itsredpaint · 1 year
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the rest of my old mdzs doodle dump i guess
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mostlikelytofangirl · 3 years
What was your first impression about every character in mdzs ?
And also who do you think you resemble the most ?
Ahhh good question!
Mostly bc my memory is crap XD. But I'll try my best to remember! Full disclaimer tho, the first version of mdzs that I consumed was donghua, so that's where my first impressions came from.
- WWX: I'm honestly not the kind of person to fall first and foremost for a protagonist (it's been years since the last time a protag was my fave), but I genuinely liked this dude from day one. I thought he was fun and a bit (lot) unhinged, but legit smart and capable without being smug and annoying about it. And for the record, I still like him lots!
- LWJ: That entrance, man. That was cool af XD. But I do remember thinking that I needed to see more of him to form an opinion bc the silent, mysterious type has never been particularly interesting to me.
- LZS & LJY: Good Boys! Both of them. One was a polite darling, and the other a chaotic little gremlin that worked together well and did their best ;u;.
- JL: Bit of a brat, ngl. I legit thought this was going to be the Draco Malfoy "my uncle will hear of this" kid. And he was XD. But I'm glad he wasn't just a One Trick Pony character.
- JC: Another badass entrance! Gotta confess the horny overpowered the cleary asshole vibe he was exuding. I thought he was going to be an actual villain too. But since I'm a villain fucker I had no issues with that whatsoever. I even thought that he was the dude I was going to root for throughout the story (spoiled: I did).
- WN: Oh, I remember thinking "dude, this guy must have such a badass past. Surely someone so powerful named Ghost General must have been a real powerhouse. Can't wait to see his story of epicness" :').
- NHS: I was honestly not impressed lol. I thought that this was going to be the comic relief character that everybody likes but doesn't do much apart from being cute and silly. Also the exposure character bc he always explained everything that was being talked about in a scene. FORESHADOWING.
- LXC: Regal man, good wingman for bro. The big brother that solves your bullshit and is always kind and full of Wisdom(tm). If he says something, it must be true. Liked him right away.
- JFM: He is nice, I like this guy. His parenting seems questionable tho, but he seems to have the best intentions at heart.
-YZY: Bitch. But damn, she has a point or two.
- JYL: Precious angel that must be protected but she is totally not going to get protected T-T.
- JZX: Even before I put two and two together that this was JL's father, I remember thinking this was another "my father will hear of this" brat. Runs in the family, I guess lol.
- NMJ: Oh boi. This one I have the clearest memory of all. I saw him appear on screen and I automatically thought "this is him, isn't it? This is daddy". I was right, I was so right.
- WC: Not impressed either, typical asshole villain that is going to be more a pain in the ass than a real threat. Same with girlfriend whose name I can never remember.
- WRH: Hot DILF Villain. Legit threatening and scary, good bad guy.
- WQ: Rough love there, but she has a good head on her shoulders and has balls. Wen Queen it is.
- JGS: Curse donghua for making everybody hot XD. I honestly thought this dude was not going to be of much relevance, he seemed the scaredy, play it safe kind that would get destroyed in a real conflict.
- MY/JGY: First thought was "aww he's cute". Second thought was "please don't be a bad guy, look at you, all milfy and smily, trying to help common ppl and do good". Third thought was "ok you shady, but also still cute and milfy, so I'll probably end up staning you anyways". Take a wild guess on what happened XD.
- XY: Whoa, you cray-cray. Didn't like him much at first tbh, he seemed to be cruel for no reason and I never liked the Evil for the Sake of It trope, nor characters that were nothing but sassy bastards. He grew on me tho.
- XXC: OMG you are another angel that must be protected! You deserved so much better wtf!!
- SL: He deserved better right away tf!
- A-Qing: I only remember pitying her, she was living in a psychological horror all those years.
These are all the characters I remember having an impression on, others I didn't give much thought or cared enough about to put real effort into what I thought of them, at first at least.
Now that I think about it, most my first impressions remained the same in essence as the story progressed, sans an exception or two. But for the most part, it seems like my opinion on these characters got more nuanced and complete without changing much.
As to who I think I resemble the most. Hmm, that's a complicated one bc I don't think I'm particularly similar to anybody. If I absolutely had to pick only one tho, I'd say LXC. I try my best to be nice and see things from different perspectives, but I also suck at handling conflict, and would give good solid advice that I'm definitely not going to apply to myself bc it's easier to see others' problems, but my own? If I don't talk about them, they are not there :))))
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