#Ne and Ni
tbh-entp · 2 years
ok so i don’t think we should feel bad for literally feeling our souls leave us while talking to people who we don’t find stimulating-- we just can’t blame it on them
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emtrobarasalaplatja3 · 2 months
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postarie · 1 month
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chomametchi · 2 months
Kansalaisaloite: Kissojen vapaana pitäminen kiellettävä
En oo vielä nähny tästä alotteesta sanaakaa tumblrissa ni jaetaa sit ite.
Eli vituttaako valvomatta ulkoilevat kissat ja ennen kaikkea vastuuttomat omistajat jotka altistaa lemmikkinsä ehdoin tahdoin mm. liikenteelle ja kissojen välisille tappeluille? Eikä unohdeta muita petoeläimiä, tarttuvia tauteja, paleltumisia ja lämpöhalvauksia tai naapurin Jorman ilmakivääriä! Ja kaiken muun lisäksi vielä sekin, kuinka helvetisti luonnonvarasia eläimiä kissat tappaa jatkuvasti. Ja listahan ei todellakaan lopu vielä, mut jätän suosiolla tähän koska ei oo aina niin nättiä luettavaa.
Tää koko kissakriisihän on ihan helvetinmoinen työmaa, mutta jos vaikka täälläkin löydettäis tää kansalaisalote ja joku päivä meillä olis ees vähän vähemmän niitä kissoja, jotka kärsii mitä hirveimmillä tavoilla ihan vaan omistajiensa laiskuuden ja vastuuttomuuden takia. Sen kissan paikka kun ei kuitenkaan oo tuolla luonnossa sen enempää kuin esim. koirankaan ja turvallisia vaihtoehtoja on kyllä vaikka kuinka, jos vaan jaksaa ja viitsii. Ei oo mitään rakettitiedettä.
Eli pistetään nimeä alle ja jaetaan vielä eteenpäin jos pystytään, jooko?❤️
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meirimerens · 1 year
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quatre milliards de pitchouns orphelins dans cette ville c'est vraiment terrible. dans quel monde vit-on.
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coltonlinde · 1 month
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dumb little idea i had.. kazumaji language barrier..
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ruttotohtori · 4 months
14-vuotias tyttö Espoosta on julkaissut muun muassa puhelinnumeronsa sekä valokuvia ja videoita, joista on paikannettavissa yksityisiä sijainteja. Huhtikuussa 2024 luodulla Whatsapp-kanavalla on 1 041 seuraajaa.
Toinen 14-vuotias espoolainen kertoo harrastavansa muun muassa Vocaloid-musiikkia ja Pokemoneja. Julkaisuissa jaetaan ajantasaisia paikkatietoja, kutsuja avoimiin tapaamisiin ja valokuvista ja videoista voi päätellä jopa kotiosoitteen. Tämän vuoden alussa luodulla Whatsapp-kanavalla on 2 374 seuraajaa.
Siis herrajumala ihmiset nyt järki käteen omien tietojen jakamisen kanssa!!!! Toi o niinku kävelis kadulla omaa nimeä ja osotetta huutaen!
Ja vois varmaa olla ihan hyvä, jos koulussa ois jotai tunteja mis käsiteltäis turvallista netin/somen käyttöä... Ja ainaki F-Securen sivuilta löytyy tämmönen:
5. Pidä yksityiset tiedot omana tietonasi
Sala­sanat, sijainti­tiedot, koti­osoite, puhelin­numero, koulun nimi ja muut henkilö­kohtaiset tiedot kuuluvat vain sinulle ja vanhemmillesi. Älä jaa niitä kenellekään muulle. Jos joku saa kirjautumis­tietosi haltuunsa, hän voi teeskennellä olevansa sinä tai varastaa tietoja tileiltäsi. Jokaiselle käyttäjä­tilille tulee olla eri sala­sana. Pyydä vanhemmiltasi apua sala­sanojen luomiseen ja säilyttämiseen.
7. Jaa kuvia vain tuntemillesi ihmisille
Kuvien lähettäminen vento­vieraille ei ole järkevää. Jaa henkilö­kohtaisia valo­kuviasi vain perheen­jäsenillesi. Muista varmistaa, että olet kuvissa täysissä pukeissa. Älä koskaan julkaise netissä kuvia muista ihmisistä ilman heidän lupaansa.
Ja vaik tos puhutaanki lapsista ni myös aikuisten kannattaa olla jakamatta henkilökohtasia tietoja ku sitähän ei tiiä et ketkä kaikki ne näkee ja miten niitä tietoja käytetään.
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pupucino · 6 months
rotta vapauttaa mieluummin toisen ventovieraan rotan vankilasta ku ottaa ilmasen herkun
oisko niin et jos ihmisellä ois rotan moraali, nykysenlaista kapitalistista systeemiä ei vois olla?
ihminen telkeää toisen ihmisen orjatöihin saadakseen itelleen voittoa
usein ihminen, jolla on mahdollisuus valita, valitsee mieluummin halvan hyödykkeen ku toisen ihmisen vapauden
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nolassolace · 7 months
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✨Fiiine boy Friday ✨
Hey Nicky you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind hey Nicky hey hey Nicky🎶💕
Anywhore he's bbygrls design (of course I'm biased)
Here's your reminder that Nick was the star player in both timelines💕
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infinstar · 2 months
There is so much that I love about Ayaka chan wa Hiroko senpai ni koishiteru episode 6 but I understand other peoples concerns.
