#NSB grave
0-nouke-0 · 2 years
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Erika my orange gen has died.
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thosegothsims · 18 days
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soooooo as per this post i decided to try playing around with the idea of starting to play with that whole "my version of the not so berry challenge" idea by making a sim and playing for a couple of in-game days and ohhhh i am OBSESSED with this sim rn
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moongoblinsims · 2 months
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herecirmsims · 6 months
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Graveyard Visit
These were a commission for Electric Whims / The Hathaway NSB! ❤️
Five group poses for two adults and two infants, plus all-in-ones. There is a small height difference between the two adults so if you use the height mod, there may be misalignments! Made with masc and femme frames and, as always, there may be clipping or floating depending on Sim body type or clothing. They were intended for a grave visiting scene, but aren't attached to any object so you can easily use them for whatever situation you like.
You will need: - Pose Player - Teleport Any Sim or MCCC - Not required, but I recommend the Bye Bye Baby Rug Hider !
Just place four teleporters on the same spot.
NOTE: if your infants haven't learned to sit up by themselves yet, you will need to wait for them to do their little sitting up/flopping over animation before you're able to teleport or pose them. I suggest posing the adults first so they don't wander off while you wait!
TOU: you may adjust for personal use to avoid clipping etc., but please do not reupload/paywall/claim as your own.
Download here: SFS Patreon
I'd love to see them used! You can tag me on Twitter, Instagram, or Tumblr. I repost. ❤️ If you'd like to support me you can do so via Ko-Fi, but it's not required! Have fun telling your stories! The world needs 'em! ❤️
You can easily browse more of my posepacks via my Ko-Fi gallery.
@ts4-poses @alwaysfreecc thank you!
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skeletonsfortea · 3 months
VBPS/NSB: Part Five
Previous or next
In the Horrortale universe, a plan begins.
“So…do you have a nickname I could call you by?" Sans asks.
“No.” You say, and wince, getting pale, “please, just call me by my name. Please?"
“Sure, kid,” he says, “then we can all just refer to each other as we are, how bout that?
You nod silently.
Papyrus glances towards the kitchen, "you know what, you look famished Y/N, how about we eat?”
You tense, only to then glance at the nearest window, where the sun sets in between the curtains.
“Y-you’re on the surface?” You ask in wonder, half stumbling to the window. You pull the curtains apart, revealing the sunset.
“Yes, and it is quite beautiful.” Papyrus says.
“Welcome back,” Sans adds, and you lean closer to the window, touching the glass.
“You could go outside," Papyrus offers.
“I- oh. No, I’m…fine, here." You say, and then seem to flinch. “S-sorry.”
“You're perfectly alright," Papyrus says, seeming unfazed. He heads off towards the kitchen, and after a moment, Sans follows.
“So, we need to make a plan.” He says once they’re alone.
Papyrus nods gravely, "yes. But how do you suppose we begin?”
Sans’s grasp on time space is weaker than it was, he sure as hell can't crunch the numbers or build the machines needed to get you back. But he knows one person who might be able to.
“We need to talk to Alphys."
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lordressdragoonbear · 2 years
The Noir Family 🖤
Kanisha Noir
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Dante Noir
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Jamal Noir
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Joan Noir.
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“After The Goth family business went under, The Noir family took over, now that Daddy Noir is digging graves there will never be a body unburied” 
Hello, hello! It’s me again and here are some sims i never got to use! 
They are my modern replacements for the goths since at some point they just kinda die out.
I love these guys, they are a lovely edgy family who like burying people 🙃
Enjoy! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
I use ALL Expansion packs.
P.S, They should come with the CC used.
This Here Package contains: Edgy Goth Family Replacements.
I don’t remember where i got all the CC but a ton of it should be on my CC reblog account @ohcrapitsccfinds​ so head on over there for some CC!
Thanks to all the CC creators whose CC i used, ya’ll are grand and I love your work!
Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QFfShp4Zko3Jvfu0ARx_Y5qsWLxExX2t/view?usp=sharing
They have no video but hey, check out my University series, boop.
Bonus! Here is a picture of my personal NSB save’s Yellow gen! June!
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simslegacy5083 · 9 months
NSB (Straud Legacy) Gen 8 Ep. 77: Temple Discoveries
The lower level of the sinking temple in the forest was suspiciously free of dirt and standing water, but full of relics and mysterious mechanisms.
August explained that the ancient Sims had built it this way to keep out intruders and the unworthy. The puzzles had multiple decoys and wrong answers could lead to grave punishment, but discovering and activating the correct glyph would open the way deeper into the jungle sanctum.
