#NYU Wagner
ourtearsofrain · 22 days
Slow It Down (D.R.W/S.F.K)- Chapter 8
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Pairings: Danny Wagner x Sam Kiszka, (barely a mention of) Josh Kiszka x Male O.C.
Genre: angst, fluff
Word Count:  2.5k
Warnings: smoking a cigarette, use of the f slur against Danny (in the past)
July 16th, 2:06 AM
“Psst.” Half-asleep, Danny doesn’t respond. That is until Sam sends a swift kick to his shin, effectively waking him up as he rubs his leg in annoyance.
“The fuck was that for?” He hisses back, considering kicking him as payback.
“You wanna smoke? I brought cigarettes.”
“Well since you’ve woken me up, yes.”
“Amazing.” He sees the dark outline of Sam wiggle out of his sleeping bag, fumbling for his things in the dark before unzipping the tent quietly. Danny follows him, seeing why he was trying to make as little noise as possible as Sam points at the twin’s tent, bringing his finger to his mouth in a shushing motion as he tiptoes past it. He leads him through the woods in the dark, his hand automatically reaching behind him to find Danny’s so as to not lose him at each turn he took.
They finally come to a stop on a small rocky outcropping of the mountain, the trees sparse around them allowing them to look up at the stars above them. “Wow.” Danny comments half to himself, his jaw dropped in wonder. “I forget how many stars there are without the city lights. The sky’s never this clear.”
“I bet.” Sam snorts as he pulls a cigarette out, lighting it and taking a drag before passing it over to Danny. “When was the last time you saw the night sky like this?”
“The night before I left, with you.” His answer comes before he can think about it, a sour taste coming to his mouth at the reminder that he quickly remedies by taking a drag. Change the subject. “So, why’d you ask me to come smoke with you without the twins?”
“’Cause they’re little cigarette gremlins. Snatched half my pack the last time they visited. Jake’s not supposed to smoke anymore but he always insists on a drunk cigarette. Says it doesn’t count.”
Danny snorts, remembering how Austin made Josh switch to vapes as he couldn’t stand the smell of cigarettes. “Right, right.”
“So, New York. You like it there?”
Danny takes another drag as Sam passes the cigarette back to him, trying not to focus on why they were sharing one instead of him lighting two. “It’s loud, it’s dirty, I’ve almost gotten mugged a few times, and trying to drive anywhere is impossible. But, yes, I am. It’s home now. Josh is a great roommate and I like NYU, couldn’t ask for anything else.” But you could. You want to. You’ve wanted something more for as long as you can remember.
“That’s great, I’m happy for you.” Sam pauses, hoping his change in subject wouldn’t be too noticeable or out of place. “You mention Josh and Austin a lot but is there anyone else in New York with you? Any other friends or… girlfriends?”
“God, you sound just like my mom.” Why does he care? Why did he say it… like that? “No, I don’t. Why do you ask?”
“Just curious. We’re catching up, this is the shit people talk about when they catch up.” Sam shrugs, tearing his gaze away from Danny’s moonlit figure to flick the ash off the tip of the cigarette. “None of the girls there your type or what?”
“I don’t like girls, Sam.” Danny’s answer is short, rushed as if he wanted to spit it out and be done with the conversation, worry brewing in the pit of his stomach at Sam’s reaction.
“Oh- none of the guys there your type, then?”
Danny blinks back at him, surprised at how casually he had taken the information. “Uh, no, more like just haven’t met the right person yet.” I have, he’s just not in New York. Danny clears his throat, trying to rip his mind away from Sam. “Thanks for uh, being so chill by the way. Not freaking out and everything.”
“Danny, I don’t care that you’re gay. I’ve known for years. I’d be a hypocrite if I had an issue with it.”
“Wait, are you- are you gay too?” So, his reaction to me kissing him wasn’t because he’s not into men, just because he’s not into me. Great.
“Bi technically, but yes, I like men too. Although the Frankenmuth queer dating pool is pretty shit.”
“So, you’re not seeing anyone right now, then? Or do you have a girlfriend?”
“Nope.” Sam pops the “p” before looking back at Danny. “Single as can be right now. Haven’t dated anyone seriously since high school.”
Danny’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise, remembering the last person he dated. “Beatrice? Seriously? That’s your last relationship?”
