#2kki exploration
2kkiupdates · 1 year
New Worlds: Overview (0.120d)
No information anywhere, no routes, no maps. All I had was determination and a need to know what was new. That being said, with the new 0.120d update came a host of new worlds to explore! 
As always,  all names in brackets are placeholder names I’ve come up with in order to more easily differentiate these worlds!
(Blob Tower)
Accessed through the twisted streetlights near the Monochrome Street Entrance.
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A very simplistic world! First thing you see when you enter is a locked door. To get through it, you must get to the bottom of this tower.
Going down the floors, you might notice sheets of paper lying around. These seem to be drawings of strange creatures.
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After seeing the last one in the bottom floor and exiting the room, you will notice soemone killed the NPC that was previously standing there.
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If you follow the bloodstains, you’ll have to survive a chase through all the floors with new obstacles and a static-blob chaser.  (I don’t have any pictures because i was kinda busy running for my life...). Once you reach the last door, you will be treated to a little cutscene showing that you now have a green key.
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The door that the key opens has... nothing! It’s a bit underwhelming, but perhaps we’ll see new connections added in future updates!
(Pastel Shoal)
Accessed through the door to the left in the second-floor of the Spaceship.
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A very cute and calming world! The blue and pink hues are very soft and sweet. Some NPCs are seen milling around, more notably three humans: Surf Bro, Green-haired Girl and Brown-haired Girl.
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There are also three cones leading to the water that imply this might be a future connection. Near the upper side of the world is another connection, this time fully functional: it’s a golden fence with a gap in the middle. This leads to (Pastel Heaven).
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(Pastel Heaven)
Accessed through the gate in (Pastel Shoal). Also thorugh Fantasy Island (Method unknown).
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A small, looping world with pretty pink clouds and carpets. Some angelic NPCs similar to those in Fantasy Island are milling around, together with a poodle and a squirrel (both winged). Cute!
(Waterlogged Bridges)
Accessed through the upper left corner of Tesla Garden (Industrial Waterfront).
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Short world that begins with a wooden bridge. Crossing it, you will first see a blue NPC behind a dumpster.
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Bringing out the Chainsaw, however, seems to convince her to leave, showing she was hiding behind that dumpster because of her injuries and deformities.
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Going forward, a small traditional house and a child appear.
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If you equip the Grave effect, the child seems to have a bit of a neck problem.
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If you enter the house, six futons lie on the floor, five of which are occupied. You can sleep in the empty one! you can also chainsaw the other five and sleep to see their spirits glaring at you in your sleep.
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Going further right from here will bring you to a small dock and a boat.
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Following the path, which is littered with white ghostly figures coming out of the water, you’ll reach a broken grate.
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(Hydroelectric Power Plant)
Accessed through the broken grate in (Waterlogged Bridges).
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Once you enter this area, you’ll have to keep going in the boat for a while in a sewer-like section until you reack a dock and a doorway. This will take you to a section with flickering lights.
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Not much is interesting in this part, since it ends up being a mostly straight path, except perhaps the vending machine.
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Eventually you’ll reach a lit doorway.
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Going through here will take you to the Power Plant per se.
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Going up the ladder and through the door, you’ll end up in a small workshop zone with very cozy lighting!
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If you go down, however, yo’ull see a fenced-off exit and an enormous turbine (which you can interact with to see fully).
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(The Mall)
Accessed through the right exit in Flo’s Shop in Graffiti City.
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A sprawling mall with a variety of shops and food stalls! Apart from the shops where you can’t interact with anything, there are a few points of interest. First of all, there’s an octopus hairdresser!!
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There’s also a sales clerk that will chaneg appearances depending on which effect you have equipped! They do so with almost all effects with varying results, so here are a few examples:
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There is an arcade (or gambling area, however you want to see it) where a girl occupies one of the machines. Two cones block off an exit, marking a possible future connection.
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This place is great for getting difficult-to-get food items like pizza (previously only available in Virtual City) or Takoyaki!! Make sure to check out all the food vendors!
Neon Suburbs
Accessible through a rainbow warp in Monochrome School.
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A vast, looping area filled with flashing neon colors and creatures! You can walk on the “tree leaves”. Only two things of note in this area: first of all, there’s a warp blocked off by a cone, so maybe we’ll see more of this area in the future.
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And lastly, there’s a warp identical to the entrance somewhere else in the map.