The group split up to research different areas of the sprawling subterranean complex. Jack and Peachy didn’t know as much about the country’s culture and customs as their archeologist and historian relatives, but the career detectives solved modern day puzzles daily and jumped right in.
Peachy in particular found his food knowledge unexpectedly rewarded with a ghostly blessing from some ancient spirit of the feast!
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On the next level Peachy joined his friends in looking for relics in a half-excavated dig site while Jack scouted around. He was expecting to find another set of puzzling artifacts to tackle or some tricky danger to warn the others of, but found an unexpected friend instead.
No one had noticed that their sweet boy Taz had decided to join them on their adventure! Jack immediately scooped him up into a big hug and brought him out to join the others. Playing with a laser pointer occupied them both while the rest of the group uncovered more artifacts to take back with them.
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After letting Taz visit with the family, Jack ran the adventurous little fluffball home, and returned to find that Peachy had uncovered a new puzzle.
It was an interesting trio of skeletal warriors, and unfortunately Jack’s hunch about uncovering their secrets was … unwise.
The duo barely had time to register the warriors’ eyes glowing an angry red before Jack screamed and jumped straight into the air, flames leaping out of the ground and setting him alight! Peachy felt his own life flash before his eyes as the man he loved was suddenly engulfed in a fiery blaze.
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Thinking fast Peachy summoned an extinguisher and quickly hosed down the fire engulfing his boyfriend.
As the flames subsided under the foam, Peachy breathed a sigh of relief and felt the last vestiges of his fear of relationships melt away. He’d been terrified when he thought Jack might die, the thought of losing his best friend and true love hitting him like a knife in the heart.
Using a little more magic Peachy cleaned Jack’s soot-stained gear. Snuggling him close he knew it was time to ask Jack a question that, if answered in the affirmative, would keep him safely by his side for the rest of their lives.
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Want To See More? View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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dorytoss · 1 year
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some pre-last nsb gen 1 plot: - visiting erwin's grave with children - visiting strangerville and telling them what parents have done there + bernice fainting & we discover she has a deadly disease - they went back to the restaurant in strangerville that is very signiificant to bernice and leon (it's their special place 💖) - leon proposes to bernice spontaneously and they going to do a small wedding at their house
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dystopianam · 2 years
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I went crazy and transferred all my sims (including graves) from 4 different saves into one save because I was tired of always changing saves and didn't feel like freaking out by doing an uberhood with nraas traveler. These saves are: a simple savegame where I created 6 families and I enjoyed creating couples and having children, a savegame that I had created only for the fairies of Fairy Realm, a savegame where I had recreated the sims of my TS2 BACC on TS3 and a savegame that was a simple 10 generation legacy. Now I have practically only 3 savegame: the NSB Challenge savegame, the Runaway Teen Challenge savegame and this savegame I called Santalba Uberhood because this amazing world I'm using now is called Santalba!
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starsweepersims · 1 year
I feel kinda bad for the grey generation in my nsb because part of it is raising your kids, but due to bugs I had to sort of do a refresh on it, with a fresh copy of the plum heir, so I didn’t lose anything too important (using the cats to keep the graves, for example, was very important to me).
Sorry Cincis, you at the very least did get one movie night with your kids. :c
(also think I need to refill my queue oops)
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someuglysims · 3 years
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The ladies went on a spooky snowy cemetery date ~
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0-nouke-0 · 2 years
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I did reset my grey gen and she died the moment i did it...
she is now resting next to her mother.
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pommebob · 3 years
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He is here
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moongoblinsims · 10 months
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rocket ship upgrade (part two)
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jolilard · 6 years
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Not so berry challenge - G2: Rose
Part 47: Sadness
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hello alstro! i hope you are doing fine. also, how did you do after seeing vyn in main story ch. 8 pv? XD
this plot bunny has been in my mind for days and i need to set it free. if it’s not too much, could you please write a fic (set in their getting-to-know-each-other phase) of rosa masturbating to thoughts of vyn with her feeling guilty and ashamed afterwards?
Fantasies (NSFW)
My bias towards masturbation is getting in the way of writing Rosa feeling actual guilt or shame, so instead here she is just flustered and distracted, hee. Hope that still works out for you!
Also goddamn this thing grew a mind of its own. I was gonna make this something short and sweet and my ideas gremlin decided I'm not getting any sleep again so here we are.
NSFW, MDNI as usual, etc etc.
Mentions use of an unconventional sex toy.
“So, Rosa,” Vyn begins as he sits once again on his usual chair by the table in the NXX Conference Room. “I suppose you are not sure why I had you stay after the meeting?” He folds his hands on the table as he looks at you with concern clearly in his eyes.
