bird-inacage · 1 year
Only Friends: What Led to Ray's Explosive Tirade (Playing 'The Bad Guy')
I have to admit that this was not how I expected this scene to play out. I was just as flabbergasted as everyone else at first. However I think there's one clear thing that Ray's outburst reminded me off: no matter whether you reveal the truth or keep it to yourself - either way, you are the bad guy.
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I'm NOT the Villain
As Boston very derisively claims, if Ray reveals the truth of the affair, he'll be the one unleashing the damage. A similar parallel to what Boston did last episode (with very different intentions may I add, but damage is damage nonetheless).
Mew is incredibly important to Ray. If we talk simply outside of Ray's love for him, Ray wants to treat him well, repay him for his kindness and support over the years. Therefore, once Ray was in possession of this information, he felt very strongly that Mew needed to know. He knew telling Mew was the right thing to do. He does genuinely care about Mew as a person.
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Does he warn Mew and ruin his present happiness (which is based on a lie)? Or does he hold his tongue and potentially watch his friend get hurt from other mistreatments by Top further down the line?
Ray doesn't want to hurt Mew in any way. He doesn't want to be the bringer of bad news. Why should it have to fall to him to reveal this awful act of betrayal to someone he cares for so much? And when Mew supposedly doesn't react in the way he expects to this information, Ray goes ballistic with frustration, concern and anger. Why is he the bad guy for trying to help his friend, when Top can seemingly get away with it, and be in everyone's good graces even when he's completely undeserving? Why can no one else see Top's true colours?
I'm NOT the Worst
Something else that occurred to me throughout this episode, is how often Ray's friends belittle and overlook him. And it's so routine they hardly even notice.
Boston has never tried to hide his snide little back-handed comments at Ray. Since their fight at Sand's, he's become even more callous when throwing quips in plain sight. Namcheum makes an observation about all of them being partnered up, and it's only after a few beats that April points out Ray is still single. It's as if they forgot he was even there. Namcheum doesn't tend to pick up on any of the animosity or tension within this group. She's generally not the most tactful or best at reading people.
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Then when Ray speaks to Mew in the bathroom, Mew immediately assumes Ray's been taking drugs. Ray looks clearly stunned by this. Yes, he's always coined as the 'drunk' but that's not his one and only personality trait. That's not all he does and is as a person.
It dawns on Ray that even his closest friends seem to always assume the very worst of him. He had a bad feeling about Top from the offset but no one cared or listened. Rather, Ray never gets given the benefit of the doubt, when he's not committed anything as problematic as the heinous crimes amongst their group. Particularly when compared to Top, someone who gets all the praise and adoration when Ray knows he's a certified piece of shit, is desperately unfair. And most of all Top gets the respect of the best friend he loves.
I think what really sent the situation hurtling south was Ray watching everyone play happy families, when he knows there is a web of dishonesty and resentment lurking beneath. It's all a farce. And Ray couldn't stomach it for another moment longer. He had enough.
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Become the Very Thing You Loathe
In Episode 4, Ray displays a classic example of self-loathing and self punishment when he goads Sand to scold him. In doing so, it's as if he's deriving some warped form of satisfaction in owning these criticisms. Because he's told these things so often, he starts to believe it, so why not own it too? I actually mentioned this in my Episode 1 meta (regarding Ray's self-actualisation of becoming a burden). Sometimes embracing the very thing you hate being know for, at least validates the presence of that criticism. 'If people keep calling me an asshole, then fine, I'll become an asshole. At least then being called an asshole makes sense.'
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So Ray brought it on himself to air out everyone's dirty laundry. 'Fuck it, if you really all think I'm the worst, then fine, I'll do what needs to be done, I'll be the worst. You all happy now?'
Even though Ray adopts the persona forced onto him, he's not happy about it at all. He wants to be identified with more substance, with more credit, as more than just what everyone claims him to be.
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bumblingbabooshka · 11 months
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Mpreg Attack
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wowitsverycool · 2 years
ray bradbury was so great at prose and character motivations and relationships why did he have to be so insufferable </3
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
Okay okay, time for me to word vomit an idea:
So imagine that after Dabi does his whole vengeful arc, kills dozens of people and publicly calls out Enji's abusive ass, my man just gets caught by the cops and he's like put in a psychiatric hospital (because obviously Enji pulled some strings to save his son from death row to ease his own guilt).
Anyways, Dabi is like majorly depressed obviously and he's like "well, I've done everything I wanted to, so I might as well off myself" and cue reader's entry.
So basically, reader could be a nurse/doctor(NOT A PSYCHIATRIST) and she's all warm and fuzzy and a literal Ray of sunshine and Dabi hates her, but he doesn't give a crap atm.
And like everytime Dabi tries to kill himself, reader is there to stop him. It obviously started with "nooo, please don't kill yourself🥺 you are precious🥺🥺" to reader just swooping in and foiling his plans like "can you not die during my shift? I need an early night off🥱". Dabi is actively trying to kill himself, like he's standing on the ledge to jump, and reader is tackling him down and then punching him for making you run all the way up to the roof.
And like reader is bandaging him up with great gentleness and care and Dabi is staring at her being all close to him (he is mesmerised), and he goes-
"I'll be successful in my suicide one day."
And you just smile and shake your head. "Not as long as I'm praying." And at first, Dabi is super annoyed because he's think you're into the whole religious mumbo jumbo, but he actually caught you one day praying (insert whatever religion) and he's bewitched by the sincerity you pray for his (and others) well being. As if you believed with your whole heart that someone up there is listening to you.
He doesn't know what or when exactly he fell for you, but he did. And he decides that he'll confess to you after he gets out of psychiatric hospital (after tugging at Rei's and Enji's heart strings and them using money and influence to free their menace son). After spending 6 years in the hospital, 6 years where you were the only one who truly cared for him, he'll finally confess to you.
But then you don't come. Not even the next day, or the week after that. Turns out, you left your job.
Out of the blue? Dabi's suspicions rose.
He got out of the hospital and began doing his own research on you until he found your address and well... he sort of came in unannounced (look he knocked, you didn't answer, so he melted the lock and let himself in. At least he came in bearing flowers and wine).
He wasn't expecting you to be at home, but there you were, lying in your bed, a little too still for someone to be asleep.
He throws the covers off you, eyes narrowing on the red stains on your sheet before moving to your bleeding wrists.
Dabi's world stops, every cell in his body stops before every fiber in his being screams and makes him move. He doesn't check for pulse, doesn't check if you're still breathing, perhaps he'd die himself if he didn't like the answer he found. He picks you up and immeadiately goes to the nearest hospital, which fortunately was near.
While you were being operated on, Dabi sat outside, heart thumping as he prayed to whatever deity you did.
Please... not yet.
His prayers were answered as tge doctors told him that you're going to be alright... physically that is. Mentally? Well, Dabi is about to figure it out.
He sat by your side waiting for you to wake up. When you finally did, he saw how different you looked. Obviously he had noticed that you were physically weak, but your eyes... they lost their shine.
Your eyes turned to confusion when you looked at him. "D-Dabi? What are you-"
"I found you." That was enough for you to put together what he meant. You turned your eyes away from him, ashamed.
"Why?" He asks in a quiet tone. "What made you do it?"
"My choices." You whispered. "Bad decisions in the past."
Dabi wanted to pry more out of you, but he knew you wouldn't explain more. So, he takes matter into his own hands and leaves the hospital, telling you that he needs to run some errands, but he's actually going back to your apartment and starts rummaging through your stuff to find some clues as to what exactly caused you to do this.
He didn't have to look around too much because he found your phone and snooped through your messages. Someone was blackmailing you. They had some explicit pictures of you, seems like a toxic ex who was threatening to share these photos with your family and social circle.
So Dabi pays a visit to your ex, takes care of him and the pictures he had,making sure to get rid of all the copies too. All in a day!
By night he had returned to the hospital, you were asleep. He slept there too, in the uncomfortable hospital chair, heart at peace as he watched your chest rise and fall steadily.
Next morning, when it was time for you to leave, Dabi helped you and took you home. You thanked him for everything, and Dabi made sure to tell you that he'll be picking you up for lunch later. You agreed hesitantly. And at lunch, he finally revealed that he came to you because he wanted to ask you out.
You look surprised, more so when he reveals that he had fancied you for a while and that he understands that relationships might not be a priority for you at the moment but-
"I understand if dating is not a priority for you right now but if you ever do consider falling in love, know that I've been on the top of your wait list for the past 6 years and will wait another lifetime if that's all the time you need."
You're in tears at his words, and you have a hard time not breaking down as he takes your hands in his, his thumbs carefully tracing over your bandaged wrists as he promises to wait by your side, that he'll always be there to help you with anything, that if you gave him a chance, he'll spend the rest of his life trying to make you happy.
"Dabi, i- I am not good for you." You say, voice wobbly. "My past, it'll always haunt me and I care too much about you to let it haunt you as well."
"Your ex? His pictures?" He asked watching shock appear on your face. "You won't ever have to worry about him, Y/n."
You shook off your surprise. "That's not it. It's not the only problem I have!"
"Then tell me. I'll fix all of your problems." Dabi promises with such sincerity that you're compelled to believe him.
You don't tell him obviously, saying that it is your burden, your mess to deal with. Dabi doesn't push more, only because he knows he'll figure it out later anyways. Hey, he may be a criminal but he was once the son of the top hero who trained him, so Dabi's IQ is through the fucking roof.
And a man in love has no limitations.
Had a DUI? He deals with it. Parents disowned you? He'll make them regret it. Killed someone? He'll make sure you have an alibi to prove your innocence. Cheated off a test in grade 2? He'll make sure there are no witnesses alive. He'll burn the world- burn himself if it means keeping you warm.
You don't wanna date a criminal? Fine, he's working a cooperate job and since he's so smart, he'll be a fucking CEO in no time and have enough money and time to spend on you. Youre crying because you feel ugly when you see your scars? Dabi makes sure to kiss them every day and pulls out his turtleneck (aka the trademark Todoroki fit) for you, while he buys the best treatment money can buy for your scars. Mental health is going down? He's taking you to the best therapist in town. You're sad he's an atheist because it means you won't be with him in heaven? Damn, he's a convert now.
I just adore men in love :(
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Okay but I don't think we're focusing on how scary smart Dabi actually is😳😳😳 I just know it, I KNOW he's super smart but he downplays it all the time because he's depressed or whatever.
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happeehippie · 6 months
instagram j.b.
summary: follow along with joe and his fiancée evie as they go through his football career.
* face claim is yasmin quintana*
series masterlist.
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liked by millyg, joeyb_9, and 873,190 others
evie: did some cowgirl shit
view all 2,739 comments…
millyg: yee frickin haw
> evie: bitches 🤠
user: i was hoping this thing would get called off
joeyb_9: guess i better saddle up.
> evie: i’m coming home to you cowboy. 😉
user: no wait this is so cute
user: not ev in her cowgirl era
> evie: i fear it may be permanent
user: i cannot comprehend that you guys are so in love your getting married….
> user: wym you can’t comprehend it?? they’ve been together for like 7 years and are clearly very happy?
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liked by bengals, bose, and 912,054 others
joeyb_9: locked in #TeamBose
view all 5,108 comments…
user: this hairstyle is the best
user: ev is so lucky
> evie: like it truly doesn’t get better than this.
user: this is giving major top gun vibes
evie: i’m locked in on you. 🤪💗
> joeyb_9: 🌽
user: yalllll this man!
used: if you need consoling after this tough season hit my line
> evie: aw. i might take you up on that offer
> user: if there’s one things ev is going to do it’s make sure errrrrbody know joe is HER man
> user: no like its giving *insecure*
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liked by millyg, joeyb_9, and 910,002 others
evie: my mood for the foreseeable future..
view all 3,107 comments…
user: angel girl
user: she’s a stunnnnna
lahjay10_: if joe ain’t bring some of those cookies tomorrow we may have a problem
> evie: only the best for you jay
user: a ray of sunshine
joeyb_9: photo by me, socks from my closet, cookies homemade, your smile out of this world.
