#Nakshatra Satabhisha
banglakhobor · 1 year
রাহুর নক্ষত্রে শনির গমন, এই রাশির জাতকদের থাকতে হবে সতর্ক, হতে পারে আর্থিক ক্ষতি
/astrology/mercury-transit-2023-astrology-will-enhence-money-luck-of-various-lucky-zodiac-signs-31691238728564.html /astrology/sun-transit-2023-astrology-effect-on-lucky-zodiac-signs-with-great-money-luck-31691229191686.html /astrology/shani-rajyog-blessings-these-four-zodiac-signs-to-get-extremely-lucky-for-next-few-years-money-will-come-31691213843497.html /astrology/rajbhanga-yoga-will-be-c…
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astroismypassion · 2 months
Related to navamsa
Q1. What does it mean if darakaraka(sun) and atmakarak(Mars) is conjunction  in 7 house in pisces of D9 navamsa.? 
Q2. What does it mean if there is nakshatra exchange between Venus in 7 house (satabhisha nakshatra) and rahu 9 house (bharini nakshatra) in d1 chart
Q3 what does it mean if jupiter is reterogade in 3 house in Scorpio (Anuradha nakshatra)?
Q4. What does it mean if 7 lord(saturn) of d1 is in D9 at 6 house(Aquarius but reterogade) conjuct with Venus .in which there is 7 aspect of mercury from 12 house and rahu 5 aspect is on 6th house
My blog western astrology, I’m so sorry.
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pharmanormal · 1 year
Gerhana Bulan 5 Mei 2023
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Bulan Purnama berarti ada pertentangan antara kekuatan kosmik yang menciptakan bentuk fisik. Bulan Baru (Tilem) melambangkan benih karma yang tertanam dalam kesadaran kolektif, mencari ekspresi dari dalam diri kita sendiri ke dunia. Inti dari segala sesuatu dalam ilmu Weda adalah menyelaraskan dengan alam, menggabungkan mikrokosmos dengan makrokosmos.  Niskala dengan Sekala, atas menjadi bawah...
Menurut astrologi Weda/Jyotish, gerhana Bulan Penumbral 5-6 Mei 2023 akan terjadi dengan Bulan bersama Ketu di antara nakshatras (Libra) Swati-Visakha (Libra).
Gerhana Bulan akan muncul di bagian langit yang disebut "Vishaka", yang berarti jalan bercabang (menyiratkan keputusan yang perlu diambil). Terletak di dalam kotak konstelasi Libra, nakshatra ini adalah jembatan antara Libra dan Skorpio, yang diatur oleh dua dewa "Indra" dan "Agni", dua nama Rig Weda yang paling sering dipanggil. Itu satu-satunya nakshatra yang dikuasai oleh dua dewa, menunjukkan perlunya kerja sama dan perasaan intens yang sejalan dengan kodependensi.  Kerja tim benar-benar dapat mewujudkan impian, Indra dan Agni membunuh seekor naga bersama-sama, dua individu berfokus pada tujuan yang sama. Apakah kemitraan kita memiliki tujuan yang sama?  Atau apakah kita bilang "giliranku", "giliranmu", di mana satu orang memberi dan yang lain mengambil?
Gerhana bulan penumbra ini akan terlihat di seluruh Selandia Baru, Australia, Asia, Asia Pasifik,  Afrika, Antartika, dan Eropa (kecuali Norwegia, Swedia barat, Portugal, dan Inggris).
Gerhana bulan dapat dilihat dari semua negara yang termasuk dalam zona berwarna gelap pada gambar di atas.  Karena ini bukan gerhana bulan total atau sebagian, setiap orang dengan langit cerah di wilayahnya, hanya dapat melihat gerhana penumbra.
Gerhana akan mulai pada pukul 22.12 WIB. Puncak gerhana akan berlangsung pada pukul 00.22 WIB. Sedangkan, gerhana akan berakhir pada pukul 02.33 WIB.
Saat gerhana terjadi di Thula Rasi (Libra) bulan bersama Ketu, mereka paling terpengaruh dengan 4 planet, Merkurius (retrogesi), Matahari, Jupiter, Rahu di Aries (Mesha Rasi) di arah berlawanan.
6 planet ini menciptakan situasi yang tidak terkendali dan tidak nyaman di rumah.  Argumen dengan pasangan semakin memperburuk situasi.
Aries (Mesha Rasi) juga dipengaruhi oleh 6 planet ini, bersama dengan aspek dari Saturnus yang membuatnya kesulitan baik di rumah maupun di tempat kerja. Tekanan menyebabkan insomnia.
