bounsweet-days · 1 year
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jay-arts-t · 1 year
Geralt probably cried the first time Ciri called him dad
Ciri: hey Dad can I go down to the creek with Lambert and engage in childlike tomfoolery
Geralt: yeah that's fine just be careful to not split your head open. I know you like Lambert but you don't want to end up like Lambert
Ciri: fair enough, thanks!
Geralt: dinners in an hour by the way!
Ciri: okay Dad!
*two minutes later*
Geralt: oh my gods she called me Dad
Vesemir: you just realized that?
Geralt: *already tearing ups* y yeah
Vesemir: she called you it twice
Vesemir: Bud, that's like the bare minimum to fatherhood-
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s-rosie · 12 days
Plz can u make Avery’s hc ? Thaaaaaaankkkssss
AHAHAHA MY FIRST ASKKKK!!! sry it took me so long to get to, im really busy but im so happy to make this. i hope you like it😊
Avery is a really good painter and painted a mural on the wall of her future baby’s nursery
avery has low iron and is dizzy all of the time (im projecting)
ave loves kids and whenever she meets kids that are fans, she gives them gifts and makes sure to give extra attention to them
she has a collection of snuggies because she is always cold (low iron)
she is a huge disney fan and sometimes dresses up as her favorite characters to heal her inner child
ever since she got a better group of people to surround herself with, she cries more often because she feels safe around them
even tho it she lived in a shitty town, she sometimes gets homesick for Connecticut and visits
she has a stuffed animal collection
her guard is always up, so if someone even comes up from behind her (not even trying to scare her), she will scream and possibly hit them (on accident, its just her reflexes)
when reading texts, she has the wildest expressions and everyone finds it hilarious
she has watched all of those shitty short movies (think “fated to be- my forbidden alpha”) and sometimes nash will watch with her
ave started taking ballet classes and she is surprisingly good, considering how clumsy she is
avery is obsessed with making those tiktok transition videos (like when they snap and they are dressed)
she says the most out of pocket things sometimes and the others religiously quote them (xander even got some of them made on t-shirts)
she can drop it down low, but only does it on special occasions
ave can pole dance (not in a dirty way) and only max knows she can (when she does in front of max, max throws cash at her, so ave stopped doing it in front of max)
she is an excessive nail biter and will not stop even if her nails are bleeding (and if there are no nails left to bite, she will bite the skin around her nail and cuticle) (im projecting again)
ave loves strawberries and all strawberry things, jamie got her a strawberry cardigan, and she wore it all spring
she is allergic to metal and has to put a clear coating over jewelry so she can wear it
avery is insecure about her looks because of haters, but she decided that she would document her insecurities and imperfections so little girls that look up to her would be confident in themselves and see that you can be beautiful and confident no matter what you look like
ave learned sign language so she could talk to fans (especially kids) with hearing loss
she owns many pairs of expensive pajamas, but only wears an old, beat up pair from before she got rich, or jameson’s pajamas
she has a media trained smile, but when she gets really happy, she smiles so big her eyes close and everyone finds it adorable
avery goes on rants sometimes about how surreal being rich and famous is
when she meets famous people, she acts normal then calls max and just rants about how star-struck she is about meeting them
these are the hcs!!! i hope you like them💖 please give me more requests anout ehat to make next. tysmmm
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disquietedpalefish · 5 years
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Oh NO.
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thebookwormfairy · 4 years
Gotham Falls Part 1
-Marinette was 6 years old when her parents sat her down and told her she's was going to he a sister
-Tom and Sabine had already explained to Marinette where baby came from thanks to Sabine's friend Nadia getting pregnant
-Marinette: So there's a baby growing in Maman's stomach?
-Tom: Well...no
-Marinette: Then how can I be a big sister?
-Sabine: Well you're not going to be a big sister, you're actually going to be a little sister
-Marinette gave her parents a confused look
-Tom: You see sweetie one of my best friends is no longer........able to take care of her son so we will be
-Marinette: What about his dad?
