100yearoldcomics · 2 years
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August 6, 1922 The Gumps by Sid Smith
TOP PANEL [ID: Chester Gump drives a large truck weighted down with a load of gold coins, a shovel sticking out of the pile, some coins falling out the back onto the road. On the side of the truck is painted, "Chester Bim Gump, Inc." A sign in front of the truck points the way, showing that he's driving "To the Bank." /end]
MAIN COMIC [ID: Andy Gump hands an overjoyed Chester a rake and a large wicket basket. They stand in the doorway of the shed in the Gumps' backyard. /end] Andy: Come on now, Chester. My little Rockefeller. Roll up your sleeves. Get busy if you want to earn that pony. If you work three hours raking up the yard, I'll give you 75¢. Then you'll only need $69.00 even. I just want you to get started saving money. You'll be surprised how fast it will pile up. You'll be riding around in that pony cart before you know it. If you just keep it up, you'll be as rich as Uncle Bim when you're my age. [INFLATION GUIDE: In 2022 dollars, Andy's offering Chester $13.25 to rake the yard - leaving him about $1,219 shy of his dream pony. /end]
[ID: A shoeless Chester happily rakes up the leaves around the yard and places them into the basket. /end] Chester: Gee, I'm gonna make money. I'm gonna be rich. I'm not going to waste my time like lazy boys do. I wish there were more work days in the week and it didn't get dark so early so I could do more work.
[ID: Chester stands proudly beside a pile of leaves, leaning on the upright rake. /end] Chester: I'm not going to stop till I get a million billion trillion dollars.
[ID: Chester leans the rake against the side of the house and sits on a box underneath a window, happily daydreaming. /end] Chester: Then I can get all the food I want for my pony. I'll get myself a cowboy outfit. A Mexican saddle with all hand carved leather. The highest priced saddle I can buy.
[ID: Chester fills a cup with water from a hand-pump well in the yard. /end] Chester: And I'll get silver spurs and a nice Lariat. Then I'll go out West and be a cow boy. I'll catch buffaloes alive.
[ID: Chester sits on the wooden platform underneath the well, happily leaning back with his hands clasped around his knee. /end] Chester: Gee, I wish I had that pony now. I'd take every little boy and girl in the neighborhood out riding. I'm not going to be stingy with my pony. And when school starts, I'll ride him to school every day and hitch him outside.
[ID: Chester lies on his stomach in the grass, kicking his feet in the air while he stares lovingly at a flower. He ignores the leaves scattered on the grass behind him. /end] Chester: I'm gonna name him Gip. Take him to all the fairs and get the first prizes. Think of all the blue ribbons I'll get. We'll have our pictures in all the papers.
[ID: Chester sits happily on a wide, flat rock beside a tree in a corner of the yard. /end] Chester: I'm gonna teach him tricks. Teach him how to count and walk on his hind legs and all kinds of things. And I'll give a show out in the back yard. Charge 10¢ admission. I'll save that, too, and buy a tent. [INFLATION GUIDE: That'd be about $1.75 admission now. /end]
[ID: Chester lies laughing on the grass. In the foreground, the leaves still lie piled up beside the basket. /end] Chester: Then I can go on the road and have a big show. Won't Grandpa and Grandma be surprised to see me come to Bloomington? I'll let them in for nothing and give them passes for all their friends.
[ID: Chester lies back gleefully in the grass, crossing his legs and closing his eyes as he rests his head on his arms. /end] Chester: I'll have swell bills posted all over town a month ahead. I'll have pictures of myself on my pony, with a big cowboy hat on and a swell rifle shooting glass balls out of the air and lassoing wild horses.
[ID: Andy unhappily finds Andy sleeping in the grass. He startles the boy awake. /end] Andy: Come on! Come on!! HEY!
[ID: Andy watches over Chester as the boy frantically goes back to his yard work. /end] Andy: At that rate, by the time you earn that pony, you won't need a pony and cart. You'd better be saving up for a cane and spectacles. An ear trumpet and a set of false teeth. You've got about as much chance of ever getting to the top that way as you would have rowing over Niagara Falls. Up stream. Caption: With the quarter his father gave him last week and the 75¢ he earned today, Chester is well on the way to earn that pony. Only $69.00 to go. [INFLATION GUIDE: To fill in the one figure I haven't already translated, Andy gave Chester around $4.50 last week. /end]
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On tonight’s Columbo double feature! Watch Cozi to see👍
Last week there was not a single Mike Lindell commercial. Hope the ad money has run out. (Spending it all on lawyers ROFLMFAO!!! Screw you, Mike!!!!!)
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thecandywrites · 4 years
Of Heaven and Fire Part 7
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Woo, do we have more characters to introduce you to. Ok, obviously- upper right is inside a hurricane, now imagine more angel looking creatures flying on the inside of it, all of them glittering like gold and diamonds and pearls. Upper middle ish- what a moura mark looks like- now imagine it gold, and at the base of your skull where your head meets your neck. Yes it takes up most of the back of your neck. Yes each one is very intricate and henna styled but different and unique among individuals, like a fingerprint. Ok, once that chain and cuff came off, that silkver rope thing was still there, tied similarly to that, but invisable and while Benyana could feel the effects of it, she couldn’t physically feel it tied around her. Upper right- Benyana. 
Now for the guys underneath those pictures. From left to right, Crown Prince Cordene, the son of Crown Prince Delmal who we met in the last part. Next to/ the right of/ him- Lord Suriel, Remiel’s apprentice in the royal court of the crystal angels. to his right, the Lord Ralitar- a minor prince, tasked with finding Benyana, we’ll get to know him later and next to him is the fae Prince Matae. And then if you’ve ever seen Sinbad where Eris pulls Sinbad under the water and how HUGE she is at first- yeah, grandma. 
Now the last row- Prince Oriles, think little mermaid but...higher fantasy-ier? And more creature-ish (I know those aren’t really words.) and of course Benyana as a siren, then we have the next to are sirens/mermen who were totally part of that orgy. and last but not least- Brock. He’s so outmanned and outgunned it aint even funny. Luckily our girl is on his side. Caution, the next few parts are gonna be that carcrash that collided with a dumpster fire. It’s gonna get MESSY. I can’t wait. Now, go get some popcorn and/or twinkies and some wine, or any other beverage you prefer. 
Also this is going to be relavent- (I’m sorry that gif looks like it’s having a siezure but it’s all I have)
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Tagging @probablyclever​ @imherefortheforthefanart​ @funmadnessandbadassvikings​ and if anyone else wants to be tagged, just let me know. 
Of Heaven and Fire 
Part 7
You woke up to Brock pressing soft kisses into the crown of your head as his arms were wrapped comfortably around you as your body was still pressed up against his. His warmth radiating off of him and seeping into you until you were positively saturated with it and felt it in every inch of you. 
“Good morning.” He purred when you woke up, a smile blooming on your face as you stretched out before you relaxed fully against him once more. 
“Good morning.” You mirrored, a lazy, sleepy but still sated smile on your lips before he dipped his head down and kissed you good morning, a kiss you returned as you were once again relieved that he was ok, he was safe and sound and having him this close made you feel happy, you could protect him as long as he was near you, the closer the better as you reached around him and started to scratch his back. 
“Oh, oh, that feels glorious.” He praised as he gently scooched you back to lay on his belly so you could access all of his back as you giggled and obliged, scratching all over before you moved up and moved his thick braids away from the back of his neck before you were met with a golden tattoo on the back of his neck which made you pause. 
All mouras were born with a golden tattoo on the base of their skull where their heads met their necks, usually over an eighth vertebra in their neck since moura’s had naturally long and graceful necks like any proper bird, usually their moura cloak originated from this mark, it was unique like a fingerprint and their moura cloak would have a golden design on it that matched this mark exactly and when the moura cloak laid over this, the moura cloak would stay active, but- if a moura cloak were taken off, and perhaps buried, there was a gold piece of metal, that looked like a metal collar of a dress shirt that would remain once the actual feathers rotted away. A moura cloak could be revived and grow out again IF it was reattached to the wearer and you would bet your life that there was a gold collar belonging to him in TriKeng’s estate, either buried in his garden or in a jewelry box or something, he must have hundreds of them by now, stored away because the gold collars are otherwise indestructible, impossible to melt down or hammer apart or destroyed by any means. The other way to revive it was to be born again in the ashes then the collar would turn to dust wherever it was and reappear on you after you were reborn. 
“I see you found my birthmark.” He noted, his voice muffled by your pillow before you traced the pattern, happy he couldn’t see your bittersweet face as you did so. 
“Are you the only one in your family with it?” You asked, forcing your tone to be casual as you traced it, it was a gorgeous mark and it complemented his green skin incredibly well before you wrapped your hands around his neck and massaged it, giving yourself to opportunity to feel the vertebrae in his neck as he moaned out a pleasured groan, counting the vertebrae in his neck and counting down from his skull. One... two... three... four... five... six... seven...and eight and you forced yourself not to cry. What a different life he and his family could have had if TriKeng hadn’t been a selfish purist as you realized if TriKeng had actually allowed his mother and her sister in the colony, and welcomed orcs in, you would have grown up with him. He would have absolutely been your friend, possibly a childhood sweetheart and all this mess would have never happened. All because of TriKeng who was the real enemy in all this. You had to figure out a way to get Brock and his family the justice they deserved. 
