 oc 09.0 aql 1908+0414 65 6756 oc 10.5 aql 1909+0441 65 6781 pn 12.5 aql 1919+0632 65 6802 oc 09.0 vul 1931+2016 64 6818 pn 10.0 sgr 1944-1409 66 6823 cn 10.0 vul 1943+2318 62 6826 pn 09.0 cyg 1945+5031 62 6830 oc 09.0 vul 1951+2304 62 6834 oc 10.0 cyg 1952+2925 62 6866 oc 09.0 cyg 2004+4400 62 6882 oc 05.5 vul 2012+2633 62 6885 oc 09.0 vul 2012+2629 62 6905 pn 12.0 del 2022+2006 64 6910 oc 07.5 cyg 2023+4047 62 6934 gc 10.0 del 2034+2410 64 6939 oc 10.0 cep 2031+6038 61 6940 oc 06.5 vul 2035+2818 62 6946 gx 10.5 cep 2035+6009 61 7000 dn 05.5 cyg 2102+4412 62 7006 gc 11.5 del 2102+1611 64 7008 pn 13.5 cyg 2101+5433 62 7009 pn 08.5 aqr 2104-1122 77 7044 oc 11.5 cyg 2113+4229 62 7062 oc 11.5 cyg 2123+4623 62 7086 oc 11.0 cyg 2131+5135 62 7128 oc 11.5 cyg 2144+5343 62 7142 oc 10.0 cep 2146+6548 71 7160 oc 06.5 cep 2154+6236 71 7209 oc 08.0 lac 2205+4630 73 7217 gx 11.5 peg 2208+3121 73 7243 oc 06.5 lac 2215+4953 73 7296 oc 09.5 lac 2228+5217 73 7331 gx 10.5 peg 2237+3426 72 7380 cn 09.0 cep 2247+5806 72 7448 gx 12.5 peg 2300+1559 74 7479 gx 11.5 peg 2305+1219 74 7510 oc 09.5 cep 2312+6034 71 7606 gx 11.5 aqr 2319-0830 76 7662 pn 09.0 and 2326+4233 03 7686 oc 08.0 and 2330+4908 03 7723 gx 12.0 aqr 2339-1258 76 7727 gx 11.5 aqr 2340-1218 76 7789 oc 09.5 cas 2357+5644 03 7790 oc 07.0 cas 2358+6113 03 7814 gx 12.0 peg 0005+1608 74
* * * * *
H400/PSA Index by Chart #
NGC typ/mag/con / radec / psa
040 pn 10.2 cep 0010+7215 01 129 oc 10.0 cas 0027+5957 01 136 oc 11.3 cas 0029+6115 01 225 oc 09.0 cas 0043+6147 01 381 oc 09.5 cas 0108+6135 01 436 oc 09.5 cas 0116+5849 01 457 oc 08.0 cas 0119+5820 01 559 oc 07.5 cas 0130+6318 01 637 oc 07.5 cas 0143+6400 01 654 oc 10.0 cas 0144+6153 01 659 oc 10.0 cas 0144+6042 01 663 oc 07.5 cas 0146+6115 01
598 gx 07.0 tri 0134+3040 02 (m33) 651 pn 12.0 per 0142+5134 02 (m76) 752 oc 06.5 and 0158+3741 02 869 oc 04.5 per 0219+5709 02 884 oc 04.5 per 0222+5707 02 891 gx 11.5 and 0223+4221 02 1023 gx 11.0 per 0241+3903 02 1027 oc 07.5 cas 0243+6113 02 1245 oc 09.0 per 0315+4715 02 1342 oc 07.0 per 0332+3720 02 1444 oc 06.5 per 0349+5240 02
185 gx 11.0 cas 0039+4820 03 205 gx 10.0 and 0040+4141 03 (m110) 278 gx 12.5 cas 0052+4733 03 404 gx 12.0 and 0110+3543 03 7662 pn 09.0 and 2326+4233 03 7686 oc 08.0 and 2330+4908 03 7789 oc 09.5 cas 2357+5644 03 7790 oc 07.0 cas 2358+6113 03
772 gx 11.5 ari 0159+1900 04 936 gx 11.0 cet 0228-0109 04 1055 gx 11.5 cet 0242+0026 04
488 gx 11.5 psc 0122+0516 05 524 gx 12.0 psc 0125+0933 05
584 gx 12.0 cet 0131-0651 06 596 gx 12.5 cet 0133-0701 06 613 gx 11.0 scl 0134-2924 06 615 gx 12.5 cet 0135-0719 06 720 gx 11.5 cet 0153-1344 06 779 gx 12.0 cet 2000-0558 06 908 gx 11.0 cet 0223-2113 06 1022 gx 12.5 cet 0239-0640 06 1052 gx 12.0 cet 0241-0815 06 1084 gx 12.0 eri 0246-0735 06
157 gx 11.5 cet 0035-0824 07 246 pn 10.9 cet 0047-1207 07 247 gx 10.0 cet 0047-2045 07 253 gx 07.5 scl 0048-2518 07 288 gc 09.0 scl 0053-2635 07
1501 pn 13.5 cam 0407+6055 11 1502 oc 05.5 cam 0408+6220 11 1961 gx 11.5 cam 0542+6923 11
1664 oc 08.0 aur 0451+4342 12 1857 oc 08.5 aur 0520+3921 12 1907 oc 10.5 aur 0528+3519 12 1931 cn 13.0 aur 0531+3415 12 2126 oc 10.0 aur 0603+4954 12
1513 oc 09.0 per 0410+4931 13 1528 oc 06.5 per 0415+5114 13 1545 oc 08.0 per 0421+5015 13
1817 oc 08.0 tau 0512+1642 14 2022 pn 13.0 ori 0537-0643 14 2129 oc 07.0 gem 0601+2318 14 2158 oc 12.0 gem 0608+0612 14 2169 oc 07.0 ori 0608+1357 14 2186 oc 09.0 ori 0612+0527 14 2194 oc 10.5 ori 0614+1248 14
1647 oc 06.0 tau 0446+1904 15
1788 dn 09.0 ori 0507-0320 16 1964 gx 11.5 lep 0533-2157 16 1980 cn 02.5 ori 0535-0555 16/B 1999 dn 10.0 ori 0537-0643 16 2024 dn 10.0 ori 0542-0150 16 2185 dn 10.0 mon 0611-0612 16 2204 oc 09.5 cma 0616-1839 16
1407 gx 12.0 eri 0340-1834 17 1535 pn 10.5 eri 0414-1244 17
2403 gx 09.5 gem 0737+6537 21 2787 gx 12.0 uma 0919+6913 21 2985 gx 11.5 uma 0950+7217 21 3147 gx 12.0 dra 1017+7325 21
2681 gx 11.5 uma 0854+5118 22 2683 gx 11.0 lyn 0853+3325 22 2782 gx 12.5 lyn 0914+4007 22 2841 gx 10.5 uma 0922+5059 22 2859 gx 12.0 lmi 0924+3432 22 3079 gx 12.0 uma 1002+5541 22
2266 oc 09.5 gem 0643+2658 23 2281 oc 07.0 aur 0649+4104 23 2371 pn 13.0 gem 0726+2929 23 2372 pn 13.0 gem 0726+2930 23 2419 gc 11.5 lyn 0738+3853 23
2775 gx 11.5 cnc 0910+0703 24
2244 cn 05.0 mon 0632+0452 25 2251 oc 08.5 mon 0635+0822 25 2264 cn 04.0 mon 0641+0953 25 2286 oc 08.5 mon 0648-0310 25 2301 oc 06.5 mon 0652+0028 25 2304 oc 11.0 gem 0655+1801 25 2324 oc 09.0 mon 0704+0103 25 2355 oc 09.5 gem 0717+1347 25 2392 pn 10.0 gem 0729+2055 25 2395 oc 09.5 gem 0727+1335 25 2420 oc 10.0 gem 0739+2134 25
2421 oc 09.0 pup 0736-2037 26 2422 oc 04.5 pup 0737-1430 26 (m47) 2423 oc 07.0 pup 0737-1352 26 2438 pn 11.5 pup 0742-1444 26 2440 pn 11.5 pup 0742-1813 26 2479 oc 09.6 pup 0755-1743 26 2482 oc 08.5 pup 0755-2418 26 2489 oc 09.5 pup 0756-3004 26 2506 oc 08.5 mon 0800-1047 26 2509 oc 09.5 pup 0801-1904 26 2527 oc 08.0 pup 0805-2810 26 2539 oc 08.0 pup 0810-1250 26 2548 oc 05.0 hya 0814-0548 26 (m48) 2567 oc 08.5 pup 0818-3038 26 2571 oc 07.5 pup 0819-2944 26 2613 gx 11.0 pyx 0833-2258 26 2627 oc 08.5 pyx 0837-2957 26 2811 gx 13.0 hya 0916-1618 26
