#NSR Mystery Man
glamourpop77 · 2 months
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Part 2/2 of my nsr oc references, this one is more head canons than actual ocs but I feel it still counts
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hiya-im-mary · 11 months
So I finally found out about that whiteboard Webiste everyone uses…
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Random thought,but I think it would be cool if Mystery Man was like this urban legend,or boogeyman type figure to those of Vinyl City!! To those who haven’t seen his mural in NSR tower,he’s basically a rumour!!
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instantartific · 2 years
A bit self indulgent ask, but how would the other NSR charters react to MM, or any MM headcanons :)<
Your mysterious man coming right up, my friend.
I have a few general headcanons off the top of my head!
ও Mystery Man Headcanons
I see a couple parallels between him and Tatiana, so I want to push that possible relationship they may have, just based off the portrait.
Tatiana's fire, she's passionate, she's intense. He's not. He's slower. He sits back and waits. He's patient. He can do just as much damage, you'll just have to wait a little bit longer for it.
Fire overpowers. It destroys. Water consumes. And eventually, if there's enough of it, it makes you give in. No one can hold their breath forever.
Tatiana is like... volcanic rock forged from a raging inferno. She gets set alight and blazes. He's the sediment at the bottom of the ocean. Always moving. Always changing. Never still.
He either can't speak at all, and when he tries to, only a sort of... the static from the sound of an old radio comes out. Or he can speak, but his voice is a jumbled mess of those changing stations. It's not his own. It's bits and pieces of someone else's.
Much rathers to be the "hand behind it all" more so than show his face, so to speak. If he had a "battle," you'd have to chase him while he keeps trying to put distance between you with crashing currents. He'd refuse to fight you head on until you give him no other choice. Think DK West's battle, but you're chasing him through dark, extremely similar tunnels. Either he's being cowardly, or just biding his time to fill every other exit before finally flushing you out.
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cuddledot · 4 months
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Just a headcanon/idea, let me cook guys.
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gamebunny-advance · 6 months
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Doodle Dump: NSR Edition
It's been a while since I've posted a doodle dump. I guess I finally grew a sense of shame and wanted to stop posting all this bad unfinished art.
But, turns out it went away again, so here they are. I'll make another dump full of OC and misc in a bit. Thoughts and notes under the cut as per usual.
1: "Peanuts". For some reason I titled the file "peanuts" but I don't know why. They don't look like any Peanuts characters I know. This was a style test for a comic I wanted to draw, but never finished. But I MIGHT finish it someday, so I haven't included it in the doodle dump.
2: "Lovefool". Something I doodled around Valentine's day, I think. Pretty sure this can go without explanation.
3: "Young Kliff Diagram". Some ideas I had for young!Kliff. Hopefully my handwriting is legible, 'cus I'm in no mood to re-write all that right now.
4-5: "Yinu & 1010 Age Swap". Self-explanatory. I don't love either of these. I think the rose pattern pants on Yinu is kinda childish still, but I don't know where else to put the pattern~ Little 1010 is kinda cute, but he's not great.
6: Hello Kitty DJSS. After the "3 Apples Tall" doodle I did a while back, I started to like the idea that DJSS is just an unabashed fan of Hello Kitty (I think there's a specific word for that, but I don't remember what it is). Tbh, if NSR (the company) did have an actual Sanrio collab, I think Eve would probably get Hello Kitty since she's their top charter, but I also think DJSS would beg to take Hello Kitty as his collab partner.
7: "GG & MM" A doodle I did around the time of the "Gigi is a spy" discussion.
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whatudottu · 1 year
Not sure if this has been brought up before, but I don’t think that there’s that significant of a secret behind the mural man. LIke? Apparently the political figures of Vinyl City are determined not by public voting (alone) or running for candidacy, but through the Lights Up competition for a combination of 1) completing the arena, 2) ‘lighting up’ the stage as the competition implies, and 3) passing the final vote from the NSRtists and the Head. If there was only 5 musicians and a head with NO vacancies, why would any of the Charters vote ‘yes’ to the contestant/s if there’s a risk in getting replaced?