“No, all my siblings and my cousins have a mark like it, but not exactly.” He answered. “But in my clan it’s only my mother and her sister and their children who have it,.” He revealed. 
“It’s beautiful.” You praised in a low murmur. 
“Thanks.” He smiled as you made a mental note not to let him see yours. 
“I noticed last night your tattoos glowed…” You prompted as you traced them over his body before you got to his side which made him squirm, he must have been ticklish which gave you a lopsided grin. 
“Yeah, they’ve been doing that a lot lately, it’s honestly, really weird and it freaks most people out.” He answered honestly as you hummed thoughtfully as you realized all those merpeople, that’s what they found most entertaining, is to see you light up as you realized, if anything you were just a passing distraction and fling to them, which you were ok with. Honestly they were that to you too and frankly you didn’t care if you ever saw them again or not. It had been a fun evening, a wild night- that was for sure. But one that you didn’t want or need repeated now that Brock had effectively rocked your world right. 
“I noticed your marks do the same, is it a moura thing?” He asked. 
“Not necessarily, lots of species have bioluminescence, does it ever hurt for them to light up?” You asked thoughtfully. 
“No, actually it feels good.” He answered. 
“Good.” You nodded. 
“So why do yours light up?” He asked as he turned to look at you which made you smile bashfully as a deep blush dusted your cheeks. 
“Well they light up when we heal, as a siren though they were always on, which was nice because deeper water is really dark.” You deflected. 
“And obviously when you have sex.” Brock pointed out, bringing you right back to the point. 
“They do, but that in itself can be a downside. You grow up seeing your parents room light up a lot and once you’re old enough to understand what’s going on it can be embarrassing and keep you up at night, your older siblings when they reach sexual maturity get sexually frustrated easily and the only thing that can keep the light out is heavy furs which in the summertime is inconvenient because you’re already hot and especially when there is already so many of you sharing a room, you start to get snappy with each other and most in the colony have special doors and shutters on their windows to keep the light in so the whole neighborhood can keep their nose out of your business and apartments with these light proof rooms go for quite a bit of money.” You explained. 
“Like how much money?” He asked curiously. 
“Well, moura money is in silver, in a colony where everyone can turn everything into gold, moura gold is nothing- that’s what you give the merchants and outsiders, silver and copper is what you use with everyone else in the colony and what you ask for in change from the merchants, true gold however is rare and especially precious and of course hoarded whenever possible. So a decent apartment with the light features goes for about 500 silver ryal a month.” You answered. 
“So what’s the difference between moura gold and true gold?" He asked. 
“Moura gold behaves like wet clay in the hands of a moura, true gold doesn’t, all merchants think that moura coins are minted to be disks that are slightly curved and printed with a finger print.” You answered as you grabbed a seashell that was used to decorate the wall and turned it to gold and then smooshed it like wet clay and made yourself your own moura gold coin that was slightly curved like your thrumb before you gave it to him and held your breath to see if he had that ability without his cloak as he took it and tried to bend it with his teeth but it wouldn’t budge which made you blow out a silent breath of relief after he gave it back and settled back onto his belly so you could keep scratching his back. 
“So that’s why most couples choose to build their own house, carving a place out in the mountain sides and engineering a way to get water into it by pumps and pipes so that each home has plumbing, both to bring water into the house and waste out of it and to catch rain water, a feat made easy since you can buy all the tools and materials from merchants for moura gold which they have no idea is any different and I would greatly appreaciate it if you kept this a secret, mouras can lose everything if this is found out.” You urged him. 
“On my honor, I won’t tell a soul.” He vowed which two weeks ago you would have made a snappy comeback to but now, it gave you relief and comfort to hear. 
“So with all that considered it’s much cheaper to build a house than it is to rent one, but the location of the house is just as important as the size or kind it is. Houses close to the markets are prime realestate so you don’t have to drag or carry your goods home since most of the passages are too thin for a cart but are ok for a wheelbarrows. The colonies have sectors because many different kinds of moura can make up a colony and so the royal moura who leave the courts to live with us, each court has its own aesthetic and they still like to settle in the part of the city that reminds them of home and each areas compete to see who can build the prettiest buildings or people compete to see who can build the prettiest houses or most decorated areas of town. Usually the bigger the house- the more kids you want and some want to get as far away from their parents as possible and some want to stay as close as possible but mostly location matters if you want to set up a shop, most places, the bottom floor is the shop and the upper floors are the house and moura’s number 1 product is food, food of all kinds there’s entire centers that are hawker centers near the heart of the city where you can go and get dumplings and noodles from the orient- curries from the spice district or all these different kinds of ales from a brewery or even colony specific foods because each colony has it’s own unique dishes it created upon it’s being built, that’s why merchants come from far and wide to sell food stuffs and especially spices of all kinds.” You explained. 
“So what are your preferences for food?” He asked. 
“Honestly I love it all, but I gotta say seafood is really high up there, that crab and those scallops and shrimp especially” You answered with a fond smile which he returned as his face turned towards you. 
“So what’s your preference for a house?” He asked thoughtfully. Oh. Oh gods. Fuck. Your KNEES just got week and you weren’t even on them as a thought of how magnificent he would look building you a house danced in your head. You wondered if he would ever consider leaving the business of warchief behind to live in Suchi, if he would be happy there. Or would you be happy somewhere else? Perhaps, in his clan, on the lovely river with the sound of the sea always in your ears. 
“I don’t know, honestly I like a little bit of everything. But having been away from home, I miss my family like crazy, but being away from them has given me opportunities to experience things I probably never would have. I would have never known I had family in the oceans if I hadn’t been on a boat.” You answered and you could see the guilt Brock tried to cover over in his own expression.  
“Wait you have family down there?” He asked.
“Oh yeah, it was my grandma that pulled me from the hold. She lives in a nice cave, she’s lined one of her walls with sunken ships and keeps a really big blind shark as a pet and a volcanic vent in the cave keeps things warm and cozy. And it was she who introduced me to the dragons, Yingshen and Pantaou and they are very much old oriental water dragons, guarding a huge nest of eggs that sits on top of the vents and there are huge, just huge schools of fish that swim around the rich waters and the floor is just crawling with crabs and huge lobsters but because it’s so close to the nest, there’s no way to get at any of them because the eggs themselves are delicate and if a crab pod were to land say on an egg, I’m pretty sure they would damage the egg and those dragons would not hesitate to kill whoever was responsible for putting their fishing stuff over the nest.” You answered. 
“So what does your grandma look like?” He asked because he had had the most horrific nightmare last night of a huge siren trying to eat him. 
“Oh she’s probably two to three times as big as this ship, if not bigger, the deeper things live and the older they get the bigger they get apparently, although my grandma was the only really big siren I met, all the others were my size but they lived in shallower waters in coral reefs and stuff, of course me coming down there was a big deal because after I made that deal with the water dragons, my grandma took me to meet the rest of the family and I got to meet aunts and uncles and a whole school of cousins and all their friends and they got a clam that is- I shit you not- is as big as this bed and they cut it up for all of us to eat and it was really, really delicious, like I’m pretty sure anyone else would die trying to harvest them but man oh man were they good!” You retold with a fond smile. 
“So what made you come back?” He asked. 
“Well, actually I had a dream my grandma was trying to eat you for enslaving me and she’s big enough and mad enough right now to do both and I wouldn’t put it past her, like part of me really just wants to get you back to shore as soon as possible and I can not begin to tell you the panic I would feel if you were to leave my side right now, it’s ridiculous.” You explained as he rolled over onto his side to face you to listen attentively to you and his face was just fond and adoring as he considered you. Grateful that your connection was strong enough to share dreams now. 
“So what kind of beds do they have down there?” He asked, wanting to avoid the subject of your tethering, hoping that now that it wasn’t on you anymore that you would hopefully never bring it up again and hoping that now that you were no longer tethered, that it would be left in the past and that he would hopefully never have to admit what it really was. The fact that it came off proved that you now loved him. It wouldn’t have come off otherwise. You were his. And that’s all that mattered. Everything would be ok and together the two of you could solve all the problems that came against you as a couple. He would happily build you the biggest and best house in the clan, he would even model it after your own home if it meant you wouldn’t get homesick. He would even follow any and all moura courting rituals to make sure you felt that he did right by you and that you felt he earned your love and affections and respect. This hadn’t been nearly as hard as he thought it was gonna be. Now he was just going to enjoy the fruits of the now established relationship. 
“Um really big sea sponges and there was a cloth down there that they used for curtains and stuff and it felt like silk but not quite.” You answered, hoping he wouldn’t ask if you actually slept on one. 
“Sea silk.” He explained. 