2215 oc 08.5 mon 0621-0717 27 2232 oc 04.0 mon 0627-0445 27 2311 oc 09.5 mon 0658-0435 27 2335 oc 09.5 mon 0707-1005 27 2343 oc 08.0 mon 0708-1039 27 2353 oc 05.0 mon 0715-1018 27 2354 oc 09.0 cma 0714-2544 27 2360 oc 09.0 cma 0719-1537 27 2362 oc 04.0 cma 0719-2457 27
2655 gx 11.5 cam 0856+7813 31 2742 gx 12.5 uma 0908+6029 31 2768 gx 12.0 uma 0912+6003 31 2950 gx 12.5 uma 0943+5851 31 2976 gx 11.5 uma 0947+6755 31 3034 gx 09.5 uma 0956+6941 31 (m82) 3077 gx 11.5 uma 1003+6845 31 3610 gx 12.0 uma 1118+5848 31 3613 gx 12.0 uma 1119+5800 31 3619 gx 12.5 uma 1119+5746 31 3945 gx 12.0 uma 1153+6041 31 4036 gx 12.0 uma 1202+6154 31 4041 gx 12.0 uma 1202+6209 31
3631 gx 11.5 uma 1121+5311 32 3665 gx 12.5 uma 1123+3854 32 3675 gx 11.5 uma 1126+4336 32 3726 gx 11.0 uma 1133+4702 32 3729 gx 13.0 uma 1134+5308 32 3813 gx 13.0 uma 1141+3633 32 3877 gx 12.0 uma 1146+4730 32 3893 gx 11.5 uma 1149+4843 32 3898 gx 11.5 uma 1149+5606 32 3938 gx 11.0 uma 1153+4408 32 3941 gx 11.5 uma 1153+3700 32 3949 gx 12.0 uma 1154+4752 32 3953 gx 11.0 uma 1154+5220 32 3982 gx 12.5 uma 1157+5508 32 3992 gx 10.5 uma 1158+5323 32 (m109) 3998 gx 12.0 uma 1158+5528 32 4026 gx 12.0 uma 1159+5058 32 4051 gx 11.5 uma 1204+4433 32 4085 gx 13.0 uma 1205+5022 32 4088 gx 11.5 uma 1206+5033 32 4102 gx 12.5 uma 1207+5243 32 4111 gx 12.0 cvn 1207+4305 32 4143 gx 12.5 cvn 1210+4233 32 4150 gx 12.5 com 1211+3025 32 4151 gx 11.5 cvn 1211+3925 32 4203 gx 12.0 com 1215+3313 32 4214 gx 10.5 cvn 1216+3620 32 4245 gx 12.5 com 1218+2937 32 4251 gx 12.0 com 1218+2811 32 4258 gx 09.5 cvn 1219+4719 32 (m106) 4274 gx 11.5 com 1220+2937 32 4278 gx 11.5 com 1220+2918 32 4314 gx 11.5 com 1223+2954 32 4346 gx 12.5 cvn 1223+4700 32 4414 gx 11.5 com 1226+3114 32 4485 gx 13.0 cvn 1231+4143 32 4490 gx 11.0 cvn 1231+4139 32 4559 gx 10.5 com 1236+2758 32 4565 gx 10.5 com 1236+2600 32 4448 gx 12.0 com 1228+2838 32 4449 gx 10.5 cvn 1228+4406 32 4618 gx 11.5 cvn 1242+4110 32 4631 gx 10.0 cvn 1242+3233 32 4656 gx 11.0 cvn 1244+3211 32 4800 gx 13.0 cvn 1255+4632 32 5195 gx 09.5 cvn 1330+4716 32 (m51) 5322 gx 11.5 uma 1349+6012 32
2964 gx 12.5 leo 0943+3151 33 3184 gx 11.0 uma 1018+4125 33 3198 gx 11.0 uma 1020+4532 33 3245 gx 12.0 lmi 1027+2830 33 3277 gx 13.0 lmi 1033+2830 33 3294 gx 12.0 lmi 1036+3719 33 3310 gx 11.5 uma 1039+5330 33 3395 gx 12.5 lmi 1050+3259 33 3432 gx 12.0 lmi 1053+3637 33 3486 gx 11.0 lmi 1101+2859 33
3226 gx 12.5 leo 1024+1953 34 3227 gx 12.0 leo 1024+1951 34 3344 gx 11.5 lmi 1044+2455 34 3377 gx 11.5 leo 1048+1359 34 3379 gx 11.0 leo 1048+1235 34 (m105) 3384 gx 11.5 leo 1048+1238 34 3412 gx 12.0 leo 1051+1324 34 3414 gx 12.0 lmi 1051+2758 34 3489 gx 11.5 leo 1100+1354 34 3504 gx 12.0 lmi 1102+2807 34 3521 gx 10.5 leo 1106+0002 34 3593 gx 12.0 leo 1115+1249 34 3607 gx 12.0 leo 1117+1804 34 3608 gx 12.5 leo 1117+1810 34 3626 gx 12.0 leo 1120+1822 34 3628 gx 10.5 leo 1120+1336 34 3640 gx 12.0 leo 1121+0315 34 3655 gx 13.0 leo 1123+1636 34 3686 gx 12.0 leo 1128+1714 34 3810 gx 11.5 leo 1141+1129 34 3900 gx 12.5 leo 1149+2702 34 3912 gx 13.0 leo 1150+2629 34
2903 gx 10.0 leo 0932+2129 35 3166 gx 11.5 sex 1014+0326 35 3169 gx 11.5 sex 1014+0329 35 3190 gx 12.0 leo 1018+2149 35 3193 gx 12.5 leo 1019+2153 35
3242 pn 10.0 hya 1025-1838 36 3621 gx 10.0 hya 1118-3248 36 3962 gx 12.5 crt 1155-1358 36 4027 gx 12.0 crv 1200-1915 36 4030 gx 11.5 vir 1200-0105 36 4038 gx 10.5 crv 1202-1851 36
2974 gx 12.5 sex 0943-0343 37 3115 gx 10.5 sex 1005-0742 37
5631 gx 12.5 uma 1427+5634 41 6217 gx 12.5 umi 1633+7812 41
5473 gx 13.0 uma 1405+5454 42 5474 gx 11.5 uma 1405+5340 42 5557 gx 13.0 boo 1418+3629 42 5676 gx 12.0 boo 1433+4927 42 5689 gx 12.5 boo 1436+4844 42 5866 gx 11.5 dra 1507+5545 42 (m102) 5907 gx 11.5 dra 1516+5619 42 5982 gx 12.5 dra 1539+5921 42
3556 gx 11.0 uma 1112+5541 43 (m108) 5005 gx 11.5 cvn 1311+3703 43 5033 gx 10.5 cvn 1314+3636 43 5273 gx 12.5 cvn 1342+3538 43
5248 gx 11.0 boo 1337+0853 44 5363 gx 11.5 vir 1356+0516 44 5364 gx 11.0 vir 1356+0502 44 5466 gc 10.5 boo 1406+2832 44 5566 gx 11.5 vir 1420+0356 44 5576 gx 12.0 vir 1421+0316 44 5634 gc 11.0 vir 1430-0559 44 5746 gx 11.5 vir 1445+0149 44
4147 gc 11.0 com 1210+1833 45/C 4179 gx 12.0 vir 1213+0119 45 4216 gx 11.0 vir 1216+1309 45/C 4261 gx 11.5 vir 1219+0550 45 4273 gx 12.5 vir 1220+0521 45 4281 gx 12.5 vir 1220+0524 45 4293 gx 11.5 com 1221+1824 45/C 4303 gx 10.5 vir 1222+0429 45 (m61) 4350 gx 12.0 com 1224+1642 45/C 4365 gx 11.0 vir 1225+0720 45/C 4371 gx 12.0 vir 1225+1143 45/C 4394 gx 12.0 com 1226+1813 45/C 4419 gx 12.5 com 1227+1503 45/C 4429 gx 11.5 vir 1228+1107 45/C 4435 gx 12.0 vir 1228+1305 45/C 4438 gx 11.0 vir 1228+1301 45/C 4442 gx 11.5 vir 1228+0949 45/C 4450 gx 11.5 com 1229+1706 45/C 4459 gx 12.0 com 1229+1359 45/C 4473 gx 12.0 com 1230+1326 45/C 4477 gx 11.5 com 1230+1339 45/C 4478 gx 12.5 vir 1230+1220 45/C 4494 gx 11.0 com 1231+2547 45 4526 gx 11.0 vir 1234+0743 45/C 4527 gx 11.5 vir 1234+0240 45 4535 gx 11.0 vir 1234+0813 45/C 4536 gx 11.0 vir 1235+0212 45 4546 gx 12.0 vir 1236-0347 45 4548 gx 11.5 com 1236+1430 45/C (m91) 4550 gx 12.5 vir 1236+1214 45/C 4570 gx 12.0 vir 1237+0715 45/C 4596 gx 12.0 vir 1240+1011 45/C 4636 gx 11.0 vir 1243+0242 45 4643 gx 12.0 vir 1243+0159 45 4654 gx 11.5 vir 1244+1308 45/C 4660 gx 12.5 vir 1246+1112 45/C 4665 gx 11.5 vir 1245+0304 45 4666 gx 11.5 vir 1245-0027 45 4689 gx 12.0 com 1248+1346 45/C 4697 gx 10.5 vir 1249-0548 45 4698 gx 12.0 vir 1249+0830 45/C 4725 gx 10.0 com 1250+2533 45 4753 gx 11.0 vir 1252-0112 45 4754 gx 12.0 vir 1252+1119 45/C 4762 gx 11.5 vir 1253+1114 45/C 4845 gx 12.5 vir 1258+0135 45 4866 gx 12.0 vir 1259+1410 45/C 4900 gx 12.0 vir 1301+3012 45
