#NS: Chrono
aro-pokeverse · 5 months
@distortionmewtwo Ultraviolet@ Walt:
It made the glowy Mewtwo sad to see him cry. He really didn't know how to help, but he knew that he wanted to- especially as one lab pokemon to another..... so he took off his cloak, draping it over Walt's shoulders in an attempt to be comforting without outright hugging him.
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The cloak given by strange Mewtwo made Walt warmer. But does he feel better after that? Nope, however he makes a smile towards Ultraviolet.
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I-I think you should keep this yourself, a-alright?
[ @distortionmewtwo ]
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eyesteeth · 6 months
i think im gonna stack my queue with NS art lol i have like. fifteen tabs of it alone open rn and my computer’s overheating
edit: it was 184 pages total of scrolling oo7
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impulsivefanwriter · 1 month
Bizarro Ninja Names
So. Question to all my fellow ninjago fans.
What are your hc's for the names of the bizarro ninja from Double Trouble (or additional ones like for Lloyd & Nya)? I'm really curious what people call them and why!
I'll start the thread with my own hcs that I made with a few wonderful friends
Bizarro!Kai -- Aki Forge -- his first name is an anagram of "Kai" (and means 'autumn', where the leaf colours match that of fire) while his last name Forge is both a "forgery" joke and a synonym of "Smith"
Bizarro!Movie!Kai -- Kaigami Julien -- first name is a pun on the name "Kagami", meaning 'mirror', last name is because they get adopted by the Julien family because he's a nindroid built by the Mechanic
Bizarro!Cole -- Loce/Chronos "Chons" Bournrock -- Loce is an anagram for Cole, the chemical formula for coal is C₁₃₇H₉₇O₉NS , or "Chons", and a bourn is a small stream synonymous with brook, as in Brookstone, plus it sounds like "born (of) rock"
Bizarro!Movie!Cole -- Charcoal -- Cole sounds like coal, this one is... pretty easy to tell the origins of ajfksalfjka, he's a clone made by movie!Vangelis who wasn't going for creativity
Bizarro!Zane -- Nane Hawk -- Turn the 'Z' in "Zane" sideways and boom, Nane (which also means 'no-one' or 'no-part of a whole'). Hawk is an alternative to a falcon
Bizarro!Movie!Zane -- Oread "Oreid" -- oreads were mountain nymphs in Ancient Greek mythology and is the type of nymph Echo was in mythos (and we all know why the name Echo is relative to a Zane); in this universe, he's a nindroid built by Garmadon's enginerds with seagull features for peak obnoxiousness (and yes, that one seagull laughing meme)
Bizarro!Jay -- Cage Steller -- Cage sounds a bit like just the letter "K" (plus a 'g'/'j'-like sound) , similar to how Jay sounds like "J", and works as a birdcage reference ; and a Steller's Jay is a type of jay
Bizarro!Movie!Jay -- Jayden Walker -- I think this one is obvious too, he's an oni who ran away from the First Realm & gets adopted by the Walkers after copying m!Jay's identity as a human disguise (think V from The Owl House)
Bizarro!Lloyd -- Dyoll/Floyd -- Yeah this is another reference. No it isn't creative. Yes it's funny. Yes it's also an acronym like the others.
Bizarro!Movie!Lloyd -- Christofern -- Y'all know why. Except he's an oni/part oni made of magic (and maybe a tiny bit of magic tea (leaves) so uhhhh surprise m!Lloyd you have a half-brother on your dad's side
Bizarro!Nya -- Yan/Nereid Forge -- Yan means 'beautiful' and is an acronym of Nya while nereid are sea nymphs from Ancient Greek mythology (and the same Forge 'forgery / smith' reference applies as it does with Aki)
Bizarro!Movie!Nya -- Kujira -- means 'whale' and may have been a potential word inspiration for the name "Wojira" ; a merlopian clone made of magic by the Followers of Wojira to help awaken the sleeping serpentine goddess
Bizarro!PIXAL -- Byte -- 'the basic unit of information in computer storage and processing' and a play on words like "gigabyte, terabyte, etc.'
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smallraindrops-blog · 2 months
Fun fact!
Did you know Melinoë is also known as a bringer of Nightmares?
Because of that, I like to imagine her and Phobetor would get along very well.
Perhaps in a different universe where Chronos doesn't take over, she and Phobetor were born around the same time and grew up up to be friends and share their godly duties, as she's ones of the few outside of Phobetors family that isn't affected by his powers.
Or if Hypnos and Y/n kids were born before Hades 2, they would come to see Melinoë as a sister? I like to imagine Y/n helping Hecate to raise Melinoë as he already had 4 kids, with Phobetor probably still being a toddler.
I dunno I'm just excited for Hades 2 and have a bunch of ideas of Melinoë interacting with Hypnos and Y/ns family.
I did actually! One of the reasons i am very excited about the upcoming game. I can’t wait to get know Melionë better.
Gonna put my thoughts under readme.
Yeah I really think they would get along. Phobetor would definitely appreciate having someone outside of the family to hang out/work with.
with how much cross over their duties have, they definitely working together regularly. Like those two under paid coworkers who get everything done and are the only reason anything is still standing.
actually i kinda thought if the kids are born after Hades 2, it would be funny for poor teenager Phobetor to have a one-sided crush on this cool older girl who will never notice him and only think of him as a brother ( think dipper pines and Wendy)
but he will definitely see her as a beloved sister before and after his embarrassing crush.
If the kids are born before Hades 2, then yeah, Y/n will def become a father figure for her ( oh god poor y/n, taking care of the four kiddo and little Mel??? While the love of his life is in another coma and his parents are missing.)
Odysseus would get a kick out single dad Y/N. It would be like a platonic parent trap between them and Hecate, or three men and a baby lol.
if raised together, they would definitely be best friends.