Taurus (Vrishabha) terpaksa menghabiskan uang seperti air jatuh di daun talas.
Kanser (Karaka Rasi) dan Kaprikornus (Makara) tampaknya tidak ada harapan dalam situasi di rumah dan di tempat kerja.
Leo (Simha Rasi) akan mendapatkan kembali beberapa kontak yang hilang dan segera kembali bekerja.
Virgo (Kanya) hidup di bawah tekanan ekstrim, dikelilingi oleh para penipu.
Skorpio (Vrischika) terjerumus ke dalam pikiran negatif dan kurang percaya diri setelah Gerhana Matahari bulan lalu, tetapi situasi membaik di akhir Mei 2023.
Sagitarius (Dhanus) mengkhawatirkan kekasih dan anak-anak.
Akuarius (Kumbha) merasa frustrasi dengan keterlambatan dan ketidakkomitmenan orang lain di tempat kerja.
Pises terus hidup dalam krisis uang tetapi situasinya membaik dalam 4 hingga 6 minggu setelah gerhana.
Gemini (Mithuna Rasi) menikmati hasil paling positif dari gerhana ini.
Untuk kamu yang lahir dengan Bulan di nakshatra Swati, Visakha, Satabhisha, Purvashada, gerhana ini menyebabkan dampak paling negatif pada hidupmu.
Juga, orang yang menjalani Vimsottari dasa dari Chandra (Bulan) perlu mengendalikan pikiran mereka dan tidak terbawa oleh emosi.
Dampak gerhana terhadap politik dan iklim.
Akan banyak kerusuhan, demo, riots, dan kerusuhan publik. Di beberapa tempat akan terjadi ttopan dan curah hujan yang terlalu cepat. Bangunan, jembatan runtuh dan jalan terbuka dengan retakan. Kecelakaan kebakaran menghancurkan pabrik-pabrik BESAR. Efek resesi dapat dilihat di Asia, Australia dan Eropa. Gempa bumi dan banjir di Cina, Jepang, Korea, kepulauan Asia-Pasifik. Manusia di benua Afrika dipengaruhi oleh penyakit yang mengurangi populasinya.
Selama beberapa minggu ke depan, tuliskan apa pun yang muncul sebagai memori yang "ga akan pernah lagi" atau tahu ketika kita merasa diri kita menjauh dari situasi tertentu tanpa kejelasan alasannya. Tuliskan dan bakar kertas di mana pola perilaku itu didokumentasikan.  Mungkin keengganan itu menghalangi kita dari ekspresi diri kita yang sepenuhnya tanpa batasan. Lepaskan rasa bersalah dan menyerah pada toleransi, untuk diri sendiri dan untuk orang lain. Apa pun yang kita pikirkan, "seharusnya" adalah imajinasi. Bangun dari mimpi itu dan hirup udara segar dan bersih dari apa yang sebenarnya, sedang, dan akan terjadi. Jika itu dimaksudkan untuk kita, itu tidak akan hilang. Apa pun yang pergi sudah selesai.  Bayangkan penyesalan yang mengganggu itu seperti anak anjing yang mencakar pintu belakang, merengek untuk keluar dan bebas. Buka pintunya. Biarkan energinya kembali ke dalam keutuhan yang tak terbatas, abadi. Jika dirasa benar, tepuk tangan dan gunakan kata Sanskerta "Swaha" untuk menyatakan siklus dihentikan dan energi dipersembahkan kembali ke alam semesta.
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acharyaganesh123 · 1 year
Saturn in Satabhisha Nakshatra: Unveiling the Enigmatic Energy
In the intricate tapestry of Vedic astrology, Saturn, the stern and disciplined taskmaster, takes on a unique persona when placed in the enigmatic Shatabhisha Nakshatra. This celestial combination brings forth an intriguing blend of energies, offering both challenges and transformative opportunities.
Shatabhisha Nakshatra: The Hundred Healers
Before delving into the profound influence of Saturn in Satabhisha, it's essential to understand the nature of this Nakshatra. Shatabhisha, often referred to as "The Hundred Healers," resides in the zodiac sign of Aquarius, ruled by Saturn itself. This Nakshatra is symbolized by an empty circle, emphasizing the theme of emptiness and the void.