> evie: the man that you are…
user: i don’t know if im rooting for you or not
user: this doesn’t seem like lifestyles of the rich and famous
> evie: you’re looking in the wrong place for that content
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liked by bengals, evie, and 816,901 others
joeyb_9: my hands don’t look small here
view all 6,738 comments…
user: delete this my girl has ig
bengals: caption 🤌
user: you remember what them haters had to say
evie: let’s put them to good use. 😉
> user: EV! it’s too early to be spicy in the comments!
> user: nooo she’s getting some of that BDJ 🤣
user: i wasn’t prepared for this today
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liked by joeyb_9, bengals, and 520,091 others
evie: why is it always so cold in seattle?
view all 6,194 comments…
user: you’re giving pick me vibes
> evie: next time you’re looking for something to comment on, please, don’t pick me. (:
user: seattle is nice when it isn’t raining
user: period !!!
millyg: a moment for YOU 💗
> evie: i luv u.
user: these pics make seattle look bad
joeyb_9: the fit goes HARD
> evie: you can borrow it anytime 🤪
> joeyb_9: game day fit?
> evie: would def be top 5 of the season.
user: why are joe and ev always so goofy in the comments, and yall think they aren’t made for each other????
> user: no bc SAME! i don’t get why people think they aren’t a good fit. they’re obsessed with each other.
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liked by bengals, lahjay10_, and 730,726 others
joeyb_9: Dark Knight
view all 5,720 comments…
user: that’s my QB
joemainmixon: 🐐
user: you ain’t him
lahjay10_: (TOP 2) DAM SURE AINT 2! 🐐
> evie: TELL EM JAY
user: smash
evie: i think i need a hero… 🥵
> joeyb_9: i’ll be your knight in black shoulder pads.
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liked by millyg, joeyb_9, and 820,092 others
evie: big week 😳
view all 5,118 comments…
user: my favorite wag
user: if y’all actually are getting married im sick.
user: are you going to share what’s happening?
user: you look STUNNING
user: wym??
user: not prepared for what’s about to go down. i have a feeling.
joeyb_9: 👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼
> user: oh shit
user: not joe about to ruin his life if speculation is true
> user: wow everyone is supportive until you realize he really isn’t ever going to leave her for you. this is crazy behavior!
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liked by bengals, lahjay10_, and 1,737,026 others
evie: i think i like this little life.. 🤍
view all 15,829 comments…
millyg: and that’s MRS. Evangeline Burrow!
> user: not me just now finding out ev’s full name
> user: Evangeline??? Excuse me, that’s beautiful.
user: she doesn’t deserve it.
lahjay10_: we was TURNT TF UP!
user: i am sick with jealousy
bengals: The King and his Queen, congratulations!
user: only ring he will ever get but congrats
> user: marrying the love of your life is a bigger dub than the sb ever will be.
user: congrats!
sam_hubbard_: Finally!!
user: i knew it was coming and somehow i convinced myself he was smarter than this..
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liked by bengals, millyg, and 1,290,001 others
joeyb_9: Mr. & Mrs.
view all 8,628 comments…
lahjay10_: congratulations brudda!
user: most overrated player in the nfl
> user: bro can’t you let him enjoy his wedding?
user: congrats, now go get that other ring!
user: i give it a few months before they are done with each other.
> user: considering they’ve been together for almost a decade, i don’t see that happening
user: we all wish we were ev rn!
bengals: that’s our QB, you lucky boy!
user: another thing to distract him from winning the super bowl
user: not fair
millyg: i’m not crying, you are. jk i am crying. i’ve been crying all day.
user: he’s too famous for this, he will get sick of her.
evies ig stories:
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pressplay-if · 1 month
please do the NSFW alphabet for Angel
Hahahaha hell yeahh. btw I'm using the same "template" as @thelonelyshore-if did, dunno if there's any other floating around...
A - Aftercare: He's just gonna start yapping idk. "Soooo how was I? Omg, you made such a weird noise tho, but don't worry, don't worry, it was cute..."
B - Body part: about himself, nothing really. He just doesn't pay that much attention to himself. Also has no preference when it comes to his partner. He prefers the overall picture, doesn't discriminate between any limbs in particular...
C - Cum: Don't... don't cum on him... Or well, his belly or his lower back is okay, it just happens, but don't cover him in it. He doesn't rly love that.
D - Dirty Secret: He's an open book. Whether you want him to be or not. He has nooo "inside thoughts". Or, you know, just thoughts in general (jk I love him I love him)
E - Experience: Angel has an average amount of experience. The odd hookup here and there. Nothing crazy.
F - Favorite position: Doggy, he doesn't care who's on top. Also, he loves being ridden.
G - Goofy (whether they're more serious or playful in the moment): Definitely goofy af.
H - Hair (how well groomed): He doesn't really shave anywhere.
I - Intimacy (how are they during the moment? romantically): pretty chill and playful. But also kind of needy, depending on the situation.
J - Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon): He jacks off a lot, actually. Sometimes just because he's bored. That can actually be a hindrance during sex bc he might be too used to his own death grip to come everytime.
K - Kinks: he likes public stuff, risk of getting caught and causing a scandal and so on. Also, he's down for anything MC might wanna try.
L - Location (fav places): anything public that's not super gross. A gas station bathroom won't do.
M - Motivation (what turns them on): Skill. Seeing someone do sth they're really good at makes him want them carnally. You see how that would work out with the MC.
N - No (sth they won't do): eat cum
O - Oral: He prefers being on the receiving end, though he can have lots of fun giving, too, as long as it doesn't end with the partner coming in his mouth. He's not half bad at it either.
P - Pace (fast and rough? slow and sensual?): fast, but only slightly rough.
Q - Quickie: He's down. Anytime
R - Risks (are they game to experiment?): Absolutely.
S - Stamina (how long do they last?): he can last very long actually, especially given how he doesn't always cums. Once he does tho, it's over.
T - Toys (does he have any? how does he use them?): No toys, only death grip.
U - Unfair (how much does he like to tease?): depends on his mood. If he's feeling particularly sassy, sure, but mostly it isn't really his thing. Unless you count his general playfulness as teasing
V - Volume (how loud he is, what sounds he makes): he can be silent when it's required, but he enjoys giving words of affirmation and just moaning and stuff while it happens. So more often than not, he's pretty loud.
W - Wild Card (a random headcanon): can't think of any
X - X-ray (what's under his clothes?): nothing of note, really. He's really pretty average, but he doesn't really mind. Most of the time, he doesn't think about his body, but he has no illusions either. He's got a lot of hair and acne on his back that he hates. (It's bad enough on his face...)
Y - Yearning (how high is his sex drive?): pretty high, actually, if you count his masturbation habits.
Z - Zzz (how quickly he falls asleep afterwards): not so fast. You have to listen to his full review of your performance first.
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Idk if your requests are open but if they are I thought that frank castle x reader fic with a line 'You're an asshole but I love you' could be cute
Hi nonny, here you are, written for @theradioactivespidergwen 's 🍂Sweater Weather Writing Challenge🍂. 😊
🍁Frank Castle x gn!reader🍁
Please reblog if you enjoyed it!
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"A'right, c'mon baby, it's time to get up."
You groan, stretching and yawning loudly, the difference between the dark behind your eyelids and the darkness in the room barely perceptible as you blink your eyes open sleepily. The covers are pulled back, not in anger, but the jarring of waking up so early makes it feel like it and you're grouchy and on the defensive.
"Fraaaank nooo! Why?!" You whine, reaching out and scrabbling to get the corner of the soft duvet back over you but it's no use, he holds it hostage and then hooks his arms under your outstretched ones and lifts you up from the mattress.
"Because I clearly remember you sayin' somethin' like; 'Frank, I agree to you waking me up before dawn even if I get all pissy about it'. So c'mon darlin', we're on a schedule."
You concede but grumble about it as you make your way to the bathroom to get ready. "Ugh, yeah well, past me was an idiot."
Frank just laughs and heads to the kitchen to get everything else you need together.
You're yawning almost constantly in the truck on the way, pleading for the Thermos of hot coffee you know he's got stashed somewhere as you pull your warmest hoodie and scarf up around your neck.
"Ten more minutes darlin'. I promise, just a lil longer. It'll be worth it." He responds, with a knowing smile.
Your breath makes ephemeral clouds of mist in the air when you first step out of the truck after Frank eventually pulls up at the parking spot. There's thick trees all around and the ground has the slightest hint of a frost making the leaves and grass crunch beneath your boots.
The birds are already wide awake and broadcasting their twittering, musical trill as Frank takes out the bag with the supplies, slinging it over his shoulder and then leads the way up a trail. You wind your way up the hill with your hand nestled in his, his fingers occasionally rubbing over the tips of yours to keep them warm.
The thick blanket Frank sets down in a spot at the crest of the hill keeps the cold ground at bay, the moss providing a welcome cushion underneath. You sit down, leaning into his body, his arm wrapped around you holding you to his warmth as you both silently sip at your steaming coffee and take in the beauty beginning to unfurl before you.
The first rays of the sun, bands of deep amber fire and crimson slowly emerge over the horizon, gradually and fantastically spreading a wash of the beautiful golden light of a new day across all of the trees below. It's as if you're the only people in the world just then, hidden in your own little universe.
"Frank?" You say, quietly, almost reluctant to break the spell of this moment. As you look at him you see the autumn light reflected in his warm brown eyes.
"I'm tired, and you're an asshole, but this is perfect and I love you."
His deep laugh shakes you and he wraps his arm tighter around your shoulders, pulling you closer to plant a sweet kiss on the top of your head.
"Love you too, sweetheart."
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cherrycolaride · 1 month
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girlies i'm reading "being elvis - a lonely life" by ray connolly at the moment and it makes me really emotional...
in the first half of the book the author focusses quite alot on the colonel and his toxic relationship with elvis... i know their story ist an old story but it never fails to make me angry every time i get confronted with it/ think about it... and in this book you get to learn quite a lot of new details about the colonel's wicked persona and how he took advantage of his 'golden boy', he even stated himself that he saw elvis as his very expensive hobby and only cared for the money.
and then look at the quote up above... "i love you like a father"... nooo baby please you deserve so much better... reading things like that feels like when you're watching a movie and you can't even bear to continue, cause the main character is naive and not knowing he's getting himself more and more into trouble and you can't do nothing but watch him fall 🥹
it's so unfair how that poor sweet country boy just says yes to anything and stays so loyal and thankful 'cause of course he's grateful that he can finally provide for his family... he has such a big, soft heart and then that real life villain makes him work like a circus horse and just takes eveything from him... he's pure evil, you can't tell me other wise. i once heard some elvis fans say that he wasn't as bad as he's always portrayed, that he did elvis good... nu-uh no way i'm sorry, all i'm reading screams devil to me, even e's mother knew from the beginning!
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vibratingskull · 11 months
"I’d like to follow that Thrawn x f reader with the breeding kink where reader is pregnant and Thrawn makes good on his promise to keep her happy so the baby is healthy, if you know what I mean ;)" -anon
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Part 1
tag: smut, pregnancy, p in v, edging, orgasm denial, fluff
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You sigh deeply. The sun rays caress your skin beside the pool, on your deckchair you bask, yawning in your bikini. This retreat was such a good idea! Thrawn truly has a brilliant mind. You stretch and hear a grumble. You lower your gaze to see Thrawn holding your swollen stomach, head laying on your belly, laying next to you on the chair. You were so sleepy you didn’t even feel him on you. You raise your sunglasses
“Well, hello sir.” You smile.
He doesn’t respond, only caressing your big stomach with a satisfied sigh. You caress his hair, putting your hand on his luscious strands. He raises his gaze to you.