Aaa, I’m so excited as well! Hopefully the game won’t be much longer and will be out next year. And i am super excited for your ideas as well ( also it makes me really happy you love the family that much.)
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rocket-sith · 4 months
Q GOT TIRED OF MAKING ROBINHOOD LARPS SO HE DECIDED TO OPEN FOUR DIFFERENT CHRONO-TRIGGER SAVE FILES AT THE SAME TIME INSTEAD, but only one needed further progress (non-linear progress of course), two were already complete but were saved in the wrong place and missing a sidequest (lol time being non-linear what?), and the fourth was a big ol' sparkly decoy, a glitched file of nonsensical bits n bites, alluringly named Picard, that nearly crashed the game and took everything with it while you were busy looking for continuity in all the wrong places.
Behold! Season 2 of Picard, AKA Facepalm Theater Presents, AKA "Dude, where's my Tapestry?"
Love it, hate it, WTF it, or some should-be-impossible combination thereof - but somehow, you feel it. Are you in one or both of those last two camps? Yeah, me too. But I think I might have a theory. And no, it's not bunnies. (I rambled a bit about this somewhat in the A/Ns and comment thread of one of my fics a few weeks back, but the proper brain dump belongs here).
Season 2 of Picard is neither episodic, NOR is it one major overarching story with various sub-plots. It's FOUR overarching major stories, well-conceived in theory (mostly), but thrown together as gracelessly and incoherently, with the same abundance of panic and lack of transitions as the night-before-it's-due school essays we're all so painfully familiar with perpetrating. (Admittedly, a lot of us got pretty good at being zero-hour coherent by the time we got to high school, but apparently, this skill does not translate to timetravel via stellar slingshots and demigod trolls.) So that leaves us with - 
Picard Season 2: A Trek in Four Acts Loosely Disjointed and Sloppily Squished Together Parts. Feast your eyes, rub your temples, and buckle up. 
CRIS AND THERESA'S WILD RIDE: (Love story, social commentary, classic Trek shiz focused on the more touching/emotional side of temporal shenanigans.)
RENEE PICARD'S TIME HEIST AND EVEN WILDER RIDE:  (Classic Trek shiz, classic time travel fuckery, focuses on the more action-packed side of temporal shenanigans.)
Supposedly the main plot, but really a completely ridiculous distraction that's the narrative equivalent of dumping sand in the snowglobe and violently shaking it up. Captain Picard takes a wrong turn at Albuquerque and has to go do the Timewarp (again) in some creepy old castle so he can be magically transported back home. Yeah, okay buddy, just don't forget the teddy and the TP rolls to throw around the theater.
Cut this entire arc out, and the season improves substantially in both enjoyability and coherence. (I said what I said.) If any of the four major threads don't belong, don't move the story forward, and only serve to muck things up - it's this one. It's not so much an arc as a collapsible squiggly line that looks like it might go somewhere but never does. Great if you're drunk with a shadow cast and some floorwalkers. Not so great if you're actually trying to figure out WTF is going on. 
TAPESTRY RIDES AGAIN, AKA GRAND THEFT BORG QUEEN LOS ANGELES: And now for the main event, which was literally announced as such in one of the episodes, by two people breaking the fourth wall who were probably the LAST people anyone was expecting to break the fourth wall: Seven and Raffi. So naturally, we viewers took it as a couple of throwaway comments and cute banter to lighten the dark/intense mood of all the other crap. Yeah, oops. We can't say they didn't warn us.
At one point the two of them are joking around, talking about how they're the main event, and all these other side stories are just side stories, but...yeah. Looking back after S3, that was not a joke, and it goes above and beyond the call of foreshadowing. It was a flat-out tell, and with ALL the potential fourth wallbreakers in S2 - Q, the Borg Queen, The Traveller, the Long-Lived Alien Bartender With Multiple Mysterious Powers, The Temporally Flexible Romulan Spy Of Dubious Origin - if somebody's gonna spill some futuristic tea, it's gotta be one of them, right? RIGHT? Nope. Seven and Raffi snuck in the back door.
Basically, the Grand Theft Borg Queen arc was Tapestry, but for Seven (and Raffi and Jurati to an extent). Jurati and Raffi were, IMHO, initially intended to be pieces on the gameboard, not players, but they made themselves into major players. To what extent Jurati's involvement in outsmarting the Borg Queen was meant to be a challenge for her by Q, or part of Seven's trial that Jurati unwittingly assisted in IDK, and ditto Raffi's major role in all the aforementioned drama, but either way - Seven finally accepting herself the way she is, Borg hardware and all, was a direct, not even subtle parallel to the TNG episode Tapestry. 
The most direct link is the scene in Tapestry where Picard realizes he'd rather die as his true self than live as his other-universe self who "corrected" the "mistake" that led to his artifical heart. Seven accepted that she would rather live as her Ex-B true self than die as a fully organic human, and in doing so, passed the test. 
And Jurati and Raffi played no small part in that realization, and passed their own tests in the process - with Raffi embracing Seven (literally and figuratively) while resisting the urge to manipulate Cris out of choosing his own fate, and Jurati outsmarting and merging herself with the damn Borg Queen to protect humanity and her friends. Seven passed the Q Troll test with flying colors, and Raffi and Jurati did too - giving us Elnor and a benevolent Borg Queen in the future as a result. (Q is totally one of those teachers who gives his students rewards for passing the Big Test.)
Fire up S2 of Picard, get your Fast Forward button ready, and follow the Grand Theft Borg Queen: Los Angeles arc and ONLY that arc. Skip over every single thing (other than Q monologing, as that's the one common thread) that doesn't have Seven, Raffi, and/or Jurati. You'll get an entirely different experience. It's Tapestry, but for Seven, and with different tests/opportunities for Jurati and Raffi. (And they all pass). 
