#Nedda Harrigan
letterboxd-loggd · 3 months
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On Trial (1939) Terry O. Morse
March 23rd 2024
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perfettamentechic · 3 months
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1 aprile … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2023: Dario Campeotto, cantante, attore e doppiatore danese di famiglia italiana, divenne noto per aver rappresentato la Danimarca all’Eurovision Song Contest 1961. Si cimentò poi nell’operetta e intraprese anche una carriera di attore. Fu inoltre attivo nel doppiaggio. Fu sposato due volte. Con la prima moglie, l’attrice Ghita Nørby, visse per un periodo in Italia. Ebbe tre figli. (n.…
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graceandfamily · 11 months
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Princess Grace Congratulations on "the success of the big night of 100 stars"
ALS signed “Grace,” one page both sides, 6 x 3.75, personal letterhead, March 1, 1982. Letter to actress Nedda Harrigan Logan, in part: "I just want to thank you again for your beautiful dinner party & delightful cocktail and congratulate you on the success of the big night of 100 stars—it was such fun to be part of it." In very fine condition. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope, addressed in Kelly's hand. Logan was deeply involved with the Actors' Fund of America, and organized the 'Night of 100 Stars' variety show fundraiser to celebrate its centennial.
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fitesorko · 5 years
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Nedda Harrigan
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gracie-bird · 5 years
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Princess Grace´s personal letterhead (dated on March 1, 1982) to actress Nedda Harrigan Logan. Logan was deeply involved with the Actors' Fund of America and organized the 'Night of 100 Stars' variety show fundraiser to celebrate its centennial.
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Marilyn Monroe Jumpa Soekarno, 31 Mei 1956
DUA legenda berbintang Gemini ini hanya sekali berjumpa. Di The Beverly Hills Hotel, California, Kamis malam 31 Mei 1956. Hanya sekitar 45 menit. Namun perjumpaan itu membekas dan menjadi kisah menarik hingga kini.
"Saya ingin kau datang menemui sahabat saya nanti malam", bujuk Joshua Logan, seorang sutradara Hollywood kenamaan yang berjasa mempertemukan Soekarno dan Marilyn Monroe. Logan juga sutradara film 'Bus Stop' (1956) yang dibintangi Marilyn.
Jelang acara yang digelar Logan itu, Marilyn memang sedang di Hollywood sehingga mudah baginya memenuhi permintaan sang sutradara. The Beverly Hills Hotel bukan tempat yang asing baginya. Dia memiliki tempat favorit di hotel tersebut, Bungalow No. 7.
Pertemuan dua legenda itu pun terjadi dalam sebuah pesta mewah yang diadakan oleh Eric Johnston, presiden The Motion Picture Producers Association (MPPA) untuk menghormati kunjungan Presiden Soekarno yang selama di Hollywood ditemani Marshall Nobel, ipar Joshua Logan. Joshua bersama istrinya, Nedda Harrigan Logan menjadi host malam itu, Kamis 31 Mei 1956.
"Saya senang sekali bertemu dengan presiden India", sapa Marilyn sambil mengulurkan tangannya kepada Soekarno. India? Soekarno dengan senyumnya menjelaskan dirinya adalah presiden Indonesia, bukan India. Saat itu memang Presiden India Rajendra Prasad dan juga PM India Jawaharlal Nehru memakai penutup kepala berwarna putih.
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Keterangan: Berita harian 'Nieuwsgier' edisi 12 Juni 1956. Suratkabar berbahasa Belanda terbitan di Indonesia.
Mengapa Marilyn mau datang dengan mudahnya ke pesta yang diadakan untuk menghormati? Aktris sekaliber dan setenar dia saat itu sangat padat jadualnya. Tak mudah dia ubah jadual yang sudah terencana rapih. Apalagi keesokan harinya, 1 Juni 1956, tepat HUTnya ke 30 dan Marilyn akan terbang ke New York.
Alasan pertama, dia diundang khusus oleh sutradara Joshua Logan, sahabat baiknya yang membuat film 'Bus Stop' (1956), film yang dibintangi Marilyn.
Kedua, lokasi pesta di The Beverly Hills Hotel bukan tempat yang asing bagi Marilyn. Dia banyak kenangan dengan hotel yang menjadi inspirasi lagu 'Hotel California' yang diciptakan tahun 1976 oleh kelompok musik Eagles.
Lalu apa yang dibicarakan antara Marilyn dan Soekarno? Mengingat sosok pendiri RI itu masih asing baginya?
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Keterangan: Soekarno, Joshua Logan dan Marilyn Monroe.
Penampilan Soekarno yang unik dan eksotik menarik perhatian Marilyn. Baginya, Soekarno seorang pria yang charming, ramah, sopan dan bertutur menyenangkan. Machismo istilahnya. Apalagi beberapa sebelumnya Soekarno menziarahi makam-makam pendiri AS sambil membacakan surat al Fatihah bersama putranya Guntur, seperti di pusar George Washington, Thomas Jefferson dan, ini yang terpenting, makam Abraham Lincoln di Oak Ridge Cemetery, Springfield, Illinois.