“What’s sea silk?” You asked, hoping to distract him by veering the conversation away from the subject. 
“It’s a cloth that the merpeople make, I don’t know how they do it but it washes up on shore a lot but if it dries out, it shatters like dried out kelp but as long as it’s wet and stays wet- it’s fine.” He explained. 
“Huh.” You murmured as you stored that away mentally. 
“Well it’s good that you were with family, they took care of you, I thought whatever had taken you had eaten you shortly after.” He revealed as he scooted closer to you and wrapped an arm around your waist to pull you to himself again possessively which you didn’t mind one bit. 
“No,” you shook your head. . 
“So what kind of house do you want?” He asked and your cheeks blushed harder as your smile got giddy. 
“Well I guess that depends,” you began. 
“On?” He asked as his nose danced and encircled yours, his lips so torturously close to yours you could almost taste him as you gulped as lust started to haze your senses as your breathing started to labor again. 
“What I can build you?” He offered and the thought melted your heart and you couldn’t take it anymore, you kissed him, hard and murmured an ‘uh huh’ in confirmation as your leg hiked over his hip, your core already dripping in anticipation as it grinded down over his hardening cock before it was hard enough to spear you before you rolled him over to ride him, savoring the feeling of being joined with him as your moura marks lit up and pulsed again as you watched as his tattoos did the same while his eyes drank you in and watched as your lower belly bulged ever so slightly again as he started to fantasize what you’d be like pregnant with his child and it nearly sent him over the edge as he grabbed your hips and drove up into you as you had to brace yourself on his chest again, feeling his heart pound under your palm like a steady drum. 
“Gods I love you,” Brock professed and you just beamed before you bent over and kissed him hungrily so you wouldn’t have to answer if your mouth was already preoccupied because returning that didn’t feel...completely honest. Now that the shackle wasn’t on you anymore, you could sense you could lie again. at least partially but you didn’t want to. You didn’t want to be dishonest in this moment. You didn’t want to ruin it and instead you sped up, using every move you had to get him to cum as quickly as possible as your own climax quickly approached as his fingers sunk into your hips, to the point the softness dimpled around his fingertips as he helped move you on him before he rolled you over and really drove into you with much more power than you possessed and it was exactly what you needed to cum, your moura marks getting so bright both of you had to close your eyes to keep you both from going blind.  
Once your orgasm finally snapped and flooded you with euphoria and Brock had emptied himself again and you both rested and recovered and basked in the afterglow. 
“I love you so much.” He repeated. 
“I love you too.” You professed, his bright happy smile making the half truth seem like a whole one as he kissed you sweetly. 
“I love you more.” He returned. 
“Probably, yeah,” you giggled as he snorted a laugh. 
“Well, I’m a patient man, I don’t mind proving it to you every day until your love is as strong as mine.” He insisted. 
“That’s gonna be a long time, maybe even a lifetime.” You returned, keeping your tone light and teasing. 
“One worth living if it’s with you.” He returned confidently and you hugged him to hide your own guilty expression. Shit. Did you really want to live the rest of your life with him? Would you be happy? Was he really your mate? Well your moura marks shone that it was but right now- you weren’t so sure. 
“Ok,” you whispered in his ear as you kissed his cheek and his shoulder and buried all of your doubt before you heard Cugas knock on Brock’s door. 
“Brock! Get your ass up! We got a problem!” He hollered. 
“What’s wrong?” Brock hollered back. “What the fuck are you doing in Yana’s…” Cugas began before he opened your door to see Brock quickly covering both of you with the blanket and shield your body with his. 
“Hey! Hey! Knock bro.” Brock complained as Cugas just stood there, his eyes about to pop out of his head as his jaw hit the floor before he quickly slammed the door shut, splintering the door and the door frame as you and Brock dissolved into giggles before he got off you as your moura cloak became an outfit once more before you wrapped a blanket around himself as he looked at his still sopping wet clothes on the floor. 
“Go and get some dry clothes.” You gently urged him before he agreed and took your blanket with him and left your room to see Cugas pacing the hallway about to have a crises as Brock quickly went from your room to his own as you walked over to where the chain had been thrown and picked it up, keeping it away from you just in case it decided to reach out to grab you again like it had a life of it’s own like it was some kind of venemous snake. 
“What the hell?” Cugas asked as he came into your room to see you holding the chain as far away from you as you could.
“No way,” Cugas shook his head in disbelief as you laughed mirthlessly. 
“So what’s the problem?” You asked. 
“Uh, it’s just an entire school of merpeople and selkies and sirens as big as the fleet circling the ship demanding to see you.” Cugas explained. 
“Shit, make sure Brock doesn’t go near any windows and doesn’t come to the top deck or he’ll be snatched off the deck and drowned!” You quickly dropped the chain and pushed past him as you rushed down the hall. 
“Why?!” Cugas called after you. 
“Because they’re really here to kill him!” You answered over your shoulder as you sprouted wings once more and flew out of the first door and flew out of the ship like a bat out of hell before you swam over the water in the eye of the hurricane, watching as everything stopped swimming around the ship and swam so they were under you like a moth to a flame. 
“Well that’s the first thing to make sense all morning.” Cugas murmured to himself before Brock came out of his room, barely tucking his shirt into his pants. 
“Who’s here to kill me?” He asked before Cugas grabbed him and shoved him into his first mate’s room across the hall on the interior of the ship. 
“Everyone apparently.” Cugas answered. 
“What are we doing in here?” Brock asked. 
“Yana asked me to keep you away from the windows and off the top deck because apparently there’s a giant fucking school of selkies, mermaids and sirens, giant ones, circling the boat that have been demanding to see Yana and right now all the crew is hiding below deck because they will snatch anyone off the deck, I’ve had to knock out several of my crew so didn’t they actually listen to the siren’s song and jump overboard.” Cugas explained as he lit a lantern. “And in the meantime you’re fucking her?! What the fuck?!” Cugas demanded.  
“Hey, the cuff came off and she asked me to.” Brock answered, a love drunk haze oh his face as his tattoos started to come alive and pulse again and Cugas could see he was starting to get hard again. 
“Yesterday she was ready to set you on fire and today she’s fucking you, what the hell happened between those two points, girls just don’t flip that big of a switch that quick.” Cugas argued disbelievingly. 
“Well she met her grandma and met her oceanic family and missed me and had a dream I was in danger and came back.” Brock answered. 
“So because she had a bad dream- she came back and forgave you for enslaving her for two weeks and promptly emptied your balls?” Cugas repeated. 
“Ew, not like that.” Brock frowned in disgust even though, yes, that was an accurate description of the events. 
“Bro, you know I love you like a brother and I have your back, but there is a really, really big piece of the puzzle that’s missing and you’re too love drunk to notice.” Cugas argued. 
“Look the shackle is off! That’s proof enough!” Brock argued. 
“Well then it’s faulty and broken.” Cugas argued. 
“No it’s not!” Brock argued. 
“Did she say it? Did she actually say the words ‘I love you’?” Cugas asked. 
“Yes!” Brock insisted. 
“Did she say it first or did you say it to her and she replied with that?” Cugas asked. “And was your dick in her when she said it? Was she close to orgasm or just had an orgasm? Because you know as well as I do that afterglow makes you say shit you don’t really mean, or better yet, was the shackle on her when she said it?” Cugas pointed out.  
“She said it, I believe her, that’s all there is to it!” Brock argued. 
“Brock! Bro! Actually think with the brain that’s in your head and not with this.” Cugas said as he slapped at Brock’s hard on as Brock quickly backed up so that he wouldn’t connect with it. 
“Bro, something is wrong. I am telling you I feel it in my soul. Something is majorly off and this isn’t adding up! I think she made friends down there and they’re out to do whatever it takes to keep her, she told me to keep you safe which means she knows you’re in danger and is protecting you because even though that tether isn’t physically on her- it’s still active.” 
“If that’s the case- she still can’t lie then, so she was telling the truth when she said she loved me.” Brock insisted as Cugas growled in frustration. 
“Fine, then believe her, but watch her, let her prove she loves with acts other than sex.” Cugas insisted before he poked his head out of the door and called a crew member to watch Brock so Cugas could go up on deck and see you with his own eyes as he saw you hovering over the surface of the water towards the middle of the eye where the winds and waves were the most calm since there was a current that all the boats stayed in just inside the eye that was traveling with the current of air above it so that meant that one side of the boat had rain and winds while the other had sunshine but a constant breeze in the direction of the hurricane, the water under where you were hovering however was boiling with merpeople as you talked with them before he saw heavenly moura and angels alike flying down from the cyclone and grab you up and fly up into the eye storm and talk to you themselves for a bit as they completely surrounded you before he heard something on the other side of the ship before he turned to see a huge hand come up from the water before it started to reach for him which made him scream which got your attention before you lit up like you were pure fire as you flew across the eye to get to the hand. 