5694 gc 11.0 hya 1440-2632 46 5846 gx 11.5 vir 1507+0136 46 5897 gc 09.5 lib 1517-2101 46
4361 pn 11.0 crv 1225-1848 47 4594 gx 09.5 vir 1240-1137 47 (m104) 4699 gx 11.0 vir 1249-0840 47 4781 gx 12.0 vir 1254-1032 47 4856 gx 11.5 vir 1259-1502 47 4958 gx 12.0 vir 1306-0801 47 4995 gx 12.0 vir 1310-0750 47 5054 gx 11.5 vir 1317-1639 47
6543 pn 09.0 dra 1759+6638 51
6207 gx 12.5 her 1643+3650 52 6229 gc 10.5 her 1647+4732 52
6118 gx 12.0 ser 1622-0217 54 6426 gc 12.5 oph 1744+0300 54
6144 gc 11.0 sco 1627-2602 56 6171 gc 10.0 oph 1633-1303 56 (m107) 6235 gc 11.0 oph 1653-2211 56 6284 gc 10.5 oph 1705-2446 56 6287 gc 11.0 oph 1705-2242 56 6293 gc 09.5 oph 1710-2635 56 6304 gc 10.0 oph 1715-2928 56 6316 gc 10.0 oph 1717-2808 56 6342 gc 11.5 oph 1721-1935 56 6355 gc 09.5 oph 1724-2621 56 6356 gc 09.5 oph 1724-1749 56 6369 pn 14.0 oph 1729-2346 56 6401 gc 07.5 oph 1739-2355 56
6451 oc 08.5 sco 1751-3013 58
6939 oc 10.0 cep 2031+6038 61 6946 gx 10.5 cep 2035+6009 61
6823 cn 10.0 vul 1943+2318 62 6826 pn 09.0 cyg 1945+5031 62 6830 oc 09.0 vul 1951+2304 62 6834 oc 10.0 cyg 1952+2925 62 6866 oc 09.0 cyg 2004+4400 62 6882 oc 05.5 vul 2012+2633 62 6885 oc 09.0 vul 2012+2629 62 6910 oc 07.5 cyg 2023+4047 62 6940 oc 06.5 vul 2035+2818 62 7000 dn 05.5 cyg 2102+4412 62 7008 pn 13.5 cyg 2101+5433 62 7044 oc 11.5 cyg 2113+4229 62 7062 oc 11.5 cyg 2123+4623 62 7086 oc 11.0 cyg 2131+5135 62 7128 oc 11.5 cyg 2144+5343 62
6802 oc 09.0 vul 1931+2016 64 6905 pn 12.0 del 2022+2006 64 6934 gc 10.0 del 2034+2410 64 7006 gc 11.5 del 2102+1611 64
6633 oc 05.5 oph 1828-0634 65 6755 oc 09.0 aql 1908+0414 65 6756 oc 10.5 aql 1909+0441 65 6781 pn 12.5 aql 1919+0632 65
6818 pn 10.0 sgr 1944-1409 66
6440 gc 12.0 sgr 1749-2022 67 6445 pn 13.0 sgr 1749-2001 67 6514 cn 05.0 sgr 1802-2302 67 (m20) 6517 gc 13.0 oph 1802-0858 67 6520 oc 07.5 sgr 1803-2754 67 6522 gc 10.5 sgr 1804-3002 67 6528 gc 11.0 sgr 1805-3003 67 6540 oc 14.0 sgr 1806-2749 67 6544 gc 07.5 sgr 1807-2500 67 6553 gc 10.0 sgr 1809-2554 67 6568 oc 08.5 sgr 1813-2136 67 6569 gc 10.5 sgr 1814-3150 67 6583 oc 12.0 sgr 1816-2208 67 6624 gc 09.5 sgr 1824-3022 67 6629 pn 12.0 sgr 1826-2312 67 6638 gc 10.0 sgr 1831-2530 67 6642 gc 10.5 sgr 1832-2329 67 6645 oc 08.5 sgr 1833-1654 67 6664 oc 09.0 sct 1837-0813 67 6712 gc 10.0 sct 1853-0842 67
7142 oc 10.0 cep 2146+6548 71 7160 oc 06.5 cep 2154+6236 71 7510 oc 09.5 cep 2312+6034 71
7331 gx 10.5 peg 2237+3426 72 7380 cn 09.0 cep 2247+5806 72
7209 oc 08.0 lac 2205+4630 73 7217 gx 11.5 peg 2208+3121 73 7243 oc 06.5 lac 2215+4953 73 7296 oc 09.5 lac 2228+5217 73
7448 gx 12.5 peg 2300+1559 74 7479 gx 11.5 peg 2305+1219 74 7814 gx 12.0 peg 0005+1608 74
7606 gx 11.5 aqr 2319-0830 76 7723 gx 12.0 aqr 2339-1258 76 7727 gx 11.5 aqr 2340-1218 76
7009 pn 08.5 aqr 2104-1122 77
* * * * *
H400/PSA Index by Constellation
NGC typ/mag/con / radec / psa
205 gx 10.0 and 0040+4141 03 (m110) 404 gx 12.0 and 0110+3543 03 752 oc 06.5 and 0158+3741 02 891 gx 11.5 and 0223+4221 02 7662 pn 09.0 and 2326+4233 03 7686 oc 08.0 and 2330+4908 03
6755 oc 09.0 aql 1908+0414 65 6756 oc 10.5 aql 1909+0441 65 6781 pn 12.5 aql 1919+0632 65
7009 pn 08.5 aqr 2104-1122 77 7606 gx 11.5 aqr 2319-0830 76 7723 gx 12.0 aqr 2339-1258 76 7727 gx 11.5 aqr 2340-1218 76
772 gx 11.5 ari 0159+1900 04
1664 oc 08.0 aur 0451+4342 12 1857 oc 08.5 aur 0520+3921 12 1907 oc 10.5 aur 0528+3519 12 1931 cn 13.0 aur 0531+3415 12 2126 oc 10.0 aur 0603+4954 12 2281 oc 07.0 aur 0649+4104 23
5248 gx 11.0 boo 1337+0853 44 5466 gc 10.5 boo 1406+2832 44 5557 gx 13.0 boo 1418+3629 42 5676 gx 12.0 boo 1433+4927 42 5689 gx 12.5 boo 1436+4844 42
1501 pn 13.5 cam 0407+6055 11 1502 oc 05.5 cam 0408+6220 11 1961 gx 11.5 cam 0542+6923 11 2655 gx 11.5 cam 0856+7813 31
129 oc 10.0 cas 0027+5957 01 136 oc 11.3 cas 0029+6115 01 185 gx 11.0 cas 0039+4820 03 225 oc 09.0 cas 0043+6147 01 278 gx 12.5 cas 0052+4733 03 381 oc 09.5 cas 0108+6135 01 436 oc 09.5 cas 0116+5849 01 457 oc 08.0 cas 0119+5820 01 559 oc 07.5 cas 0130+6318 01 637 oc 07.5 cas 0143+6400 01 654 oc 10.0 cas 0144+6153 01 659 oc 10.0 cas 0144+6042 01 663 oc 07.5 cas 0146+6115 01 1027 oc 07.5 cas 0243+6113 02 7789 oc 09.5 cas 2357+5644 03 7790 oc 07.0 cas 2358+6113 03
040 pn 10.2 cep 0010+7215 01 6939 oc 10.0 cep 2031+6038 61 6946 gx 10.5 cep 2035+6009 61 7142 oc 10.0 cep 2146+6548 71 7160 oc 06.5 cep 2154+6236 71 7380 cn 09.0 cep 2247+5806 72 7510 oc 09.5 cep 2312+6034 71
157 gx 11.5 cet 0035-0824 07 246 pn 10.9 cet 0047-1207 07 247 gx 10.0 cet 0047-2045 07 584 gx 12.0 cet 0131-0651 06 596 gx 12.5 cet 0133-0701 06 615 gx 12.5 cet 0135-0719 06 720 gx 11.5 cet 0153-1344 06 779 gx 12.0 cet 2000-0558 06 908 gx 11.0 cet 0223-2113 06 936 gx 11.0 cet 0228-0109 04 1022 gx 12.5 cet 0239-0640 06 1052 gx 12.0 cet 0241-0815 06 1055 gx 11.5 cet 0242+0026 04