-Tom and Sabine looked at each other not knowing what to say
-Sabine: His dad was not a good man, and had to go to jail, because of what he did to his wife
-Marinette: What's his name?
-Tom: His name's Adrien Agreste, but starting next week he'll be Adrien Dupen-Cheng
-After a week if setting up Adrien's new room, going through interviews, and just generally getting ready for Adrien's arrival
-Marinette spent the week making Adrien a small stuffed black cat with the help of Sabine to match her own ladybug stuff animal, made by her mother that was named Tikki
-When Adrien and Marinette finally met they took to eachother like a duck to water
-Adrien absolutely loved his new stuff animal who he named Plagg
-The two seemed inseparably
-The Dupen-Chengs made sure to make Adrien feel right at home
-They included him in all family activities, and held him when he cried because of the lost of his original family
-As the years went by Marinette and Adrien grew closer and closer
-You could rarely find one without the other near by
-As Marinette got older her love of fashion and design grew she started to design and make her own clothes around the age of 12
-And Adrien developed a love of photography
-Together they run a instagram account full of Marinette's designs
-It was originally Adrien's idea and Marinette kinda just went with it
-When the two were 16 their parents announced they were moving
-Tom's father had passed away and they wanted to move into his old home to keep the family backery running
-So they backed up their things and moved to a town in Oregon called Gotham Falls
-Marinette: So why are we moving there again?
-Tom: Well since your grandfather passed somebody has to run his bakery. It's been in our family for almost a hundred years so we are going to have our current employees run this location and your mother and I are going to run the original one
-Adrien and Marinette still looked hesitant about this new change coming to their lives
-Sabine: Think of this like an adventure, there are plenty of kids your age and lots of places to explore
-Before they knew it Marinette and Adrien were packed up and heading to this new town and new life
-As the new family drove into town they got a lot of stares from the locals watching as the moving van drove down Main Street to the most popular Bakery in town
-Their first day in town was spent talking to curious locals and accepting welcome gifts
-As Marinette was moving of of her boxes inside she noticed two boys staring from across the street
-One boy had black messy hair and blue eyes
-He wore beat up blue jeans with a white t-shirt and a blue plaid shirt unbutton over it and a pair of beat up hiking boots
-The other also had black hair, but his was a lot neater. He had dark green eyes that seemed to bore into Marinette's soul
-He work dark wash jeans, a red t-shirt, a green and yellow jacket with a pair of black combat boots
-Marinette gave them an ackward smile and wave that the boys returned before leaving down the street
-Marinette shook off the strange encounter and continue to unpack
-The Dupen-Chengs stayed in their new home for a couple of days unpacking and setting up their new home
-After about a week the house was all unpacked and decorated and the bakery will open back up the next day, so Sabine had a chat with her hermit children who have yet to leave the house since arriving
-Sabine: Why don't you two go out to explore the town?
-Adrien messing with his camera: I don't know mom it looks like it's about to rain?
-Sabine looked at her two children, both dressed in clothes Marinette made
-Marinette was in dark blue jean shorts, white fitted t-shirt with a light pink vest with a pair of dark blue converse hightops with pink flowers embroidered on the side
-Adrien was wearing blue jeans with a black t-shirt that says You Got To Be Kitten Me Right Meow in green with paw prints dotting the i's.
-Adrien would right down puns for Marinette and she would put them on t-shirts for him, even if they made her groan.
-Sabine: It's Oregon it's always about to rain
-Sabine pushed her 2 children out the door, handed Marinette her small pink backpack, and locked the door behind them
-Sabine: Don't come back till sunset
-Adrien and Marinette looked at each other shocked
-Marinette: She really kicked us out
-Adrien: And told us not to come back till sunset
-Marinette looked around their was 2 directions they could go
-Down Main Street with all the shops and people or down a mist filled road with an old sign pointing to something called the Mystery Shack
-Marinette pointing to the mist filled road: Let's go that way
-Adrien gave Marinette a look: You want to go down the creepy road?