“Shit! Grandma no!” You screamed as you dove and collided with the hand, pushing it back the other way until it fell back into the water,  leaving a trail of fire in your wake as the hand closed around you before the actual angels dove down into the water before they were swarmed by selkies, merfolk and sirens as Cugas just watched helplessly from the side of his ship, not knowing where to look because obviously it was all out war down there. 
“Oh shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, fuck!” He cursed as he got a harpoon and got one of the rowboats ready as he called for his crew to come and help lower him down. 
“Captain, you can’t!” They argued. 
“Do not disobey my order! Lower me down you can have a mutiny while I’m off the ship!” Cugas roared before they followed his order and lowered him down. 
Meanwhile you had flown out to sea, hoping to lure everyone away from the ship, trying to greet them happily as they all clamored for your attention, asking you why you had left. 
“I was worried about my friends.” You managed to answer them as they all reached for you but before you could touch any of them, royal heavenly moura and angels came down to you. 
“Benyana!” They called making you turn your head up before your angel reflex kicked in again as you felt yourself float up to them as they swarmed you too and flew up with you. 
“Yes?” You answered. 
“Oh your mother will be most pleased, we must get you home! Your mother came and pleaded to the heavenly moura king to help look for you and you actually came to us! This is the best sign! You’re unharmed, but tethered still.” A young angel said as he came and reached out before an invisible tether glowed around you, it was wrapped and tied around your neck and your body as it suddenly halted you from going any further up into the sky which you were grateful for. 
“Wait! Before you take it off, tell me exactly what it is.” You pleaded before the angels inspected it as the heavenly moura inspected your wings, happy to see such a glorious and perfectly symetrical pair you had- gorgeous blue and green shimmering to your feathers showing off your siren heritage as other feathers were shimmering diamond and gold and platinum while all the feathers had opalescent and pearlescent quality to them. I sign of greatness indeed and you were quite gorgeous. Your aesthetic was greater than even their own, and they were royal, supposed to be the most magnificent in the heavens as the young princes grinned at each other, happy that they hadn’t been pressured into marrying anyone yet because that you were obviously a bride worth waiting for, much less fighting for. 
“It’s a “truth, love and protection in all things” tether. It keeps you from being dishonest but it’s very weak, here, let us take it off.” They said before the angels pulled at it and it came off and all at once you felt as free as a bird and not tethered anymore and you expected to feel all those affections for Brock reverse but they didn’t. They remained which made you realize that your feelings for him were genuine and wholly your own. “Can I have that back, just in case, it might come in handy later.” You requested before they gave it back to you, now that it was off it was simply a length of silver rope.  
“Come, you need to have your angelic ability awakened.” The young angel said before he hugged and kissed you and in that kiss you felt more power than you had ever felt in your life come alive and start to pulse through your veins as your body grew bright as your muscle tone and fantastic body condition came back and a strength you had never felt before flooded your body, you felt you had the power to start flying in the opposite direction of the hurricane and it would stop and swirl in the new direction to follow you. That and Mr. Angel was particularly handsome and a really good kisser and it stole your breath away and made you feel lighter than air. 
“What did you do?” You asked as he pulled away, his own eyes hazed with love drunkenness now. 
“Well first, I’m Suriel, your grandfather Ramiel is my mentor, he told me to keep a close eye on you as he flew your mother home.” He answered. 
“My mother came to the hurricane to ask for the heavenly moura’s help in finding me?” You asked. 
“Yes, she was here not even a day ago. My name is Prince Cordene, my father is Crown Prince Delmal who is taking the throne this summer. When the festival ends tomorrow, I will lead the charge of fifty legions to escort you home.” He explained as he took your hand and pulled you away from Suriel to have you to himself before he kissed your hand and looked at you like you were the greatest treasure he had ever laid eyes on. 
“And I am also leading a hundred legions of angels to lead you home as well.” Suriel answered as he pulled you back to him as Cordene frowned, not wanting to be outdone. 
“Awesome.” You smiled happily before you heard Cugas’ scream. 
“Shit! Grandma no!” You screamed as you immediately left the angels and heavenly moura and came to Cugas’ rescue as you flew as fast as you could, your new angel heritage helping immensely, leaving fire in your wake as you flew into her palm and pushed her hand back and then her hand closed around you and pulled you to the ocean as you changed into a siren the moment you touched the ocean, the change being effortless and not hurting at all. 
“Grandma! What were you doing! You nearly hurt Cugas! Cugas is a friend, not food! Brock is in the center of the ship and guarded. And no you can’t crush the ship to get at him.” You insisted before you heard the merfolk start to battle the angels that started to dive down after you as you swam to investigate.
“Stop it!” You screamed, your voice enhanced by your siren form and your angelic heritage as the sound made everyone stop and cover their ears as the scream then traveled and broke all the windows on the ships as even the crew on the ships had to cover their ears and those at the bottom of the cyclone faultered. 
“Stop fighting! You’re fighting each other for no reason!” You argued as you swam over to them and broke them up before Prince Oriles came to investigate, trident in hand as he stopped and stared at you in awe, you were now by far the most magnificent goddess divine he had ever seen before he noticed the scene. 
“Enough.” He said as with a wave of his trident the angels were one side and the merpeople were on the other with you in the middle as he swam around you to get a better look at you. 
“I’m Crown Prince Oriles, what seems to be the trouble?” He asked you. 
“I was just about to ask that. Seriously? What in the world is going on?” You asked them. 
“One at a time.” Prince Oriles said before Suriel came forward. 
“This is Princess Benyana Auksa, she is the granddaughter of King Tehnore of the heavenly moura realm, but she is also the granddaughter of Supreme Chancellor Ramiel serving King Madan in the Crystal Realm in the crystal heavens, she is a daughter of Suchi, a mixed moura colony, two weeks ago a clan of orcs, ruled by a moura orc led an attack against Suchi, she led the counterstrike, she turned the tide of the attack and gained victory but in the commotion, she was captured and then enslaved by the moura orc who led the charge and he tethered her to himself using an enchanted silver anklet and an invisible curse which she is now in the possession of.” He explained as you pulled it out of a little purse as you presented it to him. 
“Detestable.” Prince Oriles scrunched up his face in disgust as everyone else nodded in agreement as you felt they all collectively looked at the ship and you could sense they were calculating how to wreck it. 
“Ok, that moura orc has no idea he’s part moura, someone in Suchi stole his moura cloak when he was an infant and has repeated that heinous crime with all of his siblings and even his mother and her sister and all of her children. Without those cloaks they are powerless, they don’t have any of the gifts moura’s do and restoring to them their birthright and give them justice is now my priority, my own two week enslavement is nothing compared to the 34 years they’ve had to endure without their birthright. It is my responsibility as a daughter to Suchi to clear it of this dishonor and exposing the real wrong do-er in all of this.” You insisted. 
“Even if that culprit is as close as a family member?” Suriel asked. 
“You say that as if you know exactly who it is?” You challenged before you swam up to him. 
“Is the culprit either my father or any of my brothers?” You asked as he grimaced. 
“Worse.” Suriel gulped. 
“How much worse? My mother or any of my sisters?” You demanded as all he did was swallow as his eyes got wide. “Are you fucking kidding me? Who is it?!” You demanded, the water around you starting to boil. 
“TriKeng is Rhoslan and her sister Kalnu’s father, it was he that took their cloaks and took all of their children’s cloaks to bury the fact that the only thing his seed will sprout in is an orc womb.” He answered. 
“And where are the cloaks?” You smirked, your hunch was right. 
“Buried deep under the ancient tree, impossible to dig up because the three has been growing around them for so long. He has used fae magic to imbed them in the tree.” Suriel answered. 
“And that tree is ancient and blessed and the whole colony would be against me destroying it to retrieve them.” You realized. TriKeng had wisdom and age on his side and many things working in his favor. But you were undeterred. 
“But back to you dearest.” Your grandmother interjected. “Your majesty, she’s also the daughter of my son Rhen, who is a siren halfing I bore when I lived on land about 50 years ago. She has also obviously inherited the siren heritage as well, and only last night she finally got to meet her oceanic family but was pulled away because of that damn tether. Which when her father Rhen came looking for her in the oceans only yesterday, that tether nearly strangled her and choked her when he got too close, what kind of monster puts such a thing on another creature? Especially one as precious, magnificent and treasured as she is?” She demanded trying to focus the blame back on Brock. 
“True.” Prince Oriles conceded. 
“So. Where is her captor?” He asked. 
“On that boat.” She pointed to the ship before you put the tether away before he lifted his trident to destroy it. 
“Wait, don’t do destroy the ship!” You requested as you reached out and pulled the trident back as he looked at you strangely as he noticed the trident obeyed you. The trident was only handable by royalty and this was proof you were of royal blood and therefore more than worthy to be his queen and his trident took to you well. 
“The ship’s captain is a good friend of mine, he’s been fighting for my freedom since he laid eyes on me and his crew is good, the whole fleet is great and are just innocent fishers in all this. Please don’t destroy all of them just to destroy one man.” You pleaded. 
