#Nemo Plays TS4
this is the first gameplay ever in the Sims where my characters conceive twins "au naturel", so to speak, without anything that might influence the outcome.
bloody hell I am not ready to take care of twins, which is why I am going to age them up RIGHT AWAY. (also, this is hilarious because Unity!Dora doesn't have twins but Syndicate!Dora does lolol )
However, it seems that my two lovebirds are!! Like, look at them taking care of Bebe Lucien and Léonie <3
Also, do not mind the different lighting in the pictures, because I touched them all up in Clip Studio Paint, redrawing some stuff and colouring around. I particularly love the first one, tbh. It has that dreamy quality that I just adore to give to artwork in general. :D
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(and you can bet your hat that Mathias would be the sweetest of dads, fml. I am ready to bet my whole skills at drawing that he is the bestest of dads.)
Now I am curious to see how Antoine and Colette are going to be around the kids: I know Colette is the bestest of aunts, she will spoil those two rotten , but I am pretty sure that Antoine will be like a guard dog with them.
If she was protective of her brother, you can bet she will be even more so of his children.
I need to take more pictures once the little ones are aged up, this is going to be fun!
I swear, I need to talk about all the headcanons that playing at the game is giving me, but eh, when I have the time, maybe lol
for now, I will just go to sleep a little bit.
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nemo-in-wonderland · 1 year
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*pokes head out of the burrow*
Hiyooo everyoneee <3
Sorry for the lack of content in the past few days. IRL just got me a bit (and my internet connection has been pesky af), so I needed to just recharge a bit.
But yes, in the midst of my own resting up, I was trapped in an intense hyperfocused session of TS4 with the Mottie's household (true, it was a vampire/sorcerer session I was playing, but still. it was still them -and damn, I need to draw Mathias as a vamp, sooner rather than later), so I got caught up by feelings and listening to Josh Groban (iykyk) just spurred me to take up this artwork and finish it properly, because damn it all, Mathias and Dottie just gives me all sort of feelings.
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(honestly, I wish I had 4 hands and 2 heads, so that I could focus on both Jottie and Mottie at the same time. The Need I have to draw both Jacob and Mathias is too much for my attention span lolol)
So, lemme just share a small wip for now, and cross your fingers that I will manage to make the rendering work. 🫠🫠
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Marcus: “I touched the butt”
Evie: Omg Marcus
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plumbobsquad · 6 years
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oh sweet jesus
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nikatyler · 5 years
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Leslie Fermi for @lemonywaffles‘ Anya
Under the cut because wow is this the longest backstory I’ve ever written for a BC sim?
Leslie spent his whole life in San Myshuno working as a comedian and being a struggling single father. Now that he’s retired and his son Casper no longer needs him, he decided to come back to Brindleton Bay, a place he used to visit every summer when he was a child. Leslie is always cracking jokes to hide how unhappy he’s actually been for years. His wife Joan died shortly after giving birth to their son. She was so young, they had decades to spend together, but it didn’t work out due to her sudden illness. Leslie never stopped missing her.
Leslie tried to give Casper the world, but their relationship didn’t quite survive Casper’s rebellious teenage years. They’re hardly in touch anymore these days, Casper nearly cut his father out of his life. Leslie isn’t sure what exactly he did wrong, but he wishes he could reconcile with Casper. If anything, at least it would mean he could finally meet his own granddaughters Sarah and Nadia in person...
You wouldn’t guess Leslie keeps all of this to himself. Everyone loves him for his funny, easygoing personality. He thought he would never perform again after moving to Brindleton Bay, he planned to spend his days there by fishing (a hobby from his childhood). However, his new friends convinced him they would love to see a show from him. And so, every Thursday, he goes to town and entertains people. What started as a silly gift for his friends became something the whole town is looking forward to...and so is Leslie.
Oh, you might be wondering, why is he signing up for a BC if he still misses his late wife? Well, the moment he saw pictures of Anya, he thought she was beautiful. After reading more about her, he realized he really, really likes her. He felt a little guilty about that, after all, he thought he would never love another woman after Joan, he swore to her that he wouldn’t love another one...and yet, there it was. Don’t tell anyone I told you this, but Leslie actually had a dream where Joan talked to him about this. She told him she’s not upset. She’s been wishing for years for him to move on and be happy again. 
And so he did it, he signed up for the BC and he’s ready to feel real happiness again.
Fun Facts:
62 years old
Has slight Italian accent and occasionally curses in Italian
Loves all kinds of hats
Has been obsessed with the ocean since he was a kid
Knows everything about fish
Actually studied to be a marine biologist but then focused on being a comedian instead because uni was hard
Watched The Little Mermaid a million times, can never get bored of it
Also loves Finding Nemo
Learned to use Youtube and Twitch just so he could watch his granddaughter Sarah (16) play games, he’s always excited when she brings her sister Nadia (13) to the stream too
Wishes he could meet them in person but Casper doesn’t want that
(okay I said these would be fun facts...but this is not fun at all)
Sarah actually found Leslie’s address once in her father’s office and she sent him a letter where she told him a lot of things, one of them being her online platforms, and Leslie decided to take a look...and he stayed...and yes he supports her on Twitch, like a lot (that’s what grandparents are for, right? :D)
Apart from Youtube and Twitch, he actually doesn’t know how to use the computer at all and gets terrified when anything weird pops up
It’s cute actually
Last but not least, he loves making other people happy
Creative | Goofball | Loves the Outdoors | Angling Ace
CC: Will be given with the tray files but if there’s anyone who wants to know wcif anything I used on him, let me know and I’ll find it. (I’m just really lazy at the moment.)
It’s interesting how most of my BC sims for ts3 have been females, but for ts4 I seem to enjoy creating the guys more haha. Anyway. I want to give this old man a hug because he deserves one.
TOU: You know the drill. Don’t claim as your own or reupload and don’t change his features. Feel free to change his clothes, hair, use your own defaults etc.
Private download if chosen.
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Second gameplay with Mottie (only this time in their Vampire/Sorcerer glory) and second time these two ended up with TWINS. One boy and one girl.
Is this game trying to tell me something????
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