2204 oc 09.5 cma 0616-1839 16 2354 oc 09.0 cma 0714-2544 27 2360 oc 09.0 cma 0719-1537 27 2362 oc 04.0 cma 0719-2457 27
2775 gx 11.5 cnc 0910+0703 24
4147 gc 11.0 com 1210+1833 45/C 4150 gx 12.5 com 1211+3025 32 4203 gx 12.0 com 1215+3313 32 4245 gx 12.5 com 1218+2937 32 4251 gx 12.0 com 1218+2811 32 4274 gx 11.5 com 1220+2937 32 4278 gx 11.5 com 1220+2918 32 4293 gx 11.5 com 1221+1824 45/C 4314 gx 11.5 com 1223+2954 32 4350 gx 12.0 com 1224+1642 45/C 4394 gx 12.0 com 1226+1813 45/C 4414 gx 11.5 com 1226+3114 32 4419 gx 12.5 com 1227+1503 45/C 4448 gx 12.0 com 1228+2838 32 4450 gx 11.5 com 1229+1706 45/C 4459 gx 12.0 com 1229+1359 45/C 4473 gx 12.0 com 1230+1326 45/C 4477 gx 11.5 com 1230+1339 45/C 4494 gx 11.0 com 1231+2547 45 4548 gx 11.5 com 1236+1430 45/C (m91) 4559 gx 10.5 com 1236+2758 32 4565 gx 10.5 com 1236+2600 32 4689 gx 12.0 com 1248+1346 45/C 4725 gx 10.0 com 1250+2533 45
3962 gx 12.5 crt 1155-1358 36
4027 gx 12.0 crv 1200-1915 36 4038 gx 10.5 crv 1202-1851 36 4361 pn 11.0 crv 1225-1848 47
4111 gx 12.0 cvn 1207+4305 32 4143 gx 12.5 cvn 1210+4233 32 4151 gx 11.5 cvn 1211+3925 32 4214 gx 10.5 cvn 1216+3620 32 4258 gx 09.5 cvn 1219+4719 32 (m106) 4346 gx 12.5 cvn 1223+4700 32 4449 gx 10.5 cvn 1228+4406 32 4485 gx 13.0 cvn 1231+4143 32 4490 gx 11.0 cvn 1231+4139 32 4618 gx 11.5 cvn 1242+4110 32 4631 gx 10.0 cvn 1242+3233 32 4656 gx 11.0 cvn 1244+3211 32 4800 gx 13.0 cvn 1255+4632 32 5005 gx 11.5 cvn 1311+3703 43 5033 gx 10.5 cvn 1314+3636 43 5195 gx 09.5 cvn 1330+4716 32 (m51) 5273 gx 12.5 cvn 1342+3538 43
6826 pn 09.0 cyg 1945+5031 62 6834 oc 10.0 cyg 1952+2925 62 6866 oc 09.0 cyg 2004+4400 62 6910 oc 07.5 cyg 2023+4047 62 7000 dn 05.5 cyg 2102+4412 62 7008 pn 13.5 cyg 2101+5433 62 7044 oc 11.5 cyg 2113+4229 62 7062 oc 11.5 cyg 2123+4623 62 7086 oc 11.0 cyg 2131+5135 62 7128 oc 11.5 cyg 2144+5343 62
6905 pn 12.0 del 2022+2006 64 6934 gc 10.0 del 2034+2410 64 7006 gc 11.5 del 2102+1611 64
3147 gx 12.0 dra 1017+7325 21 5866 gx 11.5 dra 1507+5545 42 (m102) 5907 gx 11.5 dra 1516+5619 42 5982 gx 12.5 dra 1539+5921 42 6543 pn 09.0 dra 1759+6638 51
1084 gx 12.0 eri 0246-0735 06 1407 gx 12.0 eri 0340-1834 17 1535 pn 10.5 eri 0414-1244 17
2129 oc 07.0 gem 0601+2318 14 2158 oc 12.0 gem 0608+0612 14 2266 oc 09.5 gem 0643+2658 23 2304 oc 11.0 gem 0655+1801 25 2355 oc 09.5 gem 0717+1347 25 2371 pn 13.0 gem 0726+2929 23 2372 pn 13.0 gem 0726+2930 23 2392 pn 10.0 gem 0729+2055 25 2395 oc 09.5 gem 0727+1335 25 2403 gx 09.5 gem 0737+6537 21 2420 oc 10.0 gem 0739+2134 25
6207 gx 12.5 her 1643+3650 52 6229 gc 10.5 her 1647+4732 52
2548 oc 05.0 hya 0814-0548 26 (m48) 2811 gx 13.0 hya 0916-1618 26 3242 pn 10.0 hya 1025-1838 36 3621 gx 10.0 hya 1118-3248 36 5694 gc 11.0 hya 1440-2632 46
7209 oc 08.0 lac 2205+4630 73 7243 oc 06.5 lac 2215+4953 73 7296 oc 09.5 lac 2228+5217 73
2903 gx 10.0 leo 0932+2129 35 2964 gx 12.5 leo 0943+3151 33 3190 gx 12.0 leo 1018+2149 35 3193 gx 12.5 leo 1019+2153 35 3226 gx 12.5 leo 1024+1953 34 3227 gx 12.0 leo 1024+1951 34 3377 gx 11.5 leo 1048+1359 34 3379 gx 11.0 leo 1048+1235 34 (m105) 3384 gx 11.5 leo 1048+1238 34 3412 gx 12.0 leo 1051+1324 34 3489 gx 11.5 leo 1100+1354 34 3521 gx 10.5 leo 1106+0002 34 3593 gx 12.0 leo 1115+1249 34 3607 gx 12.0 leo 1117+1804 34 3608 gx 12.5 leo 1117+1810 34 3626 gx 12.0 leo 1120+1822 34 3628 gx 10.5 leo 1120+1336 34 3640 gx 12.0 leo 1121+0315 34 3655 gx 13.0 leo 1123+1636 34 3686 gx 12.0 leo 1128+1714 34 3810 gx 11.5 leo 1141+1129 34 3900 gx 12.5 leo 1149+2702 34 3912 gx 13.0 leo 1150+2629 34
1964 gx 11.5 lep 0533-2157 16
5897 gc 09.5 lib 1517-2101 46
2859 gx 12.0 lmi 0924+3432 22 3245 gx 12.0 lmi 1027+2830 33 3277 gx 13.0 lmi 1033+2830 33 3294 gx 12.0 lmi 1036+3719 33 3344 gx 11.5 lmi 1044+2455 34 3395 gx 12.5 lmi 1050+3259 33 3414 gx 12.0 lmi 1051+2758 34 3432 gx 12.0 lmi 1053+3637 33 3486 gx 11.0 lmi 1101+2859 33 3504 gx 12.0 lmi 1102+2807 34
2419 gc 11.5 lyn 0738+3853 23 2683 gx 11.0 lyn 0853+3325 22 2782 gx 12.5 lyn 0914+4007 22
2185 dn 10.0 mon 0611-0612 16 2215 oc 08.5 mon 0621-0717 27 2232 oc 04.0 mon 0627-0445 27 2244 cn 05.0 mon 0632+0452 25 2251 oc 08.5 mon 0635+0822 25 2264 cn 04.0 mon 0641+0953 25 2286 oc 08.5 mon 0648-0310 25 2301 oc 06.5 mon 0652+0028 25 2311 oc 09.5 mon 0658-0435 27 2324 oc 09.0 mon 0704+0103 25 2335 oc 09.5 mon 0707-1005 27 2343 oc 08.0 mon 0708-1039 27 2353 oc 05.0 mon 0715-1018 27 2506 oc 08.5 mon 0800-1047 26
6171 gc 10.0 oph 1633-1303 56 (m107) 6235 gc 11.0 oph 1653-2211 56 6284 gc 10.5 oph 1705-2446 56 6287 gc 11.0 oph 1705-2242 56 6293 gc 09.5 oph 1710-2635 56 6304 gc 10.0 oph 1715-2928 56 6316 gc 10.0 oph 1717-2808 56 6342 gc 11.5 oph 1721-1935 56 6355 gc 09.5 oph 1724-2621 56 6356 gc 09.5 oph 1724-1749 56 6369 pn 14.0 oph 1729-2346 56 6401 gc 07.5 oph 1739-2355 56 6426 gc 12.5 oph 1744+0300 54 6517 gc 13.0 oph 1802-0858 67 6633 oc 05.5 oph 1828-0634 65
1788 dn 09.0 ori 0507-0320 16 1980 cn 02.5 ori 0535-0555 16/B 1999 dn 10.0 ori 0537-0643 16 2022 pn 13.0 ori 0537-0643 14 2024 dn 10.0 ori 0542-0150 16 2169 oc 07.0 ori 0608+1357 14 2186 oc 09.0 ori 0612+0527 14 2194 oc 10.5 ori 0614+1248 14