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Going through this door will take you to a rave party, with many creatures dancing to their hearts’ content! You can drink the punch, and if you interact with the giant npc sitting in the sofa it’ll switch the music! 
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As a side note, try using the Marginal effect in here. It’s... curious!
Marble Ruins
Accessible through the backstage in the theatre in Snowy Village.
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An extremely pretty world to me personally, this pristine and elegant place is vast and a bit maze-like. By roaming around, you can find a fossil, a mural and a gold-and-blue clock you can admire.
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There are other things scattered around, like a tiny garden, but if you explore enough eventually you’ll come across a small exit. Going through it will lead you to a path over the water where shadow fish swim in the foreground, and afrter that you’ll find a statue of a praying figure with four arms.
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Going further from here, there’s a strange device in the winding path after this section.
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Once you reach the end, there is a staircase adorned with stained galss windows. As you go up, however, these windows become more and more deteriorated...
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At the top is a doorway that takes you to a beutiful starry night sky and some cones that mark a future connection.
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The music is also extremely pretty and calm! The perfect ending to this journey through the 0.120d worlds. They were many and very extensive, but overall I really liked them!! My personal favorite was Marble Palace, and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for them!
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vomitcurse · 2 months
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watching waters / archeology dunes
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every day i run into uploads of yume 2kki areas/worlds i've never seen before in my life n i am in awe
also i just realized one of the specific channels i watch for 2kki vids (a shrieking cloud of bats) has been doing it for 7 years... man...
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1-up-chump · 2 years
How i imagine the sky temple to sound like but with more wind chimes
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dogboyrevenge · 1 year
Ever since i found out yume 2kki has an online multiplayer now I've been wanting to play it with someone
👁️ 👁️
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kittencatsmitsmack · 2 years
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Pretty much having fun in Yume 2kki Online. also bonus pics.
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quee-r-code · 2 years
Fuck it im getting into yn fangames
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crazycafinecat · 4 months
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Yume 2kki \\ Overgrown Condominium
this is one of the first maps i explored when i started playing 2kki... i stumbled upon it again today. i really like the rooftop of the condominium there's a creature there :] a friend :]]
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punkitt-is-here · 6 months
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doing more yume 2kki online with luke! come see us LIVE and join us exploring :D
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sharkfoodstore · 4 months
Why I love Ultra Violet, the one of the best indie rpgs you haven't played yet.
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Ultra Violet has it rough. It is hopelessly obscure, but if you HAVE heard of it, you've likely played dozens of games like it. It's a Yume Nikki fangame, living in the shadow of the more popular games in the genre like .flow, Yume 2kki, Answered Prayers, and of course, Yume Nikki itself. And in the small community of Yume Nikki fangame fans, it struggles further to stand out. It's creative, but also leans on the existing ideas of Yume Nikki. It's extremely pretty, though nowhere near as pretty as 2kki. It gets dark and atmospheric, but not as dark as .flow. It's mysterious and tranquil, but not as mysterious nor tranquil as Answered Prayers. Between all the games in this niche genre trying to change and innovate, it seems to fail to find its voice. And yet, I can't stop thinking about it. Ultra Violet has been occupying a spot in my brain since I first played it half a year ago, and in an effort to figure out why, I decided to 100% it. I collected every effect, and got every achievement available on Yume Nikki Online. And now I finally get it. Ultra Violet isn't just some unique worlds in an otherwise standard yume nikki game. Instead, it has a specific story it is trying to tell, and quite an interesting one at that. Ultra Violet is the story of a young woman named Sometsuki. As is the standard with these kinds of games, she refuses to leave her room. However, going to sleep will allow her to explore her dream world. This is the basic setup most of these games follow, but Ultra Violet sets up one unique inversion. Sometsuki's room is very cozy. It's hardly the boring and barren room most of these other games have. Instead, she has an incredibly modern looking home. Where other games put static on their TVs, Sometsuki has cute cartoons she can watch.
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This sets up part of the lie of Ultra Violet. This modern cute room doesn't seem to fit in the dark worlds of Yume Nikki games, but Ultra Violet tries hard to present itself as a cuter and more innocent game. This is the first impression the game creates, but it wasn't the one I was left with. There's one thing that becomes more and more evident over time as you play: There is something wrong with Sometsuki, and she doesn't want you to know about it.