Sam brings his hand to his forehead absentmindedly, the end of the cigarette burning dangerously close to his hair. “Please, please don’t remind me. She was fucking crazy.”
“Oh? What happened with that? You just told me that you broke up, not why.”
“She called you a faggot. Didn’t like how much time I spent with you.”
Oh. “Oh.”
“Yeah. That wasn’t all though. She was too obsessive over our relationship, like to an unhealthy point. Cut all her friends off that she’d had since middle school to ‘focus on our relationship’. Ended up cheating on me in the end though.”
“Oh shit- I’m sorry, Sammy.”
“Na, don’t be. Getting out of that relationship was the best thing I’ve ever done. I’d take being single for years over still being with her.”
“So why haven’t you dated anyone since? Frankenmuth girls and guys not your type?” Danny shoots the comment back at him, offering a small smile.
“That’s not it. I don’t know, maybe I’m not made for relationships.”
“Why do you say that?”
Sam looks down at the rock below him, tracing the lines and cracks with his finger. “It never ends well. They always get hurt, even Beatrice, she was devastated when I broke up with her even though she was the issue. Maybe loving me is dangerous, I don’t know. I think I’m just bad luck.”
“You’re not bad luck, I’m sure you’ll find someone, Sammy.” Danny reaches out to place his hand on his shoulder, offering a light squeeze. “Just maybe not in Frankenmuth.”
“God, I thought you had dropped the trying to get me to come to New York with you.” His voice is laced with annoyance as he shakes his head, focusing on the sky above them.
“I don’t mean New York. Just anywhere but here. Don’t you want to get out, Sam?” Danny swears he can see the moonlight reflecting off tears in his eyes as he shakes his head, dropping it to face the ground, hiding his expression in the shadows.
“I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“It’s too late, Danny. I didn’t leave when I was 18 and now I’m stuck here.”
“You’re 21!” Danny stops himself as he hears his voice raise, not wanting to snap back at Sam over his frustration. “You’re only 21, you can still get out. It’s never too late.”
“Why do you want me to leave Frankenmuth, huh? Why do you want me to leave so bad?” His tone is sharp as he looks back at Danny, anger beginning to flash across his face.
“I just want you to be happy, Sammy. That’s all I’ve ever wanted.” Just like that, Sam’s anger is gone, his expression dropping as the sentiment hits him.
“I am happy.”
“I know you, and I know that you could be happier.”
Realizing that their cigarette had burnt out, he presses the tip to the rock beneath him just to make sure before putting it back in the box, not wanting to litter. “It’s getting late, we should probably get back to the camp before we fall asleep out here.” He offers Danny a small smile before standing up, holding his hand out to pull him up.
“Uh, yeah, you’re right. Thanks.” Why does he keep refusing to leave? What is he so afraid of?
7:16 AM
Being woken up by the rustling of the twins outside their tent, their voices much louder than they needed to be, Danny squints against the morning light filtering through the canvas, squeezing his eyes closed. Relaxing back into the warmth of his sleeping bag, his eyes suddenly fly open as he realizes his arms were wrapped completely around Sam, his back to Danny’s chest with their legs tangled as best they could in their separate sleeping bags. His heart rate only further increases as he feels Sam’s arms wrapped around his forearm, hugging it to his chest as his breath lightly grazes his skin.
Just relax. Don’t. Fucking. Freak out. If you do and he wakes up, it’ll just be weird for both of us. Should I try to get my arms back? No, that could wake him up. Just go back to sleep, and if he asks about it, just say you didn’t realize it because you were asleep.
Danny squeezes his eyes shut again, begging his body to fall back asleep so he wouldn’t have to deal with Sam waking up to him originally unintentionally cuddling him.
12:31 PM
“RISE AND SHINE MOTHERFUCKERS, WE’VE LET YOU SLEEP LONG ENOUGH!” Danny nearly jumps out of his sleeping bag at the clamor of Josh’s yell as he bangs a wooden spoon against the bottom of a pot, effectively waking both Danny and Sam. “Good morning starshine, the earth says ‘hello’!” Josh crouches in front of the unzipped tent door with a grin plastered on his face as Sam and Danny recover from how suddenly they were ripped from sleep.