7217 gx 11.5 peg 2208+3121 73 7331 gx 10.5 peg 2237+3426 72 7448 gx 12.5 peg 2300+1559 74 7479 gx 11.5 peg 2305+1219 74 7814 gx 12.0 peg 0005+1608 74
651 pn 12.0 per 0142+5134 02 (m76) 869 oc 04.5 per 0219+5709 02 884 oc 04.5 per 0222+5707 02 1023 gx 11.0 per 0241+3903 02 1245 oc 09.0 per 0315+4715 02 1342 oc 07.0 per 0332+3720 02 1444 oc 06.5 per 0349+5240 02 1513 oc 09.0 per 0410+4931 13 1528 oc 06.5 per 0415+5114 13 1545 oc 08.0 per 0421+5015 13
488 gx 11.5 psc 0122+0516 05 524 gx 12.0 psc 0125+0933 05
2421 oc 09.0 pup 0736-2037 26 2422 oc 04.5 pup 0737-1430 26 (m47) 2423 oc 07.0 pup 0737-1352 26 2438 pn 11.5 pup 0742-1444 26 2440 pn 11.5 pup 0742-1813 26 2479 oc 09.6 pup 0755-1743 26 2482 oc 08.5 pup 0755-2418 26 2489 oc 09.5 pup 0756-3004 26 2509 oc 09.5 pup 0801-1904 26 2527 oc 08.0 pup 0805-2810 26 2539 oc 08.0 pup 0810-1250 26 2567 oc 08.5 pup 0818-3038 26 2571 oc 07.5 pup 0819-2944 26
2613 gx 11.0 pyx 0833-2258 26 2627 oc 08.5 pyx 0837-2957 26
253 gx 07.5 scl 0048-2518 07 288 gc 09.0 scl 0053-2635 07 613 gx 11.0 scl 0134-2924 06
6144 gc 11.0 sco 1627-2602 56 6451 oc 08.5 sco 1751-3013 58
6664 oc 09.0 sct 1837-0813 67 6712 gc 10.0 sct 1853-0842 67
6118 gx 12.0 ser 1622-0217 54
2974 gx 12.5 sex 0943-0343 37 3115 gx 10.5 sex 1005-0742 37 3166 gx 11.5 sex 1014+0326 35 3169 gx 11.5 sex 1014+0329 35
6440 gc 12.0 sgr 1749-2022 67 6445 pn 13.0 sgr 1749-2001 67 6514 cn 05.0 sgr 1802-2302 67 (m20) 6520 oc 07.5 sgr 1803-2754 67 6522 gc 10.5 sgr 1804-3002 67 6528 gc 11.0 sgr 1805-3003 67 6540 oc 14.0 sgr 1806-2749 67 6544 gc 07.5 sgr 1807-2500 67 6553 gc 10.0 sgr 1809-2554 67 6568 oc 08.5 sgr 1813-2136 67 6569 gc 10.5 sgr 1814-3150 67 6583 oc 12.0 sgr 1816-2208 67 6624 gc 09.5 sgr 1824-3022 67 6629 pn 12.0 sgr 1826-2312 67 6638 gc 10.0 sgr 1831-2530 67 6642 gc 10.5 sgr 1832-2329 67 6645 oc 08.5 sgr 1833-1654 67 6818 pn 10.0 sgr 1944-1409 66
1647 oc 06.0 tau 0446+1904 15 1817 oc 08.0 tau 0512+1642 14
598 gx 07.0 tri 0134+3040 02 (m33)
2681 gx 11.5 uma 0854+5118 22 2742 gx 12.5 uma 0908+6029 31 2768 gx 12.0 uma 0912+6003 31 2787 gx 12.0 uma 0919+6913 21 2841 gx 10.5 uma 0922+5059 22 2950 gx 12.5 uma 0943+5851 31 2976 gx 11.5 uma 0947+6755 31 2985 gx 11.5 uma 0950+7217 21 3034 gx 09.5 uma 0956+6941 31 (m82) 3077 gx 11.5 uma 1003+6845 31 3079 gx 12.0 uma 1002+5541 22 3184 gx 11.0 uma 1018+4125 33 3198 gx 11.0 uma 1020+4532 33 3310 gx 11.5 uma 1039+5330 33 3556 gx 11.0 uma 1112+5541 43 (m108) 3610 gx 12.0 uma 1118+5848 31 3613 gx 12.0 uma 1119+5800 31 3619 gx 12.5 uma 1119+5746 31 3631 gx 11.5 uma 1121+5311 32 3665 gx 12.5 uma 1123+3854 32 3675 gx 11.5 uma 1126+4336 32 3726 gx 11.0 uma 1133+4702 32 3729 gx 13.0 uma 1134+5308 32 3813 gx 13.0 uma 1141+3633 32 3877 gx 12.0 uma 1146+4730 32 3893 gx 11.5 uma 1149+4843 32 3898 gx 11.5 uma 1149+5606 32 3938 gx 11.0 uma 1153+4408 32 3941 gx 11.5 uma 1153+3700 32 3945 gx 12.0 uma 1153+6041 31 3949 gx 12.0 uma 1154+4752 32 3953 gx 11.0 uma 1154+5220 32 3982 gx 12.5 uma 1157+5508 32 3992 gx 10.5 uma 1158+5323 32 (m109) 3998 gx 12.0 uma 1158+5528 32 4026 gx 12.0 uma 1159+5058 32 4036 gx 12.0 uma 1202+6154 31 4041 gx 12.0 uma 1202+6209 31 4051 gx 11.5 uma 1204+4433 32 4085 gx 13.0 uma 1205+5022 32 4088 gx 11.5 uma 1206+5033 32 4102 gx 12.5 uma 1207+5243 32 5322 gx 11.5 uma 1349+6012 32 5473 gx 13.0 uma 1405+5454 42 5474 gx 11.5 uma 1405+5340 42 5631 gx 12.5 uma 1427+5634 41
6217 gx 12.5 umi 1633+7812 41
4030 gx 11.5 vir 1200-0105 36 4179 gx 12.0 vir 1213+0119 45 4216 gx 11.0 vir 1216+1309 45/C 4261 gx 11.5 vir 1219+0550 45 4273 gx 12.5 vir 1220+0521 45 4281 gx 12.5 vir 1220+0524 45 4303 gx 10.5 vir 1222+0429 45 (m61) 4365 gx 11.0 vir 1225+0720 45/C 4371 gx 12.0 vir 1225+1143 45/C 4429 gx 11.5 vir 1228+1107 45/C 4435 gx 12.0 vir 1228+1305 45/C 4438 gx 11.0 vir 1228+1301 45/C 4442 gx 11.5 vir 1228+0949 45/C 4478 gx 12.5 vir 1230+1220 45/C 4526 gx 11.0 vir 1234+0743 45/C 4527 gx 11.5 vir 1234+0240 45 4535 gx 11.0 vir 1234+0813 45/C 4536 gx 11.0 vir 1235+0212 45 4546 gx 12.0 vir 1236-0347 45 4550 gx 12.5 vir 1236+1214 45/C 4570 gx 12.0 vir 1237+0715 45/C 4594 gx 09.5 vir 1240-1137 47 (m104) 4596 gx 12.0 vir 1240+1011 45/C 4636 gx 11.0 vir 1243+0242 45 4643 gx 12.0 vir 1243+0159 45 4654 gx 11.5 vir 1244+1308 45/C 4660 gx 12.5 vir 1246+1112 45/C 4665 gx 11.5 vir 1245+0304 45 4666 gx 11.5 vir 1245-0027 45 4697 gx 10.5 vir 1249-0548 45 4698 gx 12.0 vir 1249+0830 45/C 4699 gx 11.0 vir 1249-0840 47 4753 gx 11.0 vir 1252-0112 45 4754 gx 12.0 vir 1252+1119 45/C 4762 gx 11.5 vir 1253+1114 45/C 4781 gx 12.0 vir 1254-1032 47 4845 gx 12.5 vir 1258+0135 45 4856 gx 11.5 vir 1259-1502 47 4866 gx 12.0 vir 1259+1410 45/C 4900 gx 12.0 vir 1301+3012 45 4958 gx 12.0 vir 1306-0801 47 4995 gx 12.0 vir 1310-0750 47 5054 gx 11.5 vir 1317-1639 47 5363 gx 11.5 vir 1356+0516 44 5364 gx 11.0 vir 1356+0502 44 5566 gx 11.5 vir 1420+0356 44 5576 gx 12.0 vir 1421+0316 44 5634 gc 11.0 vir 1430-0559 44 5746 gx 11.5 vir 1445+0149 44 5846 gx 11.5 vir 1507+0136 46
6802 oc 09.0 vul 1931+2016 64 6823 cn 10.0 vul 1943+2318 62 6830 oc 09.0 vul 1951+2304 62 6882 oc 05.5 vul 2012+2633 62 6885 oc 09.0 vul 2012+2629 62 6940 oc 06.5 vul 2035+2818 62