-Marinette: Yes
-Adrien *sighing*: Of course you do
-The two made their way down the misty road after about 15 minutes they come across a old cabin with the words Mystery Shack spelled out on the roof
-The two walked in to be greeted by a boy in his early 20s with a white streak in his hair sitting behind the counter
-Jason in a bored tone: Welcome to the Mystery Shack the most mysterious place on Earth
- The man looked up at the two teens who walked into the gift shop
-Jason in a livelier tone: Oh you guys are the kids who moved into the bakery right?
-Marinette: Yeah I'm Marinette Dupen-Cheng and this is my brother Adrien
-Adrien with a slightly dreamy voice: Hi
-Jason: Cool! My name's Jason Todd welcome to Gotham falls
-Marinette: Thanks
--A commotion could be heard from the back and older woman can bursting out of the back stacks of fliers in her hands
-Marianne: Jason where's that little brother of yours? I thought you said that he would come today to help hang fliers and where's Harley?
-Jason: He must have gotten side track you know how he and Jon can get and Harley had to go do something
-Marianne: ugh... Who are you two?
-Adrien: Oh I'm Adrien Dupen-Cheng and this-
-Marianne: Yeah don't care do you want to earn some money?
-Marinette: What
-Marianne: I'll give you two $20 each to hang these posters up around the road to town.
-Marinette and Adrien looked at eachother asking if the other were okay with it
-Marinette: Sure why not
-Marianne: Good here's the fliers and $10 each I'll give you half now half when you come back
-The two grabbed the fliers and said goodbye to Jason and made their way down the road into the woods hanging posters up every couple of feet
-It took about an hour but Marinette and Adrien finally got all the posters hung up
-Adrien: Come over here Marinette
-Marinette: What?
-Adrien: this is a perfect area for you outfit go stand in top of that stump
-Marinette did as her brother said doing different poses on top of the stump as Adrien snapped pictures of his camera
-At one point Marinette stepped too far back and stepped on a branch still attached to the stump and it went down like a lever and a shelves popped open
-Living inside was a green journal with a hold turtle shell of the front with the number 3 written on it
-Marinette: What?
-Marinette picked up the book and open the first page
-Written on it was the words trust no one in Gotham Falls
-Adrien reading over her shoulders: Ehat does that mean?
-Marinette flipping through the journal: I don't know. Look at this it's filled with sketches and info about different types of monsters. Who wrote this?
-Adrien: I don't know, but let's get out of here, this place is freaking me out=
-Marinette: I have to agree with you there Adrien. Let's head back to the Mystery Shack
-Marinette slipped the journal in her backpack, zipping it close
-As the two head back to the shack not noticing the small dark shadows hidden among the trees
-They went back to the shack and gathered the rest of their payments
-The 2 stayed there getting to know Jason and also meeting Harley who came back about an hour after they returned
-It was fun the two stayed at the Mystery Shack for hours laughing and joking around with the two 20 somethings, every once and a while helping Marianne with anything she might need done while they were there
-Jason’s mysterious brother and his friend never showed up
- As the sone started to dip behind the trees Marinette and Adrien head back to the bakery
-The rest of the week was spent by the 2 siblings spending every other day at the mystery shack 
-When not at the shack they would explore the town and do different photo shoots around the areas they would discover
-And when she wasn’t doing that Marinette was reading the journal
-It was written so well that Marinette almost believed it
-Adrien dismissed it though claiming it was probably some kids D&D journal
-As the two siblings explored the town Marinette noticed that a tall teenager in a black sweatshirt always seemed to follow her and Adrien around
-One day when Marinette was alone the teen finally came up to Marinette and started to try to flirt with her
-He said his name was Norman and with a broken speech Norman tried to ask Marinette out 
-Marinette watched in horror as she silently checked of a mental list that pointed to only one answer
-Norman was a zombie trying to lure Marinette away to eat her brain
-Marinette searched the street around her hoping to see Adrien or Jason or Harley or anyone who could get her out of this situation when her eyes landed on the two boys that she waved at the first day she arrived in Gotham Falls
-Marinette: I’m very flattered but I have plans with my friends over there, so maybe another time
-Marinette ran toward the two boys, moving between the two and hooking her arms through theirs
-Marinette loudly: There you guys are I’ve been looking for you guys.