Sam blindly searches for something to throw at his brother, his hand landing on one of his Birkenstocks before he launches it across the small tent, just nearly missing Josh’s head. “Missed me, bitch. Now get up, it’s half past noon. We got shit to do today so let’s get crackin’!” He stands, making his way over to the firepit as Sam and Danny stumble out of the tent, stretching their sore limbs as they try to fully wake up.
“Isn’t this supposed to be a vacation?” Sam protests, already reaching for their French press filled with steaming coffee.
“You act like you’ve never been camping with us, Sammy.” Jake shoots back with a grin. “C’mon, both of you eat fast, we’re going to that small lake on the other side of the property to swim today.”
As Sam pours a cup of coffee for Danny, he grumbles a snide comment under his breath as he hands it to him, setting in on pouring some into his own thermos. “More like a glorified pond.”
“Awwww, did poor Sammy wake up on the wrong side of the tent?”
“Shut the fuck up, Josh. I think my sleeping bag was on top of a rock or something, my back’s all twisted up.”
Danny’s face heats, knowing exactly what Sam had been sleeping on top of all night, deciding to hide his face by taking a long drink from his thermos. First goddamn day and I’m already fucked. I wonder if Jake or Josh would swap tents with me. Yeah, right. That’s not suspicious at all.
1:32 PM
“See, wasn’t the hike worth it, Sam?” Josh grins over at his brother as the group stands at the edge of the lake, sweaty from the hike as the sun hits their skin in the open clearing.
“Yeah, yeah ok. I’m sorry I complained so much. It was worth it.” He rolls his eyes, hiding his smile from the others to look for a spot to set his things. The twins are already ahead of him, dropping their bags and throwing their shoes and shirts off as they sprint into the water before Sam can even set his own bag down.
“Jesus Christ. It’s surprising that they’re the oldest ones here.” Sam comments, his stomach flipping as Danny laughs at the remark. As Danny sets his things down with his back to him, Sam lets himself watch as he bends over to untie his shoes, his purple swim shorts tightening against his muscles. Pull yourself together, fuck. Sam rips his eyes away just as Danny turns back to him, annoyance written across his features.
“Hey, I think I forgot my hair tie back at the camp, got a spare?”
“Yep.” Sam holds his arm up, showing the other man the three hair ties around his wrist. “That’s actually a good idea, let me braid my hair then I can do yours.”
“You don’t have to, Sammy. I can just put it in a bun or something.”
“Nonsense.” Sam waves his free hand in the air as if he were shooing the comment away, his other hand already occupied with parting his hair down the middle. “It’ll come out and get all tangled. I don’t mind and it shouldn’t take too long.”
“Alright…” Danny smiles sheepishly as Sam sets in on quickly twisting his hair into two neat French braids, occupying himself with undressing and unpacking part of his bag while he waits.
“Done. Your turn Danny boy.” Danny shakes his head at the nickname as he makes his way over to Sam, stopping in front of him and turning to give him access to his already tangled mess of hair. “You’re too tall, I won’t be able to see what I’m doing.”
“Maybe you’re too short, Kiszka.”
“Do you want my help or not?”
“I do!” Desperate much? “I do. Please and thank you.”
“That’s what I thought.” Sam shoots him a self-satisfied smirk as Danny turns to face him before making his way over to a small boulder. “Sit.”
Danny’s cheeks tint pink at the command, following it nonetheless as Sam moves around it to stand behind him. He tries to control his spiraling thoughts as he feels Sam’s fingers tangle in his hair, gently brushing the knots out before starting on the French braid. Whatever you do. Do. Not. Think about his tiny ass swim shorts. The last thing I need right now is to get hard in these fucking shorts. My boxers would be less revealing.
“Done.” Danny’s pulled from his thoughts at Sam’s word, his hand moving back to feel the neat braid down the center of his head as Sam sheds his shirt. “Last one in’s a rotten egg.” Before Danny can comprehend his words, Sam takes off, sprinting down the small beach as fast as he can. He reaches the water before Danny even has the chance to stand, watching him splash into the lake without so much as a glance back.
He has no right to look that good doing something so stupid. Finally standing, Danny jogs towards the water as Sam shouts his victory. “I win!” He grins back at Danny when he finally reaches him, both men treading water as the lake bottom drops off below their feet.
“You cheated.” Danny shoots back.