“Did I wake you up?” He murmurs.
“No.” You whisper. “I just finished my nap.” you reposition yourself a bit, feeling the pain in your back starting to act up again. He grazes your skin with the tip of his fingers.
“How much time yet?” He sighs.
You cradle him with a chuckle “1 month. You can wait 1 month, no?”
“If I have to.” He grouses “But it is so long just to hold my children in my arms…”
He’s really grumpy and impatient lately. Nothing seems to satisfy him and he can’t keep his hand out of you, always holding your hand, holding your hips, circling your shoulders, and that’s only in public. When you’re alone he fucks you relentless, letting you an overstimulated mess or makes love to you languidly, leaving you crying out of love. You can’t walk 3 meters without feeling his presence behind your back. It doesn’t help that you found out you were pregnant with twins, when you told him he froze before puffing up his chest, proud of his accomplishment. He was unbearable for weeks on end, bragging to all the people you met, it was embarrassing; When you confronted him because it was highly unlike him and his rank he said he was not sorry and will continue to be proud of this achievement. You think he sees it as a proof of his virility and manhood, even though you’re not quite sure he has something to worry about in this department. And that’s how you spend your days, leisuring in a privatized maternity retreat of the Empire with a husband glued to your body.
One of your babies kicks your stomach.
“Ah… One of them is full of energy, it looks like.” You grin. “They seem impatient to meet you.”
“She seems impatient.” He corrects.
“How do you know?” You ask “We decided to keep the surprise.”
“I know because they’re mine.” He kisses you belly
“Well they’re mine too and I have no idea.” You snarl jokingly.
“It is because you are not a chiss…” He purrs, caressing your tummy with both hands reverently..
Do chiss have a deeper bond with their child than human? Does he communicate with them in ways you don’t understand? Is that why he doesn't leave your side all day long?
You feel jealousy stinging you.
“Well there is no reason to brag. I feel them in a way you could never understand.” You respond harshly, tear behind your eyes.
Pregnancy hormones… You still lose control sometimes.
He looks up to you, searching into your gaze.
“You are angry.” He simply states.
“No.” False.
“Yes you are. You are in pain and frustrated.” He kisses the palm of your hand. “I know just what you need.” He lowers himself between your legs, licking your soft tummy all the way.
“No. Oh nooo…” You grizzle “Thrawn, I beg of you. I already came 5 times since this morning. I can’t take another round.”
“Yes you can.” He kisses your inner thighs tenderly. “And you will. It will ease your muscles and balance your hormones.”
“Please, please, please, please, argh-” He cuts you off by licking your cunt through the fabric of your swimsuit, he kisses it deeply, wetting the fabric. Your tired and overstimulated core clenches at the soft sensation. “Oh maker no, please I can’t. Ah-” He pushed the fabric to the side to trail your slit with his tongue.
He purrs.
“Keep pleading for me, and I might listen to you.” He grasps your tender thighs and dive between your legs, he sloppily laps your pussylips, teasing your clit. You dig your nails in the plasticat of the deckchair, holding on for dear life. He sucks and circles your nervous bud, licking across it like a lollipop. Your breath quickens and soon you start to pant and sweat under the blazing sun, getting all worked up like a basic hoe by your dear husband. God he’s still so good at eating your pussy! You whine under his ministrations, feeling the muscles of your thighs tensing up. He gently needs them with his warm and strong hands. With your 8 months pregnant belly you can’t see what he’s about to do and that’s thrilling and exciting. You yelp when he takes a big sloppy lap of your juices with the flat of his tongue.
“You taste so good, ch’acah. Even more since you are pregnant. Another reason to keep you like this, the list keeps getting longer…” 
You huff and pant.
“Let me deliver these two and we’ll talk about it.”
“That is already decided.” He chides “They will need siblings to have fun, and we would be neglectful parents to not tend to their needs.”
He spreads your pussylips with two of his fingers and inserts his wet tongue inside your wet walls. You can't help but moan and throw your head backward. He trails it until he finds your G-spot and licks furiously at the gummy spot, teasing and tickling with the tip of his tongue. You feel your juices and his drool dripping on the skin of your ass and the chair, your walls are saturated with blood and all puffy and swollen like your clit. Thrawn grunts and pants, he doesn’t refrain from his guttural moan. He sounds like an animal, a ravenous predator feasting on his prey. He makes absolutely obscene and satisfied noises so far away from his well adjusted and elegant Grand Admiral personna. Sometimes you wonder if the pregnancy doesn’t have more effects on him than you. He tonguefucks you until you orgasm and you ride his tongue with delight with a strangled cry. All your walls clench and tense up around his tongue  and he drinks what you give him with a deep purr, so much you feel his wet limb vibrate against your overstimulated flesh. The tension snaps and all your body relaxes very suddenly and your torso relapses on the backrest with a ‘oof’. You breathe deeply to catch your breath as he finishes to wash you.
“Thanks Maker, it’s over…” You pant, massaging your eyes.
“Over? It was just the appetizer, we still have the main course.” he announces raising on his knees to free his erection from his swimsuit, he gives it a few strokes and lay it against your pussy lips, you can feel the pre-cum dripping on your sensitive skin.
“Thrawn, you can’t be serious?” You yelp and protest, horrified.
“It is your fault after all. You tempt me all day long in this tiny bikini with your round belly and swollen breast then you give me such a performance. I can not take it anymore.” He growls and bare his teeth, hovering over you nudging your entrance with the tip of his cock. “I have my desires and needs too…”
“Pretty sure it is because of your desires and needs we are in this situation!” you clap back.
“You are still full of energy, I see. Good, you will need it.” He says darkly.
You gulp, was that a threat?
He enters you in one deep push, your sore hole all slick and sticky from your former orgasm. You cry as you can’t do much than take it, your swollen belly preventing you from moving underneath him. He fucks you like a beast would, pounding you mercilessly.
“Care-Careful the babies…” You manage to pronounce between your mewls.
“They are well protected by the amniotic fluid, I can not do them any harm, I verified.” He grunts. With both of his hands beside your head, he looms over you like a vulture, rutting in you like a rabid animal earning a whine at each thrust of his hips. Your breast and belly bounce almost comically and your eyes roll inside your skull of pleasure. He hungrily rocks his hips against yours, helping you climb that mountain, guiding you, pushing you higher and higher in the arcanas of pleasure. You feel your lower abdominals contracting more and more as he pushes deeper and deeper and you brace yourself for your next orgasm.
But he slows down, doing circling motions with his hips, keeping you on edge without pushing you farther, towards that sweet, sweet release.
“Wha-... You… Why?!” you ask, frustrated and confused.
“I told you you will need energy.” He coldly announces.
“But… Move!” You roll your hips on his cock but he slips out of you at your great damn. You shout in frustration. He trails your slit with his soaked dick.
“You need to roll out your pleasure… make it last…” He licks your cheek to your temple, poking your entrance with his shaft.
“Come one! Please!” You beg.
“No dear, we are doing it on my terms.” he shushes you, nudging your noses. 
You greet your teeth and dig your nails in the flesh of his shoulders, he winces at the pain but doesn’t budge.
“Come on! Come on!”
“It is not you who worried about our babies just earlier?”
“Fuck you!”
He grins smugly..
“I a m on it , ch’acah.” He re-enters you, but your pleasure has long subsided and it’s not enough for you to orgasm.
“Hurry!” You rock your hips but he remains still. You try to fuck yourself but you need his help, help that he appears more than happy to retain from you. You end up stopping moving, hiccuping.
“I will fuck you as I please…” He pushes slowly, inch by inch “Longly…” another thrust gradually up to the hilt “Sensually…” another agonizingly slow “We have all the time in the world, why the rush?”
And for the next two hours he proceeds to fuck you languidly, slowly, holding your hand to the height of pleasure but refusing to push you beyond. You’re now a soaked, bruised, and overstimulated mess.
“This is so good ch’acah. You do not know how good you make me feel. I would like to spend my life buried in you.” He brushes your cheeks together, breathing deeply.
You don’t hear him.
You can’t under your sobs.
“Please… Please… Thrawn…” You whine tears rolling down your cheeks. “Please… Let me cum… I’ll be good, I promise…” 
“I know you will.” He purrs, “You always are.” He licks one of your tears. “But I want to take my time, savor the experience, I take great delight in how your pussy strangles my cock, I enjoy feeling it clenching around me. And you ch’acah? Do you enjoy yourself? Do I please you as you love it?” He nibbles your lower lips, grinning.
Does he please you? 
Hell yes!
But he knows you so well, he can predict when you will cum and he uses it to his advantage, rolling your pleasure, forcing you to endure his pleasurable assaults for hours, depriving you of your oh so sweet release and raising the pressure. You know when the tension will snap it will be absolutely glorious, but the way to the price is so, so long and difficult. If he wasn’t embracing you you feel you would fall apart.
“I… I…” Your words die in your throat and mewls take their place, your eyes rolling inside your skull, mouth agape.
“Cockdrunk my dear? You can not formulate a proper sentence, I see.” He playfully mocks, raising your legs to put them on his shoulder giving him better access to your swollen, slick pussy.
“Pleee-ee-eeeaaa-aaa-aase…” You cry, big tears rolling down soaking your pretty face, ruining your makeup.
He looms over you, forehead against forehead he brushes his nose with yours.
“Tell me you love me and I will give you anything you want.” He offers.
“I-I…” You're cut by some hard thrust of his hips. He lowly chuckles. From his point of view, this is incredibly amusing and so pleasurable. On your side this is more of a nerve wracking experience requiring endurance and trust, leaving you exhausted beyond measure, ravenous and needy. 
You breathe deeply through your nose and gather your thoughts one last time.
“I… I love y-ah!” He caresses your clit tenderly between your two bodies, looking at you with a smug grin, proud of his master work. 
You bite your lips to blood.
“I love you Thrawn!” You manage to say it in one breath. It took you all your will and self control but you did it!
He considers you with a raised eyebrow, wondering if you were worthy of his mercy. But a small satisfied grin come light up his face. He leans forward and kisses you so gently.
“I love you too, ch’acah.”
He embraces you tighter and without warning starts a neck breaking pace, pounding into you savagely, your hips meeting with obscene wet noises. You feel yourself squirting on his cock as gradually your pleasure builds back up towards that glorious release so desired. 
And finally…
It happens.
All your body tenses up, your toes curl and you see stars and a bright white light. You cum with a cry, digging your nails in his blue flesh as waves of pleasures crash upon you, muffling any other sensation than absolute, pure, raw pleasure.
He continues to rock his hips for five seconds before swiftly slipping out of you and spurting his potent, thick semen on your cunt and thighs.
You pants like after an intense training session. It really, really took a toll on you. Thrawn slides to your side and lays with you, holding you in his arms, cradling you lovingly. 
“Are you okay? I was not too harsh, was I?” He murmurs in your ear.
You snuggle against him, your big belly in the way, burying your face in his neck, inhaling his musk. He caresses your back and your hair, kissing your forehead.
“No…” You pants and yawn “It was… okay…” You feel your eyes closing after such an earth shattering orgasm. “I’m so… sleepy…”
“Sleep my angel, I will watch over you.” You feel his hand grazing your round stomach. “Over you three…”
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@bluechiss @thrawnalani @justanothersadperson93 @al-astakbar @thrawnspetgoose @readinglistfics @elise2174 @debonaire-princess @twilekchiss @pencil-urchin @ineedazeezee @mssbridgerton
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bengiyo · 1 year
Only Friends Ep 8 Stray Thoughts
Last week, everyone got punched in the mouth. Mew broke up with Top by burning one of his sketches to his face, and then forced Nick to tell him what happened with Boston. Mew seduced Gap and managed to acquire Boston's tape and cow Gap into submission. Mew then threatened Boston and made him grovel only to stand above him morally superior. Boston broke up with Nick, turning Nick into a sobbing mess. Boston got kicked into the pool by Mew in an incredible scene. Nick was planning to move out away from Sand and the two pathetic simps commiserated with each other. Top roamed around upset that he's somehow lost. Ray somehow won by getting Sand to give up doing his side hustle to stay with him and getting Mew to start going out with him.
