#NOT bad parent draxum OR splinter just parents who make mistakes
leo-kinnie · 1 year
I do have a question, how come Raph doesn’t like Draxum if he also grew up with him? You haven’t shown a lot of moments between them either-
If it’s spoilers feel then free to ignore this ^^
semi spoilers but ill put it under this read more line in case anyone doesnt want to see it
VERY SIMPLY raph doesnt like draxum because splinter told him that draxum creates the turtles to be soldiers/weapons.
Splinter ofc should not have said that lmao but Leo in chapter 2 kinda explains that Splinter felt desperate. Donnie as a child was pouting a lot to go back to Draxum and would ONLY go if Raph went with him, so that's why Splinter said something to Raph.
Raph DID like Draxum to begin with as a father. sure drax favoured donnie more than him (much like how splinter sorta neglected donnie in the show) but it wasn't like. CRAZY or anything. Drax just couldn't relate to Raph's interests so he came off as detached.
Raph liked Leo, Mikey, and Splinter's family dynamic way more than the one at home though and yknow as a kid you dont really like... see consequences the way you do as an adult? so he just thought "oh i can just go live with them, have a new family!" and all that.
As a teenager NOW he's much more nuanced w his decisions (esp in relation to family and draxum), but as a kid he's pretty cut n dry.
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chiliiscereal · 2 years
What I want for ROTTMNT season 3
. The same structure of episodes
I liked when they were 14 minutes long, with 2 parts to each episode. I liked that each episode was different. It was enjoyable! Nickelodeon should keep it that way (except for finales of course)
. April and Donnie
Their whole dynamic (platonic or romantic) is so well written and it makes me laugh every time. I want more moments with them! I want shenanigans, hazmat suits, failed experiments, the works!
. Christmas episode or beach episode
I just want them all to be happy tbh. Low stakes, very sweet episode. Maybe see Donnie’s fear of beachballs. Maybe one of the turtles (probs Raph) was scared of Santa as a kid or maybe he goes through a whole episode trying to figure out what to get everyone. It would be so enjoyable.
And of course the boys would get new swimsuit outfits. And for the Christmas episode they’d spend the whole time in matching Christmas pajamas.
. Why Todd is considered a villain
He was considered “as bad as they come” by the gargoyles, and I have a feeling it wasn’t just a comedic mistake. Todd also has his own forge and survived a KRAANG APOCALYPSE! How?? Surely there’s secretly another side to him.
. How the turtles met April
Seriously, we never learned how they met her. I just want a sweet turtle tot episode where we see how their dynamics are formed and Aprils parents thinking they’re imaginary friends. I want sneaking around, splinter not realizing they’re friends with a human, popsicles, baked treats, and lots of trouble. ALL OF IT!!
. More Señor Hueso
I just love how he interacts with Leo. Maybe we get to meet his son who is supposedly going to be out through “bone college” because of all the pizza they buy. I bet he and Mikey would get along.
. Them fangirling over the fact that Lou Jitsu is their dad
I feel like they accepted it too easily, you know? I want questions, I want to know what happened to Splinters mom, and I want Hamato Clan lore!! I would also like to see how splinter adjusted to raising the boys and coming to terms with being a rat. It had to be hard. Maybe even find out what happened to the rest of the Hamato clan!
. The evil dentist
I just know we were gonna get an episode where he tries to go after Raph’s tooth. It was hinted at near the end of his episode. Raph maybe hides it from his brothers and tries to handle it on his own but they eventually figure it out and help him and he learns he doesn’t have to do it all on his own.
. No Venus and Jenika
I’m sorry but Nickelodeon needs to explore other dynamics and find a way to make their introduction feel natural if they’re actually going to do it. I’m sorry and I know it’s unpopular but I think we’d all hate it if they did it wrong. If they’re introduced it needs to be the right way and after Nickelodeon stops ignoring the existing family.
I just think she’s cool 😎
Also her and Raph would be good sparring buddies I believe. Also she should get anger management with Dr. Delicate touch
^ it speaks for itself :3
I’d also think it would be funny if he made friends with a little kid and he accidentally landed himself a job as a babysitter and he takes it cause he needs more money. He finally let’s go of the yokai vs. humans shenanigans
. Also I’d love an episode where someone (either jerk blond girl or Dale) accidentally gets a picture of the turtles without realizing and they have to try to get the phone and delete it
. April denying that she wants a prom date and the boys all try to find her one. Then when they don’t find anyone and they can tell April is disappointed they all show up for her in human disguises
. The day April gets accepted to that college and the turtles have to cope with the fact that they now won’t see her every day
. More witches
. An episode on Karai and how Shredder came to be through her side of the story
And last but not least:
An actual season 3!!!
Nickelodeon, wake up and see how amazing this show is!!
(If you guys have any other ideas or things you want to see please let me know because funsies)
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annonniiiiieeeee · 1 year
My question is what is grandfathers reaction to their grand babies? Like Splinter, Draxum, and Katsuichi, I feel like they would spoil them rotten.
The man is thrilled!!!
He had been hoping for grandchildren but he tried really hard not to pressure any of his kids.