“So mild and kind despite the abuse you suffered.” He cooed as he reached up and held your face in his hand, marveling at the softness of it. Softer than seasilk itself as your whole body just glowed with untapped power and potential. 
“I am the one wronged, therefore let the vengeance be mine and mine alone to get. Besides, I’m a much bigger fan of making love instead of war.” You countered, knowing that was the best way to wrap him around your finger as he was hooked like any good fish on the line. 
“Besides, right now, I feel my home is in Suchi unless a greater one can be offered to me. For now, bless all who wish to- to follow me home, and if my angelic and heavenly moura brethren will help me, let Suchi be the host of this year’s summer solstice festival.” You offered which appeased everyone before you broke the surface to tell the heavenly moura who were hovering over the surface of the water which they eagerly took before they kissed you excitedly and then left to rejoin the others in the cyclone before two doors opened up underwater to reveal an elven prince and a fae prince. 
‘You have got to be kidding me.’ You thought to yourself before you swam up to them. 
“Hello,” you greeted as both of them looked at you in awe. 
“Are you here to take me home?” You asked as they both nodded dumbly, unable to really speak because you were that bewitching as you swam even closer to them so that you could see both of them out of their portal doorways at the same time. 
“Well there’s no need, I already made a deal with the Hurricane Breaker Clan, when this fleet sails back to their harbor, they’ll escort her home.” Your grandmother revealed as a chill traveled down your spine. Fuck. The enemy of my enemy is my friend- well played grandma. 
“Yes, but when I do get home, I just asked the heavenly moura and the angels here if they would convince the elders of Suchi to hold the summer solstice there, it’s a moura coming of age festival and it will be mine this summer. If you wish for a chance to court me, court me as a moura first then as you wish to second, I swear I’ll give you an equal footing with everyone else.” You promised as both of them nodded dumbly. 
“Now, go and make ready for my arrival.” You urged them before you blew a kiss at them and that was more than enough for them both to close the doors and retreat out of there along with the angels before you addressed the merfolk that had remained. 
“Now, if you’ll excuse me. I have a captain to reassure that he and his fleet aren’t in danger, and it would mean a lot to me if you didn’t try to harm them or the ship or the fleet, actually, you know what? Grandma, if you could go to Pantaou and Yingshen, and request that when the hurricane dies down, I’ll have the fleet drop the nets, if all of you would be oh so kind as to steer the various schools of fish into the nets and if you could get all the best crabs into the crab pods and stuff them full and make sure they don’t disturb the water dragon nest, and grandma if you could ask the dragons to just ice the holds for the fish. I want them to stay frozen long enough that we can go straight up the river to the foot of the mountain and have someone bring a crane and we can pull the blocks of iced fish right out of the boats and load them onto carts and I want the river deep and wide enough that the boats can sail right up the river with ease, Suchi has never had good seafood and they’ll need it for the festival especially. I want the Stormbreaker Clan to have all the proceeds from the sales of the fish. But if Hurricane Breaker clan will ensure their safe arrival and that no one from Stormbreaker will be harmed at all. Since Stormbreaker itself was led by someone who was simply misguided. A mistake that shouldn’t cost them everything, especially their lives, the sins of one shouldn’t endanger everyone else.” You insisted. 
“Consider it done.” Prince Oriles agreed. 
“Thank you so much.” You cooed to everyone as you swam around them, kissing all of them sweetly, grinning when they seemed to fall under a spell you weren’t knowingly casting but in this moment, you were going to use everything at your disposal to protect Brock and his family and clan.  
“Now, go get ready for the party of your lives in just a couple of short months.” You cooed before they all all swam away except for Prince Oriles and your grandma. 
“Grandma, was one of your terms to Hurricane Breaker Clan that they would feed you Brock?” You questioned. 
“You’re very astute.” She praised. “Well, you must fill your hunger differently, because Brock is mine and I will exact my vengeance how I see fit, I’m certainly powerful enough to exact it myself. Trust me to do this at least for myself.” You pleaded. 
“Oh come on,” she complained before you got infront of her face. 
“Grandma, swear to me you won’t harm him, or anyone else from Stormbreaker. Please.” You pleaded. 
“Fine, I swear.” She swore. 
“Thank you.” You thanked her before she swam down to meet with the dragons. 
“Till we meet again Prince Oriles.” You dismissed him but he didn’t take the hint, he just reached out and wrapped an arm around you and kissed you deeply as you kissed him back, hoping that would be enough to get rid of him. And while he tasted really good, it still just wasn’t quite right either. 
“Ok, enough, enough, I need to get back to keep my hosts from worrying too much about me, but I look forward to seeing you again soon.” You cooed before you gave him another parting kiss and made sure he was gone and out of sight before you swam over to Cugas’ little row boat and he nearly shot you with the harpoon before you put your hands up in surrender. 
“Woah, don’t shoot, it’s just me,” you offered before you climbed into the boat and changed back into yourself, spitting all the water that had been in your lungs over the side of the boat before you changed back. 
“Are you ok?” He asked worriedly. 
“Yeah, I’m fine, I just stopped a world war.” You answered as you wrung out your hair. 
“Is that what that was?” He asked as he started to row back to the ship. 
“Yeah, so, uh, we’re both blessed and fucked.” You leveled at him. 
“Yeah, I figured. Brethren?” He mused. 
“Ha! Oh yeah, almost all of them in fact, so come to find out, my mother somehow has two fathers and a third adopted one, one is a very high ranking angel in the crystal heavens that encircle the planet, her other father is King Tehnore of heavenly moura who they both have finally, after 45 years of her life have finally come forward to claim her however Elder TriKeng has been my adopted grandfather ever since we moved to Suchi. So now once this festival hurricane dies tomorrow, fifty legions of heavenly moura and a hundred legions of angels are going to escourt this fleet all the way back to the harbor and then back to Suchi.” You informed him. 
“Fuck.” Cugas gawfed. 
“Oh but that’s not all, Suchi is going to host this summer solstice. And not just all the mountain moura will be in attendance, all the angels, heavenly moura, elves, fae and merfolk are coming because now Prince Oriles down there is going to gift every merperson the ability to come out of the water and be on dry land for as long as they want to to also attend the solstice in Suchi.” You revealed. 
“Holy shit.” Cugas blinked in surprise. 
“Yep, and now because I’m now the claimed granddaughter of a king of heavenly moura that makes me a princess and because I’m also part angel and part siren, I’m now apparently the most wanted bride everyone has ever seen in their lives and no man, well other than you- can look at me without practically falling in heads over heels for me and all of them want Brock dead because he’s the only thing between them and me. Do you have any idea what I had to do to keep him alive?!” You complained which made Cugas grin as he rowed. 
“I can’t even imagine.” Cugas answered. 
“Brock isn’t gonna like this but it’s the only way to keep him alive, much less your clan alive, one heavenly moura could burn the clan to the dirt, fifty thousand of them...much less a hundred thousand angels they could scorch the continent a million times over, there’s no way Stormbreaker would survive.” You fretted as you just sat there and held your head in your hands as he rowed the boat back to the ship. 
“So you said something about blessed or was that the blessed part?” He asked. 
“No, that was the fucked part. The blessed part is once the hurricane dies- drop the nets and the sirens will herd all the fish you can candle into the nets and drop the pods and they’ll place them around the dragon nest and personally herd all the lobsters and crab into them. And then once everything is on board, the dragons will ice the holds because I know for certain that Suchi and the other mountain colonies would give you all the gold you can stand for that fish, all we need is a way to pick the iced blocks out of the ship and put them on carts and by the time the carts make it up the pass, the ice should melt enough that the fish will be easy to get and easy to sell and no one will get sick eating spoiled seafood.” You explained. 
“Oh that’s a genius move!” He praised. 
“Thank you.” You smiled. 
“Wait, that was your idea?” He asked. 
“Yeah, while they’re so eager to please me for some unknown reason- might as well maneuver things to the best possible advantage. Besides, I have someone in Suchi I want you to meet.” You grinned mischievously. 
“Oh yeah? Who?” He asked curiously. 
“My brother Adris.” You grinned. 
“How much is he like you?” He asked a goofy grin started to spread on his face. 
“More than he likes to admit, but you offer him my room on your ship and offer to take him to the sea to meet his oceanic family while you fish again or better yet, once we’re in Suchi, you feed him seafood like you fed me seafood and he’ll be trying to choke on your cock for dessert.” You revealed. 
“Is he as pretty as you?” Cugas asked eagerly. 
“Oh, much prettier. And you are so his type. Huge powerful muscles, captain of your fleet and a heart of gold and the fact that you’ve been fighting for my freedom since day one is going to go a very long way and your sympathy and empathy and easy going nature when you’re off the ships and in private are going to be huge draws for him. Like he’ll teach you all the dances for the solstice and I’m pretty sure he’d like to stake a claim before the solstice even starts so you can’t be stolen away by a prettier face with finer dance moves. By the way are you a bottom or a top? Because he’s a bottom.” You revealed. 
“Top.” Cugas couldn’t help but laugh. 