Now do it again, but FF anything that ISN'T either part of the Renee Picard Time Heist plotline or part of Cris and Theresa's story. You'll get a classic Back to the Future, MCU, Reset the Timeline, Poke-An-Alternate-Reality's-Doom-Destination-With-A-Stick style story. And they all pass too. Cris and Theresa get their happily ever after and punt the primeline forward through the next generation of temporally paradoxical, adopted and found family members. 
As for the BS at Chateau Picard? It's all a decoy/charade. So come in costume, bring plenty of shit to throw, and chug the wine. You'll need it. 
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guncelkal · 1 year
Gaming Keyboard Newskill NS-KB-CHRONOS-BLUE Spanish Qwerty
If you’re passionate about IT and electronics, like being up to date on technology and don’t miss even the slightest details, buy Gaming Keyboard Newskill NS-KB-CHRONOS-BLUE Spanish Qwerty at an unbeatable price. Connections: USB-C USB Characteristics: Lighting RGB Keyboard: Spanish Qwerty Type: Gaming Keyboard Colour: Black SKU: S7810601
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miloscat · 4 years
[Review] Evoland II (NS)
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I came for the recreations of multiple eras of gaming technology, I stayed for the surprisingly good time-travelling RPG.
I’d played the first Evoland before but revisited it in this “Legendary Edition” bundle of both games. It’s a kind of tech demo/parody RPG which blends top-down Zelda with a lot of Final Fantasy 7, together with a neat system of “unlocking” game features and technological advancements. For example, you start in a small, monochrome strip, opening treasure chests to acquire extra spatial dimensions, more colours, and new gameplay styles. It’s only a few hours long, but even then can drag at times with some long dungeons or backtracking; its strength is in showing in a short space of gameplay how these kinds of games evolved over years of development iteration, while fast-tracking through a generic fantasy RPG plot.
In contrast, the sequel is a much more fleshed-out experience. Over 22 hours I had a great time with what’s essentially a Chrono Trigger homage but packed with tons of genre pastiche and a fun evolution and integration of the first game’s ideas into a compelling story and game world. The main gimmick is that the three main time eras you jump between broadly represent 8-bit, 16-bit, and early 3D games (and later a fourth Game Boy-based era), mostly in graphical terms.
On top of the novelty of swapping between visual styles, the game tells a time travel story very well; examining the consequences of changing the past, with characters discussing the implications from their individual perspectives, as well as you seeing the impact on the world that comes from your actions. Plus there’s plenty of fun time loop shenanigans and mysteries that continually unfold over the course of events.
The characters themselves surprised me. They’re fairly archetypical, but written with enough wit and heart (plus the odd bit of subversive humour) to make them likeable. You mainly play as the (sigh) silent cypher, with your three accrued buddies showing up for special attacks; these can be upgraded by finding one of the many types of hidden collectibles. I got very attached to them by the end.
I touched on how the game plays, but it’s worth underscoring how varied Evoland II attempts to be. A lot of the time it’s a top-down action RPG with some puzzles, sure, and works well enough at that. But there’s also several sidescrolling action-platformer segments, a few shmup bits (both vertical and horizontal), and a recurring card game (a bit more Yugioh/Magic-like than the Triple Triad clone from the first Evoland) that you build up a deck for by finding hidden cards or winning them from various characters in the game world. Besides all that, there’s individual sections each with their own play gimmick, including a very Chrono Trigger dungeon, a belt-scrolling brawler, a Puzzle Quest match-3, a 1v1 fighter, a Professor Layton homage, a Bomberman dungeon, an autorunner, a turn-based strategy, even a Guitar Hero-style rhythm minigame. And for the most part they each work really well!
Considering I came at this to finish up a series of playing “retro recreation compilation” games, I was very pleasantly surprised to find something that I can add to my lexicon of Chrono Trigger followups, along with my plays of Chrono Cross and Final Fantasy Dimensions II last year. The influence is obvious and lovingly executed on, on top of which there’s all the fun genre hopping and graphical shifts, not to mention the compelling original story. I really loved this (although I regret impulse-buying the Switch port on sale, as it suffered from some stuttering, particularly in the 3D era... I’m sure it probably runs better on other platforms). Great stuff!
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savagesbonergarage · 4 years
A quickie with Maul WITHOUT PLOT
Wise of you to add that on the end there.... But is it gonna be effective? We'll see.
I'm gonna make this 100% just self-indulgent porn since that's really all it needs to be right
I'm malfunctioning how did they get there what's the occasion and the timeline and the state of the relationship and the galaxy and ahhhhhhhh okay I need to get it together
(A/N - General ns/fw, definitely more explicit than not, but overall still not super hard stuff?, quickie, bj, power kink I guess?, hidden feelings, I think that’s about it honestly, if I’m missing something let me know)
Throne sex? Throne sex.
"... And Prime Minister Almec's influence has recruited warriors from among the civilians who would join our cause," you reported.
You stood alone before Lord Maul, who sat in his signature pose with his mechanical leg propped up atop the throne of Mandalore, resting his head on his hand as he gazed out the large transparisteel pane with a look of complete boredom and disinterest. He didn't even bother to look your way as he responded drily. "Fascinating."
You were tempted to raise your eyebrow sightly, but even though he wasn't looking at you, the fear of confrontation kept you from doing so.
"Will there be anything else, My Lord?"
The zabrak finally managed to direct some of his attention to you, his menacing eyes looking you up and down as his countenance changed with an ominous smirk. "Yes. How long before my blissful solitude is once again interrupted?"