-Marinette quietly: Sorry about this that guy over there is freaking me out
-The two boys nodded their heads and lead Marinette away from Norman pretending to have a conversation with the young half asian girl.
-They lead her back to the bakery not leaving her side until they were sure Norman was no where to be seen and Marinette was safe inside
-Marinette: Thank you so much I know that was probably super weird and ackward 
-Damian: It's no problem miss
-Jon: Happy to help
-Before Marinette could say anything else the boys disappeared down the road
-That night Marinette told Adrien her worries about Norman and her theory about him being a zombie
-Adrien: Come on Marinette that's silly. I think you need to stop reading that strange book so much
-Marinette: perhaps you're right
-On there way to the Mystery Shack the next day the two siblings were exploring the woods near the road where they were cornered by Norman who turned out to be a group of Gnomes who wanted Marinette to marry their leader
-Gnome Leader (a/n: I can't remember his name and refuse to look it up): Oh I'm sure that's just cold feet talking. You'll be my queen and ruling the gnomes. Guys get her!
-With his command gnomes charged the siblings
-Adrien: Run!
-The 2 ran towards the road but the gnomes cut them off
-Adrien picking up a tree branch: Looks like we're going to have to fight our way our of this
-Marinette taking out the journal: Let's do this
-The two started to whack the gnomes away from them
-They did their best to beat them back but there was too many of them
-They were almost completely overwhelmed when a golf came crashing through the crowd stopping in front of Marinette and Adrien
-Damian at the wheel: Get on!
-Adrien: You don't have to tell us twice
-Jon squeezed Marinette between him and Damian and Adrien hopped onto the back
-Marinette: Go go go
-Damian didn't have to he told twice he slammed on the gas
Marinette: How did you guys know we were in trouble
Damian: We noticed that something was not right with Norman so we've been keeping an eye on him
Jon: But we thought he was a vampire
Marinette: oh I thought zombie
Adrien: I just thought he was an awkward guy. I think we all can agree that nobody saw gnomes coming.... AHH GNOMES ARE COMING!!!!
The gnomes had joined together to form a giant gnome
Damian/Jon/Marinette looking back: OH MY GOSH!!!
Damian swerved into a tunnel hoping to lose the giant, but to no advail
Gnome Leader: Come back my queen!
Damian and Jon paused their screaming and looked at Marinette
Marinette: Yeah I have no idea
The giant gnome threw a tree in their path causing Damian to try and swerve out of the way
Damian turned too hard and the golf cart tipped to the side crashing in front of the Mystery Shack
The teens crawled out of the golf cart pressing their backs against the walls of the Mystery Shack
Marinette notice a leaf blower in the pile of leaves beside her
Marinette: I need you guys to trust me
Damian: What?
Marinette staring into Damian's eyes: Trust me.
Damian: Okay
Marinette stepping forward: Wait! You win I'll marry you
Gnome Leader: oh great
Marinette sat down on her knees as the gnome climbed down his fellow gnomes
Marinette waited as the gnome slid a ring on her finger
Marinette: You may now kiss the bride
Gnome Leader: Don't mind if I do
As he closed his eyes and puckered his lips Marinette grabbed the leaf blower and sucked the gnome up
Marinette: That that you little creep!