“Yes,” you cheered, having wanted to play matchmaker with Cugas since you met him as he managed to row the boat back to the ship and the crew was able to bring the boat back up to the deck and once you got on the deck you went back to your room where you laid out the rope and the chain, just looking at them though made your anger rage before you went to Brock’s room to get your blanket back, grateful he wasn’t in there and cleaned up the rest of your room, hanging up the wet clothing and towels so they would dry out as your side of the ship was facing the storm before Brock slipped into the room. 
“Oh good, you’re safe,” Brock blew out a breath of relief before he hugged you from behind and while you wanted to enjoy it, your anger started to boil before you pushed him off of you.
“Get off!” You grunted as you pushed him away, a feat made much easier with your returned strength and new abilities before you got his wet clothes off the line and pushed them into his chest. 
“What, I don’t, I don’t understand…” He answered as he looked at you in confusion. 
“I am so angry at you right now and I need time and space to think ok?!” You snapped at him as you started to aggressively clean your room, a trait you learned from your mother. 
“Well, let’s talk it out. We can figure this out.” He insisted as he got a chair and sat down and you wanted to rip his head off of his body but instead you grabbed the silver rope and the silver belt and lead and threw them at him. 
“Tell me exactly what those fucking things are!” You roared but he caught them before they could collide with his face. 
“It doesn’t ma- ah!” He flinched as he dropped them because they burned him. 
“Oh, this works.” You grinned before you took the chain and wrapped it around his wrist before it tied itself snugly. 
“For once, don’t lie to me, tell me the truth and the whole truth, what are these things?” You demanded as the chain got long enough that you could walk across the room to get a chair before you sat down far enough away that he was out of reach. 
“They’re…” He began as he tried to take it off but it just tied itself around him like a snake and you just shook your head. 
“Wow, you don’t really love me do you? Because if you really did, you’d be honest with me without me having use magical means.” You spat as he just looked wounded that you would say such a thing. 
“I do love you!” He insisted. 
“Then why did you enslave me?!” You demanded. 
“Because there was no other way to keep you!” He finally confessed.  
“Look, I was... am…, fuck, still very desperate ok? You’re a moura, the most angelic being to walk the face of the earth and I know I don’t deserve you in my life and the world thinks that orcs are barbaric stupid meatheads who only know war and fighting and that’s not true! My clan is young and small and we’re trying to abandon the old ways so that we can embrace a new way of living that doesn’t involve us risking our lives for things like food or clothing.” He explained. 
“So how does enslaving me help with any of that?” You asked. 
“Because you’re my mate! Mates are supposed to walk with you through life and you’re supposed to help and support each other and all anyone ever sees when they look at me is either someone to fear or someone to manipulate. All the women in my clan all want me just so that they can be warchieftess, everyone outside of my clan wants nothing to do with me because I’m an orc and my people have been the enemy of everyone for all of history and I can’t be Warchief without a warcheiftess or even a warlord by my side and my dad is getting old and I’m running out of time and our enemies are growing stronger but we’re growing weaker and I need you to help me and I know I fucked up. I know I did, and I will always regret the way I did things with you until the day I die. But this was the only way I knew how to even get to you because you’re special! You’re supposed to be different from everyone else! You have magic and abilities and power that I can only dream of and ever since the Shaman showed me a vision of you I haven’t been able to hardly eat or sleep or anything until you could be a part of my life and it was like I was possessed and I knew if I didn’t get to you sooner than later, before the summer solstice that you were going to choose someone else and I’d be lost and my clan would implode or dissolve and our territory would be lost and we would all just end up being slaves to others and I can’t let that happen, my family has worked too hard their whole lives just for everything to be lost because Suchi wouldn’t even open it’s gates to us. Every successful kingdom has a moura ruling by their side and they’re all just...so happy and their kingdoms thrive and peace envelops them and they have no problems and all they know is ease and success.” He explained, oh if only he knew the treachery within the royal moura households. 
“I went to the Shaman who told me all about the moura to begin with and he told me that my soulmate was a woman by the name of Benyana who was more beautiful than the moon and the stars in the heavens or the sunrise and sunset and he gave me a vision of you and of us and how happy we would all be and a vision of what our clan would become with you as warchieftess and how we would handle each problem together and find solutions and that you were a daughter of Suchi, a moura who would unlock all those secrets and gifts and would bless the clan and we would be the first of the orcs to lead a new way of life and that the clan would reap from Suchi. All I had to do was go to the gates and that you would come to me and all I would have to do is reach out and touch you and you would be mine.” He explained. 
“So I went and I was stopped at the base of the mountain and the merchants stopped me from even climbing the trail and the other orc clans thought I was a scout for an army and nearly killed me before I had to flee for my life and so I came back home and regrouped and went back five times, each time, the merchants would send word to Suchi and the gate would be closed by the time we got up there and then we met with the elders who cursed us before they would even hear us out. And I just had had enough, so we surrounded the city at the base of the mountain so they couldn’t warn Suchi of our arrival and the shaman gave us all magic spells in glass jars, all we had to do was break the jars when we were at the gate and weapons big enough and strong enough to break the walls would come out and when we broke the jars, trebuchets came spilling out and piles of meteorite balls and so we attacked.” He revealed. 
“And I knew it would take longer for you to like me, let alone love me but it was the only way I knew how to get to you and when I heard your voice giving orders, I froze and I nearly died but I knew your voice like my own and when you came out of the flames at me I knew that that was my chance so I called to you and you just hovered there as a bird so I figured you were just a shapeshifting moura and once I had you, I ordered the retreat and when I got back I went to the Shaman again and he tied the silver tether around the silver cuff and chain and it disappeared and told me to put this on you and that it would keep you with me and it protect both of us and would come off when you loved me and when it came off, you wouldn’t fly away, you would stay with me because you wanted to.” He revealed and your heart broke. 
“Do you have any idea what the ramifications of taking me will be?” You questioned your sternness softened considerably.  
“Well I figured you’re gonna be resentful for a while.” He admitted. 
“Yes, that’s true, but this is now so much bigger than just you and me Brock. Look. I’m not just a normal run of the mill moura, since I left, my mother went back to the heavens where she proved out to be the king’s daughter. Which makes her a princess and makes me a princess and therefore- worth something to them, to all of them, apparently. Tomorrow, when the hurricane festival ends- fifty thousand heavenly moura will surround this ship and escort me home. If that wasn’t all, my mother has two fathers- don’t ask me how, I don’t know, but my mother’s second father is somehow an angel, who is a grand chancellor of the crystal heavens, who is sending a hundred thousand angels to also escort me home. One heavenly moura could burn the clan to ashes. One crystal angel can destroy the continent, they are sending enough fire power to destroy the planet thousands, if not millions of times over. And if that wasn’t all, my grandmother, my father’s mother, the giant siren three times as big as the ship? She made a deal behind my back with Hurricane Breaker Clan who will be at the docks waiting for us, who will also be tasked with escorting me home and then she demanded that once I’m home, they escort you back to her by whatever means necessary where she gets to eat you and I can tell you now there isn’t a place you go and run away from or sail away to that you won’t be found. And if that wasn’t enough, someone- if I had to guess, Elder TriKeng, my adopted grandfather- has also tasked a Fae Prince and an Elven Prince to come to my rescue too and they’ve been searching all the realms and found me in the oceans just now, each of them has an army a hundred times bigger than Hurricane Breaker. And if that wasn’t enough, I now have a merman prince who controls the literal oceans trying to court me too. You may have captured me but there is no way you get to keep me and live.” You implored as you scooted closer to him to grasp his hands. “Do you know what I had to do to just get everyone to agree to not kill you immediately? I had to agree to give everyone a shot at courting me, and I literally had to pull my grandma’s hand back from crushing this ship and drowning the crew just to kill you and I had to pull back Prince Oriles’ trident back from destroying the ship to kill you too. I may be strong and powerful but even I can’t fight all of them off. I’m sorry. It’s literally you against the rest of the world for me at this point. And I know for certain that one wrong move on my part- everything turns to shit and everyone dies. Fae’s don’t take rejection well like they would murder everyone in my family, in Suchi and in your clan if they find anything offensive because Fae have thier own set of rules and they are harsh and deadly. I had to agree to at least court all of them just so they didn’t kill you or at the very least the rest of your clan.” You revealed as Brock just stared at you, an unreadable expression on his face before he turned and thought for a moment. 
“Is there any way you can get- in writing, the rules and steps associated with each way each of them courts? Is there any way you can set out the definitions and parameters to be courted? Like no matter the outcome- none of the competitors can harm either you or your family or your colony or the other competitors, make it as fair of a game as possible? But one that I can play and hopefully win?” He proposed as you blinked in surprise at him before you promptly launched yourself into his arms and kissed him all over which made him laugh as he held you, the chain easily falling from him as he held you and kissed you back and hugged you tight. Still, just so happy you came back to him. 
“Are you sure you’re going to be ok with that and keep your cool? Because I’m pretty sure part of every courting ritual is a coupling session.” You winced. 