You immediately checked the chrono on your datapad, afraid that you may have caught your new leader in an agitated state. The last thing you wanted was to be a recipient of his anger if you displeased him somehow, so you opted to simply be efficient in the tasks you were given. "You have a meeting in about eight minutes, My Lord."
"I see..."
Something about the way he was intently gazing at you made you uneasy, as though you weren't quite finished here and were expected to know why. You straightened your posture and put your datapad away before you geared up to leave. "Do you require anything else of me, Lord Maul?"
There was a new look in his eyes, something you hadn't ever seen until now, and the sudden change in contrast from before of his full and immediate attention on you sent a strange, yet not unwelcome shiver coursing through your body. Somehow you felt the previous uneasiness slip away and in its place was...dare you acknowledge it...want? Whether it was involuntary or not, the powerful man before you had you wishing there really was more you could do for him.
His gaze was nearly leaving burning holes everywhere his golden eyes tracked on you, each place they lingered a pathway into some rather inappropriate thoughts as it was fairly obvious exactly which parts he was shamelessly staring at. What's more, you didn't mind it in the slightest. You felt a little exposed, but in such a delicious way. Could you truly be tempting him, or was he simply teasing you in some show of authority over you - or was he really just that bored?
Suddenly, your train of thought ended when Maul planted his leg back onto the ground and unflinchingly brought his gloved hands down to work at the sealing strip of his pants. You barely registered what was happening before an impressive phallic appendage was gloriously revealed, held between two of his fingers at the base as an offering. Despite being synthetic, it twitched and leaked just like-
"Well?" he implored nonchalantly with his non-existent brow raised in a curious manner.
It was too late to conceal the slack of your jaw and flush of your face, your heart pounding as you finally processed the reality in front of you. Reflexively, you swallowed and looked over your shoulder and then back to find that this wasn't some kind of joke or game, but a genuine request. It was a miracle you managed to speak coherently at all.
"Erm, right now, My Lord...? In eight minutes-"
"Seven, now," he interjected, adjusting himself to present his lap as a rather inviting seat, "but surely your schedule permits?"
He did have a point - and who were you to deny the needs of your handsome new ruler? You did make an obligation to yourself to do your tasks efficiently, and it wasn’t as though you were hesitant about the prospect of it, either. No, with an opportunity having presented itself like this, it would be suboptimal not to show your enthusiasm, wouldn’t it? Not to mention time was of the essence now, unless you were fine with a group of officials walking in on you fornicating with the dangerous zabrak...which, as you pondered the possibility, it only served to send that pluming heat within you to entirely new heights. He certainly wouldn’t stop if that were to be the case, and a hidden part of you hoped that it would indeed work out that way, if only so you could feel more like Maul’s favored slut.
You wondered if this was solely due to the influence of the beckoning sith atop his throne, or if you had secretly always been such a promiscuous person - in any case, it hardly mattered. The priority of the moment was in being a good little subject and serving your master, and perhaps if you did a suitable job, you’d be given the privilege of doing it again. In a bout of courage that faintly surprised you, you found yourself at the foot of his throne standing mere centimeters from his legs, careful not to touch him unless instructed to as you ardently asked the most important question of the evening.
“How would you like it, My Lord...?” You didn't bother to hide the sultriness in your voice, which seemed to please him immensely as the corner of his lip curled into a scheming smile, his hands quickly moving to your waist to pull you in closer as he answered.
"I trust in your discretion to satisfy me. I believe you already know what I want, and it seems that you're certainly eager to give it."
His hand slid over your thigh and to the source of your radiating heat, burrowing his digits between the crevice that the fabric of your pants was unfortunately shielding from the supple flesh there, yet that didn't prevent his touch from being any less euphoric. It might have embarrassed you somewhat at just how apparent your eagerness was, however it was clear that the man working at your own sealing strip was enjoying the spoils of your arousal already. His words still rang throughout your mind, making you relish in the freedom and permission that was implied there - he was asking you to be as slutty as you wanted, knowing full well that you were ready to be his whore the moment you first laid eyes on him.
He wasn't wrong.
With his affirmation to take charge and the ever-present knowledge that you were pressed for time at the forefront of your mind, you relaxed your inhibitions and got to work. After a few more ruts against his hand, his grip followed yours to your waistband and aided in tugging the annoying material to the floor, returning one to it's former place on your slick flesh as you stepped out of your pants and boots. It was impossible to suppress the moan that escaped your lips, however, you were aware that this wasn't solely for your pleasure.
Six minutes left.
You quickly got down on your knees and carefully handled his cock, licking your lips before you kissed the tip of the wet slit and wrapped your hot mouth around the circumference of the ridge, swiftly lapping your tongue around the head before you started sucking. His groan of approval fueled your movements as you gradually unhinged your jaw and began going deeper, bobbing your head with every stroke and eventually taking him as far as you possibly could. You gagged a little, but it didn't deter you in the slightest as every time you choked on him, a moan was drawn from his lips.
Not only could he feel everything despite not having an organic organ, your ministrations were proving to be more than what he was anticipating as he groaned and moved to grab a fistful of your hair to still your actions. Your hungry eyes meet his as you drew your head back and released his cock with a loud, echoing, wet pop and licked away the string of saliva that connected it with your bottom lip.
"Is everything all right, My Lord?" you inquired with a perverse lowness in your voice, already drunk on lust as he held you in place for a moment before slapping your waist in a gesture to rise through his uneven breaths.
You complied with his order, lifting yourself back onto your feet as Maul practically pulled you into his lap by your thighs in a hasty move that nearly had you falling against his chest, but you were able to brace yourself against his arms. His dick rested against your abdomen, still warm and wet from your tongue as his fingers found their way back to your entrance to prep you for his cock. The way he tilted you upwards to lightly jerk himself with your own slick as he lined up with you was so tantalizingly good that you nearly forgot about the time constraint you faced.