"Save Me."
This is the exact kind of music I enjoy.
So Mew has just gone off the deep end getting drunk with Ray and skipping classes? So much for graduating with honors.
Yes, let's remember that Sand is pathetic.
Sand continues to be pathetic, but at least he's trying to push back on Ray's bullshit.
Damn, even Yo and Plug are having problems. She went after him and now is getting cold feet about taking the next step.
I like when Book gets to be mad.
Explain to me why Sand needs to spend any of his precious time helping Ray volunteer.
I'm not surprised Cheum and Top are teaming up.
It's PAPANG!!!! Unfortunately he is hiring Nick with the intent to fuck him.
Interesting that Boston actually seems to miss Nick.
Oh nooo. Boston, you probably shouldn't mess with Cheum's brother.
Mew is supposed to be the smart one. Why are they dressed as Harley Quinn and the Joker?? There's no way he doesn't know how toxic they are.
We finally get to see Khaotung kiss Book and it was gross because Mew is just using Ray to hurt Top.
I like Nick's costume, but it's not going to work on Boston.
That was gross of Ray. Claiming ownership of Sand even as he consistently discards him.
Unsurprisingly, Mew is a woo girl.
Please give Neo an award for Boston.
Thailand and their obsession with making me watch people vomit.
It's the popo!
And here goes Sand playing Captain Save-a-Hoe again.
How dare you cover up that slutty midriff, Book?
Sponge baths, my beloathed.
And of course Boston left with Atom.
This was a mess! All of these hoes is wrong and I feel sorry for no one! Atom should know better, but I'm glad Title isn't going to go to waste. Papang is going to commit some gay wrongs next week and we are probably going to like it.
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hotdamnhunnam · 6 days
I gotta tell your cute little brain that YOU and Laur are my fave jax writers and NO ONE ELSE COMPARES.
There is not another writer I have found in any Charlie fandom that CONSISTENTLY writes Jax/Ray/Will well. The random one-off one-shots that rock are (in my limited digging through tumblr) rare.
No one, nooo one writes like you do.
You have a fingerprint so unique to you.
I FEEL the flow of it when I read your work. There’s an energy and movement to it that I’ve never experienced before.
I feel like Jax about to challenge you like—
"Bitch YOU WANNA GO??? Let's GO here's the in depth reasons why you're a boss ass writer and you're gonna accept my compliments NOW. Now stare at me through my lashes." 🤣
Ugh seriously your work is poetry. I want to LIVE in your mind. And with the way you write, man it's some of the hottest, most visceral, visual, intoxicating shit ever written. You got that dom energy on the literary page in SPADES.
And when I say poetry I'm not talking- "oh it's flowery and nice." It's way beyond that. It's the poetry that makes you stop breathing.
The kind that sucks your soul our of your body with a single line that just CHANGES YOUR LIFE with its beauty and depth and otherworldly hotness.
Like the coming scene from the fic i tagged you in— it's ART to write that way. The richest of poetry. The way I FEEL with your writing, as if it really was me it's happening to, is so clear and intense that I daydream while reading in a way that's only ever happened for me when reading hp/ hunger games/twilight. You constantly world-build and make me SEE and feel everything. Ugh ok i'm gonna go read some more of your stuff hahaah
Love u my little Brat with a praise kink 😉😂
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(Tagging @laurfilijames to make sure that she sees this absolute loveliness, as I’m sure every word of it applies to both of us 💕)
Please know how many times I’ve reread this and that I will surely keep rereading it for DAYS. It’s like you clawed into my brain and pulled out the exact kinds of comments that my silly little writer soul has always craved and it’s HITTING THE SPOT with my crazed kink for praise 🥹❣️🎯
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Honestly though, how can I even BEGIN to thank you for feeling this way and for letting me know??
This is the kind of feedback that makes all of the tears that have gone into my tumblr writing experience over these past few years worthwhile. Now they’re happy tears through a huge smile 🥲
To hear you describe my writing as life-changing is just the most mind-blowing beautiful thing (also tagging @daryldixonpls who has said the same, because I need to keep telling you both again and again how truly touched and grateful I am 😭🙏)
I am SO happy that I decided to hop my Hunnam hoe ass back onto tumblr this past month and that I was blessed enough to connect with you!! Love you love you love you 💖💖💖
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Season 2 First 3 episodes thoughts (spoilers below the cut, DO NOT click the cut if you do not want to be spoiled!)
Episode 1
The dimples are a bit disarming ngl.
The chorals Bear added are interesting. Someone translate them please and thank you.
Ewwwww bug!Sauron nope nope nope.
Why hallo there handsome asshole :D
What's in the pouuuuch? (I don't think we're ever gonna find out tbh)
O shit are these the raft redshirts? Oh nooo.
I support horse girl rights and wrongs.
Mooom, Galadriel is a lying liar who lies.
Gil-galad looks so done lmfao. "Great-auntie whyyyy."
Elrond about to pull an Elwing.
I want to see my little boy (Isildur). (Where is heeeee?)
Hello Glüg, you SDCC photo gem.
Ah Waldreg you fucker. Guess you figured out between seasons that he ain't Sauron.
Lmao not Sauron pulling a Moses on Adar. Wtf are you doing buddy?
Nori my beloved
Wow The Stranger has so much vocabulary now. I still think he swallowed a Harfoot dictionary.
Ok additional Harfoot food note: Beetles (scarab beetles?)
Oh yeah some fic writers are reaaaaally gonna enjoy the scenes of Halron chained and collared. Here comes another fic deluge!
Sauron, don't you remember what happened with Huan in the FA?
RIP to this random elf messenger bc I don't think he's gonna make it.
Ben Daniels has the raaaaange.
Eärendil mentionnnn. And Beleriand mention! I wonder why the Mariana Trench option wasn't considered in the TA. Update: Ok nvm Círdan will answer that for us.
Poppy! Hopefully the others can still travel without the maps she took.
The music is so prettyyyy.
"Your people have been set free." #doubt (show me the proof! also why did Sauron want that? He needed slaves to work the fields in Mordor, right?)
Ah Waldreg did die in the exact episode we predicted.
More elf nuns!
Elf costumes! I need an analysis post!
Lmao Elrond's face. "Grunkle Círdan, you betrayed meeee!"
Galadriel: How 'bout I do anyway?
Elrond: Thanks I hate it.
Galadriel: Please don't jump off waterfalls again.
Mirdania! Aw shit Halron got there before the nameless doomed Lindon elf.
Ominous ending music, Bear.
Episode 2
I love the terrace farming so much.
Dwarf food note: Mole-tail stew, Large mushroom (chanterelle-like) that is very valuable, smaller mushrooms, gourds!
ilu Disa
This scene was exactly what I needed for dwarves and dwarvish food reasons.
Oh shit not my dwarves :(((
Alfirin seeds!
Ooh creepy!
New elf characters! Do they have names? Please give them names!
"Crush two spiders with one boot." Ooh I hate the foreshadowing of that metaphor. Hates it, hates it.
More foreshadowiiiing.
Mirror of Galadriel foreshadowing specifically!
Eregion is so beautiful and majestic (thanks, Season 2 budget!). Sure do hope nothing bad happens to it! (sobbing)
Yup, RIP Lindon messenger elves.
I looove this music.
Skeletor! (By the power of Grayskull!)
Ooh cultists.
The Dweller is back!
"curse upon our flesh" wut
I have a bad feeling about this. (Wait, wrong fandom)
Where is Narviiii.
Do Disa's friends have naaames? Wait x-ray actually was helpful for once. Rachel Payne as Brenna and Laura Jane Matthewson as Revna! I'm so happy she has named friends who even gossip!
Hi Narvi!
King Durin: But do I still have grandparent's rights?
"Stubborn as a root-bound parsnip!" Hah.
Oh my god he's working on ships. I love that so much.
Ooh shit a flashback to the woods scene from Udûn.
Why are you shaving, sir? Sir.
Ahhhh poetry mentions from the FA! How nerdy.
The bell seems bad.
Eye of Sauron?
Uh-oh. Is this how he learns how squishy hobbits are on adventures?
Ooh he's developing door ideas. Fun!
I get the feeling Mirdania ain't gonna last the season, either.
Fuuuck tower foreshadowing.
Ooh elf umbrella!
Oh you little weasel!
"I'm going to open a First Age bottle." Love that detail.
"Are you my friend?" Hoo boi.
Ominous thunderclap. Ooooh.
Is he gonna larp as an Istar? Lmao.
"Soon every realm will fall." Because of you, asshole!
Title drop!
Wow. Okay. Playing on his insecurities and also calling him the "Lord of the Rings". Overdoing it a bit much there, Ronnie?
"I am your partner." screech
Pope-galad says you need babysitter, Gal. I'm sure this will go splendidly!
Episode 3
Bronwyn ;_;
Berek best boi my beloved
Sad Elendil and Valandil :(((
Pls don't kill Berek. I couldn't stand it 😭
Ooh the shells funerary detail!
Eärien girrrrl your evil phase alarms me.
This ship is so saddd :(
More ominous tower shit.
Pharazôn, you weasel 2.0.
Fucking foreshadowiiiing.
Valandil my beloved! Oooh tension with Kemen.
A baby orc! Fascinating!
Damrod has arrived!
More title dropping!
"--a friend." The emphasis was so funny.
Durin is suspicious. Love it.
Celebrimbor: Well if I start a Catholic schism then so be it.
It is your moment, Holly-boy, but also your doom. You're being Anakined into Vader by Palpannatar.
Isildur has discovered the DnD means of equipment acquisition.
Noooo more dead horsies :(
Estrid :D (please don't be evil)
Lmao at least he knows proper wound procedures lol.
Potato food spotted!
Arondir sir you are low on arrows.
Arondir ;_;
Bronwyn :(((( fuck I'm so sad about this
I will never recover from the Aronwyn ship, I fear :(
Theo, buddy, need someone to talk to?
Sad version of Aronwyn theme nooooo :(
Really not liking how much King Durin's crown sorta resembles Sauron's this season.
Theo taking over his mother's skills :(
Yup, poisoned orc arrow theory confirmed.
Stepparenting with foreshadowing for Numenor, delightfulll.
Please don't be foreshadowing.
Who is his dad? Oh no hurtful, Theo. Buddy :(
My Garden Fam is broken and I'm deeply unwell about it.
Theo-Isildur friendship time?
Isildur really is so relieved to be alive and not eaten by spiders that he's gone friend mode. How very like his Grunkle Elrond!
Oh no Isildur mom backstory :(
Don't cry Isildur and Theo bc then I'm gonna cry ;;_;;
Also now this is a narrative parallel!
Ah good gift discussion next to the word "precious" is throwing my brain. Oh lordy.
Please don't be evil, Estrid! I'm already suffering without Bronwyn and both Disa and Míriel are doomed af.
Theo wtf are you doing?
No don't lose the sword Galadriel gave you!
Míriel in white, Elendil in blue and gold, Pharazôn in red. Totally Kate Hawley doing some fascinating storytelling here.
Oh no my quote about Elendil and his daughter in a courtroom is suddenly very apt. Oh dear.
What did Elendil see?
Huh the unrest happened sooner than I thought.
Eagle: Y'all are gonna die!
Elendil: Top 10 anime betrayals and by my own daughter. Wtf.
Annatar gets his own cute lil forging outfit :D
More symbolism!
Oh god what a way to end the first 3 episodes. Send help.
