#Nanotube Bottle
perigeedirect · 11 months
Unveiling the Marvels of Nanotube Bottles: A Miniature Engineering Wonder
Greetings, curious minds of the internet! Today, we're diving headfirst into the fascinating world of Nanotube Bottles. You might be wondering, "What in the nanoworld are those?" Well, buckle up, because we're about to embark on a journey through the science behind these miniature marvels of engineering.
The Intriguing World of Nanotube Bottles
Nanotube Bottles might sound like something out of a sci-fi movie, but they're very much a reality. These remarkable creations are a testament to the incredible advancements in nanotechnology. Let's start by understanding the basics.
What Are Nanotube Bottles?
Imagine tiny, cylindrical structures with walls so thin that they're made up of a single layer of carbon atoms. These are carbon nanotubes, and when they are shaped into bottle-like structures, we get Nanotube Bottles. These minuscule containers can hold and transport a variety of substances, and their potential applications are vast.
The Magic of Nanotube Powder
To grasp the science behind Nanotube Bottles, we need to take a closer look at their core component: nanotube powder.
What Is Nanotube Powder?
Nanotube powder consists of an assembly of carbon nanotubes. These tubes are incredibly small, with diameters on the nanometer scale, but their lengths can range from micrometers to millimeters.
- The powder is created through various techniques like chemical vapor deposition or arc discharge methods. These methods allow precise control over the size and properties of the carbon nanotubes.
Why Nanotube Powder?
Nanotube powder is the raw material for crafting Nanotube Bottles. It's the building block, much like bricks are for a house. The remarkable characteristics of carbon nanotubes make them ideal for this purpose.
- Their immense strength, high electrical conductivity, and unique chemical properties make them an engineering marvel.
Crafting Nanotube Bottles
Creating Nanotube Bottles is no walk in the park. It involves several intricate steps that require finesse and precision.
Step 1: Nanotube Growth
To kickstart the process, carbon nanotubes are grown using a catalyst, often made of transition metals.
The structure of these tubes is manipulated to create the desired bottle shape. This involves controlling the growth conditions carefully.
Step 2: Bottle Formation
Once the nanotubes reach the desired length, they are carefully sealed at one end to form a closed bottle-like structure.
It's almost like creating a tiny, nanoscale message in a bottle!
Step 3: Functionalization
To make Nanotube Bottles practical, they are often functionalized. This means adding specific molecules or substances to their interior, which can serve a variety of purposes, from drug delivery to targeted chemical reactions.
Applications and Future Prospects
Nanotube Bottles hold incredible promise and have already found applications in various fields. Here are some exciting prospects:
Drug Delivery: These tiny vessels can transport medications to precise locations within the body, minimizing side effects.
Chemical Sensing: Nanotube Bottles can be used to detect specific chemicals or toxins, making them invaluable for environmental monitoring.
Nano-Reaction Vessels: With their minute size and precise control, they are ideal for conducting chemical reactions on a nanoscale.
In the realm of nanotechnology, Nanotube Bottles are a true marvel of engineering. Their tiny size conceals immense potential, and as we continue to unlock the secrets of the nanoworld, we can only anticipate more innovative applications for these miniature wonders. Whether it's revolutionizing drug delivery or enabling groundbreaking chemical research, these tiny bottles have the power to change the world in ways we're only beginning to fathom.
So there you have it – a glimpse into the science behind Nanotube Bottles. The future holds endless possibilities for these miniature marvels, and I, for one, can't wait to see where this remarkable journey takes us!
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slifarianhawk · 1 year
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Chapter 25: Two Matriarchs (NORMAL P.O.V.)
Sitting at my desk, I clicked off and deactivated my connection to the B.S.A.A. terminals. Chris was clearly not in a good place and needed some comfort. I hope Barry, Claire, or the copy of my plans against Spencer would soothe him.
As I waited for Albert to arrive with that harpy Excella , I decided it would be best to have Agent Nighthawk in the office as backup. Did I think Albert would allow me to get hurt? No, no, I did not. I just think a little intimidation would be helpful.
I pressed the button on my comm choker, activating it.
"Agent Nighthawk respond." I ordered.
"Yes, commander?" His voice responded quickly.
"Come to my office. I have a feeling the new visitor will be trouble, and I would like your assistance in the matter as my backup." I said, standing up from my chair and walking over the marbled ebony cabinets in the corner of my office.
"YES, MAM!" He said loudly.
"No need to shout hun. See you soon." I ended the comm link.
Opening up the cabinet, I pulled out a tray with a vintage light blue decanter with gold angel fish with six matching glasses. Inside the decanter was Pheonix Corps. special strawberry brandy. I also had an unopened imported bottle of Kunohs orange osmanthus wine as well as an unopened bottle Disaronno and Johnnie Walker blue label, which I knew was Albert's favorite. Pulling them out of their hidey hole, I placed them on the tray as well.
Carefully, I brought the drinking set out and placed it on my desk. Tucking away my keyboard, laptop, as well as the monitors. I placed the cups along the desk. With utmost care, I covered the desk and drinking set with a black silk sheet. The proper meet and greet was more important, and if it went well, drinks would be served.
"I am here, m'lady." Nighthawk said, entering my office holding a five gallon bucket of ice,"White Queen said you would need ice, so I grabbed you a big bucket full from the kitchen before I came to your office."
The kid smiled. His unruly neck lenght blonde hair was slicked back almost how Wesk normally had his. He was wearing a charcoal grey jacket with an aquamarine tee shirt, black jeans, and his standard issued combat boots.
"Wow! kid, you're looking sharp today. This is perfect. I want to see your files from project a.c.r.o.h. you look so much like my husband it's shocking." I said, taking the bucket of ice from him," please take a seat. Archer will be here soon with Albert and that bitch Excella. However, my plan is simple, and you'll see that soon enough. Now, if you'll turn around so I can get changed."
Agent Nighthawk turns and faces the wall. I quickly changed into my battle suit that was crafted from carbon nanotubes and spider silk. Perfectly bulletproof and stylish to boot. I placed my corrective purple shades on as well as my black leather duster coat embroidered with blue silk flames. I pulled my long deep brown hair up into a ponytail. Lastly, I stepped into black snake skin three inch wedge heel boots.
"OK... Hawk, you can turn around now. I'm ready for this meet and greet with Ms. Gionne, " I said, walking over to him.
"That's good, m'lady, and it seems they are almost here." He said, pointing at the window, revealing Albert and Arjuna walking up the stairs being followed by Excella and Steve.
I quickly zipped over to my big office chair and sat down. Turning away from the door, I gazed over set agent Nighthawk and motioned for him to come stand next to me. He followed the order I silently provided in just the nick of time.
White Queen appeared as the door opened. Archer walked in first, followed by Wesker and Steve. Excella walked in last.
"Albert, where is this asset you keep bringing up? I must admit the Pheonix Corps. is an amazing organization, but would they help us with oroboros. They seemed to be aligned with the UN." She stated.
White Queen spoke up, "All of your questions will be answered here in a moment. Arjuna, please introduce our lady to Ms. Gionne."
Archer smiled and bowed, "Yes, White Queen, welcome to the final room of our tour. The heart of Pheonix Corps, this is the office of our mistress. The former vice captain of the Raccoon City special tactics and rescue services Alpha team, Umbrellas former top researcher in vaccines and anti viral procedures, UBSC Agent number seven hundred forty-eight, goddess of the new world and wife to commander Albert Wesker, our matron and leader, the Pheonix herself, Lady Tabitha Ellise Redfield Wesker."
I turned in my chair and stood up. Brushing my bangs away from my eyes. My wicked smirk plastered across my face as I stared deep into Excella's horrified eyes.
"So.... so... you were?"shuddered out Excella.
"NOT so much of a filthy mutt now am I deary. Hahaha.... worry not, dear heart. I hold nothing against you. I could have killed you the moment I laid my eyes on you, but I didn't. After all, that's not what my daughter Alistar would want. I understand you found her corpse. I want to thank you for being her home to me and Albert." I took off my shades, revealing the deep blue sapphire like eyes.
Albert walked forward and stood next to me, "Excella, my dearheart here has a deal for you."
"What is this deal? What what can she give me that I don't already have? I have Albert and our research. I don't need anything more. So tell me what you can offer me?" She huffed, turning around, starting to walk out.
"Well, how about me not exposing Tricells' recent transgressions against the UNs anti bioterrist regulations." She turned around, horrified as the realization just hit her.
"You wouldn't dare! do you know who i am. No one would turn in trecell over
petty reason, like not building a work relationship." She said, walking towards me.
I laughed, amused, "If you think I'm not that petty, just ask Wesk. However, I have damn near infinite resources and connections as well from the B.S.A.A., the connections, even Nato and the UN. I have decades of research from umbrella and access to files that Wesker doesn't. I'm currently have an army of around two thousand soldiers, all with B.O.W. training. To think you would think I studied up on you when I found out about irving was connected to Tricell. Born to the Gionne family, Excella was a child prodigy. Graduating from high school at the ripe age of sixteen and college at twenty. She gained a bachelor of science degree majoring in genetic engineering. Valedictorian at that. Now you are an assistant to my power-hungry sadist of a husband. I love him dearly, but I can tell you, and I share that fact in common. Now I'll cut you a deal, one that will be hard to refuse."
I saw Albert smirk.
"Gentlemen, let's give my dear lotus and Excella some privacy." Wesker said, motioning for the men to leave.
"No need, Albert. I want to make sure you hear what is said. That way, I know she'll stay loyal to this contract. You did tell me she's loyal to you to a fault. Let me hear this deal you've concocted. " Excella smirked, sitting in one of the chairs.
"Simple and straight to the point, I like that. This is a four part deal, and I'll have the legal team draw up the contract for three parts. The last piece will be between me and you, Excella." I said, sitting back down in my office chair.
"But of course, I'm not an idiot. Now, let's hear these terms." She said in a very business manner.