I would think that the mural man filled in that 6th artist slot present even on DJ Subatomic Supernova’s satellite, and I suppose the mystery then would be if their absence was either through retiring, quitting or simply the end of their term as a Charter. Like, instead of an election season or whatever, Vinyl City holds Lights Up Auditions during a set period during that 6th Charter’s crossover or something; on the satellite again, it’s not as if we see the mural man’s name in 6th (we see Bunk Bed Junction’s), maybe they’re already gone or are archiving stuff from their district. Does Tatiana temporarily hold ‘charter’ to the district? Does she hold the platinum disc until a new position is filled? Is Festival Plaza that district that once had mural man as a Charter? Do you think with the Rock Revolution and the subsequent approval of indie bands that the position was left empty or even completely abolished?
idk, lmao-
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starlightfallz · 1 month
💙Cold and cool like Neptune, Azure is here💙
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I figured I should start introducing the starstrike members! But here’s azure my nsr au / oc design of purl-hew. His reference on the right is made by my friend Murky_meows!
Some information about him:
-  He shines brighter than any star in the sky and his radiance shines all through the galaxy. He's the third member of the newly former intergalactic boyband Starstrike and is the third oldest of the group.  He pilots the Starship that they live on! 
- Like Neptune he's ice cold, an air of mystery surrounds him alluring fans all across space who can seem to get enough of this illusive robot. He's the designated cool guy of the group for sure, often hiding how he truly feels behind shades. Others may see him as quiet and calculating, judgemental and intimating but really he's a man with a piercing diamond stare that will chill you to the bone, but his words are the sweetest of them all. 
- Sure, he may be quiet and quite the observer but in actuality he just struggles with voicing how he really feels. Introverted and hiding behind the facade of this cool guy guise. His core frozen over by the overwhelming power of ice. Walled up his heart, how could he learn to love when he's never known how? Will the fire of your love ignite and thaw out his heart? Will you melt away the walls of fear he's built so high? 
NSR in space? 1010 being intergalactic space defenders ? More to come soon (maybe..)
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ostrichmonkey-games · 2 months
Let's hear your answers to the Hierophant and the Hanged Man! You choose the specific questions c:
Hierophant: What is a piece of popular wisdom about games you think is nonsense?
Not so much nonsense, but I've got a lot of thoughts about playtesting! Playtesting can be very useful (but also isn't a one-size fits all kind of tool), but I think it's way harder to do that some people make it out to be. So, just diving into playtesting and saying "hey! try this game out!" probably isn't going to be very helpful because you might not have any idea what feedback you're actually looking for, and whoever is playtesting probably doesn't know what feedback is going to be useful to you right now.
I think you need to approach a playtest like you're designing an experiment. What's your hypothesis? What data are you trying to collect? How are you going to collect and then analyze that data?
In my opinion, I think first trying to playtest different "slices" of your game at earlier stages to see if different components work is good place to start. Start with having specific questions you want to answer in mind. Does this mechanic work? Does using these dice feel fun? So on and so forth
Also, if you do go for a larger pool of playtesters, make sure you have some context as to their own gaming experiences, or other ways you can "flag" feedback as more useful or less useful.
I could probably turn this into a longer post, but tl;dr, be very careful, prepared, and specific with what kind of playtesting feedback you're looking like (unless the main feedback is just "does this literally work at the table" lol).
Hanged Man: What current trends in game design are you most interested in?
I don't know how current it is, but;
I'm having a blast getting into the nitty gritty of Forged in the Dark.
Also having a blast diving more into NSR/OSR design Stuff.
I think poking around different design spheres and trying to mash stuff together is just a lot of fun. Like for example, I'm doing some early work on implementing a lot of procedural generation stuff you might see in an OSR sandbox into a Forged in the Dark game (which honestly, a match made in heaven). I'm also starting to poke at combining the mystery resolution approach in stuff like Apocalypse Keys with some sort of "hex crawl" idea.
It's fun stuff!
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abloomingsunflower · 9 months
Meet Snowflake!