“Did not. You’re just not fast enough. Anyways, I think that means I get a prize.”
“Yeah right, and what do you think you get?”
“I’ll let you know when I figure it out.” He winks at Danny before disappearing into the water, popping up a few seconds later next to Jake and Josh 15 feet from him.
The fuck does that mean?
A/N: yes, that was a Willy Wonka quote
taglist: @gretnavannfleet @aioba1503-sdm @jake-whatthefisgoingon-kiszka @milojames16 @sanguinebats @theres-a-tvjoe @jakekiszkapunchmeintheface @currentlyfangirling10
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
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80stacos · 2 years
2nd Gen Gang — The Outsiders OCs
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Daughter of Ponyboy Curtis; mother unknown
Was named after Pony’s mom’s birthstone
Likes to read just like her dad
Also into nature
Asexual; biromantic
She’s sort of the “runt” amongst the rest of the gang’s kids, kind of like her dad was
She’s pretty quiet but also a sweetheart, and sometimes sassy
The only makeup she will wear is lipgloss
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The oldest child of Steve and Evie Randle’s kids
Studying data science at NYU
Loves yoga and meditation; he’s really into self-care
He is also super interested in Indian history and culture, and even took some Hindi classes
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The 2nd oldest child of Steve and Evie Randle
Athletic; played soccer all throughout middle and high school
Bisexual with a preference towards women
Loves hamsters; she has one named Latte
Best friends with Ruby; they are sassy twins
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The youngest child of Steve and Evie Randle
Very introverted except around Zoe; they are besties
She’s really interested in her Hispanic heritage and knows more Spanish than anyone in her family (besides her mom)
She’s really artistic and loves to paint
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Daughter of Keith (Two-Bit) and Alyssa (1st ex-wife of Two-Bit)
Soon-to-be step-mother is Marcia Wagner
Half sisters with Kristi Matthews
Spanish and Greek on her mother's side
Has a good relationship with both her parents
Has clinical depression
Best friends with Sierra
Wants to be a model
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Daughter of Keith (Two-Bit) and Katie (2nd ex-wife of Two-Bit)
Soon-to-be step-mother is Marcia Wagner
Half sisters with Zoe Matthews
Russian on her mom's side
Mostly stays with her dad
Does makeup tutorials on YouTube
Obsessed with Bath and Body Works
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Son of Darry and Melissa Curtis
Gay; closeted
The oldest of the gang
Getting his degree in Creative Media Production at the University of Oklahoma
Has autism spectrum disorder
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The oldest child of Sodapop and Abby Curtis
Bisexual with a preference towards men
Is really into beauty and self-care
Loves to dance
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The youngest child of Sodapop and Abby Curtis
Does gaming and beauty tutorials on YouTube
Loves to swim and surf; she goes to California every summer with her friends
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openingnightposts · 9 months
0 notes
reportwire · 2 years
Former NYC mayor de Blasio will teach NYU graduate course | Long Island Business News
Former NYC mayor de Blasio will teach NYU graduate course | Long Island Business News
Former New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio will return to his alma mater New York University for a teaching job. De Blasio, who is spending the fall term as a teaching fellow at Harvard University’s schools of government and public health, will join NYU’s Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service as the 2023 Marnold Visiting Fellow, the university announced. “Bill de Blasio’s presence…
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0 notes
awutar · 2 years
Former NY Mayor Bill de Blasio will be a professor at NYU
Former NY Mayor Bill de Blasio will be a professor at NYU
Former New York Mayor Bill de Blasio will return to New York University (NYU), not as a student, but as a professor. De Blasio, who teaches graduate courses in Political Science and Public Health at Harvard this semester, will be a visiting professor at the Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, NYU announced. “Bill de Blasio’s presence offers students, faculty and graduates an…
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0 notes
4qw2 · 2 years
Former NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio to teach at NYU in 2023 ..
Former NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio to teach at NYU in 2023 .. NYU said de Blasio, 61, will arrive at the Greenwich Village in January for formal talks, and then teach a course for graduate students in the spring. His post will be within NYU’s Wagner Graduate School of Public Service... . . . . . . . .