Four minutes.
Your canines pierced your bottom lip as he entered you, the galvanizing pressure against your walls as you adjusted to him being so invigoratingly good that your hands gripped his shoulders without warning as you moved to sink down completely, ripping a gasp from the both of you in unison. You knew that you’d need an entire minute just to get used to the feeling of being so full, although sadly you couldn’t afford that kind of time in the present moment. 
Maul, on the other hand, didn’t seem to be too preoccupied with that particular technicality and held you firmly by your hips to keep you from shifting, and in an unanticipated move he rested his forehead along the curve of your neck. The heat of his skin and breath tingled across your own flesh, the sensation strangely more intimate than the actual joining of your bodies - rather, it felt like a different kind of intimacy entirely. It wasn’t merely in the way his grip on you remained solid or the new titillation of his lips against your skin; it was in the stillness of it all, how instead of insisting you ride him immediately, he preferred to simply feel you for an evanescent occasion, no matter how brief. 
You momentarily forgot the apprehension you had when the compulsion to kiss him infiltrated your mind - not the sort of lustful kiss that would be more appropriate for the situation, but a tender, more profound one. Would he mind such a gesture, you wondered, or would he even be able to discern the difference? One of his hands had moved from your waist up to the nape of your neck as you thought this, eliciting a soft moan from your mouth as he lured you in closer to him until you were chest-to-chest, the indication of the motion prompting you to wrap your arms around his neck so that you were symmetrical to one another.
Two minutes. Only two minutes until...
There simply wasn’t time for this kind of lenient indulgence or immersion, nor did the circumstances permit for the kind of casual affection you wanted to deliver. There was also the fear of him retaliating against a more tender action if he caught one to consider, so with a whisper of a sigh, you started rocking and bucking your hips against him.
Maul had been uncharacteristically quiet up until this point, an audible “oh!” escaping him as you continued your movements and utilized your nether muscles to grip his shaft with an ample amount of tightness. You fully planted your knees on either side of him and adjusted yourself so you could ride him properly - and in this case, that meant clutching onto his dick for dear life while you jerked up and down along his entire length like a jackhammer. 
His head rolled back and his eyes became half-lidded, the rapid rising and falling of his chest indicating his closeness as he kept one of his palms on your leg to grip the meat of your thigh for support. For the first time in minutes, he finally spoke again through a strangled groan.
“That’s it, stars it’s so...”
His train of thought seemed to leave him as you worked him even harder, somehow taking him even deeper when you kegeled with the entirety of his cock inside. A twinge of pain indicated that his cockhead was nearly breaching your cervix, a fact that might have concerned you if there was any reason to believe you could get pregnant - and even if there was...you weren’t so sure you would care. 
Less than a minute-
Luckily, it wasn’t long before you felt the crimson zabrak tense up beneath you and hold your hips tightly against him once more as he came, the spasming of his cock followed by the release of heat that filled your insides as he stilled and...
...and kissed you.
He had grabbed the nape of your neck again and brought your mouth to his all in one swift movement, capturing your lips with his own in a surprisingly graceful manner. It wasn’t chaste, his tongue immediately finding yours and warring with it as the dual beating in his chest matched the continuous pulsing of his gradually softening dick, but the action still caught you off-guard nonetheless. It certainly wasn’t unwelcome, and you found yourself matching his pace until he eventually relaxed, breathlessly parting from your lips and leaning back into his seat. 
There wasn’t much time to even think, as over the sound of your breaths you could hear the faint echo of footsteps down the hall fast-approaching. You quickly pushed yourself off of Maul’s lap and frantically gathered your pants, managing to hastily get each of your legs through the proper channels and hoist the waistband over your hips, still fumbling with the sealing strip while you faced your master as a barrage of stomping boots was perceived behind you. You ruler had managed to tuck himself back into his own trousers in time, a sly smirk hidden beneath his otherwise fierce countenance as he addressed you.
“We’ll continue this conversation where we left off later tonight.”
Your heart couldn’t help but skip a beat. He was wanting to see you again, to have you service him again after this agreeably satisfying evening. You nodded, a faint smile gracing your features as you bowed and turned to leave, brushing past the officials entering the throne room who were none the wiser about the sinful conduct you’d engaged in with Lord Maul of Mandalore.
You still secretly wished the session would have continued longer than it had despite the newfound company.
And you certainly hoped to continue meeting and surpassing Maul’s expectations in the bedroom - or wherever he saw fit - for a long while to come.
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queerkeitcoven · 5 years
Orig­i­nat­ing from a broad range of geo­graph­ic and chrono­log­i­cal con­texts, these texts, many of them appear­ing for the first time in Eng­lish, offer the read­er a broad vision of what it has meant to be a queer Jew through­out histo­ry — even in con­texts where queer­ness has tra­di­tion­al­ly been assumed absent. Aca­d­e­m­ic and lay read­ers alike will dis­cov­er an aston­ish­ing vari­ety of per­son­al sto­ries, poems, and midrashim in the anthology... I have been fol­low­ing the project since Noam first decid­ed to pub­lish it as a book — and was delight­ed to dis­cuss it with him in more depth...
SL: What are your hopes for the book now that it’s been published?
NS: There’s almost no area of the Jew­ish world or aspect of Jew­ish life that is not touched upon in some way in the book — rab­binic lit­er­a­ture, Hebrew poet­ry, Jew­ish immi­gra­tion, sec­u­lar­iza­tion, mod­ern­iza­tion, and the development of the field of sex­ol­o­gy. I real­ly want oth­er schol­ars to run with all of those dif­fer­ent direc­tions. The hope I have mov­ing for­ward is that more people will be able to open up these his­tor­i­cal fields.