When they first had Jotaro he would volunteer to watch him whenever they needed. Both parents were still active in keeping New York safe. There was going to be situations that would require both of them and Splinter is more then happy to dote on his grandson during those times.
He tries really hard to not be over barring as he knows the new parents need time alone with their kid but he is also the only grandparent with actual baby raising knowledge.
As the boy gets older Splinter and Leo, of course, show the kid Lou Jitsu movies and Jotaro loves them! But instead of Splinter watching them wishing to be back in the glory days, he instead see how the movies influenced his sons fighting abilities and how they could help Jotaro. The grandkids all know he’s Lou Jitsu, and when their older he will use the movies to teach them some of his signature moves.
When the twins came into the picture he was so excited. He had stayed at the Tenshu and was there with Leo when he was hearing all of the debate surrounding what to do with the babies. He knew he had new granddaughters when he first saw Leo holding them. He looked at them with such warmth on his face that Splinter knew they would be family.
He spoils the three bunnies rotten. Often telling them embarrassing stories from their dad’s childhood. This turns out to be a mistake when Kaida’s born. All of the stories of silly things that Leo did, like climbing up the fridge when no one was looking, have put one to many ideas in the kids heads. Between her size and knowing that their dad was an menace growing up all three bunnies are worried that their sister will get herself into trouble.
She does. She is her fathers daughter and she a baby. She does climb thing that no one would guess she could and stresses everyone out. The only people who can prevent these occurrences are Leo, he was the sneaky child he knows the look on her face when she’s got a bad idea, and Splinter, he’s lived through this before.
Over all he loves his grand babies so much.
This is not a man that specializes in babies. He can make them but he’s never raised them.
Never the less he adores them.
After Jotaro was born he loved that kid to death. One he’s proud of his handy work and two the kid’s adorable.
He is learning how to take care of a baby. He doesn’t know what to do, or how to hold them, but he’s slowly learning. It took a long time before he could be handed Jotaro without the boy instantly crying. At first he thought he was doing something wrong and would hand the child back quickly but it was just the baby being fussy and wanting his parents.
He didn’t go with the family to visit the Tenshu when they adopted the twins. The adoption was a surprise to everyone. When the family returned with out Leo, Usagi and Jotaro he first thought that maybe they were spending more time with Katsuichi till he was told about the new babies. Then he was so excited to meet them. He knew it would be about three months before their return as both he and Leo had had many discussions of when it was safe for a baby to go through a portal. So imagine his surprise when they come back in two months.
It was not a good surprise. The girls were premature and had gotten very sick. A mixture of not being ready to leave the womb and also a lack of vaccination. Babies normally don’t get vaccinated until 6 months as they have mom’s antibodies running through them up until that time. But Usagi’s world doesn’t have vaccines or modern medicine. His world also has a high infant mortality rate. So when the girls started to get really sick they rushed back to Leo’s world.
Draxum, Leo and Casey were the ones carrying for the girls. Usagi helped as much as he could but the medical information would go over his head at times. After the two got better Draxum was still fiercely protective of them. This extended to Jotaro to. He was constantly worried about one of the kids getting sick. It starts to ease as the kids get older but any time one of them is sick. Draxum is there to dote on them.
When he creates Kaida he makes sure she has all of her vaccines and is fully developed before letting her out. He’s more anxious about it then either Leo or Usagi are.
Do not leave this man alone with these four children. They will gain up on him and get what ever they want, but in the most evil scientist way ever. You want ice cream from the human parlor but the lines long? Scopes all humans up with vines, look no line. You want a puppy, of course but let’s get one of those yokai puppies that looks adorable but can transform into a battle mount.
The man has no chill and will get his grandchildren the world
The children know this and abuse it.
He sees the kids the least so he spoils them the most. He has money saved up from all his years of service so anything the kids want they get.
When it was determined that Jotaro wouldn’t be portal hopping until he was at least three months old, Gen and Kitsune went to their world to get Kashichi. The man wanted to meet his grandson and if the grandson couldn’t come to him he would go to them.
He adores Jotaro. He met Usagi when the boy was young but not this young. This is a baby. He’s so small and yet he can already see so much of Usagi and Leo in him.
When Jotaro can finally comes to visit Katsuichi is the proudest grandfather showing the boy off to anyone nearby. So proud.
When they adopt the girls he is excited for a lot of reasons. One, more grand babies!!! Two they are staying with him for three months!!!
Leo and Usagi try to visit regularly but it’s just not the same as having his family around him. But now with the girls they won’t be traveling for three months at least. He’s so excited to help them out and spoil his family. Even Leo and Usagi as he loves all of them so much.
But it becomes a nightmare when a disease sweeps through the Tenshu. The girls get sick. They were already under size and struggling with being premature. Things that worried both the parents and Katsuichi constantly, but now the girls were sick. He is terrified that he’s going to watch his granddaughters die. That he’s going to watch Leo and Usagi lose two of their kids. It’s common in their world but still so heart breaking. When Leo makes the call to go to his world Katsuichi goes with them. He doesn’t want them to be without support. He knows they have Leo’s family but he wants to be there no matter which way this goes.