0 notes
essayly · 2 years
Discussion Post U9D18034
Description Please read the instructions in U9D18034 then read chapter 8 to answer the discussion Post Critically Evaluate Information on Governance Assume that you are the CEO of NYU or Wagner and Sara is your graduate student intern. Critically evaluate the information on Governance that Sara presented. Would you make a decision based on the information Sara provided? Explain why or why…
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tumsozluk · 2 years
8th Annual NYU Social Innovation Symposium
8th Annual NYU Social Innovation Symposium
Date: Friday, February 23, 2018 Location: NYU Stern, New York, NY 10012 On February 23, the social enterprise student organizations of New York University’s Leonard N. Stern School of Business, School of Law, and Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service will host the 8th Annual NYU Social Innovation Symposium (SIS). The theme, “Social Intrapreneurship: Transforming Business from Within”…
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Lisa Ellen Goldberg Fellowship 2020 for study at NYU Wagner
Lisa Ellen Goldberg Fellowship 2020 for study at NYU Wagner
Deadline: December 2, 2019
Applications are open for the Lisa Ellen Goldberg Fellowship 2020. The fellowship is awarded to students admitted for full-time study in Master of Public Administration or Master of Urban Planning degree programs at the NYU Wagner.
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Lisa Ellen Goldberg, the celebrated president of the Charles H. Revson Foundation and beloved wife of John Sexton, the former…
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transpondster · 5 years
Wagner has been teaching at the school for more than 25 years, and currently teaches three courses called “Psychology of Creativity,” “Psychology of Media” and “Theories of Personality.” Based on reviews on the dubious Ratemyprofessors website, Bower "isn't terrible" but can be "so rude" and "extremely boring.”
Everybody’s a critic
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ourtearsofrain · 1 month
Slow It Down (D.R.W/S.F.K)- Chapter 2
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Pairings: Danny Wagner x Sam Kiszka, (barely a mention of) Josh Kiszka x Male O.C.
Genre: angst, small fluffy brotherly moment between Jake and Danny
Word Count:  1.8k
Warnings: drinking, smoking, capital “A” Awkward reunion between Sam and Danny, painful flashback of unrequited feelings, argument/heated convo between Sam and Danny, miscommunication
A/N: Yes, I did put Austin (Josh’s O.C. boyfriend from Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy) in this even though this series is separate from that universe because I love him so much. Same O.C., different universe.
Daniel. He only calls me that when he’s mad at me. He only called me that when he was mad at me. The tension between them is thick enough to cut with a knife, and each set of parents share confused looks at their less than enthusiastic reunion. Josh comes to the rescue, clearing his throat loudly and grabbing Danny’s arm as he passes him, dragging him over to Jake where he stood making the drinks. “C’mon Daniel, start chugging. Jake and I are already three drinks in.”
“Joshua!” Karen’s scolds her oldest son this time, breaking the tangible awkwardness between Sam and Danny as everyone resumes what they had been doing prior to Sam’s entrance.
“What? It’s summer break, day drinking is socially acceptable.” He shoots her a smile as she rolls her eyes, busying herself with helping Sam take the rest of the watermelon to the tables as Josh turns back to the other two men. The smile leaves his face instantly as he gives Danny a concerned look, handing him his drink as Jake works on their refills. “The fuck was that?”
“What do you mean?” Danny takes a sip of his drink, grimacing slightly at the amount of alcohol Jake had put in it.
“The fucking ‘Hey Sam’, ‘Daniel’. Did you guys get in a fight recently or something?”
“Then what happened? You guys are best friends, as close as Jake and I are.”
“No, Josh. You, Jake, and Austin are my best friends. I haven’t spoken to Sam since I moved to New York.”
“What?!” The twins speak at the same time, their faces identical looks of shock as their jaws drop.
“Yeah uh, guess we just grew apart.” Or something like that.
August 4th, 2017, 3:27 AM; The Wagner House’s roof.
“Promise me you won’t forget me.” Sam’s words are quiet, the crack in his voice loud in the still of the night. Danny glances over at his best friend, the tears in his eyes catching the light of the waxing moon.
“What? Sam, of course I’ll never forget you. How could I?”
“I don’t know, it’s stupid. Just… Jake and Josh left, and now you. You’re all off to bigger and better things than Frankenmuth has to offer, and I’ll just be here. Alone.”
“Come with me then. Come with me to New York, you can enroll at NYU for Spring semester next term, live with Josh and I.”