You have been dreading this moment ever since you noticed Vyn throwing glances at you every now and then, during Luke’s report on NSB’s lab results earlier.
Of course you know the answer: you have been very, very out of it lately. You could not even pay attention when your senior partner, Artem, questioned vital details in Luke’s report–something that you should have taken notes of for later discussion with your boss.
And as to who is distracting you…
…he is sitting across from you by the conference table. Right at that very moment.
Vyn repeats his question; you must have zoned out yet again. “Rosa?” he now surreptitiously peers into your eyes, his gaze flickering between your face and hands. Probably looking for any concerning tells.
“Oh. I’m sorry, Dr. Richter,” you muster the best apologetic smile you can manage. “Not really, no. Could you please give me a hint?”
Yes, crack a small joke. Pretend everything is normal.
…It is hard to act normal, you find, around Vyn. But still, you flash him a smile. Even if you are dying inside.
Of guilt? Embarrassment?
Humiliation? Or rather, the awareness of Dr. Vyn Richter possibly knowing about the sin you committed against him?
“You have been distracted as of late. Is it something I can help you with?” he asks you, in his most soothing, gentle voice.
A honeyed, mellifluous music to your ears that feels as if it wraps you in soft silk; his voice flowing from his soft, delectable lips. Lips that are most definitely made for kissing, and probably more…
You lose yourself to your daydreams yet again.
What brings you back to earth is Vyn’s gentle touch on your forehead with the back of his long, slender, fingers.
You flinch, not because the touch is offensive, but rather it overwhelms you; it is a touch that you have spent so much of your waking hours daydreaming about. I wonder, how would it feel if Vyn laid his hands on me? Is one of your frequent thoughts that fill your daytime reveries.
And now his fingertips brush your forehead; the touch of his cool fingertips sending electric jolts throughout, and you can feel gooseflesh rise on most of your upper body.
A flaming inferno of a blush razes your face.
All the while Vyn is closely studying your reaction as he gently sweeps your forehead with his fingers.
Oh shit, does he know?
You wouldn’t put it past him if he already did.
“N-no, nothing, really,” you tell him after some time, trying your best to avert your eyes from his now intense stare.
“You are flushed, with what feels like a low-grade fever,” Vyn says, his words oddly slow and measured. “I have some medicine upstairs. Come with me…”
And as you stand up to follow him out of the conference room and make the way to his Victorian mansion, your thoughts could not help but relive the grave sin you have committed last night.
Last night.
One of your most cherished items resides in the memory of your smartphone.
It is a stolen photograph of Dr. Vyn Richter, taken when he was conducting one of his lectures.
Your favorite pastime upon settling into your bed for the night is staring at this photo before you sleep; this night is no exception. Tonight your fingers lovingly touch the picture displayed in vivid, crisp colors of the crystal display; it is zoomed into his beautiful face: his expression frozen in that moment when he was giving a small motivational speech to his class prior to their exams. It was a friendly smile, a chaste smile. But for someone as obsessed over him as you…
You trace his lips, rendered in high definition; lips so soft that you often wonder how they would feel were they pressed against your own..
Or running across your naked skin.
A small sigh escapes you as you close your eyes and put down your phone, letting your imagination go further down the rabbit hole of irredeemable lusting after your work colleague. How does the illustrious Dr. Vyn Richter feel when making love? You wonder.
His long, slender fingers. Those fingers that you always see swiping through files on his tablet. Those digits that effortlessly flip playing cards. Those fingers that lovingly caress his prized, delicate roses.
You imagine him, with his fingers, tenderly tracing a path starting from your cheek, down your neck…
Just thinking isn’t enough. You find yourself aiding your imagination by using your own fingers, pretending it is him touching you.
Your fingertips now tease your neck, sliding down to your clavicle, and then cresting the swell of your breast.
You envision Vyn, naked and on top of you, his soft lips planting a kiss on your breast, then taking your nipple in his lips.
“Ahh..Vyn…” you whisper his name as you roll your nipple between your thumb and forefinger, moistened with your saliva to simulate him licking your sensitive nipple to hardened peaks.
Then you wonder what his voice would sound like, during lovemaking. You have always loved his soft voice that sounds like a lover’s during pillow talk.
Does he do dirty talk? Will he call you his slut, if worked up enough?
You imagine him calling you his, at least, in that sultry voice.
“Vyn, Vyn,” you chant his name softly in between shallow breaths. “Vyn, I want…”
Your free hand slithers down your abdomen down to your now wet, throbbing pussy. Slick with your juices, your fingertips effortlessly flick at your sensitive clit. You imagine Vyn, still in his white coat uniform, kneeling in between your legs with his tongue running stripes along your cunt; his silver haired head wedged in your inner thighs as he pleasures you with his mouth.