There’s def­i­nite­ly more aca­d­e­m­ic work to be pro­duced from the book. About a third of the mate­r­i­al in the book has nev­er been pub­lished in Eng­lish transla­tion. Some mate­r­i­al, sourced from archives, appears in this book for the very first time.
One rea­son why I chose to pub­lish it with a trade press rather than an acade­m­ic press is because I also want­ed it to have a wider audi­ence than just aca­d­e­mics. I want­ed a high school, even mid­dle school, stu­dent to be able to read it, and I very con­scious­ly tried to write in a way that was accessi­ble to laypeo­ple. I’m excit­ed to see the book serve as a resource for nonacademics: artists, film­mak­ers, play­wrights, graph­ic nov­el­ists and people who are doing oth­er kinds of Jew­ish pro­gram­ming. The sto­ries includ­ed in this book could make won­der­ful plays, art instal­la­tions, documen­tary films, com­ic books and graph­ic nov­els, children’s books, et cetera. I’m not the per­son to do that, but I’m real­ly excit­ed to put out the raw mate­r­i­al for oth­er peo­ple to work with.
SL: There’s a lot of talk right now among Jew­ish authors about what is out there for young readers that rep­re­sents the full spec­trum of Jew­ish experiences.
NS: It’s so rich and so much of it is unknown, and so real­ly this book is an excuse to get peo­ple to read pri­ma­ry sources from Jew­ish his­to­ry. If the fact that it’s about les­bians or about cross-dress­ing stow­aways or about Yeshi­va stu­dents sleep­ing with each oth­er gets peo­ple excit­ed to read that, great — but what’s equal­ly excit­ing to me is that this might be a con­duit for some­one to learn­ing about Jew­ish life in the Ottoman Empire, or life in colo­nial Brazil, or in medieval Iraq.
The intent of this book is to broad­en the hori­zon of Jew­ish his­to­ry — in terms of sex­u­al­i­ty, gen­der, tem­po­ral­i­ty, and loca­tion. I think peo­ple might be surprised to dis­cov­er just how many areas of Jew­ish life can be enriched through the incor­po­ra­tion of these mar­gin­al­ized voices.
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Daddy dom Chrono and big dom daddy Kai tag team two for 1 deal
Unfortunately, I'm still firm on my threesome rules as listed on my ns*w rules (and the screenshot below) However!!!!! I did write a dominant Kai last night (or I should say like 1 something in the morning). I'm willing to write a separate, dominant Chrono if anyone were to request it too💖
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sonsofks · 2 years
DETALLES: Plataforma: NS, PC, PS4, XBOX ONEDistribuidor: Square EnixDesarrolladores: D4Enterprise Co.,Ltd., Square Enix, D4 EnterpriseReseñado en: PS4Género: RPGFecha de lanzamiento: 07/04/2022 Antes de comenzar, quiero aclarar algo y siempre lo digo, No uso muchas imágenes o videos para no arruinarte la trama, pero en esta saga es muy importante que no lo haga y te puedes estar preguntando el…
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Do you know the thing called "swimming"? So, I am a Water-type, so I CAN swim long enough. Took me hours without break... Now I'm tired...
While Walt sits near Eevee, he is trying to say something, while Nate still in his shower.
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Sigh... let's go outside...
[ @askvekpa ]
/ There'll be another post about Colress Lab, so stay tuned.
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zoofles · 7 years
What was the important meeting about what why were Chrono and Paradox fighting and also who won the fight? Chrono is a massive hypocrit, isn't he always raving about people acting mature?
JHYTRESXCVB QU E S T I O NS?? FOR MY BOIS!! :DW e LL! 1. The meeting was during the second war when they were all discussing whether or not they should split up and attack, or stay put and protect. Chrono was for staying put and protecting, but Aian said that she with through with sitting and waiting to be slaughtered and wanted to attack. Since it was split and split they needed Paradox to choose who’s idea to go with, both Aian and Chrono tried to get him on their side and when he got kinda salty saying “you’re only bein’ nice and all cus’ you need me to win your own argument. Of course, when this is all over you’re just gonna go back to forgettin’ me aren’t ya?” and then Chrono butted in saying how that wasn’t true and that is was Paradox who secluded himself and that Chrono was always trying to be nice to him and that Paradox was a total jerk to him at times, but Chrono still remained calm and collected towards him. Paradox kinda snapped and started yelling at Chrono saying how he was always bossing everyone around and that he acted like a dictator and a singular leader and never gave him a say when all three were meant to be equal. Chrono responded by saying that he had to take lead because Paradox acted like a child and was indeed…thick headed. Paradox then leaned across the table and grabbed Chrono’s tie and tugged him down which caused his chin to bash into the desk, telling him that Chrono had to step down from his pedestal and let him and Aian have a say as he had no right to talk for them seeing as he was insane as well. Then Chrono flipped out because he brought up his mental state and his love life and grabbed Paradox’s bandanna that was around his neck, telling him that he knew more about Paradox then he did, and told him not to disrespect him like this as he was older and far far wiser. Then they broke out into full punch up with the two of them hitting and kicking and ALMOST throwing spells. It ended up spreading to everyone else as well, as, people took sides and clashed. So the WHOLE room of Omniaen gods ended up battling and fighting like animals. The only Reason it stopped was because Rae actually stepped in and made everyone shut up, saying that she’d believed in these gods for so long and the fact that a mortal was witnessing them fighting like children was beyond shameful. 2. So basically, no one won, the argument was leave simmering. Everyone was glaring and only stopped fighting because their egos were being attacked. 3. PFFT YEP!! Chrono is indeed a VERY big hypocrite! He tried his best to stay calm and cool headed but when Paradox brought up his mental state, his love life and the fact that he ‘did nothing to help’ made him LOSE it because he was actually doing the MOST and no one saw it, so they instantly assumed he was doing nothing all while he was suffering for them all. So yes, in the beginning the fight was slaps and tugging but it turned far more serious and mature, that of punching, kicking, slamming and spells. As they fought, they sent deep insults to each other as well, which fueled it even more. THANK YOU SM FOR ASKING!! IT MEANS A LOT!!