[E.L.A oc's go brrrr-..]
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[I haven't introduced her yet so- I'm doing it now. This is her official design because I wasn't sure about the old one-]
Basic information:
Snowflake is Albedo's adopted daughter, who apparently can control winter. But she can't control her ice power very well, which results in little accidents to happen often. Hope is training her.
She's 18 years old, a month younger than Lux, 5'6 ft tall and enjoys reading Marvel comics.
Snow is a menace to society/aff
She is Lux's non-blood related long lost twin/j/nsrs
Snowflake is a descendant of Quetzalcoatl, the deity of war. Corr.Nightmare tried to kill her once he found out about her existence. The girl fought back as best she could but was quickly overpowered. Luckily she was saved from "an mysterious winged lady".
Now Snowflake is striving to control her power better and learn more about her ancestor.
(Fun fact: Her real name is Estelle. Snowflake is just a nickname.)
It's unknown who her parents are or where they are. But Snow never bothered to find that out.
"They abandoned me, whoever they are. Valid reason or not, I'm better off without them right? I'm sure they must've thought the same. My life is fine as it is, I already have an amazing adoptive father."
Snowflake is actually a part of Quetzalcoatl's soul, his will. All those years ago when he died, a part of him refused to give up. He refused to succumb to the fatal wounds. He refused to let his kingdom fall in the hands of his enemy.
So that strong determination caused a part of his soul to separate from it's owner. It reincarnated as different people over the years, while Quetzalcoatl wandered the earth as a spirit.
Now, Snowflake is the current reincarnation.
Only when Corr.Nightmare gets killed and the kingdom is free, Quetzalcoatl will finally rest and his will shall return to him.
-Summoning weapons made out of ice.
-Manipulating the weather.
-Control over ice in general.
-Can survive just fine in extremely cold temperatures.
-Can sense and distinguish people's different auras, including the dead's. (But she can't see the dead, which makes it difficult to guess who it is. She can find out from the aura alone if the spirit is a threat or not.)
-Can create snow giants and creatures.
[Will be updated.]
Her opinion on the people she knows:
"We met when I tried to run away from the orphanage. Then as I went further and further away, I bumped into him. He asked me why was I crying, and he comforted me. He took me back to the orphanage and on the way we were talking and getting along. When we arrived, he told the caretaker he wanted to adopt me. Much to my own surprise. Now here we are. He's actually a very supportive dad, the kind of dad everyone would want, to be honest. No matter what, he always thinks about me first. He comforted me when I cried, defended me on arguments, never turned a blind eye on me, and even gives great advice. He is the reason I'm happy."
"That baker my dad likes so much. His pastries are awesome! He's a nice guy, really. I genuinely think him and Albedo would make a good couple, I mean- Have you seen the way they look at eachother?? They NEED to get together already, I swear to god-"
"I love and respect uncle, but- Someone needs to teach him how to be less oblivious of your surroundings. He's blind when it comes to love, and I can tell he would be an easy target to manipulate..- I noticed he looks down sometimes, maybe because of his marriage?"
"The second most beautiful woman? Her? Are you kidding me? Ink is nice and all but not only does her sense in fashion suck, she's also kinda dumb. I'm just being honest! She's a mother, a grown ass woman, yet she's almost never by her husband's or kids' side, or anywhere near the castle. I swear I saw her in a bar drinking once. No, twice. That second time there was a strange man with her. I just kept walking to avoid being seen by her."
"We only really meet when uncle Dream invites me and dad over. Sometimes we talk. Lux told me he used to bully her and frame her for things she didn't do when they were younger. Even now, he's doing some pretty bad stuff. But he looks..Well. Miserable. I almost feel bad for him sometimes. Maybe he is getting his stress out on her? Anywho I can only suggest one thing for him: Therapy. And I will drag him there by the feet if I have to."