"First of we don't rat each other out to the UN, B.S.A.A or any other authority." I said.
"That's very much agreeable." She said seething, "What else would you like out of this?".
"We share resources between Tricell and Phoenix Corps. This will include but not be limited to research, viral stabilizers, soldiers, the works, whatever you need that we can provide, and the same co yndition is applied to you at tricell." I stated, grabbing a dark blue fountain pen and paper writing out the conditions and signing by each one.
"I promise you the resourses of my branch of Tricell,and I'll contact my family and have the other branches reach out as well." She said, signing next to each of my signatures.
"Lastly of the main terms, we stay out of others' way and try to rule side by side the new world uroboros will usher in for us." I said, standing up and extending my hand out.
She stood up and took my hand in hers, "Then it's settled."
"Not quite. All but Archer leave this room now that's an order. Albert, I'll discuss this with you later, but for now, this is my base. You will listen to me. " I said, pointing to the door, "Do you have any objections, Ms. Gionne?"
"Yes, I'd rather have Albert in here rather than one of your flunkies. It's only fair since you are his wife, after all." She smirked.
"Excella, I will stay, but first let me talk to my dearest lotus in the hall." He said, pulling me out the door.
When we were in the hall, Albert backed me into a wall and pressed his lips against my neck. Pinning my shoulders, he stared into my eyes. He flashed his signature smirk with his eyes glowing. His cologne rolled into my nostrils.
"Since when did you become such a devilish negotiator, my dear lotus flower." Albert murmured into my neck, planting a kiss on my lips mere seconds after speaking.
"Being Sergei's lapdog for all those years did have some advantages. Like learning how to manipulate the situation. However, you my love, are still leagues better than I. Now I'm going to offer her a deal she can't refuse for her to possibly be our third. Then, when we are ready to cut her lose, we test uroboros on her. The final test of her worthiness." I let out a dark chuckle,"but we both know what we will find there."
"My lotus's petals have really darkened. Let's go finish this negotiation, I have a treat for you when this is over." He said, lifting me into a gentle kiss searing with ferocity.
I could tell he was holding back. The sadist I know he was was loving the fact I had to play nice with his chosen subordinate. I had to be his delicate  little flower, who obeyed his every command. He had a lot to learn about the new me.
I followed Wesk back into the room. A smirk wide on my face. Excella seemed interested in what I had under the black silk sheet.  I swiftly took my seat, ripping off the black cloth revealing the beverages.
I poured Excella and I a drink from the strawberry brandy and Albert a drink from the  Johnnie Walker, " Arjuna, Steve, agent Nighthawk, please leave us. I'll call ya'll back over my comm link." I said as the young men left the room.
"Now, what is the last part of this deal that you are proposing?" She asked as Albert slinks up behind her and strokes her face,"Albert!?"
"Isn't it obvious? Excella, my wife is being kind enough to share me with you, but only if you prove your loyalty to us."
"Does that mean? I'll be able to be with you, Albert?" She asked with a shocked expression.
"Only if you truly prove to be a partner to us." I said, handing her a glass of brandy, "Not just him but to me as well."
She gulped fear dripping from her brow as she took the glass i started to offer. "And let me guess, this is the only chance I have of getting with you, isn't it?" She looked up at Wesk.
He simply smirked and stood behind me. Placing a hand on my shoulder, he spoke,"This is all up to my dear lotus, Excella. Prove yourself to her, and your dreams may become a reality." He pulled my hair back, giving me a deep, passion filled kiss, "and from what I've seen,  you have a long way to go."
"Unless you'd rather always be alone except those boy toy interns you keep around." I said, sipping my brandy smuggly.
She gulped once again and raised her glass," I accept these conditions."
"To us, the Matriarchs of the Pheonix Corps. and Tricell." I said raising my glass while handing Albert his  scotch,"and the hierarchy of the new world."
Hey everyone sliva here quite the twist no? Relax this is not an Excella x reader or Excella x wesker fic. I have plans that run deep for this story. I am giving an advanced warning the next chapter will be dark. There will be  two separate cases of torturing. There will be manipulation. There will be gore blood and not good situations. You have been warned for now. I'll also have proper trigger warnings before each part.
My name is Silfarianhawk, and I'm not so far away.
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blueweave8 · 9 months
Australia Water Purifier Market Trends, Growth, Forecast 2022-2029
BlueWeave Consulting, a leading strategic consulting and market research firm, in its recent study, estimated the Australia Water Purifier Marketsize at USD 186.78 million in 2022. During the forecast period between 2023 and 2029, BlueWeave expects the Australia Water Purifier Marketsize to grow at a significant CAGR of 5.7% reaching a value of USD 260.54 million by 2029. Major growth drivers for the Australia Water Purifier Marketinclude the growing water crises affecting water quality, the rising disposable income of consumers, and the increasing innovation in luxury product offerings. Notably, the growing changes in consumer preferences and the rising tide of technological advancements like integration of carbon nanotubes are expected to propel the Australia Water Purifier Market forward during the forecast period. The increasing incidence of water-borne diseases, coupled with a growing health consciousness among consumers, further propels the market. The decline in surface and groundwater quality, exacerbated by industrialization and the release of harmful pollutants, emphasizes the critical role of water purifiers in ensuring safe drinking water. Despite municipal water being the primary source in Australia, its dependence on polluted surface water reservoirs underscores the necessity for water purification. Consumers are increasingly recognizing the health benefits associated with purified water, including improved digestion, enhanced skin quality, weight reduction, and a strengthened immune system. Hence, the heightened awareness is expected to significantly contribute to the ongoing growth of the Australian Water Purifier Market during the period in analysis. However, High cost of water purifiers and Competition from bottled water are anticipated to restrain the overall market growth during the forecast period.
Opportunity - Developing Affordable and Innovative Water Purifiers
The Australia water purifier market is thriving, propelled by factors such as increased consumer spending due to rising incomes and heightened awareness of water quality issues. Established brands like Brita and Amway contribute significantly, offering certified water purifiers, making them accessible to a broader consumer base. E-commerce has emerged as a key driver, facilitating direct online sales and expanding market reach. Ongoing research and development efforts, including advanced technologies like carbon nanotubes, drive product innovation, resulting in frequent launches. Notably, countertop water purifiers, known for simplicity and effectiveness, dominate the market. The commitment to developing new, affordable water purifiers reflects the industry's responsiveness to evolving consumer preferences and technological advancements.
Sample Request @ https://www.blueweaveconsulting.com/report/australia-water-purifier-market/report-sample
Impact of COVID-19 on Australia Water Purifier Market
COVID-19 pandemic adversely affected the Australia Water Purifier Market. Manufacturing, including water purifier production, was severely disrupted due to lockdown measures. The temporary closure of production units and the risk of disease transmission led to a labor shortage, affecting production nationwide. The supply chain network was also disrupted as imports from countries like the United States and China were delayed, impacting the delivery of raw materials and finished goods. These challenges stifled market growth. However, the Australian government's temporary restrictions on mobility increased demand for water purifiers through online channels.
Impact of Escalating Geopolitical Tensions on Australia Water Purifier Market
The Australia Water Purifier Market has been significantly impacted by intensifying geopolitical disruptions in recent times. For instance, the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict has disrupted supply chains and hindered the production water purification equipment and filters, affecting the water quality. In addition, the sanctions imposed on Russia by the United States and other countries can influence the export and import of water purifiers and the parts, increase commodity prices and cause inflation across goods and services. Meanwhile, calls for economic disengagement from Russia by water purifier industry leaders may affect investments and influence the key players’ budget, affecting affordability and the demand for filters. Beyond the war zones and disputed areas, collaborative research efforts and international partnerships that are crucial for the development of smart water purifiers may face strain, potentially slowing down research and development in this field. In essence, these geopolitical tensions introduce uncertainties and challenges across various dimensions of the Australia Water Purifier Market.
Despite the current challenges posed by geopolitical tensions, there are potential growth opportunities for the Australia Water Purifier Market. Innovations in water purification techniques, such as the development of advanced membrane systems, carbon nanotubes, and other cutting-edge solutions, are expected to play a pivotal role in shaping the market's trajectory. Strategic collaborations among researchers can further drive these innovations, fostering a dynamic landscape for the Australia Water Purifier Market.
Australia Water Purifier Market – By Technology
Based on technology, the Australia Water Purifier Market is divided into RO Water Purifiers, UV Water Purifiers, Gravity-based Water Purifiers, and Sediment Filters segments. The RO (reverse osmosis) water purifiers segment is expected to hold the highest share in the Australia Water Purifier Market by technology during the forecast period. Renowned for its effective removal of impurities, RO technology ensures the production of high-quality drinking water. This dominance is attributed to the rising demand for advanced water purification methods, driven by growing concerns about water quality. The efficiency of RO water purifiers in eliminating contaminants positions them as a preferred choice among consumers, contributing to their projected highest market share in Australia.
Competitive Landscape
Major players operating in the Australia Water Purifier Market include AquaSure, Puretec, Cleansui, BWT, Kinetico, Hydro-Guard, Berkey, and Waterlogic. To further enhance their market share, these companies employ various strategies, including mergers and acquisitions, partnerships, joint ventures, license agreements, and new product launches.
Contact Us:
BlueWeave Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd
+1 866 658 6826 | +1 425 320 4776 | +44 1865 60 0662
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literallymechanical · 3 years
Thinking about art.
Thinking about your first poetry class, sophomore year. The assignment was haiku. Your friend works at a laser engraving shop, you get him to laser-etch your poetry onto some autumn leaves you gathered from the sidewalk. The professor says he’s never seen something so pretentious. He asks if he can keep them.
Thinking about when the machine vision system you spent 8 hours hacking together out of an old Kinect and four of the cheapest ultrasonic rangefinders money can buy actually WORKS and your autonomous robot navigates the obstacle course and your group gets an A.