“Hahn…Vyn…” Once again you moan his name, your hands never stopping your own ministrations on your nipple and clit. You are now working yourself close to the edge; but there’s a certain emptiness that needs to be filled…
But you do not own a dildo, nor any sex toy. Ah, shit. Groaning, you reach towards the bedside dresser for the nearest thing that you think could service you: a hairbrush with a long, rounded handle.
Impatiently you work in the handle into your hungry sex; it slides inside effortlessly. Slowly you start thrusting it in and out of you; your hand guides it so it hits that spot every time you plunge the brush handle inside your cunt.
In your mind’s eye you see Vyn on top of you, with your legs wrapped around his waist; him panting as he drives his hard cock inside you over and over.
The imagery turns you on so much that your other hand now slides down from your breast to rub at your clit furiously as you fuck yourself with the hairbrush handle. And in your imagination, all you can see is Vyn, Vyn who looks at you with lust-filled eyes; Vyn whose wonderful-sounding moans and whispers of your name fill your mind.
Your hands fuck and rub your cunt in a frenzy; slowly you feel tendrils of white-hot pleasure spread from your loins, yet the moment where you go over the edge comes suddenly and you shout Vyn’s name over and over in your bedroom, as you come undone by your fingers and around the handle of your hairbrush…
Vyn’s Victorian-themed mansion is conveniently connected to the NXX Headquarters; it does not take you more than a couple of minutes to finally emerge from the cellar to the brightly-lit living room where Vyn says he keeps his first aid kit and medicine cabinet.
The doctor gestures towards one of the plush chairs. “Take a seat, please,” he says. And as soon as you settle down, looking like a trapped mouse with nowhere to go, Vyn bends over to once again gauge your temperature by placing his fingers upon your forehead. “Low-grade fever,” he murmurs again.
He also peers closely into your eyes. Is he trying to suss out something?
And his facial expression is now poker-faced, unreadable. You cannot help but fidget under his intense, probing stare. Damn it. Any longer and he’ll probably find out, you think, especially since you cannot stamp out the furious blushing that blooms every time he gets into close proximity, or whenever he touches you.
“Rosa,” he says as he takes the seat next to yours. “I may give you paracetamol right now, but I feel that the low-grade fever is caused by something that a pill cannot hope to address.” Vyn’s voice deepens, his champagne-gold eyes holding your gaze. “Would you tell your close friend what is bothering you?”
Oh god. He is definitely on to me.
You squirm in your seat as you unconsciously wring your hands.
“Rosa?” Vyn now tips his head to the side inquiringly. “Or is the problem…something to do with me?”
You gasp, and you shake your head a little too vigorously. “NO! Uh, no! Not you Dr. Richter, most definitely not!” You sputter the words out, rapid fire. “Ahaha. Um.”
And then your voice trails off, leaving a very awkward moment of silence in its wake.
Vyn sighs, but with a small smile playing upon his lips. “I would rather that you be honest with me,” he says, tone resigned. “But with the way you say it, you sound like a young girl with a crush on her teacher.”
You freeze on the spot, and Vyn notices.
After some thought Vyn shifts a little closer to you, and reaches out to touch your arm. His eyes closely watch your reaction; as gooseflesh flare up and your blush deepens his tiny little hunch is confirmed.
“...for me,” he murmurs in a voice so soft it is almost inaudible, like a personal prayer. “You have…feelings for me?”
Somehow, you imagine you see a flicker of pleading in his eyes, but it is gone all too soon.
“Rosa,” he says. “Please. I am sorry for sounding presumptuous, or forceful,” Vyn takes in a deep breath, as if to steel himself. “I would like to know if you do have feelings for me. You can deny, and I shall quickly drop this conversation and pretend it never happened. On my word.”
And when you look at him, you can see nothing but Vyn with his eyes full of barely-hidden anticipation.
Is it possible…?
“Dr. Richter, if, hypothetically speaking,” you begin, hesitatingly, “...If I do have a crush on you. Um.” you unknowingly wring your hands once again, and this does not escape Vyn’s observant gaze. “This would be a problem at work, right?”
“Hahaha,” a small laugh escapes Vyn’s lips. “Not necessarily. The members of the NXX Investigations Team are all of equal footing; there should be little to no conflict of interest should relationships form between members. So,” Vyn once again poses the question. “Please, tell me what you feel about me.” A pause. “Again, this is just between you and me, and let me know if you feel this conversation is uncomfortable for you. I will drop it if so.”
You bite your lip. Should I come clean now?