"We're complete polar opposites, and still get along just fine. I can't help but see her like a sister I never had. She's got everything! Is a princess, does nice things, is rich and lucky in lottery, has amazing dresses, has a handsome fiancée, is famous and all, and she's very pretty! Like, damn!- I think she really deserves all those. I'm glad she's not like those corrupt rich people, she actually donates to charities and orphanages. I look up to her a lot. In fact, I want to be like her."
"Miss Hope is the one training me and Lux's fiancée. They are so skilled..! It's hard to keep up with them sometimes during sparring. They've beat me countless times.. But I won't give up there! No way in hell. This is to get revenge on that bastard for nearly murdering me.."
"Him and Lux seem perfect, to be honest. We get along very well. I've read almost all the books he wrote. He's like an older brother to me. Apparently, he wants to be a wizard. He's trying to make fire, like Miss Hope. Though..once I accidentally froze him- I don't understand how it happened, I was just patting his shoulder and then BAM! Thank god we had Miss Hope and their fire. I apologized so much that day..I'm still embarrassed."
"..I've heard about that guy. Isn't that the one that can see spirits? I think he could help me, something with a powerful aura has been following me around for days on end and I need answers."
"She's that famous singer, and Merciless' little sister. Not gonna lie, she makes amazing music..I listen to it all the time. Some of her songs are calming and perfect for reading. She's also Palette's best friend. I think these two are in love, even their fans are making rumors about them being together-"
"She used to make fun of me and bother me at every chance she got. Along with that group of fans- Until..well, I snapped one day. I caused a snow storm, since I felt overwhelmed. It blew everyone away but her. I think I shoved her away after that, but then realized I didn't die. At first I thought 'Maybe it's my power', until I found out from Idiotka that a grim reaper's soulmate doesn't die from their touch. ..Nothing is confirmed yet. Because apparently Lux and Palette didn't die from Goth's touch either. This situation is very confusing. Anyways, we became friends in hopes of finding out. All we do is hang out and gossip about every single thing we can think of. It's actually nice being around Idiotka.."
"Can you believe Artemis speaks good about a moron like that? He clearly didn't think twice before deciding to attempt murdering a little girl, so why should I feel sympathy for a tyrant? I still remember his face... ... He scares me. What if I fail to kill him?"
"I don't believe she chose to marry him on her own will. What kind of psycho would?? I feel bad for her. She's very pretty too."
"Isn't that the priest in that one church..? I dunno, I'm not religious. So I don't visit churches at all. But his face reminds me so much of that bastard.."
"My ancestor! I'm gonna call him grandpa, it's easier. Man, I wish I could meet him.. Idiotka took me to this secret library and I've been studying about his history. I have to say, I admire him even more now. As I read all those history books, I pictured the sceneries of the old kingdom in my head. For some reason, everything described there feels so familiar.."
Fun facts:
-She's allergic to chocolate, so she is always eating fruit pastries or vanilla. She found that out when she once tried chocolate cake in Cross' café.
-Snowflake is a fan of horror games and movies, even playing with Goth sometimes.
-She never really had real friends until she met Goth. Snow only had a small group of online friends.
-Albedo's nickname for her is "Tuna", which Snow is always complaining about.
-Snowflake always wondered about the identity of the winged woman who saved her that day. She wishes to thank her.
-She has a true/guardian form <3
-She is the key to Surprise Ending in Sunflower AU.
[If she interacts with Angst and Angst decides to tell her about the timelines, the two of them will try to make Cross and Hope tell the truth to everyone and the game will end.]
Evil Lux AU and all the characters made by @anotherrosesthatfell <33
Snowflake belongs to me.
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buzzbuzzhon3y · 10 months
Imagine if you will...
An NSR investigation game where you play as an investigator in Vinyl City (maybe an oc or even the Mystery Man?), and you investigate various cases.
I have some ideas, they probably ain't the best but...
1: Someone destroys multiple of Eves art pieces, including the bottle heart one she made with Zuke in the past.
2: A pair of criminals commit multiple crimes around Vinyl City, and Mayday and Zuke are the main suspects. While it cant be disproven just yet, its pretty clear these criminals are trying to frame B2J.