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ladycamillewrites · 2 years
Against the Odds
Chapter 10 - Don't be sorry
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warnings: pregnancy stuff, emotional scenes, cussing
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“Chris? Can you hear me?“
“Tom! G’day mate! I know I might’ve overstrained your nerves yesterday“ Chris sighed, suddenly feeling a bit guilty for throwing the overwhelming piece of information at his best friend on a random Thursday night. Wile he was out with Benedict.
“No, it’s- I… fuck, man“ Tom’s husky voice echoed through the Aussie’s phone, self-doubts were battling rays of hope for a brighter future in his voice. “I’m in Dubai right now“
Short silence.
“Erm, you are where?“ 
“Dubai. It’s a three hour layover but those guys have quite the comfortable business class lounge“ Tom replied, the rattling of cutlery adding to the background noises.
The gears in Chris’ head shifted fast, the realization of what his best friend was doing set in like a lightning. But honestly he didn’t expect anything else. Tom was a good man with a strong heart.
“Oh god, thank ya. Y/n is” he stopped for a second “Well, she needs you“, his voice vanishing in a whisper as he heard your high-pitched curse from upstairs. Perhaps the baby was giving his sister some thundering headaches again. A muffled giggle resounded from the actor’s vocal cords whereas Tom was on red alert.
“Is she alright? God, I should’ve come far earlier“ the Brit sighed, doing a desperate facepalm and his left forearm landed on the table with a dull smack. The Arabian specialties he ordered smelled tantalizing however, his hunger was gone.
“Bro, calm down. It’s probably just the baby doing it’s first moves. She always complains about how it tickles on the inside and she can’t do anything about it“ the Thor actor explained, trying to take the guilt from his friend. There was no real need to make him insecure by telling the first conjecture about the reason of your cry. 
“Thank god. It sounds like her“ Tom chuckled lightly, freeing his forehead from the strong grip of his hand. Planes were taking off and pushing back behind the thick windows giving him hope to finally be reunited with the woman he loved more than anything else.
And his unborn child.
“So, If nothing gets in the way I’ll be arriving in Brisbane at 2pm“. 
“I’ll pick you up, bro. Have a nice flight“ Chris hurried to say goodbye before his secret phone call would blow up.
You were bustling all around the house, finding something new to do every five minutes. The second trimester, despite of small movements of the baby and occasional migraine, was flooding you with energy and motivation to do the most random stuff at even more random times. 
“Arielle? Where are you?“ Liam’s voice echoed from downstairs. “Bathroom. Thor tries to eat my bikini bottooooooms“ you yelled back, the panic in your voice amusingly audible. The fluffy Australian Shepherd was a sweetheart. Mostly. But sometimes he turned into Satan himself and tried to annoy the hell out of you.
“Thor tries to do what?“ Your youngest brother asked, the wicked entertainment obvious. Of course he found that funny. “When you finished laughing could you please get your pretty ass up here and put that dog away-ahhhhh!“.
Liam bit his hand to repress a roaring laughter while Chris fist banged on the counter top. Another desperate try to keep it in whereas your agitated curses echoed from above. Their gazes met and both knew they were absolutely defeated. Bursting out in crippling laughter the brothers bathed in your suffering. 
“Liam and Chris fucking Hemsworth! I know y’all grinning like a shot fox. M’ gonna kill you by drowning in the sea“ you cried out before dull thuds announced you descending the stairs and approaching your brothers with the chewed string of wet fabric menacingly in your hand. “Nooo, don’t“ Liam cried out running away from you like a scared, giggling child. You were a mess with your brothers but hell, no one cared so it was just perfect. 
“You’ll buy me a new crossie, friend“ you pointed at Chris who was still choking on a slice of mango. “Why should I?“ He threw his hands up in despair before the salivated fabric hit his naked torso with a wet smack. You weren’t to play games with right now but secretly you enjoyed the childish banter.
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“Arielle, could you please accept the mail?“ Chris yelled from out of the garage. He just got back from grocery shopping and you were the only one dry and inside since your nephews were having quality time with their mother in the pool. Reluctantly, you got up, hasty legs carrying you towards the big, white door. 
Lost in thoughts about Tom, the few months you relished in a perfect life with him London, you twisted the doorknob.
“Hello, my love“.
Your jaw dropped, hands flying up to cup your cheeks as the man you were thinking about nonstop stood in the doorframe, a pretty bouquet made out of lilies and roses in his hands. It felt like you were frozen, as if the person who played you as character just paused the game while Tom’s coy yet incredibly charming smile dazzled your widened eyes. 
“May I come-“ he began, but the baritone voice you had missed so much died as your lips sealed with his. It was as if there had never been a second of pause, not even the slightest touch of difference. It was beautiful whereas you felt horrible inside. Hot tears teetered in the brink of your eyelids, ready to stain Tom’s notorious blue sweater.
“I missed you, darling“ he breathed as you parted for a second, causing the dam of your eyes to breake and gushes of salty tears streamed down you reddened cheeks. 
You had basically abandoned him, left him without a trace and only a ludicrous excuse of a letter. Nevertheless, the man stood right here in front of you smiling thorough his own emotionality with the biggest doe eyes. He wasn’t angry, was he?
Honestly, you couldn’t even blame him if he was.
“Listen, Tom I- I am so fucking sorry” it blurted out of you, unable to meet his ocean blues and turning away from the door instead. Your step away allowed the Brit to enter, however, you were trying to get a safe distance. A few feet that would spare you from his beautiful face contorted in disappointment like a Bernini statue.
“Love, please” 
“No, I can’t. There’s no adequate excuse for what I have done. I should have spoken to you before I left. I should’ve told you that I am…” your voice died in the sore passageway of your throat. Tom was unaware of your biggest secret, wasn’t he?
A whole damn child spending it’s thirteenth week of live in your belly was a hell of a secret. You felt like crumbling apart.
“Pregnant? I know, y/n” Tom’s soothing voice hoisted your gaze from the floor, rays of hope sparkling in your eyes and the broadly smiling man came closer. Was he alright with it? Would he possibly want to have a child with you? A thousand scenarios rumbled through your agitated mind, images of your happy family life fighting the idea of raising him or her alone.
“How do you-“ you began, your boyfriends sharp jawline pointing at your brother as he nodded agreeing wordlessly. Chris sat in the staircase grinning like a Cheshire Cat and holding both thumbs up in an affirmative gesture. Of course. How could you’ve been so stupid to tell him and not expecting him to tell his best friend who happened to be the father. 
You scoffed, grabbing Tom’s hand and pulling him across the whole living room until you reached the terrace, elaborately peppered with exotic plants and a few loungers. Peaceful and peace was definitely what you desired the most. Inner peace with yourself and the man you were ready to lose everything else for. 
“I found out the night of the London Awards but I was already in the tenth week. Remember when I stumbled and you dragged me to the ER?” you whispered, hands playing with vivid petals of the bouquet Tom had bought you. Oh, the scent was heavenly reminding you of the unique lilly-scented washing powder Tom used for his dress shirts. 
Probably not a coincidence but a gentle innuendo.
“Oh god. Why- Why didn’t you tell me?” He panted, looking up from the glass table that separated you like bars of a mental prison. His question weighed heavy on your delicate shoulders, the tickle of your baby’s first tries of movements added oil to the fire that spread across every single sense. It felt shitty, as if you had committed a felony.
“Fuck“ you sighed, hiding your sensitive face in the last fortress of small hands. You had hurt him and blatantly so. Shifting uncomfortable on the soft leather, you stopped as his gentle fingertips brushed your bare knees, slowly pushing the hem of your dress upwards, calculated wave-like motions. “Thomas, I didn’t mean to fool you. I really didn’t. It was just… I-“ you began to stammer mid-sentence.
“Shhh“ he calmed your troubled mind, squatting from the leathery surface and reaching to grab your waist. A gentle flex of his exposed forearms lifted you upwards, coaxing you to straddle his lap. His scent invaded your nostrils like sedative gas, his touch melted your spent muscles like lava melts snow. It felt like the exact same home you left three weeks ago.
Guilt. That was what fueled your tears as soon as your face nuzzled in the crook of his neck. You had left him. Pregnant. You could never properly excuse this although your choice had been influenced heavily by the greedy, destructive voices that wanted nothing but drama and heartbreak.
“I know, darling. I could never reproach you for what you did“ he whispered, the big hand continuously tracing little circles and other swirling patterns on your back. “But I sincerely hope that you can give us a second chance“ the Brit purred carefully. “Please, love. I need you“ the last words flew silently in the Australian breeze like a heavy promise. A promise to your ears only before it got carried away.
“Would you want me back? After…well, I left you?“ You murmured barely audible against the drenched fabric of his signature sweater. Your tears had devoured his whole shoulder but the relentless sun would dry it in an instant anyway. A bit of wetness was Tom’s smallest problem at the moment.
“I’ve never not wanted you, y/n. Since the day Chris introduced me to you again I knew you would play the leading role my own, personal movie. God, I have thought about you since that day. Nonstop, not until this very second“ 
“Can we take a break from the world? Just us and the people who don’t judge for a little while? I need to get my life- we need to get our life sorted“ you paused for a little sigh, slightly hesitant to mention the ‘issue‘. “Especially since she’s with us“.
“So… you think it is a girl? Our baby?“ Tom breathed, the words sinking in like hot ash burning all his previous experiences and nurturing the new life he would be building with you. And with whoever little wonder was hiding in your womb. It was much to take in. “Our baby“ he repeated almost absent-mindedly, thoughts trailing off to how he would be a father in about… wait.
“How far along are you, love?“ The question dragged you out of the gleeful bliss of watching Tom’s gorgeous face contort in pure awe. “Fourteenth week so in the beginning of the second trimester“ you began to explain, your boyfriend’s lips twitching with every new piece of vulnerable information he got. You could almost smell his adorable excitement. 
“Wow” his soft baritone cooed, almost in sync with your giggle. “With you wearing this loose dress I could never have guessed”.
“And yes, somehow I have the feeling it’s a girl. She’ll have your beautiful curls, Tommy“. You smiled so freely and happily for the first time in a long time. Your cheeks wandered up to give way to proud, curling lips and your pregnancy glow reflected the sun like a touch of divinity. He always wanted to have children once and with you being their mother, the actor couldn’t be any happier. He never had been to be exact, in none of his earlier relationships.
Tom hummed in approval, returning your smile before your delicate hand grabbed his, guiding it towards your stomach but he stopped, steel blue doe eyes searching for consent. He was a gentleman of the first waters. Always. Even if it was about his own flesh and blood growing like a wonderful flower.
“Go on“ you smiled coyly, gaze fixed on the Brit’s unique facial features scanning them for any sign of reaction as he touched your small bump. It wasn’t too big yet but clearly visible now that you brushed the fabric of the dress. “Christ“ he breathed, a sudden warmth spreading from his palms like a calming balm. You could feel how she was enjoying her dad’s touch.
For the first time knowingly.
“You’re gonna be a father, Thomas Hiddleston“ you snickered. The angelic sound of your words and their overwhelming meaning dragged the curly haired Brit out of his trance and back into the reality he would cherish and treasure like a guard dog. 
“We- we’ll have a baby“ he eventually whimpered with a sniffy tone. The man had lost control over his words or expressions. “I thought it was impossible for me“ you mused, smiling to yourself at all the comments and bottomless accusations Nate had planted in your mind.
Bullshit. It had all been bullshit and Tom, the real love of your life, had proven it.
Nate could proudly go fuck himself because you had everything you wanted. 
But deep down you knew this triumph wouldn’t be for too long. In a few months the premiere of ‘The Moralizer‘ would take place with compulsory attendance for you and Tom. Logically the world world would know if you came.
However, you wanted to keep this piece of heaven for as long as it lasted. In private.
“God, y/n. You're growing a wonder. I can’t wait to meet him“ he chuckled pulling you in a gentle kiss and lavishly toying with your lower lip. He was devastatingly seductive as always but suave in his tender touch.
“Him? So you don’t think it’s a girl?“ You mused against his wet lips, both of your mouths curling in fond smiles and giggles. 