The way Vyn poses the question makes it sound that he is likely to reciprocate, but–
Then you look at him, really look at him, and you notice the way Vyn is staring at you with such hope.
Well, if Dr. Richter says it's okay, then it’s probably okay, you think before you take the leap of faith.
“Yeah. I’ve had a crush on you for a long while now, Dr. Richter.” Your voice once again trails off into awkward, deafening, silence.
You try to pass off your crush obsession as a small, funny, inconsequential thing with a sheepish laugh. “Haha.” But Vyn’s now fervid gaze kills that attempt dead.
Vyn breathes a small sigh of relief.
Yet another question comes from him. “And is there a specific reason you are being a little too distracted today?”
“Um, I really do not think you’d like the answer to that question, Dr. Richter,”
Oh shit. Come on.
“Try me.” Vyn flashes you a small smile. “Because after what you just told me, I will double my efforts in wooing you, until I make you say yes in becoming my lover.”
“I’m sorry, Dr. Richter. Run that by me again?”
Vyn shifts in his seat, his weight on the armrest nearest you as he leans in closer. “In case you were not paying attention during our little outings, Rosa. I,” He reaches out to trace the outline of your lips with his fingertip, then kisses the same fingertip with reverence. “...am enamored with you. Hence I am telling you now, outright: I am pursuing you.”
You gasp, and your mind blanks out at that sweet, sweet moment. Your head swims in light-headedness, but you catch yourself before your body pitches forward, stunned.
He takes one of your hands, cradling it with both of his own. “Relentlessly.” Vyn–as he holds your gaze–gently lifts your trembling hand to his lips, planting a reverent kiss on your knuckle.
But there’s no need to do all that song and dance, right? You think, as soon as you recover your wits. No need.
“Dr. Richter. I don’t think you should pursue me,” you tell him, your voice oddly cool and calm.
“Oh, why so?” Vyn looks at you with that maddening knowing smile of his.
The cheek.
“Because,” you take a deep breath. “You already have me.”
“Really.” Vyn drops his smile. “Are you sure?”
Ugh. Why does he have to make me spell out everything?
All of a sudden a strange, unnerving smile spreads across his face.
Vyn laughs quietly. “Hahaha, oh Rosa, Rosa,” he stands up, gathering you into his arms. “Rosa, my little pet,” his whisper comes soft, alluring. “If you only knew,” he breathes as he nuzzles your neck, “If you only knew.” His arms coil tightly around you, and he starts to pepper small, ardent kisses on your face, neck, and he eventually settles on giving you the best French kiss you have ever received in your life.
His embrace feels like you’ve belonged there for ages, and yet this is the first time the doctor has ever held you this close, not even when he grabbed you to safety in that rickety drawbridge where you called to him for help.
“If you only knew, how much you occupy my thoughts,” Vyn says as he breathes heavily, after pulling away from the kiss. “Rosa, I think I understand what has been plaguing you of late.” Another grin spreads on his face, devilish this time. “You have been fantasizing about us?”
You freeze in his arms, mortified.
He lets out a dark chuckle. “There is nothing wrong about having fantasies, pet,” he says with a self-satisfied grin. “It is only when they are translated into action can the fantasies be exposed to judgment. And in your case, the fantasies…get in the way of your work.”
He plants a wet kiss on your nape, sending you shuddering in his arms. “And so, to help you along with your current predicament…”
He dips down to nibble your ear, making you squirm and moan, to his utter delight.
“...would you like to play a little game that would let us get to know each other,”
He softly blows into your ear, teasing you, and laughs a little when you moan in surprise. ”In an intimate manner, of course.”
“Oh god,” is all you can say in the face of what will eventually turn out to be his deep, dark obsession over you.
The both of you do not bother undressing yet even as you make out on his bed. Oh god. This is really happening, you realize as Vyn gropes your breasts through the fabric of your blouse. This is really happening.
He is slotted between your legs, the both of you still fully clothed–him still donning the white coat of his research center uniform–yet you can feel him press his all-too-obvious erection against the dampening crotch of your panties covering your swollen, wet, aroused cunt.
You feel his hands undo the buttons of your blouse, as he distracts you with yet another deep kiss that totally blows your fantasies out of the water. Vyn’s kisses blaze like fires of sin, all-consuming and depraved. You now feel silly for even feeling guilty about masturbating over him; this man has probably done the same over you, and more.
He parts your blouse as soon as he is done, exposing your bra-covered breasts, “Do you want to play the game I mentioned earlier?” he asks as he dips down to tongue your collarbone. “You may find it…cathartic.”