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I should preface this by saying I don't know if this was intentional. I don't know what story the developer wanted to tell, but due to the interpretive nature of this genre, this was the story I got out of the game. Ultra Violet's worlds are often extremely cute on the surface. Rabbit motifs are one of the most common reoccurring images. The game definitely wants to be cute and heartwarming, with even the game's equivalent of the Yume Nikki eyeball world, a nexus world filled with bloody body parts, being not TOO graphic compared to what other fangames have done. But the deeper you go, the deeper things get... wrong...
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The nexus worlds are rather abstract. A snowy lake, a pastel forest, an ocean. But the deeper you go, the more things start to get specific. Things start to feel closer to her memories. And these are where the game dives into Sometsuki as a character. You can tell these are the areas that are clearly traumatic for her. But the game doesn't just hide the horror here, there are many horror easter eggs hidden in the cuter worlds, and the deeper worlds often contain the most comforting areas alongside the scary aspects. And this is where I think the character of Sometsuki lies. She buries and masks her memories due to her trauma, trying to hide her pain. But the trauma hasn't gone away, it's just well hidden. It leaks into the nice dreams she builds for herself, not letting her forget. The game's only horror effect, the headless effect, interacts with a surprising amount of areas in the cuter worlds. Sometsuki's dream world is lie. Her cute room is a lie. She buries her past, to avoid confronting what she's seen and is implied to have done.
One horror area is actively blocked off by boards and boxes you have to smash through, physically breaking down the walls she put up. Another requires her to continuously return to a room, similar to Yume Nikki's uboa event. But this time, every time you return to the room the woman inside is doing something different. This character appears in a variety of areas, obviously important to Sometsuki. It's like you have to go through her entire relationship with this person before uncovering what Sometsuki doesn't want to see. I think this, the way people bury what they don't want to feel deep inside and ignore the way it tears them up, and the difficulties of breaking through that habit and confronting the darkness, is the theme of Ultra Violet. Ultraviolet: A colour you cannot see, but is nontheless present everywhere you go. This is the overarching theme of the game, how one's demons can lurk within them even when they try to suppress things. It explores how trauma can manifest even in people who seem fine. Sometsuki doesn't come across like the more obviously depressed protagonists of the other fangames, but she is nonetheless suffering through her mask of tranquility and happiness, a mask she wears so well she believes it herself. The game commits so hard to its theme of hidden scars, that some horrific imagery is only visible by going out of bounds, and isn't allowed to be seen in normal gameplay. This doesn't make the cute stuff all a lie though. Ultra Violet has darkness lurking under the surface, but it can be very lighthearted and soft too. Sometsuki's memories contain a lot of gentle areas, maybe even more than the horror themed ones. Despite what I have said about darkness lurking under the cute facade of many of the lighthearted worlds, that doesn't invalidate the comfort they provide to Sometsuki, and the game understands that. It never frames the dark areas of Sometsuki's life as more 'real' than the happy ones. And in doing this, it pushes back on many of the theories about these types of games that interpret them entirely through suffering. Sometsuki has had a very hard life, one that she tries to bury, but as she works her way through her subconscious, she also finds a lot of buried memories of sweetness and tranquility. This game isn't a "this cute game is actually MESSED UP!" type of story. No, it is the story of a woman who has repressed her memories finally coming to terms with everything, the darkest parts of her psyche, but also the nicer places in her subconscious.
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This is definitely one of the most standout aspects of Ultra Violet to me. It would have been so easy to make all of the deepest parts of Sometsuki's subconscious dark and edgy, but it doesn't. The sweet moments are just as much a part of the game as the scary ones. This gentle atmosphere carries through the game. While the eerie moments can be in-your-face, the happiest moments are often rather understated and tranquil. The peaceful areas are often as mysterious and open to theorizing as the scary ones. A bizarre shrine at the top of a hill in the countryside, helping someone in a blizzard and making a new friend, or sitting and looking out across a vast lake with the girl from the uboa analogue. The lasting image when I finished was not of a woman haunted by her past, but someone who made peace with what happened, the good and the bad. It's an unusually hopeful message for a Yume Nikki game. Overall, Sometsuki is one of my favourite Yume Nikki fangame protagonists. If Yume Nikki is about exploring one's subconscious, then the simple act of hiding Sometsuki's subconscious makes this game stand out from so many other fangames. Sometsuki is not an open book, so while the horror isn't as groundbreaking as .flow or even Yume Nikki, Sometsuki's relationship to the horror is what makes her such a compelling character.