Saturn's Stoic Presence
Saturn, known as Shani in Vedic astrology, embodies discipline, responsibility, and karma. When placed in Shatabhisha, Saturn's influence becomes more pronounced and unique. This combination bestows a stoic and detached demeanor upon individuals. They tend to approach life's challenges with a sense of detachment, much like a healer who remains calm and impartial in the face of suffering.
The Altruistic Healer
Saturn in Satabhisha individuals often have a strong humanitarian streak. They possess the ability to see beyond the surface and recognize the suffering of others. This Nakshatra's healing energy awakens their desire to serve and uplift those in need. They may actively engage in philanthropic or social work, driven by a deep sense of responsibility towards society.
Unconventional Thinkers
Shatabhisha's unconventional and progressive nature merges with Saturn's structured approach. This results in individuals who are not afraid to challenge societal norms and conventions. They possess a unique ability to think outside the box, often coming up with groundbreaking solutions to complex problems.
The Detoxifying Influence
Shatabhisha is associated with healing and purification. When Saturn's disciplined energy is combined with this Nakshatra's attributes, it often signifies a period of inner cleansing and transformation. Individuals with Saturn in Satabhisha may undergo significant spiritual or psychological growth, shedding old beliefs and habits that no longer serve them.
Challenges and Growth
While Saturn in Satabhisha brings many positive attributes, it also presents its set of challenges. The strong Saturnine influence can make individuals prone to self-doubt and pessimism. They may struggle with inner conflicts, torn between their desire for independence and their sense of responsibility towards others.
Saturn's placement in Shatabhisha Nakshatra is a celestial invitation to embark on a journey of healing, transformation, and service. Individuals with this placement possess a unique blend of discipline, compassion, and unconventional thinking. While they may face internal struggles, their potential for personal growth and positive societal impact is immense. This combination reminds us that even in the emptiness of life, there exists the opportunity for profound healing and change.
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mysticmanjari · 2 years
From March 15 through October 15, 2023 Saturn will be in Satabhisha nakshatra. This is occurring in the US 3rd House.
Indicates restrictions on individual rights related to hidden forces, surveillance, technology and smoke and mirrors manipulation of the masses.
It also shows the potential for sickness and disability related to all the same forces.
Be careful out there. Mask up. And give ‘em hell whenever and wherever you can.
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jothishis-blog · 6 months
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subir-astrologer · 1 year
The native wants to know when he would get a job in abroad as per vedic astrology of his horoscope.
Based on the given birth details DOB 29-7-1991 at 05:06 PM in Patna, Bihar, India and the analysis is done as per KP vedic astrology padhatti / system.
The plotted horoscope shows Dhanu lagna / Sagittarius ascendant with rahu in 1st house, Saturn in 2nd house, moon in 3rd house, ketu in 7th house, Jupiter n sun in 8th house and mercury venus n mars in 9th house.
The moon is in satabhisha nakshatra in kumbha rashi / moon in aquarius sign and the current ruling mahadasha is Saturn.
In order to learn when the native would get a job in abroad as per his horoscope, one need to study the 6th and 10th cuspal sublord. The study of the current mahadasha will reveal how the dasha lords will give their results on the events in the life of the native during their ruling periods.
From the horoscope the 6th cuspal sublord is rahu and its signifying 1,3 and 8th house in the planet level, venus strongly signifying 5,6,8 and 10th house as it is in own nakshatra in the nakshatra level and mercury signifying 7,8 and 9th house in the sublord level.
Venus is in conjunction with mars signifying 4,8,11 and 12th house.
Venus is in conjunction with mercury signifying 7,8 and 9th house.
Mercury is in conjunction with venus signifying 5,6,8 and 10th house.
Mercury is in conjunction with mars signifying 4,8,11 and 12th house.
The 10th cuspal sublord is venus and its strongly signifying 5,6,8 and 10th house as it is in own nakshatra in the planet level, sublord level as well as sub sublord level.
Venus is in conjunction with mars signifying 4,8,11 and 12th house.
Venus is in conjunction with mercury signifying 7,8 and 9th house.
The current ruling mahadasha is Saturn and its signifying 1 and 2nd house in the planet level, sun signifying 7th house in the nakshatra level and venus strongly signifying 5,6,8 and 10th house as it is in own nakshatra in the sublord level.
Venus is in conjunction with mars signifying 4,8,11 and 12th house.
Venus is in conjunction with mercury signifying 7,8 and 9th house.
From the analysis I conclude that getting a job in abroad is promise in the horoscope and the native will get an opportunity in from September 2027 to August 2028.