There’s only one answer to that question, and you tell him thus, “Yes. Yes–ah! Of course…”
“I am glad,” Vyn says as he extricates himself from the heated embrace to sit up on the bed. “The game…fosters honesty and communication,” his voice somehow switches to the one he uses during lectures, “As such, I recommend it.” He then smiles at you amiably. “Would you like to know the rules?”
You are still catching your breath after Vyn’s relentless kissing, and so you merely nod.
“Simply put, my pet,” Vyn’s voice once again lowers to a more sultry, sensual quality. “You tell me your fantasies, as explicitly as you can.”
Your eyes widen, horrified at the thought.
“...and I shall enact them, to your specifications.” He licks his lips, “Simple enough, yes?”
Upon seeing your embarrassed reactions Vyn lets out a soft laugh once again, as he lets his fingers brush lightly upon the wet crotch of your panties. “Honesty…is amply rewarded, you may be pleased to find out,” he murmurs as he lets a fingertip flick your stiffened clit through the fabric of your underwear.
Shuddering, you let out a moan after that one flick of his finger sends you moaning in delight.
“There is more pleasure to be had if you tell me, explicitly, what you fantasize about when you…hmm.” He grins once more. “Do you masturbate, while thinking about us?”
You breath hitches at his shameless question.
“Well?” he lightly rubs at your clit with his fingers, coaxing a reply out of you.
“Y-yes!” you manage to power through the exquisite sensations threatening to overflow from your pussy. “Yes. I masturbated to you last night,” you bite your lip as you finally own up to your deed. “Which is why I’m so damn distracted today.”
“Ohoh, so you finally admit it.” Vyn lies down next to you once again, nuzzling your hair as his hand idly runs over your body. “Was it good? Did you come thinking of me last night?”
His voice is now more breathy and erotic. “Tell me, what did you think about as you pleasured yourself?”
“You were kissing me on the neck…” You begin, kicking off Vyn’s little game. “Licking me, sometimes…ahn..!”
Vyn wastes no time emulating your words. He rolls over on top of you, his lips latching onto the sensitive spot in your neck just underneath your jaw; his tongue flicking over your skin every so often. “Like this?” he murmurs against your gooseflesh-covered skin. “Tell me if I am doing it wrong.”
“Oh shit,” you moan as Vyn’s lips travel from one side of your neck to the other, his tongue leaving a heated, wet trail of his saliva. “Ah damn, so good…”
Indeed, this exercise blows your poor, overwhelmed mind, and you have barely even started.
“What next, pet? What did you imagine me doing to you?”
Might as well. “Vyn, your fingers…”
Vyn hums in approval. “What about my fingers…?”
“Touching my face…then down to my breast…” You let out a small hiss as Vyn’s fingers run across your lips, and one of them slips into your mouth, touching your tongue.
“Mmph…” you suck on his finger in your mouth, and you hear Vyn let out a soft gasp.
“Good girl,” he whispers as he pulls out his finger. Sensuously his digits glide to a bra-covered breast, and his fingertips settle just underneath your soft swell. “Shall I?”
You nod wordlessly, thoroughly in too deep to refuse your Dr. Richter.
Given permission, both of his hands slip underneath your brassiere. You can hear his breath hitch, then become shallow and heavy as he hungrily gropes your breasts, his fingers feeling and testing out your full heft. “You are so beautiful,” he whispers, letting his palm brush against your nipples. “So beautiful.”
And you also feel good. Your nipples harden to sensitive peaks underneath his hands, and your back arches, pressing your breasts even closer against his palms.
“Well?” Vyn now huffs as he slides your bra upwards to fully free your soft mounds. “What else did I do to you in your fantasies?”
“B-between my legs…down there…” you begin, but it sounds so lewd and dirty that you don’t even know how to begin describing the act.
“Down here?” Vyn now slips his hand underneath the garter of your underwear, his fingers barely touching your wet cunt. “Tell me, what did you imagine me doing to your sex as you masturbated to me?”
Your breath hitches once again, yet nothing comes out of your lips when you try to speak.
Chuckling softly, Vyn decides to help you put your fantasies to words. He leans over to plant a kiss on your cheek, then whispers, “Did you imagine me doing something like this to you, down there?” He then proceeds to lick your cheek, his tongue running up and down your heated skin, simulating cunnilingus.
You moan loudly. “Damn it,” you whimper, totally defeated. “Yes! I was imagining you eating me out.”
Vyn smiles against your cheek. “No need to be embarrassed…it is me you are talking to.” He moves towards the foot of his bed, and pulls you closer to him by the thighs. “I shall be taking this off now,” he says as he hitches his thumbs into the garter of your cornflower-blue panties, slipping them off your legs in one swift motion.
Your lower half is now totally naked and exposed.