“It’s your body to do with as you please, as long as your heart stays mine, I don’t care.” Brock insisted. 
“Well now my body is mine.” You chuckled. 
“Yeah, I know, I made a huge mistake and I should have found another way to go about it and I will be forever sorry about it and maybe one day I’ll be able to make it up to you.” He apologized which made you smile before you ground down on his hardening member starting to poke at your center before you realized- sex with him should be the benchmark moving forward. 
“It’s going to be ok, we’ll get through this together ok?” He proposed as he broke for air. 
“Sex then paperwork?” You proposed. 
“Deal.” He laughed as he picked you up and carried you to bed and pulled off the covers as your moura cloak became a full body tattoo once again before he rolled you over to fuck you in the doggy styel position as you made sure your neck craned up so that your skin would cover over your own moura mark at the base of your head but a good back scratch had you curving your spine the other way so he would scratch all of it, which of course, had your hair falling forward and just as he entered, he froze. 
"What the fuck…" He breathed before his finger reached out and touched your gold moura mark with a ghost like softness. 
Fuck. He found your mark. 
"OK I can explain…" You began.
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Fire and Feathers
I can’t stop. Have I said that recently? *Throws chapter three at you and runs away*
Summary: Castiel is a clumsy witch with a famous bloodline who never seems to get a spell right. Dean is an unattached familiar who stumbles his way through life seeking a purpose.
Pairing: Castiel Novak/Dean Winchester
Characters: Dean Winchester (young and present age), Castiel Novak (young and present age), Sam Winchester (witch), Gabriel (witch), Mary Winchester (mentioned), Charlie Bradbury (familiar)
Tags: @cateyes315​ @omrj007​
If you’d like to be tagged in this please let me know!
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Castiel gaped at the unconscious bird in his arms. It was massive and beautifully marked. It’s breath came out in staggered puffs and quiet squawks.
“Castiel,” Gabriel rested a hand on his brothers shoulder, “are you alright?”
He stood frozen in place, unable to focus on anything other than the bird. His limbs were buzzing with electricity and his head was shrouded in a fog. His mind racing with the words KeepProtectMine.
Gabriel reached his hand out to inspect the bird when a snarl came from the back of Castiel’s throat. Castiel turned around sharply, chest heaving. It could have been the sun but Gabriel swore he saw orange lights glowing behind his brothers eyes
“DON’T. Touch. Him.” He held the bird close enough to his chest that he could feel it’s breath against his neck. It seemed to slow it’s breathing as it unknowingly nestled into the mans arms.
Gabriel held his hands up in defense and backed away slowly. “Ok, Cassie. I’m not going to hurt it. But I think we should get him back to your place.” Gabriel tossed the wide eyed merchant ten gold coins and collected all of his brothers things. “Come on, let’s go.” He coaxed his brother along, looking over his shoulder every few steps to make sure he was still following.
“Really Charlie?” Sam crossed his arms and leaned against a wooden post as he watched his familiar drink her fill.
What? She thought. They gave it to me. It would’ve been rude to refuse. Her amber eyes glanced up and winked once before lifting her head. The orange cat started licking at her paw delicately.
“Have you seen Dean? He said he was going to stretch his wings but that was an hour ago.”
Nope, I haven’t seen him since we arrived. She wiped her paw against her face and up to her ear. Should we worry he’s gone and flown into another closed window?
Sam chuckled and shook his head. “I’m sure he’s fine, but he did leave me with his meat stick, so who knows.”
Can I have it?
Sam rolled his eyes and patted his leg, gesturing for Charlie to follow him. “He’d eat you alive, like most of his food,” he joked. Charlie trotted along side her witch as they started to leave the market.
Sam wait Charlie thought in a panicked voice.
“What’s wrong?” He watched as Charlie’s tail flicked sharply back and forth and sniffed the air. “Is it Dean?”
Yes and something else--Oh, Gods. Sam can you feel that?
Sam crouched down and laid his hand on the dirt in front of his familiar. “That’s---that’s a lot of power, Charlie. I’ve never---Gods it’s almost making me nauseous.” He held his stomach and looked around, eyes landing on a merchant nearby. “Excuse me, ma’am,” he stood and walked up to her stand. “Have you seen a man about this tall,” he held his hand just above his own shoulder, “brown hair, green eyes?”
The merchant shook her head. “No, sorry sir I haven’t. Are you---” she shook her head. “Can you feel that magic as well? I thought me and the other men were the only ones.”
Sam’s eyes widened. “What other men?”
She pointed to where Charlie was sitting. “A little while ago, a man was here buying herbs and started acting strangely. He--he started feeling sick and then this giant bird fell straight from the sky and into his arms. He was so protective of it. It was like something out of a storybook. He wouldn’t even let the other man that was with him get close enough to touch it. They took the bird with them.”
Sam ran a rough hand down his face. “Can you describe them for me? Which way did they go?”
Gabriel held back the moss curtain as his brother rushed into the hut.
“I need ginger, the echinacea I just purchased, dandelion, and peppermint oil,” Castiel said in a shaky voice as he laid the hawk on his altar. He cushioned it’s head with a pouch of lavender and stroked his fingers through the feathers on the back of it’s head.
Gabriel gathered the ingredients and set them next to the bird, eyeing his brother warily. “Cassie, it looks like he’s in pretty bad shape. Are you sure---”
“I need to do this. I have to do this. If you aren’t going to help me then you can leave.” Castiel pulled a black bowl carved with intricate runes in front of him and quickly began sprinkling in the herbs. He sliced the ginger and added it to the mortar bowl and crushed all the herbs together into a paste. He lowered himself until he was eye level with the bowl and carefully squeezed in two drops of peppermint oil.
“Cassie, how do you---”
“Quiet,” Castiel hissed. He reached up and pulled a few cardamom seeds from a box and mashed them into the mixture. “Water,” he demanded.
Gabriel huffed and walked over to the sink, filling a glass. He handed it to Castiel and watched as his brother spit into the cup before he poured half of it in the mortar, then drinking the rest himself. He picked up a bottle with a stopper on the end and sucked some of the mixture into it.
“Ok, here you go. Come on little one, open up for me,” he cooed. The hawk let its mouth fall open and Castiel smiled, petting it’s feathers gently. “That’s it,” he whispered. He squeezed the dropper into the birds mouth, letting the potion soak into it’s tongue. The bird licked and swallowed, then hung it’s mouth open for more.
Gabriel watched in awe as his brother fed the dropper, drip by drip, to the hawk until it was gone.
Castiel sighed in relief when it was empty, bracing himself against the alter. “He’ll be ok now. He was just nauseous.”
Gabriel gripped his brothers shoulder and spun him around. “How on earth could you possibly know that?” he gasped.
Castiel looked at his brother with a confused expression. “He’s a bird who’s afraid of heights, Gabriel. Of course he’s going to be nauseous.”
“The blue eyed man who hardly leaves his home. He lives in Splitwood Grove I believe,” the merchant pointed towards the path out of town.
Sam and Charlie quickly followed the merchants directions. He’d heard of a man living in the woods but people rarely saw him. He was rumored to have the purest form of magic in his bloodline, but that was most likely just stories made up by children.
“If they hurt Dean I’ll rip their lungs out,” Sam growled as he swatted vines out of his way.
Charlie jumped from limb to limb in the trees above him. It doesn’t feel like bad magic, Sam. I’m sure he’s alright. He probably ran into something again and they took him home to heal him.
Sam looked up as he spoke. “I’ve never felt that kind of power before, Charlie. That was a very powerful witch. I just hope he’s---”
There Charlie thought. Dean’s through there.
Sam pawed his way through dense thickets and ivy into a clearing. There was a small hut in the middle of the woods surrounded by flowering bushes and lush green trees. A small creek curved around the back of the hut and led into the front yard creating a small pond.
This doesn’t look like the lair of a big bad witch, Sam. It looks like a grandma lives here Charlie snorted.
Sam drew his hand to his hip and popped a button on his belt. He pulled out a silver blade and held it tight. “We’ll see.”