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If you'd like to play Ultra Violet, it is free to play on the Yume Nikki Online Project. It's incomplete and lacks an ending, but nonetheless I highly recommend it. It's both a cute and interesting game that does a lot in a genre that is hard to stand out in. I won't act like it's going to change your life or anything, but if you're a fan of Yume Nikki or surreal indie rpgs with horror elements, I'd say it's definitely worth a playthrough. It's cute, a bit scary, but overall very sentimental and sweet.
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sproutbox02 · 8 months
its hard to overstate just how much yume 2kki means to me.. As a game, as a collective, as a piece of artwork, as a community.. WOW !!! Expanding for 16 years and counting .. all these wonderful weird wacky worlds threaded together like a giant patchwork quilt.. so effing special…
ynoproject especially holds a place in my heart! It’s funny how unintentionally well the 2kki layout works as an mmo lol ^.^ running into people in these random unexpected areas and sharing a little hello.. All these little strangers with their own intricate lives just taking a minute to explore together. How lovely. idk it’s touching to me
When I play now it’s mostly unfamiliar faces . And I’m busy and tired so I don’t play often. u_u . But something about this little community has stuck with me 4ever. Eternally grateful to be apart of it and watch it grow :-)
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2kkiupdates · 1 year
New Worlds: Overview (0.120c p5)
Well! With the surprise drop of this WIP patch, we can add a total of 6 worlds to the roster! All added by Yume wo Samayou, who had previously added worlds such as Shape World or Private Rooms. Let’s begin!
All names in brackets are placeholder names I’ve come up with in order to more easily differentiate these worlds!
Lit Tile Path
Accessed through the Private Rooms (window).
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A looping maze with a puzzle within. You must hit three switches scattered throughout the world in order to complete the puzzle. The order does not matter! You may only take not of the arrow they display after being pressed. Once you’ve hit all three, head north of the entrance to discover a screen with four buttons in front of it... but one of them has been smashed. In the end it doesn’t matter, because once you input the correct directions in the screen by interacting with it a door next to it opens! (Spoiler below, perhaps. I haven’t tested if the pattern differs between accounts)
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Obstacle Course 2
A small room with the statue of a chaser. Going into the next one, you will find that hitting the interact key will turn the tiles from green to a more blue, patterned color. By going through the star tile into the next room, where the previously immobile chaser will reach breakneck speeds to try and get you, you will notice every tiled you changed is now solid. That’s the trick of this room: you need to get a hold of the tiny blue UFO, turn it yellow by interacting with it and then heding to the door in the upper wall. Here is a picture of the setup I used:
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Solving this and getting safely through the door will net you... nothing, so far. Just another tiny room with another statue and a construction sign. Bummer!
Chaotic Scribble World
Accessed through Cherryblossom Fields (Chainsaw needed).
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Beware of the little colored aliens! They will turn into chasers and return you to the entrance area if caught. However, not all three colors will always be chasing you actively: every now and then, the color will switch between the three: orange, blue and green. By avoiding them and exploring, you can find the exit south of the beginning area (iirc): a tiny green house with yellow lights.
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(If you reenter this area from that side, the chasers will no longer chase you.)
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Shunned Street
A small map with two blocked exits and a vending machine. Going to the right of the screen will take you to MAP1718 (Friend’s Funeral), where the blue girl (Aoko) will react positively to the Wolf and Child effects while becoming somber when seeing the Twintails and Tomb effect, presumably because of her similarly-haired friend, visible on the walls.
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Going back outside, equipping the chainsaw effect will make the guard smirk, and using it on him will enrage him, chasing you and waking you up fully.
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All in all fun worlds with a simple artstyle! It’s clear they’re still WIPs, and I can’t wait to see them fully realized!
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mockingmoth · 10 months
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Some fan art for a game that's pretty important to me. Going through some struggles, I dunno where I wanna go with my art, and honestly just in a lonely point in my life.
I've been taking comfort in this game and fan games. I've been playing a lot of Yume 2kki Online. Just wandering around exploring dream worlds. Taking some time to sit down somewhere and let the music loop for a while. It kinda matches where I feel atm. Alright cringe posting over! Enjoy this lil art experiment. No idea where I'm going but I wanna go somewhere.
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vioyume · 2 years
A List of Videos on Various RPG Maker Games:
Last Updated: April 25, 2023
Like others I am a fan of the wonderful world on RPG Maker Games, some are more popular than others but at the end of the day, the community for this genre is very small. So once in a while you'll find someone talking about these games.
This list is like a master post of sorts holding a bunch of links to many videos on these games that were made in RPG Maker (Oneshot, Ib, Yume NIkki, Omori, OFF, etc). There are no "Lets Plays" in this list.