Marinette then shot the gnome out of the leaf blower causing him to shoot through the giant gnome
With their leader gone the other gnomes fled with the teens yelling victory
The 2 sets of teen finally introduce themselves and that battle was the start of a beautiful friendship
Together the teens started their investigations of the mysteries of Gotham Falls
Damian and Marinette seemed to be focus more on the mystery than Jon and Adrien though
Together they hunted mythical creatures and try to gain more information on them
Jon and Adrien was more focus on summer fun and romance
While Adrien seem to fall for almost every cute boy that passed through town
Jon was completely smitten with Adrien
He tried to do his best to hunt at it but Adrien was completely oblivious
As the summer went on Adrien forced Damian and Jon to do photoshoots with Marinette
All together they made a great team
They solved so many mysteries together
Adrien and Jon made sure Damian and Marinette didn't go too crazy trying to solve mysteries and Marinette and Damian made sure the other 2 didn't get too carry away with summer romance and fun
During Summerween Damian angered the Summerween Trickester sk the kids had to try and get 500 pieces of candy
Which was made worst because of their age
In the end they weren't able to get it all and had to fight him
They beat home by melting making him sink down the drain
Another time Adrien and Marinette was curious about the resident phyick that Marianne hated name Lila
Together with Jason they watch her show and even stayed behind to talk to her
Apparently Lila took a liking to Adrien and wanted him for herself
Adrien really wasn't comfortable with the attention Lila was giving him and tried to tell her, but every time he tried to tell her something came up that pressured him not too
Adrien begged Marinette to talk to her for him which she agreed to
It was a huge mistake
Not only was Lila a REAL phyick, but she was also a sociopath
She tried to kill Marinette thinking she was keeping them apart
The only thing that saved Marinette was Damian coming across them and Lila not wanting other people to see her like thay
After that Damian put his foot down
Damian: Marinette's not breaking up for you any more she could've been killed
Adrien: I agree with you 100%
Jon bringing his face closer to Adrien's: You know I could help you keep people like that away
Adrien blushing: Oh stop joking Jon
Another time Adrien and Jon were convice that Damian and Marinette binged together so they set up a romantic picnic for them
Damian: I can't believe your brother and Kent did this to us
Marinette blushing: Am I really that bad?
Damian blushing: No not at all Angel it just that I would have preferred if I asked you myself. I actually...well I really
Damian grabbed Marinette's hands and was leaning his face closer to hers
Marinette had every intention to let Damian continue, but she notice something big under the water of the lake
Marinette: What was that?
Adrien from the bushes: OH COME ON!!!!
That turned into a lake monster hunt
Which in the end they learned there was no lake monster but the town kook Mr. Pidgeon
Near the end if the summer Lila tried to get her revenge by taking over the Mystery Shack our gang's favourite hang out
She used a dream demon called the Joker to get into Marianne's head
They did their best to stop her, but Lila made it very clear that the only way she would give the Shack back to Miranne was if Adrien agreed to date her
And no way was Marinette going to allow that
It took a lot of courage for Adrien to accept who he is and Marinette was not going to let some bitch force him to subress that
They used a spell that was in the book to also enter Marianne's mind to stop the Joker
They succeeded in banishing the Joker from Miranne's head and stopping Lila
And even though the summer was over Marinette new that they were just beginning to unravel the mysteries of Gotham Falls
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So guys welcome to part 1 or 3 in my Gravity falls au. While yes this is a Daminette/Adrijon fic it will focus mainly on the sibling relationship between Adrien and Marinette
I hope you guys like it and I'll see you soon on the next part
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suncrayon · 4 years
rating sheep emojis at 1am with lia (@lunarpaddle) and eva (me) !!
neither of whom know anything about sheep
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lia: ‘bad. baf bad bad. looks like a sheep in a ps1 game. eyes stare into my soul. 3/10′
eva: ‘...she’s alright. she’s chunky. but not floofy enough. 5/10′
overall we give her 8/20 !
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lia: ‘excellent. intimidatingly large head to scare off predators. cute face. loses points for having different coloured head hair. how? 8/10′
eva: ‘friendly. nice smiley face. looks like a cloud. she looks a little creepy tho. solid 7/10′
overall she gets 15/20 !
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lia: ‘:((((((((  the void emanates from her. her legs r misshapen. shes weirdly triangular. at least her ears r cute. 4/10′
eva: ‘she’s BABY. she’s trying her BEST. and I RESPECT THAT. she looks gentle and soft. like a cloud. like a mother cloud. a friend. 7/10′
an overall 11/20, pretty solid !