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NS. Kin 144 Żółte Magnetyczne Ziarno FALA 12 - FALA KAN - FALA ZIARNA - (14/10/17-26/10/17) 
Siła Rozkwitu. TERAZ jest najlepszy CZAS, aby wykorzystać wrodzone zdolności.
Fala Ziarna pomaga odkryć wrodzone zdolności i uwierzyć we własne siły. DZIESIĄTY dzień pokazuje, co cię ogranicza w życiu. DWUNASTY dzień odsłania wizję celu i uczy, jak omijać pułapki życiowe. TRZYNASTY dzień podpowiada, że powinieneś połączyć intuicje z rozumem, aby wyzbyć się lęku przed światem. Powyższy program wyznacza ramy przeznaczenia osób urodzonych w Fali Ziarna albo ramy programu roku, jeżeli kin roku osobistego należy do Fali Ziarna. Fala Ziarna może okazać się bardzo gorącym okresem, ponieważ skupia dziesięć galaktycznych portali, których Energia może wywołać wielkie poruszenie w twoich osobistych przekonaniach. Dwunastego dnia przyjrzyj się całej fali i zastanów się, jakie osobliwości wyłoniły się w tym okresie. Co stanowi ich esencję? Wszystko jest ważne – nawet przykre i bolesne odczucia. Mogła je wyzwolić na przykład drobna sprzeczka, strata ukochanego drobiazgu albo spotkanie z konkretną osobą, które przywołało przykre wspomnienia. Fala Ziarna jest drugą (obok Fali Węża) falą mieszczącą dziesięć portali. Dzięki temu wzrasta moc jej oddziaływania na nasze życie ziemskie. Tu domyka się też trzeci zamek CZASU, pełniący nadrzędną funkcję w sferze transformacji i przemian. Jego patronem jest Żółta Gwiazda, czyli Siła Dyscypliny, Estetyki i Piękna. Program Niebieskiego Zamku to także twój grafik. Przyjrzyj mu się uważnie. Spójrz na swoje odczucia i doznania jak na przedświąteczne porządkowanie wnętrza. Nie daj się zwieść pozorom i sztuczkom trenerów Starego Czasu, którzy spróbuj ją zrobić wszystko, aby zasiać w tobie strach, wątpliwości, bezsilność, niepokój i niemoc. 
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FALA ZIARNA (KIN 144-156):
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1 dzień: KIN  144  -  Żółte Magnetyczne Ziarno
Dzisiejsze sytuacje nakłaniają mnie do wykorzystania osobistych możliwości. Dziś uwalniam się od zawężających poglądów i nie pozwalam leżeć odłogiem moim talentom. Do dziś czerpałem jedynie z „cudzych” doświadczeń, teraz chcę objawić moje własne skarby.
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2 dzień: KIN  145  -  Czerwony Biegunowy Wąż
Dziś wybieram drogę, która wzmocni moją siłę życiową.  Dziś poznam własną wielkość i sprawdzę swoją wytrwałość. Zmysłowość, instynkt, akceptacja i wola życia pomogą mi uwolnić się od postaw obciążających moje sumienie oraz uczynić tylko to, co szlachetne i właściwe. Dziś zadbam o kontakt z przyrodą. Natura zsyła mi spokój i poczucie odprężenia.
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3 dzień: KIN  146  -  Biały Elektryczny Łącznik
Siła uśmiercająca to, co skostniałe, jest nieocenionym wsparciem w życiu. Ból rozłąki jest pomostem ułatwiającym mi dojście do celu. Dziś przestaję chorobliwie czepiać się tego, co minęło. Opór przed zmianą pogłębia tylko zwątpienie. To, co mi wcześniej służyło, nie musi być dobre teraz. Dobrowolnie poddanie się przynosi rozluźnienie wewnętrzne. Dziś przestanę zamartwiać się przeszłością.
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4 dzień: KIN  147  -  Niebieska Samoistna Ręka
Wiedze i doświadczenie pogłębiam wytrwałą pracą i aktywnym działaniem. Dziś akceptuję swoje człowieczeństwo ze wszystkimi moimi słabościami. Wiem, że w swym jądrze jestem doskonałą istotą. Troska o zdrowie, dobra kondycja fizyczno-umysłowa są najważniejszą częścią mojej ziemskiej podróży. Dziś jestem najlepszym lekarzem. To, co przyjdzie z zewnątrz, będzie mnie tylko wspierać.
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5 dzień: KIN  148  -  Żółta Wiodąca Gwiazda
To, co nie jest zharmonizowane, domaga się dziś uzdrowienia. Dziś powraca tęsknota za naturalnym pięknem. Odrzucam więc wszystkie maski i pozostaję taki, jaki jestem. Dziś zaprowadzę ład i porządek w otoczeniu, ale będę uważać, aby nie popaść w przesadę i nie wejść nikomu w drogę.
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6 dzień: KIN  149  -  Czerwony Rytmiczny Księżyc
Znaleźć złoty środek – znaczy zaprowadzić równowagę wewnętrzną. Dzisiaj przemawia moja podświadomość, której nie słysz mój rozum. Dziś zachowam spokój i nie będę o nic zabiegać. To, co zbędne (choć według mnie takie ważne), wyprowadza mnie najczęściej z równowagi. Dziś odkryję, co spędza mi sen z powiek.