Thinking about finishing your final thesis, a science fantasy novella, writing and re-writing the same paragraph over and over until suddenly the third act clicks and you put down 8K words in one sitting. You get a little teary when you finish. Your advisor has all her advisees over for dinner, and all you talk about is fantasy.
Thinking about soldering the heaviest gauge wire you could find to the biggest power transistor you could get for less than thirty bucks, praying that the high-power battery you scavenged from a vape won’t blow it up at 25 amps. The whole contraption is held together with cardboard and electrical tape, and your test subject says it gets warm when you strap it to her arm under the robes, but you’ve made the world’s jankiest portable light-up smoke machine and she has the best wizard costume at the Halloween party.
Thinking about sending your first real short story to a sci-fi magazine. It’s cold and beautiful and razor-sharp and you’re so proud. It gets shortlisted for publication. Three months later they tell you they won’t be buying it, but they don’t send a form letter — the editor wrote you personally, gave you real feedback and wants to read more. You never show that story to anybody again. You’re still proud of it. You keep writing.
Thinking about your first job after college. It’s a tiny startup and the laboratory is an old dance studio with the floor torn down to bare concrete, but you have three million dollars of government money and the CEO knows what he’s doing. Your team spends a year hacking together a carbon nanotube synthesis machine — literally hacking, you carved out more than one piece of aluminum with a hacksaw. You power it up for the first time. The chemist plugs her bottle of carcinogens in one end, and gauzy nanotube aerogel pours out the other. You all cheer. The ammonia in the air gives you migraines. Worth it.
Thinking about taking a plumbing torch, a broken chunk of firebrick you scavenged from lab, a few bits of metal, some solder from the hardware store, and making little steel sculptures. You give some to friends, you keep some for yourself. You can only make them in the summer, because your workshop is your little scrap of back lawn and it gets too cold in winter.
Thinking about being tired all the time. You can’t think straight. The words stop, the nanotubes stop, the soldering stops, the art stops. Your stomach hurts. Maybe it’s the flu? One day you fall asleep and she can’t can’t wake you up. You don’t remember how you get to the hospital. You’re there for a month.
Thinking about being sick. Real sick, the kind of sick where your lifespan is measured in months, then weeks, then days. They give you three options — surgery, the medicinal equivalent of a neutron bomb for your immune system, or go home and pray. You take the surgery. You get tattoos over the scars.
Thinking about the slog to recovery. Three surgeries. A new job — you’re building fusion reactors. You get to crawl inside one, touch the graphite and molybdenum shielding tiles with gloved fingertips. Years of blazing heat and radiation give them a glossy, iridescent sheen. Nuclear plasma paints the walls with silver rainbows.
Thinking about bleeding again. Your stomach hurts. You stumble into a bathroom stall so you don’t faint in front of your coworkers. You’re dying again. More surgery. You think about what to ink over the newest scar. You want something a bit different. Something classy, or bold? A splash of color? You should commission a design from someone who knows what they’re doing. You’re an artist, but not that kind of artist.
Thinking about art.
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scifigeneration · 5 years
MIT Engineers develop a new way to remove carbon dioxide from air
A new way of removing carbon dioxide from a stream of air could provide a significant tool in the battle against climate change. The new system can work on the gas at virtually any concentration level, even down to the roughly 400 parts per million currently found in the atmosphere.
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Most methods of removing carbon dioxide from a stream of gas require higher concentrations, such as those found in the flue emissions from fossil fuel-based power plants. A few variations have been developed that can work with the low concentrations found in air, but the new method is significantly less energy-intensive and expensive, the researchers say.
The technique, based on passing air through a stack of charged electrochemical plates, is described in a new paper in the journal Energy and Environmental Science, by MIT postdoc Sahag Voskian, who developed the work during his PhD, and T. Alan Hatton, the Ralph Landau Professor of Chemical Engineering.
The device is essentially a large, specialized battery that absorbs carbon dioxide from the air (or other gas stream) passing over its electrodes as it is being charged up, and then releases the gas as it is being discharged. In operation, the device would simply alternate between charging and discharging, with fresh air or feed gas being blown through the system during the charging cycle, and then the pure, concentrated carbon dioxide being blown out during the discharging.
As the battery charges, an electrochemical reaction takes place at the surface of each of a stack of electrodes. These are coated with a compound called polyanthraquinone, which is composited with carbon nanotubes. The electrodes have a natural affinity for carbon dioxide and readily react with its molecules in the airstream or feed gas, even when it is present at very low concentrations. The reverse reaction takes place when the battery is discharged -- during which the device can provide part of the power needed for the whole system -- and in the process ejects a stream of pure carbon dioxide. The whole system operates at room temperature and normal air pressure.
"The greatest advantage of this technology over most other carbon capture or carbon absorbing technologies is the binary nature of the adsorbent's affinity to carbon dioxide," explains Voskian. In other words, the electrode material, by its nature, "has either a high affinity or no affinity whatsoever," depending on the battery's state of charging or discharging. Other reactions used for carbon capture require intermediate chemical processing steps or the input of significant energy such as heat, or pressure differences.
"This binary affinity allows capture of carbon dioxide from any concentration, including 400 parts per million, and allows its release into any carrier stream, including 100 percent CO2," Voskian says. That is, as any gas flows through the stack of these flat electrochemical cells, during the release step the captured carbon dioxide will be carried along with it. For example, if the desired end-product is pure carbon dioxide to be used in the carbonation of beverages, then a stream of the pure gas can be blown through the plates. The captured gas is then released from the plates and joins the stream.
In some soft-drink bottling plants, fossil fuel is burned to generate the carbon dioxide needed to give the drinks their fizz. Similarly, some farmers burn natural gas to produce carbon dioxide to feed their plants in greenhouses. The new system could eliminate that need for fossil fuels in these applications, and in the process actually be taking the greenhouse gas right out of the air, Voskian says. Alternatively, the pure carbon dioxide stream could be compressed and injected underground for long-term disposal, or even made into fuel through a series of chemical and electrochemical processes.
The process this system uses for capturing and releasing carbon dioxide "is revolutionary" he says. "All of this is at ambient conditions -- there's no need for thermal, pressure, or chemical input. It's just these very thin sheets, with both surfaces active, that can be stacked in a box and connected to a source of electricity."
"In my laboratories, we have been striving to develop new technologies to tackle a range of environmental issues that avoid the need for thermal energy sources, changes in system pressure, or addition of chemicals to complete the separation and release cycles," Hatton says. "This carbon dioxide capture technology is a clear demonstration of the power of electrochemical approaches that require only small swings in voltage to drive the separations."
In a working plant -- for example, in a power plant where exhaust gas is being produced continuously -- two sets of such stacks of the electrochemical cells could be set up side by side to operate in parallel, with flue gas being directed first at one set for carbon capture, then diverted to the second set while the first set goes into its discharge cycle. By alternating back and forth, the system could always be both capturing and discharging the gas. In the lab, the team has proven the system can withstand at least 7,000 charging-discharging cycles, with a 30 percent loss in efficiency over that time. The researchers estimate that they can readily improve that to 20,000 to 50,000 cycles.
The electrodes themselves can be manufactured by standard chemical processing methods. While today this is done in a laboratory setting, it can be adapted so that ultimately they could be made in large quantities through a roll-to-roll manufacturing process similar to a newspaper printing press, Voskian says. "We have developed very cost-effective techniques," he says, estimating that it could be produced for something like tens of dollars per square meter of electrode.
Compared to other existing carbon capture technologies, this system is quite energy efficient, using about one gigajoule of energy per ton of carbon dioxide captured, consistently. Other existing methods have energy consumption which vary between 1 to 10 gigajoules per ton, depending on the inlet carbon dioxide concentration, Voskian says.
The researchers have set up a company called Verdox to commercialize the process, and hope to develop a pilot-scale plant within the next few years, he says. And the system is very easy to scale up, he says: "If you want more capacity, you just need to make more electrodes."
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forcefuried · 4 years
he’s giddy with excitement as she hands the waiver to his ground crew and they step into the elevator--so intensely passionate that anyone standing within ten feet of him can feel it radiating off him in waves. his first match in the newly constructed gym is going to be with the hero that stopped lysandre and saved all of kalos--and she’s bringing a legendary, no less! oh, he can’t wait for this--he feels the thrill of the fight already, all bottling up inside the round capsule of an elevator, ready to be released into the open air.
the capsule shoots up through its carbon nanotube cable, gliding as smoothly and silently as a maglev train. if dani looked out the window, she would see them traveling far above the tops of the trees, far above even the pointed tips of the snowcapped mountains. so distant is the ground; likewise distant is the international bleating that this gym is ‘unsafe,’ that it’s ‘a series of accidental deaths waiting to happen’--blah blah blah, blab blab blab. all he sees as they move through the clouds is a gym that honors the beauty of the sky and the freedom of flight in its purest form. 
      “you have no idea how hype i am to have you here,” he says; he can feel himself positively vibrating. does that make sense in english? he hopes it does--it’s one of the things lotor keeps saying every time he gets a friendly foreign challenger. it has to be right.
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A highly anticipated new form of carbon has finally arrived on the scene.
Called cyclocarbon, this molecule consists of a ring of 18 carbon atoms. Scientists described it online August 15 in Science. It offers a new face to one of chemistry’s most celebrated elements.
“It’s not every day that you make a new form of carbon,” says chemist Rik Tykwinski. He works in Canada at the University of Alberta in Edmonton. Chemists had been trying to create cyclocarbon for a long time. So long that Tykwinski — who wasn’t involved with the new research — had placed a bet about whether it was even possible. He won, he says.
Scientists Say: Graphene
Cyclocarbon joins other molecular forms of the adaptable element, from diamond and graphite to the thin sheets called graphene. There are also tiny spheres known as buckyballs and nano-scale cylinders called carbon nanotubes.
Chemists thought it should be possible to create ring-shaped carbon molecules. But until now, nobody knew what their properties would be, notes physicist Katharina Kaiser. She’s at IBM Research in Zurich, Switzerland. “It’s really amazing that we found it,” she says, “and it’s absolutely great that we could characterize it.”