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lia: ‘solid outing. thats sure a sheep. skin is wrong colour???? fluffy tho. 6/10′
eva:  ‘oooooh she's smooth. not floofy enough, she looks like a smooth surface. is she made of plastic? I appreciate that she's kinda chunky tho. 5/10′
overall: 11/20
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eva: whatsapp what the FUCK is that. absolutely terrifying. 0/10
lia: agreed. no further comment
moving ON
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lia: ‘absolutely beautiful. abstract yet kind and loving. majestic horns. completely unrealistic and looks more like a horned bunny but reality is subjective. 9.5/10′
eva: ‘awww this one's a ram ??? I don't know that much about sheep but either way he's cute ! not very detailed though, 4/10′
divisive!! 13.5/20 :0
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lia: ‘slightly horrifying at first but grew on me. cute face. fluffy. looks like shes wearing a turtleneck??? 6/10′
eva: ‘Facebook this lady looks like she has little human feet. Why. she looks like she's two dudes wearing black tights, stuffed into a sheep shaped body. she looks like two people pretending to be a sheep. I appreciate the detail on the fluff tho 7.2/10′
a total rating of 13.2/20. not bad
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lia:  ‘perfection. looks like the sheep u would meet prancing around the clouds in heaven. mystical presence. 10/10′
eva: ‘awwww she looks so joyful !! look at her, she looks ready to spring into a lil run around a nice sunny field. I love her. 10/10′
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lia: ‘unfortunate. im all for abstraction but this is just a bit ugly. not awful, just....bleh. 3/10′
eva:  ‘I mean. that's definitely a sheep. looks. interesting. is this the openmoji style ??? I can get behind it it's very techy looking but not very Soft and Softness is important for a sheep . 4/10′
total of 7/20 not a great score...
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lia: ‘friendly!!! nicr horns!!!! ehat a cool dude!!!! 9/10′
eva: ‘why does she only have two legs. she's gonna fall over. some nice floof detailing , I like that she's smiling even though that's anatomically incorrect. 4/10′
overall 13/20
stay tuned for part two bc tumblr won’t let me put more that 10 images in one post :(
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one-shoop · 5 years
Watching "clean with me" videos gives me so much anxiety. I know I have too much stuff but it just feels so bad to throw it away. I used to wish I hadnt ever seen a toy/plushie/clothing instead of like, being stuck. And now I just -- I'm torn between feeling overwhelmed and being desperate at keeping stuff that matters to me. I don't know what to do.
This one vlogger talked about how getting rod of stuff wasn't always abou the stuff -- it was about you being able to feel peaceful in your environment. Like, if you can't enter a room without feeling anxious, that's a no-no. Some of the stuff I have give me anxiety like that, or I just dont feel happy about having it. For various reasons, I keep it. But...
Like, there's childhood favorites I can't give. Stuff I promised to look after and it's a promise I can't go back on. Stuff that my sister has a similar item of, and I'd feel bad discarding one of a pair. Stuff I feel used to be a big part of my life and I want a way to keep that memory. There's stuff I sort of don't mind much and would rather give -- but. I dunno. Like, some things I don't like but I'm afraid of giving things up. I dunno, man.
There's some stuff I like -- cute plushies, clothes that I love. Some others, I mean, they just don't make me happy, you know? I hate when there's too many things on my bed, it makes me anxious to go to sleep. Like, most of the plushies I keep there are my all-time keep -- precious keepsakes of stuff I cant throw away. But I just. UGH. There's stuff I cant throw away because it's the last remaining relics of Club Penguin -- rest in peace -- and others that just sort of matter? I dont know but I feel so anxious. I wish I could just do what I want and get rid of some stuff. Like, I have two criterias for plushies:
-plushies I like (cute, fluffy, soft)
-keepsakes (old or memory-related)
-ones I keep out of a promise (gifts, important events)
-those ones that my sister has another one or, and i keep it so hers wont be alone, because yes, I'm sad like that, it would make me sad to imagine it screw you
And like -- ARE THERE ONES I COULD GIVE AWAY THAT DONT FIT INTO THOSE CATEGORIES??? THOSE I DONT CARE ABOUT?? Some old ones just make me feel sick to my stomach like those old sea creatures. But like -- there's ones I cant give away, like -- the one thing my dad and I have in common, marionettes, those ones we used for a movie we made.