Thankfully both girls make a full recovery. But just like the rest of the family he grows over protective of the two. He adores his all of his grandchildren but he worries more then he used to.
When he meets Kaida he worries for her instantly, her small size making him afraid. What if she grows ill? Is she strong enough to fight it? Yes, Draxum made double sure of that.
As she get older and starts causing chaos he worries less about her size and more about the chaos she is causing. Though it is entertaining for him to watch Leo and Usagi deal with their four chaotic kids.
He also cannot be left alone with the children. He is easily talked into going along with their bad plans.
He once saw the yokai dogs that look cute but transform into vicious protectors when he was visiting Leo’s world. The kids come to him one day to ask for a Tokage. (They think he’s the weak link that will buy them a pet, they are right) and he’s going to do it, but then he thinks and he looks at them and goes ‘you know who you should talk to?’ He makes and supports their plan to have Draxum by them a puppy.
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sinestrosmind · 3 months
OC Asks: desire, mistake, and secret for Chief!
oc asks: not-so-nice edition
desire: What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
To stop trying to survive and start trying to live. Right now all he does is fight for survival, Chief wants a family. He had one, at one point, years ago, before he was mutated. But Draxum stole that from him.
In mainverse, Chief has a little family again. He has Flame and Softy, and he's a lot happier than he'd be without them, but he wants more and he can't get more due to his living situation. It wouldn't be safe to have a child with his little family living on the streets and Chief's line of work.
It's a relief to Chief that Flame and Softy know how to hunt and fight, but he still has to bring in money to put guaranteed food on the table. Until Chief can get enough money to afford at least an apartment, he's going to continue his work until he's got enough money. ...Which is hard to come by considering he has three mouths to feed and he, Flame, and Softy can't cook for shit, so Chief can't stock up on food to cook. At least Hueso lets him have a tab that he can pay off.
Sometimes, in mainverse, Chief has made it known that he does desire to have kids, but only after Flame's started the conversation.
In the Big Brother AU, Chief already has what he wants as far as a family goes. He has four brothers, a sister, and a dad, and he fits in just fine. The thing he wants there, however, is Leo to be better prepared to be a leader. Post-Movie, Big Bro Chief is extremely upset with Splinter, to the point where he won't even talk to his adoptive father and has essentially disowned him, because Leo almost died because he was put in the leader position.
Big Bro Chief is convinced that, if he had time to train and prepare Leo for leadership instead of the role just being thrust upon his little brother, things would've ended differently.
Bad Futures Main and Dead Man Walking both want their Flame and Softy back. Both lost their little family the same way; fatal wounds leading to Krang infection, which leads to a vicious attack and Chief having to end his mates by his own blades. The Peepaw Chiefs have some issues lmao
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mistake: What's the worst mistake your OC ever made? What led to them making it? Have they been able to fix it? How have they moved on?
Oof. Man, there's two for mainverse
The first one is pre-mutation. He took one of his shortcuts to get home and that led him to cross paths with Draxum. Chief always thinks that if he'd gone a different path, he'd still be with his parents and he'd still be human. He's moved on enough to function, but he still has those moments where he just... Stares at his hands. Contemplates his life currently and what could have been. Has some body image issues due to his mutation. It's hard for him sometimes.
The second is not doing enough research on a job he accepted. Someone had tricked him, forged documents to get him to accept a job. They claimed to be from another town, gave a vague description enough to where Chief wasn't suspicious about the target, and did everything they could to pull a fast one on Chief. And they succeeded.
Chief only found out that the target was Donnie when Leo tried to stop Chief AND Chief saw the target. That.... Led to a big fight later on between Chief and Leo. Chief hasn't forgiven himself for this mistake, and he probably never will.
Big Bro Chief doesn't have a mistake he made himself, but he thinks Splinter made a massive mistake appointing Leo leader without training. Fixing a mistake that isn't yours can be hard, but so long as he can convince his little brother to listen, Chief will try his best to fix it and prepare Leo for properly leading. He's the eldest out of this universe's Hamato brothers, so the responsibility of protecting his little brothers falls on his shoulders regardless of who's leading the team.
In the Bad Futures, both Peepaw Chiefs think that if they could've just... Done more, been quicker, been stronger, been more alert and aware, their Flame and Softy wouldn't have been fatally wounded or Krangified and they wouldn't have had to kill their mates. They'll never be able to fix these mistakes, never be able to move on, and honestly they still have nightmares about it.
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secret: What's one secret your OC never wants anyone to know about them?
That he was once human.
In any of Chief's universes where he's with Flame, if she finds out he was once human that would ruin her trust in him.
He also just wants to forget he was once human. That part of his life is 16 years ago, it's gone, he can never bring it back, he can never relive it, he can never change it. Chief's better off doing his best to disconnect himself from his past as a human.
If someone calls him a yokai or a kappa, he's not correcting them. If someone thinks he's mutated from a normal turtle, he's not correcting them. He prefers those origin stories. His human life is gone, stolen by Draxum.
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