* * * * *
H400/PSA Index by Declination
NGC typ /mag / con / radec / psa
2655 gx 11.5 cam 0856+7813 31 6217 gx 12.5 umi 1633+7812 41 3147 gx 12.0 dra 1017+7325 21 2985 gx 11.5 uma 0950+7217 21 040  pn 10.2 cep 0010+7215 01 (c2) 3034 gx 09.5 uma 0956+6941 31 (m82) 1961 gx 11.5 cam 0542+6923 11 2787 gx 12.0 uma 0919+6913 21 3077 gx 11.5 uma 1003+6845 31 2976 gx 11.5 uma 0947+6755 31 6543 pn 09.0 dra 1759+6638 51 (c6) 7142 oc 10.0 cep 2146+6548 71 2403 gx 09.5 gem 0737+6537 21 (c7) 637  oc 07.5 cas 0143+6400 01 559  oc 07.5 cas 0130+6318 01 (c8) 7160 oc 06.5 cep 2154+6236 71 1502 oc 05.5 cam 0408+6220 11 4041 gx 12.0 uma 1202+6209 31 4036 gx 12.0 uma 1202+6154 31 654  oc 10.0 cas 0144+6153 01 225  oc 09.0 cas 0043+6147 01 1027 oc 07.5 cas 0243+6138 02 381  oc 09.5 cas 0108+6135 01 136  oc 11.3 cas 0029+6132 01 663  oc 07.5 cas 0146+6114 01 (c10) 7790 oc 07.0 cas 2358+6112 03 1501 pn 13.5 cam 0407+6055 11 659  oc 10.0 cas 0144+6042 01 3945 gx 12.0 uma 1153+6041 31 6939 oc 10.0 cep 2031+6038 61 7510 oc 09.5 cep 2312+6034 71 2742 gx 12.5 uma 0908+6029 31 5322 gx 11.5 uma 1349+6012 32 6946 gx 10.5 cep 2035+6009 61 (c12) 2768 gx 12.0 uma 0912+6003 31 129  oc 10.0 cas 0027+5957 01 5982 gx 12.5 dra 1539+5921 42 2950 gx 12.5 uma 0943+5851 31 436  oc 09.5 cas 0116+5849 01 3610 gx 12.0 uma 1118+5848 31 457  oc 08.0 cas 0119+5820 01 (c13) 7380 cn 09.0 cep 2247+5806 72 3613 gx 12.0 uma 1119+5800 31 3619 gx 12.5 uma 1119+5746 31 869  oc 04.5 per 0219+5709 02 (c14) 884  oc 04.5 per 0222+5707 02 (c14a) 7789 oc 09.5 cas 2357+5644 03 5631 gx 12.5 uma 1427+5634 41 5907 gx 11.5 dra 1516+5619 42 3898 gx 11.5 uma 1149+5606 32 5866 gx 11.5 dra 1507+5545 42 (m102) 3079 gx 12.0 uma 1002+5541 22 3556 gx 11.0 uma 1112+5540 43 (m108) 3998 gx 12.0 uma 1158+5528 32 3982 gx 12.5 uma 1157+5508 32 5473 gx 13.0 uma 1405+5454 42 7008 pn 13.5 cyg 2101+5433 62 7128 oc 11.5 cyg 2144+5343 62 5474 gx 11.5 uma 1405+5340 42 3310 gx 11.5 uma 1039+5330 33 3992 gx 10.5 uma 1158+5323 32 (m109) 3631 gx 11.5 uma 1121+5311 32 3729 gx 13.0 uma 1134+5308 32 4102 gx 12.5 uma 1207+5243 32 1444 oc 06.5 per 0349+5240 02 3953 gx 11.0 uma 1154+5220 32 7296 oc 09.5 lac 2228+5217 73 7086 oc 11.0 cyg 2131+5135 62 651  pn 12.0 per 0142+5134 02 (m76) 2681 gx 11.5 uma 0854+5118 22 1528 oc 06.5 per 0415+5114 13 2841 gx 10.5 uma 0922+5059 22 4026 gx 12.0 uma 1159+5058 32 4088 gx 11.5 uma 1206+5033 32 6826 pn 09.0 cyg 1945+5031 62 (c15) 4085 gx 13.0 uma 1205+5022 32 1545 oc 08.0 per 0421+5015 13 2126 oc 10.0 aur 0603+4954 12 7243 oc 06.5 lac 2215+4953 73 (c16) 1513 oc 09.0 per 0410+4931 13 5676 gx 12.0 boo 1433+4927 42 7686 oc 08.0 and 2330+4908 03 5689 gx 12.5 boo 1436+4844 42 3893 gx 11.5 uma 1149+4843 32 185  gx 11.0 cas 0039+4820 03 (c18) 3949 gx 12.0 uma 1154+4752 32 278  gx 12.5 cas 0052+4733 03 6229 gc 10.5 her 1647+4732 52 3877 gx 12.0 uma 1146+4730 32 4258 gx 09.5 cvn 1219+4719 32 (m106) 5195 gx 09.5 cvn 1330+4716 32 (m51) 1245 oc 09.0 per 0315+4715 02 3726 gx 11.0 uma 1133+4702 32 4346 gx 12.5 cvn 1223+4700 32 4800 gx 13.0 cvn 1255+4632 32 7209 oc 08.0 lac 2205+4630 73 7062 oc 11.5 cyg 2123+4623 62 3198 gx 11.0 uma 1020+4532 33 4051 gx 11.5 uma 1204+4433 32 7000 dn 05.5 cyg 2102+4412 62 (c20) 3938 gx 11.0 uma 1153+4408 32 4449 gx 10.5 cvn 1228+4406 32 (c21) 6866 oc 09.0 cyg 2004+4400 62 1664 oc 08.0 aur 0451+4342 12 3675 gx 11.5 uma 1126+4336 32 4111 gx 12.0 cvn 1207+4305 32 7662 pn 09.0 and 2326+4232 03 (c22) 4143 gx 12.5 cvn 1210+4232 32 7044 oc 11.5 cyg 2113+4229 62 891  gx 11.5 and 0223+4221 02 (c23) 4485 gx 13.0 cvn 1231+4143 32 205  gx 10.0 and 0040+4141 03 (m110) 4490 gx 11.0 cvn 1231+4139 32 3184 gx 11.0 uma 1018+4125 33 4618 gx 11.5 cvn 1242+4110 32 2281 oc 07.0 aur 0649+4104 23 6910 oc 07.5 cyg 2023+4047 62 2782 gx 12.5 lyn 0914+4007 22 4151 gx 11.5 cvn 1211+3925 32 1857 oc 08.5 aur 0520+3921 12 1023 gx 11.0 per 0241+3903 02 3665 gx 12.5 uma 1123+3854 32 2419 gc 11.5 lyn 0738+3853 23 (c25) 752  oc 06.5 and 0158+3741 02 (c28) 1342 oc 07.0 per 0332+3720 02 3294 gx 12.0 lmi 1036+3719 33 5005 gx 11.5 cvn 1311+3703 43 (c29) 3941 gx 11.5 uma 1153+3700 32 6207 gx 12.5 her 1643+3650 52 3432 gx 12.0 lmi 1053+3637 33 5033 gx 10.5 cvn 1314+3636 43 3813 gx 13.0 uma 1141+3633 32 5557 gx 13.0 boo 1418+3629 42 4214 gx 10.5 cvn 1216+3620 32 404  gx 12.0 and 0110+3543 03 5273 gx 12.5 cvn 1342+3538 43 1907 oc 10.5 aur 0528+3519 12 2859 gx 12.0 lmi 0924+3432 22 7331 gx 10.5 peg 2237+3426 72 (c30) 1931 cn 13.0 aur 0531+3415 12 2683 gx 11.0 lyn 0853+3325 22 4203 gx 12.0 com 1215+3313 32 3395 gx 12.5 lmi 1050+3259 33 4631 gx 10.0 cvn 1242+3233 32 (c32) 4656 gx 11.0 cvn 1244+3211 32 2964 gx 12.5 leo 0943+3151 33 7217 gx 11.5 peg 2208+3121 73 4414 gx 11.5 com 1226+3114 32 598  gx  07.0 tri  0134+3040 02 (m33) 4150 gx 12.5 com 1211+3025 32 4900 gx 12.0 vir 1301+3012 45 4314 gx 11.5 com 1223+2954 32 4274 gx 11.5 com 1220+2937 32 4245 gx 12.5 com 1218+2936 32 2372 pn 13.0 gem 0726+2930 23 2371 pn 13.0 gem 0726+2929 23 6834 oc 10.0 cyg 1952+2925 62 4278 gx 11.5 com 1220+2918 32 3486 gx 11.0 lmi 1101+2859 33 4448 gx 12.0 com 1228+2838 32 5466 gc 10.5 boo 1406+2832 44 3277 gx 