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jothishi · 2 years
Satabhisha Nakshatra | Explanation with Celebrity Examples | Nakshatra S...
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dhvijashree18 · 3 years
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Nakshatra Satabhisha
Shatabhisha Nakshatra is the twenty-fourth of all the nakshatra which ranges from 6:40 degrees to 20 degrees in the Aquarius sign. Varuna, the God of Cosmic Waters is the ruling deity of Satabhisha nakshatra. This signifies people who are very self-dependent but often indulge themselves in unnecessary and time-consuming works.
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banglakhobor · 1 year
রাহু-কেতু এক সঙ্গে বদলাচ্ছে জীবন! কোন কোন রাশি দারুণ সুখবর পাবে এই সময়ে
/astrology/sun-transit-suryadev-gochar-in-2023-and-lucky-signs-31691302333227.html /astrology/mercury-transit-2023-astrology-will-enhence-money-luck-of-various-lucky-zodiac-signs-31691238728564.html /astrology/sun-transit-2023-astrology-effect-on-lucky-zodiac-signs-with-great-money-luck-31691229191686.html /astrology/saturn-is-in-satabhisha-nakshatra-these-zodiac-signs-should-be-careful-316911…
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jyeshtatraka · 3 years
Astro (Nakshatra) Observations Part 1
NOTE: This is based on personal experiences. Enjoy!
Satabhisha placements tend to be player. They are the ones who have many exes, date multiple people at once, and very much into online dating where options are available. Somehow they like the ideas of "choosing the one that's best for them" and "selection process"
Most of them look sensitive due to that tropical Pisces so they can be seemed deceiving sometimes
Satabhisha women especially tend to attract a lot of people's attention online due to them being attractive. Rahuvian is blessed to meet some of beauty standards like fair skin or great body
Rahuvian men especially Satabhisha are really charming. They are a great talker but also they tend to be easily bored. It's easy for them to change partner if they think their current one is too attached to them that it becomes boring
Rohini and Rahu Naks (Satabhisha, Svati, and Ardra) are responsible for wealth. A lot of people with this Naks are born wealthy or at least in upper class of economy. A lot of them too are born in family where the family members enjoy refined quality of life. For ex, their siblings go to best school available or their mom use expensive bags and have many clothes in her wardrobe
For this reason, Rahu Naks tend to choose expensive things. They are oftentimes quality over quantity. They don't mind spending much money on one thing and into brand when they can get other thing with cheaper price
Rahu Naks especially Svati tend to recommend place or goods that's expensive for other people
Jyestha can say the most unhinged thing when they are full of emotions. Their emotions can be extreme and those are poured into words. That's what you get when you have Lord Naks in Mercury but sign lord in Mars
Uttarabhadrapada (ubp) is really generous. They are the ones who give helps for free when other people will charge things. But usually they give that for free because they also want to learn about things. So it's like adding their knowledges through free samples that are gotten by helping
Check your darakaraka (the lowest degree of your planets) to see the character of your future husband. Usually when you find a man who represent your darakaraka, it's hard to get over them cuz you somehow see them as your ideal partner. Consider the sign, planet, and house. For ex, your darakaraka is Taurus Saturn in 1st house. Then a man who has Venusian (Taurus), Saturnian, or Aries placements can be seen as your ideal partner. Saturn in here can also be interpreted as someone who's older than you
Your atmakaraka (the highest degree of your planets) can be a placement where you are expected to do things alone. For ex with Virgo Mars as your atmarakara, you may be faced with situations where you have to fight (Mars) for your academic (Virgo is ruled by Mercury). Although it's difficult, it can lead you to fulfillment and independent (Mars as atmakaraka)
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Hey there beautiful human✨💕I found your tumblr not so long time ago but I like I'm blessed that I found it💗🕊So just wanted to ask can I get a roast or description whatever you would like to do with my placements which are - Swati Sun (Pada 1), Shatabishta Moon (Pada 1) , Ardra Rising (Pada 4)(Jupiter and Rahu in 1st) Also before you start disliking me I know I should give less placements but I gave these many for you to decide on the ones you want to roast/describe🦋Thankyousomuch❤🥰
Ooh OK, hi
So, I have like a ton of Ardra posts on my blog. I'd suggest using the search bar. I know I've done a few future spouse for people who had ardra in the 7th house so you might resonate with some of the traits listed in those as well.