Kaiser’s team started with molecules of cyclocarbon oxide. These are made of carbon and other atoms. They included groups of carbon monoxide (pairs of carbon and oxygen atoms). Removing the carbon monoxide was a necessary step to create the new ring form of carbon. But that was no easy task. Carbon monoxide helped to stabilize the starting molecule. The researchers managed to pluck off the carbon monoxide groups by zapping the molecule with electricity. They used a specialized tool called an atomic force microscope.
Once the researchers had a bare ring of carbon, they wanted to capture an image of its structure. Again, they used the atomic force microscope. Cyclocarbon reacts easily with other substances — but not table salt. So the team created the new carbon molecule on a salty surface.
Previous research had found hints of cyclocarbon molecules in a gas. But it wasn’t possible to make an image of those molecules. So scientists couldn’t identify the bonds holding the molecule together. Scientists wanted to know if all the bonds were the same length.
The new study resolved that question. It showed that the carbon atoms are held together by alternating long and short bonds.
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Cyclocarbon has 18 carbon atoms arranged in a ring, as seen in this simulation. There’s an alternating pattern of long and short bonds between the atoms. CREDIT: IBM Research
That should now help scientists refine the computer calculations used to predict the structures of unknown molecules. “There’s still a big question whether many of these … calculations give the right answer,” says Yves Rubin. “So it’s very important to confirm by experiment.” Rubin is a chemist at the University of California, Los Angeles, who also was not involved with the study.
Previous work on new forms of carbon caused great excitement among scientists. The discovery in the 1980s of buckyballs (and the family of molecules that includes them, called fullerenes) won a Nobel Prize. Likewise, the 2004 discovery of graphene won a Nobel. Investigations into its many potential uses in electronics and elsewhere have continued.
But because cyclocarbon isn’t stable, it can’t be bottled up for further study. So, for now, it’s not clear how wide-ranging this new molecule’s impact will be.
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perigeedirect · 2 months
Perigee Direct Presents Innovative Nanotube Bottle for Advanced Industrial Applications
Perigee Direct, a leader in the industrial consumables market, has introduced its latest innovation, the nanotube bottle, leveraging the unique properties of nanotube pulp. Visit us - https://news.marketersmedia.com/perigee-direct-presents-innovative-nanotube-bottle-for-advanced-industrial-applications/89137140
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reportr · 3 years
Polyglycolic Acid (PGA) Market Trends, Analysis, Application & Type Forecast to 2027
Market Highlights
The Global Polyglycolic Acid Market is estimated to be valued at USD 1,989,577.9 Thousand by 2030, registering a CAGR of 10.45%.
The growth of the global market is mainly driven by the growing adoption of the product in shale gas exploration and production. The increasing demand for natural gas due to the growth in the demand for energy is expected to boost the shale gas production, which in turn is projected to propel the demand for PGA during the forecast period. The market players are emphasizing on expanding their production capacity to meet the growing demand for PGA in major end-use industries. Likewise, the increasing demand for the product in the healthcare industry is also expected to boost the market growth. Nevertheless, the increasing adoption of the product in the packaging industry and the development of new technologies for PGA production are expected to create growth opportunities for the players operating in the market.
However, the availability of substitutes and high cost of the finished product are factors likely to hamper the global market growth during the forecast period.
 Segment Analysis
The global Polyglycolic Acid Market has been segmented on the basis of form, application, and region. On the basis of form, the global market has been divided into fiber, film, and others. The fiber segment accounted for the largest market share, valued at USD 5,10,503.8 thousand in 2018 and is expected to register 10.59% CAGR during the review period. The growth is attributed to the increasing use of fiber in the manufacturing of products used in the oil & gas and medical industries such as PGA bars for frac plugs, frac balls, and medical sutures to reinforce biodegradable composites, weave fabrics, meshes, and scaffolds for tissue engineering. With the increase in shale gas extraction activities, the demand for frac plugs is likely to increase and thus for PGA fibers. The film segment is expected to register 10.13% CAGR by the end of 2030. The use of PGA films is increasing in the packaging industry in PET bottles, packaged food products, toiletry bottles, and beverages due to their superior properties such as excellent gas barrier properties, relatively high strength, and excellent biodegradability.
Based on application, the global market has been segmented into medical, oil & gas extraction, packaging, and others. In terms of value, the medical segment accounted for the largest share of the global polyglycolic acid market in 2018 and is expected to register 9.71% CAGR during the review period, while oil and gas extraction segment accounted for the second-largest market share, valued at USD 2,19,433.6 thousand in 2018 and is expected to register a CAGR of 11.46% during the review period. In terms of volume, the oil & gas extraction segment accounted for the largest market share, pegged at 983.9 tons in 2018 and is expected to register 10.15% CAGR during the review period, while the medical segment was pegged at 526.6 tons in 2018 and is expected to reach 1,286.2 tons by end of 2030.
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 Market Players
Market Research Future (MRFR) recognizes Kureha Corporation (Japan), BMG Incorporated (Japan), Teleflex Inc (US), Corbion N.V. (The Netherlands), Huizhou Foryou Medical Devices Co., Ltd (China), and Shenzhen Polymtek Biomaterial Co., Ltd (China) as the key players in the global polyglycolic acid market.
 Regional Analysis
The global polyglycolic acid market, by region, has been segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa.
As per MRFR analysis, North America held the largest market share of 60.7 % in 2018 and is expected to register 11.16% CAGR during the review period. The market in Europe accounted for the second-largest share in 2018 and is expected to register 10.21% CAGR during the review period. The market in Asia-Pacific was valued at USD 80,470.7 in 2018 and is expected to reach to USD 2,06,365.2 by end of 2030 on account of growing major end-use industries such as oil & gas, packaging, and medical device.
 Key Findings of the Study:
The Global Polyglycolic Acid Marketis     projected to reach over USD     1,989,577.91 thousand by 2030 at a 45% CAGR during the     review period of 2019 to     2030.
North America accounted for the     largest market share, with the US being the major contributor to the     growth of the market.
The oil and gas extraction     segment is projected to register the highest CAGR during the review period     on account of expanding shale gas extraction activities, particularly, in     North America.
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liliannorman · 5 years
Help for a world drowning in microplastics
Look around you. How many plastic items do you see? If you are like most people, there are probably a lot.
Research shows that people recycle only nine percent of plastic wastes. The rest — water bottles, pens, shopping bags — can end up in our water, air and soil. Exposed to light and waves, plastic breaks down into teeny-tiny bits. Known as microplastics, they have become a growing concern. That’s partly because when they end up in the environment, they also can end up in animals, our food and our drinking water.
The most recent estimate suggests that Americans alone eat or drink some 70,000 of these polluting microplastic bits each year.
Discarded plastic is not the only source of them. Some bits are made on purpose, for use in skin-care products and toothpaste. They’re used to scrub away dead skin and cavity-causing material on teeth. When we shower or rinse our mouths, those microplastics go down the drain. From there, they end up in our waterways.
Researchers have even shown that washing clothes made of fleece and other types of plastic sheds bits of lint. Those fibers also go down the drains and into the water.
Scientists began reporting microplastics in the ocean as far back as the 1970s. Since then, several hundred studies have shown that microplastics taint the environment. This includes the world’s oceans, lakes and rivers.
But research is underway to slow the growth of this pollution — and perhaps clean up some of what’s already out there.
The problem with plastics
Our drinking water comes from lakes, rivers and groundwater aquifers. Any of these may be tainted with microplastics. Our bodies will pee out plastics we’ve ingested, but no one knows how long it takes for them to move through the body, says Sam Athey. She studies sources of microplastics at the University of Toronto in Canada. The longer microplastics stay in our bodies, she says, the greater our exposure to them.
Scientists Say: Microplastic
Researchers don’t yet know the risks, says Athey. But she finds reasons to be cautious. One is that plastic is made from oil and includes many different petroleum-based ingredients. Scientists don’t yet know how many of these might be toxic.
Ingredients in some plastics, such as polyvinyl chloride, can cause cancer. And phthalates (THAAL-aytes) — used to soften some types of plastics — can mimic the activity of hormones. These false hormones can cause unexpected changes in how cells grow and develop. Such changes may lead to disease.
Plastic also can soak up pollution like a sponge. The pesticide DDT and PCBs (a type of insulating fluid) are two types of toxic pollution found in plastics floating in the ocean.
Plastic bits also have been turning up in fish, birds, corals and other aquatic animals. That’s a problem because plastic does not provide the energy and nutrients these creatures need to grow and thrive. 
The case for saying no to plastic
The simple solution is to not buy plastic items, says Peter Kershaw. He is an independent marine scientist who lives in Norwich, England. He wrote a 2018 report for the United Nations on alternatives that could help reduce plastic litter in the ocean.
“Ask yourself,” he says: “Do I really need that plastic bag to carry my shopping home?” Or do you really need a plastic straw to drink your soda or milk?
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Straws make up a lot of the plastic trash found washed up on ocean coasts and lakeshores. One way to cut down on your plastic use is to avoid straws (if you are able to drink without one).Chemist 4 U/Flickr (CC BY 2.0)
The leaders of some countries also have been asking that question. They’ve decided the answer is “no” and have banned single-use plastic items. These are things, such as packaging, that we use once and then throw away.
Bangladesh, Kenya and New Zealand are three countries that have banned plastic bags. Some U.S. cities and a few states also have banned them. Representing 28 countries, the European Parliament has agreed to ban nearly a dozen single-use plastics by 2021. Europe’s ban includes single-use cutlery, plates, straws and drink stirrers. Canada announced a plan to ban these, too, by 2021.
Such bans are a good start. But scientists say people must do more.
The promise and peril of biodegradable materials
One strategy is to find alternatives to conventional plastics. Some companies are starting to replace single-use plastic items with biodegradable alternatives. These new products are designed to break down into harmless chemicals.