“Hmmm“ he hummed, the dark timbre of his voice always remaining you of Loki, the Asgardian god you had a massive movie-crush on since the first Thor movie and naturally it got progressively worse. To your defense, you weren’t alone. “No. It’s gonna be a daddy’s boy“.
“Tommy! What even is my role then? You cannot just claim little Hiddles!“ 
“Excuse me? Little Hiddles?“ Tom chuckled, butterflies swirling in his belly at your face all scrunched up in mischievous laughter and of course the cute nickname you had given the baby. He would copy that most definitely. ‘Little Hiddles’ he repeated in his head, pride swelling in his chest, the thought of you as the mother of his child was simple in it’s nature but utterly beautiful.
“Y/n, Tom? Can we talk for a second?“ A shy Elsa peeked around the corner of the brick column. She had been an angel since your arrival, the second person to know of your pregnancy in general and the best source of productive help you got so far. She had three kids after all.
“Sure, and thank you for letting me stay, Elsa. Truly“ Tom unwrapped his charming, British smile making Elsa return it a mere blink of an eye. This man was a honeytrap for every breathing being, a fluffy looking predator that could lure anyone he wished. But it was you who owned his pure heart. You and baby-Tommy, of course.
“You’re something like my brother-in-law so how could I say no?“ She giggled, sitting down opposite of you. “Have you told him about the appointment and the little thing we’ve planned?“ 
You but your lower lips, sudden nervousness cursed your veins at the thought of today’s ultrasound appointment. The biggest one in a while and with a little luck, the doc would be able to determine the gender. Hopefully, everything was alright with your little wonder. You couldn’t bear any complications in this emotionally vulnerable state. Not with the newfound happiness Tom brought with him from London. 
“Well, erm I thought you c- can“ you begun to stutter like a child, your gaze jumping from Tom’s right eyes to his left. “She has a big exam today and now that the daddy is here…“ Elsa tried to help you, nodding affirmatively until the words slipped from your tongue.
“Would you like to come with me?“ 
“If you would have me, dove“ Tom cooed with excitement tugging at his lips.
Chris’ wife was slowly melting but not from the Australian sun, no, from the utter cuteness of the whole scenario. It felt like the final, happy reunion in a rom-com with the best actors on the planet. To her you definitely were.
“And Elsa wants to organize a gender reveal party if that’s okay with you, baby“ you snickered against his muscular chest, the training for Skull Island and the Moralizer was still showing off so seductively. If everything was going well later, Tom would definitely not be allowed the leave the bedroom tonight. 
You were touch starved and so was he, his hips subtly bucking as you leaned back, temptingly putting your cleavage on display for him.
Oh, the passion never died.
“I can hear it in your voice, dove. You would love this, wouldn’t you?“ He mocked playfully, long digits flying to hold you in place. “Maybe“. The giggle spoke volumes, making the handsome Brit set up the serotonin-boosting smile you loved so much about him. The shiny teeth reflected the sun like luxurious pearls while you drowned in the ocean and sky blue shades of his almond eyes.
A beautiful man and all yours. Hopefully, forever.
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“Ready? It could feel a bit cold“ the doctor asked for consent before applying the ultrasound probe on your bump. It tickled, felt weird but Tom was sitting right next to you caressing your arm and smiling like an exited kid. You wouldn’t know whether it was a girl or a boy since Elsa planned the party for you. 
The doc knew so everything that came out of his mouth were the standard affirmations. You smiled at Tom, watching him look at the monitor with an awe-struck expression painting his sharp facials.
Fuck Nate. This was exactly what you wanted. This man and this little family.
But his smile died, brows furrowed in confusion as the doctor mumbled incoherent phrases to himself, moving the probe across your belly as if he was searching something. 
“Ehm, is everything alright?“ Your dry voice was shaking and Tom’s big hand grabbed your left hand. The tension was palpable and thousands of bad scenarios began to flash in your irritated mommy-mind. 
“Oh, sorry! Yes, it is actually all good twice“ he explained, fingers moving on the monitor to make measurements or whatever this device was capable of. 
Your confused gaze met your boyfriend’s equally puzzled ocean blues, both unable to process what the doctor was trying to imply. 
“You didn’t know?“ The older man asked again, an exited grin on his thin lips. “Sorry, know what?“
“You’re expecting twins, Ms Hemsworth“ 
“I beg your pardon?“ It blurted out of Tom, disbelief written all over his gorgeous face like an emotional love letter. The shock turned into a sweet realization as the monitor got turned and you saw the two tiny beings sharing your belly like roommates.
“Well, the babies are a bit small for your stage of pregnancy but it's nothing to worry about. Both seem perfectly healthy“.
Two babies.
“Oh my god“ you breathed, mouth agape from feeling you couldn’t even describe properly. Of course, you were overwhelmed for more than just a blink of an eye and maybe would need some days to really process this. However, the main emotions were pure luck, happiness and pride swelling in your fast pounding heart when glassy eyes met Tom.
* beep beep *
“Oh, excuse me for a minute“ the friendly doctor nodded, the honest smile on his face silently congratulating the happy couple before the he left. 
“Twins, darling! You’re a wonder“ Tom sobbed, sweet tears rolling down the sharp path of his cheekbones until they hit your naked belly. It felt so wholesome yet utterly distant as you sat up, back against Tom’s chest and both staring at the on-hold image the doctor captured. 
At first you thought you would never have a baby and now… two little creatures sleeping safe and sound in your bump. The natural consequence of your love to the most perfect man on earth.
“I- I don’t… we have to buy twice as much clothes?!“ It blurted out of you, realization slowly setting like dawn. Tom just chuckled, the deep sound intertwining with happy sobs and vibrating against your neck. He held you tight, one hand sinking down to cup your belly in such loving manner, the twins would surely notice.
“Looks like I have to order two Loki jumpers then“. “Sorry, you ordered what?“ You bursted out in laughter swiftly turning your shoulders to face the grinning man. He was Loki, there was no doubt. But the stubble of his beard was kind of distracting to the image of the ethereal trickster nevertheless, you loved it as much. 
“You will be an amazing father, Tom“ you snickered, the tip of your nose touching his before his pointer brushed your chin and coaxed you into a passionate kiss. Tongues were swirling around each other, tears were mingling at your touching cheeks. This moment was one to treasure, one that was burnt deep in your memory. One that you shared with Tom forever and maybe would think about again when your twins had kids of their own…
“I’m so sorry I left you. Is there any way I could-“ but Tom was quick to interrupt “Love, we talked about this. No more apologies because I am happier than ever“ he breathed in between the heated kiss. Perhaps it grew a bit out of control, his greedy hands melting in the curves of your hips.
“Guys, I’ve heard you’re-“ Elsa stumbled in the room, the handle of her bag getting caught on the doorknob. With heavy pants you parted, mentally thanking the door for distracting your sister-in-law. There was no need for her to see you almost making out in the examination room of the local hospital, right?
“Twins!“ You grinned like a Cheshire Cat while it was still dawning on you that this meant twice the work, twice the fatigue and twice the bustle.
But hell, as if you couldn’t manage it with Tom on your side. You were ready for this luck of a challenge and so was your boyfriend, agog to tell his mom. You’ve met her already, even visited her a few times and she was so adorable. The perfect grandmother, you were sure.
Elsa squeaked like an overly exited child, jumping around to pull both of you in a hug. “Congratulations, you two“ she chirped, suddenly pulling back to stare at you with eyes widened and a silent o on her lips. “Oh gosh! I have to double up all the decoration and stuff“ it blurted out of her bestowing you a good round of laughter.
Unbeknownst to you the doctor returned, your documents and files in his hands.
“Mister Hiddleston, do you know your blood type by any chance?“ He intervened, the smile in his voice audible as the sweet serotonin swirling in the air infiltrated him as well. 
“A negative, sir“ his answer came like shot leaving Elsa and you startled, exchanging funny looks as the doc completed the entries in your maternity record. “Well, you could shoot me in the leg and I wouldn’t know“ your best friend quipped nudging Tom in the side to elicit some kind of explanation.  
Tom’s amused chuckle warmed your heart as you smoothened your blouse again, turning on the medical couch, your legs dangling freely. “While filming Skull Island they needed to know in case anyone got injured in the backland of Vietnam“ he explained, smiling at all the interesting memories he made.
“Have you heard that mini-Hiddlestons? Your daddy is a pretty cool guy“ you cackled, caressing the small bump hidden by comfortable leggings.
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“Twins? Are you kidding me mate?“ Chris’ deep voice echoed through the whole house as Tom proudly presented the ultrasound picture the doc gave you. “What?“ India squeaked running towards her daddy and swiftly grabbing the photo. Logically, it was just a weird black and white image of something she was far too young to realize but her youthful joy was unstoppable. 
“Like Tristan and Sasha?“ She asked Tom, small eyebrows furrowed in concentration to process the gleeful situation. India had idolized her aunt y/n since the day she was born and finding out there would be more kids in her family soon was totally awesome to her.
“Exactly. Maybe this kind of luck runs in the Hemsworth-blood?“ Tom joked patting his bro’s shoulders; the man as hard as rock yet fighting happy tears like a toddler. “You have no idea what multiplying this kind of work means“ your big brother tried to detract from his emotionality but Tom just laughed it off.
There was no space for worries or fears right now. Just bliss.
“Chris, what the hell?“ Liam intervened crossing his arms in front of his chest defensively. The youngest brother sometimes actually was the most reasonable. “Are you really just terrifying him? Give this man a break“.
“Exactly, Chris. Listen to your brother“ you feigned seriousness while jumping on Liam’s back letting him carry you around the house like a human horse. “To the fridge“ you commanded strictly, extending one arm with your fingers pointing to the kitchen.
The mini-Hiddles were hungry so the mango in the fridge was destined to die.
The other mango you knew was certainly better suited for more private times…
“Lucky you. The last few days she wanted me to drive her to Macca’s“ Chris sighed, getting up to indulge his begging daughter’s wish to go play with Thor. Tom was left turning around on the couch, his right arm resting on the backrest so that he could watch his beautiful y/n bickering with her brother. She was perfect, curling the corners of lips upwards with ease. 
After you were finished arguing with Liam on how to cut a mango the right way, you were huddled up in Tom’s strong arms, the two of you enjoying the privacy at the pool. Light blue pool lights were creating flickering and swaying rays with the tiny waves rippling across the water surface. It was so peaceful, and so was your heart. Almost.
“Tommy?“ “Hmm?“ He hummed, eyes closed and tired from the excruciatingly long day. A stop-over flight, a fateful talk and finding out he was gonna be the dad of twins had the Brit’s mind dizzy.
However, it was a good kind of dizzy, the way you would feel after a fun rollercoaster ride. 
“What do you say about taking some time off? I want to to savor this with you before we have to face reality again“ you spoke, barely audible in the valley between his biceps and torso. You knew it was going to happen and the media outcry would be heavy. Needless to say you weren’t keen on Nate’s fucking stupid comments. 
But they would meet your ears soon enough and you wanted to be prepared.
“Of course. I already told my manager about a break due to personal reasons. Are three weeks fine with you, darling?“ He cooed, dexterous digits toying with a strand of your hair sprawled across his bare chest. You could feel his defined pectorals flexing as his arm reached out to cradle your figure lovingly. 
“More than fine, my love“ you grinned up at him. “We will be stronger than ever“ He added while his ocean blues wandered your bikini clad body greedily. Oh, how well you knew this look and what would follow. 
“I hope so, Tommy. But let’s not waste time on those idiots, shall we?“ You chirped, his subtle beard tickling your delicate skin as your lips sealed agin.