13.0 lmi 1033+2831 33 3245 gx 12.0 lmi 1027+2830 33 6940 oc 06.5 vul 2035+2818 62 4251 gx 12.0 com 1218+2811 32 3504 gx 12.0 lmi 1102+2807 34 3414 gx 12.0 lmi 1051+2759 34 4559 gx 10.5 com 1236+2758 32 (c36) 3900 gx 12.5 leo 1149+2702 34 2266 oc 09.5 gem 0643+2658 23 6882 oc 05.5 vul 2012+2633 62 3912 gx 13.0 leo 1150+2629 34 6885 oc 09.0 vul 2012+2629 62 (c37) 4565 gx 10.5 com 1236+2600 32 (c38) 4494 gx 11.0 com 1231+2547 45 4725 gx 10.0 com 1250+2533 45 3344 gx 11.5 lmi 1044+2455 34 6934 gc 10.0 del 2034+2410 64 2129 oc 07.0 gem 0601+2319 14 6823 cn 10.0 vul 1943+2318 62 6830 oc 09.0 vul 1951+2304 62 3193 gx 12.5 leo 1019+2153 35 3190 gx 12.0 leo 1018+2149 35 2420 oc 10.0 gem 0739+2134 25 2903 gx 10.0 leo 0932+2129 35 2392 pn 10.0 gem 0729+2055 25 (c39) 6802 oc 09.0 vul 1931+2016 64 6905 pn 12.0 del 2022+2006 64 3226 gx 12.5 leo 1024+1953 34 3227 gx 12.0 leo 1024+1951 34 1647 oc 06.0 tau 0446+1904 15 772  gx 11.5 ari  0159+1900 04 4147 gc 11.0 com 1210+1833 45/C 4293 gx 11.5 com 1221+1824 45/C 3626 gx 12.0 leo 1120+1822 34 (c40) 4394 gx 12.0 com 1226+1813 45/C 3608 gx 12.5 leo 1117+1810 34 3607 gx 12.0 leo 1117+1804 34 2304 oc 11.0 gem 0655+1801 25 3686 gx 12.0 leo 1128+1714 34 4450 gx 11.5 com 1229+1706 45/C 4350 gx 12.0 com 1224+1642 45/C 1817 oc 08.0 tau 0512+1641 14 3655 gx 13.0 leo 1123+1636 34 7006 gc 11.5 del 2102+1611 64 (c42) 7814 gx 12.0 peg 0005+1608 74 (c43) 7448 gx 12.5 peg 2300+1559 74 4419 gx 12.5 com 1227+1503 45/C 4548 gx 11.5 com 1236+1430 45/C (m91) 4866 gx 12.0 vir 1259+1410 45/C 3377 gx 11.5 leo 1048+1359 34 4459 gx 12.0 com 1229+1358 45/C 2169 oc 07.0 ori 0608+1357 14 3489 gx 11.5 leo 1100+1354 34 2355 oc 09.5 gem 0717+1347 25 4689 gx 12.0 com 1248+1346 45/C 4477 gx 11.5 com 1230+1339 45/C 3628 gx 10.5 leo 1120+1336 34 2395 oc 09.5 gem 0727+1335 25 4473 gx 12.0 com 1230+1326 45/C 3412 gx 12.0 leo 1051+1324 34 4216 gx 11.0 vir 1216+1309 45/C 4654 gx 11.5 vir 1244+1308 45/C 4435 gx 12.0 vir 1228+1305 45/C 4438 gx 11.0 vir 1228+1301 45/C 3593 gx 12.0 leo 1115+1249 34 2194 oc 10.5 ori 0614+1248 14 3384 gx 11.5 leo 1048+1238 34 3379 gx 11.0 leo 1048+1235 34 (m105) 4478 gx 12.5 vir 1230+1220 45/C 7479 gx 11.5 peg 2305+1219 74 (c44) 4550 gx 12.5 vir 1236+1214 45/C 4371 gx 12.0 vir 1225+1143 45/C 3810 gx 11.5 leo 1141+1129 34 4754 gx 12.0 vir 1252+1119 45/C 4762 gx 11.5 vir 1253+1114 45/C 4660 gx 12.5 vir 1246+1112 45/C 4429 gx 11.5 vir 1228+1107 45/C 4596 gx 12.0 vir 1240+1011 45/C 2264 cn 04.0 mon 0641+0953 25 4442 gx 11.5 vir 1228+0949 45/C 524  gx 12.0 psc 0125+0933 05 2022 pn 13.0 ori 0537+0905 14 5248 gx 11.0 boo 1337+0853 44 (c45) 4698 gx 12.0 vir 1249+0830 45/C 2251 oc 08.5 mon 0635+0822 25 4535 gx 11.0 vir 1234+0813 45/C 4526 gx 11.0 vir 1234+0743 45/C 4365 gx 11.0 vir 1225+0720 45/C 4570 gx 12.0 vir 1237+0715 45/C 2775 gx 11.5 cnc 0910+0703 24 (c48) 6781 pn 12.5 aql 1919+0632 65 2158 oc 12.0 gem 0608+0612 14 4261 gx 11.5 vir 1219+0550 45 2186 oc 09.0 ori 0612+0527 14 4281 gx 12.5 vir 1220+0524 45 4273 gx 12.5 vir 1220+0521 45 488  gx 11.5 psc 0122+0515 05 5363 gx 11.5 vir 1356+0515 44 5364 gx 11.0 vir 1356+0502 44 2244 cn 05.0 mon 0632+0452 25 (c50) 6756 oc 10.5 aql 1909+0441 65 4303 gx 10.5 vir 1222+0429 45 (m61) 6755 oc 09.0 aql 1908+0414 65 5566 gx 11.5 vir 1420+0356 44 3169 gx 11.5 sex 1014+0329 35 3166 gx 11.5 sex 1014+0326 35 5576 gx 12.0 vir 1421+0316 44 3640 gx 12.0 leo 1121+0315 34 4665 gx 11.5 vir 1245+0304 45 6426 gc 12.5 oph 1744+0300 54 4636 gx 11.0 vir 1243+0242 45 4527 gx 11.5 vir 1234+0240 45 4536 gx 11.0 vir 1235+0212 45 4643 gx 12.0 vir 1243+0159 45 5746 gx 11.5 vir 1445+0149 44 5846 gx 11.5 vir 1507+0136 46 4845 gx 12.5 vir 1258+0135 45 4179 gx 12.0 vir 1213+0119 45 2324 oc 09.0 mon 0704+0103 25 2301 oc 06.5 mon 0652+0028 25 1055 gx 11.5 cet 0242+0026 04 3521 gx 10.5 leo 1106+0002 34 4666 gx 11.5 vir 1245-0027 45 4030 gx 11.5 vir 1200-0105 36 936  gx 11.0 cet 0228-0109 04 4753 gx 11.0 vir 1252-0112 45 2024 dn 10.0 ori 0542-0150 16 6118 gx 12.0 ser 1622-0217 54 2286 oc 08.5 mon 0648-0310 25 1788 dn 09.0 ori 0507-0320 16 2974 gx 12.5 sex 0943-0343 37 4546 gx 12.0 vir 1236-0347 45 2311 oc 09.5 mon 0658-0435 27 2232 oc 04.0 mon 0627-0445 27 2548 oc 05.0 hya 0814-0545 26 (m48) 4697 gx 10.5 vir 1249-0548 45 (c52) 1980 cn 02.5 ori 0535-0555 16/B 779  gx 12.0 cet 2000-0558 06 5634 gc 11.0 vir 1430-0559 44 2185 dn 10.0 mon 0611-0612 16 6633 oc 05.5 oph 1828-0634 65 1022 gx 12.5 cet 0239-0640 06 1999 dn 10.0 ori 0537-0643 16 584  gx 12.0 cet 0131-0651 06 596  gx 12.5 cet 0133-0701 06 2215 oc 08.5 mon 0621-0717 27 615  gx 12.5 cet 0135-0719 06 1084 gx 12.0 eri 0246-0735 06 3115 gx 10.5 sex 1005-0742 37 (c53) 4995 gx 12.0 vir 1310-0750 47 4958 gx 12.0 vir 1306-0801 47 6664 oc 09.0 sct 1837-0813 67 1052 gx 12.0 cet 0241-0815 06 157  gx 11.5 cet  0035-0824 07 7606 gx 11.5 aqr 2319-0830 76 4699 gx 11.0 vir 1249-0840 47 6712 gc 10.0 sct 1853-0842 67 6517 gc 13.0 oph 1802-0858 67 2335 oc 09.5 mon 0707-1005 27 2353 oc 05.0 mon 0715-1018 27 4781 gx 12.0 vir 1254-1032 47 2343 oc 08.0 mon 0708-1039 27 2506 oc 08.5 mon 0800-1047 26 (c54) 7009 pn 08.5 aqr 2104-1122 77 (c55) 4594 gx 09.5 vir 1240-1137 47 (m104) 246  pn 10.9 cet 