Materials decay when microbes feed on them, breaking big molecules into smaller, simpler ones (such as carbon dioxide and water). Other living things can then feed on these breakdown products to grow.
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This environmental activist calls himself the Bag Monster. He posed for the camera at the Oceans Conference in New York City in June 2017. His suit illustrates how many plastic bags an individual shopper might use in a year.Peter Kershaw
Traditional plastic takes a very long time to decay. That’s because it’s made from petroleum, and few microbes choose to eat that. Biodegradable plastic, in contrast, is made from biological materials on which many microbes happily dine. These range from trees, sugarcane and corn stalks to shrimp shells.
But there is a problem with such materials, says Kershaw. They decay only at very high temperatures — typically 50º Celsius (122º Fahrenheit). Plus, those high temperatures must be maintained for several weeks for microbes to do their job.
Some cities have industrial compost systems that meet those conditions. But many do not. Instead, biodegradable plastic items can end up in a cold ocean or lake where they can take decades or even centuries to break down, depending on the type of plastic.
Sunlight can speed their breakdown. But scientists recently showed some biodegradable plastic bags were still strong and intact after three years outdoors. In that regard, they were not much better than regular plastic.
The other problem with biodegradable plastics is that people often toss them into the recycling bin with regular plastic.
“Once you mix them together — and they look the same, so people do it — it makes it harder to recycle the plastic,” says Kershaw.
Filtering microplastics from the laundry
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Researchers at the University of Toronto are testing this washing machine filter in 100 homes. It is designed to capture microplastic lint from clothing. The researchers want to see how much microplastic pollution it could keep out of local waters.Courtesy of Wexco
Cleaning clothes has become an enormous source of waterborne plastic. Washing machines tumble and wear down fabrics. This releases lots of little pieces of lint. If the fabric was made from nylon, polyester, polyethylene or polyamide, for instance, those lint particles will be plastic.
One 2018 study found that polyester fleece was a big culprit. A study that came out two years earlier showed that washing a single 6 kilogram (13 pound) load of clothes made from synthetic fabrics could release some 700,000 plastic lint fibers into the wash water. That explains why some researchers are looking for ways to keep that lint from going down the drain.
One project has been testing special filters to catch those fibers. It’s being run by researchers at the University of Toronto and at Georgian Bay Forever (a local environmental group). This past July, they installed the test filters on washing machines in 100 households in Parry Sound, Ontario. Parry Sound is on the shores of Canada’s Georgian Bay. It is part of Lake Huron.
The local water-treatment plants aren’t designed to remove microplastics. So any lint microplastics from the town’s wash will end up in the bay. The test filters are about twice the size of a standard water bottle. In recent tests, they removed roughly 90 percent of microfibers, notes project leader Lisa Erdle. She works at the University of Toronto.
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This is how much microplastic lint one family in Canada produced during a month’s worth of laundry. An experimental filter on their washing machine removed the plastic lint before it could drain into nearby Georgian Bay.Georgian Bay Forever
“Testing in our lab shows they [the filters] work in a controlled setting,” she notes. “We’re curious to see if they work [just as well] in real people’s homes.” Whether they do may depend on whether people use the filters properly. For instance, she notes, “How often do they change the filter?”
Erdle and her team tested the wash water before the filters were installed. They are now repeating those tests to see how well the filters reduced the release of plastic lint.
The study will run for two years. Its results will be shared with the public. Because Parry Sound has a population of just 6,400, Erdle suspects the decrease in microplastic fibers will be noticeable.
The ideal solution would be to not manufacture plastic-based clothing in the first place, says Erdle. But filtering lint out of wash water and then burying it in a landfill would at least keep the pollution out of our waters.
Can nanotechnology bring mega benefits?
What about the microplastic pollution already polluting rivers, lakes and the ocean? In July 2019, researchers in Australia reported a potential solution for breaking microplastics into smaller, harmless molecules.
They created nanometer-scale coil-shaped tubes. Made from carbon, these tubes are too small to see (even with a classroom microscope). But they may produce a very visible change in water pollution by breaking down microplastics.
Here’s how they work: The carbon nanotubes are coated in nitrogen. When mixed with a compound known as POMS (short for peroxymonosulfate [Per-OX-ee-mon-oh-SUL-fate]), the nanotubes create new chemicals. Known as reactive oxygen species, or ROS, these new chemicals crumble microplastics into smaller components.
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This tiny carbon nanotube (twisted into a coil to make it more rugged) was imaged by a scanning electron microscope. When mixed in water with a compound called peroxymonosulfate, such nanotubes produce chemicals that break down microplastics. J. Kang et al/Matter 2019
Chemical engineer Jian Kang led the research. He works at Curtin University in Perth. His team added their carbon nanotubes to 80 milliliters (one-third cup) of water tainted with microplastic particles. Then they warmed the water to 120 °C (248 °F) for eight hours. Heating the water speeds the process. Manganese embedded within each nanotube made the tubes magnetic. This meant the researchers could use magnets to pull them out of the water for reuse.
The treatment reduced the amount of microplastics in the water by about a third to one-half, Kang’s group showed. It reported the findings on July 31, 2019 in the journal Matter.
Chemicals produced by the plastic’s breakdown don’t appear very toxic, notes Long Chen. He is an environmental engineer at Northeastern University in Boston, Mass. Chen was not involved in the work. The Australian researchers exposed green algae to water containing the microplastic by-products. After two weeks, they saw no change in the algae’s growth.
Clearly, more research is needed. But the early testing does appear promising.
“It’s great to have this option as a tool in a toolbox” to curb microplastic pollution, says Bart Koelmans. He is an environmental scientist at Wageningen University in the Netherlands.
However, researchers caution there still is a lot of work to do. What’s more, Koelmans says, such new programs to clean up plastics “should not dismiss us from thinking about what the real problem is — and that’s the [release] of plastic into places where it does not belong.”
Help for a world drowning in microplastics published first on https://triviaqaweb.tumblr.com/
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bluemagic-girl · 5 years
Magnetic ‘springs’ could break-down marine plastic pollution
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Magnetic springs that hook on to microplastics and break them down could finish the scourge of plastic pollution on the earth’s oceans
Specialists can decompose microplastics with nitrogen-laced carbon nanotubes 
These are short-lived chemical substances which set off a sequence response within the plastics 
Lengthy molecules are then damaged down into tiny, innocent segments that dissolve
The analysis, by College of Adelaide employees, was printed within the journal Matter
By Peter Lloyd for MailOnline
Revealed: 11:00 EDT, 31 July 2019 | Up to date: 11:23 EDT, 31 July 2019
An ingenious manner of ridding rivers and seas of microplastics has been developed – crucially, with out harming micro-organisms. 
Research senior creator Shaobin Wang, a Professor of chemical engineering on the College of Adelaide, defined that, though typically invisible to the bare eye, microplastics are ‘ubiquitous’ pollution.
He mentioned some, such because the exfoliating beads present in widespread cosmetics, are just too small to be filtered out throughout industrial water remedy. Others are produced not directly, when bigger particles like soda bottles or tires climate amid solar and sand.
However, utilizing tiny coil-shaped carbon-based magnets, researchers in Australia have discovered a manner of purging the plastic waste that poses a worldwide environmental menace – with damaging well being penalties for people, fish and animals alike. 
An ingenious manner of ridding rivers and seas of microplastics has been developed – crucially, with out harming micro-organisms
To decompose the microplastics, the analysis staff needed to generate carbon nanotubes laced with nitrogen. 
These set off chain reactions that minimize the assorted lengthy molecules that make up microplastics into tiny and innocent segments that dissolve in water. 
Formed like springs, the carbon nanotube catalysts eliminated a ‘important’ fraction of microplastics in simply eight hours whereas remaining secure themselves within the harsh oxidative circumstances wanted for microplastics breakdown. 
Prof Wang mentioned: ‘Microplastics adsorb natural and steel contaminants as they journey by way of water and launch these hazardous substances into aquatic organisms when eaten, inflicting them to build up all the best way up the meals chain.
‘Carbon nanosprings are robust and secure sufficient to interrupt these microplastics down into compounds that don’t pose such a menace to the marine ecosystem.’
To decompose the microplastics, the analysis staff needed to generate short-lived chemical substances referred to as reactive oxygen species, which set off chain reactions that minimize the assorted lengthy molecules that make up microplastics into tiny and innocent segments that dissolve in water.
However reactive oxygen species are sometimes produced utilizing heavy metals, akin to iron or cobalt, that are harmful pollution in their very own proper. 
So, the researchers discovered a greener answer within the type of carbon nanotubes laced with nitrogen to assist increase era of reactive oxygen species.
Formed like springs, these eliminated a ‘important’ fraction of microplastics in simply eight hours whereas remaining secure themselves within the harsh oxidative circumstances wanted for microplastics breakdown.
Prof Wang mentioned that the coiled form will increase stability and maximises reactive floor space. 
And, as a bonus, by together with a small quantity of manganese, buried removed from the floor of the nanotubes to forestall it from leaching into water, the minute springs turned magnetic.
Pollution: Every year, tonnes of tiny plastic waste — pictured right here beneath the microscope — fails to get recycled, which may imply they find yourself in marine ecosystems
Venture co-leader Dr Xiaoguang Duan, a chemical engineering analysis fellow at Adelaide, mentioned: ‘Having magnetic nanotubes is especially thrilling as a result of this makes it simple to gather them from actual wastewater streams for repeated use in environmental remediation.’
As no two microplastics are chemically fairly the identical, the researchers mentioned that their subsequent steps will deal with guaranteeing that the nanosprings work on microplastics of various compositions, shapes and origins.
Prof Wang says that additionally they intend to proceed to ‘rigorously verify’ the non-toxicity of any chemical compounds occurring as intermediates or by-products throughout decomposition of the microplastics.