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a/n: twins guyssss 🎉 let's see if the newfound happiness lasts
tags: @crimson25 @kikster606 @huntress-artemiss @123forgottherest @lovingchoices14 @ozymdias @vbecker10 @coldnique @lokixryss @simplyholl @peaches1958 @lokibadguy @jennyggggrrr @stephenstrangeaddictions @holymultiplefandomsbatman @mischief2sarawr @mypsychoticlove @mochie85 @muddyorbs @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @simping-for-marvel @lady-rose-moon @goblingirlsarah @kats72 @vickie5446 @buffyfan2833 @12-pm-510 @ladymischief11 @somewiseguy @woooonau @cabingrlandrandomcrap @alchemxx @honeyrydernot
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theminiartblog · 11 months
The Storm Will Be Over Soon
The little drabble I made for the DCAH writing contest~ ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
One dark, stormy, Halloween night rolled around at the Pizzaplex. The day had been busy, but the evening hours had been even more hectic. Kids were hopped up on sugar and Fizzy Faz, dressed in their best costumes, and waiting to either go trick or treating, or spending time in the Daycare as they waited for their older sibling to have their fill of pizza and fun. 
The lights in the daycare were dimmed for the night too, not for naptime, but to let the dual daycare animatronic play a game of Jekyll and Hyde, and switch as they pleased. Not too dark, not too bright, just right. It wasn't often that the two were able to do so, as it bugged their sensors just a tad, but they were too happy to get to share time together to mind it much. It was nice, seeing them work together, playing switch-a-roo games and voice swaps, and their quick change skills were top notch. Moon was dressed as a true creature of the night, cloaked as a vampire, while Sun was a happy, perky werewolf, with two fuzzy ears attached to two of his rays. The ears were gray in color, with piercings on the side just like Roxy's. He joked that he could give Roxy a run for her money looking like this. The kids argued however that Roxy was always the best, and they liked him just the way he was. That certainly made him swell with pride.
Meanwhile, you, who were almost always in costume on account of uniform, were able to let loose a little; dressed as a spooky little demon with a silly red horned headband. The rest of the outfit was pretty casual however, with a rare Halloween themed Fazbear shirt, and a comfy pair of slacks. You had allowed the boys to choose the headgear the day before. It was either that or become a kitty cat. Sun joked that he might have to chase you, being a werewolf and all, wiggling his fingers at you menacingly.
“Nooo, anything but that.” You laughed, batting him away, “I don't know how many lives I've got left!”
In the end we already know the winner.
All that fun was about an hour ago though, as the last child was now waiting to go home. Moon was keeping that final kid entertained, and you were taking a bit of a breather, sitting on the playmats, hydrating, and even having a few pieces of leftover candy. All of a sudden however, it had gotten pretty quiet. Peeking an eye open, you looked to where you’d had last seen the naptime attendant, he was much harder to miss than a tiny tot, but he was nowhere to be seen. Slowly you stood. Where had they gone?
The rain had picked back up, and there surely must have been a flash of lightning as the air around you boomed with thunder. Startled, you flinched, and a child yelped from nearly right behind you. Turning around quickly you were suddenly met with not only Moon behind you, but what looked like a big spider too. You let out a screech of your own, quickly jumping back. The child, getting their second wind, jumped forward out from under Moon's cape, and the two little jokesters shouted, ”Boo!“
In Moon’s hand was a dangling toy spider, and your face flushed.
”You guys!“ You whine, taking a few deep breaths. ”That wasn't funny.“ You continue with shaky laughter. You try to look mad, but the sheer embarrassment could only provide a wobbly smile. The child giggled wildly, and Moon gave a giggle of his own.
”I told him not to do it!“ Sun chimed in, with a rotation of their head, rays peeking out as the daytime attendant’s voice took over. “Oh please, it was a harmless prank.” Moon replied, pushing back. You could only shake your head.
A knock at the door, and it seemed that the child's parents had finally come to pick them up. The child hurried over, and Sun quickly took charge to follow them and bid them a safe farewell. You watched the two toddle off, and rolled up your figurative sleeves. While that was being taken care of, now seemed like a good time to start cleaning up. Toys back in their places, candy wrappers and empty snack containers into the trash, and blankets folded nice and neat after some kids just couldn’t last the night and needed a good nap. Sun started to help as well, finishing up with the check-out and that made things all the faster.
“Sorry again!” Sun piped up.
You cock your head to the side. “Sorry for what?”
“The joke! Bad timing is all. We didn't mean to scare you along with the thunder.“
”Oh! That, no it’s fine. It was just a prank. Don't worry I wasn't actually mad.“ You smile. ”But thank you anyway, you're so swee-EEP!” 
Another roar of thunder, and you tensed. Shoot. Don’t be such a baby, you chanted in your head. Sun turned his head towards the sound of thunder, before beginning to reach for you. ”You know if you'd like we can-“
Another big boom, and suddenly the lights went out. You let out a yelp, as pitch darkness took over and something seemed to grab you. You dared to open your eyes, and were met with bright red ones, having been swept off of your feet in an instant.
”M-Moon?“ You croaked out.
It only took a moment before the generators kicked in, and the space was filled with light once more, but Moon stayed back from the direct beams of light before sitting down, cross legged and placing you down in his lap. Removed from his embrace, his hands moved to the sides of your face, covering your ears. You could still hear, but a bit muffled.
A gentle tune began to play, quiet and soothing, their music box. You look up at him confused.
“Don't worry, the storm will be over soon.”
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Find the AO3 OC version here
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devilruin · 11 months
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if a link to a piece is :
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✧ @abbacchiosbelt ― hayley has such great ideas that i just want to pick apart their brain to see how they come up with such splendid thoughts! they're honestly such a fun person, i want to give them all of my love and then some!
personal picks : stuck in a wall with genshin men (reader's just like "oh won't someone come save me? wait... not like that!") , glory and gore with toji (funny story, i didn't know they wrote this and posted the link in a server we share and they were like !!! i wrote that! needless to say i was super embarrassed) , yandere kaeya headcanons (i just think he's neat when he's unhinged) , arranged marriage with diluc (oh nooo what a terrible thing to have to deal with...), and someone great with gojo (gods he walks the line of infuriating/bearable every damn day)
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✧ @after-witch ― theo has perfected the art of suspense. her immaculate pacing within her stories always blows my mind, and there has been a few times where i've gone "WHAT!?" while reading some of her works!
personal picks : good as gold (the ending of this! i love the implications sm), wife or death (its always morally correct to make a deal with the devil in one's time of need), alone in the dark with gojo (he's is such a vile pos here... not that i'm complaining!) , a gift with sesshomaru (adore the chance to see sesshy being soft for once), love is the honey with chrollo (honestly reader, same.), welcome home lord scaramouche (the absolute level of bitchiness this man possesses...), glass half full with dazai (him taking advantage of another person's feelings? its more likely than you think!), character development with fyodor (how to gain his approval: read books together), suffrance with chrollo (seeing such a normally calm character snap will never not be satisfying to me), and act of contrition with chrollo (my hand twitched at the end with the physical NEED to slap this man)
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✧ @bye-bye-sunbird ― big sis sunnie!!! sunnie is literally a ray of sunshine, she's so sweet and warm-hearted, she always makes me feel so happy when i chat with her! i swear her smile can melt ice and make flowers bloom!
personal picks : necessity with scaramouche (this absolute menace, i hope a bird poops on his precious hat) , yandere diluc soulmate au (diluc refusing to lose the few things that bring him joy, no matter what the cost is, is so delicious) , waltzing with the harbingers (note to self: do not step on their toes) , blaphemous with pantalone (the gods do not exist here in these snowy lands, but don't fret, for pantalone exists in their stead) , and forced marriage with diluc (fuck there's something so sexy about diluc when he snaps...)
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✧ @cinnamonest ― lena is a dark content creater / momcon enthusiast / CEO of feral razor / raging kurapikasexual that never misses with her works (did i mention she's got a great sense of humor paired with a big brain?) i love her mei mei series and hope to use her profile template in the future!
personal picks : dad kaeya with his daughter (love all of this series tbh) , the genshin boys' reactions to being slapped in the face (her rankings are always spot on) , genshin boys' dick headcanons (all i can say is yes, this is permanently engraved in my brain) , genshin boys' choice of womb tattoos (sex magic go brr) , dad diluc with his daughter (he'd be such an insistent and possessive father for sure) , moribund with childe (i wonder how many people he'd kill in one go while coming after you. surely he can't go after too many... right? right???) , and crepus with his daughter (thank you lena for always indulging my depraved thoughts!)
honestly everything from her is just so good!
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✧ @ddarker-dreams ― lock's mastery of the english language is always a sight to behold! she seamlessly connects minute details from the original work (anime / manga / show / etc. ) or even from some of her own works into her writings, sometimes with no one noticing! scarlet bindings with diluc has a few different references (most of which are obvious) ! she's also a giant sweetheart who i absolutely adore bouncing off ideas with, and wrote cold to the touch with kaeya for me!
personal picks : tempting fate with scaramouche (lil sadistic gremlin will get what's coming for him... eventually) , "your body won't lie to me" with chrollo (he's such a bastard here, i love it) , yandere tartaglia with a fatui recruit darling headcanons (the chilling realization that reader is stuck with him as a superior...) , break a leg with gojo (his insufferableness bleeds through the words here) , the snowstorm with childe (imagining the bloodthirsty look in his eyes as he's coming after reader is just hngh...) , entanglement with kafka (she really is both the unstoppable force and the unmovable object) , smoking gun with johan (the realization johan has after speaking to reader is so good... i could feel the heaviness in the air) , loaded question with arlecchino (i always did believe that she's the type to play with her lover in more way than one...) , aftertaste with kaeya and diluc (never a good time with both of them, that's for sure) , in your eyes with izaya (gaining his attention never ends well, does it?) , exodus with chrollo (ngl, chrollo you're looking real smackable right now) , entrenched with kaeya (the audacity of this man never ceases to astound me) , comfortably numb with chrollo (what is numbness if not acceptance? what is ideation if not desire?) , quid pro quo with chrollo (going to be completely honest this piece lives in my mind rent-free) , and hell within reach (this series has such a special place in my heart, i love lady avalor sm)
not gonna lie, you could probably read any of her works and leave full and happy (or binge them all for a good time!)
(fun fact: lock was the first person i followed, and is one of my biggest inspirations for writing, which is why i like to call her the goddess of yanderes, suspense, and horror)
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✧ @dear-yandere ― vanny (or as i like to call her, the yandere queen or queen of yanderes) is another one of the great yandere writers of tumblr! she's also the owner of a big heart (honestly i think she possesses enough love to fill a few blue whale hearts) and is such a compassionate person, whose writing (and artwork) is top tier!
personal picks : diluc's crush dating kaeya (a jealous yandere diluc is always a good pick! ) , acquiescence with pierro (oh yeah, love this old man so much) , little dove with columbina (she's so hauntingly beautiful and also frighteningly eerie) , vladimir (league of legends) at a bar with his darling (can i bite him back? please???) , shuu sakamaki being slightly tsundere + mean (he says he's not looking out for a walking blood bag, he's just upholding his father's rule (like he ever cared about it in the first place)), hisoka being his usual perverted + creepy self (ugh he's so hot like that though) , mafia boss dazai osamu drugging his darling (mafia dazai just hits different) , memento mori (chillingly ironic since it's starring mori ougai) , and little lover (shared harbinger darling) , honestly another writer where you just can't go wrong with any of her works
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✧ @hypnoswrites ― their way of crafting stories is like a master painter. each line is a brushstroke and every word brings a new color to the piece. by the time i've reached the last sentence, my jaw is on the floor, my eyes are wide, and i have to take a moment to compose myself (in a good way!) after reading.
personal picks : nightly visit with astarion (fuck he's insufferable like this and im all for it) , quality time with shalnark (the only words i have is oh fuck, he's so manipulative with a soulmate) , heard through the grapevine with shalnark (all i can say is holy shit. i love reader's nen in this and the pacing is exquisite!) , spider cave with chrollo (the utter despair of knowing that everything you did was for naught is such a bitter taste and i gulp it down like the sweetest honey) , to prove oneself with hisoka (fuck yeah reader get his ass!) , and dissonance with demiurge (anti-magic runes? engraved in the walls. hidden listening device? secretly planted. hotel? nazarick.)