Like, are there some I could just take a picture of? I don't know, man. I dont like going downstairs because it makes me want ro cry and scream and just pull off my hair. I'm so angey and frustrated and I keep wanting a fresh start. Like -- I've always done that, you know? Every time I buy new plushies, it's for a fresh start. I just wish I had a way to remove all thise useless fresh starts, those ones that didn't make me feel good, and keep the good ones. Like, I envy those who dont have that kind of stupid attachment. Like, go attachment. Its just -- everytime I bought a new plushies, it was supposed to be a fresh start. "That one" I would love, "that one" would be my favorite. I know irs unhealthy and I hate buying them because it makes me feel so much dread like, I keep having more and it keeps feeling like doomsday is coming whenever I see my dad going "ugh why" and I freak out and I dont ecen know what to do.
Plushies used to be this nice thing and now they just make me want to tear my throat out. Dear fucking god I hate everything
I used to get so scared bit now I'm psychong myself because everyone saus i need to get rid of them and I just fucling can't deal woth it. Am i betraying myself? I promised i wouldnt let this happen. I promise I wouldn't be my own enemy. I promise i wouldnt do this ti myself just to make everyone happy. And now IM DOING IT.
At least I'm fine throwing clothes away. Clothes suck.
Or, like, sometimes. I still want to fucking die everytime I throw clothes away. Jesus I need fucling help. I have no psychological safety thing for like, some safety rjing to go back to. I feel so fucling afraid and stuff like that was supposed to be the one thing I wasnt afraid of and I could get them and jt would be fine but now that's just a big lie??? It wasn't supposed to make me feel happier??? It wss just supposed to keep me contented until whatever person decides its time to work??? Is that it????
What am I supposed to do, man??? What am I supposed to do????? What am I supposed to think??? I'm supposed to figure tjis out but O jusr fucling cant and its supposed to help me to have plushies but it's not and I cajr see straight. I jusr wish plushies were safe again. I wish i could cry my heart out about leaving them like before. I widh I could be angry and upset and betrayed and feel like I'm being torn apart and scream and rage about how people are hurting me and how they can't understand how terrible it feels, and how they'll never understand why I feel so betrayed and so alone and so dismayed becauee my whole world and my whole safety is falling apart and I cant egen enjoy a simple piece of fabric stuffed with cotton without feeljng like I'm going to get killed at any moment because it costs money and it's not necessary and I'm going to get killed by cotton in my face. And it's not necessary and I'm getting attached for nothing and it's not necessary, just let it go, you'll feel better afterwards, just try it, you have to make changes, you have to make your life better, dont you want balance? Just try it!!!!
Like you want me to have balance???????????? Is that what you want?? Why are you just screaming at me and telling me tl dl stuff I dont want to do, THIS is just -- it's important to me, it's stuff that just gets me up and going, it's whats brightening up my life, it's like, the only source of peace i have. And you want to tell me it wasn't worth anything? That it didn't have a place in my life and it wasn't a beacon of anything and it should have been thrown away long ago and it should have been somewhere else and it didnt deserve to exist? And it should have been explained a bit better but basically this is what it is!!!???! Like you can preach about happiness and balance all you want but this i my happiness!!! This is what i wsnr mi life to look like!!!! This is what happiness os to me, this is what safety is, this is how I manage to come home and feel happy about myself!!!!! Do you actually want balance or do you just wsnt me to live by your rules? Like do you even care if I get happier if the way I am happy, it's not by throwing it all away? No? Like did you even let it a chance to exist first?
Yeah if I said that to my mom she would've interrupted me to say "I understand no need to be like that" and then she would've told me "well talk about it in the morning" and basically listen to nothing and not give a shit at all. Sorry if I sound really annoying about getting my point across, this id whar I have to deal with at home so I'm sorry if I'm not arguing like a peaceful person here.
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