As Vyn dips down, your legs draped over his shoulders you feel his hot breath caressing your cunt, but he does not eat you out yet.
He merely presses a small kiss on your drenched sex. “Tell me, describe to me explicitly how I am performing oral sex on you.” You can practically feel his lips grinning against your pussy. “And I will do it to the utmost of my abilities.”
“You’re teasing me, Dr. Richter!”
“This is a game, after all.” comes his fast reply. “Well? Your directions, pet?”
You gulp nervously, then, “Lick me there. Please.”
Vyn then proceeds to lick your slit, from the base to the crest of your clitoris. “In this manner?” he asks.
“Yes!” you moan. “Please, Vyn, more, please…”
“As you wish,” he murmurs as he continues licking you, his hot tongue running stripes from the bottom of your cunt upwards, making sure to treat your clit with a firm flick at the end of every lick.
He’s doing it. He’s really doing it! Your breath comes in urgent huffs at this point; your fingers dig deep into his silken bed sheets as his tongue pushes you even closer to the brink, one lick at a time. Your gaze flits to the silver haired head settling down between your thighs–the very same image that you were fantasizing about last night–and the sight turns you on so much that you drive your head deeper into his pillows, your back arching…
Vyn pauses to ask, “Should I keep doing only this? Or,”
You feel a fingertip probing the entrance leading inside your wet, throbbing flesh. “Should I also make use of my fingers?”
“Oh god,” you moan aloud again. “Yes!”
Then two of his long, slender fingers work their way inside you; Vyn switches up the licking in favor of now outright sucking your clit.
Your toes now curl, and you melt into a sobbing mess all over Vyn’s bedsheets as he starts fucking you steadily with his fingers; they fill you so well that the hair brush handle from last night becomes a pisspoor option that you are never coming back to.
“Vyn, Vyn,” you chant, finally calling him by name. “Vyn, please…more,” you whimper as your hips grind against his mouth and hand. “Feels so good…”
His lips briefly let go of your clit, letting the stiffened end of his tongue pay special attention in its place with tiny flicks over its tip. His tongue now works vigorously on your clit, while his exquisite fingers drive in and out of your cunt; the delicious friction of his digits against your hungry, touch-starved flesh pushing you even further towards the brink…
“Vyn,” you finally breathe out. “I’m about to…come…”
“Then let go, pet,” he whispers in between licks. His voice beckoning you to orgasm is gentle, soft, and downright erotic. “Come for me.”
And then it overtakes you, yet again, that immense wave of pleasure that begins from your lower core, sending electric jolts of pure sensation that sends your body thrumming in bliss. “Oh god. That was…that was…”
Vyn gives your pussy one last long lick, before climbing back up next to you again. “Was that to your liking?” He hums as he pulls you into a deep kiss, your tongues sliding against each other, him letting you taste your juices still hanging from his tongue, lips, and chin. “Does it meet your expectations?”
“Blown out of the water,” is all you could say as you curl up against him. You are about to close your eyes to rest, but Vyn tips your chin upwards, prompting you to look at him.
“I do not suppose we are done already?” Vyn says with a lopsided grin. “Do you not want…” he takes one of your hands, pressing it against his erection. “This?”
You gasp, more at how boldly Dr. Vyn Richter is inviting you to actual intercourse. This is not one of the usual situations you fantasize about, but right now the image of him looking at you with a come-hither look in his eyes, as he lets you hold his considerable erection through his pants is now permanently filed in your brain for future use.
“Then tell me, tell me how I fuck you in your fantasies,” Vyn purrs as he sits up to undo his belt and the buttons of his trousers. “I shall make it come true, as much as I can.”
“Nothing special. I just imagine you…railing me hard.” You gulp nervously. “You on top of me.”
As he pulls his trousers down he asks, “Do you use toys to aid you…?”
Why is he asking? “I don’t have toys,” you admit. “But my fingers aren’t enough…”
“Do you use something to penetrate yourself when touching yourself?”
A fierce blush blooms on your face as you look away. “...A hairbrush. Its handle,” you mumble.
“A brush handle,” he repeats, his thumbs now riding the garter of his briefs. “As long as it is not wooden, then it should be fine,” he says. “But…look at me, Rosa,” he beckons. “Look at me.”
And when you finally do look at him you gasp at the sight of his equipment, stiff and proud underneath his waistcoat that he did not bother taking off.
You wonder if you could take him, and still come out of the coupling intact.
He laughs at seeing where your eyes are trained towards. “Look at me,” he repeats. “I am going to request something of you.”
And so you tear your gaze away from Vyn’s delectable cock, and towards his gently smiling face.