The researchers additionally say that these intermediates and byproducts could be harnessed as an power supply for microorganisms that the polluting plastics at the moment plague.
Prof Wang added: ‘If plastic contaminants could be repurposed as meals for algae development, it is going to be a triumph for utilizing biotechnology to unravel environmental issues in methods which are each inexperienced and value environment friendly.’
The findings had been printed within the journal Matter.
Microplastics are plastic particles measuring lower than 5 millimetres (zero.2 inches).
They’ve hit the headlines over current years, as improper disposal has resulted in tonnes of waste making its manner into the ocean.
Every year, tonnes of plastic waste fails to get recycled and handled accurately, which may imply they find yourself in marine ecosystems. 
Though it is unclear precisely how they find yourself within the water, microplastics might enter by way of easy on a regular basis put on and tear of clothes and carpets.
Tumble dryers may additionally be a supply, significantly if they’ve a vent to the open air. 
Plastics do not break down for 1000’s of years and it’s estimated that there are already hundreds of thousands of things of plastic waste within the oceans. This quantity is anticipated to rise. 
Research have additionally revealed 700,00zero plastic fibres could be launched into the ambiance with each washer cycle.
Present water methods are unable to successfully filter out all microplastic contamination, as a result of various dimension of particles.  
The quantity of plastic garbage on the earth’s oceans will outweigh fish by 2050 except the world takes drastic motion to additional recycle, a report launched in 2016 revealed.
Greater than 80 per cent of the world’s faucet water is contaminated with plastic, analysis printed in September 2017 revealed.
The US has the very best contamination fee at 93 per cent, adopted by Lebanon and India, consultants from the College of Minnesota discovered.
France, Germany and the UK have the bottom ranges, nevertheless, they nonetheless are available in at 72 per cent.
General, 83 per cent of water samples from dozens of countries around the globe include microplastics.
Scientists warn microplastics are so small they could penetrate organs. 
Bottled water might not be a safer various, as scientists have discovered contaminated samples.
Creatures of all sizes and styles have been discovered to have consumed the plastics, whether or not immediately or not directly.
Earlier analysis has additionally revealed microplastics soak up poisonous chemical substances, that are then launched within the intestine of animals.
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jenncognito · 7 years
The Nine Spell Sisters You’ll Meet in the Cactus Garden of Insta
If you've found this blog lovely, deep down you already know you have a serious problem. It’s cool. As useless as reading this will be to save your wallet, you’ll find some peace in knowing we’re in this together. So let’s get on with the first step in solving acknowledging our shared problem by admitting that some or all of the following shit has been going on lately:
“We”* have been frantically Googling Spell and the Gypsy Collective, Joplin Jacket or worse Spell Xanadu eBay... or even more hopelessly tragic Spell Folktown. We've been waking from dreams of blue skies and going to bed fantasizing about Lotu...actually we don't go to bed - at least not lately. We’re not sleeping much are we? No. We’re up sweating; obsessing over the one that got away... or in all probability will, at the next drop - because our internet isn't fast enough; because 7 seconds is suddenly an eternity during check out; because XS sells out first. Every. Fucking. Time. What we have is full blown PTSD - Post Traumatic Spell Disorder, with more than a healthy side case of drop anxiety.
* Please note the use of the ‘Spell sister we’ here.  Much like a ‘spousal we’ this in fact means you.
Sound about right?
Welcome friend. It's nice to have you. You’re safe here. At least until the end of May, when Lotus drops.
Ever wonder how this started? I do (and so does my husband, my wallet and all my abandoned hobbies.)
Since science is ignoring me won’t explain the root cause of my condition, I've been working on a few conspiracy theories to help explain how one innocent retail therapy sesh, consisting of a Route 66 dress, turned into a full blown brand dependency that has me mapping out intricate buying strategies a full 48 - 72 hours before every drop:
Conspiracy Theory 1: Spell infuses their hand drawn fabrics with Stevie Nick's breath which they have bottled into microscopic nanotubes that fit into the heads of sewing needles. After the Australian TGA denied approval on a Stevie Nicks Vape pen, wherein the user would actually inhale the muse’s vocal chord filtered CO2, Spell had a shitload of unregulated gypsy breath on their turquoise encrusted hands. As Spelly and Lizzy are committed to sustainability, they quickly found a way to repurpose this rare and precious resource. The result? Once you start wearing a Spell piece, Stevie’s magical gypsy breath whispers into your pores, delivering you an effortless high that obviously demands you chase it again and again... on the wings of an enormous owl, obviously. Why this is probably true: Look no further than yourself - yes or no, you increasingly find yourself totally down with multiple layers of lace you would have never considered wearing at this age (or since that rad 1990 Jr. Prom dress)? Yes or no, you have found yourself with both a Stevie Nicks and Fleetwood Mac Spotify Channel on endless rotation? Yes or no, when someone mentions the word leather, you blurt the lyrics “take from me my laaaace?” (note: There is actually a Spell Sisters 70’s Festival Jamboree playlist on Spotify. You’re welcome from Lulu Mey, the goddess who created it.)
Conspiracy Theory 2: Spell runs a genius instagram account 782k followers strong and just when you think you can ‘totally survive without another piece from Festival ‘17 BAM - you see it styled on a muse that could easily be you. You could be in Thailand, in that backless Lolita, in front of that waterfall, with those lovely beachy waves in your hair and no shoes because you floated there (on the owl - duh.) In fact it probably IS you… because they plucked that image straight out of your unicorn mind, put a 72% Lark filter on it and fed the ‘travelling you’ right into that instagram channel. They did this as a courtesy ICYMI; you know, all the retargeting ads the other gentle signs reminding you that you actually do NEED this piece in your life and it’s no longer optional. Why this is probably true: because it is true. See: @spell_byronbay.
Pick your theory but the FOMO (Folktown Obsessed Must Own) is real. Obviously, they have put a serious Spell on us - sorry not sorry, pun was too obvious. Show me another brand tribe that feels compelled to share their instant bond on insta when they show up full twinsies at a party (Who wore it best? Both of us! Yay! Love you! Love you more! #twinsemoji) Show me another brand tribe that has women from ages 18 - 81 searching for a magical unicorn in the shape of a mumu. Show me another brand who has more authentically gorgeous UGC. See: #myspellcollection #spelldesigns #spellskirtswish #vintagespell #spellluxelace #spellfestivalstyle
While we share a familiar ache in our wallets and art museums for closets, we’re a globally diverse tribe to be sure. Still yet, with every Spell Sister you meet, you connect with a little piece of yourself, right? Just in case your affliction is fresh and you’re still trying to find your cactus rose footings... Here’s the short list of the nine Spell Sister’s you’ll meet fall in love with in the cactus garden we call Insta (ps, I’m @jennvonhagen )
1) The Unconditional Lover: She buys something from every drop, and even if she's secretly not 100% sure it works on her, she's committed to making it work and her tribe is there to help her rock it hard. Queue the extra large knotted hemline and for God’s sake woman - just belt it. Spell can do no wrong - not even a dress recall phases her - she kept that Blue Skies Maxi Wrap dress, and she wears a kimono made of bubble wrap over it - and somehow it actually works for her - because she belts it.
2) The Fresh Collector: She "just found this new brand OMG" Bae got woke somewhere right after Hotel Paradiso and she can't shut the fuck up about her OZ obsession - because she DISCOVERED it you guys. We don’t blame her for the misconception, we felt EXACTLY the same way. Her insta is full of ‘lowered gaze’ shots that have you wondering WTF she’s staring at. Educated guess - it’s 16 trash bags full of labels she’ll never wear again. Regardless, she looks amazing in that dress, so we don’t give a shit - we welcome her with open kimonos.  Babushka was her first ‘fully aware drop’; her collection has a shit ton of it. We’re simultaneously proud and worried, because she has no idea what she’s gotten into.
3) The Hider: Everything is NWT. She hasn’t even worn what she's got, and the challenge of justifying the spend is getting exponential. With her towers of white boxes getting harder and harder to conceal, the Husband is now on to her. Busted a few times during a delivery, she now sends the white boxes to the neighbors house and swears:
“It’s from Target/ I’ve had this forever/I’m borrowing it/Yay Swapped!”
(Rejoice hiders: the boxes are being transitioned out. You’ll no longer have to hide them - now you can simply obsess over collecting the cute new calico bags.)
4) The Girl Next Door: Nobody knows what she does for a living, but apparently she lives at Spell. I mean right inside the fucking Byron store... 12 minutes after a drop goes live, she's #spellswishing in the latest sold-out-soon-to-be-Unicorn. We hate her. Just kidding we love her. Just kidding we want to be her. Just kidding, we’ll settle for a sleepover - in her bohemian yurt, which is probably located right outside Spell’s cactus garden. 
5) The Historian: Her collection dates back farther than Gypsy Queen and she probably has that first Sugarhigh+Lovestoned tee they styled the early jewels with in a safety deposit box. She can recite the name of every collection and every piece in it. She can spot fakes too, because she knows exactly when the logo lock up changed thanks to Rachel Pony Gold (circa April/May 2012). She indulges in the bootstrapped sisterly romance of it all. Damn right she owns the book; it’s signed - obviously.
6) The Cheerleader: She likes EVERY photo with Spell in it, and she will tell you you look GORGEOUS every single time she sees you on Insta because she believes that you have a beautiful unicorn soul. “You in that Sunset Road + Festival ‘16 mashup = AMAZING!”
She imagines you in your private cactus garden teaching your children how to hand letter affirmation mantras and macrame their own diapers as you sip organic kombucha and braid your bestie’s hair. She loves you. So. Fucking. Much. Her pronouns are heart eye emoji and kiss emoji.
7) The Impulse Buyer: constantly swears to God and all that is will-powerful that she WILL. NOT. CAVE to the next drop. She is going to be practical for fuck’s sake. (Yah, Lotus has alot of yellows and olives.. I’m more of a “summer”) But then she buys the Joplin Jacket because Florida winters are “brutal”. She has a large return shipping bill, admits that this is merely an endless paypal exchange and knows the Customer Service Angels by name (Oh, hey Angela). She uses the RA form and chat feature to send them love notes and see how they’re holding up after each drop.