3: The middle and youngest 1010's, Zimelu and Haym, sneak out of Barraca Mansion one night (they snuck out to get presents for Neon J's birthday) and end up in the wrong place at the wrong time. Now they are the main suspects of a major theft.
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anger-ey · 1 year
Has a mom, dad, and two younger sisters. She grew up in Natura in a pretty high-up family, dad is a finance worker in the nsr building and mom is part of the Natura management. They were quite strict, only showing their support for rock when it was more stable in vinyl city, but now prefer her sisters' enjoyment for EDM. As she got older, she clashed with them, and eventually left their home when she dropped out of college. She hasn't spoken to them, but does talk to her sisters.
Has a Mom and Dad, with west obviously. He isn't from vinyl city, but a kampung on the outskirts, though it still was under nsr's domain. His kampung (and many others) faced the worst of the blackouts because of their distance from the city and their limited resources, so everyone there is a bit weary of nsr. His family is quite large, and they all have shadow puppets. His mom is a second-generation jamacian immigrant.
DJSS //tw toxic parent
Raised by a single mom. His whole childhood, she would lecture him about him mattering in the world and making great art to make her proud. She essentially only praised him when he made very impressive music, and was ashamed of him when he quit his teaching career. She has recently remarried, has a wife now.
Sayu kids
keeping it simple bc there's so many of them Tila has a single dad and three older sisters, remi is an only child with a mom and dad, Dodo is a single child with a single mom (taken from a friennd mwahaha), and sofa has a mom and dad, and older brother.
We know who her parents are, so grandparents. Yinu's mom has 4 older sisters, and the whole family are plant people. Mama's mother is dominican, and her father is malay. Yinu's dad, on the other hand, has a younger sister and was mainly raised by his mother and mystery man. His father was a fauna person (wereanimal), his mother was a plant person. his dad is mexican and his mom is dominican-malay. (Taken from a friend mwahahaha)
Neon J
He had a single mom and littler sister. Growing up, he was the self-appointed man of the house (though he was born a girl), which contributed to his heroic tendencies. Learned to make toys to comfort his sister. He hasn't seen her or their mother in decades, and he doesn't know where they are.
Eve //toxic parent, ableism
Grew up relatively rich with a mom and dad. Her dad was laid-back and tried his best to understand his daughter, her mom, not so much. Very much a pro-masking parent, "why can't you be normal" type mom. She was also the one that instilled her skin dysmorphia as a teen. Currently, she is in contact with her father, but her mother is trying to leech off her newfound popularity. (Taken from a friend, with some of my own hcs)
Mystery Man is her twin brother. She often rebelled against their parents, especially when they would force her to be girlier and discourage her interest in rock and metal (Taken from a friend). Their mother was made of opal, and their father was obsidian. Mystery man himself is made of sedimentary rock.
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thehyperrequiem · 8 months
NSR The Creatures of Vinyl City
Just going to show you a recap of my first No Straight Roads AU from my old account. It is called The Creatures of Vinyl City. It is an au where everything is the same, but the scenery changes to a Cryptidcore aesthetic and shout out to @sundove88 for helping out with this one, soooo enjoy!
AU Synposis: “In Vinyl City, Humans and Cryptids used to live together in harmony...until the greedy Tatiana started capturing them for her own gain. Can Mayday and Zuke restore this ancient bond before the fate of Vinyl City changes forever?”
And now, the Characters!
🧡 MayDay 🎸- Human
💚 Zuke 🥁 - Human
🩵 Ellie 🐊 - Mutated Crocodile (They keep her as a pet)
🌌 DJ Subatomic Supernova 🎧- Ursa Major (Constellation Bear)
💕 Sayu 🧜‍♀️- Mermaid (Obvious)
🎵✏️ The Sayu Crew (Tila, Remi, Dodo, Sofa)🏃🎞 - Kappas (Turtle Yokais)
💛 Yinu 🎹- Cervitaur (Deer Centaur) (She has Shapeshifting powers like her Mom)
♥️ Yinu’s Mom 🌹- Manaha (Cannibalistic Deer Monster)
💛 Yinu’s Dad 🎶 - Centaur (He used to be a Regular Centaur, but now he is a Centaur Spirit)
🤍❤️🩵 1010 (Rin, Zimelu, Purl-Hew, Haym, Eloni) 💛💚 - Techno Organic Moth Monsters (They can shapeshift to humans, mini versions of themselves and Beasts)
📺 Neon J. 🎖- Mothman
🤍🩷Eve 🖼- Succubus (A Kind Hearted One)
🔥 Tatianna 🤍- Manticore (It makes more sense)
👓 Kliff 🧡- Satyr (Goat Hybrid)
💚 DK West 🪘- Magic User (he may looked human, but the Tattoos of his are magical!)