Bagi Marilyn, Lincoln adalah "ayahnya". Di setiap rumah yang ditempatinya pasti ada foto Abraham Lincoln, terutama saat berpidato di Gettysburg 1863. Soekarno pun mengagumi Lincoln, presiden AS ke 16 itu. Di ruang tamu Istana Kepresidenan Gedung Agung Jogjakarta, ada foto Lincoln tergantung. Lincoln adalah "guru" bagi Soekarno. Ini topik yang menarik bagi mereka berdua untuk dibincangkan.
"Anda orang yang begitu penting di Indonesia", kata Soekarno membuka percakapan dengan Marilyn ditengah kerumunan orang yang kebanyakan berkulit sawo matang yang tak dikenalnya. Ada sekitar 60 orang lebih hadir di pesta itu, termasuk aktor Ronald Reagan, Gregory Peck, George Murphy. Juga aktris Rosalind Russell, Freddie Brisson dan Kitty LeRoy datang diundang. Mereka bertiga pulang lebih cepat karena harus hadir dalam review film 'The Bad Seed' (1954). Aktor Roy Rogers juga datang bersama istrinya, Dale Evans. Roy sempat bertemu dan bermain bersam Guntur, putra Soekarno, beberapa hari sebelumnya. Elton John pernah menulis lagu untuknya tahun 1973 berjudul 'Roy Rogers'.
Di tengah pesta berlangsung, datanglah tamu yang ditunggu-tunggu, Marilyn Monroe. Dia agak asing dengan melihat orang-orang berwajah melayu di sekelilingnya. Untunglah mata Marilyn tertuju ke Louella O. Parsons, seorang perempuan setengah baya. Dia penulis skenario dan kolumnis film terkenal. Louella menyapanya dan mengajak duduk di sofa.
Kedatangan Marilyn diketahui wartawan Indonesia. Mereka berteriak memanggil rekan seprofesinya dan Marilyn pun dikelilingi wartawan Indonesia yang sibuk mengambil gambar dirinya. Saat itu Soekarno datang dan mereka berjumpa pertama kalinya.
"Semua rakyat Indonesia senang saya berjumpa dengan Anda", aku Soekarno. Mereka bertemu hanya sekitar 45 menit. Namun Marilyn menyimpan kesan mendalam. Beberapa tahun kemudian ketika Soekarno dalam kesulitan dengan keamanan dirinya, Marilyn menawarkan Soekarno untuk tinggal di rumahnya di AS. Ide manja ini ditolak suaminya, Arthur Miller.
Setelah perjumpaan itu berkembang gosip tentang mereka berdua walau hanya sekali bertemu. Bulan April 1961 ketika melakukan kunjungan resmi ke AS, Soekarno sempat menelpon Marilyn usai diajak makan malam oleh Eric Johnston di resto Romanoff's Restaurant di Hollywood. Soekarno sempat berdansa dengan aktris Rhonda Flemming dan mengundangnya ke Indonesia bersama suaminya, Lang Jeffries. Rhonda sahabat dekat Presiden AS Ronald Reagan semasa menjadi aktor.
Ketika Marilyn tewas di kamarnya 5 Agustus 1962, Soekarno sedang sibuk di Istana Bogor membuka sidang gabungan Dewan Pertahanan Nasional dan Musyawarah Pimpinan Negara, tentang strategi merebut wilayah Indonesia di Irian Barat. Beberapa hari kemudian, datanglah ke Jakarta, Ketua Peace Corps yang juga ipar Presiden Kennedy, Sargeant Shriver, yang kemudian menjadi mertua aktor Arnold Schwarzsenegger. Sargeant dicecar pertanyaan Soekarno soal cara sebab kematian Marilyn.
"Well, gee, sulit untuk mengatakan hal itu dan masih banyak spekulasi yang berkembang tentang hal itu, jawab Sargeant agak bingung.
Tidak ada pertemuan kedua antara Marilyn dan Soekarno setelah dalam pesta di The Beverly Hills Hotel, 31 Mei 1956. (ISK).
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royatlyfree1923 · 5 years
January 11, 1923
Starting on January 1, 2019, all published works (except sound recordings) copyright 1923 enter public domain, meaning that no royalty or performance fee can be charged.
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Polly Preferred revolves around a savvy Brooklyn chorus girl, who through a series of misadventures, becomes a movie star. The plot may have been inspired by actress Marion Davies or Gloria Swanson.  The play was based on a book of the same title by Guy Bolton, who also authored the play. 
Directed by Winchell Smith, it ran on Broadway for 184 performances. 
The play opened in London in 1924 starring Justine Johnstone, an American actress who bought the rights for herself. 
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The play was optioned by Cosmopolitan Productions as a proposed silent film for Marion Davies. 
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In the end, the title and character names were changed (Polly became Peggy) and the film was re-titled Show People (1928). Guy Bolton was not involved.