8) The Wing-Woman: you either are one, have one - or both. She’s as hardcore as you are and she doesn’t judge your illness. You both have issues. This is the person you spend hours strategizing with before every drop. You two have your own kind of math and it’s harder to follow than ‘conceptual math. But this secret Spell math is a thing of fucking beauty: no matter what the equation, you always get the answer you want: 
”Ok, I returned my Blue Skies Wrap, so I have a credit, plus what I saved on the Babushka Midi equals the price of the Joplin …. I’m net zero!” 
You size up the line, screen shotting Snapchat and teasing each other via text. You pro/con every piece based on some fictional, rational version of you that “doesn’t need another gown, but needs to go with 2 piece sets you know, for more daily use.” (Um, sure - whatever you need to tell yourself hun.)  If you’re on vacay during the drop, she’s got your back - as in your paypal payback - unconditional support is just a click away. She’s also hunting unicorns for you on the side and blowing you up on text in the middle of the night with buyer’s guilt (note the lack of remorse. There is never remorse, just fleeting guilt and temporary indulgence shaming for going overboard with both the Stardust Cami AND the Jacket “I’m a living Goddamned disco ball, WTF have I done? But I lurrve them.Yay me!)
9) The Unicorn Hunter: She’s next level obsessed, willing to throw cash and half her current Spell stash at the "last ever of it's kind, ever." ‘Evil-bay’ is alternately her nemesis, and her reluctant savior. After multiple talks off the Buy It Now button and pleas to her practical side, she eventually caves for her Unicorn, pays an obscene price and then never takes it off. See: Anything Folktown or a Xanadu Maxi Dress on eBay/Poshmark/Depop/Facebook Swap & Sell insert streaming tears emoji + unicorn emoji
As different as we may be - there’s something beyond swirling around in art that pulls us together. Perhaps it’s the addictive cocktail of anticipation + adrenaline + winning. Even as we’re confident that Spelly, Lizzy and all the Angels are sorting through the surprise growing pains, deep down we know there’s a small part of us that will miss bonding/sweating/crying over the chaos. More likely though, it’s the authentic friendships formed while supporting each other. ( I just heard a story from two best friends who met via a hashtag. They live a world apart, but talk every day.)
While I can't offer a cure (because Lotus/May/God help us), we can still justify our spending take comfort in knowing we’re not alone. (Or maybe that just adds to our stress because at least 20K+ of us have the notifications turned on for an intense Facebook page where we channel our obsession into smarter ways to buy/sell or swap more pieces.) Either way - rejoice in the Spell Sisterhood - our love runs deep, our tribe is epic and your OOTD is eternally on point.
PS - does anyone have a Turquoise Folktown Skirt and Top set in XS? Seriously, I die.
Note: You can follow more of the saga on Insta @jennvonhagen After I wrote this blog, I stumbled upon a hilarious thread on the Facebook Spell Designs Buys Swap and Sell page where fellow sisters are sharing their legit addiction and proven survival techniques. I’m currently interviewing for a follow up to this post, where I’ll share stories from all nine types of sisters. If you identify with one or more of the above, comment with your number(s) and if you’d like to be a part of the next post, message me here, on Insta or email me at [email protected]
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scienceblogtumbler · 4 years
Green Method Could Enable Hospitals to Produce Hydrogen Peroxide In House
A team of researchers has developed a portable, more environmentally friendly method to produce hydrogen peroxide. It could enable hospitals to make their own supply of the disinfectant on demand and at lower cost.
The work, a collaboration between the University of California San Diego, Columbia University, Brookhaven National Laboratory, the University of Calgary, and the University of California, Irvine, is detailed in a paper published in Nature Communications.
Hydrogen peroxide has recently made headlines as researchers and medical centers around the country have been testing its viability in decontaminating N95 masks to deal with shortages amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
While results so far are promising, some researchers worry that the chemical’s poor shelf life could make such decontamination efforts costly.
The main problem is that hydrogen peroxide is not stable; it starts breaking down into water and oxygen even before the bottle has been opened. It breaks down even more rapidly once it is exposed to air or light.
“You maybe only have just a couple of months to use it before it expires, so you would have to order batches more frequently to keep a fresh supply,” said UC San Diego nanoengineering professor Zheng Chen. “And because it decomposes so quickly, shipping and storing it become very expensive.”
Chen and colleagues developed a quick, simple and inexpensive method to generate hydrogen peroxide in house using just a small flask, air, an off-the-shelf electrolyte, a catalyst and electricity.
“Our goal is to create a portable setup that can be simply plugged in so that hospitals, and even households, have a way to generate hydrogen peroxide on demand,” Chen said. “No need to ship it, no need to store it, and no rush to use it all before it expires. This could save up to 50 to 70% in costs.”
Another advantage is that the method is less toxic than industrial processes
The method is based on a chemical reaction in which one molecule of oxygen combines with two electrons and two protons in an acidic electrolyte solution to produce hydrogen peroxide. This type of reaction is known as the two-electron oxygen reduction reaction, and it is user-friendly because it can produce dilute hydrogen peroxide with the desired concentration on demand. “In the next step, we will develop electrocatalysts suitable for other electrolyte solutions to further increase the range of its applications,” said UC San Diego chemical engineering graduate student Qiaowan Chang.
The key to making this reaction happen is a special catalyst that the team developed. It is made up of carbon nanotubes that have been partially oxidized, meaning oxygen atoms have been attached to the surface. The oxygen atoms are bound to tiny clusters of three to four palladium atoms. These bonds between the palladium clusters and oxygen atoms are what enable the reaction to occur with a high selectivity and activity due to its optimal binding energy of the key intermediate during the reaction.
Columbia University chemical engineering professor Jingguang Chen said, “The coordination between oxygen-modified Pd cluster and the oxygen-containing functional groups on carbon nanotubes is the key to enhancing its catalytic performance.”
The team originally developed this method to make battery recycling processes greener. Hydrogen peroxide is one of the chemicals used to extract and recover metals like copper, nickel, cobalt and magnesium from used lithium-ion batteries. Similarly, it also makes the activation of hydrocarbon molecules more efficient, which is a critical step in many industrial chemical processes.
“We had been working on this project for about one and a half years. As we were wrapping things up, the COVID-19 pandemic hit,” Chen said. Seeing news reports about the use of hydrogen peroxide vapor to disinfect N95 masks for reuse motivated the team to pivot directions.
“We saw that there was a more pressing need for efforts to help health care workers who may not have sufficient protection while caring for patients suffering from the new coronavirus,” he said.
The work is at the proof-of-concept stage. Moving forward, the team will work on optimizing and scaling up the method for potential use in hospitals. Future studies include modifying the method so that it can be done using a neutral electrolyte (basically a salt solution) instead of an acidic one, which would be better for household and clinical applications, Chen said. Part of this continuing work is currently supported by UC San Diego’s Sustainable Energy and Powder Center (SPEC).
Paper title: “Promoting H2O2 Production via 2-Electron Oxygen Reduction by Coordinating Partially Oxidized Pd with Defect Carbon.” Co-authors include Qiaowan Chang, Pu Zhang and Hongpeng Gao, UC San Diego; Amir Hassan Bagherzadeh Mostaghimi and Samira Siahrostami, University of Calgary; Xueru Zhao, Brookhaven National Laboratory; Steven R. Denny, Ji Hoon Lee and Jingguang G. Chen, Columbia University; and Ying Zhang, Central South University, China.
This work was supported in part by the ACS Petroleum Research Fund (59989-DNI5), the U.S. Department of Energy (DE-FG02-13ER16381) and the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering.
source https://scienceblog.com/516057/green-method-could-enable-hospitals-to-produce-hydrogen-peroxide-in-house/
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jayu123-me · 4 years
Precast Concrete Market Outlook is projected to reach US$ 150 Billion by 2025
The Precast Concrete Market Outlook has made substantial strides over the years, propped by the cost-effectiveness of precast products, and the ease of construction. The use of precast concrete has seemingly become widespread in a range of structural components, given the fact that the approach offers significant freedom to architects and engineers to make for sustainable and inexpensive modular construction. The realization of several advantages of precast concrete technique has spurred its adoption in the building and construction industry, world over.
The presence of large numbers of players, both with regional as well with transnational presence, has helped maintain the competitiveness of the precast concrete market, notes Transparency Market Research (TMR). They have attained a strong foothold in the market through the use of advanced equipment and materials and concrete curing technologies. Designers and architects in the business employ elaborate detailing of the construction project incorporating specific design philosophy, which optimizes the advantages of the precast concrete.
The strides being made by the building and construction sector around the world is a key underpinning to the expanding outlook of the precast concrete market. The global precast concrete market is projected to clock a CAGR of 5% during 2016 – 2025. The global worth stood at US$100 bn in 2016.
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Precast Concrete Technique Attracting Engineers Due to Its Cost-Effectiveness
Architects and engineers have been attracted to the precast concrete technique due to their markedly better quality than cast-in-situ concrete. Precast concrete is extensively employed for beams and columns of buildings. In addition, growing adoption of precast in construction of tanks and containers has helped bring copious revenues to the precast concrete market. Its popularity in treated water reservoir construction is growing. There have been in recent years an extensive utilization of precast concrete for walls in panel where they are employed for circular tanks, which has helped fuel the growth of the market. The advent of an array of admixtures has enabled solution providers in the precast concrete market to substantially improve the quality of the concrete—especially its durability.
Government Initiatives to Promote Affordable Housing Bolsters Uptake Substantially
The focus of governments and the building and construction industry to go for environmentally sustainable construction is a key factor driving the market. Further, growing mass production of pre-cast housing units is opening a big fillip to the demands for precast concrete in some countries. The governments especially in developing nations such as in Asia and Africa have embarked on schemes to promote affordable housing for all, thus imparting a large buoyancy in the precast concrete market. This is because precast concrete holds a great potential for producing several identical components, such as floor and wall slabs, cost effectively. Thus, several such governments initiatives to promote residential buildings are bellwether for the future.