As for shatabhisha : the symbol is a 1000 stars or healers so I'm bound to think it's a very luminous placement. Also, one of my favorite actors, Amir Khan has this as a key placement. I admire his movies because they have a unique, script and his movies always have a somewhat revolutionary idea. They force people to think. So it's a bit like a pioneers energy. Giving some a tetthing toy but for developing reasoning abilities.
Women with this placement are seen to have an illustrious career but their love life isn't very shiny.
I have a write up that's basically a mash up of shatabhisha and purvabhadrapada in my drafts. Lemme dig it up for you.
OK I'm disappointed by what I have in way of notes. I'd suggest looking up the movie lagaan. It was nominated for the Oscars and I remember thinking that the main character embodied Shatabhisha energy. I last watched it on Netflix less than a month go. It's 3.5 hours long. So it's almost liek watching a limited edition series. About taxes and winning against colonial oppression.
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Meanwhile , here's link to a post on your moon sign if you'd like to check it out.
As for swati, it's not really a nakshatra I'm Very familiar with. I'd say it bestows Libran love for beauty, being a Rahu ruled Nakshatra it would make you chase the finer things the material realm has to offer. You're probably quite intelligent and incisive, good at making decisions. I'd definitely have to spend more time looking into it to be able to tell you more.
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taisoleil · 3 years
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Some thoughts I had recently in text format. Talked about this on my IG live that is now on YouTube Tai Soleil if you wanna check it out 💚
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anuradhasharda · 4 years
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jothishis-blog · 1 year
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astrophileblogs07 · 2 years
When you're marrying or giving it a thought, check your s/o Moon sign's nakshatra 'Gana'
'Gana' means Clan. Gana matching is very important for a long term commitment or relationships
In Vedic astrology, there are 3 ganas:
Dev gana(divine, godly category)
Manisha/Manushya gana (human, earthly category)
Rakshasa gana (devil category, sort of tamasika)
If any of these are not compatible, its known as 'Gana Dosha'. But one exception is if your sign lord are good /mutual, or if the ppl involved have same Navamsha, this Dosha won't be taken into account.
Dev gana people have good intuition, their spiritual manifestation works faster than the latter two. They won't hesitate to help people. Stubborn. Don't change thier views or themselves easily. Can be prideful.
Manushya gana people are human like, they are people who are obedient to the elders and are ethical. May not help others but are mixed.
Rakshasa gana people are dominating/bossy (in a good way tho) they have a good direction of things and are impulsive too. Go getters. Can easily read energies. Cruel and selfish at times.
Side note: In Hindu epics, even the demons (called 'daityas', 'danav', 'asur' or 'Rakshas') possessed as much powers as the gods and demi-gods. (Or even more, but it depends on the penance)
So here's the thing, compatibility between these are important:
1) Dev gana combos
Dev Gana + Manushya gana= good 👍but the dev gana would be dominating. Unity is nice, lesser conflicts. Harmonious relationship. (5pts are rewarded)
Dev Gana + Dev gana= Very good understanding between both. Unity🎀. Perfect for marriage or any relationship (6pts are rewarded for this combo)
Dev Gana + Rakshasa gana= not compatible. Since the clans are total opposite, there maybe fights, adjustments are only valid till a limit. Don't get along well due to the polarity in their thoughts.
2) Manushya Gana combos.
Manushya + Manushya= again, same thinking, good unity between partners.
Manushya + Rakshasa= this is where the bad news comes, humans can't rule over devils, so this thing is a problem in the relation. The Manushya gana person gets dominated by the Rakshasa gana. The cruelty of the Rakshas gana person starts showing up. Lots of power play (if the other placements in the chart state otherwise). (Idk if true but, my grandma used to believe that in this combo, either of the partner lives, and mostly it is the least dominant party which is taken away, lol) (0pts for this combo)
💙 Dev Gana nakshatras: Ashwini, Mrisgshirsha, Punarvasu, Pushya, Hasta, Swati, Anuradha, Shravana, Revati.
❤️ Rakshasa Gana nakshatras: Krittika, Ashlesha, Magha, Chitra, Vishakha, Jyeshtha, Moola, Dhanista, Satabhisha
🧡 Manushya Gana nakshatras: Bharani, Rohini, Ardra, Purvaphalguni, Uttaraphalguni, Purvashada, Uttarashada, Purvabhadrapada, Uttarabhadrapada.
In conclusion, i would say, please don't base your opinion solely on this Gana of Nakshatras, other things in the d9 chart and the natal horoscopes are important and are being taken into account, this thing is just a part of it.
That's all for today, i hope you enjoyed this post ✨🖤
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