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7 dzień: KIN  150  -  Biały Rezonansowy Pies
Dziś na scenę wkracza moje „Niższe Ciało” (emocjonalne, mentalne i fizyczne). Dziś poskramiam swoje emocje i odcinam się od życiowych dramatów. MIŁOŚĆ – to słońce i deszcz, bez których nie może wzrastać moje ziemskie ziarno. Śmiech i łzy są gwarantem zdrowego rozwoju. Dziś jestem wyrozumiały dla siebie otaczam miłością bliskich.
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8 dzień: KIN  151  -  Niebieska Galaktyczna Małpa
Dziś przenikają moja cielesność nowe treści metafizyczne. Wszystko, co się dzisiaj wydarzy, przyjmę z „niebiańskim” spokojem. Wiara czyni cuda. Miłość przenosi góry. Dziś jak małe dziecko chcę się śmiać i bawić. Chyba po to zjawiła się u mnie ta energia?
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9 dzień: KIN  152  -  Żółty Solarny Człowiek
Moja świadomość uczy się dziś zachować neutralną postawę z pomocą bezinteresownej miłości. W tym skrywa się tajemne wyjście z karmicznego labiryntu! Mądrość i silna wola pomogą mi rozwiązać wszystkie problemy osobiste. Chcę, aby miecz prawdy jednym zdecydowanym cięciem przeciął wszystkie węzły gordyjskie. Dziś uwolnię się od obcych ideologii i zacznę głosić własna prawdę.
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10 dzień: KIN  153  -  Czerwony Planetarny Wędrowiec
Dzisiejszy dzień stwarza mi dogodna możliwość do urzeczywistnienia mojego prawdziwego „JA”. Wolność i nieograniczone pole działania staja się celem mojego życia. Nie ma stanu spoczynku – „PANTA RHEI”. Dziś zrobię tylko to, co rzeczywiście chce zrobić. Tam, gdzie się dzisiaj pojawię, tam zstąpi niebo na Ziemię.
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11 dzień: KIN  154  -  Biały Spektralny Mag
Dziś robie generalne porządki i oczyszczam moje pola duchowe z „chwastów”. Tylko tak zdobędę pewność siebie i pozyskam szacunek u ludzi. Miłość jest kluczem do tajemnic spełnienia. Dziś wychodzę z karmicznej niewoli, zrzucam stare szaty i odcinam się od smutnej przeszłości. Dziś staje się świadomym towarzyszem CZASU. gdyby było inaczej, nie czytałbym teraz tej strony.
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12 dzień: KIN  155  -  Niebieski Krystaliczny Orzeł
Moja wewnętrzna samodyscyplina i otwarte na oścież serce pozwalają napływać wizjom z SZÓSTEGO wymiaru ŚWIATŁA. Tam mieszka moja „Gwiezdna Dusza”. Dziś przyjmuje tylko te informację, które adresowane są do mnie i które całkowicie rozumiem. Dziś zachowam szczególna ostrożność i niczego nie przyjmę bezkrytycznie.
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13 dzień: KIN  156  -  Żółty Kosmiczny Wojownik
Dziś łączę „horyzontalny” rozum z „wertykalną” intuicją. Inteligencja pomoże mi przezwyciężyć wszystkie lęki. Dziś staje się „gwiezdnym wojownikiem”, który nie walczy mieczem, lecz mądrością. Dziś ja sam obsadzam punkty strategiczne w mojej świadomości. Moja wielkość wyłoni się wtedy, kiedy przestane się bać i stanę ponad Karmicznym Czasem.
NS. Kin 144
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Crystal Seed Year   Power of :  Flowering
Electric Deer Moon Power of :  Activate
Heptad 12 Yellow Heptad: Power Ripens Fruit Electric Deer Moon Heptad Path 12, Path of Outer Manifestation Power of Love Evolves Power of Prophecy Spirit Evolves Wisdom
KIN 144
Yellow Magnetic Seed Power of :  Flowering Kin 144 - Precept 40 - Spiritual self-sufficiency is a function of discipline which is a continuing spiritual sacrifice of the lower self for the sake of inner perfection, or the coming out and polishing of the divine incarnate self or form within.
Moon 3, 25 - We must master our inner demons and redirect their chaotic energy in order to build the inner temple of our evolving soul.
Psi Chrono 203 AKBAL Blue Galactic Night Power of :  Abundance
WAVESPELL 12 Yellow Magnetic Seed Power of :  Flowering
Heptad 12 Heptad Path Frequency: 462 BMU: 21 Kin Equivalent: 202
Kali - just above third eye Arcanum of the Initiation - Skywalker Seat of the Power of Cosmic Prophecy - Beta-Alpha - Mars SP BMU: 315 Vertical Coordinate: V11 Horizontal Coordinate: H17 Moon-Day: 3.25
BMU: 218 Vertical Coordinate: V18 Horizontal Coordinate: H17 Time Matrix: 48 Space Matrix: 213 Synchronic Matrix: 152 Time Matrix Telepathic Frequency Index (TFI): 48 + 213 + 152 = 413
BMU: 128 Vertical Coordinate: V2 Horizontal Coordinate: H13 Space Matrix: 144 Synchronic Matrix: 55 Time Matrix: 167 Space Matrix TFI: 144 + 55 + 167 = 366
BMU: 237 Vertical Coordinate: V12 Horizontal Coordinate: H4 Synchronic Matrix: 144 Time Matrix: 84 Space Matrix: 301 Synchronic Matrix TFI: 144 + 84 + 301 = 529
Time Matrix TFI: 413 Space Matrix TFI: 366 Synchronic Matrix TFI: 529 Master Coordinating (MC) TFI: 413 + 366 + 529 = 1308
KIN EQUIVALENT : 167 - Blue Spectral Hand
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