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if you would like to be removed from this list, please let me know!
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shuffleoflove · 1 year
i was looking through my notes app and found some notes i wrote while reading edge of great (the jatp novelisation) in feburary 2021 so i thought i'd post them bc i miss the time when i was so obsessed with jatp i could quote large parts of it from memory:
okay it's thicker than i expected this is a good start
multiple povs?! oh my god yesyesyes
i've read one page and I'm already loving it because i was expecting it to just be a retelling of the action with barely any insight to characters thoughts other than "i was feeling sad :(" but it's giving so much more than that
luke says sunset curve were all "vibing" shdhfnd
the dialogue is slightly different in some places but honestly i don't hate it
a pink flower in a vase next to rose?? the dahlia symbolism is here already people
bobby is a cheesy hopeless romantic confirmed
[luke about trying to be modest] "it was a new look for me, i'll admit." avdhfdhdhd
alex interrupts reggie trying to flirt with rose avdbfjdd i'm loving the new dialogue
luke makes a joke about staving to death oh god the dramatic irony
julie's literal first words are "my best friend flynn is amazing" 🥺🥺
loz feliz performing arts high school??
julie calls carrie cute?? girl-
i've been spelling dirty candi as "dirty candy" this whole time. whoops.
trevor has literal platinum records but the thing julie decides to point out is that one of his songs was in a car advert shdjdjfjf
nooo they took out flynn shouting demon at carrie
julie mentions flynn and how amazing she is at nearly every given opportunity
"flynn and i were always straight with each other" this is meant to a dramatic moment but i'm laughing at this ahdjdnem
julie is a writer!! not just of lyrics/poems, she writes other stuff too!!
she describes the garage as being full of ghosts when referring to memories of her mum... i'm living for all the dramatic irony
ahh julie and ray are speaking in spanish to each other so much more than they did the show
the teacup and spoon rose had been using before she died were still there 🥺
julie says that she felt like her mum was telling her to play the cd ahhh
the first thing she says about the guys is that they're cute JULIE AHDJFK
wavy hair reggie yesss
julie says oh my god instead of oh my gosh
julie doesn't know luke's name so she's calling him floppy acdjfjrks
her reasoning for letting the guys stay in the garage was because she thought it was what rose would've done 🥺🥺
they took out reggie losing his shirt this is so sad 😔
[alex about julie playing wake up] "i couldn't remember the last time I felt so moved by music that wasn't actually my own."
okay i get why they changed povs but i kind of wish we'd gotten julie's pov while she played wake up
the first episode took up about 1/5 of the book jesus-
they skipped the bit about the only thing scarier than one girl crying being two girls crying 😔
flynn: "instagram" alex: "what-stagram?"
flynn hugs julie after she tells her about playing music again awwww
noo they cut out the scene where ray comes in to the studio ffs stop cutting scenes please
alex: "it tingles in weird places" alex, literally one line later: "well, it did."
according to alex the other describe him as "warm and fuzzy"
also so far everyone's pov has called luke out for being too cheesy
reggie: "i'm gonna guess death breath"
alex is now describing luke as the puppy reggie never had
alex calling luke and reggie his family 🥺😭
when julie went into her room and found the guys messing around she was on her way to text flynn 🥺 this book just makes me love their friendship so much more
reggie is described as having "a mop of hair" god i wish 😔
dahlia symbolism count: 3. so far it's been a vase next to rose, the curtains in the studio, and the flowers in julie's picture of her
luke: "our instruments are attached to our souls." reggie: "and sometimes our belts."
okay so the book confirms that julie found therapy helpful but she just didn't want to go back because she thought others would see her as fragile, which imo is a lot better than in the show when she just seemed like she hated it
they merged alex asking if julie got back into music with luke showing her bright which i get because if they kept everything in the book would be pretty long but... idk i kinda liked how it was just julie and luke when he showed her bright
julie describes the wow performance as being like a superbowl half-time show
list of celebs who've been name-dropped so far: weezer, the smashing pumpkins, katy perry, and harry styles
julie wanted to kiss kayla?!? wlw julie confirmed
reggie's internal dialogue is using way more words than necessary and as an autistic person I relate to that so i'm gonna use this as proof reggie is autistic 😙✌
reggie says how little julie's smiled since they met and is now describing her smile in detail 🥺🥺
me, seeing that reggie's pov is already over: :(
me seeing that it's alex's pov and he's about to meet willie: :D
avxhfjfldnd alex was so mesmerised by how beautiful willie was he forgot to speak 😭😭
damn they took out willie asking alex if he's into guys if he wanted a picture with fake marilyn monroe (they changed it to spider-man)
y'all willie gave alex a hip bump I'm dying over here
"wait, how can i see you again?" god this is killing me i love them 😭🥺
"even if you don't have questions" willie is hardcore flirting and i respect that
"i liked the sound of that" god it's been a few minutes and alex is already whipped agshdndm
dahlia reference number 4 (this time it's a mug)
instead of calling julie "insanely talented" luke calls her "annoyingly talented"
julie canonically uses the word "bonkers" and idk why i love that so much
ahhh i'm already halfway through the book and it's still episode 3
i'll look at the pictures first though
okay now onto flynn's pov
maybe this is just me, but why does everyone say "mother" instead of "mom" all the time? it seems weirdly formal but whatever
flynn calls flying solo "our song" (meaning her and julie's) 🥺
svdbfjff whenever alex went to meet willie he just said he was going for a walk
wait, walks? plural?! alex and willie had more interactions and we didn't get to see them?! livid 😤
willie wanted to show alex the museum because it was one of his favourite places... god I'm soft
"i would've followed willie just about anywhere" stoppp this is too much for me 😭🤧
"together. i liked the sound of that." awwefdhehrhe
alex's catchphrase seems to be "I liked the sound of that" rather than "okay"
"so close that I could feel his breath" why did I think they were gonna kiss 💀💀
willie: "feels good, right?" alex: "yeah, it does." alex, in his head: "i was talking about the screaming, but i was talking about being here, now, with willie, too." oh god oh fuck-
"wagging an eyebrow" girl why is that worded so weird 😭💀
nah there's no way luke doesn't know what a sample is
yess we're back to luke's pov 😎
the book confirms that it was luke who wrote "hi bobby" on the mirror but i still refuse to believe it because of the one tumblr post i saw comparing all the boys handwriting and saying it was reggie (also the writing it too neat to be luke's 😌)
they cut the entire julie-sneaks-around-while-flynn-distracts-carrie bit 😔 (and also the guys mooning trevor)
"and the truth was, [julie] was becoming important to me. i hated to let her down." awwww 🥺🥺
sbdjfkfl reggie called the hgc creepy and alex got defensive because it "was willie's place"
when luke said they were "overdressed" they all tucked their shirts in
ffs not the eyebrow wagging again (this time from flynn)
so julie considers carrie as her frenemy and not an actual enemy... inch resting...
"the awkward "joke" just sat in the air like dead fish" abdhfjf what are these metaphors
awww when alex asked about the lifers being "sworn to secrecy" willie wanted to telm him about caleb owning everyone at the hgc's souls but he couldn't 🥺🥺 if I catch anyone posting willie slander it's on sight 🥊😠🥊
OKAY WHAT I'M LIVID - they reduced the whole "do this forever"/"there's a lot to like here" thing to just the dialogue. literally no mentions of the lingering glances or luke's "you got a crush on willie". fucking disgraceful. i hate it here.
willie watched the guys getting stamped and said it felt like his stomach was filling with lead SEE I WILL NOT TOLERATE ANY WILLIE SLANDER IN THIS HOUSE
willie noticed alex looking into the crowd before leaving and wondered if he was looking for him... do tell me willie who else could he possibly be looking for
"alex said, looking stressed (then again, when did alex look not stressed?)" avshdnfmfr
julie describes nick's voice as "soft" and "graveled"
apparently julie has had a crush on nick since kindergarten, and in kindergarten nick cried because he couldn't get the lid off of his glue stick
luke says that knowing he let julie down at the dance hurt more than caleb's jolts 🥺🥺
the boys' little "sorry" song has it's lyrics written the same way the other songs, the ones actually in the soundtrack, do. tell me jatp why the sorry song isn't on the soundtrack right now 🔫😠
literally no mention of alex's dancing what in the homophobia
according to julie, finally free is about the power of connecting through music, but i still choose to believe it's a gay anthem about coming out
when julie saw her dad cooking breakfast and humming finally free she "almost died from how cute it was"
wait i just realised throughout this whole book there's been barely any mentions of julie and luke sharing the mic, and nothing about luke and reggie sharing either, and julie waking through luke in bright was just ignored. disgusting.
julie canonically thinks ray is the best dad ever 🥺🥺
that being said I'm pissed the book cut reggie from this scene
julie describes herself as being "charmed" by luke being nervous jskdkkdhs
flynn's pov again babey 😎
lmao nevermind the chapter was two pages long
also the whole perfect harmony sequence is just cut and all we hear is julie mention it to flynn... bruh
reggie and alex both see how hard luke is simping for julie and just give each other shit-eating grins whenever he mentions her dgehdjdj
when willie tells alex he can't explain why he's spying on him alex says "and to think i had felt there had maybe been something between us" fuckk
alex wondered if willie had ever had feelings for him or if he was playing him the whole time 🥺😭 bby nooo
they cut girls amirite... no one talk to me...
y'all... i think, other from julie, alex has had the most pov chapters... interesting...
the boys were literally so distressed about flynn eating pizza when they could smell it and not eat it and said they'd die of deprivation sgdhdjfkd
alex: *was choking back a sob*
willie: *was choking back a sob*
me: *was also choking back a sob*
😃 wtf... when willie says he cares about alex and hates that he brought them all into this mess, alex snaps at him... bro wtf that is not what happened and doesn't fit in with what alex was feeling in that moment at all... fuck this book
julie hugs flynn in the book at lot more than in the show so maybe it does have rights after all...
they've made a "face the music" pun at least 5 times so far in this book
wait - luke says that julie played his parents unsaid emily implying she sang it?? yo...
"but there was nothing I could say, nothing I could do, to make things better. so instead, I watched her go." why does that line hit so hard
"i pulled him in for a quick hug" lmao girl no
I JUST REALISED they cut the "i would've still followed you" scene 😭 the homophobia of it all 💀💀
'"i won't forget you," he said before spoofing out. Me either.' god don't do this to me today 🥺🥺
"with my smoothest dance move" now THAT'S the alex i know and love
the promoter and his assistant have names now: frank and tasha
the book's nearly over and i just realised there were barely any reggie pov chapters 🥺 not only is he my comfort character i also really liked his internal dialogue... oh well 😔
they really let there be spelling mistakes in this book smh
"who knew sunset boulevard smelled like cat pee and old takeout containers? not very glamorous, given that this was my hollywood rockstar dream."
"the music filling me like air - like joy" god I love that line
julie feels the need to point out how good luke looks in his tuxedo avdhdndmd
"i'm gonna miss you." "not as much as we're gonna miss you." oh god oh fuck-
"are you real?" "we were always real. But now... maybe... we're here?"
okay so i finished it and it was fun to read overall but i felt like past episode 3 was very rushed and condensed (makes sense since episode 3 finished past the half-way point of the book) and it stopped being as well written (barely any internal dialogue and descriptors), and some moments were mischaracterised heavily (including a lot of the willex) and juke just didn't seem developed at all. also i wish reggie had gotten more pov chapters since he's, y'know, a main character. i'm pretty sure he got, like, 2 :( also a lot of the music scenes lacked emotion but since this is an adaptation of something with music without music i'll let it slide. it was still nice to read either way.
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