0047-1207 07 (c56) 7727 gx 11.5 aqr 2340-1218 76 1535 pn 10.5 eri 0414-1244 17 2539 oc 08.0 pup 0810-1250 26 7723 gx 12.0 aqr 2339-1258 76 6171 gc 10.0 oph 1633-1303 56 (m107) 720  gx 11.5 cet  0153-1344 06 2423 oc 07.0 pup 0737-1352 26 3962 gx 12.5 crt 1155-1358 36 6818 pn 10.0 sgr 1944-1409 66 2422 oc 04.5 pup 0737-1430 26 (m47) 2438 pn 11.5 pup 0742-1444 26 4856 gx 11.5 vir 1259-1502 47 2360 oc 09.0 cma 0719-1537 27 (c58) 2811 gx 13.0 hya 0916-1618 26 5054 gx 11.5 vir 1317-1639 47 6645 oc 08.5 sgr 1833-1654 67 2479 oc 09.6 pup 0755-1743 26 6356 gc 09.5 oph 1724-1749 56 2440 pn 11.5 pup 0742-1813 26 1407 gx 12.0 eri 0340-1834 17 3242 pn 10.0 hya 1025-1838 36 (c59) 2204 oc 09.5 cma 0616-1839 16 4361 pn 11.0 crv 1225-1848 47 4038/9 gx 10.5 crv 1202-1851 36 (c60/61) 2509 oc 09.5 pup 0801-1904 26 4027 gx 12.0 crv 1200-1915 36 6342 gc 11.5 oph 1721-1935 56 6445 pn 13.0 sgr 1749-2001 67 6440 gc 12.0 sgr 1749-2022 67 2421 oc 09.0 pup 0736-2037 26 247  gx 10.0 cet 0047-2045 07 (c62) 5897 gc 09.5 lib 1517-2101 46 908  gx 11.0 cet 0223-2113 06 6568 oc 08.5 sgr 1813-2136 67 1964 gx 11.5 lep 0533-2157 16 6583 oc 12.0 sgr 1816-2208 67 6235 gc 11.0 oph 1653-2211 56 6287 gc 11.0 oph 1705-2242 56 2613 gx 11.0 pyx 0833-2258 26 6514 cn 05.0 sgr 1802-2302 67 (m20) 6629 pn 12.0 sgr 1826-2312 67 6642 gc 10.5 sgr 1832-2329 67 6369 pn 14.0 oph 1729-2346 56 6401 gc 07.5 oph 1739-2355 56 2482 oc 08.5 pup 0755-2418 26 6284 gc 10.5 oph 1705-2446 56 2362 oc 04.0 cma 0719-2457 27 (c64) 6544 gc 07.5 sgr 1807-2500 67 253  gx 07.5 scl 0048-2518 07 (c65) 6638 gc 10.0 sgr 1831-2530 67 2354 oc 09.0 cma 0714-2544 27 6553 gc 10.0 sgr 1809-2554 67 6144 gc 11.0 sco 1627-2602 56 6355 gc 09.5 oph 1724-2621 56 5694 gc 11.0 hya 1440-2632 46 (c66) 6293 gc 09.5 oph 1710-2635 56 288  gc 09.0 scl 0053-2635 07 6540 oc 14.0 sgr 1806-2749 67 6520 oc 07.5 sgr 1803-2754 67 6316 gc 10.0 oph 1717-2808 56 2527 oc 08.0 pup 0805-2810 26 613  gx 11.0 scl 0134-2924 06 6304 gc 10.0 oph 1715-2928 56 2571 oc 07.5 pup 0819-2944 26 2627 oc 08.5 pyx 0837-2957 26 6522 gc 10.5 sgr 1804-3002 67 6528 gc 11.0 sgr 1805-3003 67 2489 oc 09.5 pup 0756-3004 26 6451 oc 08.5 sco 1751-3013 58 6624 gc 09.5 sgr 1824-3022 67 2567 oc 08.5 pup 0818-3038 26 6569 gc 10.5 sgr 1814-3150 67 3621 gx 10.0 hya 1118-3248 36
saber does the stars at http://saberdoesthestars.wordpress.com c14 is awesome! (saber does the stars vol 2: the index catalog) at http://c14isawesome.blogspot.com
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quiltofstars · 8 months
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A meteor flashing through part of Markarian's Chain // Tyler Schlitt
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quiltofstars · 6 months
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M86 (center) // Elvie1
The lenticular galaxy M86 is one of the brightest galaxies in the Virgo Cluster. It forms a nice striking pair with M84, to the left in the image.
M86 is approaching the Milky Way at 545,000 mph, the fastest approaching velocity in the Messier catalog! This is because it is on the opposite side of the Virgo Cluster from us and it is moving towards the cluster's center, accelerating it to such high speeds.
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quiltofstars · 7 months
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Markarian's Chain 😐 // Bryan Wilmoth
Some of the galaxies in this image include: M84, M86, NGC 4388, The Eyes (NGC 4438), NGC 4461, and NGC 4458.
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quiltofstars · 4 months
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Markarian's Chain in the Virgo Cluster // Jiang Wu
Note the red bridge of ionized hydrogen between the Eyes Galaxies (top of bridge, Arp 120) and M86 (bottom of bridge, NGC 4406)!
Click below the cut for an image identifying all of the galaxies in this image!
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quiltofstars · 6 months
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M86 (bottom right) and the Eyes Galaxies (center) // Andreas Zeinert
M86 is linked to one of the members of the Eyes Galaxies, NGC 4438, by strands of ionized gas and dust. It is likely that M86 might have stripped some of this gas and dust from NGC 4438's disk!
Meanwhile, M86 itself is losing gas and dust as it moves through the hot intracluster medium of the Virgo Cluster. This process is called ram pressure stripping. You can imagine a boat plowing through water, and as it does, flecks of paint on the boat peel off and drop into the water. In this analogy, the boat is M86, the water is the hot gas in the intracluster medium, and the paint flecks are the gas and dust in M86. Eventually, no gas and dust at all will remain in M86!
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quiltofstars · 8 months
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The Eyes Galaxies (center) // Hanzen
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quiltofstars · 1 year
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Markarian’s Chain in the Virgo Cluster // Jakob Sahner
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