🎧 DJ Zam 📻 - Jersey Devil (Biped Goat Monster with fork tail and leathery wings)
⚓️ Captain Torpedo ⛴ - Kraken (A Giant squid Monster)
🦄 Amal - Unitaur (Like a Centaur but a Unicorn)
🍳Aunty - Futakuchi Onna (Woman with a head at the back of her mouth)
👮‍♂️Azma - Minotaur (Half man Half Bull)
📔Barbara 🕶 - Magic User
💜Celine - Harpy
👩‍🍳Chef Sunshine - Phoenix
🩵Daphne and Jan 💞 - Banshee (Daphne) and Aqrabuamelu (Jan)
🪟Dash - Water Elemental
💜Gigi 🕶 - Loch Ness Monster
💖Joey 🎼 - Cyclops
💗Kayane - Fairy
💘Mia 🤍 - Gorgon
🕵️‍♂️Mystery Man 🕶 - Xexeu
👴Retdex - Yeti
🤖 Robot - Robot (Obviously)
👨‍🔧Timmy - Bunnyip
❤️Yiruk - Imp
🎧Zed - Bigfoot
That is all for now! Tune in next time for more Content of The Creatures of Vinyl City
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hiya-im-mary · 11 months
HELLO NSR FANS!!!! Once again I have to ask you lovely people a question!!!!!
Soooo…you know how everyone celebrates May 1st as Mayday’s birthday? First of all,I love the idea that her birthday would be on,well…a May day!! But it makes me wonder…
Do the other NSR characters have birthdays? Should the fandom find some random days of possible significance to make as their birthdays??
I tried looking for possible days to claim as birthdays for them. I looked at the NSR Presents videos,but I realised that they were all released one after another,so that probably wouldn’t fit!!
So…if anyone would like to tell me their possible Headcanon birthdays for the other characters,I’d love to hear it plz!!!! :D
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vinylroadsjunction · 3 months
WOO Aladdin and NSR?
Who's the genie? And Aladdin? Sounds like a great concept!!
To make it short: the teaser of NO WISHING ROADS
The street musicians Mayday and Zuke are Bunk Bed Junction, a band seeking to join the prestigious NSR, the main rulers of the Music Kindgom (still looking for original or punny names) in hopes to help their people… but “street rats” like them are quickly booted out.
When hopes of ever joining seems lost, a mysterious man offer Mayday and Zuke the chance of a lifetime… all they need to do is bring him a certain lamp.
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jabberwockprince · 1 year
me : i like things a normal amount
also me, keeping track and having personal files documenting each piece of dialogue, detail and worlbuilding about NSR's vinyl city: so yeah, it makes sense that vinyl city works and moves like a vinyl record but that this system is only applied to NSR-owned districts. because NSR directly took part in upgrading/adding a proper draining/sewer system to fight the floods (as seen with the mystery man's influence through the city) so it makes sense that they would make all their districts' innermost systems easy to mix and match when using the platinum discs and the docs to change the layout. anyway did you guys know that in dream fever, when inspecting the rabbit's foot statue, zuke mentions giving eve an "alluvian rabbit's foot". alluvion is the "wash or flow of water against shore" which directly parallels the way eve sees herself as land and zuke as water.
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gamebunny-advance · 10 months
Random Question Time
(If you get to this poll from someone else, check the OP tags for a little more context.)
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