Suggestions to this list (Videos or a Game) is welcome since finding these videos in the first place are always a hidden gem!
RPG Maker Horror Games, Surrealism, and Trauma - Sagan Hawkes (Overall overview of the RPG Horror Genre)
The Lost Art of RPG Maker Games - Thafnine (Yume Nikki, Ao Oni, Ib, The Crooked Man, The Witch's House, Mad Father)
Omori and Yume Nikki: Journey of dreams - Boy Afraid
Earthbound and Inspiration - Nitro Rad
Cult Classic RPG Maker Games - Takune (Yume Nikki, Ao Oni, OFF)
RPG Maker Horror Games Mattered - graymads (Yume NIkki, Ib, Ao Oni, Misao, OFF)
A brief retrospective of some RPGMaker games - Davey Gunface (OFF, Lisa the Painful & Joyful, Hylics, Oneshot, Grimm's Hollow, To the Moon)
Let's dive into The Indie RPG Maker Iceberg [Part One] - Smol Birb (Almost any RPG Maker Game you can think of)
Let's dive into The Indie RPG Maker Iceberg [Part Two] - Smol Birb (Almost any RPG Maker Game you can think of)
Reviewing a Bunch of RPG Maker Games - Majuular (Yume Nikki, Hylics, Toilet in Wonderland, To the Moon, Oneshot, Lawmage Academy, Suits, Fear and Hunger, The Witch's House, Space Funeral)
🪟 Yume Nikki (Original, 2018 ver, and Fangames):
How Yume Nikki Changed Everything... | A Retrospective - Sagan Hawkes
Yume Nikki - Nitro Rad
Yume 2kki - Nitro Rad
.Flow - Nitro Rad
LCDDEM | Yume Nisshi | Answered Prayers - Nitro Rad
Yume Graffiti | ME | Fleshchild - Nitro Rad
YUME NIKKI DREAM DIARY - Nitro Rad (2018 ver)
Yume Nikki - An Unforgettable Memory - Maraganger
The Yume Nikki Iceberg: Facts, Theories, and Absolutely Zero Apparitions! - Post Cards from the White Dessert
Understanding Yume Nikki - SpaceySoundy
Remembering .Flow - SpaceySoundy
UnRequited, Expiate, Usagi | Yume Nikki Fangame Reviews - Frogge
Yume Nikki's Biggest Secret - LOVEWEB - Shadok
¿Qué me he perdido? Episodio 11: Yume Nikki (Spoilers) - ¿Qué me he perdido? (Spanish with captions)
Roblox Yume Nikki Fangames - Flatface
Yume Nikki: An Endless Rabbit Hole | A Deep Dive - SonoSara
Yume Nikki: Ambiguity is Terrifying - NixasHearts
Yume Nikki and the Death Acceptance Theory - mimiyori
Explaining Yume Nikki - What Did That All Mean? Theories And Analysis - Panopticon Theatre
The Yume Nikki Novel You've Probably Never Read - Cicada Wave
What Happened to Yume Nikki Merch? | LOST MEDIA - Zereph
Yume Nikki: Interpretation VS Adaptation - NezumiVA
Why Yume Nikki Still Matters - NezumiVa
Yume Nikki: The Terror Of Isolation - graymads
Explaining .flow - A Rusted Nightmare - Theories And Analysis - Panopticon Theatre
Interview with Diana June [Yume Nikki: Dream Diary OST] - NOMOIDA (2018 ver)
🪦 Space Funeral:
Space Funeral - Nitro Rad
Space Funeral - A Twisted Reflection of the Platonic Ideal of the JRPG - Ben Saint
SPACE FUNERAL | Videogaming's Answer to David Lynch? - Weather Dependent
🌹 Ib:
The Haunting of Ib - Honey Bat
Ib - Nitro Rad
Exploring Ib and it's Remake - SpaceySoundy
Ib - With Art and Soul - Louicide
Why I Adore Ib and Garry's Friendship - AmorManx
🧍‍♂️Strange Man Anthology
The Crooked Man - Nitro Rad
You NEED to Play The Crooked Man - Ben Again
The Sandman is WEIRD - Ben Again
⚾ OFF:
OFF - Nitro Rad
Just what was OFF all about? - SpaceySoundy
Let's Review: OFF - NekoSuave93
Explaining OFF - A Dying Utopia - Theories And Analysis - Panopticon Theatre
OFF is a Terrible Game (With an Interesting World) - Boss Door
OFF: A Retrospective (Feat. @/NezumiVA) - Sagan Hawkes (Nazumi's YT channel)
Mortis Ghost's OFF: A 10th Anniversary Retrospective - NezumiVA
OFF - Tackling Morality in Video Games - Ben Again
🪚 Sen's Games (Mad Father, Misao)
Mad Father - NitroRad
Misao - NitroRad
О чём была Mad Father - ikorka (Russian)
💡 Oneshot:
Oneshot - NitroRad