The study presented here is based on a report by Transparency Market Research (TMR) titled “Precast Concrete Market (Structure System – Beam and Column System, Floor and Roof System, Bearing Wall System, Façade System; End use – Building Works (Residential and Non-residential), Civil Works (Hydraulic Works, Transportation Works, Power Plants and Communication Works, Specialized Works) – Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2016 – 2025”.
More Trending Reports by Transparency Market Research –  
Single-walled Carbon Nanotube Market : https://www.prnewswire.co.uk/news-releases/single-walled-carbon-nanotube-market-to-touch-valuation-of-us-5-bn-by-2027-commercializing-depends-on-cost-effective-fabrication-methods-transparency-market-research-879370332.html
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Reusable Water Bottles Market : https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/global-reusable-water-bottles-market-to-touch-a-value-of-us-11-bn-by-the-end-of-2027-transparency-market-research-301024699.html
UV Absorbers Market :https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/increasing-applications-sectors-to-push-uv-absorbers-market-growth-asia-pacific-segment-to-emerge-as-dominant-regional-segment-capturing-47-59-by-2027–projects-tmr-301026044.html
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Nanocomposites Market 2020 Industry Size, Trends, Growth and Forecasts Analysis Report
Nanocomposites Market Information by Type of Matrix Material (Polymer Matrix, Metal Matrix and Ceramic Matrix), End-Use Industry (Packaging, Automotive, Aerospace & Defense, Medical, Electrical & Electronics and Energy) and Region (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and Middle East & Africa) – Forecast till 2025
Nanocomposites Market Synopsis
Nanocomposites are materials that incorporate nanosized particles dispersed in a matrix into a matrix of standard material, such as polymer/carbon nanotube or Si/Ge nanocomposites to optimize the performance of the traditional materials. The structure is a matrix-filler combination, where the filler-like particles, fibers, or fragments are surrounded and bound together as discrete units by the matrix.
The different types of matrix are polymer matrix nanocomposites+ (PMNC), metal matrix nanocomposites (MMNC), and ceramic matrix nanocomposites (CMNC). The majorly used nanoparticles are carbon nanofibers (CNFs), carbon nanotubes [multiwall (MWNTs), small-diameter (SDNTs), and single-wall (SWNTs)], nano-silica (N-silica), nano-aluminum oxide (Al2O3), nano titanium oxide (TiO2), and montmorillonite organoclays (MMT).
Carbon nanotube is one of the most promising materials in nanocomposites on account of its superior properties such as rigidity, elasticity, strength, electric conductivity, and field emission. Nanocomposites exhibit structural, flame resistance, and thermal properties without significant loss in impact or clarity owing to which they are widely used in various applications in the packaging, aerospace, automotive, and medical industries.
Nanocomposites Market was valued at over USD 4 billion in 2019 and is projected to register a CAGR of around 15.5% during the forecast period, 2019–2025.
Nanocomposites Market Key Players Analysis
Evonik Industries AG (Germany), Nanocyl SA (BELGIUM), Arkema (France), ZYVEX TECHNOLOGIES (US), NanoSonic, Inc. (US), UNITIKA LTD (Japan), Pixelligent (US), Industrial Nanotech, Inc. (US), SHOWA DENKO K.K. (Japan), and Integran Technologies (Canada).
Nanocomposites Market Summary
Global Nanocomposites Market is projected to be valued at over USD 9 Billion by the end of 2025 and is estimated to register a CAGR of around 15.5% during the forecast period. The global demand-side drivers for the nanocomposites market are growing popularity of nanocomposite materials in the food packaging applications and increasing use of lightweight and high strength components in automobile manufacturing. Additionally, the increasing demand for nanocomposites in various biomedical applications such as gene therapy, hip implants, artificial lenses, wound healing, catheters, tissue engineering, large diameter vascular grafts, implantation of medical devices, and artificial organs is expected to propel the market growth in the coming years. Furthermore, the increasing popularity of the product in the paints & coatings industry for anticorrosion barrier coatings, drug delivery systems, and antibacterial coatings, among others is expected to create immense growth opportunities for the players operating in the market during the assessment period.
Nanocomposites Market Segmentation
Global Nanocomposites Market has been segregated on the basis of type of matrix material, end-use industry, and region.
By type of matrix material, the global nanocomposites market has been segmented into polymer matrix, metal matrix, ceramic matrix, and others. The polymer matrix segmented has been further segmented into polymer/CNT, polyester/TiO2, and thermoplastic/thermoset polymer/layered silicates. The metal matrix segment is further divided into Fe-Cr/Al2O3, Ni/Al2O3 Al/CNT, and others. The ceramic matrix segment is further categorized into Al2O3/SiO2, SiO2/Ni, Al2O3/SiC, and others.
The polymer matrix segment held the largest market share in 2018 and is projected to be the leading segment during the forecast period. This is mainly attributed to the ease of production, lightweight, and ductile nature. The increasing demand for polymer matrix nanocomposites in the packaging and automotive industries is further expected to favor the growth of the segment in the years to follow.
Based on end-use industry, the global nanocomposites market has been categorized into packaging, automotive, aerospace & defense, medical, electrical & electronics, energy, and others. The packaging industry is projected to be the largest segment on account of increasing demand in the food packaging applications such as processed meat products, bakery products, cheese, fruit juices, dairy products, food grains, confectionery, boil‐in‐bag foods, and in the manufacturing of carbonated beverages and beer bottles.
The increasing demand for innovative packaging materials for meeting the consumer need for higher quality food with safety, sustainability, and convenience is further expected to fuel the market growth during the forecast period.
Browse Full Report Details @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/nanocomposites-market-8280
Table Of Contents
1 Executive Summary
2 Market Introduction
2.1 Market Definition
2.2 Scope Of The Study
2.3 Assumptions & Limitations
2.4 Market Structure
2.5 Key Takeaways
3 Market Insights
4 Research Methodology
4.1 Research Process
4.2 Primary Research
4.3 Secondary Research
4.4 Market Size Estimation
4.5 Forecast Model
5 Market Dynamics
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Drivers
5.3 Restraints
5.4 Opportunities
5.5 Challenges
5.6 Trends
6 Market Factor Analysis
6.1 Supply Chain Analysis
6.1.1 Raw Material Suppliers
6.1.2 Manufacturers/Producers
6.1.3 Distributors/Retailers/Wholesalers/E-Commerce Merchants
6.1.4 End-Users
6.2 Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
6.2.1 Threat Of New Entrants
6.2.2 Intensity Of Competitive Rivalry
6.2.3 Threat Of Substitutes
6.2.4 Bargaining Power Of Suppliers
6.2.5 Bargaining Power Of Buyers
6.3 Pricing Analysis
7. Global Nanocomposites Market, By Type Of Matrix Material
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A highly anticipated new form of carbon has finally arrived on the scene.
Called cyclocarbon, this molecule consists of a ring of 18 carbon atoms. Scientists described it online August 15 in Science. It offers a new face to one of chemistry’s most celebrated elements.
“It’s not every day that you make a new form of carbon,” says chemist Rik Tykwinski. He works in Canada at the University of Alberta in Edmonton. Chemists had been trying to create cyclocarbon for a long time. So long that Tykwinski — who wasn’t involved with the new research — had placed a bet about whether it was even possible. He won, he says.
Scientists Say: Graphene
Cyclocarbon joins other molecular forms of the adaptable element, from diamond and graphite to the thin sheets called graphene. There are also tiny spheres known as buckyballs and nano-scale cylinders called carbon nanotubes.
Chemists thought it should be possible to create ring-shaped carbon molecules. But until now, nobody knew what their properties would be, notes physicist Katharina Kaiser. She’s at IBM Research in Zurich, Switzerland. “It’s really amazing that we found it,” she says, “and it’s absolutely great that we could characterize it.”
Kaiser’s team started with molecules of cyclocarbon oxide. These are made of carbon and other atoms. They included groups of carbon monoxide (pairs of carbon and oxygen atoms). Removing the carbon monoxide was a necessary step to create the new ring form of carbon. But that was no easy task. Carbon monoxide helped to stabilize the starting molecule. The researchers managed to pluck off the carbon monoxide groups by zapping the molecule with electricity. They used a specialized tool called an atomic force microscope.
Once the researchers had a bare ring of carbon, they wanted to capture an image of its structure. Again, they used the atomic force microscope. Cyclocarbon reacts easily with other substances — but not table salt. So the team created the new carbon molecule on a salty surface.
Previous research had found hints of cyclocarbon molecules in a gas. But it wasn’t possible to make an image of those molecules. So scientists couldn’t identify the bonds holding the molecule together. Scientists wanted to know if all the bonds were the same length.
The new study resolved that question. It showed that the carbon atoms are held together by alternating long and short bonds.
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Cyclocarbon has 18 carbon atoms arranged in a ring, as seen in this simulation. There’s an alternating pattern of long and short bonds between the atoms. CREDIT: IBM Research 
That should now help scientists refine the computer calculations used to predict the structures of unknown molecules. “There’s still a big question whether many of these … calculations give the right answer,” says Yves Rubin. “So it’s very important to confirm by experiment.” Rubin is a chemist at the University of California, Los Angeles, who also was not involved with the study.
Previous work on new forms of carbon caused great excitement among scientists. The discovery in the 1980s of buckyballs (and the family of molecules that includes them, called fullerenes) won a Nobel Prize. Likewise, the 2004 discovery of graphene won a Nobel. Investigations into its many potential uses in electronics and elsewhere have continued.
But because cyclocarbon isn’t stable, it can’t be bottled up for further study. So, for now, it’s not clear how wide-ranging this new molecule’s impact will be.
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