Sam shakes his head with a halfhearted smile, his tears finally escaping as they roll down his cheeks. “Na, you know I’m not a big city guy. Besides, you guys probably don’t want me there…”
Danny laughs in disbelief. “What are you talking about, Sam? Of course we want you there.”
“I mean it Danny. That’s just… not for me. You guys will move away, find a new life, hell, fall in love. And I’ll be here.”
“Come with me, Sam.” Danny begs, his heart breaking at each word that came from his mouth.
“No, Danny. Why the hell do you want me to come with you so fucking bad?”
Before he can think or try to stop himself, Danny grabs the sides of his face, pulling him towards himself until their lips meet. Hope flickers in his stomach as he feels Sam begin to kiss him back until he abruptly pulls away, out of his touch. He stands quickly, wiping his tears away roughly as he begins to back towards the open window of Danny’s bedroom.
“I- I have to go. Goodbye, Daniel. See you arou- see you when I see you.” And just like that, he’s gone, disappearing into the window. 15 seconds later, he sees Sam jog towards his own house, his front door slamming behind him as Danny can do nothing but sit frozen in shock.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. What have I fucking done? Danny pulls his knees to his chest, his head dropping as he begins to sob, truly alone in the dead of the night.
“What do you mean you ‘grew apart’?” Jake’s question rips Danny from his memories, who tries to keep his voice even as everything he felt that night resurfaces.
“He didn’t call, didn’t pick up when I called. I guess our schedules just didn’t line up when I visited.”
“You’re telling me you guys literally haven’t spoken, haven’t seen each other since the day you left??” Josh’s eyebrows furrow as he glances back to his youngest brother, anger beginning to show on his face.
“Nope.” Danny takes the opportunity to down the rest of his drink as the twins both look over to Sam, sitting alone trying to ignore them. Trying to ignore Danny.
“What the fuck??” Jake sets down his drink, beginning to start towards Sam. “I’m gonna rip him a fucking new one. That little shit doesn’t get to just ignore his best friend of 11 years just because he moved for college.”
“Jake, wait!” Danny catches his arm, preventing him from continuing on his path. “Please just drop it, it’s fine. We can coexist this summer, and then I’ll go back to New York for school, and it’ll be done and over with. I swear, it’s not that big of a deal.”
“Whatever. I’m still gonna be passive aggressive towards that twerp all summer. Little asshat.” Jake shakes his head, anger still visible on his face but slowly diminishing.
“Me too.” Josh says in solidarity, looking sincerely at Danny.
“It’s cause he’s the youngest, thinks he can get away with anything.” Jake grumbles before noticing Danny’s empty cup. “Refill?”
“Uh, yeah, thanks.” Danny suddenly feels as if he’s being watched, and he looks behind him only to see everyone else talking, immersed in their own conversations and unaware of the one that had just occurred between the three men. That is until he glances over to where Sam sat, seeing his eyes fixed on him with an unreadable expression. The second Danny makes eye contact, he looks away quickly, pretending to be interested in the grass at his feet.
Bastard. If anyone should be staring, it should be me. I just fucking know he wore that outfit to torture me, maybe see if I still had feelings or something. Why the fuck else would he wear those tiny ass blue swim shorts and only do the bottom two buttons of his shirt. It’s fine, Danny. Just don’t look at him the rest of the night, just ignore him and everything will be fine.
10:29 PM
Danny’s plan had worked for the most part throughout the night, paying Sam no mind as he tried his best to enjoy his time with his family. It hadn’t exactly been hard as Sam had maybe said ten words all night, preferring to sulk away from the group even as the Kiszka and Wagner parents kept trying to include him in conversations. At around 10 pm, Sam excused himself for the night, grumbling some excuse about being tired only for his brothers to ridicule him about how “early” it was.
As the night had gone on, Danny kept downing every drink Jake made for him, quickly becoming tipsier than he had intended to be. Luckily, the twins kept up with him, drinking just as much (and more than likely, more than Danny had).
“Dannyyyyyyy.” Jake whines at him from his camping chair as they all sat around a small fire pit, toasting marshmallows for S’mores. “Do you still have your old guitar? Wanna play but mines back at my place in Chicago and I don’t wanna ask Sam to use his.”