Another Shot at Oneshot - NitroRad
Why Oneshot Is The Most Underrated Game Ever - Paracosm
Review: OneShot - A Fox on the Internet
OneShot's Perfect Finale - NixasHearts
Coffee Talk: Behind the Scenes Commentary on "OneShot's Perfect Finale" - NixasHearts
OneShot 2 - Boss Door
My Oneshot at Oneshot | OneShot Review - galxie
🎻 Omori:
Omori - Nitro Rad
Omori Is Beautiful - A Critique on the Modern Horror RPG - SpaceySoundy
Omori Critique: A Narrative Marvel - Engel
The ULTIMATE Omori Analysis - Munt Chunk
OMORI: The Long Awaited Masterpiece - The RPG Monger
OMORI: The Horror RPG that will 𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤 You. | A Complete Analysis - AssukaTV
How OMORI Breaks You: A Character Analysis | Video Essay - ButWhyLevin
OMORI Black Space II Explained - Sleepy Crest
What is Omori? - Takune
An Analysis of Omori, A True Masterpiece. (Re-Upload) - XaberVI
Review: OMORI - A Fox on the Internet
(OMORI) Why Sunny/Omori is a Fascinating Character | (A Scattershot Analysis) - Serial Introvert
BlackSpace: How to Make a Character hated. (OMORI) - jELeeoo
OMORI and Dissociative Amnesia - Daryl Talks Games (Age Restricted)
Why OMORI has SAVED RPG Maker - ToastyTime
Who is Omori? - GhostsOnVacation
How OMORI Controls You - PoorDesign
How OMORI SCARES You | Analysis of Psychological Horror - Serial Introvert
How OMORI Was Made and Why People Assumed it Was a Scam - ThatGuyGlen
Omori Changes You as a Person - kota
Not Another Earthbound-Inspired Indie Game About Depression - i am error
OMORI Explained Terribly - CrabApples
The Meaning of Omori - WillNgLee
This Is The Darkest Secret In OMORI... | Video Essay - ButWhyLevin
How Impactful Audio is in OMORI - hysteria
Analyzing OMORI's Underrated Final Boss Theme ("Whale Whale Whale") - Grey-Spark
Omori Sunny Analysis | Escaping The Dreamlike Nightmare - JJCGames
Oyasumi Sunny | Omori review - Re-2D (Russian with captions)
These are games where they don't have enough videos to be it's own category. If a game gains more videos then it'll get a category. (3+)
The Greatest Forgotten Horror RPG - Hazel (Re:Kinder)
Grimm's Hollow: The Free Indie RPG That Stands Out - The RPG Monger (Grimm's Hollow)
Escaped Chasm - Nitro Rad
What is Hello Charlotte And Why You Should Play It - starrybunnieboy (Hello Charlotte)
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🪷 Shimako’s Deluge 🪷
Recently, as my obsession with Yume 2kki grew, I began looking into some of the many NPCs found within it. None caught my attention more than Shimako, a girl who appears in a handful of qxy’s maps and who carries with her the implications of a dark and depressing backstory.
Obviously nothing in the 2kki universe is truly canon and is all up to the interpretations of the hundreds of artists that make up the game, but I couldn’t help but come to the conclusion that Shimako was of some importance to Urotsuki in her past… someone she couldn’t soon forget. I could go on and on about my thoughts regarding her character (why she vanishes whenever you get too close to her, why she gives you the hat of a Shadow Lady and then quickly runs away, why her dead body lies hidden in the stairwell of the Rainy Apartments) but for now I’ll leave it at that.
If you haven’t already, please take the time to explore every area you can find her in, taking place mainly in the Home Within Nowhere route. You’ll even get a few badges from Yume Nikki Online for discovering her and her events!
The link to her wiki page: https://yume.wiki/2kki/Shimako
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shinolavolume1 · 2 months
exploring the TWISTED WORLD of yume 2kki
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