“This time, I am asking you to perform a fantasy of mine. Would you indulge me?” he says as he kneels between your legs, his hands gripping your thighs to pull you closer to him.
“What is it?”
The smile on his face is eclipsed by something darker in nature, yet his lips are still curved upwards in a grin. “It is nothing of much consequence,” he says. “I just want you to tell me you are mine. As I fuck you. Over and over.” The small smile on his lips widens; he is turned out by the idea. “Could you do this for me?”
“Mm. Sounds easy enough,” you nod.
Vyn then licks his lips. “Wonderful,” is all he says as he rubs the tip of his cock by your entrance. “I shall take what is mine now.”
His incredibly possessive words leave you breathless.
When he starts to enter you, it is a bittersweet moment: it is the best thing that ever happened to you–the best thing that will ever fuck you–and nothing will ever come close; you are, therefore, ruined for everyone, everything else that isn’t Vyn.
No more coherent words are spoken for the next few minutes; Vyn takes his time thrusting inside you deeper and deeper, letting your inner flesh acclimatize with his girth. Oh damn, it’s even better than I expected. Indeed, nothing can come close, and not even your imagination could come up with how perfectly Vyn stretches you and fills you up inside.
And his moans. The soft, needy sounds that escape his lips. You cannot believe that the moans come from the same man who delivers speeches and lectures that everyone in the audience hangs onto every word.
His lips, that are now raw and red with all of the kissing that you have done…
“Rosa, hngh–” he grunts as he makes that final thrust that sends him fully hilted inside.
Dammit. Vyn is inside me. He’s inside me, I can’t believe it–is the last coherent string of thought that passes your brain before he fucks you.
Vyn braces himself over you, his arms propping him up on your either side. “Remember my request, pet,” is what he says before he leans in for a deep kiss.
As he starts to move everything else in the room that isn’t you nor him no longer seems to matter; the only thing that matters at this point is the man ramming his cock inside you, over and over, chasing his release. He chants your name, this man who you also call Dr. Richter, this man who wears the respected doctor’s garb that is now ruined and debauched with how he dons his entire uniform while he fucks you truly and thoroughly senseless.
Before your thoughts turn to mush with the repeated pounding of flesh against flesh you remember his request. “Nnngh–Vyn,” your voice comes out strangled as Vyn rails you hard, driving you further into the silken bedsheets. “I’m yours–”
“Say it again!” Vyn demands, sweat beading along his brow with sheer exertion, the salt fluid dripping onto your cheek. “Tell me!”
“I’m yours, Vyn Richter, no one else's!” you cry out loud, managing a straight string of words this time. “Yours!” His pummeling inside you turns even harder, faster. “Yours!”
“Hnngh–yes, mine, and mine only!” Vyn quickly gathers you into his arms as he drives his cock into you one last time before he loses himself inside your flesh; his cock filling your cunt with his come as he ravages your lips with ravenous hungry kisses that seek to truly mark you as only his.
You somehow manage to be at least functional in the next NXX meeting. Artem was told–with Vyn’s corroboration–that your inattention of late was only caused by lack of sleep, and should be addressed with ample rest and nutrients.
And so all is well.
You decide to stay in the Headquarters after the other three have left.
“How is my Rosa?” Vyn asks you as soon as he confirms that all of them have left the premises. “Come sit on my lap?”
Vyn is still seated by the head of the conference table; the idea of being this intimate at work somehow feels a little bit naughty, and it never fails to turn you on.
Obediently you perch on his lap, coiling your arms around his neck. “I’m okay. Just missing you, I suppose,” are all the words you could say before he shuts you up by slipping his tongue in your mouth. “Mhm.”
“Did you receive the package the other day?” he asks with an impish grin as soon as he pulls away from the torrid kiss.
“I didn’t expect to get those, Vyn, especially from you!” you exclaim.
You are just grateful that you heeded Vyn’s warning never to open the package he sent you the other day in the office; when you finally got round to unboxing it in the comfort of your little apartment you were greeted with a few sex toys: a couple of which you need to look up on how to use them.
“I remember you saying you pleasured yourself using the handle of a hair brush,” Vyn says as he lazily nuzzles your neck. “I cannot in good conscience not procure for you options that are safer and better.”
“I can’t believe you can say something like that with a straight face, Vyn.” You let out a sigh as he nips the sensitive skin on your neck. “Especially about a dildo and a vibrator and whatever that other thing is.”
“Ahh, Rosa, my Rosa,” Vyn murmurs as he tips your face towards his, a languid smile on his face. “Should you desire me, you can always call. I will be there.”
“Oh god. Dr. Vyn Richter is in my booty call speed dial.”
The conference room is filled with Vyn’s laughter.
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