“Yeah, I do. Hasn’t been used in ages and I lost my tuner when I was packing though.”
“S’fine, I can tune by ear. I’m practically a pro.” He giggles at his own comment, beginning to sway gently in his seat as he watches Danny stand.
He wobbles on his feet for a moment before finding his balance, carefully navigating around the fire. “I gotcha Jake, be back in a second.”
“Yaaaaay.” Jake and Josh cheer in unison, with everyone knowing that Jake’s playing would surely be accompanied by Josh singing.
“Best little brother ever. Love you, Dan.” Jake calls after him as he starts across the yard.
“Love you too Jake!” He can’t wipe the smile off his face as he walks through the side door, remembering how good it felt to be surrounded by his family again. Unfortunately, it’s wiped from his face when he immediately sees Sam sitting on the curb of the sidewalk between their houses smoking a cigarette. He just had to fucking pick somewhere I would have to pass him, didn’t he. Danny tries to make as little sound as possible as he walks behind him, hoping he won’t notice, or if he did, he wouldn’t say anything.
“Hey.” Shit. Danny stops five feet away from Sam as he looks behind him, directly at Danny.
“Oh, so you’re talking to me now?”
“The fuck’s that supposed to mean?”
Anger floods Danny as he stares back at Sam in disbelief at the audacity of his question. “What the fuck do you think it means, Samuel? You ignored me for three years and then continued to ignore me the entire night. Don’t pretend we’re all buddy buddy again.”
“You’re the one that kissed me, you don’t get to be mad I needed space.”
“MAYBE YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE KISSED ME BACK!” The volume of his voice surprises even himself, quickly lowering it as he continues for fear that the others will hear. “I have every right to be angry at you, Sam. You were my best friend. You could have talked to me about it. You should have talked to me. I would have respected your boundaries, and we could have moved on like nothing happened. You don’t get to use the past to be an asshole to me now.”
Sam says nothing as he looks over Danny, his expression once again unreadable. “You grew your hair out long.” His voice is quiet, following his statement with a long drag of his cigarette.
“Yeah. I did. It’s been three fucking years. Maybe you would have known that if you cared enough to answer my calls.”
“It hasn’t been three years.”
“Y’know what, Sam? You’re right. It’s been two years, ten months, and 15 days.” Angry tears threaten Danny’s lash line as he stares Sam down.
“Jesus Christ, you’ve been counting?”
“Of course I have, Sam. Why wouldn’t I count the days since the biggest mistake of my life?” Danny spits the words out, already done with the conversation and using everything in him to keep himself from walking away then and there. Sam says nothing, silence falling between them as he takes another drag from his cigarette. “Unbelievable.” Danny scoffs as he shakes his head, resuming his path to his house and leaving Sam alone on the curb.
“You weren’t the one that made the mistake that night.” Sam whispers, but Danny’s already too far away to hear him. He puts his cigarette out on the asphalt beneath him, his stomach twisting as tears silently roll down his cheeks.
taglist: @gretnavannfleet @aioba1503-sdm @jake-whatthefisgoingon-kiszka @milojames16 @theres-a-tvjoe @sanguinebats @jakekiszkapunchmeintheface @currentlyfangirling10
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
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chavi00 · 6 years
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#NYU #MPA #NYUWagner #Wagner #Graduation #Ceremony #classof2018
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4qw2 · 2 years
Former NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio to teach at NYU in 2023 ..
Former NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio to teach at NYU in 2023 .. NYU said de Blasio, 61, will arrive at the Greenwich Village in January for formal talks, and then teach a course for graduate students in the spring. His post will be within NYU’s Wagner Graduate School of Public Service... . . . . . . . .
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skippyv20 · 4 years
 Nurses who went above and beyond their call of duty
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When it comes to kindness, compassion, and caring for others, nurses have us all beat. They work long shifts doing many of the tiny, important tasks that keep us healthy, everything from school nurses who fix booboos with Band-Aids and send kids back to the playground, to nurses in hospitals who perform complicated, life-saving maneuvers on the sickest patients every day. During the coronavirus crisis, nurses are the first line of defense in clinics against the ravages of COVID-19. Many even exceed the already arduous call of duty. These are some of their stories.