Guy Bolton (1884-1979) was an English-born playwright and author of musical comedies. Bolton preferred working in collaboration with others, principally the English writers P. G. Wodehouse and Fred Thompson, with whom he wrote 21 and 14 shows respectively, and the American playwright George Middleton, with whom he wrote ten shows. Some of his most popular musicals are still produced today: Anything Goes (1934), Oh! Kay! (1926), and Very Good Eddie (1915). 
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CAST  (18M 8F)
Genevieve Tobin (Polly Brown) performed in 11 Broadway plays and musicals between 1918 and 1930.  She achieved a significant success in her last play,  Fifty Million Frenchmen. She introduced and popularized the Cole Porter song "You Do Something to Me", and the success led her to Hollywood, where she performed regularly in comedy films from the early 1930s.
William Harrigan (Bob Cooley) was the son of actor Edward Harrigan and the sister of Nedda Harrigan Logan, wife of Joshua Logan. He started his stage acting career at age 5, and made his Broadway debut in 1906. He originated the role of the Captain in Mr. Roberts (1948), a role taken on screen by James Cagney.
David Burns (Mr. B) made his Broadway stage debut in this show. During his long career, he was seen in the original cast of The Man Who Came To Dinner (1939) as Banjo, The Music Man (1957) as Mayor Shinn (Tony Winner), A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum (1962) as Senex (Tony Winner), and (most most notably) as Horace Vandergelder in Hello, Dolly! (1964). 
Little Theatre (240 West 44th Street) opened on March 12, 1912. After Polly Preferred closed in June 1923, Chicken Feed, another Guy Bolton comedy played the Little for the rest of the year. In 1983, the theatre was re-named the Helen Hayes after the Helen Hayes Theatre on 46th Street was razed. Although the capacity of the venue has changed over the years, it has always hovered around 500, the minimum for a Broadway designation. It is currently operated by Second Stage Theatre and simply called The Hayes. 
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Movies of the 1930s. (Haz Clic para ver las demás imágenes).
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Marilyn Monroe, James Wong Howe, and Nedda Harrigan, 1956.
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perfettamentechic · 1 year
1 aprile … ricordiamo …
1 aprile … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2021: Patrick Juvet, cantante, compositore e modello svizzero. (n. 1950) 2021: Lee Aaker, Lee William Aaker, attore statunitense. Attivo tra il 1949 e il 1959 come attore bambino al cinema e alla televisione, è ricordato soprattutto come il protagonista della serie televisiva per ragazzi Le avventure di Rin Tin Tin. (n. 1943) 2015: Cynthia Powell, più conosciuta come Cynthia Lennon, scrittrice e…
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fitesorko · 6 years
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Nedda Harrigan
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auduye-blog · 13 years
Thank You, Mr. Moto Movie Download
Thank You, Mr. Moto movie download
Nedda Harrigan Sig Ruman Wilhelm von Brincken John Carradine Thomas Beck Philip Ahn Sidney Blackmer Jayne Regan Peter Lorre Pauline Frederick
Download Thank You, Mr. Moto
Moto is the second in a series of eight films starring Peter Lorre as Mr. Thank You, Mr. Marquand - Cal Poly Pomona Even when they are longtime residents (Tom Nelson of Thank You, Mr. Moto (1937) is the second in a series of eight films starring Peter Lorre as Mr. Moto - Rotten Tomatoes Review: The second of eight 1930s films based on J. No one knows much about him, except that when he shows up. Marquand, columnist for the Saturday Evening Post and Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Late George Apley. Moto (1937) - IMDb With Peter Lorre, Thomas Beck, Pauline Frederick, Jayne Regan. Moto - TCM Turner Classic Movies Mr. It was based on the novel of the. Moto (Region One USA DVD): Peter Lorre. . Moto even speaks fluent Chinese) they discover that this cultural. P. Moto finds Moto (Peter Lorre) coming to the aid of... Thank you Mr Moto - YouTube - YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Thank You, Mr. Thank You, Mr
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perfettamentechic · 2 years
1 aprile … ricordiamo …
1 aprile … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2021: Patrick Juvet, cantante, compositore e modello svizzero. Pianista già noto nell’infanzia, dopo gli studi effettuati all’istituto d’arte firmò un contratto per un’importante agenzia di moda, e per qualche tempo essenzialmente calcò le passerelle. Nel 1972 incise il suo primo album. Nel 2005 pubblicò un’autobiografia, Les bleus au cœur, nella quale rivelò la propria bisessualità. È stato…
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perfettamentechic · 3 years
1 aprile … ricordiamo …
1 aprile … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic #felicementechic #lynda
2010: John Forsythe, attore statunitense, è noto in tutto il mondo per essere stato il misterioso Charlie in Charlie’s Angels e Blake Carrington in Dynasty. (n. 1918) 1991: Martha Graham, danzatrice e coreografa statunitense (n. 1894). Da molti è considerata la madre della “modern dance”, Martha Graham, ballerina e coreografa statunitense, ha influenzato la danza così come Picasso la pittura o…
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Marilyn Monroe and Nedda Harrigan photographed by Jack Albin, 1956.
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