Before we judge Risa and Mama (and others in the bar) we need to understand their purposes as characters within the story as well as what their personalities are like. Because it is as much as about them as characters as well as what they represent in this story. Firstly, they are representing three generations of lesbian attitudes and behaviours. Risa and Ayaka being unabashedly confident in themselves as they don't deliberately hide their sexuality (and also in Risa's case, seeing the lying about one's identity as cowardice) representing the confidence, innocence and straight forwardness of the younger generation. Ayaka represents the middle generation in this case who has experienced that acting on their feelings/being herself has consequences in the wider society that we live in as well as to the people we love (she represents to me the that our lives are bigger than our own quote). Which results in her being more reserved and cautious navigating this world still hiding aspects of herself depending on the context. Mama represents a more older generation who has also probably seen various types of queers walk through that bar opening up to her about their experiences as well as her own. She understands both the younger and middle generation (and might've gone through a similar path herself). She is the balanced voice of reason in this series as well as everyone's confidant. Hence why it is appropriate for her to reveal to us about Hiroko's past.
Hiroko has been living a double life to her own detriment for the last ten years. She has kept a facade of a cool co-worker/manager that is extremely capable of work, reliable whilst managing interpersonal relationships in a cohesive non-judgemental way - this allows her to avoid others attention to herself as a person as that would break the facade. But she was not always like this as seen in the way she confused to Chinatsu senpai in the past (which reminded me of Ayaka haha). The facade is the manifestation of her guilt she feels towards Chinatsu senpai and she sees it as her responsibility to maintain it at all costs otherwise in her perspective senpai resigning would've become meaningless. This was the main reason she was blind to Ayaka's advances because it happened at her workplace. In her personal life she is extremely open about her sexuality and though in the first episode in the lesbian bar she comes off easy going as she flirts with others (but I have a feeling that she did not have any serious relationships after the incident as her guilt would've been too strong).
For me it makes sense why Mama would tell Hiroko's past to Ayaka and Risa (and subsequently to us as the audience). Mama knows the history of Hiroko, before the incident and after the incident to who she has become today. She also one of the few people that knows that Ayaka likes Hiroko (which I think Risa might have picked up on as well). She can see Hiroko's walls that she has built to protect herself and knows that Hiroko won't let go of that facade to even give Ayaka and herself a chance. We need to judge Mama's actions through the perspective of Hiroko not our own. She had Hiroko's best interest at heart irregardless of her actions. If Hiroko is angry at her then we would see some confrontation regarding her and Mama (and the other bar guests in future episodes). But from what we have seen of Hiroko so far, I doubt it would be like that because Hiroko herself knows she needs some intervention to breakdown the walls she barricaded herself with. I think it is unfair to judge characters actions as if there is only one "right" way of doing things because that's not true in fiction or in real life.
I still love love Risa. I was really glad that she told plainly that it is Hiroko that Ayaka likes and it is her straightforwardness that actually gets through to Hiroko. It is also consistent with Risa's personality that she did that because like Ayaka she doesn't hide her feelings when it matters. She is highly passionate and loves Ayaka that she is trying to help them get together and decided to stop her unrequited feelings because she values her friendship with Ayaka. Her actions might not be the "correct" ones but she is a good friend in her own way and I want to appreciate that.
I am looking forward to seeing how Ayaka is able to break down Hiroko's facade in the workplace to show her that it is different to ten years ago. (But also thinking in terms of how there still is no law protecting those discriminated on the basis of their sexuality in Japan, I wonder if they will portray acceptance only within the current workplace itself)
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tbh-entp · 1 year
xNTxs with a hot take:
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emtrobarasalaplatja3 · 3 months
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postarie · 3 months
a new yuri harem manga translation got picked up!! 🫶
in this one, the main character plays a bishoujo game for the first time using a female self-insert. she then falls in love with the five beautiful women in it. however, she can't pick which one's route to end on.
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unable to make a decision, she wishes on a shooting star that she could spend more time with the girls in the game. her game console explodes, and then…
out pops the main heroine!!! who confesses her love!!
distantly, the other four heroines have also appeared in real life…
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i'm a huge fan of galgames, so i really related with machino (the mc) feeling excitement playing one just for the cute girls.
when she was reading normal romance isekai manga, she always ignored the male love interest in favor of fawning over the female characters instead.
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i'm interested in seeing where "be happy in the real world too, okay?" (genjitsu sekai (real) demo shiawase ni shite kudasai ne?) takes itself. the designs are super cute, and i already like machino as a main character. it's been a while since we've seen a new yuri harem manga, too.
which heroine is your favorite? 🙏🩷
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chomametchi · 1 year
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tämän postauksen inspiroimana: olkaa hyvä, fazerin tuotekehitystiimin salainen ase.
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