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School nurse provides masks for the community
The pandemic closed schools but didn’t keep elementary school nurse Amber Mehrkens from helping others. She continued to check the temperatures of the childcare students at the school and those of the teachers preparing for distance learning. When she wasn’t in her office, she was home caring for her four children in Mazeppa, Minnesota. During pockets of spare time, Mehrkens began sewing. She created a few hundred masks with the fabric she had on hand, then placed them on her porch for her neighbors to take at no charge. She quickly depleted her supply of fabric and other supplies. After she and a few friends spent several hundred dollars at a craft store, they asked for donations to cover their costs. With help from her children and a few friends, Mehrkens has sewn over 4,000 masks and provided them to the local fire department and area businesses. 
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Nurses fill in for family during chemo treatments
After Wendy Goodine was recently diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer, she moved in with her mother and stepfather to receive treatment at the Levine Cancer Institute in Albemarle, North Carolina. When she arrived at her first appointment, Goodine was nervous, frightened, and understandably, emotional. Due to the coronavirus, she is not allowed to bring anyone with her to her weekly chemo sessions. Filling in for her family, the nurses provide an understanding ear and continuous support throughout her sessions. When Goodine couldn’t leave her home, RN social worker, Heather Keith, delivered three boxes of food to her every week. Goodine considers these caring nurses her heroes.
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Virginia nurse sails to assist NYC hospital staff
When the coronavirus outbreak began, and Rachel Hartley’s hospital started canceling elective surgeries, the anesthesia pre-op nurse knew where she could be more helpful: New York City.  She contacted a nursing recruiter and subsequently signed a contract with New York University (NYU) Langone Hospital in Brooklyn. Instead of seeking traditional housing, she and her husband embarked on a 35-hour trip from Virginia to New York in their 50-foot sailboat. They invited other travelling nurses to live on the boat with them. On her first day working in the intensive care unit (ICU), cases were mounting and the hospital was overwhelmed with sick and dying COVID-19 patients, according to Yahoo! Life. Hartley’s contract ends in early June but says she would be happy to stay longer and continue to treat coronavirus patients.
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Nurse surprises patient with a horse
Nurse Bethany Varney guided her patient, Robert Wagner, through the Hospice Buffalo campus as part of their daily routine. One day, with the help of the facility and the Lothlorien Therapeutic Riding Center, Varney turned their typical outing into a memorable moment for the 81-year-old. As he was taking in the view of the blooming flowers, Wagner looked up from his wheelchair and spotted a horse. He has loved horses since he was a child. “It is scary during this time for the elderly and already compromised,” Varney told Spectrum News in Buffalo, New York. “So I thought it would be something to take away all of this craziness.“
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Adventurous nurse travels to the frontline
Sako Hirata, an ICU nurse, was working in a hospital in Wenatchee, Washington, when the coronavirus hit. The healthcare staff had seen only a few coronavirus cases and the hospital was relatively calm. Searching for a challenge and eager to contribute to battling the pandemic on a larger scale, Hirata offered her services to a New York City hospital. The climbing and paragliding enthusiast is spending six weeks on the east coast, utilizing her expertise and saving lives on the frontline.
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Motherly love
As a nurse at MetroWest Cancer Center in Framingham, Massachusetts, Karen Mott tried hard to get one patient to open up. But Patrician McNulty usually tried to avoid conversation—unless it was about her nine-year-old son, Stephen. After McNulty went to hospice when her cancer took a bad turn, Mott wondered what would happen to Stephen. He couldn’t live with his father, who had permanent brain damage from a car accident, or any of his mother’s five siblings. McNulty didn’t want him in foster care. So after Stephen’s mother passed away, Mott and her husband, who have three other older children, brought him into their own family and adopted him.
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Spinning a yarn
As a former oncology nurse, Holly Christensen knew that the scalps of children who lost their hair after chemotherapy were usually too sensitive for traditional wigs. So when her friend’s three-year-old daughter got a cancer diagnosis, Christensen made her feel like a princess. The former nurse made her a Rapunzel-like wig from soft yarn, decked out with faux flowers. Seeing the girl’s glee inspired Christensen to make more, according to ABC News. Launching The Magic Yarn Project, she and other volunteers create princess wigs from The Little Mermaid, Frozen, and more, plus ones based on Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean. The organisation has sent more than 1,900 wigs to kids, at no cost to the parents.
Thank you😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
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