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But there are lots of air breathing animals that are built for breath holding. Some of these, like turtles, can spend all winter long at the bottom of a frozen lake in deep hibernation, not using their lungs at all. The turtle's secret is that, during this period of almost complete system shutdown, it does take in a tiny bit of oxygen by breathing out of its highly vascularized butt (the technical term is cloacal respiration). She had one beer, slurring her speech and nodding off. I think the guys were working together. Still get pissed about it.. Further pre treatment steps might include the application of a prescription anesthetic cream two hours before the laser session. It is wiped off just before laser surgery begins. (Some patients say they don't need this. Don be fooled by this picture. The place is beautiful and the houses each have their own distinct color. They don turn magically red in this fictive autumn picture. About a year later (this fall) someone 의성출장샵 messaged me that I almost didn't message back. He didn't fit the bill of people I typically responded to. But I'm glad I did. But it started out with me buying myself some household items that were "woodland creatures" themed. Foxes, raccoons, owls, etc. Well, my mom and grandma got it in my head that I LOVED owls and now everything they buy me is owl themed. If you don't think you would be confident enough to replace things like a water pump and thermostat housing on your own, then steer clear, but since you're young it may be a fun learning experience. Once that is done I would trust the E36 to be extremely reliable. Also, a misconception is that parts for BMW's are expensive, and this isn't necessarily the case. The box mine came in said to that after cleansing to use toner then apply the mask so I just used my Burt Bee Acne Solutions Clarifying Toner followed by my regular routine. I never thought to just do my trouble spots but I would imagine I still be pleased with it. So I guess my preferred method would be to just use a thin layer because I don notice any difference in the efficacy of the product, I don have to spend 10 minutes hunched over the sink rinsing it off and you save more product! Hope this helps! :). The Premium membership gives me Coins, what are those for?Coins are a virtual good, and you can use them to award exceptional posts or comments with a Silver, Gold, or Platinum Award. This is a way to show appreciation for an exceptional contribution to Reddit, and can also grant the recipient special bonus benefits. You can award someone by clicking on "Give Award" below a post or comment.. We're all beautiful in our own ways, but most of us weren't lucky enough to be graced with the kind of face that would look right at home on the cover of a fashion magazine. No, we all have our little imperfections a nose that hooks slightly to the right, lips that aren't quite plump enough, breasts that droop instead of perk up. And even those lucky few who were born with the kind of face that could stop traffic sometimes find they don't get the same kind of attention once age and gravity intervene, leaving behind its veil of unsightly wrinkles, lines and spots.. First off, your post wasn't long at all. It's okay to feel scared. I know it's scary when your significant other has a health scare. This diversity position is most likely to coincide with the recent scandal. They not only want to appear like they are correcting the issues of sexual harrassment and sexual discrimination by hiring someone to make sure women are represented but this is also meant to help earn more points through an intersectionality movement with even greater diversity.The truth is Riot wasn discriminating against women they were discriminating against non hardcore gamers in their hiring. There were cases of sexual harrassment and those seem to be corrected, but it isn surprising to hear about a male dominated business having a few cases of men hitting 의성출장샵 on female coworkers etc.
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cashforyourgold · 8 years
Selling Your Family Silver and Gold for Cash
You’ve acquired silver gifts from grandma and never really realised what they are worth. Whether it is silver coins, spoons, trays or bowls, they may be worth more than you ever thought.
Every high street now has shops claiming to buy scrap silver and gold and offer the best prices. Our advice to you is do not just walk into an unknown business with your items of silver and expect to receive the best price. Do your research and know exactly what your items are worth by comparing different businesses including those online.
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We at CashForYourGold.co.uk specialise in buying your precious metals and offering top prices. The reason being due to our low overheads and ability to then melt down your items to create new products.
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Visit CashForYourGold.co.uk now and take a look at our simple 3 step process for receiving cash for your gold or silver items:
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goldeagleprice · 6 years
Letters to the Editor (July 10, 2018)
Veteran reports disappointing experience with U.S. Mint
I was not surprised to read in the June 12, 2018, copy of NN that the number of military medals decreased. I was surprised that the number was so high. Here is what happened to me.
I received my commemorative dollar and medal set, but I was unhappy that the collar had a fingerprint on the reverse of the coin. (It seems to me that all of the publicity pictures of mint procedures show the people working with proofs to be wearing gloves. How could a fingerprint get on a coin?)
I called the Customer Service at the Mint and was promised that if I returned the set to the Mint that it would not cancel my order but replace the faulty dollar. I packaged the set, checked off the box that I wanted a replacement, took the package to the UPS store with the having-been-provided pre-paid form, and had it sent.
A few days later, I received an email from the Mint that it had received my package and that it was crediting my credit card for the original cost! This was not what I wanted at all. I was lied to by the Customer Service representative.
I tried to reply to that email, but the Mint refused to allow such correspondence. Therefore, I printed the refused email that had my desire to have a replacement rather than a refund, found the mailing address of the Mint in Washington, D.C., and sent the email to the director of the Mint. I have not yet heard from him. I enclosed a note saying what had happened and that I hoped that he would replace the set that I had bought.
I complained that this is a horrible way to treat veterans: produce something that we would want, and then give us shoddy products and service. Is this what the Mint thinks about us veterans? President Trump has made helping the veterans one of the priorities of his administration, but it appears that the swamp does not care about what he wants.
You might ask your readers if others have had similar circumstances as the main reason why the number of medals has decreased so much. I cannot believe that across the board so many sets have been returned for some other reasons.
I would appreciate your not using my name or address if you choose to delve into this. It is horrible. Name withheld
  Collector enjoys NCV tokens
As everyone who has read Numismatic News, I make my finds from the Coinstar coin counting machines.
Not only do I find coins – both collectable and spendable – but I also find modern-day tokens in and on the Coinstars.
Many are “No Cash Value” (NCV) brass game tokens that have a heraldic American Eagle on the obverse.
But there are other tokens bearing the names of businesses that make gaming tokens for video or pin ball gaming machines as well as “juke boxes.” Two local (northeast Ohio) firms are Automatic Music and Cleveland Coin Machine Exchange (CCME).
These tokens are not dated, so the year is not important, and one of each is sufficient for a collection.
A different story is the Chuck E Cheese token. The Chuck E Cheese tokens are dated, and Chuck has morphed from a rat-like image to that of a mouse with a guitar. Early tokens state the location of the pizza place, also known as “Pizza time theatre.” Some of the early Chuck E Cheese tokens do state a “25 c[ent] Play Value.”
There are several amusement parks that have issued NCV tokens. I had fun Googling them to find out their location. One, issuing tokens in a “white metal,” is from Macedonia … Ohio, that is. One of my favorites is “Billy Bob’s Wonderland” located in Barboursville, WV.
Going “down East?” Visit Blackbeard’s Amusement Park in Bangor, Maine. (This is the farthest NCV token I’ve found to date.) Other tokens I’ve found are various self-serve car wash and vacuum tokens, baseball batting cage tokens, laser tag NCV tokens, and even promotion tokens.
There are numerous tokens out there to collect; I’ve only ventured on the “tip of the iceberg.” Tired of collecting coins? Take a “break” and collect NCV tokens to start an adventurous endeavor.
I am a collector of both currencies as well as stamps. Most of the coins are base metal, sprinkled with silver. The bank notes are circulated (G-VF) and uncirculated. My stamps are used and off paper. My entire collections are worldwide issues.
Yes, you can collect both coins and currencies (bank notes) if you wish. That’s the fun in collecting; no rules, except to enjoy your collection.
Bill Tuttle Cleveland, Ohio
  Reader searches for older wheat cent dates
I have searched through probably 50,000 wheat cents, looking for dates. I generally find over 10 percent of older dates, S mints, near UNC condition. Found a 1909-S but no initials, though. There are a couple of dealers in the News that advertise unsearched wheat cents that are actually searched. In those, I could not find anything older than 1940, no-S cents and 1943, or UNC cents.
Paul Prechel Coolidge, Ariz.
  Strange finds recovered from carwash vacuum bags
I used to buy wheat penny bags, 500-1,000-count bags, to find mint error pennies. I’ve found 50-60 errors so far.
I read one of your articles on how we can get kids to start collecting coins. So I started making bags with complete 1941-1958 cents, but the #2 book goes to 1974. I was going to buy Memorial pennies to fill the book when my younger brother solved my problem.
He was vacuuming his car at the car wash and accidentally sucked up his girlfriend’s earrings. Luckily, the owner was there, and my brother knew him. He started collecting the bags for the owner, saving the owner a lot of time (the owner has four carwashes).
He brought all the change that gets sucked up to me to go through: pennies, dimes, nickels. I have found Memorials 1959-1974 to fill 18 books, Jefferson nickels to fill one #2 book, 1962-1995, in Fine to XF condition, as well as two #2 Roosevelt books, one with dimes VG+ to Fine+ and the other from VF-XF-AU.
I have given my friends’ kids 10 years old and older (18) books or bags so that they can put them in by themselves. I gave them one wheat penny book #2, one Roosevelt book #2, and one Jefferson book #2 along with a Numismatic News subscription card. I tell them they can find the nickels and dimes in mom, dad, grandpa, or grandma’s change jars.
My brother says he’s pulling 80-100 dollars a week out of the vacuum bags, not counting gold and silver chains, rings, and earrings. I get the pleasure of going through all the change.
John R. Covington Elmendorf, Texas
  ‘D’ quarter unusual as first 2018 coin on East Coast
I found my first 2018 coin in change on March 21. It’s surprising because it’s a “D” minted quarter of the Pictured Rocks variety. I don’t see many “D” minted coins as a first of the year here in New Jersey.
It was April 24 when I got my first one-cent coin from the Philadelphia Mint in change. There was no mintmark.
Richard Dahms Somerset, N.J.
  This article was originally printed in Numismatic News. >> Subscribe today.
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The post Letters to the Editor (July 10, 2018) appeared first on Numismatic News.
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