namedudedev · 3 months
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wytheriing · 5 months
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pc wallpapers i drew inspired by yume 2kki
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ynfg-gifs · 3 months
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Yume 2kki - Namedude Full-Screen Events (Part 1)
(Reef Maze/Lost Forest/Haunted Laboratory/Ink Forest)
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ynfg-music · 3 months
Yume 2kki - Found Forest (Chase)
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temptresz · 4 months
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"Yo you got games on your phone"
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hyombus · 1 year
Sitting with Takofuusen 5/24/23
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2kkiupdates · 1 year
New Worlds: Overview (0.120d)
No information anywhere, no routes, no maps. All I had was determination and a need to know what was new. That being said, with the new 0.120d update came a host of new worlds to explore! 
As always,  all names in brackets are placeholder names I’ve come up with in order to more easily differentiate these worlds!
(Blob Tower)
Accessed through the twisted streetlights near the Monochrome Street Entrance.
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A very simplistic world! First thing you see when you enter is a locked door. To get through it, you must get to the bottom of this tower.
Going down the floors, you might notice sheets of paper lying around. These seem to be drawings of strange creatures.
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After seeing the last one in the bottom floor and exiting the room, you will notice soemone killed the NPC that was previously standing there.
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If you follow the bloodstains, you’ll have to survive a chase through all the floors with new obstacles and a static-blob chaser.  (I don’t have any pictures because i was kinda busy running for my life...). Once you reach the last door, you will be treated to a little cutscene showing that you now have a green key.
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The door that the key opens has... nothing! It’s a bit underwhelming, but perhaps we’ll see new connections added in future updates!
(Pastel Shoal)
Accessed through the door to the left in the second-floor of the Spaceship.
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A very cute and calming world! The blue and pink hues are very soft and sweet. Some NPCs are seen milling around, more notably three humans: Surf Bro, Green-haired Girl and Brown-haired Girl.
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There are also three cones leading to the water that imply this might be a future connection. Near the upper side of the world is another connection, this time fully functional: it’s a golden fence with a gap in the middle. This leads to (Pastel Heaven).
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(Pastel Heaven)
Accessed through the gate in (Pastel Shoal). Also thorugh Fantasy Island (Method unknown).
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A small, looping world with pretty pink clouds and carpets. Some angelic NPCs similar to those in Fantasy Island are milling around, together with a poodle and a squirrel (both winged). Cute!
(Waterlogged Bridges)
Accessed through the upper left corner of Tesla Garden (Industrial Waterfront).
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Short world that begins with a wooden bridge. Crossing it, you will first see a blue NPC behind a dumpster.
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Bringing out the Chainsaw, however, seems to convince her to leave, showing she was hiding behind that dumpster because of her injuries and deformities.
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Going forward, a small traditional house and a child appear.
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If you equip the Grave effect, the child seems to have a bit of a neck problem.
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If you enter the house, six futons lie on the floor, five of which are occupied. You can sleep in the empty one! you can also chainsaw the other five and sleep to see their spirits glaring at you in your sleep.
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Going further right from here will bring you to a small dock and a boat.
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Following the path, which is littered with white ghostly figures coming out of the water, you’ll reach a broken grate.
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(Hydroelectric Power Plant)
Accessed through the broken grate in (Waterlogged Bridges).
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Once you enter this area, you’ll have to keep going in the boat for a while in a sewer-like section until you reack a dock and a doorway. This will take you to a section with flickering lights.
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Not much is interesting in this part, since it ends up being a mostly straight path, except perhaps the vending machine.
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Eventually you’ll reach a lit doorway.
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Going through here will take you to the Power Plant per se.
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Going up the ladder and through the door, you’ll end up in a small workshop zone with very cozy lighting!
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If you go down, however, yo’ull see a fenced-off exit and an enormous turbine (which you can interact with to see fully).
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(The Mall)
Accessed through the right exit in Flo’s Shop in Graffiti City.
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A sprawling mall with a variety of shops and food stalls! Apart from the shops where you can’t interact with anything, there are a few points of interest. First of all, there’s an octopus hairdresser!!
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There’s also a sales clerk that will chaneg appearances depending on which effect you have equipped! They do so with almost all effects with varying results, so here are a few examples:
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There is an arcade (or gambling area, however you want to see it) where a girl occupies one of the machines. Two cones block off an exit, marking a possible future connection.
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This place is great for getting difficult-to-get food items like pizza (previously only available in Virtual City) or Takoyaki!! Make sure to check out all the food vendors!
Neon Suburbs
Accessible through a rainbow warp in Monochrome School.
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A vast, looping area filled with flashing neon colors and creatures! You can walk on the “tree leaves”. Only two things of note in this area: first of all, there’s a warp blocked off by a cone, so maybe we’ll see more of this area in the future.
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And lastly, there’s a warp identical to the entrance somewhere else in the map.
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Going through this door will take you to a rave party, with many creatures dancing to their hearts’ content! You can drink the punch, and if you interact with the giant npc sitting in the sofa it’ll switch the music! 
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As a side note, try using the Marginal effect in here. It’s... curious!
Marble Ruins
Accessible through the backstage in the theatre in Snowy Village.
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An extremely pretty world to me personally, this pristine and elegant place is vast and a bit maze-like. By roaming around, you can find a fossil, a mural and a gold-and-blue clock you can admire.
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There are other things scattered around, like a tiny garden, but if you explore enough eventually you’ll come across a small exit. Going through it will lead you to a path over the water where shadow fish swim in the foreground, and afrter that you’ll find a statue of a praying figure with four arms.
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Going further from here, there’s a strange device in the winding path after this section.
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Once you reach the end, there is a staircase adorned with stained galss windows. As you go up, however, these windows become more and more deteriorated...
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At the top is a doorway that takes you to a beutiful starry night sky and some cones that mark a future connection.
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The music is also extremely pretty and calm! The perfect ending to this journey through the 0.120d worlds. They were many and very extensive, but overall I really liked them!! My personal favorite was Marble Palace, and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for them!
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orangeeeeeeel · 2 months
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To celebrate the Namedude author tour I drew a bit of the event in Found Forest
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djungelskogbear · 6 months
i just went thru nd explored the whole Reef maze Namedude maps of yume 2kki and was about clown on it a lil until i looked him up and hes 16!? nevermind i take back my critiscism
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validtrollnames · 5 years
The namedude is a valid ancestor name
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namedudedev · 3 months
ToMakeAmends - New Series
"The clock's hand turns as the blood seeps..."
ToMakeAmends is a psychological horror web series set in the Slenderverse. Isolation and survival are all you have as you realize that you'll never be alone again..
youtube.com/@ToMakeAmends (Poster by @vluisasantiago)
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ynfg-gifs · 3 months
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Yume 2kki - Namedude Full-Screen Events (Part 2)
(Hall of Memories/Found Forest)
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ynfg-music · 3 months
Yume 2kki - Violet Galaxy
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namedudedev · 2 months
Namedude Merch
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Hey, if you wanna wear my weird stick figures on your body, I have a shop now for you to do that if you wanna. namedude.printify.me/products
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namedudedev · 6 hours
I'm gonna be taking a little break from my webseries "To Make Amends" to focus on other projects. That being said, I appreciate all the support from you viewers, thanks guys!
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ynfg-music · 3 months
Yume 2kki - Hall of Memories
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